#Harry keller
gatutor · 1 month
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George Nader-Hedy Lamarr "The female animal" 1958, de Harry Keller.
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rokupo · 1 month
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when they tag your fave ship in a hate post
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jugheadvarchoni · 15 days
𝗥𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀
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This was soooo fun, but also really difficult! All the characters at some point, display attributes from all the houses. Everyone has moments of immense bravery, they’re all loyal to someone(s), they all have their own creative or intellectual abilities, and they display ambition or determination in what they do.
The trick was for me to decide which traits I thought defined them the MOST. And who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind one day, but rn, I think I’m happy with these decisions.
As always, let me know what YOUR opinion is if you want. This is by no means an expert opinion. Just my own thoughts. ✌️
- ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴇ: ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ)
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I think the biggest thing that pushes him into Gryffindor is his reckless chivalry. He doesn’t think about the consequences before doing something and is unable to acknowledge the affect of those decisions long-term (his vigilantism, for example). He’s constantly making choices that are completely reactionary and not ever really thought-out, sometimes to his own detriment. But it’s almost always for the right reason, at least in his eyes. His loyalty to the people he loves is a strong motivator, but so is his need to do the right thing. His moral compass is incredibly strong and not only dictates the decisions he makes (which can be misguided for sure… GRUNDY) but also the friends he keeps and people he associates with. He is very passionate about everything he does, especially music/poetry and football, which can fully encompass his entire being when he’s locked into them. There is a big piece of Hufflepuff in him, with his strong determination, loyalty to his friends, and hard-working mindset, mainly thanks to his father Fred. But I do think his recklessly brave, honest, and trusting personality just leans more heavily towards Gryffindor.
- ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ: ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ)
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Veronica is VERY ambitious and cunning, confident and self-reliant in almost everything she does. When she cares for people she cares for them HARD! But not everyone is deserving of that loyalty from her. Her resourcefulness and cleverness, which go hand in hand, is unmatched, even without her parents money. She’s always scheming and thinking on her feet (thus the Ravenclaw aspects: wise, analytical, and idealistic) especially when dealing with her father, which happens soooo much. BUT, her schemes are almost always motivated by a desire to do the right thing by those she loves. She’s ruthless (tho not in the same hard, flippant way Cheryl can be) because she is DRIVEN to always succeed at everything she sets her mind to, it’s how she was raised for better or for worse. Her tendency for success is greatly aided by her resilience, charm, and clever nature. She’s a Slytherin for sure, but more open-minded, accepting, and meticulous than stereotypes about Slytherin’s might say.
- ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Betty was kinda tough for me. She feels so different throughout every season. When it comes down to it though, I think her most defining attributes are how hard working she is, how fiercely she loves (even to a dangerous degree), and determined she is. She has a hunger for justice and finding the truth, TENACIOUS. She’s passionate about everything she sets her mind on doing and will see things through to the end. She’s smart like a Ravenclaw & sometimes reckless like a Gryffindor, but those don’t feel like defining characteristics for me. She could, however also be strongly considered for Slytherin as that hunger for justice can be seen as driven and determined, sometimes leading her to make ruthless decisions that hurt other people for her own gain or for the gain of her mission. Depending on the season, she does have a tendency to be very judgemental and deceptively manipulative or cruel. In the end tho, I think she is really just a workaholic, someone who just wants to do the right thing and see that people get what the deserve, an eye-for-an-eye sort of thing. She will do anything for the people she loves, ANYTHING. Fairness. Justice. Determination.
- ᴊᴜɢʜᴇᴀᴅ: ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Jughead is ECCENTRIC. He’s weird, he’s a weirdo. He doesn’t fit in, and he doesn’t want to fit in. He’s very much an introspective wall-flower, who is not only quite intelligent, but also wildly creative. He’s a writer, tortured soul, he’s cynical. An inquisitive mind if there ever was one! This can sometimes lead him down a dangerous and condescending path where he holds himself and others to too high of standards, and gets upset when they fall short. He can be vain and maybe a little pretentious sometimes because he’s passionate about what he does. He seeks justice through truth and observation, often for the greater good. Like a Slytherin tho, he uses his intelligence to achieve his goals and is VERY determined, to the point where he can sometimes lose himself in the mystery and let relationships fall to the wayside. He’s incredibly ambitious and self-reliant, but that is by far overshadowed by his curious and creative nature that often makes him the driving force for the shows’ entire narrative.
- ᴄʜᴇʀʏʟ: ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ)
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This one feels like kind of a no-brainer, because it’s what everyone says, but I actually think she’s more complicated than JUST being a Slytherin. Cheryl is confident! She’s ambitious and resilient, calculating, and can be very manipulative. Like Veronica, she’s a schemer. But her loyalty is INCREDIBLY selective. She trusts very few people in her life, but those she does, she gives her ALL to (see Toni & Jason) and she desperately wants to take care of them and be loved by them. She follows her own path, constantly trying to break out of her families’ dark, dark shadow. She is big on self-preservation and that can lead her to make selfish decisions that hurt others. BUT, I also think she has a major creative bone in her body that shines in the later seasons (she’s literally an artist). And I think a very strong case can be made for Gryffindor. She’s rebellious (especially against her family!), is stubborn as hell, proud to a fault, and can be quite boastful and arrogant. She IS red, it’s her aesthetic! In S6 & S7, she’s more reserved and kinder too, willing to give her life for the town. But in the end, her ambition, confidence, and ruthlessness to achieve her goals make her a Slytherin imo.
- ᴛᴏɴɪ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ)
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This girl is LOYAL. Damn, is she loyal and patient and dependable. Toni is basically the textbook definition of a Hufflepuff. She has a crazy strong work ethic that stems from a prideful and practical personality. She may be one of the most responsible people on the show (forgetting about S6 and how they made her a bad mom). She’s giving and compassionate. She’s HONEST, not just to others, but with herself. She knows who she is and she’s doesn’t let anyone tell her otherwise. Her loyalty and kindness can sometimes get her into trouble tho, because she often lets people dictate or make decisions FOR her because she thinks it’s what they need (Cheryl & Anthony!). But I also think the Gryffindor in her is VERY overwhelming too. She’s rebellious, has a strong moral compass, is incredibly chivalrous, and very passionate about her hobbies and the people she loves. As a serpent, she is PROUD, overwhelmingly so. She takes pride in who she is and what she and the serpents stand for. I just believe her undying loyalty, patience, and dependability are what really makes her who she is.
- ʀᴇɢɢɪᴇ: ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Reggie is extremely proud, reckless and is not one to think before he acts. Emphasis on RECKLESS. He’s loud and boisterous, every bit the stereotypical jock, especially in the beginning. Like Cheryl, he’s part of a family legacy and grew up conceited, with all the wealth and power at his disposal. It made him cocky and made him THINK he could do whatever he wants (arrogance). He’s playful and likes to crack jokes and keep things light, sometimes not even on purpose. Like typical Slytherin’s, he’s confident and charming, finding ways to achieve his goals at any cost. However, unlike a Slytherin, I don’t think he is often shown to be very cunning or self-reliant. He’s not particularly clever or calculating, and is usually more of a follower than a leader. BUT, I think he’s very protective of those he loves, chivalrous, one might say. He’s stubborn and refuses to back down from the choices he and his friends make, even if it puts him in physical harm.
- ᴋᴇᴠɪɴ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ)
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Another tough one for me. I think his open-mindedness and kindness are what defines who he is and how he interacts with the people around him. His tolerance is motivated by his own life, by the way he’s grown up knowing he was gay and wanting to ensure nobody felt uncomfortable in who they are. Similar to Toni, he KNOWS who he is and is not ashamed to be that person. He’s often the moral support for his friends and just loves being around the people he cares about. He is proud, but not in a cocky way, like a Gryffindor would’ve. He has a full-fledged confidence in himself and the choices he makes, which can lend itself to being a Ravenclaw, as does his blindly accepting and loquacious nature. But his loyalty and unprejudiced outlook on life make him a definite Hufflepuff to me!
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vulpixelates · 1 month
more 🍓🍓🍓 for whoever you like hehe
send me a 🍓 and one of my OCs for a random fact about them
ooo i asked my wife to give me three random ocs for this and she mentioned poppy harris, who i don't think i've talked about on here in YEEEARS, bc we've been talking restarting her campaign again. poppy is a forest ranger who has sometimes unpredictable magic that can control plants. these abilities started manifesting around high school, when one morning she woke up from a weird dream and every plant within like a 100ft radius had sprouted up at least a foot overnight.
kit wright, my private investigator girlie, also happens to be a pickpocket. but she's also a little bit strange, so things just kinda... appear in her pockets sometimes without her actually stealing them. (she recently was in this rich ceo lady's apartment and the lady pulled a trinket out of her pocket that had been on a table nearby - awkward!) but sometimes it's quite useful, like a business card to a cafe that a suspect frequents or a schedule book for someone she's trying to get information on.
one of my favorite things about venus keller is that she might possibly be one of the most extroverted people in the galaxy. she was so sheltered when she was young that once she got out of there, she became a social butterfly. any time her adoptive mom, el, brought her onto a space station, she would gab with everyone she possibly could. the result is that whenever she goes anywhere, there's at least a handful of people that know her - and some of them might have funny stories about leetle baby venus chattin' with them about power sources or giving them tips to fix their engine problems. she's a delight. 🥺
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sharklilly · 8 months
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Nameplates for my girlfriend's half of the characters in the rp.
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kolcheksluver · 17 days
can u write a harry x cassandra the society one shot pls 🙏🏼
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characters mentioned: Harry Bingham, Cassandra Pressman.
overview: “You know the constellations, Cass?”
“Some. You?”
She chuckled fondly and pointed up at one, “That’s Ursa Major, The Great Bear.”
“How do you know how to read those?”
“I’m taking Astronomy this year.”
“That tracks.”
“Did you ever wish on a star when you were a kid?”
What a weird question. Harry looked over at her and furrowed his eyebrows before he fixed his face. “The stars can only give you so much hope.”
Cassandra leaned back resting on her palms. “Always the pessimist, you are.”
words: 845
warnings: None js some silliness. Thank you SOO much for this request.
It wasn’t uncommon for Harry to find himself up in the late hours of the night. Actually, it was insanely common. He just could not fucking sleep. His parents were always too busy to notice it, so he often stayed up playing video games or looking over any scripts he had for the school show. But tonight? He had no desire to do anything. No games. No scripts. Hell, no reading. Harry just swiveled in a chair by his desk bored out of his mind trying to sleep to come to him.
When he heard something small hit his window Harry’s head perked up from its place rested against his knuckle with his elbow propped up against his desk. It didn’t happen again for a few moments so he thought it might as well have just been the sleep deprivation getting to him.
And then it happened again. And again. Definitely not the sleep deprivation. He got up and opened his curtains and looked down. Beneath his window, at three - thirty in the fucking morning was a head of familiar blonde hair with matching blunt bangs to boot holding a handful of small pebbles alongside a bag wrapped around her shoulder. The two had been friendly lately. Which was funny, because it had gone completely unnoticed to everybody else. Harry figured Cassandra Pressman and Harry Bingham — two people who were constantly at each other’s throats — acting friendly with one another would cause a stir within their close - knit theater class.
Harry opened his window and leaned out of it, whisper - yelling. “The fuck are you doing, Pressman? It’s three in the fucking morning!”
“I know. Come down.”
“What? Are you nuts?”
“There’s a method to my madness, Bingham. Come down!”
Harry heaved a sigh. Whatever it was, Cassandra probably has a reason. “Fucking fine.” Muttering under his breath as he crawled out the window and carefully maneuvered down his roof and down to the ground. Cassandra met him half way as she pocketed her pebbles and looked up at him with a wide smile.
“I’m here. What do you want?”
“To go to the beach.”
“What? At three am?”
“Come on. I have my reasons, okay? Just trust me.”
Harry scoffed. “Trust you, right ..”
The two walked together, though Harry's eyes hadn’t left Cassandra, who walked with determination before she met his gaze. She seemed unfazed by the fact he was staring. “Why are you awake?”
“Oh, now you ask me?”
Cass waved a hand dismissively, “Shut up.”
“Couldn’t sleep. Why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Stealing my excuses now, Pressman?” She lightly shoved them before she linked arms with him and walked. Once the two arrived at the abandoned beach he finally spoke, “Do you wanna tell me what we’re doing here now?”
Oh he could have turned right the fuck around. “You dragged me out of the fucking house at three in the fucking morning to look at the stars? You’re insane. I’m going home.”
“No, no.” She pulled him closer and looked up at him. “Humor me. Please.” Harry sighed and muttered under his breath, a faint glare on his face.
“Whatever, let’s go.”
Cassandra walked further into the beach and unzipped the bag to reveal two beach towels. She laid them out beside each other and sat down on one, Harry on the other. “You know the constellations, Cass?”
“Some. You?”
She chuckled fondly and pointed up at one, “That’s Ursa Major, The Great Bear.”
“How do you know how to read those?”
“I’m taking Astronomy this year.”
“That tracks.”
“Did you ever wish on a star when you were a kid?”
What a weird question. Harry looked over at her and furrowed his eyebrows before he fixed his face. “The stars can only give you so much hope.”
Cassandra leaned back resting on her palms. “Always the pessimist, you are.”
“You surprised?”
“Not really.”
Cassandra looked over at him with a gentle smile etched onto her face. The pale moonlight reflected off her skin wonderfully, enhancing her gorgeous features even more so. Harry’s lips formed a thin line. He thought about kissing her on multiple occasions but he never thought it a reality. But like she could read her mind, Cassandra leaned in slightly. Normally Harry wouldn’t be opposed but for some reason unbeknownst to him he froze up and blurted out, “We should get back.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Harry pretended not to notice the shock on her face turning into a look of sadness and mild hurt in his unspoken rejection to her advance but nodded. “Sure. We can .. get back.”
Harry and Cassandra walked back in silence. No linked arms. No teasing. Just the shuffling of feet with shoes full of sand. When they arrived back in front of Harry’s house he finally spoke up, “Cass —”
“Goodnight, Harry.” She spoke stiffly. Harry nodded with reluctance. He shouldn’t have done that, rejecting her kiss like that. Especially not when he wanted to. But he backed off.
“Get home safe, Cassandra.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
make the yuletide gay (M) fred/fp
i could either burn (or cut off my pride) (T) gladys & hiram
it breaks me to stay alive (T) fred/fp
blood on his skin, dripping with sin (M) fred/fp
happy golden days of yore (T) fred/fp
if i only could, i’d make a deal with god (and get him to swap our places) (E) fred/fp
tabula rasa (T) riverdads
wild thing, i think you move me (E) fred & hal, hal/alice, fred/fp
papa (T) fred
parentdale tumblr drabbles (various) fred/fp, alice/gladys, fp/gladys, fred/fp/hiram
fall from innocence (T) fred, fp, hal, hiram
hot as a fever, rattle of bones (E) fred/fp
dead man’s town (M) fred, fp, mary, alice, hiram, hal, harry
‘til i hear it from you (T) all parents
gather ye rosebuds while ye may (T) fred, fp, hiram, hal
pictures of you (T) all parents
talk about a dream, try to make it real (T) fred, fp, gladys, mary, hal, alice, hiram, penelope, tom, sierra
call it off (M) gladys/alice
these lines were here long before we came around (T) fred/fp
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Happy Birthday Amber Midthunder!
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rinaxcicero · 1 year
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?
"At any point in time, the last person is either Harris or Phoebe. Since Harris is a dude, let's just say he doesn't have what I like. Phoebe? She's my best friend. That'd be.. so weird. Probably, I don't fuckin' know. But yeah, if we didn't have that history, I'd date her. She's way too good for me anyway."
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( @callme-harris / @phoebekeller )
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gatutor · 8 months
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Fred MacMurray-Dorothy Malone "Quantez" 1957,de Harry Keller.
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rokupo · 1 month
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begging for dormant/minority/sunken/crack ship scraps..
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blogdorogerinho · 2 months
Críticas — O Impossível (2012), Twister (1996), Twisters (2024), Predadores Assassinos (2019), O Inferno de Dante (1997)
Natureza em fúria Tragédias coletivas de tempos em tempos sensibilizam a população para que elas ajudem o próximo através orações e atitudes positivas em vez de pensar apenas em si mesmas. Essas vibrações amorosas de pouca densidade mantém equilíbrio espiritual da Terra com o auxílio dos seres elementais de modo que o planeta não entre em colapso pelo excesso de orgulho e egoísmo desses…
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cultfaction · 10 months
Eric Bradbury: A Master of Visual Storytelling
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WIBTA for reporting my sister’s teacher to the school admin?
Alright folks strap in this one’s a doozy. TLDR at the end.
My (19M) sister (17F) is a senior in high school and this year she’s taking AP English Literature and Composition (hereby abbreviated as ap lit). For my non American buddies, this is essentially the highest level English class in most public high schools. This is a notoriously difficult exam and my sister’s extremely nervous for it. However, her teacher (23F) is. Well. To put it bluntly, the most gen z #relatable tiktoker in the world. This is the first English class AND the first AP class she’s ever taught. The only other high school class she’s taught was physics (not even honors). Her only qualification to teach the class is that she got a 5 on the exam when she took it in high school.
She is demonstrably bad at her job. Her motivation to teach English this year was, quote: “Taylor Swift is SUCH a poet she’s one of the main reasons I wanted to be an English teacher” if that gives you the vibes. And yes, she spent two class periods making students analyze a Taylor Swift song.
To list some other offenses, she: encouraged the propagation of the Hellen Keller was fake conspiracy, recommended using Harry Potter as a resource for the AP lit exam (citing that it’s one of her favorite book series of all time), telling students she will not help them with college applications (despite this being a very common and expected thing for senior English teachers to do here), and telling students to watch the movie adaptations of recommended novels WITHOUT reading them, and then to use the Wikipedia summary to compare and contrast the two. She also regularly misspells things in class which is great for a language teacher.
And I wasn’t kidding about the tiktoker thing. That’s her main passion, posting outfit/makeup tiktoks. This includes doing it in her class about all her teachercore fits.
My sister complains about her constantly, and as someone who’s has to deal with seriously traumatic harassment from teachers in the past, my first reaction was that she should report her. However, the problem is, last time she caught a student complaining about her, she punished the whole class by making them take a ridiculously hard pop quiz because “her feelings were hurt”. A very responsible and adult reaction /s. So, my sister is worried that if I confront her or the administration, the class will be punished.
While I understand my sister’s fear, I just don’t think the teacher should be allowed to get away with her behavior. I understand that the teacher is young (she’s barely 4 years older than me!) and should be allowed to make mistakes, but starting off her English teaching career at the highest high school level of English classes. My sister is now having to seek additional tutoring because the class is massively under preparing her for the exam.
TLDR: My sister’s English teacher is really bad at her job and underpreparing her for a difficult national test. I want to tell the school about this behavior but my sister is worried that she’ll punish the class.
So, WIBTA if I reported her to the administration? And if so, people of tumblr do you have other ideas because I’ve hit a wall.
What are these acronyms?
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i think you do a really impressive job balancing comprehensive/concise while referencing a lot of complex frameworks(contexts? schools of thought? lol idk what to call that. big brain ideas) but if you have any readings specifically on the institution of psychiatry topic that you would recommend/think are relevant, I'd be interested. it's absolutely not a conversation that's being had enough and I want to be able to articulate myself around it
yes i have readings >:)
first of all, the anti-psychiatry bibliography and resource guide is a great place to start getting oriented in this literature. it's split by sub-topic, and there are paragraphs interspersed throughout that give summaries of major thinkers' positions and short intros to key texts.
it's from 1979, though, so here are some recs from the last 4 decades:
overview critiques
mind fixers: psychiatry's troubled search for the biology of mental illness, by anne harrington
psychiatric hegemony: a marxist theory of mental illness, by bruce m z cohen
desperate remedies: psychiatry's turbulent quest to cure mental illness, by andrew scull
psychiatry and its discontents, by andrew scull
madness is civilization: when the diagnosis was social, 1948–1980, by michael e staub
contesting psychiatry: social movements in mental health, by nick crossley
the dsm & pharmacy
dsm: a history of psychiatry's bible, by allan v horwitz
the dsm-5 in perspective: philosophical reflections on the psychiatric babel, by steeves demazeux & patrick singy
pharmageddon, by david healy
pillaged: psychiatric medications and suicide risk, by ronald w maris
the making of dsm-iii: a diagnostic manual's conquest of american psychiatry, by hannah s decker
the myth of the chemical cure: a critique of psychiatric drug treatment, by joanna moncrieff
the book of woe: the dsm and the unmaking of psychiatry, by gary greenberg
prozac on the couch: prescribing gender in the era of wonder drugs, by jonathan metzl
the creation of psychopharmacology, by david healy
the bitterest pills: the troubling story of antipsychotic drugs, by joanna moncrieff
psychiatry & race
the protest psychosis: how schizophrenia became a black disease, by jonathan metzl
administrations of lunacy: racism and the haunting of american psychiatry at the milledgeville asylum, by mab segrest
the peculiar institution and the making of modern psychiatry, 1840–1880, by wendy gonaver
what's wrong with the poor? psychiatry, race, and the war on poverty, by mical raz
national and cross-national contexts
mad by the millions: mental disorders and the early years of the world health organization, by harry yi-jui wu
psychiatry and empire, by sloan mahone & megan vaughan
ʿaṣfūriyyeh: a history of madness, modernity, and war in the middle east, by joelle m abi-rached
surfacing up: psychiatry and social order in colonial zimbabwe, 1908–1968, by lynette jackson
the british anti-psychiatrists: from institutional psychiatry to the counter-culture, 1960–1971, by oisín wall
crime, madness, and politics in modern france: the medical concept of national decline, by robert a nye
reasoning against madness: psychiatry and the state in rio de janeiro, 1830–1944, by manuella meyer
colonial madness: psychiatry in french north africa, by richard keller
madhouse: psychiatry and politics in cuban history, by jennifer lynn lambe
depression in japan: psychiatric cures for a society in distress, by junko kitanaka
inheriting madness: professionalization and psychiatric knowledge in 19th century france, by ian r dowbiggin
mad in america: bad science, bad medicine, and the enduring mistreatment of the mentally ill, by robert whitaker
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