#Heathrow airport parking in UK
Compare The Best Airport parking deals in UK
Are you looking for the best airport parking deals in UK? Look no further than Trinqoo! We have scoured the UK to find cheap airport parking deals and have compiled them into one place. We make it easy to compare prices, features, and locations of different airport parking options. With Trinqoo, you can be sure that you are getting the best deal for your airport parking needs!
Trinqoo is here to provide you with the best Heathrow airport parking in UK. They offer a wide range of services, from short-term to long-term parking, as well as an array of discounts and special offers. With Trinqoo, you can be sure that your car will be safe and secure while you are away on your travels.
We offer a range of services to make your airport parking experience hassle-free. From long-term parking to short-term, you can find the perfect deal for you.  With Trinqoo- Stansted meet and greet, you can rest assured that your vehicle is safe and secure while you are away.
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ihsltd89 · 2 years
Heathrow Airport Parking In UK For Heathrow Park And Ride
Trinqoo is a parking company that offers Heathrow Airport parking in UK. We offer discounted prices and easy access to the airport. With our Heathrow park and ride in Trinqoo, you can park your car at the airport, take public transport or a taxi to the airport and make your travel stress-free.
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Trinqoo is a provider of airport parking service in UK that you can use to park your car at Heathrow Airport. Trinqoo has been operating at Heathrow Airport for many years providing the service for meet and greet Heathrow and has now introduced a meet and greet service in UK. There are two types of Heathrow Airport parking, the Meet and Greet Parking and ‘drop-off’ only.
The Meet and Greet Heathrow Parking will take care of all your needs by giving you a driver who will park your car for you, take care of any luggage you have, meet you at the terminal with a board with your name on it, walk with you through security, wait while you pick up any food or drink before driving back to collect your car. On the other hand, ‘drop-off’ only parking can be used if you are planning on traveling light or have no luggage.
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twinbee00 · 7 months
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We are London’s top choice for private transportation services thanks to our skilled drivers, consistently high standards of customer service, affordability, and vehicle selection.
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cheammini · 7 months
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Our Professional Drivers And Consistently High Standards Of Customer Service, Value For Money And Vehicle Selection Make Us The Number One Choice For London Private Transportation Services In London.
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moody-alcoholic · 1 month
Special Delivery Service
Chapter 10 - The Bomb
Summary: Simon x Reader, 4.1k words. The aftermath of a terrorist attack that has injured your brother who is now fighting for his life in hospital. 141 are asked to come back to active duty to chase down those responsible and you're stuck in the middle.
CW: +18 MDNI, explicit content. Mentions of fictional terrorist attack, terrorism, medical stuff, medical inaccuracies, descriptions of injures, mentions of brain death, mourning, death, bedside vigils, angst, lots of hurt/ comfort, military inaccuracies, bombs, use of weapons, kissing, attempt to use sex as a distraction.
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Enjoy <3
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You don’t remember much about the flight back to the UK. It was when you got to Heathrow airport you started paying attention to what was going on. Your mother had messaged you what hospital your brother was being transported too. She hadn't told you much else. 
“Let’s get home.” Simon says coming up behind you.
“I want to see my brother.” You say your eyes puffy from tears. Your head sore, apparently flying with blocked sinuses from crying was not a good idea. You’re ears haven’t popped yet, not that you really care. All you care about is seeing your brother. You look up at Simon as he runs his fingers through is hair. You’re pretty sure the last place he wants you to be is central London.  
“Soap!” Simon calls and Johnny comes skipping over. 
“Take her to the hospital stay with her till I get back.” Johnny raises an eyebrow but nods anyway. You don’t want to argue with Simon you don’t have the energy. You follow Johnny looking behind you to see Simon walk back towards John. Johnny tries to make conversation with you you don’t listen. When he asks you questions you just grunt in reply. He pulls the car up at the drop off zone outside the main entrance of the hospital. There are media everywhere.
“You don’t have to stay.” You say to Johnny as you step out the car. 
“It’s not a problem lass, I’ll park up and meet you in there.” He says. You nod at him closing the door. You make your way through to the main entrance checking your phone for the ward. It’s busy there is a meeting set up for new people to come and see if their loved ones have survived. You walk over to the lift. 
“Hey!” Someone calls over to you. You turn to see an older looking woman wearing a red cross vest. “Sorry no one is allowed through, are you staff?” You freeze almost saying yes, but you shake your head instead. She walks over to you with a clipboard. 
“Do you have a name?” You look at the woman wide eyed feeling tears threatening to spill again. Your mouth is just hanging open. You look round at the crowd of people looking over the table being manned by other red cross volunteers.
You don’t know what to say as you back away from her clutching your phone. You stand there wrapping your arms around your body, feeling a chill in the air. You want to get to him you have the ward and room he’s in you just want to get there. You don’t want to be round all these people. You feel Johnny come up behind you he makes you jump placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You okay lass?” He asks. You turn to see him. 
“They won’t let me through.” You say your voice catching in your throat. Johnny looks past you patting his jacket. 
“C’mon.” He says taking something out and grabbing your wrist pulling you over to the lifts. 
“Hey! I’m sorry.” The same red cross lady from before runs over. Johnny shows her whatever he pulled out his pocket. 
“We’re allowed through.” He says his voice filled with authority. It makes you stop in your tracks. 
“I’m sorry sir, I think all the army is meeting downstairs.” She says. 
“I know but we’re needed elsewhere.” He says dragging you over to call for a lift. 
“Army?” You ask bewildered. He passes you the card. You see it says captain John Price. A smile creeps on your lips.  
“Nicked it from Price when we quit.” He says leading you into a lift. You press the button to the right floor handing the card back to Johnny. You follow the signs to the ICU, the whole place is busy. It’s a hospital but it feels busier then usual.
You walk into the ward looking in each cubical for your brother. You see your mum first. Sitting next to his bed holding his hand. You rush in wrapping your arms around her as she sobs. Johnny stayed stood in the entrance of the cubical.
Things went back into a blur. You listened to what your mum was saying even though you didn’t understand anything. He has burns to his face and arms, he was close to the blast from what your mother was telling you. You pull a chair up on the other side of the bed and gripped his hand, his bandage wrapped hand. You look up at his face. He's pale with tubes and wires sticking out his throat and body.
It's your little brother, he looks younger for some reason, his hair is shorter then you remember. It's a Friday night, he was probably going out with friends from uni. Now he's in a hospital bed fighting for his life. The tears come thick and fast, you try not to make a sound not wanting to set your mother off. You scoot your chair up to his face and whisper in his ear. 
"I love you Dylan, you're going to be okay." You squeeze his hand. You try so hard to believe it, he's going to be okay, he's going to make it. 
You wake to Simon, laying his hand on your shoulder. You snap up turning to look at him. Your mother is gone. You can’t tell if anything has changed the machines are still beeping. 
“Where’s my mum?” You ask. 
“She left a bit ago.” Simon says. You feel drained looking over at your brother. Simon sits next to you. 
“What time is it?” You ask, it was late when you arrived here. There are no windows on the ward. 
“Don’t worry about that, you need to rest, let me take you home.” Simon says his hand resting on your thigh. 
“I want to stay.” You say gripping your brothers hand. You’re too tired to cry too worried to care. You look up at your brothers face. You can’t tell if he looks better or not. The nurses come in now and again to change his dressings. They don’t give you updates, when you ask they say the doctor will meet with you soon.
Your mum will have gone home to feed the cats, get some things from Dylan's room. You feel bad you should be doing something other then sitting here holding his hand hoping he’ll wake up. What is he even going to look like with all the burns he has. 
“At least let me get you something to eat.” Simon says you turn to look at him as he squeezes your thigh. You don’t want to eat you don’t want to do anything. You nod though hoping it will make him happy. He leans over and kisses your cheek getting up off the chair and leaving the room.
You want him to stay, it was nice having him by your side. You look back up at your brother stroking his hand. There is a knock at the door and your name is called you look up to see what you assume is a doctor, you nod at him. He’s holing a clipboard in his hands.
“I’m doctor Stuart the intensive care consultant. I was wondering if we could have a word.” He says, he has that look on his face, the one like he’s about to spill the worst news ever. You nod and he pulls the chair up next to you. 
“I spoke to your mum this morning before she went home. Your brother is unfortunately very sick.” He has kind eyes, tired eyes he reminds you of John. 
“We were waiting for the results to come through from his second MRI, and there has been some bleeding in his brain.” He continues pausing to make sure you’re following. You swallow hard feeling sick. 
“We believe that the injuries he sustained from the blast were unfortunately fatal. I am very sorry but we cannot detect any brain activity.” He says. You don’t believe him, you brother just looks like he’s sleeping. You can see his chest rising and falling, he’s breathing. 
“What does that mean?” You ask. 
“It means that we don’t think he’s ever going to wake up.” The doctor says, you look down at the clipboard in his hands. He pulls an envelope off. 
“There’s a chance he could wake up right? I’ve seen it in the news before. Someone they thought would never wake up, wakes up.” You say squeezing your brothers hand. He’s still warm, there is still blood pumping through his body he’s alive.
“I’m sorry but we don’t believe there is a chance he could wake up, he sustained life threatening injuries form the explosion. He had lost a lot of blood and unfortunately his brain was without oxygen for a significant amount of time.” The doctor explains calm and slow looking in your eyes making sure you understand. You don’t understand though. 
“We have to discus how you would like treatment to continue if you choose to do that. Other wise we can discus the processes of removing the vent that is keeping him breathing.” 
“You should speak to my mum.” You say sniffing. 
“He has declared you medical power of attorney.” The doctor says handing you the envelope. You frown opening the letter, it’s your brothers will. There it is in black and white. 
‘Should the time come that it is necessary for decisions to be made regarding the continuation of treatment in the case of brain death. I give full and complete responsibility to my sister..’  
You stop reading you feel the pit come back in your stomach. 
“I can give you some time to think, there are nurses around if you have any questions. Would you like the chaplain to come and see you?” He asks as you squeeze the letter in your hands. You’re not religious, nether is your brother, your mum would want them to come though. You nod. 
“I will be back for ward round tomorrow but in the mean time if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.” You hear him get up. There’s tears again, your eyes are raw your head thumping. The next noise you hear is Simon coming back. He’s bought a sandwich and some water. You can’t stomach that now.
“What’s wrong?” He asks sitting down in the chair the doctor occupied a few minutes earlier. You pass him the letter. 
“They say it’s brain death.” Is all you manage before you’re sobbing in your hands again. Simon’s arms wrap round you pulling you up to his chest. He kisses your head shushing you. You’re exhausted and now you need to make the decision to kill your brother or not.
You mind goes back to thinking about Paris, the people who broke into the rental house, were they involved in this. You should have killed them. Then maybe your brother would be okay. Your little brother who had done no wrong in the world. You feel anger build up inside you. You were in the same room as the people who did this to him. 
“Simon.” You say sniffing in his chest. 
“Yeah.” He says rubbing your back.
“The people who did this you’re going to get them right?” You say through sobs. 
“‘Cause we are.” He says. You don’t know if you believe it or not but it's what you need to hear. You close your eyes breathing him in, he smells of cigarettes. 
It’s raining as Ghost steps out the back of the army truck. So much for being retired, Price was having to fight off calls as soon as they landed in the UK. He knew staying in reserves was a bad idea. Now they had some general breathing down their necks, making sure they did a good job. 
“Captain!” Someone shouts. Ghost looks over to see a police officer walking over. Price comes to stand next to Ghost holding his hand out for the officer. 
“We heard there would be a specialist team coming.” He says introducing himself and shaking price’s hand. Everyone follow’s him as he explain what happened during the raid. They had intel this house was one of many safe houses the terrorists were using only when they raided it they found bomb making facilities. 
“I’m surprised the whole street hasn’t gone up yet.” The officer says scoffing as he leads everyone inside. It looks like a normal house from the outside but the whole place has been turned on it’s head inside. Tables and drapes, the whole place stinks of plastic explosives, fuel and gunpowder. It’s not a house it’s a factory. 
“Have you evacuated the street?” Price asks the officer. 
“A two street radius.” The officer confirms. 
“Gaz lets clear the top floors, Soap let’s get this place secure, stick with him LT. You should clear your officers out of here, let us work.” Price says. Soap pushes past Ghost going over to a table of devices poking at them with wire cutters. Ghost hears the officer protest, something about securing evidence. 
“Can’t secure anything if you’re dead.” Price says, it makes Ghost smile. The officer relents and orders the officers mulling around the place taking photos to leave. Price nods at Ghost as he heads up the stairs with Gaz. 
“How’s she doing?” Soap asks as he walks over to a table. 
“Focus on the job Soap.” Ghost replies, he’s not in the mood to talk about you. 
“I’m sorry about her brother.” He says looking up at him. Ghost crosses his arms. He can’t worry about you now, he’s got a job to do. 
“This place is a mess.” Soap says as he looks over the tables covered in wires and what looks like work in progress IED’s. There are vests with plastic explosives already shoved in them. It doesn't look like anything is finished though all work in progress. Ghost besides to walk round the room in the other direction.
He comes to a table with papers and a computer, he starts thumbing through them as he looks for anything important. A lot of it is in Arabic, his speaking Arabic is rusty enough never mind his reading skills. He looks for anything that sticks out. There is a map of the London underground with a highlighted route, and an X. He recognises it as the station that was bombed. 50 people were killed, the number of injured keeps increasing. It’ll be 51 soon. He shakes his head pushing the thought away. 
“Got a live one here Soap.” Gaz’s voice comes though his earpiece. 
“Copy.” Soap replies heading for the staircase. Ghost stays on the lower floor checking through the rest of the documents. The police will take all this, or more likely MI5 will. They would know what everything says eventually as soon as they’ve been translated. He looks up as Price comes down the steps.
“They’ll finish clearing, only one room left.” He says, Ghost nods. Suddenly there’s a muffled crashing noise. Ghost’s hands grip his weapon bringing it up his body twisting in the direction of the noise.
Price is by his side as they make there way in that direction. The wall looks flush but the noise definitely came from behind it. Price steps forward lowing his weapon and pressing on the wall, it bends in oh-so-slightly. There’s something hidden back there. 
“Soap sitrep?” Ghost asks into his mic. 
“Disarmed, we’re finishing clearing the floor.” 
“Cancel that, both of you get down here.” Price says.
“Copy.” Soap says. It doesn’t take long before they’re standing next to Ghost. Price is still trying to find a way to get the secret entrance open. Gaz and Soap raise their weapons realising the situation.
“Gaz, keep our six clear.” Ghost says. There could be more hidden places the last thing they need is someone sneaking up behind them. Price presses on a part of the call and there is a click, the wall popping out slightly. Simon clicks the safety off his weapon, he hears Soap and Price so the same. Price looks back nodding at them, they nod back. Ghost holds his breath as Price pulls the door open.
There’s two people, unarmed, a man and a woman. Next comes the shouting, the shoving ‘hands in the air!” Get down on the floor!’ The sound of zip ties, Ghost keeps his weapon trained on them as Price and Soap pull their hands behind their backs. It’s all too familiar, although this feels strangely personal now. These could be the very people responsible for the attack. Ghost switches with Price as he calls the officers back to arrest them. 
“We thought the house had been abandoned, we knew they would be tipped off.” The officer in charge says as SWAT rush into the building. He seems happy they have someone they can question now. Ghost is surprised they found any one, any one alive at least.
Price looks over at him, he knows that look. If this was a different circumstance they would be the ones to do the questioning not the Met. He comes over putting his hand on Ghost’s shoulder, squeezing it. He must be able to see something, Price is good at reading his expression through the mask, Ghost blinks at him. 
“Lets sweep the place again!” Price calls moving his hand, turning to the officers. Ghost watches as the people are lead out the house. He clicks the safely back on his weapon, he’ll get his chance. He knows he will. 
You’ve lost track of time, it was dark when you made it to the hospital and it’s dark when you leave. Simon said he had to work at some point. You still had the letter you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to telling your mum about it. You would need to though at some point they would need an answer. He is taking up a bed in ICU after all.
You don’t want to make the decision. You understood it though. If it was your mums decision, she would choose to continue treatment, have him moved to one of those hospices that care for people in his situation. She would never be able to do it, it makes sense Dylan is her son, no mother should ever have to make this choice.
Dylan knew that, that’s why he left it to you, he hoped you would be able to make the horrible choice. You got a taxi back to your place, you wanted to change at least. Get into something more comfortable to stay at the hospital in. When you walk into your flat you almost jump at the sight of Simon popping his head out the kitchen. You drop your keys shutting the door behind you. 
“I’m sorry.” He says coming over to you. “I thought I would do some cleaning in case you decided to come back.” You nod as he picks your keys up. You wrap your arms around him. He smells clean, a hint of fuel. His arms wrap round your back as you breathe him in. You don’t want to cry again you can’t. Maybe you can just forget about your brother for a few minutes, you need a distraction.
You break away a little looking up at him planting your lips on his. You kiss him hard, wet and sloppy, too much tongue, not a normal kiss. Anything to quiet your mind, focus on something else. You push your hands up his top, feeling each muscle and scar, your nails digging into his skin. He tries to say something but you kiss him harder forcing him to pull his head up as you stand up on your toes. 
“Baby-” He tries to says between kissing. You shake your head trying to stop him, forcing your tongue deeper in his mouth. It’s not working you need something more, more touching. The uncomfortable touching that makes you shake, at least it will be a distraction from everything going on. You need something else to be on your mind then your soon-to-be dead brother in the hospital.
You pull your hands off him reaching round and grabbing his wrists, forcing his hands up your shirt. His hands brush your breasts and it makes you shiver. A pit of fear pooling in your stomach. That’s what you need, your heart starts racing. You’re not thinking you fall into the familiar feeling letting it overpower you.
You haven’t even registered the fact that Simon’s hands have left your body as he pulls away from the kiss, moving his mouth away so you can’t reach him. You look up at him feeling hot tears fall down your cheeks. He looks sad, his hand comes to your cheek brushing the tear away. It hurts, your eyes and cheeks still raw from crying. 
“I-I can’t.” You say, you don’t know what to say. 
“I know, I know baby.” He says holding you away from him. He bends down kissing you softly on the lips. 
“You’re grieving, you’re exhausted.” He says as a matter of fact, his voice low. You look up at him all you can do is nod. 
“How about a shower and then some sleep.” He says waiting for your reaction. 
“I need to be with him.” You say your voice catching in your throat.
“You need to rest, you’re no good to anyone like this.” He says, you know he’s right but you don’t care. You don’t want to sleep, you don’t want to have to wake up and face it all. You close your eyes taking a breath. 
“Stay.” You say to him opening your eyes. 
“‘Cause, I’ll stay,” he says pulling you back into his arms. Things happen in slow motion, or at least that’s what it feels like. Simon brings you some PJ’s and you go for a shower while he says he will cook you something. You take a long time in the shower, a hot shower letting the hot water burn your back. Your mind fixates on your brothers burns, his face and arm covered in them.
It’s Simon knocking on the door that drags you back into reality. You get out the shower drying yourself off and changing. When you walk out the bathroom Simon leads you over to the kitchen table. You see a bowl of soup on the table. He must have been shopping there’s fresh bread too. You’re not hungry but you sit down anyway, if just to make him happy. You didn’t eat the sandwich he bought you at the hospital giving it to your mum instead, reminding her of the importance of eating. You watch as he cuts some bread up for you.
“Come on, a few spoons at least.” He says. You reach out taking the bread and dipping it in the soup, cream of tomato. It makes you think of being sick as a kid. You nibble on the bread, as soon as you’ve had one mouthful your stomach grumbles and you realised how hungry you actually are. Simon stays by your side rubbing your back as you sip on the soup nibbling on clumps of bread.
You’re only halfway through though when you feel full. Simon sighs but accepts it, at least you’ve eaten something. He kisses you on the forehead finishing off the rest as you sit in silence. When he’s done he takes you to bed. You’re not tired you just feel numb you lay down and he gets in behind you wrapping his arms and legs around you. He’s warm and you can feel his heart beating as his chest presses up against your back. It feels good being in his arms, it feels safe and right. 
“Is it okay if I call you my boyfriend?” You ask relaxing into him. 
“Of course.” He replies kissing your head. You can feel the smile as he squeezes you. 
“I love you.” You say closing your eyes. 
“I love you too, get some sleep, I’ll be here.” He says breathing into your neck. You feel him leave little kisses, his hand stroking your arm. You try to relax matching your breathing with his, despite you not feeling tired it doesn’t take you long before you’re asleep.  
When you wake it’s light out, Simon is softly snoring behind you. You turn in the bed so you’re facing him which causes him to wake.
He blinks slowly waking up his hand coming up to stroke your face. You don’t say anything you just look at him, soaking in his face. His hand is soft on your cheek the pressure is nice. It makes you smile, it feels like the first smile in days. For a few blissful moments you’re not thinking about your brother, or the hospital, or the fact that he’s going to die today. You’re just enjoying a few moments with your boyfriend. He smiles back at you and leans in planting a kiss on your lips. Then the moment is gone and you remember what you have to do. 
“My brother’s going to die today.” You say. He nods, his hand still brushing your cheek. 
“I want you to be there.” You say, you need him to be there, you need his support. 
“I will, whatever you need I’ll be there.” He says. You nod reaching over and kissing him on the lips. You watch him for a second trying to read his expression, his beautiful caramel eyes glowing in the sunlight. You wish you didn’t have to do this you wish you could stay here forever. Instead you force yourself to turn away and get out of bed.
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aimeedaisies · 6 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in March 2024
01/03 In Dubai Princess Anne; 🇦🇪
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, visited Dubai Ports World in Port of Jebel Ali. 🚢
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion at Dubai Ports World Pavilion. 👩‍💼🛳️
Opened Donnelly Lines British Forces Headquarters at Al Minhad Airbase. 🛫
Called upon HH Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum (wife of the Vice President and PM of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai). 👑
Attended a Royal British Legion Reception on board the QUEEN ELIZABETH II floating hotel. 🍾
As President of the Royal Yachting Association, visited Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. 🛥️
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, this attended a Dinner at the One and Only Royal Mirage Hotel. 🍽️
02/03 Departed Dubai International Airport and returned to Heathrow Airport 🇦🇪✈️🇬🇧
04/03 As Guardian of the Chaffinch Trust, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. 🤝
As Guardian of Give Them A Sporting Chance, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. ⚽️
unofficial Along with the Duke of Kent (President of the RNLI), Sir Tim (Vice President of the RNLI) attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI at Westminster Abbey. 🛟
05/03 As Patron of Livability, visited New Court Place, to mark its 180th Anniversary. 🦼
Opened First Garden Cities Homes' Sheltered Housing Scheme at John Coxall Court in Letchworth Garden City. 🏡
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HMP/Young Offenders Institute Aylesbury. 🔗👮
06/03 On behalf of the King, held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
07/03 As President, attended the 32nd National Equine Forum at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 🐴
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy. ⛪️🎖️
08/03 As Chancellor of the University of London, visited King’s College London’s Portable MRI Project at the Denmark Hill Campus. 🩻
As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Women’s Day Luncheon at Bluebird on Kings Road. 👭💪
10/03 Attended the Global Fraud Summit at the Guildhall in London. 💻👾
11/03 Attended the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey alongside The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and The Duke of Kent. 🌎🌍🌏
Attended a Commonwealth Day Reception at Westminster Abbey. 🌍🥂
With Sir Tim As Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended the Annual City Food and Drink Lecture at Guildhall. 🍽️🍾
12/03 With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon on board Hebridean Princess to mark its 60th Anniversary in Greenock. 🥪
With Sir Tim Visited Peel Ports Group Limited Greenock Ocean Terminal. 🛳️
13/03 unofficial Attended Style Wednesday at Cheltenham Festival. 👒
14/03 unofficial Attended St. Patrick’s Thursday at Cheltenham Festival. ☘️
15/03 With Sir Tim Attended Gold Cup Friday at Cheltenham Festival. 🏆
16/03 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, attended the Six Nations Rugby Match between Scotland and Ireland at Aviva Stadium in Dublin. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🏉
18/03 As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Financial Review Annual Awards Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.🏅
19/03 As Patron of Sense, opened Sense Hub Loughborough.🦻👨‍🦯
On behalf of The King, with the Duchess of Edinburgh, held a Reception for Korean War Veterans at Buckingham Palace. 🪖
As Patron of the Butler Trust, held the Annual Awards Ceremony at St James’s Palace. 🏆
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, attended a Presidential Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall. 🐟🍽️
20/03 Held a morning and an afternoon investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
21/03 As President of the Benenden Society and Founders’ Patron of Benenden School, attended the Centenary Service in Canterbury Cathedral. ⛪️👩‍🦰
Attended the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and Choir Presentation Concert at Spencer House. 🎻🎼
22/03 Opened the new North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Headquarters Accommodation at the Officers’ Mess in Imjin Barracks. 🌊
Visited the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre and Ministry of Defence Medal Office at Innsworth House in Imjin Barracks. ⛑️🎖️
As Patron of Stroud Hospital League of Friends, visited Stroud Maternity Unit. 🏥👶
25/03 Visited MacRebur Limited. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛣️
Visited the Lockerbie Air Disaster Memorial at Lockerbie Garden of Remembrance. 🌹👼🏻
As President of the Scotch Chef’s Club, opened Browns Food Group’s new facilities at Kelloholm Industrial Estate. 🐄
As Royal Patron of Friends of TS Queen Mary, attended a Reception at the Hilton Glasgow. ⛴️🥂
26/03 Opened the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre at Scotland's Rural College in Inverness. 🩺🐑
As Chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, attended the Integrated Land Use Conference. 🚜🧑‍🌾
As Royal Patron of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, visited the Saving Wildcats Project at Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig. 🐯🦁
As Patron and Honorary Member of the Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow, attended a Dinner at the Trades Hall of Glasgow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿📜
Unofficial Sir Tim, as Chair of Trustees, attended the opening of the Adani Green Energy Gallery at the Science Museum 🌍🍃💚
31/03 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended the Easter Mattins service held at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle ⛪️🐣
Total official engagements for Anne in March: 49
2024 total so far: 134
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in March: 6
2024 total so far: 29
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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7 SEPTEMBER - William visited Pret a Manger in Bournemouth. Afterwards he was received on arrival by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset (Mr. Angus Campbell) AFC Bournemouth. 8 SEPTEMBER - William and Catherine undertook engagements in St. David's and were received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed (Ms. Sara Edwards). They attended a Memorial Service for Queen Elizabeth II in St. David's Cathedral and afterwards met members of the local community. Later, they visited Câr-y-Môr Seaweed Farm. Subsequently, they met volunteers from the RNLI at the RNLI St. David's Lifeboat Station. William wrote a letter to Mr. Gear about the memorial of her grandfather who was a WWII veteran. 9 SEPTEMBER - William joined Catherine and Princess Anne for an episode of 'The Good, The Bad and The Rugby' Podcast. 10 SEPTEMBER- William attended the Wales Vs Fiji Rugby World Cup pool match in Bordeaux and was received upon arrival by His Majesty's Ambassador to the French Republic (Dame Menna Rawlings). 13 SEPTEMBER- William was received by Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London) as he visited Mates in Mind at a construction site. 14 SEPTEMBER - William and Catherine visited Stirling Lines in Hereford. Afterwards, they were received by Mr. Patrick Wrixon (Deputy Lieutenant of Herefordshire) at Madley Primary School's Forest School. Subsequently, met Members of We Are Farming Minds at Kings Pitt Farm. 18 SEPTEMBER - William departed from Heathrow Airport for USA and was received upon arrival at Newark Liberty International Airport by His Majesty's Consul-General for New York (Ms. Emma Wade-Smith) as he kicked off his Trip to New York. He visited the Billion Oyster Project at Governor's Island and met schoolchildren at the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Afterwards he called upon Mr. António Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations) at the UN Headquarters. 19 SEPTEMBER - On his second day in New York, William held and audience with The President of the Republic of Ecuador. Afterwards, he attended the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit. Later, he visited FDNY Firehouse Ten and was received by His Majesty's Ambassador to the United States of America (Dame Karen Pierce). Finally he attended a Dinner for the Earthshot Prize at Tavern on the Green and later departed NY from John F. Kennedy International Airport for the UK. 20 SEPTEMBER - William arrived at Heathrow Airport, London, from the United States of America. 21 SEPTEMBER - William wrote the Foreword to London Air Ambulance Charity's bereavement booklet. 22 SEPTEMBER - William and Catherine were spotted at Prince George's Football Game. 27 SEPTEMBER- William and Catherine hosted a Charities Forum in London. 28 SEPTEMBER - William and Catherine received Mr. Timothy Cook (Chief Executive Officer, Apple Incorporated) at Windsor Castle. 29 SEPTEMBER - He was received by Mrs. Clare Garrett (Deputy Lieutenant of Wiltshire) as he visited BEST - Be A Better You in Swindon.
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connectoairporttaxis · 5 months
BEST FOR Your Family Time
Connecto Airport Taxis (CAT)
🚖✈️ Ready to elevate your airport travel experience?
Connect Airport Taxis (CAT) is here to transform your journey!
With a commitment to providing prompt, comfortable, and hassle-free rides to and from the airport, we ensure your travel plans take off smoothly. Whether you're catching a flight or returning home, our professional drivers and top-notch fleet are at your service, 24/7. Why worry about navigating traffic or parking? Book your ride with CAT and start your journey with peace of mind. Let's make airport travel less about the rush and more about comfort and convenience.
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#Stansted #airporttransfer #family #pub #nightlife #funtimes #londonlife #airporttransfer #airportpickup
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I posted 863 times in 2022
88 posts created (10%)
775 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 861 of my posts in 2022
#brian may - 689 posts
#my guitar god love - 661 posts
#roger taylor - 297 posts
#queen - 290 posts
#freddie mercury - 210 posts
#john deacon - 172 posts
#i love him - 85 posts
#fan art - 70 posts
#fanart - 70 posts
#q+al - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#like...he knew brian could do it .. and seemed pleased? proud? that he'd be able to pull it off even though he'd never played one before
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Queen At A Party
(MANDATORY CREDIT Watal Asanuma/Shinko Music/Getty Images) 
Queen at the after party for their the Earl's Court show, at a club in Holland Park, London, United Kingdom, 7th June 1977. Olivia Newton John, Brian May. (Photo by Watal Asanuma/Shinko Music/Getty Images) (x)
65 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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Queen Rehearsals
LONDON, ENGLAND - 1977: Freddie Mercury (left) and Brian May of British rock band Queen during rehearsals for their American Tour at Shepperton Studios in London, England circa October, 1977. 
(Photo by Terence Spencer/Popperfoto via Getty Images) (x)
69 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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See the full post
72 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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Detail: Brian’s reflection in the car window.
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Brian May of Queen gets in a car at Amsterdam station, Netherlands, 25th April 1982. (Photo by Rob Verhorst/Redferns)
73 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Queen At Heathrow Airport
Queen at Heathrow Airport heading for their UK tour, London, United Kingdom, 20th January 1975. L-R Brian May, Roger Taylor, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon. (Photo by Watal Asanuma/Shinko Music/Getty Images) (x, x)
105 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wwjfjdg-blog · 2 years
starting fresh
Hello! This first blog post is hopefully going to cover my journey from my home in the UK to my new home in the south of Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. I'll try not to make it too long.
August 20th, 2022, Heathrow airport. The drive to the airport was oddly... normal. My parents, partner, and I chatted like we would have on any other day. I think that my parents and I purposely 'forgot' the fact that I was moving away until we got to the drop-off point outside the terminal, so once we arrived, there were a few moments in which we sat slightly apprehensively. Though we wouldn't see each other for some time, none of us really wanted an overly emotional goodbye, so I appreciated them for helping me to get on with it as though it were nothing more than a weekend trip. It was then into the airport to meet the other people from the UK heading out on the program. Even though there were around 100 of us, I actually ended up eating alone in the airport which was not a very me thing to do. Perhaps the gravity of what I was about to do was hitting a little bit, but I think that I just needed a little bit of space. I sat in an Italian restaurant and ate a pizza as I'd heard that pizza was expensive in Japan.
Cue 24 hours of airports and flights - ouch. We flew 11.5 hours to Doha, Qatar, and then, after a few hours layover, another 10 on to Tokyo. It was a lot of flying and I didn't sleep at all (my first day on my own and I was already making poor life decisions, whoops), but other than that, the flights were fairly easy and had very little turbulence.
August 21st, 2022, Tokyo. We landed in Tokyo on the evening of the 21st, and took an hour-and-a-half bus ride to the hotel in Shinjuku. Whilst the flights were tiring, and although I only had 2 days in Tokyo, I still did my best to make the most of the time there. The first full day there, after a full day of conferences and lectures, I fancied a run so I headed out to explore a little. I ran around 代々木公園 (Yoyogi park) and grabbed some breakfast for the next few days from a 7/11 before heading back. It was only about 7km, but in my defence, it was over 30°C and 100000% humidity. Feeling slightly like I wasn't taking enough advantage of being Tokyo, I decided to get up early the next morning in order to head to Shibuya. I walked through the park again and then had a coffee in the Starbucks that overlooks Shibuya crossing before doing a little bit of exploring in the surrounding area. After some more lectures, I went out and sang Karaoke with a few of the other people on the program and then headed back to the hotel to get some rest; we were leaving to fly out of Tokyo at just after 6 the next morning. These are the only pictures that I took in Tokyo but I thought I'd share them here (my inability to take photos is one of the things that I plan to work on in my time here).
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August 24th , 2022, Kumamoto. I arrived at my new home around midday on a Wednesday after flying down from Tokyo and then driving for around an hour and a half into the countryside. I have to thank my coworkers for the lovely welcome and help that they provided when I arrived because without them, it would have been a tricky day. We went out and bought some furniture, food and other essentials before they dropped me back at my appartment. With that, my journey was complete, I had travelled 6000 miles from home and was now sat on a single sofa in an empty apartment. I might have been fairly overwhelmed if it hadn't been for the fact that I was absolutely shattered (Maybe not sleeping on those planes was a good thing after all???). I called my partner and my parents to let them know that I had arrived safely and then headed to bed. First step of my 'fresh start' complete.
It's now the middle of October, almost 2 months from when I arrived, but I thought that considering what this blog is going to be about, the journey to get here was a good first post. There are a few things that I plan to write about on this blog, goals, thoughts on different aspects of life here, plans, etc, though I have no idea when I'll get around to writing them. For the moment, here are some rather lovely photos of the area I now live in:
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I think that's probably enough for now so thanks for reading; I'll hopefully see you soon with another blog post.
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Why Trinqoo For Stanstard And Heathrow Airport Parking?
Are you looking for the best airport parking deals for Stansted and Heathrow Airport? Look no further than Trinqoo! We offer secure and convenient airport parking services at competitive rates. Our service allows you to compare prices, read reviews, and book the perfect airport parking spot for your needs. With Trinqoo, you can rest assured that you'll get the best deals on Stansted and Heathrow Airport parking in UK.
Trinqoo is the perfect solution for Stansted Meet And Greet Airport Parking. With its easy-to-use website, customers can quickly compare prices and services between different parking providers to make sure they get the best deal. Moreover, Trinqoo offers a range of features such as discounts, loyalty points, and customer support that make it an ideal choice for travelers looking for reliable airport parking services.
Additionally, Trinqoo provides customers with real-time updates on the availability of parking spots at Stansted and Heathrow Airport Parking so they can plan their journey accordingly. With our easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices, read customer reviews, and book your parking space in just a few clicks. You can rest assured that you are getting the best deal available. We make sure to provide only the most reliable and secure airport parking deals in UK, so that you can travel with peace of mind.
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Taxi Service in Kings Lynn & Norfolk: Airport Taxi Rates
When it comes to reliable and comfortable transportation in Kings Lynn and the greater Norfolk area, few options can compare to the services offered by Norfolk Executive Travel. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, having access to a trustworthy Taxi Service Kings Lynn is crucial for ensuring a smooth journey to and from the airport. In this article, we explore the features of taxi services in Kings Lynn and discuss the airport taxi rates that you can expect when traveling with Norfolk Executive Travel.
Why Choose Taxi Services in Kings Lynn
Kings Lynn is a historic market town known for its beautiful architecture and proximity to some of the UK’s most scenic landscapes. Despite its charming appeal, navigating the area can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with its winding roads and local traffic patterns. This is where Norfolk Executive Travel steps in, providing professional taxi services designed to cater to the unique needs of Kings Lynn residents and visitors.
Opting for a taxi service offers numerous advantages, including:
Convenience: Taxis provide door-to-door service, saving you from the hassle of finding parking or coordinating with public transport schedules.
Comfort: With modern, well-maintained vehicles, Norfolk Executive Travel ensures that passengers can relax and enjoy a stress-free journey.
Professional Drivers: Local drivers possess extensive knowledge of Kings Lynn and Norfolk, ensuring that you reach your destination on time and without unnecessary detours.
Airport Taxi Rates with Norfolk Airport Taxi Rates Executive Travel
One of the main concerns for travelers is understanding the cost associated with airport transfers. Norfolk Executive Travel offers competitive and transparent pricing to ensure customers get excellent value for their money.
Standard Rates: Rates are determined based on the distance from Kings Lynn to various nearby airports, including Norwich, Stansted, and Heathrow. For example, a standard taxi from Kings Lynn to Norwich Airport can start at a reasonable rate, while longer trips to Stansted or Heathrow are priced competitively to reflect the added distance.
Fixed Pricing: Unlike some taxi services that rely on meters, Norfolk Executive Travel offers fixed pricing for airport transfers. This means you can budget your travel expenses in advance without worrying about unexpected costs.
Additional Services: For travelers requiring extra assistance or specific vehicle types, Norfolk Executive Travel provides options such as executive cars and wheelchair-accessible vehicles, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience.
Norfolk Executive Travel is the go-to taxi service provider in Kings Lynn and the surrounding Norfolk area. With a focus on convenience, comfort, and competitive airport taxi rates, this company ensures that every journey is seamless and stress-free. Whether you’re heading to the airport or exploring the local area, trust Norfolk Executive Travel to get you there safely and comfortably.
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twinbee00 · 7 months
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Cheam Airport Cars Professional Airport Transfer Our Professional Drivers And Consistently High Standards Of Customer Service, Value For Money And Vehicle Selection Make Us The Number One Choice For London Private Transportation Services In London.
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cheammini · 1 year
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Special Events: Whether you're attending a wedding, party, or any special event in Cheam or London, mini cabs can provide transportation to and from the venue.
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Hospital and Medical Appointments: If you have medical appointments or need to visit a hospital or healthcare facility, mini cabs can ensure you get there on time and comfortably.
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School Runs: Mini cabs can be used for school transportation, ensuring that children get to and from school safely.
Late-Night Transportation: If you need transportation during late hours when public transportation options are limited, mini cabs can be a reliable choice.
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Convenience: Mini cabs offer door-to-door service, making them a convenient option for getting around Cheam and its surroundings.
Group Travel: Some mini cabs can accommodate larger groups, making them suitable for family trips or group outings.
When using mini cabs or private taxi services, it's essential to choose a reputable and licensed provider to ensure safety and reliability. You can typically book mini cabs in advance or call for one when needed, depending on the availability of the service in the Cheam area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Book Now!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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ashfordtaxi · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Airport Private Transfers in Ashford
Traveling can be both exciting and stressful, especially when it comes to getting to and from the airport. Whether you’re jetting off on a business trip or heading out on a well-deserved holiday, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’ll get to the airport on time. This is where airport private transfers come in. For those in Ashford, Kent, opting for a private transfer offers convenience, comfort, and peace of mind. Here’s everything you need to know about airport private transfers in Ashford.
1. What Are Airport Private Transfers?
An airport private transfer is a pre-arranged transportation service that takes you directly from your home, hotel, or other location to the airport—or vice versa—without the need to share the vehicle with other passengers. Unlike shared shuttles or public transport, a private transfer is tailored to your schedule, ensuring that you arrive at the airport promptly and comfortably.
2. Benefits of Choosing a Private Transfer in Ashford
Opting for a private airport transfer in Ashford comes with several advantages:
Convenience: One of the biggest benefits of a private transfer is the convenience it offers. You’re picked up directly from your specified location at a time that suits you, and driven straight to the airport. No need to worry about navigating public transport or finding parking.
Comfort: Private transfers provide a comfortable and stress-free travel experience. You can relax in a clean, well-maintained vehicle with plenty of space for you and your luggage. Most services offer a range of vehicles, from standard cars to luxury options, depending on your needs.
Punctuality: With a private transfer, you don’t have to worry about delays or missed connections. The driver will monitor your flight and adjust the pickup time if necessary, ensuring you arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare.
Personalized Service: Private transfer services are tailored to your preferences. Whether you need a specific type of vehicle, child seats, or assistance with luggage, the service is customized to meet your needs.
Safety and Reliability: Professional private transfer companies in Ashford employ experienced, licensed drivers who are familiar with the best routes and local traffic conditions. This ensures a safe and reliable journey to the airport.
3. Popular Airports Served by Private Transfers from Ashford
Ashford is well-connected to several major airports in the UK, making it an ideal location for travelers. Some of the most popular airports served by private transfers include:
London Gatwick Airport (LGW): Approximately 60 miles from Ashford, Gatwick is one of the busiest airports in the UK. A private transfer from Ashford to Gatwick takes about 1.5 hours, depending on traffic.
London Heathrow Airport (LHR): Located around 75 miles from Ashford, Heathrow is the UK’s largest airport. Private transfers to Heathrow typically take around 1.5 to 2 hours.
London City Airport (LCY): Situated closer to the city, London City Airport is about 55 miles from Ashford. A private transfer to this airport takes approximately 1.5 hours.
London Stansted Airport (STN): About 80 miles from Ashford, Stansted is a popular choice for budget airlines. Private transfers to Stansted take around 2 hours.
London Luton Airport (LTN): Located around 90 miles away, Luton is another key airport serving London. Expect a private transfer to take approximately 2 hours from Ashford.
4. How to Book an Airport Private Transfer in Ashford
Booking an airport private transfer in Ashford is a straightforward process:
Online Booking: Most private transfer companies offer online booking through their websites. You can easily input your pickup location, destination, date, and time to get a quote and confirm your booking.
Phone Booking: If you prefer a more personalized approach, you can call the transfer company directly. This is also a good option if you have specific requirements or need advice on the best transfer option.
App-Based Services: Some companies offer mobile apps for booking and managing your transfer. These apps often provide real-time updates, driver tracking, and secure payment options.
Advance Booking: It’s advisable to book your transfer in advance, especially during peak travel seasons. This ensures you get the vehicle you want and avoids last-minute hassles.
5. What to Consider When Choosing a Private Transfer Service
When selecting an airport private transfer service in Ashford, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials to gauge the company’s reliability and service quality. Look for companies with a strong track record of punctuality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.
Vehicle Options: Ensure the company offers a range of vehicles to suit your needs, whether you’re traveling solo or with a group. Options might include standard sedans, luxury cars, MPVs, or minibuses.
Pricing: Compare prices from different providers, but be wary of unusually low rates, which could indicate subpar service. Look for a transparent pricing structure with no hidden fees.
Driver Experience: Choose a company that employs experienced, licensed drivers who are familiar with the best routes and local traffic conditions.
Customer Support: A good transfer service should offer responsive customer support, available to assist with any inquiries or changes to your booking.
6. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Transfer Options
With growing awareness of environmental issues, some transfer companies in Ashford offer eco-friendly options:
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Opt for a company that uses hybrid or fully electric vehicles to reduce your carbon footprint.
Carbon Offsetting: Some services offer carbon offset programs, where they invest in environmental projects to compensate for the emissions generated by your transfer.
An airport private transfer Ashford is the ideal solution for travelers seeking a convenient, comfortable, and stress-free journey to or from the airport. With a range of vehicle options, personalized service, and reliable transportation, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your airport transfer is in good hands.
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rsfannan6 · 4 months
Day Zero: Getting There
Coordinating travel with eight people coming at different times and from different places to a small village in rural England can be a challenge. Especially considering the vagaries of air travel these days. The combination of delays at airports and the strict timetables at railroad stations can pose problems, but we are an experienced group and, heck, what is a good adventure without some unforeseen obstacles thrown in your way.
Diane, Linda, and I were on the same British Airways plane from SFO to London. Carol had left several days earlier to spend some time with family living in The UK. Susan and Renee had a later flight by a couple of hours, while Shirley and Chuck had to fly from Bloomington, Illinois to Chicago before their flight to Heathrow. Our flight was delayed an hour, but we had plenty of time to get to King’s Cross Station to board our train for Thetford and the start of our journey along The Peddar’s Way.
The overnight flight was fine as was the metro ride into London. Carol met us soon after we arrived at the train station, and we got word that Renee and Susan’s flight was on time and they would take the next train to Thetford. Not so fortunate were Chuck and Shirley. Their plane was also an hour late leaving the US, after spending some time on the tarmac. Upon arrival at Heathrow, they had to again sit on the tarmac for another hour before deplaning. Our several hours of leeway to catch our train was disappearing quickly. It only mattered because we prepaid for the train to Thetford weeks earlier at the severely discounted internet price. In any event, the Hagers made it with twenty minutes to spare, and we were soon whisking our way a couple of hours north of London through the marvelous English countryside to the Suffolk region.
This delightful ride brought us to Thetford, and after a brisk half mile walk, we were welcomed to The Bell Hotel, a wonderful old inn in the center of this picture perfect village. Our host, Victoria, had our rooms ready, so after a little while getting situated and cleaned up, we met in the hotel’s pub for some drinks as we waited for Susan and Renee to arrive. In this small town, there were somewhat limited options for dinner so we decided to eat here at The Bell.
Coming from the USA and especially from California, we are used to having to spend a small fortune to eat out. The prices here in Thetford are simply not to be believed. My pint of ale and Diane’s gin and tonic set me back only $10. Dinner specials were even more traveller-friendly. Diane’s bangers and mash, my fish ‘n chips, accompanied by two gin and tonics set us back ~$30 out the door. Delicious food, lovely ambiance and friendly folks. The eight of us had a terrific time eating, drinking, laughing and joking around. The pains of the long journey were quickly forgotten amidst the anticipation of the actual walk starting in the morning.
After dinner, we walked around the town a bit as the sun began to set. A gorgeous small park with a small river running through it made for a delightful way to end the day. Hitting the bed was heaven. Hopefully jet lag would not be an issue.
And, English Breakfast in the morning!
To be continued………
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