#Hajj of the Prophet PBUH
hadeth · 3 months
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عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ ـ رضى الله عنهما ـ وَقَفَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَوْمَ النَّحْرِ بَيْنَ الْجَمَرَاتِ فِي الْحَجَّةِ الَّتِي حَجَّ بِهَذَا، وَقَالَ ‏"‏ هَذَا يَوْمُ الْحَجِّ الأَكْبَرِ ‏"‏، فَطَفِقَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏"‏ اللَّهُمَّ اشْهَدْ ‏"‏‏.‏ وَوَدَّعَ النَّاسَ‏.‏ فَقَالُوا هَذِهِ حَجَّةُ الْوَدَاعِ‏.‏ صحيح البخاري حديث ١٧٤٢
 Narrated Ibn `Umar: On the Day of Nahr (10th of Dhul-Hijja), the Prophet (peace be upon him) stood in between the Jamrat during his Hajj which he performed (as in the previous Hadith) and said, "This is the greatest Day (i.e. 10th of Dhul-Hijjah)." The Prophet (peace be upon him) started saying repeatedly, "O Allah! Be Witness (I have conveyed Your Message)." He then bade the people farewell. The people said, "This is Hajjat-al-Wada`)." Sahih al-Bukhari 1742In-book reference : Book 25, Hadith 220
حج النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - حجة واحدة، كانت أعظم حجة في التاريخ وأفضلها، أقام فيها شعائر الله - تعالى -، وعظّم حرماته، وصدع بدينه، وبين للناس مناسكهم، وخطب ينذرهم ويعلمهم ويبشرهم. .. 
لماذا سميت حجة الوداع؟! 
عن ابن عمر - رضي الله عنهما - قال: \"كنا نتحدث بحجة الوداع والنبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - بين أظهرنا، ولا ندري ما حجة الوداع\"(2). 
وفي رواية: عن ابن عمر - رضي الله عنهما - قال: \"وقف النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يوم النحر بين الجمرات في الحجة التي حج بهذا، وقال: هذا يوم الحج الأكبر، فطفق النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقول: اللهم أشهد، وودع الناس، فقالوا: هذه حجة الوداع\"(3). 
قوله: \"ولا ندري ما حجة الوداع\" كأنه شيء ذكره النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فتحدثوا به، وما فهموا أن المراد بالوداع وداع النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - حتى وقعت وفاته - صلى الله عليه وسلم - بعدها بقليل، فعرفوا المراد، وعرفوا أنه ودّع الناس بالوصية التي أوصاهم بها: أن لا يرجعوا بعده كفاراً، وأكد التوديع بإشهاد الله - تعالى -عليهم بأنهم شهدوا أنه قد بلغ ما أرسل إليهم به، فعرفوا حينئذ المراد بقولهم حجة الوداع(4).
مقتبسة من مقال خطب النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم في حجة الوداع تقرير الأصول، وعظمة المعاني
وتتلخص فضائل هذا اليوم بما يلي :
ه1- أنه خير الأيام عند الله :قال ابن القيم – رحمه الله – في زاد المعاد ( 1/54 ) : " خير الأيام عند الله يوم النحر ، وهو يوم الحج الأكبر كما في سنن أبي داود ( 1765 ) عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : " إن أعظم الأيام عند الله يوم النحر " وصححه الألباني في صحيح أبي داود .
ه2- أنه يوم الحج الأكبر .. فعَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا قَالَ وَقَفَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَوْمَ النَّحْرِ بَيْنَ الْجَمَرَاتِ فِي الْحَجَّةِ الَّتِي حَجَّ وَقَالَ هَذَا يَوْمُ الْحَجِّ الأَكْبَرِ " رواه البخاري 1742
وذلك لأن معظم أعمال الحج تكون في هذا اليوم ، ففيه يفعل الحجاج ما يلي :
ه1- رمي جمرة العقبة .
ه2- النحر .
ه3- الحلق أو التقصير .
ه4- الطواف .
ه5- السعي .
ه3- أنه يوم عيد المسلمين :
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : " يوم عرفة ويوم النحر وأيام التشريق عيدنا أهل الإسلام ، وهي أيام أكل وشرب " رواه الترمذي ( 773 ) وصححه الألباني في صحيح الترمذي . الاسلام سؤال وجواب
The virtues of this day may be summed up as follows: 
1.     It is the best of days before Allah. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Zad al-Ma’ad (1/54): 
“The best of days before Allah is the Day of Sacrifice, which is the greatest day of Hajj as it says in Sunan Abi Dawud (1765), where it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The greatest of days before Allah is the Day of Sacrifice.” (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Abi Dawud) 
2.     It is the greatest day of Hajj.
Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stood between the Jamarat on the Day of Sacrifice during his Hajj and said, “This is the greatest day of Hajj .” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1742)
That is because the greatest actions of Hajj take place on this day, when the pilgrims do the following: 
·         Stoning Jamrat al-‘Aqabah
·        Offering the sacrifice
·        Shaving the head or cutting the hair
·        Tawaf (circumambulation of the Ka’bah)
·        Sa’i (running between al-Safa and al-Marwah)
3.     It is the ‘Eid day of the Muslims
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The day of ‘Arafah, the day of Sacrifice, and the days of al-Tashriq are our festival, us Muslims, and they are days of eating and drinking.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 773; classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih al-Tirmidhi.  Islam Q&A for more translation of this Hadith Explanation: Español - Français - Türkçe - اردو - 中文 - Portuguese - Indonesian - فارسى - German -Russian - Uygur - Indian - Bengali - :https://islamqa.info/en/answers/36477/virtues-of-the-day-of-sacrifice
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peaceoffmindd · 1 year
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Untill next time...
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cavalierzee · 1 year
"I Had A Dream"
South African priest converts to Islam.
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basicsofislam · 30 days
ISLAM 101: ETHICS: Part 1
To rely on Allah means to rely on Allah’s mercy and wisdom
To think that Allah will do things to destroy our means not to know Allah, who introduces Himself as Rahman (the All-Merciful) and Rahim (the All-Compassionate) at the beginning of every chapter of the Quran, as it is necessary. Allah is so merciful toward His slaves that He gives them numerous boons despite their ingratitude and denial; He does not cease to give them those boons.
Most of the problems that hitman originates from his own misuse and not obeying the divine rules, which are valid everywhere in the universe. Today’s modern medicine also states that most of the diseases originate from the mistakes of people.
It should not be forgotten that people are tested by Allah. There are pains and agonies along with pleasures due to the requirements of this test. Thanking for boons and showing patience in the face of problems is the most important criterion to pass this test.
When we rely on Allah, we should consider both this world and the hereafter. We should rely on Allah if there is a problem in this world, thinking that Allah will definitely give thawabs to us in return for it. The Prophet (pbuh) summarizes the issue as follows:
“There is good in every affair of a believer. If he is given a boon, he thanks Allah for it and receives a reward. If he encounters something bad, he shows patience and receives a reward.” (Musnad, 1/173)
It is understood that to rely on and trust in Allah means to trust His mercy and wisdom related to humans. For instance, diseases clean the sins of a person like soapy water. It is understood by any person with the consciousness of belief that to show patience in the face of a temporary problem that makes a person gain the eternal life and to maintain the feelings in one’s heart is a very profitable deed.
It is one of the most important tests of a believer not to lose his trust in Allah even in the face of a very big misfortune.
“There are among men some who serve Allah, as it was, on the verge: if good befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see!.” (al-Hajj, 22/11)
One of the fine details of this test is indicated in the verse above.
“To rely on your father is not like that. We know that if you rely on your father, he will not harm you if it is within his power.” There is a truer statement than that one: A father cannot do anything unless Allah wishes. Therefore, to rely on Allah in the real sense is only a distraction.
The phrase “if it is within his power” is used in the question. What is in his power in real sense? So to speak, it is one of the biggest mistakes to rely on one’s father, who is too weak to fulfill the requirements of his compassion - as is relying on Allah - by not relying on Allah, who has more compassion than the compassion of thousands of fathers and who has power to do anything He wishes.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
The Last Days of the Prophet Narrated by His Close Relatives
Hazrat Aisha narrates one of her memoirs with the Prophet as follows:
“When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came to my house, I had a pain in my head. Due to the severity of the pain, I said, ‘O my head!’
When the Messenger of Allah heard it, he said, ‘It is not important; why are you sorry? If you die before me, I will enshroud you and perform your janazah prayer.’
I said, ‘Do you want my death?’”
Hazrat Aisha spoke like that because she did not understand that the Prophet was joking.
The Messenger of Allah ended his joke as follows:
“O Aisha! Your headache will be all right. The real headache is mine; it is very difficult to recover it from now on.”
The Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was always at the peak of loyalty to the Prophet everywhere, went to the presence of the Messenger of Allah and stated that it would be an honor for him to serve him as follows:
“O Messenger of Allah! If you let me, I want to serve you when you are ill.”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him but his answer conquered Abu Bakr’s heart:
“O Abu Bakr! You have already received the reward for the service that you wanted to do. However, if I let others service me when I am ill, my daughter and my wives will be sorry.”
The Gravest Illness, the Greatest Pain
The Prophet could not lie still in his bed due to the severity of his illness and the high fever. He was turning to the right and left in his bed.
Those who were near him said, “O Messenger of Allah! If one of us showed that he suffered so much pain, you would scold him.”
The Messenger of Allah said,
“My illness is not like the ones that you know. Allah inflicts the most severe troubles, illnesses and misfortunes on His righteous and believing slaves. However, due to that trouble, illness and misfortune, He elevates the rank of that person and eliminates his sins.”
Hazrat Aisha said,
“We have never seen an illness more difficult and severe than the illness of the Messenger of Allah.”
Ibn Mas’ud Narrates
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud describes the severity of the illness of the Prophet as follows:
“I went to the presence of the Prophet when his body was shaking due to the severity of the fever. I said,
‘O Messenger of Allah! You are suffering a lot due to the severity of the fever. O Messenger of Allah! This fever gives you double pain; it will definitely give you double reward.’ He approved what I said as follows:
‘Yes. There is no Muslim who suffers an illness and whose sins Allah does not shed like a tree sheds its leaves.’”
Umm Bishr Narrates
Umm Bishr, Bishr b. Bara’s mother, who visited the Messenger of Allah when he was ill, narrates what she saw as follows:
“I went to see the Messenger of Allah. When I saw the severe temperature in his body, I could not help saying,
‘O Messenger of Allah! I have never seen such a fever.’
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
‘Our illness is more severe than the illnesses of other people but the reward that we will get will be more.’”
The Messenger of Allah Wants Pen and Paper to Have Something Written
It was the month of Rabiul-Awwal, 8, Thursday…
The most painful moments of the illness of the Messenger of Allah… There were Hazrat Umar and some other people around him. He said, “Bring me pen and paper; I will write you something so that you will never deviate from your way after that.”
Hazrat Umar said, “His illness is dominant over the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). We have the Quran. Allah’s book is enough for us.”
They hesitated to bring pen and paper.
Some people confirmed the words of Umar. Others thought it was necessary to bring pen and paper. When the Messenger of Allah noticed that there was a disagreement, he said, “Leave me. Do not argue near me. Leave me alone.”
Thus, what the Messenger of Allah wanted to be written could not be written.
The Day When His Illness Gets Better
The disease of the Messenger of Allah was getting worse day by day and hour by hour. Once, he wanted cold water. He had the water poured on his body.
After that, he felt a bit relieved. When he noticed it, he leaned on Hazrat Ali and Fadl b. Abbas and went to the mosque. He ascended to the pulpit and sat there. He addressed the Companions as follows:
“O people! I have heard that you panic because I will die. No prophet lived eternally among their ummah; how should I live? Know that I will meet my Lord soon; you will meet Him, too.
O Ansar! I advise you to do favors to muhajirs.
O muhajirs! I advise you to do favors to Ansar. They helped you. They allowed you to their land. They entertained you in their houses. Although they were in financial difficulty, they helped you. If any of you rules them, he should do favors to them.  
O people! Everything happens in accordance with the pre-eternal divine will of God Almighty. Do not try to overcome Allah’s qada and qadar; you will be defeated. Do not try to trick God Almighty; you will be the one that loses. I am compassionate and merciful to you. You will meet me again. The place where we will meet is near the Pond of Kawthar. If you want to meet me near the Pond of Kawthar, keep your hands and tongues away from unnecessary things.
O people! Know it very well that committing sins causes to change bounties and kismets. If the majority of the people are good, their administrators will treat them justly. If the people tend to disobey and commit sins, their administrators will tend to oppress them and treat them unjustly.”
After this address, the Prophet went to Aisha’s house and went to bed.
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ynx1 · 2 years
Ibn al Qayyim رَحِمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ said,
“A girl died of the plague and her father saw her in his dream. He said, ‘my daughter, tell me about the hereafter. So she said, 'We’ve approached a serious matter. We used to know but we didn’t act. I swear by Allah, to add one tasbeehah (saying Subhan Allah) or a single Rak'ah to my book of deeds is more beloved to me than the whole world and everything in it.’
This girl said words of great importance. 'We used to know but we didn’t act’, but many of us don’t understand what she means.
We used to know, that if we say Subhan Allah wa bi Hamdihi 100 times our sins are forgiven even if they’re like the foam of the sea (yet days and nights pass and we don’t say it)
We used to know that two rak'ahs of Duha prayer is the equivalent of giving 360 charities (yet day after day pass and we don’t pray it)
We used to know that a house in the middle of Jannah is guaranteed for one who abandons lying even while joking (yet every second sentence we utter is a lie)
We used to know that fasting a day voluntarily for the sake of Allah puts a distance between our face and the fire the size of seven trenches and Allah distances our face from the fire the distance travelled in 70 years, (and we haven’t fasted single day this week)
We used to know that whoever visits a sick person is followed by 70,000 angels seeking Allah’s forgiveness on his behalf (but we haven’t visited a sick person this week)
We used to know that whoever prayed a funeral prayer and followed it till it was burried has two Qiraats of reward and a Qiraat is like the mountain of Uhud (yet weeks pass and we haven’t been to the graveyard.)
We used to know that whoever builds a mosque even if it’s like a bird’s nest Allah builds a house for them in paradise (yet we haven’t contributed to the building of a Masjid, even with 10 dinars)
We used to know that the one who supports the widow and her children is like the fighter in the path of Allah and the one who fasts all day and prays all night without sleeping. (Yet we haven’t contributed to sponsoring a widow and her children)
We used to know that whoever reads a single letter from the Quran has a good deed and every deed is multiplied by 10. Yet we haven’t made a point to read it every day.
We used to know that an accepted Hajj has the reward of jannah and it sends the person who completed it off like the day his mother gave birth to him. (With a clean book of deeds) yet we haven’t performed the rites of Hajj although our circumstances have made it easy for us.
We knew the honor of a believer is in Qiyam Al-layl, and that the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions never missed it all their lives despite being busy with making a living and fighting in the path of Allah and spreading the religion. But we have neglected this matter terribly.
We knew the Day of Judgment was coming without a doubt and that Allah will resurrect us from our graves but we haven’t prepared for that day.
We used to bury the deceased and pray over them but haven’t prepared ourselves for a day like this one, as if we have a guarantee that it won’t happen to us.
We know that every breath we breathe is getting us closer to death yet we’re still busy with amusement and playing. It’s time we change the way we’re living and prepare properly for the day of accounting.
"On the Day a man will flee from his brother. And his mother and his father; And his wife and his children, For every man, that Day, will be a matter adequate for him.” Quran (80:34-37)
Kitab Al Ruh by Ibn Al Qayyim رَحِمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ
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farisjax · 5 months
I don't get why everyone is saying Islam is the most violent religion in the world, For me no religion is violent its the people that follow it, For example its not Islam's fault how people interpret the Qur'an. And if we talk about phrases, The Qur'an Says.
"And kill them wherever you encounter them and expel them from where they expelled you. Oppression is indeed worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Masjid Al- Haram (Ka'aba) unless they fight you therein. If they fight you, then kill them; such is the penalty of the disbelievers.
But no one bothers to understand, even when told that this verse was revealed when Muslims on the Hajj pilgrimage were attacked and killed by the Quraysh tribe who had signed a treaty with the Prophet to not attack the pilgrims. The Qur'an was revealed in a period of 23 years to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), So the verses are situational
There are phrases in other holy books but that would make this too long, but if you consider atheism a religion than atheism is the most violent religion because in atheism there are no prohibitions.
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islamic-education · 1 month
The Life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH): A Beacon of Guidance
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Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), The final prophet of Islam, stands as a paragon of virtue, compassion, and wisdom. His life, spanning 63 years, is a source of inspiration for millions around the world. Born in 570 CE in Mecca, he was chosen by Allah to convey the final revelation, the Quran, to humanity. The life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is not just a historical account but a comprehensive guide for leading a righteous and fulfilling life.
Early Life and Prophethood
From a young age, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was known for his honesty and integrity, earning him the titles of "Al-Amin" (the trustworthy) and "As-Sadiq" (the truthful). He grew up as an orphan, under the care of his grandfather and later his uncle, Abu Talib. At the age of 25, he married Khadija (RA), a successful businesswoman, who was his greatest supporter.
At the age of 40, while meditating in the Cave of Hira, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revelation from Allah through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). This event marked the beginning of his prophethood and the gradual revelation of the Quran over 23 years.
Key Teachings and Legacy
The teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the oneness of God (Tawheed), the importance of justice, compassion, and the welfare of the poor and needy. He tirelessly preached the message of Islam, enduring persecution and hardships, yet remaining steadfast in his mission.
His exemplary character, patience, and wisdom won the hearts of many, leading to the rapid spread of Islam across the Arabian Peninsula. The Prophet's final sermon, delivered during the Hajj pilgrimage, encapsulates the essence of his teachings: equality, justice, and adherence to the commandments of Allah.
The life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) serves as a timeless guide for Muslims. His actions, words, and teachings continue to illuminate the path for those seeking to live a life of piety, compassion, and devotion to Allah.
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questionsonislam · 2 months
Shiite say that the Prophet was informed about the caliphate of Ali (ra) in a place called Ghadir Khumm and that it was the order of Allah. What is the truth about this issue?
Shiite try to show various things as proofs when they claim that it was Ali’s right to become the first caliph. One of them is the incident of Ghadir Khumm: While returning from Farewell Hajj, the Prophet and the Companions with him stopped in a place called Ghadir Khumm. The Prophet rested for a while, led the noon prayer and addressed his Companions as follows
“Whoever’s friend I am, Ali is also his friend. O Allah, be a friend to him who is friendly to him; be hostile to the enemy. Help the one who helped him.”
Shiite present this hadith in a wrong way and interpret it differently. “Walayah” the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned in Ghadir Khumm does not mean caliphate, as Shiite mean, but friendship. As a matter of fact, Hasan al-Muthanna, the grandson of Ali (ra), states the following regarding the issue:
“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not mean caliphate or sultanate with it. If he had meant so, he would have stated it clearly. For, the Messenger of Allah was the most fluent and clear speaker among the Muslims.”
When Ali (ra) was asked in Basra, “Is there a promise and authority given to you by the Messenger of Allah about caliphate or are you acting based on your own view?”, he gave the following answer:
“No, there is no promise. By Allah, I am the first person to approve and believe in the Messenger of Allah; I cannot be the first person to tell a lie on behalf of him. If there had been a promise of the Messenger of Allah to me about the caliphate, I would have never allowed Abu Bakr and Umar to ascend to his pulpit. I would have struggled against them with my hands if I had had no power.”
One of the claims of Shiite is that Ali (ra) paid allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) and helped them because he was afraid of them; thus, they accuse him of hypocrisy. Badiuzzaman Said Nursi states the following regarding the issue in his book called Lem’alar (Flashes):
“As for the Caliphate Shi‘a, they can claim no rights before the Sunnis other than shame. For although they say they have tremendous love for ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him), they disparage him, and their creed necessitates accusing him of immorality. For they say that although Abu Bakr the Veracious and ‘Umar were acting unjustly, ‘Ali feigned approval for them; according to Shi’i terminology, he dissimulated. That is, he was frightened of them and behaved hypocritically. But it is not love to hold that someone who was such a hero of Islam, won the title ‘Lion of Allah’, and was the commander and guide of the faithful, was simulating love for people he did not love out of fear and deception, and was feigning approval for them in fear for more than twenty years, and was following wrongdoers. ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him) would disclaim love that sort.
Thus, the people of truth’s creed in no way disparages ‘Ali, nor levels accusations of immorality at him. It does not attribute cowardice where there was such remarkable courage, but says that if ‘Ali had not considered the Rightly-Guided Caliphs to be right, he would not have recognized them for a minute, nor obeyed them. It means that since he thought them right and preferable, he made over his courage and striving to the way of justice.”
As it is understood from the explanations above, the Prophet did not express a will to Ali (ra), and Ali paid allegiance to the caliphs before him not because he feared them but because he regarded Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) to be worthier of the caliphate more than him and because he promised Uthman (ra) that he would obey him. Ali (ra) loved those three caliphs before him very much and he did not hesitate to express it anywhere.
Some of those who did not pay allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra) wanted to pay allegiance to Ali (ra). However, Ali struggled for the unity of the Muslims throughout his life. He never opened the door to mischief. For instance, one of those who wanted to pay allegiance to Ali was Sufyan. He answered Sufyan as follows:
“We regard Abu Bakr sufficient for the caliphate and worthy of it. We left him as the caliph. We did not intervene.”
Ali (ra) was one of the greatest assistants of Abu Bakr (ra) during his caliphate. When Abu Bakr (ra) died, he made the following speech:
“You were like a mountain which stands firm in the face of hard blows of dashing winds and waves. You truly were as the Messenger of Allah said weak in your body, but strong in the religion of Allah, humble in your heart, but lofty in your ranking with Allah and well-esteemed in the eyes of people and in the world. Nobody nurtured a grudge against you. You had no characteristic that people regarded worthless. The strong were weak in your presence until the weak got their rights. The weak were strong until they got their rights. May Allah not deprive us of from your thawabs! May He not allow us to go astray after you.”
Ali (ra) never allowed anyone to speak against Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) during his caliphate. Once, he spoke as follows:
“I hear that some people regard me to be superior to Abu Bakr and Umar. If I had said something about this issue before, I would punish those who speak like that now. I do not do anything to them now because I have not said anything about it before. Anybody who speaks like that from now on is a slanderer. The best person after the Messenger of Allah among people is Abu Bakr and then Umar. May Allah be pleased with both of them!
I swear by Allah who greens dry seeds and gives life to non-living things that only virtuous believers love Abu Bakr and Umar and only sinners criticize them and treat them as enemy.”
Ali married his daughter Umm Kulthum off to Umar due to his love toward him. When Umar (ra) died, Ali (ra) approached his dead body and said,
“O Umar! I want to enter into the presence of Allah with a deed that you like. There is nobody else whose deeds I envy.”
Ali (ra) paid allegiance at once to Uthman (ra), who was chosen by a consultation committee that was formed after the martyrdom of Umar (ra). Ali (ra) loved Uthman (ra) as he loved Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra). He was Uthman’s greatest assistant during his caliphate. He defended Uthman (ra) against mischief-makers. He rejected the offer of those who wanted to unseat Uthman (ra) and to pay allegiance to him. He did not accept the allegiance of mischief-makers after the martyrdom of Uthman (ra) either. He said,
“I take refuge in Allah from accepting the allegiance of the murderers of Uthman.”
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uma1ra · 1 year
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The Islamic calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar because it follows the cycle of the moon rather than the cycle of the sun, but the two calendars have one thing in common: they both have 12 months. The 12 Islamic months each have different meanings, with four of them being sacred months during which fighting and conflict is forbidden.
There is a rich history behind each of the months which is both symbolic and deeply interesting, so if you want to learn more about the meaning of Islamic months, keep reading.
The first month in the Islamic calendar is Muharram and it translates from Arabic to ‘forbidden’. Its name relates to the fact that it is the first of the four sacred month during which fighting is haram. It is sacred so that Muslims can return from Hajj without being attacked. There are a number of notable events that took place during Muharram, with the most significant being the Day of Ashura which occurs on the 10th day.
The second month is called Safar. The translation means ‘void’, and there are two possible reasons for this. Some believe the name comes from the fact Arab homes were empty at this time of year because everyone was out finding and gathering food. In contrast, some people believe that the meaning of the month comes from tales of Arabs looting the homes of their enemies post-battle. Several battles were fought during Safar, and in an effort to cement Islam as a peaceful religion, Allah (SWT) commanded the Muslims move to Medina during Safar to avoid any further conflict.
Rabi al-Awwal
The third month in the Islamic calendar is called Rabi al-Awwal and it is an extremely joyous month. It translates to ‘the first spring’ or ‘to graze’, as this was when cattle began grazing as the earth sprouted with new life. The most prominent event during Rabi al-Awwal is the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 570 A.D. Many Muslims celebrate his birth, but they also grieve for him as it was also during Rabi al-Awwal that he passed away and returned to Allah (SWT) in 632 A.D.
Rabi al-Thani
Rabi al-Thani is the fourth Islamic month in the calendar and means ‘the second spring’. There are a number of different events that took place in this month, but for many Muslims, it is a time for mourning. Fatimah bint Musa, the daughter of the seventh Twelver Shia Imam, Musa al-Kadhim, and Sufi sheikh, Abdul-Qadir Gilani, both died during Rabi al-Thani.
Jumada al-Awwal
Jumada al-Awwal is the fifth month of the year and it translates to ‘the first parched land’. It’s thought that historically Jumada al-Awwal was the first month of summer pre-Islam, but some people believe it means ‘to freeze’ and relates to frozen weather causing parched land.
Jumada al-Thani
The sixth month of the Islamic calendar is Jumada al-Thani which means ‘the last parched land’. It is a significant month within the calendar, but different sects of Muslims celebrate it for different reasons. Fatimah al-Zahra, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadijah’s youngest daughter, was born during this month, and she also died during this month. Caliph Abu Bakr passed away during Jumada al-Thani, making this a month of mourning for many.
Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar and translates to ‘respect’ or ‘honour’. It is the second of the sacred months and therefore it is haram to fight or engage in conflict during this time. Rajab is considered Allah’s (SWT) month and is therefore a highly significant time during the year. It’s believed the Creator designated Rajab as a sacred month so that Muslims could complete the voluntary pilgrimage, Umrah, without being attacked.
The eighth month of the Islamic year is called Sha’ban and is considered the month of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is sometimes referred to as the neglected month because Rajab precedes it and Ramadan comes straight after it, but it is an important month nonetheless. Sha’ban means ‘scattered’ and relates to the time of the year when Arabs would historically scatter to find water. Nowadays, many Muslims use Sha’ban to prepare for Ramadan.
The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is one of the most prominent and is well known outside the Muslim community, too. Ramadan means ‘burning heat’ because it historically fell during a hot time of the year. Muslims observe Ramadan by fasting from dawn to dusk in order to cleanse their minds, bodies, and souls, and to be reminded of the fortune Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon them. Fasting gives Muslims an insight into what their lesser fortunate brothers and sisters go through when hungry.
After Ramadan comes the 10th month of Shawwal, which means ‘raised’. The meaning of the name relates to the fact that female camels are normally pregnant at this time of year. Shawwal is a celebratory month, with Eid al-Fitr taking place from the first to the third day. Lots of food, gifts, and prayers are exchanged during Shawwal, with many praying that their Ramadan is accepted by Allah (SWT).
Dhul al-Qadah
The 11th month of the Islamic calendar is Dhul al-Qadah which means ‘the month of truce’. It is the third sacred month during which Allah (SWT) forbids violence so that Muslims can make their way to Mecca to commence their Hajj safely. It is special because Allah (SWT) said so, and like the other sacred months, good and bad deeds are weighted more heavily at this time.
Dhul Hijjah
The final month of the Islamic year is the holiest and most significant of all. Dhul Hijjah means ‘pilgrimage’ and relates to the fact that Muslims carry out their religious due of Hajj during this month. There are many significant days during this month, including the Day of Arafah when Allah (SWT) finalised Islam. Other key dates include Qurbani, the Festival of Sacrifice that honours Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his devotion to the Creator. Following Qurbani is Big Eid, also called Eid al-Adha – a time for great celebration and joy. Dhul Hijjah is the fourth and final sacred month so that Muslims can complete Hajj in safety.
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hajjumrahhub · 5 months
Umrah Duas – A Guide to Umrah {Package} Duas
Many pilgrims carry little booklets and chant specific du'as for every circle of the tawaf and sa’ee when they go for Umrah via All Inclusive Umrah Packages. Unlike popular perception, every round of these ceremonies does not have a specific du'a attached to it.
"In tawaf, there is no particular dhikr that was told from the Prophet (PBUH), that he ⷺ either enjoined, said, or taught," claims Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. Instead, the believer may offer any du'a from the Qur'an and Sunnah while performing tawaf. There is no evidence for the precise du'a that many individuals mention saying should be recited beneath mizabs (downspouts) and similar objects. (Al-Fatawa, Majmu' 26/122)
Notwithstanding, the Prophet (PBUH) made prayers several times throughout Umrah, giving us examples to follow. Here is not an entire list of du'as from the Qur'an and Sunnah; you are free to make any kind of du'a during Umrah, including private ones for loved ones. Furthermore, you are not obliged to repeat your prayers only in Arabic. It is important to comprehend the significance of the du'as you recite rather than just reciting them.
Hopefully, the following list will act as a useful guide and enhance the significance of your Umrah experience. However, the following list of duas that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH prayed at different times and that one can recite during umrah
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When you set out on your journey, say a dua?
To enter the holy areas of Makkah, one must first prepare spiritually. It is advised to recite the Du'a al-Safar before departing the house to ask Allah for protection, direction, and support on your journey.
Prayer for the initial glimpse of Kabba
According to reports, the Prophet (SAW) offered some prayers when he first saw the Kaaba:
Saying the dua before entering Haram
Reciting the Tasbeeh, Tahleel, and Takbeer prayers is advised. It is advised to chant Tasbeeh, or Subhan Allah, before entering ihram (glory be to Allah). Takbeer, or Allahu Akbar (Allah is Most Great), and Tahleel, or La ilaha ill Allah (there is no creator except Allah). Bring the right foot first as you reach Masjid Al-Haram to conduct Umrah and say the following dua:
Du'a for Declaring Your Intent to Perform Umrah
After entering the Ihram state, recite two Sunnat-ul Ihram rakahs. Next, state some Arabic or translation words that you intend to conduct Umrah:
Recite the Talbiyah after Ihram
Start reciting the Talbiyah as soon as entering Ihram for the Hajj or Umrah. You should recite the Talbiyah as often as you can while traveling. It is advised to read it in every situation, whether you are standing, sitting, walking, driving, lying down, experiencing small or severe impurities, or going through menstruation. Umrah travelers should stop right before the start of the Umrah Tawaf. Three or more Talbiyahs should be performed, according to advice.
Given how frequently it is recited, you must comprehend its deep significance to deepen our relationship with Allah SWT. Insha'Allah, this will add a lovely richness to our dialogue with Him. As you approach Masjid Al Haram, say the du'a. Recite du'a and put the right foot first as you visit Masjid Al Haram to undertake Umrah.
Saying the Tawaaf dua
The term "tawaf" describes the act of walking counterclockwise in rounds around the Kaaba. One tawaf consists of seven complete rounds, each starting and finishing at the Hajar al Aswad (The Black Stone). Read dua when you face the black stone to make the purpose of the tawaf.
The Prophet PBUH would recite the dua when He (SAW) passed in front of the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
The sunnah is to proceed to Maqam-e-Ibrahim after performing the tawaf, pray two quick rak'ahs behind it, and then stand up right away after reciting the tasleem to make place for others, especially for those who wish to offer the two rak'ahs after tawaf. You need to say Dua while sipping Zamzam.
Praying for Sa'ii
Sa'ii is traversing the two hills, Safa and Marwah, seven times back and forth. When you ascend the Safa Mountain for the first time, you can say the following phrase from the Holy Qur'an:
Saying the Dua as you exit the Masjid-al-Haram
As you exit Masjid Al Haram after this lovely trip, you may read du'a.
Pilgrims must shave or clip their hair after the Saeeh (Halaq or Qasar) within the Haram.
If not shaven, the hair should be clipped to a minimum of one inch or more.
For shorter hair than one inch, it must be shaved.
However, this isn't the preferable solution.
Women may create a ponytail and trim up to an inch from the bottom. They are not permitted to shave their head.
When you repeat du'as, keep in mind the purpose of your journey: to seek Allah SWT's blessings and mercy for all of humanity as well as the fulfillment of our own particular prayers. Hopefully, your Umrah journey reflects the principles of Islam and brings you spiritual growth, harmony, and tranquility. Get ready to embark on the sacred journey by selecting the finest December Umrah packages from New York available to you.
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☀️حَدِيثُ الصَّبَاحِ☀️
💐 أعمال تعدل أجر الحج 💐
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَ صَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
"مَنْ صَلَّى الْغَدَاةَ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ، ثُمَّ قَعَدَ يَذْكُرُ اللهَ حَتَّى تَطْلُعَ الشَّمْسُ ، ثُمَّ صَلَّى رَكْعَتَيْنِ ، كَانَتْ لَهُ كَأَجْرِ حَجَّةٍ ، وَعُمْرَةٍ ، تَامَّةٍ ، تَامَّةٍ ، تَامَّةٍ."
حديث حسن رواه الترمذي.
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☀ Hadith of the day ☀
💐 Deeds that are equal to a Pilgrimage in reward 💐
The prophet ( PBUH ) said:
"Whoever prays Al Fajr in congregation, then sits performing thikr of Allah until the sun rises, then prays two Rak'as, he will get a reward equal to that of (performing) Hajj and Umrah, a complete one, a complete one, a complete one."
Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi.
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☀ Sabah Hadisi ☀
💐Hac Farizasına Denk Gelen Ameller💐
Rasulullah (sav) şöyle buyurmuştur;
[ Kim sabah namazını cemaatle kılar, güneş doğana kadar Allah' ı zikreder ve sonra iki rekat duha (işrak ) namazı kılarsa,
o kimseye hac ve umre sevabı vardır. Not: Peygamberimiz üç kere hac ve umre sevabı vardır diye tekrarlamıştır. ]
Hasen hadis Tirmizi rivayet etmistir.
1. Birçok nedenden dolayı Hacc etmen mümkün olmayabilir. Ancak İslam, imkan bulduğun anda gerçekleştirmek üzere Hacc farizası üzerinden düşmeksizin, sevabı Haccın sevabına eşdeğer olan amelleri kolaylaştırmıştır. Cemaatle kılınan sabah namazından sonra güneş doğana kadar mescitte oturup sonra da iki rekat duha namazı kılmak bir Hacc ve umre sevabına eşdeğerdir. (Müslümanın sabah namazından sonra mescitte oturması mümkün olmazsa, güneş doğana kadar evinde oturmasında ve namazı evinde kılmasında da sakınca yoktur.)
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hajjumrahsblog · 1 hour
Ramadan Umrah Packages: A Spiritual Journey Like No Other
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The Significance of Umrah During Ramadan
Umrah, often referred to as the “lesser pilgrimage,” holds great spiritual value in Islam. While it is not imperative like Hajj, performing Umrah is highly recommended. During Ramadan, the rewards of Umrah are believed to be multiplied, and many Muslims aspire to perform Umrah during this blessed month. It is said that Umrah during Ramadan is equal in reward to performing Hajj with the Prophet (PBUH).
To facilitate this sacred journey, travel companies offer special Ramadan Umrah packages designed to provide pilgrims with a seamless and comfortable experience.
What Do Ramadan Umrah Packages Include?
Ramadan Umrah packages are tailored to meet the needs of pilgrims traveling during the holy month. These packages typically include:
Flights: Round-trip airfare from your home country to Saudi Arabia.
Accommodation: Comfortable hotels in close proximity to the Haram in both Makkah and Madinah.
Transportation: Transfers between airports, hotels, and holy sites.
Visa Processing: Assistance with obtaining the required Umrah visa.
Guidance: Religious guides to help pilgrims with rituals and offer spiritual advice.
By opting for a Ramadan Umrah package, the tour can focus entirely on their worship, while the logistics of the trip are taken care of by the travel agency.
Benefits of Booking a Ramadan Umrah Package
Hassle-Free Travel: With Ramadan Umrah packages, all essential arrangements, from flights to accommodations, are handled, ensuring a stress-free experience.
Ideal Location: Many packages offer accommodation close to the Haram, allowing pilgrims to spend more time in worship and less time commuting.
Flexible Packages: Ramadan Umrah packages are available for different durations, from 7-day trips to longer stays, so you can choose one that suits your schedule.
Expert Guidance: Professional guides are often included, ensuring pilgrims perform all the rituals correctly and in accordance with Islamic teachings.
December Umrah Packages: An Alternative for Non-Ramadan Pilgrims
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How to Choose the Right Umrah Package
With many options available, selecting the right Umrah package requires some consideration:
Budget: Choose a package that fits your financial situation.Umrah packages tend to be more expensive due to high demand, while December Umrah packages can be more budget-friendly.
Accommodation: Proximity to the Haram is important for ease of access. Check how far the hotel is from the holy sites.
Inclusions: Ensure the package includes essential services such as flights, transportation, and visa processing.
Final Thought
Whether you are looking to perform Umrah during the spiritually rewarding month of Ramadan or considering a December Umrah package for a more relaxed experience, there are numerous options to choose from. Ramadan Umrah packages offer a unique opportunity to deepen your faith and earn immense rewards, while December Umrah packages provide a comfortable and affordable alternative. No matter when you decide to embark on this journey, it is a deeply spiritual experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : The Emergence of Fake Prophets
After the Farewell Hajj of the Prophet, the Muslims that came from the places outside Madinah returned to their homeland. They conveyed the messages and teachings of the Prophet to their people.
The third verse of the chapter of al-Maida sent down during the Farewell Hajj stated that the religion had become perfect. This also indicated that the death of the Messenger of Allah was near. Some Muslims felt it. The fact that the Prophet became ill after the Farewell Hajj strengthened this feeling.
Meanwhile, some Arabs claimed to be prophets.
The first one of them was Abhala b. Ka’b, who was known as Aswad al-Ansi, from the tribe of Sons of Ans. He was a soothsayer and magician; he affected people very easily with his words.[ Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 189, 218. ]
This man, who appeared in Yemen, claimed that he was a prophet and that angels brought revelation to him. He deceived many people of Yemen with lies and tricks. The people of Najran followed him. Then, he went to San’a and invaded San’a; thus, he expanded his rule of mischief.
The Muslim governors and officials who were in Yemen had to leave Yemen. Muadh b. Jabal went to Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, who was in Ma’rib. Then, they went to Hadramut together.
The Messenger of Allah was informed about the situation. He sent this message to the Muslims in Yemen: “Eliminate Ab­ha­laone way or another.”[ Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 215. ]
Upon this order, the Muslims in Yemen took action and killed him in his house. The news that Aswad was killed reached the Prophet on Sunday, one day before his death. After Aswad, the liar was killed, the Muslim governors and officials returned to Yemen.
In the 10th year of the Migration, Musaylima al-Kadhdhab (the Liar) claimed to be a prophet in Yama­ma.
Musaylima had come to Madinah with the representatives of Sons of Hanifa and had become a Muslim by talking to the Prophet. When he returned to Yamama, he exited Islam.[ Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 223; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 162. ]
After his conversion from Islam, Musaylima started to claim and propagate that he was a partner of the Prophet. Thanks to his witchcraft, he deceived many people from the people of Sons of Hanif and Yamama; they gathered around him. Once, he dared to imitate the Quran. He made up some ridiculous words and recited them as if they were from the Quran. Some of the sentences that he made up were as follows:
“The elephant, what is the elephant, and who shall tell you what is the elephant? It has a poor tail, and a long trunk; and is a trifling part of the creations of thy God!”
Another passage that ridiculed Musaylima was as follows:
“Croak, frog, as thou wilt: part of thee in the water and part in the mud; thou hinderst not the drinker, nor dost thou befoul the stream! Wait on the ground until the rat brings you the news of death.”[ Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 5, p. 551; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 254. ]
The Prophet sent a message to the Muslims around Najd and told them to eliminate Musaylima al-Kadhdhab.
After the death of the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Abu Bakr sent an army under the command of Khalid b. Walid to attack Musaylima. Wahshi b. Harb killed him with the same spear that he had martyred  Hazrat Hamza.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Famous Grandfathers of the Prophet
Undoubtedly, we do not have much knowledge on all the ancestors who carried the Master of the Universe’s light as a Divine trust on their foreheads. The ancestors about whom we have the most knowledge are the ones who are closest in time. Here we will take a short glance at their lives and personalities.
Qusai, the fourth grandfatherof the Holy Prophet and whose real name was Zayd, was a very important figure. He had only one male sibling by the name of Zuhra.
From these two siblings, Qusai was granted the honor of bearing the noor that came down from Hazrat Adam. From childhood, Qusai garnered much attention for his talents and grew up to be one of the leading figures of Mecca. In a short time, he gained much reliability amongst the people of Mecca for his fair decisions as well as his skills in governance and administration. For this reason, the governance of Mecca was given to him.  He divided Mecca into districts for the first time. He situated every tribe into the district that he allocated for them. The most important decisions of Mecca were discussed and decided in his home.  Important tasks such as safeguarding the Ka’aba, providing water for and hosting the pilgrims of Hajj, erecting the flag at times of war, and governing the Meccan assembly, were entrusted in him. The first house that was across from the Ka’aba and whose door faced the Ka’aba was specially constructed for Qusai. This house was a parliament, like a type of governmental building or the state of the Meccan city, where all sorts of works and issues were discussed. Historically, Qusai’s residency was known as “Daru’n-Nadwa” and it found fame with this name. It was conserved until half a century after the Hijra (migration).
Qusai was loved and respected by everyone without exception. The noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that he carried on his forehead, made him beloved to and the bosom friend of the Meccan people.
In accordance with the custom, Qusay handed over the role of the family chieftain to his oldest son, Abduddar when he got old and said, “My Beloved son, I appoint you as the chief of this tribe”.
However, Abduddar did not possess the skills to undertake such a great duty. Throughout his life he was unable to fill his father’s place because the noor of the Patron of the Universe was not shining on his forehead, but was on his younger brother’s, Abd Manaf who had four sons: Hashim, Abdusshams, Muttalib, and Nawfal. 
Hashim is the grandfather of the Holy Prophet from the second generation.
Hashim was a tradesman; he was one of the notables of Mecca’s gentry. As the birth date of the Holy Prophet was nearing, the noor of the Holy Prophet on his forehead was shining even brighter. In addition, he had eminent virtues.
He was extremely generous. During a year of drought, no bread could be found. He had snow-white bread made from the pure wheat he brought from Damascus, cut several camels and sheep, and offered a huge feast composed of bread, meat, gravy, and broth to the whole of Meccan people.
Because Hashim was of high moral character, aptitude, was wise, generous, virtuous, was loved and respected by everyone, and had a noble personality, his name became the title for his family and posterity. For this reason, they termed this great lineage that includes our master of the Universe as the “Hashemites”.
Hashim had four sons: Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib), Asad, Abu Sayfi, and Nadla. 
Hashim’s progeny continued from his sons Shaiba and Asad. Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation whereas Asad is the uncle of Hazrati Ali’s mother, Fatimah.
However, when Hunain, who came from Asad’s progeny, did not have any descendants; every Hashemite was descended from Abdulmuttalib’s branch, proliferated, and spread across the Earth. 
Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib)
Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation. Since he was born with white hair, the name “Shaiba” was given to him; he gained fame with his nickname, Abdulmuttalib and was mentioned more by this name.
The story of how he was given this nickname:
Shaiba stayed with his maternal uncles in Medina during his childhood. One day he and his neighborhood friends were throwing arrows with the other children in a public square in Medina. Amongst all the children, he was easily distinguished by the noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that shone on his forehead. There, a crowd of grownups gathered to watch the children compete.
It was Shaiba’s turn to throw an arrow. He placed the arrow in the bow and stretched the bow in a confident manner. For a moment, he stopped breathing and unleashed the bow. The arrow that sprung from the bow hit its exact aim. When everyone looked at him with amazement, he brought the following words to his tongue through the happiness and excitement that he felt with this success:
“I am Hashim’s son. I am Sir Betha’s son. Of course my arrow will find its target”.
The adults that came to watch heard Shaiba’s commendatory words. One of Harith bin Abd-Manaf sons came close to him and learnt that he was Hashim’s sons by cross-examining. On his return to Mecca, this man explained the situation to Muttalib and remarked that it was not right for such a talented and intelligent child to be left in a foreign province.
Upon hearing this news, Muttalib immediately went to Medina and brought Shaiba to Mecca. As Muttalib was arriving to Mecca with Shaiba on the back of his saddle, they asked:
“Who is this child?”
Muttalib was afraid that this child would be affected with the evil eye so the words “my slave” came out of his mouth.
When he arrived home, his wife, Khadija, asked the same question. Once more, the answer was “my slave”.
The next day Shaiba began to roam the streets of Mecca with the new and beautiful clothes that his uncle bought for him. Everyone became curious about his identity and began to ask questions. Those who knew answered, “Abdulmuttalib” (Abdulmuttalib’s slave).
Despite his identity being later revealed, his nickname remained “Abdul-Muttalib” from that day on.
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talbiyaumrah · 2 months
Affordable and Flexible: 10-Day Umrah Packages from India
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Affordable and Flexible: 10-Day Umrah Packages from India
Embarking on a divine journey to perform Umrah is a deeply cherished goal for many Muslims. However, the constraints of a busy schedule can often make this dream seem impossible. Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. understands these challenges and offers a range of Short Stay Umrah Packages to accommodate those with limited time. Umrah holds great significance in Islam, serving as a means to cleanse the soul and draw closer to Allah. Unlike Hajj, Umrah can be performed at any time of the year, making it a flexible option for travelers. Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd.'s thoughtfully designed packages ensure that every traveler's needs are met with care and ease.
10 Days Super Saver Package
The 10-Day Super Saver Package is perfect for individuals who don’t have much time but want to complete Umrah. This package allows you to fulfill your spiritual obligations in just ten days without feeling rushed. Every ritual is performed properly, ensuring that none are missed. It is ideal for those who can't spend fifteen or twenty days in Mecca, allowing for a quick yet fulfilling journey. Accommodations are provided in comfortable hotels, such as Al Qliyan Palace, Al Qaswa Tower, or Shurakaa Al Khair, all within 1000 meters of the Holy Mosque. Shuttle bus services make travel easy and relaxed.
In Madinah, you'll stay at Muna Al Salam, Burj Muadda, or Karam Al Sada, all located within 500 meters of the Prophet's Mosque. Umrah is a sacred pilgrimage that Muslims can undertake at any time of the year. It holds immense importance in Islam, helping cleanse the soul and renew one's faith. This 10-day Super Saver Package is recognized as one of the best Umrah packages from India, offering a complete Hajj and Umrah experience at a competitive cost without compromising quality. Choose this package to embark on a meaningful divine journey without the need for a long stay.
10 Days Corporate Economy Package
The 10-Day Corporate Economy Package is ideal for those who have limited time to perform Umrah. This package is designed to allow pilgrims to complete all the necessary rituals without any rush or missing out on important aspects. Lodging is provided in hotels such as Rhehab Al Munshiya or Nada Al Hejra, located just 500 meters from Haram in Makkah. In Madinah, accommodations include Muna Al Salam, Burj Muadda, or Karam Al Sada.
Umrah is an important act of worship in Islam, offering a way to seek forgiveness and blessings. It can be completed at any time of the year, with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighting that performing Umrah removes sins committed between each pilgrimage. This package is the best Umrah package from India for those with busy schedules, providing a practical and affordable solution. The Hajj and Umrah package includes everything needed for a smooth and fulfilling experience, with reasonable Umrah costs from India and comfortable accommodations near the holy sites.
10 Days Corporate Semi Deluxe Package
Umrah is a special journey for Muslims, offering a chance to refresh their faith and dedication. Imagine Mecca filled with pilgrims from all over the world, united in their worship. While smaller than Hajj-Umrah still holds significant importance and can be performed at any time of the year, making it ideal for those with limited time. Our 10 Days Corporate Semi Deluxe Package is designed for comfort and ease, featuring 3-star hotels situated only 200 to 500 meters from the holy sites. It's perfect for those seeking the best Umrah package from India and those curious about the Umrah cost from India.
Umrah provides an opportunity for divine renewal and a closer connection with Allah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized its importance, noting that it cleanses sins and brings blessings. If you’re planning a 10-day trip, the Corporate Semi Deluxe package is tailored to meet your needs, ensuring a pleasant and spiritually uplifting journey. This package includes everything necessary for an enriching experience, making it an excellent choice for those planning a short spiritual getaway.
10 Days Corporate Deluxe Package
Embark on a spiritual journey with the 10-Day Corporate Deluxe Package, a precisely crafted offering that ensures travelers perform Umrah with ease and devotion. This package is celebrated as one of the best Umrah packages from India, designed to provide a remarkable experience filled with comfort and luxury. Although not obligatory like Hajj, Umrah holds significant religious value in Islam, allowing Muslims to cleanse their souls and seek forgiveness from Allah.
Our 10 Days Corporate Deluxe Package includes accommodations at top-tier hotels to ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible. In Makkah, you'll stay at Emaar Grand, Al Massa Grand, or Ramada, located just 500 meters from the Haram. In Madinah, accommodations include ODIST, Zowar International, or Haya Plaza, all conveniently located 200 meters from the Prophet's Mosque.
This Hajj and Umrah package allows travelers to perform Umrah without haste, focusing on spiritual fulfillment and comfort. The services and facilities provided ensure that you experience devotion and luxury, balancing the Umrah cost from India with exceptional value.
10 Days Corporate Delight Package
Embark on a spiritual journey like never before with our 10 Days Corporate Delight Package. Specifically crafted for those who find it challenging to allot fifteen or twenty days in Mecca, this package offers a comprehensive Umrah experience within a shortened timeframe. This package ensures that pilgrims can perform Umrah with utmost ease and comfort while enjoying our premium services.
For those seeking the best Umrah package from India, this option stands out due to its unmatched convenience and luxury. The Umrah cost from India is designed to provide value without compromising on quality, making it a brilliant choice for busy professionals. Our package includes stays at top-tier hotels in both Makkah and Madinah, ensuring a luxurious and restful experience. In Makkah, guests can choose from Makarem Ajyad, Elaf Al Masheer, or Elaf Al Kinda. In Madinah, accommodations include Zower International and Areek Taiba, known for their exceptional service and proximity to holy sites.
Umrah holds deep significance in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized its virtues, stating that it is an expiation for sins committed between each Umrah. Performing Umrah brings Muslims closer to Allah, and choosing our Hajj and Umrah package means embracing a journey that is both spiritually enriching and logistically seamless. Our 10-Day Corporate Delight Package is precisely crafted to cater to those with tight schedules, ensuring they do not miss out on this important act of worship.
Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. offers a range of short-stay Umrah packages designed to fit busy schedules while providing a fulfilling and relaxing experience. These packages, including the 10 Days Super Saver Package, 10 Days Corporate Economy Package, 10 Days Corporate Semi Deluxe Package, 10 Days Corporate Deluxe Package, and the 10-Day Corporate Delight Package, cater to various preferences and budgets. Each package ensures you complete all rituals without feeling rushed, with comfortable accommodations close to the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah. Let us transform your dream into reality, making Umrah a seamless and spiritually uplifting journey.
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