#Heidi Levitt
goldxnfemme · 3 months
I made a post a while ago from an ask, requesting essays about butch and femme, the femme part was a reblog, I think it deserves its own post on Femme Appreciation Day!
So, a lot of books I enjoy are collections of essays, therefore, here are some recommendations for books, and some of my favourite (femme) essays from them, that you can read and they might help you understand femme better.
from the books I recommend probably the most:
The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader - edited by Joan Nestle:
Flamboyance and fortitude: An introduction - pages 13-20
Of Althea and Flaxie - pages 54-55
Letter to a fifties femme from a stone butch - pages 102-108 (trigger warning for S.A., police brutality, general violence and suicide mention)
The Femme Question - pages 138 - 146
The Butch-femme Question - pages 208-219
What we're rollin' around in bed with: Sexual silences in feminism - A conversation toward ending them - pages 243-253
The Femme Tapes - pages 254-267
Roles? I don't know anyone who's "playing": A letter to my femme sisters - pages 268-269
Old Femme - page 331
Femme-inism - posts 362-366
Femme-dyke - pages 378-383
Reclaiming femme... again - pages 388-389
I Love Butches - pages 420-422
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme - edited by Ivan Coyote and Zena Sharman:
Never Be Hungry Again - pages 53-55
Looking Straight At You - pages 70-75
Between My Fingers - pages 105-106 [femme and disability]
Hats Off - pages 264-266
*Making intelligible the controversies over femme identities: A functionalist approach to conceptualizing the subversive meanings of femme genders - Heidi M. Levitt & Kathleen M. Collins
Honourable mentions**:
S/HE - Minnie Bruce Pratt
My Lesbian Husband: Landscapes of a Marriage - Barrie Jean Borich
*this one is an article
**I mention these because though they're not explicit "THIS IS WHAT'S FEMME" they're rich in femme representation and femme perspective, so keep that in mind as you read, if you read them.
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I made an art piece
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It's about trans people and the nebulous of womanhood and my gender and :)
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The silhouette is mine. I love it :)
Works Cited:
Benaway, Gwen. “A transgender poet reflects on her first year of experiencing womanhood.” CBC Arts, 2 March 2017, www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4006567
Gibson, Andrea. “My Gender is the Undoing of Gender” YouTube, uploaded by Button Poetry, 26 May 2022, www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8NvkY15yGs.
Levitt, Heidi M., and Maria R. Ippolito. “Being Transgender: The Experience of Transgender Identity Development.” Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 61, no. 12, 2014, pp. 1727–58, doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2014.951262.
Personal interview. 26 February 2024.
Rees, Yves. “Feminism beyond the Binary.” Lilith: A Feminist History Journal, vol. 28, no. 28, 2022, pp. 123–27, doi.org/10.22459/lfhj.28.10.
Stewart, D-L. “Scenes from a Black trans life” YouTube, uploaded by TED, 11 August 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUmQP6VuDs.
Wright, Mars. “Trans Joy is Resistance.” ProjectQ Community Center, Los Angeles, March 2022.
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Hi, I’m Aaron Kimberly, Director of the Gender Dysphoria Alliance. I’m a mental health nurse and a transman. I was born biologically female with a rare disorder of sex development. I’m same-sex attracted and transitioned to live as a man as a young adult due to severe gender dysphoria.
There are three pathways to the development of gender dysphoria described in the American Psychological Association diagnostic manual.
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Autogynephilia is thought to be the most common and most intense of the three, which can progress to gender dysphoria in adolescence or later in adult childhood.
Child-onset gender dysphoria is highly correlated with later adult homosexuality.
And less common is gender dysphoria related to a disorder of sex development.
In this video, I’ll be discussing the homosexual pathway.
Gender non-conformity is a common and normal dimension of homosexuality, especially inchildhood, which is seen across cultures and even another animal species. However, cultural responses to gender non-conformity varies from total acceptance to open hostility in many places.
In Samoa, for example, boy who exhibit strong, feminine characteristics are identified as fa'afafine, which means "in the manner of a woman," and many of these boys grow up to be highly effeminate gay men who participate in some aspects of social and occupational life with women and attract highly masculine men.
The western concept of gender dysphoria in children is characterised by: a strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that one is the other gender; a strong preference for cross-dressing, cross gender roles in make believe play or fantasy play, for the toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender, for playmates of the other gender; a strong rejection of sex-typical toys, games, and activities; a strong dislike of one sexual anatomy; and a strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match one’s experienced gender.
How does this medical model fit what is known about homosexuality globally? There are two studies I’d like to highlight.
The first is by Paul Vasey who studies the fa'afafine in Samoa. After collecting and analysing data about the fa'afafine, he concluded that cross-sex identification and extreme gender non-conformity within the context of social acceptance, do not lead to distress. In other words, gender non-conformity is a universal aspect of homosexuality, whereas gender dysphoria is culture-bound, related to the society responses to gender non-conformity.
A paper by Katherine Heistand and Heidi Levitt on butch identity development from childhood and adulthood leads to a similar conclusion as Vasey's study. The authors expressed concern that a normal aspect of homosexuality is being pathologized. Despite the fact that approximately 85% of kids who express a strong discomfort with their biological sex, do reconcile themselves with their sexuality and their body through adolescence. Only a small percentage of gay men and women do become homosexual transsexuals through hormonal and surgical interventions.
There are a number of motivating factors which include: intense gender dysphoria that persists into adulthood; low economic status; poor understanding and education about gender non-conformity; homophobia; desire to attract romantic and sexual partners; and comorbidities like autism may complicate the developmental process.
Even in places like Samoa, some individuals choose to cosmetically, feminize or masculinize their bodies, but the number one takeaway I’d like to leave you with is this: children who are obviously gender non-conforming are less likely to develop lifelong gender dysphoria if they are well-supported, accepted and integrated into their families and communities as they are. With support they are very likely to grow up into healthy gay adults.
For more information, visit the Gender Dysphoria Alliance at: www.genderdysphoriaalliance.com
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peacehopeandrats · 1 year
TBR Bingo Finnish!
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It took more than the summer just because I was waiting on some holds, but here I stand, ready to enter the Month of Reading with a new Bingo card! If you want the full list of what I read, that is below the cut. I highly recommend just about every book on it.
My favorite new author surprised me.
Stephen Graham Jones is a Native Author and the book The Only Good Indians is a Native horror story. Now, I don't read horror, which is why this being my favorite surprised me. In fact, this was my first ever horror novel so I can't say how it compares to anyone else popular in the field. I can say that being a Native story it very much has that this is the horror WE would experience feel to it. By this I mean I doubt an author of any other background could capture this story as well. There was an emotional element to it that I can't really put a finger on. Just so well written. I'm going to read his other books when I can get my hands on them.
Nonfiction: Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand
Blue Cover: King’s Cage, by Victoria Aveyard
Woods or Trees: In The Woods, by Tana French
Family: A Long Petal Of The Sea, by Isabel Allende
Fantasy: Red Queen, by Victoria Aveyard
Animals: The Cat Who Saved Books, by Sosuke Matsukawa
Sports: My Year Of The Racehorse, by Kevin Chong
Realistic Fiction: A Very Typical Family, by Sierra Godfrey
Water: The Bookshop On The Shore, by Jenny Colgan
Paper Book: Rubyfruit Jungle, by Rita Mae Brown
Comedy: The Road To Roswell, by Connie Willis
Graphic Novel: Saga, by Brian K. Vaughn
Free Space: War Storm, by Victoria Aveyard
Fiction: Bluebird, Bluebird, by Atiica Locke
Red Cover: Cemetery Boys, by Aiden Thomas
Sailing: The Girl From Everywhere, by Heidi Heilig
Time: Opposite of Always, by Justin A Reynolds
Native Author: Crooked Hallelujah, by Kelli Jo Ford
Kindle: Song of My Soul, by Ginny Aiken
Orange Cover: Genesis Begins Again, by Alicia D. Williams
Food: Tastes Like War, by Grace M. Cho
Real Person: The Forgotten Founding Father, by Joshua Kendall
Vacation: The Only Good Indians, by
Historical Fiction: Even As We Breathe, by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle
Audio Book: When to Rob a Bank, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
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leanstooneside · 11 months
A wink is as good as a nod, to a blind man (FOXACID)
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extrabeurre · 3 years
15 nominations pour LA DÉESSE DES MOUCHES À FEU au Gala Québec Cinéma 2021
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Une autre année pas comme les autres pour le Gala Québec Cinéma, alors que les salles ont longtemps été fermées, ce qui n’a pas empêché une vingtaine de longs métrages de fiction de prendre l’affiche.
Dans la catégorie Meilleur film, on retrouve quatre des films qui ont été le plus vus et appréciés, soit Le club Vinland, La déesse des mouches à feu, My Salinger Year et Nadia Butterly, ainsi que Souterrain, dont la sortie a été maintes fois reportée, mais qui sera le film d’ouverture des Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma cette semaine.
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Alignement semblable dans la catégorie Meilleure réalisation, avec Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette (La déesse des mouches à feu), Sophie Dupuis (Souterrain), Philippe Falardeau (My Salinger Year) et Benoit Pilon (Le club Vinland), mais l’industrie a préféré Daniel Roby (Target Number One) à Pascal Plante (Nadia Butterly).
Dans la catégorie Meilleur scénario, encore là, les gros joueurs sont tous là: Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille – Le club Vinland, Sophie Dupuis – Souterrain, Philippe Falardeau – My Salinger Year, Catherine Léger – La déesse des mouches à feu, Daniel Roby – Target Number One.
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Du côté des actrices, on retrouve Émilie Bierre pour Les nôtres, Marie-Evelyne Lessard pour Jusqu’au déclin, l’actrice américaine Margaret Qualley pour My Salinger Year, Karelle Tremblay pour la coproduction Death of a Ladies’ Man, ainsi que Sarah Sutherland pour Like a House on Fire.
Les acteurs en lice pour l’Iris sont Réal Bossé pour Jusqu’au déclin, Paul Doucet pour Les nôtres, Patrick Hivon pour Mont Foster, Antoine Olivier Pilon pour Target Number One, et Sébastien Ricard pour Le club Vinland.
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Dans les catégories « rôle de soutien », on retrouve Sophie Desmarais pour Vacarme, Marianne Farley pour Les nôtres, Éléonore Loiselle et Caroline Néron pour La déesse des mouches à feu, et la mythique Sigourney Weaver pour My Salinger Year chez les dames. 
Chez ces messieurs, les finalistes sont Normand D’Amour et  Robin L’Houmeau pour La déesse des mouches à feu, Rémy Girard pour Le club Vinland, ainsi que James Hyndman et Théodore Pellerin pour Souterrain.
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La catégorie Révélation de l’année est l’une des plus intéressantes selon moi, car c’est un aperçu des visages marquants du cinéma des prochaines années. D’ailleurs, Émilie Bierre et Théodore Pellerin, en nomination cette année respectivement pour un premier rôle féminin et un rôle de soutien masculin, font partie des lauréats passés du prix Révélation. Donc, en 2021, les finalistes sont :  Kelly Depeault – La déesse des mouches à feu, Jasmine Lemée – Mon cirque à moi, Rosalie Pépin – Vacarme, Joakim Robillard – Souterrain et Arnaud Vachon – Le club Vinland.
Voici le reste des catégories :
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Iris de la Meilleure distribution des rôles
Deirdre Bowen (Deirdre Bowen Casting) | Heidi Levitt (Heidi Levitt Casting) | Bruno Rosato (Rosato Casting) | Supattra « Pum » Punyadee – Target Number One Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Les Nôtres Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Souterrain Murielle La Ferrière, Marie-Claude Robitaille (Casting Murielle La Ferrière et Marie-Claude Robitaille) – La déesse des mouches à feu Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) – Le Club Vinland
MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Iris de la Meilleure direction artistique
Patrice Bengle, Louise Tremblay – Le Club Vinland Elise de Blois, Claude Tremblay – My Salinger Year Sylvain Lemaitre, Louisa Schabas – Blood Quantum David Pelletier – Mon cirque à moi David Pelletier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie
Jonathan Decoste – La déesse des mouches à feu François Gamache – Le Club Vinland Mathieu Laverdière – Souterrain Tobie Marier Robitaille – La nuit des rois Sara Mishara – My Salinger Year
MEILLEUR SON Iris du Meilleur son
Pierre-Jules Audet, Emmanuel Croset, Michel Tsagli – La nuit des rois Sylvain Bellemare, Paul Col, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Martyne Morin – La déesse des mouches à feu Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, François Grenon – Jusqu’au déclin Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Martyne Morin – Nadia, Butterfly Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Patrice LeBlanc – Souterrain
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Iris du Meilleur montage
Aube Foglia – La nuit des rois Michel Grou – Souterrain Stéphane Lafleur – La déesse des mouches à feu Arthur Tarnowski – Jusqu’au déclin Yvann Thibaudeau – Target Number One
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Iris des Meilleurs effets visuels
Alchimie 24 – Sébastien Chartier, Jean-François « Jafaz » Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine – Jusqu’au déclin Real by Fake – Michael Beaulac, Marie-Hélène Panisset – Target Number One The Workshop – Barbara Rosenstein, Josh Sherrett – Blood Quantum
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale
Olivier Alary – La nuit des rois Patrice Dubuc, Gaëtan Gravel – Souterrain Guido Del Fabbro, Pierre Lapointe – Le Club Vinland Jean-Phi Goncalves, Éloi Painchaud, Jorane Pelletier – Target Number One Martin Léon – My Salinger Year
MEILLEURS COSTUMES Iris des Meilleurs costumes
Caroline Bodson – Souterrain Francesca Chamberland – Le Club Vinland Patricia McNeil, Ann Roth – My Salinger Year Noémi Poulin – Blood Quantum Sharon Scott – Mon cirque à moi
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Iris du Meilleur maquillage
Kathryn Casault – La déesse des mouches à feu Dominique T. Hasbani – Jusqu’au déclin Audray Adam, Sandra Ruel – Souterrain Joan-Patricia Parris, Nancy Ferlatte, Erik Gosselin – Blood Quantum Larysa Chernienko, Natalie Trépanier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Iris de la Meilleure coiffure
Michelle Côté – My Salinger Year Stéphanie DeFlandre – Mon cirque à moi André Duval – Le Club Vinland Marcelo Padovani – Blood Quantum Johanne Paiement – La déesse des mouches à feu
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur film documentaire
Errance sans retour – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins | Mö Films – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins The Forbidden Reel – Ariel Nasr | Office national du film du Canada – Kat Baulu | Loaded Pictures – Sergeo Kirby | Ariel Nasr Je m’appelle humain – Kim O’Bomsawin | Terre Innue – Andrée-Anne Frenette Tant que j’ai du respir dans le corps – Steve Patry | Les Films de l’Autre – Steve Patry Wintopia – Mira Burt-Wintonick | Office national du film du Canada – Annette Clarke | EyeSteelFilm – Bob Moore
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie | Film documentaire
Sarah Baril Gaudet – Passage Hugo Gendron, Michel Valiquette – Je m’appelle humain Olivier Higgins, Renaud Philippe – Errance sans retour Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Marianne Ploska – Prière pour une mitaine perdue
MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur son | Film documentaire
Pierre-Jules Audet, Luc Boudrias, Olivier Higgins, Kala Miya – Errance sans retour Stéphane Barsalou, Claude Beaugrand, Julie Innes – Le château Marie-Andrée Cormier, Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Benoît Dame, Catherine Van Der Donckt – Jongué, carnet nomade Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Wintopia
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur montage | Film documentaire
Anouk Deschênes – Wintopia Olivier Higgins, Amélie Labrèche – Errance sans retour Annie Jean – Le château Annie Jean – The Forbidden Reel Alexandre Lachance – Je m’appelle humain
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale | Film documentaire
Tom Brunt – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Martin Dumais – Errance sans retour Justin Guzzwell, Tyr Jami, Eric Shaw – Sisters: Dream & Variations Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Claude Rivest – Jongué, carnet nomade
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | FICTION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Fiction
Aniksha – Vincent Toi | Vincent Toi, Guillaume Collin Comme une comète – Ariane Louis-Seize | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering Écume – Omar Elhamy | Les Films Rôdeurs – Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Paul Chotel Goodbye Golovin – Mathieu Grimard | Golovin Films – Simon Corriveau-Gagné, Mathieu Grimard Lune – Zoé Pelchat | MéMO Films – Mélanie S. Dubois
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Animation
Barcelona de Foc – Theodore Ushev | Theodore Ushev The Fourfold – Alisi Telengut | Alisi Telengut In the Shadow of the Pines – Anne Koizumi | Nava Projects – Sahar Yousefi Moi, Barnabé – Jean-François Lévesque | Office national du film du Canada – Julie Roy La saison des hibiscus – Éléonore Goldberg | Embuscade films – Nicolas Dufour-Laperrière
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Documentaire
Clebs – Halima Ouardiri | Halima Ouardiri Le frère – Jérémie Battaglia | Les Films Extérieur Jour – Amélie Lambert Bouchard Life of a Dog – Danae Elon, Rosana Matecki | Entre deux mondes Productions – Paul Cadieux, Danae Elon Nitrate – Yousra Benziane | Yousra Benziane Port d’attache – Laurence Lévesque | Elise Bois
Le Club Vinland – Benoit Pilon | Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille | Les Films Opale | Productions Avenida – Chantal Lafleur La déesse des mouches à feu – Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette | Catherine Léger | Entract Films | Coop Vidéo de Montréal – Luc Vandal Félix et le trésor de Morgäa – Nicola Lemay | Marc Robitaille | Maison 4:3 | 10e Ave Productions – Nancy Florence Savard Flashwood – Jean-Carl Boucher | Jean-Carl Boucher | Entract Films | Go Films – Jean-Carl Boucher, Nicole Robert Jusqu’au déclin – Patrice Laliberté | Charles Dionne, Nicolas Krief, Patrice Laliberté | Netflix | Couronne Nord – Julie Groleau Like a House on Fire – Jesse Noah Klein | Jesse Noah Klein | Entract Films | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering | Woods Entertainment – William Woods Mon cirque à moi – Miryam Bouchard | Miryam Bouchard, Martin Forget | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images – Antonello Cozzolino Mont Foster – Louis Godbout | Louis Godbout | K-Films Amérique | Les Films Primatice – Sébastien Poussard My Salinger Year – Philippe Falardeau | Philippe Falardeau | Métropole Films | micro_scope – Luc Déry, Kim McCraw | Parallel Films – Ruth Coady, Susan Mullen Nadia, Butterfly – Pascal Plante | Pascal Plante | Maison 4:3 | Némésis Films – Dominique Dussault Les Nôtres – Jeanne Leblanc | Judith Baribeau, Jeanne Leblanc, | Maison 4:3 | Slykid & Skykid – Benoit Beaulieu, Marianne Farley Rustic Oracle – Sonia Bonspille Boileau | Sonia Bonspille Boileau | 7th Screen | Nish Media – Jason Brennan Le sang du pélican – Denis Boivin | Denis Boivin | Les Distributions Netima | Productions Dionysos – Denis Boivin Slaxx – Elza Kephart | Patricia Gomez Zlatar, Elza Kephart | Filmoption International | EMAfilms – Anne-Marie Gélinas | Head on the Door Productions – Patricia Gomez Zlatar Target Number One – Daniel Roby | Daniel Roby | Les Films Séville | Caramel Films – Valérie d’Auteuil, André Rouleau We Had It Coming – Paul Barbeau | Paul Barbeau | MK2 Mile End | Reprise Films – Melissa A. Smith, Paul Barbeau
Association coopérative de productions audiovisuelles (ACPAV) Représentée par Marc Daigle et Bernadette Payeur
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cristalconnors · 5 years
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Casting by Heidi Levitt ; Cast: Song Kang-ho, Choi Woo-shik, Park So-dam, Jang Hye-jin, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Jung Ji-so, Jung Hyeon-jun, Lee Jung-eun, Park Myung-hoon, Park Geun-rok, and Park Seo-joon
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Casting Uncredited ; Cast: Mama Sane, Amadou Mbow, Ibrahima Traoré, Nicole Sougou, Aminata Kane, Coumba Dieng, Mariama Gassama, Ibrahima Mbaye, Diankou Sembene, Babacar Sylla, and Abdou Balde
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Casting by Zhou Zhengfei ; Cast: Peng Yuchang, Zhang Yu, Wang Yuwen, Liu Congxi, Xiang Rongdong, Jing Guo, Guozhang Zhaoyan, Li Suyun, Kong Wei, Li Danyi, Kong Yixin, Ling Zhenghui, Zhang Xiaolong, and Wang Ning
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Casting by Gayle Keller ; Cast: Constance Wu, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Stiles, Keke Palmer, Lili Reinhart, Lizzo, Cardi B, Mercedes Ruehl, Wai Ching Ho, Madeline Brewer, Trace Lysette, Mette Towley, Frank Whaley, Paul Nielsen,  Brandon Keener, Steven Boyer, Jon Glaser,  and Devin Ratray
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Casting by Francine Maisler and Jennifer Venditti ; Cast: Adam Sandler, Lakeith Stanfield, Julia Fox, Idina Menzel, Kevin Garnett, Eric Bogosian, Judd Hirsch, Keith Williams Richards, Noa Fisher, Abel Tesfaye, Mike Francesca, Jonathan Aranbayev, Jacob Igielski, Hailey Gates, and Wayne Diamond
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billybobhader · 5 years
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Of course I can, @volturisecretary, whose ask I totally did not accidentally delete because I’m still new to Tumblr! I should warn you, however, that I suck at these and the number of actors I can name off the top of my head is -12. That being said, let’s get started!
This post is pretty long due to the pictures I added, so here’s a cut!
Aro & Sulpicia
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Keanu Reeves would make a very interesting Aro. Look at him! I wouldn’t mind this man convincing me to join the Volturi and make me his slave for the rest of eternity.
Lena Headey is used to acting like a strong and independent woman (because she is one, duhhhh) from GoT. Breaking out of the tower to give Aro the business is exactly what I’d picture her doing.
Marcus & Didyme
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Avan Jogia can rock the unimpressed persona. Literally all he’d have to do is sit in his throne blankly and I’d call him deserving of an Oscar. Also.. that bun?¿ Dayummmm
Emeraude Toubia is who I’d imagine Marcus would fall in love with. *Also, she’s not dead.* She’s so classy looking, and she’s been able to help Marcus out of his funk up to this day (because, obvs, she’s not dead).
Caius & Athenodora
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I feel that Tom Felton would make a perfect Caius. He is a Slytherin, of course. The hair, the expression, everything is perfect!
Gwendoline Christie is a literal queen (when she’ s not defending Tarth.. Idk what I’m saying. I don’t even watch GoT). Her demeanor and this fiery-yet-floral outfit makes her seem like a good choice for Athenodora.
And for my favs- The Guard!!!!
Jane & Alec
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Maine Mendoza looks sweet on the outside, but could secretly tear your limbs off when given a dirty look in the hall. If she were younger, I feel like she’d totally rock Jane.
LOOK At MANNY JACINTO. MÍRALO. LOOKATEM. This little goofball could play off a twelve-year-old boy like it’s nothing. If he appeared younger and played a slightly more sinister Jason Mendoza from The Good Place, we’d be set.
Demetri & Felix
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Where do I get started with my daddy Demetri? I personally LOVE Charlie Brewlie as Dem, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt would also be super interesting as Demetri with his charming features. THE DIMPLES, PEOPLE. THE DIMPLES. Put on that cloak and track me down to the ends of the earth, you sexy son of a bitch.
I’m sorry, y’all. I tried to find someone who wasn’t Daniel Cudmore for Felix, but I just can’t. This giant teddy bear can tear you apart in .003 seconds and everyone still loves him. 
Just make a movie based on their friendship. I may be the only one who watches but I would pay top dollar if I weren’t a broke university student.
Chelsea & Afton
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Cara Delevingne with this haircut really gives me Chelsea vibes for some reason. Not having much of a physical guide to work with made this pick a little difficult. She looks like a girl who can get what she wants with little persuasion, which is perfect for Afton.
THIS pick, however, was not difficult at all. William Jackson Harper would be hilarious as Afton, as I imagine this part to be very comedic. Imagine being a dude with a slightly-sucky vampire ability, no one really likes you, and the only reason you’re there is because your girlfriend begged her boss and he reluctantly agreed. Now that’s a movie for ya.
Corin & Renata
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Jennifer Garner has such a bubbly and relatable personality that I would be content with being locked in a tower for the rest of eternity, too. I also reeaalllllyyy wanted someone from West Virginia on this list because... I wanna REPRESENT.
Auli’i Cravalho seems like a great pick for Renata. Most agree that Renata has a sweet and adorable personality, so she seems like the perfect fit!
Santiago & Heidi
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I don’t think I would have seen Dave Bautista as Santiago if it weren’t for the Stuber trailer. The facial hair does something..? Not to mention I think he’d put a comical twist on the character IF HE HAD ANY LINES.
Aimee Carrero is absolutely stunning!!! I’d follow her anywhere, even if it’s to my bloody and gruesome death :3
Thanks for asking me to do this!!!! It was really fun to come up with these, for sure!
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
In Touch, April 8
Cover: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will name their baby girl after Princess Diana 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Who Wore It Better? Elsa Hosk vs. Danielle Campbell, Adriana Lima vs. Dree Hemingway, Morgan Stewart vs. Jasmine Tookes 
Page 4: Down-and-out Tori Spelling rents $13K-a-month house 
Page 5: Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio in movie poster for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood don’t look like themselves, Lucy Hale goes brunette, Ben Affleck admits the reaction to his back too hasn’t been positive, Chrissy Teigen tells an onliner that after kids you don’t want to see her in a bikini, there are 432 minutes left of Games of Thrones 
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- Bruce Willis’ Brentwood mansion, find love with Vinny Guadagnino and “Pauly D” DelVecchio, Jenny McCarthy slams Barbara Walters 
Page 8: Stars who give out spoilers -- Sylvester Stallone, Mark Ruffalo, Sophie Turner, Rachel McAdams, Will Smith, Tom Holland, Kate Middleton stealing Lisa Vanderpump’s style 
Page 9: Man Candy of the Week -- Anthony Joshua, Winner of the Week -- Call Me By Your Name fans will be getting a sequel written by Andre Aciman, Loser of the Week -- Ramona Singer forced to aologize after claiming Bethenny Frankel’s late boyfriend Dennis Shields was on drugs before he died 
Page 10: Oh Baby -- Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian with kids Reign and Saint and Chicago and Penelope and great-grandmother Mary Jo Campbell 
Page 11: Hilary Duff and daughter Banks, Jamie Lynn Spears and Jamie Watson’s daughter Ivey, Jessie James Decker and Eric Decker’s son Forrest turns 1, Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley’s daughter Adalaide turns 7, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley’s daughter Ariana turns 1, Paula Patton and Robin Thicke’s son Julian turns 9 
Page 12: Up Close -- Ben Affleck and kids Samuel and Seraphina 
Page 13: Jennifer Lopez, Prince Charles shirtless with wife Camilla, Amy Poehler 
Page 14: Hairy Situations -- Ellen DeGeneres and Olivia Wilde cut Jason Sudeikis’ hair, Channing Tatum goes blond, Nicole Richie, Gilles Marini gets a trim 
Page 16: Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers, Busy Philipps and Lisa Rinna, Queer Eye’s Tan France and Jonathan Van Ness and Antoni Porowski and Karamo Brown 
Page 18: Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Rami Malek filming Mr. Robot, Clueless reunion with Alicia Silverstone and Donald Faison and Breckin Meyer and Paul Rudd 
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Page 20: Pregnant Amy Schumer on Seth Meyers, Heidi Pratt and Kristin Cavallari, Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 22: The Bachelorette alum Becca Kufrin and fiance Garrett Yrigoyen at Chippendales, Lucy Hale and Zane Holtz filming Katy Keene, Reese Witherspoon and son Tennessee 
Page 24: Willow Smith, Miley Cyrus, Donnie Wahlberg filming Blue Bloods 
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Page 25: Ariana Grande 
Page 26: Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph 
Page 28: Kids’ Choice Awards -- Will Smith gets slimed, Chris Pratt gets slimed, Adam Sandler gets slimed, DJ Khaled gets slimed, Frankie Grande 
Page 29: Candace Cameron Bure and Andrea Barber and Jodie Sweetin, David Dobrik and Josh Peck and Kiernan Shipka, Taylen Biggs, Jojo Siwa, Jennifer Hudson, Lana Condor and Noah Centineo 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s moving tribute to Princess Diana
Page 34: College Admissions Scandal -- Lori Loughlin’s daughter who lost sponsorships is blaming her parents and others of making her life hell and thinks everyone is just jealous 
Page 35: Felicity Huffman’s daughter Sophia is mortified by the scandal and loves school and feels she didn’t do anything wrong 
Page 36: Jessica Simpson’s baby joy over daughter Birdie Mae Johnson 
Page 38: Gwen Stefani tells Blake Shelton she can’t marry him until she gets her marriage to Gavin Rossdale annulled by the Catholic Church 
Page 40: Lady Gaga’s hot new romance with Jeremy Renner 
Page 41: The truth behind Wendy Williams’ relapse, Selena Gomez dating a mystery man, Star Sightings -- Annalynne McCord, Cuba Gooding Jr.,Agnez Mo, Katherine Schwarzenegger, Casey Madden and Theresa Travis, Blind Item 
Page 42: Jennifer Lopez wants a cheating clause in her prenup with Alex Rodriguez, Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber fighting because he won’t wear his wedding ring 
Page 46: Julianne Hough on her marriage and big career news 
Page 48: Their Best Summer Bodies -- Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Hurley, Julianne Hough, Halle Berry
Page 50: Fashion Radar -- Ashley Graham is a bold beauty 
Page 54: Beauty -- Add flair to hair -- Dakota Fanning, Lupita Nyong’o, Kendall Jenner 
Page 55: Jenna Ortega, Camila Mendes, Alexa Chung 
Page 56: Did I Really Do That? Eva Green, Drake Bell, Lauren Ash 
Page 58: Sneak Preview -- Keeping Up With the Kardashians 
Page 60: What Team Are You On? Chad Johnson 
Page 61: Blast from the Past -- The cast of 10 Things I Hate About You on its 20th anniversary -- Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik, Gabrielle Union, Andrew Keegan, David Krumholtz, Susan May Pratt 
Page 62: Animal Overload 
Page 63: My cat looks like Kirsten Dunst 
Page 64: My Night at Home -- Heather McDonald, Guess Whose Podcast -- Alec Baldwin, Anna Faris, Macaulay Culkin, Amy Schumer, Dax Shepard, Topher Grace 
Page 66: Double Take -- Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union 
Page 68: Horoscope -- Aries Sterling K. Brown 
Page 70: Top 10 Hottest Williams -- Billy Eichner, Will Yun Lee, Billy Campbell, Billy Magnussen, Bill Skarsgard, Prince William, Will Chalker, Will Smith, William Levy, Liam Hemsworth 
Page 72: Last Laughs
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it’s alarming how very, very deeply i relate to louis ironson. like when i watch angels in america, when i read angels in america, when i think about angels in america, i see myself in him every fucking time. i honestly don’t know if i’ve ever seen myself in a fictional character more than him.* which is upsetting.
other candidates: peter patrone in the heidi chronicles, tom levitt in smash. although those are both probably closer to who i’d LIKE to see myself as. louis is the realistic version.
the biggest difference is louis cries a lot more than i do. but he’s also been through a lot more, so who knows.
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jewsome · 4 years
The 55 books posted on JewishBookWorld.org in July 2020
Here is the list of the 55 books that I posted on JewishBookWorld.org in July 2020. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
The Age of Questions: Or, A First Attempt at an Aggregate History of the Eastern, Social, Woman, American, Jewish, Polish, Bullion, Tuberculosis, and … by Professor Holly Case (on this site)
As Needed for Pain: A Memoir of Addiction by Dan Peres (on this site)
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein (on this site)
Bitter Herbs: Based on a true story of a Jewish girl in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands by Marga Minco (on this site)
The Blue Guide to Grey Living by Lionel Blue (on this site)
A Bookshop in Berlin: The Rediscovered Memoir of One Woman’s Harrowing Escape from the Nazis by Francoise Frenkel (on this site)
The Cave 3 Copper Scroll: A Symbolic Journey by Jesper Hagenhaven (on this site)
Children of the Stars by Mario Escobar (on this site)
Chutzpah, Wisdom and Wine: The Journey of an Unstoppable Woman by Jodi Samuels (on this site)
Crossings by Alex Landragin (on this site)
The Drive by Yair Assulin (on this site)
Exile: Portraits of the Jewish Diaspora by Annika Hernroth-Rothstein (on this site)
Four Girls From Berlin by Marianne Meyerhoff (on this site)
From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics by Eduard Shyfrin (on this site)
Gabriel Bach: Attorney, Judge and Gentleman: The Child Who Escaped from Nazi Germany and Became the Prosecutor of Adolf Eichmann by Yael Roseman, Gabriel Bach (on this site)
Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Volume 8) by Rabbi Aharon Ziegler (on this site)
The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku (on this site)
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend by Sanford D. Greenberg (on this site)
Hope Comes Knocking by Col. Micky Seiffe (on this site)
I Am the Tree of Life: My Jewish Yoga Book by Rabbi Mychal Copeland (on this site)
Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period by Alison Salvesen, Sarah Pearce, and Miriam Frenkel (on this site)
Jewish Cuisine in Hungary: A Cultural History with 83 Authentic Recipes by Andras Koerner (on this site)
Jews and Protestants: From the Reformation to the Present by Irene Aue-Ben David , Aya Elyada, Moshe Sluhovsky, Christian Wiese (on this site)
The Jews and the Reformation by Kenneth Austin (on this site)
Jews on the Move: Modern Cosmopolitanist Thought and its Others by Cathy Gelbin, Sander L Gilman (on this site)
Judenrein by Harold Benjamin (on this site)
Kabbalah for Beginners: Understanding and Applying Kabbalistic History, Concepts, and Practices by Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks (on this site)
Kabbalah in America; Ancient Lore in the New World by Brian Ogren (on this site)
The Last Visit to Berlin by Ruvik Rosenthal (on this site)
Lethal Scripture by Yoram Katz (on this site)
Maimonides the Universalist: The Ethical Horizons of the Mishneh Torah by Menachem Kellner, David Gillis (on this site)
Memory Identity Encounter: Ukrainian Jewish Journey by Risa Levitt Kohn (on this site)
My Sister Is Sleeping by Devora Busheri (on this site)
The Nesting Dolls by Alina Adams (on this site)
The New Queer Conscience by Adam Eli (on this site)
No Fixed Abode: A Jewish Odyssey to Africa by Peter Fraenkel (on this site)
Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True (as Told to Me) Story by Bess Kalb (on this site)
The Origin and Character of God: Ancient Israelite Religion through the Lens of Divinity by Theodore J. Lewis (on this site)
Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last by Rabbi Israel Meir Lau (on this site)
Quest for Life: A Study in Aharon David Gordon’s Philosophy of Man in Nature by Yossi Turner (on this site)
Questions I Am Asked About the Holocaust by Heidi Fried (on this site)
Rachel’s Roses by Ferida Wolff (on this site)
Ruth: An Earth Bible Commentary by Alice M. Sinnott (on this site)
They Called Him a Gangster by Zali de Toledo (on this site)
They Went Left by Monica Hesse (on this site)
A Ticking Bomb by Izhar David (on this site)
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon (on this site)
Too Far From Home by Naomi Shmuel (on this site)
Touched with Fire: Morris B. Abram and the Battle against Racial and Religious Discrimination by David E. Lowe (on this site)
The Tree and the Vine by Dola de Jong (on this site)
Vasily Grossman and the Soviet Century by Alexandra Popoff (on this site)
Violence in the Hebrew Bible; Between Text and Reception by Jacques van Ruiten and Koert van Bekkum (on this site)
Wandering Dixie: Dispatches from the Lost Jewish South by Sue Eisenfeld (on this site)
With Us More Than Ever: Making the Absent Rebbe Present in Messianic Chabad by Yoram Bilu (on this site)
Zionism and the Melting Pot by Matthew Mark Silver (on this site)
The post The 55 books posted on JewishBookWorld.org in July 2020 appeared first on Jewish Book World.
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humility · 4 years
Top 100 Book List
Top 100 books I have read in my life and the age at which I read them.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (J.R.R. Tolkien) {13}
The Long Walk (Slavomir Rawicz) {28}
Ecclesiastes  (King Solomon) {11}
Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis) {31}
The Old Man and The Sea (Ernest Hemingway) {29}
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis) {10}
Babylon By Bus (Ray LeMoine) {27}
Bike Snob (bikesnobNYC) {29}
The Mouse and the Motorcycle (Beverly Cleary)  {9}
Book of First World War Poetry (Compiled By: George Walter) {32}
The Global Economy (Thomas Ramge) {35}
The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance (Elna Baker) {33}
The Graphic Canon (Russ Kick) {32}
Proverbs (King Solomon) {7}
All The Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr) {33}
Farewell to Shady Glade (Bill Peete) {12}
Advance Your Swagger (Fonzworth Bently) {30}
The Good Earth (Pearl Buck) {28}
The Last Battle (C.S. Lewis) {10}
It Couldn't Just Happen (Lawrence Richards) {13}
The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien) {12}
Atlas Obscura (Ella Morton) {34}
These Wonderful People (Noel Ames) {33}
How to be Black (Baratunde Thurston) {30}
Henry Higgins (Beverly Cleary) {8}
The Horse and His Boy (C.S. Lewis) {12}
Catch Me If You Can (Frank Abagnale) {34}
A Man Called Ove (Fredrik Backman) {36}
Shoe Dog (Phil Knight) {36}
Why Not Me? (Mindy Kaling) {35}
The Oregon Trail - A New American Journey (Rinker Buck) {34}
You Can't Win (Jack Black) {33}
The Mutt (Rodney Mullen) {31}
Superfreakonomics (Levitt & Dubner) {32}
Hell's Angel (Sony Barger) {32}
For Whom The Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway) {29}
Modern Romance (Aziz Ansari) {34}
Anarchy Evolution (Greg Graffin) {33}
Bronze Bow (Elizabeth Speare) {14}
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (Mark Haddon) {33}
Expressions of Loneliness (Alex Free) {32}
Wump World (Bill Peet) {11}
Out of the Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis) {26}
Slaughterhouse-Five (Kurt Vonnegut) {31}
The Hiding Place (Cornelia ten Boom) {32}
Empty Mansions (Bill Dedman, Paul Clark) {36}
Tin Tin and the Land of the Soviets (Georges Prosper Remi) {13}
The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien) {14}
Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) {29}
Achtung Baby (Sara Zaske) {34}
The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith) {31}
The Indian in the Cupboard (Lynne Reid Banks) {14}
YWAM Backpack DTS (Jay / Ryan Caven) {31}
Red Tent (Anita Diamant) {32}
Freakonomics (Levitt & Dubner) {32}
Homer Price (Robert McCloskey) {10}
Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank) {31}
The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis) {13}
On These Walls (John Cole) {31}
Les Miserables (Victor Hugo) {29}
Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown) {26}
When You Are Engulfed in Flames (David Sedaris) {29}
The World is Flat (Thomas Freidman) {30}
The Wonderful Wizard of  OZ (Frank Baum) {14}
The Girl Who Loved the Swastika (Maria Hirschmann) {33}
Colleen Green's Celebrity Encounters (Colleen Green) {32}
Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) {32}
Mila 18 (Leon Uris) {32}
Jesus on Trial (David Limbaugh) {33}
The Price of Everything (Eduardo Porter) {33}
Crazy From the Heat (David Lee Roth) {30}
Flash Boys (Michael Lewis) {32}
Runaway Ralph (Beverly Cleary) {8}
The Model Millionaire (Oscar Wilde) {25}
In the Presence of my Enemies (Gracia Burnham) {23}
Just Kids (Patti Smith) {32}
The Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame) {7}
Exodus (Leon Uris) {33}
Transport -7-41-R (Terry Degens) {32}
The Hunt for Red October (Tom Clancy) {33}
Beatles Gear (Andy Babiuk) {34}
Leading With Honor (Lee Ellis) {33}
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (John Godey) {32}
Prince Caspian (C.S. Lewis) {12}
Common Sense (Thomas Paine) {25}
The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) {27}
Under Fire (Oliver North) {30}
The History of the Caldwell Police Department (Robert Sobba) {31}
Killer Angels (Michael Shaara) {32}
Unbroken (Laura Hillenbrand) {33}
To Kill a Mokingbird (Harper Lee) {29}
Chinatown (Arthur Hart) {32}
The Jungle (Upton Sinclair) {28}
Voyage of the Dawn Treader (C.S. Lewis) {12}
On the Road (Jack Kerouac) {30}
No Place on Earth (Louis Charbonneau) {29}
Rising 44 (Norman Davies) {33}
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Persig) {31}
Razor Eyes (Richard Hough) {30}
The Eagle Has Landed (Jack Higgins)  {29}
In the Plex (Steven Levy) {30}
The Road (Cormac McCarthy) {32}
Free (Chris Anderson) {31}
The Cross and the Switchblade ( David Wilkerson) {30}
The Wolf of Wall Street (Jordan Belfort) {33}
Alexander Hamilton (Ron Chernow) {20}
Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury) {29}
Heidi (Johanna Spyri) {13}
Tombs of Anak (Frank Peretti) {14}
The Anarchist Cookbook (William Powell) {28}
History in Headlines (Idaho Statesman Staff) {33}
Million Dollar Portfolio (David Gardner - Motley Fool) {31}
The Door in the Dragon's Throat (Frank Peretti) {14}
Castor Oil and Laughter (George Randall) {30}
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) {31}
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newbooks-tulibrary · 5 years
Reporting qualitative research in psychology : how to meet APA style journal article reporting standards
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This book shows researchers how to use the American Psychological Association’s Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Research (JARS--Qual), Mixed Methods Article Reporting Standards (MMARS)---which blend qualitative and quantitative methods---and the Qualitative Meta‑Analysis Reporting Standards (QMARS). These standards provide much‑needed sets of criteria to guide researchers from diverse traditions of inquiry, as well as journal editors, reviewers, and students. They present the critical elements of a qualitative study that researchers need to report, including design choices, participant recruitment strategies, data analysis procedures, and the significance of the results. Author Heidi Levitt explains the purpose and function of these standards, helping researchers strengthen the impact of their work. The book is relevant for varied qualitative methods and includes examples from APA journal articles to illustrate how writers can tailor their reporting style based on their methodologies and goals. Levitt also details other key aspects of reporting qualitative research, such as how to establish a study’s methodological integrity by demonstrating its fidelity to the subject matter and the utility of its research contributions.
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nicolecorradoart · 5 years
Casting Call: Warner Bros. feature film the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by The Art of Autism
Casting Call: Warner Bros. feature film the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by The Art of Autism
Seeking a neurodivergent actor to play lead rolehttps://the-art-of-autism.com/casting-call-warner-bros-feature-film-the-curious-incident-of-the-dog-in-the-night-time/
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a Warner Bros. Feature film expected to film in 2020. Veteran Casting Director Heidi Levitt (known for projects such as Natural Born Killers and The Artist) is leading the…
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mikemortgage · 6 years
No need for ‘he said-she said.’ Emails are sufficient to prove workplace harassment in court
“He said-she said” court battles have become a thing of the past. Employees now rely on their email records as ways to record their complaints when facing workplace harassment.
No longer can an employer (or employee) afford to let an email go unanswered. If it does, it will quickly bear the consequences.
Take the case of, Heidi Bassanese, an office administrator, who worked for 19 years for German Canadian News (GCN) filing, invoicing and taking orders from customers.
Bassanese complained to company president Chris Perske that an accounts receivable clerk, Aziz Dhanani, was abusive and had been harassing her over an extended period.
Care must be taken with employees with addictions — even when the situation seems cut-and-dry
Dishonest employees have more to lose than just their jobs
Harassers beware: Victims — and courts — have figured out best reprisals for your behaviour
On April 17, 2018 she wrote Perske about “being constantly harassed by (Dhanani) yelling and screaming at me…telling me that I am an idiot and that I should be fired.” She added: “I am very sorry Chris. I have never ever filed a complaint but I want you to step in and make sure this never happens again.”
Perske responded that the company was short-staffed, but he would run it by the company’s Human Resources person. According to Bassanese, she did not hear further.
After following up several times in May, Bassanese wrote again on May 15, 2018: “I am writing to you again to let you know that I am at my wit’s end and would like some sort of action to take place. I do not deserve to work in an environment where people are allowed to constantly yell and say inappropriate insults to me. Please look into this matter.”
On June 21, 2018 the situation worsened. Bassanese complained to the company’s Managing Director that Dhanani slapped her across the face three times. She filed a report with the police. Remarkably, the company terminated Bassanese, not her alleged abuser, that very day. She was 73-years-old.
Bassanese sued the company and Dhanani for, among other things, wrongful dismissal, aggravated damages and damages for assault and battery.
While Bassanese settled out of court with Dhanani she was still awarded $15,000 against GCN for vicarious liability for the multiple slaps she suffered. She was also awarded aggravated damages of $50,000 since her employer had ignored her complaint, neglected to investigate and failed to take steps to address Dhanani’s inappropriate conduct.
She also received 19 months of compensation in lieu of notice and 10 per cent of salary for employment benefits over this period, in the amount of $129,433.17. In all, her court award was $194,433.17.
Bassanese’s emails to her employer formed the evidence she needed to win her case. Her emails easily established the timeline of her complaints, GCN’s failure to take action, its failure to investigate and, most important, confirmed her dismissal following the alleged slapping incident.
Employers should note the following:
• Substance trumps form: Regardless of the corporate policy, employees are not required to “formally” complain to HR when being harassed. Complaints by way of email/text/WhatsApp will suffice;
• Act quickly: Set up a meeting to go over an employee’s complaint as soon as you receive it. Waiting a week is too long and won’t be viewed favourably by a court;
• Communication is key: Often giving an employee an in-person opportunity to report an incident provides a greater opportunity to diffuse tensions and find a fair remedy without further escalation;
• The best investigations are those done in-house, by competent HR staff or executives. If the matter is too sensitive to be dealt with internally, then use a retired judge with the experience and credibility to conduct a proper investigation.
Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces.The most recent of his six books is War Stories from the Workplace: Columns by Howard Levitt.
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: HowardLevittLaw
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leonesvigiliae · 4 years
tag drop ; iisms
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