#they’d prolly have a kid idk
luuxxart · 9 months
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anyway student council au gets to have old men too
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miss-floral-thief · 1 year
Should be fine
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jellyfishenjoyer22 · 3 months
Characters from hsr and genshin that should meet each other (cross-universe and same-universe)
Spoiler warning(just for certain characters backstories) !!
- Aventurine and Boothill, but they ACTUALLY get to talking and don’t just try to kill each other.
- Klee and Wanderer - Klee DOES NOT get the hint that Wanderer does not want her around, and she just sorta sticks to him like glue. He grows begrudgingly fond of her
- Jing Yuan, Welt, and Zhongli - they can have tea together and be old men
- Bennet and Aventurine - Best luck in the world + worst luck in the world = ???? - Also Aventurine could totally benefit from chilling with Bennet like just as buds. Aventurine needs some non-toxic influences in his life
- Ratio + Aventurine and Kaveh + Alhaitham / Self explanatory / One hit wonder NAH she a two hit wonder
- Razor and Navia/Chevruse/Chlorinide / I want Razor to see a gun and go batshit crazy
- Itto and Ratio / Make ratio combust with anger at the sheer stupidity of this man / make ratio realize his whole “cure the world of stupidity” thing is IMPOSSIBLE when men like Itto exist
- Boothill and Itto- I feel like the energy would just be like through the roof yk
- Serval, Robin, and Xinyan / THEY CAN START A GIRLS BAND
- Arlechinno and Boothill / Compare hairstyles / Boothill would prolly love the idea of Arle’s orphanage cus he adopted a kid himself / He’d def get on really great with all the kids
- Collei and Sethos / Platonic or romantic idc all I know is that they’d have fun together / +++ Collei should have a friend who is more her age (idk his age or lore but he seems around her age)
- Gepard and Sampo / I’ve read so many fics and seen so much art of them that I genuinely cannot fathom that they don’t have any in-game interactions / just look at shoezuki’s blog and you’ll understand
- Wanderer and Acheron / I want wanderer’s short ass to be HUMBLED by Acheron in a fight / wanderer goes full robot mode or whatever meanwhile Acheron doesn’t even unsheathe her blade
- Tighnari and Yukong/Tingyun / I just want him to meet foxians
If anyone makes/has made fics or art about any of these interactions PLEASE PLEASE send it my way
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pixelmain · 3 months
Watched inside out 2 and ill try to not spoil it but also like I’ll use the thing so
First off, loves the new emotions. I don’t get why everyone else’s emotions have the same hair as their owner but Riley’s doesn’t? Personally I’m on the side that she’s going to discover she’s like gender fluid but it also feels like a stretch
RILEY IS SO GAY or well bi. She literally I mean literally (spoiler) had a gay panic. Liek yeah she wasn’t on mount crushmore but still.
This is a major spoiler and theory but like the deep dark is totally puberty right? like joy flew it away and it became a person who was locked away? OR GENDER? ok I’m stretching again. Puberty felt more accurate but also if it was then they’d prolly make a reveal in the movie. But like it totally feels like we’ll get a third one where we’ll find out her deep dark secret!!!
I love inside out and inside out two. I just thought about it recently when I was rewatching the first one. But man. The way they are personifying emotions is so amazing. Trying to hold back her sadness bcuz her mom told her to keep smiling???? And then the way her anxiety was when she was having an anxiety attack?!?! I wasn’t even sad but when I saw her have an anxiety attack the tears came so hard. I was like “THATS ME!!! I HAVE ANXIETY!!!” I feel like everyone’s zoom in has a specific emotion who is more in control of their thoughts then the rest, like moms sadness is firmly in place and Riley has some sort of thing bcuz her emotions keep switching up their positions. Before I thought it was bcuz she’s still a kid and growing up but like her friends emotions seemed pretty in place? Idk I might have to rewatch it.
ALSO LIKE the joy x anger ship is so STRONG in this. I’d be crazy to not have noticed. The way he looked at her???! Also it’s so funny how fear kept bringing up anxiety like damn we get it you’re a simp
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sadlittleratboy · 4 months
so music wise i think they’d be very nu-metal. think system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, ect. i also feel like there would be a lot of riffs in their music as well as drum fills (if you can’t tell i was in band so im using fancy words bc god damnit i didn’t do that shit for 5 years for nothing)
ok now lets talk voice types
i think himiko is a mezzo-soprano for no other reason than bc my friend is one (and over the course of our friendship i have heard her sing WAY too much) and it just kinda sounds like her idk
dabi is 100% a bass. like yeah his voice is hella raspy which kinda makes it sound higher pitched (but tbh thats prolly from his vocal cords being burned to shit so i think without that he would have a deeper voice) and idk it’s just like. it makes sense to me ok. (also i always imagined dabi as being that kid who’s voice dropped super early so he just had a baby face with the voice of a grown man)
my husband/mr. compress is a baritone just cus i KNOW this man has a deep buttery smooth voice that makes ppls knees weak (can you tell i love him? ik it’s not that obvious) also at this point im going off of vibes tbh
shiggy feels like a tenor to me. he’s just got a relatively normal voice and probably has good pitch control
spinner is also a tenor for the same reasons
now twice is interesting. i feel like he just has amazing range. like bro can hit rly high notes and rly low notes. like it takes some effort but he can hit em
NOW! for how they got together
i feel like it’s similar to how the league in cannon formed. a bunch of outcasts rejected by society who came together to form a family (they make me want to piss and throw up god i love the lov so much)
now lets talk details for each member
himiko’s story is similar, her running away and stuff. but here it’s because of her mental illnesses and her family having ostracized her. so she was just living on the streets until compress just picked her up like a stray cat and took her home bc his dad instincts were activated
spinner and shiggy are both orphans who grew up in the same orphanage (like pls do you see the childhood friends to lovers vision please hear me out on this) and once they aged out and were dumped on the streets they only had each other to rely on and then they kiss kiss fall in love im going insane please send help
dabi is the black sheep of his family, and he basically disappeared when he turned 18. he pretty much cut contact with his entire family and they think he’s dead. this is bc i have this amazing idea of them having thought he was dead for years and then all the sudden they find out he’s just this fucking rockstar lol
compress is basically the only one who’s relatively normal and well adjusted lol like he had a normal childhood and now he’s just an adult lmao
i feel like twice is an ex-con. like he did a few years for a string of robberies or smth idk i just feel like he’s done time. and as we all know ex-con’s are always screwed over by society.
SO!! how they started out was shiggy and spinner would run a two man show. yk dive bars, random underground concerts, shit like that.
they met dabi bc he was at one of the bars where they played and he just went up to them was like “hey i play guitar wanna hang out some time?” and boom dabi joined the band
similar story with compress. once they started getting a little bigger he approached them and offered to help manage the band bc these are all just a bunch of 20 somethings with no adult supervision
and after compress surprise adopted toga she basically forced herself into the band no matter how much shiggy protested
now i don’t have much thoughts on how twice joined in, so if you can think of any that would be totally tubuler
jesus this is so fucking long and i haven’t even gotten to the hc’s
i think im just gonna leave this as in and maybe i’ll send in my hc’s at a later date idk
anyway yapping over
I love this so much. Personally I feel like Mr. is the one with the insane range, because that man is an entertainer okay he is CLASSICALLY TRAINED IN VOCALS and the only reason the other's take any care of their voices. Shuichi has the heavy metal growls change my mind.
Anyway I feel like Shigaraki stopped caring who joined their band after Compress, because he really does just vibe and let the extroverts do the talking. The one who really protested was Dabi because he didn't want another younger sibling (too bad). Toga definitely brought in Twice. Not sure how they met but you're DEAD RIGHT about him being an ex con.
And listen Spinner and Shigs are in love love no matter how they met (which personally I think was over voice chat in a multiplayer game). They do have childhood friends vibes though, even in canon. It's like they're so perfect it feels like they've known each other their whole lives I'm RABID over them.
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sea-lilli · 1 year
So much today. And I can’t even talk about it with anybody because my best friend Drusilla is too busy starving herself. I’ll get to that later, but I really need more friends who are therapeutic. So I don’t rely so heavily on her / in general unhealthy people.
So. Bc I feel a little guilty with that intro, with her. She is constantly mismanaging her money. She only gets money from her ex for alimony and child support, but it always comes too late and she BARELY makes it to the next payday almost each week. She is always stressing and running out of food bc of it. Or like, with her kids and laundry. Or how she has it in her brain that she needs each kid to have exactly what they’d prefer to eat or they starve. One or the other. No in between. She projects her food issues on her kid, like with sensory stuff. Her kids are just kids who are picky and I’m sorry, but being poor you can’t be picky. You eat to survive.
Idk how to help her. I’m not going to be her financial rescuer again (it only happened once but still). I have been that over & over in my own life with my own family & it’s just too much burden on me. I work really, really hard for my money and I work hard to save it. It’s not fair I have to compensate for people who don’t have that discipline. Yes I know capitalism and low income being stuck being low income and so on and I agree with that premise but it also is a problem with impulse control and poor planning. She is in this terrible cycle of lack / “abundance” and so she binges the moment she has any money and it’s just not healthy.
I have been trying to tell her lately that one of the underlying issues is that she doesn’t have a job or source of income that doesn’t come from child support or alimony. I know she has serious mental health stuff going on but she could prolly work part time. Just to have a little. She’s like, stuck in this learned helplessness stuff. And it’s really really sad for me bc I know it, and I empathize so deeply, but also I just can’t. Also, I feel sorry because when I was going through tough times after divorce all I wanted was someone to help me. Just a little bit. Like if someone could just loan me the money to finish the house, and then I could pay them back. But I just really felt like I needed to rest, and not worry about anything other than healing from the shit- but I also at the same time had to meet my basic needs- and struggle to do it. It was a lot and overwhelming and it led to a lot of resentment, esp bc people kept pushing the self-reliant shit on me, when that wasn’t it. I think it was gratitude honestly. I think it was a lesson in gratitude bc I already am very self reliant and resourceful and so on.
But drusilla, she is not very self reliant. She is resourceful tho when she has to be. When it is pulled out of her. And that’s what I want for her. If I gave her money it just perpetuates the problem, and extends it longer. She needs to break the cycle of learned helplessness and I get it, it’s hard, and she might not be all the way there yet, but it has to happen eventually for her to grow. I just hope I can continue to be kind to her, as she struggles, and that I can be a spot where she can process some of the shit, and that she can do all that without giving her or loaning her money and sacrificing my own boundaries.
If I did loan or give her money, I would feel disappointed in myself. Bc I am trying to break the financial savior cycle. I would feel a little resentment toward her, bc she “made me” back track in my growth. Also, it’s once again me repeating the same pattern. Also, resentment bc she didn’t have to learn the same lessons I did.
I don’t want to hurt myself with my feelings anymore so I’m trying to protect myself from those feelings. In the process tho, on this route I’m on, I do feel very worried and concerned for drusilla and especially her kids. I know they are her world, but if she can’t improve her ability to manage money and provide food for them, she will get them taken away, and I just know that would devastate her. I’m also worried she won’t like me if I say no. Or that she’d tell jax some of the shit I’ve talked to her out of revenge, I don’t think so tho. But it’s there, my worry. I know tho if those things happened then she wouldn’t be a real friend and I should lose her anyway. I also feel sometimes guilty if I spend money on… whatever I want. Like my bedroom stuff. It’s not a survival need and my friend is starving. But I did earn that right to those items by working hard and learning those financial lessons and she… did not. Yet.
I hope she does learn to grow. I hope she can. I will certainly pray a lot for her and think of her. I hope she learns as many lessons around finances (and food!) as she can in this. I hope she can reflect when she does get paid and choose better, so it doesn’t happen again.
So that’s with her.
With Jax, today we got into it and it wasn’t even about Jane at all. I recently got a dietician. He tried to strong arm his way into my first appointment, which failed, but I did allow him in as I was curious about having him there for a vulnerable talk. It turned into basically food therapy. And it was very weird. Good, but also weird and uncomfortable and I will analyze each appointment if I want him to go or not. It was nice to be comforted tho in my moments of vulnerability.
Anyway, today at dinner jax started to critique me over my mashed potato portion size. He started referencing the dietician and what she said, and I got really mad. I set boundaries that my physical health is my responsibility, and not his. I am in charge of what I eat, not him. I stared at my plate for a moment and then realized that if I ate at that moment it would be out of anger, like literally eating my emotions. So I went back to the kitchen and started dumping everything back into the serving dishes except for the tiniest bit (like a spoonful) of mashed potatoes and my broccoli. It caused a ricochet fight where we were both yelling full force at each other. I am right. I told him that it was his job to control janes portions as she is a child and still learning, and his own, but I am his partner and an adult. I can eat whatever I want whenever I want it. It is my choice and he is trying to take away my autonomy and infantilizing me. He was yelling about how, earlier, I wanted to make a graphic of the portion sizes my dietician had sent over to me, and put it on the fridge to try to increase awareness and mindfulness around eating. He said he was only trying to help me remember. I told him he was controlling. He said I can’t put my graphic up on the fridge. “It’s not fair that I can talk about my portion sizes but not him.” They’re my fucking portion sizes! I told him that having access to information that you can choose to look at or not is not the same as either directly or indirectly through the use of coercion / influence, controlling someone else’s portion sizes. It isn’t his place, period! He started getting really defensive and saying he wasn’t going to cook anymore, etc. He said he won’t care about my food stuff anymore. He said I was projecting my trauma on him but I’m not. This is basic boundary shit. Bc honestly his ex wife does that shit as well with her new fiancé where she controls what he eats and it is so damn flaggy, and the fact that he doesn’t have a bigger issue with it shows me it’s the same thought process in his head as her.
I don’t really care tho. If that’s his reaction to my boundaries, that’s that. But I will not allow some trauma-uninformed (and I know! He cares and is trying to support me!! I appreciate it! Same time!) guy who has had no training at all in food or physical health or mental health tell me what I can and can’t eat, how big my portion sizes are, etc etc etc it’s just not going to happen and I’m not going to allow that treatment of me. He can support me in other ways, ie going to the sessions with me WHEN I want, being quiet in sessions and not making comments, listening to me as I process some stuff regarding food occasionally, and… that’s basically it! I don’t even really want his active support you know? It’s basically just listening if I need it. Which honestly, I don’t a lot of times. I really just want neutrality he doesn’t need to be there with me every step of the way in my growth. It feels like I’m having to slow down the growth to bring him up to speed too in order to support me.
Jax says things sometimes that really hurt bc he doesn’t always have a therapeutic perspective. He tries and grows, but it takes a bit first. He just is not very sensitive or empathetic. He can be! But it’s not as much as I need sometimes.
Anyway. It’s been quiet since. He went outside with Jane and didn’t tell me for a good chunk of time. He talked to me outside a tiny bit about Jane. Then silence and avoiding. Then i locked myself in my room temporarily and we kinda laughed together but he was more exasperated than anything. Then, Jane went to bed and he didn’t come out except for s little bit to get something quick. I gave him a hug and said I loved him, and then talked to him some about drusilla. He was very short and choppy with me. Then he went to bed. I think he’s still mad. I think I will let him sit in it and figure it out. And maybe talk about my support expectations from him, and boundaries between food professional, me, and him. I might make a graphic to help him understand.
Ugh. So much tonight.
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swindle-comic · 3 years
Hi, I've been reading your comic and I really like it.
My question is: how Ty was created? I don't mean biologically, no, I mean what came to your mind while creating a bear oc. I'm a huge fan of bears myself, so Ty being one got me curious.
If you feel comfortable, could you tell his origins? That's prolly some stuff that are gonna be shown ahead in the comic, but I wanted to ask nevertheless.
The simple answer is it was like 3am and that’s usually when stray ideas spiral out of control.
Okay if I remember right it began almost two years ago when I was very very lost in the ducktales sauce and we were talking about the characters constantly. So we had been on the topic of the triplets and how they’d develop as teens to adults and then the subject drifted into romantic orientation or lack thereof and potential relationships they might have in the future. When it came to Louie we were just like “ye he gay.”
While we were talking about that, I brought up a silly little scenario about Louie having a notable interaction with some boy at school. I guess what the notable interaction entailed would be a spoiler. The angle that hooked us on this relationship dynamic is a spoiler. (Even if plenty of people who went deep diving have found their answers on the matter. I’m still gonna try not to bring it up on the blog.) but you’ll find out soon. So the idea of Ty’s character started with “Somebody who could work off Louie.”
But then I was like “yeah ok sure fine I know I just brought this kid up to be funny but now I’m invested in him. Who is he? Lets flesh out this Boy At School. It’s 3am let’s go apeshit.”
And then I wondered if I could make this kid a canon character. Maybe a lesser used one. And I remembered that some of the talespin characters were intended to appear in season three. Now I hadn’t watched talespin much at the time so I didn’t pay much attention to the announced characters. For some reason I thought they were Baloo and Rebecca? I had just briefly looked at the image of them like once. So then my train of thought was like “okay so if Baloo and Rebecca exist in dt17, so does Kit Cloudkicker.” I knew a little bit about Kit Cloudkicker. And from what I knew, he matched the personality of this Boy At School that we were messing around with. I thought it was a perfect.
I figured out like a few minutes later that the adult bear I thought was Baloo was actually Kit so we had to regroup. But I was already attached to this angle we had so the regroup was basically just
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(I just think Artsy with their Kit icon being like “idk him” is funny)
The name “Kit Jr” did not last long because it was stupid as all fuck but by this point it was 4am so be nice to me.
The fact that we made Ty into an OC made things WAY better cuz it opened up for way more creative freedom. He wasn’t confined to the restraints of canon characterization and I could do whatever I wanted with him. This early stage of his characterization was definitely inspired by young Kit from Talespin but he became so much more than that. Artsy had started designing him the day after and then drew up a bunch of him. Which just added fuel to the fire. The next few days I spurted out essays upon essays about Ty. Everything about him. He was a fully realized person within a week. There’s so much life to this kid, I stg. I’m really excited for the comic to explore every facet of him. He has a lot of facets.
But yeah that’s why he’s a bear. He was based off a bear character. If he had just been an OC with no links to any other character, a bear probably wouldn’t have crossed my mind.
I’m guessing by his “origins” you mean where he came from, in universe. Like before he landed with Kit and whatnot. I’m delighted you’re interested but that’s private information for the moment. But we will get to that.
Thank you for your question! This was fun to talk about!
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
last post.. bc the screenshots made it too long (i am sorry)
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THE FACT THIS IS A CANON LINE I AM DECEASED wilardo sirius and claire all hangout!! best time ever!11 they r arguing!! also best time ever!!!!
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absolute certainty in his eyes it is sirius . let it be known
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YEAH THAT IS MORE ACCURATE KINDA.......... he looks like so smug and wilardo so head empty at least u guys arnet soil roots “i wouldve liked a big brother like that” SIBLINGS (in the worst way possible)?????????????????????????????????????? CONFIRMED
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oh wait wilardo drew this one...........im surprised one day he didnt get super bored and get rlly talwented at random stuff like drawing  or maybe he is and just kinda lazy THOSAE BIG EYES HELPPPPP staring into your soul.. he made himslef look tired wilardo being (kinda) neutral and syaing that humans cant be split into 1 and 0 so true so true. where is the more love for you
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woah theres hte line i cant believe gay people are real invented by iz THE CONCERNED HUH.;.... wonder how they’d react to the fandom but ashe does have a point with that.? wilardo and ashe do have the same goal to get the bitchs heart but. at the same time theyre totally different idk delicious as a concept but executed.. agh
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oh hell no........................................... THE PANIC I JUST FELT. PLEASE PLEASE LET NOEL BE SAFE savesavesavesavesa oh. wilardos figuring out early. oh. what the hell lime yeah thats not going to be good what happened to noel??
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HELPDFJWJE I LOVE HIM sirius is like “i dont care for claire” also him:  he just ends up staring at everybody...........what it looked like when he was thinking (real)
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aww god oh fcuk its like those awkward famil;y meeting dinners everybody has a clue of whats going on atp “theres so much id like to talk about” HAHAHAHAHAAHAH fear imagine ashe gossiping like a mean girl AUGHHHGHH FUCKING GFDIOJFOIQJ12I what if ashe did actually have innocent intentions and just wanted to get his mind off of things?? and by avoiding him its making his sanity even worse BUT I DONT KNOIWJKJGHGH PROLLY NOT IT anyway. seeing sirius being panicked is sweet the n again if he didnt help noel tears would be on his hands and nobody can handle noel crying. and itd add to someone he knew dead sirius is just “goddmanit in order for this to work i need to say we’re besties or whatever nthe kids say these days” WHY IS ASHE USING SUCH FANCY LANGUAGE. GN. HES JUST LIKE THIS . the power of friendship.........i mean scp............................................
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a can somebody hug him already. bro the cg with him lady dorothy is so good i wanna redraw it one day like i saw somebody do he just keeps comparing it it hurts my heart ive said it once and ill say it again,, siblings
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mario11!1 drag her around >:D
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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racketballz · 3 years
still on the tattoo thing, x prolly prevents their ability to scar, BUT since their powers affect each other; any marks Butch has on his body like tattoos would be scarification; which weirdly makes sense for him? idk my mind is racing with ideas for how these kids have things like tattoos and earrings. like I wonder how they’d get ear piercings?? fandom problem solving!
I am obsessed with piercings as just a plain designer so yeah I can’t justify it I just need them to have holes in their ears because I think it looks cute lmaooo but yeah it’s hard to make thinks make sense!
Now on the other hand i know a lot of people like tattoos but I personally don’t using tattoos on (most) character designs just because its alot to keep up with and also like making up like significance to a characters choices and also reasoning as to why they would want something on their body forever. It’s completely different like with actual people who sometimes get tattoos for no reason at all except for “it looks cool” but yeah for a character or design it never enters my head to add tattoos at all unless it’s a cultural identifier like someone in the yakuza or like maori people
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anonymousgeekhere · 3 years
It's been sum time since I've worked on Kuro more and ngl, got some lil things
(Gonna mention here that Kuro uses any pronouns so Imma just switch em up herehskfjd)
Editing Ruru here and I may have realized not only it's lomg but I'm gettin brainrotted 😭
Like first off, I can see them being pretty interested in our im-taking-all-traumatized-unhuman-hoes-as-sons, mainly comin from interactions. I'm gonna expand more when I'll work on her post but, let's just say that they were never seen well. It would be a lot worse if he'd shown himself as a spiderfolk (which i mean, understandable), so having someone who's that chill for some time, Is something new and strange of a concept.
Plus, I think one thing they share in common, Is the desire to become human. It's not like Shou's, like he just wanted to get over with his struggles, he wouldn't rly care if he'd be human or not. But for Kuro, having studied humans, speech, habits, and almost being in love with them, made him want to be like that. To feel the same emotions. The same struggles. She has been in a community for a long time, and would wish to relate to them fully. Plus, having to take precautions so they don't fuck up in front of anyone and subside isn't really the way to go. He's pretty smug mainly to hide that but, only thing he'd want is to be accepted. Mf sun dad would rush to give support tbh
Also haha fucky fam relationships go brrrr
Idk why but I kinda feel like they'd braid the other's hair, ik this in confront of others Is random but, yes
Also Kuro would prolly show cool forest places and just tellin lil stories, or mabye telling the time he lost to a lil kid onto a thumb fight and never recovered from it
Idk im havin ideas n time im sendin this it's 0:03
And I’m answering at 6:21 jffkdndj
Bestie I love it tho YASSSS to all of this!!!! Omg especially the bit about wanting to be human and studying all about em thats literally Apollo’s whole thing they’d totally bond over that. Also Apollo would recognize the “pretending to be smug and arrogant to hide insecurities“ he did the same when he was younger. Aaaaaaah the twink fam is growing
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by-inky · 3 years
🌟💕👻👀👑👰 For Yuuto and Amira please (if only one then Amira my beloved)
man,,inky answers asks 173826 months later: a thread
tysm for the ask! I did both bc ueue
asks here!
🌟 …someone my muse trusts.
Amira: has to be Kalim, Vil or Jamil (out of canon). Kalim would be the first option for her. She trusts him for anything, since she knows he’ll be 100% honest with her if she needs advise (same goes to Vil), and the prolonged time they know each other. She still trusts Jamil even after what he’s done to her (I’ll post proper lore ab it one day huahuahua)
Yuuto: his uncle. He took care of him as a kid and he admires him and views him like a father figure. He would trust him with anything. And Elias, since they knew each other when they were starting their teens. Out of canon, he’d trust Trey.
💕 …someone my muse loves. Amira: I think she’d really like Deuce, out of canon. If someone gets Amira’s attention, they’d get it for a quite long time. And as she got to know him better, I really think she’d fall for how composed he acts for his mother and how he wanted to get better, showing all of his best sides. Out of my ocs, I think she’d like Katsurou the most. She wouldn’t drop him when she gets to know that he’s a sad person overall, and would do her best to make him feel genuinely good with himself.
Yuuto: I can’t really think a character out of canon, but if it’s from my ocs, then it’d be Elias. He did have a small crush for him when they were 13-14, but it was just mere infatuation.
👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend.
Amira: Vil and Kalim. Kalim and her were already close to each other as kids, and she got to know Vil at school and started to admire his spontaneity and way to act.
Yuuto: out of my ocs, Elias because they grew up together and they are childhood friends so they’re prolly ✨BFFs✨. Out of canon characters, perhaps Trey again or Cater.
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust.
Amira: Floyd. She doesn’t have anything against him and even got to know him when Octavinelle got to Scarabia, but he just acts so shady...
Yuuto: Idia. Ignihyde’s students are close to Zipangu’s, and he has seen their leader a few times. He admired his skills (especially programming or whatever tf he does on that weird computer), but it doesn’t really click well with him. It looks like he has many secrets.
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
Amira: gal here doesn’t get jealous so idk what to say
Yuuto: ,,Azul. He acts like he knows what he’s doing.
👰 …someone my muse would consider marrying.
Amira: bro if she considered marrying someone it’d be while dating and it would be uhajjsheg Deuce bc you all know how Deuce is a lil bean and uaaahah😩💖💓💗💕heart attack
Yuuto: never thought about marriage,,give this man a break pls
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charleswaterloo · 3 years
Oh no i used this up with Ravkinnies ranting sessions... uhhhh idk oh wait nope, got one left in my brain
I wished Bruce would have stayed dead and new52 had never happened. I would have liked to have kept Dick and Damian as batman and robin and continue for a while, and watched the batfam slowly grow stronger, working together as seen in Gates of Gotham. I think Tim's Red Robin run could have been more transformative if Bruce had stayed dead, it would have been more interesting narratively. Dick was on his way to having a we need to get the family back together because i can't do everything on my own arc with Black Mirror (and partially in gates of gotham - though it was short so we didn't see the build up to the story).
I would liked to have seen Jason slowly getting the help and therapy he needed in the refurbished Arkham (Dick been pouring money into fixing it in his run) and Dick visiting and talking things out with him over time, and Jason finally being able to walk out the front doors with a clean bill of mental health. I don't think he would like live with the batfam or anything but like from their eventually maybe he could like back them up on cases. Also him just being like a civilian would be fine. Like occasionally Dick chats with him and gets/gives advice (they were really the only one who had an established relationship at the time, but i wouldn't mind if they eventually incorporated the others). Another route is Jason going the Alfred route and (i mean no way would dress as a butler) but like i would very much like to see Jason in a support type of roll rather than being a vigilante, because he's had so much violence in his life already DC let him heal.
Speaking of characters i would like to see heal, I would have liked to see Cass learn to enjoy the little things in life, learn that she deserved love and a family after she spent time in Hong Kong. I would like to see her eventually let herself enjoy life more - and realize there's more to life than vigilantism. Like ley her take dance classes, let Dick take her up on the trapeze and teach his sister the art of flying. And just god please let her have all the chocolate ice cream in the world. Eventually I like to imagine that she never even has to wear the bulky bat armor to become Batman, people just assume that's who she is (the whole idea of the urban legend restored - would a goon call the person who beat them up Batgirl or Batman argument i personally love). Dick transitions back to Nightwing (which is better for his mental health tbh) and Damian either staying as Robin, or transitions to Flamebird.
Idk i think Dick could manage the batfamily better than Bruce, and I know it's a lot to ask from him, especially because he has his own friends/family with the Titans, but the idea of Dick, Damian, Tim, Cass, Steph, and Babs (who stays as Oracle and disabled) being a little family unit of superheros (with Jason helping out Alfred) is so dear to my heart, despite the fact we haven't seen it and it's all in my head. And letting the characters grow and develop too would have been so great. Let the Titans become the new members of the JLA (or just disband the JLA and keep em as Titans), and have Tim/Cass/Steph's generation start figuring themselves out.
I think Dick would have been a really interesting mentor for Duke to have, and we could have had triple D energy going if Damian tagged along.
I think the Court of Owls arc would have been more interesting with Dick leading the family, especially because he was a former target, so it could be the perfect time for them all to (trauma) bond together if Dick got thrown in the Labyrinth, because he's the one member of the Batfamily that everyone is on like neutral-good terms with (i say Steph is prolly neutral but she cares about Tim and Damian who care about Dick). Dick understands the Joker better, and isn't as fun for Joker to mess with, so there's the possibility of Joker just giving up. I wouldn't have to read about Bruce hitting his kids anymore. Because Dick would never ever do that to his siblings, i wouldn't have to worry about seeing child/domestic abuse.
Idk sorry Bruce stans, he's had good moments and runs but I'm just... tired of DC handling him poorly in comics for like such a long time and would prefer if he just wasn't even around anymore. I liked Dick as Batman better (and the rest of Gotham did too).
firstly this is so detailed and nuanced thank you so much for writing this you're such a legend i am in awe rn lol
THIS IS SUCH A COOL IDEA WOAH WOAH. like i would miss bruce (the CORRECT bruce lol) but i just love all the stuff you mentioned - it would be nice if the batfam were closer. i think that conflict makes things interesting but there's simply so much of that in dc comics that i feel like we never really get to see some interesting dynamics between characters and this would allow for that. i mean jason and steph? they'd be SO powerful lol
i think the stuff you mentioned for jason and cass is really cool too - i like the softer stuff <3
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
“Please List An Emergency Contact”
[A/N]: Despite popular belief, I can write fluff. Occasionally.
Anyway, this was inspired by a convo with @askmarietheapprentice​
Also on Ao3
It’s late in the afternoon when the last customer leaves, and Sojiro is drying the dishes, resigning himself to another slow day at the cafe. Hopefully as the weather gets colder, more people will be coming in for a cup of coffee, but at the moment it’s just him and Futaba.
Sojiro puts away the last glass, and starts flipping through channels when his phone buzzes. He doesn’t recognize the number, but answers it anyway.
“Hello, is this Sojiro Sakura?”
“Who’s asking?”
“I’m calling from Kosei High, Yusuke Kitagawa has a fever and we need you to come pick him up.”
Sojiro blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“Is this not Sojiro Sakura?” The woman on the phone repeats.
“No, it is, I’m just-” Why are you calling me is what Sojiro wants to ask, but obviously the answer to that is there’s no one else to call, so… “Alright, I’ll leave right now.” He hangs up and starts taking off his apron.
Futaba doesn’t look up from her game— it’s a new one Ren got for her, and Sojiro can’t help but smile at that fact. He can barely believe it, but he’s grateful for how well the two of them get along— and it takes him a few tries before he’s got her attention.
“I’ve gotta go pick up that artist kid.” Sojiro says. “Would you be alright here alone or do you want me to walk you back to the house?”
Futaba puts down her game and swivels off the chair. “What’s up with Inari?”
“He’s got a fever, and apparently it’s bad enough that he needs someone to pick him up.” Sojiro pauses. Does he even know where Yusuke’s school is ? 
“How bad?” Futaba asks.
Sojiro shrugs. “I’ll see when I get there, I guess.” 
“Can I come with you?” 
Sojiro strokes his goatee. “I guess, if you’re up for it.”
“Alright, let’s go!” Before Sojiro can say anything Futaba runs out the door and towards Sojiro’s car, and Sojiro sighs.
These kids are going to be the death of him.
Yusuke’s school is even bigger than Shujin, with a wholeass chandelier in the foyer. Sojiro talks to the receptionist at the desk while Futaba looks around. She doesn’t stray too far— she enjoys not getting caught off guard and ending up a panicked mess on the floor— but makes out what looks like a peacock stat- wait it moved. That’s a live peacock. What even is this place?
“Futaba!” Sojiro calls, breaking her from her thoughts. She makes a mental note to look up the laws for keeping peacocks as school mascots. The nurse’s office isn’t that far from the entrance, and Yusuke is lying on one of the cots. Sojiro talks to the nurse while Futaba does the natural thing and pulls a pencil off the nurse’s desk to poke Yusuke in the side.
“Inari? You awake?”
Yusuke opens his eyes and turns towards her. His brow furrows but he doesn’t say anything, just turns back and stares at the ceiling.
“Rude.” Futaba huffs. “We came all this way to pick you up and you won’t even say ‘hi’?”
Yusuke just bats his hand at her and Futaba rolls her eyes. “Come on, don’t make me lug you out of bed. I don’t wanna get your germs on me.” When Yusuke still doesn’t respond, she waves her hand in front of his face as annoyingly as possible to get any sort of reaction out of him. Even this far away she can feel the heat radiating off of him.
“Futaba leave him alone.” Sojiro says.
“He won’t even talk.” Futaba replies. “Is he going to be ok, he should be telling me to stop or something.” 
“He’ll be fine.” Sojiro says. He walks over to Yusuke. “Hey, kid, you ready to go?”
Yusuke frowns again, biting his lip, but slowly gets up. He wobbles a little as he tries to stand and Sojiro offers him his shoulder. “Alright, let’s go.” Sojiro says.
As they head back towards the car, Futaba pulls out her phone and texts the group chat
aliBABEba: Inari’s sick and he’s super out of it.
aliBABEba: It’s bad enough that the school had to call someone to pick him up.
Masqueraider Queen: Wait what’s going on?
aliBABEba: Sojiro got a call about him being sick and we went to pick him up and now I’m worried because Idk if he even registered that I was there for like 5 minutes while he was staring at me.
aliBABEba: he’s probably not dying or anything, right? 
Caramen Crepes: Futaba it’s alright. Yusuke’ll be fine. He probably just has the flu or something
bull in a china shop: Ann’s right. I got the flu once in middle school and I could barely stay awake, yusuke’s prolly tired
They wait in front of the school for Sojiro to bring the car around, and after about a minute, Yusuke starts shivering.
“Want my coat?” Futaba offers, slipping it off and holding it up to him. She’d offer to put it on him but, well. She’s short, he’s not, and she doesn’t want to tell him to lean down in case he just collapses on the sidewalk.
 Yusuke, for his part, manages to take the coat and wrap it around himself like a cloak 
“Better?” Futaba asks, but before Yusuke can respond Sojiro pulls up. They get in the back and pull away from the sidewalk into traffic.
aliBABEba: on our way back
Neo Featherman J : good, I’ll see you guys when I get back.
“Ren’s going to meet us when he gets home,” Futaba says, and Yusuke nods (well that might’ve just been the car bumping around making his head move but it doesn’t really matter, does it?)
“So uh, how you feeling? Tired or anything? You gonna puke?” Futaba asks.
Yusuke doesn’t say anything.
“Ok, still not up to talking.” Futaba says. “Hey, Sojiro, do we have a bag in case he pukes in the car? He gets motion sick sometimes.”
The car comes to a stop and Sojiro reaches into the glove compartment and starts looking for something.
Sojiro fishes out a plastic bag from the glove compartment and hands it to the back, where Futaba passes it along to Yusuke.
“Thanks.” Yusuke mutters as traffic starts again.
Caramen Crepes : so should we stop over after school to see how he's doing?
Neo Featherman J : i don't think we want to crowd him. 
Haru (funny contact name pending) : we could make him a get well basket and bring it over tomorrow if he's better.
Caramen Crepes : ooh nice! You could even by a whole bunch of fancy chocolates for him
bull in a china shop: i don't think chocolate is good for someone who's sick. You want, like subtler foods.
Caramen Crepes: white chocolate
bull in a china shop : well that's not good for anyone, sick or not.
Caramen Crepes: blasphemy
Neo Featherman J : whit chocolate itself is blasphemous
Caramen Crepes: o_o
Caramen Crepes: ren how can you SAY that
Caramen Crepes : I thought we were friends
Neo Featherman J : Morgana says he likes white chocolate
Caramen Crepes: THANK YOU
bull in a china shop: cats can't even eat chocolate 
Neo Featherman J : he's also never eaten chocolate before, so I don't know how much that counts
Caramen Crepes : SHUT UP
“The others’re talking about getting you a get well basket or something. Want anything?” Futaba says.
“You sure? Cause if you don’t say anything, Ann’s going to fill it with white chocolate to prove a point.”
“I-” Suddenly, Yusuke doubles over and pukes into the bag.
“You alright?” Sojiro asks.
“Y-yeah.” Yusuke says, before doing it again. “T-there’s not much, don’t worry.” He heaves one more time, then lies back with a groan.
“I’ll get us back as soon as possible.” Sojiro says.
Yusuke just closes his eyes again and leans back.
Sojiro, for his part, makes good on that promise and Futaba’s pretty sure they broke a few laws getting back to their house in record time. Sojiro helps Yusuke out of the car and up the stairs, Futaba following behind them, stopping to grab a bucket out of the closet.
When Yusuke wakes up, the first thing he registers is that he’s on an actual bed. He sits up, but the movement is slow and unpracticed. 
He vaguely remembers being in class and having trouble focusing on the lecture, and then… he’d gotten sick hadn’t he? Then he was sent to the nurse’s office, and they’d called-
“Sakura-san?” Yusuke calls shakily. Yusuke can hear the sound of footsteps and sure enough, Sojiro comes in. 
“Hey kid, how’re you feeling?”
“Better,” Yusuke replies.
“Good, you’ve been out for a couple of days. Can I get you something to eat?”
“Just water would be fine.” 
Sojiro nods and comes back with a glass, Yusuke takes a sip and, upon realizing that his throat was screaming for more, proceeds to down the whole glass.
“So, is this your house?” Yusuke asks, setting the glass aside.
“Yeah, well I couldn’t exactly let you in the cafe. You had a nasty flu there.”
“I should thank you for looking after me then,” Yusuke says. “I should probably also apologize for inconveniencing you.”
“Wait, what are you apologizing for?”
Yusuke winces. “I had listed you as an emergency contact when I returned to the dorms, but never asked for your permission. I never planned on you actually having to pick me up.”
Sojiro laughs. “Geez, kid, you’re too polite. It’s fine, I’m just glad you had someone to pick you up anyway, don’t worry about it.”
“If you say so,” Yusuke replies. Hm. Maybe Sojiro and Ren are related somehow, if they’re both this kind. “But I must insist you let me repay you somehow. For my own peace of mind.”
“Well, if you’re going to insist, I’d be happy to show you how to brew a cup of coffee, I do hear that latte art is very popular,” Sojiro says, “but only after you’ve rested for a few more days.”
Yusuke smiles. “Thank you.”
“You want to go downstairs? Futaba’s watching TV, and she’s been worried about you.”
Yusuke nods and slowly gets out of bed. He wobbles a bit, but stands up straight and follows Sojiro down the steps.
“You’re alive!” Futaba shouts when she sees Yusuke.
“It appears so. May I join you?”
“Heck yeah!” Futaba says, patting the couch that she’s sitting in front of.
“What are we watching?”
“Masqueraider Ouga! There’s a special marathon on today because they’re bringing back Doctor Schraube from Raiga, so now’s actually the best time to get caught up.”
“Alright then,” Yusuke says, taking the seat behind Futaba.
“If you guys are all settled, I’m going to get some groceries for dinner,” Sojiro says. “Call if anything happens.”
“See ya!”
Before grabbing his coat, Sojiro makes sure to shoot Ren a text, and goes to get ingredients to make dinner for four.
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boomerang109 · 3 years
If it isn't impertinent to ask, how did you know you were non-binanry? Have you struggled with family or have they been accepting?
as long as you’re asking respectfully and because you’re actually curious, i’m happy to answer questions about any aspect of my identity. (that’s my way of saying you’re not being impertinent at all and everyone should feel free to drop into my inbox whenever they’d like)
also, warning for a long post cause i’m a wordy bitch who doesn’t know how to add a read more on mobile
so my experience is pretty much directly transposed onto aang in chapter 8 of wwda so if you’re asking about my actual thought process, you can kinda visit there. (and it occurred to me later that suki being aang’s first place of comfort could possibly fall into the ‘cis-savior trope,’ but that wasn’t my intention and simply was a reflection of the friend who most helped me with my gender crisis).
i had always known people used they/them pronouns, but i don’t think it was until i was regularly talking to friends who used those pronouns that my brain really comprehended those were an option. and i kinda was there like damn they’re so lucky they have the coolest pronouns and at some point it occurred to me that being jealous of someone’s pronouns probably wasn’t normal. and it’s definitely weird cause I’ve always personally felt that vibe of not being feminine enough OR masculine enough (not being a girly-girl or a tomboy as a kid), but i know as a kid i identified that ‘feeling like i didn’t fit in’ emotion as a sort of ‘girl power’ thing, like “I can wear dresses AND have swords!” (which i still do both, but now i know any gender can do this) whereas now i see it as being not a girl, but who knows. gender is such a social concept, i’m constantly like 🧐 what’s my gender? idfk. but another thing that did help me figure out my identity was my dysphoria (which not everybody experiences!!). i’d always thought it was an ace thing that i hated my chest, cause i didn’t understand why it was sexualized and whatnot. (but now i bind and just !!!! everytime makes me so happy, even though i rarely can cause my lungs are SHIT) but, i think most people are like connected to their bodies? and i very much just am not. that’s part of why it was so easy for me to ignore my identity cause i can put on clothes i HATE and i’ll only think about it if it’s actively uncomfortable or there’s a mirror. otherwise, i am just not aware of my body. i went most of middle school and high school not looking in the mirror and i used to say ‘what i look like is other people’s problem, not mine’ cause y’all have to look at me, i don’t. but i’m just good at ignoring things in general, from gender to sexuality to neurodivergence, i’m so busy pretending to be what i think everybody wants me to be, that i barely know who i am. also for a long time i felt really bad cause i thought i was lowkey transphobic cause i internally would invalidate non-binary identities (but out loud was always very supportive and would be mentally berating myself for being a fake ally) and uhhh. i know am aware that the only things i was transphobic about were the exact things that apply to me, so uhh. that’s just some internalized shit. also my name irl is technically gender neutral and i think i’m much closer to dressing neutral/masculine now, but people still completely identify me as female which kinda sucks. but also I’ve been performing as female for my fam so it kinda works. idk it’s all weird ngl. but the actual answer to your question was i realized it when i was ‘jealous’ of other people’s pronouns (which actually one of my friends did the same thing where they said like ‘oh you’re so lucky you get to be non-binary’ and the person they said that to had to be like, ‘if you want to be non-binary then that probably means you are’ and my friend was like 👀)
family is an interesting question cause i’m not out to them. but i also have my pronouns (they/them) in my Instagram bio and 4 of my 5 siblings are on Instagram, as well as my dad. i don’t think they’ve noticed yet. i’m very lucky in that i know my family would never kick me out or anything drastic (although i did realize that i have a piece of my bank account mentally stored for ‘if i get kicked out and need to figure shit out by myself’ which was just a strange realization) but right when i was considering coming out to my dad, he decided to make jokes about how weird they/them pronouns were. (he saw i was uncomfortable and reminded me, ‘oh, but you know i always support you’ but, i had really bad experiences with both my parents the first times i came out to them as bi and/or ace (even though they both meant well) so it’s just not something i’m looking to repeat). my mom honestly should have figured it out cause i told her about it one day when i was questioning and then refused to talk about it once i realized i was non-binary (i don’t trust her to keep a secret) but instead she just keeps teasing me for being like my one sister whenever i mention shopping for boys clothes. and since that sister was the one who ignored me for most of her teenage years, i don’t really appreciate the comparison. (also i realized that my entire fucking childhood she always always told me how grateful she was that i was a girl cause she’d always wanted a daughter. and without realizing it i think i internalized that and was like ‘yes i’ll make sure to be a daughter for sure’ even though i don’t think i am one)
and so, that was a very long way of saying, it’ll be a big blow up when i come out to my fam so i’m avoiding it (even though that means getting misgendered allll summer) as long as i can, but i do know it’ll be okay cause my family always means well underneath all the bs
but i have had a really positive time with my friends. it’s hard at university cause people will still call me she/her and i don’t have the courage to correct them, but my two friends both use she/they so they’re obviously good about it. and i got one of my friends at home to tell a bunch of my high school teachers for me cause she was emailing them and mentioned me and i was kinda like ‘hey one less coming out for me’ which was nice. and i told two other friends right before i left and they literally clapped (which i felt like was a very awkward reaction ngl, but it was nice). and one of those two kept accidentally calling me she, but would apologize when i corrected her. also i think that friend might be using she/they pronouns now too, so idk if that’s another example of me transing my friends’ genders (as i did to clara😉) or just the fact that queers find each other
i don’t know if you wanted this much detail, but i’m not really one for being concise lmao. if you were asking just out of curiosity i think i probably fulfilled that, but if you’re questioning or anything (or just curious, that’s cool too), feel free to ask more questions. i cant promise i’ll answer as quickly as i did this (cause i’m about to go pack b/c tmrw we’re going to visit my sister and her baby ☺️ so i’ll be busy prolly) but i’ll answer eventually
i hope this was helpful and/or enjoyable? if anyone actually read all of it ahdhdjsk
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Lost in Translation: Author’s Note
Yes, I know it’s OOC. I hope you like it anyway, but if you don’t, please do keep in mind that I originally wrote it for my eyes only, and possibly a couple of friends.
It has, like, half of the kinks I have.
Yes, I’m aware it’s prolly the most graphic smut in this fairly tiny fandom. You’re fucking welcome.
It’s overdramatic. I’m aware of this. I love drama.
It is indeed an AU! For one, he’s six years older than her instead of just three, and obviously the plot goes differently. She’s thinking that, for him, it’s more of a marriage of convenience, albeit one that takes place because he cares for her and her family and doesn’t feel comfortable leaving all of them without a surefire way of them being cared for. She’s assuming that he simply doesn’t trust Fred to take care of her and be good to her and take care of her family, and while she’s correct in that, he also proposes because he’s in love with her. He’s just not super communicative of that fact.
Some of the clothing-related stuff I have here is from what I recall from my costume design class, in which we studied clothing styles from many different time periods (what types of bustles were popular and when, that sort of thing), and for the rest is from research on the clothing of the time, which is 1870.
I didn’t mean to write a The Notebook style ending. It just happened. I make no apologies.
Laurie lives until the age of 89, dying in 1933. Amy dies a few months later at the age of 83. And before anyone questions if just saying “peace out, I’m done” and dying is something people actually do when their spouse dies, let me assure you that it absolutely is. It happened to my great-grandmother. When you’ve spent the vast majority of your life with somebody, so long that you cannot remember what life was like without them, sometimes life is no longer something you’re interested in. I’m not saying Amy committed suicide. She didn’t. I’m saying she was like, “alright, I’m good, see you bitches on the other side”, went to bed, and that was that.
They weren’t really all that affected by the Great Depression, because fuck you that’s why.
Yes, I know that canonically, they had one child. This is because Alcott died unmarried in 1888, and therefore very likely had little to know knowledge of sex. Women were not educated on sex hardly at all, and what they were told was on the eve of their wedding, if my understanding is correct. Therefore, she wouldn’t have known that two people in love would want to have a lot of sex, and since, at the time, most people didn’t use birth control, they’d probably have a fair number of kids. After six, Laurie started pulling out, at least until Amy hit menopause. And, yeah, they continued having sex even after menopause. My grandparents had sex right up until my granny died at the age of 77, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they continued until their health started failing.
Yes, Amy was a vocal supporter of women’s suffrage and the early African-American rights movement. Laurie was a vocal supporter of the latter as well, and the former he was mostly like, “if you think women should vote, I’ll trust your judgment” because he pretty much accepted anything and everything she said cause boy was w h i p p e d
Idk how much Italian Laurie would know, if any, but kids learn languages ridiculously fast, so as long as he learned it consistently from a fairly early age, he probably still knows most of it. Especially if he used it regularly, which, in New York and traveled Europe, he probably did.
A little about the sex. So, some PSA’s: pee after having penetrative sex, regardless of what type of genitalia you have! Vagina-havers especially, but penis-havers should, too! Sex isn’t supposed to hurt, and hymens aren’t really that big of a deal. I think a tampon broke mine, if I had one at all, and my childhood best friend broke hers at the age of eight while horseback riding. If Amy was born with one (which not everyone is), she probably broke it at a fairly young age from some strenuous activity or other. Now, sex can hurt under specific circumstances. Sometimes there’s a medical condition, so if you’re having regular pain, see a doctor. If you’re having bleeding, see a doctor. What is normal is pain if there’s not enough lubricant, natural or otherwise. Not all vaginas produce a lot of lubricant, and that’s totally fine. She does here cause it’s easier to write that way, but like. A lot of people just don’t produce much no matter how aroused they are, and there’s nothing wrong with you if that’s the case. Don’t let anybody tell you different. Now, it’s also normal to have some muscular pain the first couple of times you have sex, or even if it’s been awhile. This isn’t necessarily a “loss of virginity” thing, but more of (as I understand it) a muscle memory thing. The vagina just has to learn and adapt, that’s all. I strongly suspect that that and the lube issue are where the whole “pain of losing virginity” came from. It’s a little difficult for Amy because she hasn’t had much of anything up there, so it takes her a few minutes to adjust. What she experiences here is almost exactly like my first experience with PIV sex. Not everyone can orgasm during penetration, or even likes orgasming during penetration, and that’s okay. Whatever your preferences are for sex, there’s nothing wrong with you.
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