#Hello! :D
the-blu-bonker · 14 days
*she walks in and stops when seeing BLU Scout. She stares at him up and down before sighing*
...another one.
Hello there another BLU Scout. I think I never had a chance to talk to you. Mind if I ask some questions?
- @n-owhere-to-run
[Mod here: Hello!]
Oh! Uh, sure! What kinda questions?
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ask-red-sniper · 15 days
Don't worry about my casket, worry about your (adoptive) parents' caskets. I may have gotten a little hungry..
Mate when I find ya your not gonna make it out alive
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Hey hey, Dino doc! Just saw you’re all up in here so wanted to say hi!
Tell me, what Dino would I be? Please be cool please be cool please be cool!
- @scouts-numba-1-blog
Hellooo wanted to interact w more rp blogs!!!
Oh! Well, first of all I am not a doctor, I technically don’t have any degrees but that’s beside the point. I’d say you are most similar to a Velociraptor! They were very high-energy but also very loyal.
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keithkoganevltrn · 1 month
@belost-the-watcher found the mark;
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Keith held his hands up, taking a step backwards. "Friend or foe?"
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quirkycombatants · 2 months
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"Huh. You're certainly... unique." For someone like Noburu, who read people's abilities based on their movements, someone like Shino was an abnormality. Physically he didn't appear to be that unique, but Noburu's sense that this man was dangerous was screaming at him. Hm.
Don't mind the rather large man himself. He might have a physique like the raikage, but he didn't give off the threatening aura. After all, he had no intention of fighting Shino...
But he did want to know more about him! His curiosity was piqued!
"I'm Noburu. What sort of person are you?" Sadly, his social skills were... lacking.
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axolotluv · 11 months
omg... fellow lmkrptwt person...
Holy moly I've been spotted
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3katanas · 1 year
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@chopperpirate liked for a starter!
He grunted slightly as he dropped into a chair and grimaced. He'd been grazed by a flying knife during the fight. The cut was just deep enough that it warranted attention rather than ignoring it like he normally would have.
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"They got lucky."
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Not All Scars Heal Easily
Blaze had been driving through the deserts of this weird planet for days without end. He was tired. Exhausted in fact. Over the short period of time he had been on this rock since he crashed, He had seen the creatures that called this world home. "Humans" As they called themselves. He had avoided them as much as possible. And tried to blend in using his vehical form to some success. There was a much larger problem with this world however. Decepticons. And many of them at that. He had seen them, And their great warship. He did not want his former brethren and comrades to find out that there was a deserter here now. So he stayed away from all cybertronians too whenever he came across them. ------- After hours of driving through the dusty plains. Blaze finally spotted something that might be worth checking out. On the cliffside high above in the far distance. He spotted something that looked like a strange structure. Curiosity got the better of the flame trooper. Causing him to drive up the hill to investigate. Upon arrival. Blaze transformed in to his normal form and approached what he had seen. He was a skinny mech. around 15 ft tall. Black in color with purple optics. Before him was a pile of rocks that was not naturally made. Someone seemed to have built it. Unknown to him, This was the memorial shrine of the fallen autobot Cliffjumper. As he kneeled down to get a closer look. He did not notice that he was not alone here. @twcwheeler
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ask-the-elden-lords · 7 months
My tags and what they mean
#elden ring and #elden ring rp: These two tags are and will be on every single post and reblog that aren't me signal boosting about things like KOSA and the Palestinian genocide. They are there primarily to get this blog on people's radar so it doesn't go dead like my Murder Drones rp blog did a while back.
A character or OC's first name (e.g. #xavier): These tags mean that said character is either talking or doing an action within that post/reblog, and it's there for sorting. For example, if you want to see all the posts with best boi Oleg in them, then you go to #oleg on my blog and there they all are.
See above but the word "speaks" is after their name: This means that said character is answering an ask, and it's for sorting.
The first names of two or more characters separated by "x"s: This means that whatever's going on between those characters is romantic in nature. In layman's terms it means shipping is going on and it's primarily for sorting, though in some cases it may also serve to get this blog on other's radars.
Any tw tag: These are pretty self-explanatory. If I miss any tw tags in my posts please don't be afraid to tell me so I can fix it.
#ooc: This means that the post is out of character; aka I'm the one doing the talking. This tag is for sorting.
#andy speaks: Andy is my online alias (y'all don't get my real name >:3) and this tag means that the ask is being answered by me. It is for sorting and always accompanied by the #ooc tag.
The name of a different fandom followed by the word "crossover" (e.g. #owl house crossover): I'm not sure if I'll allow crossovers, but if I do then these will be there to indicate that such a thing is happening and they'll be for sorting.
Lastly, if the tags look free-form/unscripted and like I'm trying to talk to you without interrupting the rp, then that's because I am. These will usually be at the very top of the tag block.
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wayward40k · 2 years
42. TRESPASS : "for one muse to trespass on the other’s property." The keeper of secrets for Serge
a comprehensive list of scenarios
Serge didn't have much in the way of 'property' - nothing really belonged to him for very long, after all.
But at the moment, he had a small flat, well-decorated and cozy. It was set up akin to a sort of shop, and he was used to visitors. During open hours, that is, not the middle of the night.
"You aren't my usual clientele." He purrs where he's sitting, idly shuffling a deck of cards. Human as he looked, the daemon was well-aware of the nature of his visitor.
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eventheodds · 1 year
care,sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. (also, hello! o/)
actions speak louder than words.
She’d given Roberto and Wolfwood so much grief about their smoking, even threatening to take their packs away from them—Wolfwood glaring down at her, daring her to even try and Roberto giving her the “Ain’t gonna happen, newbie” schpiel whenever she got like this about their smoking habits—that she was the one who ended up being sick.
No one seemed to mind that this put a cog in their plans on getting to their next destination and, if she didn’t know any better, there seemed to be a ambiance of relief when they all unanimously decided to stop.
Meryl being Meryl, would have continued on had it not been for Roberto’s voice of reasoning, clipped as it’d been, and Vash was quick to back him up and even spotted a place they could rest while one fourth of their rag tag group needed her rest.
To say it strange that she had three people caring for her while she overcame this bout of sickness wouldn’t be far from the truth. While not a complete novelty, Meryl had always been one to look after herself. Ensuring she was in ship shape was something of a mandate for her.
The room is…well, it’s a room. The bed is barely big enough for two people, but neither of them made any qualms about taking the floor or couch—Roberto being the one to sleep on the couch, though it seemed far less comfortable. And she must’ve really caught something because she’s managed to sleep through their snores.
Even now, she’s wondering how to blame herself for not being careful enough.
A soft knock at the door pulls her from her thoughts and Vash steps in, holding a tray with a rather large bowl placed at its centre, along with a few other food items around it. No doubt he found a place that would serve a hot meal that he could bring to her—the saloon not having much in the way of food rather than just snacks and finger food. The idea of eating anything doesn’t sit well with her, but she knows Vash is going to fuss if she doesn’t.
She doesn’t even have it in her to make him plead—not that she would. At least, not too much.
“You strong enough to eat a little something?”
He’s hopeful in the way he speaks, like he thinks her being sick is his fault somehow. It doesn’t go unnoticed the way her heart twinges at the thought that he’d find a way to blame himself for this.
“…not really, but I know you’re not gonna give up.”
He closes the door behind him, the sounds and noises from out there muffled once more as his footsteps approach the bed and the chair that had been placed beside it. She remembers, at some point, one of them was sitting at her bedside because of the fever that just wouldn’t break. She’d thought it’d been a dream, but it clearly wasn’t.
The soup does have an aroma that opens her appetite a little, but the second it does she can feel that wave of nausea overcoming her and she turns her head away, unable to think about stomaching any food, much less look at it.
“C’mon Meryl, I know it’s tough now but you gotta eat something.”
She takes a moment to catch her breath. “I know, I know…I just…I really can’t right now.”
She wants to turn on her side, face away from him, and try to fall back asleep, but none of those things are happening and she doesn’t have it in her to force herself.
“Here, these might help and they’ll be easy to eat.” He places two wrapped packages of soda crackers on her lap. She’d seen plenty of these at the university’s cafeteria whenever she chanced to go there. There was never a lack of supply of these things and she also remembers stuffing as many as she could into her pockets to snack on back in her room.
They’re bland and easy to eat, and something that might help get her energy back in increments.
“Can you open the packages? I don’t think I can right now,” she says and there’s a slight disbelief in her voice at this fact. She must’ve really caught something to make her feel this shitty.
“Of course,” he says, like it’s not a problem at all, like he would’ve done so and she needn’t have asked. The crinkling of the wrappers is a familiar sound and Meryl takes one of the crackles and nibbles on it. The salt hits her tongue immediately and she takes another bite, then another, until one cracker is done and she starts on the second.
It’s not much, and the soup might end up going to waste unless Vash eats it himself, but the look of relief on his face at her eating something, even as small as a few crackers, is enough to make her feel that twinge in her heart again.
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quirkycombatants · 10 months
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"Are you okay? You seem kinda... upset? Worried?" He's terrible at understanding people. Noburu wasn't what you'd call a social type; his social skills were very low.
Which was entirely made up for by him being so very large. He was tall, his muscles were overly defined, and he was the sort who looked kind of wild with all that hair.
And he was talking to her! No doubt he was some sort of bad person who had come to do horrible things! Like a bandit or something!
And yet, he wasn't acting like that. He seemed genuinely confused by her presence.
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badonkeykong · 1 year
@pacman-fever liked for a starter!
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"Whoa! You're the roundest banana I've ever seen!" Donkey Kong exclaims in amazement, reaching out to grab the yellow orb like figure. He clearly hadn't noticed that it had a face yet.
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rantsofabookworm · 2 years
Trick or treat! ^^
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hes waitijg for the ca ndy but there no can dy I forgot buy some :(
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year
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wuv18 · 16 days
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