#Hence why I only know swear words in Portuguese
realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys learning that you speak another language 💬
characters: sugawara, oikawa, bokuto, akaashi & kuroo
thanks to anon for this amazing request 💞
(y/n) = your name
(L) = language of your choice
tw// self deprecating joke, swearing 
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Kōshi Sugawara
honestly, idk how he didn’t know that you spoke a second language before y’all started dating bc he seems like the sort of guy to ask those sort of questions while flirting/making conversating
but anyway, he probably learned that you spoke another language on the first date
he took you on a study date to the library and one of the subjects he was studying was French, and he was clearly struggling
‘ugh, this is quite tricky- we’ve got a test coming up and i can’t even remember how to say ‘bread’. hah, i’m definitely going to fail..’
you rolled your eyes, leaning across the table to deliver a gentle chop to his head, ‘negativity begone!’
sugawara chuckled before relaxing back in his chain, fidgeting with his pencil as he shifted his attention off his revision sheets and onto you, ‘did you take a language this year?’ he inquired, trying to make conversation to momentarily take his mind off the piles of revision he had to do
you squinted, biting your own tongue as you attempted to equally divide your attention between your date and the complex maths question you were working on, ‘no, i couldn’t be bothered. plus, i can speak (L) so it’s not as if i’m a monolinguist.’ 
suga blinked rapidly at this new information; so wondering if he had heard you correctly, he questioned further, ‘you speak (L)? really? i don’t think you’ve ever mentioned anything about that before.’
you shrugged, letting out a slight sigh before placing your pencil down; realising that if Suga was going to continue talking, it might be rude for you to keep working. ‘oh, have i not? well- now you know!’ you hummed, shooting your boyfriend a sweet smile.
‘how can one person be so smart and stunning?’ he mused, resting his cheek on his palm as his elbow was propped up onto the table
‘i should be asking you that, kōshi.’
he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at how humble you were; ah, if only you knew how much he admired you. 
suga could only imagine being bilingual yet you could effortlessly speak a second language fluently, he was sure that if you were to take up volleyball, the team would waste no time in replacing him with you 
anyway, he was so impressed that you can speak (L) and he shows it lol
like if you talk down on yourself, he’ll call you out SO quick regardless but he will also mention your second language somehow lmao
for example:
you groaned upon skimming the message your professor sent you along with your test result, ‘ugh, i got 68% - so fucking close to an A! i’m so stupid..’
you thought sugawara was preoccupied with cooking dinner until he came rushing into your room, making you jolt when he slammed the door open, ‘who’s stupid?! are hinata & kageyama in here somewhere? because i know that you weren’t talking about yourself!’
you buried your face into your hands to not only let out a elongated groan, but also so he didn’t see the small smile tugging at the corner of your lips
‘and i know that you didn’t call my gorgeous, intelligent, selfless, bilingual sweetheart stupid! take that back, (y/n). ’
and he would not leave you alone until you took it back IUFHEIEVAB
also, another example.
you walked by a bright pink trash can with Suga by your side and in the interest of ✨ comedy ✨, you chuckled and blurted out, ‘hey, that’s me.’
‘if that trash can is bilingual, then yes.’
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Tōru Oikawa
you probably first told him you spoke (L) a while into your relationship  — but not too long — so maybe like 6 months
and you only told him bc y’all were having an argument over the schoolwork and you were sure that your method was correct while oikawa thought otherwise
but after a while, it kinda just turned into a battle of ‘who is smarter?’ rather than trying to figure out who’s method was correct 
so you just blurted out from spite, ‘tough talk coming a one-language-speaking peasant.’ 
oikawa rolled his eyes, ‘how many languages do you speak then, smart-ass?’
‘english, japanese and (L)’
he blinked rapidly, unable to come up with a snarky remark, he cocked his head to the side and inquired, ‘you speak (L)?’
you nodded, your lips curling into a smile, ‘yep!’
grrr curse your adorable smile >:(
oikawa was simply unable to be mad anymore ✋ must give kithes to his  trilingual s/o instead (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
he smirked back at you before pulling you in by your waist and peppering an infinite amount of kisses across your face, ‘awh, i didn’t know you speak 3 languages. you’re so clever, angel.’  he said in between kisses, using his strong grip to sway y’all side-to-side as he expressed his love
 and oikawa is kinda an exhibitionist sometimes so he will definitely mention that when he hypes you up/shows you off at events
and mf will never stop-
even after the time-skip 🤠
he’ll bring you to a party celebrating a cup victory for his team and while everyone there is trying to praise him for his perfect sets, he’s quite tipsy and just goes, ‘thank you. thank you. but have you seen (y/n) tonight? they look so gorgeous- especially their eyes, i hope our kids have their eyes.’ he rambled, his speech a bit slurred so everyone had to do a double-take to make sure they were hearing him correctly
was he seriously raving on about his s/o when he literally just won a world cup?
‘oh and did i mention they’re four-lingual? literally. they speak English, Japanese, (L) and Portuguese so they could live here with me.’
it was embarrassing in the moment but at least there was no press at the party
plus, you both always look back on these moments and laugh tbh
also, just bc he was drunk didn’t mean that his words were empty - he meant everything he said, the alcohol only helped him voice everything confidently 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
ok so he learned that you spoke (L) 6 months into your marriage
his big personality makes up for his ignorance-
you were on call with a mutual friend who could also speak (L), hence you were both talking in (L) lol
meanwhile bokuto was just sitting on the other side of the couch and it took him half an hour to realise that you were speaking another language 
however, you were hardly alert either considering it took you god-knows how long to notice that bokuto was staring at you with wide, starry eyes
and you literally just froze- then proceeded to excuse yourself for a moment before muting your microphone
‘bo, are you alright? why are you looking at me like that?’ you asked, concern clear in your tone as you dropped your phone to rush over to him, hastily pressing the back of your had against his forehead
bokuto shook his head abruptly, snapping out of his glazed gaze to pull you onto his lap, ‘were you speaking a foreign language just there?!’
‘yeah, (L). I’m fluent.’ you replied, rather shocked as he went from a statue to his regular, energetic self in the blink of an eye
he cocked his head to the side with wide eyes  — and it was moments like these were you could really see the resemblance between him and an owl  — before wrapping you in a hug, resting his cheek on your shoulder. 
‘i didn’t know that you could speak (L), babe! that’s so fuckin’ cool! do you think you could teach me?’ 
you giggled, both from his lively response and how the vibrations from his speech tickled your neck
‘sure, but i have to finish my call first.’  you hummed before springing to your feet, grabbing you phone and strolling out of the living room to continue the call in the privacy of your bedroom
and don’t think bokuto forgot about you agreeing to teach him bc he was planking outside of the bedroom, waiting for you to finish your call so he could jump out at you once you tried to exit,
‘FUCK!’ you screamed, your phone falling out of your hand as bokuto just jump-scared you in your own home
you try to teach him ofc but it’s quite difficult for him to learn (L) while he’s simultaneously trying to learn English and Spanish 
he didn’t exactly give up on trying to learn it but the frequency of his lil’ questions of ‘how do you say this is (L)?’ and ‘how do you say that in (L)?’ became less and less 
however, whenever you speak (L) in front of him, he always looks at you with wide, dreamy eyes - completely in awe at how clever you are and he’ll take every opportunity he can to praise you for it
oh and he has you saved in his phone as ‘gorgeous, bilingual wifey 😩💞💕💖’
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Keiji Akaashi
he probably learns that you can speak another language on the second or third date
y’all were talking about hobbies you wanted to take up, then akaashi pulled out his note titled ‘ ↳ languages i should learn’ and the first one he uttered was (L) so you immediately chimed in
‘oh! i can speak (L)! i could teach you  — if you want.’
akaashi couldn’t help but smile softly; even though he had a bunch of assignments due, along with all the approaching tests he had to study for, he just couldn’t say no to your offer  — you just looked so excited
plus, there was no harm in trying to learn a language alongside his schoolwork
he humbly accepted; further inquiring about your links and relations with the (L) language
anyway, you never really sat akaashi down to teach him (L) or make him take notes or anything, you’d just began with integrating the occasional (L) in an english/japanese sentence
you’d tend to change the noun and given the context, akaashi would be able to figure out what it meant
for example, if y’all were vibin’ on the couch with the TV on in the background, you might ask him to pass the remote but replace the word ‘remote’ with the (L) translation
there was nothing else he could’ve passed to you so he understood that you meant remote
so slowly but surely  — without even realising that he’s learning  — he picks up on quite a lot of the vocabulary 
and by the time y’all are married, he’s basically fluent
oh and on your honeymoon (which is in Italy btw, I just know he’d take you somewhere with a rich history) you are chillin in the pool then out of the corner of your eyes you see akaashi approach you from the edge of the pool, before getting down on one knee 
and you were so confused for a second bc you thought he was proposing again even you recall getting married to him just a few days ago ◉_◉’
however, once he pulled out a box that seemed too large to contain a ring, it piqued your curiosity even more, ‘akaashi?’ you stuttered, eyes wide.
he opened it to reveal a simple silver bangle, pulled it out then offered his hand so he could cuff it around your wrist 
now that the cold metal of the bangle came in contact with your skin, you were finally able to read the text engraved into the silver 
and it was ‘i love you’ in (L) 
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Tetsurō Kuroo
you probably told him that you could speak (L) quite early on in the relationship tbh 
he was really proud of you but he only took much of an interest a bit later on
he was just like ‘(y/n), do you know any languages other than japanese and english?’ over some chocolate-covered strawberries
you nodded, ‘yeah, (L). why?’
kuroo gasped, excitedly slamming the kitchen counter with the palm of his hand, ‘i need you to teach me some curses.’
you giggled, taking another bite of your strawberry, ‘heh, why?’
‘because kōtarō keeps muttering things about me in portuguese and oikawa keeps snickering at it - i think they’re bitching about me so two can play at that game.’ kuroo whined before looking at you then shooting you a charming smile, ‘so can you help me?’
he’s adorable so you smiled right back at him and chirped, ‘absolutely not.’
however, you kept his request in mind when you graciously began replacing all your english curses with those in (L)
and obviously he caught on ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
thank you for enabling him, (y/n) 😌
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