#Heidi O’Ferrall
trashwitchcoven · 2 years
A big problem is most people that would call out Jared's actions have moved on to more relevant things, while Jared has a loyal following on all social media to spread Jared's lies to anyone asking what happened. Since no one is there to call out the lies, this story that Jared is the victim of the evil Heidi is spreading more and more, ultimately resulting in harm to Heidi personally since her income depends on her having a good reputation, if she's falsely seen as an abuser she loses sales.
And this right here is why, even if not really active, I will likely never delete this blog.
While I hope for growth and change in all involved, I also think it’s important to not forget or pretend that the past didn’t happen, lest we find the pattern repeating itself.
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yourdailyqueer · 4 years
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Heidi O’Ferrall
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual/pansexual
DOB: 1 April 1988
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Cosplayer, costume designer, artist
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It's just bonkers to me that the other blog openly admitted to wanting to harass Heidi but they won't ONLY cause it'll get them blocked. This is the same person that says any tweet to Jared, even if it just asking to give Heidi's stuff back, is harassment. That and that guy that rabid Jared stan on Twitter, is everything you need to know about the Hored standom.
To be fair, from what I can tell (as, contrary to popular belief, I don’t spend every waking moment following the drama or various drama blogs), it wasn’t so much that heidiofans admitted to wanting to harass Heidi via twitter. Someone mentioned the idea, it got shot down.
It’s just amusing to me that someone would even bring up the idea in the first place when, every time someone says something vaguely critical of Holly, they get slapped down for “harassment” or “not letting the past go”. What’s good for the goose has to be good for the gander.
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fanburgers · 5 years
Anybody else think that calling Holly ugly is insulting to Ross?
He was in love with her, guys. Everyone out there saying deviations of “what kind of idiot would want a girl that looks like that?!” should consider that, well, Ross did. He loved her and thought she was beautiful. Insult her character if you must. Insult her really stupidass decision to actually respond to Jared’s divorce statement with “I’m here for you if you need me” if you must (because really how fuckin stupid do you have to be to do that???). But don’t start taking cheap shots at her appearance because
1) that’s far from the biggest problem with this, and
2) it kinda comes off as indirectly insulting to the man who married her first.
I’d say the same goes for Jared, but honestly? Dumbass sent pics of his joystick to minors, so I’m all for ripping that Ichabod-Crane-lookin morherfucker apart.
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godzillin · 5 years
ok i thought about it & tbh it bothers me tht this projared situation is being brushed off as drama esp from heidi’s point of view. she isn’t just “exposing” jared for the sake of starting shit... like this man has doing some fucking horrific things (not just talking abt fucking holly, there’s also the soliciting pics from younger fans n stuff) and passing it off as “drama” seems rly passive imo, this isn’t like some movie tht we can watch from afar, these are actual problems tht involve actual victims and some of u sound incredibly insensitive
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The Affair/Cheating Timeline
If you’re here, you probably already know how this all started. This specific post is only going to reference the allegations by Heidi O’Ferrall regarding Jared’s cheating and abusive behavior towards her. There are also allegations of soliciting minors for nudes, but those will be covered in a separate post.
On May 7th, 2019, Heidi O’Ferrall posted the following update on her Facebook page.
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In this blog post, she accused Jared of cheating on her, made several statements regarding his fidelity and treatment of her, claims to have purchased a car, signed a lease on a new house, and filed for divorce. She goes on to state that it is her intent to announce this publicly once their mutual assets are split.
Public court records, however, indicate that Jared was the one to file for divorce, and that he did so about a week after this post.
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Shortly after this post was made, Jared blocked Heidi on his Twitter account, then a short time later, released this:
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Almost immediately Heidi replied with this:
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From here, a cascade of tweets from Heidi followed, accusing Jared of abusive and manipulative behavior and infidelity. The sheer number and volume of these tweets makes posting all of them here impractical. She claims that she discovered the alleged affair between Jared and Holly as the result of looking through one of Jared’s old phones and finding both explicit conversations and nude pictures from Holly. At one point, she directly attacks Holly by taunting her about the nude images she alleges are on the phone she has:
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While Heidi continued to constantly release dozens and occasionally hundreds of tweets per day, Jared and Holly remained silent on the matter, which many claimed was proof of their guilt. It wasn’t until May 17th that Jared finally released an updated statement:
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In immediate response to this, Heidi once more began a storm of tweets to address Jared’s new claims. Note that Jared claims that he was the one to buy Heidi a car and new place to live, which contradicts Heidi’s claim that she’d done these things herself to supplement her own independence. While many expected her to deny Jared’s claims on this matter, she ended up confirming them on Twitter:
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(It’s my opinion that she has a habit of taking every omission or contradiction and trying to twist it to fit her narrative. Your interpretation of these events, however, may vary. It’s also possible that she lied to her Facebook friends in order to save face. There’s no way we, the public, can know for sure.)
In her tweets, she admits that Jared and her did “attempt polyamory” but that she had left this out of her prior statements because she didn’t consider it relevant.
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She also stated that she omitted mention of her long-term boyfriend that she had during their marriage because, again, she did not consider it relevant.
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The “she” that Heidi mentions in this tweet is in reference to Holly Conrad, who on May 20th posted a long thread containing screenshots of phone conversations and Heidi’s own Facebook messages. On Heidi’s Facebook page, she can be seen bragging to her friends about all of the fame and success her attacks on Jared have earned her, even referring to the act as a “public execution.”
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Heidi admitted in a tweet that she was the one that wanted Jared and Holly to confront one another about their feelings, though she claimed she was very uncomfortable with the idea.
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Holly’s posts paint a different picture, however, showing that Heidi was very supportive of the involvement, though it didn’t result in sex that night.
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This text exchange between Heidi and Jared also displays a trait that can be found in another screen-capped text message, which is that Heidi shows marked distress when Jared doesn’t reply to her text messages after a relatively short period of time. It should also be noted that, according to a text message from Heidi to Holly that was presented by Heidi herself, Heidi didn’t just suggest that Jared confront Holly, she “literally demanded” that he do it, which would seem to imply that Jared was reluctant to do so.
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It should be noted as well that the day Heidi posted this long, angry text to Holly is the very next day after Heidi was encouraging Jared to sleep with Holly.
(My own personal speculation is that Jared and Holly didn’t sleep together that night, but Heidi refused to believe that when she was told such, and that all of her accusations about ‘lying’  and ‘lack of transparency’  in this message regarding Jared and Holly stem from her belief that they had sex that night but have consistently lied about it.)
Back in October of 2017, while Heidi and Jared were still engaged in an open marriage, Heidi contacted Jared suggesting a group-sex arrangement between Jared, Heidi, and a currently-unidentified male, as seen here.
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Again, Heidi shows anxiety and distress when Jared is too preoccupied or busy to reply. Meanwhile, Jared appears to go for long walks whenever he’s in a contemplative mood, according to his texts, anyway.
Around the same time frame (Late 2017), Jared had been engaging both in text, with pictures, and sexually with another fan who posted to the r/ProJared subreddit in the midst of all the drama. In that post, she provided a huge dump of screenshots of explicit texts and nudes swapped between herself and Jared, with the images of Jared’s genitals censored. The actual contents of the text messages themselves aren’t relevant beyond the fact that they do indeed confirm sexual contact between this individual and Jared.
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However, on June 20th, 2019, roughly a month after this post, the individual that posted the original conversations made a modification to the post.
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This update reads as follows:
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Furthermore, this fan has since made the following addendum to this newest post:
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We can only speculate as to why Heidi omitted the fact that she’d given permission for the “first” time they had sex, but insists that the second one actually was cheating.
(In my personal opinion, it becomes harder and harder to believe the word of someone that constantly omits relevant information when that information is harmful to their narrative. There are a few other inaccuracies and inconsistencies in Heidi’s initial claims versus what’s been released or discovered later on.)
For quite some time, Jared ran a nudes blog wherein he would trade nudes with his fans. Much of this is also buried in the criminal allegations he’s been faced with, but those will be covered in a different post. What’s important to note, however, is that Heidi’s initial stance was that the blog was a “body positivity” blog, and one that she claims to have reluctantly supported.
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However, in March of 2017, she stated on her own blog that not only was she aware that fans were sending him nude images, she would “high five” over them.
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She also happily passed along messages to “Sinjared” as late as July of 2017.
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She claims to believe that the blog was shut down in late 2017, but that she has reasons to believe it went on for longer:
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However, all of Tumblr’s adult-oriented blogs were shut down in December 2017, so any reason she has to believe it continued beyond that would have to be related to Jared’s private snapchat account. There are screenshots to suggest that Jared was engaging with fans for nudes and potential sex as late as October 8th, 2018:
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This post also appears to contain mention of Heidi’s long-term boyfriend.
Unfortunately, the timestamps for the following text messages between Heidi and Jared only list times, not dates, so it is impossible to determine exactly when they were sent. However, they do confirm Jared’s claims that Heidi made threats to destroy his career.
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The details of the background on this conversation are unclear. What can be gleaned from them is that Heidi is demanding that Jared do something and that she’s threatening to destroy Dice, Camera, Action (a web show he and Holly work together on, along with many others) and “ruin all of [their] lives” if he doesn’t meet her demands.
Heidi also repeatedly states that she would enjoy destroying everything that Jared has created. It’s possible that her demands have to do with Holly, and given the context it seems likely, but unfortunately, given how little reply she’s getting from Jared, the situation surrounding this set of text messages do little to elucidate the matter.
I apologize for how disjointed things seem, but establishing a timeline of events with the sporadic information we have access to has been, at best, trying. I will continue to update and streamline this blog as I sort out or discover new information. Feel free to archive updates of it for posterity.
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nellygwyn · 5 years
Oh, god, I just went and read all the relevant tweets from that Heidi o’Ferrall girl (see: last reblog) and.....idk who these people are but what her husband did to her with one of their friends just sounds so fucking vile. And even sadder because it really does sound like this Heidi girl really loved him and he not only cheated on her for months, but treated her like shit generally and made her feel guilty for being suspicious. 
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kaguraspetsims · 5 years
This just in:
Ross O’Donovan and Heidi O’Ferrall deserve the world and more
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years
This is just a speculation but I find it interesting that Jared went to twitch con and now has some public pictures on his Instagram with Raeraesenpai. Which is fine but the interesting part to me is that some people in the comments of the picture saying they had to take a second look because they thought she was someone else, which I could be wrong but I’m assuming in that context they thought it was Heidi since they do have a similar look.
Guy, Gal, Enby Pal.
I have been thinking and saying this for literal months, back to when Jared was just liking a bunch of RaeRaeSenpai’s posts on twitter. It gave off bad vibes (on Jared’s part, not RaeRae who is simply existing and living their best life, as far as I can tell) that Jared who was involved with a cheating scandal was IMO obsessively liking pics of a woman who looks eerily similar to his ex-wife that he had allegedly been cheating on. I’m a cynical twat on my best days, but personally, I don’t know if I’d be so ready and willing to interact with someone who reminded me - at least appearance-wise - of the woman I spent the better part of two years slandering to the internet as my abuser.
Am I saying that Jared is pursuing her? I have no idea. I won’t say ‘yes’ with any real certainty.
Am I saying that the similarities between Heidi and RaeRae are eerie in the context of Jared potentially pursuing her? Yeah. Yeah, I am.
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nintendocafe · 7 years
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Nintendo heads to San Diego Comic-Con!
For anyone in San Diego between July 20 and July 23, Nintendo has a ton of fun activities planned at Comic-Con and the nearby San Diego Marriott  Marquis & Marina hotel that people of all ages can enjoy. In addition to a playable version of the Super Mario Odyssey game at the San Diego Comic-Con booth, the San Diego ballroom of the Marriott Marquis & Marina will be transformed into a colorful Nintendo paradise – perfect for taking amazing photos and playing some great games starring some of Nintendo’s most recognizable characters!    
Visitors to the ballroom will be able to play upcoming Nintendo Switch games like Splatoon 2 and Pokkén Tournament DX, as well as experience the first hands-on time in North America with Flip Wars (previously known as Project Mekuru), a new multiplayer action game launching exclusively in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch on Aug. 10*. In the upcoming game, players flip over panels – and opponents – by stomping the ground and using power-ups to outwit the competition. Attendees can also play select Nintendo 3DS games in 2D on the New Nintendo 2DS XL system before it launches in stores later this month. Fans can also participate in competitions sponsored by Nintendo for a chance to win prizes, catch a glimpse of the upcoming Super NES Classic Edition hardware and celebrate the launch of Splatoon 2 with special game-themed activities. And all of the events in the Marriott Marquis & Marina can be enjoyed by anyone in the San Diego area!    
"Bringing our games and experiences directly to the fans is very important to us," said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "Since San Diego Comic-Con is full of so many Nintendo fans of all ages, it’s the perfect place to let everyone enjoy many of our upcoming games."    
 Fans who want to show off their competitive side will have multiple      opportunities to compete in an ongoing multi-game competition, the Play      Nintendo Challenge, for the chance to receive cool giveaways and a chance to win a prize, while supplies last. These competitions are open to the public and will be hosted at the San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina space at various times throughout the week. Participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis**. If selected, competitors will start with an eight-player Turf War match in Splatoon 2. The winning team of four will then compete against each other in the hit fighting game ARMS. The final two players will enter the finals with a one-on-one battle in upcoming Nintendo Switch game Pokkén Tournament DX. The Play Nintendo Challenge will be open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. on July 20 and July 21, and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on July 23.    
 Playable games scheduled to appear at San Diego Comic-Con and the      Marriott Marquis & Marina include the following:    
San Diego Convention Center – Nintendo Booth (No. 235)        
       Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo Switch)      
     San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina    
 Nintendo Switch    
             Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle from Ubisoft      
             Mario Kart 8 Deluxe      
             Splatoon 2      
             Pokkén Tournament DX      
             EA SPORTS FIFA 18 from Electronic Arts      
             Super Bomberman R from Konami      
             Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers from Capcom      
             Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition from Mojang AB      
    Nintendo 3DS    
             Hey! PIKMIN      
             Pokémon Sun      
             Pokémon Moon      
             Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS      
             Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS      
   Since Splatoon 2 launches during San Diego Comic-Con this year (July 21), fans will be able to take part in some extra-fresh Splatoon 2 activities. A Splatoon 2-themed photo booth will be set up at the Marriott Marquis & Marina to let fans take eye-catching photos with replicas of Splatoon 2 weapons. Two professional Splatoon 2 cosplayers, Heidi O’Ferrall (@AtelierHeidi) and Leo Camacho (@LeoZombie), will even visit the booth at select times to celebrate the game’s launch and take photos with fans. The first 20 fans per day that    show up to the Splatoon 2 photo booth in Splatoon costumes will receive game-themed gifts.    
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So there’s more info on that ProJared / Commander Holly / Heidi O’Ferrall situation
I’mma reblog anything/everything from @jaredhollyheiditruth because tl;dr
Heidi seems like a massive liar/abusive asshole, and possibly Jared and Holly are the actual victims here???
I’m still reading through everything so yeah
Long posts incoming. I’ll tag them
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nerfwire · 5 years
Breaking: ProJared Has Somehow Had Sex At Least Twice
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In what is being called “shocking,” “almost impossible to believe,” and “the real takeaway in this whole story,” it appears to have been confirmed by multiple sources today that Jared “ProJared” Knabenbauer has somehow managed to have sexual relations with two seperate women (clarification—a separate human female) during his time on this Earth thus far.  The events so far have unfolded as follows: after blocking his wife on Twitter, Jared has issued a statement stating that they are filing for divorce. During this time, his now-ex-wife and person we’re going to give a pass as far as jokes go for this article Heidi O’Ferrall began to air the dirty laundry of his infidelity for the the world to see. The affair appears to be with Holly Conrad, another creator in the gaming/cosplay space on YouTube. Read the full article
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Contradictions in Heidi O’Ferrall’s Story
Over the recent weeks, it’s been possible to piece together a timeline based almost exclusively on the claims of Heidi O’Ferrall. While it’s always dangerous to build a story based on a single point of reference, some of these claims have been backed by others, such as Jessie Pridemore, another convention-goer that routinely attends conventions with Heidi and has been one of her strongest and most vocal supporters.
Jessie has a history of being involved in big sexual misconduct scandals on social media, with this one being the third or fourth in the past six months or so.
On May 20th, 2019, Heidi claimed that the phone on which she allegedly found proof of Jared and Holly sleeping together, along with nudes of Holly Conrad, was located in their house and was unlocked. She claims that she “picked it up and discovered horrifically explicit proof of their ongoing affair.”
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However, according to a post she made on June 26th, she was with Jessie Pridemore at a con when the texts and nudes were found.
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Jessie even stepped in to confirm this latest statement by Heidi.
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This creates a bit of a contradiction.
Heidi claimed on the 20th that she found the phone in the house and discovered the proof, yet now, she’s claiming (and with someone else supporting that claim) that she found out at a convention in a hotel room she was sharing with Jessie.
So...did she truly find out at the house, or did she, for some bizarre reason, find the phone and take it to a convention with her, and only then decide to read through Jared’s text messages? If it’s the former, then she’s lying and Jessie is helping her lie. If it’s the latter, then that’s very bizarre behavior. Why take your husband’s old phone with you to a convention and then start snooping through texts while in the presence of another person?
I’ll also point out that according to 18 U.S. Code § 2511 it’s illegal to snoop through someone else’s text messages regardless of who owns the phone. There are a few exceptions to this law (snooping through the texts of a minor to whom you’re the legal guardian, snooping while acting under color of law enforcement, snooping with a warrant, etc) but Heidi doesn’t fall under any of these exceptions.
Another bit of information that has recently been brought to my attention is Heidi’s involvement with an anonymous man outside her marriage going by the name “Jeremy.” This is one Jared referred to in his statements and chats with fans, and is likely the one being mentioned in this text between Heidi and Jared:
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The above text is dated October 29th, 2017, and was posted on my initial post as well on this blog. The picture below also comes from October 29th, 2017.
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The cosplayer in the images above is named Jeremy.
We also know this wasn’t a one-time thing, as they were together again in June of 2018, and once again, Jared Knabenbauer was present, this time as their photographer.
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I’ll continue updating the blog as time and evidence permits.
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Heidi O' Ferrall Wiki, Husband, Divorce, Net Worth, Age, Height, Parents
Heidi O’ Ferrall Wiki, Husband, Divorce, Net Worth, Age, Height, Parents
Last Modified On: 27th May, 2019
Heidi o’Ferrall is a cosplayer, costume designer, YouTuber, and model. She displays most of her work on her public Twitter account, where she has a considerable following. She also has her website, where she shares her portfolio, tutorials, and updates on her latest projects. Though she has a successful career ahead, her married life is on the verge of shattering.
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klaviergavinwiki · 5 years
god literally how did projared’s weasel looking ass self even get with a woman as beautiful and talented as heidi o’ferrall in the first place like being ugly is one thing but being ugly both on the inside and outside like that?? it just doesn’t make sense
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