#Hamm's 1999
hammannii · 9 months
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Why are you so....
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THEY MADE HIM SO SILLY😭😭😭 He's so cute
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soccersoccer · 4 months
"She was my idol growing up!" The USWNT inspires the world.
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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Hamm voiced by John Ratzenberger
Toy Story 2 (1999)
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isawken · 1 month
22 year old pretty boy with a septum piercing outside the bar trying to manipulate me into taking him back to my place so he can steal my vintage gaming consoles: you really should stop smoking. it smells awful, and cigarettes are bad for you anyways. wouldn’t you rather play Shenmue, released in 1999, on the Sega Dreamcast?
me, halfway through my fifth can of Hamm’s:
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cruyffista · 2 months
Favorite non-European (and non-South American) old/retired football player?
For women's:
I love a lot of the former USWNT players like Mia Hamm, Abby Wambach, Brandi Chastain, Michelle Akers and Brianna Scurry.
Also, Homare Sawa and Aya Miyama who played for the Japanese NT, Sun Wen who played for the Chinese NT.
Mercy Akide and Perpetua Nkwocha who played for the Nigerian NT. Genoveva Añonman who played for Equatorial Guinea.
For men's:
For Australian NT (didn't include any female Australian NT players because our best players are currently playing): Tim Cahill, Mark Viduka, Mark Schwarzer and Mark Bosnich (who had a crazy life).
Special mention to the 1974 Australian squad who somehow managed to qualify for the world cup despite mostly being part time salesmen who played for amateur clubs.
Park Ji-Sung for South Korean NT, Hidetoshi Nakata who played for the Japanese NT (Perugia 1998/1999 kit will always be iconic).
George Weah for Liberian NT, Didier Drogba for Ivory Coast NT.
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if you ask me Foudy thinks the US can’t win and wants them to play all youth so they will be “better next time” she had a similar attitude before the last WC wanted Mal getting more mins in 2019, thought they would lose to france. she’s just stuck in the 90s when her and Mia Hamm were competitive players at 16. those days are over youth is great but experience won us the last cup and is required to compete in this one
Move on Julie Foudy.😂 its not 1999 anymore. Umm god bless Mia Hamm though (i won't speak badly about Her ever). But yes i think Foudy wants the uswnt completely gutted and remade with younger players. She doesn't understand the importance of having both vets and young stars on the same team.
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nerdy-sessions · 2 years
Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! Review: Nostalgia on the PS5
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Once upon a time, my younger brother @genwzrd came to visit me at my house after spending almost a year in England getting a Master's degree. One of things he was very excited to see (besides my little girl and...ya know...me) was my brand spanking new PlayStation5. We've both been PlayStation purists since the PS2 when we were kids.
So what game...what utter graphical masterpiece...did I dazzle him with first, you ask? Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart? The Last of Us Part 2? Far Cry 6? Ghost of Tsushima?! GOAT SIMULATOR!?
Nah. This.
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The first game I showed my brother on the PlayStation5 was Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue.
I'm not proud of it either...
But I just bought the rereleased version for 7 dollarbucks on the PlayStation Store, and nostalgia blinded us. The original came out in 1999 for the Nintendo 64, the OG PlayStation, PC, and Mac.
I owned this game as a kid on the PC, which was released under the name Disney/Pixar's Action Game: Toy Story 2. And we played the HECK out of it.
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We all know the story of the classic Pixar sequel Toy Story 2, right? Woody gets toy-napped by Wayne Knight, and Buzz leads a rescue mission to save him. The game essentially follows the story of the movie, but takes creative liberties with characters and levels to streamline things.
...but Buzz's laser actually works and can be used as a weapon to straight-up destroy enemy toys.
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The implications are...through the roof here.
The game is a platformer at it's finest, so if you enjoy old-school platformers, I definitely recommend checking this one out. It runs really well on the PS5...obviously...
The game is divided into 15 "levels" that (sometimes) follow the movie. All the levels are organized into groups of 3; 2 levels that are explorable and open, followed by a boss level after that.
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You play as Buzz, using your aforementioned actual REAL laser, to blast your way through the levels. You can also use your wings as a melee attack (Buzz will comically spin his upper half all the way around doing this).
Each normal explorable level has collectables called Pizza Planet Tokens to collect. Collecting these tokens is how to progress in the game. You need to collect at least one token to move on to the next level. There 5 of these tokens on each of these levels to collect if you are going for 100%. Collecting some of these tokens will require you to progress to further levels to unlock required items. You can return to the level and collect the tokens.
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Each of the 5 tokens per level have a specific thing you must do to collect them:
Each level has coins you can collect. Collect 50 of these and deliver them to Hamm to get a token (this is the easiest way to get tokens).
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Each level has a mini-boss to find and defeat. Defeating these bosses awards a token. Some of these bosses require special weapons to defeat.
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Each level has a character that will ask you find 5 missing things located throughout the area and return the items to them (i.e. Bow Peep wants you to find 5 missing sheep on Level 1). Doing so will award a token.
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Each level has some kind of race or time trial-esque event to win. Doing so will net you a token.
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Each level has a secret token to be found, usually requiring you to solve a puzzle or complete a tricky platforming maneuver to obtain.
I've mentioned special weapons and items. How do you unlock them? Occasionally, on the normal levels, Mr. Potato Head can be found. He will inform the player he has lost one of his precious body parts. Locate the said missing body part and return it Potato Head to unlock the item in not just that level, but all the levels the item can be found in.
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The boss levels are a harder-than-normal boss fights. The most difficult and fun ones have got to be the last two boss levels: fighting Zurg in the elevator shaft, and fighting Prospector and his cronies on the plane at the end.
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Well, that's basically the premise of the game. Let's get to the pros and cons of this PS5 port.
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As stated above, the game runs fabulously on the PS5. I mean...it was originally on the OG PlayStation, so that's a given.
It's a really fun platformer with lots of running, jumping, climbing and swinging around to get to where you need to go.
The collectables are fun to find in the various levels. Platforming and exploring is rewarded for sure.
The levels are amazingly designed and easy to navigate. The designers invented a handful of levels not from the movie to provide more content (i.e. a construction site, a part of Al's Toy Barn dedicated to sci-fi and space toys, etc).
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Definitely a better Buzz Lightyear experience than the new Lightyear movie. #yeahIsaidit
The controls are...odd. For example, instead of using the right stick to rotate the camera around Buzz, you have to use R2 and L2. On top of that, you have to disable automatic camera rotation in the options. This can make for some difficult platforming at times.
Speaking of the platforming, if you mess up on a platforming obstacle (i.e. climbing the tree in Andy's Neighborhood, the construction yard, etc.), you can occasionally fall allllll the waaaay down and have to start all over. That can be immensely frustrating.
The graphics aren't updated. This can make the game look...well...cursed.
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#oi #toinfinityanddankness
The cutscenes are just clips from the movie. I've seen the movie, ok game? Let's see some old-school PlayStation graphics cutscenes, a'ight?
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So...this game is 23 years old. That's the fact. However, if you are a sucker for old school platforming nostalgia, give this a shot! Even if it's pretty dank at times, it was pretty fun to revisit.
It's not a GREAT game, but it was a good time-killer for a couple of days.
Overall, I give Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue on the PS5 a 3/5.
...I mostly played it for the nostalgia and the meme, to be honest. As a kid, I was stuck on Level 1 for weeeeeeks. My dad even tried to hack them game so I could progress to level 2 without collecting a token.
A spoiled child am I.
Have you guys ever played this li'l gem? What are your thoughts? Let me know...
And remember...
~to infinity, and beyond!
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
U.S. Women's National Team Will Play Mexico In New Jersey On July 13, Presented By New ...
In 1999, the USA opened the FIFA Women's World Cup in New Jersey with a 3-0 win over Denmark at the old Giants Stadium in front of 78,972. Mia Hamm, …
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mariachastain · 4 months
My origin story
Hello. A little bit about me as I start on this journey. I love soccer. I tell people that soccer is my religion. If you can't tell by the use of my word "soccer" over "football," I am American, and I fell in love with the game late. The first game I ever watched was the 1999 USWNT final vs. China. I don't know why I was home that day, as I was never home in high school. I don't know what prompted me to turn on the 13 inch television in my room and settle on that game, but I did. I watched the whole damn game. The overtime. Every penalty. The only name I had ever heard of at that time was Mia Hamm. But Brandi Chastain was the one who made the lasting impression. When she ripped her shirt off...that moment was etched in my little feminist brain FOREVER. Then, I went to live in El Salvador for a few years where I had to pledge my allegiance to either Real Madrid or Barcelona. Years later, I would finally make that decision and opt for Atlético Madrid thanks to my love for Fernando Torres. Now, I am addicted. If it's Saturday or Sunday morning, I am watching a Premier League game. If it's Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, I have the TV turned to a UCL match. I even watch an occasional Europa League game on a Thursday afternoon, much to the behest of my other soccer friends. But I live for the World Cup and I can't wait for it come to the United States in 2026. And, I always root for a good underdog (I'm talking to you Morocco and you Leicester City). And, if you're a Manc, you're a wank (both City and United), and North London will always be Lily White and never red. But deep down, I love Chelsea, ever since their miraculous Champions League run in 2012.
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shammah8 · 5 months
"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
An extraordinary life in Christ does not just depend on teachings, circumstances or comfort. In many countries in the world today there are severe restrictions and obstacles facing parents in instructing their children in the ways of the Lord. In communist countries like China and Vietnam it is officially against the law to share the Gospel with anybody under the age of eighteen years, including your own children.
In the Middle East, Christian schools are non-existent and Christian children are forced to attend Muslim schools and receive instruction from the Koran and Muslim teachers. Yet, it seems as if Christian families in restricted areas are more Godly and committed to the Lord than their counterparts in the west, where opportunities abound and Christians live in abundance.
The lessons that we learn from the persecuted Church are of far more value than seminars or devotionals can ever be — the lessons of true discipleship and wholesome living. Lessons that are neither theology nor speculation but teachings of life, reality and practice.
Gerhard Hamm was one of the thousands of faithful believers through whom God’s light continued to shine in the Soviet Union during the years when communism reigned there.
He grew up in the Ural Mountains where his parents farmed. But then communism arose and in 1929 the “bandits” came, as Gerhard later often called the Bolsheviks. Because his father was a Christian and of German descent, he was arrested and exiled to Siberia. The farm was confiscated.
Mother Hamm and her twenty children also moved to Siberia. For a few years, the family was together. Then Gerhard’s father was taken away from his family and never came back. None of the family knows where his grave is. All the churches were closed and atheistic propaganda was being disseminated all around.
As a young boy Gerhard lost his father, his security, his home and his freedom — all because of the name of Jesus. Hunger and cold were his daily lot, an obvious reason for a young teenager to resent God and His commands. But despite the difficulties, ridicule and persecution, Mother Hamm prayed every day with her children, and they read the Bible together.
When Gerhard Hamm died in 1999 at the age of 76, he left a legacy of faithful children behind. All of his children and their spouses were devoted Christians. His grandchildren have all committed their lives to the Lord. All of Gerhard’s nineteen brothers and sisters and their spouses and children followed the footsteps of Jesus and many are still involved in various ministries reaching all corners of the globe.
Today I will take seriously the challenge of teaching, training and discipling my children or young people with whom I have close relationship.
Lord, help me to live a life of self-sacrifice so young people will see You and want to follow.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission
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napabeer · 11 months
The Timeless Tale of Downtown Joe's: A Napa Landmark Since 1893
Located along Napa’s picturesque riverfront, the building that houses Downtown Joe's is a historical gem that’s been a favorite of locals and visitors since it opened its doors in 1893. Steeped in rich history, this iconic property has survived fires and earthquakes to emerge as a beloved gathering spot for food and beer enthusiasts alike.
Now considered one of the city’s best brewery and restaurant establishments, our river view eatery has a reputation for serving delectable cuisine that tantalizes the taste buds. But a visit to Downtown Joe’s goes far beyond an exceptional dining experience. It also boasts a vibrant atmosphere with live music that sets the stage for unforgettable evenings. To complete the experience, guests can indulge in our finely crafted beers, local wines, and innovative cocktails that beautifully complement their delicious meals.
A Little History of Downtown Joe’s
Downtown Joe's began as a general store named The Oberon. Napa locals would stop in for everything from haircuts to cigars and a refreshing cold beer or two. However, the cherished hangout was dealt a devastating blow in 1932 when a quick-spreading fire left the building in ruins.
In just two years, the restored Oberon building was once again welcoming guests, including as a stomping ground for boxing legend Rocky Marciano. In 2010, the building underwent a meticulous seismic retrofit which saved it from another structural catastrophe during the formidable Napa earthquake in 2014. To this day, our restaurant contributes to seismic research via a small seismograph!
Downtown Joe’s brewing legacy began in 1985 when Chuck Ankeny, the great-grandson of famed Minnesota brewer Theodore Hamms, decided to start a microbrewery in the Napa region. By 1988, he and Santa Rosa brewmaster Brian Hunt launched their seven-barrel microbrewery and called it Willit's Brewery.
In 1993, local residents Joe and Nancye Peatman, along with Joe Ruffino, acquired Willit's Brewery and gave birth to the Downtown Joe's we know and love today. In 1999, brewmaster Colin Kaminski joined our team, later taking over brewery operations. With the support of their loved ones, the Peatmans are proud to carry on the tradition of a warm and inviting neighborhood brewery and restaurant, treating each person who walks through its doors as a cherished family member.
As Napa continues to evolve into a vibrant travel destination, Downtown Joe's has remained true to its humble origins. It stands as a treasured connection to Old Napa’s rustic charm and the incredible people who called it home before “King Grape” took hold.
Add Historic Downtown Joe’s to Your Napa Visit
No visit to Napa would be complete without immersing yourself in the rich history and vibrant atmosphere of Downtown Joe's, where you can take in relaxing river views, enjoy good food and live music, and indulge in some of the region’s best craft beers. With its deep-rooted connection to Napa's past and inviting modern amenities, we’re an essential stop on your Napa itinerary, promising an unforgettable experience steeped in tradition and charm.
We now accept phone-in reservations up to four hours before seating time, 24-hour advance online reservations, and walk-ins are always welcome!
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hammannii · 8 months
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Hey Click, 🎤🎤🎤 how does it feel to not need to be fixed? How does it feel to be perfect? 🎤🎤🎤 How does it feel to be so scrunkley?🎤🎤🎤
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Beer Events 6.15
Magna Carta signed (included Article 35 calling for standard measures for ale; 1215)
John La Baffie became 1st licensed brewer at Fort Orange, New Netherlands (now Albany, New York; 1647)
Sebastien Artois bought a brewery, renaming it Brasseries Artois (1717)
38th U.S. Brewers Association convention held (1898)
Leopold Vogel and John Burrows patented a beer Refrigerator (1915)
William Hamm Jr. kidnapped by the Barker-Karpis Gang (1933)
Carling Ale 1st for sale (1934)
Thomas Ferguson patented a Liquid Dispensing Apparatus (1937)
Albert Karlson patented a Barrel Tap (1937)
Ludvik Sibal patented a Fluid Pressure Controlling Apparatus (1943)
Michael Zwosta patented a Beer Control and Pipe-Cleaning Apparatus (1948)
Edward Chanda patented a Tap Structure (1954)
Florian Dauenhauer patented an Apparatus for Picking Hops from Hop Branches and Clusters and for Separating Leaves and Stems Therefrom (1954)
1st Pizza Hut opened (1958)
Donald Monson patented a Faucet and Valve Structure Therefor (1965)
Conrad Lenz patented a Method for Preparing Beer Wort (1971)
Fella-Werke patented a Self-Propelled Hop Harvesting Machine (1976)
Anheuser Marzen introduced (1988)
HopUnion patented the Hop Variety Named “Columbus” (1999)
Samuel Smith Organic Ale 1st imported to U.S. (2000)
S.S. Steiner patented the Bittering of Beer (2004)
Granite City Brewery patented an Apparatus for Distributed Production of Beer (2010)
Krones patented a Method and Device for Brewing Beer (2010)
Brewery Openings
McKenzie River Brewing (California; 1987)
Kennebunkport Brewing (Maine; 1992)
Chubby's Brewpub (Saskatchewan, Canada; 1994)
Crooked River Brewing (Ohio; 1994)
Olde Town Tavern & Brewery (Maryland; 1994)
Redhook Ale Brewery Woodinville (WA; 1994)
Neptune Brewery (New York; 1995)
Table Rock Brewing (Idaho; 1995)
North East Brewing (Massachusetts; 1996)
Saint Simons Brewing (Georgia; 1996)
Duneland Brewhouse (Indiana; 1997)
Jack's Mountain Brewery (Pennsylvania; 1998)
Melbourn Brothers Brewery (England; 2001)
Onopa Brewing (Wisconsin; 2001)
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are 20 of the biggest upsets in sports history, along with some details on why they were so surprising:
1. Miracle on Ice (1980): The U.S. men's hockey team, made up of amateur and collegiate players, defeated the heavily-favored Soviet team in the semi-finals of the Winter Olympics. The victory was seen as a symbol of American resilience and patriotism during the Cold War.
2. Leicester City's Premier League Championship (2016): Leicester City, a small soccer club with 5,000-to-1 odds of winning the Premier League, shocked the world by taking home the title. Their improbable run captivated fans around the globe.
3. Buster Douglas defeats Mike Tyson (1990): In one of the biggest upsets in boxing history, James "Buster" Douglas knocked out the previously undefeated Mike Tyson in the tenth round of their heavyweight title fight.
4. Appalachian State defeats Michigan (2007): Appalachian State, a small college football program, stunned the Michigan Wolverines in Michigan Stadium. The Mountaineers became the first Division I-AA team to beat a ranked Division I-A team.
5. Rulon Gardner wins gold (2000): Rulon Gardner, an American wrestler, defeated the heavily-favored Russian Alexander Karelin in the Greco-Roman heavyweight final at the Sydney Olympics. Karelin had not lost a match in 13 years and was considered unbeatable.
6. The Miracle Mets (1969): The New York Mets, a newly-formed expansion team, won the World Series in their first playoff appearance. They defeated the heavily-favored Baltimore Orioles in five games.
7. Joe Namath's Guarantee (1969): New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath guaranteed victory over the heavily-favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III. The Jets won 16-7, and Namath's guarantee became legendary.
8. Japan defeats South Africa (2015): In one of the biggest upsets in rugby history, Japan defeated South Africa in the opening round of the 2015 Rugby World Cup. The Brave Blossoms had never won a World Cup match before.
9. The 1985 Villanova Wildcats: Villanova, an eighth-seeded college basketball team, defeated Georgetown in the NCAA championship game. The Wildcats shot an incredible 78.6% from the field in the game.
10. The 1980 Wimbledon Final: Bjorn Borg, who had won the previous four Wimbledon titles, was defeated by unheralded American John McEnroe in an epic five-set match.
11. The 2004 Boston Red Sox: The Red Sox became the first team in baseball history to come back from a 3-0 deficit in a playoff series. They went on to win the World Series, ending an 86-year championship drought.
12. The 1991 Minnesota Twins: The Twins, who finished last in their division the previous year, won the World Series. They defeated the heavily-favored Atlanta Braves in seven games.
13. The 1985 Chicago Bears: The Bears, led by their dominant defense, steamrolled their way to the Super Bowl. They defeated the New England Patriots 46-10, one of the most lopsided Super Bowl victories in history.
14. The 1999 U.S. Women's Soccer Team: The U.S. women's soccer team, led by Mia Hamm and Brandi Chastain, won the World Cup in dramatic fashion. Chastain's game-winning penalty kick and subsequent celebration became iconic moments in sports history.
15. The 1992 Duke Blue Devils: Duke, a team that many experts believed was too small and too young to compete at the highest level, won the NCAA basketball championship. They defeated the heavily-favored Michigan Wolverines in the final.
16. The 1992 U.S. Men's Basketball Team: The "Dream Team," made up of NBA superstars like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, dominated the Olympic basketball tournament. They won each game by an average of 44 points.
17. The 2006 Miami Heat: The Heat, led by an aging Shaquille O'Neal and a young Dwyane Wade, defeated the heavily-favored Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals. The Heat became the first team in NBA history to come back from a 2-0 deficit to win the championship.
18. The 1950 World Cup: The United States, a team made up mostly of amateurs and semi-professionals, defeated England 1-0 in one of the biggest upsets in soccer history. The game is known as the "Miracle on Grass."
19. The 2001 New England Patriots: The Patriots, led by quarterback Tom Brady, won the Super Bowl as heavy underdogs. They defeated the "Greatest Show on Turf" St. Louis Rams in one of the most thrilling Super Bowl games ever played.
20. The 2011 Dallas Mavericks: The Mavericks, a team that had been labeled as playoff chokers for years, won the NBA championship. They defeated the heavily-favored Miami Heat, led by LeBron James, in six games. Dirk Nowitzki was named Finals MVP.
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nextquotes · 1 year
It wasn't until 1999 when my idols Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly took home the women's World Cup trophy at the Rose Bowl in front of 40 million TV viewers that I remember thinking how rare it was to see women play sports on TV.
- Alex Morgan
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offlineswiss · 2 years
How do you play japan world cup 3
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Match Threads Sledge Threads Sub Laws Tier 1 Leagues & Intl's Guide AMAs /r/Rugbyunion on Twitter Channel 2 - r/rugbyunion2 Create Match Threads Channel 2 - r/rugbyunion2 Discord Other Subs
She and her teammates had been part-time employees at the plant, but were away at a training camp when the earthquake struck, said DiCicco, who coaches the Breakers.2017 6 Nations Rugby World Cup 2015 Rugby World Cup 2015 Rugby World Cup 2015 Rugby World Cup 2015 2015 World Cup!!!XD!?# The team scrapped its season after the disaster, and Sameshima has relocated to the United States. Her former team, TEPCO Mareeze, was sponsored by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which operated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that experienced multiple meltdowns and a substantial radiation leak in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami. We have to shut her down.”įive American players have recently become teammates with Japanese defender Aya Sameshima on the Boston Breakers of Women’s Professional Soccer. “Their team gets their pulse through her. “She’s a great leader,” Christie Rampone, the American captain, said of Sawa. Now it is converting its chances into exquisite and bountiful goals. Since the United States played Japan in a pair of exhibitions in May, Japan has matured. It has discipline, savvy and skill - not unlike France, which created havoc in the American midfield during Wednesday’s other semifinal. With her guidance, Japan possessed the ball 60 percent of the time against Sweden. Sawa’s recent form suggests that is unlikely. Wambach teased Sawa in a television interview with a Japanese reporter in Düsseldorf on Thursday, saying, “I know you’re making your country proud and hopefully you play terrible on Sunday.” “She has put the entire team on her shoulders.” “They call her Princess and Queen back home,” said Abby Wambach, the star American forward and a former club teammate of Sawa’s. In this World Cup, Sawa, 32, scored a hat trick against Mexico and delivered the go-ahead goal in Wednesday’s victory over Sweden. American players are particularly fond of the pioneering Japanese midfielder Homare Sawa - her country’s Mia Hamm - who has played professionally in the United States. The rivalry with the United States has been as friendly as it has been lopsided. While Japan is ranked fourth in the world and reached the bronze-medal match at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, women’s soccer has not often created front-page headlines at home or diverted attention from baseball and sumo wrestling. Even little things like a win can give people courage and hope.” There were so many victims in the area which was devastated.
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“We are still recovering from the disaster. “What we have been doing so far is very good for Japan,” Sasaki said after his team defeated Sweden, 3-1, in the semifinals Wednesday. It is the same type of buoyancy that New Orleans experienced as the Saints reached the Super Bowl in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Just as Japan’s team has drawn inspiration from the perseverance of those displaced by the earthquake and tsunami, so has the country united behind the women’s stirring soccer achievement. “That’s almost never been the case before.” “They feel they can win,” DiCicco, an analyst for ESPN, said of Japan. Until now, the rivalry has been big-sister, little-sister, DiCicco said.
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The Americans have won three times against the Japanese this year and are 22-0-3 over all. On Sunday, Japan will face the United States here in the World Cup final. “Four yellow cards in one match? That’s usually two World Cups’ worth for Japan.” “They’re playing with more fire and bite,” said Tony DiCicco, who coached the United States to the 1999 World Cup title. Japan was given four yellow-card warnings during the match, rare for a team that is known for technical sophistication more than muscle. Stirred in part by the photographs, Japan stunned Germany, 1-0, displaying not only the graceful and crafty passing that is its trademark but also newfound grit against the taller, bigger German team. “They touched us deep in our souls,” midfielder Aya Miyama told reporters. He showed them slide-show images of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan’s northeastern coast on March 11, killing more than 15,000 people and forcing one of the country’s professional women’s soccer teams to abandon its season. FRANKFURT, Germany - Shortly before Japan faced the two-time defending champion Germany in the quarterfinals of the Women’s World Cup, Coach Norio Sasaki gave his players solemn, even grim inspiration.
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