#Hansel Tillman
betweenpaperpages · 7 years
A Visit From St. Nick
Storybrooke’s Library is hosting a Christmas Eve children's party to celebrate the holidays. With drinks, snacks, decorations and games there is only one element missing: The big man himself. Can Belle find him in time?
Rating: G
Read on AO3
Beta: @ishtarelisheba & @standbyyourmantis
When one worked in a small town diner as long as Ruby Lucas had, you learned everyone in town — and their usual order —  fairly quickly. She saw the same people most everyday but it was cozy rather than tedious especially during the Holidays. Granny’s Diner was a town staple and Granny Lucas herself was a force of nature likely to rival any snow storm when it came to holiday spirit.
What one also learned was everyone’s business about, well, everything. How they felt about work, their neighbor, their landlord, their families, and anyone special to them. If there was a “secret” in town you were likely to have heard it or shared it at Granny’s.
Belle French was Ruby’s favorite customer, she ran the library in town while her father, Moe French was the local florist. The best thing about Belle was that she had a smile for everyone in town and never seemed to have a grudge against anyone, or anyone against her; she was the quintessential girl next door.
Then there was Mr. Gold, the town’s landlord. Ruby would have to rank him her third favorite customer, just below Leroy — a man after her own heart with the amount of times he had come in for bacon and eggs hung-over. While Mr. Gold was prickly with everyone and a downright bastard on the best of days he was at least a good tipper and didn’t require much attention when he came in, unless it was rent day.
Ruby had quickly picked up the talent of reading people, sure they talked a lot, but there was more information to gain rather than just what they said. Take Mr. Gold for example, sure for the moment he was staring into his coffee cup looking like he was about to sue it for being too hot but there was another reason his eyes were directed down.
“Here you go Belle!” Ruby chirped happily, spinning around from the pick up window and setting down a stack of pancakes and syrup in front of her. “Hot off the griddle and Gus threw in some chocolate chips.”
Belle giggled softly at her friend’s antics. “Looks great, thanks Ruby.”
“Of course!” She answered, with a quick glance around to check that no one needed anything she leaned herself onto her arms on the counter in front of Belle. “So how is everything coming along for the library’s kids’ Christmas party?”
She nodded around a full mouth full of pancake, chewing it quickly to answer. “Everything looks good so far, all the advertisements are printed and ready to go, the tree is already up so there won’t be too much decorating left to do on the day.”
Her mouth twisted in a sour manner, “The only thing is that I still haven’t found anyone to dress up as Santa for the kids.”
Ruby nodded along, her eyes glancing around the diner once more and spotting where Mr. Gold’s gaze had fallen again. “Leroy wasn’t able too? I mean, we would have to dye his beard white, but it’s a good option.”
“No, he can’t get away from work in order to do it. I’ve asked David Nolan but he and Mary-Margaret were planning to bring in the kids to have a family outing.”
“Did you check in with Anton?”
“I did but he is heading out of town that day so he can visit his brother and uncle, also he thinks it would be too obvious who he is through the costume because of his height. Wouldn’t want the kids to second guess if Santa was real or not, ya know?”
Belle shoved a few more bites into her mouth as she thought over the problem, she was quickly going to run out of any options. The only one that really came to her was for Ruby and herself to be Christmas elves and let the children know they were sent in Santa’s place since he was busy at the North Pole.
“I’ll keep thinking about it, I’m sure there is someone in town we can find.” Ruby pointed out, pushing herself off the counter. “I’m going to check on a few people, I’ll be back.” She snagged up the coffee pot off and sauntered off to check in with diners.
It took a few minutes to do the rounds but Ruby had finally ended up at Mr. Gold’s booth table in the back, she reached over to refill his coffee cup with a nod. “So… Any plans for Christmas Eve Mr. Gold?”
Perhaps nonchalant wasn’t Ruby’s style, but she had to be careful in her approach. It was quite clear to her by now that Mr. Gold had an ever-deepening crush on Belle, his gaze lingered when they were in the dinner at the same time, occasionally he would let out breathy little sighs, and any time they spoke, even a quick hello, seemed to melt his bad attitude.
Mr. Gold raised a quiet eyebrow at the question, “No. None at this time. Bae is at his Mother’s this year.” He admitted, if it was his choice Milah wouldn’t have any visiting rights but he wasn’t going to dwell on that thought right now.
“Aww, that’s a shame. I hear the library is going to have this great party for the kids to go to. Hot cocoa, candy canes, art projects, music, and Belle is even trying to arrange to have Santa visit the kids for storytime.” Ruby explained, counting out details with her left hand. “Well, trying being the key word.”
“Why would that be Miss. Lucas?” His hands came around his fresh cup of coffee to warm his hands on the ceramic.
Ruby’s lips twitched in triumph, all she needed was to spark his interest.
She looked around to check that there weren't any kids that could hear her before leaning in, “She’s been having some troubles finding Santa.” Ruby informed, glancing over her shoulder to where Belle was seated at the bar.
“I know she wouldn’t complain or anything but it's the final detail that would be the cherry on the proverbial Sunday for the party, you know?” After a moment Ruby shrugged her shoulders, “Oh, well, as long as the kids have fun, right Mr. Gold?”
Gold blinked, shaking himself out of his tunnel vision of where Miss. French sat to look at at the waitress. “Of course, she has done a fine job with the children’s program, I’m sure the party will be a success.”
Ruby smirked as he nodded, sending her back off the to front, it seemed final, as if that gesture alone would guarantee the turn out; perhaps it would.
Belle smiled as she put the finishing touches on the library’s decorations, with a bit of time she had managed to decorate the main areas. In the center of the building where the large round rug was set up for kid’s storytime sat a wingback chair next to a five foot Christmas tree created solely out of books — Belle’s solution to the rather tight budget.
Starting at the base she built a circle of larger books (mostly the encyclopedias) and continued to stack layer after layer of books, the book on the second layer bridging the gap of the two it rested on below.  Through the layers tree lights had been wound in and out of the books, large glittering ornaments hanging from the cord, red ribbon weaved through the layers, and everything finished off with a frosted glass star
The lobby was decorate in red bows, tied to the corner of book cases, the circulation desk, and the refreshment table that Ruby would be working at.  For the kids they would have hot cocoa with whip cream and cinnamon along with the gift of a candy cane, the adults had the options of either egg nog or hot apple cider.
Other tables had been set up as well to contain the various art projects that she had planned out for the kids, hoping that any mess would stay contained to them.  There was plenty of options for all of them but Belle was looking forward to story-time the most.
The kids had been encouraged to attend in the PJs as they would be reading together: “Twas the Night before Christmas”, the parents could as well, however  Belle didn’t think many would.
For herself and Ruby they had both found matching elf outfits that consisted of a green dress, red skirt trim and collar, a black waist belt, and peppermint swirl buttons on the top. Each dress was also paired with black boots, red and white striped leggings, and a curly hat to complete the look.
They may not have Santa visiting them this year, but Belle was determined that they would have visitors from the North Pole.
Belle smiled, gazing around the space, the decorations were set, the art and crafts out, all was left to do was finish setting the refreshments. She normally wasn’t one to toot her own horn but she was pleased with how everything turned out.
“Merry Christmas Belle!” Ruby called out, popping in from the front door, her arms full of a large box.
“You to Rubes.” She jogged over, the additional jingle bells she added on her dress ringing as she moved. She reached out to grab part of the box to help Ruby take to the circulation desk.
“What is all this?”
“Well, Granny decided that if this was going to be a real party it needed more than just drinks. So she may have sent over a few things.”
“A few things?” Belle deadpanned. “Looks like she sent to whole diner!”
Ruby laughed, nodding before starting to pull out the extras that had been sent over, “Something like that.”
By the time they had unpacked everything they ended up with three dozen gingerbread cookies, twenty-four mini fruit cakes, three types of fudge, another three dozen cookies of peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate chip, a tray of black forest brownies, and tucked in the bottom a bottle of peppermint schnapps.
Ruby held up the bottle for Belle’s inspection with a grin, “Good old Granny, never letting us down.”
“This is for the kid’s Ruby!”
“Hey! I never said I was going to share with them.” Ruby said, beaming.
Belle couldn’t help but laugh, the playful banter putting her at ease, even without Santa the two of them could handle a group full of over-excited and sugar-filled kids for one evening.
A cheerful ringing of jingle bells rang through the library as Belle trotted up to the reading nook that was marked by the wing-back chair, a large circle rug, and plenty of pillow cushions.
“If everyone wants to gather up and take a seat in the reading circle we have a very special story for everyone tonight,” Belle announced; watching as the kids hastefully abandoned their art projects to find their favorite spot.
Emma Nolan and August Booth rushed to claim a few more treats before being ushered by Ruby to the reading area, the rest of the kids who had settled down all had their eyes trained on the Librarian.
“Does everyone know what night it is tonight?”
“Friday!” Lilly giggled, hugging her dragon stuffed animal that followed her everywhere.
Hansel Tillman murmured under his breath, biting at his lip, pulling at his shirt sleeves.  “...It’s December 24th…”
“What was that?”
“He said it's December 24th!” Gretel called out, trying to help her shyer younger brother, even if it sounded a little harsh to the ears.
“That’s right!” Ruby answered, trying to give the younger sibling some encouragement. “It also means that it is Christmas Eve.”
Belle nodded along, “And we all know a very special someone stops by our houses tonight to —”
“Santa Claus!” Cried out one of the kids, sending the rest of them in a giggle fit.
“Yes, but do you know just how hard his job is every year? There is so much to do! Which is why he hired Ruby and I to help him out this year with a few things since he can’t stop to visit.”
Just as Belle was about to sit down to start story-time the front two doors of the library swung open, a gust of wind carrying a dusting of snow and a hearty laugh.
The kids gasped, twisting in the seats others standing in up in order to get a better look at the front of the Library.
“Santa!” Emma cried out, running over to the man standing just inside the door, slamming into his leg for a hug. “You came!”
Santa chuckled again, adjusting the large black cloth bag that was thrown over his shoulder, patting Emma on her head, “But of course! Now, I have a few things for everyone, do you think you could be my helper tonight?”
Emma nodded enthusiastically as she took his hand, leading him over to the story circle were the rest of the kids greeted him with the same joy and cheer, even shy little Hansel Tillman.
Belle moved over to nudge Ruby in her side, nodding over to Santa in silent questioning. She hadn’t been able to find anyone but if Ruby had she certainly kept it under wraps. Although, all Ruby offered in response was a shrug and a happy grin.
Once the kids settled from their initial excitement, Santa finally had a chance to address the two elfs in the room.
“Why Ruby, Belle, you two have done a wonderful job! Thank you!,” he smiled, turning to the kids with a wink, “You know kids, if it wasn’t for these two doing so much I wouldn’t have been able to slip in, but good thing the team is so quick on their feet!”
“The team?!” August cried out with an audible gasp, “Can we meet them! I want to meet Blitzen!”
“Ho-ho-ho, let them catch their breath August! They have a busy night still to go.”
August turned to nudge Lilly and her dragon in delight, “He knows my name! He knows my name!”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Of course he does, he’s Santa Claus!”
“Santa, why don't you let us help you with that?” Ruby commented, nodding toward the large sack over his shoulder, “You take a seat.”
“Thank you Ruby.”
Belle and Ruby set the bag next to the chair while Santa got himself settled, while he pulled out a list they found a comfortable spot to sit close by but still in front of all the kids to keep an eye on everything.
“Hmm…” Santa grumbled slightly, fingers scratching at his white beard in thought. His deep brown eyes studying the length of parchment before him from wire glasses. “Well, well kids it appears that everyone on my list has been very good this year!”
“Ooh! Hansel and I helped Dad catch an injured swan by feeding it bread crumbs!” Gretel called out, her brother seeming to blush under the attention.
David Nolan chucked from where he and his wife were sitting in the back, both with their respective mugs of cocoa, seeing all the kids together and their antics was worth the kids staying up past their bedtimes. Mary-Margaret sat next to him smiling over where young toddler Neal playing with Alexandra and her mother Ashley Boyd. Pass the ball wasn’t Neal’s best game but the two were trying their best.
“That was a very good thing to do Gretel, I’m sure it was grateful.” Santa nodded his approval.
“Now, I know it's tradition to open gifts in the morning on Christmas day,” Santa started, reaching for his large bag and pulling on drawstrings, “but seeing as I am already here I don’t see the harm in starting early.”
Emma jumped up when Santa called for her, he needed his helper after all. He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift for each child, calling out their names one at a time while Emma ran back and forth to ‘deliver’ each one. Once she was settled with her own the kids were given permission to “have fun”, soon the reading circle becoming a colorful and shiny graveyard of wrapping paper, bows, and ribbon.
Santa chuckled as he watched them all tucking in, taking the chance to turn to his elves while they were playing with their toys and showing them off to parents.
“Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without my elves.” Santa noted, turning to Ruby and Belle, each of them receiving their own package. His eyes crinkled in just the slightest bit, “If you’ll have it?”
“Oh! Why thank you.” Belle glanced to Ruby with a brow raised in question before she uncovered her gift. In her hands sat a handsome volume of Maria Edgeworth’s Belinda, she had been meaning to find a unrevised copy for sometime now and it seemed now she didn’t need too.
Ruby giggled excitedly as she tore through her own paper, pulling out a red knitted beanie with a fur pom pom on top along with a matching scarf that was lined with the same fur trimming. She quickly pulled off her elf hat to switch it out for the new one, unable to resist wobbling her head to shake the pom pom.
Once the kids had a chance to play and some extra snacks, the group was finally settled once again in the reading circle. Ruby couldn’t help but notice the stiff limp that seemed to be bothering their jolly visitor’s right leg, leading him over to sit in the wing-back chair while Belle perched herself on the arm, holding up their book for story time.  
She opened the front cover of the book to display the ornate illustrations as she began to read out loud.
“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there…”
By and by Belle was very pleased with how the party turned out. All the kids had been ecstatic over seeing Santa and him hand delivering all of them a gift, only increasing their excitement for the morning to come. Even if that morning would be a bit later than others past considering how many parents carried out children that were falling asleep on their shoulder or hip.
Ruby took a large bite of her Granny’s fruitcake, humming in appreciation of the rich dessert, her drink sitting off to the side while her feet were propped up on another chair.
“Rubes! Where in the world did you find this Santa?” Belle questioned, walking over with her own drink, “He had gifts and everything, there is no way that was in the budget.”
She cleared her throat, setting her plate aside as she dropped her feet. “Well actually it didn’t cost anything.”
“What do you mean? How could it not cost anything, that must have been an actor or something, right?”
“Well actually….” Ruby’s voiced picked up a slight whine.
“Actually what?”
“Actually I have no idea who he was either!”
“Ruby! Are you saying that could have been anyone? That stranger came in her dressed up as Santa!”
Ruby twisted a lock of her hair in her fingers to distract herself, if she didn’t have that she could far too easily spill her thoughts of who it was. If she was correct, she had a feeling they didn’t want it known.
“Well it couldn't have been a complete stranger, he had the perfect gift for every kid in the room. So it has to be someone who lives in town and heard we needed someone.”
The logic behind her words seemed to deflate Belle’s upset, her shoulders dropping as she took a seat next to her friend. “I suppose that is true.”
“Just look at it this way,” She lifted her cup in the air, hearing the echo of the clock above them striking midnight, “it's a Christmas miracle.”
Belle couldn’t help but smile at that, clicking their glasses together in a cheers. “Merry Christmas Ruby.” “Merry Christmas Belle.”
Gold knew that his actions tonight was going to play hell on his knee, but a couple of days of discomfort and pain was a price he was willing to pay. He had the time on his hands with Bae at his Mother’s this year and with the costume certainly no one would have known it was him. It had been something to do other than sit in his house alone on Christmas eve, besides, it made the kids of Storybooke happy.
He adjusted his leg on the ottoman and settled himself more comfortably in his chair, a glass of water and pain pills sat on the table next to him while a glass of scotch was in his hand. The clock sitting on the mantel chimed as the hour turned over reading 12:00 AM.
He raised his glass with a tipping nod in the direction of town. “Merry Christmas Belle.”
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thcscout · 2 years
Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Molly C. Quinn Movie HD
Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Molly C. Quinn Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Molly C. Quinn Movie HD A brother and sister battle a witch who lures teenagers into her suburban home with her special blend of marijuana where she then proceeds to kill and eat them to maintain her youth and…
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this-seems-familiar · 4 years
now presenting...
various once upon a time characters and ship tags as songs i’ve heard on the lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to station! :D guess who had a lot of free time during work today.
this is by no means a comprehensive list but did get v e r y long, so i’m going to stick it under the cut. chances are even if your fave is Obscure, there’s an 80% chance they’re on here. although i will admit to running out of steam when it came to the ships--if a character or ship you dig isn’t on here, you can request a song in my inbox if you’d like. <3 and let me know if the links don’t work!
the characters are in complete random order with no rhyme or reason, but the songs are purposeful; headphones are recommended but not required. i hope y’all find this inspiring at least a tiny bit! enjoy~
david nolan/prince charming - j’san x epektase, ‘ghost in my mind’
killian jones/captain hook - dryhope, ‘contrasts’
neal cassidy/baelfire - casiio, ‘back home’
zelena/the wicked witch - ajmw, ‘hometown’
mary margaret blanchard/snow white - no spirit x mell-o x sitting duck , ‘la rochelle’
emma swan - mila coolness, ‘ibis’
belle french - mell-o x ambulo, ‘solace’
henry mills - pandrezz, ‘crystal lake’ ft. epektase
regina mills/the evil queen - iamalex x dillon witherow, ‘lazy morning’
rumplestiltskin/mr. gold - chiccote’s beats, ‘away’
ingrid/the snow queen - g. mills - ‘icicles’ ft. chris mazuera & tender spring
ariel - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘coral’
elsa - chris mazuera & tender spring, ‘winter’s kiss’
mulan - less people, ‘gyoza’
anna - eisu x softy, ‘snowflakes’
august booth/pinocchio - team astro, ‘helpless’
tinkerbell - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘since’
alice jones/tilly - mondo loops, ‘starside groove’
the blue fairy/mother superior - project aer x wys, ‘after sunset’
ursula - mila coolness, ‘surf’
archie hopper/jiminy cricket - amies x cxlt, ‘things will work out’
sidney glass/the magic mirror - enra, ‘consequences’
grumpy/leroy - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘letting go’
eric - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘tides’
cora mills/the queen of hearts - sitting duck x hoffy beats, ‘slow mornings’
ruby lucas/red riding hood - brillion x chief, ‘moon theme’
malcolm/peter pan - dlj, ‘the docks’
robin hood - brillion, ‘when the sun goes down’
merlin - jordy chandra, ‘late night call’
aladdin - softy, ‘before the rain comes’
jefferson/the mad hatter - xander, ‘missing you’
graham humbert/the huntsman - xander, ‘morning time’
philip - no one’s perfect x kanisan, ‘pendulum’
isaac heller - yasumu, ‘untold stories’
aurora/sleeping beauty - lilac, ‘hyacinth’
ashley boyd/cinderella - purrple cat, ‘caramellow’
granny lucas - oatmello, ‘essenced’
albert spencer/george - team astro, ‘love lockdown’
the dwarfs mining co. - chiccote’s beats, ‘before’
greg mendell/owen flynn - tabal, ‘no return’
cruella de vil - cabal x blumen, ‘crystal land’
dr. whale/victor frankenstein - casiio, ’wondering’
kristoff - monma, ‘winter days’
maleficent - ajmw, ‘way back when’
henry mills i - snug, ‘warm meadows’
marco/geppetto - hm surf, ‘single phial’
ruth - laffey, ‘umbrella’
lancelot - laffey, ‘campfire’
will scarlet - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘dontyouknow’
anton the giant - g. mills, ‘sublimation’ ft. arbour
daniel - softy, ‘autumn morning’
the apprentice - mila coolness, ‘heron’
violet - oatmello, ‘good night’ with late era
lily - imagiro, ‘wool gloves’
morraine - eugenio izzi, ‘get lost in the mind’s ocean’
dorothy gale - kupla, ‘valentine’
the blind witch/miss ginger - chiccote’s beats, ‘finding’
paige/grace - mila coolness, ‘balance’
kathryn nolan/abigail - g. mills x hm surf, ‘mmmm’
william smee - no spirit x mondo loops, ‘washed ashore’
sister astrid/nova - yasumu, ‘midnight thoughts’
ava zimmer/gretel - laffey, ‘moonlight’
leopold - less people, ‘persist’
billy/gus - glimlip x yasper, ‘floating away’
milah - snug, ‘balcony nights’ ft. spencer hunt
midas - chiccote’s beats, ‘back’
michael tillman/the woodcutter - spencer hunt, ‘moonlight’
walsh/the wizard - mondo loops, ‘drive to midnight’
eloise gardener/mother gothel - towerz, ‘fateful slumber’
liam jones - dryhope, ‘quetzal’
rapunzel - chris mazreua x brillion, ‘juniper’
fiona/the black fairy - kupla, ‘twilight’
jafar - no spirit, ‘glowing lights’
the jabberwocky - mondo loops, ‘winter shells’ ft. kanisan
jacinda vidrio/ella mills - yasumu, ‘questions’
lucy mills - kupla, ‘sleepy little one’
margot west/robin mills - snug, ‘night coffee’ ft. mondo loops
king arthur - brillion, ‘crescent’
guinevere - mila coolness, ‘silent river’
merida - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘nightwalk’ ft. azula
dr. jekyll/mr. hyde - g. mills, ‘rest your head’/fatb, ‘aurora boreale’ ft. mell-o
ivy belfry/drizella tremaine - chiccote’s beats, ‘illusion’
nicholas zimmer/hansel - chris mazuera, ‘obscurity’
hades - dryhope, ‘down river’
sabine/tiana - chris mazuera, ‘counting’ with g. mills
drew/naveen -hoogway, ‘skyline’ ft. dlj
felix - kupla, ‘roots’
walt d./the author - jhove, ‘if you only knew’
elliott mcgrath/jane hawkins - less people, ‘everything’s a symptom’ _____________
red whale (dr. whale x ruby lucas) - aso, ’espresso’
rumbelle (mr. gold x belle french) - yasumu, ‘waking up’
sleeping captain (aurora x killian jones) - monma x cocabona, ‘garnet’
snowcules (hercules x snow white) - dlj, ‘blackout’
beauty queen (regina mills x belle french) - tabal, ‘inside space’
captain charming (killian jones x david nolan) - pandrezz, ‘cuddlin’
aladasmine (aladdin x jasmine) - kupla, ‘soft to touch’
believe or leave (mr. gold x jefferson x dr. whale) - hoogway, ‘everything (you are)’
brave warrior (merida x mulan) - wys, ‘snowman’
charming whale (david nolan x dr. whale) - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘outlet’
bellefire (belle french x neal cassidy) - eisu, ‘sheets’
captain charming hood (david nolan x killian jones x robin hood) - yasper x glimlip, ‘infused’
dragon queen (maleficent x regina mills) - tenno, ‘luna’
firewood (august booth x neal cassidy) - sebastian kamae x intoku, ‘lucid’
blue hook (the blue fairy x killian jones) - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘blue moon’
outlaw queen (regina mills x robin hood) - a[way], ‘warm nights’
captain swan (emma swan x killian jones) - hm surf, ‘mud master’
snowing (mary margaret blanchard x david nolan) - brillion, ‘kiptime’ with hm surf
golden queen (mr. gold x regina mills) - team astro, ‘empty shelves’
white whale (mary margaret blanchard x dr. whale) - laffey, ‘nighttime’
red cricket (archie hopper x ruby lucas) - dr. dundiff x allem iversom, ‘pale moon’
swan queen (emma swan x regina mills) - no spirit, ‘memories we made’
curious archer (alice jone x robin mills) - flovry x tender spring, ‘becoming’
swanfire (emma swan x neal cassidy) - pandrezz, ‘when she cries’
wicked hell (zelena x hades) - elior x eaup, ‘ships’
seeing stars (archie hopper x elliott mcgrath) - euginio izzi, ‘the fairie’s city’
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Tillman Household
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Gretel Tillman  ♓︎
The older of the two siblings, Gretel and her brother grew up in a poor home. Their mother left when they were young, leaving them in the care of their father. Gretel often tries to act much older than she actually is, not wanting to cause more trouble for their father.
Grow-up Aspiration
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Hansel Tillman  ♎︎
The younger of the two, Hansel never quite felt the responsibility his sister has. He understands they’re unfortunate situation, but tries to be happy and satisfied in spite of it. He’s carefree, and content the way they are now.
Grow-up Aspiration
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Elias Tillman  ♐︎
Elias married young, and found himself in an not ideal situation. When his children were still newborns, his wife left him and their children, making Elias a single father. He raises them to the best of his abilities, and works the odd job to keep them afloat, but always worries he’s failing his children.
Family Aspiration
LTW: Graduate 3 Children from College
+ Red hair, Witchiness / - Jewelry
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 4 years
Needful things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BVVmzO
by desdemona_1996_writes
Be weary of his darken shop and the needful things hoarded there for the Devil indeed has truly a sliver tongue. Nothing is ever what it seems. especially in the small quiet seaside town of storybrook Maine.
A needful things Au.
Ratings will go up in the following chapters.
Words: 1873, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Rumbelle - Fandom, ouat
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: belle/rumplestiltskin mr gold belle once upon a time - Character, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle (Once Upon a Time), Belle&rumplestiltskin mr gold, Woodcutter | Michael Tillman, Gretel | Ava Zimmer, Hansel | Nicholas Zimmer
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BVVmzO
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hollyethecurious · 5 years
I am not sure when you posted your WIP challenge for yourself, but I’m going to go ahead and send this in case you still want them for motivation. What about a top five of lesser but memorable OuaT season one characters (I.e. Nova/Astrid, Gus, Peter, Thomas/Sean, etc.)? For my WIP pick, I’m going #7 (Am I supposed to specify which one you’ve teased? Or is that up to you? You probably already know I am angling for the Land Run fic anyway! 😉)
I am always in need of motivation to word on my wips, so thank you for this, lol!
So happy you picked #7 and the Land Run AU. I confess that before receiving this Ask that wip was nothing more than a few scribbled bits of dialogue and jumbled notes. Thanks to you though, I now have 700 actual words on it!
Here’s a little teaser for you (please ignore the errors!):
“Bloody hell, little brother. What were you thinking?” Liam pressed the witch hazel soaked cloth to Killian’s swollen and split knuckles, drawing a hiss and grumbled younger brother from Killian’s lips. “You’re fortunate to not have broken your hand. Bare knuckle fighting is for barbarians. How do you plan to work your shift on the docks tomorrow in this condition?”
“I’m not going to work my shift on the docks tomorrow,” Killian replied on a half groan. “And neither are you.”
Gingerly, he reached inside his jacket pocket and retrieved an envelope. Passing it to Liam he waited for his brother’s incredulous reaction.
“America?” Liam exclaimed. “You’ve bought us passage to America? How? Why?”
“I’ve been working with Hood and Scarlet at Nottingham’s,” Killian confessed, making his older brother’s complexion turn a deep crimson. “Finally convinced Keith to give me a shot in the ring last night. I was able to earn enough to buy us those tickets so we could get to America in time for this.” He pulled out another piece of paper from his pocket and carefully unfolded it, holding it up so Liam could read the bold print: FREE LAND!
With any luck I might have something worth posting before the end of the year!
Now to your Ask...
You’ve listed some great characters already. I enjoyed Astrid/Nova and wish we’d had more of her throughout the series. I also really liked Michael Tillman (Hansel and Gretel’s father) it would have been great to have a follow up on them as well. Much like the episode title, I’ve often wondered What Happened to Frederick? We got a glimpse of his cursed persona as the high school gym teacher, but never got to see him and Abigail reunite post curse. 
I also wish we could have seen more of Daniel in the flashbacks. Maybe if we’d gotten a bit more of his and Regina’s love story, I would have understood her pain more. Like, yes. It was heartbreaking what happened, but... really? That guy? That guy is who you are willing to commit atrocities and curse an entire realm for? That guy??
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Help me work on my wips!
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 1x09 “True North” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06  1x07 1x08
Yeah, this episode was not that great. Hansel and Gretel is one of my favorite fairy tales and I did not like the way this was presented.  I did, however, love the Blind Witch, but I’m also a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, so seeing Emma Caulfield on my screen in any way, shape, or form is great. But her Blind Witch was so creepy and just amazing to watch. We also get an outsider invading our fair Storybrooke. I wonder what he will eventually bring to the table.
Synopsis: Emma tries to prevent homeless twins from being sent to foster care by finding their father. In the Enchanted Forest, the Evil Queen sends Hansel and Gretel to the Blind Witch’s house to retrieve something that was stolen from her.
Opening: Gingerbread House
New Characters:
Ava and Nicholas/Gretel and Hansel: Considering these two are the focus of the episode, there really isn’t much to say about them. They are twins (although Ava/Gretel seems much older than Nicholas/Hansel) who are homeless, having lost their mother years ago. They go to school with Henry and he wants to help them out, even though they were going to frame him for shoplifting,  because he doesn’t have any friends. They are afraid of being separated, which, fair. And, while we get a little bit of tension on whether they would make it over the Storybrooke border, they end up reunited with the father they never knew they had and get their happy ending.
Hansel and Gretel are a bit more interesting than their SB counterparts. Again, Gretel seems to be the one in charge. They have a loving relationship with their father, and everything is hunky-dory until they lose their father and the Evil Queen finds them. EQ thinks they have spunk and bravery so she sends them to retrieve something from the Blind Witch’s house in exchange for finding their father for them. And at the gingerbread house, we see exactly which twin got the brains and which one didn’t, as Hansel decides to take a huge bite of cupcake when they were specifically told not to eat anything in the house (and this after he tried to take a piece of candy from the front of the house before they even went in). Hansel and Gretel get locked in a cage and Gretel pretends to be Hansel because Hansel is too scared to go through with the plan Gretel thought up for them. Hansel then trips, making the witch realize she actually caught two children and not just one, and they manage to get her onto her cooking rack and throw her in the oven. I’m sorry, but Hansel is a serious waste of space. They bring back the satchel to EQ who offers them the opportunity to live with them. Hansel’s like ‘cool’ and Gretel’s like ‘you promised to help us find our father.’ So now EQ sends them to the forest with the promise that they can be together if they can find their father.  Never make deals with Evil Queen’s children. They never keep their promises.
Woodcutter/Michael Tillman: We don’t know much about the woodcutter. We know he loves his children so much that he gives them his compass to always find him, unlike the Grimm fairy tale which you can read here. We also find out that he was captured by EQ, for what purpose we don’t know.
Michael Tillman has no idea that he is a father. His cursed memories state that he met the twins’ mother on a camping trip where he also lost his compass, the same one the twins keep on them as a reminder of their mother. He wants nothing to do with the twins because he doesn’t know how to be a father. But when Emma calls him to ‘tow’ her car at the end of the episode, he sees the children, thus having found them, and thus EQ’s promise comes true, and they are allowed to be reunited with each other.
Blind Witch: By far the best new character we’ve seen lately. Too bad she died. The actress did an amazing job with the little amount she got to do. I really would’ve liked more background on why she ate children and how she became blind. She was thoroughly equal parts creepy and campy.
Mr. Clarke: We don’t see much of Mr. Clarke who runs the drug store the kids were caught shoplifting at, but we can determine that he is Sneezy from the seven dwarfs (how appropriate, the sick one runs the drug store). 
The Stranger: We know nothing about the stranger who comes at the end of the episode except that he drives a motorcycle and has some kind of box strapped to the back of his bike. Since Henry says strangers can’t come into Storybrooke, must he originally be from the Enchanted Forest? I guess we will find out.
Character Observations:
Emma: This is a very Emma heavy episode.  Emma is dealing with her past and present demons. Her past demons in the form of the twins having to go to social services and group homes, something she experienced herself and she never wants anyone else to experience. Her present demons in the form of Michael Tillman being there for his kids when she is trying to be there for Henry as the parent that abandoned him. Emma understands Ava and Nicholas because she’s been there. She was raised in the foster care system. She knows that many of those people are doing it for the money. She’s also knows what it’s like to have to steal for survival (maybe this is why she was in jail). Emma also understands Michael Tillman in a way. Yes, she already knew she had a child out there that she had given up and this is new information for Michael, but she understands the doubts that having pre-teen children can bring and how she doesn’t feel like she could be a good mother to Henry. Let’s not forget, Emma’s original intention when Henry found her was to bring him back home and go back to her life in Boston. She was never planning on staying. It was only because she suspected Regina was lying to her about loving Henry that got her to stay and try to be his mother. So Emma gets it, but at the same time, she doesn’t get why he wouldn’t even want to meet his children to see if there was anything there. Yes, she ends up forcing his hand, but at the same time, she breaks whatever curse Regina had placed on them so they get to be a family again.
Now, as for lying to Henry about his father, this is total self-preservation on Emma’s part. She obviously does not want to talk about Henry’s father and she wants to give Henry hope that apparently both his parents weren’t messed up people when he was born. I have a feeling this will end up biting Emma in the ass in the future.
Regina/Evil Queen: I actually don’t feel Regina was so bad in this episode. Yes, she insulted Emma every chance she got, but technically, she was doing what should have been done for Ava and Nicholas. I know she was circumventing the sheriff’s job and she had her own agenda, but technically, the twins needed to be with social services if there were no other relatives known or willing to take them in. Although, if people can’t leave Storybrooke, I don’t know how Regina expected them to leave, unless she knows that Emma can leave without consequence.
And the Evil Queen gave us some depth this episode as well! We see that EQ doesn’t care if you’re a child or not, being in her forest will have consequences. But she is impressed by Hansel and Gretel’s bravery, so she sends them on a mission to steal something for her from the Blind Witch, which we find out is an apple. She says that it is ‘something to defeat a wicked and powerful enemy’ and later on “is a weapon for a very particular and devious enemy.’ Knowing that Snow will eventually fall under the sleeping curse from the apple, EQ really has a lot of hate towards Snow. But, we also see vulnerability in EQ this week. She is so impressed with Hansel and Gretel that she wants them to come live with her and have everything their hearts desire. Then, when she talks to their father, she asks why they wouldn’t want to stay with her when she could give them everything and doesn’t seem to understand why family would be more important than material things. Now, if we hadn’t seen EQ’s father before, I might have understood why this confused her so much, but we know that EQ’s father loved her so much that he basically died for her so she could get her revenge. So how does she not understand why Hansel and Gretel would rather be with their father who loves them rather than live with her and only have material possessions?
Gold: Again, not much Gold in this episode, but he does help Emma find Michael Tillman through the compass. Since the card was blank, does that mean that Rumplestiltskin procured it for him in the EF, did he have some sort of premonition about it, or was it just something the curse provided for him? However he knew, it is obvious that he gave Emma the name, not for her forgiveness or tolerance as he so claimed, but as a way to thwart Regina.
Henry: Poor Henry, he is so happy when Ava starts talking to him in the drug store, and then devastated when he discovers they were using him to shoplift. Of course Henry wouldn’t have any friends his age, he’s the only kid that’s allowed to grow up. But it seems he has some friends now. Hopefully, we’ll see more of Ava and Nicholas in the future. As for the lie Henry is told about his father, he seems happy knowing that his father was a hero. I have a feeling that he will discover the truth someday though. Otherwise we wouldn’t have had Emma tell Mary Margaret that she lied. Also, another reminder that no one can leave or enter the town.
Mary Margaret: I understand not knowing about other student’s home lives (hell, I didn’t know about most of my students’ home lives unless they told me or it was serious enough that a memo was sent out), but not realizing that social services may not be the way to go is naive. But she is right, not all foster and group homes are terrible. Emma just got the raw end of the deal, so to speak. But her talk with Emma at the end was so heartbreaking; being that close to her daughter and not knowing it. I can’t wait to see how Mary Margaret and Emma react to each other when the curse is finally broken.
How old are Ava and Nicholas supposed to be? I’d wager a year or so older than Henry, so 11 or 12? They still go to the same school as Henry, since Mary Margaret has seen them around and Henry is in 5th grade, so 6th or 7th grade? Is it a K-8 school?
How do they afford school uniforms? Are they free? And where do they get their regular clothes from, and their school supplies? Is all that just built into the curse?
Has Henry been the only student to age? No one ages in Storybrooke because time didn’t move. So he would have different classmates every year. How in the hell did Regina think she was going to explain that? Sorry, all your classmates failed again and you’re the only one moving up?
Also, did the teachers teach the same thing everyday if time didn’t move? Did Henry learn about the birds and made a birdhouse everyday until Emma came and started up time?
Can the mayor take the only copy of the twins birth certificate? Wouldn’t they have made her a copy instead?
How are all the foster and group homes in the state of Maine full? Is this really a thing that can happen? Did they actually call every single one or was this another ploy from Regina to separate the twins?
I get that Gretel was focused on getting the satchel, but did she really not notice the absolutely huge pile of bones right in front of her?
Aren’t blind people supposed to have heightened senses since they don’t have sight? Maybe she didn’t become blind until later in life (studies show people who become blind later in life don’t usually have the heightened hearing).
How did the Blind Witch get the apple? What was she planning on using it for? Did it already have the sleeping curse infused in it? Is that why Regina needed that particular apple?
It is heavily implied that EQ can see what is going on through other people’s mirror, as evidenced by her looking through the Blind Witch’s mirror. So how did she see Snow in the woods with the dwarfs? Are there random mirrors in the woods?
Did the Evil Queen kidnap Hansel and Gretel’s father with the explicit intention of using them to  get her satchel back from the Blind Watch, or was it a happy coincidence? If not, then why was the woodcutter captured, because he was in the Queen’s Forest?
Sneezy runs the drug store.
The Evil Queen has sent several children to their deaths by sending them to retrieve the satchel from the Blind Witch.
Very Pan’s Labyrinth vibe with the not eating the food in the Blind Witch’s house (check out the clip). 
Hansel is the dumbest, klutziest kid ever.
Apparently fireballs can go through her magic mirrors to kill the Blind Witch, but not to kill Snow White.
Emma somehow sabotaged the sheriff’s car enough to make it stall out, but not actually need a tow.
Snow White has now met the dwarfs.
The compass starts working when Michael Tillman shows up to help Emma.
Mary Margaret almost looks like she’s going to remember something when she sniffs Emma’s baby blanket, and then doesn’t.
The articles Emma is looking at say this:
7 Year Old Boy Finds Baby On Side of Road
Still No Leads on Deadbeat Parents: Baby Emma Remanded to Foster System
After weeks of futile searching, Emma turned over to Child Services for Care
It seems like Emma was a big deal when she was found if the papers were making such a fuss over her. Seems very unlikely she wouldn’t have been adopted right away (or at least not returned like she told Henry in the first episode) given the news coverage about her.
Henry’s ‘father’ liked pumpkin pie.
Once Upon a Time Firsts:
Emma’s baby blanket
Emma’s foster care experiences
Ava - in German it possibly means desired.
Nicholas - is the patron saint of many things, including children.
Michael Tillman - the surname Tillman mans husbandman or farmer, basically, someone who works with the earth.
I would like to say that I understand that the writers had to made life tough for Emma by having her have a horrible experience in foster care, but having several friends who are foster parents, several friends who work in social services, and even several former students who had been in a group home, it makes me sad that this is the way Emma’s background is approached. From her experience, she never had a single foster parent who loved or cared for her and it was all about the money from the state. I know there are plenty of people out there who foster because they care for children. I only wish Emma could have been placed with one of those (but then we don’t have her mistrust and walls and all that, I know).
This was the first appearance of Sneezy/Mr. Clark played by Gabe Khouth who, unfortunately, passed this Tuesday, July 23rd. RIP Gabe Khouth.
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Once Upon a Series Rewatch Press Release: 1x9 True North
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1x9 True North
Synopsis: Feeling their pain from having lived through the same experience, Emma desperately tries to help two homeless children find their birth father before they're separated and put into the foster care system. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale world that was, the Evil Queen coerces Hansel and Gretel into stealing an important artifact from a blind witch.
Written by: David H. Goodman, Liz Tigelaar
Directed by: Dean White
Starring: Gennifer Goodwin (Snow White / Mary Margaret Blanchard); Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan); Lana Parilla (Evil Queen / Regina Mills); Josh Dallas (Prince Charming); Jared S. Gilmore (Henry Mills); Raphael Sbarge (Dr. Archie Hopper); Robert Carlyle (Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin)
Guest Starring: Lee Arenberg (Grumpy); Eion Bailey (The Stranger); Emma Caulfield Ford (Blind Witch); Karley Scott Collins (Ava Zimmer / Gretel); Nicholas Lea (The Woodcutter / Michael Tillman); Quinn Lord (Nicholas Zimmer / Hansel); David Bloom (Mr. ‘K’ Krzyszkowski); Osmond L. Bramble (Queen’s guard); Michael Coleman (Happy); Faustino Di Bauda (Sleepy); David Avalon (Doc); Jeffrey Kaiser (Dopey); Gabe Khouth (Mr. Clark / Sneezy); Mig Macario (Bashful)
True North airs September 30 at 8:00 pm EST
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
08. True North, Pt.5
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Storybrooke. Present. In Emma's car on the way to town border. (Emma is driving and Ava and Nicholas sit at the back. The car suddenly becomes shaky and eventually stops.) Emma: “You gotta be kidding me.” Ava: “What happened? What's wrong?” Emma: “Engine stalled.” (Takes out her cell phone.) Ava: “Who're you calling?” Emma: “Help.” The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Palace. (The Evil Queen is looking at Snow White through the magic mirror.) Evil Queen: “Now she's cavorting with dwarves? When did that happen?” Guard: “Your majesty, the prisoner you requested is here.” Evil Queen: “Bring him in.” (Clears the image on the mirror. The prisoner is brought in, turns out he's the Woodcutter.) Woodcutter: “I demand to be released. My children are in that forest that you took me from, alone. They could be in great danger.” Evil Queen: “Yes, I know all about your children. That compass you gave sweet little Gretel. Well, I'm afraid it didn’t help her find you though now, did it?” Woodcutter: “Tell me where they are!” (Tries to get close to the Queen but is stopped by a guard.) Evil Queen: “Gone. I told them you abandoned them, leaving nothing but a compass to find their way. But I didn't bring you here to answer your questions. You're here to answer mine. (Walks close to the Woodcutter:) I offered your children everything, whatever their hearts desire, and they still chose uncertainty because of their blind faith in you. Tell me why. Why did your children refuse me?” Woodcutter: “Because we're a family. And a families always find one another.” Evil Queen: (Pauses for a while:) “Release him.” Woodcutter: “You're letting me go?” Evil Queen: “You can all be together as a family as soon as you all find one another.” The Enchanted Forest. Past. The Infinite Forest. (Hansel and Gretel are lying on the ground.) Gretel: (Wakes up and sits straight:) “Hansel, wake up. (Shakes Hansel's shoulders:) Hansel. (Hansel and Gretel stand up.) She let us go.” Hansel: “I'm scared.” Gretel: “Don't be. Everything will be fine.” (Gretel holds up her compass and smiles. Then she holds Hansel's hand and they find their way together.) Storybrooke. Present. In Emma’s car on the way to town border. (Emma's car is stopped and Emma waits outside the car. Ava and Nicholas stay in the car.) Ava: (Noticing that the compass' needle moves:) “Nicholas, look!” (The needle points to the back of the car so they turn and look through the back window and sees a car approaching. The car stops and Michael Tillman comes out.) Michael: (To Emma:) “Those are them?” Emma: “Those are them.” Michael: “And the car? It's fine?” Emma: “I just wanted you to see them, just once. I didn’t think I could do it either. I gave up Henry ‘cause I wanted to give him his best chance. When I saw how much he wanted me around, I couldn’t leave. I was just as scared, more, probably. But once I saw him, got to know him, I couldn’t go back.” Michael: (Walking near the car to his children:) “You're taking them? To Boston?” Emma: “I don't have to.” Michael: (Looking back to Ava and Nicholas:) “No, you don't have to.” (Michael gets to the car and Ava lowers the window. Emma smiles with joy.)
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Storybrooke. Present. Blanchard Apartment. (Mary Margaret is folding clothes on her bed when Emma enters.) Mary Margaret: “Hey, what happened?” Emma: “Their dad, he showed up, changed his mind.” (Lies on the bed.) Mary Margaret: “Changed his mind? Just like that?” Emma: “He might’ve had a little nudge.” Mary Margaret: “They found their father. That's great.” Emma: (Sits up:) “I wonder what that would be like.” Mary Margaret: “Maybe you’ll find out. You can’t give up.” Emma: “I don't know. I kinda think giving up might be the best plan. I think I need to let go.” Mary Margaret: “No, you don't.” Emma: “Really? If they wanted to know me, they wouldn’t make it so hard to look.” Mary Margaret: “Maybe. But maybe there’s other reasons, maybe there's an explanation.” Emma: “If there it’s something crazy, something even crazier than Henry's theory.” Mary Margaret: “Yeah, what's Henry's theory?” Emma: “Well, that my parents put me in a magical wardrobe, and sent me to this world to save them.” Mary Margaret: “Ohhh, and who does he think they are?” (Chuckles.) Emma: “Well, for one, you.” Mary Margaret: “Me?” Emma: “Well, Snow White.” Mary Margaret: “Snow White has a kid?” Emma: “Apparently that book you gave him, not exactly the stories in the most traditional sense.” Mary Margaret: “I have a kid. You’d think I’d remember that.” Emma: “Yeah, you’d think.” Mary Margaret: “You do kind of have my chin.” (The two both smile.) Emma: “I think I need to go get some air. (Gets off the bed and walks out of the room, Mary Margaret also follows after folding all the clothes:) I'm gonna go think.” (Takes a manila envelope from the box that contains her baby blanket.) Mary Margaret: “If you're gonna be back late, I can wait to eat with you?” Emma: “No, don't do that.” Mary Margaret: “I'll leave you leftovers.” (Emma is getting the keys when Mary Margaret catches sight of Emma’s baby blanket.) Mary Margaret: “What a pretty blanket!” Emma: (Turns back:) “Thanks, goodnight.” (Emma leaves and closes the door. Then Mary Margaret picks up the blanket and sniffs it. Then puts it back in embarrassment.)
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Storybrooke. Present. Outside the Mill's House. (Emma leans on the police cruiser with Henry outside the Mayor's house.) Henry: "What you did, with Ava and Nicholas, you really are changing things." Regina: (Standing by the pathway to the house:) "Indeed you are, Deputy Swan. Come on, Henry, go upstairs and get ready for bed." (Henry jumps down from the hood as Emma rolls her eyes at Regina.) Emma: "Henry?" Henry: "Hm?" Emma: "About your dad..." Henry: "Yeah?" Emma: (Hesitates:) "I'm glad that I told you." Henry: (Smiles:) "Me too. (They hug. Regina watches with an unreadable expression on her face. As they part:) See ya, Emma." (With that, Henry turns and runs up the path back inside the house. There's an awkward silence as the two women find themselves alone once more.) Regina: "Congratulations, Deputy." Emma: "This wasn't about me or scoring points. I wasn't going to let those kids go into the system if there was anything I could do about it." Regina: "I admire your resolve. (Glancing back towards the open door:) Well, goodnight, Miss Swan." Emma: (Taking a step forward:) "Regina, wait. I want to... these past couple of days have brought up a lot of issues from my past and it hasn't been easy for me." Regina: "I realise that, you don't have to explain." Emma: "No, but I want to. I guess I need you to know that I'm not going anywhere. And I know in the past when I've said that that you've taken it as a threat but that's not what I mean. Whatever happens between you and me and this secret relationship we've got going, I will always be there for Henry." Regina: (Watches the woman across from her for a long moment before responding:) "Considering how hard you fought to keep one family together, coupled with how passionate you are in other areas of your life... (The women share a smile:) I would expect nothing less." Emma: "I'm glad we understand each other." Regina: "Not completely, my dear, but... I'm getting there." (The two women begin moving closer to each other but stop when Emma notices the curtains twitching in Henry's room.) Emma: (Smirks:) "Ah. We're being watched." Regina: "Shame. (Extends her hand:) Goodnight, deputy Swan." Emma: (Takes it:) "Night, Madam Mayor." (They shake hands then go their separate ways. Henry, watching from his window, frowns in confusion.)
The End.
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mystical-flute · 8 years
Once Upon a Dream Chapter 13
"I want information on him, Sidney," Regina said, pacing her office one afternoon a couple of weeks after the sheriff's election. There was something suspicious going on with Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, and she needed to know why.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Regina? Henry loves the man. If I dig too deep and  he finds out that we're behind this… he might not want anything to do with you," Sidney replied, a concerned look on his face that Regina ignored.
 "Of course I'm sure. I need to protect my son from harm, and if by doing that he pushes me away because he thinks I'm wrong, well, that's the problem with being a parent. Sometimes you have to do what your children don't want in order to protect them. Now find me that information I need on Mr. Cassidy."
 Regina hadn't wanted it to come to this, because she did admire the way Neal had started to bring her son out of his shell, but after seeing him with Emma Swan, Regina was concerned that they could possibly be working together in order to steal her son from her.
 "I will do what I can, Regina. I promise," Sidney said.
 "I know you will, Sidney," Regina said as she dropped into her chair. "You always do."
 She watched him as he left, exhaling sharply through her nose. It was a shame, really, that she had to be suspicious of Neal Cassidy. He was a nice man, Henry cared about him and he cared about Henry, but… such was life.
 Flipping through her paperwork, she frowned a little as she came across the emergency contact form from the hospital for Charming. That was odd. She hadn't seen much of him since she caught him sitting next to his wife from the Enchanted Forest. She hoped that was a good thing – she certainly would hate to get her hands dirty again, especially after she spent so long getting the curse to be cast to begin with.
 Perhaps she should call Kathryn and get everything straightened out. Yes, that wasn't getting her hands dirty at all. That was simply asking someone how their life was going, right?
 As she sat up to reach for her cell phone, the device started ringing. She frowned as she looked at the screen, having expected the number to the school, or Dr. Hopper's office, or even the hospital (although that would've been terrifying). No, instead, she didn't even recognize the number.
 "Mayor Mills? This is Tom Clark from Dark Star Pharmacy. I'm afraid there's been an incident with your son."
 Her heart dropped into her stomach. "What is it? Is he okay?"
 "Physically, yes, he's fine Mayor Mills but, well.. it seems that he's decided to take some things without paying."
 Henry? Her Henry? Stealing things from a pharmacy? Why, that was silly. It couldn't be possible, and Regina frowned deeply. "Thank you for letting me know, Mr. Clark. I'm on my way."
She would get this all straightened out.
 "Thank you Mayor Mills. I've already alerted Sheriff Swan. She's on her way too." There was a distinctive, muffled sneeze that reminded Regina of exactly who "Tom Clark" was.
 It didn't take long to get to the pharmacy from her office and as Regina pushed the door open, she saw Emma Swan pulling up behind her.
 "What took you so long?" she snapped.
 "I had other business I needed to take care of," she replied, narrowing her eyes as the two stepped into the pharmacy. "So what seems to be the problem, Mr. Clark?"
 "Well, I found some food and toiletries in Henry's backpack," the pharmacist explained, gesturing to the counter where a pile of goods lay scattered haphazardly. When she saw the disgusting Apollo candy bar, she scowled.
 "Henry didn't steal that stuff. I don't allow him to eat sweets," Regina said as she spotted two children that looked around Henry's age looking wide-eyed and fearful. "Perhaps they had something to do with it."
 The children in question froze as her gaze hardened on them. Hansel and Gretel. She should expect nothing less from the two children who turned down the opportunity to live with her in a palace. She just hated that the brats stole from her son of all people.
 "Sheriff Swan, I expect you to deal with this in the proper way," Regina said, putting a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Come on Henry. Let's get out of here before they falsely accuse you of something else."
 Guiding her son out of the pharmacy, Regina frowned when she noticed how sad he looked.
 "Cheer up, Henry… those children weren't good for you if they attempted to get you in trouble for stealing," Regina said as the boy silently got into her car. She frowned and got into the driver's seat. "Henry…"
 "Can we just go home?"
 Regina nodes. "Of course we can, Henry." She hated seeing her son so upset. "Hey, after we finish with your homework, why don't we go visit Mr. Cassidy? I'm sure he'd love to see you."
 Henry though, shook his head, which alarmed Regina greatly considering how much the boy had enjoyed spending time with the man, despite Regina's growing distrust.
 "He said he's really busy today. Something about work," Henry mumbled into the backpack cradled on his lap.
 "Work?" she asked, before realizing that yes, it did make sense. The man was on sabbatical from work, he was bound to have to have meetings and whatnot even over the phone in order to keep his job, right? "Ah… perhaps later then Henry."
 "Yeah. Maybe," came another mumble from her son. Normally, she would admonish him for his behavior but today, she would forgive it because she was certain that was traumatizing on her son.
 She would have to talk to Archie about how to help Henry with this.
 Henry was quick to go upstairs into his room when they got home, and she winced as the door slammed behind him. There had to be something she could do to help him.
 "If these kids are going to be put into the system, they're going to be used as nothing more than meal tickets to whatever family they're placed with. Trust me, I know. I can't let that happen," Emma whispered anxiously, looking at Mary-Margaret with uncertain eyes.
 Mary-Margaret looked just as nervous. "Neither of them are in my class, but I've heard from their teachers. They're good kids. I didn't realize they were stealing and living on their own or I would have helped them."
 "Don't blame yourself. You didn't know." Although, that was the tragedy of kids in her situation. The good people never saw
 Emma let out a sigh, crossing her arms as she looked at the two kids sitting at Mary-Margaret's counter. Obviously, there was a lot she sympathized with. Stealing food, not having a family, finding shelter anywhere they could. But on the other hand, Emma was the sheriff of the town. She had to do her job – the people had put her trust in her and she couldn't break that trust.
 Leaning against the wall, Emma watched as the girl fiddled with something in her pocket. There had to be something she could do…
 Her eyes glanced around the apartment, before they paused on her bedroom. Her baby blanket. That was it! That was the perfect.
 "Do you guys have anything from your father?" she asked as she came back downstairs.
 The kids seemed stunned that she was speaking to her.
 "What do you mean?" the girl asked. Emma noticed her hand had pulled from her pocket and was resting against her knee.
 "See this?" Emma asked as she pulled out the blanket. "This is my baby blanket. It's the one thing I have from my birth parents… it's the one thing that connects me to them, you know? So… do you guys have anything like that? Maybe I can use it to help find your dad."
 The girl frowned. "You would help us? You aren't going to just dump us into foster care?"
 "Of course not," Emma said. "Now c'mon. What's that you have here?"
 The young girl relented, pulling a compass out of her picket. "This belonged to our father, according to our mother. Please. It's the only thing we have of his. It's broken but our mother always said when we find him, it'll point north."
 Emma nodded in understanding as she grabbed her jacket and threw it on. "Just stay here. Miss Blanchard will keep you company until I get back. I'll go looking for information about your dad." With a wave at her roommate, Emma quickly darted out the door. She knew there was only one place she could get information about something like this in Storybrooke.
 Gold's shop.
 She pushed the door open and looked around. "Gold? You in here?"
 "Ah, Miss Swan. What can I help you with?" the man asked with a small smile, leaning against his cane.
 "This compass. I need to know who bought it," she replied, taking the compass out of her pocket and showing it to the man. "It's for a case."
 Gold looked at it curiously, taking it into his hands gently. "Ah, yes… I know who bought it." Hobbling over to a box on the counter, the man quickly flipped through it and pulled out an index card. "Michael Tillman. The owner of the garage in town. I believe you have met him before when you crashed into the sign your first night here."
 Emma cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah… that. Thanks Gold. You've been a big help."
 "Of course, dearie."
 Grabbing the compass off the counter, Emma quickly made her way to the garage.
 Where she was surprised to run into Neal.
 "Neal… what are you doing here?" she questioned with a small frown. God, it was still so awkward to be around him.
 "Picking up my car. What are you doing here?"
 "I'm on a case… do you happen to know where Michael Tillman is?" she asked, then added in a low murmur, "his kids are looking for him. If he doesn't take them they go…"
 One look at Neal's face told her she didn't need to finish the sentence. "He's in his office getting the last of the paperwork for me to sign. He should be back in a second," Neal replied through a barely-concealed mix of horror and anger. "Let me guess who's forcing the issue."
 "I don't blame her for pressing it. They did try to blame Henry for a pharmacy robbery earlier."
 Anger was threatening to push through Neal's normally calm façade. "I should call him. Ask him if he's okay."
 Emma could only nod slowly.
 "Mr. Cassidy, I have your paperwork – oh! Sheriff Swan! What can I do for you?" the man she could only assume was Michael Tillman asked with a smile. He seemed nice enough. Which was good, if he was going to be taking custody of two kids.
 "Well, Mr. Tillman, I'm actually here to talk to you about something," Emma said with a small sigh, pulling the compass out of her pocket and showing it to him. "Do you know what this is?"
 He blanched at the compass. "I… gave that to an old girlfriend of mine…" he said quietly as Neal silently filled out the paperwork for the car, his back to Emma and Michael Tillman. Emma had a feeling she knew what he was doing, and if she was right, she was grateful.
 "Well… I'm sorry to have to tell you this but… she passed away a few months back," she said slowly. "She left this in the care of your children."
 "My – my what?" the man whispered, his eyes wide, face going slightly more pale. "There must be some mistake Sheriff Swan…"
 Emma could only shake her head. "I'm sorry. I know this is all surprising and confusing but… as their mother is now deceased, they'll be going to foster care unless someone takes them in. The first person they look for is the other parent."
 "I – no. I'm sorry Sheriff, but I can't. I can barely keep up with the demands of this place, much less be able to afford taking care of two kids."
 Emma's heart sank. She knew that was a possibility but it still stung to hear it.
 "Listen, Mr. Tillman… I'm afraid that if you don't step up to the plate, these kids are going to be shipped off to Boston and placed in foster care. Most likely, they'll be separated from each other, and the chances of them ever seeing each other again are slim to none. Do you really want to do that to your children?" she asked softly.
 She could tell he was backed into a corner, and Emma hadn't wanted to do that, but she also wanted to prevent those kids from being separated from each other. They were all the other had in this world. She knew what it was like to lose the one person you had in the world.
 "I'm sorry Sheriff Swan… but I can't," the man finally whispered, his shoulders slumped. "One day I'll try to get them back…"
 "There's nothing I can do to change your mind?" Emma asked quietly, calmly. But he shook his head, so Emma shoved the compass back into her pocket and turned to make her way out.
 "Uh – Sheriff Swan? You dropped something," she heard Neal say from behind her. She froze at the words and turned, finding a tightly folded piece of paper behind her.
 Nodding a little, she picked it up. "Thank you, Mr. Cassidy."
 She hadn't dropped that paper and Neal knew it. That was the phrase they'd used in the past when they were robbing places and didn't want the employees to realize they were working together. Why would Neal write her a note?
 Looking around as she got into the squad car, she made sure no one was around as she unfolded the paper.
 Sidney Glass has been following me around all day. I think Regina is getting suspicious about who I am. Be on your guard.
 Emma clenched the letter tight in her fists. She knew they couldn't keep this secret forever, but she'd been hoping that they would have more time to plan or… something before Regina found out.
 But as much as Emma wanted to dwell on it, she knew she couldn't. She needed to get home and tell the kids the bad news about their dad… as much as she really didn't want to have to give them bad news.
 Running a hand through her hair, she frowned as she pulled up to the apartment building, spotting Regina's car in the next space over, and her heart sank.
 "Regina…" she said with a warning tone as she approached the woman. "I told you I was taking care of it."
 "I gave you a strict deadline, Miss Swan. If someone doesn't claim them before eight o'clock, they're going to Augusta for foster care. I've already made all the arrangements. And since you've come back alone… I'm going to assume you failed in finding a suitable parent for them."
 Emma's nostrils flared. "I found their father. That's all I'm telling you."
 Regina smirked. "If you did… why isn't he here to collect them?"
 She hated the smug smirk on her face. "He'll come for them."
 "Well. He has until eight o'clock then," Regina said with a disgusted sneer as she walked back to her car.
 Emma wondered what the hell the woman could possibly have against these kids if she was in such a rush to get them shipped out of town.
 Taking the compass out of her pocket, Emma let out a sigh as she pushed the door to the apartment open, bracing herself for what was coming.
 "Emma! You're back early. I was just making dinner…" Mary-Margaret said from the kitchen. Emma could see Ava and Nicholas still seated on the stools.
 "Did you find our dad?" Ava asked, her blue eyes wide with fear.
 Emma could only nod slowly. "I found him. He… says he has some decisions to make." She hated lying to them. "If he doesn't decide by eight… I'm sorry. I'll have no choice but to take you to Augusta. But I swear I'll make sure you guys are kept together if it comes to that."
 Naturally, the kids didn't seem thrilled to hear that, and their faces dropped into the same look Emma saw time and time again when she was in foster care. She'd sworn when she was eighteen to never be the cause of that face… and now here they were.
 But she knew people that worked in the system. She could get these kids to stay together, right?
 Of course she could.
 "I'm sorry," Emma whispered again, unable to meet the kids' eyes.
 There was an ache in her chest that she knew was more than from empathizing with them. It was the ache a mother felt whenever a child was in pain. But she knew she shouldn't be feeling that way. She wasn't Henry's mother.
 The hours ticked by slowly, and out the window, Emma could see Regina's car parked at the end of the street, just waiting for her to come out with the kids to take them to Augusta. Mary-Margaret was quietly washing the dishes – not that any of them had eaten much for dinner –  while the kids huddled together on the couch.
 But then, something caught her eye. A figure running across the street and toward the apartment. A moment later, the knocking began.
 "Sheriff Swan? Sheriff Swan please tell me you're still home!" Michael Tillman's voice came from the hallway.
 She saw glimmers of hope in the kids' eyes (noting the compass clutched in Ava's grip) as she crossed to the door and pulled it open.
 "You're still here. You haven't taken them?"
 She shook her head. "We were about to."
 "Don't. Please. I'll take them."
 Emma's eyes widened. "You will?"
 "Yes. I can't lose the only family I have left," he said softly, not even looking at her as he peered toward the couch.
 "Okay then… Ava, Nicholas. Your dad's here," Emma said, smiling at the kids, who were standing and staring bewilderedly at the man at the door. "You're going home. Together."
 "Thank you Sheriff Swan…" Ava said, hugging her tight. "We promise we'll make it up to Henry. We didn't mean to get him into trouble."
 Emma shook her head. "Don't apologize to me. It's Regina you should tell this to. But apology accepted, if it helps," she said with a small smile as she waved the family off. "Have a good night."
 As she closed the door behind them, Mary-Margaret dropped the pan she'd been holding and rushed over to Emma, hugging her tight. "You did it! You saved them from being separated!" she practically squealed. "I knew you could do it."
 Emma laughed a little and grinned. "Yeah, I did."
 "So does it make you maybe want to… start looking for your own family again?"
 Emma frowned a little and shrugged. "According to Henry I already did."
 "What do you mean?"
 "Well… according to his book I'm the daughter of Snow White."
 Mary-Margaret scoffed a little and smiled. "Snow White has a kid. You'd think I'd remember that."
 Emma forced a smile, trying not to remember why Mary-Margaret had been hospitalized. A vanished child. "Yeah."
 The woman shrugged, going back to the sink. "You do kind of have my chin."
 Emma could only laugh.
 "Sidney. What did I tell you about following me back home?" Regina asked, raising an eyebrow as she saw the reporter standing at the corner of her street. Sheriff Swan had managed to win again, and Regina was growing tired of it.
 "I'm sorry, Regina, but I thought this was important to tell you in person," Sidney replied, following her into the house and dropping his voice. "I have information on Mr. Cassidy."
 She quirked an eyebrow at her. "Okay…"
 "I found… that Neal Cassidy is Mr. Gold's son."
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phoenixfeatherquill · 8 years
To Catch A Swan (11/22)
AN:  For @lollipopsandlandmines​--you commissioned more TCAS a million years ago and it took me forever to grant that. Please forgive me. I hope you enjoy this full chapter!
“I DIDN’T steal!” 
 Neal held up his hands. “Whoa, kid, relax. I was just asking. I stole candy and comics all the time when I was not much older than you, so—” 
“But I didn’t!” Henry shouted. “Just because I’m your son, doesn’t mean I’m exactly like you!” 
Neal fell silent. They were sitting in Granny’s diner, each with an ice cream sundae. A few hours prior, Regina had made a snotty comment to Neal, insinuating that perhaps Neal was teaching Henry some of his thieving tricks, considering he’d nearly been arrested for shoplifting. Now Neal realized that this had been a setup—Regina had hoped Neal would broach the topic with Henry and upset him. He cursed himself for falling into such a stupid trap. 
“You’re right,” Neal said finally, swirling his spoon into his dish. “You’re a better kid than I was, anyhow. You’ve got a moral compass that goes true north. I should’ve known better.” 
Henry angrily took a large bite of ice cream. There was a cold silence for a few moments as Henry swallowed. “I just don’t like getting in trouble for something I didn’t do,” He said finally. “Ava and Nicholas were tricking me. I should’ve known that they didn’t want to be my friend.” 
Neal’s brow furrowed. “Who’s Ava and Nicholas?” 
Henry shrugged. “Some kids that go to my school. They planted the candy in my bag and I got framed for it. Regina didn’t believe them, though, so Emma didn’t arrest me.” 
“I doubt Emma would have arrested you in any case,” Neal said dryly. “Maybe I should talk to the kids’ parents.” 
“Emma and Regina already tried,” Henry informed him. “They gave them a fake number. I don’t think they have parents. Regina said something about putting them up in foster care. I heard her on the phone with Social Services.” 
Neal winced. “I’ll bet Emma’s thrilled about that.” 
He had avoided very long in the foster care system—he’d arrived in this realm as a teenager and after one awful experience with a family, decided that he’d be better off on his own. But Emma had spent her entire childhood and adolescence in the foster care system, being shuffled around from family to family. It had hurt her deeply. It was one of the reasons they connected…Neal had been abandoned by his father, for selfish reasons. Emma had been abandoned too—multiple times. 
In the end, it left them alone. 
“Emma’s trying to find their father,” Henry told him. “I think that’s a good idea. If their father knows they’re on their own, then maybe he’ll help them.” 
“Maybe,” Neal said doubtfully. 
“Why wouldn’t they?” His son asked. “You did after I found you.” 
“Let’s just say that I might not be a common example,” Neal exhaled. They finished their sundaes talking about nothing more than Henry’s latest school assignments and what the holidays would be like. Once finished, Neal paid their tab and walked outside. 
“Appointment with Archie?” Neal asked. He’d learned Henry’s schedule. 
“Yup,” Henry replied, giving his father a brief hug. “Sorry I got mad earlier.” 
“Don’t be,” Neal said gruffly. “I shouldn’t have accused you.” 
Henry shrugged half-heartedly. “Well, I have stolen before. But only in very desperate circumstances. Like when I stole Miss Blanchard’s credit card to find you and Emma.” 
“Fair enough,” Neal laughed, giving him another hug. Henry trotted off, heading towards Archie’s office. Neal watched him, making sure his son entered the building, before proceeding to the sheriff’s office. 
Emma was sitting at her desk, eating a sandwich. Her legs were casually propped up against her desk as she examined some paperwork, looking oddly at ease. She fit the role of sheriff well, something neither one of them could ever have guessed. 
“Heard Henry got into a little trouble,” Neal cleared his throat. She narrowed her eyes. 
“He didn’t,” She corrected him. “Just the kids that were with him. Madame Mayor saw to that.” 
“Are the kids okay?” Neal asked. Emma looked at him. He expected an angry glare, her usual furious irritation with his presence—but he was surprised to find her expression blank. Something was bothering her. 
“I don’t know,” She took a sip from her mug. “I’m…I’m trying to find the father. Regina wants to ship them off, separate them, and I just—I can’t let that happen.” 
“I know,” Neal said quietly. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
Emma stared at him. There it was again. That strange vulnerability. This situation had to be truly hurting her, to forget her anger at him. 
“Those kids need each other,” She told him. “They rely on each other. It’s not fair to rip them apart.” 
Neal nodded in agreement, unsure of what she was getting at. 
“You didn’t have any brother or sisters,” Emma’s expression twisted. “Neither did I. It was harder on our own, wasn’t it?” 
He nodded again. He carefully took a seat across from her desk, folding his hands. 
“There’s that,” Neal said heavily. “But do you think returning them to their father is the best idea? What if he’s worse than them being on their own?” 
Emma opened her mouth to respond when suddenly Henry bounced in. He withdrew the storybook with gusto and plopped it on her desk. 
“Archie has a cold,” He announced. “I know who Ava and Nicholas are. They’re brother and sister, lost, no parents—Hansel and Gretel.” 
Emma sighed in exasperation. “Anything in there about the dad?” 
Henry shrugged. “Just that he abandoned them.” 
“Great. Sounds like a familiar story,” Emma grumbled, returning to her paperwork. “Whoever this guy is, he could be in Laos by now.” 
Henry shook his head. “No, he’s here.” 
“Just how do you know that?” Emma challenged. 
“Cuz no one leaves Storybrooke,” Henry said firmly. “No one comes here, no one goes. It’s just the way it is.” 
“I came here,” Emma reminded him. “So did Neal.” 
“Because you two are special,” Henry told her. “You’re the first strangers here—ever.” 
Emma slumped against her chair, apparently resigned to Henry’s certainty. “Well, if he’s around here anywhere, I’m going to find him.” 
Henry cleared his throat. Neal and Emma looked at him expectantly. 
“Can I ask you guys something?” Their son requested. 
Neal and Emma looked at each other. Something about Henry’s tone made both of them nervous. 
“What’s up?” Emma said warily. 
“The two of you,” Henry bit his lip. “I just…I just wanted to more about you two. How you met and…and how you fell in love. Before everything got messed up.”
Emma stiffened and Neal flushed. So this was the question Henry wanted to ask. Truth be told, Neal was surprised he hadn’t asked it earlier to each of them privately. But perhaps that was their devious son’s point. 
“I was pretty young,” Emma said finally. “We…we both were.” 
Neal scratched the back of his neck. “I was asleep in the back of a yellow bug. Suddenly the car started moving and I realized I was being carjacked by an attractive blonde girl.” 
Emma looked outraged. “It wasn’t your car to begin with!” 
Henry giggled. “Emma stole a stolen car?! The yellow bug?!” 
“You got it,” Neal winked at his son. “So if you’re asking if it was love at first sight—well, for me it was.” 
Emma crossed her arms and her expression became inscrutable. Perhaps he’d gone too far with that remark. 
“Did you get married?” Henry asked. 
“No, nothing like that,” Emma shook her head. “We just…we were partners for a time. I’d just gotten out of the foster care system and he’d been homeless for a while, so we…” 
“We took care of each other,” Neal finished softly. She closed her eyes at that and swallowed hard. Henry watched the two of them carefully. 
“We weren’t married,” Neal glanced at Emma. “But I got her…I got her that key chain. The swan one.” 
Emma’s hands drifted to her neck. The conversation had turned to dangerous waters, filling them both with bittersweet memories. It should’ve been forever. It should’ve lasted forever. 
“And you got pregnant with me,” Henry concluded. “But didn’t tell him about it.” 
A flash of pain crossed Emma’s features, but before she could reply, Neal interjected. 
“She did what she had to do, kid,” He tousled Henry’s hair. “She wanted to give you your best chance. I betrayed her. She had no reason to trust me with you. Besides, she’s right. I was a homeless urchin who’d sent her to jail. I couldn’t have taken care of you. There was no reason for her to tell me.” 
Henry processed this slowly. Emma’s fingers were still touching her swan necklace when suddenly she jerked to a realization. 
“I gotta go,” Relief filled her face. “I think I know how to find this guy!” 
The man was called Michael Tillman. He worked in an auto garage not far from the closed library. Neal wasn’t entirely sure how Emma had gotten the name, but felt it was better not to ask. She had actually asked him to accompany her to see Ava and Nicholas’ father, which Neal took as a positive sign. He had to wonder why though. Perhaps Henry’s questions had reminded her of better days. 
Still, Michael Tillman was less than cooperative. 
“Not possible,” He declared, handing their file back to Emma. 
“Actually, it is,” Emma retorted.
“Well, I’m sorry, but Dory—she wasn’t my, um…it was just once.” 
“Sometimes that’s all it takes,” Emma’s reply was fairly sardonic and Neal resisted the urge to say something snarky. The situation was uncomfortable enough, it didn’t need bad jokes. 
“I met her when I was camping,” Michael said awkwardly. “And we…um…no, it’s not possible. I don’t have twins!” 
“Yes, you do,” Emma insisted. “You have twins that have been homeless ever since their mother passed away. You have twins who have been living in an abandoned house because they don’t want to be separated from each other. You have twins who are about to be shipped off to Boston, unless you step up and take responsibility for them.” 
Michael looked distinctly uncomfortable. Neal felt a burst of pity for him. There was nothing quite as terrifying as realizing that you had a responsibility for someone else. 
“Look—I can barely manage this garage. I can’t manage two kids…and why are you so sure they’re mine?” He offered up weakly. 
Emma showed him the compass. Michael recognized it immediately. The realization that there was no way out—that those two kids were his—sank on him heavily. Neal sighed, stepping forward. 
“I’ve been where you’re at, man,” He told him. “We both have. Emma and me—we never expected to have a kid show up on our doorsteps. Frankly, we never thought we’d see each other again.” 
“With good reason,” Emma cut in sourly. “But here’s the thing. I don’t have my kid because I don’t have a choice. You do. Those kids did not ask to be brought into this world and they need you. If you choose not to take them…well, one day you’re going to have to answer to them.” 
“I don’t know anything about being a dad!” Michael burst out. 
“You think I did?” Neal said incredulously. “You think any parent knows how to be a dad?” 
Emma glanced at him and he ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. 
“Look man, I get it,” Neal said finally. “I get it. Kids weren’t—a part of your plan. You were comfortable. You have a life here, you have a job, you didn’t want anything to interrupt it. That was me a couple months ago.” 
Michael exhaled slowly. “Look…” 
“I screw up,” Neal told him. “I screw up every day with Henry. I constantly make mistakes. Y’know what? That’s part of being a dad. Those kids don’t expect you to be Superman. They just…they just want you in their life.” 
“I can’t…I can’t do this…” Michael said helplessly. 
 A ripple of anger overtook Neal. “Fine. Abandon them. That’s on you.” 
He turned away from Michael Tillman and stalked off, heading in the direction of the bar. Emma caught up with him immediately. 
“Helpful,” She said dryly. 
“C’mon, Emma,” Neal growled. “We’re wasting our time with this guy. If he doesn’t step up now, he never will.” 
“I have a backup plan,” Emma told him. “A last ditch thing, right before I take them to Boston. Don’t give up, Neal. Not everyone can be as great a dad as you first thing.” 
He froze and stared at her. She shrugged a little, giving him a rare smile. Was he forgiven? Neal couldn’t quite tell, but the compliment meant the world to him. 
“Thanks,” He said quietly. “I’m…I’m trying.” 
“I know you are,” Emma responded softly. “Despite our history. And I appreciate that. I hope you know that I appreciate it.” 
She gave him a long look, one of her puzzling expressions he couldn’t quite define. He nodded at her, acknowledging her appreciation. 
“Emma,” Neal said finally. “Do you ever think—” 
“I gotta get to Boston,” Emma said suddenly. “I gotta…I’ll see you later.” 
Before he could stop her, she walked off. 
Michael Tillman manned up. Henry was pleased to report to Neal that Emma’s con worked. On the way to Boston, Emma pulled over, claiming her engine stalled. She called the local auto serviceman—Michael Tillman—and he had an attack of conscience right there on the highway road. The orphans and their father were reunited to what would be far from happily ever after. Neal knew that from experience. 
“Still,” Henry said cheerfully, slurping his cocoa a few weeks later. “It’s a good sign! Things are changing around here, thanks to Emma!” 
As if on cue, Emma entered the diner. Noticing Henry and Neal sitting at a booth together, she nervously approached. 
“Mind I if I join?” She asked, clearing her throat. “I’m starving.” 
Neal stared at her startled. “Yeah! Sure! Of course!” 
Henry slid, making room for Emma. Emma ordered a cheeseburger with extra bacon and looked Neal in the eye, smiling faintly. 
The three of them sitting in a booth together. About to eat lunch. Almost like…almost like a family.
“So Neal, I have to ask you something,” Emma started in, taking a sip of coke. “Are you and that woman—”
The diner door opened.  Almost simultaneously, the diner turned and stared at the stranger who strode in.  He was tall, with a bit of scruff and bright blue eyes, wearing a leather jacket and motorcycle boots.  He leaned against the counter charmingly, saying something to Ruby. Neal froze, his expression turning into shock.
August Booth had entered the diner.
“Hey!” Henry chirped. “It’s the stranger Emma and I met!”
Everything seemed to pass in slow motion for Neal.  Emma noticed Neal’s strange expression and asked what was wrong, but he barely heard her.  He slowly rose and took a few steps towards August.
August noticed him and his eyes widened.  But before he could say anything, run away, or do anything at all, Neal pulled back and punched him as hard as he could.  August crumpled to the floor, his arms splaying over the counter, knocking dishes everywhere.  The diner gasped at the commotion, but Neal didn’t hear anything.  
“You son of a bitch!”
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centurybook-blog · 6 years
Born in Alaska pre-statehood
Aggie, Amy, Anucka, Balassa, Clara, Daisy, Edna, Eleanor, Emma, Esther, Eugenia, Eunice, Evelyn, Evfrosiniia, Florence, Florida, Flossie, Genevie, Goldie, Ione, Iuliia, Jennett, Juanita, Leona, Lillie, Luba, Lucille, Maleah, Margaret, Mariia, Martha, Mildred, Minnie, Myrna, Nastasia, Nonna, Olana, Olga, Orpha, Page, Pauline, Saxon, Stella, Susana, Varvara, Zorka
Antoni, Archie, Baxter, Benjamin, Buster, Carlie, Cavalela, Clyde, Delbert, Earl, Eavin, Edwin, Elias, Elmer, Franklin, Gus, Hansel, Henry, Herbert, Ioann, Joco, John, Keith, Kolka, Leonard, Malvern, Max, Merl, Micola, Milton, Nikanor, Nikita, Paul, Petr, Roy, Sergius, Serphem, Simeon, Stanton, Tillman, Vincent, Wassily, Whitlan
source: https://www.familysearch.org/
0 notes
swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
08. True North, Pt.4
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Storybrooke. Present. Mr. Gold's pawnshop. (Emma enters while Mr. Gold is cleaning an oil lamp.) Mr. Gold: “Emma, how lovely to see you. (Puts down the lamp:) I'm flattered to take time off your busy schedule for me. What can I do for you, sheriff?” Emma: “Deputy.” Mr. Gold: “Of course, my mistake.” Emma: (Puts the compass on the table in front of Mr. Gold:) “I'm looking for information on this old compass. Any idea where it could’ve come from?” Mr. Gold: (Picks up the compass:) “Well, well, look at the detail. You know, this is crystal. This jewelled setting. Despite the rather unfortunate shape it's in, this is actually quite an unusual piece. (Puts the compass down to the table again:) The person who owned this obviously had great taste.“ Emma: “And where would someone like that buy it?” Mr. Gold: “Right here, of course.” Emma: “You know it?” Mr. Gold: “Indeed. Piece like this is difficult to forget.” Emma: “Do you happen to remember who bought it?” Mr. Gold: “Well, I'm good with names, Miss Swan, but (Walking to another side of the shop:) maybe not that good. However, As luck would have it, I do keep quite extensive records. (Opens a drawer and searches in it:) And, yes, (Takes out a white card:) here we are.” (He then holds the card and says nothing.) Emma: (Understanding what Mr. Gold wants:) “What's your price?” Mr. Gold: “Forgiveness.” Emma: “How about tolerance?” Mr. Gold: “Well, that's a start. The compass was purchased by Mr. Michael Tillman.” Emma: “Anything else?” Mr. Gold: “Just a name. But I generally find that’s all one needs. (Emma nods then turns and walks towards the door:) Good luck with your investigation.” (Emma looks back then continues to walk. At this time, the card Mr. Gold took out is shown to be blank.) Storybrooke. Present. Michael's automobile repair shop. (Michael is reading the file about Ava and Nicholas that Emma gave him.) Michael: (Gives the file back to Emma:) “Not possible.” Emma: “Actually it is.” Michael: “Sorry. But Dory, she wasn’t my, my… It was just once.” (Turns back and walks to continue tending a car.) Emma: “Sometimes that’s all it takes.” Michael: “I met her when I was camping. And, we um… No, it’s not possible. I don't have twins.“ Emma: “Yes, (Michael turns his head and look at Emma:) you do. You have twins that have been homeless ever since their mother passed away. Your twins have been living in an abandoned house (Michael continues working on a car:) because they don't want to be separated from each other. Your twins are about to be shipped off to Boston, unless you step up and take responsibility for them.” Michael: (Hand gets injured by accident:) “Look, I can barely manage this garage. I can’t manage two kids. (Walks back to his working table:) Why are you so sure they are mine?“ Emma: (Taking out the compass:) “Besides the timing? Have you ever seen this?“ Michael (Walks towards Emma and receives the compass:) “I lost this.” Emma: “Let me guess, twelve years and nine months ago? (Michael looks up:) I know it's a lot, believe me, I know. A month ago, a kid showed up on my doorstep I gave up for adoption, asking for help with… something. I ended up moving here for him.” Michael: “I heard about that. It's the mayor's son. But staying in town is, a lot different from taking him in.” Emma: “I don’t have my kid, because he already has a home. They don’t. Those kids did not ask to be brought into this world. You brought them into this world, you and their mother. And they need you. If you choose not to take them, you are going to have to answer for that every day of your life. And sooner or later when they find you, because believe me they will find you, you are going to have to answer to them.” Michael: (Pauses for a while:) “I'm really sorry, I am, (Puts the compass back into Emma's hand:) I don't know anything about being a dad. If it’s a good home you’re looking for, it's not with me.” (Walks into a back room and shuts the door.) Storybrooke. Present. Blanchard Apartment. (Mary Margaret, Henry, Ava and Nicholas are having fun while Emma calls and Mary Margaret picks up the phone.) Mary Margaret: “Hello.” Emma: “Hey, it’s me. I need you to come outside right away.” Mary Margaret: “Is everything okay?” Emma: “Don't say anything to the kids, but no, it's not.” (Mary Margaret turns to take a look at the kids, who are all smiling.) Storybrooke. Present. On the street. (Emma is talking to Mary Margaret.) Emma: “He doesn't want the kids.” Margaret: “And you don't want to tell them.” Emma: “I can’t. Because all I'll be telling them is that false hope I gave them is exactly that.” Mary Margaret: “The truth can be painful, Emma, but it can also be cathartic.” Emma: “I agree on the painful part.” Mary Margaret: “Hey, look, you told Henry the truth that his father is dead and he’s handling it great.” Emma: “I didn’t tell him the truth.” Mary Margaret: (Confused:) “What?” Emma: “Henry's father was no hero and trust me, he does not need to know the real story. Maybe we can hide the kids, just until we can find a family for them, someone to take care of them.” Mary Margaret: “Yes, hiding a twelve-year-old is a good plan(!)” Emma: “You have a better idea?” Mary Margaret: “Emma, maybe there isn’t an idea, maybe you just have to…” Regina: (Suddenly coming from behind:) “Deputy, shouldn’t you be on the interstate?” Emma: “What are you doing here?” Regina: “Seeing to it that you do your job.” Emma: “You know that you don't need to check up on me. I know what I have to do.” Regina: “Really? Because those kids are supposed to be in Boston tonight.”
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. At the Gingerbread House. (Hansel and Gretel are put behind a metal cage.) Blind Witch: (Locks the gate and tries to grab a child with her hand between the metal bars:) “Where are you? (Touches Hansel's arm:) Oh, yes, nice and tender. Succulent roast you’ll make.” (Walks to the oven and feel the temperature of it.) Hansel: (To Gretel:) “God, she’s going to cook me. We gotta do something quick!” Gretel: “Stay calm. When she opens the cage, don’t try to fight. (The Blind Witch walks to a table and cuts some ingredients:) Then you must grab the keys in her pocket and toss them to me through the bars.” (The Witch puts down a knife and walks back to the cage.) Hansel: “She’s coming. She's coming. I can’t do it. I'm gonna die.” (Gretel pushes Hansel out of the way wanting to replace him.) Blind Witch: “Gravy or butter? Which shall it be? (The Blind Witch reaches for a child through a bar and touches Gretel. Gretel steps on Hansel so that he makes a noise. Thinking there's a fat boy for dinner, she opens the gate and pulls Gretel out:) Come with me, little boy. (Gretel gets out and the witch locks the gates again. Gretel takes the keys from the witch and throws them to Hansel. Hansel opens the gates and escapes. The witch is tying Gretel's hands up while Hansel goes up the stairs to try to find a weapon. He finds a cane but trips over when getting down the stairs. Hearing Hansel, she turns to him:) Gravy or butter? Gravy or butter? (She hurls Gretel to the front:) How should I baste you? (Hansel tries to hit the witch with the cane but she uses magic to fling the cane out of Hansel’s hands. Hansel wants to step back from the witch but he's reached the wall already.) Butter it is. Time to cook.” (The witch grabs Hansel and he tries to fight. Gretel unties her hands and pushes the witch onto the tray for baking. Hansel and Gretel push the tray into the oven and close the oven door.) Hansel: “Right, Gretel, lock her in.” Blind Witch: “Let me out! (Hansel gets back the satchel and they escape from the door:) Let me out! You come back right now! Let me out! Don't leave me here. Let me out!” The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Palace. (The Evil Queen watches the Blind Witch through the Magic Mirror. Then she hurls a fireball to the oven through the magic mirror and the Blind Witch screams in pain.) Evil Queen: “I would've gone gravy.” Dark Palace. Night. (Hansel and Gretel arrive with the satchel.) Evil Queen: “My dear children, were you successful in your task?” Gretel: “Yes, your majesty. Though we were almost made into dinner.” Evil Queen: “Oh, how barbaric. (She signals to the guard behind Hansel and Gretel and the guard leaves:) Now, if I could have my satchel. (Gretel hands the satchel to the Evil Queen:) I've waited for a very long time for this. Let's hope you didn’t let me down. (Puts her hand in the satchel and takes out an apple:) Oh, you did it.” Gretel: “Yeah, we did.” Evil Queen: “You've got a strong heart, girl. (Reaching to Gretel's chest:) You remind me of myself at your age.” Hansel: “We did all that, for an apple?” Evil Queen: “Oh, trust me, dear boy, this is not just an apple. It's a weapon, (Walks to her dressing table:) a weapon for a particular and devious enemy. One who’s still under the illusion, (Puts the apple into a small chest:) that she's safe.” Gretel: “Whatever your plan is, we did what you asked. Now you have to keep your promise and find our father.” Evil Queen: (Walking back to Hansel and Gretel:) “Of course, to reunite your family so you can live happily ever after. You were left alone in the woods. You deserve better than a father who’d abandon you.” Gretel: (Sadly:) “But he is all we have.” Evil Queen: (Bends down:) “Perhaps it doesn’t have to be.” Gretel: “What do you mean?” Evil Queen: “You and your brother have impressed me. You aren't the first boy or girl that I've sent into that sticky, sweet house. But you are the first to emerge. And as a reward, I've decided to invite the two of you to live with me, here.” Hansel: “You mean, that we get to live in a castle?” Evil Queen: “Yes, you would have your own rooms of course, personal carriages, valets, too. All of your dreams could come true.” Gretel: “No. We want our father back. He would never abandon us. (The Evil Queen starts to get angry:) And even if he did, we would never want to live with someone as terrible as you.” Evil Queen: “Is that so?” Gretel: “Yes. We're going to find him, with or without your help. And when we do, we're going to prove you wrong.” Evil Queen: “We'll see about that.” (She creates a black smoke that envelopes Hansel and Gretel.) Storybrooke. Present. On the street. (Emma tells Ava and Nicholas to get into her car while Regina and Henry watch them.) Emma: “Come on. It's gonna be… (Takes out the compass and gives it back to Ava:) Here. I'm sorry. We gotta go.” (Ava and Nicholas get into the car in silence. Emma shuts the door with anger.) Regina: (To Henry:) “Let’s go, Henry.” (Henry shakes Regina's hand off his shoulder and runs to the car’s driving seat.) Henry: (Through the window to Emma:) “No, you can’t take them. They can’t leave Storybrooke, Emma, they can’t. Something bad will happen.” Emma: “Something bad has already happened.” (Emma starts the engine and drives off. Regina watches with a mischievous smile on her face.)
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