#He's the lamest character on the show and that's why we like him
duncanor · 1 year
[check the byler tag]
How are we reinventing Mike Wheeler today
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canonically47 · 5 months
I'd love to hear you rank all the All Stars from fave to least fave (and why)
i'll do least fave to fave since theres more to hate in this season, but here we go:
18. yul. idc how bad tom and jake get, riya can annoy me all she wants, alec could commit a crime and drastically drop down in my rankings, AND YUL WOULD STILL BE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY DC LIST!!!!!!
i just... despise him. he has brought nothing of substance in any of his seasons and hes just homophobic, fatphobic and racist constantly. the only thing that annoys me more than yul are his fans defending him because hes FiCtIoNaL and because its fUnNy. bunch of idiots
17. jake. i dont like jake. fuck jake. he and tom used to be so high up in my list but oh how the mighty have fallen, i can barely remember a time when i was genuinely excited for their arc, now whenever i see them on screen i just beg for their scene to end as quickly as possible
16. tom. only higher than jake because he has a fun character arc in s1 and i love his design so much it redeems him a smidge in my head
15. hunter. so forgettable. idgaf about that emo white boy
14. ally. same as hunter but more annoying. ill give her a pass and place her higher because she was actually fun in s1. now shes just a whiny bitch whose gone from wah wah hunter doesnt listen to me to wah wah jake sucks
13. ashley. even more forgettable but at least shes bearable
12. tess. wait who? oh the prettier and more chill ally?? WAIT SHES IN THE SEASON???? oh wait shes gone? oh no!! anyways
11. lake. s2 is altogether very forgettable and i remember not giving a fuck about anything that had to do with her character arc. i wish we either got rosa maria back, or she got an actual arc in DCAS, but hey tomjake need to make up sooo... yeah.
10. riya. higher than lake because shes not forgettable but i still dislike her. her voice annoys me, her strategies are jus petty drama. her character design is awesome tho and i like her friendship with alec.
9. miriam. oh how the mighty have fallen. they had her here for four episodes yet they still managed to massacre her character in that time, incredible. ranked so high because her s1 self was awesome and my fav alongside alec and... tom <//3
8. connor. the fact that he is so high up should tell you a lot about the attrocity that is this season. not that i ever hated him, i just dgaf about him. this season did absolutrly nothing to make me root for him and he was useless as always, but when you have riya and yul in the same team as him, suddenly i want him to make finale. connor confuses me because jhst like fiore, he was clearly brought back to reconcile with someone (riya and alec respectively) yet he was barely given relevance or screen time and then they just eliminated him. because TOM AND JAKE GUYS!!! THEYRE STILL HERE!!! anyways yeah connor. wow
7. aiden. i used to have such deep and fun feelings about aiden and now hes just there to be toms friend. you would think getting james out gained him some independence, he would get a fun character arc outside of anyone else, but nope, hes not independent just decided to pull the lamest bitch ever. someone take him out already
6. fiore. so sad to see her so low but she was absolutely useless this season. if she doesnt come back then this show is fucked. her whole character arc built up to a reconciliation with alec yet it... never happened. radio silence. the season is still ongoing but my hopes ended with season 2
5. james. it is laughable that someone from season 2 (the second worst season) who i initially despised both for awful acting and bad morals is in the top 5 of a season he was eliminated first in but hey DCAS is really annoying me. so yeah. james!!! i miss james. do you guys think james could come back and just fucking kill jake. thatd be cool. love you james miss you sm
4. gabby. her villain arc could prove so fun but the fact that tess went all flower power at her elimination and forgave gabby for her actions might make gabby back out of her villainy which I DO NOT CARE FOR!!! I WANT MY EVIL GABBY FUCK YOU!!! anyways fun fact i also dislike gabbys voice actress because she thinks YELLING REALLY FUCKING LOUDLY = excitement so that made me dislike gabby for a long time. so now there are two characters in the top 5 whom i originally disliked. something about two nickels
3. grett. my love, she has done nothing wrong ever, my sweet little creature, my adorable cutsie patootsie, FUCKING DUMP YUL ALREADY OH MY GODDD her. i love her, ive loved her since the very beginning, i always rooted for her, if she doesnt make finale then this is rigged
2. ellie. my wife,,,, the way they treated you is abysmal come heal im my arms take as much time as you need,,, "oh but she bad-mouthed everyone on the show" IDC SO HAVE I GOOD FOR HER!!! GIRL FUCK EVERYONE THATS NOT IN MY TOP 7 IDC I EVEN AGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT MY FAVS!!! yall want more complex female characters but cannot handle ellie,,,, so weird to me that this trainwreck of a show has her in it someone free her
1. alec. is anyone surprised? ive loved alec since the first moment i saw him. he was the first decent, not over the top actor i heard, the best personality, the best arc, the best relationships. if he doesnt make finale then i WILL be upset because he deserves it and always has. that finale was bullshit and they pulled that thing with fiore and alec strictly for shock value. i miss them,, anyways ALEC!!! HE IS THE DISVENTURE CAMPER EVER!!!!!!! NEVER RUINED NEVER MISCHARACTERIZED PLEASE GODS ABOVE STOP GIVING ONC CRACK AND STEER THEM AWAY FROM COMMITING WRONGS AGAINST ALEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
side note: top three can sometimes mix depending on mood but they remain the same three characters just different positions sometimes :3
thanks for the ask this was fun and as you see i am so normal
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ghetsis · 4 months
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still Angy about Magnifico...
you know what my biggest issue was with him? no character continuity. like, he's presented as a benevolent king who's beloved by all, including his wife (who should have known better than anyone if he was a dick). then Asha gets there, we get the lamest, most generic "tragic backstory" (everything I love destroyed by, uh... *throws dart at board* greed.) and then he turns into a narcissistic douchebag because... Asha asked some questions??? then Star shows up and he's threatened because "HURRGRRR SOMEONE WHO'S NOT ME HAS MAGIC!!" so he resorts to forbidden, black magic because Reasons and that drives him more insane than he evidently already was.
There Is Not Enough To Thread Together This Plotline.
his transition from good to bad was too overt and abrupt to make him a good twist villain and not presenting him as malevolent to begin with prevents him from working as a True Evil villain either. so he falls into the chasm of "I'm bad because the story needs a villain and that's it." and the saddest part? this is not that hard to fix.
let's start with his backstory: instead of Generic Bad Thing Happened, let's give him something more relevant. maybe his father wished upon a star and his grand dream came true. but he flew too close to the sun, things got out of hand and everyone died. tragic. and so now, Magnifico has vowed to build a new kingdom where he can regulate everyone's wishes to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. boom! how hard was that? we now have a logical motive for why he does what he does. he is motivated by fear of losing everything again.
and this would make his conflict with Asha make more sense. he's not upset because she dared to question his Amazingness, but because she struck at a primal fear of his. maybe she hit some nagging insecurity that he was doing something wrong even though he's been justifying this to himself for years. none of this defies his initial setup as a benevolent king. he means well, but his entire domestic policy is a trauma response.
and that whole part where he drags Asha on stage just so she can have a front row seat as he grants a wish to someone other than her grandpa? unnecessary. it served no purpose other than to show that he was Mean. it would have been better if he just denied her request, denied her apprenticeship and maybe looked a little sad about it at the wish ceremony.
now when Asha makes her wish and Star arrives, he has more of a reason to freak out because this is literally what killed his entire family in his mind. so he becomes consumed by paranoia and resorts to black magic to "save" his kingdom. which would tie nicely "protect you at all costs" motif established in the earlier song. from this point, he descends into madness because evil sorcery only makes his issues worse and he moves to not only control everyone's wishes, but to control everyone period because they can't be trusted. this gives us some nice dramatic irony as his "wish" to protect everyone is now the biggest threat to his kingdom just like his father before him.
so blah blah blah, hero/villain showdown happens. things look bleak. the people sing "when you wish upon a star" for the Nostalgia Factor instead of this "you're a star"... thing. Magnifico is imprisoned and instead of just reveling in her love's demise, the queen resigns from power and vows to take him somewhere where he can't hurt anyone and maybe find a way to help him. because thanks to ✨Character Continuity✨, he's not just a pointless d-bag, but a severely damaged person we can empathize with while still understanding the need for consequences.
as much as I love unabashedly evil villains, that just doesn't work well with the established premise and so a descent into villainy is probably a better option without entirely rewriting his character.
and I'm not bringing up his song. we already know it sounds like it was written by AI...
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Nice to find another VentureBros fan ! Who are your favorite characters ?
I'm actually gonna rank this as something of a Top 8. Honorable mentions include: Rusty Venture, Dean Venture post Season 4, Shore Leave, The Blue Morpho/Vendata, Hunter Gathers and Professor von Helping.
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8: Wide Wale
I think just conceptually the idea of Whale/Shark Kingpin as a major player in a superhero setting is just a very appealing combination to me personally. I'm a sucker for sealife-themed characters, especially if they are shark themed but whales are great too, and Wide Wale's a sealife-themed pastiche of one of my favorite superhero villains with this really great, really distinct voice, and like so many of Venture Bros' best characters, it really doesn't take long before you wind up forgetting what he's meant to be a caricature of and just fully buy the character just as much, if not more, as the thing they're supposed to be making fun of or referencing. I think Wide Wale, even while being a lot more straightforward and simple than so many other characters, is a great example of that. I think even at a really basic level, he's genuinely a cool character and an example of how the show’s approach to it’s characters had matured since the early seasons, and apparently so thought the creators, which is why they didn't kill him off in Season 7.
The episode was born from a single Jaws joke: Wide Wale dying in his pool just like Spielberg's shark. "But when we got around to writing it, we're like, 'Well, we don't want to kill Wide Wale, he's awesome," Hammer said. "But I got it stuck in my head that we had to do a Jaws joke. But instead of doing a Jaws joke, we created a longform love letter to deep-cut Jaws jokes. - Jackson Publick
I like that right from the start he's established as the leading supervillain in NYU, and because this is Venture Bros and there's a lot more supervillains running around than superheroes, to the point it mainly falls to the supervillains to kinda police each other so things don’t get too out of hand, Wide Wale is less the main villain and more this big presence that stuff tends to orbit around, much like The Ventures and The Monarch themselves. I love that he pointedly refuses the seat he’s offered at the highest echelon of villainy, because he’s got business to take care of and because he doesn’t vibe with the idea. I love “This? This isn’t me.” as an explanation for it. I love what it says about him compared to the other villains.
I really like his interactions with other characters like Sheila and his bodyguard Rocco and his daughter, and that he does have a family that ends up humanizing him a lot and even revealing that, keeping with the show's tradition, he is kind of a pathetic fuck-up. All he wanted was to make his brother proud, and despite being really dedicated to his family, he's too blinded and self-centered to notice the ways he ends up smothering them. 
Big shot mob boss as a doting yet corny dad to his daughter? Cliche, but cute. Big shot supervillain kingpin who happens to be the younger brother of a one-off gag character, who 100% adores and looks up to his scientist big brother even in their separate ways, to the point that said gag character can show up and pull his ear while he haphazardly tries to hide his gritty mob business from him? It’s pure Venture Bros. 
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7: Brock Samson
I think it’s kind of a given that, even if Brock isn’t among your favorite VB characters general, he’s definitely most people’s favorite when they start watching the show. Because while it takes for Doc and the boys to really come on their own as characters and The Monarch’s still being ironed out, Brock is a pretty complete character from the get-go. He’s the world’s biggest badass, stuck with the world’s lamest and most self-destructive explorers, a much more dynamic sort than the Ventures who also doesn’t have as much room to grow and change as they do at first. Despite seeming like it, he is not the protagonist, he’s the sidekick holding the whole thing together (a dynamic they would later repurpose for Henchman 21, who grows into a mini-Brock in his own right). By all means, he should be out there saving the world with supermodels hanging onto his biceps, but instead he’s busy slaughtering shmucks in butterfly costumes while babysitting a failed scientist and his idiot sons, and occasionally arguing about the merits of Led Zeppelin with their nanny robot, which goes a long way in helping ground Brock’s over-the-top badassery in just the right amount of indignity so he doesn’t feel out of place in the show and stays more than just a one-note caricature.
Brock carries the show a lot over the first two seasons, which makes his departure and eventual return that much more significant and ends up giving Brock and the show a lot of room to grow, solo and together. The cynical premise behind a lot of what makes Brock funny ends up becoming horrifying as we get more stories from the villain and henchmen point of view and also grows into a series of great dynamics, as Brock The Swedish Murder Machine gives more way to Brock The Murder Dad. A Brock who’s a part of the family, a Brock who Hank looks up to and imitates as an uncle and father and hero, a Brock who’s as great on the lead as he’s in a secondary role. A Brock who’s got friends and partners and enemies and whose interesting life outside of the Ventures actually does feel like a rich inner world for him, a Brock who doesn’t need to carry the show or the Ventures anymore, and ends up growing more as a comfortable presence to the audience, which is a funny word to use for a disemboweling enthusiast who’s single-handedly filled entire graveyards. I know some people miss twitchy-eyed Murder Machine Brock, but I wouldn’t trade Murder Dad Brock for anything, his dynamic with Hank is real special to me.
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6: DOCTOR BYROON ORPHEUS *musical sting
The big problem I have with Dr Strange in general is that, despite really loving some of the comics I’ve read of him (particularly Into Shamballa and Triumph and Torment), despite him being conceptually a character I should deeply adore (Vincent Price as the world’s greatest wizard whose niche is combining weird and horrific pulp cosmology with psychedelic superhero visuals), most of the time, Strange as a character bores and annoys me way more often than I’d like him  to, especially starting with his 2010s appearences that have modeled him after his teeth-grindingly boring MCU portrayal and made him magic Tony Stark / BBC’s Sherlock. I get that’s like, his deal now, I just find it depressingly basic.
I bring this up because a lot of what I love about Dr Orpheus is that, while he doesn’t have the benefit of starring in his own stories, Orpheus takes everything great and endearing about Dr Strange and cranks it to eleven. His dialogue is completely unmistakable from everyone else’s, even without Stephen Rattazzi’s brilliant voice and that iconic music sting. Dr O gets really, really funny lines despite being ostensibly one of the more serious characters of the show (Do not be too hasty entering that room...I HAD TACO BEEELLLL FOR LUNCH!). Even in episodes where Orpheus only shows up to fix a problem or do a small cameo, he dines on the scenery in a way no other character does, and it’s no small feat in a show full of over-the-top personalities. 
I also really like that Orpheus is overall one of the nicest characters of the show. He’s still flawed, he can be pedantic and pathetic and irritable and petty and arrogant, his dedication to his work and know-it-all attitude soured his relationships with his ex-wife and daughter, and he gets dragged for his flaws quite a bit in-universe to the point everyone’s kinda annoyed at him much of the time, but he’s also one of the most unambiguously good characters in-universe, and in a show chock full of some of the worst parents imaginable, it’s definitely nice to have at least one dad who genuinely tries to be the best he can be, even if that involves wiping his daughter’s memories every now and then, and ultimately accepting that his efforts to protect her have only held her back and that she’s really better off doing exactly what he didn’t want for her.  I enjoy every scene he’s in and I really enjoy just listening to Orpheus’s dialogue and voice, he’s a very fun character and if nothing else Orpheus is why I wish that Order of the Triad spin-off took off. Even if it sucked, I would gladly watch and listen to Orpheus forever.
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5: Dr Girlfriend / Dr Mrs The Monarch / Sheila / Dr Mrs-Whatever-Now
There’s been a lot said about how poorly a lot of jokes made in adult cartoons tend to age, especially those starting in the early 2000s, and likewise a lot of Venture Bros fans who’ve stuck with the show can’t help but admit that the first three seasons have a lot of jokes and moments that have aged poorly (Doc Hammer himself derides the episode “Love Bheits” as homophobic). And on the other hand, Venture Bros has also been praised for it’s willingness to experiment with gender-divergent characters and openly tackle questions about identity and sexuality long before other cartoons picked up the slack, and Dr Girlfriend is one example of that. On any other show, “hot woman with a deep masculine voice” would have been the source of one-off gags and transphobic jokes, jokes that make said woman the target of ridicule. But that’s not what Venture Bros does with Dr Girlfriend:
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch started as a parody of Jackie Kennedy, including her iconic deep, raspy voice that was then elevated (or, in this case, physically lowered) by Doc Hammer for the character. I’ve watched a lot of comedies where trans women or crossdressing cis men are the butt of the joke. It’s kind of my brand to subject myself to such things. So, I can recognize the comedic beats that lead to a punchline or “surprise” reveal of trans characters. In the first three or so seasons of The Venture Bros, it feels like the show is constantly leading up to a similar formula, but that punchline never happens. 
The joke of Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is as simple as her having a voice deeper than you’d expect, and you are an asshole for questioning it — just like the cast of jerks in this show’s universe.
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is my favorite Venture Bros character, one of my favorite women in fiction, and she, no matter what theories people have, is not trans.  While the reality of this fictional character is that Dr. Mrs. The Monarch isn’t trans, however, if people think you are trans (or “a man” if you want to subscribe to that small brain energy), then in the court of public opinion…you are. Regardless of the actual circumstances surrounding your identity, you are guilty and it will be used against you.
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is an example of someone who has risen above and succeeded in spite of that judgement both in The Venture Bros universe and in the evolution of how this show and comedy is written in general. Trans or not, I love that. As this show evolved, the running joke of her gender was phased out entirely and this “masculine” characteristic was just treated as matter of fact. It was just a small part of the most stable, capable, and well rounded character in the entire show.
There is a lot that can be written about gender without sticking to the stringent criteria of trans experiences, because expectations exist in all forms. I came to terms with my insecurities a long time ago and that included my deep voice. Hearing that brassy croon be treated as such a normal thing means more to me than most forms of direct representation ever has - Dr Mrs The Monarch and Being Trans In The Court of Public Opinion, by Harmony M.Colangelo
Even at her earliest appearences, when The Monarch was more of a caricature than ever and the show had yet to really start growing beyond the parody aspect, the consistent joke regarding Dr Girlfriend was that she is this enormously competent genius henchwoman working with pathetic cartoon villains who waste her talents on pointless bickers and capers, and if not that, then frequently ignored and belittled on the basis of her gender. And as the show grew, we got to learn more and more about her relationship with The Monarch and Sheila’s own journey, what is it that drives them to stay together, their separations, their arguments, their roles apart from each other. Dr Girlfriend outgrows her role as The Monarch’s partner and by Season 6, she’s openly acknowledged to be the biggest reason why The Guild’s still running, with all other supervillains in the Guild deferring to her. With the exception of mysteriously supernatural players like Dr Killing and The Master, one could argue that, by the end of the show, Dr Girlfriend is the most powerful character, having finally risen to the position where her skills and talents are not wasted and not without cost, of course, as it’s effectively deprived her of ever getting to meaningfully work with her husband, which was the only real passion she had for this enterprise. Nobody in Venture Bros ever fully gets what they want, after all.
I think there’s an argument to be made that Dr Girlfriend is the most “real” character on the show, in the sense that she lacks the extravagant personalities and gimmicks of the other characters or the life-shattering tragedies that guide much of their conflict, and this in itself makes her an outsider who has to juggle a lot of responsabilities and options to keep things running, who has to play a lot of roles and carry a lot on her back, who sometimes gets bent out of shape and frustrated at the mind-numbing amounts of idiocy she comes across, and who even demonstrates ways in which she herself is not quite above said idiocy. After all, she’s the one ruling said idiocy now.
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4: Henchman 21 / Gary
Fucking Gary, man, what an excellent protagonist. There’s plenty of characters that people point to when stating Venture Bros has impressive character development, but one that always stands out is Gary.  From one-half of a sidelines comedy duo with Henchman 21, as a geek loser henchman to the geek loser villain, secure in his position as a funny but inconsequential element to this world, Gary gets that safety net brutally ripped away with 21′s explosive death, and instead terraforms himself into a muscular unhinged badass, the Brock Samson of the show’s villain side. And past that, he remains a big time protagonist (even hero) on his own right, concluding in once again becoming the one-half of a comedy duo, but this time one that involves his geek loser boss as the two become partners instead. Gary has been growing and changing with this show from day one, even serving as the show’s recap narrator, his cracked nerd voice never changing even as he becomes more and more impressive. He’s as close to an audience-insert character as it gets, of course he has to be a geek overdosed on pop culture references, but he is more than that. 
I love Gary because he’s one of the ONLY characters I’ve ever seen who has a physical and mental transformation whose end result isn’t him acquiring a completely different body type. He didn’t slim up, he didn’t get cut abs, he beefed up and got a weighlifter’s big gut, and the show doesn’t play it as a joke. He’s still pudgy, he’s still got a chubby face, he’s still geek-voiced Gary, and he’s a physical badass almost on par with superhuman demigod Brock Samson. He became this through sheer effort on his end and the help of his friends. He does backflips and spinkicks and fistfights bodybuilders and spits blood dramatically while looking cool and impressive and doing things that society thinks fat people shouldn’t be allowed to do without it being played for irony. I just, you pretty much never see superheroes or superhero-adjacent characters with Gary’s body type without some kind of caveat attached (villain, joke character, fat-based superpower, etc), seeing Gary in action, played like he was, genuinely did mean a lot to me.
He's observant and he's unlucky and he gets made fun of, but he's not cynical, and the show doesn't treat him cynically either, and that's important.
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3: Red Death
I don’t think there’s any Venture Bros fan that doesn’t have Red Death on their top favorite characters list, holy shit did that dude arrived to steal the show. Top-notch design, killer concept, perfect voicework by Clancy Brown, most of the best scenes across Seasons 6 and 7 involve this guy in some form. Probably the clearest example you can point to in order to demonstrate how much Venture Bros’s outgrown the parody element of it’s earliest seasons. 
I like, everything about this guy. I love how they continuously make efforts to undercut his “retired old champ and nice family man here to help the new kids get their footing” thing by constantly reminding us that he is a bloodthirsty murderer who actively enjoys killing and looks forward to any chances for it, but he’s so damn likeable and charming and cool that we all still default to him first and foremost as the dad in the park who talks Monarch down by showing genuine appreciation for him. I love that this is also followed up on his remarks towards Vendata, how he’s the only character on-screen who ever extended any kind of respect towards him, and how dark this gets later when he brutally murders Blind Rage for being a disrespectful punk. He’s brutally efficient at everything, including compartmentalizing his life and personality to an extent that it doesn’t ring as hypocritical to us when he sits down to give helpful advice to Monarch, and said advice includes him mentioning how he was able to turn his life for the better after slaughtering his arch-nemesis’s entire family with his bare hands. He’s a horrible, horrible villain, and a wonderful dad and mentor and, honestly? Talk about a character who plays perfectly, perfectly into his voice actor’s strengths. Clancy Brown as Red Death is nothing short of magic. 
He’s interesting as a Venture Bros character because, as far as we know, he’s completely bereft of the usual petty shortcomings or tragic flaws or pathetic obsessions that define most of them. He is, for all intents and purposes, a genuinely good husband and father devoted to his family, an utmost professional dedicated to the art of villainy and those he respects, and a brutal serial killer with virtually zero hesitations or doubts whatsoever about what he does and likes doing, with a hideous past we know only the barest glimpses of. He coins the term Gentleman Villain because he too, is as perfect an embodiment of those terms as it gets in this world, and he’s fascinating because of it. He works brilliantly at surface-level and whatever little we know about his connection to the historical underbelly of this world is all the more fascinating. He is a wonderful take on a modern version of a Gentleman Villain and everything noble and horrible that this implies. I resent not getting another season or several with this guy.
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2: Hank Venture
Probably the character I’ve always found most relatable in the show even before I discovered that, oh yeah, I do have ADHD too, it was a given I was gonna relate to the hyperactive Venture kid known for jumping off the roof in a Batman costume (I mean, my window had bars, and I still swear that I wasn‘t actually gonna jump and my family totally misread what was really just me trying to get on the gargoyle brooding action). As much as I like Gary, Hank is the one that comes to mind when I think of impressive character development in Venture Bros. Hank is interesting because in many ways he just doesn’t change, nowhere near as much as Dean does, Dean’s the one who's matured and is trying to leave all this nonsense behind while Hank’s still actively pursuing the dream of being a boy adventurer. Hank still talks in weird stilted speech, he’s deeply ignorant of a lot of basic things, he still almost gets himself killed pursuing flights of fancy. To say that he has a hard time telling fantasy from reality implies that this is something Hank struggles with, when it’s more accurate to say he just doesn’t care that much about said distinction, and the consequences of his abysmal upbringing, reckless antics, and undiagnosed ADHD as of Season 7, do catch up to him.  
But the thing is, all of this is also part of what makes Hank the only character in the show who occasionally gets to thrive. As the seasons passed, he came to display a lot of genuinely inspired moments of competence and skill, not to mention bravery. Hank perseveres so strongly in his stupidity and headstrongness that he’s the only one who’s able to meet the dumb, violent and deluded world of Venture Bros on it’s own terms and come out on top. He’s unique in that he doesn’t outsmart the madness, he out-dumbs the madness. His victories and adventures tend to be more enjoyable to watch than Dean’s or Doc’s or the others as a result (I suspect the creators agree, given Hank is the kind of character that lets them get away with whatever dumb ideas they feel like experimenting with). He’s got a real Lupin III charm to him mixed with a carefree hyperimagination that calls to mind much of what I enjoy about Calvin and Hobbes. He’s a perfect protagonist.
In a world so fraught with failures and miseries and bitterness, and coming off a background just as deeply unfortunate as everyone else’s, Hank perseveres, growing into a genuinely cool kid. He’s made for this life in a way that Doc and Dean never were, and in the absence of a father who cared for him, Hank found role models in Brock and Batman and others, and emulated those until he could be himself the kind of person he’d always wanted to be, an insane hero for an insane world to such an extent that they kind of end up canceling each other out.
I just, I just hope he’s okay, please, please give us the movie already goddamnit
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The perfect Never-Was to Rusty Venture’s Has-Been, pretty much the main reason I stuck with the show for so long even before it got really good, I think The Monarch is just an idea I always, always wanted to see explored in fiction, which is that deeper exploration of a Dick Dastardly-esque type of villain, what does their life look like and so forth. You might be able to tell, given also that my most popular post in this site is about them (and the protagonist of my current project is meant to be that kind of character), that this is an archetype very close to my heart. In truth, Monarch had me won pretty instantly when I first got into Venture Bros as a kid (...in hindsight a pretty terrible era to get into Venture Bros), given all the similarities between him and Waluigi (at the time my favorite character in general). Here’s a character functionally identical to Waluigi, except allowed to actually play a big role in his franchise and have stories told about him and his funny antics and his petty, dastardly dreams and his ridiculous grudge against a nobody hero who couldn’t care less about him. It was like catnip to me at the time.
Monarch carried the show pretty hard in the early seasons along with Brock, as a perfect foil to the hapless and pathetic ventures: An even more hapless and pathetic villain, a dumb goober plucked straight out of a shoddily-made 60s superhero cartoon, all sneers and cackles and nasally-voiced threats of conquest. The kind of parody villain that’s dated even by their time, let alone the modern times the story takes place, the kind of guy that only really gets brought up to get his ass kicked and pushed aside by the real villains (the inclusion of Baron Underbheit in the S1 intro even helps cement the idea that Monarch’s not supposed to be the real villain). A failure in a show about failures, right?
But, see, the thing about Venture Bros is that it isn’t really a show about failure, or at least, just about failure. Even the creators pushed back against this notion back in 2013
Publick: I think you and I are both sick of every interview mentioning the “It’s a show about failure” from five years ago. I don’t think we made a conscious effort to fight that or anything, but every year, we push what we do as writers a little more. An area we hadn’t gone into very much was positivity. I mean, all our victories are still satiric, but there are definitely places where we said, “I want to see these guys do something. I don’t want to just have everything fall on its face all the time.
I don’t think Venture Bros is about failure, as much as it is about “what comes next”, following either failure or victory. It’s a show that’s big on exploring consequences and fallout, part of why every season took so long to air, a show that doesn’t just have the characters fail and that’s that, or has the characters exist in a fixed state as winners or losers, but instead as people who have to carry on living with the accumulating shit that gets thrown at them. What does it take, for these people to carry on, or even succeed. And this is where I think The Monarch’s continued role as protagonist comes into play, because everything about him is in service of that next step, from day one he’s been the character who’s pushed this show forward into the future, opposite the Ventures and Brock who are either trapped in the past or complacent in the present. He’s introduced to us in a mold we all understand from childhood: he’s a dastardly supervillain with a dumb gimmick and enough resources to pester the heroes on a weekly basis, but never enough competence to actually win over them. Okay, and then what? Well, that’s where the ensuing 7 seasons come in.
What happens when he gets what he wants? Does he even know what do with it? What is the source of his immortal hatred? Is there even one? If there isn’t, what else do we know that motivates him? What’s his relation with his henchmen? His partner in crime? His wife? His wife turned partner in crime? What do his enemies look like? What does the rest of the supervillain community think of him? Does he have beef with other heroes? Does he even want to fight other heroes? Just how competent is he outside of that saturday morning cartoon mold where he’s perpetually doomed to fail? If he is, what’s stopping him? How low is he willing to go morally? What disgusts him? What happens when he has to play the hero? And from The Monarch all these rich worldbuilding questions expanded that soon blossomed into many if not most of the best parts of Venture Bros’s worldbuilding. 
The show’s not preocuppied with explaining “why” there is a Monarch in practical or psychological real-world terms, so much as it’s interested in the “how” does a character like Monarch function, what does it take for The Monarch to be, and it’s through taking this archetype seriously and exploring him and the world around him that the character grows into a complex and interesting protagonist while remaining, fundamentally, the same saturday-morning-cartoon villain with an inexplicable grudge that he always was. The Monarch was gonna be my favorite from the start anyway but it was his continued presence that really impressed me for the long haul. Not even the only character to experience this, but my favorite to do so.
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Okay. K - Diari Del Klondike has got to be one of the goofiest, dumbest, most illogical series yet with only 2 episodes. Barbieri is all like: yeah I'm going to make these stories to be consistent with Rosa and fill up the parts that he didn't write. So you expect that he's going to think about continuity. Then this episode he introduced Glomgold in the Klondike. You serious? That's not only going against Rosa, that's going against BARKS! BARKS?! You don't contradict Barks, that's sin in the Duck comics world. Scrooge doesn't know who Glomgold is until when they meet in the first ever Barks story. Rosa went around this by making sure that Scrooge never learns Glomgold his name in LaToS Chapter 6 The terror of the transvaal. Gervasio went around this by just avoiding these characters to directly interact in the past. They don't meet aside from that one Rosa appearance, so he makes sure that they don't meet. Glomgold can take over Duckburg and fake his curriculum vitae all he wants, but he doesn't interact with Scrooge. Meanwhile Barbieri is all like:
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Does he just not know or does he not care? 'I will be building upon Rosa' is a pretty big claim. But that's obviously not the case here so, like, huh, what, why,, i am confusw.
Then look at the random new 'lore' he creates that only rivals the bullshit Kari Korhonen pulled in the McDuck Diaries(funnily enough also a diary. It seems Scrooge has a lot of those together with the secret one that Donald finds). Korhonen had literally every single character be ancestor or family member of present day character. It was weird, but I don't mind it too much compared to what Barbieri did.
Cause for some reason we need Blackheart Beagle to also show up in the Klondike with a new name?????? Huh?? Where did that come from? Why? That's the goofiest thing ever.
Then we need to give Scrooge this treasure that he actually holds very dear even though we have never seen it before.
Then we need to give Scrooge a dog sidekick that he just has had through his Klondike period.
Then we establish that he was actually best friends with Goldie all the time even though she drugged him, he kidnapped her, she stole from him, they beat the shit out of each other, and Rosa shows that their relationship is very rocky and terrible which is what made their love story so good. But no now they're bffs. Sure.
And I don't get the whole diary thing either? What point does it serve? It only makes everything more annoying to read because it gets broken up by HDL talking. Is it just to fill up pages? Idk
Then Scrooge's glasses why does he need those why why why why why
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You get the chance to write about the Klondike, arguably one of the most exciting things in the donald duck universe and you decide to write the lamest stories ever. It's not like Barbieri can't write cool shit.
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Some of his Wizards of Mickey chapters are the only wizards of mickey stories ever that are in the inducks top 10000. If you somehow manage to write good wizards of mickey stories you're a goddamn wizard (pun not intended).
So why is K so incredibly dull? I don't get it. I only have questions it's so weirddd
Why does it have references to life and times even though it directly contradicts it? You don't have to adhere to the Rosa Canon but then why do you say that you do? I don't get it.
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Why is Flintheart Glomgold just chilling with Soapy Slick? This feels like a fever dream. You were somehow allowed to do this, this is crazy, so why is the result so boring? How? How can Soapy slick and Flintheart Glomgold be boring? *insert Tumblr blabbering*
There's so much goofy stuff. Scrooge as hulpsinterklaas is canon.
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Only the Dutch will understand that this is a big deal.
Why would panini want a new series taking place in the past? Why did they ask Barbieri to write this? Or was it his own initiative? Even then, why would Bertani give the green light? The Klondike is a holy part of the duckverse. Or can people just do this if they want to? I can't imagine that. Rosa and Korhonen couldn't just write about Scrooge's past. They needed to have a reason (the reason usually being demand from the publisher). But if panini wanted it, then why don't they promote it? They have only placed these stories in issues where the cover could be something else.
A big new part of Scrooge's past is revealed!! That will sell well! How do we let the people know? BY MAKING THIS
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THE COVER OF COURSE! (tbf they probably wanted a last chance to use it before it fell in the public domain. A last time they show everyone lmao look we can use this and you can't)
It's just such a strange series. And all the random OC's that pop up as well, but those are the least weird thing.
Anyway what I said was mostly ranting because that's funny. If you want to see people actually discussing this weird thing then you should read the papersera thread (use Google translate if you don't speak Italian it works fine)
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abuddyforeveryseason · 2 months
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It's the boys as D&D people. I'm not too happy with this drawing, but I worked hard on the character figures, so, here are them in detail:
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This is Joe as a Human Paladin. There's some Saint Seiya style flair on his armor. His weapon of choice is a mace (or a Morning Star), because he won't use a sword. I know Clerics are the ones who aren't supposed to use swords, but I figured it'd make a better fit for him.
Besides, swords are boring.
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Paul as a Tiefling Wizard. Self-explanatory.
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Our favorite character Buddy as an Elven Ranger. Since I'd play a Ranger, and Buddy's my favorite character (and also your favorite character), he's gotta be a ranger too. Besides, I like the pointy ears coming out of his hair.
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Lao as a Human Barbarian. As a no-nonsense guy, he'll play a no-nonsense character type. And the gameplay's usually pretty straightforward as well.
You know, Dungeons&Dragons fascinates me. I've only played it a handful of times, a lifetime ago, and never really enjoyed it.
The gameplay and the foundational notion of the game make no sense to me - A really complicated game with no winners or losers? If the goal of the game is just to have fun, why are there so many cheats and secrets? How can it be challenging if the DM gets to pick whatever he wants to put as obstacles? Why are the characters' skills dependent on dice rolls?
And it feels weird that a player controls a single character. It's a weird, obtuse rule that the player can do whatever he wants with the character, even if the needs of the party are something else. I get that it's a pretty obvious idea, but, during the game itself, all I can think is What The Hell Are We Doing? - why do I need to wait for the healer to choose to heal me if we all know that's the right choice? So the player can say the words? Or worse, so he can troll the party and refuse to, and everyone else has to accept it?
The world of the game is also really unpleasant to be in. Classes, Races and Alignments reduce characters to walking job applications, and they lose all uniqueness since they can be replaced by someone else with the same class, or even a similar build better suited for the adventure. Wouldn't it be fun if Aragorn died after a bad roll against an Orc, and was replaced by another ranger?
Not to mention the combinations can end up being really convoluted and make no sense. And it reduces each playing character to its usefulness to the game, which isn't too much fun.
So, yeah, I don't like D&D. In fact, you could even say I hate D&D. And that's not a word I use a lot. I mean, I hate a lot of stuff, but I don't talk about that too often.
But, since I hate it so much, I love stuff that's parodying, mocking, insulting or criticising tabletop RPGs. And even though a lot of those parodies come from a place of love, I still enjoy them, in a way I'd never enjoy playing the game.
It's a really weird thing. For a while there, I wondered if I should keep enjoying those parodies, or if in a weird way, they're not meant for me, so there's something wrong with me still reading or watching that sort of stuff.
But, well, life's too short. I'm old enough now to realize some stuff. That it's okay to watch the movie even if you haven't read the book. That refusing to listen to music that's not cool is the lamest thing you can do. That it's okay to stop reading a comic halfway through if you don't like it. And, that it's okay to see a show about people enjoying something you'll never enjoy.
Besides, I read a lot of Captain Tsubasa as a kid, and it's not like I'd ever set foot in a soccer field.
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sepublic · 6 months
So as I've said, I hate the prison/cop storyline in Crystalized. It goes on for way too long and is just inherently ridiculous to me, and it just feels like it goes nowhere, and detracts from stuff we actually want to see? I don't care about cops, they're the lamest, least interesting antagonists for the ninja to go up against. They're just so inherently incompetent and bureaucratic, but suddenly we have to take them seriously now? I can't take Hounddog McBrag seriously, and he's not funny, none of them are. They're just annoying.
I get wanting to create stakes with freeing Aspheera and getting her staff, but you now what I would've loved to see? We have the setup of that judge whose name I won't remember, and how he's super hard and whatnot. The ninja brace themselves for the worst... And he lets them off with community service, in the form of continuing their heroics.
Because we'd had the season start off with people mourning Nya, honoring her!!! Not just the ninja but the citizens themselves sending lanterns, and it's what contributes to Nya returning! You're telling me nobody had any thoughts about the fact that the ninja brought back their hero? When Crystalized showed the civilians almost upset at the ninjas' verdict, I expected there to be some sort of follow through, especially with the Nya tribute beforehand. Like we'd see the people of Ninjago band together in defense of the ninja, allowing them this one mistake after everything they've done selflessly, and for free, compared to incompetent cops who get paid with their tax dollars to fail.
I thought that must've been the reason for introducing that annoying mayor character, but then nothing really happens with him? There's just a gag about him running away and that's it. No aftermath or consequences to his career or anything. Why did I have to sit through this guy if we didn't have the common folk of Ninjago forcing him to relent and pardon the ninja on this one, understandable mistake. In fact it feels like Crystalized kinda just forgot about a lot of the mayor/cop setup in the latter half.
On the one hand, I don't want any more time wasted on that. On the other, don't bring it up if you won't go through with it either? Likewise, I had mixed feelings about the new ninja because...
It feels like the narrative is trying to make you hate them, but up until they start being bootlickers for the mayor, the audience has no real reason to dislike them? I was mostly impressed by the fact that some people actually took the ninjas' heroics to heart by taking up the same mantle, and doing a somewhat decent job at it too!
And yeah the ninja are jealous and salty about being 'replaced', but that just feels petty and insecure. Isn't it better for everyone that there's more ninja, more people going around to help? What if something happened offscreen during Season 13, when they were stuck in a mountain way up north? And it's especially hypocritical because like. Can you blame these guys for stepping up, when y'all had temporarily retired from being ninja; If not you guys, who else?
Like yeah there's some minor, passive-aggressive remarks towards our ninja about being old or whatever but like... Up until they're bootlickers, there's nothing morally wrong with them doing exactly what the ninja are doing. Just because they're not as good as the ninja doesn't change the fact that at least they're trying. So on the one hand, I hated the new ninjas' role in that entire prison subplot. But on the other hand, inherently, the concept of them is not as bad as the show makes it out to be, and it's interesting how Dragons Rising, with its different writers, doesn't have Arin be demonized for trying to 'replace' the ninja. Because he shouldn't be, of course.
And now I can't help but wonder if we could've had an alternate ending to the new ninja subplot where our own ninja realize there's nothing actually wrong with these guys and they shouldn't take it personally, it's not much different than Wu's self-pitying and moping about how he's too old and useless in S13. But at least Wu welcomes his new ninja, so OUR ninja maybe should've had a brief development in welcoming a new generation, to set up them maturing, this being the finale, and Dragons Rising taking place with a new cast?
But yeah; We did not need to waste so many episodes on that whole thing. You could've subverted expectations in a heartwarming way by having the judge explain how he had a loved one who almost died when Wojira flooded the city, only for Nya to save them, and as a result he can't blame the ninja for wanting to bring back Nya in their gratitude and love as well. You'd still have the stakes beforehand of the heist, but then it's wrapped up and resolved in a way that pays off earlier setup and ties everything together. And we could spend actual screentime like IDK;
-Nya and Pixal's dynamic and the fact that they're both Samurai X
-The villains interacting with each other more
-Harumi having more of a redemption arc
-Vania and Benthomaar adjusting to being royalty
-Vania having an actual conflict with Vangelis, which would help to expand on his characterization that fans found lacking in S13
-Literally anything else
I don't mind Sally, what she represents is actually really important but there are so many different ways they could've incorporated her, and even then she only takes up one episode. Everything else easily could've been thrown out. I know it sounds silly because I'm a grown adult getting salty about legos but tbf I started watching this series when I was a kid, and that’s how long it’s been going. And the writers are also adults who seem to want the fandom to take their stuff somewhat seriously so I dunno. I think part of the problem is that Ninjago has had some pretty good highs, so the lows hurt even more knowing we could be so much better than this.
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tmema · 2 years
thoughts on i know what you did last summer below the cut
reviews claim that this is a direct response to the revitalization of the slasher genre that scream provided and for what it’s worth i think it’s a very decent addition to the ever-growing number of slasher films, especially the ones i’ve seen from the 80s and 90s.
i think freddie prinze jr is like the lamest possible guy to have for a love interest let alone part of the main cast... like i didn’t care about him at all, i liked barry as a character more than him. barry was an asshole but ray was just. there? and we saw him the least, which i’m fine with but also it felt like he played a minor role compared to how much the audience saw of julie, helen, and barry.
i’m surprised at how much i liked the movie. i didn’t expect to hate it but i figured it would be fairly average and i’m pleased that it committed to its idea and stuck to it. i think it definitely earned its 100 minute runtime.
the thing i actually really, really love about this movie is how it presents its characters. these fairly normal teenagers accidentally hit a guy, think they killed him, and while juilie and helen are willing to go to the police because it was an accident and ray wasn’t drunk driving, barry immediately panics and says “our lives will be over if we tell.” despite this dumbshit idea they all go along with it and agree to dump the body into the water, and then it turns out he’s alive and then they shove him into the water when he grabs helen and then he presumably drowns. (spoiler: he does not.) starting out, it’s not very easy to sympathize with these kids. the fact that they just decide to cover it up and make a pact just makes it worse. but then the movie actually goes to show you what the consequences of this pact are. one year later - julie, despite going to school, is obviously suffering under the weight of the secret, her mother literally says she looks like death and she is visibly at her breaking point when she returns home. - helen, she was beauty pageant queen, kind of bitchy, had dreams of going to new york and being an actress, but new york didn’t work out and she ended up back in her hometown, working with her sister at her family’s store. barry tells both of them they look like shit. - and then there’s barry, who doesn’t look as distressed as them but he’s much more volatile, violent, and aggressive than what we saw in the beginning (and he had julie by the throat to make her promise to keep the secret.) and then there’s ray, the fisherman. apparently. idk idc about him.
what this movie does is that it goes to the trouble of showing us more. how julie is so close to snapping most of the movie, how helen goes home to a sister who rags on her (presumably after years of thinking she was going to make it big and she wouldn’t have to deal with her sister) and an apathetic father, how ray had to know who they thought they killed. barry gets marginally less shitty as the movie progresses to the point where he’s almost likeable, before he gets murdered. helen tells julie, “we used to be best friends. i miss you.” the audience gets to see how these kids fared after the accident and the effects of it and i think that is one of this movie’s greatest strengths. i also think the movie waiting to kill off the cast at a gradual pace rather than a quicker one seen in other slashers allow the audience more time to acclimate to the characters, which is why i wasnt actually rooting for barry’s death by the time he got killed and despite a magnificent chase scene and finale for helen, when she gets killed it feels like something slipped right out of your grasp.
i think the twist was fairly mild and it wasn’t at all gripping, i was actually confused about it because i couldn’t remember the guys’ names in this movie and i had to pause a few times and rewind to hear it right. but i think, for the movie, it was appropriate and it didn’t feel completely out of left field. i liked the finale even though it felt like it lost its spark near the end. i was kind of expecting ray to be the killer becuase it would be very ‘scream’ of them but i suppose that would be too much of a ripoff.
my only major complaint is the fact that ray and julie got back together at the end. “i love you. no one else understands me.” the fact is, my apathy for prinze aside, there was literally no basis for the reunion. no foundation, no development. we barely say ray for most of the movie. like if they would have suggested the start of reconciliation then i would have been fine with that on a narrative-oriented level.
i think the jumpscare end was... well, par for the course. i was expecting a fakeout and when we didn’t get that i was like. well ok is there another killer? did they get it wrong? idk and i dont really care, i might watch the sequel at a later date but all in all that was a very decent 90s slasher film that was surprisingly dedicated to its characters and mindful of the audience’s perception of them. i wouldn’t have complained if this movie was made longer to include more interactions between characters to further explore how the accident affected them in their lives between then and when julie returns home, but what can u do.
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Gonna keep sending anons but
endeavour was critically? injured during the fight against dabi hence wheelchair
monoma has a statue erected because of his contributions in the war but deku doesnt...lol
deku's dad never showed up i dont think he was even mentioned
apparently there's a panel that retconned the "how i became the no.1 hero" line, which was changed to "how we all became the greatest heroes"
i also really like the togachako implications but i'm still pissed about the bury your gays trope ngl...but at least ochako didn't end up with deku and apparently bakudeku had even more "implied-ness" than izuocha
Dabi should have injured him more lmao.
Also the fact that Bakugo saved money for Deku for 6 years is romantic. I'm not the biggest Bakudeku shipper in the world; in fact I can be kind of an anti depending on my mood, but that's definitely cute.
I can't believe deku got the lamest ending in his own story. How are all of his friends going to outshine him like that? He is the main character!! Does he even mention wanting to be a teacher at any other point in the story?
the author said we would see Deku'z Dad so that's why I asked. I guess that's another promise he didn't keep.
Damn that is such a lame ending.
so what? Deku never gets his quirk back ever? Does anyone get one for all? What happened to all might?
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (677): Tue 23rd Jan 2024
Tuned into tonight's Hollyoaks and I think I've finally figured out why I've never found the "tough guys" in #Hollyoaks (Warren, Brendan, Felix etc) that intimidating. It's because being tough in this show isn't that impressive when characters can be knocked out just by lightly pushing them away like Carter did to Hannah at the end of tonight's episode. It turns out I was wrong when I predicted that Hannah would come back and try to convince Carter to embrace his homosexuality like John Paul did, it seems as though she's found out about his secret gay convertion therapy sessions and is giving him both barrells for it. During this episode I remembered that there is actually a gay bar in Sunderland called "The Closet" (which is a fucking strange name to give a bar where people are supposed to go to celebrate their sexuality but I digress) and I thought it would be hilarious if somebody wanted to set up a secret gay conversion group but the only building available was The Closet. Incidentally if these "therapists" are able to "cure" homosexuals of their "illness" then surely it must be possible to make them even more gay. Say an out, proud gay guy feels as though he's not doing justice to himself or fulfilling his potential then it must be possible for these therapists to use their techniques to help them take their gayness to the next level. Later on in the episode Darren tried to find some common ground between his two estranged children JJ and the other one whose name I've forgotten and can't be bothered to Google but they just weren't having it. I put the following hypothetical exchange on Twitter:
JJ: Darren. It's pointless trying to bond with us. We clearly have nothing in common with you Darren: That's not true. We have got one thing in common JJ: What? Darren: Your Mum has probably given us both a good spanking
Finally the McQueen family decided to throw a big welcome home bash for Prince which ended up looking like the the lamest party I have ever seen. The put up the minimal amount of decorations and not even everyone in the family who could have turned up did turn up. I mean if your family members don't put in an appearance at a get together to celebrate a relative being found not guilty of murder then are they worth having as family members. I know I shouldn't be so disappointed at a party being thrown for a fictional character being so desperately underwhelming but I swear they've thrown bigger "Congratulations on not being pregnant" parties for Mercedes.
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romanticnoir · 9 months
Boyhood review : spoilers ahead
I just finished episode 10 I feel so emotional even though I loved the ending I’m still a bit disappointed with some stuff
Boyhood was really good I’ll give it a 9/10.
It was funny but also sad I enjoyed laughing and crying. Which I did both A LOT.
At the beginning when byongtae and his family are running away from getting caught by the police and he said that he just learned which way the bullies beat them and now he’s going to start over it was funny but at the same time wtf that’s so sad. I kept thinking should I even be laughing ? But truly I did love this drama.
That part where byongtae and his friend fought I cried for like 2 episodes straight you can see the desperation he was going through getting beat up and hating your life so much and not knowing what to do. Gosh that episode absolutely broke my heart I really couldn’t stop crying. Like kids really go through shit like this every day!!!! When he was in the hospital and the dean forced them to handshake like ??? That is the victim and his abuser sir wtf?
I feel robbed when gyongtae had lost his mind he really was a nice friend. No wonder his mother gave byongtae so much bread she prob was shocked that the evil shit she gave birth to was being nice for the first time. Besides that he was actually pretty nice he could have just let everything go and talked to byongtae about impersonating but instead he decided to be a piece of shit. Something was really off about him; he enjoyed humiliating byongtae for being poor. But I bet his family didn’t even have that much money themselves; given that 1. He was in an agricultural school and 2. He was constantly robbing the other students.
I understand that all this had to happen or else the bully hierarchy would have never ended. But it would’ve been nice to see them actually becoming friends. His change gave me backlash.
Things I didn’t like : they spent so much time over seonwha which was the lamest character ever opportunists bitch that likes taking advantage of others. w
Wsh we would’ve seen the more of the romance with his childhood friend. She was funny and a good friend when she beat up gyongtae that time I really loved that.
The bullies came back to the school and it seems they’ve been forgiven by the victims. Even if things have changed doesn’t that just shows that there aren’t any consequences? Forgive and forget why can’t these thugs get kicked from school? Yeah they got their ass beat but what’s really stopping them from doing it again. They don’t deserve redemption, they had absolutely no pity for the students who were weaker than them and often beat them to a pulp. So why should they all become friends?
that’s the only thing about byongtae that I hated he’s just way too kind.
Besides that everything was great byongtae acting like a big shot bully was hilarious but he still used his position to defend the weak and honestly I loved that about him great drama tbh
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stan-fixations · 2 years
The 100 Character Rankings
Character names found on: https://the100.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters
Only characters I found interesting and important to the story are listed
Warning: slight to extreme spoilers if you haven't watched the series!! Mentions of death/death related topics!! Long list ahead!!
A.L.I.E. : 2/10 def in the running for my least fav villain. She just annoyed me beyond belief and I see why everyone wanted Becca to stop trying to create her cause she's so annoying. However the whole city of light concept was somewhat interesting.
Abigail Griffin: 5/10 I loved Abby up to s3. In s4 she started getting annoying and after s4 I just hated her. Everything she did made me mad and I just didn't agree with a lot of her actions. When she died I laughed cause her death was long overdue.
Aden : 9/10 I love this kid with all my heart!! He was so freaking adorable and the fact that he was clearly lexa's fav student made him even better. And he clearly looked up to her cause he swore allegiance to Clarke and I was so ready to see him as heda. The only reason he's not 10/10 is cause he let ontari kill him in his sleep
Anders : 0/10 easily one of the lamest villains I've ever seen. Cult leaders have to be the lowest of the low for me so I really didn't vibe with him. He brought no flavor to the show and I would've preferred if they'd introduced Bill right away and made it so he had some crazy Sci fi tech way of staying young and alive for as long as he did (maybe like the mind drive tech or something).
Aurora Blake : 2/10 those 2 points are because she gave birth to Bellamy and octavia otherwise I'd give her a 0 cause she's literally not a good mom. How can you get pregnant twice knowing it's against the law and your second child would live a bad life and you would be executed if found out. When O was born she told Bell "You're sister, your responsibility" like girl YOUR CHILD, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! We didn't get much of her but something tells me bell took better care of Octavia than their mother did.
Becca Franko : 4/10 she's intelligent I'll give her that but otherwise I don't see much else. She created A.L.I.E. which clearly wasn't her best moment. She created the eligius tech that sent criminals found to be disposable to outer space to mine for oil. When raven had her tumor she hallucinated someone she looked up to a lot and surprise surprise that person was Becca and Becca tried to get her to commit suicide. She's just a mind I don't see personality.
Bellamy Blake : 7/10 he's my eldest child in this show. While I love bell (especially in s1 & 2) s3 was rough for him and s4 was hard to watch cause he was just so broken. S5 I loved cause you could so clearly see the mental development and how much he matured since s1. S6 I feel is when he really started doing some wild ooc shit. And we don't talk about s7. Bellamy isn't a full 10 because he sometimes does the most toxic shit and then claims he did it cause he cares when he clearly knew his actions would hurt ppl. And he treated Octavia like shit after he came back from the ring but then turned around and kept fighting for Clarke even when she turned her back on them all while Octavia was just trying to save everyone but Clarke was trying to save herself and Madi.
Bill Cadogan : 0/10 he's an asshole. He treated his daughter and wife like they were insignificant and completely ignored his son. Becca warned him they weren't ready for judgment day and all that but he didn't listen and Anders's stupid sheep cult was born from this mans stupid idea that he was the most superior human being to ever exist and he knew what was best for humanity.
Anya : 10/10 even in the beginning when she was made to be a villain by being at war with the delinquents I loved her. One of the strongest characters in the show. Great female representation. I'm still mad cause there's no way a warrior like her could be taken out by a stray bullet I refuse to believe that bs.
Artigas : 10/10 super adorable kid. I thought he was gonna become Octavia's right hand man/protégé but unfortunately Finn happened. He had a lot of potential and it would've been sweet to see him grow up throughout the seasons.
Atom : 5/10 he's such a slut for the Blakes. He sucks Bellamy's dick and kisses Octavia's ass. He's like a dog following them everywhere and doing everything he's told. Honestly he's babyboy material even though he likes to act tough. I liked Atom though and I would've loved to see where his and Octavia's relationship went and how bell reacted. I think he had a lot of potential to be a main influence on the story.
Cage Wallace : 0/10 he's stuck up and arrogant in the worst way. I just didn't like this guy at all. Everytime he popped up on the screen I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
Callie Cadogan : 7/10 I loved Callie but there just wasn't enough of her to give her a 10. I was so looking foward to the prequel cause I wanted more Callie and I wanted to see how she formed grounder culture. Shitty mom, even shittier dad, somewhat shitty brother, amazing girl.
Callie Cartwig : 10/10 another one with lots of potential. I think she would've been chancellor after Kane and Abby decided to stop passing the title around. Personally the biggest thing to me in any type of relationship is loyalty and you could see how loyal she was to her best friend Abby so I have so much respect for her. I thought that Abby would get floated in the beginning which would cause her to go into a badass era and overthrow jaha and Kane and then take the rest of the arkadians to the ground and fight the war against the grounder and win but sadly she just disappeared completely from the story.
Carl Emerson : 3/10 I only liked Emerson because I love that he survived and was made into a way for Clarke to physically face her demons and her guilt from what happened at Mt.Weather. Other than that I didn't care much for him.
Charles Pike : 0/10 hated the guy I hated him so much. I get that he had a bad experience with the azgeda grounders but that's not an excuse to how he acted. His death was long overdue too and I'll never forgive him for what he did to Lincoln.
Charlotte : 2/10 FUCKING CHARLOTTE BRO!!!!! I'll give her a 2 cause she's a kid and she was traumatized but she did my boy Wells wrong. Charlotte is such a clown like really girl you thought you could murder someone to help you sleep better at night, let someone else take the blame and almost be executed, and then admit to your actions and you would be set free? Sorry sweetie that's not how life works. Honestly I'm grateful Charlotte existed cause she's the reason I joined team Murphy. Him being wrongfully accused made me feel for him and I agree the person who committed the crime should take responsibility. Sure Charlotte was a bit younger than them but they were all kids and it's not fair that they had no problem hanging Murphy but felt sorry for her.
Charmaine Diyoza : 9/10 I'm not giving her a 10 cause she could've easily killed McCreary and taken control of all the eligius prisoners which would've prevented the setting change from earth. Other than that I hated her in the beginning but loved her in s6. Strong female representation, well written, I don't see any problems here.
Clarke Griffin : 5/10 I have a strong love hate relationship with her. She's the character I flip flop the most with. She's 1/2 of the main character (with Octavia being the other half) and she's 1/2 of the definition of morally grey (with Octavia being the other half). Clarke is just Clarke I find it hard to completely love or completely hate her.
Costia : 10/10 any lover of lexa's is a fav of mine. I wish we would've gotten to see more costia (or see her at all for that matter) def would've loved to see her love story with Lexa so I could compare it to Clarke's love story with lexa.
Daniel Lee : 2/10 he was a prime and I thought the whole prime eligius mission concept thing was interesting.
Dante Wallace : 4/10 I thought he was kind of a sweet old man but his son pissed me off. Also he didn't have much power in the story and was a bit forgettable.
David Miller : 10/10 I love the millers. From the beginning when nate was trapped in Mt.Weather he was read to fight to get to his son. When they were having the raffle to see who could stay in the bunker he wrote down nates name to give him a better chance . He cared about his son form the beginning to the end and I see a lot of him in nate. For me he wasn't a character with a big part in the story but he's def Memorable and lovable.
Delilah Workman : 10/10 she was pretty, she was nice, she was in love with my grandson what's not to love here? I loved Delilah and I loved her first love thing she had going on with Jordan. I would've loved for her to join the group and help bell rescue Clarke and all that shit but sadly she was devoted and believed strongly in something that just wasn't true.
Dev : 10/10 guys he literally showed up in a MONTAGE. He had a MONTAGE!! that's it. That's all we saw of Dev after seeing his skeleton. To me that's the funniest thing cause like how did I grow to love a character through a long montage?? Loved him loved him loved him. That's all I have to say. I'm kinda glad that he was only a short time thing cause it was done in the most perfect way and it moved the story along really well.
Diana Sydney :0/10 her and jaha deserve each other cause they're the freaking worst. I wouldn't be surprised they had a past fling cause she's like the female version of s2&3 jaha mixed with s1&2 Kane. She's just shitty there's no excuse or reasoning.
Echo : 9/10 I won't give her a 10 cause of how she betrayed us at Mt.Weather in s2 (clearly the grounders had a thing for betrayal in that season) and also because her name is ash not Echo. Echo was her best friend that she killed and than stole the name from. Other than that I love her. Another strong female representation. Def one of those characters that makes you wanna learn archery. I just love her. She's very logical and not with the bs and I so respect that.
Emori : 10/10 I have a million hearts and she stole them all. Def in my top 5 female characters list. I loved her since s2 when I first met her and when she first met Murphy. I was like "awww Murphy got a little grounder gf" (on a sidenote the fact that Murphy called Octavia bellamy's "grounder pounding sister" then went and got with emori is so fucking funny to me like who's the grounder pounder now Murphy?!?) She's so fucking hot and honestly such a baddie but I love that it's clear she has a soft side and isn't afraid to show emotions to those she cares about. Also that she is vocal about what she feels and thinks cause everyone else in this show loves to keep secrets and expects others to read their mind, but emori will tell you what's on her mind whether you asked or not and she doesn't care if you like it or not. She's a queen.
Eric Jackson : 9/10 I just wish he was a bit more assertive at times. nate was def the dom in their relationship. I loved him and nate together. I loved that he was always friends with everyone even through the infighting he never got involved and he saw things from all sides. I think that's why I love him so much. He reminds me of myself in the past. Lots of friends who get involved in a lot of drama but I'm somehow never in it myself.
Faye Lee : 2/10 another prime. Not much to say here I just found the concept interesting.
Finn Collins : 8/10 my overhated king. I loved Finn. He lost 2 points cause he cheated on raven with Clarke and I love raven so that's a big oopsie no no in my book, and also because of the whole trigger happy crazed teen boy looking for his lost love thing that happened in s2, you know when he killed Artigas, yeah that kinda made me not like him as much. But other than that let's be real Finn never did much wrong. I really think he's overhated.
Fio : 10/10 not a major character but I saw him as Indra's right hand man. His loyalty is commendable and his pride and love for his clan was beautiful. I liked him.
Fox : 8/10 I liked this girl. Def a background character but a good one.
Gabriel Santiago : 9/10 daddy? Sorry. Daddy? I love Gabriel given that his og body died long before his mind did and the body he had belonged to someone else but still he's so fucking fine. I just wish he was also more assertive at times. But he's intelligent. I loved the trio between him, Echo, and hope. His little thing with Octavia was cute too.
Gaia : 6/10 sometimes forgettable but I love that she was so strong in her faith even when everything went to hell she kept going and it payed off on quite a few occasions. Gaia and clarke were a couple I wouldn't have been against cause the moments they shared were always so pure and you could tell though they weren't super close they always kept it real with each other and cared for each other.
Grace Cadogan : 2/10 forgettable and she married a douchebag guy. Her daughter is wonderful though.
Gustus : 2/10 I respect his loyalty to Lexa and I see that he was just trying to protect her but because of him my babygirl raven was put through even more pain, even though she's already been through a lot.
Hannah Green : 1/10 she was so close to beating Aurora for the worst mother award. I thought if monty is so amazing his parents must be even better. The writers gave us the wrong parent. Instead of killing his dad they should've killed his mom and let monty reunite with his dad. Hannah was a big miss for me.
Harper McIntyre : 10/10 this is my daughter in law. I fucking love her so much. Easily the sweetest girl in this whole show. I love her with monty and I love her with herself. Her and monty are a lot like finn with the whole love over war thing but the difference is they did it the correct way and never not once willingly committed a violent act or let their selfish wants get the best of them. Harper is honestly such a role model. Like if I had a kid and they wanted to sleepover at their friends house and their friends mom was Harper I'd def let them go cause I trust Harper with my kids life and mine.
Hatch : 9/10 I can't remember what crime he committed. I think it was robbery then turned into murder but I'm not sure. Either way he was an eligius criminal so it was definitely something bad. But he was so sweet in his love with that one girl. That convo he had with Murphy was EVERYTHING. He knew he wasn't coming out of that reactor alive but he still went in to save the person he loved and that to me is precious.
Helios : 10/10 guys if you don't remember or haven't watched the show I'd like to let you know that Helios is a horse. He's a horse. He's octavias horse. My headcanon is that he was originally lincolns horse or a horse that Lincoln got for her and that's why Octavia's always riding him. He's strong and reliable but also gentle what more could you want from a horse? Idc what anyone says this horse def deserves an award cause he was amazing.
Hope Diyoza : 8/10 she's just like her mom but with a worse temper and less patience. I like hope but the fact that she likes to rush into things annoyed me sometimes. I also wish her and Jordan had more of a personal and platonic relationship. Sure they got close when they went back to the bunker to hide madi from sheidheda or whatever and I get that they were the new generation and the only ones that had actual parents that belonged to the group of main characters but the thing is they just didn't spend enough time together to be in a romantic relationship. Other than them being automatically put into the main circle they had no other connection so I think their relationship was rushed. Other than that I like hope and I feel she was a good addition to the show.
Ilian : 6/10 this boy is hopeless. He should've stayed on the farm cause my goodness he just doesn't have a clue. Man really burned down ravens hard work and humanities last hope cause he hated technology like sweetie if you don't like something STAY AWAY FROM IT!! ITS LITERALLY THAT SIMPLE! But the thing is I love Chai Hansen (the actor) so I couldn't bring myself to not like illian less than a 6 cause Chai is an amazing actor.
Indra : 10/10 Indra reminds me of an African warrior girl. As an African girl this was a big yes for me. Especially seeing her natural hair the way it is instead of a wig or weave or something to me that was so amazing. This was a win for strong black female characters in TV. I love that she was clearly strong and a leader among her people (that spot was well deserved and hard earned I'm sure) but also that she wasn't written in a way where that was all she was (like most black female characters are written to be strong 24/7) you could see her soft side. You could see her emotion and how much she cared especially when it came to Gaia and octavia. She had moments where she was weak and beaten down and didn't hide it. She let it show. She held others up and I turn they did the same for her. The way I see it indra was the best mother in the show, not only to Gaia but to the other kids as well. She was also an amazing teacher to octavia and a great friend to Kane, Abby, and Jackson. She was even good to jaha (thought imo he didn't deserve it) For this I applaude the writers cause indra is definitely a success for them.
Jacapo Sinclair : 10/10 no surprise there. Sinclair is like indra and Harper. You can't dislike this guy. Like it's literally impossible. When it comes to the best father figure/mentor it's real close between him and Kane. I love Sinclair with all my heart. His relationship with raven was the sweetest thing. It hurt when he died cause he was all raven had in terms of family. Her parents were gone and she lost Finn. Sinclair was the last one and she had to watch him die just like she watched Finn die. Everytime raven cries I cry even harder. He was so sweet and he believed in her the most out of everyone. He never pitied her cause he knew she didn't need it. He knew all she needed was to believe in herself. Guys when raven hallucinated him in s4 I fucking cried so hard cause I missed him so much and I'm pissed cause he should've made it to the very end. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to die a good death on a comfy bed in a room full of flowers facing an open window with the sunset outside and raven sitting next to the bed holding hands and sharing sarcastic comments and wisdom until he finally slips into death as the sun sets and he gets a beautiful candle lit burial on top of a peaceful hill overlooking a large lake where everyone is wearing white and they all sprinkle rose petals over his grave and say their final goodbyes.
Jade : 4/10 I respect the drive she has to be good at her job and how loyal she was. Be it she was loyal to a lie. She reminds me of nate and his dad in the sense that they're all soldiers. They prefer the role of following orders and having a clear leader more than being a leader. I really don't have much to say on her.
Jake Griffin : 5/10 there wasn't a lot to go off here. Just a few memories and short appearances. I love that he was righteous and believed in humanity. He died trying to do the right thing and I love that.
Jasper Jordan: 9/10 this is my 5th child in this show. The only reason I'm not giving him a 10 is because he chose death. He left monty. He stopped fighting and I hate that. He had so much fight left in him I could see it. There was still so much greatness for him to accomplish. I'm disappointed that he chose a beautiful hysterically sad suicide but I'm glad he died on his terms. Jasper was put through so much and I see a lot of hate for him. Ppl say he was annoying after Maya died but I find that Jasper had the most realistic reaction to death. He went through depression. He lost it, he started drinking, he broke down. He loved her and clarke killed her, he had to see clarke all the time and he had to be there while everyone was praising clarke for being a hero. She hurt him and her apology was sorry but it had had be done. Even though they could've saved Maya who did nothing but help them clarke killed her and then had the audacity to tell Jasper to move on. They all told him to move on. Nobody but monty bothered to try to help him. They just decided he was helpless and left him to fend for himself when he fought to protect them in Mt.Weather. It was clear that Jasper wasn't very mentally strong when Fox got taken in Mt.Weather after he promised he would protect her. He lost confidence in himself then and when Maya died after he said he'd protect her he lost hope in life. Jasper needed help he needed someone to be there. Monty was there but there's only so much one person can do. He needed his friends. He needed the Clarke that stayed up at night changing his bandages when he got speared. He needed the Octavia that cared about him and looked at him with heart eyes. He needed the Bellamy who wouldn't let anyone kill him even though he was keeping them up at night with his screams of agony. He needed his friends and they weren't there so yeah he lost it and he became suicidal. At least his suicide made him happy in the end. My baby deserved so much better.
John Mbege : 5/10 I just like the fact that he was one of Bellamy's bitches.
John Murphy : 10/10 he's my 3rd child in this show. All I'm gonna say is he's my fav male character in this show and maybe of all time. I'm not gonna get into all the reasons why cause then this will turn into a Murphy love post. I love him I want him he's mine he will always be mine. John Murphy best boy.
Jordan Green : 10/10 my grandson my sweet babycakes. He's so innocent. But kind of a slut I mean this guy had his first crush on the first person he met who had no connection to his parents and shared his first kiss with that person and lost his virginity to her that same night. If that's not slut behavior idk what is. But other than his slut tendencies he's innocent. He's just like his parents too (casting did an amazing job cause I would totally believe it if Chris and Chelsey had a baby and it looked like Shannon). He's sweet and intelligent but strong in his beliefs and doesn't waiver. They didn't deserve him. Monty and Harper asked one thing of clarke and Bellamy and that was to watch over Jordan and protect him. Jordan fuckin went missing for more than one episode and it's like he wasn't even on their priorities list. They were like " la di da oh it's Jordan he might just be out making friends la di da" They didn't bother looking for him kind of like when monty was taken to Mt.Weather and Jasper was the first to try to look for him and they were like "la di da no Jasper we'll look for monty later la di da" AND THEY NEVER FUCKIN LOOKED FOR HIM!!! We finally saw him when clarke woke up in quarantine. Both monty and his son were missing for multiple episodes and nobody but Jasper bothered to search. My boys were too good for this group. Also raven and Jordan's relationship was adorable. Seeing raven as an aunt was cute. You could tell in the way she looks at him and talks to him that Jordan reminds her of monty so it makes sense that she cares about him cause raven and monty were a dream team in intelligence and raven and Jordan were following that path. Also his name is Jordan Jasper Green named after his dad's best friend Jasper Jordan hskdlakfhzlLxjj I can't I just can't.
Josephine Lightbourne : 10/10 in the running for best villain ever. I loved Josephine she was literally so perfect. I looked forward to her scenes cause it was one of the few good things about that mess of a season.
Judge : 0/10 wtf. I still don't get the Judge. Like Yeah we got a Lexa reappearance but still wtf. There was no base for this idea and it doesn't make sense cause why did they accept the judge and accept transcendence but fight their asses off to get rid of A.L.I.E and the city of light like bro they're basically the same thing. The s7 writers were completely cursed cause how else can you come up with such bs. Like the idea itself could work but the problem is it doesn't fit with the direction of the story and the original plot of the show. Like honestly s5 is when the story started to stray but at least it kept the same themes. S6 was acceptable because it happened due to previous events from s5 but s7 just came out of nowhere. I swear they pulled the entire script our of their asses cause it was so bad.
Kara Cooper : 1/10 she was loyal to octavia but it only took nearly getting all the arkadians killed and losing her own life to make her see reason and stop being an annoying crybaby bitch.
Kaylee Lee : 2/10 She was a prime
Knight : 9/10 I actually liked knight. He made the mistake of challenging Indra yes but I see where he was coming from. He saw an opportunity to rise in ranks and become a big leader so he took it. He failed obviously but it was a commendable attempt. Also he's sexy.
Kyle Wick : 5/10 I loved Wick with raven and thought they were super cute. I'm def someone who believes in separating the artist from the art. That being said the actor himself I don't like and that's why I'm rating a 5. He's done stuff that I just can't ever agree with and it's to the point where it had an affect on how I view the art but the character he portrayed I liked. I thought Wick was a refreshing addition to the show. His humors and sarcasm was a mood lightner and in this show any mood lightner is a good one and is fully accepted.
Levitt : 7/10 a little boring for me. He was cute with Octavia but he's no Lincoln. I love that he was able to bring Octavia some type of happiness after everything she endured. He's cute in a nerdy boy next door has no friends except his grandma loves to talk about electrons type of way.
Lexa : 10/10 I'm sure we all saw this coming. I love Lexa. I'll never forget the great s2 betrayal but let's be real that's all she's done. Well that and take the risk of others dying from a missile. But she did kick that guy off the top of her polis tower which was pretty badass. And she was a cute little raccoon leader so yea I love her. Little lesbian heda.
Lincoln : 10/10 when I tell yall I dream of this man. I DRREEEAAAAMMMMMM. He's looks so delicious. But no he's so hot but no he so sweet. Oh goodness gracious I'm done so done. There was never a better lover. LINCTAVIA 4 LIFE!!! The way I cried when this man died. I'm serious when I tell you I stopped fucking watching for a month cause I just couldn't deal with his death. I would open netflix and zoom right past this show to find something else cause I missed Lincoln and I still miss him. He deserved a beautiful death just like Sinclair.
Lorelei Tsing : 0/10 she's a bitch. Argue with the wall.
Luca : 10/10 this boy is so disney channel middle school crush. He's adorable. His little love story crush thing he has going on with Madi is adorable. His little friends are adorable. Everything is adorable.
Luna : 7/10 ngl I loved Luna when she refused the flame. I was like "yes girl make things hard for Clarke she's so spoiled and always gets her way. Make her work for it!!!" But then Luna kinda got annoying. I get why she fought in the conclave cause she didn't think humanity deserved to survive but it doesn't make sense cause she's so against violence yet she had no problem killing. And the reward was the bunker so clearly she knew the death wave would kill her and she didn't want to die just like everybody else so why did she have no problem fighting to kill everyone when she swore she'd never fight or kill again? There's so many holes here for me.
Macallan : 10/10 it's SHAWN MENDES. What do you want me to say?! No but Macallan was a cute little thief. I thought he and raven were gonna be in a relationship cause when they met she told him to sing as payment meant she knew who he was and he knew he could sing. Like maybe they'd met before on the ark. Anyway I love Macallan.
Madi Griffin : 9/10 I love Madi really I do but somewhere between s6 & 7 she just got a tiny bit annoying and whiny. But then again so did clarke in s5 so i see why Madi behaved the way she did. Madi and luca were literally living their own disney channel romance while everyone else was fighting tooth and nail for their lives. But yeah lola was absolutely amazing in this role.
Major Byrne : 1/10 I could do without her. She had potential but I don't think the writers played on it well enough. It felt like they intended to make her a major character but the story took a different track so they just dropped her.
Marcus Kane : 8/10 s1 & 2 were terrible. I hated Kane he was was bitch and I was wanting them to kill him off. S3 and onward I loved him. He was amazing. One of the best character developments in the show. I'm sad they dragged out his death. I think he deserved a better death but they didn't give him that so the least they could've done was let him die in peace and leave it alone instead of trying to keep him alive.
Maya Vie : 10/10 i didn't trust her in the beginning. She was too nice. But then I loved her. I wish she didn't get killed off cause I loved her with Jasper. She brought out this aggressive fierce side to him which was very different to the nerdy somewhat loner boy we'd seen the season before. I miss her. She was nice.
Michael Vinson : 9/10 I've watched this show 5x over and Vinson still scares the crap out of me. He was in a way a physical manifestation of abbys addiction which was cool but this dude is so scary. Of all the eligius prisoners I can see why he got sent to space. This dude is a psychopathic cannibalistic murderer. THEY LITERALLY HAD TO KEEP HIM IN AN ELECTRIC SHOCK COLLAR TO CONTROL HIM!!!! I don't know why I ranked him so high but there's something about him. Idk if it's the concept or what but I like him as a character even though he scares me.
Miles Shaw : 10/10 MY BAABBYYYYY!!!! I miss you Mr super adorable been through so much struggled to survive deserved better. I wanna give him all the hugs in the universe. He's so precious. I miss him with raven. Like really the fact that they can't let her be happy is bs. Not 1 season went by without her facing something traumatic. I though Shaw was going to be her happily ever after but I guess not. I wish he made it to the final lineup cause he was a great character.
Monty Green : 10/10 my 6th and final child in this show. My sweet precious marshmallow cinnabun chocolate teddybear cotton candy skies pink butterflies strawberry shortcake gummie bear slushie cupcake loml rainbow child. He's EVERYTHING TO ME! He's so cute and smart and kind and sassy and funny. He was a great friend to everyone and I loved his relationship with everyone. He kept it real even when he knew the truth was never what they wanted to hear he said it anyways. He was literally their subconscious voice of reason and guilt. The literal moral compass. I miss him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! But at least he got a happy death (one of the few happy deaths in the entire 7 seasons). He died after living a long happy life with his wife and son and the knowledge that he saved the human race by finding another home for everyone. MONTY GREEN BEST BOY!!!
Nathan Miller : 10/10 yall know I love the millers. Nate is just like his dad. Yes I know they call him Miller in the show but I call him nate so get over it. He's a great guy. So precious. Like he has a special place in my heart. My secondary character king. This man is def one of the funniest characters. His relationship with Jackson is super cute. I kinda feel bad for him cause let's be real all he ever wanted was to live happily ever after with Bryan by a beach raising chickens or sheep or whatever it was. He never asked for the chaos. I'm glad the writers decided to give him a bigger role instead of just letting him fade away. I also really love his friendship with Octavia. Easily one of my top 15 in this show. I love nate.
Nia : 0/10 this lady was vicious. I feel bad for Roan cause his childhood must've sucked.
Nikki : 1/10 this was hatch's wife. I thought she was badass but I like her mostly cause I liked her husband.
Niylah : 10/10 I think niylah is the only background character that I'm glad remained a background character cause it's so perfect. They gave her a bigger role in the story when it was needed but when it wasn't she went to the background which was beautifully done. I love niylah she was one of the few obviously good ones like Harper, monty, Lincoln, and Sinclair. I'm glad she made it to the final lineup cause she's awesome.
Nygel : 1/10 she's a snitch ass bitch. I don't like her. The only reason she's a 1 is cause I thought she was gonna have a big role and cause drama. (I love watching drama play out) but other than that she's not special.
Nyko : 10/10 it makes sense that he was friends with Lincoln. He literally reminds ne of Lincoln so much. I liked him. He was peaceful and quite handsome. Def deserved happiness and love.
Octavia Blake : 10/10 my 4th child in this show. The better Blake sibling if you ask me (but don't tell Bellamy I said that). She's absolutely amazing. Best character development in this show. Best female character. Best hero. Best villain. Best everything. I loved her when she was bellamys butterfly chasing grounder pounding sister. I loved her when she was skairipa. I loved her when she was blodreina. I loved her when she was bellamys sister but not his responsibility. I loved her when she was aunty O. I loved her from beginning to the very end. This is my fav character if you didn't know. Octavia Blake carried this show 50% of the time. When I say I watch the100 for the plot I'm mostly talking about her. I love her.
Ontari : 4/10 I kinda liked her. I didn't like that she basically raped Murphy or that she had the audacity to wear lexas Armour or that she pretty much cheated in the conclave. But I thought she was an interesting character. It was interesting cause Roan was raised by queen Nia and he turned out completely different than ontari who was also basically raised by queen Nia. And Echo was kinda raised by her too and was one of her closest and best spies but she turned out different than ontari but all 3 of them were loyal af to azgeda so it's kind of a glimpse into the personality of Nia cause she influenced 3 different ppl and they all turned out differently. I liked Rhiannon in this role though. She did great.
Orlando : 9/10 annoying at first but super nice. Sucks he believed in that Sheppard sheep cult thing though.
Otan : 1/10 I thought he was mysterious and interesting. But he followed jaha so that's a no.
Paxton McCreary : 4/10 I hated this dude for everything he did to raven, Murphy and shaw. But I have to admit he made s5 interesting.
Picasso : 7/10 I don't like dogs but he was cute. Also he's one of the very very few animals that the humans interacted with that wasn't deadly.
Priya Desai : 4/10 one of the better more entertaining primes.
Raven Reyes : 10/10 my 2nd child in this show. LITERAL DEFINITION OF DESERVED BETTER. ABSOLUTE QUEEN. Yall I got so scared when she and Bellamy fucked cause I was like "no way is she sleeping with him to get back at clarke for sleeping with finn?!?!" But no she was just horny and angry. She was...horngry??? But yeah raven is my babygirl. I love her love her love her to death. She's wonderful. One of the best characters in the whole show. She deserved a happily ever after. I'm convinced that halfway through the writers just liked pissing off the audience by making her suffer so they purposely wrote raven into some really traumatic experiences. But she still survived cause she's a boss bitch. Incredible female representation. Incredible poc representation. Incredible disability representation. RAVEN REYES FOR PRESIDENT.
Reese Cadogan : 3/10 this kid's a dog. He follows his dads' every step and does everything he says. I understand that he just wanted his fathers approval and attention but my goodness he was trying WAAAYYYY too hard. The only reason I give him a 3 is cause I pity him.
Rex : 10/10 AHDHFKSLLKDHALAKDJA stop. Stop everything he was so adorable. Rex Madi and Luca I loved this trio. They were just so adorable.
Riley : 1/10 RILEY?!? Bro I was so confused when they first introduced him cause everyone had a big reaction and they were all shocked to see him but I didn't know how he was important to the story. I thought he was one of the delinquents who went missing and I forgot about him but no he was just someone they all knew from the ark apparently. I didn't like how he was volunteering to go out and be around grounders knowing he had grounder ptsd but whatever. He wasn't that special. Kind of annoying.
Roan : 10/10 big daddy Roan. I loved him. He's sassy which is so attractive. He's so strong and beautiful and has eyes that I could get lost in for the rest of time. I loved Roan he was such an amazing character and I'm so glad we got him. I think his death was appropriate for the character like yeah he died fighting cause he's stubborn and it's def in character for him.
Roma Bragg : 9/10 I liked Roma. She was a delinquent with a lot of potential. Kinda miss her ngl.
Rose : 10/10 that girl is so adorable. It sucks that they were gonna try to use her for that glory and grace of the primes shit. Sweet kid.
Russell Lightbourne : 6/10 lowkey boring as a villain cause he tried to act like he wasn't a villain and never did anything wrong. But I love JR (the actor) he did such a phenomenal job. Like going from playing one villain to an even bigger villain. He had 2 roles and did fantastic with both of them.
Ryker Desai : 6/10 I like ryker and I thought he was quite cute with raven but he was a prime and while yes he didn't fully agree with the actions he still did nothing to stop them so that's a no for me.
Sgt. Lovejoy & Little Lovejoy : 0/10 & 10/10 hated the dad loved the kid cause the kid was a kid who did nothing wrong and he as so adorable and when Bellamy realized that he killed that kids father he got so sad and it broke my heart a little.
Sheidheda : 9/10 I love sheidheda as a villain but seriously dude like you had nothing better to do than terrorize a little girl. He messed with madi so much. He was all in her head and shit and it was so sad to watch. But he def brought flavour to the later seasons. Like he was one of the most interesting parts. JR did amazing with the role. But also the other actor who played him (idk his name) he did a really freaking awesome job too. Def in the running for best male villain.
Shumway : 0/10 douchebag. He tried to screw bell over. I don't like him.
Simone Lightbourne : 4/10 this girl was powerful. I liked watching her. Unfortunately she annoyed me too much to rate her any higher. Great female representation though. Def a boss bitch.
Thelonious Jaha : 3/10 he's a good leader. Possibly the best leader in the entire show I won't lie. But he's annoying. I liked him in s1 then I hated him. This man done lost all his senses and quite frankly I feel his death was dragged out and long overdue.
Oh shit I genuinely didn't mean to do that but I ended with 100 names. How fitting. Well anyways that's my very long opinion. Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on anything I've said. I love having discussions.
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
How come Alya and Adrien get more complicated LB designs than the Marinette the designer?
In character, a plausible reason is that she went into this pretty nervous from the start and unsure of herself and whether she should be a hero. After all, her first transformation in Origins had her freaking out and screaming. Comparatively speaking, both Adrien and Alya wanted to be heroes from the start and are implied to have been major hero fans to begin with...enough so that they may have had their preferred hero outfits already in mind.
Meta speaking, rumor has it that the creative team didn't want her to be sexualized so they gave her a plain outfit without accents as a preventative measure.
But if you want my personal take, I would like to direct you to one Gabriel Agreste, a leading figure in the fashion field apparently good enough to impress Audrey Bourgeois and warrant an amicable relationship between the two. Gabriel Agreste, who is also Hawk Moth, is responsible for some of the absolute worst fashion atrocities to have been seen. Not to mention least form or functionality and lamest powers.
Do I need to bring out the examples?
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Even he knows this was a mistake.
And look at Bubbler's head. Look at the way that thing moves! WHY? WHY inflict that on people?!
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And then of course there is Hawk Moth himself. Original concept art showed him to be imposing, even scary to behold.
But we get luchador mask in a suit.
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And not even a good one.
So it is my personal theory that these fashion designers have been using the Miraculous to test horrible design choices so they can at least get them out of their heads and actually use the good ones.
Or that Marinette's Ladybug outfit is plain default canvas for her to use for when she wants to start experimenting with the design and she just hasn't thought to do so yet.
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redhedwitch · 2 years
I was way too upset last night to even gather my thoughts, but I hated it. In fact, I pretty much hated the entirety of season four, sans very few things - I was really hoping they were going to pull, it together. But they didn’t, everything went to hell, for no reason and with no reason. It’s like the entire season was written by a six year old.
Nothing made sense, and everything was just random and trying too hard to be edgy and “dark,” and have shock value, and it just fell flat. Every character who was already established felt hallow and watered down into one trait. Mike, the kid who jumped off a cliff and went digging for the upside down to find his friend is now so self absorbed and insufferable he didn’t even notice the friend he went to the fucking upside down to save sobbing his eyes out less than two feet away.
Nancy, Steve, and Johnathons weird little triangle was never cute and they somehow made it worse. Nancy is so fucking irritating and they’re trying so hard to make her into this “strong independent woman who don’t need no man” trope and yet she’s stringing not one but two vulnerable men along for what, three seasons now? Her relationship with Steve was at least compelling and complex, and I don’t blame HIM for still having feelings (though, I really do think he was still OOC for half of season four), her relationship with Jonathan makes little sense and actually hasn’t brought anything other than a shitty love triangle to the story line. It doesn’t progress any of the characters, it doesn’t even regress. It’s been in the same stupid high school bullshit spot since season two.
Jonathan brought absolutely nothing to the season other than being a doorway for Argyle to show up and even then his arc is about as interesting and believable as anything else. He was never a particularly strong character but we got absolutely no context as to why he went from man of the house, standing up to his abusive father and going into the upside down to… burnout stoner that brings nothing to the story other than the fact he can drive? They could have cut every scene with Johnathon and the story could have continued forward as-is, unchanged, and quite honestly none of us would have noticed he was gone.
El has gotten consistently more annoying, I can honestly say I hate her. The character is flat, I dislike this Stoic Trauma thing they have going and I know that’s the writing because Millie is a phenomenal actor. Her relationships are just weird, they’re unrealistic and make no sense, and they’re doing a carbon fucking copy of the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan triangle with El/Mike/Will and it’s not even compelling to watch it’s just irritating. They spent what, two or three entire episodes at minimum delving into her backstory with Papa, and it did absolutely nothing to make me feel a damn thing. I don’t feel bad for her, I don’t feel a damn thing towards Dr. Brenner, his death was unsatisfactory and dull. I felt literally nothing towards either of these characters the entire season. I did enjoy the “twist” with Henry, (even though I saw it the very first time he talked to El in the rainbow room, I see what they were going fo) but they ruined it immediately, and the “epic battle” between her and Henry at the end was just about the lamest fucking thing I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. He’s floating, gets thrown. She’s floating, gets flown. She’s tied up. He’s tied up. He’s lecturing her and she’s crying. Wow. Amazing, I’m very invested.
They did Eddie dirty. He was OOC for the entirety of the finale, and his hero moment not only didn’t make sense, it was flat out insulting. The way they wrote him in was literally JUST to be disposable, had Eddie not been in the show at all, everything could have played out exactly the same and the story would have ended the same way. They brought him to the table, made us all fall in love with him, made it seem like he was going to have purpose and he didn’t. He was written to die at shock value. The reason and way he died was insulting. It’s not even the fact he died that’s bothering me, yes, I’m very upset, but it was _for no reason_. It didn’t make sense. That wasn’t Eddie. Eddie wouldn’t have done that. “There’s no shame in running” -> “I didn’t run this time, right?” ????? It’s also… so you’re telling me, Steve can be eaten alive and choked nearly unconscious and not only survive but go to war with two pounds of flesh missing from his stomach but … It happens to Eddie, while he has weapons, a shield, and three layers of clothing which includes a leather jacket and he… dies from it?
The two day time-jump was arguably the worst piece of shit lazy writing bullshit I’ve ever seen. And the fact no one even cared that Eddie died, they left his fucking body in the upside down? They just… don’t care? At least the other side characters that died (Alexi, Bob, Billy) died with purpose and had an impact. They literally just brought Eddie in and had him die in vain and I feel betrayed.
Max and Will were the only characters who’s development made any fucking sense and even then I have to reach deeper and look into their trauma and psyche MYSELF to make a lot of it make sense. They were absolutely queer baiting with both Eddie and Will, and I am absolutely livid they brought Max “back to life.”
They had over twelve consecutive hours for season four to tie it all together and they just. Failed. It was awful. I didn’t enjoy any of it and I don’t think I’m going to watch season five. I feel like I had a rug pulled out from under my feet, and I’m hurt. I’m really hurt.
I feel almost bad whining about it to this degree but. I don’t… I don’t find things I like often, not to this level. I don’t hop from fixation to fixation. I don’t absorb a ton of media, and the media I do absorb usually doesn’t hit hard enough for me to latch so when I latch, I fucking _latch_. I didn’t enjoy the last four episodes much at all, aside for 5 seconds here and there when there’s corny comedic relief, and it’s just like. What the fuck? You know?
I could go on for hours, honestly. But I’m so mentally and physically exhausted from being so upset about this I just can’t dedicate any more energy to it. It was bad. It was awful and terrible and hard to watch and I didn’t even have a good time.
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When I saw 'Romanians' mentioned in your last post I had a wtf moment cause I have only watched the movies and I don't think I've ever noticed their existence. Regardless, I just had to read the wiki page and it is hillarious to me cause coincidence or not they seem to be named after the psychopathic ruler 'Vlad the impaler' and his cousin 'Stefan the great'(he might have murdered more people than his cousin known as the impaler, but you know he is great). Also, what do you think of them? Sorry for the rant...
You have no idea what you’ve unleashed.
I love the Romanians because they are, hands down, the trashiest, weirdest, lamest, loser vampires in Twilight canon. 
Just, these two are so hilariously beautiful.
First off, while Meyer undoubtedly named them with Vlad Tepish and Stefan the Great in mind, the Romanians are actually much older. We don’t have exact dates, but we know the Romanians (then presumably the Dacians), held great power over their territory for a thousand years before the Volturi had truly established themselves. After the Volturi took on and won against Amun’s coven in Egypt (and took the grateful Demetri off Amun’s hands making Amun still bitter thousands of years later) they waged war against the Romanians and won. (Vlad and Stefan are still very bitter but give us the silver lining of “oh yeah, well, we’re only partly petrified. SO TAKE THAT STUPID VOLTURI!”)
Vlad, Stefan, and Vlad’s wife were the only survivors. The Romanians, being one of the most evil and trashy covens in Twilight, decided to take on Volterra by amassing an army of 100 vampires. Hilariously, they had poor timing, this is a decade after Aro acquired Jane and Alec. The entire army is defeated in a second, Vlad’s wife is murdered, and by 810 AD, it’s just Vlad and Stefan.
They’ve remained losers the Volturi don’t take seriously ever since. Every decade, Demetri pays them a visit to remind them that yes, the Volturi does remember them and can find them any time they want to. Even more hilariously, Vlad and Stefan take this very seriously, and are constantly on the run from the Volturi, never aware that the Volturi actually don’t care. At all. 
Point being, given these guys, first it’s entirely likely their original names are not Vlad and Stefan. We see many of the vampires of the ancient world periodically change their name. We have Chelsea and Demetri, who are canonically acknowledged as having done this. Given when and where they were born, we can assume Marcus and Caius were not originally Marcus and Caius. Similarly, we can assume Aro’s name was originally far longer as well.
None the less, it would be just like these two to name themselves after these Romanian human warlords, one of whom serves and the inspiration for the modern vampire myth in Europe. And then, insist, of course, that the human rulers were actually named after Vlad and Stefan, because the humans still worship them, you know.
They’re going to be back on top any day now, you’ll see. 
That’s another thing worth getting into. The Romanians are evil. I’m not exaggerating this, of all the vampires in Twilight, they are the most appalling (and this is including James, Maria and the southern war lords, Joham... well not Joham, he’s a special brand of evil). These guys had a thousand year reign of terror in Dacia. Humans were butchered seemingly by entire villages, they made humans their slaves and demanded worship and sacrifice. When the humans periodically tried to overthrow them, they slaughtered them all, presumably placed their heads on spikes, and used them to taunt those few surviving humans.
When they lost power, they made an army a hundred vampires strong, which given what we see of the newborns in Seattle (who were only around twenty and still far too large to control), probably wiped out several large settlements in eastern Europe. Didn’t matter, just as long as they got rid of the Volturi.
And they miss those glory days dearly.
They actively reminisce about in Breaking Dawn to an oblivious Bella, who is just so happy these very important and impressive Europeans are here to help her beautiful daughter and so impressed they they’ve been fighting the corrupt Volturi for thousands of years (which is another bit of hilarity we’ll get into). You know, when/if the Volturi fall, the Romanians will be the first in line to rape the women and enslave us all. Good times, good times.
But back to them being trash people.
Vlad and Stefan are utterly destitute, their entire coven is destroyed, and yet they still insist they’re a Big Fucking Deal. Not only that, but just their every action is beyond weird. They talk in unison like Fred and George Weasley, they’re these ridiculously tiny men dressed as stereotypical vampires, and they show up out of nowhere on your doorstep saying, “So, hear you’re starting an insurrection against Volterra, Carlisle, we want in” (While Carlisle, I’m sure, just dies a thousand times inside). 
They then talk to Bella all about how they fight the corruption of the Volturi. What is the corruption, you ask? Well, the Volturi drove them out of their kingdom and liberated the human slaves. Then they imposed this stupid law where you couldn’t eat humans in broad daylight. Then when the Romanians tried to invade Italy they killed them all.
The Romanians will expose the Volturi’s crimes here and now. They stand for justice, peace, and Renezel--Renpunz--Renesmee. (The Romanians decidedly do not come for Renesmee, they hear about Carlisle’s army through the vampire European rumor mill, which just shows how out of hand it all got because now Carlisle’s amassing an army to protect the immortal child his son made. They show 0 interest in Renesmee.)
They give me serious McPoyle vibes.
More, beautifully, everything they touch becomes tainted.
Laurent, another beautiful loser character, starts life as a French courtier in Versailles. When he’s turned into a vampire, he assumes the vampire world works like Versailles. It works nothing like Versailles.
He seeks out those vampires with the greatest power.
Well, vampires in general are cannibalistic homeless nomads who care nothing for power.
This brings him, beautifully, to the Romanians. They insist to Laurent they’re super cool and powerful, Laurent believes them, but either Laurent eventually clues in or realizes something’s not right here. So, he goes to seek out the real power, the Volturi.
Unfortunately, Laurent is a loser, the Volturi is not court, and Aro has no need for some lackey trying to get in his good graces. Plus, Laurent hung out willingly with Vlad and Stefan. And anyone who does that...
So, Aro goes, “Ew, no, leave.”
Laurent is convinced, even when canon rolls around and he’s sunk so low as to hang out with James and Victoria (also loser vampires), that Aro will call him back any day now.
Aro never does. Laurent is eaten by untrained sixteen-year-old shape shifters.
But yes, point being, I imagine that in this modern era the Romanians would have a Go Fund Me for purchasing the blow torches they’ll use to destroy the Volturi once and for all. They also have a YouTube channel which is unintentionally dungeon porn, in which they cover their heads in bags so as not to be recognized, and talk about the good old days in thick Romanian accents. It’s a very popular YouTube channel, nobody understands why they wear so much body glitter.
Oh, right, Bella.
Bella is so beautiful with these guys. So, in Breaking Dawn, Bella actually takes the Romanians seriously. They’re all I describe above and more, they’re not hiding it, they’re full McPoyle (including the taking over the world built). Jake even tells Bella he finds them weird as hell. Bella thinks they’re great.
No, really, she thinks they’re great.
They tell her how they enslaved all the people in their territory, demanded tithes, and would eagerly do so again as soon as they get the chance and she stares at them with wide eyes and thinks about how cool all these vampires who came for precious Renesmee are. (Which, funnily, they actually all came either for Carlisle, because he has a billion friends everywhere, or else as a power grab like the Romanians, or both in Amun’s case. It’s the weirdest, most beautiful, mixture of people.)
Bella has her moments, but loving the Romanians has got to be a top ten for her. My explanation is that she’s so high on vampirism and Renesmee that this is all just great for her. LIFE IS WONDERFUL!
EDIT: I could no longer abide my spelling mistakes, I also edited a bit for cleanliness.
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unsafepin · 3 years
Saw’s Adam Faulkner-Stanheight and Queercoding
In today’s day and age, I believe any relatively media-literate person would be able to tell you what “queercoding” is in the lamest of terms.
It’s the flamboyant male sidekick in Disney movies who is comically gender non-conforming and is played for laughs. It’s the punky girl in sitcoms who seems to despise all men and is mean to everybody she encounters, while still having a heart of gold she extends to her female friends. That's, no offense to media critics who spent years unpacking the never ending layers of undeniable queerness in these characters, baby’s first queercoding. For the context of this essay, let’s call this extremely obvious type of coding “Cishet Queercoding” - coding largely done by cishet people, easily recognizable by cishet people. What I want to unpack in this essay is “Queer queercoding”.
The most obvious example that comes to mind and got plenty of media attention recently is, of course, Supernatural. You’ve got to hear me out here. In its grueling 15 season run, a hodgepodge of people of different ideas and ideas for the show worked on Supernatural, but fundamentally it was a show conceived by cis straight men for cis straight men. This resulted in its two leads, Sam and Dean Winchesters, being comically masculine. Dean’s demonstration of masculinity (enjoying rock’n’roll, women, cars and alcohol, preferably at the same time) is so comical every queer person who laid eyes on this character immediately went “Oh, okay, you’re overcompensating”, while the writers of the show simply tried to fulfill their ultimate cishet dude fantasy. No one is this macho all the time, except if you are performing cishet masculinity.
Hence by my definition, “queer queercoding” isn’t necessarily LGBT characters by LGBT folks for LGBT folks, but rather coding a character as queer (accidentally or not) in such a way it’s painfully familiar for LGBT people but largely goes over the head of cishet folks. So where does Saw fit into all this?
Saw’s whole premise is a complicated, morally gray mix of one man both exacting revenge on people who wronged him and teaching them to appreciate the sanctity of life. While the main antagonist, Jigsaw, isn’t afraid of collateral damage, his main targets are people who somehow ruined his life and don’t appreciate their own. This is why Dr. Lawrence Gordon finds himself in the trap - for cheating on his wife and cold heartedly breaking the news of untreatable cancer to Jigsaw. His companion in the trap though - a downtrodden twenty-something photographer Adam Faulkner-Stanheight - seems to only be there as an accessory to Gordon’s torture. He doesn’t have any immediate connection to Jigsaw and his only connection to Gordon is that he was hired to spy and photograph his activities. Gordon’s condition to escape the trap is that he must kill Adam. Adam doesn’t get a solution to escape.
Adam’s only function in the film is seemingly to be an audience self-insert and then to suffer. The audience for gory, tacky horror flicks is obviously much closer to Adam’s character than to Gordon’s thus while we can sympathize with the latter’s struggle, the former’s is much more visceral. Adam’s only crime seems to be taking a job to earn some money and not being satisfied with a life that’s frankly hard to be satisfied with (In his own words - “I remember going to sleep in my shithole apartment and then waking up in a literal shithole”). And he dies in the end - abandoned, on the edge of escape, not knowing what he did to deserve this fate - while his fellow prisoner, as we later find out, becomes Jigsaw’s apprentice and goes on to torture other people.
Cool, so I’ve explained why Saw is scary beyond a guy cutting his foot off, why is Adam queer again? Well, besides his artistic career, general cynicism about life, comically crippling addiction to nicotine (queer existence and addiction to substances is a well-documented problem in real life, a coping method for living in an unaccepting society) and a cut dialogue line revealing he doesn’t speak to his parents (I don’t think I need to explain how many queer children were disowned by their caretakers), being put in a narrative only to suffer, die and be outlived by some cishet douchebag is possibly the oldest queer trope in cinema. Leaning into symbolism even more, Adam was cunning and on-guard the whole movie, obviously recognizing the only other person in the trap with him is just as likely to be a foe as an ally, but by the end he put his life entirely in Gordon’s hands. He shot Adam to escape and Adam still helped him, believing he will return with help. To make it painfully obvious, Adam was punished for putting his trust in another man. Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, bleeding out from a bullet wound inflicted by Gordon, still embraced him and begged him not to leave.
I don’t think it was Leigh Whanell’s, screenwriter and Adam’s actor’s, intention to make a veiled kill-your-gays metaphor. On the contrary, I think that the ephemeral queerness of suffering elevated this movie far beyond its successors. It becomes a commentary not only on needless violence, sanctity of life, but on how queer people suffer both in media and in real life. Perhaps by not considering this perspective, Saw was able to look queer pain in the eye and not flinch.
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