jewpolls · 2 months
A poll for orthodox jews, what stream of orthodoxy do you belong to? Please only vote if orthodox, no show results button
1. Just orthodox, no specific stream
2. Charedim
3. Chassidism
4. Modern orthodoxy
5. Open orthodoxy
6. Other
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eretzyisrael · 7 days
Good News From Israel
In the 15th Sep 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
5 articles featuring amazing war-wounded Israelis.
Thousands at risk of lung blood clots saved by Israeli AI.
How a black African Jew became Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv.
Another Israeli process turns garbage into fuel.
It’s never been a better time to invest in Israeli technology.
Israeli journalist Walter Bingham skydives to celebrate his 100th birthday.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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This issue is dedicated to all the Israeli superheroes featured in this newsletter
The photo is of Israel's Walter Bingham, the world's oldest journalist, who celebrated his 100th birthday by skydiving over Israel.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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Meet Captain Assaf Peleg, a former team commander in the elite Duvdevan unit who today is the head of the civilian security patrol in Kiryat Malachi. 
Since the massacre, he walks around with his MZ-4 rifle & a handgun.
Yes I know what you are thinking, he is just another useless Haredi right?
Respect to him!
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an-onyx-void · 6 months
Plan to end ultra-Orthodox students’ military exemption sparks row in Israel | Israel | The Guardian
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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A Highly Emotional "Motty Steinmetz" Starts Crying While Singing At An E...
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transmascpetewentz · 7 months
Why has it suddenly become socially acceptable to shit on Orthodox Jews? People really think of Orthodox Judaism as "problematic" Judaism and it shows. No, Orthodox Jews aren't more likely than your average person to commit a homophobic hate crime against you. They are not likely to be rude to you and if they are, that one person you spoke to is an asshole and doesn't reflect the entire group. And also, Haredi Jews are not "strange," they are not pulling everyone else down. You can't not be antisemitic if the only Judaism you find acceptable is Judaism that you believe aligns more with your own culturally Xtian values. Do better.
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I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about accepting Orthodox Jews recently. And while I’m very happy that we’re getting some positive attention for once. I’ve noticed a lot of peoples arguments for why Orthodox (they really mean modern orthodox) Jews are cool is that they’re “not like ultra-orthodox Jews”. So here’s your reminder that if you don’t accept Jews you consider “too orthodox” then you don’t accept Orthodox Jews period.
Internalized antisemitism isn’t a cute look babes.
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By Lev Koufax
Under the high court’s decision, nearly 63,000 eligible Haredi Jewish men will have to report for military service as the Zionist genocidal war in Gaza rages. The Zionist high court did not attempt to conceal its motives, stating in its decision: 
“In these days, in the midst of a severe war, the burden of inequality is more acute than ever — and requires the promotion of a sustainable solution to this issue.”
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ofpd · 8 months
lent is the one time of year when i get so incredibly jealous of catholics
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head-post · 2 months
Israel fails to recruit hundreds of Haredi Jews
The Israeli military has failed to register hundreds of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews for military service, Israeli media reported.
On Monday, only 30 Haredi Jews turned up during the day at the recruitment centre, while 1,000 were due to register their names on Monday and Tuesday.
Israeli army sources cited the low number of Haredi Jews registered for conscription as a result of their protest, which forced many of those intending to join the army to refuse to serve.
Israeli police said they arrested three Haredi protesters who had gathered in front of a draft centre to protest the conscription of Haredi Jews.
Problematic conscription of Haredi Jews
In June, Israel’s Supreme Court obliged Haredi Jews to enlist in the army and banned financial aid to religious institutions whose students refuse military service.
The ruling angered the religious minority, who protested against military service, arguing that it would distract them from studying the holy Jewish book of Torah, a goal to which they have dedicated their lives.
The protests often led to clashes between demonstrators and police.
Haredi Jews, who make up about 13 per cent of Israel’s population of about 9.9 million, have been largely exempt from military service since Israel’s creation in 1948. Israeli law requires all Israelis over the age of 18 to serve in the army, and the Haredi exemption has been a contentious issue for decades.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews oppose conscription for a variety of reasons, including – but not limited to – removing the element of exclusion for which the community is famous and the need for special conditions in the event of conscription, such as service in male-only units and extended prayer times.
Many of them are also “anti-Zionists,” as they believe that a Jewish state cannot be established until the messiah comes, and many have become pro-Palestinian. Israel, on the other hand, continues to establish illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and has turned much of Gaza into rubble.
Read more HERE
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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The Haredi man who broke the Israeli internet after being filmed holding his baby while saluting to the fallen IDF soldiers and security forces during the nationwide memorial siren today.
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todaviia · 10 months
I love going to bnei brak on Friday mornings bc it's so shabbat-y and both bf and I were really craving Viznitz challah, except it turned into an extended shopping trip and now we basically have mountains of chanukah candles and I forcibly stopped myself from buying more judaica ... which is our elaborate plot to ignore the fact that the ceasefire has ended.
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nautilusopus · 2 years
Geez my own reading is failing apparently, I read your post saying "because Jewish" and I thought you were saying they were acting that way because they were jewish
lol who knows, maybe! if you want i could get into jewish infighting too but a lot of it is bundled up in classism, as it is with most religions
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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warningsine · 2 months
JERUSALEM, July 21 (Reuters) - The Israeli military issued call-up notices to 1,000 members of the ultra-Orthodox community on Sunday in a move meant to bolster the army's ranks but which could further inflame tensions between religious and secular Israelis.
The Supreme Court ruled last month that the defence ministry could no longer grant blanket exemptions to Jewish seminary students from the conscript military. That arrangement had been in place since around the time of Israel's establishment in 1948 when the number of ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, was tiny.
The new policy shift has been opposed by the two religious parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, placing severe strains on the right-wing coalition as the war in Gaza continues.
Leaders of the rapidly growing ultra-Orthodox community say that forcing seminary students to serve alongside secular Israelis including women risks destroying their identity as religious Jews. Some rabbis have urged anyone in their community who receives call-up orders to burn them.
Still, not all Haredim refuse to serve. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have created a number of units for the ultra-Orthodox.
A number of new Haredi recruits already in the system who had not sought exemptions reported for duty on Sunday, even though they hoped a middle ground could be reached.
"If you want to draft Haredis, first learn what you need to do to draft Haredis. Don't do it forcefully," said Netsach Cohen, 19, before entering the recruitment base.
Others from more devout Haredi communities said they would never agree to serve in the military.
"Whoever does not understand the value of study cannot understand why Haredis do not want to be recruited," said David Mizrahi, 22-year-old seminary student from Jerusalem.
Forcing the issue will make the dispute worse, he said.
Following the first set of call-ups, further notices for an initial total of 3,000 ultra-Orthodox conscripts are expected to be sent out in coming weeks.
The government is still trying to pass a conscription law that would potentially create some limited compromise and resolve the issue before it threatens the stability of the coalition.
However, with Israeli troops still fighting in Gaza, more than nine months after the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7, and a growing threat of war in Lebanon, pressure from the army and secular Israelis to spread the burden of serving in the military has grown sharply.
Israelis are bound by law to serve in the military from the age of 18 for 24-32 months. Members of Israel's 21-percent Arab minority are mostly exempt, though some do serve.
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