#I am a super narcissistic zoomer
beardedmrbean · 12 days
[Huey Zoomer Anon]
After that DnD hero “fest” and the complaints about Disney Wish and Raya. I realize something
Sjws like non white cultures aesthetics
Not our cultures dynamics, values, and such
“This series is for everyone!” In a gentrified urban area of a city or theme park way
What that thing I learn because I consume shit past kid shows during my development years?
Oh right
Like I pointed out in my fantasy world building, I showcase that all civilizations and cultures are capable of great compassion and great violence
Oh riiight I don’t have the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old and acts like a proper adult (mostly)
Also the random black person we see in modern fantasy. A lot of people think Yasuke in shadows is that, when in reality they just do a what if continuation and after learning about a certain Southeast Asia group. Oooh someone at ubi found a post shadows goldmine.
But I think they presume every black person is a low self esteem narcissist who infiltrated the creative process while not giving to fucks about actually Africans kingdoms and tribes we can use
Also…African Americans…you know that many African groups created their own entertainment companies and such we can easily collab with?
Oh, just me? Ugh why am I more mentally mature that so many adults in my community?!
After that DnD hero “fest” and the complaints about Disney Wish and Raya. I realize something Sjws like non white cultures aesthetics Not our cultures dynamics, values, and such
I don't know that I'd say SJW's but ya lots of people like to observe or wear cultures like a costume without actually participating in them,
“This series is for everyone!” In a gentrified urban area of a city or theme park way What that thing I learn because I consume shit past kid shows during my development years?
Not really anything out there that shows the real world that's going to resonate with everyone, we all have our own unique stories after all, gotta go for a wide range the best you can.
Also the random black person we see in modern fantasy. A lot of people think Yasuke in shadows is that, when in reality they just do a what if continuation and after learning about a certain Southeast Asia group. Oooh someone at ubi found a post shadows goldmine.
ya he's far from random, still don't understand why people got so bent out of shape over him, guy was real and the story is make believe and constructed using elements of real life, really shouldn't have been a issue.
Make something about Apollo XI and have Buzz be black ya I can see issues there, the annoyance over Yasuke is confusing to me though.
Can't shoehorn someone if they actually existed, even if the story is a bit different.
But I think they presume every black person is a low self esteem narcissist who infiltrated the creative process while not giving to fucks about actually Africans kingdoms and tribes we can use
Writers and such do seem to have that as a fairly common theme
Also…African Americans…you know that many African groups created their own entertainment companies and such we can easily collab with?
Some of them are super successful too, Dre', Jay-Z and Beyonce, Spike Lee, Diddy was rollin in it even if he was scum.
Oh, just me? Ugh why am I more mentally mature that so many adults in my community?!
That's going to be different answers depending on the person and or group being addressed.
Fun times I know, best we can do is be our best self and try to lead by example if we can.
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