#He is Jace's age
daeneryseastar · 4 months
hot take maybe but the only reason most show runners/producers/writers/etc. age up the (female) characters from book to show adaptation is to overtly sexualize them and not face mass amounts of scrutiny for it.
put 13 year old daenerys next to 30 year old drogo and the audience understands that daenerys is a victim to him and not an equal. put 22 year old emilia clarke as daenerys next to 32 year old jason mamoa as drogo and they’re seen as a budding romance with a tragic ending (by the general audience) due to their on screen chemistry.
flash forward to today, and now we’re dealing with 21 year old milly alcock playing rhaenyra from 14-19 and how her relationship with (28 year old fabien) a mid twenties criston is seen as -morally acceptable- and not a result of a degenerate pedophile taking advantage of and grooming his charge. “ser criston protects the princess from her enemies, but who protects the princess from ser criston?” rhaenyra was 14 when rumors started speculating that she slept with an almost 30 year old criston. a criston who had know her since she was 8 and had been her sworn shield since she was 9. obviously seeing a teenager in the early stages of puberty next to a fully grown man would emphasize rhaenyra being THE victim, as opposed to the show having an 18-19 year old explore her sexuality and seek out ‘consensual’ sex with her peer bodyguard. the discourse has even reached the point where certain stans try to paint the much younger woman as the perpetrator and aggressor of this event, who forced the unassuming man into having sex with her.
i’ll even take this a step farther, and bring up how if they had shown a 19 year old alicent abusing a 10 year old rhaenyra it would be identified and mutually agreed upon as a reprehensible act on alicent’s part. instead they’re of similar age, so people can attempt to paint the picture as two women of equal standing hating each other, and not a much older woman bullying a motherless child. once again however, some stans even go so far as to try and paint alicent as a victim of rhaenyra, and not the other way around. further cementing this is how both versions of alicent are younger than both versions of rhaenyra, AND how criston is still played by an actor who is younger than older!rhaenyra despite his character being the same age as daemon in canon.
they know exactly what they’re doing too, considering they aged alicent down to give her that innate compassion one typically feels when seeing children being abused on tv (something that can no longer be applied to rhaenyra). despite that never being her story; *she* was the abuser, and rhaenyra was her victim. criston’s victim. it’s a nasty cop out, and i wish more people would call out how sickening it is to flip the switch and attempt to make abusive individuals more sympathetic than the *actual* victims of said abusers.
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emptyjunior · 5 months
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i have to do other things so this can remain a cute little sketch anyways This is how I think the jawbone interaction would have gone.
I do think he would have succeeded but I think he would have cried a Lot before jace budged
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a-song-for-ages · 2 months
Down Bad
Mix of hotd series and the books idk maybe
Somewhat eventual willem blackwood fic (age gap of like 13?)
no beta we go down like canon jon snow (he's dead)
pronunciation of daenerys that is used: dy(die)-nair-ris
Daenerys Velaryon sees her mother dressed as a nun and knows she's up to no good but decides to let the Queen do as she pleases without interfering. (If only all parents had such children.)
Pt. 1
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"Mother," her voice was soft, and still, and it cut through the air like ice. There was no warmth in it, not when she seemed to walk upon on her mother and her dragon - the less sensible of the two dressed like a virginal woman of a Faith she had little love for.
"Di," her mother turned, hair spun like the silver of the moon and gold of the sun - a stark contrast to her own, the black of night, the image that brought upon her family the scrutiny of lesser men and hisses of poisoned vipers awaiting to strike - nevermind the colour of their eyes, so light, her own, so dark, her brothers, and yet, contrasting and complimenting that wine of her own mother's.
Daenerys supposed if she and her brothers were the Targaryen children of Jahaerys and Alysanne reborn again, there would have still been doubts of their parentage, regardless of any dragon born to them in the cradle, or not.
Daenerys also supposed that if Visenya Targaryen had to appear to court in her ashes and declare them legitimate, she would have been questioned. And oh, the poor soul who would dare to do so. Daenerys thought of the three Maesters slain by her son, upon their questioning of his right to rule from the Throne. Would they have rathered he hid in the shadows and rule as the Hightowers did, when her grandsire had turned old and frail, tended to by maesters of their own, sending no word of when he succumbed to death?
There was no word to describe what she felt.
Luke. Dead. Arrax. Dead. Grandsire. Dead. Visenya. Dead.
Dead, dead, dead... dropping like ashen leaves of a weirwood tree.
"I am only going for a... ride," the queen's confidence had slowly died upon her mouth as she noted the pitched black of her daughter's eyes. They were calculating, and cold, and predatory, assessing her the same way Rhaenyra assessed those she had yet to consider as enemy, or ally. A dragon anticipating a hunt.
"If you were, then you would be wearing riding leathers," she said coolly, a brow only raising as the darkness dimmed in her eyes. "But you are not." Then there was a slight tilt to her head, and oh, how Rhaenyra saw her own self in her daughter's stance.
Rhaenyra regained her composure, and stopped her fingers from caressing the cool silver of her rings, when her daughter continued to drawl.
"And while Syrax is so stubborn to have you come to her for a ride," she paused, the dragon trilling a song in the air at the mention of her own name, maw opening the slightest in what would have looked like a gum-filled smile of a child who had gained recognition for a silly act... save for the fact that from Syrax's gums, came came black sword-like teeth protruding straight into one another. "She has come to you."
"A farewell, then, perhaps," her voice was casual, and her shoulders were laxed, but Rhaenyra knew, if anything, her daughter's mind often contradicted what she showed on her body.
"But to where?"
Daenerys had then folded her arms over her chest, and lowered her chin and looked pointedly at her mother - as she did to Jace and Luke and Joffrey and Aegon and Viserys when they were caught mostly by her, trying and failing to do what only she could. (Silly things, Rhaenyra remembered, like stealing the marbled balls from the Council room of her father's... back in King's Landing, when they were so very young, and her father was hale as a horse.)
Rhaenyra shut her eyes and considered telling her daughter the truth, before she decided against it. The less that knew, the better... but that did not mean she would be any less honest to her daughter, who had a most unnerving ability to tell when someone was lying. (And mostly, in her youth, when those light eyes she seemed to get from Aemon Targaryen, if what Rhaenys said was true, would train themselves upon a person, it felt as if she was mostly seeing through them, not at them. It had unnerved Rhaenyra when little Di was a babe, but she slowly grew used to it, until she found herself hoping to hide a thing from someone... and then she would find those ghost eyes of her daughter set on her.)
"I cannot say," she said, swallowing indiscernably, "but I trust that you will keep the knowledge of my venturings to yourself -"
There was a slight smile on her daughter's lips, but it was so bare that Rhaenyra knew it could disappear as quick as a feather on the wind.
Her daughter only nodded, rolling her eyes as she, "So a fool's errand, then."
Rhaenyra pursed her lips, and flexed the hand to her side, breathing out and deciding, "Mayhaps we shall see... I will only know once this course has been taken and done with."
Daenerys did not look entirely convinced otherwise, but Rhaenyra trusted her daughter to keep her secret, as was the habit of theirs, protecting each other's, not as mother and daughter often did, but as something other. Like friends. Like sisters... if Rhaenyra was to have one that would be entirely hers, and not her father's or Alicent's or anyone else with whom she had to share with... then yes, that was what her daughter was to her... and Rhaenyra was never sorry for it. Neither was her daughter, who had only looked slightly annoyed, but accepting and trusting of what her mother had planned. Even if she didn't know the half of it.
Approaching her daughter, Rhaenyra took her cold hands and rubbed them warm, bringing her only daughter to look to her, now, a slight frown had made its way to her lips.
Rhaenyra hated seeing her daughter so displeased, and said, "I will be back before the week's end."
Daenerys's displeasure only grew, as she turned to look away from her mother, not entirely thrilled at whatever information her mother sought to hold from herself - from Jace. She knew once her mother's disappearance became known, he would be the most wroth of them all. And it would only be her who would have to deal with it (now that Luke... Rhaena, Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys were all gone.)
Rhaenyra pulled her daughter in for a tight hug, and Daenerys reciprocated, holding her arms tight round the stiff grey clothes of her mother, and laying her head on her chest. I hope you know what it is you are doing.
"Do not die," was all she said, and when Rhaenyra kissed her daughter on her forelock, Daenerys had pulled away the slightest, eyes larger than a full moon, and shining with worry for all the dangers that could possibly present themselves to her mother.
"Do not worry yourself," Rhaenyra said, smiling at her daughter as she caressed the side of her face. "I will not." And Daenerys seemed to relax in the slightest at that.
"Have Syrax take flight near wherever it is you are to go," Rhaenyra looked as if she were to consider contesting that advice, "or, as far as she can take flight without raising enemy alarms. If she should not do so, then I shall, though only she would know when your life is threatened."
Rhaenyra smiled at her daughter, holding her face in both hands now, and she said, "If this will ease your worry, then of course," and she kissed her daughter on the head, before turning to give Syrax a last look - the she-dragon crooned and shook her head as Daenerys would when she walked out from the sea, body soaking wet, eager to reach the warmer waters in her room...
Rhaenyra turned back to her daughter, and with one last touch of her palm on her cheek, she left.
Daenerys hadn't watched her mother walk away. She hadn't said any goodbyes... hadn't liked any of it, ever since both her fathers departed themselves from her life. (She remembers the many men she considered a father figure... let it be her own grabdsire, or the White Cloak Ser Harrold Westerling, who served her own mother from the time long before she was a babe. They were all either gone now, to the Stranger or Balerion or the Sea or the Roots of the earth, or so far from her that she could not hope to hear their breaths.)
Instead, the young princess looked on into the sapphire eyes of her mother's dragon, and only thought, 'You best protect her when the time calls for it,' which somehow managed to elicit a huff from the she-dragon, who stretched her wings and gave her one last look before she took flight.
No doubt, the dragon named after the Goddess of festivities and drink had seemed to say, 'As if I have not done that my entire life.'
And Daenerys smiled then, ever so slightly, the air around her cold, but the warmth in her palms providing some comfort to her.
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darkestspring · 2 months
Papa Aegon, when Senya is the only child, is asked who would wed his daughter.
“Aemond? Let the gods sink me to the lowest pits of the seven hells.” His brother is too impulsive and hungry for power, so hell no. Besides, it would be like a Daemon and Rhaenyra situation all over again.
“I’d rather not wed my little girl to rhaenyra’s sons.” Aegon The Younger, or Viserys II, is a huge no. It’s like granting his older half-sister full control to the only person he loves.
“Daeron? Hmm… I mean…” he’s actually debating since out of all three brothers. Daeron actually the most decent one out of the bunch and he can keep Senya in the family close to him…
Then cues Helaena cutting in. “Aegon, Senya is only three namesday, it’s too soon to consider this.” She’s taking their baby to sleep with her for the night at the nursery - much to his dismay. Yes, she has guards outside to keep him out. 😌
helaena refuses to let him see senya for the next three days just for thinking about aemond or daeron for senya potential partners. persoanlly she wouldn't mind aegon the younger or viserys ii for senya's husband but she'd prefer it if senya married for love.
senya doesn't see her father for the next three days which is worrying for her. "where's papa?" senya looks up at her mama with big questioning eyes.
"oh, he's really busy these days." Helaena hums, cradling her baby in her arms. "do you want me to help you write a letter to dragonstone?" Helaena asks just to get her mind off of the absence of her father, helaena was still upset after all.
"Yes! I want to tell aunty about all the flowers i picked! can i send them with the letter, mama?" Senya beams up at her mother.
"You can do whatever you want, my little senya."
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iaus · 3 months
Okay I'm gonna put the phone down and try to sleep more I swear
But the way I don't think I'd have had any interest in Jace if he got more characterization because... There's such a foul tone that circles him. Like.
I definitely do it as a dm but sometimes you drop a character in the universe you hate. And your characterization of them just becomes this extension of your derision for them.
And I think if that derision was expanded on Jace would have really been a character I'd just be so bored of.
But as it is he is just a collection of little ideas and HAS to complement the man who killed and remade him because what else is he. The dm doomed him.
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Scott Pilgrim style crack fic where all 7 of Porter’s exes have formed an adventuring party to come kill him for being such a messy partner.
Porter has to fill Jace in so fast because if there’s anyone he needs to help him defeat them it’s his current boyfriend. Which? Can and most likely will backfire because they all have so much dirt on him it’s insane.
Jace is like “hey, babe.. maybe just talk to them? I don’t like the idea of murdering them bc things didn’t work out.” And Porter is just pleading with him, on his knees BEGGING Jace because, to quote John Mulaney, anyone that’s seen his dick or met his parents has to die. Jace PLEASE.
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Cregan Stark
'Cregan and Jacaerys took a liking to each other, and swore an oath of brotherhood sealed in blood.'
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zukkacore · 3 months
Not to be cringe abt 7 Jaces thesis but there’s also the fact that pre shatterstar jaceprime is a 25 year old green new hire who is still acclimating to the violence at Aguefort and post shatterstar jaceprime is a 50 year old chainsmoking exhausted and burnt out veteran educator who bullies people lower than him on the pecking order
Not all of his personality can be chalked up to the shatterstar. This is a different guy. There’s something about the way Jace Stardiamond’s existence has to contort to fit around the Porter reveal. Porter is the center of his world. In a way is that not its own form of yuri.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Rhaenyra and Jace parallel each other so much, I think if she had won history would have repeated itself with Jace's succession. They remind me of Arya and Jon's conversation about girls and bastards. Rhaenyra and Jace have one thing the other craves, she is trueborn and he is male. But she is a woman and he is a bastard so ultimately they face quite similar.
yes yes, i think it's interesting because as you say, they're both "outsiders" and by their very nature, they have a lot in common but because they don't quite have enough in coming, they never see eye to eye. i actually think a better comparison is jon and theon - jon and arya always see eye to eye and imo, both jon and arya understand well enough (even if they don't have the language for it) how being a woman and being a bastard work in different ways to marginalize them both, and i think they even have a bit of an understanding that a female bastard is going to be sexualized in a very different way than a noble born woman or a bastard boy.
but jon and theon, as far as we've seen them, are just incapable of seeing eye to eye. even though they are both part of an "out group" the other has what each boy desperately wants: jon has stark blood and theon has a noble name. jon has love and theon has status. they both see the other's faults intimately well but never take that nexxt step into realizing their faults are very similar. rhaenyra has the targaryen name, but jacaerys is a man. and because she's trueborn, she's incapable of seeing the position she's put jace in. but because he's a man, jace is incapable of seeing the situation rhaenyra was put in. they're in the same chapter but they're on a different page. not quite aligned and it makes all the world of difference.
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waitingforsecretsouls · 2 months
Who wants to bet the reason Daeron (son of Alicent) became the youngest known Targaryen to claim a grown dragon in the recorded history of their house might be related to his milk brother and bastard nephew being gifted with a cradle egg by Daeron's father whereas he himself was not?
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derangedthots · 2 years
my interpretation of daemon in a jacemond scenario is that he's the kind of hater that's like "do as i say not as i do" and "yeah i fucked my niece but you don't get to fuck your nephew HELLO THAT IS MY SON" i truly think he'd be more accepting if aemond wasn't a hightower but karma is funny and he finally understands viserys' suffering now
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mistninja · 3 months
Simon would be so much better if he was gay tbh. "Maybe a man hurts every woman he meets because his soulmate is a man" etc etc
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halfyearsqueen · 3 months
one of the most interesting and important aspects of fire and blood to me is the fact that when daemon takes harrenhal, the smallfolk are the ones who rise up first. the ‘ knights and men at arms and humble peasants who yet remembered the realm’s delight ‘ hundreds and then thousands headed to harrenhal before their great lords declared. who then also threw in their lots with rhaenyra. this also implies some pretty interesting things about the context of her tour in 112, beyond the men that paid court to her during. that she had at least some level of contact with the smallfolk of the riverlands, enough that she developed a positive enough report with them that they were willing to fight and die for her 17 years later from the impression that she made during. in the book there is no official reason for hers in particular ( in the show it is directly to find a suitor ) for my portrayal in particular i do take it as viserys sending rhaenyra to help her be more visible to the smallfolk and his leal lords on a larger scale and something of which of the royal family she was in fact the only representative – it was also a deescalation of the tension post the tourney of 111AC inside the walls of the red keep, and a way for her to gain more ??? experience outside the walls of the red keep. a way for great lords and landed knights to question her on the fallout of it in person and the subsequent formations of the greens and the blacks, and actually actively see the king’s chosen heir.
she also is ? of the same belief as aegon the conqueror that the best way to stomp out rebellion and discord is for the people to be able to speak to their king / queen, and bring their issues to them in person. she is also ? wholly cognizant of who’s crown she is in fact inheriting and the nuances of that decision and the potential ramifications and questions that will no doubt come with that. she’s aware she’s inheriting the crown of the conciliator, the man who ‘ made the seven kingdoms one ‘ who knew when to be lenient and pardon dissenters and when to stand firm but she’s also inheriting the crown of her father who only got that crown in the first place because rhaenys was passed over for it due to her sex. her want for peace is multifaceted - she’s trying to calm things down and level the waters so her potential ascension isn’t as big of a thing as it is and as big of a fright for the men around her and there isn’t a sense of their own power being at risk, for the transition of power to be as seamless as it would be if she were a man. and during the tour in 112AC, i think she definitely did a lot of work with the great lords and all the houses she visited, to alleviate that fear of change coming that had in fact begun to build upon the official formation of the political factions in the red keep.
during this tour, many sons of those same lords paid court to her. this wasn’t the worst thing—and for the most part it was ? it was easy, it was an easy social exchange and she had always adored the notion of courtly love and that sort of gallant chivalry and for the romantic in her, it was enjoyable at times. and the implication whenever viserys told her of her betrothal to laenor is during this time she also met at least one match that she was serious about marrying which led to their argument shortly thereafter ( more then likely harwin strong, given he either returned to court after he was said to have paid ? court to her or traveled to do so ) of them, the only ones that were really off putting for her as being potential matches were the lannister twins - purely because of the fact they were blood to each other. and both were in fact competing for her attentions and she didn’t ? want to cause discord in their family as well, DIDNT want to have a hand in throwing a wrench in their familial unit by choosing either of them - in causing strife due to their ambitions to be her king consort.
there were feasts, balls and tourneys thrown in her honor, and she was gone for the better part of that year between late January of 112 to mid December. she traveled with her retinue of ladies, retainers and knights, and her septa, lynesse. formerly of house hightower. a daughter of a distant relative of queen alicent. appointed to the position the year prior post the onset of the rumors about her purity being compromised. as well as ser criston cole and ser steffon darklyn. her duties consisted of practicing the art of diplomacy and progress reports among the great houses and gathering them up and taking them back to KL and she ? ventured outward into the more populated areas and villages to hold sort of an impromptu court of which she was at its head - wholly separate from the court paid to her by the nobility which was held within the visiting halls of the castles she stayed in while she traveled. she would spend a good fraction of her time everywhere she went doing so, because she wanted to get a sense of the state of the realm overall and what it was that she was coming into upon her ascension and where she would need to direct her efforts towards first and what she might place before the king. she was a visible presence in their lives, at that time. as she was at court, which led her to gaining a support system in the first place—she smiled and charmed them and won their support at 15 well enough that it lasted 17 years, and I can’t ? honestly imagine that was merely from one instance of seeing her and speaking to her.
it was very enjoyable and very ? insightful for her for a lot of reasons but mostly it allowed her to stretch her political legs in the sense of being able to be seen and to engage with her people without the greens looming over her, and actually being able to be judged fairly for her actions and demeanor without feelings like she was up against such an unyielding force of opposition. it was also very eye opening in the sense that it showed her that outside of the walls of the red keep, things aren’t so hopeless for her and her position. people want her to be queen regardless of what they may or may not have heard come from court. and for a girl who was so isolated for the majority of her adolescence and coming into her adulthood it was the push, the encouragement that she needed to remind herself she was on a path that could be achieved and was supported by people who’s ascent on the matter mattered, and who would not gain any advancement by doing so. the opposition she was facing back at court became less of an impassible road block, an impossible mountain to climb and more of an extraordinarily difficult one. which she was willing to do.
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darcyolsson · 11 months
truly did not expect to come out of my tmi reread a hardcore jimon but i should have known that the second i started ironically shipping them it was over for me
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sleepytimepup · 27 days
the rat grinders + jace regression hcs
usually regresses to 6-8 range
for all intents and purposes he loses magic when he regresses because it requires him to read and remember complex magical tomes. it scares him a little bit, but he's usually more just jealous of the others who don't have to rely on arcane knowledge to cast.
everyone thinks his tattoos are sooo cool. they paint his scales and try to trace the tats for drawing practice.
very protective over all his siblings, but ivy especially. ivy follows him everywhere. that's her big brother!! and oisin gets anxious if she's not around because he thinks she's getting into trouble somewhere (she probably is)
mary ann
she has the biggest age range of all of them, anywhere from 3 to 10
she's a little more vocal, especially in the younger ages, but that doesn't necessarily mean verbal. she babbles a lot and generally makes more noises.
more physically affectionate but you probably wouldn't notice if you didn't know her well, tail wrapping around the others' legs and sitting with her thigh pressed up against whoever happens to be closest. she Will demand to be picked up if she's tired of walking. if nobody picks her up she just climbs onto them and latches on
still loves quokki pets but is more inclined to engage with other forms of it than just playing, like doing finger painting of the characters. she'll even let oisin or lucy play it for her if she can't get past the harder levels, which would Never happen normally.
she's baby :) her oldest age is like. 3.
she Must be watched at all times. the second you turn your back she has broken something or is on top of the counter. she can barely walk 85% of the time. how did she do that.
nobody ever specifically tasks lucy to watch her but they're so attached to each other that it just makes sense. lucy will carry her around on her hip or sit and play with her.
she has the big plasticky legos. the big chunky guys. she also likes puzzle games that are made for like. cats. jace will put some rice puffs in a toy and she will be so engrossed trying to get them out.
3-6. she likes pretending she's bigger than she is.
horse girl!! she loves horses so much and almost always has her horse plushie with her. oisin has a tiny backup one in his bag in case she regresses suddenly or otherwise doesn't have her normal one with her.
she's the most active out of all of them. she always wants to be outside and running around. porter takes her to the park so she can get her energy out while jace and the other more sedate kids just hang out
very clingy. she's usually tailing oisin, but if she isn't, she's holding someone else's hand. she always wants to be around people. she's very chatty too.
doesn't really have a specific age range. he just vibes. sometimes he has to be spoon-fed and then five minutes later he's writing sheet music.
his magic is much more unpredictable when he's playing music for fun and not specifically trying to cast magic. he jams out when he's not regressed, too, but he doesn't have the grip on his magic that he usually does, so he tends to shoot off random spells as he's banging on the piano
loves playing makeup/dressup with everyone. porter has been the unfortunate victim of lucy's pink lip gloss on his lips. and cheeks. and eyelids.
usually 8-12, but will sometimes dip down to 5ish
still very quiet but loves to be invited into the others' games and will gradually open up the longer she plays with the,
she's very much eldest daughter vibes except she isn't Forced to watch the others, she just wants to because they're her friends and she loves them :)
always stealing everyone else's clothes. she runs cold and has plenty of warm clothes of her own, but she likes having pieces of everyone's wardrobe to keep her company, especially if they're not all together when she's regressed.
prefers to keep his regression separate from the kids. he flat out refuses if he’s feeling especially small. but sometimes. they just bring it out in him.
if they’re all regressed and being loud and fighting it triggers a sort of middle regression. he’s the angry tween brother who lashes out and says stuff he doesn’t mean. he’ll call kipperlilly a dumb baby and get moody around porter if he tries to talk to him because he refuses to admit that he’s jealous of the others for taking more of porter’s attention. there’s a lot of “shut up, you’re not my dad” going on. porter is. so exasperated.
if jace is done being a little brat then he’ll come back around and like scuff the ground and give a mumbled embarrassed apology and plop down next to where kipperlilly’s playing with her legos. and then ivy climbs into his lap and asks for a story and he huffs and makes a big thing about how he doesn’t want to but will still do it and of course really gets into it. it’s a hit or miss as to whether this will actually kick him out of regression because he may or may not realize that he’s talking about his old adventuring party and not just making up stories. if he does drop out of it he doesn’t freak out, he just finishes the story, ties lucy's braid off, quietly disentangles himself from their puppy pile, and goes to decompress by himself.
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charlottedabookworm · 8 months
can anyone tell me how much HoTD changed the ages of characters? cos like- according the book wiki, during the fight at driftmark that cos Aemond his eye, Aemond was 10, Jace was 6 and Luke was 5
like- er- that er really says something different about Alicent demanding Luke should be punished and that whole... eye for an eye thing? and also Aemond's whole revenge thing cos like. half his age
just like. should Luke have had a dagger at that age? no he really really shouldn't have. do i blame him for using it as his ten nameday old uncle was beating on jace? no I really don't
cos like it really doesn't portray aemond well there
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