#Heavy Breather
matze-zeigtanzeigen · 10 months
Einkaufen: Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe
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qtubbo · 3 months
I feel like Fit and eggs constantly restating how there was something wrong with Tubbo got to him when he was talking to Bagi. Before it felt like he was mad at the instance, but now he’s just trying to avoid it entirely, like maybe his physical body failing along with all the comments made him realize maybe I’m not okay, but still didn’t accept it.
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eversweetflowerpot · 3 months
feelin incredibly subby n there’s nothing i want more than to be worshiping a cock rn. wanna switch my brain off n get lost in sloppy servitude
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
Fic updates for the post-season 3 fic
I’ve somehow stumbled over the 50k words mark 🎉🎉🎉
Dani, who was previously Sir-Not-Appearing-in-This-Fic, somehow wormed his way in and is now appearing in this fic. And somehow this didn’t even dent my outline - he slotted right in like magic. Dani Rojas is life, but he is also magic
I just think it’s criminal that him and Jamie never got to cuddle so I will be fixing that thanks
Why is Nigerian food so hard to research?
Roy is doing both awful and great at therapy, which is definitely not a race
Isaac, Isaac, Isaac. You are a pillar a rock a man of great talents and mystery and I am just loving peeling your layers.
Colin Hughes really is just some guy, huh? (Crying about it)
No really, why is Nigerian food so hard to research
My toxic trait is that I cannot resist putting Jamie Tartt in little outfits. Yes he is depressed and in a self destructive spiral. But also *waves hands* outfits.
Sam Obisanya has a nemesis; former bully surprised and outraged to learn about it, thought he was the only one who was that big of a dick
Me @ Nigerian food blogs - please show me the forbidden spice blends and quit making my browser cry in JavaScript
Jamie’s outfits are plot relevant, actually
On a related note- Fuck James Tartt
Keeley Jones please stop stealing every scene challenge. you are cute as a button and you are going through some stuff but we have an outline to stick to and every time you show up the word count explodes
Except the one scene????? I need you to talk a lot for????? Girl istg
I know y’all like dog metaphors, but do you like them in a non-sexy way? Because i got a lot of that (this is shameless abuse of the making the team mascot into a metaphor ngl. Also that ‘How to be a dog’ poem really fucked me up)
Do I need to spend so much time looking up recipes? No. Am i going to? Yes. I find it very fun, and this entire fic is a shameless exercise of self-indulgence and gooey feelings and found family (and depression and self esteem issues and abuse and finally talking shit out) and I hope it’ll be worth it in the end
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maiamaiden · 14 days
i've been playing battle for bikini bottom for the first time and came across a classic
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missmitchieg · 1 month
i think it's clear that the only people against long seasons are the execs and higher ups running the studios
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indig0trolls · 4 months
disabled man needing to take things minute baby steps at a time vs internalized ableism and the desire to get everything done all at once: FIGHT
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occulticvioletdepths · 8 months
[Not an actual post, I just thought detailing Calli and Camille's Kalos customs troubles would be fun. Take this like one of those OOC memory posts!]
-- Non-Customary --
Camille: What do you see?
Calli: well it kinda looks like the same line thing from papers please
Calli: you know, the border security game
Calli: except they got a little more than just the paper checking
Camille: Doesn't sound good. What do you mean exactly?
Calli: bag scanner
Camille: ...I'm so dead.
Camille: Calli I'm so sorry. I genuinely thought security hadn't changed a bit
Camille: I didn't know. I'm stupid I'm dumb I'm so sorry I'm so sorry
Calli: camille
Camille: I should've just told you everything and we could've figured out something better together
Calli: camille it's okay
Calli: but... i can only really hope that whatever it is that they have on you
Camille: It's probably murder.
Calli: that it's enough to at least get you away with community s
Calli: by truth and ideals.
Camille: I can explain but it's gonna take a very long time
Calli: camille i
Calli: you killed someone?
Camille: It's much more complex than that. I can understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore but please help me until we get out of here
Calli: it's
Calli: no it's fine. i mean
Calli: i can... probably imagine
Calli: you're literally the sweetest person i know
Calli: you're super kind to everyone
Calli: whoever you did must've had it coming.
Calli: are you... okay though?
Calli: like in the grander scheme
Camille: I'm not sure. But right now I'm definitely not
Calli: i'd normally say we can talk abt it later but
Calli: i'm not sure there can be a later.
Camille: I'm so sorry.
Calli: i. i'm gonna figure something out.
Calli: i'm usually an advocate for letting people cry all they want but
Calli: right now i need you as silent as a mime
Camille: Understood
Calli: just listen to the outside. we can make it.
Eyes shut, silently sobbing, Camille waits. Every passing minute feels like torture, but... what else could she do. Step out and act like she's been on the train with a passport that's not even allowed into Kalos? This was supposed to be the safest bet... but to call this safe would be like calling Knife Monopoly safe. Which is probably the leading cause of stab wounds in Galar.
She doesn't actually know the statistics but it sounds funny... and any bit of joy would help.
...She'd much rather cry, honestly.
Outside the luggage, things have been just as peachy, which is to say - they haven't been. Calli's tense - trying not to show it outward, but... definitely tense. Both of them are unsure on if they'll make it past customs, but only one of them has the chance to change fate right now... and she's looking her hardest for a way.
"it's okay we're gonna be okay i'm. i'm sure of it. I just need to. Think."
right. Thinking. She's good at thinking. She just needs to think about the correct way and they can survive this. Probably. Her eyes dwell over to the end of the line - is there something she can change?
...scanner. Scanner. What could she do with the scanner? Are there any wires? Any buttons she could see? ...If she was allowed to let her Pokémon out, she could've gotten Aurora to fuck with the scanners, but she's not allowed to do that. There has to be something.
...Her X-Transceiver.
Her hand quickly went from her luggage to her wrist. Quickly, she points it parallel to the scanner, yet still from a distance.
She presses a button, and hopes for the best.
"...Merde, le scanner ne fonctionne plus."
"Pas encore... Un message d'erreur s'affiche-t-il ?"
"Non, l'écran s'est éteint. Et ce foutu scanner n'affiche que des lumières rouges. Que signifie "catastrophic driver malfunction"?
"...Je suis tellement fatigué. Continuez simplement les inspections manuelles. Je ne peux pas gérer ça aujourd'hui."
"L'écran est bleu maintenant."
"Yveltal, emmène-moi dans tes ailes."
One of the border agents leans into a microphone, pressing a button.
"Eee... Testing... Alright. We have difficulty with the scanner... So we need to do manual luggage inspection. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
There's a loud, collective groan from everyone in line, as the realization dawns upon them that this is gonna take hours. Except for Calli, who sighs in relief.
Camille: Did you manage it?
Calli: part 1 of it. ...i'm going to need an insane amount of luck for even just a chance of pulling this off
Camille: Please. Please do.
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
hey gamo i got a fun question for u :) i wanna get more into yuri-centric stuff (women <3) and i know ur knowledgeable but idk where to start. could u maybe recommend me smth? or a lot of things i do not mind ^^ thank you in advance ur lovely
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...I'm probably not as knowledgeable as a lot of people I'm mutuals with but here's some stuff I read a while ago and think is really great u_u
(Order is from top left going clockwise)
How Do We Relationship? by Tamifull
Run Away With Me, Girl by Battan
Still Sick by Akashi
Octave by Haru Akiyama
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god-u · 6 months
need them to stop posting shit when i’m getting off work and gotta drive through traffic
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5-pp-man · 6 months
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saturdaycampanella · 1 year
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splendiferous-bitch · 2 years
why am i such an emotional bitch?? why do i love putting myself through it???
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miserye · 2 years
Sat next to quite possibly the worst person ever I thought I was going to die
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mikkouille · 2 years
i think im officially finishin my ppt.
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feathers-in-the-night · 2 months
almost 12 straight pages of just talking, but at least this chapter is done for now.
(the first half definitely needs a big edit at some point but thats a problem for future me)
on to chapter 27 i guess?
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