#Heavy-Duty Trucks Market Share
markettrend24 · 2 years
Heavy Duty Trucks Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Heavy Duty Trucks Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
The Heavy Duty Trucks Market research report 2022-2030 provides an in-depth analysis of the changing trends, opportunities, and challenges influencing the growth over the next decade. The study includes a detailed summary of each market along with data related to demand, supply and distribution. The report examines Heavy Duty Trucks market growth strategies adopted by leading manufacturers which…
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Field Mouse
District Twelve is filled with rats. Vermin. Infested in fact. That's the first thing Coriolanus Snow learns when he gets off the train at the station. At night he tries to soothe himself to sleep by telling himself that by all technicality, he's sleeping in the cleanest place there is in this sad excuse for a District.
Not that the Peacekeeper base is top tier. Because it's not.
His penthouse on the Corso is top-tier. But here he was, sweating as he loaded crates and barrels onto trucks in the sweltering heat of June. "Got here right in time Gent," his bunkmate Smiley jokes.
Coriolanus has to withstand the urge to roll his eyes at his friend's playful jest. There is nothing right about him being here. There is nothing good about District Twelve. There is nothing worth visiting District Twelve for and...oh.
Well, what does he have here?
Coriolanus had almost forgotten that women inhabited this part of Panem. It doesn't mean they're pretty, but they all share that one special thing between their legs and that's good enough for him.
His other bunkmate Beanpole takes notice of the change in Coriolanus's demeanor and nudges him, "We're going down to the Hob tomorrow night. You should come, meet the locals." He wiggles his eyebrows as he says the last part and Coriolanus grins. "Sounds like a plan."
If he were in the Capitol, he would've put a lot of time and effort into his appearance. He would've made sure his shirt was free of any wrinkles, that his shoes weren't scuffed, that his curls were styled just the right way.
But he's not in the Capitol. His shirt consists of the uniform every Peacekeeper is given when they arrive at the base. His shoes are heavy-duty boots, and he gets yelled at if his laces are undone. And his golden, precious curls are gone. Shaved off before he even left the Capitol.
He runs a hand through his buzzed hair as they all step into the Hob. According to Smiley, it's some sort of black-market the locals have put together. The Peacekeepers normally turn a blind eye since it's one of the only places you can get alcohol for a decent price, along with a good time with a girl.
Coriolanus surveys the room for a moment, locating all the exits and entry points. It seems there's one way in and one way out. A major fire hazard but who cares? "Let's get some drinks," Smiley shouts into his ear. It's loud in here, and it smells a little but Coriolanus nods, everything's more tolerable when you're drunk.
They get some drinks from a vendor who's running the bar who eyes them wearily until Smiley produces some coins. Then they're welcomed customers. "Folks around here are a bit scared off by us," he explains to Coriolanus, tugging on his blue shirt, "they can spot the uniform from a mile away."
Coriolanus was always able to identify the Peacekeepers in the Capitol, but he doesn't tell Smiley that. Peacekeepers were a beacon of security and safety to Capitol citizens. Here, they're practically terrorists.
It's like a sudden silence falls over the room before a girl comes scampering out onto the makeshift stage they have set up in the Hob, and she's hollering about all sorts of things. Coriolanus doesn't really pay her any mind, or the other's that join her and strike up a tune. Live music is always appreciated so he keeps on talking to Smiley about when he thinks Hoff might stop making them carry hundreds of crates back and forth from the base.
Coriolanus has always been perceptive, and that's how he spots a small disturbance in the crowd. It's between a girl and a guy and the two are arguing about something with such passion. Well, the guy is at least. The girl won't seem to give him the time of day as she pushes her way through the crowd that seems to make way for her, but not for him.
It's hard to make out her face in the dim lighting, but she looks pretty. Well, pretty for a girl in the Districts. She's making her way towards him. Towards the bar most likely. As they get closer Coriolanus can make out more of what the guy is saying.
"...didn't mean it! You know I would never get with her, you're the one for me Soarynn."
Soarynn. What a pretty name. And the closer she gets he can see that she's very pretty. Coriolanus decides that he'd be chasing her too if she was running away from him.
She finally reaches the bar, not sparing any Peacekeepers a glance as she goes to order. She doesn't get far before the guy grabs her arm and pulls her back. Coriolanus tightens his grip on his drink. He hates District people all the same, even if they're pretty girls. But there's just something about a guy bothering a girl that he hates.
"I didn't cheat so stop walkin' away from me!" He cries, frustration written all over his grimy face. Soarynn pulls her arm from his grasp, "I don't care what you did or didn't do, we're over Billy Taupe. Go find some new girl to follow around." She tries to step back but this Billy Taupe is relentless and clearly drunk because he goes to grab her waist. Soarynn doesn't hesitate to slap him across the face and several people let out low whistles at the public fight.
Coriolanus shakes his head and focuses back on Smiley, figuring the argument is over now that she's shown him a thing or two. So when he watches from the corner of his eye as Billy Taupe grabs her by the hair and starts screaming bloody murder, he's the first to react and leap to action.
She looks so scared in his grasp, trying to get away and Coriolanus doesn't hesitate to grab the drunk by the shoulders and pull him back. Soarynn manages to get out of Billy Taupe's grasp and watches wide-eyed as Coriolanus turns him around and socks him across the face.
Now it's a fight.
There's yelling from both sides, miners and Peacekeepers alike as Coriolanus punches Billy Taupe again. He tries to fight back and manages to snag him in his lip, but he's no match for Coriolanus who's much taller and more sober. Coriolanus lands one more punch, watching as blood gushes from Billy Taupe's nose.
The Hob is buzzing with noise now, people are screaming and arguing while the two boys are now on the floor. Even though he can barely hear himself think, he grabs Billy Taupe by the collar, pulling him off the ground, "Don't ever touch her again," he spits out before letting go of that sorry excuse of a person.
It's Beanpole who's pulling him off the ground, saying how they need to leave before backup gets here. The crowd makes it hard to move in any direction but they don't seem to be too mad at him. He gets some dirty looks but that's about it. Coriolanus only glances behind him once to see Soarynn looking right at him, her eyes wide and watching as he leaves.
The boys clap him on the back as they walk back to the base, "You sure-handed his ass to him," Beanpole laughs, "thought we'd never get you off of him."
Coriolanus shrugged, his lip had a small cut on it, which meant bruise, swelling, the whole nine yards really.
"I was just doing my job."
꧁ ꧂
He's felt someone's eyes on him since they pulled into the town square. But Coriolanus can't seem to find who's watching him. They're loading crates, again. It seems that the newer Peacekeepers are tasked with all the grunt work no one wants to be bothered with.
"Take a break!" The commanding officer yells, wiping sweat off his own brow before walking into the nearest establishment for reprieve which just so happens to be the bakery. Coriolanus watches him for a moment, his eyes scanning the bakery windows and then he sees her.
Sees those eyes.
Soarynn's eyes widen momentarily before a small smile spreads across her lips and she walks away from the window. Coriolanus looks around to see if anyone else notices her but everyone's too caught up in their misery with the heat to even look at him. Beanpole and Smiley are leaning up against the truck so he decides to stray from the group, do some recon if you will.
He can't go into the bakery, not with the officer still inside. But he can peek in, try and see her. He's walking by the alley when he hears a whistle. His head snaps towards the narrow road in between the barkey and another establishment but he sees nothing. In the movies he's seen this is the part where you run in the other direction.
He goes into the alley.
He walks further and further, passing by a small gate when a hand reaches out and grabs him. Coriolanus nearly jumps out of his skin when he's pulled to the side, his hand immediately going for his gun when he looks down and sees that it's her.
It's Soarynn.
She smiles up at him, her hand still on his arm, "Hi."
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows before replying, "Hello. Is there a reason as to why you lured me into this alley?"
Soarynn laughs and it sounds so sweet, sweet like honey. "I wanted to thank you for the other night. You were real noble saving me from the likes of Billy Taupe."
"Is he your boyfriend?" Coriolanus blurts out, watching her face slightly falter as if she's deciding whether or not to tell him the truth. "He was," she says slowly, swaying back and forth on her heels, taking her hand off his arm, "then I caught him cheatin' on me."
Coriolanus can't help the look of surprise on his face, out of all the women he's seen in District Twelve, Soarynn is by far the prettiest. "Why would he cheat on you?" He asks, "Doesn't make sense to cheat on a sweet girl like you."
Soarynn grins, tilting her head, "Boys will drop a shiny coin to pick up a pebble sweetheart, just the way it is." She looks him up and down then, taking in his current state, hot and sweaty. He must look very handsome right now. "They got y'all workin' hard with those crates. Been watchin' you all morning."
Coriolanus isn't used to this, how forward this girl is with him. In the Capitol, it's all about soft giggles and practiced glances. But this girl is putting it all out there so he might as well too. "You like looking at me?" He asks her, taking a step towards her. She doesn't back up. "Mhm. I like lookin' at pretty boys like you," she purrs, her fingers coming up to touch his dog tags, "especially pretty boys who come to my rescue." She grabs his tags, yanking him down until he's at eye level with her, she turns his tags in her fingers, not even looking at him.
For some reason, he finds that attractive. How she won't give him the time of day right now even though she's the whole reason he's in this alley.
She reads his dog tags, "Coriolanus Snow," she says, finally looking him in the eye and she looks rather impressed. "Eighteen years old, six-foot-two, Capitol born," she smirks at the last part. "I've never met a Capitol boy like you before. You miss home?" He doesn't miss a beat, "Yes." Soarynn laughs and nods her head, "I would too, especially if I ended up here."
She lets go of his tags but he doesn't rise to his full height, he stays down there with her. "Do you have a job?" She shrugs, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends which way the wind blows I guess." Coriolanus bites his lip, his bruised lip and she notices, reaches out, and touches it without even asking, "Sorry about your lip. Billy Taupe can throw a nasty punch when he's angry."
Suddenly his stomach is in knots thinking about how she knows what it feels like to be punched by Billy Taupe. "He ever hit you?"
That seems to be the question that scares her off the most, he can almost see her putting her walls back up, "I'm not with him anymore. Don't need to worry about who he's punchin' or kissin' for that matter."
So he's hit her before. That's fine. Perfectly fine.
A sharp whistle pulls the two out of their tense little world and Coriolanus straightens back up, leaning out to see they're finally packing up and heading back to the base. "I'd like to see you again," he says, looking down at her. Her hair is parted down the middle, it's blonde and it looks so soft. Her tan skin is fairly clean and she's got these eyes he can't look away from. They're blue with a hint of gray. Freckles cover her face and her pink lips curl up into a smile, "You wanna see little old me again? After all the trouble I've caused you?" She asks, feigning surprise.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes and nods, "I'll take my chances." Soarynn hums, bouncing on her toes, "I'll be at the Hob this Friday. 'Course you can always come see me in the Seam." He furrows his brows, the Seam?
Soarynn giggles, "Oh so you're really new to District Twelve huh? I'll see you on Friday then. Coriolanus Snow." She slips something in his hand before she spins around, walking up two stairs and opening a door. He has no clue where it leads or where she's going but he's nodding and watching her leave.
It's only when he's sitting in the back of the truck that he looks to see what she gave him. It's a ribbon. Pink, silky, probably cost her a small fortune. Smiley looks over and his eyebrows raise, "Where'd you get that?" Coriolanus finds it incredibly rude of Smiley to insert himself somewhere he has no business being, but perhaps sharing this little secret will pay off in the end. After all, Smiley is much more knowledgeable about this place than he is at the moment. "That girl from the Hob," he says, his voice hushed, his fist curling around the ribbon.
Smiley grins, "Looks like she's being sweet on you if she gave you that. Must make you her hero or something since you saved her from that guy."
Coriolanus frowns because it makes perfect sense why Soarynn would like him and be so sweet to him. He protected her. He saved her. But he's a Peacekeeper. He's seen the way people look at him, at his friends, his bosses. All they see is Capitol dogs.
"But I'm a Peacekeeper," he points out, "she should hate me for what I do."
The truck jostles and Coriolanus knows they're back on base, and watches the gates close behind them. Home sweet home.
Smiley chuckles, "Sounds like she's one of those girls who has a thing for Peacekeepers. Some women love men with authority so we're the perfect fit for them, makes them feel like they're special."
Well, this was news to Coriolanus. He'd grown up hating District people and always assumed that they did the same. Which meant something must be really wrong with this girl.
The truck finally came to a stop and they hopped out, the ribbon still clutched in his hand. It was pretty, like her. And he didn't get a whole lot of pretty out here in Twelve, surrounded by sweaty, grumbling men.
Smiley bumped his shoulder with him, "They're like bees to honey with us, can't get enough.”
Everyone begins walking towards the mess hall. Cookie made something fried tonight from what he can smell and everyone wants a bite, but Coriolanus lingers behind.
Looking at that pink ribbon. It’s soft, it sure would look pretty in her hair.
“…like bees to honey…”
Those words play over and over in his head for the rest of the day, rest of the night. Surely he hasn’t misread the situation, her actions. She gave him that ribbon to remember her, so he’d think about her until they saw each other again. She even told him where she lived! Kind of. Sort of. Maybe.
“Hey Beanpole,” he says, not moving from his position on his bunk. They have an hour of free time before its lights out and Coriolanus has been using it to mull over his possibilities with Soarynn.
“Yeah, Gent?”
Coriolanus debates how much he should ask, how much he should tell. Because at the end of the day, he’s here to work, to suffer, to serve. Hoff hasn’t directly said they couldn’t be in relationships but he has a feeling that they’re rather frowned upon. Especially with new recruits. Especially with District girls.
“Where’s the Seam?”
The laugh he gets from Beanpole makes him wonder if it’s so obvious. Clearly, there aren’t big signs in town pointing in every which direction but still, it seems to be a valid question.
“The Seam is the south side of nowhere my friend. It’s rock bottom.”
Oh, so she’s poor.
Or her family is poor at least which makes her poor. If only he could take her back with him to the Capitol, show her true wealth.
“I’ll point you in the right direction when we stop by town tomorrow,” his bunkmate offers. Coriolanus thanks him before rolling over in his bunk, staring at the wall. This is a bad idea, he thinks. But what’s the worst that can happen? A little heartbreak never killed anybody.
꧁ ꧂
“Just keep walking down that road and you’ll reach the Seam,” Beanpole said, giving Coriolanus a pat on the back like he’d need it.
Coriolanus nodded and soldiered on towards the Seam, a bag of ice clutched in his hand. It took some convincing from Cookie, but he managed a decent-sized bag, figuring Soarynn might enjoy some ice. The further he walks the more he realizes why Beanpole wished him luck. The Seam is where poor, poor, poor people live.
The houses can barely hold themselves together, the roofs are sagging, the grass is dead, the fences are leaning and Coriolanus is about to start running.
But he can’t.
He needs to be a man, a better man. At least a better man than Billy Taupe which shouldn’t be hard since he hits his girlfriend.
Ex-girlfriend, Coriolanus reminds himself as he comes across a man working on his front fence. The man looks normal enough until Coriolanus asks him for directions and he realizes the man is missing his two front teeth.
“I’m looking for a girl,” he starts and the man lets out a wheeze, slapping his knee. “Aren’t we all?” He asks, throwing his head back. Coriolanus sighs, leave it to him to ask this absolute nut job for directions. “Her name is Soarynn,” he continues, “she said she lives in the Seam.” That seems to sober the man up long enough to think, “Oh the blonde girl,” he snaps his fingers, “she lives at the end of the road.”
Of course, she does.
Coriolanus thanks the man before continuing his trek to her house. It’s positively sweltering and he’s glad he had forgone the long-sleeved part of his Peacekeeper uniform. Today it’s the pants and the white shirt. Simple. He’s hoping for handsome but his sweat isn’t helping.
When he finally reaches her house he’s passed a number of people on the street, all looking at him strangely as if he’s the odd one out. Shouldn’t these people be working? No wonder this country was such a mess.
Soarynn’s house is gray but that seems to be a recurring theme in the Seam. It looks to be about two stories although he wouldn’t try the second floor if he was smart. There’s a rickety porch and he cautiously makes his way up the steps and knocks on the door.
There’s the chance that no one’s home. With his luck, her dad will answer the door.
When the door opens he almost wishes it was her dad answering. It’s a boy. His age, brown hair, tan skin, shirtless. They’re about the same height and they immediately size each other up because what else do teenage boys do?
Finally, the brown-haired boy smirks and looks over his shoulder, “Your pretty boy is here Soarynn.”
His heart beats a little faster at the nickname. One, because it’s a nickname and Coriolanus only has two other nicknames, Gent and Coryo. Both reserved for very different people. Two, because it means she’s talked about him since they last saw each other. It’s only been two days but still.
He can hear a bit of scuffling before Soarynn pushes her way to the front door, shoving the other boy back into the house, “Don’t make me get my earplugs,” the boy says to her. Soarynn looks up and shoots him a nasty look before jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow, “Go fishin’ Jett, and don’t tell no one either.”
Jett, it seems, simply holds his hands up before shooting Coriolanus one more look and disappearing into the house.
Coriolanus can feel his bottom lip twitching. Who was that? At first he feared the worst, that she might already be with someone else, but their dynamic doesn’t seem that way.
“My cousin,” Soarynn says as if reading his mind.
Coriolanus finally looks down at her and isn’t she just something? Her hair’s been thrown up in a messy bun, a few pieces falling out here and there. She’s wearing a dress with thin straps, it’s light blue and it looks like it’s been worn to death. He isn’t even trying to notice but she’s got no bra on and she doesn’t seem to care that he’s seeing her this way, so exposed right now.
“I thought I might never find this place,” he says, not wanting to expand on her cousin anymore if he can help it. Soarynn gives him a small smile and leans against the doorframe as if the house won’t fall over from her small amount of weight. “But you found me,” she tells him, some pride in her tone.
Coriolanus swallows, “I did.” He looks into the house to see if he can find anyone else but it seems to be empty. Soarynn catches him looking because she seems to notice everything and straightens back up, “Why don’t we go to the meadow?”
The meadow? A possibly desirable place in this wasteland?
“Sounds good to me.”
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn doesn’t wear any shoes when they go to the meadow. It’s quite literally right behind her house which makes it easier, but still. What if she stepped on something or got bit? She doesn’t seem to care.
She leads him to a large oak tree where there’s a rock under it, the perfect size for the both of them to perch on. At least that’s what she tells him.
“I come bearing gifts,” he says, settling down on the rock.
Soarynn tilts her head and pulls her knees up to her chest, “You don't say.”
Even though he’s sure she already saw it he makes a big show of producing the ice. It’s not even the satisfaction of knowing he provided for her that makes him happy, it’s the big smile that spreads across her face when she sees the bag.
“Well this is a gift good as any,” she says with a laugh, grabbing the bottom of the bag to feel how cold it is. “Y’all got ice on that Peacekeeper base?”
Coriolanus nods while untying the bag, offering her a cube. Soarynn simply opens her mouth and he doesn’t falter to drop the cube into her mouth, watching her work on it for a minute. “Thank you for the ribbon by the way. You didn’t have to give me a gift.”
Soarynn raises her eyebrows and looks out into the meadow, “Wasn’t much of a gift as it was a token. A token of my affection,” she states matter of factly.
Coriolanus grins, “Does that mean you might show me some affection today?”
Soarynn shoots him a flirtatious look, “Might show you somethin’ more if you keep it up pretty boy.”
That’s what he likes most about her he thinks, how she can dish as well as she can take it.
He wonders what else she can take.
“Have you ever been with a Peacekeeper before?” He asks, curious to see if Smiley is right and if he’s her third victim of the month. He’s sure there are girls like that, finding some new boy the second their old one gets shipped off to some new District.
Soarynn bites her lip, “Been with a Peacekeeper in what way? Sexually?”
Well, he hadn’t meant that but there’s no going back now he supposes, “In any way shape, or form,” he decides, popping two ice cubes into his own mouth. He doesn’t suck on them like Soarynn does like she’s trying to savor them because she doesn’t know the next time she’ll get ice. He can get as much ice as he damn well pleases back at the base.
“Nope, y’all aren’t really my type,” she says with a smile, gigging when Coriolanus gasps as if offended. “But you’re here with me,” he points out, “and why aren’t we your type?”
Soarynn pretends to think for a second before answering, “I like boys with longer hair.”
Oh, that hurts. If only he could show her how long his curls used to be. She’d be on him in seconds if she knew.
“Well, I didn’t get much say in the matter. Have you ever cut your hair?”
Soarynn shakes her head, her nose slightly wrinkling as if the very thought of it is repulsive. “Never cut it. Some women are superstitious about cuttin’ their hair, I just never had the urge to do it. Plus if I ever did have to cut it to sell it, I’d like to get my money's worth.”
Is this what it’s come to in the Districts? Cutting hair to sell it? Who wants to buy hair?
Coriolanus takes another good look at Soarynn. It’s hard to imagine her hair chopped to her shoulders but he thinks she’d look pretty still. She’s got the right face shape for it and her jaw juts out in just the right way. His eyes wander down her small, slender frame. If she was naked he’s sure she’d be all skin and bones, you can probably see how many ribs she has.
He remembers what that was like. Being poor and hungry. The worst two feelings in the world. But she seems happy as she gazes out into the meadow. Can’t miss what you never had he decides.
“You know, if you ever need money…I could help you out. Of help with whatever you need,” he says, already feeling like more of a hero to her.
Soarynn snorts and he frowns, what’s so funny? When she sees his expression she laughs even harder and shakes her head, “You don’t need to be my hero sweetheart. I really appreciate it but I don’t want your money.”
Well, then what does she want?
Coriolanus scratches the back of his neck, “Is there anything you from me then?”
He’d sure hope so. Here he was with this girl out in the middle of nowhere when he could be back on base with cool air blowing all around him.
Soarynn peered up at him through her long eyelashes, “I can think of a few things,” she mumbles with a grin.
At least they’re somewhat on the same page now.
Coriolanus doesn’t hesitate to lean in, his hand cupping her face as his lips press against hers. Her lips taste like sweet syrup and she smells like vanilla. Soarynn’s hands rest on his biceps, slightly squeezing them. His training has given him muscles he’s never seen before and he’s not complaining.
He drops the bag of ice to grab her waist with his other hand, his palm pressing into the back of her spine through her dress. Soarynn sighs into the kiss, one of her hands coming up into his hair, carding her fingers through it. She smiles against his lips, “Might just make an exception for you and your buzzed hair,” she mumbles. He pulls her in closer, wishing he could crawl into her skin and never let her go.
Soarynn isn’t the first girl he’s kissed and he doubts she’ll be the last. But right now she’s the only one who matters, the only person that matters here in District Twelve. Besides him of course.
He gets her to lie down on the rock, propping himself over her while they explore each other’s mouths. She’s so soft and sweet, and small, he likes how much bigger he is compared to her. How he could break her in half if he really wanted to.
They’re much more handsy once she’s lying down. Her hands slip under his white shirt, her fingertips tracing over his sculpted abdomen sending shivers down his back. Coriolanus presses one more kiss to her lips before kissing down her jaw, peppering her neck with kisses while his hand slips onto her thigh. He should probably ask if she’s okay with this, if she wants more, wants less. If she’s a virgin.
Probably not.
A girl like her knows a thing or two about men and their sexual urges.
His hand slips under her dress and he can feel the fabric of her panties. They’re probably old, well-worn, maybe the only pair she owns. Who knows what they can afford out here in Twelve.
Just as his hand is slipping under the fabric of her panties, a hissing sound pulls Coriolanus from his lustful haze. He glances to the right and nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees a snake has slithered its way onto the rock.
“Shit,” he swears, getting off of her so they can both run. Soarynn’s eyes fly open, most likely confused as to why he’s stopped kissing her and she looks over to see the reptile currently threatening their lives. “Oh, hey there little fella.”
Coriolanus is on his feet within seconds, breathing heavily as he eyes the snake. Maybe he could shoot it, but he’d feel kind of bad killing an animal in front of Soarynn.
And Soarynn isn’t making any sudden moves to get off the snake rock. In fact, she grabs the snake. It slithers through her fingers and around her arms as if it’s her domesticated pet. She doesn’t even seem frightened by it. She looks up at him and gives him a small smile, “Don't need to run pretty boy, this here's a corn snake, all bark and no bite."
Coriolanus highly doubts that thing doesn't bite, nor does it bark but he relaxes slightly when he sees how calm the reptile is in her hands.
"Are there a lot of snakes out here?" He asks, suddenly feeling very exposed out here in this meadow with the tall grass, giving any other animals the perfect chance to attack him without him seeing them. Soarynn shrugs, "I guess. They're good for the rats though," she gives him a knowing look, "makes me real sad when they get the little field mice though. They don't cause no one trouble."
A field mouse he could deal with. He's dealing with one right now it seems.
Soarynn reminds him of a mouse. Small, harmless, easy to crush if need be. At the end of the day, they're still vermin no matter how cute they may seem.
Soarynn finally puts the snake back in the grass and watches it slither away before she slips off the rock and joins him, lacing her fingers with his, "Thanks for protectin' me," she jokes, standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Coriolanus manages to give her a sheepish look. It's not like he intended to abandon her, but she moved so slowly and she clearly didn't seem to have a problem with the snake. "Sometimes you've gotta let your girl handle her own battles," he responds cooly, giving her hand a squeeze.
Her eyes slightly widen before creasing upwards in a smile, "So I'm your girl then? Just like that?"
Had he already called her his girl? He hadn't meant to move so fast or really attach himself to her like this but she seemed alright and it never hurt to know some of the locals, have a spot where he could relax from his Peacekeeping duties.
And Soarynn was pretty. Very pretty. He hadn't gotten a good look at her under that dress but he was planning to and that meant keeping her around for a little longer. Besides, he wouldn't be in District Twelve forever. No. He planned on getting back to the Capitol one way or another to finish what he started. He'd have some fun for now and then get the hell out of here.
"Yep," he replies, "unless you're stringing along some other guy."
Nows her chance to come clean, to tell him if Billy Taupe isn't the only person he has to worry about because he'll be damned if he's being played.
Soarynn shakes her head, "Just you and me sweetheart."
| Part 1. |
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To the Victor Pt 3
A GhostSoap fic pt 3/?
Pre-relationship - Omegaverse - NSFW in later parts - mentions of omega trafficking - Dubcon in later parts
Soap was confident his team would get him out of this mess. He just didn’t know how they would do it. He remained alert, scanning the arena for any signs that they were about to infiltrate. Even chained as he was, he had to be ready.
He’d expected to have better success with this mission. Assumed it would be like Las Almas, where El Sin Nombre’s people had bought his story, allowing him entrance to their compound. In this case, he’d made it into the underground headquarters, brought in on a truck with other attendants who worked the omega auctions. But something about him had caused one of the guards to suspect that he wasn’t an ordinary attendant. Maybe he hadn’t been subservient enough, his gaze too direct.
The guard had made a call and within minutes, Soap had been yanked away from the others, patted down, and stripped. His ear piece was found, taken, and destroyed. And then, since he was an omega, they’d decided to sell him. A way to make him disappear and earn money for their trafficking ring. A lovely two-fer for them.
His only saving grace was they didn’t know he was SAS. With his tattoo covered with heavy-duty stage makeup, they’d assumed he was a member of the civilian organization that worked to end omega trafficking. If they had realized he was military, they probably would have killed him instead of prepping him to be sold on the black market.
Now, here he was greased and trussed up like a Christmas goose. Close to a hundred alphas leered at him as he spun on this stupid bed, shouting out lewd comments, and flashing their cocks. If he wasn’t muzzled, he would have had quite a few choice words to fling back at the filthy bastards.
But he didn’t need to worry about the alphas in the stands. His concern was the three alphas who’d just filed into the sand pit below him. Those fuckers had paid for a chance to claim him and if his team didn’t get there soon, he might actually end up leaving with one of them.
Each of the fight participants looked strong and capable so he couldn’t guess which would win. Of course, once he was alone with the winner, he’d be able to take them out and make his escape. But he’d rather it not go that far.
The MC, who’d been riling up the crowd describing Soap’s assets and what to expect in the fight, went quiet for a moment. Then he made an excited announcement.
“We have a last-minute entrant!”
A fourth man walked into the ring. He was bigger than the other three. Tall. Thick, tattooed arms, broad chest. Commanding stride. Dressed all in black. Dark eyes. Blond hair and a scarred face.
Soap nearly lurched against his restraints when he realized. Ghost. Ghost had come for him. And he’d unmasked to do it. A tidal wave of relief washed over him. Ghost, the man he trusted with his life, was there to save him once again.
He knew better than to let on that he recognized his lieutenant. But when their eyes met, they shared a moment of wordless communication.
Thank fuck you’re here.
I’ll get you out of this.
After their quick connection, Ghost turned his attention to the MC.
“Are we allowed to kill?” he asked in his battlefield roughened voice.
Soap wanted to laugh at the question. Those poor bastards about to fight had no idea that an unleashed beast stood among them.
The MC looked scandalized. “No killing. We’re not animals. Simply beat your opponents into submission. Last alpha standing wins the prize.”
Ghost gave a single nod at the MC’s answer. He shook his arms out, then stood there unmoving, strong and steady in his boots. He looked calm and ready. And so fucking hot, with his massive chest straining against that tight tee and his blond curls tangled and falling over his forehead, that Soap wanted to scream behind his muzzle. Not that he needed a muzzle to keep from screaming out his desire for his lieutenant. He’d been doing that just fine on his own for months.
 With an excited shout of Fight! from the MC, the battle between the alphas was on. One of the fighters clocked Ghost as the biggest threat, and rushed at him to take him out first. Ghost clenched his fist but didn’t move. The second the rushing alpha was within reach, Ghost swung and hit him with a brutal punch to the temple – knocking him out cold.
As the man was falling, Ghost shoved his limp body to the side, clearing the way to the other two alphas. They decided to take him on together. Ghost fought them both, vicious and controlled, with strikes that were just shy of lethal. When Ghost got an opening, he threw his head forward, slamming it into the face of the shorter opponent. Blood sprayed and the alpha staggered back.
“He broke my fucking nose!” he shouted.
Ghost stared the man down with his intense gaze, made all the more unsettling with the blood splatter on his face.
“Come back over here and I’ll break something else,” he cooly taunted.
The man wildly shook his head. He stepped out of the ring, eliminating himself.
One opponent left.
Soap never took his eyes off Ghost as the two alphas squared off. As always, he loved to watch the big lieutenant fight. The fact that this fight was over him, Ghost snarling and throwing fists and elbows in order to win him, did things to Soap. This entire scenario fed into fantasies that he would no doubt be replaying in his head on full Technicolor loop after lights out every night, despite the fact that this was only for a mission and not Ghost actually wanting to win Soap for himself.
Soap gave himself a mental shake to stay focused. He had no doubt that Ghost would win. His muscles tensed, anticipating the end of the challenge and his impending freedom. And if a drop of slick fell into the ridiculous shorts he was wearing while his eyes were on his lieutenant, that was nobody’s business but his.
End Pt 3
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
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batboyblog · 8 months
Golden State drivers purchased a record number of new electric cars in 2023, achieving a 29 percent jump over the previous year, a new report has found.
Californians bought 446,961 new light-duty zero-emissions vehicles in 2023 — a significant increase from the 345,818 they purchased in 2022 and the 250,279 in 2021, according to a new analysis from the nonprofit Veloz and the California Energy Commission.
The data showed that such cars — which include battery-electric, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell powered vehicles — held a 25 percent share of the light-duty automotive market, which generally includes passenger cars and lightweight trucks.
In comparison, these types of zero-emissions vehicles only made up an 18.84 percent share of that market in 2022 and a 12.41 percent share in 2021, per the data.
Despite industry-wide concerns about a decline in the public’s appetite for light-duty zero-emissions vehicles, 2023 proved to be a record-breaking year for these sales both in California and on a national level, the analysis noted. 
The nation wide effort, lead by California to switch over to zero-emissions electric cars is one of those hopeful climate stories. California announced in 2022 that by 2035 all new cars and light trucks sold in the state will be electric and having already made it to 25% in 2023 they're well on their way. Last year the Biden administration laid out a plan for 50% of all new vehicles (including heavy trucks) would be electric by 2030 nation wide
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expvrgction · 11 months
Continued from here! @moonlightsdew
Even if this was an act, the Reploid before X and Zero appeared genuinely, visibly shaken by the sudden Mechaniloid attack to the market district in this port. But as he had heard of berserk machinery cases, he was better armed with knowledge and preparation for such events-- After all, his delivery service job wasn't always a walk in the park. There had been Mavericks who tried to target him before, and it was a good thing he was built for heavy duty tasks, as well as basic defense in emergencies. A technical self-first aid shouldn't hurt.
For the other red Reploid to look skeptical though earned a teensy bit, barely noticeable gaze of judgment by this Reploid-- In fact, he wondered if Zero had ever seen heavy-duty Reploids for civilian services before (albeit such a case likely being rare), though the currently disguised Dark Lord of Hell wouldn't fault that much alert. He does, to extent, inspire fear, after all.
The blue-armored robot, however... He could tell that he was the most sensitive of all these robots. Perhaps he would be the kind to easily be able to defuse conflicts, if those involved would cooperate.
"That Mechaniloid came from the direction of this road." The Reploid whom had yet to share his name to the two Maverick Hunters pointed at the damaged road ahead, with some debris from destroyed market equipment. Some unlucky merchants and workers here suffered losses, and would require every aid possible to restore their premises-- Not to mention insurance coverage. "I was parking my delivery truck here when the attack took place, and many here scrambled to safety in buildings nearest to them, like I did. I led other civilians nearby for cover before I called to report the incident to Hunter HQ."
The Reploid, then, showed the aforementioned delivery truck that was flipped. It would have been devastating if the parts of this truck containing fuel was instead destroyed, which would cause explosions and fire to the nearest vicinity. "And there went the supplies... My boss would be scratching his head at this."
"Hey, Rhagon!" One of the shop staff working where this Reploid was making his delivery rounds called to him. "Can you come here and help with clearing up rubble?"
"Hold on, I'm answering some questions from the Hunters! I'll be there when I'm done." Rhagon responded before looking back to X with a smile. "Those are some of my clients. I deliver supplies to their premises often, be it food products or shop equipment."
"Is there anything you require of me before I go help the others? I would have made more delivery rounds if this hot mess didn't happen."
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lllouisblog · 2 days
Mastering Customs Clearance: A Comprehensive Guide to Courier Low Value Shipments and More
In today’s fast-paced global market, understanding the intricacies of customs clearance and various shipping options is crucial for businesses to maintain efficiency and customer satisfaction. This guide covers essential aspects including courier low value shipments, CLVS customs clearance, North America trucking, and more, to help you streamline your logistics processes.
What is Customs Clearance and Why is it Important?
Customs clearance is the process of getting goods through customs barriers to facilitate the movement of cargo. This involves preparing and submitting required documents to customs authorities, paying duties, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Efficient customs clearance is vital for avoiding delays and extra costs in international shipping.
Courier Low Value Shipments: Simplifying Small Package Delivery
Courier low value shipments (CLVS) refer to packages of modest value that are shipped internationally. These shipments often benefit from simplified customs procedures, reducing processing time and costs. Understanding the specific regulations and leveraging courier services designed for low value shipments can help businesses expedite their delivery processes.
Understanding CLVS Customs Clearance
CLVS customs clearance involves specific procedures tailored to low value items. This can include simplified documentation requirements and streamlined processes to speed up clearance times. By familiarizing yourself with these processes, you can ensure faster and more cost-effective handling of your low value shipments.
North America Trucking: Efficient Transportation Solutions
North America trucking encompasses various transportation options across Canada, the USA, and Mexico. With a robust network of roadways and diverse service providers, businesses can choose between Full Truck Load (FTL) and Less-than-Truckload (LTL) transportation based on their needs. Efficient trucking solutions help manage large and small shipments effectively.
Air and Ocean Freights: Choosing the Right Method for Your Cargo
Air and ocean freights are two primary methods for international shipping. Air freight is ideal for time-sensitive shipments, offering speed and efficiency. On the other hand, ocean freight is a cost-effective option for larger shipments. Understanding the benefits and limitations of each method can help you choose the best option for your specific needs.
Drop shipping Supplier: Streamlining Your Supply Chain
A drop shipping supplier is a crucial partner in modern e-commerce. By handling inventory and shipping directly to your customers, drop shipping suppliers allow you to focus on growing your business without the hassle of managing stock. Partnering with reliable drop shipping suppliers can enhance your order fulfillment process and customer satisfaction.
Full Truck Load (FTL) Shipping in Canada, USA, and Mexico
Full Truck Load (FTL) shipping involves dedicating an entire truck to a single shipment. This method is ideal for large shipments or when you need to transport goods across long distances within North America. FTL shipping offers efficiency and reduced handling, making it a preferred choice for many businesses.
Less-than-Truckload (LTL) Transportation in Canada/U.S.
Less-than-Truckload (LTL) transportation allows multiple shipments from different customers to share the same truck. This cost-effective solution is ideal for smaller shipments that do not fill an entire truck. LTL transportation helps businesses save on shipping costs while ensuring timely delivery.
Large Item Delivery: Handling Bulky Shipments
Large item delivery requires specialized logistics to handle bulky and heavy items. Whether you’re shipping machinery, furniture, or other large goods, choosing the right carrier and ensuring proper packaging can help prevent damage and ensure timely delivery.
Large Package Delivery: Efficient Solutions for Big Packages
Large package delivery involves shipping packages that exceed standard dimensions. Finding a logistics provider with the capability to handle oversized packages and provide tailored solutions can help you manage these deliveries effectively and ensure they reach their destination in good condition.
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pranalip · 5 days
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tamanna31 · 6 days
New Study: 2023-2030 Commercial Vehicles Market Trend and Forecast Report
Commercial Vehicles Industry Overview
The global commercial vehicles market size was estimated at USD 1.35 trillion in 2022 and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% from 2023 to 2030.
Implementation of vehicle scrappage programs, aggressive investments in infrastructure development and rural development, and drafting of stringent regulatory norms for vehicle length and loading limits, among other parameters, are anticipated to fuel the growth. The resumption of mining activities in some parts of the world, which has triggered the demand for tippers, is also expected to drive growth.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Commercial Vehicles Market
The rising levels of disposable income in both developing and developed countries and the continued infrastructure development are also projected to bode well for the growth of the market. The rise in awareness for environmentally sustainable transportation solutions has motivated commercial vehicle manufacturers to develop vehicles that reduce carbon emissions. Manufacturers are working on innovating vehicle design, reducing load factors & size, and customizing vehicles according to weight regulations.
Infrastructure conditions, driver technique, weather management, and national policy are additional influential factors considered by automakers for developing vehicles. Research & development for manufacturing such vehicles requires a significant investment. Thus, there is a requirement for policy action and investment initiatives to be taken by the government, private and public sectors. Such initiatives will support manufacturers in reducing operational & production costs.
Furthermore, the demand for small, medium-, and heavy commercial vehicles has increased for logistics and transportation purposes in association with e-commerce. The logistics market has shifted from just being a service provider to offering customer-centric solutions. Thus, the requirement for commercial vehicles has increased for transportation purposes. Supportive regulatory frameworks and additional incentives from governments have raised the demand for commercial electric vehicles. There has been an increase in electric buses and heavy-duty truck registrations in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions.
With the emerging economies in the Asia Pacific region, China dominates the overall electric bus and electric truck market. According to IEA, with more than 78k buses and 31k trucks registered, local policies of the Chinese government are a significant contributor to high sales of Electric Commercial Vehicles (ECVs). Thus, with the rapid increase in the adoption of electric vehicles, electric commercial vehicles are also expected to witness considerable traction over the forecast period.
While various factors contribute to the growth of the commercial vehicle market, COVID-19 has posed a severe challenge. Global lockdowns stalled all manufacturing and transportation activities. Disruption of the supply chain and economic slowdowns impacted several sectors such as automobile, transportation, and logistics. As the transportation and logistics sectors hold around 50% share in the market for commercial vehicles, less demand from this sector resulted in declining sales of commercial vehicles.
Browse through Grand View Research's Automotive & Transportation Industry Research Reports.
• The global mountain e-bikes market size was estimated at USD 7.52 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global automotive 3PL market size was estimated at USD 219.16 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.9% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Commercial Vehicles Company Insights
The key players that dominated the global market in 2022 include Tata Motors, Volkswagen AG, Ashok Leyland, AB Volvo, and General Motors. Most of these vendors are putting a strong emphasis on providing advanced products based on the latest technologies, as part of the efforts to enhance their respective product offerings in the market. The companies are also pursuing strategic initiatives, such as regional expansions as well as strategic acquisitions, mergers, partnerships, and collaborations, to cement their position in the market.
Organic growth remains a key strategy for most of the market incumbents. As such, market players are focusing on expanding their product offerings by developing and launching new and innovative products. For instance, in August 2022, Mahindra and Mahindra launched the New Jeeto Plus CNG, CharSau, which leads the segment in terms of range, mileage, maneuverability, and payload, leading to higher profits for inter- and intra-city applications. This last-mile transportation solution offers a range of stand-out features suitable for India's small and medium-scale business and trading needs. Some prominent players in the global commercial vehicles market include.
Ashok Leyland
Bosch Rexroth AG
Volkswagen AG
Toyota Motor Corporation
Mahindra and Mahindra
TATA Motors
AB Volvo
Golden Dragon
General Motors
Order a free sample PDF of the Commercial Vehicles Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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creativeera · 23 days
CNG Compressors Market Propelled by Growing Adoption of Natural Gas Vehicles
The global CNG compressors market is primarily driven by the growing demand for natural gas as an automotive fuel owing to its lower operational costs and environmental benefits compared to gasoline and diesel. CNG compressors play a vital role in fuelling stations by compressing natural gas for dispensing in vehicles. These compressors help in boosting the pressure of natural gas from low- to high-pressure natural gas. CNG compressors are used across light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicle segments including passenger cars, buses, trucks, and others. The growing fleet of natural gas vehicles worldwide is augmenting the demand for CNG compressors. The CNG compressors market size is expected to reach US$ 5.15 Bn by 2030, from US$ 3.79 Bn in 2023, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% during the forecast period.
CNG compressors help in providing cleaner fuel for transportation and power generation at affordable prices. Their corrosion resistant design allows reliable performance in harsh industrial environments. Additionally, they reduce operating costs by increasing the gas pressure thus improving the engine performance while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the CNG compressors market are Atlas Copco, Ariel Corporation, Siemens Energy, Galileo Technologies, Bauer Compressors, Ingersoll Rand, ANGI Energy Systems, Clean Energy Compression, CIMC Enric Holdings Limited, J W Energy Company, Elliott Company, CandB Pumps and Compressor LLC, GE Oil and Gas, and Associated Compressor Engineers. The growing CNG Compressors Market Demand for natural gas as an eco-friendly automotive fuel from light to heavy-duty vehicle segments is driving the CNG compressors market. Various government initiatives and policies promoting natural gas vehicles further boost the demand. Global expansion of key equipment manufacturers into developing regions through partnerships and new production facilities will expand the outreach of CNG compressors. Rising environmental awareness and stringent emission norms especially in Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa are some prominent drivers. Market Key Trends The increasing adoption of natural gas trucks and buses for both public and commercial transport across regions like Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific is a major trend propelling the CNG compressors market. Natural gas provides significant operational cost benefits for fleet owners and reduces dependency on costly diesel. Stringent emission standards as well as tax exemptions and other incentives by governments encourage the shift towards CNG Compressors Companies CNG vehicles. This in turn augments the demand for CNG compressors from OEMs and fuelling stations globally.
Porter's Analysis Threat of new entrants: The CNG compressors market requires large capital investments and established distribution channels. This poses significant barriers for new companies. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate power as CNG compressors have different production sizes and applications. However, established brands offers quality products. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few large suppliers dominate the global compressor manufacturing industry. This grants them significant influence over prices of compressor components. Threat of new substitutes: No direct substitutes exist for CNG compressors. Alternatives like electric and hydrogen vehicles are still niche. Competitive rivalry: The market is concentrated, with top players holding major shares. However, price and technology differentiation increase competition. Geographical Regions North America currently holds the largest share of the global CNG compressors market, both in terms of value and volume. Stringent emission norms coupled with tax incentives for natural gas vehicles support the regional market growth. Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing regional market through 2031. Rapid infrastructure development and government initiatives to popularize natural gas as an automotive fuel stimulate demand across developing nations like China and India.
Get more insights on CNG Compressors Market
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Driving Business Growth with Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence
The courier, express, and parcel services category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030. The growth of e-commerce is one of the main drivers of the growth of the CEP services market. E-commerce is growing rapidly, and this is leading to an increase in the demand for CEP services. Businesses that sell goods online need to be able to deliver their goods quickly and efficiently to their customers. CEP providers can help businesses do this by providing a variety of delivery services, such as next-day delivery and express delivery.
The North America courier, express, and parcel market is expected to grow rapidly due to factors like economic growth, e-commerce sales, and demand for faster, more reliable delivery services. Technological advancements, such as self-driving trucks, and government initiatives like logistics hub construction are expected to drive market growth. Globalization has increased trade-related activities, necessitating reliable and efficient delivery services.
Companies are continuously focusing on collaborating with technology providers while enhancing their capacities by setting up new hubs in various regions to stay competitive in the market. For instance,
• In January 2022, the Mexican government announced that it would be investing $90 million in the construction of a new logistics hub in Yucatán. The hub will be located in the municipality of Umán. The hub will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure, including a sorting facility, a warehouse, and a fleet of vehicles. It will be able to handle a variety of cargo, including goods from the manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism industries.
• In April 2021, DHL Global Forwarding (DHL GF), a subsidiary of Deutsche Post DHL Group, expanded its presence in Africa by signing a joint venture agreement with Unicargas, a leading logistics company in Angola. The agreement will allow DHL GF to offer a wider range of logistics services in Angola and other countries in Central and Southern Africa.
• In September 2021, in a test project with self-driving truck startup Aurora and heavy-duty vehicle manufacturer Paccar, FedEx Corp. began transporting cargo between Dallas and Houston using self-driving trucks. The self-driving trucks are outfitted with Level 4 autonomous driving technology from Aurora, which enables them to function under some circumstances without human supervision. A safety driver will also be in the truck to handle any emergency.
Order your copy of the Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• The global courier, express, and parcel services category is fragmented and highly competitive, with the presence of several players in the market. To grow their market share, firms in the industry are adopting crucial strategies like opening new distribution centers, mergers, and smart warehouses.
• The major cost components in this category are fuel costs, labor costs, vehicle costs, insurance costs, and administrative costs.
• China's dominance as a sourcing destination for this category is due to its large and growing manufacturing sector, strategic location in the center of Asia, infrastructure development, and government policies.
List of Key Suppliers in the Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Category
• A1 Express Delivery Service Inc
• Aramex International LLC
• Deutsche Post DHL Group
• DTDC Express Ltd
• FedEx Corp.
• SF Express (Group) Co. Ltd
• Poste Italiane SpA
• Qantas Courier Limited
• United Parcel Service Inc.
• SG Holdings Co. Ltd.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Flexible Packaging Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Commercial Print Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 3% - 4% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Value-based pricing, volume-based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Pricing, network, technology, customer service, flexibility, and security
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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researchrealmblog · 1 month
Exploring the Automatic Tire Inflation System Market: Emerging Technologies & Growth
Market Overview
In 2024, the worldwide automatic tire inflation system industry revenue has been projected at USD 92.2 million, which is projected to attain USD 171.8 million by the end of 2030, advancing at a CAGR of 10.9% over the projection period.
This increase in demand is attributed to an increase in production and sales of ATV and HCV in the global markets. To them, automatic tire inflation systems (ATIS) are employed frequently to improve safety measures as well as optimization of operations.
These systems aid in enhancing the performance and efficiency of vehicles and in turn, improve fuel consumption thus helping reduce the time that the vehicle takes in the workshop. It has been a requirement in some nations to incorporate them into all types of vehicles with an emphasis on the use of heavy-duty trucks to lower the rate of accident occurrences.
The rising utilization of these systems in heavy commercial vehicles, as they are increasingly used in rugged surfaces and climatic conditions like construction sites and off-road terrains, is also a key factor that benefits the market. This is due to the fact that they are strongly influenced by the variations in pressure within the tires, owing to more load, temperature, or terrain.
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Key Insights
The central category dominated the market with 60% of revenue share and is projected to advance at a CAGR of 10.7%.
Central variants provide benefits such as on-the-way tire pressure adjustment, advancing vehicle adaptability to changing load conditions and terrain.
Such systems are extremely helpful for off-roading, military, and agrarian applications, improving traction and vehicle stability.
Companies are presenting new items to fulfil changing customer preferences, propelled by the rising popularity of off-roading and AWD/4WD vehicles.
CTIS aids in adjusting tire pressure as per the terrain, advancing driving experience and extending tire and vehicle life by decreasing premature wear and damage.
Fleet operators use such systems to decrease maintenance expenses and downtime.
BFGoodrich launched ActivAir in April 2023, allowing off-roaders to change tire pressure without exiting the vehicle, with four pressure options based on circumstances.
The ECU category has the largest revenue share of 25% under component segmentation.
ECUs analyze tire pressure data from sensors and make precise adjustments to maintain optimal levels, controlling inflation and deflation processes.
ECUs can be integrated with other vehicle control systems for enhanced coordination and offer manufacturers flexibility in programming and customization.
Powerful processors in ECUs handle real-time data processing, enabling rapid tire pressure adjustments in dynamic situations.
North America generates the highest revenue in the market, USD 0.04 billion, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8%.
Prominent market players in North America include The Boler Company, Airgo Systems, Aperia Technologies, and Haltec Corporation.
Government regulations in North America necessitate the use of TPMS in automobiles, increasing the usage of ATIS.
OEMs like John Deere integrate ATIS in new tractor models to enhance performance.
Awareness of technological advancements and benefits of these systems is high in North
America due to industry associations and government agencies.
North America's logistics and transportation networks contribute significantly to market growth, with OEMs offering heavy-duty trucks with pre-installed ATIS to lure customers with enhanced vehicle performance.
Source: P&S Intelligence
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autosurefit01 · 1 month
Your Guide to Tyre Centres in Wolverhampton: Best Deals and Services
Wolverhampton, a bustling city in the West Midlands, is home to a wide array of tyre centres catering to the diverse needs of its residents. Whether you're looking for a quick puncture repair, a new set of tyres for your car, or specialized services for your van or 4x4, finding the right tyre provider is essential for safe and reliable driving. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights to navigate the tyre service market in Wolverhampton, helping you identify the top providers and make informed decisions for your vehicle's tyre needs.
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Understanding Your Tyre Needs:
Before embarking on your search for a tyre centre, it's crucial to understand your specific requirements. Consider factors such as:
Vehicle Type: Different tyre centres specialize in different vehicle types, such as cars, vans, motorcycles, or heavy-duty trucks. Choose a provider with expertise in your vehicle's make and model.
Tyre Type: There are various types of tyres available, including summer tyres, winter tyres, all-season tyres, and performance tyres. Consider your driving conditions and preferences when choosing the right tyre type.
Budget: Establish a budget for your tyre needs and look for providers who offer transparent pricing and competitive rates.
Location and Convenience: Consider the provider's location and accessibility, ensuring it's convenient for you to drop off and pick up your vehicle.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tyre Centre:
Reputation and Experience: Look for providers with a strong reputation for quality service and customer satisfaction. Check online reviews, testimonials, and industry awards to gauge their track record.
Certifications and Accreditations: Reputable tyre centres will hold relevant certifications and accreditations, such as those from the Tyre Industry Federation (TIF) or the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI). These certifications demonstrate adherence to industry standards and best practices.
Tyre Brands and Quality: Inquire about the tyre brands and quality offered by the provider. Ensure they stock reputable brands known for their performance and durability.
Transparency and Communication: Choose a provider that communicates clearly and transparently about their services, pricing, and any potential issues with your tyres. They should provide detailed estimates and keep you informed throughout the service process.
Warranty and Guarantees: Reputable providers offer comprehensive warranties and guarantees on their tyres and services. This provides peace of mind and protects your investment.
Customer Service: Look for providers with a strong commitment to customer service. They should be friendly, responsive, and willing to address any concerns you may have.
Additional Services: Some tyre centres offer additional services like wheel alignment, balancing, and puncture repairs. Consider whether these services are important for your needs.
Finding Top Tyre Centres in Wolverhampton:
Online Research: Start by searching for "tyre centres near me" or "tyre shops in Wolverhampton." This will provide a list of local providers in your area.
Online Directories and Reviews: Websites like Checkatrade, Trustpilot, and Yell.com are excellent resources for finding reputable businesses and reading customer reviews. Pay attention to the overall rating, specific comments, and any red flags.
Social Media: Explore Facebook groups and local community forums where people often share recommendations for tyre service providers.
Ask for Referrals: Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors who have recently had their tyres serviced in Wolverhampton. Their personal experiences can provide valuable insights.
Visit Potential Providers: Schedule appointments to visit the shortlisted providers. This allows you to assess their facilities, meet the staff, and discuss your tyre needs in person.
Ask Questions: During your visits, don't hesitate to ask questions about their experience, certifications, tyre brands, pricing, warranties, and customer service policies.
Tips for Getting the Best Deals:
Shop Around: Compare prices and services from different tyre centres before making a decision.
Look for Special Offers: Many tyre centres offer discounts and promotions, especially during seasonal changes or holidays.
Check for Online Deals: Websites like Groupon and Wowcher often feature deals on tyre services.
Negotiate: Don't be afraid to negotiate the price, especially if you're buying multiple tyres or having additional services performed.
Consider Trade-Ins: Some tyre centres offer trade-in programs for old tyres, which can reduce the cost of new tyres.
Tips for Choosing the Right Tyres:
Consider Your Driving Needs: Think about your typical driving conditions, such as city driving, highway driving, or off-road driving.
Check Tyre Size and Load Rating: Ensure the tyres you choose are the correct size and have a load rating suitable for your vehicle.
Read Tyre Reviews: Research different tyre brands and models to find those that best suit your needs and budget.
Ask for Professional Advice: Don't hesitate to ask the tyre centre for recommendations based on your specific vehicle and driving habits.
Choosing the right tyre centre in Wolverhampton is crucial for ensuring your vehicle's safety and performance. By carefully considering the factors discussed above, you can find a reputable provider that offers quality tyres, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. Remember to prioritize experience, certifications, tyre brands, transparency, warranties, and customer service when making your decision. With a little research and careful consideration, you can find a provider that will keep your vehicle rolling smoothly and provide peace of mind on the roads.
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Which is the Best Heavy-Duty Truck Brand in the USA?
When determining the best heavy-duty truck brand in the USA, it’s essential to consider factors such as market share, reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction. The heavy-duty truck segment is crucial for the logistics and transportation industry, and choosing a brand is a significant decision for businesses. The top contenders in this market include Freightliner, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo, and Mack Trucks. Each brand has carved a niche, offering unique strengths and features.
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Freightliner is the leading heavy-duty truck brand in the USA. A Daimler Trucks North America Freightliner holds nearly 40% of the market share for Class 8 trucks on American roads. It dominates its robust design, reliability, and extensive dealer network. Freightliner trucks are known for their durability and are popular among fleet operators. The brand’s commitment to innovation is evident in its advanced safety systems and fuel-efficient engines, which help reduce operational costs for trucking companies.
Peterbilt, another top contender, is renowned for its rugged and efficient trucks. A subsidiary of PACCAR Inc., Peterbilt has a long-standing reputation for quality and reliability. Their trucks are often considered the gold standard in the industry for their longevity and performance. Peterbilt offers a range of models tailored to different needs, from long-haul trucking to vocational applications. The brand’s focus on driver comfort and safety has also made it a favorite among truck drivers.
Kenworth, a PACCAR assistant, is celebrated for its reliable and iconic models. Kenworth trucks are known for their high quality and durability, making them a popular choice for many trucking companies. The brand has a strong reputation for building trucks that withstand the rigors of heavy-duty operations. Kenworth’s emphasis on advanced technology and fuel efficiency further enhances its appeal, offering solutions that meet the evolving demands of the transportation industry.
Volvo is another significant player in the heavy-duty truck market. While it ranks fifth in market share in the USA, Volvo is the second-largest heavy-duty truck producer globally. Volvo trucks are known for their precision engineering, quality, and advanced safety features. The brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its development of fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly trucks. Volvo’s focus on driver comfort and ergonomics also sets them apart, making their trucks a preferred choice for long-haul operations.
Mack Trucks, with its iconic Bulldog logo, has been producing heavy-duty trucks for over a century. The brand’s strong presence in the construction and refuse sectors highlights its versatility. Mack’s emphasis on building tough and robust trucks has earned it a loyal customer base. The brand’s innovative approach to technology and performance ensures that its trucks meet the high demands of heavy-duty applications.
The choice of the best heavy-duty truck brand in the USA depends on specific needs and preferences. Freightliner stands out due to its market dominance and extensive dealer network, making it a reliable choice for many. Peterbilt and Kenworth offer exceptional quality and performance by both fleet operators and drivers. Volvo provides advanced safety features and a focus on sustainability, appealing to environmentally conscious businesses. Mack Trucks is known for its durability and versatility, making it a solid choice for various heavy-duty applications.
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amey-inkwood · 2 months
Forklift Truck Market: Impact of Automated Manufacturing Facilities
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First developed in the early 20th century by companies such as Clark and Yale & Towne Manufacturing, forklifts are powered industrial trucks used to lift and move materials across short distances. The two power-operated prongs at the front of the vehicle can slide under heavy loads and then be raised for stacking and moving objects in shipping depots, warehouses, and more. According to Inkwood Research, the global forklift truck market is set to grow with a CAGR of 6.60% over the forecast years of 2023 to 2032. The market is set to capture a revenue share of $130.75 billion, reaching a volume of 2546.21 thousand units by 2032.
Request a FREE Sample of the Forklift Truck Market Market: https://www.inkwoodresearch.com/reports/forklift-truck-market/#request-free-sample
How Automation is Restructuring the Production Space
The automation of manufacturing facilities has revolutionized logistics and supply chain management. Key advantages of automation in manufacturing facilities include:
More efficient use of materials
Higher production rates and increased productivity
Improved safety and reduced costs
Reduced factory lead times
Shorter workweeks for labor
Better product quality
With increased automation in warehouses and factories, the demand for efficient and smart material handling solutions has surged. Forklift trucks have proven to be optimal in this automated landscape, facilitating seamless movement of goods, optimizing processes, and ensuring safety. Technological advancements in automated forklift trucks have made them significant assets in material handling, especially in large facilities where human workers may need to cover long distances for hauling, picking, and putaway functions. The adoption of energy retrofit systems, including energy-efficient technology, HVAC retrofit, and LED retrofit solutions, has also become integral in these facilities to enhance energy efficiency.
Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Global Forklift Truck Market
Automation Meets Manufacturing Efficacy | The Indispensable Role of Forklift Trucks
The demand for automation, particularly in the form of smart and autonomous forklifts, in the manufacturing industry is influenced by several key factors, including the need for increased operational efficiency and the ability to handle complex and heavy loads. Advancements in forklift technology and the subsequent rise in production capacities have led to the following developments:
Diverse End-User Applications: Forklifts play a pivotal role in various manufacturing industries such as retail & e-commerce, construction, mining, and manufacturing. Warehouses heavily rely on these versatile vehicles for the efficient lifting and transportation of cargo. Notably, retail & e-commerce is set to be the fastest-growing and dominating end-user during the forecast period. The adoption of energy retrofit technologies in these sectors has further optimized operations.
Retail & E-commerce: The e-commerce sector's growth has led to warehouses adapting to smaller aisles and taller shelves to optimize inventory visibility and facilitate faster delivery, increasing demand for compact and efficient forklifts tailored to this industry.
Mining Sector: Utilizes heavy-duty, high-capacity lift trucks to handle demanding operations. The adoption of energy retrofit systems for mining has also enhanced energy efficiency in these challenging environments.
Construction Sector: Forklifts are essential for transporting heavy building materials across challenging terrains, acting as both lifting equipment and vehicles. Energy-efficient systems in construction sites have improved operational efficiency and sustainability.
Prominence of ICE Powered Forklifts: Internal combustion (IC) engines continue to be favored for high-throughput applications, outdoor tasks, and environments requiring multiple shifts. ICE-powered forklift trucks find extensive application in industries such as iron, steel, automobile manufacturing, and shipbuilding. As these manufacturing sectors grow, so will the adoption and expansion of ICE-powered forklifts.
High Adoption in Food & Beverage and Pharmaceuticals: In the manufacturing industry, electric forklifts play a pivotal role, especially in sectors such as food & beverage and pharmaceuticals. Electric lift trucks enable efficient and precise handling of products. The advanced ergonomics and minimal emissions of forklift trucks make them suitable for applications in the food industry, where energy-efficient buildings and deep energy retrofits are becoming more prevalent.
Asia-Pacific’s Strong Foothold: Countries across Asia-Pacific, including China, Japan, and India, are highly engaged in manufacturing and construction activities. These projects generate significant demand for forklift trucks for handling goods. The Asia-Pacific forklift truck market is projected to grow with the highest CAGR of 6.83%, with China capturing a dominant revenue share of 46.31% by 2032. China's manufacturing sector is poised for growth with government initiatives promoting new projects in areas such as manufacturing, packaging, and public health, further driving the demand for forklifts and energy retrofit solutions.
Automation is revolutionizing the future of material handling operations, offering significant cost savings and seamless integration with existing operations. Automating fleets of forklifts can add substantial value to manufacturing operations. With the notable presence of leading companies such as Toyota Industries Corporation, KION AG, Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc, and others, the global forklift truck market is set to witness lucrative growth prospects during the forecast period. Additionally, the adoption of energy retrofit systems, including energy-efficient technology and energy-efficient buildings, will continue to drive innovation and efficiency in material handling and manufacturing operations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –
1.    What is the difference between forklifts and trucks? A: While trucks are better suited for lifting lighter materials to increased elevations, forklifts are optimal for moving heavier objects at lower heights.
2.    What are the main types of forklift engines? A: Forklift engines can be separated into two main categories, namely, electric engines and internal combustion (IC) engines. According to our experts, electric powered is expected to be the fastest-growing engine type during the forecast period.
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lllouisblog · 24 days
Mastering Customs Clearance: A Comprehensive Guide to Courier Low Value Shipments and More
In today’s fast-paced global market, understanding the intricacies of customs clearance and various shipping options is crucial for businesses to maintain efficiency and customer satisfaction. This guide covers essential aspects including courier low value shipments, CLVS customs clearance, North America trucking, and more, to help you streamline your logistics processes.
What is Customs Clearance and Why is it Important?
Customs clearance is the process of getting goods through customs barriers to facilitate the movement of cargo. This involves preparing and submitting required documents to customs authorities, paying duties, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. Efficient customs clearance is vital for avoiding delays and extra costs in international shipping.
Courier Low Value Shipments: Simplifying Small Package Delivery
Courier low value shipments (CLVS) refer to packages of modest value that are shipped internationally. These shipments often benefit from simplified customs procedures, reducing processing time and costs. Understanding the specific regulations and leveraging courier services designed for low value shipments can help businesses expedite their delivery processes.
Understanding CLVS Customs Clearance
CLVS customs clearance involves specific procedures tailored to low value items. This can include simplified documentation requirements and streamlined processes to speed up clearance times. By familiarizing yourself with these processes, you can ensure faster and more cost-effective handling of your low value shipments.
North America Trucking: Efficient Transportation Solutions
North America trucking encompasses various transportation options across Canada, the USA, and Mexico. With a robust network of roadways and diverse service providers, businesses can choose between Full Truck Load (FTL) and Less-than-Truckload (LTL) transportation based on their needs. Efficient trucking solutions help manage large and small shipments effectively.
Air and Ocean Freights: Choosing the Right Method for Your Cargo
Air and ocean freights are two primary methods for international shipping. Air freight is ideal for time-sensitive shipments, offering speed and efficiency. On the other hand, ocean freight is a cost-effective option for larger shipments. Understanding the benefits and limitations of each method can help you choose the best option for your specific needs.
Drop shipping Supplier: Streamlining Your Supply Chain
A drop shipping supplier is a crucial partner in modern e-commerce. By handling inventory and shipping directly to your customers, drop shipping suppliers allow you to focus on growing your business without the hassle of managing stock. Partnering with reliable drop shipping suppliers can enhance your order fulfillment process and customer satisfaction.
Full Truck Load (FTL) Shipping in Canada, USA, and Mexico
Full Truck Load (FTL) shipping involves dedicating an entire truck to a single shipment. This method is ideal for large shipments or when you need to transport goods across long distances within North America. FTL shipping offers efficiency and reduced handling, making it a preferred choice for many businesses.
Less-than-Truckload (LTL) Transportation in Canada/U.S.
Less-than-Truckload (LTL) transportation allows multiple shipments from different customers to share the same truck. This cost-effective solution is ideal for smaller shipments that do not fill an entire truck. LTL transportation helps businesses save on shipping costs while ensuring timely delivery.
Large Item Delivery: Handling Bulky Shipments
Large item delivery requires specialized logistics to handle bulky and heavy items. Whether you’re shipping machinery, furniture, or other large goods, choosing the right carrier and ensuring proper packaging can help prevent damage and ensure timely delivery.
Large Package Delivery: Efficient Solutions for Big Packages
Large package delivery involves shipping packages that exceed standard dimensions. Finding a logistics provider with the capability to handle oversized packages and provide tailored solutions can help you manage these deliveries effectively and ensure they reach their destination in good condition.
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tushar38 · 2 months
Low-Carbon Propulsion Market Segmentation and Regional Analysis
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The Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is a burgeoning sector driven by the global imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. This market encompasses a wide array of technologies and solutions aimed at reducing carbon emissions in transportation and industrial sectors, including electric vehicles (EVs), hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels, and other alternative propulsion systems.
One of the key drivers of the Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability among consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide. Stringent regulations and policies aimed at curbing carbon emissions from vehicles and industries have accelerated the adoption of low-carbon propulsion technologies. Governments are incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles through subsidies, tax incentives, and infrastructure investments, thereby propelling the growth of the market.
Electric vehicles, in particular, have emerged as a frontrunner in the low-carbon propulsion landscape. The advancements in battery technology have improved the range, performance, and affordability of electric vehicles, making them a viable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. Major automotive manufacturers are increasingly investing in electric vehicle research and development, aiming to capture a larger market share and meet regulatory requirements for reducing fleet emissions.
Hydrogen fuel cells also play a significant role in the Low-Carbon Propulsion Market, especially in heavy-duty transportation such as buses, trucks, and trains. Hydrogen fuel cells offer zero-emission propulsion with fast refueling times, making them suitable for long-range applications where battery electric vehicles may face limitations.
Biofuels, derived from renewable biomass sources such as crops, waste oils, and algae, are another key component of the low-carbon propulsion ecosystem. Biofuels can be blended with traditional fuels or used as standalone alternatives, offering a lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels.
Overall, the Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is characterized by rapid technological advancements, increasing investments, and a growing array of options for reducing carbon emissions across various industries. As sustainability concerns intensify and regulatory pressures mount, the market is poised for continued growth, innovation, and adoption of cleaner propulsion technologies in the global quest for a low-carbon future.
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