#He'll be okay but he needs a lot of TLC
jtl-fics · 1 year
For Want of a Nail
New Kings If Neil hadn't gone to Hernandez's house? (@stabbyfoxandrew)
New Kings AU | Unusual Fic Asks - Closed
Andrew felt like he was going to crawl out of his skin. It'd been a month and a half since anyone had heard anything from Neil Josten. Neil Josten may not even exist anymore but everyone was telling him to be calm, telling him to wait.
He snapped at the upperclassmen who did not matter and drew his knives more than once just to make them shut the fuck up. He wants to leave, wants to head out and start tracking down clues to find Neil and bring him back.
If he has to go to jail then he'll go to jail. It's never scared him before and it's not about to scare him now. He is more than happy to be Neil's trophy husband this time around when he gets out.
He makes plans to leave in the dead of night. He writes letters to Aaron, Kevin, Nicky, Wymack, and Betsy to explain himself but in the end that's the only kindness he can give them.
Neil had long been the highest thing on his totem poll. He has no idea what it would take to have someone come above Neil or to have Neil's importance to him wane.
He has plans to lock himself in a storage unit he's rented that is temperature controlled and remote so no one will hear him screaming for his medication. He can't be going through withdrawal on the meds.
He leaves the Tower in the dead of night and makes his way over to his GS having already started to come off of his medication slightly so that he'd be sober enough to drive out of town.
"Where are you going? It's not safe for you to drive." comes a voice and oh great he's hallucinating Neil. It was something he'd often done back at East Haven, his perfect pipedream always just out of reach.
"I'm going to go get you. I'm sober for the next hour before the effects start to hit." he returns with a roll of his eyes.
"Get me?" his hallucination asks. Andrew doesn't want to turn and look into Neil's young face. He's not sure he can handle seeing it.
"You ran off before Wymack, Kevin, and I could get you." Andrew scrubs a hand through his hair wondering why he's talking to this figment of his withdrawal. Except he knows why and that reason why is that he misses Neil desperately.
"Andrew...are you..." he hears the figment of his imagination trail off and then footsteps and then-
His hallucinations have never been able to actually touch him.
He whips around and there standing in the parking lot at 3 AM is a young and exhausted looking Neil Josten. Andrew's hands shoot up to cup Neil's face and he is alive and warm under his fingertips.
"Drew, it's you." Neil says with a watery smile and that was all he managed to get out before he pitched forward and utterly collapsed into Andrew's arms.
"Neil?" Andrew questions before realizing that Neil had truly lost consciousness, he can feel Neil's forehead burning against his shoulder where it lay"Neil!" he exclaims and gets a proper arm around Neil before he falls to the ground. He manages to get the passenger door to the GS open and puts Neil inside before rushing around to the other side.
Abby's old address in mind he twisted the key and started her up. Stomach churning as he broke speed limits and ran lights.
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Hashah Tovah! It's Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and there's no such thing as too much Jewish Steve in my book (that being said, this story isn't about the New Year, it's about Shabbat hfjdks)
Also, I'm gonna be honest, this fic is a love letter to Judaism and my experiences with my temple and the people there. My experiences aren't universal, though, so please don't take anything here as, like, the end-all-be-all of Judaism. If you have questions about anything here, you can ask me; I'll be happy to answer ^_^
The time period is also very loose. Upside Down happened, but some of the attitudes are probably a bit more modern. Honestly, I suggest just shutting off your brain and enjoying the story lmao
CW: vague mentions of antisemitism and homophobia
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't
(also this is like 4k so buckle in bois)
Steve's car has officially given up on life. Honestly, he's surprised it even managed to live this long. For all it's been through, it probably deserves some rest and TLC. Steve just wishes it could have demanded that rest and TLC on any other day.
Because it's Friday. Because it's Shabbat. Because he's about to have a mob of concerned elderly members of his temple crowding his door if he doesn't go to services tonight, and that's not something he wants his neighbors to see.
He considers calling Robin, but she won't be much help. She might be his Emergency Goy, but she doesn't have a car. Now that he's thinking about it, Robin may not be the best Emergency Goy, not that he'd ever tell her that.
He knows one other person with a car, of course, but that means he has to call Eddie. Not that Steve has anything against him, of course, but Eddie makes him feel a lot of things that he's not quite ready to confront just yet.
Steve frowns, staring at the phone for a long moment, trying to come up with any other option.
Steve comes up empty.
He takes a deep breath and takes the phone off the receiver, slowly punching in the numbers as though he'll suddenly have an epiphany before he's finished dialing.
Unfortunately, he doesn't, and the phone is now ringing. It rings twice before getting picked up, Eddie's familiar voice saying, "You've reached Casa de Munson. The fuck do you want?"
"Do you always answer the phone like that?" Steve asks, momentarily forgetting about the favor he was planning to ask.
He hears Eddie hum and can practically picture the way he's now leaning against the wall next to the phone, an amused smirk tugging at his lips. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Stevie. What, pray tell, has you calling me?" he asks.
Steve almost hangs up. This is already stressful for him. What if Eddie doesn't agree? Worst, what if he does? Wouldn't that mean Eddie is going to see a part of himself that nobody but Robin has seen? That's fucking terrifying. What if Eddie suddenly hates him?
"I, uh, I need a favor," Steve admits.
"What kind of favor?"
If he wanted, Steve could just lie. It wouldn't be his first time lying about Friday plans. "My car won't start," Steve says, hesitating for a second more before continuing, "and I need a ride to the next town tonight."
"Gee, Harrington, get invited to a party?" Eddie asks, a slight edge to his voice that Steve can't quite place.
"What? No. I...it's not a party, okay? This is really important to me, man. Can you give me a ride or should I ask someone else?"
Maybe Hopper or Joyce would have enough time to give him a ride. He just needs to be dropped off. Getting back...can be a bridge he crosses when he comes to it.
"What time would we be getting back?" Eddie asks, pulling Steve from his thoughts.
"Probably after nine. And we need to be there at six, so that means leaving here no later than five," Steve says, trying to ignore the growing hope and sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. "I know it's really last minute, but you could spend the night at my place after. If you want."
"Will it be fun?"
"Uh, maybe? I don't know, man, it kinda depends. I find it fun, but you might get...bored," Steve says. Or offended. Maybe infuriated? Maybe betrayed that this is a whole part of Steve's life he's never hinted at.
"You're being real mysterious about all this, big boy."
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just hard to explain."
"Well, lucky for you, I'm bored and curious."
On the drive, Eddie keeps trying to figure out where Steve is directing him. He keeps asking questions, Steve keeps dodging them, and that feeling of inevitable dread keeps growing.
Of course, all that dodging is rendered obsolete as Eddie pulls into a parking spot and shuts off the van. A few families are walking into the temple, some parents glancing curiously at the unfamiliar van, some glancing suspiciously, and some too distracted by kids to notice.
"Uh, are you sure this is the place?" Eddie asks, frowning slightly as he looks at the temple and then at Steve.
Steve swallows around the lump in his throat, his hands nervously gripping the material of his sweater. "I'm Jewish," he blurts out, feeling his face burning. When a few seconds pass without any response, he burns holes into a tree outside and adds, "It's Friday night services. Shabbat. I've missed too many because of...you know. The, um, the Rabbi called and asked if I was okay, and I promised to be at services tonight. You don't have to stay if you don't feel comfortable."
"You don't look Jewish."
Steve tenses, jerking his head to look at Eddie. There's no malice in his eyes. No suspicion, either, thankfully. He just looks...confused. "What's a Jew supposed to look like?" Steve asks in return, wondering if Eddie even knows that he's toeing the edge of the antisemitic swimming pool.
Eddie opens his mouth before closing it again. "Uh...I don't know, actually. Just...not you, I guess?"
Okay. Yeah. Steve can deal with this. He forces himself to relax. "Well, Jews come in all shapes and sizes," he says. He hesitates before deciding to get a burning question out of the way. "Are you angry?"
"What the fuck would I be angry about?"
"That I didn't tell you. That I was Jewish. To be fair, only Robin knows."
Eddie shakes his head, turning in his seat to face Steve. "No, Stevie, I'm not angry. I mean, I live in Hawkins, too. Not exactly the place to be standing out unless you wanna get accused of murder."
Despite himself, Steve can't help snorting at that. He takes a deep breath, the last bit of tension leaving his shoulders. "Well, uh, do you want to stay for services?" he asks.
"Can I? I'm not Jewish. And I'm dressed like this," Eddie says, gesturing at his clothes.
A Hellfire Club shirt, denim vest, gaudy rings, and dark jeans. It's incredibly Eddie, and something about it reassures Steve. He says, "You're with me, so not being Jewish is fine. And your clothes are okay, too. It's not formal."
"My shirt literally says Hellfire."
"Well, it's a good thing Judaism doesn't really have a hell."
Eddie stares at him for a few seconds, clearly full of questions, but then he just nods and climbs out of the van. Steve blinks and scrambles out as well, wanting to create some kind of buffer between Eddie and the congregation members who see a stranger and instantly become defensive.
The moment he's shut the door, he hears a little kid shout excitedly, "Steve!"
He whirls around in time to see a young girl rush across the parking lot, much to the shock and concern of her guardian. Thankfully, there aren't any cars, so the girl is unimpeded in her rush to Steve.
Eddie comes around the side of the van just in time to see the girl launch herself at Steve, giggling when he lifts her up and spins. "Yael! Have you gotten bigger?" he asks, smiling brightly as he comes to a stop and sets her on his waist.
Yael returns his smile with a grin of her own, tilting her head up so he can clearly see the brand-new gap in her teeth. "I lost a tooth! See? It came out last week," she tells him, practically bouncing in his arms.
By now, Yael's grandfather has reached them, smiling indulgently. "Yael," he says, his voice gentle but firm, "you know better than to run across parking lots." When she mumbles an apology, he looks at Steve, his smile turning warm. "Steve, it's been a few weeks. I'm glad to see you again, and you've even brought a friend."
Steve returns the smile and nods, shifting closer to Eddie. "Yeah, things got a little...chaotic in Hawkins. Oh. Mr. Adler, this is Eddie Munson. Eddie, Elijah Alder."
Mr. Adler's eyes light up, and Steve suddenly remembers something incredibly embarrassing. "Oh?" he says, looking at Eddie with renewed interest, "So this is the famous Eddie Munson? I'm glad to see you've healed well."
Eddie blinks, glancing at Steve. "Uh, thanks. How'd you know?"
"Steve asked the Rabbi to include you during the Mi Shebeirach."
"The Misha what now?"
"Mi Shebeirach," Steve says, gently nudging Eddie with his elbow. "It's a prayer for healing."
Mr. Adler nods once, his eyes practically dancing with new gossip. "Oh, yes, you've created quite the stir among the Sisterhood, you know. They have a backlog of Mi Shebeirach cards and nowhere to send them."
Steve translates that information as "the old ladies have been dying to know who this mysterious Eddie Munson is, so Steve had better brace himself." His smile becomes a little strained. "Well, let's get it over with, then."
Mr. Adler nods and gestures for Steve and Eddie to follow as he leads them toward the temple. While they walk, Yael looks at Eddie, her eyes wide. "Why is your hair so long?" she asks.
"Cuz I like it that way."
"Oh. Why are you wearing rings?"
"Because they're cool."
"Oh. Why did you need healing?"
"I was hurt really bad."
"Oh. By what?"
"A bear."
"Oh. Are you Steve's friend?"
Eddie glances at Steve, meeting his eyes for a brief second before smiling at Yael. "Yeah, Stevie and I are best friends."
Yael smiles right back. "Steve is my best friend, too! He's super strong and can carry me without getting tired and makes the best hamentaschen at Purim!"
"Yael," Mr. Adler says, cutting off any continuation of the conversation as they reach the doors of the temple. "Why don't you go let the Rabbi know Steve has joined us?"
Her entire face lights up with joy. "Okay!" she shouts, wiggling in Steve's arms until he lets her down. She tugs open the door, straining until Steve smiles and helps her. "Thanks! Bye, Steve!"
With that, she dashes into the temple, her voice carrying Steve's name into the room full of other people. When almost all of them, including three children that Steve can see, stop what they're doing and look over at the door, Mr. Adler says from behind Steve and Eddie, "Brace yourselves, my boys. The wolves have appeared."
Steve groans as Mr. Adler pushes them both inside. "Should I be worried?" Eddie whispers, leaning in closer to Steve as the door shuts behind them.
"I apologize in advance," Steve tells him.
Despite his words, he has a large grin as the three kids shout his name and rush over, much like Yael did. They're followed by a few teenagers and their parents. The kids pounce on Steve, two holding onto his biceps and hanging from them as he raises his arms while the third clings to his leg.
"Where ya been?" one of the teens asks, her hair pulled back into a ponytail so permed it looks ready to burst.
"Yeah, man, I've been manning the oneg table by myself," another teen says, his arms crossed over a Metallica shirt. He's got piercings climbing up one ear and through an eyebrow, and his gaze moves to Eddie as he speaks, taking in the other boy. "Who's this?"
"Yeah," another girl asks, smiling at Eddie and batting her eyes in a way that makes even Steve feel uncomfortable, "who's your friend, Steve?"
"Kids," an older woman says, pushing her way through them, "you know better than to crowd. Shouldn't you be passing out prayer books right now?" Once she's managed to shoo the teens away, she turns her gaze on the children still clinging to Steve. "And you three, I heard Mrs. Rost needs help in the kitchen. Something about there being too many cookies to platter all by herself."
Steve suddenly finds himself weightless as the kids abandon him, dashing down the hall toward the kitchen. He smiles with slight relief and looks at the woman. "Thanks," he says, rolling his shoulders.
"Of course, Steve. Now, who's your friend?" she asks, looking Eddie up and down curiously.
"Oh, right. Uh. Rabbi, this is Eddie Munson. Eddie, this is Rabbi Sara. I, um, I was hoping he could sit in on services tonight?"
Rabbi Sara immediately smiles at them. She holds out her hand to Eddie, shaking firmly when he returns the gesture. "Of course! I'm glad to see you're doing better, Eddie. We've been a bit worried about you here," she says. She glances around before leaning in and conspiratorially whispering, "There's a betting pool on whether his name would be added to the Mourner's Kiddish."
Steve snorts, knowing exactly which members would have started that bet. "Yeah, well, tell Diane and Yakov they've lost."
Rabbi Sara barely holds back her laughter, nodding once as she lets go of Eddie's hand. "Well, how about I spare you boys from socializing more," she offers.
When Steve nods, she gestures for them to follow her, leading the way to the sanctuary. He glances at Eddie as they walk, taking in the way he's tugging on a lock of hair and looking at the hall around them. "You doing okay?" Steve whispers, leaning in closer.
Eddie glances at him, is silent for a few minutes, and then says, "It's a lot to take in."
"Service will be easier. Lots of music. You'll like it," Steve promises, smiling reassuringly at Eddie. He hesitates before adding, "And if you want to leave, just let me know. The important part was making sure people saw I wasn't dead."
That's not entirely true. Steve doesn't want to leave the Shabbat service. He misses the routine of it and the feeling of togetherness as everyone sings. But Eddie's comfort is taking precedence here; he's already given Steve a ride and has begun subjecting himself to Steve's nosy congregation. Leaving early if he gets overwhelmed is the least Steve can do, really.
The teen in the Metallica shirt, Sam, holds out two prayer books when Rabbi Sara leads them to the sanctuary doors. His gaze lingers on Eddie for a few seconds more before asking, "Dude, do I know you?"
Eddie blinks and raises an eyebrow. "I don't know. Do you?"
Their gazes hold for nearly a minute before Sam's eyes widen and light with recognition. Steve is bracing himself for the worst (you know, devil worshipper, accused murderer, wannabe criminal, take your pick). Instead, Sam grins and says, "Yeah, I totally do! You're in that band, yeah? The one that plays at Hideout sometimes? Corroded Coffin. Your music is metal, man."
Eddie returns Sam's grin, throwing an arm over his shoulders and leaning in close. "You know, you're alright. Always happy to meet a fan. What's your favorite song?"
"You played that new one last Saturday. Bats, I think. It spoke to me, man."
Steve stares at Eddie, wondering how he missed the fact that Corroded Coffin started playing gigs again. A curl of something like regret or maybe hurt begins to build in his stomach, and he's almost overtaken by it when Eddie nods and says, "Oh, yeah, that one's about Stevie."
"Oohh, dude, that makes so much sense now."
"You wrote a song about me?" Steve asks, successfully regaining Eddie's attention.
Apparently, Eddie sort of forgot he was there. His relaxed posture becomes a little awkward, and he removes his arm from Sam's shoulder. He clears his throat, tugging a lock of hair in front of his mouth as he says, "Yeah. Is, uh, is that a problem?"
"No," Steve says, feeling a reassuring smile tug at his lips, "but you should play it for me sometime."
"This is all very touching," a voice says behind them, "but can you take the flirting inside the sanctuary? We still need our prayer books."
Steve jolts and looks behind them, laughing awkwardly when he sees Rivkah, a woman in her early 30s, and her partner, Tamar. "Sorry," he says, grabbing Eddie's arm and dragging him through the doors.
"Hey, Harrington," Eddie whispers, allowing himself to be pulled over to some chairs near the left corner of the sanctuary, "is everything okay? Like...are we...safe?"
It takes a moment for Steve to understand what Eddie means. Like, of course, he can't guarantee their safety. It's a synagogue. Every person here old enough to understand the world knows the risk, the potential for one person to show up and wreak utter destruction. Steve is about to say as much (and explain the temple's "worst case scenario" game plan) when he notices Eddie glancing at Rivkah and Tamar.
A light bulb practically clicks on above him, and he almost laughs at himself. He sits down and tugs Eddie into the seat next to him. "Yeah, we're safe, Eds," he promises, smiling softly when Eddie looks at him. "Rivkah and Tamar are married. I attended the ceremony. It was very nice. Tamar broke the glass."
Eddie's eyes widen slightly, and he looks around the sanctuary with renewed interest. His gaze especially lingers on the people that file in, taking in the couples and families and groups that wouldn't make much sense outside the temple's doors. Steve is content to let him look, allowing himself to relax back into the seat and wait.
After almost 15 minutes, Rabbi Sara approaches the bema and smiles at everyone. "Good evening, and Shabbat Shalom," she says, nodding along as her greeting is returned. "I'm glad to see so many familiar faces tonight. And some new ones. The week has been long for some of us, but it's now come to an end, and we have gathered to celebrate its end, another week's beginning, and being together. Now, please open your books to page 47 for the L'cha Dodi."
Steve flips open his book as Anna, the cantor and the same girl who tried to flirt with Eddie, starts playing the guitar next to Rabbi Sara. "Uh, the book is backward," Eddie whispers, leaning close to Steve.
"Hebrew is written right to left," Steve explains, taking Eddie's book and opening it to the right page. "Also, don't worry about singing along. Just try to follow. If you don't know where we are, just nudge me. I'll point you to the right spot."
Eddie nods, looking almost overwhelmed, but Rabbi Sara starts singing before Steve can reassure him verbally. Instead, he just shifts so their shoulders are pressed together, flashing a tiny smile when Eddie looks at him before joining the rest of the congregation in singing.
Steve has to point Eddie at the right line a few times, but he doesn't mind. He's memorized the prayer by now, and the book is really just for show. He pulls Eddie up with the rest of the congregation during the L'cha Dodi, turns him to the sanctuary doors, and places a hand on his back to gently nudge him into a bow. Eddie blinks through it, following along but seeming overwhelmed by the entire process. When the prayer is finished and Rabbi Sara invites them to greet each other, Steve looks at Eddie with a smile (one of the most genuine smiles he's had in weeks), holds out his hand, and says, "Shabbat Shalom, Eddie."
Eddie doesn't hesitate to take his hand, leaning in close and returning the smile. "Shabbat Shalom?" he asks, speaking slowly to test the words and let Steve approve of the pronunciation. When Steve nods, Eddie's smile grows wider, and he whispers, "Shabbat Shalom, sweetheart."
That...that's a new nickname. And Steve doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe Eddie just wanted the pseudo-alliteration, but his smile says otherwise, and Steve feels like he's frozen in place.
And then a few of the kids dash over to him, shouting, "Shabbat Shalom!" at the top of their lungs and practically fighting to shake his hand first. Steve would feel honored if he didn't know they raced to beat each other to every adult.
After greeting, they light the candles. After lighting the candles, Rabbi Sara leads them into the next prayer, the rest of the service flowing smoothly with her as their guide.
The service is (beautifully, wonderfully, incredibly, thankfully) the same as always. Prayers are sung, and Steve can practically feel them in his bones. He's never been particularly religious (his mother would say they're more culturally Jewish than anything else), but he can't deny that the sound of over 50 people, young and old and in-between, singing together is an otherworldly experience.
They are singing a language that only a few of them actually know how to speak. Steve is reading a language that he wouldn't recognize outside of the prayer book. It's disconcerting as always, but also special, because he shares in the ignorance and devotion wrapped into singing words he wouldn't understand without the book's translation on the opposite page.
The Mi Shebeirach and the Mourner's Kiddish are Steve's sign that service is almost over. And for the first time in forever, Steve doesn't speak any names when Rabbi Sara calls for them. He sinks back into his seat, an unfamiliar relief easing tension he didn't even know he had anymore. But it's true. Everyone is fine, and they've all healed, and Steve no longer has to say Max's name or Will's or Hopper's or Eddie's. He no longer has to dodge questions or call up the Rabbi and ask her to include an extra name in the service.
And this realization, the sheer relief he feels at the simple act of staying quiet when Rabbi Sara's gaze sweeps past him, is almost enough to bring him to tears. His throat gets tight, his eyes burn, and his voice almost cracks when he joins the rest of the congregation in singing for those in need of healing and those who have passed.
Eddie nudges him gently, and Steve glances at him and then at their shared armrest. Eddie's hand is lying palm-up, a silent invitation, and Steve doesn't hesitate to accept. He slips his hand into Eddie's, interlocking their fingers, and feels infinitely better when Eddie squeezes his hand gently.
"So," Steve says, refraining from getting up as others file out of the sanctuary, practically tripping over kids racing to reach the oneg brownies first, "did you...like it?"
Eddie is silent for a few minutes, staring down at their hands. Steve almost pulls away, an apology ready on his tongue, when Eddie squeezes his hand tighter. "Yeah. It was...different. But good. I...there was more singing than I expected."
Steve grins, glancing up to see the sanctuary has mostly cleared, and stands. He pulls Eddie up with him. "Yeah, we sing most of our prayers. It's nice."
"It is," Eddie agrees, still looking a little lost for words.
Steve doesn't push. Instead, he pulls, leading Eddie out of the sanctuary. He gives their prayer books to Sam, grabs two tiny, sample-sized cups of Manischewitz wine, and gives one to Eddie. "Don't drink it yet," he says, nodding to where Rabbi Sara has her own cup and is waiting for the rest to be passed around.
Once everyone is ready, she blesses the wine, blesses the challah, and invites them all to drink and eat. Steve braces himself before knocking the wine back, the strong, warm grape flavor coating his tongue, vaguely reminiscent of cough medicine. He sees the same grimace on Eddie's face. "This is shit wine," Eddie whispers, his nose still scrunched as he tosses the cup into the trashcan like he can't get rid of it fast enough.
"Yeah. It's specifically for services," Steve says, "it's not supposed to be good."
"Right," Eddie mumbles, glancing at the oneg table, his eyes lingering on the desserts laid out. "Do you wanna stick around? You know, talk to people?"
Usually, Steve would. He likes catching up with the kids and teens, likes ganging up on them when their parents come around and playfully scold them, and he likes hearing the most recent temple gossip. But as he looks at Eddie, feels their hands still tightly holding onto each other, Steve finds he doesn't mind leaving early.
So, he leans in closer to Eddie and grins at him. "Or," he whispers, "we could steal an extra pack of brownies from the kitchen, sneak out the back, and eat them on the drive home."
Eddie returns the grin, amusement and eagerness practically dancing in his eyes, and says, "You read my mind, sweetheart."
Later, when Eddie pulls into Steve's driveway after an hour-long ride spent eating brownies, explaining different prayers, and telling him about old temple gossip, a different kind of tension will start to fester between them. Steve will delay getting out of the car, Eddie won't comment on it, and they'll slowly gravitate toward each other.
And they'll kiss. It will be awkward and taste like chocolate and end far too quickly, but it will be perfect.
Steve will pull away, a faint blush rising and his heart racing faster than it ever did with Nancy, and shyly offer to let Eddie spend the night. And Eddie will accept and spend the night and ask to attend Shabbat with Steve again and...
And so much more.
But for now, while he has no clue of the future that's about to start after an hour's drive, Steve glances around the crowded hall and pulls Eddie toward the kitchen.
After all, they've got brownies to steal.
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
TLC (2)
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Mishka: I'm sorry.
Nikolai: For what? You haven't done anything wrong.
Mishka: I was trying so hard.
Nikolai: To do what?
Mishka: To... to be brave. To be strong for you and Sasha, and to take care of everything around here while you're working. I don't want to be clingy and needy and... and a whole mess that you have to deal with.
Nikolai: You know I don't see you that way.
Mishka: It's how I feel.
Nikolai: I love you, Mikhail. No matter what, I will never see you as a burden or a mess that I have to deal with. I need you to understand that, okay? When I promised in front of all our family and friends that I'd take care of you, I meant that. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, remember?
Mishka: Yeah.
Nikolai: You don't need to hide stuff to try and prove how brave and strong you are. It doesn't matter if we're talking about your mental illness or just a summer cold, or anything. If you're not feeling good for whatever reason, I want to know so I can help you.
Mishka: Okay.
Nikolai: So, do you think you can tell me what you need?
Mishka: *tearful* I just... I need you to not be mad. Please.
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Nikolai: Sweetheart, don't cry. I'm not mad. It's not your fault, and I'm not upset about it. Things like this happen.
Mishka: But it's happening at the worst time.
Nikolai: No, it isn't. It's not like I'm getting the kids ready for a competition or I need to travel or something. I'm here, and I'll take care of you. Everything'll be fine, I promise.
Mishka: What about the ice show? You have to get ready for that.
Nikolai: I think they can get along without me for one day so I can stay home with my husband. We'll have a nice quiet day, just the two of us, and if you're not feeling better after tomorrow, we'll figure out a new plan.
Mishka: Do we really have to send Sasha to stay with your parents?
Nikolai: We don't have to, but I think that'd be best, don't you? If you are coming down with a cold or the flu, we don't want him to catch it.
Mishka: He's never been away from us overnight before. What if he gets scared? What if... what if he thinks we're leaving him there forever and he'll never see us again?
Nikolai: Look at me for a second. Do you really believe Sasha is going to be worried about that, or is it something you'd worry about?
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Mishka: *weeping* I'm sorry.
Nikolai: Shh... It's all right. I've got you.
Mishka: I don't want to leave him. I remember how scary that was for me, and how I'd scream when Mama left the house because I thought she was never coming back, like my biological mother did. I... I remember I couldn't stop crying, and I'd always feel sick after.
Nikolai: How far back can you remember that happening?
Mishka: I don't know. Forever. All I know is that I can't do that to Sasha. Please, Kolya? Can't we just keep him here with us? I know I won't be able to cuddle him and kiss him like I usually do, but I want him to know I'm still with him because... because... *crying*
Nikolai: *softly* Deep breaths, sweetheart.
Mishka: *gasping*
Nikolai: Slowly, Mishka. Breathe slowly. You can do it. Just like we practiced. We’re not going to panic. We’re going to…
Mishka: Find our inner calm.
Nikolai: Good. You’re doing good. Keep breathing like that.
Mishka: Don’t let go.
Nikolai: I won't. Not until you tell me you're ready.
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Nikolai: Better?
Mishka: A little. You probably think I'm ridiculous.
Nikolai: No, I don't. I think you're scared, and knowing what I know about you, that seems like a pretty logical reaction. But, you know what else I know?
Mishka: What?
Nikolai: I know that despite what you think, you are brave and strong. You've been through a lot, and you've survived all of it, and you never let it take away the best parts of who you are. You should be proud of that.
Mishka: I'm trying, but it's hard.
Nikolai: You'll get there. Some day, you'll see yourself the way I see you. You'll trust yourself and you won't be as scared any more.
Mishka: What am I supposed to do until then?
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Nikolai: Take baby steps. Make one little bit of progress at a time, just like you've been doing all along.
Mishka: But, how?
Nikolai: You know how. Push your boundaries a tiny bit at a time. I've seen you do that so many times already, so I know you can.
Mishka: This feels bigger than a baby step.
Nikolai: Maybe, but it's okay to take a bigger step once in a while. What do I always tell you?
Mishka: Taking risks is one of the ways we succeed?
Nikolai: Right. You know, you've taken some super huge steps this year. I don't think you even realize how much progress you've made.
Mishka: Do you think so?
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Nikolai: This time last year, you wouldn't even leave the house without me. Now you're going grocery shopping by yourself, and going to your English class and volunteering and taking Sasha to his baby socialization group. You're trying new things and making friends. That's a lot.
Mishka: But I'm still scared. I still worry about... everything.
Nikolai: That's not stopping you from doing things now, though, is it?
Mishka: Not all the time, but... I don't know. I feel like it might stop me from being away from Sasha. I trust your parents, but it's still terrifying, wondering whether he'll understand that it's just for tonight and tomorrow.
Nikolai: Tell me something. When I leave the house, do you ever think I'm not coming back?
Mishka: No.
Nikolai: Why not?
Mishka: Because I know you love me and you'd never leave me, and I trust you.
Nikolai: Do you think Sasha knows you love him?
Mishka: Yes. I tell him every day.
Nikolai: And do you think he trusts you?
Mishka: *nodding*
Nikolai: Then, don't you think he knows you'd never leave him? He can be with his grandma and grandpa without you, just like you're here at home during the day without me, and he'll be waiting for you to come back just like you wait for me.
Mishka: Do you really think he'd be better off with your parents overnight?
Nikolai: I do, but I'll leave the decision up to you. I want you to have a chance to rest and to let me take care of you without either of us having to be concerned about how we're going to manage looking after the baby too, but if you'd rather keep him here, then I'm willing to do my best for both of you.
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Mishka: If we let your mother take him, do you think she'd mind if I called her on FaceTime a few times? You know... just so I could see him.
Nikolai: You can ask her, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind that at all. If you're feeling up to it, you could even talk to him and sing the song you always sing to him when you put him down for his naps.
Mishka: She'd know everything she's supposed to do for him, right?
Nikolai: Well, if Natascha and I making it past our childhood is any indication, I'd say yes.
Mishka: All right. I think... I think I'm okay with him going there.
Nikolai: Okay, if you're sure.
Mishka: Call her before I change my mind, please, and can you get me a pencil and some paper so I can make her a list of things to do? Just in case.
Nikolai: I can do that. I'm going to get you a bottle of water and some fever reducers too. You're really hot, and not in a good way.
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Mishka: Can you open a window?
Nikolai: It's raining, but I think that'll still be fine.
Mishka: Thanks.
Nikolai: Try to rest. I'm going to call my mother, and then I'll be right back.
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isca-tide · 2 months
chenford prompts/ideas
I hope it's okay to just throw prompts out like this. I'm still very new to this fandom but very invested in Chenford (being caught up with a show is the worst, why do I fall in love with these types of ships until I know how it ends?), so much so I dusted out an old tumblr account and posted a ramble on ao3. I'm down bad for these clueless fictional idiots. * What if Armstrong didn't take Caleb's deal in 2x11? As in, he arrests Caleb instead of going with him. It wouldn't change them finding Lucy, I don't think, but could give some very nice (and by that I mean angsty af) interactions between Caleb and the others. Namely Tim, of course. * Tim is the one who goes to the prison with Nolan, so he's the one who goes with Nolan to the house to confront Caleb. Does Caleb still die in the same way? Does he live? Does Tim have to sit and watch the video feed for those agonising seconds while he waits for the rest of the team to touch down, after realising Lucy isn't in the barrel in the house? * What if Tim didn't give Lucy the 'Bradford special' back in 1x09, and she still gets shot? Any excuse for feral/protective Tim, especially since he'd be even more feral after Isabel's shooting. * What if, to help Jackson, Lucy offers to switch places and become's Stanton's rookie for that last month. What's the worst that could happen? * Lucy is exposed in 1x20 instead of Tim. * Lucy has serious thoughts about breaking the door down in 1x20 when Tim is attacked * Both Tim and Lucy are exposed in 1x20 and have to quarantine together * Not so much Chenford, though obviously Chenford, but just people supporting Lucy after Jackson's death. Give Lucy all the hugs please. * One of those 5 times fics but revolving around Lucy's moonstone ring. * Lucy gets greenlit instead of Nolan * Tim helping Lucy to wash her hair after she'd been injured in some way. Not sexual, not necessarily platonic, just helping. Either as friends or established lovers, post break-up or pre. Even a fully clothed over the basin 'don't expect me to dry it too, Boot' because he felt guilty. I just love a good bit of non-sexual TLC sometimes. * Honestly, same as above but with Jackson. So definitely platonic but just something sweet and soft. Lucy needs TLC, okay? I have feelings about this. * Overprotective (not necessarily 'I have feelings for her' but, ya know, we love a clueless Tim) Tim looking out for Lucy (in that weird way of his) with some of the more asshole officers/civilians they meet through her training/time as P2. Especially if she pisses off an asshole cop (akin to Stanton. If not Stanton. We hate Stanton) for some mundane reason, and Tim has to have her back when it escalates. * Lucy accidentally pisses off a very high ranking criminal. Cue everyone protecting Lucy even though she doesn't need protecting. * Tim and Lucy chat after the Stanton confrontation. * Lucy's ill or mildly injured but pushes through/stays in work. Tim keeps pushing her and she makes a mistake and/or gets hurt. Angela, Bishop, Harper, or Grey talk with him, and make him realise he has to know when to stop pushing sometimes. * Lucy's had a particularly bad day with some shitty criminals/civilians/officers. Tim thinks he gets it but he can't, not really, so his brand of tough love isn't working as he wants it to. Lopez/Harper/Bishop and/or even Lucy try to get him to understand he'll never understand what it's like to be a woman (and one of colour) on patrol. * Lopez/Harper/Bishop etc take Lucy out after said bad day. Tim can be there with Nolan if he wants. Jackson too. Jackson gets it more but everyone needs to hear how difficult it can be. Mainly ladies supporting ladies. * And if anyone wants to take a proper shot at the long-form disjointed ramble fic I did, or take ideas from it, please do. Basically post-break up, Lucy's in a bad place and Tim goes to comfort her and I have a lot of feelings about Jackson being gone and Lucy not having the support network she should with Tim and Tamara leaving her - ao3 ramble here
That should be it for now, at least while I keep working through episodes properly (also, ugh, watching these early episodes with Nolan/Lucy stuff is just...ick after binging all the Chenford stuff first ^_^). Thank you to anyone who takes these, you're a very talented fandom with some gorgeous writers! I'm working my way through Chenford fics on ao3, but if any of these have been done before please spread the love and share some links/reccs <3
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batmanschmatman · 7 months
8, 25, 51 for an OTP of your choice from the OTP ask game?
tsym for the ask! gonna do winnix bc I always have them on the brain.
eight: what happens if one of them gets sick?
I feel like Nix is usually a little bit of a baby about being sick, just like being grumpy and reluctant to do anything beyond being burrowed in blankets and trying to sleep it off. Not full on whiny, impossible to be around, but tired and grouchy about being sick and happy to be looked after. Dick keeps him well hydrated and lets him curl up on him and doze while Dick reads and pets his hair. It's very much Dick doesn't mind looking after him and does it without being asked, and Nix is happy to soak up all the tlc and take it easy until he feels better.
Dick is one of those guys who pretends he's fine until he feels like absolute shit and has a hard time submitting to people taking care of him. This is sometimes tough bc Nix likes to take care of him and Dick doesn't want to be a huge bitch to him, so there are times when he might want to be like go away >:C but then remembers he's being stupid and immature and Nix loves him so much and it's okay to let someone bring him soup and painkillers.
Nix is a patient good sport about it bc he's used to Dick being reluctant to be looked after and he knows he's really just grouchy to be feeling lousy and not mad at him.
(side note: wrote a fic about this exact situation as a pinch hit for heavy artillery's exchange last december for my wife which you can find here, although it's locked to registered users only.)
twenty five: Do they have any hobbies they share?
At first glance, not really besides basic stuff like they enjoy reading or watching a movie and both were very smart good students (or you know, Nix would've been a better student if he hadn't been capable of coasting vs. working super hard at it), but I think especially post war they definitely get some hobbies in common. Namely I think Nix gets Dick on the travel train because Dick is adventurous and curious about other places, but didn't have a lot of opportunity to explore that before the war, and then they both take care of the gardens at both their place in NJ and the house in PA. Historical!Nix apparently got very into fancy French cooking post war so Jess and I have adopted that for our post-war headcanon for BOB!Nix, so he'd start getting opinions about an herb garden and fresh vegetables and help Dick out or do stuff himself. Dick also is Nix's sous chef/prep cook/clean up crew, or will just keep him company in the kitchen and catch each other up on their days while Nix makes some fancy dinner.
But honestly in general I think they both love the other person so much that even hobbies they're not as into kind of become their hobbies anyway bc they like keeping each other company, lol.
fifty one: what’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
So obviously they excel at this. I think the biggest thing is always like, just how much they're in tune to the other's emotional state and physical/emotional needs. Nix in particular is very good at finding little gifts to offer Dick to help cheer him up or look after him, and I very much think it's a thing of like post war at home he'll bring him a cup of coffee when he gets home from work or picks up a new pair of his favorite slippers when the old ones are getting ratty but Dick would insist they don't need to replace them yet.
Also Dick's just like, steady constant presence in Nix's life, which I think is a huge deal for Sad Little Rich Boy. Dick's seen him at his worst but is still here and won't abandon him, and again especially post-war it's very we're in this together so we face it together, how can I help? And Nix is still a little shocked that Dick hasn't decided to hell with this, bye, every time it happens but obviously he's not going anywhere because he loves him. c:
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xxmoodslimexx · 2 years
how about one that's like the one you did a little while back where the s.o. is possessed and the boys are saving them BUT its the other way around? kinda angsty? But only if you want to do this? Btw I LOVE your blog, everything you write is awesome
((Thank you!))
S/O and their possessed Ghostbuster
- Peter -
• TRG shows us Pete’s pretty capable of fighting back against a possession. Not completely, but still. No evil spirit could make him hurt you.
• This might make it more stressful though. You’ve never seen him look so terrified and distressed, especially when he’s giving strangled half-demon-half-Peter calls for you to get the hell out of there.
• Of course I imagine you won’t listen to him. 
• Recovers seemingly pretty fast but you know him better than most. For a couple of days after the event he’s a lot quieter and maybe a little self conscious. It’s nothing a little TLC can’t fix though.
- Egon - 
• Maybe this is a hot take but I think Egon would be pretty susceptible to possession if he was caught off-guard and maybe wouldn’t be the best at fighting one off since he has a freeze response to fear.
• Which of course means Hell on Earth for you. The thing has Egon’s eyes and almost has Egon’s smile, but you know that he’d never look at you the wicked way this thing is - and the smile is way, way too wide.
• All this to say that unfortunately you’re gonna have the roughest time and are most likely to come out with a bump or two. Believe me, your guy’s gonna hate himself for it. He hates the idea of not being in control of his own mind and hates the thought of you in harms way even more.
• Immediately after becoming lucid his wild eyes find yours to see that you're okay. He swears up and down that he’s going to look into better preventative measures and reverse as much of the damage he caused as possible - All before allowing anyone to check if he’s alright.. And he follows through on that and isolates himself for a while, ashamed of what he might have done.
- Ray -
• We’ve all seen Ghostbusters 2. Poor Ray is very susceptible to possession, although once you come into his life he’d be much more careful.
• Don’t fret though! He’s (mostly) harmless.. At least, it’s pretty easy to get him to snap out of it. Mood slime or a hard knock to the head will do just fine.. Though no one’s in a hurry to do the latter.
• Terrifyingly he's actually more of a danger to himself than others. It's like the spirit knows just how much everyone on the team cares for him and likes seeing them worry.. Or maybe Ray's desire to not hurt you guys is just stronger than his self preservation.
• He's so grateful to you guys for saving him. He starts a stream of apologies before he even knows what he did and makes sure to try to recall it all in great detail so he and Egon can run experiments and stop it from happening again.
• You get your own private, much softer apology later. He hopes you know that he didn't mean a single word he said and he'd never in a million years want to hurt you.
- Winston -
• Now that I think about it, how are three out of four Ghostbusters so possession prone?
• Winston's pretty strong of mind though. The spirit will spend more time fighting him than fighting you guys.. Though its no less scary to witness.
• He's also the strongest physically so pray it doesn't come down to a fight. Any moment Winston has in control of his mind will be spent telling you to get the Hell out of there.
• He'll try to blow it off afterwards and claim it was a piece of cake and he's just glad you didn't get caught in the crossfire. He needs to be strong for you.. But you catch him really staring at himself in the mirror once or twice like he's having a hard time recognising himself.
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thesquishysquash · 2 years
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Summery - Casey Jones jr headcanons !
Warnings - idk--
Genre - Fluff
Rating - sfw
A/n - I was thinking of which one to do, and it came to me that I haven't even done Casey jr yet. So why not start now? I will put x reader in this. Reader will be not gender specific. Things will not in order! [Bc I'm lazy.. :P]
Sleep schedule ! [With reader]
Casey gives off sleep deprived-ness.
What I mean is he gets so worried about things and everyone to the point he stays up because of it.
Another way to get him to sleep is ethier cuddling with him, or messaging him.
Definitely loves hearing you sing him to bed, teen or not.
He likes to be told everything's gunna be okay.
Casey will probably act all "I refuse to sleep!" Till' he gets really tired
Has a secret collection of pillow squishes!
Dates ! [With reader]
Will try one-liners with you [got it from leo].
Get's lost in your eyes and you would have to break him out of it.
Lady and the tramp style.
Gets really nervous when you hold his hand randomly.
Plus, mikey and leo would be absorbing from a distance.
Cheesy jokes just to see you smile !
Have a lovestruck look when you two separate after a date.
Kisses ! [With reader]
Casey gives forehead, hand, cheek, and shoulder kisses.
At first, he was a mess about the first kiss. But you slowly got him used to it, and now he gives you kisses all the time.
First kiss was on the cheek, both equally as flustered and embarrassed.
Friends to lovers
Cuddles ! [With reader]
Casey acts tough a lot to try and impress you, he doesn't ask for cuddles, he takes 'em.
But when he does ask, ethier his upset about something or mad and needs some tlc [tender, love, care]
He likes to think his protecting you
If his too upset to ask, he'll lay his head on your shoulder lovingly
Fears. . . [With reader]
His insomnia HATES him.
Would lay next to you to try and comfort himself if your asleep and doesn't want to wake you.
And if you are awake when he is, you two just lay next to one other and talk.
Sometimes he cries to you, and sometimes he has a sad look.
Casey doesn't want to bather you with his problems because you all have a lot on your plate.
Casey sits on his side of the bed and just over thinks about his life.
Casey really appreciates you caring so much for him, but wishes you didn't.
"Huh? Did I wake you..? I'm sorry! I just- couldn't sleep.. you know?"
First interaction ! [With reader]
It was an accident, really.
Casey was supposed to be potrol but got side tracked.
You were a survivor of the new york city attack.
Casey thought he was gunna stop you, but you attacked first. You were frightened by Casey at first, scared he was a kraang.
Your dagger at his throat.
Casey was shocked just as much as you were !
Once you realized Casey wasn't an enemy, you retreated.
Ofc, Casey called out to you to stop, you only looked back for a short second then disappeared behind rubel.
Casey was so captivated by you, he couldn't think straight.
You two soon met again, this time it was opurpose.
"I'm Casey Jones! What's your name?" "Y/n, that's a nice name. Casey..."
Casey introduced you to his family, you were extremely nervous about it.
But, you warmed up to them.
Leo often teased Casey about you.
You and Casey grew together as best friends !
Realizing these feelings ! [With reader]
Casey noticed these feelings towards you rather quickly.
The sweaty hands, the urge to impress you, and protect you at all costs.
Casey went to leonardo for some help, then mikey, and finally to April and donnie.
They all told him to was natural and just to accept it.
Feelings? For you best friend? Pff! Whatever!
Casey would push the feels deep down.
Still would be a blushing mess when your around.
Confessing ! [With reader]
It came out on it's own
Leo, yet again kelp asking Casey when he was gunna tell you his feelings.
Casey says another time, and leo knew Casey wouldn't have the strength to tell you.
You heard them talking and decided to eavesdrop
"No! I'm not gunna tell y/n I like them! I don't want that rejection.."
Your face was burning up with embarrassment, you weren't hiding that good and leo saw you.
"Uh-huh, yeah, I think they know." Casey turns and sees you standing there with red face. He knew you heard what he had said.
Casey tried to apologize, but you told not to apologize for something like that and hugged him.
Casey always will be nervous around you, no matter how much time you two spent together.
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quill-pen · 1 year
Modern AU Scroogeverse: Starbucks orders
@rom-e-o and I joked around about it a little this morning, so I thought it might be fun to do.
Disclaimer: I, personally, am not a coffee drinker at all. I hate everything about coffee--the smell, the taste, the noise the coffee maker makes as it brews. And I never have dealings with Starbucks because I think they're a little overhyped and expensive.
Note: Americanized Bess has absolutely influenced these people's taste on things like iced and cold beverages. As she should. Cold drinks are lifeblood.
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Ebenezer: First off, nobody makes coffee like his beloved Bess (she does it the old-fashioned way on the stove and adds just the right amount of heavy cream and cinnamon) so that's usually where Eb gets his coffee (she'll pour it in a thermos and send it out the door with him). But on the occasions Bess' coffee is unavailable for various reasons, Starbucks is an easy stop on the way to work. His drink of choice: the dark roast, tall, cinnamon powder, heavy cream, and two pumps of cinnamon syrup (if it's the holidays, he'll add a pump of the peppermint) to make up for the lack of Bess' TLC. It's good, but still not as good as Bess'; every sip of her coffee is like her love in liquid form and you bloody hell can't beat that. If he's had several late nights at the office, Ebenezer will also add a few shots of the signature espresso. If he has to attend a morning business meeting he's been dreading, the man has also been known to fill a flask with a little "feel-good" juice and spike his drink just enough to get through the meeting. He doesn't get anything else from Starbucks. He might try something Bess gets, but, as stated before, Starbucks is merely a handy substitute: He's not about to take time to explore their menu. Note: They never get his name right. Ebenezer is now simply known as 'Ed' at the local Starbucks.
Bess: For warm weather: a grande iced dark chocolate mocha with heavy cream and light ice. The number of espresso shots depends on how busy work has been. For cold weather: a tall caffè mocha, with warm heavy cream, light foam, and six mocha pumps. Again the number of espresso shots depends on work. If she's in the mood for something particularly sweet, Bess will usually go for one of their chocolate chocolatey frappucinos. She doesn't have a particular favorite--she likes them all--but always gets them in grande. Note: You think they'd be able to get Bess, easy enough, but no; she's been called "Bed", "Bless", "Beth", "Bet", "Bast", and "Bath". These people aren't even trying, are they?
Bob: Doesn't go to Starbucks--it's not on his way to work and it's too expensive (he's got lots of kids to take care of, even if now being partners with Mr. Scrooge makes life so much easier and comfy). He stops in at a local mom-and-pop place called 'The Grinds' and gets a large, cowboy coffee with a little milk and sugar. (He's also sweet-talked the barista into adding some espresso shots. The man has like a dozen kids, okay?! He needs it to get through the day!)
Ethel: Unlike Bob, will occasionally patronize Starbucks--mostly when she is out with the other girls. Because this is only an occasional thing, Ethel likes to treat herself (she deserves it!): a venti strawberry crème frappuccino with vanilla sweet cream, extra whipped cream, five syrup pumps, two espresso shots, toasted vanilla syrup, cookie crumble topping, mocha sauce, and extra strawberry puree. Leave her alone--she's affording herself a rare treat--it's fine. Note: Don't always get her name right either, but they get it right more often than with Bess.
Harry: Does not have a favorite. Man gets something different every time he goes and has liked everything equally. He does have a particular fondness for their frozen fruit beverages though, but only in summer. When the weather gets cold, he'll go for their hot apple drinks. The only customization he insists upon is extra cinnamon or peppermint during the holiday season. After all, he loves Christmas--it's his favorite time of year! He always gets the largest option. Note: Yes, his name always gets spelled right, usually accompanied by little Harry Potter flourishes. He finds them so charming and tries to keep them all. Hela eventually throws them out when he's clearly forgotten about them--usually after a week.
Hela: Usually goes for their teas. It's a toss-up between a short honey citrus mint with light lemonade and an extra pump of honey or a short, regular matcha tea latte. Note: Only gets her name spelled right if she's served by a fan of Marvel.
Tom: He is a very simple man. In the cold, he beelines for their hot chocolate: grande, steamed whole milk, doubled mocha pumps with extra whipped cream, and extra caramel drizzle with caramel sauce lining the cup. In the heat, it's a regular mango dragonfruit lemonade with extra ice. Note: Once got named "Dom" at Starbucks. The barista winked at him as she passed him his drink. Addie was with him and did not appreciate it; she absolutely took a cue from her cousin and groped his ass on the way out. The ride home was very long after that, but the events that played out at home were a blast.
Addie: In the cold, she loves the white hot chocolate. She'll usually get a tall with oat milk, extra foam brown sugar syrup with a mocha cause lining, and chocolate mint cookie sprinkles with light whipped cream. In the heat, her go-to is a grande iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso with salted caramel foam, mocha drizzle, whipped cream, and caramel crunch topping. Note: Often gets called "Abbie", but one time, somehow, she got called "Baddie". She rode that high for a week.
Ernie: Isn't really a coffee man, so he mostly sticks to the teas. He goes for the classic Earl Grey with a little lemonade, honey, and a pinch of cinnamon. If he's looking for something cooler, he just goes for the lemonade. Nothing very complicated. Note: Absolutely gets "Bert" added in with his name like 80% of the time. The joke is getting old now, folks.
Ella: Honestly, she doesn't do Starbucks. She had one drink once--a huge chocolate java mint frap, loaded up with all the best goodies. It was so good. But the stomach flu was going through the Cratchit household at the time and she got hit with it right after she had that heavenly delight and... yeah. Ruined the entire chain for her. Just the mention of Starbucks makes her stomach roll. Ernie doesn't drink Starbucks around her and does his best to shield the very logo from her view.
Granny: Simple and surprising--a doppio of espresso macchiato. regular except for eight shots of espresso instead of the standard two. She's in her 80s and surrounded by young folks, okay? How else do you expect her to keep up with them all?
Josie: Doesn't do Starbucks either. She thinks it's overrated and too trendy, and will go out of her way to find small, independent establishments to patronize. She enjoys hazelnut lattes with a little touch of cinnamon and mocha sauce. Will always ask the barista to make the most unique design they can with the cream and asks if she can watch.
Mickey: Just like his love, he doesn't do Starbucks. For one he could never afford it; for two, he tried some once and he didn't find it all that great. Certainly wasn't worth the hype everyone seemed to have about it. He chooses to support the independent coffee houses as well, often taking Josie out on dates to them. He likes the cowboy coffee with only a little milk; he enjoys the rusticness and simplicity of it. Josie isn't a fan of the flavor but she loves the smell of it on Mickey's breath afterward and she doesn't mind the taste coming off his tongue and lips when he kisses her either.
Jules: He can't drink coffee as it makes him sick, but he enjoys the iced teas. His favorite is a blended grande black tea lemonade with some apple juice and strawberries. And definitely extra ice. Always extra ice. In the winter, he gets a regular caramel apple spice. Note: Often gets his name spelled as "Jewels". Once he had an older barista that was a big fan of Jules Verne though, and he got that written on his cup--that was fun.
Martha: The chocolate java mint frap, tall, with coconut milk, double-blended with frap chips, hazelnut syrup, two extra pumps of the mint sauce, mocha sauce lining, toasted cookie crumble, light cinnamon powder, and whipped cream--that's this girl's game. She only needs to have one once in a while, as it's so very rich. Note: Once got called "Martyr". So... that was different.
Kathy: Girl is a fiend for the espresso shots! That's what happens when you're studying to be an L&D nurse, I suppose. She gets a quad of the blonde roast loads it up on six shots and hammers it. But after she's had a couple of those, she'll get a short, dark chocolate mocha with heavy cream and honey to sip on. Note: Has been called "Catty" more than once. She does not appreciate it.
Millie: VENTI. PUMPKIN. SPICE. LATTES. With extra cream and cinnamon and caramel sauce lining. She lives for this stuff and literally has an emotional breakdown whenever it goes out of season. After that, she falls back on the vanilla bean crème frap, venti size, with almond milk, extra whipped cream, frap chips, macadamia syrup, caramel lining, white chocolate mint sauce, honey blend, cinnamon, mocha drizzle, and caramel crunch topping. And, ya know what? It's still nowhere near as good as the pumpkin spice. Why don't they just sell it all year?! It would be their number-one seller! They could just start a whole other Starbucks offshoot just for the pumpkin spice and rake in the money! Note: Absolutely tells the barista how to spell her name and double-checks to make sure they got it right.
Gil: Decaf roast, tall, black--plain, simple, easy. He likes the bitterness; reminds him of the earth and nature. If he's craving a little sweetness, he might add some honey. Note: Usually gets called "Dill". Does not complain--he gets his coffee either way. And he kinda like the name "Dill" actually.
Tim: He's not allowed to drink coffee, as he gets way too hyper. But he does like their frozen fruit drinks. The pineapple passion fruit is his favorite; he always gets extra pineapple in it. He gets the largest size and sticks it in the freezer whenever he's had enough to snack on for a few days. The stuff tastes even better when it's frozen enough to eat like ice cream! Note: Tim is so cute, most of the time the baristas don't even hear him say his name because they're so focused on his cherubic smile or sparkling blue eyes, so they just write "Angel boy" on the cup. Tim just blushes and beams.
Beryl: She doesn't like coffee, but she is also a serious businesswoman, and serious businesswomen drink coffee. Beryl gets the espresso con panna in the smallest size with extra whipped cream and three espresso shots. The whipped cream is the only way she can stand the taste of the stuff. Sometimes she needs a little mocha drizzle to get it down too, even while she's holding her nose and trying to swallow it down without letting it touch her tongue. Ebenezer has pointed out to her time and again that it's okay if she doesn't like coffee--she can drink something else if she wants to--but Beryl refuses. "Businesswomen drink coffee! It's a staple!" And no one is going to convince her otherwise. Note: Never gets her name spelled right, so she has taken to telling them at her name is "Bear". That always gets spelled right and she gets comments on how "cool her name is". Beryl might be considering changing her name to "Bear".
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I couldn't help myself but imagine a scenario were milk cookie, purple yam and y/n, were fighting either cake monsters (or whatever mobs) and it had gotten to the point we're they made it out okay (maybe some bruises and scratches) but they barely made it and we're beyond exhausted, to the point we're milk cookie fainted from exhaustion. And imagine y/n taking care of milk cookie, bandaging his wounds and giving him lots of tlc, while purple yams helps with the camp and getting food, milk cookie starts to feel like conflicted because he feels like he failed to protect them and he feel some sort of guilt, he doesn't show it but y/n kind of can tell that he feels guilty. But y/n reassures him that he did protect them, that they're fine thanks to him and that they were more worried about him. And then they give him a kiss on a bruise on his arm and say something like "You already have help, protected and cared for so many cookies, including me, now please let me be the one who cares for you now"
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! 🥺🥺🥺
This scenario, 100%, needs to be a thing.
We're both on the same page that Milk Cookie puts a lot of responsibilities on himself, and he feels really disappointed in himself or ashamed when he doesn't manage to fulfil those responsibilities.
I kinda wish more people acknowledged that, while Milk Cookie would always go out if his way to help someone (if he notices they need help, because I think he's probably a little bit oblivious sometimes), not everyone would do the same for him. And that's genuinely sad.
So for the love of whatever you want, yes, there needs to be a time in this man's life when someone will be there to give him the care he deserves when he'll need it the most.
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yeyinde · 2 years
some darker (canon-compliant) Jason Voorhees headcanons
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i adore soft, sweet jason because i truly believe that at his core, this is who he would be with enough tlc and compassion. but!! one thing i rarely see discussed is the Jason we have in canon - driven by revenge, territorial, and broken, and it's such a shame because i love the idea of weathering the storm and chipping away at his walls built up from isolation until the soft, gooey centre is revealed. it makes the payoff so much sweeter, imo.
Jason is an angry, vengeful, territorial misanthrope, and this is the same depending on which version you prefer: human, revenant, zombie (and no one does it better than Hodder or Mears), so just ~imagine~ the possibilities of that
it would take some time for him to warm up to you, and trust you, but once he does, well:
Jason would be super territorial over you; anyone who comes near you (and the camp) is definitely dying - no questions asked, and certainly no mercy
he's possessive; he won't let you leave the camp, but he'll provide for you, stealing whatever you need from the lodges around
but that's okay - you have no plans on leaving, anyway
he lashes out sometimes - throwing things, destroying stuff in anger; he's a deeply troubled individual who spent his developmental years isolated, and the rest driven by revenge and anger after witnessing his mum die
(Ginny said it best with: he probably didn't even know what death was until that time)
healing takes time, and Jason isn't used to being around people at all (unless they're dying by his hand) - so it'll take a while for him to adjust to you near him, and being in his space
he, of course, would never hurt you - not intentionally, anyway
Jason is touch-starved, but he won't let you touch him for a while; no one has in a long time - it's foreign to him now (especially to Zombie and Revenant Jason)
he won't trust easily, and he'll think any attempts you make to reach out are you trying to hurt him or escape - but once you warm him to the idea, and let him get used to the soft, gentleness you show him, he'll be incorrigible:
expect lots of cuddles, lots of touching once you open this door
he'll be your permanent shadow, your protector - you go nowhere that he doesn't, and he'll only leave you when he needs stuff for you, or someone is in his territory
Jason as a human would be a lot more emotional (quicker to anger, quicker to become fearful if you try to leave, more expressive with his wants); he's needy (they all are, but human Jason has his - warped - humanity still) and clingy to an almost childlike degree when it comes to physical affection, but make no mistake - nothing about Jason is childlike; he's a survivalist who's lived in the woods on his own - hunting and foraging for his food and weathering the intensely bitter winter in a shack (or in the mines) with no heating
Jason could almost be considered feral, having lived without human contact since he was eleven
Zombie and Revenant Jason would be a little colder, a little more distant (but they would also warm to you quicker in the sense that they'll be ultra possessive and territorial over you right away)
there is no escape when they have you in their sights: you can't outrun them, you can't hide from them, and you can't kill them - and they know this
(out of all of them, Revenant Jason likes the thrill of hunting you down when you do try to escape; you'll never reach the end of Higgins Haven, but he rather enjoys the chase)
(on a softer note, you make Zombie and Revenant Jason feel human again; he hasn't cared about his appearance since he was a feral child, but you make him shy away when you reach for his mask, as if he's afraid to show you what remains underneath after everything he'd been through over his many rebirths and deaths)
They're also a lot more brutal compared to Human!Jason
They won't be gentle with you at first:
Revenant Jason doesn't know his strength yet, so expect bruises when he does touch you, though he doesn't mean to hurt you, he just hasn't gotten used to the whole "resurrection from the dead" thing yet
Zombie Jason is the harshest with little of his humanity left; he's driven by basic instinct and needs - and once you become one of those needs, well. you won't be leaving his side. ever.
Sex is taboo, but only because Jason doesn't understand it - he grew up puritan so sex = marriage, and sex also = death; baby steps are the best practice with anything sexual but once he opens up, he'll be instatiable
(Human Jason loves the closeness, the intimacy - he's still a little in awe/conflict over the experience so give him time before you advance to anything more; Revenant Jason has never felt more human then those moments, but go easy on him - he doesn't really know his strength yet; and Zombie Jason particularly likes the sounds you make, the way you are so tiny in his massive hands, so pliant, and is arguably the most instatiable of them all - he wants you, always)
Jason particularly likes that it's all for him, no one else can ever see you like this - he'll make sure of it
If you try to leave Human, Zombie, or Revenant Jason - well: he'll go all the way to Manhattan (or Ohio) to find you
He'll drag you home, kicking and screaming, to the camp where you belong
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
… ╰──╮ 𝕕𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙╭──╯ …
AKA- 𝕘𝕒𝕪 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 [pre-fame- throuples’ early days]
🍷Damiano × Ethan × reader[original 4 chapters]
NSFW🚨 cos swears
° Damiano David & Ethan Torchio & female reader insert [throuple style]
° Ethan has a bit too much to drink at a birthday celebration for Thomas, tasking you & Damiano with getting your inebriated boyfriend to bed
wordcount::: 1,609
° 9months into the throuples relationship
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"You're beautiful, you're just, like, so unbelievably beautiful. It's like I'm looking at a Photoshop of a person, like, people don't look like this in real life, they don't look this good in real life, but you do."
You laughed, grabbing your boyfriend's hands and directing them away from your face. You placed his hands down, towards his lap where he couldn't impede you from your task of plaiting his hair. "That's very sweet. I feel the same way about you, baby."
Ethan's eyes lit up. "We should have kids."
You burst out laughing, louder than before. He looked at you, smiling as he remained in this chipper state of being drunk. "Right now we should get you to bed."
"Well, obviously not, like, right now." He lowered his voice to a very dramatic whisper. "I think I'm too drunk to even get it up right now, no offense, 'cause you're, like, so sexy and so much fun to have sex with and all of that. So it's not a failure for you, it's just the alcohol. But, like, we should definitely have kids." You nodded along as you worked his long hair away from his face. "Can you imagine? Like, I love your face, you love my face- let's get that into a little human, right?"
"Why don't we come back to this idea, at another time, a more sober time?" You offered.
He sighed. "If you don't wanna have kids, I-... I really do, I wanna have lots and lots of kids. Not as many as my crazy parents had, 'cause yikes. But we should, we should be a family, I just think-"
"Okay, makeup wipe and water for you, baby." Damiano announced his presence into the bedroom, handing these items to Ethan. He sat down on the bed alongside you, looking from Ethan on the ground to you - the end of a very long night out to celebrate Thomas' birthday. In the nine months of your relationship with them, this was the most drunk you had ever seen Ethan.
"Do you need any aspirin?" Damiano asked.
"I think I'm gonna be okay." You said as he took his platform shoes off, then began the process of removing the various strands of jewellery he was wearing. 
"Hey, hey, what are you doing here?" He grabbed Ethan's hand. 
Ethan looked up at him, clueless as he hesitated to dip the disposable wipe into the glass of water. "Takin' muh' makeup off. Duh…"
"Honey, honey- the wipe is already wet." Maintaining control over the situation, Damiano guided Ethan's hand away from the water, until it could go to his cheek. "See? You're ready to go."
"Cool." Without any grace or precision, he started to swipe at his face - largely missing the areas where you had applied makeup on him so many hours ago.
You finished off the second braid, tying it into place and reducing the risk of his hair falling into the line of fire of any potential vomit, a side effect of the indulgence of the night. You looked at your other boyfriend, aside from appearing a little tired, Damiano looked perfectly composed.
You whispered, once you had caught his eye. "Completely wasted."
He nodded knowingly, responding quietly. "He'll be asleep within five seconds of his head hitting that pillow- bet on it."
With a great groan of effort, Ethan got to his feet. "I should brush my teeth."
"Okay, babe."
You changed into your pyjamas, looking over to where Damiano was brushing his hair. "So what do I get if I win- if he doesn't pass out instantaneously, and you lose the bet?"
He tried to hide a yawn behind the back of his hand. "I will wash and brush whichever of your wigs needs some TLC- more than one. But when I win, you gotta take the lead on decluttering my wardrobe."
Your mouth dropped open. "That's not fair, you have, like, three times as many clothes as me. That'll take ages."
"All the more reason that I would need help."
The silence coming from your bathroom started to bring concerns to mind. "He's not gonna drown in there, is he? Should I go check on him?"
"Is he gonna drown in the basin, while he's brushing his teeth?" 
"Babe, he's really drunk- like, I've never seen him this drunk." You said. "How much did he have?"
"I don't…" He trailed off, both of you picking up the muffled humming Ethan had launched into. "I didn't exactly see how much he drank, I saw him and Vic doing shots at one point. I mean, we could ask how much he drank- but, there's no chance we would get a straight answer."
"Is that 'cause he's so drunk, or 'cause of how fuckin' gay he is?"
Damiano gave you a few sarcastic claps. "Oh, well done." Then he extended his hand to you. "Do we have a bet?"
"Sure." You shook his hand, a bit more awake after the long night. You were thinking of options to keep Ethan awake that wouldn't keep him uncomfortably over his limit.
"Ow, sonofa- ugh."
You sat forward, but your feet were still feeling the aftermath of the torture from your high heels, so you didn't immediately stand up. "Are you okay, baby?"
He groaned in response. "I hit my eye with the toothbrush."
You scrunched your face up in confusion as you looked to Damiano, mouthing a single word - how.
He shrugged, rolling his eyes. "I will go check."
"I think it's already red." Ethan said.
"Please." You said to Damiano as he started to stand. "He's a complete hot mess right now, but he's our hot mess and I wanna keep him around."
Damiano went into the ensuite, the tone of voice that he spoke in told you that you could tune out. You didn't need to listen to what they were saying, the way that Ethan was talking indicated to you that there weren't any issues to apply your problem-solving skills to. Instead you concentrated on getting yourself ready for bed, securing the pillow that was your favourite and placing your phone aside.
"I think it's red…" Ethan was saying when he returned to the bedroom. "I was trying to get some of the paste off my cheek, right? So I was rubbing and the brush, like, flipped up and hit me in the eye- right in the eyeball."
"It's a good thing you're gonna go to sleep right this second…" Damiano steered him to the bed, to the available space alongside you. "You can give your eyes a good rest."
You had considered trying to win the bet on the technicality of removing the pillow for Ethan to rest his head upon. But you refrained, pulling him into your arms and trying a different tactic. "I guess when we have kids, you won't be the one to teach them how to brush their teeth." He just shrugged, eyes already shut.
"Kids?" Damiano repeated.
"Yeah, he said before that we should have kids."
"'Cause we should." Ethan said.
"What are we gonna name those kids, baby?" You asked, smirking when Damiano caught your eye because you knew you had won the bet.
"Brad…" Ethan paused, his brow furrowing. "Mavis… um… did I say Brad already?"
"Yes, honey."
Ethan yawned widely. "Well, alright…" He grew still after that.
Damiano looked at where you were lying down next to Ethan. "Do you want kids?"
"I dunno, he literally brought it up while you were downstairs, so, like, is he even gonna remember this in the morning?"
"Okay, hypothetically, if he does and he brings it back up- what would your answer be?"
You thought it over as you stroked across Ethan’s forehead, his breathing getting deeper, evening out. “I would have to say yes, but not for right now. I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of thing, I don’t know about you two, but… yeah, I’ve always imagined having kids, even if I ended up with a woman, I think it would be cool to adopt. It’s something I’ve always seen in my future- however vague, it’s there.”
Damiano opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, a different sound filled the room. Ethan noisily drew a deep breath in through his mouth, rattling at the back of his throat in a loud snore. You slapped a hand over your mouth, starting to laugh as more snores followed this introduction.
“Look at our drunken angel.” Damiano said, smirking.
“What about you?” You asked. You hadn’t let Ethan’s snoring deter you from cuddling up next to him, an arm across his stomach as you looked at your other boyfriend.
“Kids? Yeah. Oh, definitely. I see myself having more than one though, like if I’m looking ahead, that’s the image in my head.”
“So, how many do you want?”
“My top fantasy would be to have a basketball team.”
Your mouth dropped open. “What, how many babies is that?”
“Altogether, with the subs and everything, it’s usually about twelve.” He said and your eyes bulged as you stared at him, unable to believe that he wasn’t joking. “But I don’t need a Cheaper By the Dozen situation, so let’s just say the amount of players a team can have on the court at the same time- five.”
“Five?” It was very difficult to not shout at him. “You want me to have five whole babies for you?”
He laughed. “Oh, sweet thing, I’m so obviously joking.”
“You fucking better be.” You said.
“I think you’re gonna be an amazing mum.”
“Exactly mum, not a basketball coach.”
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armoricaroyalty · 3 years
so sorry to bother you but i have one more question lol: how do you dress your sims??? i have *such* a hard time coming up with good, unique outfits for all my sims (male sims especially) and i think i need a lesson from the expert hksjdks
anon you are being TOO NICE to me, this is illegal! I hope you enjoy mostly stream-of-conscious bullet points, because that's what you're getting
I'm also not a fashion expert! Please don't take anything I say too seriously, I'm mostly operating off half-remembered episodes of TLC's What Not to Wear from the early aughts.
clothes convey a LOT about who a person is -- culture, social class, personal style, etc. I like thinking about the items that my specific sims would wear based on their personalities (I'll break down a few characters' wardrobes later on)
I simultaneously LOVE dressing my sims (because I love making wardrobe choices based on character) and HATE dressing my sims (because I am a fashion coward). I generally try to keep my sims' outfits pretty simple
In general, I dress my sims pretty conservatively. This usually means longer sleeves and higher necklines(except for women's evening wear), no shorts/skirts that fall above the knee, no bold patterns or super bright colors
In terms of palettes, I tend to look for recolors in @serindipitysims Academic Palettes (Scientist and Historian) which work nicely for my purposes. Plenty of colorful options, but in subtler shades that don't read as too modern/on-trend.
Each of my characters has an associated color (I'll get more into that later), which helps give them a distinct visual identity. I tend to use and reuse a lot of the same pieces across my sims, so assigning each sim a particular shade helps keep the outfit repeating from being too noticeable.
In general, I'll give my sims one neutral item (black, brown, navy, khaki, white) and one colorful item. Usually, it's a colorful top and neutral trousers, but it's also fun to switch it up and go with more colorful pants/skirt and a plain top.
Most American men tend to prefer slightly oversized clothes (and a lot of EA clothes reflect that preference for bigger, boxier silhouettes). More fitted clothes tends to read as a bit more polished and fashionable.
This might be a weird idosyncracy of mine, but I pretty much always give my sims socks and/or stockings, depending on the outfit. Again, this is something that just helps create a slightly more polished, finished look.
I tend to stick with simpler jewelry: small studs, plain metal, no colored stones during daytime events (except for engagement rings). My women tend to wear a lot of pearl jewelry, which is another thing that reads pretty old-fashioned/conservative.
OKAY let me get into some specific character stuff so I can kind of walk through my thought process and the way that I use clothes to suggest character. I don't put a ton of thought into every outfit, but I try to give most of my sims a distinct visual identity that helps readers tell them apart and clues them into their personality, role in the story, and current outlook/mental state.
Jacques is a jock (rhyme not intended), so I like to pick items with a bit of a sporty vibe and/or emphasize his athletic physique. Generally, he should always look like he might be on his way to or from a yacht.
Aesthetic touchstone are evil rich kids in 80's sports movies
His color is purple, which isn't generally regarded as a conventionally masculine color. I let that inform some of the rest of his fashion choices -- he's the likeliest dude in my current gen to bend or break gendered fashion norms. When he's dressing down, he'll go for necklaces, deeper necklines, eyeliner, and lip gloss.
He's also generally the only guy I'll put in big, noticeable florals!
He wears a watch
He's more likely to wear brown/earthy neutrals as opposed to black
Freddy has less of a defined/unified style than Jacques. I try to keep a really sharp divide between his on-duty and off-duty outfits: he has more oversized/looser fitting clothes than his brother and wears jeans more often
His color is red, which is meant as a contrast to Rosalind's green.
He's more likely to wear black than brown/earthy neutrals
He always wears his glasses except with his most formal outfits. This is both because I thought it was kind of funny to make a fuckboi look like a nerd and because it's another contrast with Roz (who only wears her glasses while off-duty). Freddy wearing his glasses is meant to signify his desire to be recognized for his authentic self, as opposed to the polished public persona his family pushes and the fuck-up the tabloids paint him as
Honestly I love dressing this girl, although I've only hit on some of these character details recently so there's inconsistency in older posts b/c I was still figuring out her dress sense djhdjhk
Her color is green! No deeper meaning on this one, it was just one of the few colors not in use when she was born so she got it lmao
She's intensely image-focused, so she tends to be very preppy and polished in public. She only wears her glasses when she's off-duty or otherwise dressed down. Very often, I pick the same items that I picked for her great-grandmother in the first run of this story, which is meant to reflect that character's influence on her, as well as her conservatism and strong sense of duty/tradition
However, Roz also has a bit of an earthy, bohemian streak that tends to express itself via peasant skirts and blouses (she'd never pair both of those items together). This is meant to go in a couple directions: 1. she very much considers herself Of The People even though she's the heir to the throne and doesn't know how to operate a dishwasher 2. she has a more relaxed personality somewhere deep inside of her.
Roz keeps her fingernails very short. You know why ;)
Elise is a bisexual woman and a classic futch, but when she married Andre, she was forced to change up her gender presentation and dress in a more conventionally feminine style. Recently, she's cut her hair off, which is meant to represent her mounting frustration with the royal apparatus. For thirty years, she suppressed her unhappiness and dissatisfaction (while being the target of a lot of press harassment) for the good of her kids, and the scandal with Jacques and Vivi's pregnancy pushed her over the edge. What's the point in sacrificing her self-expression and becoming the royal scapegoat if her "good" kid is going to fuck up and entangle himself in scandal, anyway? I've also been putting her in black and white outfits with high collars (I get a lot of mileage out of accessory turtlenecks). This is meant to make her look very severe and suggest judges' robes or a clerical collar. She has a strong sense of moral clarity and she's passing judgment on the members of her family who are uncritical of Armorica's class system.
Vivi is fun! In my original story, Vivi came from a family of spell casters (her name is a nod to the Lady of the Lake and her sibling is an expy of Morgyn Ember) so I've tried to keep a little bit of that witchy influence in her dress sense. She was a Hot Topic teen when she started dating Jacques (here's an old-ass screenshot from my deleted blog), and the press still makes fun of her for being "unfashionable" even though her style has evolved a lot since she was 15. Her personal style is kind of a mashup of bohemian and goth/emo influences, but like Elise, she's had to make herself over to join the royal family. I've been trying to keep her style sweet and a little retro with some Dark Academia influences.
Oh my god this post got so long I hope this was interesting and at least a little helpful? I will try to do some dude lookbooks with items that I use a lot for my dudes, that will probably be more helpful!
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arcgeminga · 3 years
If Aspros became the Pope and he was not corrupted , tell us more of what kind of pope he would be. Would he ask Sisyphus to help him?
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♚— This will require some thought... and therefore a lot of rambling (since I'm a Virgo, and my thought process is literately working things out while I talk about them.)
But let me be very clear and cut about this: this is entirely AU. My take might not even be what other people's takes might be. However, I will try to follow canon as closely as possible. But again, completely taking out Youma's corruption changes the game a very drastic measure.
I don't think the Pope is above asking Saints for help. Hell, in the Netflix Saint Seiya series and in Next Dimension, they use the Silver Cup/Chalice cloth thing to predict the future/get told prophesies and all. If Aspros became the Patriarch, he would not be against asking for aid when he needs it. But he knows that the head honcho of Sanctuary must be at least a step ahead of whatever calamity is coming.
Therefore, I think Aspros would have stationed Sisyphus as a surveillance guard of sorts. Similar to how Dohko was for Shion. Non-corrupt Aspros wouldn't have burned down the bridges of his relationships, so he would have maintained his friendship with Sisyphus and Hasgard, as well as made new connections.
Aspros was still like three steps ahead even after Shion took over iirc. I can't understand Spanish well, but I believe that, after Youma escaped the beads in the second half of Shion's Gaiden, Shion used some method that Aspros had been planning in the background. I don't remember what it was exactly and I can't read Spanish well, but with that, I can safely say that Aspros would be similar to Sage in his preparations but has everything considered and developed.
I don't think he'd be loyal strictly to Athena, but I think he'd be loyal to his cause. His cause is to minimize the suffering and to make Sanctuary a better place for outcasts like his brother. If that means siding with Athena, then so be it--but it also means that he makes his own judgments and conclusions on his own, not in the name of Athena. So, in that respect, I feel like he'll be transparent about his ambitions (unless he knows that his subjects will disapprove of his actions).
We don’t know how an uncorrupted Gemini Pope would be. Kurumada seems to like the idea of the Gemini Saints having a twisted evil in them even though their inherit nature is pure. But, even with all of that said, we cannot say that we never had a Gemini Pope.
So, taking Saga as reference, I feel like Aspros also would do his best to help saints and Athena even if he’s not strictly loyal to her. He will know Pope secrets, yes, but he will be more careful about how he handles that knowledge. Do I think he would tell a devote Saint like Seiya and the bronzies about the secret of Athena’s blood? No. He only told Defteros about it because in Canon TLC because he was sort of bragging about it. And Shion in Classic was already kinda dead, so there was no one alive that knew the secret of Athena’s cloth (I don’t think even Saga knew). Aspros though? He’d probably keep that completely to himself unless he knew that he was going to die very soon. If he knew that he was going to die, he’d probably confide the secret to Manigoldo (because he was Sage’s student--and if you want to follow my OTP bias, they would have been together during this as well... but that’s SEVERLY AU), Sisyphus, and Defteros.
Speaking of Sage, since we’re going down the route of Aspros not being corrupted, that would most likely mean that Sage is retired at this point since he didn’t get assassinated or killed (HOPEFULLY??? PLEASE ANON DON’T KILL SAGE THINK OF MANIGOLDO-). This will be the first time that we’ve ad a retired pope rather than a killed one. Okay so... bare with me... 
I feel like Sage would have retired somewhere very remote, but still accessible. And even if it was very far away, Aspros can still contact him through (phone line) their Cosmos. I feel like Sage and Aspros would have been on good terms, so Aspros would occasionally check in on Sage (Especially if we’re going with my OTP bias) or ask him for his opinions on certain matters. He’ll take Sage’s words with heavy consideration and a tremendous amount of respect. I feel like he’ll even make time to visit the Old Twins every now and again just to check up. Although we all know that Manigoldo is practically Sage’s adopted son, in my headcanons, Sage was Aspros’ father-figure as well, so he’ll be visiting Sage out of that respect  as well.
I don’t want to ramble too much, but the last thing I will talk about is Aspros’ stance on Sanctuary’s prejudices and what happens to Defteros. I’ve already kinda already spoke about it in another ask, but I wanted to save this for last since it deals with uncomfortable topics such as racism and sexism.
if you’re uncomfortable with that, then please stop here.
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♚— Now, let’s get to the serious topics.
 As Pope, Aspros would have worked really hard to erase what he didn’t believe was justifiable. This may include completely uprooting the system of his time period--which would probably go against a lot of people’s mindset. The 18th Century wasn’t a good place for people of color or women. If I recall correctly, the whole slavery ordeal was just coming to an end (at least in America), but a lot of people would have still been trying to frame POC as something less than human so that they can keep treating them badly. As a result, even to this day, humans are stick with a mindset that POC (and women) are inferior to the white man.
Aspros is very progressive for his time. It’s probably because his brother is a POC even though they are both Greek, but even in Aspros’ gaiden, he wanted to get rid of that barrier that separated people because of their race, color of skin, gender, and whatnot. Say what you want about him, but Aspros’ original ideal is equality. That’s the reason why he aimed to be Pope--and that was for the sake of his little brother.
As pope, Aspros definitely would have made a few enemies within and outside of Sanctuary. People don’t like change, and Aspros’ goal was too far ahead of his time. Most men didn’t (and still don’t) like women showing them up, so they would get bitchy if Aspros abolished the rule that female saints must wear a mask (he’ll make it optional i suppose). And most of the lighter skinned people would have seen those of darker complexations as inferior, which would make their pwetty widdle pwides hurt if Aspros allowed opportunity to those kinds of outcasts.
Will I say that he would have been assassinated? No, but I’m also not ruling out attempts since Abe Lincoln was assassinated because he outlawed slavery here in America. But Aspros would have ha hard time implementing those changes because he would have a lot of rubberish obstacles in his way by those people who didn’t want to change. It also probably meant that he kept a circle of people he could trust, including the Gold Saints he fought along side with.
I’m also thinking, however, that he would have had an absolute 0 tolerance policy when it came to discrimination. If he catches or hears of someone in his close circle doing shit that he doesn’t like, he’d cut them off.
He’d also make Defteros the Gold Gemini Saint, as I mentioned in the other ask. Not only would he not need it anymore as Pope, but I feel like they can share the Gemini Cloth. Depending on the circumstances, if Defteros feels that his brother is going to be in danger, he can just transfer the cloth to him for extra protection, and vise versa although I feel like that kin of thing won’t happen too much. They’re  both gold saints, so they don’t really need the cloth in order to use their full power, as Aspros implied in his Gaiden. So, by making Defteros the Gold Gemini Saint, he gives his brother recognition and acknowledge that his brother is his equal, not an inferior replica.
I’m not saying Aspros would be a benevolent Pope. He definitely would have been a hardass to those outside his trusted circle. However, even when acting like a jerk to the eyes of many, he’ll try his hardest to make Sanctuary a true sanctuary in regards to opening up it’s narrow worldview in regards to all minorities.
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