#Hawaii used cars oahu
autozillahawaii · 9 months
Navigating Paradise: The Allure of Used Cars in Oahu, Hawaii
In the heart of the Pacific, the island of Oahu stands as a vibrant and dynamic hub, offering residents a unique blend of urban living and natural beauty. When it comes to transportation on this captivating island, the allure of used cars becomes evident. This article delves into the appeal of used cars on Oahu, Hawaii, exploring the factors that make them an attractive option for residents seeking efficient, reliable, and island-adapted transportation.
Diverse Driving Terrain:
Oahu's landscape is a mosaic of diverse terrains, from bustling city streets in Honolulu to scenic coastal drives and mountainous regions. Hawaii Used cars Oahu cater to this variety, providing residents with a range of vehicles suited for different driving conditions. Whether navigating through city traffic or embarking on weekend adventures, the versatility of used cars makes them an ideal choice for Oahu's diverse driving experiences.
Cost-Effective Transportation Solutions:
Living in Oahu comes with unique economic considerations, and used cars present a cost-effective transportation solution. The initial depreciation associated with new vehicles is less pronounced with used cars, allowing residents to acquire reliable vehicles at a more affordable price point. This financial flexibility aligns with the practical and value-conscious mindset often adopted by Oahu residents.
Local Insights and Recommendations:
Navigating the market for Hawaii used cars sales in Oahu benefits from local insights and recommendations. Residents often rely on the experiences of their neighbors, friends, and family members when making decisions about purchasing a used car. This interconnected network creates a sense of community trust, ensuring that buyers can make informed decisions based on real experiences with specific models, dealerships, or sellers.
Adaptation to Island Living:
Oahu's unique climate and environmental factors require vehicles to adapt to island living. Used cars that have been previously owned and driven on the island may already be acclimated to the local conditions, such as exposure to salt air in coastal areas. This adaptability can contribute to the longevity and resilience of used cars on Oahu, making them well-suited to the island's specific challenges.
Availability of Fuel-Efficient Options:
Given the island's commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness, the demand for fuel-efficient vehicles is high. The used car market in Oahu responds to this demand by offering a variety of fuel-efficient options. Buyers looking to minimize their environmental impact and reduce fuel costs can find a range of used cars that align with Oahu's commitment to eco-friendly living.
Local Dealership Expertise:
Oahu's used car market benefits from the expertise of local dealerships that understand the island's unique driving conditions. Dealerships often have insights into the best models for Oahu living, offer specialized services, and may provide warranties or guarantees that enhance the overall buying experience. This local expertise adds a layer of confidence for buyers in the used car market.
Community Support and Sustainability:
Choosing a used car in Oahu isn't just a practical decision; it's a choice that contributes to community support and sustainability. Opting for a used vehicle, whether purchased from a local dealership or private seller, supports the local economy. Additionally, by extending the lifespan of a used car, buyers participate in sustainable practices, aligning with Oahu's commitment to preserving the island's natural beauty.
Tailoring Choices to Personal Needs:
The diverse selection of used cars on Oahu allows residents to tailor their choices to their personal needs and preferences. From compact cars for efficient city driving to SUVs for outdoor adventures, the range of options ensures that buyers can find a used car that aligns with their lifestyle on the island.
In conclusion, the allure of used cars in Oahu, Hawaii, goes beyond mere transportation; it reflects a pragmatic approach to island living. Whether driven by economic considerations, community trust, or a desire for sustainability, residents of Oahu find that the used car market caters to their specific needs, creating a harmonious blend of practicality and island charm. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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i-want-cheese · 4 months
I don't understand people who move to a small island and get a car.
This place has perfect weather, a fairly good public transportation system, lots of Ubers and Turos ... and fucking horrible traffic from all the personal cars. Make it make sense.
"It's so expensive to live here" they say while paying all the costs on a car they do not need -- costs which are higher here than other places. Meanwhile my bike and I are socking away savings from a part-time job.
They think they're saying, "Look how rich I am. Look at what I can afford." But all I hear is, "Look at how selfish and impatient I am. I'll waste heaps of money and fuck over the world for my own minor convenience."
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 1  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 1,540 💌  You Are Here | Chapter 2 =>
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It was cold compared to what you were used to but hey at least you got to see snow. That had been one thing you had wanted to see for as long as you could remember. Living in Hawaii you don't really get that unless you went to certain places on the big island and seeing as how you lived on Oahu, yeah no snow for you. You didn't particularly want to move all your friends and family were here. Although thinking about it moving would be a nice change of pace. You were getting sick of living on an island anyways between the horrible paradise tax, the dumb power-outages and shitty internet you guess there were some perks to leaving your home.
"Honey we're here" you hear your mom say. You open the door of your car and look at your new area of living. It was simple and really generic compared to your old house but hey at least it was new.
Slowly walking up to the front door you survey the houses around yours, they looked nearly the same. The only difference was the color scheme. You turn around to see your mom talking to some redheaded lady followed by a man, her husband probably? The man only greeted your mom as he walked to the house next to yours. Turning back to the door knob your mom calls for you to meet the lady as you reluctantly walk over to her.
"(Y/n) this is Mrs. Broflovski she's our neighbor. We were talking about having dinner over at their house to welcome us to South Park" Mrs. Broflovski smiled "Yes sweetie, I used to be the new kid in town once. I know it can be hard to make friends so I figured that I have two sons, one around your age. Maybe he could show you around."
You force a smile "that sounds lovely, I should go get ready."
With that you hurried into your new house leaning your back against the door, sliding down it. You knew you would have to socialize at one point but this soon? You weren't the best with making friends or talking to kids your age. Back at your old school you were known as the weird girl because you liked "One Piece" over "Naruto" which you thought was so dumb because shouldn't the kids living on an island like pirates over ninjas? Whatever the point was you were not looking forward to being outcasted again for liking the wrong anime.
Taking a deep breath you decide to get off of the floor and get ready which meant that you would have to find your room and the bathroom. The movers had already moved the furniture from your old house so finding your room shouldn’t be that hard. Making your way upstairs there are actually six rooms, which is surprising because it’s only you and your mom who are living here. You find your room and smile it looks exactly like you left it, so you pull out the first thing you see in the drawers and head over to the bathroom.
Afterwards you head downstairs, greeting your mom as you both head out the door. With every step that you take you wonder what kind of a person this kid next door is like. You wouldn't even know how to describe the local boy culture that Hawaii has other than annoying. Brah everyone always like scrap for no reason because they swore you gave stink eye when really you just gagged at their axe body spray and now the whole school is screaming backroads. Like five people will get that joke but it doesn't matter you were already at their door.
*knock knock*   
You had a soft smile on your face to seem more interested in meeting the random neighbor’s boy. Upon entering the home Mrs. Brofloski told you that you could head up into Kyle’s room before dinner and that she would call when it’s ready. Taking a deep breath you gently knock on the door. You meet lovely green eyes as you awkwardly smiled. “h-hiya, I’m (y/n)”
A nice tint of pink graced the boys cheeks “I’m Kyle." He paused before he looked back at his room "So...um... do you like video games?”
“Do I?!” you both smile, this looks like the start of a very good friendship. You both played games until Kyle’s mom called for dinner you both sat quietly at the table while the adults talked. Kyle started to talk to you about some of the best adventures he’s experienced living here and you could not wait to have some of your own. Before you knew it you and Kyle were just sitting on the couch talking while the adults were still at the table with Ike.
“And that’s when the wizard killed the evil king of the humans becoming the grand wizard king. Little did he know that's what started the elf army” Your eyes light up when he says so far “That sounds amazing, you guys are so lucky. My friends back home never wanted to do anything like that.”
Your mom walked in the living room. “(y/n) it’s time to go home” You and Kyle both looked at each other before you sighed. “Aww really?”
She laughed glad that you could make a friend this quickly into the move. “Yes honey, you have to get ready for school tomorrow”
You looked at the clock. It was getting pretty late to be fair. Reluctantly you get up from your seat to follow her to the door. “Okay, see you later Kyle” You waved him off.
“Wait, are you going to be taking the school bus?” You both looked at your mom who nodded then said “(Y/N) will be but not tomorrow I have to meet with the principle tomorrow so I’ll be dropping her off.” You waved one last time as you and your mom left.
The school was bigger than your old one. It was weird how everything was indoors too. In your hometown every school was pretty much an open campus. As your mom said last night you met up with the principle and received your schedule as the councilor gave you a brief tour of what area of the school you would be a part of. You stood outside of a classroom waiting for your introduction.
"Okay quiet down class today you have a new student that's going to be joining us for the rest of the year.” Mr. Garrision motioned for you to walk in “Go on and tell them your name sweetie." Mr. Garrision smiled. You looked at the class and took a deep breath which probably seemed stupid to the people staring at you but it helped calm your nerves. "My name is (Your Full Name)."
You heard someone start laughing and you clenched your fist and glared at the fat kid "Hahahehe (Y/N) ha what a stupid name." The fat ass got everyone to start laughing but you were prepared for retaliation, or well kind of. You had watched some TV show greatest comeback compilations in hopes to steal some material just in case this happened. "Thank you and while we’re handing out compliments, nice hat fat ass, do they sell men's clothes where you got that."
It took the class a moment to process what you were getting at but the moment they did they lost it. "Burn" was all you said after that and you bit your thumb at him. Mr. Garission's jaw was on the floor. Such an innocent looking girl was no better than the rest of these rowdy kids.
"(Y/n) how about you take that empty seat between Kyle and Kenny and we can get started." You take your seat next to Kyle and he turns to you and smiles and puts a fist out and you fist bump him back, you could tell you were going to like it here. You turn to the other guy you're sitting next to, Kenny was it, he was staring at you. Although most of his face is covered but you could tell he's cute by his eyes, you give a small wave and smile before you turn back to Mr. Garrison.
During recess Kyle introduced you to most if not all of the class at the playground. “So just stop me if I get this wrong okay?” Kyle had introduced everyone by name briefly and had everyone all stand in a line. From what Kyle said they did this every time they got a new student, the great name test was always fun for some reason. “Stan, Tolken, Kenny, Butters, Jimmy, Clyde, Scott, Tweek, Craig, Pip and fat ass.” Kyle laughed and applauded along with everyone except Craig who opted to flip you off instead, because you were actually the first one to get everyone’s names right on the first try “Bitch my name isn’t fat ass it’s Cartman” You rolled your eyes at Cartman “Well fat ass my name isn’t Bitch.” Both of you just glared at each other and you crossed your arms. Then bell rang signaling that recess was, in fact, over.
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
Weddings 101 with Dieter
Chapter Two: Proper Accommodations
Dieter Bravo x plus size OFC (Maya)
Fanfiction 18+
Masterlist / Dieter Bravo Masterlist / Weddings 101 with Dieter Series / AO3 Link
Word Count: approx 4.7k
Summary: Maya arrives to Hawaii in Dieter's private jet. Turns out, the man's got a villa and would like her there with him and his goat. A car ride and some ridiculous banter ensue. Things are great until the OJ.
Warnings: Bad jokes, candy, even worse nicknames, Dieter being himself, self-doubt, self-esteem issues, cursing, mild body worship, food (it's a Nerdie expectation at this point), jealousy, brief mention of drug use, the nicknames worsen and include food, slander against Oscar Issac, accidental drug use, we got fluff people!
Notes: I started this series awhile ago and wrote this chapter last month. Then I fell face first into Frankie and hadn't looked back until the king trash panda himself took up residence in my brain. So we're back and I'm working on future chapters. The jokes continue to be bad, I'm not a comedian - I'd be very broke. I just enjoy two people being idiots with each other. It's a joy.
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After disembarking and gathering her belongings, Maya thanked Dieter immensely for basically giving her a ride to Hawaii and if he wanted to hang out later that would be great. She needed to be away from him, the dancing was too much, he was drawing her in. Dinner could be later this week, it didn’t need to be tonight, she still needed to check in at the hotel.
Bravo leaned in for a hug and Maya returned the squeeze, pressing their bodies together. He was simultaneously firmer than she thought and also softer around the belly. His hands started roaming a little too low down her back towards butt and they gave a little squeeze. Maya should have swatted him away or told him no, but she decided to run her hands down his back as well and give him a little grab too. Turns out that Sugar lips was also quite firm as well, he jumped a little bit giggling.
 “I gotta say Kit Kat. This has been a lot of fun and I only drank while we did this whole thing, This is new.” Dieter stated triumphantly like he just got first place at something.
 Maya shrugged her shoulders and grinned, “Well Sugar lips, it turns out there's a lot of ways to have fun that maybe don't always include drugs sometimes.”
“Hey, your brother's wedding is on which island?” Dieter asked. His assistant who had been back trying to chat up the flight attendants a little bit got an inkling that there was something a little suspect going on, so he went over and gently reminded Dieter about his schedule including popping in for press at a golf tournament. Bravo wasn’t really feeling it, but he had already agreed as part of a contract.
Maya shook her head and told him, “You don’t have to feel pressured to do dinner right now. It’s an open invitation. You have very important stuff to handle, Dieter.” Her smile was weak, as much as she wanted to stay with him, she needed to leave this fever dream of an evening here. On to wedding business. She took a step back and he released her, Dieter disliked this greatly and his assistant for bringing up work shit. That can wait later.
 “Oh no Kit Kat you're not getting out of this one.” Dieter beamed and threw an arm around her shoulder, pressing his hip to hers, so soft and warm. “You’re definitely telling me where you're staying and I'm definitely coming there and if I don't like where you stay, we're gonna stay somewhere else.” He decided. His assistant’s face went pale as Brave shot him a stern look, ‘say something I dare you.’
 Maya chuckled and poked Bravo’s cheek, “What do you mean we? I'm booked into the same place with all the family. I don’t even know where you’re staying.” His assistant was furiously texting, he knew he had more work to do and how Dieter was fully capable of making his job a living hell if he didn’t get his way. She had mentioned that the wedding was taking place on Oahu but Dieter had been too busy watching her eat to listen.
 “Well, I gotta see this place, see if it's good enough for more Uno games and whatever else we come up with. It also needs to be pet friendly because Daisy is coming with me to visit.” The goat sauntered over to the pair and let out a ‘baah’ They both chuckled in unison. Maya went to protest again but he stopped her, “Nah you lost the game Toblerone. You call me sugar lips first of all, and second, show me the address.” He held his hand out, presumably for her phone. Maya gave him her palm and he used his middle finger to stroke her palm, making her draw her hand back with a squeal. She sighed and pulled out her phone, showing Dieter her accommodations which she felt were pretty nice it was like on the 6th floor of one of the Hilton hotels right off the beach on Waikiki island Dieter took one look scoffed and grabbed his nonexistent pearls and said, “No dice, this place is bullshit. Maya you’re not staying there. I'm not staying there. Toblerone, you’re gonna come with me to my villa.”
To this Maya put her hands on her hips which got Dieter a little a little hot under the robe which he was more than fine with.  Maya was disturbed at what he was saying, she thought it was a pretty nice hotel but more than that who does he think he is trying to tell her where to stay.
“Now Dieter-”
 “It’s sugar lips, “ He interrupted, she clicked her tongue and leaned forward where he leaned back.
 “Now I know, you are not trying to tell me where I should go, and where I should stay are you?” The robe-clad man shook his head and then put his hands up. “I am a grown woman.”
 Dieter tried to explain himself, “I'm not saying that it’s not a decent hotel. I'm just saying you could stay in a better place with me. We discussed decadence earlier, right?”
 She crossed her arms against her chest, “And what makes you think that I want to stay in a hotel with you Dieter Bravo?” He was making this a lot harder than it needed to be. Just let me go. He doesn’t want me, he just wants the feeling I give him, the fun. I’m not just for anyone’s use.
 “Again, it's sugar lips and we were not having so much fun on the plane. Like you're just gonna give this fun up just cause it's your brother's wedding. I mean because you know destination weddings already suck why not have why not have a little fun you know?”
 “And what type of fun are you talking about Dieter because I just met you and Uno was fun and I am extremely grateful for the free ride but whatever villa you stay in, if I thought I couldn't afford the jet ride I am damn sure not going to be able to afford a villa.” Maya now threw her hands up. This man was impossible.
 “Look, I didn't say you had to pay for it. I just said you had to stay with me and we need to get you some better wedding clothes anyway.” Bravo told her, he was re-thinking the jab about her wedding clothes. He was sure she probably looked pretty in them, but she deserved a lot more luggage than what she had.
 “I'm not trying to hear about fashion choices from a man who walks around in pajamas and a robe sir. You haven't even looked at my suitcase, so how do you know that my clothes are not appropriate for a wedding?” Dieter’s assistant looked up from his phone. Usually, his boss was much smoother than this. What about this woman made him so rattled? No matter, the assistant now had to inform the personal chef to stock and cook for two people instead of just Dieter.
 “Yeah, I got a sixth sense about these things Kit Kat just trust me on this. Now you will like the villa. It's got like 6 rooms, so we don't even have to stay in the same room. We'll just play Uno, drink, maybe I can get you to try some other stuff and we'll just have fun. Plus, we have to eat dinner.” Bravo slowly approached Maya, placing his hands on her hips and leaving her a kiss on her forehead. Kit Kat closed her eyes. So many red flags, she should leave, thank him and leave, maybe get his number. He’ll forget to call. It would be fine. And yet…
“We'll go to and from your brother's wedding, maybe you'll even let me come along to the wedding?” She shook her head, knowing that this was a horrible idea. But you only live once, right?
 “I haven't been to a wedding before, apparently I was told by my friends I couldn't come to their weddings.” He finally finished. She opened her eyes and looked at his sad brown ones. At some point Dieter had removed his sunglasses. His eyes were longing for her to answer him.
 “Now why did your friends tell you not to come to their weddings?” Maya asked, her hand reached up and ruffled his hair, he leaned in the direction of her hand.
Dieter beamed, “I'm just so much fun you know, and I just try bring joy to wherever I go.” He couldn't keep a straight face while talking. Maya threw her head back and howled.
“I bet you do bring joy, don't you?  Oh Lord Dieter,” Toblerone giggled and kissed his cheek.  “Fine, I will stay with you at your villa. I am staying in a separate room. We just have to make sure I'm on time for the different dress rehearsals and family events. Ok?” Her hand fell to his cheek, her thumb traced his nose, she felt his dimples form as he smiled. Dieter put both of his considerable hands over her hips and squeezed, he would never get tired of doing that.
 “I promise Kit Kat you won't regret it. I promise it'll be the best week ever. We'll have so much fun, so much joy. Maybe you won’t wanna leave.” Dieter dipped his chin to maximize his mischievous eye effect. It gave her a tingle up her spine.
 Maya leaned her forehead on his shoulder, “I don't know if I should trust you when you say fun and joy like that because your voice keeps cracking.”
The pair headed over to a car that was scheduled to take Dieter to his beachside villa that thankfully was only about 15 minutes away from the wedding venue where most of the events they’d be going to be taking place. It was much further from the hotel but outside of mandated events with the wedding, she didn’t plan on being at the hotel much now. She went ahead and texted her mom and her brother that she had a few hiccups with her flight, but she still was coming to the weddings and events. She also let them know that she had some different accommodations that she was going to stay at for the week. Her family was a bit concerned but they knew that Maya knew how to take care of herself.
On the car ride over, Dieter had slumped over on her shoulder, nuzzling into her. His hand laid on her thigh. Maya was petting little Daisy that sat in her lap.
 “You're a cute little goat aren't you like your daddy? This is going to be a wild ass week. What have I agreed to? I’ve lost all my good sense Daisy.” She laid her head back on the seat, closing her eyes. Today certainly was something. 
Dieter’s fingers pressed into the flesh of her thigh, he wasn’t quite asleep. He was plotting what to do once he got her to his villa. He was sure that his assistant had picked up to adjust things for her as far as the chef and food storage was concerned. Though playful, Bravo knew that Maya was still weary of him. That was fine, Dieter was a master at getting into people’s personal space and between boundaries they had set up for themselves. He was careful not to move his head, he wanted to savor the movement. She had been set to leave ten minutes ago. He had a small victory in that already. He would need to keep the momentum going. His hand relaxed and circled down to her knee, a grin formed on his face. 
The driver hit a pothole making the car bounce roughly and apologized. The actor had no issue with this, Maya slid against the car door, diagonal with one leg extended that Daisy slid down onto, not hard as she shook off the impact. Dieter’s head landed on Maya’s thigh where his hand had been, he snaked an arm under her leg pretending that he was more shaken then he was. The driver slowed down and only sped back up when he didn’t see anymore.
“Kit Kat! You alright? I got you.” He couldn’t help but smile as Maya rubbed the back of her head.
“I’m okay, I think. Bumped my head.” It took a moment to look down, she saw Daisy on the car floor and Dieter using her thigh as a pillow, feeling something under her leg that she identified as his arm. “Why would you grab…? Does anything you do make sense De-” She paused, remembering their bet. “Never mind.”
“You could just say it, you know. It’s just two words, Toblerone. Come on…” The dimpled man grinned rolling on his side, he was face to face with her stomach. It appeared very soft and jiggly. “I’ll poke you if you don’t.” It wasn’t a threat, he’d likely poke her belly even if she did call him his nickname. It was calling him.
“You’re infuriating. I get why you’re not at weddings, Sugar Lips” Maya lowered her voice at his nickname and straightened herself up in the seat as much as she could, Dieter’s arm under her leg was making that a bit difficult. “Seriously Dieter, move your arm. It’s going to go numb under there.” Her hand went to move his arm but he gripped her leg tighter.
“Nuh uh. My arm’s fine but if you want me to move I will.” His dimples were still on full display until his face went into her stomach, shaking his head from side to side. She’s so soft and warm. I think it’s okay not to breathe for a bit. Maya yelped and grabbed Bravo’s shoulders, she pushed him away slightly but she he proved too strong as he held his face in her soft stomach. She ended up just holding him, her palms running across his back.
“Dieter you’re fucking insane.” He didn’t let go. She felt his nose poking her deeply. No one had ever dove into her belly, laid on it sure, but not dove in and held on like this. She wasn’t sure what exactly he needed from her, but until they reached the villa, the only sounds were from Daisy and her occasional ‘baah’s’ and the wheels on the dirt road. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, the opposite actually, which made Maya even more unsure of what was going on.
The villa in question was at the top of a hill behind a gate. The driver entered a code that was provided to him via text from Dieter’s assistant and pulled up the long driveway to the front door. The door itself was made from a beautiful dark oak and the shingles on the roof were a red clay color. The house itself was two levels with glass walls facing the side of the house toward the beach. The sun was almost finished setting by the time they reached it. The back of the house away from the beach was an eggshell white. It was beautiful and modern, not that Maya knew what she was expecting. The driver took all her and Dieter’s bags out of the car and placed them in the foyer of the house.
“Dieter, you have to get off now. We’re here.” Maya stated softly, her hand ran through his curls. She cursed herself for doing it, but they were so silky dancing across her fingers. Bravo groaned and pulled his head back and laid on her thigh once again. 
“Promise you’ll let me lay on you again and then I’ll move.” He peered up at her, she sighed. 
“Let’s see how dinner goes.”
“You drive a hard bargain Kit Kat. Fine, but!” He lifted a finger and placed it on her chin. “If you let me, you can play with my hair again.” Scoffing, Maya used the distraction to slide out of the car. Brave puffed out his cheeks laying across the backseat of the limo. Daisy licked his cheek before hopping out of the car, following the woman. “Daisy! You’ve turned on me! What is wrong with everyone?!” He fussed, his assistant snorted and helped the driver move the bags from the foyer to the bedrooms. Maya asked which room she would be staying, the assistant mentioned there were six rooms plus Dieter’s study. She snickered at the word study, she couldn’t picture him being able to focus on anything that didn’t involve his own fun for longer than five minutes. 
Maya picked the room that was two rooms down from the master bedroom which she assumed to be Dieter’s. It was still much bigger than the hotel room she would have been trapped in for the week. Complete with a king size bed, walk in closet, 80-inch flat screen TV, numerous outlets for devices to be plugged in, a small desk area was present, the bathroom was huge with two sinks, a walk in shower that had a bench, removable shower head and a tub for a nice even soak; it was perfect.
Bravo had finished his rant and entered the villa, he checked with the chef in the kitchen and told him to make pizza. Ham and mushrooms but no pineapple. His assistant checked in with him before heading out for the night, informed Dieter which room his guest was in and that he would come to pick him up at noon tomorrow to get him ready for the first part of the golf event later that afternoon. Rolling his eyes, the actor agreed and asked if Maya had the driver’s number so he could take her to any wedding events she would need to go to. The assistant nodded and informed him that he also gave her the back up driver’s number in case Dieter was using his primary driver. Bravo was pleased with this and threw his robe on one of the stools in front of the kitchen island. 
Maya came down the winding stairs and waved to Dieter and his assistant. She smelled the pizza that was baking in the oven and beamed, “Pizza! I actually haven’t had any for a while.” She had on a pair of dusty rose pink ballet slippers, she had changed into a plain light blue t-shirt with gray shorts.  She saw that Bravo’s assistant was heading toward the door, and she tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Thanks Zack for helping me get set up. I’ll try and keep out of the way.”
Zack the assistant blinked, he actually had not heard his name for a bit. His body had tensed but he calmed. “It’s no problem Ms. Maya, let me know if you need anything. He does need to be at least up and showered by noon though.” The woman nodded and his assistant left, she made sure to set an alarm on her phone for 11 in the morning just in case. Bravo was deeply disturbed. First of all, that was his name? He was sure it was Peter, or Lou, or Aspen or something. Secondly, Why did she need to touch him? Third and most important, when did they have time to talk? He wasn’t in the car that long. Shit maybe I was, because I hit a little snow on the part of the seat Kit Kat had been sitting on. I remember mellowing out for a bit, but only a bit. Maybe. His arms snaked around Maya’s wide waist as his chin rested on her shoulder, he shot the young man the same look he did when they were outside the car at the airport, one of pure annoyance. Maya shook her head as Zack left and the chef signaled that the pizza was finished. 
“Sugar lips, we were going to have dinner right?” She gently pulled Dieter’s hands off her waist and turned around to face him. “Come on, let’s eat. Don’t pout.” Her smile remained just as wide, sniffing the pizza that the chef was cutting up. He warned that it was still hot of course and not to eat it quite yet. Nodding, Maya reached in the cabinet and grabbed a glass, pouring herself some orange juice. Dieter watched her reach while leaning on the counter but looked away as the chef let him know that there was more food in the fridge and he was leaving for the night. Dieter told him goodbye and missed what container the orange juice came out of.
“Yeah we are. What did you talk with…Zack about?” He was in fact still pouting. Maya smirked, setting her glass on the counter. 
“Just making sure that you’re at your event on time tomorrow. Despite me being here, you have obligations Cupcake.” His left eyebrow shot up as his arm snaked around her waist again. She didn’t shirk away from his touch this time, putting her head on his shoulder and leaned into him.
“I like the sound of Cupcake. Why’d you change it?” 
“Trying out some different ones.”
“Alright, show me what you’ve got.” Dieter moved from her side to in front of her, just sliding his hand to her hip instead of across her waist. Maya was noticing a pattern, that he always seemed to need to touch her. She thought that she should think it’s weird, but she enjoys it. There’s always a hand, shoulder, his chin, lips, cheek finding its way to her.
“Jellybean, Marshmallow, Fluffy Boy, Pooh Bear, Tater Tot.” Dieter turned up his nose. He might let her guess which one he actually liked out of those, but he could throw out some new nicknames too.
“I raise you Maya: Sweet cheeks, Good & Plenty, Love muffin, hot buns or-”
“Wookie!” The actor’s eyes narrowed and he let go of her. His hands were in the air instead, tightening around nothing. That clearly struck a nerve. Maya bit her bottom lip and sniffed the pizza. Maybe Dieter Bravo wasn’t a Star Wars fan.
“Absolutely not! I auditioned for that movie and they gave it to that guy with the black curly hair! Him and his stupid forearms and that massive five o’ clock shadow and…”
“Are you talking about Oscar Issac? You auditioned for Poe Dameron?! I can’t see it, Dieter.” Picking up a slice, she put it to her mouth and bit off a large piece of the slice. The handmade dough seemed to have garlic in it and the sauce had sauteed onions. Cheese topped with ham and mushrooms with a medium brown crust rounded out the delicious flavors together in the pizza. 
“I could have acted like I knew how to fly an x-wing! They’re the ones that missed out!” Now pacing, Dieter started explaining that Issac wasn’t as good an actor as he was, didn’t get as many roles or money and he clearly was better looking than him too. Maya just watched him, continuing to take more bites of the slice and picking up another one. Her low rumbles from her throat were making Dieter slow down. “And he got to work with Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher….Maya are you…What did the chef put in that pizza?” He finally stopped and watched as she had sauce around the corners of her mouth and a touch on her nose. 
“I was really hungry. I figured you were going to talk about He who shall not be named for a while. The pizza’s warm now and not hot. Shit it’s so good!” She licked her fingers and Dieter thought it was strange. He picked up a slice and took a few bites. Yummy but nothing unusual. Her behavior is odd. He didn’t plan to give her any molly. That was going to be after a movie or two and he wouldn’t force her…Ah. His juice. He was gonna take that tomorrow to get through that golf thing. This is not good. Maya reached for her orange juice glass that was half empty and Dieter snatched it away. “No Kit Kat! You need water only. Trust me on this.” She shook her head at him and started on her third slice of pizza humming a song he didn’t recognize. Dieter got her a bottle of water out of the fridge along with the bottle of orange juice he had planned on taking tomorrow. It was half empty, he instructed her to drink instead of just giggling and poured the rest of her glass back in his bottle. No one’s wasting premium drugs though.
“If you’re mad I drink your juice, sorry. I like orange juice and this pizza. You gotta eat this pizza too. Stop thinking about that man. He’s not in a villa in Hawaii. I feel a little warm…” Sweat beads were forming on her forehead. He handed her the water bottle and she popped the bottle and started gulping it down. Bravo had to pause, what else did he need to do, normally his assistant or someone his team hired made sure he was safe during his drug escapades. He had agreed to scale back so they were giving him a bit of leeway letting him stay without one of his team there and just a guest. Now he had gotten his guest unintentionally high. 
“Fuck me…I don’t want to have to call them. They’ll never let me stay by myself again after this.” He muttered to himself as he got a wet paper towel to wipe Maya’s face. Her giggle at the cool water was cute though. He never really had to take care of himself, let alone someone else. He then wiped off her hands and held them after. 
“You don’t have to call anyone Sugar Lips. I’m open to fucking you sometime this week. Not sure when. I have to let the idea marinate in my brain. We can start with touching though.” Her eyes were glassy and her smile was warm. Dieter almost took her up on the offer as she closed the distance between them and continued to look up at him. 
“Maya you truly don’t know how much I want to take you up on that. We can’t tonight though. We have to get settled in and you need to drink so much more water. Hydration is important.” Truly, if she wasn’t high, able to truly say yes to him and he didn’t think she would be pissed about finding out she got high from his OJ, he would take her up to his room right now, but he isn’t that kind of man. Sure he’s not an angel, but not an asshole. “I think we’ll leave the pizza and go upstairs to get some sleep. We can check the rest of the house tomorrow.” Taking a step back, he held one of her hands and led her up the stairs. Entering Maya’s room seemed odd to him, but he was going to have to figure this out. Hopefully.
Undressing her was a bad idea, in fact, Dieter had to keep Maya from undressing in front of him. Unheard of this situation, keeping a woman he wanted fully clothed. Dieter was able to wrangle her in the bed and lay beside her, as soon Maya’s head hit the pillow she was out, snoring loudly. He chuckled, content to watch her face.
“So weird. I never thought I would wanna watch someone else sleep. Not sure what it is about you Toblerone. Maybe because you’re not pretentious? Mmm, no I don’t think that’s it. Doesn’t matter for now. I’ll think about tomorrow. Don’t dream about my snobby assistant or Oscar Issac, no matter how great of an ass he has. I bet you that’s how he got the Star Wars gig.” Bravo’s hand traced her round cheek, poking it softly. “I should ask you what skincare you use, you could be twenty-five or sixty-five Maya…” His voice trailed off and his hand landed on her neck, she curled closer to Dieter and groaned lightly, an unknown warmth next to her but she didn’t feel afraid. Maya felt safe next to someone in bed for the first time in a long time.
Previous: Chapter One
Next: Chapter Three
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mcdonaldnuggies · 9 months
A Horrifying Beggining
Part 2 Part 3
My mother had always dreamed of owning a house, big or small; any house would do for her. Unfortunately, she never got to live out that scenario she so desperately replayed in her head, considering how many household members live in our apartment. With two parents, five children, and one dog—which is a large number of mouths to feed—my parents struggled to pay our rent. Let alone buying and renovating a house, which would cost us millions of dollars due to the place we live? Not only that, but me and my siblings are too young to get a job—my older half-brother doesn’t even care a penny for us anyway—so the only solution my mother could depend on was splitting our family.
My mother would take my younger sister and my youngest brother. While my father would take me, our dog, my youngest sister, and my younger brother. While the number of people in each household seems unfair, my parents would be sending money back and forth, and I would be the one caring for house chores and household members.
We drove in my father's tiny little car, which had five seats in total. My father was driving, my younger siblings were in the back, and I was in the passenger seat with my dog, looking out the window from my lap. As I watched my puppy's reaction to the first time being in snow, I began to think about how our living circumstances would be compared to before the move. Our plane tickets to Colorodo were definitely not cheap, and our 2-hour car ride doesn’t seem to be either.
I glance over at the little rats behind me, scanning their reactions to the snow. My little sister is passed out, her neck arched forward and everything, while my little brother is looking out the window in awe, occasionally muttering out a few words under his breath. To be honest, I’m also pretty amazed by even the sight of snow. I’ve never seen real snow other than pictures or ads, and the closest I've been to snow is ice packs. But even so, amazing or not, the cold I'm feeling is too much to bear compared to Hawaii’s sunny, tropical weather! To be more specific, in Oahu’s sunny, tropical weather, I try to radiate more heat onto my puppy, as it’s getting more chilly and he’s beginning to shiver. I wait for him to climb off the window ledge to roll up my window. I let him jump down into the back, cuddling with my little sister.
As I watch their short interaction, I glance back to the front, reading the sign ahead of us. The sign read,  ‘South Park’. Well, there go my fake little fantasies of the small possibilities of moving to the same place as an old friend. I don’t know where he lives or where South Park is, but I'm pretty sure this ain’t it.
As we drive by, I observe the houses we pass. All the houses we pass are practically copied and pasted in different colors and decorated slightly differently than the other houses. Gosh, who wasn’t creative on their copy of homework? I watched as the small, similar houses soon met shops and buildings. I think I see a mall, a few restaurants, and I think that’s a coffee shop. I take in my surroundings, trying to familiarize myself with the place to slow my nerves down. We pass by what seems to be a high school and an elementary school; we even pass by... wait, IS THAT A MANSION!?
I rub my eyes and take slow, long blinks to make sure I really am in reality. How can I be sure I’m not being fooled and what’s being shown in front of me isn’t the White House but with more money spent into it!? How much are the bills in this place? Can we even afford to live here? Please, God, don’t tell me we’ll live anywhere near that mansion. Not only would I look derpy compared to a goddamn mansion, but we would be kicked out before my father could even pay our bills!
I must have been zoning out from the shock I encountered because I flinched backwards from the sudden background change. Compared to those decently nice houses, this part of the town reminds me more of where I live. But more on the ghetto side than where I lived. Well, I’m sure we’ll at least be able to live here way longer than we could have near that mansion. I force myself back into reality as my father backs up in the driveway of what I guess is our new house. The house doesn’t look that different from the other houses I saw recently; it’s just a bit more worn out and moldy from the outside—and probably inside too.
Once my father parks the car in front of the house, I open and close my car door and walk over to the backside. I slightly crack the car door—to prevent a certain dog from running out—and ‘gently’ shake my little sister awake.
Soon after, we carry our belongings into the household. We set the bins of clothes and other bins onto the floor of the living room, making them all slowly stack up. Because the house is fenced all around, my dog is free to roam around and explore to his heart's desire while being safe and within our reach. Not too long, however, in this snow and compared to where we lived, he could freeze out here in any second! No matter the body fat he has gained!
While my dad and siblings are in the house trying to decide rooms and where to place everything, I walk outside to bring our fat puppy inside. As I'm walking towards the back of the house, I notice a little girl (maybe around my little brother's age?) kneeling down in the snow, sticking an arm out to our dog. She has light brown hair, tied into two short pigtails and held up in dark purple-pink bows. She wore a green jacket, black leggings, and black shoes on both feet. I can’t see her face that well from where I'm standing, but it looks like some dirt is scattered across her face, unlike her surprisingly clean clothing. I’m guessing she’s my neighbor from next door, judging from her appearance at least.
I took a few steps closer, watching the interaction between the little girl and my puppy. I kneeled down before getting too close to them and sat down on the snow. Shivering, I think about how to approach and interrupt the small girl because I don’t think I can handle staying out here for any longer.
I look at the girl’s face, take note of her wide smile, and listen to the small giggles she makes. I looked over at her eyes and also noted that she also had light brown eyes. Not as light as her hair, but not as dark as brown. Suddenly, my breath stopped. Probably from the cold once again. I should really hurry up and get inside.
Without thinking of what to say, my mouth blurts out the first thing I can think of: "Um, hi. The little girl flinches at the sudden realization of my presence. Suddenly, I feel embarrassed and don’t know what to say; the introduction I was preparing myself for is stuck in my throat. "I’m [name]." I force myself out, feeling stupid for worrying so much about a 7-10 year-old's opinion of me. I realize how awkward and straightforward I might’ve sounded and flash her a (hopefully not awkward) smile.
"My name’s Karen.” I heard the girl, Karen, shyly murmur out. She began fidgeting with her fingers, and my puppy ran over to me. She watched as I pulled my piggy-puppy into my arms and lifted him up, her entire focus on my dog. I rub my black jacket sleeves along my puppy’s fur in an attempt to warm him a bit. I walked over to Karen, her face showing she was taken aback by this gesture.
"Do you want to pet him?"
Karen looked up at me, her eyes sparkling and filled with life. I could practically feel her excitement and warmth radiating off of me. "Yes please!" She exclaimed, coming closer to our fence than she had before. I walk closer to the fence and slightly reach my puppy over the fence, him squirming in joy to be petted by the new stranger. Karen quickly reached the same arm out and petted my dog in delight. She had a big, soft smile plastered over her face. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but transform my forced smile into a genuinely happy smile. Karen seemed like a sweet kid after all; one day I might just kidnap her and make her my cute little sister.
"What’s his name? Karen asked me, still petting my puppy but giving me a toothy grin.
Karen gave me a questioning look, most likely wondering how ‘Oxford’ is relevant to anything about my dog. "Oxford is a shade of blue," I explained. "His eyes were blue but turned out to be hazel. My explanation must have made more sense to Karen because soon after, she let out an ‘Oh’ and began to scratch behind Oxford’s ear.
"Do you like dogs, Karen? I asked purely out of curiosity.
"Yeah, they’re really cute, and soft, and silly, and playful, and—, I listened to Karen’s rambling on why she loves dogs, almost completely forgetting about an upcoming cold that could happen to either of us. But before that, I waited for Karen to finish her rambling. I didn’t want to make her feel bad about the accident!
"Karen, me, and Oxford have to go now. We can come play with you tomorrow! I suggested it to Karen. Karen silently nodded, and her smile softened yet again.
"Bye bye then, [Name] and Oxford! See you tomorrow!", Karen waved.
I smiled at Karen and bid farewell, and I and Oxford walked back inside. As soon as we went through the door, I put Oxford down and went to grab a wipe to clean Oxford’s paws. I peek into a bin, pull out a pack of wipes, and begin to clean him down.
The rest of the day I spent cleaning the house and unpacking all of our belongings. So far, there was only one room that wasn’t assorted as the rest of the house, and that would be my room. Well, it doesn’t matter that much; I’ll just spend all of tomorrow cleaning my room. Plus, it’s not like I can do much tomorrow. I’ll be stuck at home since school doesn’t start until next week.
To get ahead of cleaning for tomorrow, I fold a few of my shirts and stack them on my dresser. I continue this until all of my shirts are on my dresser, saving the rest of the unfolded, messy clothes for tomorrow.
My phone suddenly goes off. I walk over to my drawer and turn my alarm off—a timer I set to let me when the food on the stove is done—then shove my phone into my front, right pocket. I walk out my bedroom and make my way into the front of the house, into the kitchen. I open the small pot that’s sat on the stove top and use the spatula placed beside the pot to stir the Kalua pig and cabbage. The  food looks good enough for something I merely googled for a recipe. What i’m mainly worried about is the after taste. 
I scoop a portion of the Kalua pig into three plates and scoop some rice to go along with it. I balance the three plates over to our tiny bit sized dining room table, setting the plates down—in front of three chairs. I bring out a pitcher of water and cup from the fridge and set it down onto the table.
“Dinner!” I call out, walking back to the Kitchen—digging out some raw meat and kibble. I cut and poured the raw meat and kibble into Oxford’s bowl and placed it down; besides his water bowl.
Washing the last plate, I set it down in the dishwasher and pressed ‘start’. I then made my way to my room to prepare for tomorrow.
When I got to my bed, I felt my eye-lids slowly close. I melt into my covers and pull my blanket over my head. Drifting asleep, I finally feel at peace.
As soon as I almost completely go unconscious, Oxford suddenly jumps on my stomach, leaving me there to lay down struggling to breath. When Oxford finally moves off my stomach—still not of me completely—I turned my head to my window, not fully processing everything due to still being half-asleep.
“Oxford, what-“, the words I had intended to voice out to my dog is suddenly stuck in my throat.
Standing outside my window; I see a medium-sized figure wearing what seems to be an orange jacket… or, parka? I’ve never been good at identifying clothes. Wait, no! That’s beside the point!
I instantly sit up and crawl on my knees over to my window. The boy outside my window waves at me causing me to flinch over so slightly. I merely stare at him form my bed, on my knees trying to process the situation I found myself in.
People looking at me from my window is nothing new, it’s happened to me even back at Oahu. But usually the people didn’t climb to the SECOND floor just to watch someone!
The boy points towards the window slider, gesturing me to open the window for him. Deeming him defenseless, I slowly slide the window open, scooting aside the window while a hand, my left hand, stays on Oxford’s back.
The boy leaps into my room, rolling on the ground of my floor, Oxford instantly goes hay-wire and jumps onto the poor boy, biting into his arm. I jump off my bed and pull Oxford into my arms, trapping him. Oxford must have wriggled out my grip and was now on the boy’s stomach, biting his right arm.
I reached for Oxford but I was too late. When I looked at the orange figure, my eyes bulged and I stood there frozen, horrified.
Oxford jumped out my arms and onto the—now dead—orange figure. My scream stuck in my throat, eyes trapped on his messed up, bloody face. God, I think i’m gonna be sick…
Finally coming back to reality, I dash to my phone on my drawer and dial 911. “Hello, what’s your emergency?”
“THERE’S SOMEONE DEAD IN MY ROOM” I uncontrollably shout, slightly shaking and holding in shaky breaths.
“Woah, woah, calm down will ya?” I hear the lady on the other line call, a slight sound of annoyance in her tone of voice.
Is this lady serious? How can she be so annoyed in this situation i’m in!? Suddenly I see a slight shift from the orange body, obviously still in a horrible condition. “Oh my god..” I mutter under my breath, my voice cracking and my throat stuffy. I feel this big lump in my throat, my eyes feel heavy and i’m slightly shaking. This is seriously not how bad I imagined this first day of my move to be, this is on WAY more extreme measures than I could have ever possibly thought..
“Alright, what do you need?” The lady on the other side sighed out, tiredly scoffing.
“An ambulance!”, I try my best to lower my voice for my father and siblings sleeping but this woman is being a real dick right now, I can’t help it.
I lean over to my bin of shirts and grab the first shirt on the top, a white Stitch and Angel shirt. Well fuck, desperate times come desperate measures I guess. I take the shirt into my fist and unzip the boys jacket. His chances of surviving at this rate may be 99% but hey, we still have that 1% worth fighting for! I internally pray to God that he has a shirt underneath and sadly my prayers weren’t answered. I mean, come on! He lives in a snowy hell-hole, are people from South Park indestructible when it comes to the chilly climate?
Gently sliding the jacket away from the boy, I take the conveniently placed water bottle near the ground of my bed and pour it on my favorite Stitch and Angel shirt. Squeezing the remaining water in the shirt onto my lap, I lightly dab the shirt onto the boy’s face. Flinching when he lets out a tired wince. Gosh, now that I think about it, isn’t this his fault anyways?
I look down at my hand clenching my shirt, noticing my knuckles are now white and shaking violently. Please, please, PLEASE don’t die in my house. Let alone my room, this is going to traumatize me enough! I set Oxford on the floor and push him out the room, closing the door behind him. I kneel down before the tangerine and gently dab the shirt on his face. Fuck, I don’t even know what i’m doing or what i’m supposed to be doing!
“Mm, alright, what’s your address?”
I look at my phone—that I put on speaker, across the room—my breath quickening. I didn’t know the address. I look at the tangerine laid before me but with the condition his face is in, I don’t think he can tell me. “I-I don’t know!”
“For fucksake, i’m sending an ambulance to you.” I hear the lady scoff, whispering something to someone near away from the phone call. Before I know it, she hangs up on me. Just great, am I right?
I regain my attention and pull it all towards the soon-to-be-smoothie in-front of me, soaking up any blood left on his face. The only thing I have is hope, hope that this stranger won’t die so that I can be seen as a hero and to make my life easier knowing that throughout all this trauma, I at least saved a person’s life.
“I am so, so, so sorry..” I whisper to the body of flesh apologetically. My vision blurring from the tears forming in my eyes. I don’t even know if this sack of blood and flesh is alive anymore, I don’t even know if i’m doing anything useful anymore. Looking back down to the body, my head begins spinning and I feel like I have to barf. With how much blood I cleaned, I can see the wound clearly now. And boy, it is not pretty. Where is the ambulance when you need it?
Eventually, I hear sirens, the sound coming closer and closer to the house. Past my door, I hear Oxford barking like crazy and my father’s footsteps running through the hall to the front door. God, how do I even explain this? Hearing multiple feet step into the doorway—which I am assuming is the people from in the car—I slowly stand up and head towards my phone. With just the reflection of my face from the black screen on my phone, I can see my red eyes and slowly red-turning nose and my tired-scared expression. As if i’m in a haze, everything goes black and I, temporarily, became blinded then my vision returning to me. My eyesight, still blurry from the tears crawling and scratching it’s way out my eyes.
Looking down at my phone screen—which is now for some reason lit—I stare at it in confusion. There are various pictures of the body in my photos, varying from various angles. How did this get in my phone? Gosh, am I becoming like those phone addicts who start taking millions of photos and videos without even acknowledging it?
I shove my phone into my front right pocket and walk out my door, eyeing the pair of people talking to my father who’s asking them millions of questions, blocking their way. I peek my head past the corner and knock on the wall, gaining the attention of the adults. “In here.” Gosh i’m going to be in so much trouble.
Speed walking back into my room, I lead the adults to the tangerine dying on the floor. Nervously looking back, I see the 2 men rush over to the boy and my father looking down at the boy in confusion, purely shocked. I glance back over to the boy laid out on my floor, following as the two adults rush him out the door and into the ambulance vehicle.
I watch at the front doorstep as the rashly drive away, almost hitting a curb. Closing and locking the door, I anxiously turn around. Fear overcoming me, I try to sneak past my father who seems to still be processing the situation. “[name].” I hear my father call out to me in a stern voice. He doesn’t sound sad or happy, but he doesn’t sound that far from angry either..
“Yes..?” I force out my throat, fidgeting with my fingers as I quickly turn around to face him.
“What happened?” He says, his eyes drilling holes into mine. I gulp, knowing he wants an explanation on who that boy was, why he was in my room with the door closed, and what happened to his face.
“W-well.. he just..”
“Oxford bit him and his face.. and..” I mumble out, the best I could. If my anxiety already reached it’s max before, it’s practically spilling out the bar now. I can hear my heart racing, my head is pounding so hard that I feel even more dizzy than I did looking at that kid’s face.
“How did Oxford bite him?” My father asks, this time his voice is raised a bit. With even more anger painted on his face and words.
“He jumped into my room from the window and Oxford bit hi-“
“How he get through the fucking window?!” My dad interrupts me, his voice raised way more than it had been before. He’s clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles are becoming white, I think I just might piss myself because of how scared I am.
I stop fidgeting with my fingers and grab a firm grasp of my wrist with my right hand, silently praying that I get out of this situation alive and deal with it tomorrow. My—once dry—eyes begin tearing up again, my hands fairly shaking. My father must have noticed this because his face softened not too long after this realization. Well, it didn’t soften a lot. But it did soften even just a bit! “Whatever, go sleep.” My dad sighs, stomping back into his room. He’s most definitely going to call my mother about this, I should expect a phone call sometime soon.
Walking back to my room, I see a shadow figure emerge. “[name], what’s going on?” My little sister asks, letting out a big yawn with her eyes lazily looking around the dark. Right, those sirens must have woken up everyone with how loud they are.
A/N: I accidentally deleted the looooong part of Y/N putting her sister (Harper btw) to sleep so… yeah! Also, this is a repost of this story from my other accounts on Wattpad and Quotev and my accounts are the same as this account’s name!
P.S. I’m new to this whole thing so I dunno how to do this stuff, please spare me 😭🙏
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stories-from-peter · 7 months
An Unfortunate Coincidence
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When Barb and I were first married we both had good jobs and indulged ourselves in some ways. Barb had always wanted a horse and I had loved sailing ever since I was a teenager at summer camp. Barb found her dream horse and spent much of her free time riding. I found a small sail boat that came with a trailer we could tow with our little car. Barb’s family had a cabin in Point Roberts where I parked the trailer with easy access to the sea.
Thanks to a generous mother-in-law, Barb and I were able to take a trip to Hawaii when we had been married about two years. Barb’s parents took a vacation in Hawaii every year and told us all the best hotels to stay at and the best places to visit. We spent a week on Oahu swimming, surfing, and visiting all the usual tourist spots. Barb noticed an ad for windjammer cruises and suggested we sign up for one. We would get to travel on an older sailing ship like the ones that used to sail across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans carrying grain and other goods. Dinner and unlimited drinks were included in the price.
The day of our cruise we climbed on a bus full of tourists along with several other bus loads all headed for a cruise. A Hawaiian girl came on the bus and announced that the bigger ship was over booked and could some people go on the smaller ship. Barb raised her hand and volunteered. The “smaller” ship turned out to be a 90 foot staysail schooner called the Salee which at one time was the Vanderbilt family yacht. It had a solid teak hull and gold faucets in the bathrooms among other things. The Hawaiian girl escorted us onto another bus and later made sure we got seats next to the bar on the Salee. She also spoke to the captain of the Salee about us volunteering to travel on his ship.
We were under way in a short time and the bar was already open when we were seated. I was thoroughly enjoying the experience enhanced with a few drinks from the bar. I was surprised to be introduced to the captain who walked back to the bar to meet us volunteers. I was also surprised to learn he was from Saskatchewan, which is about as far as you can get from any ocean. I felt compelled to tell him I had a sailboat. I neglected to say it was 12 feet long. He invited to me to take the helm of the Salee. How could I refuse?
I managed to keep the Salee on course, aided by a few reminders from the captain, for much longer than I expected. My duties came to an end when dinner was served. Barb had been entertained watching an older couple slowly getting plastered with a steady stream of selections from the bar. Not long after dinner we heard that the woman of the couple had vomited her dinner over the gold faucets of one sink.
After two weeks we had to return home. We noticed the older couple from the cruise were on the same flight back to Vancouver. In those days security at airports was very loose. Passengers waiting for luggage mixed freely with people meeting arriving travelers. On arrival in Vancouver Barb saw her friend Sandy and her new boyfriend waiting near the baggage carousel. Barb had to tell Sandy all about our adventures in Hawaii, including the tale of the lady on the cruise. Barb pointed out the couple to Sandy just as Sandy’s boyfriend spotted his parents. To our horror we all realized that Sandy’s friend and Barb were pointing to the same people.
0 notes
portzlogistics · 11 months
Charting The Course: Shipping A Car From Hawaii To California
The idea of shipping a car from Hawaii to California might seem like an extraordinary journey, and indeed, it is. This venture entails embarking on a remarkable odyssey across the Pacific Ocean, necessitating meticulous planning, an understanding of uncommon terminology, and a firm grasp of logistics.
The Tropical Departure Point: Hawaii 🏝️
Hawaii, with its picturesque landscapes and tropical allure, is a dreamy place to own a vehicle. Yet, life often takes us on unexpected adventures, including the need to relocate to the mainland or sell a cherished vehicle. When such circumstances arise, shipping your car across the ocean becomes a compelling chapter in your story.
Unveiling the Options: Shipping Methods 🚢
Two principal methods are at your disposal for shipping a car from Hawaii to California:
RORO (Roll-On/Roll-Off): A practical option where your vehicle is driven onto a specialized vessel and securely lashed down. This method is lauded for its cost-efficiency.
Container Shipping: For those who cherish added security and protection from the elements, container shipping allows your vehicle to nestle safely inside a shipping container.
Navigating the Logistics 📝
Before your vehicle commences its aquatic journey, there are several critical logistical steps to steer through:
Paperwork and Legalese 📄
Securing the necessary documentation is the initial course of action. This includes the vehicle's title and registration. It's imperative to ensure your vehicle meets California's emission standards, as it will undergo a meticulous emissions test upon reaching the mainland.
Vehicle Preparations 🚗
Properly preparing your vehicle is crucial. This entails:
Fuel Tank Considerations: Prudent shipping etiquette dictates a nearly empty fuel tank, minimizing the risk of leaks during transit.
Extricating Personal Belongings: Items of a personal nature must be removed from the vehicle, aligning with strict shipping regulations.
The Glisten of Cleanliness: Presenting a pristine vehicle eases the inspection process and sets a high standard of care for your cherished possession.
Port Choices 🌊
The Hawaiian archipelago offers a variety of ports for departure, including those on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island. Your choice of port will impact the overall cost and duration of your shipping expedition.
Timetables and Scheduling 🗓️
The shipping schedule is subject to numerous variables. Availability, vessel departure dates, and chosen shipping method will all influence the timeline. The voyage typically spans a duration of five to seven days.
A Maritime Lexicon 🌊
As your vehicle begins its oceanic adventure, an understanding of some less common maritime terminology can enrich your journey:
Vessel Manifest: A comprehensive list detailing all cargo, including your cherished vehicle, aboard the ship.
Bill of Lading: A vital document, the Bill of Lading serves as a receipt for the transported goods and outlines the contractual agreement between the shipper (that's you!) and the carrier, typically a shipping company.
Port of Entry: In California, your vehicle will dock at a designated port of entry, where it will undergo customs and safety inspections.
Welcoming California 🌞
Upon your vehicle's triumphant arrival in California, it encounters a customs clearance process. This phase involves a comprehensive inspection to verify compliance with emissions and safety standards. Subsequently, your vehicle is released to you, and you can finally navigate the roads of the Golden State.
The Emissions Testing Hurdle 🚦
California, renowned for its strict environmental policies, requires all vehicles imported from beyond its borders to undergo an emissions test. Vehicles not meeting the state's emission standards may necessitate modifications to attain compliance.
Registration and Fiscal Matters 💸
Once your vehicle is on Californian soil, you'll need to register it with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and fulfill any applicable tax obligations. Preparedness with the requisite documentation, including the bill of lading and customs clearance documents, is paramount for a smooth transition.
Picking the Right Shipping Partner 🤝
Selecting a reputable and experienced shipping company is fundamental for a stress-free process. Conduct thorough research and comparisons among various providers to identify the one that aligns with your specific requirements and budget. Ensuring the company is both licensed and insured bolsters your peace of mind.
Navigating the Uncharted Waters 🌊
Shipping A Car From Hawaii To California may be an unconventional journey, but it's one that offers a unique perspective on the transport of cherished possessions across the vast Pacific Ocean. With meticulous preparation and attention to detail, your vehicle can seamlessly transition from the tropical haven of Hawaii to the sunny horizons of California, ensuring your beloved car safely finds its way to the mainland.
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vaowao · 1 year
20 Best Beaches in the World for Your Next Vacation
Embark on a Journey to the World's Most Spectacular Beaches: From Pristine Shores to Exotic Coastlines, Explore Unforgettable Destinations for Your Dream Vacation.
Are you searching for the perfect beach getaway? With countless stunning coastlines around the globe, it can be challenging to decide where to set your sights. To help you plan the ultimate beach vacation, we’ve compiled a list of the 20 best beaches in the world.
1. Whitehaven Beach, Australia
Located on Whitsunday Island, off the coast of Queensland, Whitehaven Beach is a dreamlike destination that leaves visitors spellbound. With its seven-kilometer stretch of pure white silica sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters, Whitehaven Beach offers an unmatched sense of tranquility and serenity. The beach is surrounded by lush tropical rainforests, and the Great Barrier Reef lies just a short distance away, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and exploring the rich marine life.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Whitehaven Beach is during the Australian winter months of May to October. During this time, temperatures are moderate (ranging from 16°C to 25°C), and the weather is generally sunny and dry. This period experiences less rainfall, so clear skies and sunny days are more likely.
How to Get There:
The easiest way to reach the beach is by taking a boat or seaplane tour from Airlie Beach or Hamilton Island. Many tour operators offer full-day or half-day trips to Whitehaven Beach, often including visits to nearby attractions like Hill Inlet Lookout or snorkeling spots. Alternatively, you can rent a private yacht or join a sailing tour for a more luxurious experience.
Pro Tip:
To avoid the crowds and make the most of your Whitehaven Beach experience, try to book a tour that arrives early in the morning or departs later in the afternoon. This will give you more time to enjoy the beach’s pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters without too many fellow beachgoers. Don’t forget to bring your reef-safe sunscreen and a hat, as the sun can be quite intense even during the winter months.
2. Cancun Beach, Mexico
Cancun Beach, situated on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, is famous for its stunning white sand, vibrant turquoise waters, and lively atmosphere. With a range of luxurious resorts, restaurants, and lively nightlife, Cancun Beach offers an unforgettable beach vacation experience for travelers seeking relaxation, entertainment, and adventure.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Cancun Beach is during the dry season, which generally lasts from November to April. During these months, you can expect warm temperatures, low humidity, and minimal rainfall. If you’re looking to avoid the busiest tourist season, consider visiting in May or early December when the weather is still lovely, and the crowds are less overwhelming.
How to Get There:
To reach Cancun Beach, you’ll need to fly into Cancun International Airport (CUN), which has direct connections to numerous airports in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other parts of the world. From the airport, it’s about a 30-minute drive to the beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use a pre-arranged hotel shuttle to get to your accommodation in the Cancun Hotel Zone.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Cancun Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the nearby ancient Mayan ruins, such as Tulum or Chichen Itza, which offer a fascinating glimpse into Mexico’s rich history and culture. Additionally, consider taking a day trip to Isla Mujeres or the beautiful Cenotes for a unique experience that combines natural beauty and exciting water activities.
3. Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii
Waikiki Beach is a world-famous destination located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. This iconic beach, with its golden sands and swaying palm trees, stretches for two miles along the coast of Honolulu. The stunning backdrop of Diamond Head Crater and the calm, crystal-clear waters make it a popular spot for sunbathing, surfing, and a variety of water sports.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Waikiki Beach is during the shoulder seasons of April to June and September to mid-December. During these months, the weather is typically sunny and warm, with lower humidity and fewer crowds than the peak tourist seasons of summer and winter. However, if you’re a surfer, winter months bring bigger waves on the North Shore.
How to Get There:
To reach Waikiki Beach, you’ll need to fly into Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL) in Honolulu. The airport is well-connected to major airports in the United States, Asia, and Australia. From the airport, it’s about a 20-30 minute drive to Waikiki Beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft to get to your accommodation in Waikiki.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Waikiki Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to surf. The beach’s gentle waves make it an ideal spot for beginners to get started. Many surf schools and instructors offer lessons, so you can be up and riding the waves in no time.
4. Grace Bay Beach, Turks and Caicos
Grace Bay Beach, situated on the island of Providenciales in Turks and Caicos, is a true paradise on Earth. Its 12-mile stretch of powdery white sand and mesmerizing turquoise waters make it an ideal haven for beach lovers. The beach is lined with luxurious resorts and a variety of restaurants, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. The nearby coral reefs offer exceptional snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant underwater world.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Grace Bay Beach is during the dry season, which typically runs from December to April. During these months, you can expect comfortable temperatures, minimal rainfall, and plenty of sunshine. For those looking to avoid the peak tourist season, consider visiting in May or November when the weather is still pleasant, but the crowds are smaller.
How to Get There:
To reach Grace Bay Beach, you’ll need to fly into Providenciales International Airport (PLS), which is well-connected to major airports in the United States, Canada, and Europe. From the airport, it’s just a 15-20 minute drive to the beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or arrange for a hotel shuttle to transport you to your accommodation near Grace Bay.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Grace Bay Beach, be sure to explore the nearby coral reefs by booking a snorkeling or scuba diving excursion. The underwater world surrounding the beach is teeming with marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins. If you’re feeling adventurous, try stand-up paddleboarding or kayaking to experience the beauty of the beach from a different perspective.
5. Anse Source d’Argent, Seychelles
Anse Source d’Argent, located on La Digue Island in Seychelles, is one of the most famous and photographed beaches in the world. Renowned for its surreal landscape of towering granite boulders, lush vegetation, and sparkling white sands, this beach offers a unique, otherworldly experience that attracts travelers from around the globe. The warm, shallow waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling, and the beach’s secluded coves provide a sense of privacy and tranquility.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Anse Source d’Argent is during the months of April, May, October, and November. These months offer the best combination of warm temperatures, calmer seas, and fewer tourists, ensuring a more enjoyable experience. The weather during these months is generally sunny, with occasional rain showers.
How to Get There:
To reach Anse Source d’Argent, you’ll first need to fly to Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) on Mahé Island. From there, take a ferry to La Digue Island, which is about a 90-minute ride. Once on La Digue, you can rent a bicycle or hire a taxi to reach the beach. Keep in mind that access to the beach requires a small entrance fee, which helps maintain the area’s natural beauty.
Pro Tip:
To truly appreciate the stunning landscape, consider visiting Anse Source d’Argent during low tide. This allows you to walk between the granite boulders and explore the various coves along the beach. Additionally, plan to arrive early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds and capture the best photographs in the soft, golden light.
6. Pink Sands Beach, Bahamas
Located on Harbour Island in the Bahamas, Pink Sands Beach is known for its stunning pink sand that stretches for over three miles. The pink hue of the sand is caused by tiny red organisms that live among the coral reefs surrounding the island. The beach offers calm, crystal-clear waters that are ideal for swimming, and a variety of water sports are available, including paddleboarding, kayaking, and snorkeling.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Pink Sands Beach is during the winter months of December to April. The temperatures are comfortable, ranging from 70°F to 80°F, and there is minimal rainfall. If you’re looking for a quieter experience, consider visiting during the summer months when the crowds thin out, and the prices drop.
How to Get There:
To reach Pink Sands Beach, fly into North Eleuthera International Airport (ELH), and then take a short taxi ride to the ferry terminal. From there, take a 10-minute water taxi ride to Harbour Island. You can also fly directly to Harbour Island from South Florida or Nassau.
Pro Tip:
For a unique experience, take a horseback ride along the beach. Many local operators offer guided tours that allow you to take in the beauty of the beach and surrounding area from a different perspective.
7. Maldives
The Maldives, a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, is an archipelago of 26 atolls consisting of over 1,000 coral islands. Known for its stunning overwater bungalows, crystal-clear blue waters, and abundant marine life, the Maldives is a dream destination for honeymooners, luxury travelers, and diving enthusiasts alike.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit the Maldives is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. During this period, you can expect warm temperatures, minimal rainfall, and plenty of sunshine. The peak tourist season falls between December and March, so if you prefer fewer crowds, consider visiting in late April or early November when the weather remains pleasant.
How to Get There:
To reach the Maldives, you will need to fly into Malé International Airport (MLE), which is well-connected to major airports across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. From Malé, you can either take a domestic flight or a speedboat to your resort, depending on its location within the archipelago. It’s essential to coordinate your transfer with your resort or travel agent beforehand, as transportation options may be limited.
Pro Tip:
While in the Maldives, make sure to take advantage of the exceptional underwater experiences it offers. Book a snorkeling or scuba diving excursion to explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life, such as manta rays, whale sharks, and sea turtles. For an unforgettable experience, consider a night dive to witness the glowing bioluminescent plankton that light up the waters around the islands.
8. Navagio Beach, Greece
Navagio Beach, also known as Shipwreck Beach, is located on the island of Zakynthos in Greece. This picturesque beach is famous for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and the shipwrecked freighter that lies half-buried in the sand, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to the idyllic scenery. The beach is surrounded by towering cliffs and offers a secluded, tranquil atmosphere that is perfect for unwinding and enjoying the stunning natural beauty.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Navagio Beach is between May and October, when the weather is warm and sunny. July and August are the busiest months, attracting the most tourists, so consider visiting during the shoulder months of May, June, September, or October for a more peaceful experience.
How to Get There:
The only way to reach Navagio Beach is by boat, as there is no road access. Boat tours depart from the nearby port of Porto Vromi or the town of Zakynthos and take approximately 30-45 minutes to reach the beach. Alternatively, you can rent a private boat or yacht for a more luxurious experience.
Pro Tip:
To make the most of your visit to Navagio Beach, consider taking a boat tour that includes stops at nearby caves and coves, such as the Blue Caves and Porto Limnionas.
9. Tulum Beach, Mexico
Tulum Beach is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike, offering a unique mix of natural beauty and historical significance. The beach is situated near the Tulum archaeological site, which is one of the best-preserved Mayan ruins in Mexico. Visitors to the beach can explore the ancient ruins, which include the remains of a walled city that served as a key trading hub for the Mayan civilization.
In addition to the historical significance of the area, Tulum Beach is also known for its beautiful natural scenery. The beach is surrounded by lush jungle, and the clear turquoise waters offer excellent swimming and snorkeling opportunities. The beach is also home to a diverse array of marine life, including colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, and even manatees. Visitors can also enjoy a range of water activities, including snorkeling, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Tulum Beach is from December to April, during the dry season. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and there is minimal rainfall, making it an ideal time to enjoy the beach’s natural beauty and activities.
How to Get There:
The easiest way to reach Tulum Beach is by flying into Cancun International Airport and then driving south for about 2 hours along the coast. There are also shuttle buses available from Cancun to Tulum. Once in Tulum, the beach is easily accessible by car or bike, or by taking a taxi or colectivo.
Pro Tip:
To experience the history and culture of the Mayan civilization, visit the nearby Tulum ruins. The ruins are located on a cliff overlooking the sea and offer stunning views of the surrounding area.
10. Radhanagar Beach, Havelock Island, India
Radhanagar Beach, also known as Beach No. 7, is a pristine paradise on Havelock Island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Surrounded by lush tropical forests and palm trees, this award-winning beach is renowned for its powdery white sands, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and breathtaking sunsets. The serene atmosphere, gentle waves, and unspoiled beauty make Radhanagar Beach an idyllic destination for beach enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Radhanagar Beach is between October and May, when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear. During these months, you can enjoy warm temperatures, calm seas, and excellent visibility for snorkeling and diving. Monsoon season typically occurs from June to September, with heavy rainfall and rough sea conditions, which may limit outdoor activities.
How to Get There:
To reach Radhanagar Beach, you will first need to fly into Veer Savarkar International Airport (IXZ) in Port Blair, the capital city of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. From there, you can take a government-operated ferry or a private speedboat to Havelock Island, which takes approximately 2-3 hours. Once you arrive on Havelock Island, Radhanagar Beach is about a 30-minute drive away. You can rent a scooter, hire a taxi, or use local bus services to get to the beach.
Pro Tip:
While at Radhanagar Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the island’s lush tropical forests and diverse wildlife by taking a guided nature walk or bird-watching tour. Additionally, if you’re interested in water activities, head to the nearby Elephant Beach for snorkeling, scuba diving, and other water sports. To make your visit even more memorable, stay until the evening to witness the mesmerizing sunsets that Radhanagar Beach is famous for.
11. Bondi Beach, Australia
Bondi Beach, situated in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia, is an iconic destination known for its golden sand, impressive waves, and vibrant beach culture. This crescent-shaped beach stretches for about 0.6 miles and attracts surfers, swimmers, and sunbathers alike. With an array of cafes, shops, and bars nearby, Bondi Beach is a lively spot for both tourists and locals.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Bondi Beach is during the Australian summer months, from December to February, when temperatures are warm and perfect for beach activities. However, these months can also be quite crowded. To avoid the peak season rush, consider visiting during the shoulder months of November or March, when the weather is still pleasant and the beach is less crowded.
How to Get There:
To reach Bondi Beach, fly into Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD), which is well connected to major cities worldwide. From the airport, it’s about a 30-minute drive to the beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use public transportation, such as buses or trains, to get to Bondi Beach. The most convenient option is to take a direct bus (route 333) from the city center to Bondi Beach.
Pro Tip:
While at Bondi Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to take a scenic coastal walk along the cliffside from Bondi to Coogee. This 3.7-mile trail offers breathtaking views of the coastline, picturesque coves, and stunning rock formations. The walk takes approximately 2 hours to complete and provides access to other beautiful beaches and swimming spots along the way.
12. Seven Mile Beach, Jamaica
Seven Mile Beach, situated in Negril, Jamaica, is a stunning stretch of coastline famous for its soft white sand, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant Jamaican culture. This expansive beach offers an idyllic setting for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports, as well as a lively atmosphere with beach bars, live music, and local cuisine, making it an unforgettable destination for beachgoers.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Seven Mile Beach is from November to mid-December and from January to April when the weather is pleasant, with less rainfall and more sunshine. During these months, you can expect warm temperatures and a lively atmosphere on the beach. To avoid peak tourist season and enjoy a more relaxed experience, consider visiting in late April or early November.
How to Get There:
To reach Seven Mile Beach, you’ll need to fly into Sangster International Airport (MBJ) in Montego Bay, which has numerous direct flights from major cities in the United States, Canada, and Europe. From the airport, it’s about a 90-minute drive to Negril. You can rent a car, take a shuttle bus, or arrange for private transportation to take you to your accommodations near Seven Mile Beach.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Seven Mile Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to experience the vibrant Jamaican culture by exploring local beach bars and restaurants. Enjoy a refreshing rum punch or a cold Red Stripe beer while savoring delicious Jamaican dishes such as jerk chicken or fresh seafood.
13. Anakena Beach, Chile
Anakena Beach, located on the remote Easter Island in Chile, offers a unique beach experience with its stunning white coral sand, crystal-clear waters, and iconic Moai statues. Surrounded by palm trees and steep volcanic cliffs, Anakena Beach is not only a place for relaxation but also a site of great historical and cultural significance.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Anakena Beach is during the summer months, from December to March, when the weather is warm and sunny. However, due to Easter Island’s remote location, the beach is rarely crowded, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful getaway.
How to Get There:
To reach Anakena Beach, you’ll need to fly into Mataveri International Airport (IPC) on Easter Island, which is connected to mainland Chile via regular flights from Santiago. Once on the island, Anakena Beach is about a 30-minute drive from Hanga Roa, the island’s main town. You can rent a car, hire a taxi, or join a guided tour to explore the island and visit Anakena Beach.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Anakena Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the nearby archaeological sites, including the famous Ahu Nau Nau and Ahu Ature Huki, which feature well-preserved Moai statues. These ancient stone figures offer a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the Rapa Nui people.
14. Baia do Sancho, Brazil
Baia do Sancho is a stunning beach located on the island of Fernando de Noronha in Brazil. The beach boasts crystal-clear waters, colorful marine life, and stunning views of the surrounding cliffs and hillsides. Baia do Sancho has been voted as one of the best beaches in the world by various travel publications and is known for its secluded and untouched atmosphere.
The beach is only accessible through a steep staircase that descends from the cliffs above, which adds to its exclusive and isolated ambiance. The stairs can be a bit challenging to navigate, but the effort is well worth it once you reach the bottom. The beach itself is surrounded by towering cliffs and lush vegetation, making it a true natural wonder.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Baia do Sancho is during the dry season, which runs from July to December. During this period, the weather is typically sunny and dry, and the seas are calmer, making it easier to swim and explore the underwater world. The water visibility is at its best during this time, allowing you to see the stunning marine life in full detail.
How to Get There:
To reach Baia do Sancho, fly to Fernando de Noronha Airport (FEN) from mainland Brazil, and take a taxi or rental car to the beach. Alternatively, take a boat tour to explore the island’s other beaches and attractions.
Pro Tip:
Visit the nearby Baia dos Porcos, also known as the “pig bay,” to experience the stunning natural rock formations and crystal-clear waters. The beach offers a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors.
15. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Bora Bora, a stunning island in French Polynesia, is often regarded as one of the most beautiful destinations in the world. Surrounded by a mesmerizing turquoise lagoon, this South Pacific paradise features lush volcanic peaks, overwater bungalows, and white-sand beaches that invite visitors to unwind in a tropical haven.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Bora Bora is during the dry season, which typically occurs between May and October. During these months, you can expect pleasant temperatures, low humidity, and minimal rainfall. To avoid the peak tourist season, consider visiting in April or November, when the weather is still favorable and the island is less crowded.
How to Get There:
To reach Bora Bora, you’ll first need to fly into Faa’a International Airport (PPT) in Tahiti. From there, you can catch a domestic flight to Bora Bora Airport (BOB), which takes about 50 minutes. Upon arrival at Bora Bora Airport, you’ll need to take a boat transfer to your chosen resort, as the airport is located on a small islet called Motu Mute.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Bora Bora, don’t miss the opportunity to embark on a lagoon tour, where you can explore the crystal-clear waters, encounter vibrant marine life, and even swim with sharks and stingrays. Additionally, consider renting a bicycle or a scooter to explore the island at your own pace and discover its hidden gems, like the beautiful Matira Beach or the striking Mount Otemanu.
16. Camps Bay, South Africa
Located in the heart of Cape Town’s picturesque coastline, Camps Bay is a breathtaking beach destination renowned for its vibrant atmosphere, luxurious amenities, and stunning natural beauty. Set against the awe-inspiring backdrop of the Twelve Apostles mountain range and the sparkling waters of the Atlantic Ocean, this idyllic beach boasts soft white sands, swaying palm trees, and breathtaking ocean vistas. Offering a perfect balance of relaxation and adventure, Camps Bay caters to a wide range of interests, making it an unforgettable destination for your next beach vacation.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Camps Bay is during the warm and dry summer months, from November to February. During this period, you can expect sunny skies, warm temperatures, and minimal rainfall. If you prefer to avoid the peak tourist season, consider visiting during the shoulder months of March and October when the weather is still pleasant, and the crowds are less dense.
How to Get There:
To reach Camps Bay, you’ll need to fly into Cape Town International Airport (CPT), which is well-connected to major airports around the world. From the airport, it’s about a 30-minute drive to Camps Bay. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use a ride-sharing service like Uber to get to your accommodation in the area.
Pro Tip:
While in Camps Bay, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the scenic hiking trails that wind through the nearby Table Mountain National Park. The park offers a variety of trails, suitable for different fitness levels, that boast stunning views of the coastline and surrounding landscapes.
17. Maya Bay, Thailand
Maya Bay is a true tropical paradise and one of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand. The bay is surrounded by towering limestone cliffs covered in lush vegetation, creating a dramatic and breathtaking landscape. The water is crystal-clear and perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving, allowing visitors to explore the colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life. The beach itself is a wide, crescent-shaped stretch of white sand that is perfect for sunbathing and relaxing.
The popularity of Maya Bay exploded after it was featured in the movie “The Beach,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. While this has made the beach more crowded than in the past, it is still worth a visit for its natural beauty and stunning scenery.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Maya Bay is between November and April, during the dry season. These months offer calm seas, perfect for snorkeling and admiring the vibrant marine life.
How to Get There:
To reach Maya Bay, you’ll first need to fly into Phuket International Airport (HKT) or Krabi International Airport (KBV). From there, take a ferry or speedboat to Phi Phi Don island. Once on Phi Phi Don, you can join a guided tour or rent a long-tail boat to take you to the nearby Phi Phi Leh island, where Maya Bay is situated.
Pro Tip:
If you’re planning to visit the Phi Phi Islands, don’t miss the opportunity to explore other incredible sites in the area, such as Viking Cave, Pileh Lagoon, and Loh Samah Bay. These spots offer exceptional snorkeling and diving experiences, showcasing the area’s diverse marine life and captivating underwater landscapes.
18. Playa Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica
Playa Manuel Antonio, situated within the Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica, boasts a stunning combination of lush rainforest, white sand beaches, and sparkling blue waters. This biodiverse paradise is home to a wide array of wildlife, including sloths, monkeys, and vibrant tropical birds, making it an idyllic destination for nature enthusiasts and beach lovers alike.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Playa Manuel Antonio is during the dry season, which generally lasts from December to April. During these months, you can enjoy warm temperatures, sunny days, and ideal conditions for wildlife viewing.
How to Get There:
To reach Playa Manuel Antonio, fly into Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO) near San José, Costa Rica’s capital city. From there, you can take a domestic flight to the Quepos La Managua Airport (XQP), which is about a 15-minute drive from Manuel Antonio. Alternatively, you can rent a car or take a shuttle bus from San José to Manuel Antonio, which usually takes around 3-4 hours.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Playa Manuel Antonio, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the hiking trails within Manuel Antonio National Park. The park features several well-maintained trails that lead through the rainforest and provide opportunities for wildlife spotting, including the famous Sloth Trail and the Punta Catedral loop.
19. Nungwi Beach, Tanzania
Nungwi Beach, situated on the northern tip of Zanzibar Island in Tanzania, boasts soft, white sand and clear, azure waters that create an idyllic tropical paradise. Surrounded by lush palm trees and vibrant coral reefs, this stunning beach is the perfect spot for relaxation, swimming, and water sports, making it an ideal destination for beach enthusiasts.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Nungwi Beach is during the dry season, which spans from June to October and from December to February. During these periods, you can expect sunny skies, warm temperatures, and low humidity.
How to Get There:
To reach Nungwi Beach, you’ll first need to fly into Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (ZNZ) in Zanzibar. The airport has connections to major cities in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. From the airport, Nungwi Beach is approximately a 1.5-hour drive away. You can rent a car, hire a taxi, or arrange for a hotel shuttle to transport you to your accommodation in Nungwi Village.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Nungwi Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the rich marine life by embarking on a snorkeling or scuba diving excursion. The nearby Mnemba Atoll, a protected marine reserve, is home to a diverse array of sea creatures, including vibrant coral, tropical fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins.
20. El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
El Nido is a paradise on earth, nestled on the northern tip of Palawan Island in the Philippines. The region is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, characterized by crystal-clear waters, towering limestone cliffs, and white sand beaches. With over 45 islands and islets to explore, El Nido is a beach lover’s dream come true.
El Nido is known for its pristine beaches, secluded coves, and turquoise waters that are perfect for snorkeling, diving, and swimming. It’s a place where visitors can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, relax on the sand, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. The region’s marine life is also diverse and vibrant, making it a popular destination for those seeking adventure and exploration.
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit El Nido is during the dry season, which runs from November to May. During this time, the weather is typically warm and dry, and the seas are calmer, making it easier to explore the surrounding islands and beaches. If you’re looking for the best weather and smaller crowds, consider visiting in November or February.
How to Get There: The easiest way to reach El Nido is by flying into Puerto Princesa International Airport and then taking a van or bus to El Nido. The trip takes around 6-7 hours and includes a scenic drive through the Palawan countryside.
Pro Tip: While visiting El Nido, be sure to explore the surrounding islands and beaches by taking a boat tour. Island hopping tours are a popular activity in El Nido and offer the chance to visit secluded beaches, hidden lagoons, and coral reefs teeming with marine life.
Our journey exploring the 20 best beaches in the world has revealed an array of breathtaking coastal destinations that cater to every beach lover’s desires. Whether you seek a secluded paradise, a lively shoreline, or an adventure-filled getaway, these stunning beaches are sure to provide an unforgettable experience. So, pack your beach essentials, set your sights on these mesmerizing shores, and get ready to create lasting memories on some of the most captivating beaches in the world.
From the pristine white sands of Whitehaven Beach to the captivating boulders of Anse Source d’Argent, these idyllic destinations offer unparalleled natural beauty and unforgettable experiences. In each section, you’ll find an overview of the best time to visit, how to get there, and a pro tip for making the most of your visit.
1. Whitehaven Beach, Australia
Located on Whitsunday Island, off the coast of Queensland, Whitehaven Beach is a dreamlike destination that leaves visitors spellbound. With its seven-kilometer stretch of pure white silica sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters, Whitehaven Beach offers an unmatched sense of tranquility and serenity. The beach is surrounded by lush tropical rainforests, and the Great Barrier Reef lies just a short distance away, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and exploring the rich marine life.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Whitehaven Beach is during the Australian winter months of May to October. During this time, temperatures are moderate (ranging from 16°C to 25°C), and the weather is generally sunny and dry. This period experiences less rainfall, so clear skies and sunny days are more likely.
How to Get There:
The easiest way to reach the beach is by taking a boat or seaplane tour from Airlie Beach or Hamilton Island. Many tour operators offer full-day or half-day trips to Whitehaven Beach, often including visits to nearby attractions like Hill Inlet Lookout or snorkeling spots. Alternatively, you can rent a private yacht or join a sailing tour for a more luxurious experience.
Pro Tip:
To avoid the crowds and make the most of your Whitehaven Beach experience, try to book a tour that arrives early in the morning or departs later in the afternoon. This will give you more time to enjoy the beach’s pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters without too many fellow beachgoers. Don’t forget to bring your reef-safe sunscreen and a hat, as the sun can be quite intense even during the winter months.
2. Cancun Beach, Mexico
Cancun Beach, situated on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, is famous for its stunning white sand, vibrant turquoise waters, and lively atmosphere. With a range of luxurious resorts, restaurants, and lively nightlife, Cancun Beach offers an unforgettable beach vacation experience for travelers seeking relaxation, entertainment, and adventure.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Cancun Beach is during the dry season, which generally lasts from November to April. During these months, you can expect warm temperatures, low humidity, and minimal rainfall. If you’re looking to avoid the busiest tourist season, consider visiting in May or early December when the weather is still lovely, and the crowds are less overwhelming.
How to Get There:
To reach Cancun Beach, you’ll need to fly into Cancun International Airport (CUN), which has direct connections to numerous airports in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other parts of the world. From the airport, it’s about a 30-minute drive to the beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use a pre-arranged hotel shuttle to get to your accommodation in the Cancun Hotel Zone.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Cancun Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the nearby ancient Mayan ruins, such as Tulum or Chichen Itza, which offer a fascinating glimpse into Mexico’s rich history and culture. Additionally, consider taking a day trip to Isla Mujeres or the beautiful Cenotes for a unique experience that combines natural beauty and exciting water activities.
3. Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii
Waikiki Beach is a world-famous destination located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. This iconic beach, with its golden sands and swaying palm trees, stretches for two miles along the coast of Honolulu. The stunning backdrop of Diamond Head Crater and the calm, crystal-clear waters make it a popular spot for sunbathing, surfing, and a variety of water sports.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Waikiki Beach is during the shoulder seasons of April to June and September to mid-December. During these months, the weather is typically sunny and warm, with lower humidity and fewer crowds than the peak tourist seasons of summer and winter. However, if you��re a surfer, winter months bring bigger waves on the North Shore.
How to Get There:
To reach Waikiki Beach, you’ll need to fly into Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL) in Honolulu. The airport is well-connected to major airports in the United States, Asia, and Australia. From the airport, it’s about a 20-30 minute drive to Waikiki Beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft to get to your accommodation in Waikiki.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Waikiki Beach, don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to surf. The beach’s gentle waves make it an ideal spot for beginners to get started. Many surf schools and instructors offer lessons, so you can be up and riding the waves in no time.
4. Grace Bay Beach, Turks and Caicos
Grace Bay Beach, situated on the island of Providenciales in Turks and Caicos, is a true paradise on Earth. Its 12-mile stretch of powdery white sand and mesmerizing turquoise waters make it an ideal haven for beach lovers. The beach is lined with luxurious resorts and a variety of restaurants, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. The nearby coral reefs offer exceptional snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant underwater world.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Grace Bay Beach is during the dry season, which typically runs from December to April. During these months, you can expect comfortable temperatures, minimal rainfall, and plenty of sunshine. For those looking to avoid the peak tourist season, consider visiting in May or November when the weather is still pleasant, but the crowds are smaller.
How to Get There:
To reach Grace Bay Beach, you’ll need to fly into Providenciales International Airport (PLS), which is well-connected to major airports in the United States, Canada, and Europe. From the airport, it’s just a 15-20 minute drive to the beach. You can rent a car, take a taxi, or arrange for a hotel shuttle to transport you to your accommodation near Grace Bay.
Pro Tip:
While visiting Grace Bay Beach, be sure to explore the nearby coral reefs by booking a snorkeling or scuba diving excursion. The underwater world surrounding the beach is teeming with marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins. If you’re feeling adventurous, try stand-up paddleboarding or kayaking to experience the beauty of the beach from a different perspective.
5. Anse Source d’Argent, Seychelles
Anse Source d’Argent, located on La Digue Island in Seychelles, is one of the most famous and photographed beaches in the world. Renowned for its surreal landscape of towering granite boulders, lush vegetation, and sparkling white sands, this beach offers a unique, otherworldly experience that attracts travelers from around the globe. The warm, shallow waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling, and the beach’s secluded coves provide a sense of privacy and tranquility.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Anse Source d’Argent is during the months of April, May, October, and November. These months offer the best combination of warm temperatures, calmer seas, and fewer tourists, ensuring a more enjoyable experience. The weather during these months is generally sunny, with occasional rain showers.
How to Get There:
To reach Anse Source d’Argent, you’ll first need to fly to Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) on Mahé Island. From there, take a ferry to La Digue Island, which is about a 90-minute ride. Once on La Digue, you can rent a bicycle or hire a taxi to reach the beach. Keep in mind that access to the beach requires a small entrance fee, which helps maintain the area’s natural beauty.
Pro Tip:
To truly appreciate the stunning landscape, consider visiting Anse Source d’Argent during low tide. This allows you to walk between the granite boulders and explore the various coves along the beach. Additionally, plan to arrive early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds and capture the best photographs in the soft, golden light.
6. Pink Sands Beach, Bahamas
Located on Harbour Island in the Bahamas, Pink Sands Beach is known for its stunning pink sand that stretches for over three miles. The pink hue of the sand is caused by tiny red organisms that live among the coral reefs surrounding the island. The beach offers calm, crystal-clear waters that are ideal for swimming, and a variety of water sports are available, including paddleboarding, kayaking, and snorkeling.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Pink Sands Beach is during the winter months of December to April. The temperatures are comfortable, ranging from 70°F to 80°F, and there is minimal rainfall. If you’re looking for a quieter experience, consider visiting during the summer months when the crowds thin out, and the prices drop.
How to Get There:
To reach Pink Sands Beach, fly into North Eleuthera International Airport (ELH), and then take a short taxi ride to the ferry terminal. From there, take a 10-minute water taxi ride to Harbour Island. You can also fly directly to Harbour Island from South Florida or Nassau.
Pro Tip:
For a unique experience, take a horseback ride along the beach. Many local operators offer guided tours that allow you to take in the beauty of the beach and surrounding area from a different perspective.
7. Maldives
The Maldives, a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, is an archipelago of 26 atolls consisting of over 1,000 coral islands. Known for its stunning overwater bungalows, crystal-clear blue waters, and abundant marine life, the Maldives is a dream destination for honeymooners, luxury travelers, and diving enthusiasts alike.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit the Maldives is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. During this period, you can expect warm temperatures, minimal rainfall, and plenty of sunshine. The peak tourist season falls between December and March, so if you prefer fewer crowds, consider visiting in late April or early November when the weather remains pleasant.
How to Get There:
To reach the Maldives, you will need to fly into Malé International Airport (MLE), which is well-connected to major airports across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. From Malé, you can either take a domestic flight or a speedboat to your resort, depending on its location within the archipelago. It’s essential to coordinate your transfer with your resort or travel agent beforehand, as transportation options may be limited.
Pro Tip:
While in the Maldives, make sure to take advantage of the exceptional underwater experiences it offers. Book a snorkeling or scuba diving excursion to explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life, such as manta rays, whale sharks, and sea turtles. For an unforgettable experience, consider a night dive to witness the glowing bioluminescent plankton that light up the waters around the islands.
8. Navagio Beach, Greece
Navagio Beach, also known as Shipwreck Beach, is located on the island of Zakynthos in Greece. This picturesque beach is famous for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and the shipwrecked freighter that lies half-buried in the sand, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to the idyllic scenery. The beach is surrounded by towering cliffs and offers a secluded, tranquil atmosphere that is perfect for unwinding and enjoying the stunning natural beauty.
Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to visit Navagio Beach is between May and October, when the weather is warm and sunny. July and August are the busiest months, attracting the most tourists, so consider visiting during the shoulder months of May, June, September, or October for a more peaceful experience.
How to Get There:
The only way to reach Navagio Beach is by boat, as there is no road access. Boat tours depart from the nearby port of Porto Vromi or the town of Zakynthos and take approximately 30-45 minutes to reach the beach. Alternatively, you can rent a private boat or yacht for a more luxurious experience.
Pro Tip:
To make the most of your visit to Navagio Beach, consider taking a boat tour that includes stops at nearby caves and coves, such as the Blue Caves and Porto Limnionas.
9. Tulum Beach, Mexico
Tulum Beach is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike, offering a unique mix of natural beauty and historical significance. The beach is situated near the Tulum archaeological site, which is one of the best-preserved Mayan ruins in Mexico. Visitors to the beach can explore the ancient ruins, which include the remains of a walled city that served as a key trading hub for the Mayan civilization.
In addition to the historical significance of the area, Tulum Beach is also known for its beautiful natural scenery. The beach is surrounded by lush jungle, and the clear turquoise waters offer excellent swimming and snorkeling opportunities. The beach is also home to a diverse array of marine life, including colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, and even manatees. Visitors can also enjoy a range of water activities, including snorkeling, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding.
Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit Tulum Beach is from December to April, during the dry season. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and there is minimal rainfall, making it an ideal time to enjoy the beach’s natural beauty and activities.
How to Get There:
The easiest way to reach Tulum Beach is by flying into Cancun International Airport and then driving south for about 2 hours along the coast. There are also shuttle buses available from Cancun to Tulum. Once in Tulum, the beach is easily accessible by car or bike, or by taking a taxi or colectivo.
Pro Tip:
To experience the history and culture of the Mayan civilization, visit the nearby Tulum ruins. The ruins are located on a cliff overlooking the sea and offer stunning views of the surrounding area.
Our journey exploring the 20 best beaches in the world has revealed an array of breathtaking coastal destinations that cater to every beach lover’s desires. Whether you seek a secluded paradise, a lively shoreline, or an adventure-filled getaway, these stunning beaches are sure to provide an unforgettable experience. So, pack your beach essentials, set your sights on these mesmerizing shores, and get ready to create lasting memories on some of the most captivating beaches in the world.
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indianadmin · 1 year
You've come to the perfect location if you're considering privately selling your old automobile or truck in Hawaii, whether you reside on the Big Island, Honolulu, Kauai, or Maui. The fact that thousands of private vehicle sellers from the Best used car dealerships Oahu have utilized Auto trader to sell their car is not surprising given that there are an estimated 500,000 registered trucks and cars in the state of Hawaii.
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freehawaii · 1 year
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Hawaii News Now - March 20, 2023 A lawsuit based on new Health Department revelations says drinking water contaminated in the Navy’s Red Hill spill in 2021 not only contained fuel, but a de-icing agent. The Health Department stresses the “fuel system icing inhibitor” found in aviation fuel is not the same chemical as what’s in car antifreeze. Car antifreeze has ethylene glycol, which is more and differently toxic than fuel system icing inhibitor, which contains diethylene glycol monomethyl ether. Lawyers who are suing the U.S. government have amended their lawsuit to include the new information ― included in an internal state Health Department memo made public Monday. In November 2021, thousands of people were sickened after drinking the Navy’s fuel-tainted tap water in and around Pearl Harbor. And in the years to follow, many say they continue to experience symptoms. The fuel came from leaks at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility ― just 100 feet above Oahu’s aquifer. Last month, an internal state Health Department memo warned about a de-icing agent in the jet fuel. “Fuel system icing inhibitor” is used in aviation fuels to prevent ice from forming and the letter warns that it “could pose the most significant health risk from exposure to contaminated water.” On Monday afternoon, the Health Department told HNN that soon after the 2021 spill, the Navy confirmed that its Red Hill jet fuel contained the de-icing agent.
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Are you looking for a reliable and luxurious limousine service in Honolulu? EC Hawaii provides elegant Limousine Service in Honolulu . Our experienced and professional chauffeurs will ensure that you arrive at your destination in style and on time. With a fleet of well-maintained vehicles, we cater to all your transportation needs, from airport transfers to special events. Contact us today to book your ride and experience comfort and convenience.
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bikkirii · 2 years
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We went with Vicki's niece Kelsey to today's "HEART" art festival in Chinatown and stopped to say hi and take a pic with Vicki's friend Lisa J., her husband and friend. Lisa took art classes from Mark N. Brown, Hawaii's premier Plein Air artist. I can't paint but someday, I'd like to compile the list of Oahu sites where they paint to have a good list of scenic spots to admire the view. https://www.marknbrownfineart.com/ Lisa's website: http://inspiringflowers.com At the art festival, it was quite interesting to see a unique project involving painting ink on massive flat stamps, putting the paper on top of it and then using a road roller truck to stamp the images onto the paper. After the festival, we ate lunch at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Que Huong. We were wondering what’s in the jars at the shop we passed on the way back to the car? (at Chinatown, Honolulu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjeyeStOEjZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
hi!! i recently got into johnlock and the universe has somehow directed me to your blog (which is an absolute godsend omfg). have you got any good possessive!john fics?
Hi Lovely!!!
AHHHH!! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog!!! <3 Thank you so much! <3
AHHH you know what??? I don’t get asked this all that much at all! I think mostly because it’s easier to find Possessive Sherlock fics and people then just... forget LOL
So guess what?? You’re the prompter for any fics I actually tagged or filed with Possessive John! <3 A pioneer you are! LOL I’m combining it with a few of the Obsessive fics as well, since I don’t have many new ones.
As usual, gang, feel free to add your own!! <3
See also: 
Specifically Jealous John b/c of Other People
Jealous John
Jealous John Pt. 2 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 2
Jealous John Pt 3 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 3
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 4
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 5
Hell or High water by bluefire301175 (E, 2,250 w., 1 Ch. || PWP, Frottage, Alley Sex, First Person POV John, Case-ish Fic, Mutual Pining, Bed Sharing) – John wants. Sherlock wants. Plain and simple.
Display by 221b_hound (E, 2,377 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV, Tattoos, Public Hand Jobs, Exhibitionism, Possessive Sex, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John) – A new client has been flirting with Sherlock and, finding no joy there, with John. John seems annoyed to be second-best, Sherlock thinks, so Sherlock decides to give the departing woman (and maybe also John) a demonstration of who, exactly, John belongs to. But there's more than one level of sexual jealousy and more than one display of possession going on here, outlined in the window of 221b Baker Street. Part 2 of Lock and Key
Apodyopsis by QuinnAnderson (E, 3,347 w.,1 Ch. || PWP, Rough Sex, Table Sex, Anal, Sexual Tension) – Apodyopsis: (æpəʊdaɪˈɒpsɪs) noun. the act of mentally undressing someone. Part 2 of Undressed
Overture by Kate_Lear (M, 4,435 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Angry John, Introspection, Dev. Rel., Embarrassed / Insecure Sherlock, Morning After, Bed Sharing, Cuddles / Limpet Sherlock) – A short snippet on how John and Sherlock might have got together.
Sherlock and John Go Clubbing by wendymarlowe (E, 4,716 w., 3 Ch. || Clubbing, Dirty Talk, Dancing, Coming Untouched, Coming in Pants, Bi John, For a Case, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Sherlock is Lost for Words, Sexy John, Mutual Pining, Possessive John, Floor Sex/Hand Job/Frottage) – John pinched the bridge of his nose - even for Sherlock, this was a new level of no bloody boundaries. “You want me to go with you to a gay club, wait around twiddling my thumbs while I let you get pawed by a criminal, then out-flirt him and talk you into coming home with me instead?” Part 32 of John and Sherlock's Kinky First Times
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures ||  Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Heavy Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say 'oh well, at least we tried'. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.”
My Life for His by QuinnAnderson (E, 8,816 w., 1 Ch. || Guardian/Protector, Greek Mythology || Growing Up, Sex, Religious Themes, Suicide, Minor Character Death) – It began when Sherlock was eight, and he attempted to climb all the way up to the highest branch in the old willow tree in his back garden. He'd thought he was still small enough that it could support him, but the second he'd grabbed hold of it to pull himself up, the branch snapped, and down he went, plummeting a solid twenty metres. The odd thing was, he never actually hit the ground.
Of Course I Forgive You by allonsys_girl (E, 10,735 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Canon Divergence, First Time, Frottage, Wall Sex, Infidelity) – What if things had gone differently on that train car?
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
The Kepler Problem by kinklock (E, 24,270 w., 1 Ch. || Sci-Fi AU, Alien Sherlock, Space Repairman John, Alien Biology, Horny John) – Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords (M, 48,842 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Alternate S3, John’s Blog/S3 is a Story By John, Divorce, Marital Difficulties, John is a Mess, Emotional Reunion, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief / Mourning, Pining John, First Kiss, Adorably Clueless Sherlock, Nostalgia, Love Confessions, Eventual Happy Ending, Obsessive John) – He wasn't Sherlock, he couldn't work miracles. All he'd ever been able to do was write about them.
The Hollow Woman by ScopesMonkey (M, 51,335 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Major Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Friendship, Family, Angst, Crime, Reunion, First Kiss / Time, Nightmares, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Jealous John, BAMF John, Angry John, Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Villain Mary, Open Ending) – Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Part 1 of the Hollowverse series
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time, Obsessive John) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition. (PUBLISHED AS ‘The Sea Ain’t Mine Alone’)
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angels AU || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Light Mystrade, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Graphic Bullying, Big Brother Mycroft, Hard Drug Use, Depression, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John, Panic Attacks, Nightmares/PTSD, Pining, Healing Abilities, Kidnapping, Violence, Torture, Blow Jobs, Virgin John, Emotional Development / Attachment, Mortality, Happy Ending) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest?
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Hi! Since youre into sga again how do you think mcshep would be in a h50 au or as steve and danny?
fjdkfd honestly, i think merging those two that way around (transplanting john and rodney into the h50 universe, rather than steve and danny into the sga one) would be a lot harder than it sounds. the h50 world is... fairly nondescript? its big draw as a show was undeniably the characters, so swapping those out changes a lot of the details that actually made the show what it is.
if we are going for it, however, i think the obvious choice would be to try a john-as-steve and rodney-as-danny approach, except john wouldn't be john if he were a highly decorated superseal with a spotless record and rodney wouldn't be rodney if he had a kid to care about and prove from the getgo that he's not as selfish as he appears, so... we could hide that, for a little? or, and bear with me here! we could do something a little unorthodox and make it rodney-as-steve and john-as-danny instead, which i think would overall be a MUCH better fit.
like, rodney is a brilliant scientist who returns to the island where he grew up after many years because his father was killed; john is an unwilling transplant cop from the mainland who followed his ex-wife (which he canonically has!) and their little daughter (which he doesn't, but if he DID, you can't tell me he wouldn't blow up his own life and move to a place he hates to try to stick close to her). i think that particularly for john this works a lot better: his captain and the other detectives don't think much of him (like colonel sumner), he hates hawaii and how sweaty and crowded by tourists every single bit of honolulu is (remember that he LIKED antarctica), and he lives in really awful one room apartments because the divorce, custody proceedings and move across the country ate up all of his savings, but he DOES still own a very expensive very pretty very fast car, because of course he does.
rodney is maybe a little more tricky, but i think we could make it work, especially if we draw a little vegas!rodney into it, perhaps. he's done well for himself, he has a bunch of awards and hops from place to place working on very secret projects (for the us military, potentially, if we want to keep that aspect), and then he hears his dad with whom he has a very complicated relationship is dead, so he returns to oahu where the governor personally greets him and is like, hey, you have a very unique skillset, want a job on my new special taskforce fighting major crime? and he goes nope, and then he runs into john in his father's garage, makes a call while john is pulling strange annoyed faces in the background, and suddenly they're putting together a team. rodney doesn't know chin from their football days, but from chin playing in the school band (which he did, iirc!); chin can still draw in kono, etc. obviously jeannie is mary, but i think jeannie could still bring the same chaos while nonetheless being married and having a kid (there HAS to be a scene in which she and john bond over Being Parents and she HAS to be surprised when she sees rodney be very gentle and sweet with john's kid), and i feel like it's important to note that catherine's role does NOT go to sam (because that would be weird and would only happen if rodney were the one writing this au), but to jennifer, who also gets a little of her vegas personality probably. especially the bit where in that episode she acts as an ME, because that would work very well for what is now essentially a cop au - she's the person that gets called in if they have a very weird body.
and yeah, uh. there's probably more "borrowing" of kamekona's helicopter in this version, because john can never resist. it's a little less clear who's actually leading this taskforce, because officially it's rodney but he definitely needs john to reign him in sometimes, which honestly, might just be another way this configuration fits the steve-and-danny dynamic well. i realize that i kept chin and kono and then replaced the other characters with faces from sga, so if we want to fill out the cast: i propose another swap from the first thing you'd think of if you had to put ronon and teyla into those two positions. teyla is chin, wise and ruthless and devastatingly beautiful, and ronon is kono, the looks-like-an-actual-model newbie who used to be a professional surfer and stuck with teyla when she was accused of corruption and all of her family (the athosians!) turned on her. (they still meet him on the beach as he punches a guy for stealing his wave, and john still has his mouth hanging open a little.) also! carson is max, of course. instead of dressing up as keanu reeves characters for halloween he dresses up as scottish folk heroes.
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autozillahawaii · 5 days
How to Sell Your Used Car in Hawaii: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you looking to sell your used car in Hawaii? Follow this step-by-step guide to maximize your sale price and ensure a smooth transaction in the unique Hawaiian market.
Prepare Your Vehicle
Clean and Repair: Thoroughly clean your car inside and out. Make minor repairs to improve its appearance.
Organize Records: Gather and organize all maintenance records.
Pre-Sale Inspection: Consider getting a professional inspection to identify any issues upfront.
Price Your Car Right
Research the Market: Check prices on local listing sites and dealerships for similar vehicles.
Consider Unique Factors: Account for service records, low mileage, and Hawaii's specific market conditions.
Set a Strategic Price: Start slightly above your target price to allow room for negotiation, or list at your goal price and indicate it's "firm."
Create an Effective Listing
Detailed Description: Be transparent about your car's condition, including any quirks or flaws.
High-Quality Photos: Include clear images of the interior, exterior, tires, and engine bay.
Highlight Key Features: Emphasize low mileage, service history, and any recent upgrades or repairs.
Advertise Widely
Online Platforms: Utilize popular sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, AutoTrader, and Cars.com.
Local Spaces: Post on community boards in grocery stores, coffee shops, and local car clubs.
Word of Mouth: Ask friends, family, and coworkers to spread the word.
Handle Inquiries and Test Drives
Schedule Carefully: Set up test drives and inspections at times convenient for you.
Safety First: Meet potential buyers in safe, public areas.
Be Cautious: Watch out for suspicious or overly aggressive buyers.
Complete the Sale
Transfer Ownership: Use the official Hawaii vehicle sale or transfer packet.
Document Everything: Ensure all paperwork, including the title transfer, is properly signed by both parties.
By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to sell your used car in Hawaii's unique market. Remember, a well-executed sale leads to a great price and peace of mind for both you and the buyer.
For more information on selling used cars in Hawaii, visit AutoZilla Hawaii.
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indianadmin · 1 year
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