#He doesn’t need to have the flaw of indecision magically go away he just needs to be supported through it for the first time
Even at his best with a goal in mind, Phineas still has a moment of indecision and weakness—except this time, Spahr is able to break through his own crippling indecision to break the cycle and finally be there for him. They’ve come full circle
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benevolentpanda · 5 years
Fantastic Beasts Oc Info
Name: Jimena Rosita
Last Name: Muerte Negro
Birthday: October 1
Age: 18 (Fantastic Beasts 2)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Physical Information
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye color: Dark Brown
Appearance: 1920s wavy short hair, round face, a little meat on her bones, short stature, modest clothing, tribal earrings/necklace, old pair of brown boots and a set of fancy wrist restraints that control most of her magical abilities.
Country of origin- Peru
Wand Information
Wand wood: Chestnut
Wand core: Dragon (Vipertooth)
Wand length: 9 in.
Style: Whippy and smooth with interesting designs engraved near the rounded handle.
Best for: Offensive and healing spells
School Information
Name: Castelobruxo (Latin America’s School of Magic)
Year: I to IV
House: Undines
Extra Information
Personality: A bit of an old soul, a listener, loyal, introspective, curious when it comes to new magical herbs or magical creatures, zones out every now and then, observant with some things, and will do as told depending on what she needs to do..
Flaws: Jimena is very fickle/indecisive when it comes to making decisions that involve herself or her family. She wants to protect her two older siblings during the crimes they drag her into, but at the same time she wants to break free and pursue a better life for herself.
Likes: Reading about herbology and magizoology, magical beasts, all sorts of plants (magic and non-magic alike), poetry, music, writing in her diary, and ANYTHING sweet (candy or pastries).
Dislikes: Sea food, worrying about her place in the family tree, taking a special potion her older sister gives her when she’s feeling unwell, mistreatment of plants or animals.
Hobbies: Making Victorian terrariums (all shapes and sizes)
Characteristic phrases: “I don’t know, I prefer the company of plants and animals than I do people most days.” “Newt Scamander...Yes, my two siblings attended school with him I think.”
Powers/Skills: Has a good amount of knowledge of magical plants, healing spells, charms, and some wandless magic. Jimena has the strongest magical strength out of her three older siblings, however it does take a toll on her physical health depending on what kind of spell she uses. She has developed a spell that lets her boost a person’s magical strength however it can be very dangerous and she doesn’t use it often. Plus, it only works on people blood related to her.
Early Life: Jimena Rosita Muerte Negro was conceived out of wedlock to a Spaniard Auror and a Peruvian indiginous woman. Lucero Octavio Muerte Negro and Manua were their names. Long before Jimena’s birth, Lucero was taking a tour of South America. He was researching magical plants for an essay he wanted to publish in the Wizarding World before returning back to Spain to become part of the Spanish Ministry of Magic. When he stopped in a small village between Peru and the Brazilian border, he ran into Manua who was selling her tribe’s beadwork on the street. From that day, he became infatuated with her and she with him. However, it wouldn’t end very well for either of them.
After several weeks of being together, Maanua became pregnant. Lucero became very worried because he was already married and had a family back in Spain. Maanua knew of this but wasn’t upset for in her people’s culture it was normal for a man to have several wives or for a woman to have several husbands. Even though they weren’t officially married, Lucero really loved her more than his actual wife. His marriage to his wife was arranged and strained. He already had three older children and worried for the one Maanua carried. It was hard, but he had to return to Spain before Jimena was due to be born. Before he left, he promised Maanua that he would send money to her every month when he could.
When Jimena was three, Maanua was shunned out of her tribe for having a child with strange abilities. Maanua became a maid for a rich Peruvian family and did her best to hide Jimena’s magic abililities only when the family was around. Lucero on the other hand had his own problems to deal with. He was facing the consequences of being unfaithful to his wife (Fala Birch). His family members weren’t too happy with him and Fala became furious. Fala was emotionally and metally abusive to both Lucero and his children. The woman eventually started researching the dark arts. Fala wanted to hurt Lucero for ruining their marriage despite she herself being unfaithful to him during his tour of South America. She started planning the most cruel way to get back at Lucero.
At the age of seven, Jimena witnessed her mother being beaten by the mistress of the house in which they both served. This caused Jimena to lash out at the woman with her magic and in the process she destroyed part of the house. The Peruvian Council of Magic got involved and had to take Jimena away from Maanua. They also erased Maanua’s memories of Lucero and Jimena. Upon taking Jimena, The Peruvian Council of Magic decided to send her to Castelobruxo in Brazil where she could learn to control her magic in a safe environment. The Peruvian Council also sent a letter to Lucero of the events and for him to sign several important papers. Lucero was saddened to receive the news out, but was happy that Jimena would be joining a wizarding school like her two older siblings.
Upon Jimena’s arrival to Castelobruxo, the headmaster welcomed her and the other new students. Jimena’s first year at Castelobruxo was hard, but she managed as best as she could to get comfortable around others who had the same magical abilities as her. She also discovered that her great great grandfather was a former student at the school along with her own father. There was also some dark history, but she didn’t want to look into much of that. Jimena took her time learning and studying all she could during her first two years of wizard school. She loved herbology class, charms class, and classes on Magizoology. Some of the plants and creatures at Castlobruxo became some of her only friends. It’s not that she didn’t like the other young witches or wizards, she just felt more comfortable around other living things. Plus, it was a bit of a burden on her that there were dark roots from her family to the school and that her father was one of the best students Castelobruxo had. Jimena often received letters from Lucero and small gifts. She always wondered what it would be like to meet him in person instead of gazing at a small moving black and white portrait of him.
At the end of her third year at Castelobruxo, the students and the professors were attacked by a dangerous release of a forbidden giant magical plant that could spit acid. Once the attack got under control, a rumor spread that Jimena was to blame because a Ciapora evidently saw her go into the greenhouse where the headmaster kept the plant locked away. Jimena was questioned but she denied it until a male student (Davi) spoke up to defend her. There were smaller incidents involving other dangerous plants that almost got Jimena kicked out of Castelobruxo even though she had nothing to do with them.
The beginning of her fourth and last year at Castelobruxo, was terrible and would impact her for most of her young life. Unbeknownst to Jimena, all those incidents from the year before were caused by Fala Birch and Acela (Jimena’s oldest half sister). Fala found out that Jimena was at Castelobruxo and devised a plan to ruin her and hurt Lucero. Since Fala was now secretly involved with dark magic, she cast a temporary mind control spell on her eldest daughter Acela to pretend to be Jimena and commit the crimes at the wizard school. When Jimena’s fourth year started, Fala and Acela cornered and attacked Jimena after the school had comeback from a fieldtrip. Fala was set on destroying Jimena as Acela cast a spell over the plants and some of the magical beasts to raise havoc to keep anyone from helping Jimena. At the time the headmaster was coming back to the school with Jimena’s father as a surprise. Jimena’s only friend, Davi went up against Acela to attempt to help her but didn’t stand much of a chance and injured his wand holding arm in the process.
Before Fala could cast a spell to get rid of Jimena forever, the headmaster and Lucero came just in time. Thus, a battle commenced. The headmaster managed to take out Acela as Lucero faught Fala. Fala, full of rage and completely losing her mind, fired a spell at Lucero. Jimena witnessed her father fly backward before letting out her magical strength in anger. Before losing control of herself, Jimena’s other two siblings ( Carlotta and Lando. They dropped out of Hogwarts to commit petty crimes before catching wind of their mother’s plans to hurt Jimena and use Acela. So they followed Lacero to Brazil) managed to step in and stop her. However, Fala was quick to cast a curse on Jimena before the headmaster took her down. Carlotta and Lando cast a temporary sleeping spell over Jimena and vanished without a trace with her.
A few years after the events at Castelobruxo, Jimena and her two older siblings were hiding in Paris in 1926 through 1927. Fala Birch was in Askaban and Lacero...well the spell she cast on him caused him to become unresponsive. He’s alive but doesn’t talk or function normally as he used too so he was sent to a Wizard Nursing Home. Acela Negro Muerte starts working for the British Ministry of Magic to try and find Jimena and her siblings. She eventually tags along with Newt Scamander and the gang.
Living with Carlotta and Lando wasn’t the easiest transition for Jimena. The curse that Fala cast on her was one that took away her voice completely. Carlotta and Londa tried multiple times to break the curse but were very unsuccessful. They also put magical gold bracelets on Jimena that acted like handcuffs to keep most of her magical strength at bay. She could still use magic, just not as much as she used to when she was in school. Her two siblings also found that if she used too much of her magical strength, Jimena would get weak and ill. So they “handcuffed” her with the bracelets to try and keep that from happening (they also feared for their safety because they realized how strong she is compared to them). Carlotta and Lando treated Jimena well for the most part, but they weren’t good people. Carlotta and Lando were more interested in committing thievery, gambling, and petty crimes than they were in being good wizards. They would take Jimena on crime runs that were a lot more dangerous. One time they broke into a muggle bank with the help of Jimena and stole 900 dollars without being caught.
Despite refusing to go with her siblings on some crime heists, Jimena spends the majority of her time in their apartment. She takes the time to make terrariums and sells them secretly without her siblings knowing because they warn her about leaving the apartment when they aren’t there. On her trips away from the apartment, she explores the city every now and then. On one such occasion, she came across Circus Arcanus and decides to see what it’s all about. Fascinated after watching her first show, she snoops around the circus tent after the performances. She gets caught by Credence Barebone and they have a very awkward first interaction. Until her attention is drawn to gloomy looking magical plant that is in need of some care. Before she can examine it Credence tells her to leave before his boss comes. She eventually forms a sort of friendship with Credence and Nagini. She also starts to have feelings for Credence, but chooses to keep them to herself since his eyes are solely on Nagini. Jimena actually wants the best for the love birds and assists in their escape from the circus.
One evening, Jimena overhears her siblings talking about Gellert Grindelwal and the Global Wizarding War. They start wondering if they should follow him. Jimena on the other hand feels uncomfortable with the idea until her siblings take her to hear Grindelwald speak at a big gathering.
At this same gathering, she spots Nagini and Credence. Jimena immidiently feels concerned and even more mixed feels when she spots Acela. As Grindelwald asks who will join him by passing through the blue flames, Carlotta and Lando cross over. They pursue Jimena to join them. Jimena willing follows until Acela calls after her to try and change her mind. Jimena hesitates until Carlotta calls to her again. She just barely crosses through the fire to join her siblings/Credence/Grindelwald and survives along with Queenie Goldstein.
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sheikah · 7 years
i know people are saying the ending will be bittersweet and what that could mean, but I think it will end with jon, dany, and their heir ruling over a new form of the 7 kingdoms (breaking the wheel). As for the bitter part, I think perhaps all of the dragons die, but right at the end we see more eggs, signaling that they will live on in the future
I agree with most of this! I think that most of us in the fandom are programmed to expect the worst ever since book/season 3 because of the Red Wedding. That’s why there are so many doom and gloom theories about the ending. 
That being said, I do understand why so many people readily assume Jon, Dany, or both will die. I don’t think both will, but I would not be a bit surprised if one of them does. But the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to think they might both make it out alive. 
After reflecting more about LOTR (which GRRM frequently compares his work to) and GRRM’s assertion that he thinks readers will find his ending to be just as happy as it is bitter
“I’m not going to tell you how I’m going to end my book, but I suspect the overall flavor is going to be as much bittersweet as it is happy.”
I feel that we can reasonably expect Jon and Dany’s survival. I think that because if we connect it back to LOTR, the principle characters in that series do live, even if it’s not all happy. GRRM had this to say about it: 
“It’s no secret that Tolkien has been a huge influence on me, and I love the way he ended ’Lord of the Rings.’ It ends with victory, but it’s a bittersweet victory. Frodo is never whole again, and he goes away to the Undying Lands, and the other people live their lives. And the scouring of the Shire —brilliant piece of work, which I didn’t understand when I was 13 years old: ’Why is this here? The story’s over?’ But every time I read it I understand the brilliance of that segment more and more. All I can say is that’s the kind of tone I will be aiming for. Whether I achieve it or not, that will be up to people like you and my readers to judge.”
And so even though the overall tone of GOT/ASOIAF has been a bit pessimistic, and even though the the book and the show (until season 6, anyway) have been basically a practice in overthrowing expected tropes and “happy endings” for character arcs, I think we can see all of that having been an exercise in preparing the characters for their final trials. And I think that in the end, they can overcome that and be allowed to live, even if not altogether “happily.”
After all, ASOIAF is his life’s work. Who wants to spend all of this time and energy writing a series that ends tragically, even after years of tragedy? What would be the point? The theme? The message? The takeaway? If all of our heroes die, what is the reader to take from ASOIAF? 
Because if we look at other “everybody dies” narratives, there’s a clear reason why. Hamlet, for example, has a pretty unsatisfying ending in that all of its main characters die. Horribly. But we can trace the reason why for all of these characters. Hamlet himself suffered from indecision and inaction. Ophelia ignored her brother’s advice and got too swept up in romance with the unavailable Hamlet. Gertrude fell for her husband’s brother and murderer, betraying his memory. Laertes was a hypocrite–engaging in reportedly raucous and disreputable behavior in France yet trying to control his sister’s life and scold her for being potentially reckless by pursuing Hamlet. 
So it was sad when all of these characters died but we could take lessons from how they acted.
Same with other Shakespearean tragedies. In Macbeth, the title character and Lady Macbeth die because of their “vaulting ambition” to overthrow the king, stepping out of the sacred social hierarchy and trying to seize rather than inherit royalty. And Macbeth himself also paid the price for trusting in the fickle nature of prophecy by misinterpreting the words of the Weird Sisters and believing that he would be safe from traitors. 
Now let’s look at ASOIAF. Many of the characters who have died, died for arbitrary reasons. We can’t always easily trace a cause like we could with other tragedies. It’s easy to write Ned off as “too honorable” as I see many people do. But ultimately he was willing to sully his own honor in order to protect Sansa. He still died even when he sacrificed his ideals, abandoned the “right thing” of opposing Joffrey. There isn’t an easy solution to his death. 
Margaery also did everything right. She was a master of manipulating the men around her to protect herself and her family, all the while elevating the Tyrell family name. But still she was murdered. 
Deaths like Robb’s, Catelyn’s, and Oberyn’s can easily be traced to a character flaw. But that’s not the case for all of the big ASOIAF deaths. And it wouldn’t be the case if our remaining heroes were to die in the war.
Even Jon, who is constantly at the heart of the love vs duty conflict, should at this point be allowed to survive the series. He chose duty over love, chose the Watch over Ygritte. He was loyal to his men and his responsibility even when they weren’t loyal to him. He still died. 
So if characters like Jon or Dany, who have made mistakes in their arcs already and already paid the price were to die in the end, what is the point? What is Martin really trying to say about the human experience or human nature or war?
I think the characters need to live, even if things go wrong, that way at least there has been a point to all the suffering. This is especially true when we look at LOTR as a comparison piece. 
Sam’s famous speech comes to mind: 
“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass.”
The same has got to be true in Planetos. I have to believe that. And I think Martin does, too. So that his story can show that even in the worst of times–like the times our world is facing now, for example–humanity can find it in themselves to persevere. Martin even said recently that the White Walkers are like a metaphor for climate change. This makes sense considering the wonky seasons in Planetos. So if that’s true, then we know that modern, topical issues and themes are part of this story. And what would be the point of suggesting that humanity will succumb and fail at combating climate change? Why suggest that we would fail at or die in the process of overthrowing despotic rulers? Why write a story that doesn’t teach or encourage its readers?
Even with the negative tone throughout, I don’t believe GOT or ASOIAF are nihilistic. I think we can expect a more positive ending. This quote says it better than I could:
“Needless to say, it doesn’t really make much sense with what we’ve seen so far that the ending of A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones would echo Lord of the Rings’ relatively happy conclusion. Though it could be the case that Martin has been saving up years and years of pain and misery for a grand turnaround that does indeed lead to a somewhat uplifting ending.
All the years of pain and suffering may indeed be building to some enormous payoff. Jon Snow will likely survive his own death and live to become Azor Ahai reborn, as the prophecy foretells. Dany will find her dragon-riding support staff. Arya will become the most badass assassin in the realm. Even if (when) more beloved characters die, at least a few should survive until the end (smart money says Tyrion will go the distance), and perhaps the realm won’t be completely frozen and shattered when the last page of the series is turned.”
So, yeah–I think we’ll have plenty of sweet to combat what was already a very bitter story so far. However, I don’t think we will see more dragon eggs. 
Magic going out of the world was a theme in LOTR and I think it’s a theme in ASOIAF too. The Children of the Forest have now died out. Until recently, everyone in the realm believed that the White Walkers/Others were already gone. They believed dragons were gone. And the supposed abilities of people like Melisandre and Thoros are met with suspicion and skepticism/doubt. 
So I think that magic has only really returned as a way to balance the fight and help humanity face the Long Night. That’s the only reason why. And once they’ve had the Battle for the Dawn, the dragons will likely be the price paid for peace.
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maltedmilkchocolate · 7 years
Because I clearly don’t love myself, I made Voltron Hogwarts Headcanons, & ideas. This is a long post.
Lance is a Slytherin and ya’ll can fight me on that one.
He’s suuuuper ambitious, he’s constantly been vying to one-up Keith early on in the series (though it simmers down to a mutual respect), and Lance is nothing, if not resourceful: The way he pilots, the modes of his bayard, the way he handles people in general. All of this fuelled by a huge determination to do better, to win, to protect his space family (value in fraternity), and it’s motivated by a personal need to go home, but also a personal need to win. Lance likes coming out on top. He also might not be Pidge or Hunk levels of clever, but he’s clever in other rights, again with his piloting skills, and weapon proficiency. He has innate instincts that fuel self preservation, and that of the people he cares about. His motivation to protect comes not really from saving others because it’s the right thing to do, but it comes from protecting the people (and morals) he personally values.  He does however, share a good handful of Hufflepuff traits: loyalty, kindness, dedication, hard work. It might have caused some amount of indecision with the hat. But ultimately I believe the Slytherin traits would have won out.
Keith is a textbook Gryffindor
He rushes headlong in to battle on the principle that it’s the right thing to do, that this is the quickest way to save people/fix a problem. Keith rarely acts selfishly, but the motivation behind most of his actions are that this is going to defeat a problem that threatens the people he cares about: finding shiro, getting angry when pidge wants to ditch, getting mad at people not taking things seriously. But still rarely (but slowly) learning from his own brash impulsiveness. He values the safety of others ABOVE himself. There’s 0 self-preservation there at all, like to a fault.
Hunk is a textbook Hufflepuff if I ever saw one. BUT SO IS SHIRO.
Hard Work
Fair play
Unafraid of toil
Tell me that doesn’t have them down to a T (excluding whoever that Shiro is they rescued recently who has 0 sense of patience or tolerance -squint-)
Like this traits make up the backbone of these characters. Shiro doesn’t jump into action on impulse like Keith. He has a strong sense of doing things because it’s the right thing to do, but the underlying thing behind that is an outright sense of kindness. That people deserve better.  The difference between a Gryffindor and Hufflepuffs sense is like H - I’m doing this because people deserve to be safe.  G - I’m doing this because I feel it’s the right thing to do.
Beyond that, Shiro’s role as a leader demands from him patience, tolerance, toil. It’s ingrained in him, it’s what he teaches to others: Patience yields focus. And Shiro is also loyal to a fault. Perhaps not to a person, but definitely to a cause.  Whilst I said Hunk is a textbook Hufflepuff (he is), he also has a good handful of traits for Ravenclaw. But ultimately I think he would ask the hat to side with Hufflepuff. It’s a better fit for Hunk overall.
Pidge is.... difficult. She has the traits for Ravenclaw AND Slytherin. 
That’s really fitting of Pidge, but she also fits all of the Slytherin traits. She’s very self motivated, her family ties came first, even if she had a change of heart and stayed with Voltron, it still is/was her primary concern. She’s resourceful, ambitious, clever. And really god damn cunning. This girl is a Slytherin in all that she does. But she LOVES learning. She has a huge passion for learning more about technology and the new worlds around her. That passion is there in spades. So Pidge is a really hard choice, and I honestly think the hat would outright struggle to place her in one house or another. I think it would come down to Pidge having to make that final choice in preference (and I’ll leave that up to you to decide. Cause honestly I can’t pick. It’s a good 50/50 split.)
Coran is another one that’s hard to decide. Between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, Coran ticks a lot of boxes for the both of them. Ultimately I’d go with Ravenclaw. Whilst Coran has a lot of chivalrous moments, and impulsive daring (questionable ideas). He ultimately comes through for everyone with his wisdom and acceptance. His originality and creativity holds the backbone behind a lot his problem solving and diplomacy. Also, Coran is like a walking encyclopedia of information. Let’s be real here.
Allura is a Gryffindor, hands down. She’s too headstrong to be a Slytherin, lacks completely and utterly the patience of a Hufflepuff. She’s quite impulsive and will latch on to an idea as ‘the right course of action’ before she actually listens to anyone. She’s very similar to Keith in that they both have a lot to learn about leadership, even though she’s technically trained. What Keith lacks in chivarly, Allura makes up for her in a social skills and diplomacy as a royal figurehead. But she is very much full of a courageous heart, and a will to do what’s right to save the universe. Her values line up most with Gryffindor, though she shares traits of other houses, they aren’t enough to really tip the scales. 
(I know there’s a huge tendency to put heroic characters into Gryffindor, and ‘dark’ or ‘evil’ characters into Slytherin. But that’s not how Hogwarts works. Like at all. And there’s a huge canon history of cowards in Gryffindor, traitors in Gryffindor, heroes in Slytherin. Like think about what actually fits the characters, and /why/ it fits. Also remember. All of those traits? They can be a FLAW in a character, as much as they can be a strength.)
Story Time: 
> w > And hey, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins are canonically (at least film-wise) pretty darn close, and always hanging out together in every god damn shot. So Hunk and Lance would still have a tight as heck friendship.
Hufflepuff Shiro is an excellent mentor to an impulsive Keith, teaching him the values of patience and hard work, rather than rushing ahead. A Head Boy? A teacher? A brother? He can look up to.
Gryffindor vs Slytherin rivalry, also excellent foil for Lance and Keith’s stupidity, and developing respect for each other. Quidditch battles much??? (Until Keith gets kicked out.) “The only reason you’re the current score leader is because Kogane got kicked out.”  (or some shit like that)
Can’t stay in the same dorms as each other??? Sleepovers in the Room of Requirement.
Want Keith’s angsty dual heritage? Muggle and a Pureblood parent who happened to come from a family that had ties with Deatheaters. (Maybe his mother was a run-away who wanted nothing to do with it and joined a resistance. But ultimately still shares blood with a family that sided with evil.)
Maybe Shiro was a Head Boy for Hufflepuff. On the right track to becoming an Auror or something after graduating. Telling Keith to keep up his hard work and training. “Finish your education.” Because Shiro wont be there to guide him due to his new role after graduating Hogwarts. 
Keith spends summers & christmas with Shiro outside of Hogwarts. But one year no one comes to pick him up. The news drops that Shiro has gone missing/died. A Hogwarts prodigy, alongside a co-worker, and a mentor (the Holt’s) all ‘vanish’ presumed dead due to a magical error.
It was never an error. The ministry just wanted to cover up the fact the Deatheaters had returned. (or something worse had risen to take its place)
Keith knew Katie through Matt knowing Shiro. They weren’t close but too much of Katie’s snooping, and Keith’s anger got them both kicked out of Hogwarts as a result of the Ministry. But Katie snuck back in as Pidge, placing herself a few classes higher. She needed to learn more, and the only way to do it was through Hogwarts. And hey, she’s a genius. She found a way to continue, and maybe she got some help from a couple of supportive teachers... like Allura, and Coran. 
Ofc when Lance and Hunk see Pidge sneaking through the halls, they aren’t about to let this kid go snooping. They’re in their final year of school, and this kid who looks a few years younger but apparently takes their classes??? is snooping around??? when exams are coming??? 1) That’s not cool. 2) Curiosity Killed The Cat. 3) Hey... exams are coming. One last adventure before we all die under quills and paper?? Let’s go!
So they snoop on Pidge. Which leads all three of them to learning about the ‘Galra’ a faction of Deatheaters (or maybe they’re something else entirely. Something new. Something darker.)
But they’ve snuck out the castle now. They’re no longer in the safe confines of the walls, this is the forbidden forest, or maybe somewhere else, maybe Pidge used some way of teleporting and had to concede to having Lance and Hunk along.
Only they find Keith. Lance’d recognise that mullet anywhere. And Keith fills in some details Pidge didn’t have. His own findings from his own searches to find Shiro.
(Also |D Radical idea but like.......... Why are they at Hogwarts... and not Ilvermorny in the states lol?)
Also more head canons:
Keith is half-blood but thought he was muggle-born, never knew mother or too much information about the magical world.
Lance is a muggle-born wizard. But had 0 knowledge of magic or the magical world prior to it manifesting.
Hunk is a pure-blood.
Pidge & Matt are muggle-born who grew up knowing about the magical world. Pidge is half sceptical over magic, and half ready to rip it apart and form it into inventions
Shiro is a pure-blood. His prosthetic arm is imbued with dark magic as a result of the Galra.
Allura and Coran are pure-blood’s from like some ridiculously important family that has ties to the original founders. (Or something on par with royalty.)
So what did I end up with? Lance - Slytherin - Muggle-born (Student: 7th Year) Keith - Gryffindor - Half-blood (Student: 7th Year - Expelled) Pidge - Ravenclaw/Slytherin - Muggle-born (Student: 7th Year. Formerly 4th/5th Year) Hunk - Hufflepuff - Pure-blood (Student: 7th Year) Shiro - Hufflepuff - Pure-blood (Graduated. Auror) Matt - Ravenclaw - Muggle-born (?????) Allura - Gryffindor - Pure-blood (Teacher??) Coran - Ravenclaw - Pure-blood (Teacher) This can probably be set wayyyyyyyyyyyyy after the Harry Potter generation though. Let a new evil rise up to need defeating.
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justjasper · 7 years
mixtape meme, the dorian/rilienus mix
rhodes - blank space (cover)
cause we’re young and we’re reckless // it’ll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar
i generally love how haunting this cover is, i feel it really works to set up a particularly narrative playlist
years & years - memo 
let me take your heart // love you in the dark // no-one has to see
they could fuck without consequence, but men falling in love? tevinter won’t let it last
florence + the machine - what kind of man 
you were on the other side like always // you could never make you mine
dorian’s 100% in, his first love, and rilienus is more cagey, on and off, unsure what he wants and dorian gets the brunt of that indecision
the weeknd - secrets 
it's a lie, a lie // i catch you every time // In your lust, your lust // very time you close your eyes
imagine dorian lying there next to a sleeping rilienus, knowing he’s got other lovers, wanting desperately to believe he means it when he says dorian is the one he wants in the end, feeling foolish for wanting this at all
susanna and the magical orchestra - love will tear us apart (cover)
why is the bedroom so cold // turned away on your side? // is my timing that flawed // our respect run so dry? 
for this narrative i went with the relationship being not great, and descending into a little codependency and unhealthiness. because i love angst and i love to let my faves suffer
marina and the diamonds - obsessions 
i want to wipe out all the sad ideas // that come to me when i am holding you
maybe rilienus is a realist - he knows it can’t work. dorian should know this, surely? dorian is an idiot for thinking he can have it - it doesn’t matter whether they deserve it or not. this is tevinter
scarling. - broken record 
you're watching my face // my tears are a strain // your heart makes a fist // and it's bruising my brain
this is just a playlist so it’s easy to interpret a relationship that turns undeniably abusive, and i was definitely positioning rilienus as terrible, but also he’s a young man also growing up in tevinter knowing it can never work, with a dorian who is recklessly himself, with no mind to the consequences of trying to live the life he wants
birdy - words as weapons 
you have my heart but i lock it up // this burning flame has been burnt enough
dorian, in love, realises in increments and with backslides of feeling that rilienus is never going to give him what he wants. he’s never going to run away with him, or make a stand in tevinter, he’s never going to stop hiding
the national - terrible love 
but I won't follow you // into the rabbit hole // i said i would // but then i saw // your shivered bones // they didn't want me to
rock bottom, when dorian finally realises it’s not working and he can’t do this, that both he and rilienus need this to be cover. i actually really love the birdy cover of this but i didn’t want two songs by the same artist on the mix
unkle bob - swans
you tell me that you love me // but you never want to see me again
dorian’s always going to have a place in him for rilienus, for a first love, but god is he a terrible person
little may - seven hours 
you said she’s all you ever needed // we’re just strangers with copper bindings // need you to give me back my lungs // so my body can forgive me slow
i imagine rilienus, like dorian, had a prearranged betrothal all this time, and this is the point where i imagine rilienus wanting to rekindle things, but as an extramarital affair, and dorian can’t do that, he won’t be that man
daughter - smother 
i want all that is not mine // i want him but we're not right
he knows it’s over, but the heart is unquiet with thoughts of what ifs
first aid kit - ghost town
and i can see it now you're married // and your wife is with a child // and you're all laughing in the garden // and i'm lost somewhere in your mind
looking back at what rilienus became, and how it still hurts, wondering whether he still thinks about it. this song is on my solo dorian mix too because i love this aspect of his background, of the implication that there’s so much left unsaid with rilienus
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