#Headhunter Films
nellarw95 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Nikolaj 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
July 27,1970
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
27 Luglio 1970
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via PEPLUM TV: Musings!)
Maciste (Kirk Morris) gets the point in COLOSSUS AND THE HEADHUNTERS (1963)
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kalakian · 2 years
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The Headhunter's Daughter
Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan | Short | 15 mins | 2022 | Philippines | WATCH NOW: vimeo.com/r/3D61/MnlRM1hWT0 FREE Promo Code: TINGIN2022
The film follows Lynn as she leaves her family behind and travels through the Cordilleran highlands to try her luck in the city as a country singer.
Winner: Short Film Grand Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival Winner: Uppsala Award in Memory of Ingmar Bergman, Uppsala Short Film Festival Winner: Gold Hugo in the Live Action Short Film Competition,Chicago International Film Festival Winner: Best Director, Elba Film Festival Winner: Best of the Fest, Nevada City Film Festival Montana Film Festival Leeds International Film Festival Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid - Seminci Hamptons International Film Festival Gandhara International Film Festival Shorts Mexico SEAShorts Films Festival Jecheon Interniational Music & Film Festival Minikino Film Week, Bali International Short Film Festival HollyShorts Film Festival Concorto Film Festival Ouray International Film Festival Sydney Film Festival Golden Harvest Film Festival Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia Seattle International Film Festival Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival Montañosa Film Festival Florida Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand International Film Festival Tingin Southeast Asian Film Festival 2022
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jimintomystery · 5 months
MST3K's most wanted
I've been organizing my Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection, so I've become preoccupied with the handful of episodes that are not easily available, and the reasons why. In case in anyone else is interested, I thought I'd share what I've learned.
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For our purposes we'll be focusing on the ten seasons that aired on cable, from 1989 to 1999. With the post-2017 episodes, it's trivial to purchase them on home video or streaming. And the pre-cable stuff, from KTMA, is widely available as bootleg footage, which is probably about as good as you're ever going to get. But the episodes from the cable era have been notoriously difficult to re-release, and require special attention.
Of the 176 MST3K episodes that aired on cable, 166 have been released on home video, and 145 are available for streaming/download on the Gizmoplex. As someone who's been trying to collect the whole series since the 1990s, I think that's pretty impressive. But there are 40 episodes that have been particularly tricky. Let's take a look, won't you?
Currently available on the Gizmoplex, but never on home video (1):
913 - Quest of the Delta Knights
As I understand it, nobody was sure who owned the rights to this movie, or how to contact them, for years. The situation has only recently been cleared up, perhaps too late for a DVD release.
Currently available on the Gizmoplex, but out of print on home video (8):
203 - Jungle Goddess
317 - Viking Women and the Sea Serpent
319 - War of the Colossal Beast
510 - The Painted Hills
619 - Red Zone Cuba
806 - The Undead
808 - The She-Creature
912 - The Screaming Skull
It looks like all of these went out of print due to being on a set where a different episode's rights expired. Theoretically Shout Factory could re-release any of them in a "Lost and Found" set, but that may not be cost-effective as people move away from collecting physical media.
Currently available on home video and MST3K's official YouTube, but not on the Gizmoplex (1):
615 - Kitten with a Whip (Vol. 25 DVD, 2012)
Kitten is one of the Universal movies that could only be licensed for physical media. And yet, it's the only one I can find on the official YouTube channel. Beats me why that is.
Currently available on home video, but not on the Gizmoplex (16):
401 - Space Travelers (Vol. 32 DVD, 2015)
522 - Teen-Age Crime Wave (Vol. 33 DVD, 2015)
524 - 12 to the Moon (Vol. 35 DVD, 2016)
601 - Girls Town (Vol. 39 DVD, 2017)
605 - Colossus and the Headhunters (Vol. 38 DVD, 2017)
614 - San Francisco International (Vol. 32 DVD, 2015)
704 - The Incredible Melting Man (Vol. 36 DVD, 2016)
801 - Revenge of the Creature (Vol. 25 DVD, 2012)
802 - The Leech Woman (25th Anniversary Edition DVD, 2013)
803 - The Mole People (Vol. 26 DVD, 2013)
804 - The Deadly Mantis (Vol. 27 DVD, 2013)
805 - The Thing That Couldn't Die (Vol. 29 DVD, 2013)
814 - Riding With Death (Vol. 36 DVD, 2016)
815 - Agent for H.A.R.M (Vol. 33 DVD, 2015)
901 - The Projected Man (Vol. 30 DVD, 2014)
1013 - Diabolik (Vol. 39 DVD, 2017)
I was able to find the DVD sets listed above on Shout Factory's website. As far as I know, they'll remain in print for the foreseeable future, but there's no way to know how long that will last.
The general pattern with these episodes is that the movies are owned by major studios that would only license them for physical media. Columbia owns Teen-Age Crime Wave and 12 to the Moon. MGM owns Girls Town and The Incredible Melting Man. Paramount owns Diabolik. But the big player here is Universal, which controls the rights to Space Travelers, San Francisco International, Revenge of the Creature, Leech Woman, Mole People, Deadly Mantis, Thing That Couldn't Die, Riding With Death, Agent for H.A.R.M., and Projected Man.
The odd man out here is Colossus and the Headhunters; I can't find any info on who owns the rights to this film, which may be part of the problem.
The real hard cases, the stickiest of wickets, are below...
Released on home video, but now out of print (5):
212 - Godzilla vs. Megalon (Vol. 10 DVD, 2006)
309 - The Amazing Colossal Man (VHS, 1996)
910 - The Final Sacrifice (Vol. 17 DVD, 2010)
1001 - Soultaker (Vol. 14 DVD, 2009)
1012 - Squirm (Turkey Day Collection DVD, 2014)
Megalon and Colossal Man were both recalled when rights issues came up after they were released. Oops. These were produced by Rhino, back before Shout Factory took over.
The Final Sacrifice is particularly tough to find, even unofficially, because director Tjardus Greidanus is very aggressive about tracking down download links. I always figured someone was similarly possessive of Soultaker, since it's clearly a passion project, but that's purely my speculation.
The Turkey Day DVD set is still available on Amazon at a reasonable price, so Squirm is still relatively accessible for now.
Never released on home video or streaming (9):
201 - Rocketship X-M
213 - Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
311 - It Conquered the World
416 - Fire Maidens of Outer Space
418 - Attack of the the Eye Creatures
807 - Terror from the Year 5000
809 - I was a Teenage Werewolf
905 - The Deadly Bees
906 - The Space Children
In 2017, Shout released its final (?) MST3K DVD collection, which included Satellite Dishes, a compilation of host segments from episodes that "may never get a legitimate release." This included the nine listed above, as well as The Amazing Colossal Man and Quest for the Delta Knights. Of course, Delta Knights eventually got a digital-only release, which is cause for a glimmer of hope. But the others are probably tougher nuts to crack.
Wade Williams owned the rights to Rocketship X-M and had a particular sentimental attachment to the film. His death in 2023 may make it easier to negotiate with his estate, but I wouldn't count on that being a swift process.
Godzilla vs. Megalon and Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster are part of a prestigious franchise, and it's remarkable MST3K got away with riffing on Godzilla movies in the first place. I get the impression that Japanese culture doesn't particularly appreciate the sort of mockery MST3K is known for, so the rights to these two movies may be a long, long shot. Then again I used to think there was no hope of for the Gamera episodes too.
Fire Maidens, Deadly Bees, and Space Children are owned by Olive Films, and currently licensed to Paramount. It's possible a deal can be made later on, but not until the current arrangement expires.
The major bugbear for MST3K fandom is Susan Hart, the widow of American International Pictures co-founder James Nicholson. One way or another the AIP catalog was split up and Hart laid claim to several of their films, including Amazing Colossal Man, It Conquered the World, Eye Creatures, Terror from the Year 5000, and Teenage Werewolf. Hart's price for licensing her movies is very high, and it seems Shout has given up negotiating with her. I suppose the situation could change when she passes away, but I'd feel rather silly hoping for an old woman to die just so I can pay 8 bucks to watch robots laugh at a werewolf movie.
In conclusion, I've already purchased all the movies available on the Gizmoplex (I got most of them in a Kickstarter reward package), and the 31 that aren't available there can be obtained by, ahem, other means. So it's a great time to be an MST3K fan, and I'm still amazed how easy it is to watch the show nowadays.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Do you agree with Martin Scorsese about Superhero films?
Movies mean different things to different people. People focus on Scorsese's remarks as an attack on super hero movies, but it's more of an attack on the business that generates them.
He sees a manufactured, packaged, mass-produced product, focus tested and factory-fresh. Grown in a test tube laboratory to do one thing, and one thing alone: make money.
Scorsese wants more movies made by people who are making movies for personal reasons. Marvel, Disney, Warner Brothers -- these studios come up with the idea first, and then find somebody to write the script, direct the movie, and fill it with actors after the fact.
I mean, Disney was openly talking about this just a few weeks ago, that they were pitching an animated Tron movie to directors hoping somebody would make it for them. Directors should be pitching movies to Disney, not the other way around! The Disney brand used to be this ultimate seal of quality! Everybody wanted to work for them! If they're having to headhunt for random directors, that says a lot about the state of things and how roles have changed.
After all, why wait for a billion dollar franchise to fall into your lap by accident when you can just look at marketing analytics and cash in on popular trends? Promise a big enough paycheck and you're bound to hook someone eventually, even if, deep down, they do not actually care for your ideas. But money is money. They can always fix it in post with CGI.
Scorsese makes movies because he wants to tell that particular story. He wants it to stand as a piece of his artwork. Think of it as if he's a sculptor, hand-making something out of stone and clay. A Marvel movie or a Space Jam 2 or whatever is put together on an assembly line.
Now the thing to keep in mind is that even assembly line things have all this craft and talent and power behind them, but it's also the difference between "there's only one of these statues in the world" versus, like, a Funko Pop.
What is at the heart of Scorsese's complaint is that there are fewer and fewer spaces for his kind of artwork (or the art of his friends) to be displayed and appreciated. His work is being pushed out of the conversation by your David Zaslavs and Bob Igers, whose only goal is to keep growing at all costs, all the way up until the bubble finally bursts.
It's like the end of Akira, where Tetsuo becomes this ever-expanding mass of flesh that threatens to crush the entire city under its mass. Scorsese is feeling like he's getting smushed.
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sloshed-cinema · 2 months
Headhunters [Hodejegerne] (2011)
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Roger really went through the shit on this one. In some stories of relentless pursuit, one almost has to ask at which point does endless suffering become not worth it. After finding himself in an elaborate trap of his own making, corporate recruitment agent and sometime art thief Roger Brown becomes the target of a psychotic ex-mercenary who has grand designs for corporate domination of the GPS industry. He’s renowned for his micro-transmitter jelly, something which is a boon for militaries the world over and an absolute headache (or hair nightmare) for Roger. Each episode of the pursuit becomes a further exploration of misery for our mark: if taking a dip in a rural outhouse isn’t bad enough, sooner or later he’s blasted off a cliffside in a cop car by a truck and forced to fake his own death, and then attacked by his former affair. It’s a death by a thousand cuts, or a desperate but unwavering refusal to give in. If we start out the film viewing him as an egotistical and yet insecure wet blanket, we come to learn just how audacious he can be in his determination to cling to life for himself.
A baker’s dozen people staring blankly at a bank of screens showing a crime happening in real time and doing fuck all about it is exactly how I imagine all that SimpliSafe bullshit podcasters are constantly trying to shove down my throat actually paying off. While gleefully gruesome and violent at points, Headhunters is also an undeniable comedy. The ridiculousness of the situation, be it Roger trying to negotiate meeting times with the gun-happy fence Ove in between volleys of gunfire with Russian prostitute Natasha or just how effortlessly handsome and suave Clas is in comparison to this sweaty mouth-breather, the tongue is planted firmly into the cheek.
Someone names a sum of money.
A call is made on a public/pay phone.
Roger sustains an injury.
Someone mentions traveling to Gothenburg.
Roger is jealous over his wife.
A security alarm is disabled.
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mogwai-movie-house · 26 days
Do you have any wierd indie film recommendations?
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"Indie" is a little difficult to define, since just about all movies that get a theatrical release have some sort of big studio involved, at least in distributing them, but I'm going to take the term to mean quirky, low-budget films not made for a mass audience, (usually) without any big film stars and without wide, multiplex release. So this list is very loosely arranged to prioritize those criteria:
Welcome To the Dollhouse (1995)
The Survivalist (2015)
Kill List (2011)
Man Bites Dog (1992)
Interview With The Assassin (2002)
Triangle (2009)
Dogtooth (2009)
The Rapture (1991)
Leningrad Cowboys Go America (1989)
Spanking The Monkey (1994)
Creep (2014)
The Little Death (2014)
Adoration (2019)
Blue Ruin (2013)
Buffalo '66 (1998)
Festen (The Celebration) (1998)
Black Cat, White Cat (1998)
Monsters (2010)
The Room (2019)
Withnail & I (1987)
The Cement Garden (1993)
Four Lions (2010)
Cashback (2006)
Down by Law (1986)
Time Lapse (2014)
Naked (1993)
Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005)
The General (1998)
Orlando (1992)
Let The Right One In (2008)
Timecrimes (2007)
The Duellists (1977)
Swingers (1996)
Talk To Me (2022)
Fall (2022)
You'll Never Find Me (2023)
Landmine Goes Click (2015)
Proof (1991)
The Coffee Table (2022)
To Leslie (2022)
Happiness (1998)
Brick (2005)
Chopper (2000)
11:14 (2003)
Deerskin (2019)
Romance (1999)
What Happened Was… (1994)
The Rules of Attraction (2002)
Les Amants du Pont Neuf (1991)
The Innocents (2021)
Rotting In The Sun (2023)
The Cuckoo (2002)
Land of Mine (2015)
Safe (1995)
John and the Hole (2021)
Sling Blade (1996)
The Field (1990)
Lamb (2021)
Romper Stomper (1992)
The Lobster (2015)
With Love and a Major Organ (2023)
Pusher (1996)
Love Is The Devil (1998)
Insomnia (1997)
Headhunters (2011)
Thelma (2024)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
Bottle Rocket (1996)
Cold Souls (2009)
Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life (1993)
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tctteredwings · 1 year
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if you’re hearing VOGUE by MADONNA playing, you have to know NATHAN YOUNG (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the FORTY-ONE year old PHOTOGRAPHER has been in denver for, like, NINE YEARS. they’re known to be quite COCKY, but being FREETHINKING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble RYAN GOSLING. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those DESK FULL OF EMPTY COFFEE CUPS, A CONSTANTLY BUZZING CELLPHONE, A PLAYFUL SMILE AND A WINK vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ART DISTRICT long enough!
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty-one Date of Birth: 5th November 1981 Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, USA Current Location: Denver, Colorado, USA Occupation: Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for major at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger sisters also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon to be wife on a shoot, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway.
Flirty in nature he was always chatting people up, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to Denver, setting up his own studio in the city a year later.
His daughters are Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), who he sees during the holidays for the most part now, the pair coming to stay in Denver with him ever since.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in his studio.
1984: Manhattan, New York 2005: Manhattan/Los Angeles 2014: Denver, CO
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex-wife, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to Denver.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his years taking photos.
- two younger sisters; their relationship was strained when they were younger, but I imagine it’s something that’s improved over the years. - ex-wife;  they were together around 7 & a half years. a proper whirlwind romance that ended in disaster. - ‘the fling’; the person he cheated on his wife with. it would have been in la in 2013 with someone who works/worked in the arts industry. ( I’ve always head-canoned that they were male, but it’s not set in stone. ) - exes pre-2008; anyone he dated in nyc (possibly la for v.short term things too) before meeting his wife at 24. - failed dates since arriving in denver; he’s been on numerous & they’ve mostly been a disaster. - one night stands; before & after the wife. - people he’s photographed; either for a magazine in the past or since setting up his studio in the city. - jogging buddies; he jogs every day, so I imagine there’s a couple of people he chooses to go with. - good friends; those he’s close to and spends most of his time with. - confidant/closest friend; someone he can talk to about anything and always come to when there’s a problem. - fellow book nerds; he’s big on reading, so just people he can enthuse about literature with. - bar buddies; those he frequents the bars with.
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Herbie Hancock - The Spook Who Sat By The Door (OST)
Herbie Hancock's Head Hunters turns 50 years old this month — whatever the actual release date is, it should be a national holiday, right? Over on Aquarium Drunkard, you can check out one of the earliest glimpses we have of Herbie and the Headhunters, a live-in-the-studio FM broadcast out on Long Island.
If that well-traveled recording is old news to you, then how about this? Herbie's score for The Spook Who Sat By The Door, Ivan Dixon's 1973 action/spy flick based on the book of the same name. As a soundtrack album, it's a little confusing — it seems as though United Artists released an LP sometime in '73 or '74, but good luck finding a copy. Some collectors say it doesn't actually exist!
But Herbie's funky, cinematic music is stellar; you'll hear "Actual Proof" which opens the WLIR tape and would be re-recorded for Thrust. But there's plenty of unique music, too, featuring Hancock and co. flexing their blaxploitation-style muscles. Watch out, Isaac Hayes! The soundtrack isn't the only thing that's hard to come by ... the film itself doesn't seem to be streaming in any official capacity, even though it's in the National Film Register (and was referenced on a recent season of Atlanta). Get thee to YouTube to check it out while you can — it's very good.
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alarrytale · 1 year
To the anon who wanted my thoughts on the Variety interview 💚
The interviewer is horrendous and super american lol. He sounds like a car engine.
I don't like podcasts. Give me a written interview or a filmed one. This is not for me.
He won't say if blondes have more fun. He's so diplomatic and it's so cute 😊
So no Harry tattoos in tioy. Thank god.
He's so on top of everything fandom. He said 'fan service' and called us 'an impassioned lot' lol.
Ok now the interviewer asked about being straight...he wanted matthew to know early on that he was straight? But Matthew has said in other interviews that nick was the first one to be cast, seeming like he was headhunted? I'm just questioning a gay director's quest to get nick on board playing a gay character if he's straight... you'd think Matthew would think twice about that...
He is 'all ears' to it and says it's a sensitive subject. Some of his friends are for straight actors playing queer and some against it. Good job nick.
He is really trying to not take the word straight into his mouth... he's generally stuttering a lot in this interview, but particularly here on this question...
He seems relieved at the next question about prince harry. He's laughing.
The conversation about sexual frivolity and sexual identity in the public eye. 'People in the public eye feeling they can come out..' he looses his train of thought here and talkes about his heritage??
He's so nice about tzp 🥰 i want to know who he read with other than tzp??? He won't tell usss.
Has he watched hearstopper or young royals?
'We are in an interesting, pivotal time in how we regard sexuality and identity' he's so well versed in this, my god! He wants resonnance!
He wanted gay sex to be accuratly portrayed. Sounds very much like Harry's talking points about mp.
He says about the intimacy scenes that for him it was 'speaking a language i'm not fluent in', but he wanted to understand it and make it authentic. He says that matthew and robbie was helpful in that respect (not mentioning tzp who's married to a man...). Interesting.
Give us the sequel galitzine! He's a sequel hater!
He loves stephen! National treasure! Human encyclopedia. (Stephen is a larrie).
Nick 'im greek' galitzine.
Waiiiit! This is the interview! About him possibly playing queer again in mary and george. "There was definitly this discussion, because at a certain point, i really want sort of queer voices, queer actors. I don't want to take up space that i feel is better served..."
I can't wait for mary and george!
He's so well spoken. And so into his art, so passionate.
So tioy filmed before mary and george. Hope this means we'll get tioy first.
The way he speaks about annie and julianne. Amazing. He's so in awe of their talents. Lifting women up, yes!
Interviewer, dude, we don’t want a purple heart sequel... good save nick.
"Nick, slightly less catchy than cher" asdfghjkl
And it's over.
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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September 1998. Abel Ferrara co-wrote and directed this notoriously dreadful, relentlessly seedy feature adaptation of a 1984 William Gibson cyberpunk short story about two corporate headhunters (Christopher Walken and Willem Dafoe) who recruit a clever sex worker (Asia Argento) to seduce a brilliant, married Japanese scientist (manga artist Yoshitaka Amano) and lure him away from his employer on behalf of a rival corporation. (The companies, Hosaka and Maas Biolabs, also appear in several of Gibson's other "Sprawl" stories and novels.)
It might sound promising, but it fails on every conceivable level: Ferrara downplays the sci-fi aspects as much as possible, but still seems uneasy with what remains, and the clumsy cinematic tricks he uses to suggest Gibson's gloomy near-future world just make the film look incredibly low-rent, barely rising to the lower end of '90s direct-to-video production quality. The script, which is punctuated by stretches of what seems like semi-improvised dialogue, is so flat that not even the combined eccentricity of Walken, Dafoe, and Argento can break the tedium, and about the only cyberpunk quality that comes through is distasteful '80s Orientalism.
That the movie isn't good is perhaps to be expected (to date, the misfired 2023 TV version of THE PERIPHERAL is as close as any screen adaptation has come to actually capturing the flavor of Gibson's prose, and even that wasn't very good), but that it's mostly just boring is unforgivable given the talent involved. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Only in nightclub live sex shows, which hardly counts. VERDICT: Worse than its dismal reputation — not even an interesting mess.
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whitewaterpaper · 1 year
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24 gott folk. Månadens gott och blandat innehåller 24 filmer för alla konnässörer av budgetfilm från skräphögen att botanisera bland. Vissa av dem är rentutav bra.
Beastmaster 2: Genom tidsbarriären / Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991). Okej, men långt ifrån bra uppföljare på klassikern "Beastmaster". Jag har lite svårt för när man plockar "hem" barbar- och fantasyfilm till "vår" värld.
Bloody Mallory (2002) [👍]. Franskt toppraffel, inte genial men helt klart en trevlig överraskning. Rekommenderas.
Bullet Train (2022) [👎]. Kul koncept. Rörig, småtråkig film med topnotch-SFX. Vad får jag för pengarna egentligen Hollywood?
Campa i klaveret (2012) [👍🔁🎭]. Klassiker från Vallarna. Claes Månsson i toppform!
Code 8 (2016) [👍]. Bra kortfilm som trots sin korta längd lyckas vara bättre än många av superhjältefilmerna från Marvel och DC jag sett.
Code 8 (2019) [👍]. Långfilmsversionen av filmen ovan. Man lyckades kanon med att utöka konceptet till full längd.
Cosmos Conqueror, the / Roboteu King (1981) [👎]. Värdelös animerad film från Sydkorea. Töntig dialog med en tillhörande engelsk dubb där "kobåjsigt" lär ha varit den genomgående regin. Bra signaturmelodi, enerverande musik för övrigt.
Dalton Girls, the (1957). Mjäh. Dålig karaktärsuppbyggad och slätstruken story. Drew Barrymore-filmen "Bad Girls" bygger på den här filmen. Man kan hoppa över bägge med äran i behåll.
Dark Planet (1997) [👍]. På gränsen till bra, och jag friar den hellre än fäller.
Destination Månen / Destination Moon (1950).
Fäkta för livet! / Prince and the Pauper, the (1977).
Headless Ghost, the (1959).
Hon jazzade en sommar (2002) [👍🔁🎭].
Hornet (2018) [👎]. Asylum mockbustern för storfilmen Bumblebee. Och det är det enda positiva som finns att säga om den.
I Dimma Dold (1953) [👍]. Bra svenskt morddrama i Agatha Christie-stil.
Maciste and the Headhunters / Maciste contro i cacciatori di teste (1963). Är den politiskt korrekt idag? Knappast. Men småskoj barbarfilm från Italien tackar man inte nej till.
Merlin: The Return (2000) [👎]. Störtlöjlig. Man vräker dessutom på med vitt ljus i scenerna att det är på gränsen till whitewashing.
Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) [👎]. Har inte sett filmen den är en uppföljare till.
Quatermass 2 (1957).
Star Knight / El caballero del dragón (1985) [👍]. På sina ställen lite udda, men klart en trevlig film i övrigt.
Sumuru (2003) [👍🔁].
Tarzan den orädde / Tarzan the Fearless (1933).
Teleios (2017) [👍]. Ohh. Lågmäld SF med ett budskap men som inte skriver tittaren på näsan.
Thor the Conqueror / Thor il conquistatore (1983) [👎] En sådan där film man måste läsa synopsiet efteråt för att få ihop storyn om vad som pågick.
Väldigt många av månadens filmer är fyndade på Prime Video, ett par på Netflix och en hel hög på tuben som vanligt. SVT Play har två representanter. Håller er undan från Cosmos Conqueror och satsa istället på Bloody Mallory eller om man föredrar engelska Dark Planet eller Teleios. Vill man se superhjältefilm men tröttnat på actionsekvenserna signerade Marvel rekommenderas Code 8.
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timeofjuly · 8 months
i’m starting to get into western media! like cowboys and cowgirls :D Anything i should start with when getting into it? Any recommendations?
!!! I can ABSOLUTELY give you recs!!! This is just stuff that I personally like and have stumbled across.
the undone cowboy writes to his sweetheart by Silas Denver Melvin. I'm pretty sure this is a tumblr classic lol but it lives in my head rent-free.
The Lost Pardner by Badger Clark (you can read it and some really interesting commentary by following the link!)
I've really liked the Drabblecast's Weird West Event, which you can find here if you scroll a little. If podcasts aren't your thing, I'm pretty sure they have the actual story underneath each episode too. I liked Headhunting the best.
Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman. This is the sweetest graphic novel. I love this one.
Out West: The Queer Sexuality of the American Cowboy and His Cultural Significance by Hana Klempnauer Miller
This episode of the Heart, which also has a reading of The Lost Pardner! I haven't listened to anything else from this podcast.
Cowboy Bebop, of course!!!
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - this movie is six short films and they're all weird.
Also! The Night at the Museum movies lmao - I am putting them here because they're amazing movies and because of Jed.
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oneidiotwithasword · 11 months
i love explaining my siblings to people cos they have such a ken and barbie dynamic
my sister has adhd and ocd. she’s been headhunted by unicef. she’s lived in four countries. she’s engaged to the love of her life. she adopted a stray cat. she’s bisexual. she has a film degree. one of her favourite hobbies is naked gardening in the house she owns.
and my brother is just some guy™️
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Monte Carlo (2011, Thomas Bezucha)
Monte Carlo is a 2011 film directed by Thomas Bezucha.
The protagonists of the film are Selena Gomez, Katie Cassidy and Leighton Meester who in the film play three friends who organize a trip to Paris. The film is based on the novel Headhunters by Jules Bass.
Grace Bennett is a high school senior from Texas who works as a waitress with her best friend Emma Perkins to earn money for a trip to Paris after graduation. After admiring the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower, they lose the bus and their tour guide, and to take shelter from the rain they find refuge in the lobby of a luxury hotel where Grace is mistaken by everyone, including the paparazzi, for an heiress Englishwoman named Cordelia Winthrop-Scott. The heiress, however, secretly leaves the hotel to join her friends in Ibiza, so they spend the night in Cordelia's suite and from that moment a new holiday begins for the three friends.
As scheduled in Cordelia's agenda, the three leave together with the heiress' luggage, on a private jet for Monte Carlo where Cordelia must participate in a charity auction for which she must donate an expensive Bulgaria diamond necklace. During a party organized in her honor, Grace meets Cordelia's aunt, Alicia who actually mistakes her for her niece thanks to her incredible resemblance and Emma dances with Domenico, a French prince. The following day, Meg reunites with Riley, a globetrotting Australian boy she met briefly in Paris. When Grace take part in a polo match, Alicia quickly discovers that she is not her niece, who is a real talent in that sport.
The evening before the auction, Prince Domenico invites Emma to a dinner on a yacht. Meanwhile Cordelia sees a photo of her in a newspaper at a party with two girls and after discovering that her necklace is missing, she calls the police.
Cordelia manages to escape and reveals Grace's fraud, also demanding that she be arrested, but after Grace makes a public confession, Aunt Alicia, believing in her good faith, unexpectedly makes a generous offer for the necklace of 6 million euros.
Eventually Meg decides to join Riley on his trip around the world which is on a peak of Machu Picchu; Owen and Emma get married and live in Texas; while Grace volunteers in schools in Romania where she meets her love, Theo.
Nicole Kidman, Denise Di Novi and Alison Greenspan are the producers of the film for 20th Century Fox and New Regency Productions. The production began filming in Hungary on May 5, 2010 in Budapest.
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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