#He loves Hatsune Miku now :3
I love how the Hatsune Miku and Takaaki Ishimaru thing started all because I said to play him the Levan Polka for an hour after reblogging @darkempressofchaos's post 😭😭😭
@0-rai I would also like to thank you for the art you made that just made the entire thing spiral into insanity.
I love you both (platonically) for the fun I'm having fjdnrn.
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four-of-them-showdown · 5 months
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Miku, Rin, Len, Luka:
No propaganda!
Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane:
"They're my friends, they've been a team for over 10 years now and I've been there that whole time :)"
"Why shouldn't they win? They're little gay skittles. Or they're brothers. You choose"
"JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND AND SPIN (sorry i am very passionate about the legos but too tired to form like. real sentences. please imagine something written about how they're cool and fueled my childhood or something)"
They’re the OG members of the ninja team and shipping all four of them together is popular and is very gay it’s called polyninja and it’s amazing and let me break down the dynamics of each of them
Zane x Jay: Technoshipping
Robot x their mechanic trope goes brrrr. Zane is a logical and smart one, and Jay is chaotic and kinda a disaster. Zane is the autism to his adhd and they are very fun <3
Zane x Kai: Oppositeshipping
Ha ha opposites attract trope goes brrr. Again, Zane is logical and smart, whereas Kai is impulsive (and also smart just in a different way). Both of them feel emotions strongly but process them in different ways and I have to end it here before I write an essay about how ZANE was the one who with a single meaningful look and touch to the arm told him it was too late to go back, how Lloyd mentioned KAI to try and restore Zane’s memories when he had amnesia, how- (You get the picture)
Zane x Cole: Glaciershipping
Mom friend x Dad friend. I have realized that his is getting long so I am going to be much briefer now
Jay x Kai: Plasmashipping
Two adhd/add idiots being stupid together <3
Jay x Cole: Bruiseshipping
Best friends to lovers what more could you want (don’t start me on this one they have so much chemistry)
Kai x Cole: Lavashipping
I am bad at words for this one but just trust me they’re a Vibe ok they’re a Vibe
Zane x Jay x Kai x Cole: Polyninja
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Can I please request Ben, Puppeteer, Masky, Liu, and Ej with a s/o that has a HUUUGE hello kitty obsession?? Like room is COVERED in hello kitty plushies and all that fun stuff
Summary: Ben, Puppeteer, Masky/Tim, Liu and Eyeless Jack whose s/o is obsessed with Hello Kitty (headcanons)
Genre: Fluff!!
Warnings: None!
Credits: Ben Drowned- Creepypasta, The Puppeteer- Creepypasta, Tim Wright/Masky- Marble Hornets, Homicidal Liu- Creepypasta, Eyeless Jack- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Pictures- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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Honestly he can't say anything because he's obsessed with Hatsune Miku
He claims its Ironic, but it very obviously isn't
But his obsession with Miku (and vocaloid in general), is NOTHING compared to yours
He loves it though, because it gives you a cute dynamic
Every time he sees anything sanrio related, he thinks of you
It doesn't even have to be Hello Kitty specifically, just any sanrio product
And of course, he HAS to get it for you!
You've gotten sodas, plushies, snacks, earbuds, bags, even wipes
Because of Ben, you have almost anything in a Hello Kitty styled packaging
He likes to "trade" obsessions if that makes sense
For example, you wear a vocaloid shirt and he wears a Hello Kitty shirt
Complimenting each other's interests makes him so happy idk
And he DEFINETLY has some form of Hello Kitty merch himself
Whether it be something that you don't like any more, something you just don't have room for, etc, he has SOMETHING
And it makes him so giddy to know that a little bit of you will always be with him no matter what
Jeff makes fun of him for wearing your old Hello Kitty backpack, but he doesn't care because it smells like you, and it carries everything he needs so perfectly <3
He lobes his hello kitty partner
God forbid you break up, because ANYTHING Sanrio related will send him into a meltdown (fucking weirdo)
The Puppeteer
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He's a very obsessive lover, so anything you like, he likes
When he sees your Hello Kitty obsession he immediately begins his research
He will learn all Sanrio characters, all characters closely related Hello Kitty, any lore in the universe, official merch, etc
He will fr pull up dripped tf out in hello kitty merch
The shoes, the pants, the shirt, maybe even a hat
You will giggle and kiss his chin, asking what he's doing
And he will shyly ask if you like it teehee
Your obsession is now OUR obsession
Well, with him it's less obsessed with Hello Kitty itself, more so him obsessed with whatever he thinks will make you like him more
You will literally be cuddling or just hanging out and he'll quote hello kitty to impress you
He's trying his best ok, just kiss him and tell him he's doing good
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Your obsession kind of scares him
Not like, in a "omg this is so unhealthy :(" way, because he literally couldn't care less what you're into
He just gets scared of all the DOLLS
Oh my lord the amount of hello kitty dolls you have freaks him out
It's something about how all of them are the exact same thing, just over and over again
The sheer amount of them combined with the similarities between the dolls just weirds him out and gives him a chill up his spine
Good luck getting him to come into your room
He will refuse to unless you're like, sick or something
Other than that, he will not tolerate it
And this is a brave guy! He doesn't typically get scared of dolls, but idk man hello kitty just ain't it
Despite all this, he still loves getting you gifts with Hello Kitty
He knows how much you like it, and just because it freaks HIM out doesn't mean he's gonna not allow you to enjoy it
He won't actively participate in wearing merch like the other guys
He's definetly more of a "hold your plush bag while you go to the bathroom" type guy
Sorry pookies :(
Homicidal Liu
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He doesn't get quite as into it as other's on this list might
He's more of a "Oh well I'm happy you've found something that makes you happy :)"
If you asked him to do something like match outfits he'd accept though!
He loves getting to do things like that with you, little stuff but it makes you both happy
He gives all your plushies different names and personalities
Maybe if you ask him nice enough he'll knit them little clothes and scarves...
He also loves to use the plushies to get what he wants
For example, if he wants to go out with you and you say something along the lines of "but im so tireeed" he'll grab a Kitty plush and begin "talking" to it
"Do you hear this? They say they're too tired to go get yummy food with me" He'll lift the toy up to his ear, nodding as if it's whispering something to him before going "I know! I was thinking we could go to their favorite restaurant too! Such a shame"
You'll scoff and roll your eyes playfully, while he brings the toy to your face making obnoxious kissing noises as if the toy is kissing you
Once your laughter fit dies down, he'll ask if you really just wanna stay home or go out
He will happily accept whatever response you give
Eyeless Jack
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He is a lot like Liu when it comes to your obsession
More so just a "Oh good for you :)" type guy
He loves to just show up with random things
For example, he will knock on your door before opening it, and silently waving around a little trinket he thought you'd like
He loves seeing your face light up as you rush to come get the gift and kiss him over and over
It makes him feel extra giddy when he "earns" kisses
So expect a lot of gifts
And if you don't give him a kiss one time, he will pout until you do kiss him
grrr give that boy a smooch he loves them
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lorettapetrichor · 6 months
mutual 1: save me doomed yuri. save me
mutual 2: i think id be happier if my boobs were replaced with small and friendly sharks
mutual 3: who wants to get trapped in a narrative with me. it does have to be weird
mutual 4: (13 consecutive reblogs of fanart of a podcast ive never listened to)
mutual 5: hey check out this insane piano composition youll be zonked out of your gourd
mutual 6: (insanely detailed and vibrant art) drew this in the bathtub lol
mutual 7: what if wolverines invented religion. they could make vehicles out of abandoned shopping carts
mutual 8: i love my blorbos what do you mean theyre my ocs. from my brain
mutual 9: theres something so beautiful aboutmaking fun animal noises. BARKBARKBARK AWOOOOO
mutual 10: (screenshots of a straight couple) theyre lesbians to me. theyre doomed yuri. do you see my vision
mutual 11: i love violence. women who love violence hmu.
mutual 12: the ibm system/360 has an almost sexual quality if i'm being honest
mutual 13: (art that could easily be seen displayed in a museum as a work of a fine master) its the yaoi
mutual 14: my idiot cat ate my entire fucking cake??? (# hes ok)
mutual 15: oh hatsune miku we're really in it now
mutual 16: (image of a character who has killed thousands and injured many more) shes like a sopping wet pathetic cat to me
mutual 17: i think i huave autism
mutual 18: (the same cryptic meme reblogged 50 times, interspersing with the rest of the dash)
mutual 19: for vampires drinking blood is like a sluttier version of eating pussy. especially if its gay
mutual 20: (responding to an incredibly vague and mysterious ask with no context) hello mutual x. i know its you
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luxtoony · 1 year
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Ok everyone headcanons that Donnie is a Miku fan, he is being drawn in merch and cosplay etc...
but you know what peeps are forgetting?
That siblings will always (try to) destroy anything you love.
So that is a reason 1 of why I did it
Reason 2 is the bowtie trend on Twitter (I have Twitter now woohoo)
Reason 3 is... Well some elements of Hatsune Miku design are uncanny-ly similar to Leo's, like his gloves with the blue strip. Also well Leo plays with his bandana Tails like hair so HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO IGNORE THIS IMAGE
Oh and for all the AU's where Leo is called One, lil shout for u
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The school year finally ended... I hate college SO much :( but I am alive!! I beg for some crumbs of thoughts on Sunday... -chubby darling anon who is very much alive and finally got a mitsuri scale figure <3
putting all of my other fics, blurbs, and asks on PAUSE for this!! congrats!! no more school foorrr… 3ish months!! after dropping out of uni, i’ve been finally considering going back myself for phlebotomy!! canadas health situation is lack lustre rn and the course is less than one year + paid practicum + immediate job placement which is kinda sweet… CONGRATS ON THE FIGURE TOO!! i recently (like a month and a half ago) procured the hatsune miku jirai kei subculture fashion figure and i cannot stress how pretty she is <3 sits on my pc right now bc my shelves are full… ANYWAYS… love you!!
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includes: silly sunday hcs, potential story spoilers, maybe ooc im still feeling him out, praise, degradation, riding crops, his hands…, and gender neutral reader!!
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very poignantly the hopeless romantic type. he’s always functioned as a ‘singularity’ of sorts and over the years developed a certain fondness of it, even if it hurts. it’s worth noting he vividly reminds me of the line ‘i miss the comfort in being sad,’ from nirvanas ‘Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle.’ he’s the type of partner to always be stuck in that self-absorbed martyr mindset a little bit.
pragmatic to a fault. Sunday is deeply a skeptic, take his departure from the harmony in favour of the order, as an example. it’s cool because it means you’ll never have to worry about any technicalities but it also means he has a hard time letting go of control or being spontaneous.
very into more subtle romantic gestures and an absolute gentleman. you’ll have flowers at your door at least once a week and he makes sure to take all of your preferences into consideration when planning dates (he will be the one planning). keeps his hand on your lower back most of the time, the waist is far too scandalous!!
not a big texter. he prefers speaking face to face and will call if he can’t come see you. that said, he’ll make sure to like or respond to all of the silly pictures and messages you send, even if it’s a dry ‘haha’ or just a heart. occasionally, you’ll find that he’s sent you a letter, ask about and he’ll shrug and say he simply wanted something more heartfelt if he’s to communicate written. he’s got a special stamp to seal the ones he sends you.
grabs your phone when you go to show him something. no explanation i just feel it in my bones.
although he’s no singer, he’s still a classically trained musician. i imagine he was taught the violin but went on to learn his preferred instrument, the harp, himself. he’s a bit shy about playing so rather than asking, just wait until he thinks it’s late and you’re not around to hear; he’s got quite the set of fingers.
…speaking of fingers, my bread and butter, he’s beyond skilled with playing you. while he enjoys getting down to business, getting to leisurely spread you open and thrum against all your nerves gets him going. could spend hours having you laid out, in his lap, on the floor, wherever, just gently coaxing you open, wet, and pliant for himself.
off of that, he likes you best worn down to soft edges and weak desperation. getting to play the saviour, making you come undone, has him stiff in his pants.
lots of sweet praise and subtle degradation. things like, “you want to be good for me, don’t you my sweet?,” or, “now, now, don’t get greedy on me. be patient, silly thing, and i’ll appease all of your foolish whims,” annddd, “come now, you’ve been so well for me, angel, don’t ruin that with any useless whines.”
he’s not one for being too harsh against you but push the right buttons and you’ll get a ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’ here and there. Sunday doesn’t curse but he knows his way around how to make you feel inferior and looked down upon.
he likes the power play of staying fully and pristinely clothed while your completely nude, save for maybe a pretty collar he’s got you belled with. if you’re real trouble, say maybe a no good criminal causing problems on Penacony and once arrested you’re at his disposal and oh so pretty, he’ll find a nice muzzle to fix you with.
strikes, no pun intended, me as the type to have an affinity for riding crops over anything else for punishments. you’ll get the same sugarcoated degradation while he comments on how you’re not even good enough to be so close to his gloved hand that he just must use the crop!! (he likes the pretty bruises it leaves).
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doodle-girl · 2 months
The Monsters of Eastridge: DOAI Playlist
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Description: At this point, might as well make a playlist for everything. Welcome to my own personal demon-filled hell, this is mostly based on lyrics, vibes, or both 🎃 (Edit: Due to recent fixations, this now also includes some sitcom au stuff.)
(Yeah this is made mostly for @spookmuth but also just anyone else who’s interested in my music taste/how my thoughts work. Will update the post whenever the playlist updates, have fun! Also footnotes will be in brackets because I like footnotes)
Edit: Now on spotify! Courtesy of @witheredallium <3
“Happy Face” by Jagwar Twin [I have had an animatic for this jangling around my brain for actual several months oh my god]
“Turn the Lights Off” by Tally Hall
“A1 - It’s just a burning memory” by The Caretaker [Yeah idk how well this actually fits since it’s based on a song from like. The 30s. But I think it’s obligatory for any analog horror ever lol]
"I Can't Decide" by The Scissor Sisters [This one I got inspo from havoc-bloom's playlist/clip of Pastra finding it. A few of these are, actually, lol] [Edit: I have now realized just how well this fits Clyde in the sitcom au and I am once again plagued by art ideas 👀]
"I'M Sane" by Axie [Me when I torture the innocent with horrid monsters and become one myself. but I'm a little silly about it teehee~ 😜]
"The Circus" by Toby Fox [This popped up on shuffle when I was drawing Clyde once and my brain refused to let go of the vibes™ ever since]
"Animal Cannibal (Possibly in Michigan)" by Buckshot Princess [I would've put the one by Karen Skladany but it's not on apple music 😔 sad. This cover's really nice tho]
"The Dismemberment Song" by Blue Kid [Same reasoning as "I'M Sane," nyehehe. Also this song really feels like it's ripped out of a musical number. If you told me it was I'd believe you.]
"The Mind Electric" by Miracle Musical
"Horror Show" by K-Modo [You ever just. Think about why Lankmann does the things he did? Like what's his game here?]
"Dance of Corpse (feat. Hatsune Miku)" by Kikuo [this might also spiral into an animatic lol. Anyway do me a solid and go look up the music video, turn on the official english subtitles and come back to me.]
"The Nowhere King" by The Centaurworld Cast
"Nothing Changes" by Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer, and Kay Trinidad [this musical makes me feel. so many things. And I just think the vibes/lyrics of "why try when you'll only end in misery" might fall into the category of vibes here idk idk]
"Murders" by Miracle Musical
"Kitchen Fork" by Jack Conte [I don't remember exactly why I put this here rn but I just know this is an Alex song. It's so beautifully haunting and passionate stg] [Edit: yeah definitely an Alex song]
"Meet Me in the Woods" by Lord Huron ['kay I know the vibes are probably off but look at the lyrics and tell me it shouldn't go here]
"A Crow's Trial" by Vane Lily
"You're F****d" by Ylvis [Yeah I put this one here as a joke song. Every single character in here is SO doomed by the narrative, I'm sorry Alex but it's true. teehee~]
"UNCANNY / ft. KAFU" by kian [I actually couldn't find this one on apple music but galactinqq was right about this being an Alex song and I'm putting it on the post]
"Raising the Dead!" by Jessica Law [Styx, you madlad, this is SUCH a Lankmann song oh my god]
“Hymn for a Scarecrow” by Tally Hall [“Simon isn’t even in the series yet, though” My guy it’s called Hymn for a Scarecrow and it’s Tally Hall what else do you want me to do. I love Simon so much I miss him already <3]
"Destroid 8 Annihilate" by Excision and Far Too Loud -- Destroid - The Invasion ["But Doodle, wha-" do not question my playlist decisions. Sometimes I listen to one of my other 30 (yes it's that many) silly little playlists and the vibes just come to me. I am right about everything and my brain is huge /lh]
“Break My Mind” by DAGames
“In the Mood” by Glenn Miller [this one was in Vol 1! So I found it and I’m putting it here <3]
“Pictures” by Kyle Allen Music [I mean technically the series is videos but whatever. This song fits sue me]
“Ruler of Everything” by Tally Hall [I saw the words “mechanical hands” on a DOAI fanart once and it jumpstarted an idea that refuses to leave me. Turns out it fits VERY well holy crap]
"I'll Be There for You (Theme from Friends)" by The Rembrandts [shoutout to froggydrawz's own sitcom AU playlist for more material for me eheheheh ✌️ I'll be putting a few of those here]
"I'm Still Standing" by Taron Egerton [sitcom exclusive because canon Alex is fucking dead /lh]
"Digital Silence" by Peter McPoland
"How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty [another sitcom one nyehehehe. This AU has me by a chokehold unlike any other AU I've been into istg]
"Who is She (Reprise)" by Kimiko Glenn [I apologize for those who came here for a normie-ass DOAI playlist, I promise it started out that way but y'know that's fixations for ya. Anyways I added this one on a whim because it gave off veldigun!Alex AU vibes. Might fit with other stuff idk do with that what you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]
"Soft Bitch" by Rio Romeo [pretty sure it was spookmuth that made a sitcom AU art inspired by this song and I love it]
"Runaway" by AURORA [secret-spirit if you see this at all just know this was your doing (/pos). This is like, my favorite AURORA song and seeing you do an Alex art in the whiteboard to this song sparked a primal "holy shit" moment in me]
"Lose Control" by Teddy Swims [I was doodling in the DOAI whiteboard when my mamá started playing this in the other room and my brain immediately went "oh my god what if Clyde and Winfrey"]
"Soft Apocalypse" by Charming Disaster [Once again, everybody give it up for Styx's music taste, this is making my brainworms go mad with art ideas 👏👏👏 sitcom AU song, btw]
Side note, might hit a word limit here? So Imma have to continue this list in a reblog, just look through those for more if ya want✌️
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tea-and-tickles · 11 months
heyaaa it’s me again:3 you can choose whoever you’d like for the ler! (i’m the one who requested lee kasa HAHA)
*i crawl out of a flaming hole in the ground on my hands and knees. i am disheveled and holding charred pieces of paper held together with a paper clip* I FINISHED THE FIC
anon, tsukasa has never been my favorite character, but thank you so much for this request. it was a challenge to write a character that i was less familiar with and it was SO FUN! and also, fair warning... i got carried away. it's a 4k word fic. it is... honestly equally a ruikasa fic as it is a tickle fic. still! i worked really hard on this so i hope it was worth the wait! thank you SO MUCH for your patience as i worked on this!! have a lovely day! :D
"all the world's a stage (so show me how this story ends)"
a/n: i am posting this at 3:30 in the gddamn morning. i have a date at 11. i am going to bed now.
!! kink blogs please DNI. i do not fuck with ns.fw blogs interacting with me. if i see u i'm blocking on sight !!
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Summary: Alternate Title: 4 times Rui tickled Tsukasa on accident + 1 time he did it on purpose.
After Rui tickles Tsukasa while Wonderlands x Showtime is prepping for a new show, Tsukasa can't seem to get him out of his head...
Warnings: Tickling.
Kamishiro Rui x Tenma Tsukasa from Project SEKAI (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!)
Word Count: 4.3k
“Tsukasaaaa! This is so neat!” Emu bellowed. “I love how Prince Pegasus is all like, pchoo! Pow! Bop! at The Manticore!”
“You said this is a story you made up for your little sister?” Nene asked.
“Indeed!” Tsukasa proclaimed. Recently, Wonderlands x Showtime had toyed around with performing more completely original works at the Wonder Stage. Of course, their shows always had a personal touch (this was nearly impossible to avoid with Tsukasa’s flair for the dramatic, Rui’s inventive streak, and the sheer scope of Emu’s imagination. Tsukasa sometimes wondered how Nene did it). But they were always based on something. Cinderella but with robots. A theoretical continuation of Sleeping Beauty. King Midas with audience participation. Okay, that last one was a lie, if only because Rui couldn’t make a machine to magically transmute carbon to gold. But it was definitely on brand.
“Saki and I used to play dragons when we were little. But when she got sick, she wasn’t able to play the way she used to. She talked a lot about missing the adventures of Prince Pegasus, my character, so I wrote down new adventures to read to her when I visited her in the hospital!”
Tsukasa was, admittedly, a little apprehensive about performing this. The Chronicles of Prince Pegasus were fun, even enthralling, when it was just him and Saki. But what would his troupemates think? An audience? If he allowed himself to think much more about it, he might just back out.
“Obviously this is a rewritten version, adapted for the stage and adjusted to be even more harrowing!” The others were still reading. Tsukasa couldn’t stand the silence. “But! I would love to hear your thoughts!”
“It’s really interesting, Tsukasa,” Rui said. It was the first time he had spoken since they began reading the script. “I’d like to make a few tweaks to streamline the story and to give us some wiggle room for a bit more improvisation, but I really like the premise. A classic, yet exciting hero’s journey.”
The others nodded in agreement. Phew. This might go okay after all. No, of course it will! “Tweaks? To a star’s original fiction?! How could you, Rui?!” Tsukasa joked.
Rui gently elbowed Tsukasa in the ribs, to which he yelped and jumped almost a foot in the air. It didn’t quite startle him (after all, someone as brave as him wouldn’t crumble beneath such a light touch!), but it… tickled? “I know. I’m the worst,” Rui said. “Now, let’s discuss casting. I think…”
Huh… weird. Tsukasa hadn’t anticipated that such a light touch would make him react in such a way. And why was his face a bit warmer?
Surely it’s just the summer heat.
Tsukasa cursed the fact that he was 5’7. Not because he didn’t feel masculine enough or because it somehow took away from his dramatic breadth; rather that Rui put everything too damn high up for him to reach. He was thankful, really. When the troupe actually began production on this show a few weeks ago, Tsukasa found it so surreal. He’d starred in plays, sure, but he’d never written one that got performed! This was the opportunity of a lifetime! Still, how on Earth was he supposed to get into character if he didn’t have Prince Pegasus’ sword?! His cape?! After all, the sword was arguably the focal point of the showdown scene they’d be rehearsing today. Getting up to the blasted things might as well have been a show in and of itself. Tenma Tsukasa, desperately balancing on that treacherous swivel chair—in vain. Tenma Tsukasa, clawing his way up the mountain that was the shelves backstage—only to lose his grip. Tenma Tsukasa Found Dead in Phoenix Wonderland was hardly an appealing show title. This was clearly a losing battle.
“Hey, Rui? Can you give me a hand?”
There he came, his knight in shining sweatpants. “At your service.”
“Thank goodness! I can’t seem to reach the props we need for the next scene. Can you reach?”
Rui stared up at the top shelf where Prince Pegasus’ trusty sword and cape lay. He cocked his head to the left, then to the right. Incredulous. Tsukasa knew Rui was strategic to a fault, but this was excessive. “Hm. Now how did those get all the way up there?”
“You tell me! You’re the prop master!” How strange, he thought! Perhaps this was an exercise in dramatic irony?
Rui began to chew his knuckle. “I am, aren’t I?” Okay, maybe not. That nervous tick was something Rui only did when he was actually nervous—or confused. Think, Tsukasa. Think! There must be something to be done about this predicament! Rui was doing… something. Surveying the scene, perhaps? What more was there to survey? Ground, climb, props. Beginning, middle, end. “To be honest, I don’t know how I got those up there in the first place. I can’t even reach that high. Maybe someone else moved them?”
“Who? Robo-Nene?”
“Ugh. You’re impossible,” Tsukasa groaned (with a surprising undertone of affection, he realized). “Wait, what about the ladder? Where is it?”
Rui shook his head. “Emu gave it to one of the contractors for the new splash pad they’re working on in the kids’ area.”
“Great, so what do we do now?”
Rui went back to chewing on his knuckles. Interesting technique… Tsukasa wondered if it might help him think of something.
…mm, nope. No dice. His mouth kind of just tasted like salt now. 
“Oh, how about I lift you up?” Rui suggested. “The top shelf is about eight feet off the ground. I should be able to get you up high enough to reach.”
Tsukasa internally kicked himself for not thinking of that sooner. But of course, as the brave troupe leader he was, he had to inspire confidence in his dear director. “Aha! Brilliant plan, Rui! Yes, let’s conquer this conundrum once and for all!”
Rui chuckled. “That’s our star.” Those words made Tsukasa’s stomach flutter in a way that almost… pleasant? He decided he’d unpack that later. Rui carefully positioned himself behind Tsukasa, hovering his hands just over Tsukasa’s waist. “Okay, ready?”
1, 2, and 3. Tsukasa was in the air… and suddenly fighting for his composure. Much to his chagrin, unlike the harnesses he’d used to fly in past shows, the sensation of Rui’s hands on his waist was incredibly ticklish. The fact that his fingers just wouldn’t stay still certainly didn’t help. What on Earth was this pattern? It all happened at once—his stomach fluttered. His core muscles tensed. His lips pursed in an absolutely desperate attempt to suppress a yelp. If he moved, he might give himself away. Curse my body for this betrayal!
“Tsukasa? Are you—”
“I’mfinehahathanks!!” Definitely not convincing. Still, there was time to save this. Tsukasa clambered for the props, and once they were safe in his hands, he landed safely on the ground, heart still pounding in his chest and blood rushing to his face. Turning completely away from Rui would be suspicious, but he had to cut his losses somehow.
“Th-Thanks for your help,” Tsukasa said, fastening the royal blue cape around his neck. Ah! Wait! He could pass it off with his costume! Tsukasa did a dramatic half-turn, the cape unceremoniously tangling behind him. Turns out the stale air of the shop was not exactly conducive to flowy capes.
“Of course,” Rui replied. Tsukasa imagined Rui grinning from ear-to-ear. Normally it came across as smug, but… part of him wanted to turn around, just to see if it looked different.
A beat. Neither moved and neither spoke.
“All right, want to start rehearsing the scene in fifteen?” Rui asked.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Rui made his way back onto the Wonder Stage. Something told Tsukasa that this would stay etched into his brain for the foreseeable future.
Rui, Rui, Rui.
“Our star.”
There was a pit in Tsukasa’s stomach. It had been days since the prop incident, as he called it. He’d been thinking about Rui for much longer than he usually did. His sly, grinning face; his voice; his praise; his stupid jokes—and his hands on his waist. Tsukasa longed for Rui’s touch, and he longed for that touch in particular.
He didn’t get it.
Tsukasa had never had a real crush before. Wait—was it even a crush? Can one develop crushes that quickly? He was at least a little prepared for the butterflies and the racing thoughts. But tickling? Did people fantasize about their crushes tickling them? Was this normal? Then again, maybe it wasn’t actually about the tickling, right? No, surely he just wanted Rui’s attention. That made enough sense. But then again again, why was he so fixated on that moment in particular? Not all the other times Rui had touched him? Why was he so fixated on Rui’s fingers dancing across his skin? Of nails gliding across his stomach and hands lovingly squeezing his sides? Of gentle kisses to his cheeks? Of laughing without a care in the world as Rui showered him with compliment after compliment?
No one could ever know about this. Not the troupe, not Saki, not Toya, and especially not Rui. But Tsukasa was an actor. Surely he could put on a brave face.
Or not. Dress rehearsals were actually kind of a disaster. Sure, Prince Pegasus was victorious even without his sword, he rescued his sister, yadda yadda yadda. Tsukasa could go through the motions. But he kept finding his eyes drifting to Rui. And for the most part, Rui hadn’t noticed (thank God), until the final scene.
“Pegasus! Remember, you’re talking to your sister, not the audience!”
Damn it.
“Right! Sorry!”
So the scene dragged on. They ran through it twice. Then three times. Tsukasa’s mind was foggy with heat, frustration, and Rui. Rui’s attention. Rui watching him. Rui judging him. Rui’s disappointment in his lackluster performance. Rui’s disgust when he inevitably learned what Tsukasa had been thinking lately. The urge to cry pricked the corner of his eye.
“...and scene!” shouted Rui. “That was perfect.”
Reprieve. Tsukasa wasn’t absolutely convinced, but it would do for now.
Rui’s show notes went in one ear and out the other. There was no way for them not to. While Nene and Emu listened intently, Tsukasa just pondered whatever… that was. This was bad. Very, very bad. Tsukasa had struggled with roles before, but never for this reason. Never because he was so utterly enamored by a guy that he couldn’t focus. What did this mean for him? If he couldn’t surmount a little crush to play a simple fucking role, how could he possibly convey the hero’s journey? Tomorrow Prince Pegasus would appear just as pathetic as Tsukasa was. He needed to will this away, or at least shove it down long enough to—
Oh no.
“R-Rui! My friend! What can your star do for you?” Jesus, did he really just say that?
Rui frowned. Tsukasa drew in a sharp breath. He saw this coming from miles away, but his stomach churned all the same. “You seemed distracted today. That isn’t like you. I was worried, and… I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
…that’s it? That’s all he had to say? In just ten seconds, Tsukasa had gone through all five stages of grief and prepared a (quite beautiful, he thought) monologue explaining his “poor” performance. But Rui, ever the wildcard, threw that plan out the window. Of course, any actor can handle a little improv! Right…?
“Oh, yes! I was just…” Think, Tsukasa. Think. “…uh, the heat! Yes, that’s it. I was simply dizzy with the summer heat!” If Rui’s expression was anything to go off of, that wasn’t very convincing at all. So much for improv.
Rui’s contorted face quickly softened to a concerned one. Absolutely none of this was going to plan. “Tsukasa, are you nervous?”
Of course I am, Rui. How can I be calm when your stupid, pretty face is right in front of me? How can I be calm when all I can think about is you ti—
No. But Rui saw right through him. Lying was absolutely not an option. He could, however, conjure a different motivation—it just had to be in character. “Maybe a little. It’s just… are you sure we’re ready to perform tomorrow? I know all of our characters came easily to us, especially mine, of course, but this might be our quickest turnaround yet!” …yeah! Something like that.
Rui seemed to contemplate this answer for a moment (or, at least, that was Tsukasa’s best guess. Rui’s facial expressions were not known for their readability.) He smiled, laying a hand on Tsukasa’s shoulder. “You know I would never put on a show that I didn’t think we could perform. As your director, I have the utmost confidence in you and the others.” Then, he lay his other hand on Tsukasa’s free shoulder, just as tenderly as the first. “And I know our star won’t let us down.”
This wasn’t out of the ordinary. Rui was usually sincere, but felt recontextualized. Tsukasa knew something about Rui, or maybe himself, that he didn’t before. Impulses took over, and before he knew it, Tsukasa found his face buried into the nape of Rui’s neck and his arms wrapped tightly around his body. This was so incredibly selfish. But then Rui’s arms found their way to Tsukasa’s back. It wasn’t as if the two had never hugged before, but it might as well have been. Rui had taken on a different role in Tsukasa’s mind: of an eccentric and colorful casanova.
His soliloquy was suddenly interrupted by the sensation of Rui’s fingertips stroking the length of his back. This was getting ridiculous—could he catch a break today?! Each new spot Rui touched set Tsukasa’s nerves ablaze. Rui’s nimble fingers traveled all the way down to the small of Tsukasa’s back, then slowly back up again, tracing his spine to the valley between his shoulder blades. The higher Rui went, the harder it was for Tsukasa to stifle the giggles bubbling up from his diaphragm. He prayed to God, the universe, anyone who might hear him, that this moment would last a little while longer. But, with one final squeeze, Rui let go. 
Tsukasa now prayed that golden hour would obscure the blush on his face. “Um—thanks for… that, Rui.”
Rui smiled (if he even stopped smiling in the first place?). “Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And, in true cheesy-romance-movie fashion, Tsukasa stared as Rui disappeared beyond the sunlight-bathed horizon.
This wasn’t going away, was it?
Tsukasa loved the way the Wonder Stage transformed Rui him and his friends. He’d learned this term once, social facilitation, and that described it perfectly: the crowd was the extra push the troupe needed to be the best they could be. Somehow, all the fears he’d had from the previous day had washed away. Emu’s acting demonstrated a surprising level of depth. Nene found confidence on the stage she didn’t have elsewhere.
And Rui? The Wonder Stage brought him out in his purest form.
Rui had long since moved past his days of typecasting, especially with how well-received Thorpe was—but no one would dare say he was a bad typecaster. When Rui assigned himself a role, he played it well. Case in point, today’s villain, The Manticore. 
Suspense hung in the air as the audience watched Prince Pegasus approach The Manticore. “You,” Prince Pegasus snarled (so far, so good). He sauntered over to his nemesis, hand on his sword’s hilt. “You have a lot of nerve, kidnapping my sister and thinking I wouldn’t track you down.” This wasn’t going badly after all! Rui had no idea how right he was yesterday—that even if Tsukasa was plagued by this… preoccupation… he was still more than capable. It was all such a rush.
Rui chuckled. Or was it The Manticore? Really, they may have been one and the same. Like Rui, The Manticore was charming, cunning, eccentric, and a little bit too handsome for comfort. But no matter! Like any good story, the Prince would surely emerge victorious; he would defeat his nemesis with courage and wit alone.
And then it happened; something unscripted. Rui placed a finger beneath Tsukasa’s chin, tilting it upward. Tsukasa’s cheeks burned. And as if matters couldn’t get any worse, Rui’s finger then pivoted inward, mimicking a lion’s claw. It tickled. And it drove Tsukasa crazy. This, of all times?! Rui had to know. He was testing him. His resolve. His talent. Tsukasa’s composure teetered on that claw for entirely too long. 
“My Prince,” The Manticore (Rui???) cooed. “The choice is yours. The sword, or your sister.”
Tsukasa swallowed hard. But an actor can handle a little improv. Prince Pegasus bowed, offering his sword. “As you wish.”
“Woooow!!!” Emu cheered. “That was so awesome! That must’ve been our biggest crowd yet!”
Nene nodded. “I could really feel the tension between Prince Pegasus and The Manticore. 
Tension was right. The amount of restraint it took not to kiss Rui then and there was kind of unbearable. But… Emu was right, too. It was an incredible show with an incredible turnout. So much so, in fact, that the four were already planning a rerun and new ways to make it even more incredible. (Emu and Rui’s idea of this was pyrotechnics. Tsukasa figured he could talk some sense into them another time). For now, they could ride the high of another successful show.
A few rides and a meal later, Emu and Nene began making their way home, leaving Tsukasa alone with Rui. This wasn’t unusual—the girls usually needed to get home a bit earlier—but something felt different. Not just Tsukasa’s little crush, that was hardly new. No, Rui seemed distant. Maybe a bit aloof. That pit in his stomach returned. After the stunt Rui pulled during the show, Tsukasa was convinced he had surely caught on to the thoughts plaguing his mind. And, seeing how Tsukasa just barely pushed through the scene, Rui had surely decided that Tsukasa was far too odd to be close to anymore.
…but that didn’t make sense. Rui was weird, sure. His directing methods were sometimes questionable and his inventions bordered on insane. But Rui wasn’t malicious. He was far too sincere to ever test Tsukasa like that. Plus! Rui hadn’t been distant this morning before the show!
And then it clicked. Tsukasa had made himself the villain in his own story! It wasn’t him, but his inner demons! Okay, that was probably a little heavy-handed for a tickle-crush on a boy. But his point stood! What a complex narrative!
Even with this realization, that pit remained. He wasn’t exactly certain, but there was only one way to find out. He had to know how the story would end, no matter how afraid he was. And so, putting on the bravest face he could muster, Tsukasa sauntered over to Rui.
“Hey, Rui.”
“What was… that? By the way?”
Rui chuckled. That damn chuckle. “Ah, did you like that little detail in the showdown scene? I thought a bit of improv would really add to—”
“—was it really just for the show?”
Rui’s face dropped. It was more satisfying that Tsukasa was willing to admit. “…what do you mean?”
“The way you tilted my chin,” Tsukasa said. “It was a brilliant choice! Very much in character! But… it felt like you.” If Tsukasa kept talking, he was certain his heart would burst out of his throat. “And… call me crazy, but I hope it wasn’t just for the show.”
The two stood, face-to-face, staring. Neither spoke. Neither moved. And for once, throughout this entire ordeal, Tsukasa saw Rui’s composure break. His hand covered his mouth, and his face turned a deep shade of crimson. Bashfulness looked good on him, Tsukasa thought. Rui’s piercing, yellow eyes met Tsukasa’s. It was familiar. It was the exact “cunning” way Rui had looked at him before.
Oh, wow.
“Tsukasa…” Rui mumbled. The corners of his lips quirked upward, and he laughed. Really laughed. An honest, breathless belly laugh that Tsukasa had never seen from him before. He was completely and utterly enamored by it. “I—I didn’t expect you to read me so candidly.” Rui stepped forward, taking Tsukasa’s trembling hands into his own. “You’re right. A small part of me hoped you’d notice.”
Tsukasa found himself laughing, too. “It took me longer than you know.”
This was comfortable. The both of them, equally shy and equally embarrassed. After all, if all the world was a stage, wasn’t there also a backstage? A green room? An honest moment between actors?
“Rui, can I kiss you?” Tsukasa spat the words out before he could even think about them. And, just as quickly, Rui leaned in, pressing his lips firmly against Tsukasa’s. It was awkward, and decidedly weirder than a stage kiss. But it was nice for the walls to come down. The masks were off. The audience was gone. There was only Tsukasa and Rui…
…and the familiar tickling sensation of Rui’s fingers along the contour of Tsukasa’s jaw. Tsukasa felt his lips part hopelessly into a big, goofy smile. “Wh–What are you doing?”
“Tickling you,” Rui answered. “You’re not the only perceptive one around here, my star.”
What was it called when the pit and the butterflies happened at the same time? Butterfly mosh pit?
“You noticed—AH!”
Rui’s fingers traveled down to Tsukasa’s neck, his nails dragging along either side. “Not at first, but I did notice that you never tried to stop me.” They darted wildly between the underside of his jaw and the crook of his collarbone, never staying in one place for too long. Even trying to trap Rui’s hand between his cheek and his shoulder didn’t work—his fingers could still wiggle away at his neck.
“YoHOU—! You jeheherk!!!” Tsukasa sputtered.
“Me? A jerk?” Rui feigned his best offended voice. “I thought you wanted me to do this!” Rui now had Tsukasa wrapped in his arms, trapping him between his wriggling fingers. This time, he pressed a little harder as he drilled his fingers ever-so-slightly into Tsukasa’s ribs. Tsukasa’s laugh shot up in pitch to an octave he didn’t know he could reach—and it grew even more frantic when Rui’s hands wandered to his sides instead. He couldn’t figure out what tickled more. Squeezing? Spidering? His brain was, frankly, too fuzzy to even think about it. 
“I—! D-Don’t—ahaha!!—dohon’t make me say it!”
“Say what? Say that you want me to tickle you?”
“You know what!!” 
“Do I? Surely I wouldn’t ask if I knew.” Heavens, Tsukasa wasn’t prepared for how much Rui would tease him. Each sentence seemed to be punctuated by even more tickles. No matter how Tsukasa squirmed or twisted, there was always another hand waiting for him, ready to poke at his side or claw under his arms. He could certainly say it was hell, but he’d surely be lying. The fact that Rui was giggling along with him somehow made the sensation even stronger. So, instead of trying to pull Rui’s hands away, Tsukasa simply opted to cover his own face. This seemingly only encouraged Rui to speed up. “Why are you hiding your face? Can’t I hear you giggle?”
“I—ehehe!! I’m embarrassed!”
Rui gasped. “Tsukasa? Embarrassed? What a fascinating turn of events!” Rui’s hands shot straight up to Tsukasa’s wrists as Rui just barely let his fingers graze Tsukasa’s forearms. His arms?! How was that even a spot that could be ticklish?!
Rui’s hands suddenly paused. It was quiet for a moment—much too quiet. The anticipation still wracked Tsukasa’s body. Though he didn’t quite understand why he was still twitching and giggling, he wasn’t exactly complaining. Still… he couldn’t possibly watch. As his hands rose to his eyes, Rui finally spoke.
“Hm… I wonder what happens if I—” Oh no. Tsukasa realized Rui’s were hovering over—
“DON’T YOU DARE—!” Too little, too late. Tsukasa shrieked as Rui’s fingers danced and scribbled all across his tummy.
“Oh! What an interesting discovery! I simply must know more about this spot…” At this point, Tsukasa had fully collapsed against Rui’s body. If not for being in Rui’s arms, he would have absolutely fallen to the ground. But, far too tired to fight back, Tsukasa couldn’t help but laugh away as Rui methodically mapped every bit of his torso. Knowing Rui, he’d have a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of his tickle spots after today.
And for once, Tsukasa really did feel like a star. Maybe not in the way a world-class Broadway actor would be, or a celebrity on the silver screen, but like the apple of Rui’s eye. Attention without performance felt so utterly foreign to Tsukasa—but he could get used to it, he thought.
Even as Rui lightened his touch and slowed his fingers, Tsukasa still found himself awfully ticklish at the moment. Even the slightest, unintentional movement of Rui’s hand sent him into another fit of giggles. Only after Rui removed his hands completely was Tsukasa able to really catch his breath. Though heaving, he gazed at Rui, who was wearing the dumbest grin he had ever seen. Had he not been so worn out, he would have laughed all over again. “I—I think you enjoyed doing that as much as I… um. You know.”
Rui chuckled. “I do know. As for whether I enjoyed it… open to audience interpretation,” he said with a wink.
Tsukasa sighed fondly. He gingerly took Rui’s hand in his. “Walk me home?”
“Of course, my star.”
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pancake-kat · 1 year
Ninjago(Dragons rising included) headcanons
•Lloyd has an intense fear of snakes, like he and Arin were gardening around the monastery once and Lloyd started screaming and freaking out over a random orange garden snake
•Sora and Nya love to spar
•Zane is normally ice cold to the touch, not just because of his elemental power but also because he needs to keep his system cool
•PIXAL watches anime, her favorite one is sailor moon.
•nya, pixal, And skylor have girls nights. After crystallized when harumi got redeemed she joined in.
•Jay seems like the guy to have multiple hatsune miku figurines in his room in the monastery. When Lloyd was still physically a kid, he would play with them like action figures(he still does it after the merge since there’s no Jay to stop him)
•Cole is an excellent baker, but if you try to get him cooking… he’s trying tho!
•Jay exclusively listens to frank Sinatra and vocaloid.
•Lloyds been bleaching his hair since he was 9(close to when we first meet him in the show) and now can’t stop since it’s part of his look. The monastery bathroom is very messy because of it.
•Arin and Zane cook together and have cook-offs, and Sora watches and judges which one prepared a meal the best.
•Kai rocks in his seat or standing when he was nothing to do or is waiting for something.
•Cole is afraid of thunderstorms, but not of Jay’s lightning.
•Nya is unsurprisingly buff
•(projecting, but-) Cole is part Arab from Lilly’s side, and Lilly is Egyptian, he knows the language to an extent.
•on that note, Kai and Nya are spanish and can speak it very fluently, which they use to talk to eachother in secret.
•Jay sometimes shocks people by accident due to his element
•when Zane is angry, he’s angry. He will lash out and ice spikes will shoot out of the ground. Everything’s gonna get way more cold. He’s accidentally almost hurt more people than he’d like to admit.
•Kai is just…invincible to fire. He can and will just sit in fire.
•Kai also has an average temperature of like 112° Farenheit or 44° Celsius.
•I like the idea of one of the DR ninja checking on Kai when he has like a fever or something and are absolutely appalled when they see that this man has a fever temp of 128° F.
•Cole is very durable. he has been recorded breaking 3 pieces of wood by having them smacked on his head. No one is sure if its just the rocks in his elemental power letting him do this or just Cole being Cole.
•MiniPix7 loves circling around and playing with Riyu. She doesn’t have to Pixal to hang with or make big projects with after the merge, so she spends her time either keeping Lloyd company, tinkering with other minipixes, or playing with Riyu.
•Garmadon is somewhere in the world right now with Vinny going on adventures and having bonding experiences.
•Jay tried to learn Spanish so he could suprise Nya at their wedding reception by speaking it fluently. He now hears a lot of weird conversations between the two siblings.
•sometimes Kai fantasies about what it would’ve been like if his parents never got taken. Maybe he would’ve excelled in his Element with Ray’s help. Maybe he could’ve had mother-son bonding time with Maya. Maybe he wouldn’t have had to juggle 2 jobs and a 10 year old at the age of 12. It’s useless, he knows. You can’t take back what has already happened. but it helps him.
•when oni garmadon was taken back into the living world, his good dragon part stayed in the departed realm, so now there’s a random dragon running around the departed realm with half of god’s power and desperately trying to go back to the living world for his kid and to reconnect himself.
•Wu knew about this dragon counterpart before he died in the merge.
•Lloyd will never admit it, but he loves fnaf. Like an unhealthy amount.
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jackpot-sad-dude · 19 days
bigender sapphic <3
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free to use!
yayay miku hcs!! the transparent for the helly kitto miku is from @prosekaipng (though since they've been inactive for a while, i recommend @sekaitransparents !!) and the masks are from @serrnz !!
i headcanon she/he for miku, and she tends to go back and forth between miku and mikuo because i think that's silly. also yes the pigtails are detachable.
like this
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the transparent is very messy since i'm at a graduation party right now but do you see The Vision
now!!! as per the challenge, reblog with YOUR miku hatsune headcanons!!!! i'd love to see what you all think!!!!
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watashime-ciel · 1 day
insomnia may be strong but i'm stronger. so here are the Just Dane dances and coaches i'm assigning to my rhythm heaven scrunklies because nobody asked but i want to post this anyways for science purposes
starting with the holy lemon, DJ Yellow:
definitely, his favourite dances are the three hatsune miku ones, but besides that, he's probably going with a good old jason derulo dance or Get Ugly, as his first option to warm up. Circus extreme version, Hey Mama and Daddy are probably his next options
now, a coach thats perfect for him is P3 from All About Us in JD17
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they radiate they/them queer vibes AND the colours are literally Yellow idc hes dressing with those colours and slaying in the process
for Blue i'll go with something more simple, but at the same time groovy. and whats more groovy that Groove by Jack & Jack
he's not the one that likes to play JD, but he enjoys watching the videos like a toddler watching five little monkies jumping on the bed. Groove is the only one that he might dance. but other songs he enjoys are Rave in the Grave, Tumbum, Leila, Instruction, Spectronizer and Built For This, all because of the colours
and the coach i'm assigning is the Instruction teacher from JD18
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the colours are vibrant, and the clothing quite simple but attractive. perfect for an artist's eye like Blue's
oh boy for J.J i got very creative
that was sarcasm
did you know JD added Bring Me To Life to one of the latest games? i literally just found out while playing JDNow lol. definitely his favourite to dance with Cecil, even if the move in "Save me!" is impossible for them two. theeeey need a bit more of movement
J.J would also like whatever avril lavigne song there is in the game. idk if theres more, but Girlfriend is his jam so don't bother him for the next 3 minutes while he dances
for the coach, i mean literally Blake and Liv from the BMTL fit him. you tell me why
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just like me, Cecil can't let go of his childhood favourite song, and that's Spectronizer. little Cecil would enjoy jumping around pretending to be a power ranger or something. and his favourire coach is the one i am assigning to him
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literally perfect. live laugh love yellow ranger
with Connie i have a problem called "she fits most of the songs i like so this is going to be endless". but i am mainly assigning Tumbum for the second coach and her "protagonist" role, Smile by IOWA for the clothing and energy, and Adeyyo for the clothing aswell. literally all outfits from these would look good on her-
but here are two specific coaches that are literally her
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the Smile coach is literally her but in purple and blue, and the Adeyyo coach because IH MY GOD... /pos
Jenna is simple. she also loves miku, one of the favourite songs is Love Ward, its on JD18, so what else could she ask for?
to be Love Ward JD Miku of course
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i promise you im drawing her like that
Debbie is the kind that dances to everything she possibly can, and enjoys it more when its some stupid dance like Daddy, Dragostea Din Tei, Juju on The Beat, Sayonara, Chiwawa... i could go on. she also enjoys overly happy or active coaches, always being the first one to get a star and the crown
theres no other coach more perfect for her than Suzuka from Atarashii Gakko
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Christmas' over, that means that Halloween is near for Mako. she adores all Halloween related dances; Ghost In The Keys, Time Warp, Rave In The Grave, Magic Halloween, you name it and she loves it, having a specific coach she always wants to be
but her favourite coach and therefore the one i am assigning is the Magic Halloween witch
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also the colours are some i believe she would use for a Halloween outfit, and she loves stars so the skirt was what got her for sure
surprisingly, So'ra can stand up from that pink car and can also dance. she likes something... uh. i. dont know the exact word. but not so much to follow, or maybe a lot but the background helps and doesnt makes it hard. Hey Mama, Black Widow, Circus extreme version, Gibberish and others, in that order, is her dance list
the coach i decide to assign is the Black Widow
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the dance gives a bit mysterious vibe, and the moves are fast enough to be in perfect sync with the beat. its perfect
do you ever wonder if someone could have some sort of crush in a JD coach? ask Peach, as she fell in love with the P2 in Tumbum. its not that in assigning her to Peach, but rather making a connection?
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shes like Blue, watches JD dances like a visual stimulation thingie. and when she watched Tumbum, inmediatly focused on the P2. how. i mean, you cant see their faces yet. oh well-
okay guys insomnia is winning okay i promise i am also normal about just dance !!
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homebeyondstars · 26 days
♡ Hiiii!! ♡
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So i'm 🍃 right now and i want to tell you a little bit about my Student DR in MHA!!!
Just to start out:
this is my first DR, but im not new to shifting. I just havent fully shifted to this DR yet
And idc how cringe it is i love mha <3
♡this is a multi-universe crossover DR
♡in my first concept for this dr i was adopted by all might but ngl i kinda hated that idea bc theres no way our relationship would be healthy since he's allergic to caring about his health
♡i scripted out Mineta
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♡The power puff girls are the youngest sidekicks in the USA, being sidekicks of their science pro hero dad
♡This is similar to a crdr, except like.... canon events that pivoted my life have been heavily altered!! meaning i have a stepdad. So my cr mom(american), dr stepdad(japanese) and me all live primarily in japan!! I spend the semester months in japan and the summer in the US.
♡batman adops quirkless orphans and is quirkless — DC is basically USA's pro heroes
♡hatsune Miku is my best friend from middle school, with her quirk being "synthesizer" which allows her to apply special effects to her voice. Her and her siblings (main 6) are in a band called "Vocaloid"
♡santa is real and still gives to adults
♡the USA also has their own UA, and quirkless people are allowed to get in thanks to Batman's influence
♡i also scripted in spiderman, sharkboy and lava girl for fun
♡Aizawa is not my teacher in my DR because he's my S/O in another DR, so it would make me feel weird if i were his student - so mic is homeroom teacher
♡Aizawa is *still* a teacher, but someone i don't have to interact with because I'm scripting his class is a selection of students from 1A and 1B, half from each, and I don't get picked
For those shifting to a student DR, if you wanna copy my routine to add to your script, here's mine <3
♡ do whatcha gotta do in the bathroom (toilet, wash face, deodorant)
♡ grab breakfast sandwich from mini fridge and eat it with rice ball and a cup of orange juice, take meds
♡ change into uniform, put on perfume, toss old clothes into hamper
♡Primer, Sunscreen, Concealer, Blush, eyeliner
♡ put on shoes and backpack
♡head down the elevator to the dorm common area and wait for everyone to gather, use that time to socialize
School routine:
♡do what you're told until lunch
♡Eat lunch
♡do what you're told until dismissal
Mid afternoon:
♡Head back to Dorm
♡Change into casual clothes
♡Hang out with friends until dinner
♡Eat dinner in common room/cook for the class if it's my turn
♡go back in time for the following:
♡Study for 1HR 20 minutes
♡work out for 40 minutes
♡change into pajamas
♡wash face, moisturize
♡set out uniform for the next day
♡fall asleep on call with friends 8 hours minimum before alarm rings
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Im running into the stage banging the floor demanding to know about the band au as you speak /hj
reveal yourself band au anon, I wish to know who you are cause you’ve allowed me to ramble
I haven’t figure it all out so this is kinda just spitballing ideas lol
Warning long ass post holy moly
So the band au is kinda written like Clone high, I treat it like one of those really serious romance dramas, except the band au is more just relationship focused instead of strictly romance, also there’s a lot of drama
I’ve come up with four main bands at the moment :3
The Grim Reapers - an underground goth band with Coffin as the bassist and Tissue box as the (main) vocalist, they’re most well known for their songs being about pretty grim subject matter, though they’re probably the least popular out the four main bands
Electric Current - A pop-punk family band with Electracey on the electric guitar, Elevator Speaker on the Bass guitar, Laptop on Drums, and Colin on vocals, they have a very futuristic theme and are by far the most popular band out of the four
Malcolm’s Angels - a band started by Shrignold the head of a love “organization” to help spread the gospel of Malcolm, their music is mostly folk type music, with Unicorn on the harp, Frog boy on the flute, Rabbit boy on the mandolin, and Shrignold on guitar and vocals, the other members of the “organization” are also there, to they just aren’t part of the band, but some of them are on the marketing team
Fly To The Stars - i also refer to them as “the rejects”, an obviously space themed rock band, with Gilbert on guitar, Solar system on the keyboard, Magnet on bass guitar, and Lamp as the lead guitarist
there’s also other characters that aren’t in bands but are still pretty important to the main story like
sketchbook - A young college student, currently studying art, she’s a big fan of Electric Current with her favorite member being Electracey, she’s also roomies with Tony
Tony “Anthony” Clock - An older college student studying history, roomies with Sketch and also a small solo music artist in his spare time (hehe)
saxophone - A music artists who’s songs are usually canoe related, has gained a small cult following due to this
Warren W. Eagle - Local homeless person, usually spotted around dumpsters, can play a pretty mean keyboard solo though
there’s more important characters but I these are the ones I’ve currently planned out (Saxophone isn’t really important though, I just found the concept I had for him funny)
and finally, some miscellaneous facts that I can’t fit anywhere else in this incoherent ramble
The two main locations are Clayhill and Mullhoven, though Mullhoven in this au has become a bigger city, well Clayhill has kept its gated community status
The main three do have a minor role in this au, with them being know as the “weird” residents in town, some situation always seems to be happening to them wether that be their house burning down or finding their pillowcases full of ham
Electracey and Sketchbook are both college age with them both being 17
Laptop on the other hand is a highschooler, being 15 years old
All the characters are humanoids, they basically have human proportion’s but still have some of their weird puppet feaures
Lesley is Electric Current’s manager, though it’s not her only job according to her, she won’t tell much about herself, she likes the game of mystery
Electracey’s name in this au is just Tracey, Laptop’s is Lapis, and Elevator Speakers is Alexa
Colin, Laptop, and Electracey are all siblings, Colin being oldest, Tracey being middle, and Laptop being youngest, well Elevator Speaker is their cousin
Tissue box is fine with her and Coffins band being pretty unknown, but Coffin wish’s they could be as popular as some of the others, and he will do anything to make that happen
Laptop is a big fan of Hatsune Miku and and makes references to her in some of Electric Currents songs when it’s her turn to write one
uh that’s it for now :3 *disappears in a cloud of misty smoke*
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solidaritytek · 1 year
I said I'd post my Ranchers playlist at some point, so here we go! (I may end up adding songs as time goes by, but I'm happy with it right now so!)
Cover art by the lovely @lunarcrown!
I'm including a tracklist below the cut with lyrics I feel fit the boys! <3 (Some of them may be a little angsty, I'm sorry </3)
Trevor - Jordy
I need somebody to want me To love me, to need me like that Somebody to hold me To touch me, to see me like that Somebody to want me (want me) To love me (love me), to need me (need me) like that (like that) Somebody to hold me (hold me) To touch me (touch me), to see me (oh) like that
Trevor You're everything I want but better You're making me feel like I don't know me I wish that somebody would love me, like that
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
But it was not your fault but mine And it was your heart on the line I really fucked it up this time Didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my dear?
So if I'm honest I think I'm beginning to question how much I want this Overloaded serial stressor, I'm sitting nauseous Panic on a loop in my head, I'm chronically cautious How can I get off this?
Ghost - Halsey
You say that you're no good for me 'Cause I'm always tugging at your sleeve And I swear I hate you when you leave I like it anyway
Love Is A Weapon - Letdown.
But we've got love drunk Someone's going crazy Doesn't happen, baby Let me out my mind Can't have another moment In another moment Running in a whirlwind Take me back You know my love's a weapon
My Oh My - Camilla Cabello ft. DaBaby
A little bit older A black leather jacket A bad reputation Insatiable habits He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me I might let it happen"
Why Do I - Set It Off, Hatsune Miku
So why do I still wake up, two in the morning Cold sweat, screamin' your name? Why do I get drunk and look at your pictures? Why do I feel this way? Why do I do this to myself? And why do I even try? You don't, you don't So baby, why do I?
Need You Now (How Many Times) - Plumb
How many times have you heard me cry out "God please take this"? How many times have you given me strength to Just keep breathing? Oh I need you God, I need you now
Curses - The Crane Wives
There's still cobwebs in the corners And the backyard's full of bones Won't you stay with me, my darling When this house don't feel like home? When this house don't feel like home
Oh ashes, ashes, dust to dust The devil's after both of us Ooh, lay my curses out to rest Make a mercy out of me
better off without me - Matt Hansen
I guess love isn't what I thought We were blinded by the hope we got We were slow dancing in the dark Do you remember, remember?
Fell so deep, we couldn't see Maybe we were never meant to be One day I'll just be a memory, and you'll be better Better off without me
Canary in a Coal Mine - The Crane Wives
But I still hold out hope that maybe someday I'll be worth more than all the silence left in my way And when you break the surface oh without me Please don't return me to the dark of all the memories, yeah
Sick of Losing Soulmates - dodie
We will grow old as friends I've promised that before, so what's one more in our grey-haired circle, waiting for the end? Time and hearts will wear us thin So which path will you take, 'cause we both know a break does exactly what it says on the tin
What the hell would I be without you? (What the hell would I be?) Brave face, talk so lightly, hide the truth (Hide the truth)
'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates So where do we begin? I can finally see you're as fucked up as me So how do we win? Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates Won't be alone again I can finally see you're as fucked up as me So how do we win?
Lover Boy - The Front Bottoms
Oh You got me acting like a tough guy Trying to be cool You got me acting like a tough guy And now I'm missing you Oh
And now I'm acting like a lover boy Trying to be smooth, smooth, smooth
Now I'm missing you
Nine in the Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco
When it's nine in the afternoon Your eyes are the size of the moon You're good 'cause you can, so you do We're feeling so good
Back to the street, down to our feet Losing the feeling of feeling unique Do you know what I mean? Back to the place where we used to say "Man, it feels good to feel this way"
under the weather - CORPSE
Would it kill you just to smile? At least once in a while? Leave your fuckin' town Live just in the now
Baby, I got a fever I'm not feeling too well I'm so under the weather I'm so under your spell
The Love We Stole - Bear's Den
I was bawling In some things you just can't help from falling And all of your wisdom only makes me feel like I I don't deserve the freedom To love with my own heart To care for another more than myself To love with my own heart To care for another more than myself
I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers - Fall Out Boy
Do you remember the way I held your hand Under the lamp post and ran home this way? So many times I can close my eyes
The truth hurts worse than anything I could bring myself to do to you The truth hurts worse than anything I could bring myself to do to you
Circles - Post Malone
Maybe you don't understand what I'm going through It's only me What you got to lose? Make up your mind, tell me What are you gonna do? It's only me Let it go
Seasons change and our love went cold Feed the flame 'cause we can't let it go Run away, but we're running in circles Run away, run away
If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin
Would you love me more (Would you love me more) If I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hand? (Would you hold my hand?) They're the same ones that I used When I killed someone for you
Would you turn me in (Would you turn me in) When they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when (Would you hide me when) My face is on the news? 'Cause I killed someone for you
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Kurt Hugo Schneider
Love of mine Someday you will die But I'll be close behind I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light Or tunnels, to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight Waiting for the hint of a spark
If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
Ties - Hi I'm Case
We all start off as strangers And fate will steer the way you lean I threw my caution to the wind And risked all of the dangers And there’s no wonder what that means
I’ll see the forest through the trees If they’d bother to adjust Staring through the leaves Waiting for the perfect gust
To blow away what ties us here ‘cause i need more than these wings (more than these wings) And the breeze that carried us
Hey Sexy Lady - Shaggy ft. Brian & Tony Gold
Hey sexy lady, I like your flow Your body's bangin', out of control (uh) You put it on me (that's right) Ceiling to floor Only you can make me, scream and beg for more
Wild Heart - Daughtry
Take me back To those barefoot summer nights Take me back Running down those highway lights Remember when We said, "Don't let go 'til we die"
Take me back To that fire in your eyes 'Cause I know it ain't gone too far Take me back to you and to your wild heart, yeah To your wild heart, yeah
Telepathic - STARSET
Look inside my brain You'd know what I want before I tell you Give me the words to say to make it enough Don't want your star-crossed fate You are the sun, I am the full moon Don't leave me lost in vain I can be what you want
I don't wanna let you go But I can't stand to watch this I don't wanna let you know But you can read my mind
I feel it all the time Felt it all around you You had me under spell right from the start I don't have a telepathic heart Telepathic
Re:re - NateWantsToBattle
I waited for you I waited for you I had so many chances I could never go through I pause and look back And then I lose track I spent so much time That I'm never getting back
Now I Will never get the chance To tell you
Go To Bed Angry - Set It Off, KC
So don't you walk away from me Let's settle this Rather hear you scream Than whisper shit There's no in-between Cause if we sleep in our feelings We'll never start healing
Let's not go to bed angry Taking back everything I said Baby let's not do this Baby I don't wanna go to bed angry
Look Away - Eli Lieb, Steve Grand
I’ll be okay, are you okay? Thinkin’ about the way that we left this Will I grow to regret it Watching you fade I know it’s goodbye
But I can’t look away from you I can’t look away I’m trying to face the truth from the mess that we made So we say that we tried But I can’t look away from you I can’t look away
Omae Wa Mou - Caleb Hyles, Ironmouse
The one who started rap tap tapping I can feel it on my head right now I wonder, was it you? What did I ever do? I know I wanna open up my eyes But I'm afraid I'm feelin' all the warmth of the sunset Somehow it feels sad Why won't you wait for me? 'Cause I'll just call for you all over again
Tightrope - WALK THE MOON
In my bed, I'm rolling over I'm tangling up in chains on the swings on the set on the night that we met And now the beads of water, move up the glass You speak your mind, and you can not take it back Walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope Walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope
It's Alright - Mother Mother
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a monster, just a human And you made a few mistakes It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not gruesome, just human And you made a few mistakes It's alright, oh It's okay, oh
Snow - Ricky Montgomery
Here we are wasting our chances for the last time And when we go, I'll try not to be so slow Skeletons, skeletons, what do we have here Hiding from the mirror? Say it once, say it twice, try to be nice Well, let's not lose ourselves
Sinners - Lauren Aquilina
You showed me feelings I've never felt before We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door And how can you expect me not to eat When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
So lets be sinners to be saints And lets be winners by mistake The world may disapprove But my world is only you And if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me
I'd Do Anything - Simple Plan
This could be the one last chance to make you understand And I just can't let you leave me once again, yeah
I'd do anything Just to hold you in my arms To try to make you laugh 'Cause somehow I can't put you in the past I'd do anything Just to fall asleep with you Will you remember me? 'Cause I know I won't forget you
Tangerine - Glass Animals
But I wish I could show you more of yourself I wish I could make you somebody else But I left it way too late Are you stuck in your own ways?
I'm beggin', hands, knees, please Tangerine, come on back to me Got what I need, tangerine Do this for me Hands, knees, please Tangerine, sugar, honey, sweet Got what I need, tangerine
idfc - blackbear
'Cause I have hella feelings for you I act like I don't fucking care Like they ain't even there 'Cause I have hella feelings for you I act like I don't fucking care 'Cause I'm so fucking scared
I'm only a fool for you And maybe you're too good for me I'm only a fool for you But I don't fucking care at all, oh, oh-oh
Tell me pretty lies Look me in the face Tell me that you love me Even if it's fake 'Cause I don't fucking care at all
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face 'Cause look at your face And I'm so furious At you for making me feel this way But, what can I say? You're gorgeous
You should take it as a compliment That I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you) And you should think about the consequence Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room) If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her But if you're single that's honestly worse 'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts (Honey, it hurts)
Stutter - Marianas Trench
And I'm begging you Bring me back to life I just can't stand leaving you alone tonight It's too late to go Already taken me forever just to try you know One for the money, two for the show Three to get ready, and four to go For the life of me I don't know why it took me so long to see
Rewrite The Stars - Zac Efron, Zendaya
You think it's easy You think I don't wanna run to you But there are mountains And there are doors that we can't walk through I know you're wondering why because we're able to be Just you and me within these walls But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see That it was hopeless after all
No one can rewrite the stars How can you say you'll be mine? Everything keeps us apart And I'm not the one you were meant to find It's not up to you It's not up to me When everyone tells us what we can be How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours Tonight
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want
I want to drive away with you I want your complications too I want your dreary Mondays Wrap your arms around me, baby boy
Hurricane - Fleurie
I can feel your heart hanging in the air I'm counting every step as you climb the stairs It's buried in your bones, I see it in your closed eyes Turning in, this is harder than we know We hold it in the most when we're wearing thin
Comin' like a hurricane, I take it in real slow The world is spinning like a weathervane Fragile and composed Though I am breaking down again I am aching now to let you in
For the Dancing and the Dreaming - Lizz Robinett
I'll swim and sail on savage seas With never a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you would marry me No scorching sun nor freezing cold Will stop me (on my journey, sorry!) If you will promise me your heart
And love And love me for eternity My dearest one, my darling dear Your mighty words astound me But I've no need for mighty deeds When I feel your arms around me
Young Love - Eli Lieb
'Cause this love is getting dangerous I need some more tonight Your touch is contagious You know what I need tonight I can't run and I can't hide I'll be wasted by the light I'm undone but I'm alive Don't ever wanna see the morning light
I'll Fight - Daughtry
Where you wanna go I'd love to take you there Wish that I could make the road easy I wish that life was fair Don't wanna see you cry Even when it rains And I hope you don't forget this You were born for better things
Jolene but it's gay - Reinaeiry
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you, please just leave your man Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please just leave him 'cause I know you can
Now you could have your choice of men But I could never love again 'Cause you're the only one for me, Jolene
I had to have this talk with you My happiness depends on you And whatever you decide to do, Jolene
Sweet Boi - Chevy
Tall and gentle Too hot to handle You're all that I want You're all that I want Don't you know, baby Sweet as nectar Honey suckle You make every thing so fun Oh, boy My sweet boy
Magnetised - Emma Blackery
But you took me by surprise Now look into my eyes And tell me we're not magnetised And even if it's not with me I hope that you find peace Because she can't make you that happy
Because you love me And you love her too What's a boy to do? Because you love me And you love her too What's a boy to do?
Oah - Alexander Rybak
Don't go away, you're what's left of me I once believed you would save my soul But if you saw me now crying secretly Would you hold my hand and never let it go?
Come With Me - Chxrlotte
Take my hand and we'll face the end of time Let's take a stand against fate's design I said, "I can't bear to see the end" And you said, "Close your eyes and count to ten"
I knew you'd follow me to hell and fight off angels, as well You beat your wings and cast a spell, I'll run away with you And I said, "Hallelujah, " running to you "They won't find us, you and I can watch the stars fall from the sky All clothed in white, my shard of light Let's go together, we'll be free The world ends eventually, so come with me"
And after six thousand years, if the world disappears I'd fight angels and demons to find you, my dear I hear heavenly sounds in my head when you're near I'm alright now you're here
Absolutely Smitten - dodie
That girl just there, yes, she's the one With Cupid's arrow in her bum Handsome stranger, you have made her happy The first in a long time Did you just whisper in her ear? Words she only dreamed to hear? Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling I think he likes you
Soulmate Song - Carson James Argenna
Just know it breaks my heart When soulmates die ten years apart And lonely love is left to sit and wait Soulmates come by surprise Bell curve it seems extremes arise And those who beat the odds will call it fate
Seasons just come then they go away Reasons to run building everyday And if it doesn't go our way, that's okay
Yellow - Coldplay
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow
I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do
And it was called Yellow
So then I took my turn Oh, what a thing to have done And it was all yellow
Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so
You know I love you so
Wildfire - Seafret
As feelings arrange deep down inside Try describing a love you can't design More and more, every inch of me is holding on This is it, all the flames are burning strong
We are bound to each other's hearts Caught, torn and pulled apart This love is like wildfire And to my word now I'll be true I can't stop this breaking loose This love, is like wildfire Like wildfire Like wildfire
Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need I'll love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do
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jsuika · 2 months
Your line art is so smooth and the colors too! How are u underrated
Thanks :]]
Actually I remember doing thick linearts before to make it look like y2k bubbly styled and I was thinking of going back again since I wanted to make logos or icons like this one:
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These ig were just a lil practice if someday I'll be making one (or more of these). Also this is just an example btw, these are artist-made game icons. Imo, if it were me to be commissioned to design one or if I was assigned by a game dev, then most likely its gonna look like something that y'all won't know who did that thing lol.
Besides, I'm pretty sure a lot of people were inspired by my artstyle. 😭 Also in case you guys don't know what these are, I'll show you guys mine. (NOTE: You can still check on archive, I don't mind though-)
Examples of my artworks with thick lineart:
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The first one was Hatsune Miku fanart
I kinda remember drawing this back in the day since 2023, the sketch version (on my other sketchpad) was discontinued. Supposed to finish it but, sadly I gave up because the hair was something that reminded me of an Inkling from Splatoon (rarely I noticed the first miku fanart also reminded me too lmao).
I wish I'd do this again hopefully if I could use my artstyle, then yeah. Watch here if you want to see the speedpaint :3 : https://youtu.be/sRE3-snDGkM?si=op3tISbGFTjLCcdB
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Next one is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk fanart
Okay LISTEN, I may not be good at anatomy but might as well tried especially RED's head. For the BG, I only duplicated the character + added a screenshot/fakescreenshot/whatever, to make it look related to both y2k & frutiger aero (same applies to Hatsune Miku).
Nothing to say much but I've been thinking of making more character concept arts in the future & maybe work on shoes since they look a bit too complicated much.
Overall, I'd say it isn't bad. I'll just leave as it is for now (until some BRC fan shows up and sees this).
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Last but not the least, my very first artist-made album cover
I remembered drawing this for future use if I ever find a music composer either if they can do DnB, game soundtrack or whatever but it slightly depends on them. Also shout out to Lxchee Music! They're the ones who compose music like these. They even commented on my speedpaint video!!! (after using their songs lol).
Such a shame that I am limited to drawing only however, I wish I also was a composer of this whooooooole album then everyone's gonna listen to my bangers. One time I used to make music in Beepbox.co (a website where you can compose there).
There are some music-composing softwares that most people use for their game making & also songs. I wish I'd even use FL studio or other music-composing. Reminds me, I also have one friend who makes music (unrelated to dnb or any genre) using accordian & any other instruments that he uses. I swear, he is so good in composing Nintendo Orchestra-music related I can tell.
No worries though, I didn't say I hate using thick lineart but its sometimes too much for the anatomy still and might not fit pretty well. I can still do another one hopefully just to focus on more y2k aesthetic. But if it were me to learn anatomy, might as well use thin lineart and just increase to make it look like there is perspective on it.
Anyways, ig this might be a long one but I do hope you understand what I mean-
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natasha-in-space · 8 days
A small unedited self-insert drabble for the birthday boys!! They deserve to be silly and have fun <3 Happy birthday to the wonderful Choi twins who have changed so many of our lives for the better. Here's to them finding each other in every story and living out the life they dreamed of as kids.
The spacious kitchen of the cozy cottage was filled with sounds of life. Well, mostly sounds of kitchenware cluttering together, music, and occasional laughter. All three residents were stacked together with a single mission in mind. Mia was set on making the twins' first birthday without any eminent danger in sight a special one. Though, as it turned out, baking a cake together maybe wasn't such a good idea after all. Specifically with Saeyoung there. While Saeran and Mia had a strong heart for baking, the same couldn't be said for the older twin. At any rate, he was definitely enjoying himself. Much to the exasperation of his younger brother.
Saeyoung was having a blast in the kitchen, that was for sure. He was quite literally jumping all over the room, almost bouncing off the walls in excitement. It was a wonder how he hadn’t messed something up yet. He’d been initially instructed to measure out ingredients for the icing, but he already had some cream smeared over his cheek, and his hands caked with sugar after trying to steal some powdered sugar straight from the bag. Seeing him so hyper was as amusing as it was bewildering. It's been a good while since he was this excited over something.
Well, either way, it felt good to see him be all carefree and happy on his birthday.
Meanwhile, with the most concerned expression plastered all over his face, Saeran was watching him go about his antics in tense silence. Eventually, it seemed like he had enough, as he put down the eggs he was about to break into the bowl, and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose: "…Hyung, please slow down."
Mia's mouth was lightly covered with the palm of her hand as she let out a short laugh at the scene. The sight was quite amusing. She tried her best to focus on the baking, but the constant movement of Saeyoung in the corner of her eye was stealing her attention.
And having two distracted bakers on your hands is a short road to a baking disaster.
"I don't think slowing down is an option for him at this point," she chuckled, casting a glance over her shoulder to see how the older twin was handling the ingredients. Or, at least to make sure there were no weird additions to the recipe being added.
Saeyoung responded to them both with a wide smile and a playful wink. To describe it simply, he was hyperactive. Sure, he’d been this way for a long time in his fake-giddy 707 persona, but now that he was free, happy and comfortable with people he loves, he couldn't help but let his lively nature reign free. In a way, it was an open expression of his happiness at it all. Being able to spend a birthday with his family. Doing simple, mundane things like baking a cake. Laughing and joking around with one another like a happy family would.
No wonder he was as happy as can be.
And he truly was doing his best to pay attention to the measurements, but he was quickly getting distracted by the faint music playing from the speakers. A mishmash of all of their shared music tastes put together. Though, hearing a familiar Hatsune Miku tune, it was in that song that he found yet another way to cause some chaos.
"Oh, Mia, our favorite!" he exclaimed playfully, grabbing his whisk as a makeshift microphone and quickly falling into step of a familiar dance routine. And it would be funny if he wasn't genuinely very good at it. Not to mention singing along in perfect Japanese.
"Yup, the world is truly yours, Saeyoung. I won't even try to out-perform the number one princess in the world," Mia tried her hardest to control her laughter, but it was too much and she eventually burst out into a fit of giggles at the sight. Though, while still watching the performance, she did attempt to continue with the baking as well.
Key word: attempt to.
"Wait, Saeyoung, the flour-!" Saeran suddenly exclaimed, reaching out with his hand to catch something that was already way out of his reach.
But it was too late. And what Saeran was dreading the whole time had finally happened.
The redheaded twin stopped in his tracks, realizing a moment too late what he had done. He had accidentally dropped the bag of flour onto the kitchen floor, spreading white powder all around them. Well, more than there was already, anyways. He looked down at himself, then back at Mia and Saeran staring at him nearby, and gave out a sheepish chuckle, like a guilty kid would.
"Oops…?" he offered weakly, clearly not really sorry at all.
While Saeran pouted at the mess, Mia laughed softly, shaking her head in mock disappointment.
"You really can't stay still for a second, can you? Look at the mess you made," she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and shook her head once more. Though her scoldings didn't sound nearly as genuine as one would expect. And she was mostly doing it to keep Saeran from an eminent headache. As, both twins knew that if there was only Saeyoung and his sister-in-law in charge, the chaos would be ten times worse.
Good thing Saeran was there to keep them both settled.
Saeyoung shrugged, smiling widely. So much for acting guilty.
"Nope," He answered in a painfully straightforward manner, gazing back at the flour now coating the floor and then returning back to Mia. He paused for a second, and then, with the swiftness of a cat, had somehow got a handful of flour, and thrown it in her direction, landing his makeshift weapon in a white puff onto her apron.
"You little- Eek!" Mia tried to retort, before a second puff of flour flew straight into her shoulder. Looks like this baking session was quickly turning into a food fight. Or, more like a flour fight.
"I’m bored, sis. Why do we have to follow the recipe so closely, anyway? It'll be more fun with some chemistry and science involved, y'know," Saeyoung whined playfully, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest like he'd done no wrong ever.
While that back-and-forth was going on, Saeran looked so exhausted with his brother's antics that it almost made him seem fifty years older. He shook his head and sighed heavily as he reached for the bag of flour, putting it safely out of Saeyoung's reach.
"-Because the cake needs to be edible. And I won't risk Mia getting a stomachache because of your experiments. Just stand there, and don’t move…" he instructed like a parent scolding their unruly child would. Which was pretty comical, since he was actually the youngest one in the room. And yet, he was the most mature one, "-And stop throwing flour at her, Hyung. You're distracting her."
"Oh yeah? Make me!"
Before either Saeran or Mia could speak up, Saeyoung threw a third handful of flour in her direction, which covered her instantly, making her clothes seem more white than black at this point.
"Saeyoung!" she made a half-serious protest and shook off the loose powder, "I swear to God, you're like a five-year-old now."
She tried brushing the flour off of her clothes and hair, but it proved very difficult, since it seemed to stubbornly cling to everything.
Well, that's another issue to add to the list.
Despite the chaos, it was nonetheless sweet in a way. When compared to how the twins' birthday usually would go by, the light and playful atmosphere filling the kitchen was like a different world altogether. But now, they were all free to live without fear, settled together at last. And it was all thanks to them finding each other in their lives, despite all the odds. They had become a family now. Despite Mia not having any familial ties to either of them.
Though, the kitchen was definitely a horrible, white-covered mess. It's a good thing Saeyoung had a cleaner robot to take care of such 'accidents'.
The older twin laughed as Mia fruitlessly attempted to remove the flour from her body. He was having fun watching her struggle, knowing full well she'll probably get him back for this later. Their dynamic was a light, playful one. Always poking fun at one another and causing trouble on purpose. Of course, all of it with no ill intentions in mind. In a way, both of them knew Saeran wasn't one for messy pranks, so they settled that need between each other.
And despite his soft grumblings, Saeran couldn’t help but smile softly at the lighthearted scene between his lover and his brother as well, leaning over to help Mia with the flour on her face. By some miracle, he’d managed to keep himself completely clean of the mess, which was an achievement in and of itself for sure.
"Hyung, you’re an idiot," he spoke quietly, barely audible to his brother, as his thumbs swiped under Mia's eyes, wiping away the excess flour. With a soft chuckle at her disheveled appearance, he leaned over and placed a kiss to the tip of her nose, feeling his heart warm at the giggle that left her lips in response.
Maybe there was something cute about her covered in flour like that. Not that he would thank Saeyoung for that, of course.
"-Hey, I heard that!" Saeyoung retorted in a loud voice. He stuck his tongue out at his twin and then crossed his arms with a pouty huff.
Looking over at the mess he’d left out on the floor for a moment, and then the one happening on Natasha, he snickered, before finally finally replying: "In my defense, it was funny."
After his response, Mia merely rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as well. Though there was no hiding her smile as Saeran fretted over her like a dove preening its partner.
"Funny, but very immature," in a mock scolding tone, she retorted and raised an eyebrow, "You are lucky you're my brother-in-law now, you big baby, or I would have kicked you out of the kitchen for this."
Saeyoung merely laughed, coming over to both of them and suddenly throwing his arms around them, pulling them into a big, group hug. And, of course, smearing them all in flour in the process.
"...This is nice. You two. Just having fun together and being stupid. It's all I ever wanted for you, you know," he murmured, his voice taking on a more softer, serious tone as he looked down at them, a wistful, content look to his amber eyes.
A moment of silence settled between the trio as his words hung in the air, before Saeran let out a sigh. And then, he returned the hug his brother had provided, giving him a somewhat firm look: "You're having fun, too. It's your birthday as much as mine."
"-Yeah," Mia continued, finishing up the messy group hug by wrapping her own arms around the two brothers as well, "Don't forget about yourself, Saeyoung. You deserve to have fun and enjoy your day just as Saeran does."
"...Touché. We still gotta finish this cake, though."
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