#he just got the shit beat out of him shortly after
jq37 · 30 days
So, to recap: Porter developed a time-sensitive plan to turn himself into a god without having the necessary components to pull it off or the means to get them, blundered into (supposedly) getting them throughout Junior Year, encouraged the Rat Grinders to antagonize and therefore draw attention from the Bad Kids, chucked Seacaster Manor into the sky and sent dragons after the Bad Kids BEFORE verifying that he had the right name, didn't check if there were provisions against mind-controlled students disbanding the school, and hinged everything on a squishy Rogue so hellbent on killing Riz that she ran off to solo him in a gym full of lava she wasn't protected against. AND the whole thing might have failed anyway because Fig had already claimed Ankarna's domain.
...Good jorb.
Yeahhhh. Like, even if we don't judge him harshly for not knowing Fig had claimed the rage domain, there were still SO many blunders in this plan.
This one isn't a blunder but being a Pally/Barb and getting successfully parried in physical combat with a child wizard is frankly embarrassing.
He had no way to get the name if the Bad Kids didn't just happen to stumble into it. Which is wild because, in universe, Falinel is an obvious place to look for long forgotten info--Aelwyn mentions that when they're there for Fantasy Christmas. Why didn't they check there? They have a rogue with reliable talent and a wizard. They just weren't clever enough to have an idea that they Bad Kids offhandedly had between bits. All the work was about to be totally worthless if they hadn't last minute gotten it literally mid-battle (which it still ended up worthless but you know what I mean).
Sending Seacaster Manor airborn is such a wild ploy because, otherwise, they wouldn't have even known something was happening right away. And, being airborne, they got there way faster than anything other than a teleport would have done. Why not spike their bad baby milk so they pass out and can't deliver their votes? Or hell, just steal and destroy their votes! But nooooo. You had to get in your petty oracle dig on Adaine and get dragons involved.
Why did they show up, fail to get the name from Gorgug, and then just leave??? Try again until you get the name!!! You need it!!! What if the attack worked and all the Bad Kids died. Cool, now how are you gonna do the ritual? As far as they knew, no one could see them since they were invisible so why not take another 6 seconds and try again? Now is NOT the time to be stingy with spellslots!
Why was Kipperlilly ANYWHERE near that battlefield? She should have been in a secure room somewhere, ready to disband the school as soon as the votes were counted. Her getting killed was was entirely their own fault and the it was the height of hubris to not hide her. Literally she's a rogue. Hiding is her main skill.
And finally, Jace said that he actually told Porter that he couldn't just mind control a student and that's why they didn't do the plan with Mazey earlier.
So yeah. Maybe a part of the reason the Bad Kids didn't want to engage with Porter's philosophy of rage is because it leads to extremely half baked plans like this.
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
hii again <3
this request is a litttlleee bit darker than usual but here we go
how would 141 react when someone slips something in readers drink at a bar?? like would ghost immediately stand up and beat the mf up?? 🥹
hi! omg they would all stand up and immediately beat some ass frfr & i LOVE dark stuff, dw :) <3 i'm not that good at writing action scenes but i hope this is goooood bc i do love the idea that they would fight for u
TF141 and How They'd React to Someone Slipping Something Into Your Drink
cw: alcohol intake, mentions of drugs, violence & blood
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Captain John Price
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He took the team out for drinks, sitting around the bar top. Everyone was having their own conversation, and it made his heart happy to see his people laughing with smiling faces.
While he was in a corner seat, he was making sure to keep an eye out on his team, as a good captain should.
You turned around for a minute, distracted. Soon as you weren't looking, some creep had sprinkled a powdered form of a drug into your drink, causing it to fizzle.
Of course, you didn't notice as you were watching a group of people playfully argue over their pool game.
You jumped back around when all of a sudden your captain's hands were at this guy's throat.
"You really thought you'd get away with that?" Price growled.
"Mind your fuckin' business, will you?" the creep retorted.
You made eye contact with Price, confused as to what was happening. "What the fuck," you whispered.
"Take it outside," the bartender said.
"Gladly, sir," Price chuckled darkly, dragging the guy by his shirt.
A few moments later, Price returned, kindly smiling at you. You could see the adrenaline pumping through his veins at his reddened face.
"Let's order you a new drink, yeah? Fucker ruined this one."
John 'Soap' MacTavish
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You took a few sips out of your first drink, setting it down.
You smiled around at your comrades, happy to be there. A random chick walked up to you, asking you what you recommended her to order as she was new here and she just turned of age to start drinking.
You were busy chatting away, getting to know her, not noticing the random arm swooping around you, drugging your beverage.
Soap sitting next to you, picked up your drink and swiftly got up without a word.
"You okay, Soap?" you turned to him. You recognized the look in his eyes - anger. "M-my drink! What are you doing with it?"
He cornered the guy, not saying a word. His chest rose and fell heavily as he tilted his head, throwing the drink in the man's face before punching the shit out of him. He tried to fight back, missing his swing as Soap got him on the ground.
The bartender held his hands up, trying to politely ask them to take it outside but Soap was too quick in his actions.
Blood quickly splattered across the concrete floor, as well as across Soap's face and uniform.
"Get the fuck outta here," Soap demanded him, towering above him as he cowardly rose off the ground, basically tucking his tail as he ran out of the bar door. Soap looked at the bartender and back at the blood. "I'll clean it up."
He returned to his seat shortly after, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Let's get you a fresh drink, lass."
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
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You were laughing at one of Price's jokes with your drink in hand. As you laughed, your hand went outwards, giving perfect access for some weirdo to walk up and put a drug in it.
Gaz watched the interaction silently, taking your drink away from you while you wouldn't notice it.
In your drunkenness, you ordered a new drink, and it was quickly given to you but as you turned around, Gaz was gone. You looked around the building, and to your surprise he was face to face with someone, having a silent, heated conversation with someone.
The guy held his hands up in defense, seeming to try to explain himself.
Gaz looked at you, seeing your worried face. The creep met your gaze and he winked at you, his lips were moving but you couldn't tell what he said.
When suddenly, Gaz smiled. You couldn't tell if it was a genuine smile or the type of smile you give someone when you're really about to give it to them.
It was the latter. Gaz hiked his knee up, bringing the man's face down to connect with it sharply. Blood painted a small patch into Gaz's pants and blood leaked down the man's face. Clearly disoriented, he tried to fight back but Gaz landed one last blow before the man held his head down, regaining his balance, shortly leaving afterwards.
The bartender sighed, walking over with cleaning supplies and Gaz helped him out.
"What... was that about, Garrick?" you whispered.
"Don't worry 'bout it. Enjoy your 'good' drink," he rolled his eyes, and from that you could tell what had happened, happy to have been around your teammates when this happened.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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You had finished quite a handful of drinks, making sure this was your last one.
You took a few first sips before setting it down, joining the conversation with your teammates.
Ghost, as usual, was quiet. Nodding along and joining the conversation when needed. He had been keeping his eyes peeled for something to happen.
Price complimented you and Ghost's teamwork, which you happily thanked him and smiled at Ghost who nodded at you, but his eyes weren't on you. They were focused at the left side of you.
You felt a presence, and before you could turn around it was gone. Looking back around, Ghost was gone, too. Damn, that was quick.
Trying to shrug it off, you go to grab your drink but couldn't find it. Now, what the fuck?
You look around confused, seeing your teammates eyeing the corner, so you follow their gaze.
Seeing Ghost, towering over someone, hand on his knife. Your eyes widened, hoping he didn't have to use it. He held your missing cup up to the man's face as if he was interrogating him. He was.
The man was near crying, lips stammering as he tried to explain himself, but Ghost wasn't having it. Ghost must have said something to set the guy off because he thought it would be a good idea to try and push past Ghost. The glass shattered from Ghost's grip. His body tensed up before one large hand clasped around the creep's throat, lifting him up the wall. He gasped for air until his face scrunched in pain as Ghost's fist met it with a violent punch. Then another. And another.
The bartender seemed annoyed, but Ghost couldn't give a shit. He let go of the now-unconscious man, letting his body fall to the ground.
Ghost sighed as he sat back down, nodding at you. You awkwardly smiled, putting two and two together on what happened.
"Thanks, Ghost..." you said.
"Want a fresh drink, luv? Sorry 'bout your last one," he asked.
"After that, yeah..."
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libraryraccoon · 4 months
Hi, I would like to request Alastor with a reader who is like the Trailblazer from Star rail please
I just like to think that their dynamic would drive everyone up the walls
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- Alastor unleashing Trailblazer!Reader on the world
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message of Raccoon : Alastor with a Caelus/Trailblazer!Reader but it's mostly crack.
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First of all, you look like a raccoon.
I'm not the one who makes the rules.
You were, in fact, an angel.
But you were fallen because you rummaged through people's trash…
So now you're in Hell.
Alastor met you shortly after you arrived, you were beating up demons with an angelic baseball bat when he found you.
He immediately found you interesting, because :
You had an angelic weapon, a baseball bat. It was the first time he had seen a baseball bat as an angelic weapon.
You were a raccoon demon and you were in a fight. Raccoon demons, according to popular belief, were people who flew unnoticed and fled from any type of battle; they didn't like to fight.
You were beautiful.
But, like, the kind of beauty that was misused.
With all these points taken into account, yes he find you interesting.
Alastor came to talk to you before taking you to the Hazbin Hotel.
Over time, he understood that you were the exception who confirmed the rule on raccoon demons.
Why ? Because you were a being of chaos.
Not a day went by without someone seeing you running through hell, angelic baseball bat in hand, creating chaos and destroying everything.
Carmilla brought him to her neighborhood one day at 3AM because you were creating chaos there.
He swears that it's you who create the principle of chaos.
And when you're not creating chaos, you're rummaging through trash…
How Alastor even began to love you is a mystery even he doesn't have the answer to.
When Alastor realized that he love you, he had two reactions :
“Holy shit I can be in love.” Coming off the aromantic 'can't feel romantic feelings at all' spectrum was NOT one of the things he wanted this year.
Denial. Instantly.
It took him 3 months to come out of the first phase of the grief, the denial.
Not about being able to love, no, he accepted that.
But falling in love with you ?
Hell nah.
It took him 4 months to accept it, finally coming out of his grief.
He complained to Rosie about it, 100%.
“How could I fall for someone like that..” -Alastor, totally done with all this shit.
“Look on the bright side, Y/N is handsome.” -Rosie, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
He didn't confess, praying that his feelings would go away.
It was you who confess.
He helped you heal some of your wounds, and you just said "Thank you, I love you." Before kissing his forehead and leaving, like if it was normal.
After that, you got the "you can touch me but not too much" pass, which allowed you to touch Alastor.
And you use it too often at Alastor's opinion.
Now, when you're not digging through trash, not doing what you were created for (chaos), you stay with Alastor.
People don't fuck with Alastor anymore, not because they're afraid to be in his radio show, oh no no ! They didn't want to meet the madman that he call his partner.
You two are the most feared duo/couple in Hell.
Even if in truth you are just two people who love each other and love chaos.
Alastor entertained himself by watching the chaos you created. It's canon, I don't make the rules.
The Hazbin Hotel crew judges you so LOUD.
Charlie is the only one to support you two with Niffty.
Angel Dust asks too many questions for his well-being about you and the history of your relationship.
Vaggie is, and always will be, shocked to see you touch Alastor without consequences, or even to see you kiss him.
Husk asked you how you can love Alastor...
You took 3 hours for explaining the why-
No one asked after that.
Sir Pentious was just like "🧍‍♂️ does that mean you're Alastor's weakness ?"
Lucifer give you a lot of side eyes.
No, I won't elaborate.
Vox tried to kidnap you…
There was a week without Vox on TV, and every time someone mentioned your name, he flinched.
Let's not even talk about when he sees you after that..
Alastor himself doesn't want to know what you did to him.
You are the more affectionate and touchy one in the relationship.
Alastor always knows what you are thinking by your expressions.
The day you told him you were an angel and why you were sent to Hell, he was shocked.
Because, how on the 7 circles of Hell, a being of chaos was an angel ??
He just asked "How can an angel be so chaotic ?"
And you just shrugged your shoulders.
You yourself didn't know how you got to Heaven in the first place-
I just know that you touch his ears and his deer tail as soon as you are in private, and that even before being a couple.
You're just a 'I need to touch everything' person.
Alastor tried to get you to stop digging through the trash, but he never succeeded.
Alastor loves you, yes, but sometimes (read : often) he wishes he didn't.
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papaya-twinks · 20 days
italian blood - l.n
Warnings: Age Gap!
Pairing: Lando Norris x antonelli!fem!reader
Summary: Lando falls for Kimi’s twin sister
Kimi’s 20 in this, in order for his twin, y/n, to be 20 too. I also made 2025 into 2024 because idk what’s going on and it makes sense to me
part 2
You and Kimi were some of the closest siblings ever - going through each and every formula together, almost like a duo act. And now, with rumours circling of your brother joining F1, you couldn’t not be happy, but you also couldn’t not be hit with a tinge of jealousy. You’d been just as good, if not better, than Kimi, winning an extra F2 title than him. 
“Ciao, Kimi, Y/N,” Charles said, seeing the two of you walk down the pit lane, suits hanging low in your waist, having just finished your final practice. “Hey Charles,” you said, waving at him, “a word?”. The Monegasque nodded shortly as you waved off your brother, following the older driver into his garage. “How’s it going?” he asked, watching as you slumped against one of the tables. “Merda (shit),” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“Y/N, Y/N,” he said, sounding reassuring, “it will simply take time. I’ve put in my word to Fred and Carlos can vouch. Simply putting an Italian in an Italian, well, eh?” he nudged you as you shrugged. “Surely that’s what you want, no?” you asked, eyebrow raised. “Mon dieu (my god), Y/N, the meeting is it a few minutes,” Charles sighed, “let us wait til then,”. And you did so, a few bits of small talk with some engineers before moving to talk to Carlos. And then, you were called in. 
“Y/N, Y/N,” Fred ushered you and his drivers into his office as you sat down. “I’m sure you see the position I am in, yes?” he confirmed as you nodded warily. You weren’t quite sure what he was getting at, but nodded anyways, in order to speed up the situation. “We have a variety of options for Carlos’ replacement,” he continued, “Hamilton, perhaps,”. 
Wow, he was really pushing you to the edge. “And?” you said, expecting for him to tell you the outcome. “We’ve decided,” he spoke slowly, “to sign you one year,” your eyes widened, “to see how you are,”. Scrambling out your chair, you nodded before rushing out the office, finding Charles. “You got it?” the Monegasque asked, eyes wide at your reaction. “You bet!” you shrieked, throwing your arms round your friend. 
And shortly after that, a week or so later, Carlos’ departure was announced, but not your arrival. There was no doubt going to be a lot of controversy over a female racer, there already was in F2, let alone F1. The hate you already got for racing in F2 was hard enough to deal with. Of course, Charles knew, and you were allowed to tell a few people you trusted, such as your best friend, Oscar. 
“Wait wait,” he shushed you after you explained, “you’re meaning to tell me…MY best friend is gonna get beaten on track by me?”. You snorted at his words. “I believe the words you were looking for were, ‘beating YOU’,”. Oscar raised an eyebrow, following you down the pit lane. “Well, before you join the dark side…or the red side,” the Aussie said, “stay here for a bit,”. 
You scrunched your nose at his comment but followed him to his garage anyways, into the motor home behind. “Right, right,” he said, “you’re gonna need to come to this little dinner with a few drivers,”. You raised an eyebrow, “who’s coming?”. Oscar hummed, before counting on his fingers, “Charles, Max, Carlos, me and Lando,”. You knew Max and Charles, jabbing kitted a few times with Max, and you knew Carlos by extension of Charles.
However, Lando was not someone you knew. Besides, you’d never say no to food, who would? So it was arranged, you were going to meet Charles at the elevator before you left together for the fancy ass restaurant. Choosing an outfit that wasn’t too posh but wasn’t too laid back was probably going to be the main challenge. In the end, you settled on a pretty black dress and some platforms, and a bag to finish off the look.
“Hey Leclerc,” you saw your teammate waiting for you. He was wearing a simple shirt and dress trousers, so you were appropriately dressed. “Looking good, Antonelli,” he raised an eyebrow as he went into the elevator with you. You arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before everyone else, see if Carlos and Max in conversation as you sat down, smiling to them.
“Oscar’s on his way, and not sure about Lando,” Max said, handing you a menu. Your conversation was relatively easy and laid back, a few comments about the race before going onto random topics amongst yourselves. Oscar arrived and joined in with you and Charles. The only person left to arrive was Lando. “Finally, mate,” Charles looked up, seeing the young British driver behind me, wearing a white button up shirt, open at the top with a few necklaces, and black dress pants.
“Hey mate,” he leaned over you, before shaking Charles’ hand. You watched as his necklace fell in front of your eyes before he raised an eyebrow at Carlos, gesturing subtly to you. “Ah, Lando,” Charles sai,d realising Lando didn’t know of your job. “This is Y/N,” he introduced you to him, “she’s going to be the new Ferrari driver in ‘24,”. Lando raised an eyebrow, taking in your body and figure, before turning to Carlos.
“She’s your replacement?” he asked the Spaniard, as he nodded. “Right…” he turned back to you, “you have some big shoes to fill,”. You nodded, already aware. “Try to compete with you lot, then,” you shrugged. “Oh Y/N,” Max said with a small smirk, “you can try to compete with us, we’ll be lapping you,” Charles scoffed. “Yeah yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself, this is Ferrari territory,” he huffed.
You rolled your eyes at the boys arguing already before turning to Oscar who was on Lando’s other side. “Help me,” you mouthed, watching Charles on your right as Lando laughed. “You’ll get used to them,” he said sympathetically as the menu was handed to him. The dinner ended up going well, you exchanged number’s with Lando and got on his number. There was no doubt he treated you differently, but it was expected. He almost acted with caution.
“Add her to the group, mate,” Oscar said to Lando as you turned to them. “Well, it comes with a warning label,” he added your contact to it, smiling, “these guys are kinda loony,”. You laughed at his comment, you expected nothing less of the guys around you. “I’m sure you’ll fit in just great,” he nodded to you with a smile. “I hope so,”. The rest of the dinner was finished and Charles drove you home, dropping you to your apartment.
Lando was very nice, he spoke to you a lot, and made sure you felt comfortable, but you had to say, it was a pleasant surprise seeing a text from him already, as soon as you walked into your room.
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You grinned at the texts, he was certainly very open to being friends, but the only way to put that to the test would be through racing. You were well aware, throughout other formulas, what competing against your friends could do to your bond with them, and testing the waters now with Lando would be too early. Your train of thoughts was broken by the sound of your phone dinging, a message coming in from your brother.
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This was going to be interesting.
Shortly, the 2023 season rolled by, Max winning yet another championship and the seats were announced. Your brother, Kimi, was the new Mercedes driver, and you were the Ferrari driver. Of course, the hate was definite but you only used it to fuel you on and prove them wrong. And finally, you arrived in Bahrain with Charles and testing was to begin.
“The car’s good,” you said, not that you really had much to say, as this was your first F1 car. You were on your 15th lap so far, other drivers behind and in front of you, testing their own cars. “This is good, this is good,” your engineer said over the radio, “we need to box you for new tyres in the next lap, avoid Lando, please,” he said, making you look to your mirror, seeing the orange McLaren behind you.
You turned your head to your right, seeing Lando on your side, a small wave to you as he drove round, going into the next corner. You followed him, you knew it was testing, but a bit of racing wouldn’t hurt, right? “Y/N, what are you doing?” the engineer asked as you sped up, going round Lando on the next corner. You couldn’t see his face or anything, but you could almost sense he understood what you were doing and following you, behind you as he went down the inside on the first corner.
“Y/N, you missed the pit,” your engineer said, “we are not racing Norris,”. You huffed, it was just a bit of fun. “Sorry,” you slowed down, Lando’s car doing the same as he drove alongside you down the back straight. He held his hand up as if to say, ‘what are you doing?’ You shook your head, as if to say, ‘we can’t’. He threw his hand up, exasperated and drove off. You wanted to race him too, but maybe in the next races.
“Y/N Antonelli,” the interviewer smiled to you as you walked into the media pen. You smiled at the full name as he spoke more, “you were rapid on track, setting the fourth fastest time, just behind George, Charles and Lando,”. You grinned again, “Fourth is good an all, but we know a few of the better teams could be sandbagging,” you referred to Max without directly saying it, “and the car’s doing amazing, honestly,”.
The interviewer chuckled before he continued. “On the subject of Lando,” he said, “we saw a bit of wheel to wheel action between you two. This is testing, right?” he joked. You laughed again. “Yeah, well, he went down the inside and I was like ‘why not have some fun’?” you explained, “and he was alright with it, it was just joking around a bit,”. The interviewer hummed, “Is joking around really what should be happening?” he asked, making you raise an eyebrow, “did Lando even do it as a joke, or because you annoyed him?”.
That was the media for you. Creating unnecessary drama, as always. You didn’t say anything, your expression stoic and somewhat pissed. “Good racing, Antonelli,” a voice said behind you, making your cold expression break as you saw Lando. “Have some more of that in the race, yeah?” he shook your hand as you nodded. “Preferably when I’m in front,” you smiled as he clutched his chest. “I’m wounded,” he said dramatically. You shook your head at him.
“To answer your question, I think we both knew it was a joke,” you said triumphantly to the interviewer. This was going to be a very interesting season.
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sunshine-jesse · 8 months
Control: The Strange Dynamics of Andy and Leyley or
The Incest End Is Not The Fucking Bad End, Stop Coping
Hey guys! This post is blowing the fuck up, but this was my first essay on this game, and I think I've had many more insightful things to say since then. Here's a link to a masterpost with all of my essays, which I'd definitely suggest reading after this one:
Anyways, without further adieu...
I heard a lot about this game going in. I knew the general story beats and the funny haha incest memes. I knew it was about a toxic codependent relationship where Ashley, the sister, acted like your standard overly-controlling person who used various abuse techniques to keep someone in line. I expected Ashley to be a yandere-type character where she was borderline psychotic, irrational, and had a skewed perception of reality. I expected her to be a crazy bitch, and I love me some crazy bitches.
But then I actually played through the game. ...That is not what I got.
The game advertises Andrew as a doormat extraordinaire who is strung along by his Very Not Good sister and has no agency of his own' that he's just a henpecked abuse victim. But in practice, that doesn't seem to be the case. One of their first exchanges that in the story is when the occultist played his music and Ashley wanted them to check it out. He says 'no', sure, but then he smirks and says 'but I'll come along if you do.'
That is not the dialogue of someone who has no will of their own, that's the dialogue of someone who willingly gives up their own agency.
This is not, on its own, a sign of anything out of the ordinary. What caught my attention with it, though, is how it flew in the face of the common narrative surrounding their relationship dynamic. But that's not the first time I noticed it, it's just the first time, in retrospect, that their actual dynamic begins to show. The first time I personally noticed it is in the choking scene.
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There are a lot of ways to view this situation. But my own reading? This was not a crime of passion. This was not him trying to break free. This is him doing something he's thought about for a while. This is premeditated. In this scene, Andrew is done playing along with Ashley's shit. In this scene, I firmly believe Ashley is the victim.
Ashley is the more openly abusive of the two who seeks to do whatever she can to trap Andrew so he'll never leave her. That much is clear. But Andrew-
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-clearly has these same tendencies. He says this shortly after Ashley mentions putting her name up on a call girl's wall for money. There's protective brotherly instincts, and then there's this. This is not something you'd threaten a sister with, this is something that a man would threaten his wife with, which is directly brought attention to in the story.
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(hey look he accepts the framing of it being WIFE beating at face value, and says Ashley is the only one who makes him like that! HMMMMMMMMMM WONDER WHAT THAT IMPLIES???)
It also implies that this is not the first time physical force has been threatened! I mean, that much is obvious, because of the choking scene that happened before, but I more mean that this implies that Andrew either threatening or utilizing physical force is an established pattern of behavior. However, the Decay route implies that she never thought Andy would kill her (but Andrew would) which can either be for or against depending on one's perspective, so I don't hold to the idea that it's an established pattern too strongly.
Okay, so. Andrew has some controlling and possessive tendencies too. So what? Their relationship is codependent. It's advertised as such. What of it?
Well first of all, it pretty much blows the lid off of the idea that Ashley is the sole perpetrator of abuse in their relationship. I've seen a lot of people view Andrew's behavior as justified retaliation against abuse, but frankly, I don't believe that him threatening to strangle Ashley for violating boundaries by trying to hold him accountable for his actions (given the strangulation part happens after she brought up Nina's death and how Andrew was ultimately responsible) is justified. And I ESPECIALLY don't believe that him threatening to backhand Ashley for her transactional attitude towards sex is justified in ANY circumstance.
EDIT: This part was edited in from the original post for the sake of readability so they don't have to see the reblogs to see the updated version! This post gained more traction than I was expecting!
…But perhaps even more telling is what she DOESN'T do.
Pushing someone's boundaries until they lash out is a pretty common tactic in abusive relationships. It's easy to see why, too: It justifies prior behavior and paints them in a negative light to others. This can be an important aspect of using DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender) against someone, although the two ideas aren't necessarily linked.
It's pretty easy to argue that this is what Ashley does, but if you look at the one time her boundary pushing DID go too far, when Andrew lashes out with physical violence… she doesn't do that. She doesn't blame him. She doesn't paint herself as the victim. She doesn't even try to give a reason as to why she shouldn't be killed outside of the comfort she gives him. Why is this notable?
Because the mom does, in fact, engage in what could be considered DARVO against Ashley:
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(i will elaborate more on this screenshot in particular below)
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Ashley is directly compared to Mrs. Graves by Andrew, and yet she crucially displays none of the habits that Mrs. Graves does. Mrs. Graves lays the blame on Ashley, but Ashley doesn't lay the blame on Andrew. Mrs. Graves tends to paint herself as the victim of Ashley, but Ashley does no such thing to Andrew. The mom denies her culpability at every turn; Ashley doesn't. Ashley tries to hold Andrew accountable for his role in Nina's death, which could be considered a kind of DARVO. But she never denies that she had a role to play in it. She just mentions that he was the one who pulled the trigger. And he was.
(and the point was more that she DIDN'T engage in it when threatened with physical violence; the perfect chance to)
In Mrs. Graves' mind, she is the victim of either Ashley, or society as a whole. In Ashley's mind, she knows what she is, what she does, and what she's about. The only thing she's oblivious to- or doesn't acknowledge, at least- is the threat Andrew poses to her. In her mind, she's the bad guy. In Andrew's mind, Ashley is the bad guy. In official art, she is the bad guy:
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And yet, in the game itself, Andrew is the one holding the cleaver. Not her. Hm.
Ashley is the world's most convenient scapegoat. She allows people to mask their own worst habits and pretend they're better people than they are. She accepts this role. She embraces it. She doesn't try to deny it. But when that mask slips, people lash out at her. Both Mrs. Graves and Andy (NOT Andrew, crucially) predicate much of their self-perception on being what she's not.
But they're the ones who enabled her to become like this, every step of the way.
And that's what blew my fucking mind, and made me question just who the victim really is. She was never given a chance to be normal, because other people relied on her NOT being normal.
By the end of my second playthrough, I felt worse for Ashley than I did for Andrew, and I still do.
So. What am I getting at? What does this show me about the relationship between Ashley and Andrew?
(I also wanted to point out that Andrew does engage in DARVO too but I didn't want to distract from the behavior of the mother. Unlike what Andrew does, it doesn't require someone to reassess the narrative they have towards the game in order to realize the implications of it, whereas it's pretty easy to justify Andrew's words as not qualifying as DARVO if you buy into the narrative that he's the sole victim and/or that Ashley is the main perpetrator of abuse. A friend of mine pointed out that it's a pretty key part of the push/pull dynamic they have, and I completely agree.
However, the direct comparisons to the behavior of the mother can't be ignored no matter your narrative, so I felt as if I needed to highlight that more.)
It shows me that their relationship is all about control.
Specifically, the push and pull of who controls who in any given situation.
Andrew weaponizes his incompetence. He always looks to lay the blame on Ashley. This is drawn attention to several times, and said explicitly in the Decay route.
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He is always surrendering control to her, and yet he never HAS to. He could always just say no. He could always refuse. What are the consequences? Her being upset? Well, unfortunately, it's not that easy. That's not how abuse dynamics work. He probably feels like he has to, or rather, feels like there's no other option. That he's in too deep, and stuck with her no matter what. But personally, I think it's pretty clear from his willingness to surrender control to Ashley that he still feels like he has it at points, because the moment he feels like he's about to lose it, he either considers violence, even as a child-
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(the actual scene of slicing her finger is pretty sus too with this reading in mind)
-or resorts to it, outright, in both the choking scene and the vision in the Decay ending... when Ashley doesn't have enough bullets to defend herself (this will be important later!).
No. I don't think so.
Ashley is obviously very bad. She's controlling and uses pretty textbook abuse and entrapment tactics on Andrew whereas everything he does to her is inference, with Ashley too daft to realize just how much danger she's in until the vision in the Decay ending spells it out for her- and I don't know if a true abuse dynamic allows for one to be completely unaware of the consequences of breaking free. She could just let go of her desire for control and Andrew would be a much happier person.
And that's the point, because so would she.
I bring up control because that push and pull- that desire for control over each other- is exactly what's tearing their relationship apart, and this effect most obviously manifests in the two endings of episode 2. In the Decay ending, Ashley either tries to exert control over Andrew due to a lack of trust, or Andrew allows his feelings of entrapment to truly take root in his mind and guide his actions. In the Decay ending, Andrew becomes a true doormat with no will of his own, allowing his feelings of bitterness and resentment to fester and grow, eventually resulting in their deaths.
In the Burial ending, Andrew does the exact opposite. He takes control of the situation and does exactly what Ashley would do without much of a fuss. This eventually culminates in THAT scene (assuming you take the Questionable route), where his facial expression alone speaks volumes:
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Look at how fucking confident this man is. This is not the face of someone who's unsure of himself; this is the face of someone who knows exactly what he wants and takes it. He is absolutely in control of this situation, and everyone is happier for it.
And what does Ashley have to do to get this ending?
Let's go back to Decay for a moment. If Ashley has bullets in her gun, she has control over the situation. She, at any point, could put an end to Andrew and survive. And yet, at the very end of it all, she could choose not to. She could choose to surrender control to Andrew, allowing herself to die. And that ending, I believe so much of his life and willpower will have decayed that there's nothing left for him to take control of, leaving him no choice- or rather, no use for the control he now has- but to die with her.
And in the Burial ending, she has to let him out of his cage before it's too late. She has to surrender control to him, and when she does-
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-He will become everything she ever needed him to be.
It's all about her surrendering control, and it's all about him taking control. Because, no matter what, as long as that happens... the two of them will be together forever.
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In life...
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...or in death.
How romantic.
So no, the incest end is not the fucking bad end. They're going to be together forever in the end either way, so they might as well live through it.
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wingedhallows · 5 months
is that blood? ; sirius black
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pairing: sirius x reader | 0.7k words plot: calling your boyfriend a whore wasn't the smartest thing to do, considering you're a bloodthristy slytherin. prompt: "is that blood? don't worry it's not mine. That's supposed to reassure me?" authors note: hope u like it :)
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They were staring, of course. You brought a hand to your nose, which sat throbbing and probably bloody in the middle of your face. A sour look now on your face.
Your throbbing collarbone irritated you a tiny bit more. With a quick glance you looked at your hands, bloody and dirty. Though they were in that state for a good fucking reason.
“Black’s a total slut though.”
“I know, I bet he’ll dump that slytherin soon enough.” the other nodded her head. You stared at the two, mouth in a straight line. The anger gradually built in your chest as you listened to the girls some more. You had promised Sirius, no fights. Oh, how hard it was to keep that promise right now.
“I might just go for him mys-” she had no chance to finish her sentence as you had made your way over to the two Ravenclaws. With a quick motion you grabbed the back of her head, blonde curls in your balled fist as you yanked her off the bank.
Her body fell to the floor as the girl next to her shrieked, other students watched with wide eyes. 
“You wanna say that again?” you barked. You were never someone to just watch and listen. You were someone who beat the shit out of people.
“You crazy bitch.” she yelled out as without thinking, your fist connected with her face. 
“Oh, I’ll show you what a crazy bitch i am, you fuckin’ cunt.” your hands grabbed her head and slammed it down with as much strength as you were able to produce. With a grunt she kicked at you, catching you off guard. She was on top of you and quickly punched you in the nose. 
“Not my fault your boyfriend’s a whore.”
You saw red as you brought your elbow to her head and with a yell you brought your knee to her stomach. You got up and kicked her a few more times, there she laid, limb and heaving.
“Call him a whore one more time, I dare you.”
She coughed as you leaned over her, a hand held her face. Cheeks squished between your bloody fingers.
“Keep his name out of your filthy mouth.” you spoke, voice deep. Before you left her you took a breath and spat in her face. 
“Bitch.” you whispered.
You made your way to the Gryffindor table, gasping and whispering audible. 
“Yo, isn’t that your girl? James spoke, a finger pointed at you. 
Sirius’ head whipped to your approaching form, eyes wide. You gave him a small smile as you sat yourself down between the two. Lily and Remus, who sat in front of you, didn’t speak.
“Is that blood?” Sirius spoke, holding your hand in his. You chuckled and took the napkin which laid in front of him. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not mine.”
The liquid from his cup made its way down your throat, easing the scratchy feeling. Sirius took the napkin from your hands and began to wipe the blood on your face.
“Is that supposed to reassure me?” he spoke. “What happened?” Moony asked, a hand held out with a piece of chocolate for you to take. With a small smile you accepted. 
“Some Ravenclaws thought it was a good idea to call my boyfriend names.” Sirius sighed and took a closer look at your nose. “Baby, we talked about this.” he paused and scrunched his eyebrows together as he looked at you. 
“There’s no need-”Don’t think for a moment that I won't defend you and I was kind of angry anyway.” you took a bite of the chocolate and raised your hand to stroke his cheek. 
“To defend your honor was just a bonus, pretty boy.”
Sirius just chuckled and gave your bruised nose a tap. “Ow!” you whined as you slapped his shoulder shortly after. 
“Let’s go to Madam Pomfrey’s, that is definitely broken.” 
“You pretty little minx.” He planted a kiss on your cheek as he took your hand in his. “Thank you for defending my honor, love.” you smiled and planted a kiss on his lips. 
Just as you two walked off you could hear James talk to Lily.
“Lily Pad, would you fight-”No, Potter.”
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unclewaynemunson · 7 months
Steve has only known Eddie for a couple of days.
He thinks back to the way they met in Reefer Rick's boathouse; the desperation in Eddie's eyes, and the fear that had every inch of his body trembling. How utterly defeated he looked when Dustin told him about everything that had been happening in Hawkins over the past years.
He thinks back to the few times he saw him after, when bringing him food or checking up on him. He remembers how anxious he seemed at all times, how the despair and the fear never once left his features.
He thinks back to when they found him at Skull Rock, how his heart skipped a beat in a way that none of the girls he kissed in that same place ever managed to do. He had attributed it to relief, back then, shortly followed by this weird feeling in his chest when Eddie embraced Dustin – jealousy, but not of Eddie, like he had mistaken it for.
He thinks back to when Eddie handed him a flashlight when he was about to jump into Lover's Lake. A light in the darkness. A beacon. All those cliches.
He thinks back to the way in which Eddie waved that oar around when he had already thought himself a dead man. He remembers how right in the middle of that chaotic battle, the thought came to him that Eddie was brave not because of his fearlessness but because of his fear.
He thinks back to the look on Eddie's face when he threw his denim vest at him, and the way it did something to him that was so different from what Nancy's wide-eyed gaze only a second earlier had made him feel.
He thinks back to the honest conversation they had in the woods; the sinister particles that got caught in Eddie's curls like snow, and his fear still so clearly present in his expressive eyes, even though it had gotten pushed to the background by then. He thinks back to their lingering touches; to Eddie leaning into him as if the concept of personal space didn't exist at all and to the warmth he emitted; to Eddie calling him a “good dude” and making his stomach float like it hadn't done in years.
He thinks back to the pure relief on Eddie’s face when their attempt to talk to Dustin worked out; to his elated smile and the way he pumped his fist in the air; to his hand reaching out and squeezing Steve’s shoulder in nothing but excitement upon hearing Dustin’s voice call out to them.
He thinks back to how warm Eddie felt when their legs were pressed against each other while they were sat next to each other on Max’s couch. He remembers looking to his right and seeing how terrified Eddie looked; his quivering lip and his wet eyes, his head resting in his hands. He remembers how he wanted nothing more than to wrap an arm around him and tell him it would all be okay.
He thinks back to the way in which he couldn’t stop staring at Eddie's hands when Eddie was working on starting the motor of the Winnebago. He thinks back to Eddie telling him all about the Munson family name; Eddie calling him big boy with a huge grin on his face; Eddie jumping up from his seat and trusting him enough to let him take the wheel; Eddie cheering behind him like they were going for a rollercoaster ride instead of stealing someone’s house...
He thinks back to the fluttering he felt in his stomach when he watched Eddie mess around with Dustin in the fields; a tiny spark of happiness while they were getting ready for what could be the end of the world as they knew it.
But most of all, he thinks back to the last time he heard Eddie's voice.
Steve? A beat of silence as he turned around, Eddie's eyes piercing into his own. Make him pay.
All he had done was nod. He should've said it, back then. He thought he'd have more time. He'd only just met Eddie, after all. Surely they'd get the opportunity to figure their shit out at their own pace, after the battle would be over.
Don't try be a hero, was the only goodbye he had said to him.
We are not heroes, Eddie had promised him.
“Then why the hell did you do that?” His voice is trembling; Eddie’s hand feels cold in his own. “I liked you better when you weren't a hero, you know.”
He tightens his grip on Eddie's hand, allows himself to imagine that Eddie squeezes back.
“Me too, big boy.”
Steve's eyes snap back to Eddie's face. For a moment, he isn't sure if it's real or if his sleep deprived brain has started full-on hallucinating at this point. But it has to be true; there's no way he could hallucinate those big brown eyes so perfectly, even though they're dazed and glossed-over.
“Was definitely less painful.” Eddie's breathing sounds erratic and his grin looks anything but reassuring, but he's here. He’s alive. He woke up.
They got more time after all. He’ll get to hear everything Steve wanted to tell him. And there's no way Steve is gonna waste another precious second.
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lasciviouspoison · 8 months
omg! my boyfriend is a big sexy boxer!
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oh em gee, happy kinktobaaaaaa!!!!!! lmfao, here’s a small gift from me :)
i got kinda carried away with this plot line, lol. tw: tojixchubby!reader, boxer!toji, implied black/poc!reader, implied age gap (reader in early 20s, toji late 20s/early 30s), afab reader, oral sex (f receiving), pussydrunk!toji, cockdrunk!reader, hints of self insert (sorry :/ ) and anything else i might’ve forgotten! love ya, mwah!
toji fushiguro was one of the best heavyweight boxers of the current day. he was agile, extremely strong, and never lacked in stamina. he was a staggering 6’3 and was over 250 pounds of pure muscle. littered in tattoos from head to toe, toji was a force to be reckoned with.
not to mention, he was hot as fuck. almost every hour on the hour, there was someone on the internet raving about how sexy he was. he had literally gotten invited to read dirty tweets not once, but twice because of the general influx of them.
however, no one other than those closest to toji knew about you.
you, the pretty journalist who he had seen at his first press release for the upcoming fight. he was taken aback by your casualness. while the majority your peers wore ugly suits and skirts, you were simply dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shirt. your curly hair was down, slightly touching your shoulder blades and he could see the tattoos you had up your arm and neck.
toji’s mouth watered at the sight of you. he couldn’t wait for the moment in which you raised your hand to ask him a question out of those pretty pouty lips.
after the release, he made it a point to ask his manager, shiu, to call you into the back for an “exclusive interview” with the most successful fighter on the block.
and by interview, i mean toji asked you for your number and you, albeit anxiously, agreed.
and four months later, he’s been stuck to you like glue. he’s taken you on so many dates, he always pops in to see you whenever he has the time after training, and he just recently popped the question, asking you to officially be his partner.
however, toji also does the best he can to not prematurely intertwine his life with yours.
you were still a college student, finally making your way to the end of your junior year. your life was slow and steady, yet exciting. you had a few great friends who supported you through everything, yet, they still knew nothing about your little rendezvous with toji.
meanwhile, everything was about to change at toji’s most recent weigh-in. after his opponent and himself stepped on the scale, the promoters decided it would be a good idea to bring the two back out and open the floor for questions.
of course you were in the crowd, not only to support your man, which felt amazing to finally say, but to watch and learn from your mentor. however, to everyone’s surprise, toji’s opponent had an announcement to make before the questions began.
he stood up and gave the crowd and smile before pointing directly at you, “everyone see that beautiful lady right there? i’m gonna beat the shit outta this man over here and take her home with me afterwards. ya like the sound of that sweetheart?”
toji’s eyes immediately found yours and once he seen them begin to gloss over, he couldn’t help but find himself running out of his chair, attempting to prematurely pummel his opponent. while both security teams tried to hold him back, you were being escorted out of the area and into the back rooms.
shortly after, your face was all over media outlets as they attempted to figure out who you were and your association to toji.
which brings us to now.
“baby please, talk to me. m’beggin here”. toji’s been standing outside of his master bathroom for a total of 20 minutes attempting to get you to at least calm down. you had been crying since the weigh-in, refusing to see him. the only reason you were here was because shiu redirected your driver back to toji’s home without your knowledge.
“go away! go get ready for your fight and leave me alone!” you could admit you sounded childish, but you didn’t care. it was one thing to be publicly embarrassed like that, but to now have the whole world know that you were somehow connected to toji was awful. you wanted to do that on your own terms, especially since the two of you are just barely reaching the “official” stage in your relationship.
toji grabbed the locked door knob and twisted, “yn please just come out and talk to me. lemme help you, baby, please.” while toji prided himself on never begging for anything, you were an exception to the rule.
suddenly the door swung open and he was met with your puffy red eyes and lips. despite knowing the weight of the situation, he couldn’t help but feel his dick twitch upon seeing how beautiful you looked after crying. he’d be sure to tell you that later.
“there’s nothing you can do. everyone’s gonna figure out i’m your girlfriend and my life is gonna be turned upside down”. you could feel your throat begin to constrict once again. all you wanted was to crawl into a hole and never come back up.
toji stroked your hair and brought you to his chest, “i can’t make that go away baby, and i’m sorry. but what i can do is try to make this as seamless as possible for you. things don’t have to change overnight, we can still go slow”.
he could feel you shake your head, “it’s not gonna work like that toji, you and i both know that. my fucking mom has already called me to ask about us and i don’t know what to tell her.”
toji cocked his head to the side and scrunched his brows, “tell her we’re together?”
you pushed him back and little and laughed, “oh my god toji, are you fucking dense? you’re missing the point.”
he wanted to kick himself for being so careless. obviously toji knew that the situation ran deeper than the two of you simply dating. but, he at least figured that you wouldn’t be scared to tell your mom.
alas, he was wrong.
toji took a deep breath, “don’t cuss at me when i haven’t cussed at you. i’m trying to help and you’re throwing a tantrum. the situation isn’t fair to either of us yn, and we both know it.”
you gave him one more good look before you took a step back into the bathroom and slammed the door in his face.
the fight was in 20 minutes and toji’s heart was pounding. his adrenaline was rushing throughout his body and all he could think of was your crying face and what that ugly fucker said to you earlier.
in every sense of the word, he was pissed.
he had left you back in the hands of your mentor, granting the two of you front row seats. although you could feel everyone’s eyes staring at the back of your head, you held your composure.
you could feel your mentor squeeze your hand, “i know it’s not my place, but don’t beat yourself up over what happened earlier yn, especially if you’re happy. if the two of you are together, just leave it at that. you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone, i promise.”
you reached over and gave her a hug, letting yourself finally feel the embrace of someone who cared about you. however, the sweet moment was interrupted when the announcer came out to introduce toji’s opponent.
you felt like a fish being gutted while watching him walk down the isle. his entourage behind him, making him look even weaker than he was. and the most disgusting part was him catching your eye after bouncing around the stage and winking.
toji swore he was gonna kill him. he was gonna rip his gloves off with his teeth and jam his thumbs into his eyes. taunting him was different, it was part of the sport. but making a show out of his lady was something that toji was gonna lay his ass out for.
everyone watched as the announcer made his way back into the middle of the ring and grabbed the microphone to speak once more, “ladies and gentleman! please give it up for your reigning heavyweight champion, toji fushiguro!”
the screams from the crowd jolted your body awake, firing your adrenaline on all cylinders. it was at this moment when you realized you were dating toji-fucking -fushiguro and you weren’t gonna let his scum of an opponent make you feel any less because of it.
when toji got to the ring, he removed his robe and only glared at his opponent. it was scarier than seeing him move around with the crowd because to the three of you, this was way more than a fight.
you don’t know what caused you to do it, but you walked up to the ring and called out his name. he started to squat down to speak to you, but instead watched you climbed inside to stand before him. he could see that you had your hands bawled up beside your hips and he laughed a little.
you looked at his opponent and back at him. finally, you slung your arm around him and pulled him in to where only he could hear you, “put his ass to sleep for me toji” and with a kiss to his cheek, you made your descent out of the ring.
suddenly toji was ablaze. in an instant, he transformed from his regular, stern self to the fighter, entertainer, and winner. everyone that could see him on the Jumbotron and television could see that whatever you had said to him was gonna determine the fate of this match.
2 rounds, 4 minutes and 29 seconds was all it took for toji to lay his opponent out flat. he didn’t need confirmation from the referee before he spit out his mouth guard and roared at the crowd. he could see you standing there in awe at him and it was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
eventually, toji was allowed to say his peace before existing the ring and of course, the world waited at the edge of their seats for the update on what was seen earlier.
toji couldn’t even think straight when it came time for him to talk. the only thing on his mind was you. ynynynyn was all that kept replaying in his mind before he said this, “i want the entire fucking world to know that she’s my girl. she’s been mine since i first seen her and i wouldn’t want it any other way. baby, i love you.”
by this point, you were backstage with his team watching his commentary on a flatscreen. all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him, but that would have to wait a little longer.
finally, toji walked into the back room, fully changed out of his fighting clothes, and all but stalked his way to you. he embraced you so tightly, you felt like he could snap you in half.
you pulled away from him and and pecked his cheek, “you love me toji?”.
he shook his head, “since the day i met you.”
and while tears were beginning to well in your eyes, toji was throwing you over his shoulder and heading towards his car. with the shouts of his team behind him, the only thing on his mind was getting you home and fucking you till you cried.
he sped home in dangerous silence, alternating from his hand gently squeezing your thigh to slightly rubbing this thumb up as high as you’d allow.
he didn’t even bother to park correctly before he flung his door open. toji sprinted to your side and lifted you out. you could hear his heavy breathing as he traveled through his penthouse lobby and into the elevator.
he body caged you in and his breath fanned your nose. “don’t mean to be rough. hope i’m not scarin ya” he chuckled out.
“no baby. you’re not scaring me at all.” he was, in fact, doing the opposite. you were so turned on, you hoped it wasn’t leaking through your jeans.
toji gripped your face and kissed you roughly. it was much different from the small kisses you shared, but neither of you cared. before separating for air, he pulled your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled, groaning at the sight of how innocent you looked.
after the long awaited ding of the elevator, toji grabbed your arm and pulled you towards his door.
he slung you inside and tossed you over his shoulder, once again, as he led you to the bedroom.
he gently set you down on the bed and removed his black hoodie, exposing his tattooed body. you could still see how hard he was breathing and touched his stomach to try and call him down. yet even from that innocent little touch, he was all the more hard at the sight of you.
he wordlessly took off your shoes and stood up to kiss you again. you could feel him unbuckle your jeans and your hands made their way to his pants. he moved one hand to yours and removed them from his sweats, causing you to pull back from his mouth.
the confusion lacing your face was so cute, but he needed to take his time with you. “this ain’t about me sweet girl, g’nna take my time with you and this pretty body. ‘kay?”
without giving you a chance to respond, he finally pulled your pants off in one go, and kneeled between your legs. he brought his knuckle up to your pretty pink panties and nudged at the wet spot. he licked his lips slightly and kissed your thigh.
“gonna let me eat this pretty pussy baby, yeah? wanna feel my tongue don’cha?” he was softly moving your panties to the side and groaned at the sight. your fat pussy was so pretty. cunt so puffy and wet for him, he had to get a taste.
“please toji, just touch me” you whined and toji didn’t need to hear anything else. he pulled your panties fully off and lapped at your clit like a kitten while his fingers made way to your entrance. he pushed his fingers in and you all but screamed, one hand gripping his hair while the other interlocked with his.
toji could die in your cunt and not complain. this was his own personal heaven and he swore to kill the next person who even tried to look at you funny. “yer pussy’s so sweet baby. could eat it all night if ya let me.”
he latched back onto your clit and sucked hard. his middle finger was hitting that spot you could never reach yourself and you felt euphoric. your thick thighs twitched on either side of his head, but toji didn’t care. his only focus was getting you to cum on his tongue.
he could hear your whimpers get louder and your cunt clench against his finger. he knew you were close and didn’t wanna waste anymore time.
“cum for me sweet girl. wanna taste it mama please.”
and you came, hard. your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you were gripping the covers so tightly you swore you’d put holes into it. toji was desperately trying to keep your legs open so he could continue to ravage your cunt, but he eventually opted to rubbing your precious clit while looking at your face.
he loved the sight of you coming down from your high. you looked exactly how you did after you finished crying and toji could feel his dick get impossibly harder in his pants.
he swiped his thumb over your bottom lip causing your tongue to jut out and lick. you tilted your head up a bit and sucked his thumb into your mouth, being sure to release it with a pop.
“want you to fuck me toji. please fuck me. wanna feel it in me”, you all but whined out.
he looked at you starry eyed and placed his hand on your tummy. “you wanna feel me right here baby? want me deep in your little cunny, ain’t that right” he smiled and slapped your ass.
before you could respond, toji reached for your shirt and lifted it above your head. he watched you unclasp your bra and toss it across the room. it was the first time toji had seen your beautiful, chubby body and he couldn’t be more ecstatic. you were so beautiful and he was so happy he could publically call you his.
he slipped his sweats and boxers down in one go. he reached towards his nightstand and pulled out a condom. after ripping it open with his teeth, he rolled it on and positioned himself toward your entrance.
you backed away a bit and he gripped your leg, “don’t run from me. lemme have it”.
you shook your head slightly and looked up at him wide eyed, “s’not gonna fit”.
he laughed a little and leaned down toward your neck, “i’ll make it fit, pretty”. and began to push the tip in.
he was big like you expected, but he did a considerable amount of prep to make this pleasurable for you and him.
he could feel you claw at his back and his teeth grit together. he wanted to push all the way in and fuck you stupid, but he knew he needed to go slow. it was your first time with him and he wanted to make it as special as it could be.
after fully sheathing himself in your cunt, he let out a quick “fuck” before looking into your eyes.
those beautiful e/c eyes he loved looking into so much. so teary and full of pleasure, “want me to move?”
you let out a small yes and toji rocked his hips slightly. he gripped onto the headboard above your head and sped up a little, not wanting to overwhelm you.
eventually, those small, soft strokes weren’t doing enough for you, causing you to get restless. you pushed your hips towards him and whined, “fuck me harder toji!” and that was all it took for him to fuck you like a mad man.
his hand left the headboard and pushed your thighs wider. the weight of toji on your body mixed with his heavy thrusts almost knocked the wind out of you. you were moaning and whimpering and toji loved the sight.
at some point, toji grabbed your leg and angled your anklet clad foot towards his head. he kissed your ankle before smiling down at you, which caused your pussy to gush around his cock.
he could feel your cunt start to pulsate again, all the while toji was reaching his limit too. he wanted you to cum with him, even if he had to withhold his orgasm a bit longer.
he started thumbing your clit while his body pushed your lifted leg further back, allowing him to hit a new spot within your gummy walls. you could feel the slight curve in his dick and it was driving you insane.
you looked up at him and he began to speak. “want you to cum with me baby. can you do that f’r me?”
you shook your head yes embarrassingly fast and toji rubbed your pussy just a tad bit faster.
you moaned and grabbed toji’s shoulders, “‘m gonna cum toji. i’m gonna cum. oh my god ‘m cummin- oh!” toji felt your release on his abdomen and with a loud groan, he released shortly after you.
he let you grind on his cock while you rode out your shared orgasm. he felt like he had died and went to heaven because of your pussy, and slowly but surely, he came down to witness you still twitching and shaking.
he rubbed your face gently and spoke softly, “c’mon baby. come back to me” he repeated his words until you finally let out a deep breath and weakly smiled.
he pulled out of you with a hiss and tied off the condom before disposing of it. he lifted you out of the bed and brought you to the bathroom before running you a nice warm bath. he filled the tub with bubbles and set you in gently before going to clean up the mess you two had made.
once toji came back, he washed you, lotioned you up and dressed you in a big shirt of his and boxers.
as he finally laid you down to sleep, you felt him kiss your forehead. while you knew things would never go back to the way they were, it didn’t matter because now the world knew that toji was, and always will be, yours.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
“Dance with me”
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❥ pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader
❥word count: 834
❥summery: you and Damian dance together
❥ warning: reader and Damian being the judgmental couples. One word curse word and that’s it.
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Bruce Wayne tends to host a lot of Galas. You’ve noticed that when you started dating Damian. Half the galas Damian takes you with him as his date, and the other half he doesn’t so he has an excuse not to stay at the minor when things are going down. But this one was the half where he takes you. So there you were, standing next to Damian as he ignored a group of people trying to steer up a conversation with him.
Bruce encourages him to join in but Damian never listens. He would rather talk to you if he’s being honest. You aren’t fake like most of the people in the same room as him. His words not yours.
“Mhm I don’t know, they seem a bit too out there, no? It’s not like last time—I mean that ladys boobs are like—out” you mumbled, leaning closer to Damian as the two of you stayed away from the big groups of people. You motion your hands around your chest and he hums
“maybe it’s a tactic to get my father's attention”
“you think it works?” Damian shrugs softly before he glances down at you
“How do you think I got here?”
“Oh—ew” you laugh as you scrunch up your nose. There’s a long pregnant pause between the two of you as the two of you judge every single person that walks into the manor. It’s a game you two like to play to pass time. Once everyone settles you two end up sitting away from everyone. A table set for only the two of you. It was Damians idea mostly. As the night goes by and music starts to play, that's when thoughts start to change. It’s not a Bruce Wayne Gala if people aren’t dancing. You can only stare at awe as you watch people seat their hips and jump around to the beat of the music.
These people have class and can dance!
Damian can only stare at you with soft green eyes. A smile graces his lips. He watches as you clap away and softly lip sync to some of the songs you recognize. Damian leans up against the table and scoots closer to you tucking strands of hair out of your face behind to see better. The song comes to an end shortly after, you clap loudly and woo them as most of them find their seat. The next song is a slow and soft one—once it plays most people get up from their seat and drag their spouses with them. Damian gets up and walks around the table , stopping in front of you he leaned down a little with an arm behind his back and in arm stretch out for you to take. You glance up at him confused.
“Dance with me?” He asks and you laugh softly.
“Dami, you know I don’t dance”
“And neither do I” he says. Hesitantly you take his hand and he brings you to your feet, dragging you along with him. People move and stare as Damian takes you to the center. He guides your hands to his shoulders.
“Just follow my lead beloved and everything will be alright” he whispers down at you and you nod
He places his hand firmly above your hip and the other gently grasps one of your hands that was placed on his shoulder as he starts to sway you along with him. Your eyes are locked on the ground watching your feet to make sure you don’t step on Damian's dress shoes. But you manage to do so every time.
“Shit I’m sorry!” You say as you step in his shoes once more. Damian shakes his as he laughs.
“That’s alright. Just look at me” and you do. Eyes locking with one another as you two kept dancing. As cheesy as it really sounds, the moment you two locked eyes—it seemed it was just the two of you and no one else. Damian was getting comfortable while he danced with you—he even managed to lift you up in the air and twirl you around for a bit until he had to bring you back down.
The song was coming to an end, Damian could tell once it hit its final notes. He grips your hips tighter, wraps his arm around you as you dips you. You Welp and hold on to him tighter. The song comes to an end and Damian lifts you back up as you laugh softly while clapping. Everyone cheers and Damian takes you back to your seats.
“I thought you didn’t know how to dance” Damian can only shrug
“ I don’t” you roll your eyes at his response and slap his shoulder
“yeah right” you two share one more laughter before you're seated.
“I can’t believe he dances in front of everyone!” Dick sobs
“dude you're almost hitting forty—stop crying” Jason says as he side eyes his brother “but talk about character development”
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Little Luffy gets introduced to Shanks' boyfriend Buggy.
Luffy: What's a boyfriend? Shanks: Um, like a best friend but more special.
Next time little Luffy is on a playground he's picked on by older kids but a little green haired boy comes to his rescue (he mostly just wanted to swing a stick like a sword and hit peope with it). Little Luffy is in awe and decides that this boy is now his boyfriend. He's shortly after that called away with a 'Zoro!!!' by an older pink haired girl. Aparently that green haired boy 'Zoro' had been wandering off.
From then on anytime Luffy sees Zoro around he tries to interact with him telling how cool he is and that they are boyfriends now. Zoro is mostly just confused by this slightly younger boy. We are what now? Who are you? You are still saying those things? This goes on for years.
When Luffy's, like, 14 yo he once again spotted Zoro hanging around with a bunch of older boys and Luffy most literally crashes into them. Zoro tells him to go away because as it turns out the older boys were now picking on Zoro trying to beat him up. But Luffy wouldn't leave his boyfriend alone in such a situation!
One of the Dudes mockingly asks if Zoro's boyfriend has come to his rescue, to which Luffy just said yes and starts beating them up. Together Luffy and Zoro can make the bullies run away.
Zoro: Wow, you got stronger! Luffy: Yep! Sabo said boyfriends have to be equals in a relationship so I got as strong as I could to be as cool as Zoro is! :D Zoro: Cool. Zoro: Um, by the way: What's your name? Luffy: D: Luffy: I never told you??? I am Monkey D. Luffy!
Ever since Luffy always made a big introduction so everyone knows who he is.
When Luffy starts High School he's super excited because it's the School Zoro goes to, he's just a year above him. One the first day he's searching the school for Zoro only to find him on the back side where a girl is about to confess her love for Zoro. Luffy again crashes into them.
Girl: Who are you?? Luffy: I am Monkey D. Luffy! Girl: What do you want?? We're kinda busy over here! Zoro: Actually, that's my boyfriend. Girl: Your what?! Luffy: No, not anymore. Zoro: HM? What now?! Luffy: I've decided we're now husbands! Zoro: Ah. Zoro: Okay. Girl: What?? How? Why!!! Luffy: I've asked Ace what's greater than boyfriends and he said: Husbands. Also, Shanks confirmed it 'cause he just married Buggy.
Anway now they spend all the breaks together and after school and Weekends and school breaks and half a year later everyone around them calls them a married couple.
This is,, A tooth-rooting level of fluff. I love this so much. In every damn universe, Luffy appears and just decides that Zoro is his little meow meow and Zoro just accepts it because why not.
They don't even know what boyfriends are supposed to be like. They genuinely take the "best friends but more special" extremely seriously because they have no idea what to do. I mean. They do know, once they grow up, what couples are supposed to do. But they don't really?? Care much about it?? One day they're together in Luffy's room and when Ace finds out he won't stop teasing Luffy about it and talking about sex and shit. And Luffy is like:
Luffy: ?? We don't kiss Ace: What do you mean you don't kiss? Sabo: They don't kiss, Ace. You find out now? Ace: Why don't you kiss??? Aren't you two dating??? Luffy: Yes. But I dunno. Hasn't happened. Is it important? Ace: YES???? Sabo: No, it is not. Not if you don't want to. Luffy: No, now I want to. Sabo: See? You make him want to try new things. Ace: Excuse me, is that something bad??? Sabo: Nah- Luffy: He only likes seeing you angry Sabo: Correct. Yeah. It's fucking hilarious. But also, Luf, don't do it only because Ace said so. Luffy: I do it because I want to!! Ace: As if we could get him to do something he didn't want to Sabo: The dishes would be done by now if we could
So the next day, Luffy is extremely straightforward with it and tells Zoro they should kiss. And they do. And literally, they stay the same. Because they've been married for years and they genuinely don't give a fuck about these things. They're still extremely clingy though and Luffy gets wayyy better at making Zoro blush. But that's it.
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
So, I am begging you here, pls tell me that Ikkaku and Yumichika are still bffs on this AU. I need the violent miss- and yet perfectly matched bastards to still be forever ride-and-die with each other.
Also, all the dropped tidbits relating to Yumichika are gold and I am hoarding them like a squirrel hoards his nuts for winter.
They are actually, for real, legally married.
Ikkaku was 500% ready to fight the entire Gotei-13 when he took the 628-year old marriage certificate he and Yumichika had gotten in 72 North to the Seireitei Records Office to be honored.
Instead, the sole hiccup in the process was the young lady behind the counter asking him to spell Yumichika's surname for her as this document seems to have been... stained, at some point.
"-That's not... Blood, is it?" She asks, concerned.
"Uh. It's actually. Um. Soy Sauce." Ikkaku mumbles.
It would have been less embarrassing if it had been blood.
Turns out, Gay marriage- and indeed, divorce, or changing your name, or gender, or becoming the third, fourth or seventeenth parent/legal guardian to a kid is a nonissue in soul society, because someone complained *once* and Yamamoto declared that, one, he didn't care, and two, the rest of the military commanders were hired off death row, and *this* is what you're complaining about? Fuck off.
But here are some Yumichika Fun Facts:
Everyone in the 11th division has really, really good personal hygiene and well-cared for hands, feet and nails because Yumichika's mother was a doctor at a rural hospital and put the fear of dysentery, cholera, pneumonia, tetanus, sepsis, trench rot and necrosis into him even more than fear of the gods, and he very much continued this sanitary evangelism.
Yumichika's other mother was a drag queen at the brothel that adjoined the hospital and taught him all about hair, makeup, poisons, manners, alley fights, how to play the shamisen, how to make a knife out of anything, flower arrangement and how to curse the hell out of a motherfucker of it comes to that.
Kubo was wrong Yumichika looks out for all his sisters not just his cis-ters.
Kenpachi was friends with Yumichika before either of the ever knew Ikkaku. He met Yumichika shortly after adopting Yachiru when Yumichika saved him from drowning in the river that ran through his home village.
Kenpachi asked Yumichika what he could do in gratitude for saving his life, and Yumichika, seeing his sword, asked if Kenpachi could "give him a real fight, for once"
They had a jolly little scrap that left Yumichika in the hospital for three months, an almost insatiable lust for battle, and a permanent bald scar on the edge of his eyebrow, which is where he glues the decorative feathers he wears.
It also got him (lovingly) told to move out and make his way in the world.
Yumichika met Ikkaku some years after that, when the theater/brothel he was working at hired Ikkaku on as an Emcee and a comedy act in his own right.
Ikkaku loves making people laugh and is damn good at it.
Yumichika was already considering making a move on him when a heckler pulled a sword on Yumichika during his act and Ikkaku beat the shit out of him with a chair without a second thought, and Yumichika decided he was going to seduce and marry this bald little maniac then and there.
It still took the better part of six months, because Ikkaku was convinced that Yumichika was "Way out of his league" and "He's just being friendly to a coworker!".
Things finally became clear when, having reached a boiling point of sexual frustration, Yumichika challenged Ikkaku to a duel, beat the hell out of Ikkaku with Kujaku, and screamed his feelings directly into Ikkaku's face.
"Oh." Said Ikkaku. "Why didn't you say something?"
"...I may be stupid."
"At least you're also cute. C'mere you sexy cueball."
-and they have been blissfully if dramatically wedded since.
It was many years after that that they had moved on to a different brothel as a duo floor show act, when they got to talking to some of the other working girls about their travels and Yumichika tells the story of how he got his eyebrow scar saving a real freak of a guy from drowning after he got stabbed by a river stingray, but then he challenged him to a fight because- well, he was young and cocky and a small fish, but in a tiny pond- and promptly got his ass beat.
"That's wild!" Says Ikkaku. "I also challenged a random freak with a stingray scar on his leg to a fight because I was bored and- all due respect to you and Kujaku, my beloved - but he gave me a thrashing the likes of which I'd never had before or since. He had his daughter with him was the weird part- he was a real big bastard, face like a cliff, but his girl was this adorable little pink thing."
Yumichika sits up, frowning. "-seven feet tall in socks, big vertical scar on the right side of his face?" He asked, gesturing to his own.
Ikkaku put his drink down and pointed at Yumichika "-and bells in his hair! You fought Zaraki Kenpachi too??"
"Yes! What the hell?" Yumichika laughed. "I wonder where he is now..."
"Oh Gods, he had the WORST sense of direction! He's probably managed to walk in and back out of the Soul King's palace on accident!" Ikkaku giggled
"Well, if he's the same seven foot tall sword bastard with the scarred face and pink little girl on his shoulder as the seven foot tall sword bastard with the scarred face and the pink little girl on his shoulder standing out in the street looking lost as hell, you can go ask him." Said their coworker Sachiko, pointing to the giant standing not a dozen feet away.
"Look Ken-chan! It's YuYu and Baldy!" Yachiru giggled.
"Yachiru!" Yumichika gasped, delighted.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" bellowed Ikkaku.
"YOU AGAIN!" Zaraki bellowed, ecstatic. " BEEN A FEW YEARS, LET'S SEE HOW MUCH YOU LEARNED!!"
Ten minutes of incredible violence, twelve minutes of evading the police and twenty-one minutes of getting lost on the way back to the brothel, a bloodied but still standing Yumichika was explaining to the Madame that the giant bastard carrying the unconscious half of her prized floor show duo behind him was, in fact, an old friend of theirs whom she should absolutely hire as a bouncer, you can see how effective he is!
Madame Tsubaki, who recognizes incredible spiritual power and fighting potential when she sees it, and who is still very petty about the divorce from her husband the Shinigami Captain-General, allows herself to be persuaded.
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chrollosbm · 6 months
Sunflower Fields: a Choso Love Story Chapter Twelve
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art cr: umbra3terna on x
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You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
Previous Chapters
pls support me on ao3, it would mean the world to me!
You woke up annoyed to a knock on your bedroom door, and you attempted to ignore it, wanting to get more rest. You weren’t sure what time it was, but the sunlight coming into your room was basically blinding. All you wanted to do was crawl under the covers and get more sleep with last night’s events keeping you up in curiosity.
After coming to your senses about the situation between Choso and Suguru, you of course ran to Choso to figure out what the hell went down. In all honesty, you didn’t care at all for your ex-boyfriend’s well-being, even if he was on the ground gushing blood. He was alive and coherent, which was enough for you.
“Choso…what the fuck?” The smile that was on your face was long gone by now, your body movements stiff as you charged over to him. His grin remained though, eyes sinister as his body on the other hand language was surprisingly laxed, clearly not seeing the severity of the situation. His calmness was slightly eerie, causing a stir in your stomach, but you wrote it off as him still being in shock, trying to convince yourself he wasn’t some crazed psychopath who got off on inflicting harm to others. Violence didn’t scare you, but when it was unnecessary, it just plain bothered you. You knew that Choso and Suguru’s fight had to be over you, in your head, it couldn’t have just been a coincidence that two men you’d dated had a random bar fight, so you knew it wasn’t a useless brawl.
Blood was trailing down the corner of his red stained mouth and you used your thumb to attempt to clean a bit of it off, scoffing in the process, and he let you, eyes softening at your gesture. He grabbed  your hand shortly after you were finished and pulled you closer, bloody hands finding your waist, with you not caring that it was ruining your outfit.
“Sorry, I seemed to have run into someone from your past and couldn’t stop myself from bashing his smug face in.” His features hardened again as his dark eyes squinted, veins in his neck tightening as he looked at Suguru who was now being lifted off the ground by the security guard, being shooed away as he yelled vulgar obscenities about the altercation that just took place. It was hard to ignore the insults he was throwing out at Choso, your own eyes peering as he called him a “downgrade.” It took everything in you not to throw in your own jabs at the man talking endless shit, but you decided he’d probably taken enough of a beating tonight. You still had somewhat of a heart. Plus, you had nothing to prove to him, Choso was in a totally different league than Suguru, far better in every department.
You didn’t notice you were shaking until Choso grabbed your waist tighter, his brows furrowing at you. His eyes were panicked when you looked at him before he spoke. “Baby, did I scare you?” He stammered. “I didn’t mean to frighten you-I didn’t think you would have to witness this side of me, I just-” 
You cut him off with a small and quick kiss, his puffy lips tasting metallic as yours touched his, your shaking seeming to seize almost immediately. “Don’t be.” Your voice came out soft, wanting to make sure what you were saying was of the most sincerity. “I don’t know what happened-I don’t even think I want to know. I had a horrible night and coming out to see you beating my cheating ex-boyfriend to a pulp brought me more joy than a fucking kid on Christmas morning.” You beamed at him, all teeth showing as you placed your hands on his chest, his fast beating heart seeming to slow as each word came from your mouth. 
He ran one of his dried blood stained hands through his hair, unintentionally taking out the other loose bun in his head, and let out a large sigh he seemed to be holding in, before smiling down at you, toothy as well. “Who knew you were such a sadist?” He laughed, that innocent glimmer back in his chocolate eyes. The atmosphere seemed less tense then, with Suguru’s shouts silencing as he was finally removed from the area by the brunette woman he was accompanied by. 
A louder knock snapped you out of your thoughts, along with a familiar, even louder voice. “I know you heard me! You have five seconds to answer before I burst in there.” Your older sister’s noisy voice blared through your closed door and you sat up, defeated, before shouting back at her to enter already. She came in immediately after the words left your lips, your younger sister trailing behind her with a scowl on her face, immediately shielding herself from the sun shining through your windows.
“God, ever heard of blackout curtains? It’s like you live right next to the sun or some shit.” Opal complained, before face planting on your bed, bumping you roughly in the process, making you scowl at the back of her head. “My head is killing me, I’m literally never drinking again.” Her voice was muffled in your sheets as she let out a loud groan.
You rolled your eyes, laughing at her pain in the process. That’s what she gets for drinking more than she could handle. “You can follow through with that after tonight. I’m invoking my birthday privileges for you to party with your older sister one last night.” You crossed your legs under the blanket, a smug smirk on your face.
Valerie lips tugged as well as she leaned her head on your doorframe, and to your surprise nodded in agreement. “Yeah, baby sis. You can’t punk out the last night. It’s not like you don’t get this drunk or worse while you’re away at university.” You were shocked she was also trying to convince your younger sister, with her being the responsible one and all, but you didn’t question it, as you knew this was definitely a one time thing.
You nodded vigorously, cosigning her statement as Opal lifted her head momentarily to flip the both of you off. “Whatever.” She replied. “I’m going to need a nap though. A long one.” She turned her body towards the wall, signifying she meant right this moment, and you giggled before turning back towards Valerie, whose face was suddenly reading concern. 
“What?” You asked at her demeanor change, knowing her all too well. She could never hide her facial expressions, you were a lot like her in that way. 
Her body tensed slightly, before walking over to your bed, and basically sat on you, prompting you to move your body so she could lie down, forcing you between your two sisters, one who seemed to already be sleeping soundly. 
“We need to talk about last night.” She insisted, and you cringed inwardly, knowing this moment was coming.
“About?” You asked, feigning cluelessness, not wanting to have this conversation whatsoever. 
“About Choso.” Her words were stressed and your face scrunched at her sudden change of tone. It reminded you of when you were younger and had to get a rare scolding from her, it was a “motherly” voice she put on, showing you that what she had to say was going to be of significant importance. 
You looked down from her then, suddenly feeling too small to look her in her eyes before she continued when you didn’t respond.
“Sweetheart, I know you like him and he does seem to treat you well, but that fight last night? You know that was unacceptable.” She let out a sigh and folded her arms over the comforter before continuing. “Granted, Suguru probably deserved it, but did you even ask the details of what happened? How it started?” 
To be completely honest, you didn’t have the answers to her questions. You didn’t even know why the two of them were near the club to begin with. You figured you didn’t want to know any of the details before, but Valerie’s inquisitions were making you rethink things, making you crave the answers now. There was another part of you though, that believed ignorance was bliss, with you content in the birdseye view that Suguru had gotten a well-deserved ass whooping for breaking your heart. There was definitely not a nagging feeling inside you that Choso played a part in this situation, with you also wondering what the hell he was doing there in the first place. It didn’t take you long to shake your head at your sister’s inquiry and your thoughts that seemed to take a turn, in which she let out another sad sigh.
“Please just be careful, sis. You seem to attract these crazed, obsessive men and-”
You quickly cut her off, suddenly offended by her words in insulting Choso. “Choso is not crazy or obsessive. He’s someone I care about immensely and has done nothing but protect me from the actual insane man within this whole equation.” Your head shot up as you spoke, words and eyes seemingly piercing through your older sister. She can say what she wants about Suguru, with both Valerie and Opal at the receiving end of your endless cries and breakdowns from each time the two of you had a fight or broken up, but hearing any sort of criticism on Choso was where you drew the line. He hadn’t been the one stomping on your heart, inciting fear in you, that had been Suguru. 
Her eyes softened suddenly, making you feel a pang of guilt at your unexpected outburst. “I wasn’t saying he was crazy or obsessive, I was just saying you tend to attract these sorts of men for some awful reason. I’m just warning you to tread lightly.” Her hand grabbed yours before giving a small squeeze. “I don’t want you to end up hurt again. You have no idea the agony I felt knowing you were hurting everyday for two years because of that cheating asshole.” 
Your heart swelled at her words, really feeling like shit for snapping on her now, as she was only trying to help. Your older sister had always been protective over you, she had to be with your parents up and disappearing, making her fight to keep the three of you together as you hopped from one foster home to another. She had fought for custody at such a young age, taking on the burden of raising two children with only one income, working herself silly. She was your superwoman, there to shield you from harm and defend you from anything thrown your way. 
You squeezed her hand in return, before reaching over to give her a complicated side hug, due to your uncomfortable position in bed. “I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to protect me.” You said into the hug with sincerity, prompting her to press her body against yours tighter.
“Don’t worry about it. He does seem like a nice guy for what it’s worth.” The two of you pulled away and she was smiling, her grin almost identical to yours, along with that twinkle in her eyes. “Plus, it is kind of romantic that he beat your ex-boyfriend’s butt for you.” She giggled and you laughed in return before sitting back on your headboard with a small sigh and a smile.
Last night, before your Uber could arrive, Choso basically forced you and your sisters to cancel the ride, insisting on driving you home instead. You had tried to decline, claiming he was in no mental state to drive, but he’d easily convinced you otherwise, with that domineering tone in his voice claiming that he wasn’t taking no for an answer, anyway, making you heed to his orders.
This prompted a slightly awkward introduction of your small family to the man you were currently seeing. 
“Uh…well, this is Choso.” You introduced him to your sisters with a small voice in a ‘ta-da’ motion, when Valerie and Opal (by the grace of God,) stumbled across the street, identical worried looks on their features, brows furrowed and mouths twisted into frowns.
Choso rubbed the back of his neck, sporting a small smile before you continued.
“Choso, these are my sisters I told you about, Valerie and Opal.” You pointed to your siblings as you said their names and Valerie gave him a blank look in return, obviously not liking her first impression of him, and you couldn’t blame her, he’d just been in a pretty bloody altercation.
Your younger sister on the other hand, had a mouthful to say. “Jesus, sis! You didn’t tell us he was fucking hot.” She slurred and your cheeks warmed, eyes widening as well before she continued. “I mean, you did say he was hot, but fuck-”
“That’s enough.” Valerie cut in before linking her arm with your younger sibling, who was currently protesting, claiming she did nothing wrong. She was ignored though, before your older sister spoke again with conviction. “If you’re gonna give us a ride, do it now please so we can get her to bed.”
Opal’s scoffs and objections were loud as you turned to Choso whose cheeks were red as he looked at you with an unreadable look in his eyes. Your eyes pleaded with his and he quickly nodded, understanding you without words, before clearing his throat. “Yeah, of course. Let me lead you to where I parked.” 
The car ride back wasn’t too awkward, with Opal’s excessive babbling about the security guard who you’d soon learned name was Ino. Apparently, they were the same age and she had gotten his number, claiming she was already “in love.” That earned her a scolding from both you and Valerie, with Choso listening in, letting out small chuckles and hand squeezes to yours every now and then. 
“Yeah, he’s a sweetheart.” You’d said softly with a yawn, suddenly tired and wanting to catch up on some rest just as Opal had the brilliant idea of doing. It wasn’t long before you fell into a deep slumber, your lifelines on either side of you as warmth.
It was evening when you’d finished getting ready. Apparently, you, your sisters, and Andrea were all going out to dinner as part of your birthday celebration. The three of you had to pick her up from her apartment first, Andrea claiming it was smart to just go in one car instead of two and she was right, of course, since you were all going to the same place, anyway.
You looked in the mirror, admiring yourself. You had on a brown, thick, long sleeve fitted dress that reached your mid-thigh that you paired with sheer, barely visible stockings and your prized cream colored pair of red bottoms that Valerie bought you a few Christmases ago. Your dark hair was curled down your back, thanks to Valerie’s hairstyling skills. Opal did your makeup, giving you a light face beat, accentuating your natural beauty.
“You ready to go?” Your oldest sibling said from the corner of the room, dressed modestly compared to you, wearing all black again.
“Ready!” you blurted out, as you grabbed your small, cream colored arm purse, before leading them out of your mess of a bedroom, makeup and hair products everywhere, that you would deal with later.
The three of you pulled up to Andrea and Kento’s apartment and you were confused from the passenger seat as Valerie took the key out of the ignition. “I thought we were just picking her up?” You’d questioned, squinting your eyes between your siblings who were sporting poker faces.
A flamboyantly dressed Opal responded too quickly for your liking, that squint in your eyes never faltering. “She said there’s a gift for you to pick up first, then we’ll be on our way!” She jumped out the backseat and yelled “Come on!” at you when you didn’t immediately get out after her.
“I’m coming, jeez.” You rolled your eyes and stepped out of your older sister’s car, still silently questioning what was going on. They seemed rushed earlier in the day after your nap, forcing you in the shower while basically glued to their cellphones. You’d brushed it off earlier, not caring much as you were getting ready for the night anyway, but now you were wondering what all that was about now.
 You pulled out the key to your best friend’s place as you walked towards the Nanami’s residence. She’d also had a set for your apartment, and while the two of you rarely used them, it was useful now. You stepped up to unlock her apartment door and your sisters trailed behind you silently. You opened the door to a completely dark room, causing you to look around in said darkness, confusion written on your features.
“The fuck…” You started as you walked inside, attempting to look for the light switch, when a flicker of a light and a loud “Surprise!” came out of nowhere, causing you to basically jump out your skin.
Your eyebrows were raised as you looked around the room to see it was full of people, balloons, and happy birthday decorations. You saw familiar faces from work and your university smiling at you, causing your heart to swell at the sight. They all came for you? You’d figured you didn’t have many friends anymore, with you falling off the face of the earth when you were involved in that previous toxic relationship of yours. 
Your eyes were searching for a certain face in particular, when Andrea ran up, beaming at you with a loud squeal, and gave you a huge hug, making you almost fall down in the process. You laughed and the smile widened on your face. “Happy birthday, bitch!” She yelled in your face as you pulled away from the hug, eyes lit up like the sun, so grateful it was making you forget you were supposed to be upset with her for leaving the previous night.
Kento was beside her smiling, and soon gave you a small, awkward hug. “Happy birthday.” He spoke curtly and politely, in which you gave him a thank you with a big grin. You were thankful for him as well, for last night and for this party he played a part in as well.
It didn’t take long for you to start making your rounds around the large living room, making conversation with everyone and catching up, being sure to thank them for coming in the process. It was good to catch up with everyone, with it all feeling so natural as you talked to each and every one of your old friends.
It wasn’t long before Andrea was at your side, linking her arm through yours. You looked at her with raw emotion as tears blurred your vision. “Did you do all of this?”
She gave you a smile. “As much as I want to take all the credit, it wasn’t just me.” Andrea joked and you let out a small giggle. “Your sisters helped too.” You looked over at your siblings and they were currently in the kitchen, playing a drinking game with some of your old university friends. Your heart warmed as the tears threatened to fall from your eyes. 
“You better not start crying, your makeup looks too damn good for that!” Andrea all but shouted. “I have one more surprise for you.” Your brows furrowed as she pointed to her balcony. “There’s one more surprise for you out there. I’ll let you go get it yourself.” She smirked at you, then let your arm go. Before you could respond, she walked away quickly and joined whatever drinking game everyone was playing.
You walked towards their large balcony, heart hammering in your chest at what you already knew was behind those doors.
As soon as you opened the balcony doors, you were greeted by the cool air, along with endless vases of yellow sunflowers covering the ground. There seemed to be an incredible number of them, as there was only a small walkway free from the plants that led to Choso, who was currently sitting down on one of the lawn chairs, seemingly unaware that you’d entered his vicinity. Your heart raced at the scene before you, with all the blood seemingly rushing to your head, causing your face to feel hot despite the cold weather. Those tears you were holding in were set free, with a couple falling in which you dabbed away quickly with the back of your hand as a small sniff left your body.
His eyes snapped towards yours, seeming to hear your sniffles and he stood to his feet immediately. Your eyes caught his concerned ones and you smiled widely at the sight of the handsome man, with his hair down in a dark beanie, and he was sporting a silver chain and his bright earrings. He was dressed in all black, with a thick black jacket over a t-shirt with baggy jeans and Doc Martens on his feet.
Choso all but ran over to you and immediately enveloped you in a kiss with his soft lips. His arms wrapped around your entire body, warming you up. You were giggling from the rough and urgent kiss he was giving you as you felt him smile back into the kiss, not letting you go. “You’re crying, but you’re laughing.” He stated as a question when he pulled away, not helping your chuckles.
“I’m crying because I’m happy.” You let out and he let out a breath of relief he seemed to be holding in. 
“Okay, good. I thought you didn’t like it for some reason.” He tilted his head down at you, before swiping away a tear that threatened to roll down your face, giving you a small closed-lipped smile.
You shook your head at his ridiculous assumption, looking into his pools of darkness that seemed to twinkle like stars in the night. “I love it.”
His smile remained at your response, as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek, before leading you to the  chair on the corner of the large balcony, the only other place not covered by flowers. He sat first before placing you onto his lap sideways, his strong thighs holding you up with ease as he burned holes into you, taking you in.
“You look fucking ravishing.” He breathed out, sincerity on his face. “Fucking stunning, beautiful, perfect, angelic.” He looked you up and down, taking a long time to admire you completely, causing your organs to stir and feel hot as his dark eyes scanned you, not missing a single detail. “I’m so lucky.” He continued, before those dark orbs looked back into yours, a small smile playing on his lips.
Your cheeks were burning at this point, all self-consciousness thrown off the balcony as each compliment left his perfect pink lips. “Thank you, Choso.” You beamed, before wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat that sped up as you held him tighter. 
You gave a shiver, suddenly remembering how cold it was outside in the night, before Choso took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders, before wrapping his large arms around your waist, warming your heart at his gentlemen-like gesture.
“I have something to ask you.” His deep voice suddenly rumbled against the side of your head, causing you to lift your head to look up at the man who spoke, a red blush on his cheeks as nervous his eyes peered into yours, before continuing. “Will you be my girlfriend, sunflower? Please?” 
Your eyebrows lifted at the question, heart hammering out your chest like a comedy TV show character. You? Choso Kamo’s girlfriend? As unhinged as you were, this kind, patient, incredible man wanted you to be his? You felt like you were in a dream and you had to refrain from pinching yourself as that probably wouldn't be socially acceptable in this situation. Dream or not, you were definitely going to say yes.
“Choso…” You started, water swelling in your orbs again as your lip began quivering. The poor man’s face read shock again, as if he hadn’t grown accustomed to your tears of emotion already, causing you to smile and let out a small laugh before continuing. “Of course I will."
His shoulders relaxed then, a wide smile growing on that beautiful face, his beautiful birthmark scrunching on his nose and eyes crinkling. His soft lips were placed on yours shortly after, moving ferociously against yours, you tasting the saltiness of the tears that had rolled down your face against your will. You felt warm as he enveloped you as if he would never let you go, seemingly afraid you would run away from his embrace, which you never would. 
He was yours forever, whether he liked it or not.
Chapter Thirteen is Posted
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dancingdonatello · 7 months
Hi hi! If you're currently accepting requests, might I ask for 2012 donnie with a male reader? Maybe they meet shortly after he decided he was going to get over april, and his entire family has an "ah shit here we go again" moment when they see how donnie interacts with him lmao. tyvm <3 !!!
2012 donnie x male reader
Donnie’s brothers were… relieved.
No more ramblings about a girl. No more whiteboards filled with random facts about April. No more rantings about how her and Casey seemed just a little too close and how she should be with Donnie not him.
Most importantly, no more awkward interactions or “sweet chinchilla” moments.
And then Casey just had to bring you along.
It wasn’t planned. One day, he just strolled into the lair with you following along behind.
Immediately, all of them were on the defense, weapons drawn.
Casey was quick to defend your presence in the lair though
“Come on! He helped me beat up the Kraang!” Casey grabbed your shoulders. “Plus. Two guys with rad hockey skills on your turtle team? It can’t go wrong. Please! Let him join!”
“Turtle team,” Leo echoed, unamused.
“Please!” Casey shook your shoulders again. “I need one human guy on the team! Please!”
Raph actually growled at that. “How do we know he’s trustworthy? Just based on your word?” Leo nodded along.
“I think he’s trustworthy.”
Leo and Raph’s heads snapped to Donnie. They both had matching appalled looks on their faces.
“Thank you… um, Purple.” You smiled at him gratefully.
Donnie coughed, but Leo swore he heard a giggle.
“How? How do you think they’re trust worthy? You don’t even know them!” Raph got in Donnie’s face, demanding.
“They… just look like someone we should trust Donnie squeaked out.
Mikey and Leo shared a look.
Every day since then, you appeared in the lair. Raph was outraged at first, thinking that you had just decided that you own the place and you could come and go as you pleased, but he soon found out that Donnie had been inviting you down. Every single day.
Raph and Leo drew the line when he saw Donnie had a poster of you in his room.
“Where did you even get that?!”
“It’s for their hockey team… They take professional photos for them…” Donnie sighed dreamily.
“…Why were you at their school?” Leo crossed his arms.
“To watch their hockey game?” Donnie got defensive all of the sudden, mirroring his brother’s posture.
“Since when did you like hockey?” Raph asked.
“What’s with the interrogation, guys?!” Donnie snapped, oblivious at the looks his brothers gave him when he started putting heart stickers on the poster.
Oh no. Leo and Raph looked at each other, distraught. Not again.
You never did find out what happened to your poster.
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Hey can you write a mattheo riddle one shot with him having a crush on the reader but she is rlly oblivious :) please and thank you have a good day!
Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: mention of fighting and blood Notes: I really don't like this
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you weren't exactly friends with Mattheo, but that wasn't to say you didn't talk
because you did, quite a bit actually, but you weren't friends.
even if Mattheo wanted you to be.
he wouldn't admit it to anybody but he enjoyed your company.
he didn't try to hide it either, he would almost trail after you in the hallways, asking you questions about yourself, and you would answer shortly
you just didn't understand the way he felt, you thought he was only being nice.
you heard your name being called out from the end of the corridor, making you turn around and see Mattheo running up to you, holding his jacket
"hey Mattheo" you smiled brightly at him, you had no idea how your smile made his day
"hello darling" he greeted you "what class do you have next?"
"herbology, you?" you replied, looking at him sweetly
"potions" he mumbled
"you're going the wrong way" you laughed
"I know, thought I'd maybe walk you, don't want you to get into any trouble" he shrugged
"really? becuase trouble doesn't seem to follow you?" you questioned sarcastically
"that doesn't matter" he shook his head no
he walked you to your class and stopped you from walking in "meet me outside potions after class ok?"
you nodded you head with a small smile
he backed away from you and walked off
Mattheo felt like he was very straight forward, he wasn't ashamed of his feelings for you, and he definitely wasn't scared of your rejection. but you made him feel a bit stupid when you would brush off his comments.
which is why he won't try anymore, he'll just ask you and see then once and for all, he didn't want to flirt with you for you to then just laugh and brush it off to move on to another subject.
Mattheo walked out of Potions with Theo and Draco, letting them walk ahead as he waited, leaning against the wall, his friends noticed he wasn't beside them and turned around
they raised their eyebrows waiting for him to come along.
"go ahead, I'll see you guys later" he motioned for them to go
"why? you wanna stay here and talk to Snape?" Draco smirked
"shove off, Malfoy, I'm waiting for someone" he rolled his eyes
they walked towards him
"who?" Theo asked
"that doesn't matter" Mattheo responded
the two boys chuckled "well if they don't matter just leave, c'mon, I gotta have a smoke"
"you don't need me to have a smoke, just leave I'll catch you guys later" Mattheo deadpanned
they left with their hands up defensively and looked back at the curly headed boy suspiciously.
Mattheo waiting for a while, tapping his foot, growing a bit impatient, it felt like he was waiting for hours. he shook his head and pushed himself off the wall, walking off.
he strolled to his dorm annoyed when he heard a voice "shut up" they said
he turned the hall and saw a boy shoving you to a wall, you pulling your face away from his as his lips tried chasing yours
Mattheo rushed over to you both, going to let his anger out on the boy as he tried forcing himself onto you
"Jake!" he yelled out to the boy, making him turn to him before he got punched in the face
"get the fuck off her you piece of shit" he yelled, punching the boy again, hearing the snap coming from his nose
"shove off Riddle" Jake punched him back
Mattheo shoved him to the ground before kicking him and hitting him furiously
"Mattheo stop! it's fine" you pleaded to get off Jake, but he only ignored you, continuing to beat the boy up. soon enough blood was all over the floor from their knuckles and faces and they fought
"Mattheo stop it!" you screamed at him, going closer to try and pull him off
"Mattheo stop it right now!" you continued but he wouldn't listen, you didn't want him to accidentally hit you if you tried getting him away, and you knew he was aggressive
he obviously had anger built up in him that he needs to get out and when he's like this you couldn't be the one to get him out of it
"please, Mattheo" you whispered to yourself
Jake begged for Mattheo to get off him
you turned away and wondered whether to go away. but you heard the hitting stop
you looked over at them and saw Mattheo standing over an unconscious Jake, looking like he just murdered somebody
"Matt?" you muttered, taking a careful step towards him, hearing his quick breaths.
he looked up at you and his eyes seemed to soften as he caught your gaze, he grabbed your arm and pulled over with him as he walked away
"let's go"
"you didn't have to knock him out! Mattheo, one of these days you are going to kill yourself if you fight the wrong person" you argued with him
"what did you want me to do, huh? leave you there while he forced himself onto you?" he questioned agressivley
"I had it under control" you sighed
"did you?"
you stayed quiet and decided to not respond to him
"exactly" he huffed
"I'm just saying, you're gonna die one of these days if you don't be careful" you scoffed
he stopped walking and turned to abruptly, looking at you carefully.
his hand on your arm dropped before he took a deep breath
"everything I'm willing to die for is right here" he said
you frowned, not understanding what he meant
"ok I don't what you mean but whatever, we have to clean those cuts" you shrugged it off, you walked around him and starting going to the common room
"no, you're not avoiding this today, I won't let you" he shook his head, grabbing your hand to pull you back
"avoid what?" you blinked, confused
"my feelings for you" he admitted
"what feelings?" you tilted your head
he blinked at you softly, saying nothing as a small grin made it's way onto his lips
"I love you" he whispered
"you're concussed" you snickered, trying to pull him with you
"no, I'm not, I know what a concussion feels like, and this isn't one of them, I love you" he rolled his eyes
"why?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"why do you need an explanation?" he asked
you reached up to wipe blood off his lip, and he caught your hand
his gaze moved your lips to your eyes again before batting his eyelashes. his jaw tightened as his eyes averted to your lips and stayed there
"Mattheo?" you mumbled
"yeah" he responded quietly before leaning in slowly, waiting for you to connect them
he guided your hand and placed it on his chest, letting you feel his heart beat.
you reached your other hand up and traced your thumb over the scar that went down his cheek before leaning closer to him.
his eyes found yours again and you found yourself looking into them deeply, seeing every emotion he was feeling.
his free hand made it's way to the back your neck as he gave it a light squeeze, he slid it over to your cheek and let it stay there before leaning his head to rest it against yours
he wasn't gonna kiss you first, he wanted to know you wanted before he gave you it.
and you knew what he was doing, so you did it
you leaned in closer and connected your lips with his, as soon as you did he took control, holding your face on his as he straightened his posture, his hand holing your hand on his chest dropped to your waist and pulled you torso closer to his body.
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heterophobicdyke · 5 days
One of my aunties was raped and abused by her husband for decades, and when she tried to leave he stabbed the priest who helped her and threatened to kill her entire family including me. She went back.
Another of my aunties was raped and abused by her boyfriend for years. He smashed in the windows of my grandparents house while I was inside, 7 years old. Cops didn’t do shit.
My Nan’s best friend and her kids were chased down train tracks by the husband with a gun, shooting after them. They ran to my grandparents house and he dropped the gun because my pop said he would have to shoot him to come inside and kill the family.
My grandparents next door neighbour’s DOCTOR husband, no proof of abuse before, murder-suicided him and his family.
Another of my Nans (recently dead) had 16 siblings, most girls. They were all molested by their father, my great grandfather. My nan’s sister told us recently that she slept with the door locked and a window open so if he came in she could run. My nan got into a cycle of abusive relationships, suicide attempts and addiction for the rest of her life. She died because male doctors wouldn’t listen to the seriousness her stomach problems.
My dad was extremely verbally abusive to my whole family and emotionally/psychologically abusive to my mum while I was growing up and he only didn’t get consistently physical (he did towards my mum a couple of times as well as smacking us kids) because he saw his own dad beat his mum (the one in the above paragraph) to a pulp multiple times, including when she left because her husband was cheating with one woman and seeing multiple prostituted women.
I have multiple other relatives who were raped and abused by their husbands. One made her fuck a dog.
When I was 15/16, my friends were being taken advantage of 20+ year old men who even made one of my friends give a vile of her blood which he kept on him (and her), as a necklace, and he held a knife up to her throat when they “had sex.” She was told it was kinky and progressive. I found radical feminism on tumblr shortly after and it was the sex styles men have that turned me radical at 16. Not trans stuff. I was ripped from my high school friends and not allowed at any parties involving these men because I didn’t flirt and I didn’t fuck. I was a lesbian (who wasn’t even out at the time). I was a “frigid.”
My high school friends let me be treated this way by their male partners until the relationship would end and I’d have the salt and vinegar chips in hand and cradle them while they broke down that he was on to the next virgin pussy. Sorry but that’s how men see it and it’s how they are.
As an adult, I made really good friends with a bisexual woman at uni. We bonded over being the radical types of feminists. She got with a man. After years together I found out he cheated with a woman I know. At first she was done with him.l, when I told her. But he talked his way around to the point he made her stop talking to ME. Because I told her. In female bathrooms she kept trying to make out with me and tell me how sorry she was that in front of him she had to act like she didn’t know me, as if the only reason I cared was because I was a lesbian and “must have wanted to get with her.” I didn’t! I was there for her as a friend!!!
My cousin got with a dude who gave me a job as a writer. At first, I could write as many words as I wanted. Gradually I realised I was there for him to prove to her family he was a good person to be with. He stopped paying me, it started coming out of her account, and at that point I left the job. She’s not with him anymore—he physically/emotionally/psychologically abused her, starved her cat, hurt her kids—and we repaired our connection.
I’ve always been the lesbian friend/fam member having to watch my OSA besties/family being abused by men while they don’t listen to me. I’ve just got to stand and watch until they’re ready to get with the next abuser.
My family is a normal Australian family. We are not known for having it especially horrible, despite not being well to do with money. This is normal.
I am NOT THE ONE to talk to about how great your boyfriend or husband is and how radical you are for staying with him because you have enough money to donate to your local woman’s shelter. I am NOT THE ONE.
These examples are why I became a radical feminist. But I was a lesbian since birth. Only had crushes on girls and women since birth. Didn’t make a choice. But I think Mother Nature made me lesbian because of the abuse my family—not unlike other families, like yours, your family just might not have been as transparent with you—has endured. As an evolutionary thing. I have a right to discuss male/female relationships so go fuck yourself.
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eeunoia · 1 month
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sinag | psh.
chapter ten
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: there’s a slight change from the original one shot. anyway, please send me asks and reblogs are highly recommended! thank you so much, ily.
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“We found these inside her suite room, Boss.”
Sunghoon rests his liqour over the small table near him then pressed his lit cigarette at the ash tray. His toned muscle flex at his every move. He reaches over the small card Icarus was handing him.
With brows furrowing downward, he silently read the printed name of the company you seem to work at. He didn’t utter a word and just plays with it, falling deep into his own thoughts. The name of the place you’re currently employed in rings a bell. A bit familiar. Like he heard it before.
“We also managed to gather some of her personal belongings.” his eyes darts lazily at the things he laid over the table.
Some identifaction cards and also your passport. He licked his lower lip and stretches his arm to grab your passport. He opens it, revealing your information to him. Your name, birthday, nationality... everything.
“You may take your leave. Make sure there are men guarding her floor.” he instructed without sparing a glance to him. He saw him bowing from his peripheral before he take his leave.
The cold breeze blew towards Sunghoon, making his slightly long hair sways beautifully along with it. His eyes are fixed at your picture and his thumb gently caress it, a ghost of smile spreading across his face.
“Aelia...” he mumbled your name for the very first time. “My Aelia.” he added afterwards.
He tilts his head and clenches his jaw hard before fishing his phone from his pocket.
“Brother! I figured you’ll give me a ring sooner or later.” Jake’s voice hints teasing from it.
“You...” he starts, but halts his words.
Sunghoon couldn’t make out his emotions properly. He’s feeling so pissed for his friend keeping something very important to him, but at the same time still overwhelmingly happy after finding you.
“Well,” he can almost hear his smirk from the other line. “did you like my gift for you?”
He threw his head back then heaved a sigh.
“Since when?” he shortly replied, wanting to know more about this sneaky move his friend just pulled. He should’ve known something’s up from how his friend’s been so weird.
“Ever since I tried to sell the company to you.”
Another big and heavy sigh emits from Sunghoon after he realized how long was that. He almost lose his mind searching for you and all this time, his friend knew where you are. He felt betrayed, but a part of him are relieved to know that you are safe.
He flutters his eyes open, brows furrowing hardly at the realization.
“You sold it to me for 10 million? Do you fucking think she’s worth just that?” he seemed insulted like as if he was the one being priced and sold at a lower price. Not that he really sell you, its practically the company but Sunghoon’s being very dramatic.
Jake chuckles finding it hilarious how he didn’t even got mad at him for selling it at a very expensive price. He got offended for taking the interpretation that you only worth that price.
“Dude, I asked for that so I can take care of your girl while you’re busy taking care of some other things.” he finally explains. It made him more calmer, his jaw’s still hardly clenched but at least the idea of beating the shit out of his friend starts to subside.
“Meaning all these time, its you and your money whose taking good care of her. She’s living comfortably thanks to your resources.” he sounded like he’s trying to convince a kid and tricked him into believing that Santa is real.
Sunghoon fell silent, trying to sink Jake’s words inside his mind. He did a good job on revisioning the company and even made it perform well. He’s been updating him about the status of it even though he doesn’t really give much care of it as he was pretty focused on putting the Kwon’s down.
All this time, its not just the company. It was his way of letting him know that his girl is okay and living pretty well.
He draws in a big sigh, totally calmer than before.
“Thank you.”
Jake’s the one silent this time. He was expecting him to appreciate his effort, but not to this extent. He was expecting an earful of curses and death threats from him, but instead this is what he got.
He was amused. Beyond amused how you’ve already started to affect him. He lets out a scoff, couldn’t believe that you have this effect on him. It was just a hunch that you indeed have the potential to soften and tame the monster, but you are powerful. You have this power over him.
“The fuck? Not even a day of meeting her and you’re already under her spell? Who are you? Where’s the real Sunghoon? The real one would’ve cursed me out and will be super pissed at me.”
Sunghoon smirks and rests over the railings of the balcony. His eyes settles beneath the quiet road, it was almost empty as its already three in the morning.
“I am pissed at you.” his stern tone makes it obvious how he means.
“But since you kept her safe 'til this day, I’ll let you go.”
Jake smirks, “Even if your meet up is a little set up?”
“What’s important now is she’s here. She’s really here.” relieve was not the only thing you can hear from his tone. Some are curiosity on what’s about to happen next.
He can think nonstop about the things he wanted to do with you, but first he has to think of how he would explain everything to you. Because from now on, you will live your life with him.
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You let out a heavy sigh before grabbing your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number. Your jaw clenched when you've been directed over to his voice mail. It’s been three days ever since you two talked and you even argued. This is your last night here and so far its so good. Surprisingly nothing bad happened to you, and you don’t want to jinx it at all.
“Hey, Luke.” you said after the beep to leave him yet another voice mail. You didn't know how many you left already but still, you decided to do it again.
“I know you're upset baby. Please let’s talk once I get back there, hm? I love you.” you mumbled and ended it.
You grabbed your coat and key card of your hotel room. It was stressing you out so you wanted to get some fresh air to relieve some stress. It was already late which makes it a bit scary, especially that you're in another city. But you knew you needed some for tonight.
You breath in the fresh air you thought you’ve been needing for a while. You tried smiling as you watch the stars above you shines brightly. You were enjoying your time without even realizing what’s about to unfold.
After finally calming down and clearing your mind out, you decided to head back to your hotel.
On your way, you had this weird feeling that you're being followed. Your heart started thumping fast, specially that there are less people around this area. Terrified that someone really is stalking you, you hurried your steps.
But even before your can reach back to your hotel, you felt a strong grip over your arm. Your heart sank as you open your mouth to shout only to be covered by your captor. He held you firmly then covered your nose with a handkerchief making your eyes grew big and you tried to get away from their grip but it was too late.
The last thing you remember is how you slowly lose your strength, knees falling weakly. The person held you close to him and even whispered things you couldn’t understand as you lost consciousness. In the end, you felt them carrying you.
Sunghoon smiles as he stared down at your unconscious body over his arms. His men opened his car door for him and he puts you inside carefully.
“Have you prepared the hotel room I asked you?” he asks Icarus as he checks if your position inside his vehicle is okay.
“Yes, boss.”
He nods and Sunghoon walks around towards the driver’s seat. He glanced at your side before smiling again, reaching over your face to gently brush away the hairs covering it.
At the arrival to the hotel, Sunghoon parked his sports car right in front while his men's vehicle surrounds his for protection. The staffs of the hotel hurries themselves to stand right in front of it to welcome him. They've been informed about the vip that will stay at the top floor of the hotel, and after knowing its Park Sunghoon they couldn't help but to feel nervous.
After-all, he’s known for his bad temper.
“Welcome Mr. P-Park.” the head of the hotel stutters as he bows along with his staffs.
Sunghoon didn’t pay much attention to them as he asks for his room card. Some of the staff noticed him carrying your unconscious body, tears on the sides of your eyes. Just by the looks of it, they knew you didn’t come here voluntarily.
None of them asked anything about you, nobody even dared to look at your direction longer than fiver seconds.
The moment he managed to get the keys to your room, Sunghoon struts towards the elevator along with Icarus and some of his men.
“Should we tie her hands?” Icarus asks.
Sunghoon’s eyes darted at your wrist. His assistant is already getting ready to tie her when he stopped him.
“No. I don’t want it hurting her wrists.” he says too softly and then sat at the side of the bed to look at your sleeping state.
He wiped off the tears at the corner of your eyes and using his thumb, he caress your cheeks.
“My love, you are finally here with me.” he whispers.
He sighs, “You are so beautiful.” and he roams his eyes over your pretty face. He’s still in trance. Despite being able to hold you and touch you like this, sometimes he still can’t help but to think that he is dreaming.
Scared that this are just his illusions, he somewhat wished not to wake up from this. If it means he will be with you, he don’t want to leave. He wants to be where you are and where he can have you like this.
“Sir, Mr. Sim called saying he needs to discuss something with you.” he sighs and nods his head before standing up.
“Leave some of our men inside the room incase she tries to escape or do something that can hurt her.” he reminds his men before leaving the room.
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With a low grunt, you slowly opened your eyes only to be greeted by an unfamiliar room. Your head aches in attempt to recover memories from last night. It was just then you remembered that you were abducted.
Fear spread across your chest as you roamed your eyes around, sitting up from the bed. There are men wearing familiar suits. You’ve seen it before, you just don’t have any idea where.
“W-Where am I? Who are you?!” you asked frantically and tears spreads across your face.
Even when you are crying, they seem to don't mind. They are just standing at the corners of the room, two by the door.
You don’t know how many hours that you’re passed out, but you knew its been a while. Your throat felt dry from crying and screaming. One of them did offered water, but you refused. You’re afraid that they put something in it.
The fact that this is happening on your last day of the trip makes you go crazy. Nothing good really happens whenever you go out of the country. Everything seems to be find until you got abducted by these people. This time, you think this will really be the end of your life.
Dark thoughts starts to occupy your mind. Will they kill you and sell your organs to the black market? Probably. Or put you into slavery. That’s just so awful. A lot of bad scenarious flashes through your mind and it was making you feel much terrible.
The door then burst open, making you jolt a bit. Soon, a man walks inside. His eyes looked at your way and he bows politely which caught you off-guard. The other guys around seems to look up on him so you assumed he have more power than them, so why is he bowing at you?
“The boss will see you in a bit.” Icarus said, informing you about Sunghoon’s plan to visit you.
The boss? Your brows furrows hardly at his statement, but kept your mouth shut. Tears still pool your eyes, cries a little more silent than before. If he isn’t the boss, you can still try to convince him to let you go. You can beg him. Tell him that your you have terrible health so your organs won’t sell good.
“Please let me go.” you begged him softly, eyes glistening with so much emotion.
Icarus stared at you with blank look over his eyes. He sighs and glanced away, trying to talk to some of the men reminding them of what to do next once the boss arrives.
Your heart fell. He didn’t even say anything or even talked to you.
Not long after, you heard the door opening and it revealed some ethereal looking guy. His hair was brushed up and it looked so soft, his face blank and seems like he’s the one in-charge. So much power he holds just by walking inside the room.
You can’t properly describe it. He just have this aura. He’s wearing a suit that perfectly fits him, showing off his model like proportions. It feels so illegal to see him walking here and not on runways.
Both of your eyes met and you are a bit taken aback because he’s very good-looking! His skin was fairly white and his features were beautiful altogether. He’s very intimidating too.
“Did you hurt her?” his voice ringed inside your head. He was asking the guys around but his eyes never left yours.
You gulped and even if you’re feeling very scared and intimidated, you raised your chin up and stared back at him. You glared and clenched your jaw to keep them from shaking.
“No, boss.” one of them answered. As expected, he is the one in-charge.
He nodded and slowly walked closer to you. If he’s good-looking from afar, he’s breath-taking up close. He looked so handsome and intimidating at the same time. Those moles all over his face sure add some charms in him.
“I’ve been searching the whole world for you, love.” He softly mumbled before he raised his hand to caress your cheeks carefully like as if you’re something so fragile.
Something about his caress lit something inside your stomach go crazy. It was definitely wrong because he was the one who abducted you and he’s probably a bad guy. Not to mention that you have a boyfriend but for some reasons, you cannot help it. There’s something about his gentle touch and his staring expressive eyes.
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