ticklishraspberries · 2 years
To the Moon and to Saturn (Eddie/Steve)
Summary: Steve and Eddie are...something. Oh, and Steve knows how to braid hair, for some reason, and decides to show off his skills on Eddie. (Commission for the lovely @happyandticklish!! Thank you so much!! Also, the title is from the Taylor Swift song, “seven” - hope y’all enjoy!!)
Eddie Munson knew he liked boys by the time he hit high school, but that didn’t make crushing on one any easier. He already sat at the bottom in the food chain of popularity, so the last thing he needed was for people to discover one more reason to label him as a freak.
So, when Steve Harrington got drunk off of a cheap six-pack, sidled up beside him, and knocked their knees together gently, it was almost too much for Eddie to deal with. They were outside of Eddie’s trailer that evening, joined by Robin, Vickie, and Nancy, who were all sitting on a blanket in the grass, engrossed in some conversation about something Eddie couldn’t be bothered to listen in on.
“Your hair is really long,” Steve said, stating the obvious.
“And you’re really drunk,” Eddie replied, hoping the nervous lilt in his voice came across as teasing instead.
So, yeah, he found Steve hot, but who fucking didn’t? He was all strong, square jaw and fabulous hair and that goddamn smile, how was he supposed to resist? But guys like Steve Harrington were off limits, he told himself. Steve seemed like a nice guy overall, but there was no telling how he’d react to being genuinely hit on by another guy, and Eddie sure as hell wasn’t going to take that chance.
Steve reached out, wrapping his fingers around a few of Eddie’s curls, examining them for whatever reason made logical sense in his intoxicated brain. “Do you do anything to it, or does it just, like, come out of the shower like this?”
“Pretty much,” he replied. “I assume you spend hours getting your hair to sit like that, all perfect and fluffy and shit.”
Great job, Eddie. Totally not gay to call his hair perfect.
Steve gave a little pout, letting go of Eddie’s hair. “Yeah, it’s like a whole process. I’m jealous. Your hair is just…naturally pretty.”
“Pretty?” Eddie asked, feeling his face flush.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, pretty.”
The moment was promptly interrupted by Robin’s cackling laughter at some joke that Nancy had made, pulling both of their eyes over to the girls.
“I feel very left out of the joke,” Eddie said, trying to break the tension.
Steve snorted. “Robin laughs at everything when she’s drunk, I doubt it’s even funny.”
He staggered a few steps over to the cooler, and let out a childish whine at the discovery that there was no more beer left.
“Trust me, you don’t need any more alcohol,” Eddie said.
“Okay, mom,” Steve replied, rolling his eyes.
God, he was adorable even when he was being insufferable, Eddie thought. Then, he promptly tripped over the cooler and nearly face-planted into the dirt.
The girls all turned at the sound, and Robin shrieked with laughter again at her best friend’s plight.
Eddie rushed over to help Steve to his feet, trying to ignore the flutter in his chest as their hands clasped together. “Yeah, you’re definitely cut off, dude. Come inside,” he said, ushering a stumbling, giggling Steve through the door of the trailer.
Steve plopped onto the couch, looking at his scraped palms with a sigh. “Why do I always end up bleeding every time we hang out, huh?”
Eddie snorted. “Because you love to put yourself in danger. I’m just waiting on the sidelines to save your ass.”
He walked over with a glass of water and a towel to press to the surface-level wounds, nothing compared to what he had seen Steve endure, but still worthy of care regardless.
“Thanks,” Steve muttered, taking a few generous gulps of water before allowing Eddie to look at his hands, patting away the dirt and the tiny bit of blood.
“Don’t mention it,” Eddie replied, before sitting down on the couch beside him.
Steve immediately scooted closer, his face so close that Eddie could smell the beer on his breath.
“I don’t just think your hair is pretty, you know,” Steve said.
“Oh?” Eddie asked, voice cracking ever-so-slightly.
Steve nodded. “I think you’re pretty. Like, really fuckin’ pretty.”
“You’re not thinking straight.”
Steve barked out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m thinking quite the opposite, which is ironic considering I thought I was pretty damn straight. But then you came along and all of a sudden I can’t stop thinking about your stupid smile, or your goddamn hair—”
Eddie shut his drunken rambling up with a kiss.
It was quick, nervous, and messy, but it didn’t last long. Their friends were just outside the trailer door, and they were drunk, and the early morning hours were flying by faster than Eddie wanted them to.
As they pulled away, Steve looked happy. Almost at peace. And then Eddie was helping Steve get into his bed, ushering the girls inside and providing them with every blanket and pillow he could find, giving them free reign to sleep wherever suited them best.
Nancy took the couch, and Robin and Vickie took the floor of the living room, all whispering giggly goodnights to each other and Eddie, who chuckled fondly at his friends (which was still a word that felt foreign on his tongue, but he was getting used to it) before shutting the door to his room.Then, he crawled into his bed next to Steve, who had already fallen asleep, and put an arm around his waist, careful not to wake him.
And so, the rest was history.
They hadn’t really spoken about that night since it happened. They just continued to spend time together, and occasionally that led to making out, but there was no label for whatever they were.
Eddie was fine with that. Dating in the traditional sense wasn’t really on the table for them. He wasn’t sure if the mental image of Steve bringing him home to meet the parents was hilarious or severely depressing. Perhaps it was a perfect mix of both.
All he knew was that he really liked Steve, and Steve seemed to like him.
Speaking of Steve’s parents, they were out of town for the weekend, and so Eddie had come around for a movie marathon in the basement. He had expected it to be a group, perhaps Robin or Dustin or anyone else, but no. It was just the two of them, and Eddie’s stomach did somersaults at the realization.
He had brought a few pre-rolled joints, with Steve’s permission, and it didn’t take long for them to be pulled out and lit.
“Won’t your parents freak out if they smell this?” Eddie asked.
Steve shrugged. “Who cares?” he replied, giving a grin.
Be still his beating fucking heart. That twinkle of mischief in Steve’s brown eyes, the stupid grin, the way his lips wrapped around the end of the joint…Eddie was completely and utterly doomed.
They passed the joint back and forth until it was short enough to burn their fingertips, and while Eddie’s tolerance was quite high, he felt sufficiently light and airy, although he suspected that the weed was not the only reason for it.
After bickering about which film to watch, a neck and neck battle between Footloose (Steve’s pick) and Cujo (Eddie’s choice) which ended in a game of rock-paper-scissors, which left Steve victorious, and Eddie pouting.
Barely ten minutes into the movie, however, the two of them were cuddled up and barely paying attention to Kevin Bacon’s face on the screen. Eddie’s heart was beating far too fast for someone who had smoked a depressant, but Steve’s touch was a whole other type of drug. Whatever the opposite of a depressant was. Stimulant? He didn’t know, because he had failed biology, chemistry, and health throughout his high school career. All he knew was that he was sort of falling for Steve Harrington, and no class he’d flunked in school could have taught him how to deal with that.
Especially when Steve began running his fingers through Eddie’s hair, making him practically melt into the couch. It was a fact that very few people knew, but having his hair played with was pretty high up on the list of things that left Eddie Munson completely weak.
“This okay?” Steve asked.
Eddie could barely muster up the ability to nod. “Feels good. Like, really good.”
Steve chuckled and continued, scratching at his scalp as his eyes returned to the movie.
But just as Eddie felt his eyes beginning to droop, sleepy from the relaxing sensation, Steve stopped. He couldn’t contain the little whine that left his mouth as it ceased, and was met with a laugh.
“Can I braid your hair?”
Eddie looked at him in confusion. “You know how to braid?”
Steve flushed. “Yeah, uh, Robin taught me. Her hair is a little too short for it now, but Max let me practice on her. I’m not very good, but it’s fun. I like to do stuff with my hands, it helps me focus. Besides, you seem to like it when I play with your hair.”
Eddie could have cried at how adorable Steve was. Of course he would learn how to braid hair, especially since he apparently wanted children: 3 boys, 3 girls, which was a bit excessive in Eddie’s opinion, but whatever. The mental image of Max making snarky comments as Steve fumbled with her long, ginger hair was simultaneously precious and hilarious.
“Yeah, go for it,” he said, smiling like a fool.
He didn’t mention the way Steve’s eyes lit up when he was given permission, and his fingers quickly got to work separating Eddie’s hair into three pretty uneven sections of unruly curls. And it felt really nice, but there was just one little problem that was keeping him from relaxing.
Steve kept accidentally touching his neck and ears, and another thing that very few people knew about Eddie Munson was that he was extremely ticklish. Or, well, he was when he was younger, and assumed that was something he would grow out of eventually, but years later, the slightest nudge of Steve’s knuckles against the shell of his ear made goosebumps spread over his skin.
He was sort of dreading the day that Steve discovered it, but now that it was so close to occurring, he felt a buzz of excited anticipation in his belly. There was something oddly alluring about the idea of Steve pinning him against the couch and pulling laughter from his lips with some well-placed touches. Still, he wasn’t gonna make it easy for Steve to find out, because it was just more fun that way.
It was quiet, other than the television, although the movie had long since lost their attention. Steve’s tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration as he crossed strands of hair over one another, forming some sort of messy attempt at a braid.
Eddie was about to give himself a metaphorical pat on the back for his composure when Steve lost a piece of hair, swore softly under his breath at being thrown off track, and went to grab the hair again, and ran his fingertips over the side of Eddie’s neck in the process.
Taken off guard, Eddie’s shoulder flew up as he gave a quick shout of laughter.
The basement seemed to freeze that way, Eddie’s shoulder pressed to his ear and Steve’s hands hovering mid-air.
“Are you ticklish?” Steve finally asked.
“Nope,” Eddie replied, a little too quickly. “Not at all, I just, uh…This movie’s funny.”
Steve glanced at the screen, deeming that nothing amusing was happening, and then back at Eddie, leaning in to look at his face.
“I think you’re lying,” Steve said, a smirk spreading across his face. The braiding was suddenly forgotten as he brought a hand to Eddie’s neck and deliberately wiggled his fingers.
Eddie’s reaction was immediate; a stream of uncharacteristically high-pitched giggles poured from his lips, and he tried to squirm away from the touch very unsuccessfully.
Steve just followed, using both hands to tickle his neck, making Eddie scrunch up like a turtle.
“Not ticklish, huh?” he asked, and Eddie could hear the grin in his voice.
“Nohot at all!” Eddie replied.
Steve snorted and let his fingers wander upwards, fluttering over Eddie’s ears. Since when the fuck were people ticklish on their ears? Well, all Eddie knew was that it really tickled, if the squeal that left his mouth was any indication. He folded forward at the hips, which only prompted Steve to scribble his fingers down his back, which felt just as torturous.
Well, it wasn’t really torture. Sure, his nervous system was going crazy, but it was sort of fun. Plus, any excuse for Steve to be touching him was a good thing in Eddie’s book.
“How am I just finding this out?” Steve asked. “You save the world with a guy and he doesn’t even tell you he’s ticklish?”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” Eddie cried. “Irrelevant information!”
Steve wrapped his arms around his middle, pulling him back against his own chest, kneading his fingers into the softness of his stomach. “I think that’s totally relevant.”
Eddie giggled, grabbing at a pillow instead of pushing at Steve’s hands, and tried to not read into that too much. “I doubt the Upside Down has t-tickle monsters!”
That made Steve laugh, too. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But still, I wish I knew this sooner. You’re fun to mess with.”
He felt his cheeks turn red, partly from breathlessness, but mostly from Steve’s words. He leaned back into Steve’s arms, letting his head flop back onto his shoulder, and covered his blushing face with his hands.
Clearly, that was a mistake, because Steve just took the opportunity to tickle beneath his arms, making Eddie’s laughter reach a new octave, elbows shooting down to his sides.
“You trapped my hands,” Steve said, his lips too close to Eddie’s ear, the sensation of his breath enough to tickle. “I guess I’ll just have to tickle you until you let me go.”
God, where did he learn to tease like that? It was really fucking with Eddie’s head, in the best way. It somehow made him feel twice as sensitive, which would have been overwhelming if it weren’t so fun.
“I can’t!” Eddie said.
“Can’t what?”
“Let go!” To demonstrate his point, Eddie tried to lift his arms and immediately snapped them back to his sides as Steve’s fingers wiggled, laughter growing more frantic.
Steve laughed too, and Eddie couldn’t help but think that their laughs sounded quite nice together. Almost like music.
“Come on, I won’t tickle, I promise. Just pick ‘em up a little bit,” he said.
For some reason, Eddie trusted him, stomach doing flips as he slowly lifted his elbows, and Steve surprisingly kept true to his word, pulling his hands away from Eddie’s underarms.
He gave a sigh of relief, flopping his arms back down.
The relief was short lived though, because Steve only gave him a moment to catch his breath before latching onto his hips and squeezing, causing Eddie’s entire body to spasm. Loud, hysterical belly-laughter rang through the basement. It seemed as though Steve had hit the jackpot of tickle spots, and Eddie was sure it was how he’d die: Stoned, in love, and tickled to death. What a fucking way to go, especially considering all he’d been through.
“Woah!” Steve said. “Don’t buck me off the couch, dude.”
Eddie couldn’t even grace that with a reply, too busy giggling his head off. His hands gripped at the couch cushions, desperate for something to ground him, and not really wanting to push Steve away. Sure, the laughing was sort of making his post-smoking dry-mouth worse, but he was having fun!
It wasn’t until Steve kneaded his thumbs into the divots of his hips that he grabbed onto his wrists, a newfound strength overcoming him as he pushed the offending hands away.
“Sorry, did I take it too far?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Just needed to breathe,” he said. “That was…Shit, man, I didn’t know I could laugh that hard.”
Steve grinned. “Yeah, I’m surprised you didn’t shake the whole house.”
Eddie gave him a little shove, and Steve squeezed his knee in response, making him giggle.
“You are cruel, Harrington,” Eddie said, but his tone held nothing but fondness.
“And you’re adorable, Munson,” Steve replied, leaning in to kiss him.
Adorable? Fuck, how was Eddie supposed to deal with being called adorable? He was already flustered and giddy beyond belief, but Steve referring to him as adorable had him ready to start skipping around the room like an excited child. But instead, he just kissed back.
Neither of them had noticed that the television was rolling the film’s credits, but it didn’t matter.
“You messed up my half-finished braid with all your squirming,” Steve said when they pulled back from the kiss.
“That’s completely your fault,” Eddie replied. “Now my hair’s probably a tangled mess.”
Steve looked him over, head tilted. He reached out and started fixing the aforementioned tangled mess upon Eddie’s head, his fingers gentle as he returned each strand to its proper place. “There. It’s still messy, but at least now it looks intentional.”
Eddie grinned. “Perfect.”
“So, do you wanna watch another movie? You know, since we paid so much attention to the last one,” Steve suggested, sarcasm lacing his voice.
Eddie gave a snort before a metaphorical light bulb went off above his head. “I have a better idea.”
Steve smirked. “What’s that?”
Eddie pushed Steve back against the couch cushions, clambering on top of him. Steve clearly thought it was going in a more saucy direction, so his shock was obvious when Eddie began tickling his stomach in earnest.
“Revenge!” Eddie cried, triumphant.
Steve’s laughter quickly filled the room, and Eddie knew then and there that he had fallen fucking hard. Suddenly, a boy that was once off-limits had become his…well, something. They would talk about that later, after Eddie was finished getting some well-deserved payback, and maybe another joint. Regardless, Eddie was just happy. Doomed wasn’t the right word for how he felt. Perhaps ‘in love’ would be a better way to describe it. Yeah, that sounded about right.
When he was younger, Eddie never thought he would be able to feel and express love for another boy, especially not to that boy’s face. And then Steve Harrington came around, and changed everything for the better. 
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tickles-tea · 5 months
For the hc thing: I feel like you were one of those kids that cried if you felt that a teacher was disappointed in you
(I already know you dislike getting poor grades, but this is different, so it counts as a headcannon)
take the h out of hc bc yeah AGSHJSKS
This is absolutely canon 😎 throwback to when my teacher flipped my green behavior card to red for the first time and I thought my world was crashing down LOL
what headcanons do you have about me?
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
It's too late, even if you don't get attached, I am already ready to die for the new strawberry guy, the flappy sleeves got to me 😔
aa the more i look at him the more i like him i just-
at this point i should just keep him for tumblr because yes
omg i was trying to figure out how i could make him look like a strawberry so i thought of having a big baggy sweater bunching up at the bottom to look like an upside-down strawberry and i liked it a lot pff
and i wanted to make him like the shy one cuz normally strawberry is like the odd one out of the Neapolitan (at least in my experience tho i LOVE strawberry ice cream sdjfkh)
ok im gonna keep him but not canonly. if that makes sense.
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
For the ask game, maybe 🐛, 🌷, and 🌸? I hope your day is going magnificently thus far ^^
[Tickly emoji asks]
You're so mean choosing the most flustering asks -//////- but I hope you're also having a great day!
🐛 6 - Are you feather ticklish? if so, where?
I'm taking "feather ticklish" as ticklish to really light touches? If so, then yes I am! My thighs, my arms and this spot where my sides meet my back??? I know these spots are bad because they tickle even when I touch them myself ansjdf ah, also neck and ears, of course~
🌷 7 - What tickle game intrigues you the most?
I already answered this one, but I'd like to add this Memory game Ginny wrote in this post! It looks like fun~
🌸 1 - Do you have a favorite melt spot?
When I was younger, I really liked having my arms and legs lightly tickled, but now I can't stand light tickling at all, it tickles real bad!
But if I have to choose a spot, I guess that'd be my hands! I had a friend that really liked to play and lightly tickle my hands and it always felt heavenly 💕 also, even though it'd make me laugh, I think my ears and neck would also make me melt? Skskd
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amazingmsme · 1 year
Okay! So! For a prompt, I was thinking something where Stanley keeps disobeying orders (as per usual lol), so eventually the Narrator gets fed up with it and narrates that he gets tickled every time he doesn't listen, as a way to persuade him. Except if anything, Stanley's only disobeying MORE now, and the Narrator starts to get suspicious before he realizes that his punishment wasn't really "punishment" after all lol. No pressure to do the prompt or anything of course!! It's up to you ^^
BDKSVSKD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! This is definitely going on the list, this fandom has been starving for far too long. Expect to see this sooner rather than later
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tiklart · 1 year
Tumblr media
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tklpilled · 2 years
Chuuya has ticklish shoulders and he hates it, and sometimes Dazai will do that "I'm gonna rest my elbow on your shoulder thing" that tall people do to short people, and Chuuya can't help but huff and squirm out from under him every time because Dazai's elbow keeps digging into pressure points
WAIT THAT’S CUTE chuuya doesn’t want to admit to it so he just lets it happen, so dazai pretends not to notice so that chuuya won’t try to fight him off
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august-anon · 2 years
"Squirm" for the work in progress ask game?
[ask game] Thank you, I got 151 words down!
That was, until Ed’s fingers started wiggling lightly and deviously at the backs of Stede’s ribs, then it was all he could do to try and squirm out of Ed’s grip.
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
13 for Bill/Ted from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures? Or 24, if 13's already taken. No pressure if you don't feel drawn to the prompt, ofc ^^
Twas FINISHED! Albeit very late, forgive me!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
"Blush" for the wip ask game?
Mirko paused, leaning back and raising an eyebrow. “What was that?” Shigaraki felt his face burn. “N-Nothing.”
(Cheated a little and added a second sentence- and it's not quite "Blush" but it's close to it :D)
Thanks for asking! :3
Send me an ask guessing a word in my WIPs, and I'll send you a sentence from it if it's in there
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cantsaythetword · 8 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
I love U so much fam right back at you you're the best ❤️❤️
All the love
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Okay okay okay so I know I already sent one in (which by the way those headcannons are so fucking real and I will reblog them after passing the fuck out cause I'm Tired lol) but for the interest of variety so you can have more than one fandom, maybe any headcannons you have for Lawliet? If you're up to it of course, no pressure ^^
hi hi hi of course!! i’m not sure if u meant lawliet as in l or if you meant to say lawlight as in l/light so i did a lil of both 💓
L grew up pretty sheltered, but he has always had certain ppl in his life that have shown him affection and kept him semi-familiar with the concept
he mostly received hair-ruffling and pats on the back from watari growing up, but on rare occasions when he was being difficult, watari would tickle him
because he’s not super used to touch, L is often very skittish when it comes to physical affection - things that shouldn’t tickle, do, like neck kisses or a hand innocently placed on his shoulder
he’s ticklish just about everywhere, although he’s only mildly ticklish in most spots
the bad spots though are his neck, stomach, back, and feet — those are the places that rlly get him laughing
light and L are always looking for little competitions to get into once they’re dating and like. More civil!! so things like thumb wars and tickle fights become the norm
light only ever loses those tickle fights bc he dislikes being tickled significantly more than L does
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tickles-tea · 1 year
Irl only 🐭 because you're itty bitty and don't seem like much of a threat but 🐯 in regards to all your posts and fic/writing ideas of yours you've told me about, because your brain is not okay sometimes with what it comes up with and it's entirely uncool >:(
How intimidating am I?
I’m surprised you even gave me that much irl but I’ll gladly take it lmaoo
I haven’t even posted/talked about anything too spooky recently!! I’m flattered regardless~ 😌
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adorkablenerd · 2 years
Smile for the wip asks! ^^
Oo I'm lowkey surprised at how little I use the word smile in my writing 😂 This line is from one of the Welcome to Demon School fics I'm working on!
"Azz gave a small smile, hoping to please the other two."
Thank you for asking!!
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Here to contribute to past cringy tk moments~ When I was younger, like 9 or 10, I had a crush on this guy, and we would hang out together and play spies & elves and shit. And whenever we played "elves" I would always pretend that his character had run into a society of them based around tickling, and would purposefully twist the narrative so that he couldn't escape and had to get tickled. He still lives in my town too, and I always worry that one day he's gonna remember and bring it up ;-;
Nooooo that's so embarrassing!!! But I honestly laughed fjfjfngn I would like to also see my crush getting tickled *sobs* but like the real question here is, did he get tickle?
This also reminds me that when I was reeeeaally young, I used to have a crush on this cute boy and would get invited to his house often to play and I always ended tickling him somehow but I wanted him to tickle me back so I was like "You see what I did? I tickled you, right? Now you have to do the same to me. Exactly what I did to you okay?" Omg xD
[Share your cringy tickly stories/memories with the class!]
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Guillermo for the word ask meme? Only if you want of course! Thank you for the reblog on the ask meme btw, I hope you're having an amazing night ^^
Bro I ALWAYS wanna do something for that show! You’re welcome, & I hope you have a great day!
So Guillermo’s go to phrase when he’s getting wrecked is just saying “wait wait wait wait!” over & over. It’s just so damn cute & I know those wacky vampires are ruthless
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