#In my defense - Game of Thrones SUCKS
theotherpacman · 7 months
one of the things that pisses me off the most about the atla reboot is
that they're COMPLETELY missing the point of zuko. zuko HAS to be the villain at first, has to be framed as merciless and cruel and evil and the epitome of the fire nation's greedy conquest of the world, so that it's SIGNIFICANT when you learn he's just a kid who wants to go home. just a kid who wants his dad to love him and has convinced himself that if he's good enough, he can earn that love. the point of zuko is to show the audience that the people we see as our enemies are human too. also, the point of zuko is that sometimes our anger and desperation get in our way and make us forget what's really important to us.
the netflix live action reboot is completely fucking this up. they're bringing in zuko's backstory WAY too early, throwing lines around about how his father banished him and he just wants to go home and see his family again. we're not supposed to know that about zuko yet. we're not supposed to know that his dad doesn't want him back or that his sister disdains him. moreover, ZUKO isn't supposed to acknowledge yet that what he wants most is his family's love - s1 zuko suppresses that shit hard. s1 zuko is all about restoring his honor, earning glory, winning his claim to the throne back. the reboot isn't giving him enough room to grow and change, and isn't giving the audience any room to change their view of him.
but that's just one of the things I hate about the reboot, there are many
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quaintbuilds · 2 months
The Kingdom of Mossland
KoM 2-9 | The Defense of the Realm
The armed forces of the Kingdom has been a long running and ever changing part of this build. A coastal fort was one of the first things I built in the city but it was very blah and I tore it down and put a scientific academy in it's place. But ever since then, I wanted some sort of structure that would act as the center of the Kingdom's defenses. Originally, this would have been a large fort guarding the harbor, but that area has been rezoned as part of the city. And then I realized I had never really expanded the Kingdom to the south and went looking around for some building inspiration, and I found the fort I had been looking for.
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Fort Maillard
Built on an island guarding the southern entrance into the city, Fort Maillard is the home of the Kingdom's armed forces. Here, soldiers are armed and trained to defend the realm from the hordes of zombies and skeletons that plague the land. The fort also is the home of the Officer's School, where strategy and command is taught through extensive wargaming (this was an actual thing in history, not just something nerds do. There is also a Royal Surveyors team that has a bitter one-sided rivalry with the Explorer's Guild, who have replaced them as the realm's foremost cartographers. But the most important inhabitants of the fort, are the River Watch. These soldiers are responsible for guarding the Kingdom's many rivers, and have earned themselves a legendary reputation as the shields of the realm.
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The River Watch
Responsible for the defense of the Kingdom's waterways, the River Watch have outposts and watch towers all over the Kingdom. Combined with their signature narrow boats, this network of watchers and boats allows the River Watch to quickly respond to threats all over the realm.
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Their boats have collapsible masts to allow passage under low bridges, and a shallow draft, to avoid grounding out in shallow waters. The boats are equipped with sleeping areas, and a small kitchen, allowing the crews to stay on the river for extended periods of time. The inspiration for these boats are the narrow boats common to the canals of England. I reeeally wanted a cool name for the boats and the group, similar to how the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones are called Crows, but I really couldn't think of a river themed version. The Toads? The Swans? They all seem kinda lame.
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The River Gates
The last thing I built was the river gates that guard the northern entrance into the realm's rivers. These gates are built into a cavern under the city and work together with the drawbridge to make unwanted passage into the Kingdom nearly impossible by river.
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I know this was a long one, but larger builds to flesh out the project was my goal with the whole "Season 2" thing. I also have a job that mentally drains me, and my willingness and availability to sit and play Minecraft is not what it used to be. But I still like playing it. I recently joined a modded survival server with some people for the first time, but they all gave up by the end of the first week, which really sucked, so I came back to my kingdom. I have actually been debating calling a hiatus (or just an end entirely) on this and starting a new project. I feel like a new build style would be nice to explore, but at the end of the day, I am just one tired guy who has to accept he can't play as much Minecraft as he wants to.
*Fun fact, Fort Maillard gets it's name from the Maillard reaction, which is a chemical reaction that causes pretzels to develop that brown pretzely goodness when they are baked*
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viridian-house · 7 months
I think my 2 biggest problems with natla have become what I see people saying the most in its defense.
no, they did not "only" have 8 episodes to tell the story. the runtimes of the original and the nf adaptation are about the same--especially if we consider making cuts to the most filler-ish episodes (11 for sure, and 14 maaaaaybe. I'm torn on 5 because it informs us of how the EK still isn't free of the FN even though we just saw a stronghold, omashu, and also foreshadows how innovative and strong toph really is to be the first to bend metal). anyway, they've got the same amount of time to tell the story and yet it still suffers from pacing issues. it still suffers from the characters feeling hollow and just kind of "stuck together" and never forming a true family bond.
and the 2nd thing is the people who say "well it's an adaptation of a kids show, why does it need to have depth?" when...the original is definitely digestible for children, and s1 is for sure different in tone than s2+3, but...I was a middle schooler who loved it. my dad never missed an episode because he was just as invested. it was the only show my high school aged siblings didn't make fun of me for watching, because it was a mature enough story for everyone to enjoy. someone else said it, but that's why the story is so timeless, it's why we're all still fans, it's why we've all taken so many years to discuss the themes and the characters (people are still arguing over Aangs choice not to kill the Firelord, for goodness sake lol). I don't care how "hehe fun times" the show starts out--by the THIRD episode, we see Gyatso's skeleton and the total ruin of Aang's home.
and on that same note, we didn't need to see the genocide. we didn't need to see Ozai burn a man alive. but we did--okay, the show wants to be NF's game of thrones. why, then, is the story written so that the characters spoon feed us exposition? why, then, do we see the genocide happening instead of witnessing the devastation of the world organically through the eyes of these children? everything we see in the original informs us in some way of the state of the world. we see Aang's struggle between wanting to carry on living how he wanted, and how much he believes in the power of silliness (telling Katara, "you ARE still a kid!") and how unfair it is that he, essentially, has no choice (and by the way, his drives to have fun and avoid his destiny/the guilt he feels over near-apocalyptic circumstances being "his fault" for running away, are why it's such an impactful moment when he must "show no emotion at all" in meeting Koh, essentially forsaking everything he's embodied for 19 episodes straight to get the info he needs to help save the Northern Water Tribe--natla manages to suck all the meaning out of that, as well)
anyway. if it's "mindless fun just turn your brain off it's for kids" then why the heck is it so violent. why the heck is it stripped of any and all opportunity for a kid to learn important things that were present in the original, which trusted its audience (including the kids) with mature themes and didn't feel the need to dumb itself down at almost any moment at all. I don't understand. make it make sense.
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Hollyleaf getting off easy in Shattered stars
Ok so a person commented on my fanfic that they thought Hollyleaf was getting off easy from punishment. Its been itching in my brain all day so I’ve decided to talk about it. 
She’s not getting off easy. Not at all and not in any way. Compared to Canon Hollyleaf I feel like SS Hollyleaf suffers a lot more for her actions or at least she is forced to confront what she’s done far more. So lets compare. 
In canon Hollyleaf runs away at the end of Sunrise to the tunnels. She stays there for several seasons while everyone presumes her dead. She does this almost immediately after revealing the secret at the gathering. In fact she leaves the gathering pretty quickly after telling the truth. She gets to see a bit of the fallout from it but its mostly focused on her immediate family. She doesn’t get to see its effects on her clanmates or how it effects Thunderclan. Now to be fair it really doesn’t harm Thunderclan in the long run in the canon cause the Erin’s suck at writing but there are a few scenes we see the fallout from her actions. Such as Breezepelt trying to murder Jayfeather at the moonpool. But by the time she returns in Forgotten warrior its been so long since the gathering not too many cats are bothered by it anymore. They are glad to have her back. There’s no mention of them having any animosity towards her for revealing the secret. Now they do get a little miffed when they figure out/ she reveals that she killed Ashfur. However, that it is quickly squelched by Brambleclaw who says it was self defense. A few cats like Foxleap in canon show a strong dislike for her calling her an odd one, but he is one of the very few. In fact if I remember correctly he’s almost immediately reprimanded by Millie I think? So even then she doesn’t face justice technically for what she’s done. Hollyleaf basically doesn’t face any repercussions for what she’s done, outside of her own self exile. Hell her trying to kill Leafpool with death berries is never even mentioned again outside of the scene itself! Now to be fair her self exile and almost successful suicide attempt are pretty heavy punishments for what she’s done, but she does it to herself. The action of going into the tunnels and disappearing are basically the only ‘punishment’ she ever really faces in canon. That and dying in the Great battle. 
Now let’s compare that to SS Hollyleaf.
Now unlike Canon Hollyleaf, SS Hollyleaf has a power. Not only that but its extremely powerful. So she spends most of Shattered Stars trying to do what she thinks is right and do what she thinks is best for Thunderclan. That includes becoming keeper of the code. In keeping with her similar canon counter part, ss Hollyleaf’s main driving force for her actions are her sense of purpose, her faith in the warrior code , and her own sense of self importance from being in the prophecy. Now like in Canon she finds out about her true heritage and her sense of purpose, self worth and faith in the warrior code is shattered. However instead of flipping out and murdering Ashfur, she does things very differently. She appoints herself keeper of the code, in order to help keep secrets and possible code breaking relationships out of Thunderclan. Through her work she finds out that yes there are such things in Thunderclan and she is able to help stop it. It feeds her ego, purpose and faith. So she continues to try and stop wrong doings. Similar to Dany from Game of Thrones, every time she succeeds she grows more and more determined and more self assured that she’s doing the right things. She’s a ticking time bomb.  By the time she reveals the secret at the gathering she so sure what she’s doing is right! Also she isn’t just the one to reveal the secret she uses her POWER to FORCE every cat she feels has done wrong to reveal what they’ve done! Then everything falls apart. 
Similar to in canon she watches a bit of the aftermath of her revelation and then runs away however there are some important key differences here. The peace between the clans is shattered as Hollyleaf revealed more than just the half kit secret. She also revealed that Ashfur tried to kill them and Brambleclaw was working with Hawkfrost a long time ago who tried to kill Firestar. She watches as the clans are about to rip one another apart for the actions of their clanmates (also Breezepelt tries to rock her shit). Then when she does run away, Sorreltail goes after her and brings her back to the camp. Hollyleaf gets back and SEES just how upset her clanmates are not only at her but the entire situation! Their faith in not only her, but their faith in THEIR ENTIRE CLAN IS DESTROYED. She gets to watch as Ferncloud’s family implodes right in front of her as Ashfur is exiled. She gets to watch as Brambleclaw goes from being well respected warrior to the ‘son of Tigerstar’ once again as he’s forced down from being deputy. She gets to watch as Thunderclan implodes in on itself. AND SHE KNOWS ITS HER FAULT. SHE’S THE ONE WHO HAS DONE THIS, BY USING HER POWER. Her entire life her driving force/purpose has been using her power to uphold the code and use her power for good and be a part of the prophecy. When she finally does, she fucks it up. She fucks it up hard. She destroys everything she loves and everything she’s worked for. Adding onto this she loses not only her position as the Keeper of the code, but also is relived of her warrior duties. Hollyleaf loses everything. Her life purpose, her faith in the prophecy and her own self worth. She also loses her her clanmates faith in her and her family. She’s left with nothing. Zilch. Nada. Nothing but guilt and regret for what she’s done. 
So she tries to run away like in canon, but she fails because of Lionblaze and Jayfeather. And listen yes they saved her because she is their sister, but the three’s relationship is DAMAGED. Its been damaged and they’ve grown distant from each other for quite a bit of SS and its gonna take time to rebuild. 
Anyways, all of this weighs on Hollyleaf and she doesn’t get to run away from it. She has to go home and face it. And let me tell you the guilt she feels is going to EAT AT HER BAD. Like no punishment Firestar could give her could ever compare to guilt, self hatred and self punishment she’s going to give herself. 
Spoilers for Dark winter. 
Because of her actions at the Gathering Onestar refuses to honor the agreement for Thunderclan to share territory for Leaf-bare. Thunderclan ends up facing starvation. Hollyleaf can’t do anything to help, because she’s technically grounded and it’s all her fault that her clanmates are starving. So what does she do? She stops eating. Completely. In her mind she doesn’t deserve to eat, because its her fault Thunderclan is in this position and if she can’t help to hunt to fix the situation then she doesn’t deserve to eat. I won’t go into too much more detail cause you get the point and also spoilers. 
So does Hollyleaf get off easy in SS cause she doesn’t get to run away into the tunnels? HELL NO. She loses her family, friends, her friend’s respect, her entire life purpose and her faith in the one thing that's guided her through her life: The prophecy. She’s forced to face what she has done, not only to her family but to her clanmates as well. Her Dark Winter chapter will focus a lot on her facing the backlash that she’s caused. So while it may seem like she got of easy. She really hasn’t, her punishment has just begun. 
Thank you for listening to my insane rambling lol. 
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thefirstknife · 2 years
What gets me about Immaru is that he complains about Guardians destroying Ghosts, but in the season that played parallel to the Witch Queen expansion, we found lucent hive draining and hoarding Light. Surely that'd involve draining not just the Guardians involved by their Ghosts too.
So is Immaru upset at us for crushing Hive Ghosts, while happily draining ours of their Light & leaving them for dead? He compared it to shooting the medic. We are, because shooting theirs means we can stop them from sucking the blood out of ours
Yeah, it's interesting because Immaru feels like we owe Ghosts, unconditionally. Like, Guardians only exist because of Ghosts and Ghosts do everything for us and we should never raise a hand against them.
Other Ghosts being mean to Ghosts? Or Hive being mean to Ghosts? Something that he probably feels is expected. But Guardians? Entirely unexpected and also not justified. Like yeah, Lucent Hive killed Guardians (and Ghosts), but that's expected and possibly even could be seen as defensive. Guardians invading the throne world and actively hunting Lucent Hive? Not so much.
I personally don't think there's much of a difference objectively, but it's an interesting point to see it from characters that are obviously biased. I also personally think that it's absolutely awful that we're killing Ghosts. Like, no matter what, those are just normal Ghosts. I don't think we also have much of a good reason to go that far. I really wish it was possible somehow for the game to explore that more and manage that action outside of gameplay.
Because like, in gameplay, when I'm fighting for my life in a GM against a Lucent Hive, I can't wait to crush the Ghost because I'm playing a game and I have to do that to progress and that Lucent Hive wasted 5 rezes and I am gleefully popping that little bastard into dust. But then outside of gameplay mechanics, I am still horrified that we have to do that.
I don't know how a video game could ever reconcile these two concepts. I'd definitely like more discussions about it in the lore! This bothers me even more because of the one entry in Lucent Tales that shows a Lucent Hive refusing to crush a Guardian's Ghost. Like please, I feel like the worst person alive when I'm crushing a Ghost. It's clearly meant to be a despicable thing to do... But then you gotta in gameplay. :(
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greenconverses · 2 years
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Recently read: Despite telling myself I don’t need to blow through books this year, here I am, blowing through books. In my defense, it’s January and it’s been snowing a lot. 
Self-help is usually not my genre of choice for non-fiction books, but I’ve heard rave reviews about Brené Brown, so I decided to give Daring Greatly a listen. I generally remember what this book was about (being vulnerable and avoiding shame!) but I could not quote a damn thing from it for any kind of life advice. Maybe I’d have retained it better if I’d read it instead? (★★★)
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center was delightful. This was my second or third time trying to read it, and it finally clicked for me. Another closed door romance, but I didn’t mind it so much because the characters were a lot of fun. (★★★★)
YA space scifi that doesn’t suck! Whoo! Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer has been on my shelf for a while. It was a lot of fun once I got past the first third... and over the fact that there was, indeed, going to be a character called Hell Monkey featured throughout the entire book. Ended on a clfifhanger, so I had to run out to the library to get the sequel, which I’ll probably read this weekend. (★★★★)
Does anyone write about fandom as cringy as Olive Dade does? If so, don’t point them in my direction because I. hate. it. Ship Wrecked is the third in her “what if Game of Thrones actors paid attention to fandom and I got to hash out all my issues with the show runners over 1,000 pages and then have a dolphin slap them in the face at the end” contemporary romance series and it’s probably my least favorite of the bunch. It started out promising, but then there were weird pacing issues — including a SIX YEAR TIME SKIP where most of the romantic and pining development happened off-page — and, of course, the obligatory stupid break-up at 80% that drained all my interest out of seeing these two idiots have a happy ending. 
My real issue with this series has always been the way all the actors on her GoT ripoff show pay more attention to fandom than some people in the fandom probably do, and then participate in weird, boundary-crossing ways. In Ship Wrecked, Alex, the hero from the second book, sends co-stars Peter and Maria weekly emails with explicit RPF recommendations about them (WHAT) and they read them (WHAT) and giggle about it/reference them after they have sex instead of, idk, reporting Alex to HR for sexual harassment. You are sending your co-workers PORN about THEMSELVES, sir. But I guess it doesn’t matter because FANDOM IS VALID, Y’ALL. OR SOMETHING. God, I hate it. I HATE IT. (★★)
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Thoughts on Emblem Paralogues #1
Doing this again with the base game paralogues cuz as a longtime FE fan it’s cool to see how a celebration game shows its love. I’m not really doing them in the order they unlocked, so this is mostly a random assortment. 
For starters I like how for the most part, the throwback maps have pretty much the exact same enemy composition. Very wonderful and nostalgic.
Lucina, The Exalt: This one’s good. It makes for a good start to the overall reference paralogues, cuz of it’s simplicity. Wish I had more to say, but it really is that cut and dry lol. I guess I wish there was more reference to the fact that Lucina traveled back in time to prevent the bad future, but I guess that’s what bond conversations are for.
Lyn, The Lady of the Plains: I had lots of fun with this one haha, though I guess it’s cuz I was a tad overleveled when I did it. I heard the OG map in FE6 was very hated, or at least the Sacae route was disliked a lot in comparison to the Ilia one. I read that the original version had fake-out thrones that spawned reinforcements, so I would think that’d piss first time players off. The one thing that I’m kind of iffy on though is just the decision of using this map for Lyn. I know FE7 doesn’t have notable Sacae maps to choose from (I think the first 3 chapters of Lyn’s mode are the only ones, which would suck as throwbacks lol), and that her association with Mulagir thanks to FEH means it’s appropriate to choose this map in particular, but I think chapter 10 or 15 from FE7 could’ve served as good rep maps for her. It’d let her discuss her mixed heritage and connection to Eliwood and Hector, I feel. Oh well, not too fussed about it, since I do love when Lyn talks about Sacae.
Ike, The Radiant Hero: This one’s great. Ike destroying the entire castle was fucking hilarious, and I think it’s a perfect choice for his paralogue given it’s when he first took leadership of the Greil Mercs and had to establish himself as a fighter and protector who can hold out against terrible odds. Though a complaint on that front is that I wish there was some kind of defense-like objective, even though like I said, Ike one shotting a whole castle is funny. Shout-out to the mage in the same place as Ilyana and drops Elthunder, neat reference.
Byleth, The Instructor: Very much liked this one, aside from one aspect: healers with warp aspects (lol plot teleporting in 3H). Byleth’s dancing I can handle, but damn my OCD ridden brain hated beating the map without protecting all the crystals. Though I think I got the best reward anyway, it’s very lenient. Liked the House Leader stand-ins, but surprise surprise, there’s nobody representing Rhea, Seteth, or Flayn despite this being the tomb of their brethren :/ It’s also again indicative of how averse the devs are of associating Byleth with anything beyond being a teacher, cuz one could argue that chapter 10 could’ve been a better choice and still had the “power depends on the heart of its wielder” aesop cuz it dealt with Jeralt’s death and Byleth being granted Sothis’ power in the first place. But whatever, details, details.
Sigurd, The Holy Knight: My favorite of the ones I’ve done so far. I think it’s a great way to represent Sigurd through a Gen 2 map and it gave a fair challenge. The Arvis stand-in with Meteor is hilarious. I really, really regret not getting the goddess icon from the tile that references Seliph’s talk with ghost Sigurd and Deirdre, that little easter egg is so fucking cute 😭 Sigurd’s talk about revenge and there being more than one truth shows just how great of a character he is (and his significance in Engage kind of points to more evidence that FE4 is probs getting remade soon). But the coolest part of the map are the Julius and Ishtar stand-ins. It took all of my brain power to take them out without anyone dying, but I did it! Using the Tiki bracelet came in clutch, cuz even if an attack like Ice Breath misses, it still damages adjacent enemies for the calculated damage. Widdling away at Julius was very satisfying.
I’ll do the rest of the paralogues some time, trust lol.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I've been burnt so many times by the endings of my favorite shows that my mind is literally going to worst case scenarios for Ted Lasso finale, like yes Ted going back to Kansas forever would suck but then my brain is then like what if Michelle breaks up with boyfriend and then wants to try again with Ted and Ted agrees and they get back together. Like please no, I would rather have any other ending than that.
I understand completely, anon. While I likewise understand the fans going, "But Ted Lasso would never do ____ it's not that kind of show??" the entire point of that worry (based on experience) is that a show won't follow its own thematic logic. Fans who have been seriously burned by beloved shows in the past aren't concerned that the show will do something they personally dislike, but is still objectively an earned and comprehensible choice. We worry that, like so many before it, the show will go COMPLETELY off the rails in a way that makes no sense and decimates the fans' overall interest. Think How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Dexter, Sherlock... there are so many beloved, well-written shows that missed the landing to an extent that the fandom (to lesser and greater extents) turned their back on it as a whole.
Personally, I'm not nearly as worried as I've been in the past, mostly because I think the examples above showed their colors long before the actual finale and, for however messy Season 3 might be in some respects, I don't believe it's jumped the shark. However, worry still remains because yeah, what IF Ted Lasso suddenly swerves into some worst case scenario? It's not impossible! Again, the whole point is that experiences has shown it's not impossible. I had the same vague sense of dread throughout Trent and Colin's coming out arc. Did I logically know that Ted Lasso would never kill off a queer character just for the drama of that story-line? Yes. Did my overall experience with mainstream television still make me anxious to watch those episodes? Also yes. You can't spend literal decades cancelling shows, pulling budgets, giving in to homophobia, catering to shock value, refusing to revise endings based on how the show has changed... and expect viewers not to approach the endings of their favorite shows in a defensive position.
Which is why as devastated as I am to lose Ted Lasso (and I AM), a part of me is genuinely relieved? I love the show so much that there's something freeing about knowing it will be over soon. Regardless of what happens Wednesday, it'll only be one episode that I can either embrace or try my best to ignore. I won't have to worry about what will happen to these characters next episode, next arc, next year. Good or bad, we'll have a finished product to play with in fan spaces, rather than an ongoing WIP whose potential for downfall increases the longer it's on air.
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Game of Thrones - CATELYN XI (pages 760-771)
Catelyn returns to her childhood home of Riverrun, and Robb levels up his liege-ness to King.
It seemed a thousand years ago that Catelyn Stark had carried her infant son out of Riverrun, crossing the Tumblestone in a small boat to begin the journey to Winterfell. And it was across the Tumblestone that they came home now, though the boy was clad in mail in place of swaddling clothes.
Well that kinda feels like a double does of feels right off the bat. Sorrow for lost time, and youth, and innocence all wrapped up in the idea of a closing cycle.
Catelyn gazed up at the bars and wondered how deep the rust went and how well the portcullis would stand up to a ram and whether it ought to be replaced. Thoughts like that were seldom far from her mind these days.
I hate that that line of thinking has become an instinctive reflex for her. "how defensible is this, how safe are we."
On the one hand though, depending on how thick the metal is and how recently replaced, that could be a concern. The portcullis is almost certainly made of iron or steel, both of which are highly susceptible to rust. (Rust can chew through iron like a munchlax at a buffet.) On the other hand, the portcullis seems? to be protecting a waterway/water entrance?, which means the ram would need to be on a boat. (... actually if they had a way to brace the boat against the outer walls, maybe some outwards pressure to hold it at the inner archway... ahhh, but not a lot of time to secure it, and only so much force before a boat would be affected never mind the weight the ram would need, and then there's the actually size of the portcullis' full structure versus the visible parts in the archway...)
These are the one's who keep the old gods, she realized. She asked herself what gods she kept these days, and could not find an answer. It would not do to disturb them at their prayers. The gods must have their due... even cruel gods who would take Ned from her, and her lord father as well.
Oh, poor Cat, home at last and her father is dying.
It is interesting to get to see her having this crisis of faith, both as a reflection of her internal efforts to be the Stark Matriarch and let go of the Tully Bride, even though it remains so much a part of who she is, and where her motives come from (not just her as a mother).
But also knowing that the sept in Winterfell was built specifically for Cat (iirc) and to have this assumption of devoutness about her, to see even her waiver in her faith in the face of senseless violence and personal grief...
It's very humanising, but also Cat deserves better. She doesn't need humanising, she needs the gods to suck less. (or for Joffrey to have suffered an 'accident' several dozen chapters/months ago.)
- and over there, beneath that bower, she and Lysa had played at kissing with Petyr. She had not thought of that in years. How young they had all been - she no older than Sansa, Lysa younger than Arya, and Petyr younger still, yet eager. The girls had traded him between them, serious and giggling in turns. It came back to her so vividly she could almost feel his sweaty fingers on her shoulders and taste the mint on his breath. There was always mint frowing in the godswood, and Petyr had liked to chew it. He had been such a bold little boy, always in trouble. "He tried to put his tongue in my mouth," Catelyn had confessed to her sister afterward, when they were alone. "He did with me too," Lysa had whispered, shy and breathless. "I liked it."
Bull. Shit. You were a child, 9 at the absolute oldest, Lysa. You should have still been believing in cooties. And Petyr... good to know you were always a pervy little creep. I had been leaning towards going with that 'his behaviour is a result of the trauma of Lysa roofie-ing him as children' theory, but I think this predates that, so it turns out they were both always a bit messed up in the head. Like the Lannister twins.
Why are so many pre-pubescent children such "early bloomers" in this series?
What the actual flap-jacking fuck, George?
The arguing raged on late into the night. Each lord had a right to speak, and speak they did... and shout, and curse, and reason, and cajole, and jest, and bargain, and slam tankards on the table, and threaten, and walk out, and return sullen or smiling.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!"
"Perhaps I do not understand tactics and strategy... but I understand futility. We went to war when Lannister armies were ravaging the riverlands, and Ned was a prisoner, falsely accused of treason. We fought to defend ourselves, and to win my lord's freedom. "Well, one is done, and the other forever beyond our reach. I will mourn for Ned until the end of my days, but I must think of the living. I want my daughters back, and the queen holds them still, If we must trade our four Lannisters for two Starks, I will call that a bargain and thank the gods. I want you safe, Robb, ruling at Winterfell from your father's seat. I want you to live your life, to kiss a girl and wed a woman and father a son. I want to write an end to this. I want to go home, my lords, and weep for my husband."
It is really easy to get caught up in the excitement of the fighting and planning and getting one over on the enemy, that it's a simple matter to forget that this was all supposed to be a righteous rescue mission.
I think I want to go back and rewatch this portion of the show, because I can't for the life of me remember this scene, and I don't know if it has just been too long, or if this speech was cut from the show.
It would be a shame if it was cut, the depth it adds to Cat, that she knew it was time to stop, even though it hurt her. That she knew even if they went forwards, none of it would bring Ned back, that here in this moment even hurting and in pain she wanted the war to stop and for peace to resume, and knowing about Lady Stoneheart...
Whelp, the North would like its Independence back now, Thanks. So peace is off the table I guess.
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ammcgee-author · 11 months
219. Sorry, I was Assassinated <3
As Mark Twain once said, “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” I’m not dead, yet, but trying to regroup and make some kind of sense out of the world around me.
In the old days, you could count being assassinated as an “occupational hazard” of being a Peacenik, an AntiWar Activist, or even holding a non-mainstream opinion. (Sort of like how losing an arm or getting sucked into a machine is an occupational hazard of working in a factory, dying in a fire is an occupational hazard of being a firefighter, getting shot is an occupational hazard of being a police officer; and having your whole family slaughtered in front of you is an occupation hazard of being a Palestinian journalist.) Just look at what they did to John Lennon, and more recently, the lead-singer of Audioslave, Chris Cornell.
My favorite half-baked conspiracy-theory is that he was assassinated for the AntiWar stance he took at his last concert. Although I know, that in reality, it’s just as likely he planned his suicide in advance; and wanted his last message to the world to be one of peace, love, and brotherhood.
I was never really much of a Soundgarden or Audioslave fan but I really liked their instrumental song “Night Surf," and of course “You Know My Name,” Chris Cornell’s Bond theme and one of my favorite 007 theme songs of all time! It’s worth noting that, although James Bond movies are fun and exciting action flicks, full of international intrigue and traditionally sexy women, they’re also composed of the most blatant pro-war propaganda; rivaled only by Disney/ABC’s Marvel Movies or HBO’s Game of Thrones, which tend to be slightly more allegorical; which is fine, as long as you’re aware of that going into them and treat them only as the lightest of all light entertainment.
Though, in spite of whatever Mr. Cornell’s personal issues might have been, I can’t help but think “selling out” to the war-machine is one of the factors that led him to suicide. At the very least, it probably didn’t help.
Speaking of “international intrigue,” my grandmother who was a pilot and an electrical engineer in the United States Air Force, (who also helped design the American-Made cruise missile systems Russia is currently using against the Ukrainians) was once questioned by the CIA because she ran a small airport gift shop, and routinely flew from continent to continent looking for exotic wares to sell in her shop. She was accused of being a spy, and sharing government secrets with overseas enemies. As outlandish as it sounds, stories like this are not uncommon, and cause a lot of generational trauma and general mistrust of the government within families. Of course, the government likes it that way, they enjoy keeping people on their toes and out of their way, especially militarily. Because of this experience I’m always sympathetic to people with seemingly “paranoid” or “schizophrenic” views of the government because the government does enjoy terrorizing people for their opinions. This danger obviously increases, exponentially, the more exposure and influence you and your ideas have. Both my grandmother and grandfather were in the Air Force, and being in the Military after World War II, caused my grandparents both to take a decidedly AntiWar stance against our wars of conquest, imperialism, and liberal interventionism overseas. Even as they worked as civil engineers for the Defense Industry and Military Industrial Complex.
Another notable member of my family is my distant cousin, Pat Robertson, someone who up until his death, recently, was literally paid to promote Zionism and Zionist pro-war propaganda on television. (He’s the reason why I feel I’m able to view the Israel/Palestine situation in a more fair and nuanced way, than I might otherwise be inclined to… And also the reason why most of my immediate family generally vote independent and identify as Democrats.) I don’t mention this because I’m at all proud of the association, but because it does seem to loom over my Christian family, our AntiWar history, and my activism; even if we’re not all doomsday Christian Evangelists like my famous cousin Pat and his televangelist heir, Gordon Robertson.
Understanding my history and ties to both the military and Christian evangelism is important to understanding who I am as a person, and why I choose to take such a profound moral stance on issues of justice and international policy. Though that association somehow seems particularly important to mention, now, even if it alienates me from the other Pro-Palestine demonstrators protesting today, because it makes me feel like a kind of mediator who can sympathize with the views of both pro-war Zionists and Palestinian AntiWar demonstrators. Though I myself am committedly Pro-Palestine, and of course, AntiWar.
A pragmatic way of looking at Israel’s current campaign of ethnic-violence and genocide in The West Bank and Gaza, in particular, is that is not a “war” but the result of the Palestinians losing a war in 1948. This is hardly “politically correct,” and is probably the most politically insensitive thing you could say to people on both sides of the conflict. It also in no way delegitimizes Palestinian resistance to Israeli Apartheid, but does explain the situation better than simply damning and condemning vague things like “colonialism” and “whiteness,” altogether. (Which, let’s be honest, was only ever a trick or tactic used by Jewish protesters to manipulate Blacks and People of Color to take either side, which when used outside of the limited scope of Black Muslims, like Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, who have always stood by Palestinians, where the language was first borrowed and misappropriated from, is often used to keep people of all races and nationalities from understanding the issue; while also distracting attention away from the larger issues at hand, ones that may or may not actually affect them; such as how America’s unfettered support for Israel could potentially lead to a U.S. war with Iran.) The world has taken on the overly vague and sometimes idealistic language of Jewish-Israeli Peaceniks and Refuseniks without knowing what, specifically, they were protesting. If those protesters just said, “We’re against Zionism and Jewish-Supremacy” rather than mincing words, then they surely would have gained a lot more followers and supporters on both the left and right, though they might not be the supporters they wanted.
Actually, in a recent video of Israeli IDF refuseniks (a slang term referring to conscientious objectors) they do just that, refer to Zionism as Jewish Supremacy. Which a refreshingly positive change of course from the usual vague allusions to “indigenousness,” (in regards to who is or is not indigenous where) “white-supremacy” (to describe several only vaguely related and oftentimes incompatible political ideologies) and other debatable variables, coming from the far-left.
Nowadays, it’s much easier to silence people.
You don’t even have to assassinate them, for their views and opinions, because you can just as easily discredit them by “cancelling” them, locking them out of social media, downvoting or shadow-banning their comments to keep them from having a prominent voice by limiting their influence on public discourse; and otherwise intimidating them into compliance. (Usually through a combination of online and IRL terror-tactics and good old-fashioned character assassination.) Or by simply confusing them with political double-speak until their ideas disappear into oblivion.
Celebrities, today, rarely take an AntiWar stance because the entertainment industry is run by, well, Zionists — And thus anyone “fated for fame” is heavily vetted by the Military Industrial Complex before you ever even hear their names or see them on a marquee. (Though that very likely may be a coincidence, because most people today aren’t really very political, especially on international and foreign policy matters, except for performatively, and because most celebrities only have a high-school or grade-school education.) Jewish guest, Timothee Chalamet’s, recent rather distasteful mention of Hamas on SNL, during Israel’s current genocide of Gaza, is just one example of how Hollywood acts as an eternally out of touch propaganda machine. Thankfully, Tim’s character offed himself at the end of the skit, which was funny and well-deserved, but which might also be read as a distasteful reference to Israel accusing Palestinians of causing their own destruction.
This kind of gross insensitivity and feigned ignorance might have been forgivable if Americans had forgotten that this is the exact same comedy and variety show that held prayers and candles for Ukraine, after the U.S. forced Russia’s hand by manipulating Putin into intervening in the region by first orchestrating the U.S.-backed illegal Maiden coup, and creating a civil-war, there, under the Obama Administration; and then threatening to make The Ukraine, which is historically part of Russia, part of the NATO alliance, (which was only created to oppose Moscow and the former Soviet Union, in the first place,) during the Biden administration. (Simplifying the issues of today is of course this current movements’ greatest weakness, because in order to understand what is happening in Syria and Ukraine, you have to have an in-depth understanding of American foreign policy over the last decade, at least. Gen Z may seemingly have a greater sense of morality when it comes to America’s wars of conquest and colonialism overseas, but not when it comes to holding members of their own generation accountable, like Mr. Chalamet.) SNL did that, of course, because “standing with with Ukraine,” a U.S. puppet ally like Israel, is obviously a pro-war not an AntiWar position.
It’s also more than merely noteworthy that Ukraine’s acting President, Zelensky, is a Zionist himself; and thus any attempt to equate Palestine with Ukraine, or Russia with America’s ally, Israel… (especially when the current Banderist government in Kyiv has been massacring ethnic-Russian civilians in the Donbas region, critical of the U.S.-led coup, since the Obama administration) Is a bit of a stretch.
Nor is the humor lost on me, that many of the people in the George Floyd/BLM/ANTIFA rallies who worked so hard to get President “Genocide Joe” into office, are the exact same ones who are currently protesting his foreign policy in regards to Israel/Palestine, now. It’s pretty damn hilarious, in fact! Are they all just fools who genuinely feel betrayed by the person they campaigned and possibly also voted for, or is something deeper going on? And who exactly is funding and organizing these protests, anyway?
If I sound cynical, it’s only because I remember the (20 year!) long period of Hipster political burnout and apathy to U.S. foreign policy following the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That was also a landmark year for AntiWar protests, but as the years went on people became more and more indifferent to the joint Republican/Democrat-backed wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. (It might even be too optimistic to refer to the protests that are going on now as “AntiWar Protests” since they’re really “anti-genocide” protests with a more narrow focus and simpler demands. Which is honestly great! Since in order for a protest to work, it needs to have clear demands that can be achieved; but at the same time I think many of these protesters are missing the bigger picture, that Zionism isn’t just a threat to Palestinians, but to the whole world. This is true mainly because of the relationship between war and industry, banking, lobbyists, and foreign investors. What we AntiWar protesters sometimes refer to as “The Military Industrial Complex” describes this relationship between war, industry, finance, and propaganda; and regardless of whether it’s labeled a “Jewish conspiracy theory” or not, for most of Israel’s 75 old history the MIC has been decidedly pro-Zionist.) Many of these protesters weren’t even alive back then, or were simply too young to protest, but many of us who have been carrying the AntiWar torch are turned-off by the phoney political correctness and “wokeness” demonstrated at these rallies. Mostly, since these are the exact same “politically correct” ideas that got us here in the first place. The same censorship, and the same policing of language and ideas, and the same silencing of sincere foreign and domestic policy discussion.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the numbers are great! And I wish we saw this same turnout when the U.S. and NATO bullied Russia into war on its borders in the Ukraine, or when America’s “Worst Black President” Barack Obama, and his Vice President “Genocide Joe,” created ISIS and invaded Syria in 2012… But I digress. It’s just that begging your oppressor for a ceasefire, rather than getting to the root of that oppression — U.S. foreign policy towards Israel — is asking for far too little far too late. The only way to reverse course, though it will never bring back the lives of the roughly 12,000 Palestinian civilians who have been killed in the last few weeks, is to sanction Israel rather than supplying it with the weapons it needs to continue to commit genocide against innocent people.
Protest and protesters have the power to block the shipment and dissemination of weapons, temporarily, but not permanently. Only policy can do that, that’s why more action is needed. By action I don’t mean more reactionary protests, when the fires of the obscene immorality of our sacrificing literally tens of thousands of innocent civilians for our foreign interests grow too hot to bear, but the kind of sustained action that puts pressure not only on Israel, but on American policy makers, as well.
I was locked out of my Facebook account, without explanation or violation, right before the U.S. publicly sent depleted uranium and cluster munitions to Ukraine, (which is surely a coincidence) and that’s why my usual online activism on my AntiWar Pages: Peace & Love and The AntiWar Independent Party, have been silent throughout this most recent escalation in Israel and Palestines’ 75 year old long conflict. While I obviously feel both inspired and encouraged watching the younger and older generations marching together for peace, and while I wish I could somehow position myself as Gen-Z’s foreign policy professor, since I know so much of the brainwashing “information” they’re getting is incorrect, just as it was when I was young. I believe moving forward we have to be more direct with the particular policies we oppose, if we ever stand a chance to make a real difference in the world, and limit the influence of foreign bad actors (like Benjamin Netanyahu, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Benny Gantz) on American politics.
Like Chris Cornell said in his final speech, at his final concert, “They don’t give a sh*t about me, and they don’t give a sh*t about you!” He was talking about American politicians, lobbyists, and war-profiteers who perhaps in their own minds are looking out for long-term American interests, (or their own short-term financial or political gains,) but at the sacrifice of American soldiers and our National Conscience.
I say this with all humility, since I was only ever really an outspoken AntiWar Activist during the Obama years when the AntiWar Movement was most dormant. I created my own political party, simply because I could not abide by the pro-war policies of either major political party, as a lifetime AntiWar Activist. As an American I believe I should have some say in who dies in my name, and why. As an Independent I wanted to create a political party that I would be proud to be a part of, one that I felt was looking out not only for my country’s best interests, but the best interests of my fellow countrymen. (Although I first became politically aware as a child during Kosovo, and opposed “The War On Terror” campaign in Afghanistan and Iraq, as a teenager; I only, truly, politically came of age during Obama’s invasion of Syria; something that even many American veterans and active duty servicemen protested.) Nor do I delusionally count myself as some kind of charismatic leader, quite the opposite in fact, as I often limit my own activism (such as paying for advertising for my political party) simply because I know that I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be. (And also, because I can’t afford it!) Rather, I am simply a concerned citizen who cares about peace and the future of American Foreign Policy; as just another American who, like millions of others; is right now witnessing the results of our policies of endless war, rampant political Zionism, capitalist imperialism, liberal interventionism, modern-day colonialism, war-profiteering, Genocide, and destruction overseas.
— A.M. McGee
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and the winner of the Shitty Showdown of the Shentury is...
Ali, mwahahaa. Suck it, Jack! One of our disgusting teams had to take the W here and by the grace of God, Ja'Marr Chase finally delivered and lead Bye Week to their 2nd win of the season. Looks like your dumpster fire of a team is, in fact, worse than mine (up for debate considering you do have more points for I guuuuuess). Also, Geno Smith? Really?? (I totally did that in one of my other leagues, bit me in the ass too :') )
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Aaron is a Karen- Let's all be honest with ourselves here. Unless something drastic changes, Lexi's team is going to go all the way this season. With only one loss thus far, and a whopping near 70 points lead in 'points for' over 2nd place I survived TB, it's going to take a lot of hullabaloo to knock this team off its throne. We can all hope for a loss for Aaron is a Karen this week, but that is 95% unlikely according to her win percentage projection. But let's at least give Baby Dropped Dal a chance to have a completed starting roster before we discount them completely. Also, before we move on, let it be known that week 6 results have established that Jake is Lexi's fantasy football b****.
I survived TB- Just like the Harbaugh brothers, the Bow sisters have a hankering for sucking at coaching football. Steven carried I survived TB to a win in their revenge game over Baby Dropped Dal, and if history repeats itself, I survived TB is going to absolutely obliterate Bye Week in week 7.
Raiding LaMar-a-Lago- In Jake's defense, Raiding LaMar-a-Lago could have beaten one of the 'NFC least' teams in week 6, but didn't stand a chance against Aaron is a Karen of the 'NFC beast' division. Week 7 will be a true test of this team's mediocrity, as we watch Raiding LaMar-a-Lago take on The Friendzone.
Baby Dropped Dal- The strongest .500 team in the league! With only 1 loss behind the 2nd and 3rd place teams, and just 18 points away from 2nd place's PF, Niki and this unassuming team are potentially 1 strong week away from weaseling their way into 2nd place. Is this likely to happen the week that Baby Dropped Dal plays against Aaron is a Karen? LOL. But hey, a coach can dream, and she can sure as hell at least have a complete starting roster.
Bye Week- Not gonna lie, it's easier to write this week after a much-needed win. My team is still trash, as this post reassures everyone, but we all need a pat on the back sometimes. After Bye Week's bye week, this team is hoping to scrap together a team that will be lucky enough to outscore a consistent 100+ point team. With Higgins' inconsistency, a bye for Cooper Kupp, and a jet-lagged manager of I survived TB, maybe just maybe Bye Week will see the stars align and squeak out a win against this strong playoff contender.
The Friendzone- Jack, as if your team couldn't get any more depressing, here you are with this team name change. You doing alright down here, buddy? We're worried about you.
0 notes
charmandhex · 4 years
You know, listen, under most circumstances, Taako would probably be thrilled to have a gorgeous man staring fixedly at him. But a gorgeous man staring fixedly at him while holding a scythe considerably bigger and scarier than your standard adventurer’s sickle? Yeah, that would be an exception.
“Taako Taaco,” mystery man says menacingly, dramatically. Then he blinks, as though surprised, and the ominous weight of the encounter is momentarily dispelled.
“Yeah?” Taako asks, self-preservation immediately switching gears toward throwing tall, dark, handsome, and armed off his game.
“Hello.” Taako waves, even throws in a wink.
“Yep.” Taako pops the p. “What can I do for you?”
This, however, seems to be the wrong question, because mystery man’s face goes sharp again, sharper than should be possible, as though he’s taken cheekbones sharp enough to kill all too literally.
“On behalf of the Raven Queen, goddess of the natural order of life and death, you, Taako Taaco, stand accused of crimes of necromancy in the aiding in the escape of one Lup Taaco from the Astral Plane and imprisonment in the Eternal Stockade.” As he speaks, his face grows gaunter; his black robes grow darker; and the very air around them grows colder. In moments, looming over Taako is a skeletal figure with a tattered black cloak and eye sockets full of flame. The one thing to remain the same is the scythe, close enough that Taako’s breath cools and condenses against the metal surface in the frigid air.
Raven Queen, huh? Figures. Just his luck. But now Taako knows what he’s up against. And forget cutting the tension with a knife; the tension itself could cut. Taako knows he has to tread very, very carefully here. “Now, uh, hold on there, my guy.” Taako makes a time out symbol. “Lup wasn’t in the Astral Plane, so she couldn’t have escaped.”
“That- that-“ the Grim Reaper huffs, annoyed. But the thing about order and the whole lawful side of the spectrum? They thrive on technicalities, and Taako is gonna hold onto that like the literal life-preserver it is. “That doesn’t matter.”
“Uh, I think it does, homie. I didn’t pull anyone out of any astral soup; I just... kept Lup from crossing a line or two. And I think your boss agrees.” Taako gets the distinct impression that he’s being glared at, even with the pronounced lack of eyeballs involved.
“The rules still stand. A life is owed.”
“You can’t have her.” Taako’s own voice goes dangerously cold. “I’m not losing her again.”
“She was dying. Not for the first time.”
“But she didn’t. She’s alive, and you can’t touch her.”
“Scales must be balanced.”
“Or, and here’s an idea: fuck your scales!” And apparently fuck treading carefully.
But formerly handsome skeleton man snorts, and with a ripple of divine magic, currently handsome Grim Reaper is standing before Taako. He looks from Taako to his scythe before letting it go. It doesn’t fall, just dissipates into so much smoke. “There is another option.”
“No, I’m pretty sure we’re good here.”
“Taako, you have your own crimes against the Raven Queen.”
“Pretty sure that would require intent, and let me tell you, I had zero control over the whole dying thing. And the whole suddenly not dying thing.”
“Therefore, I am not obligated to let you go. Either of you. But...” the Grim Reaper slowly extends a hand, the same hand that held the scythe, out to Taako. “One could balance the scales. A life, for a life.”
“Doesn’t sound particularly great for Taako.”
“I will not pursue Lup any longer.”
“Not good enough.”
“You’re bargaining? With the Grim Reaper?” He sounds incredulous, but Taako is already on a roll.
“Lup, Barry, Magnus, Merle-”
“Merle fuckin’ High-”
“Yeah, Merle too, and Lucretia and Davenport. You can’t touch them.” The Grim Reaper retracts his hand, considering. Taako sticks to his magic missiles. “Best deal you’re gonna get, kemosabe,” he says, braver than he feels.
The Grim Reaper extends his hand. And Taako takes it.
Before Taako has the time to think anything other than boy howdy that sure is a clammy one, they’re gone. Or, the world around them is gone. Or, there’s a new world around them. Taako blinks, surprised. You’d think with all his interplanar travel, he’d get used to this sort of thing.
But it’s less that there is a new world around him and more...
The castle around him isn’t exactly the Sea of Souls. And looks about three degrees too friendly to be the Eternal Stockade.
Not to mention, he’s still not alone.
The Grim Reaper looks at Taako. Taako looks at the Grim Reaper.
“This has to be a mistake.”
“Well then it’s your mistake, my fella.”
“No, this- you should have just gone directly-” There’s an echo of that unearthly divine anger in his voice, and Taako throws up his hands defensively.
“Listen, listen. I agreed with you. Life for, uh, well, six lives. It’s not my fault if you get performance anxiety just dumping someone into the soul soup and somehow fuck that up.”
“Perf- now, listen, I have never in my, in my existence- this is- come on.” The Grim Reaper seizes Taako’s hand, and Taako is dismayed to note that it’s just as cold as the first time. “We’re getting this sorted out now.”
You know, upon meeting her, Taako would have thought the Raven Queen would be too dignified for an exasperated sigh.
But after roughly 23 minutes of discussion between her and the Grim Reaper Taako now knows is called Kravitz, he has no other description for the way she says the latter’s name.
“Fine, I died eight times. But not here!”
“So are you gonna let me go then?” Taako asks, less hopeful and more... just trying to annoy his way into freedom at this point.
“So that’s a... a what then?”
It’s Kravitz’s turn for a long, drawn out sigh. “It means, you’re stuck. Can’t go forward, because you’re not dead and fate wants a word with you and all. Can’t go back because we shook on it.”
Taako looks from Kravitz to the Raven Queen and back again. “Horseshit.”
“So how the fuck do I get back to my family?” Taako yells, anger rising and voice bouncing off a ceiling seemingly higher than the night sky above the prime material plane. Where he should be.
The Raven Queen is starting to look like she has a headache. Can goddesses even get headaches? Either way, Taako can relate.
I AM GOING TO CONSULT ISTUS. The Raven Queen looks to Kravitz, who seems to quail under a gaze that says, “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.” KRAVITZ. AS THIS WAS THE RESULT OF YOUR ACTIONS, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM UNTIL A RESOLUTION CAN BE REACHED.
“My Queen-“
There’s the slightest ripple through the air, and then the Raven Queen’s throne is empty.
Kravitz lets out a long sigh. Taako feels mildly insulted. By all rights, isn’t it his turn for a long, dramatic, put upon sigh?
It’s quiet for a long moment.
“So... I’m stuck here then?” Taako asks.
“For now. While they... remedy the situation.”
“And I’m stuck with you.” Taako makes his displeasure with the idea known.
“Unfortunately.” Kravitz seems equally unenthused.
Taako sucks his teeth, considering.
“Do you at least have a kitchen around here?”
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The 100-Year Old Virgin
Pairing: Virgin!Steve Rogers / Fem!Reader
Words: 2000+
Summary: Reader has a crush on Steve but he is already seeing someone.
 Warnings: explicit sexual content (vaginal sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex (M and F receiving), squirting), friends to lovers, lost of virginity, SMUT!!!!! NO MINORS!!! 18+!!!!
A/N: This was my first time writing a Steve Smut fic (Only because I have only written Supernatural smut) and I am very proud of this fic. I like to write in 3rd person, just because it makes it easier on myself. There is some fluff at the end but for the most part it’s smut. Also I posted this on my Ao3 account and people seemed to really like it and I want to see if it happens with all platforms. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did while writing it. 
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Y/n sat on the couch of the Avengers compound. She was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and one of the t-shirts, she stole from Steve, her best friend. She has her Y/h/c hair up in a top knot and black fuzzy socks on her feet. She was watching The Big Bang Theory on the giant tv in the lounge.
She was relaxing, when a tuxedo clad Steve Rogers came rushing out of the lift. She looked up as he rushed past her with a pair of black dress shoes in his hands. 
Y/n whisted, “Why do you look like a blonde double o’ seven?” She questioned, pausing her show and standing up. Steve tries to put on his shoes but ends up falling flat on his face, he rolls onto his back and looks up at her. “Steve, why’re you in such a hurry?” She asked, helping him back onto his feet.
“You know Destiny?” He questioned, oh Y/n knows Destiny. She hates her, because the day Y/n had the courage to tell Steve how she felt about him, was the same day Steve introduced Destiny, his girlfriend, to the team.
“Yeah I know her.” She nodded, and then clenched her jaw shut, so she didn’t say anything she’ll regret.
“Well tonight I have a date and I think tonight… might be the night.” Steve shrugged, and a blush dusted his cheeks.
“Tonight might be the night for wha-” She started to ask, but it clicked with her and her eyes widened. “Steve are you a virgin?” She asked.
“What?! No, no…” He trailed off, and Y/n suppressed her smirk and took his shoes from him. She helped him with his shoes and then stood back up. He looked at her faded dark blue t-shirt. “Is that my shirt?”
“You should know by now that I steal your clothes all the time, Steven.” She shrugged, and patted him on the shoulder and walked to the couch and leaned on the back. She crossed her arms and looked up at him. The look on his face was nervous and he was playing with his fingers. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged, and nervously chuckled.
“Really? ‘Cause it looks like you’re about to sweat through your suit.” She said, and he sighed and dropped his defensive facade.
“Fine! I’m nervous that I’m not ready to cross that line.” He explained, and Y/n cocked her head to the side.
“If you’re not ready. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“But I feel like it is and I don’t know how she is going to react if I’m not ready.” Steve rambled, and she placed her hands on his arms, and he looked at her in the eyes.
“Steve, if she really loves you then that shouldn’t matter.” She said, and he let out a breath of relief.
“I wish that all women were like you.” He sighed, and she chuckled.
“Well they aren’t, unfortunately. But you’re going to be late.” She said, and he quickly placed a kiss on her cheek and grabbed his keys and wallet. “Bye!” She yelled, and Steve waved before slipping out the door. Y/n sighed and plopped back onto the couch with her blankets and pillows. “Good job, Y/n. You love him and yet you let him go.” She sighed, and buried her face in a pillow and screamed before taking a breath, then unpaused her show.
After a while she fell asleep in the sea of blankets and pillows. She woke up to the sound of the door open and shut. She jolted awake and looked at the mystery man in the kitchen, but she could see it was Steve. He saw that she was awake and paused in his tracks.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” He questioned, as Y/n got up and walked into the kitchen behind the lounge. She grabbed a bottle of beer and popped the cap off.
“Yeah. But I needed to get up anyway.” She shrugged, then took a long sip of beer and then looked Steve up and down. “Your tie is still around your neck. So I’m guessing it didn’t happen.”
“No. I wasn’t ready, but she was and then when I told her I wasn’t… she broke up with me.”
“I’m sorry, Stevie.” She said sympathetically. “Wanna stay up late watching crappy tv?” She offered, walking back over to the couch.
“Sure.” He shrugged, and plopped down next to her. She leaned over and grabbed the remote, and her shirt rode up and Steve saw the back of her Y/f/c lace bralette, he blushed and quickly looked away. She leaned back and sank into the pillows.
“Alright what’d you wanna watch? Big Bang Theory? Game of Thrones? Supernatural?” She questioned, and Steve looked over the tv screen.
“What about Friends?” He shrugged, and she nodded.
“Sounds good.” She said, and played it and leaned back against the couch. After it started, Y/n realised that it was the episode, where Ross came back from China with Julie and Rachel was jealous, and Y/n can’t help but feel like she was in the same thing. The episode ended and Y/n was quick to pause the tv before another one could come on. Steve looked at her confused.
“Why’d you pause the show?” He questioned, and she turned to look at him.
“Why didn’t you go through with Destiny?” She asked, and he looked a little taken back by her question.
“Why do you ask?”
“I mean you can get any woman you want by just stepping outside. Most women are practically in love with you. I mean I’m in love with you-” She stopped her sentence, in realization of what she just confessed.
“Y-you love me?” He questioned, but Y/n didn’t answer, she just dashed down the hall to the stair and took them two at a time. She got to her floor and ran into her room.
She paced the room waiting for Steve to come knocking. “God damnit, Y/n! You take one look at that man and practically fall apart! Now you just confessed your love to him, right after a break up! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She exclaimed, and then someone cleared their throat from behind her. She froze not exactly knowing what to do.
“I don’t think it’s that stupid.” Steve said, from where he stood at her doorway. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly turned around. She laughed a watery laugh and sat at the edge of her bed.
“Yeah, well I think it’s stupid that a man like you would ever look at me the way you looked at Destiny.” She explained, and he sat next to her.
“Why would you say that?” He asked her sympathetically, and looked at her with big puppy dog eyes.
“Because, I’m not pretty enough, skinny enough, good enough for a man like you.” She whispered, and Steve looked at her with confusion and a little bit of pity. She looked at him and saw the pity so she jumped up and started pacing the room again. “No! Don’t look at me like that!”
“Look at you like what?”
“With pity! I don’t want to be pitied.” She sighed, and he stood up and took her hands in his, so she’d stop pacing.
“I don’t pity you. And as far as I’m concerned, you are the most beautiful dame I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Steve said, she looked up at him as tears fell down her face.
“Then why don’t show it?” Y/n questioned, as her voice cracked. He decided instead of words he would show her, so he placed his hands on her face and leaned down and kissed her. She froze for a moment not really knowing what to do, but then she came back to reality. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He pulled her up by the backs of her thighs. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He laid her down on the bed and hovered over her without removing his lips from hers. He then pulled back and looked down at her.
“I don’t show it, because I was too scared to.” Steve said, and she placed her hands on his face, so he would look at her.
“Well, don’t get scared now. Because I want you, and by the bulge in your pants I think you want the same.” Y/n whispered, and he leaned down and kissed her hard. She untied his tie, then pushed his suit jacket off. She took her hair down and it flowed around her face, like a halo. She reconnected their lips as she unbuttoned his dress shirt. “Too… many… clothes…” She said, through kisses. He quickly stood up and took off everything except his boxers. He stood back and watched. As she sat up and took off her shirt, then her socks, and finally her sweatpants, leaving her in matching lace panties and bralette.
“You’re so beautiful, doll.” Steve said, and climbed on top of her. He kissed and sucked down her jaw, to her neck, collarbone, then finally to her chest, leaving little red marks in his wake. Before Y/n knew it her bra was gone, and Steve had taken one of her breasts in his mouth.
“Ohh… Steve.” Y/n moaned, as he nipped and sucked on one breast before switching to the other. He kissed down her stomach to the hemline of her panties. “Are you sure about this?” She questioned, and he looked up at her.
“Of course. I love you and I want to show you.” He said, and she smiled and pulled him up for a heated kiss.
“I love you too, Steve.” She whispered, and he again kissed down her stomach to her panties. He hooked his fingers under the hemline then slowly pulled them down. The cool air hit her already soaked pussy, and she mewled out. He smirked and gently spread her legs. He groaned at the sight of her completely exposed to him. He used his fingers to spread her folds, before he dived in. He thrusted his tongue into her wet channel. She moaned and mewled out as he sucked on her clit. He plunged two thick fingers into her. He curled and thrusted them in and out of her pussy. “Ohh… Steve, how are you so good at this?!” She exclaimed, as he slammed three fingers into her.
“Tony sent me a lot of porn, when I first started dating Destiny.” Steve explained, and Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“That sounds like him.” Y/n said, then he curled his fingers and they hit her g-spot and she arched her back. She cried out as her orgasm took her over. He continued to suck her clit and thrust his fingers, until she came down from her high. He took his fingers out and she took them and sucked them clean. He smirked and climbed over her and connected their lips. She rolled him over onto his back. She straddled his thighs, then pulled his boxers off. His hard member slapped his taut stomach. Y/n took in the size of his and practically drooled at the sight of him. She took Steve in hand and gave a few pumps, before taking the head of his cock in her mouth. She licked the slit, tasting the pre-cum already dripping down his shaft. She slid her mouth down his shaft, until he hit the back of her throat.
“Ohh… Y/n!” Steve groaned out, as she swallowed around him. She hollowed out her cheeks and gently sucked. He moaned and thrusted his hips up, so that his cock moved farther down her throat. Steve pulled her up, then rolled them over, so he was on top. He kissed her fiercely, as he lined up and started to push into her. She had to break away from the kiss, so she could cry out, as he bottomed out. “Oh. You’re so tight, doll.”
“Move. Please, Stevie.” Y/n whined, and he started thrusting in and out of her slowly trying not to hurt her, but she wanted more. “I’m not going to break. Please fuck me. Hard!”
“Whatever you want, babydoll.” He whispered into her ear, then started thrusting hard and fast into her. She cried out and arched her back, he used this new position and took one of her nipples in his mouth. He sucked and nipped on her breasts, leaving hickeys and red marks all over her chest. He kept thrusting hard and fast into her wanting pussy.
“Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Y/n yelled, and he brought a hand down and started rubbing tight circles on her clit. His cock hit her g-spot over and over again, and that set her off. Her thighs shook as she started squirting all over his cock and chest. Steve groaned at the sight of her squirting all over him. He pulled out quickly and came in spurts of hot, white cum. The cum covered her stomach, pussy, and breasts. He slumped over her without crushing her. After a few minutes of resting, Steve got up and walked to her bathroom, and grabbed a washcloth. He soaked it with some water, then came back in to see Y/n tangled in her white sheets, his cum covering her body, her hair a mess around her head, her eyes closed in peer bliss, and a lovestruck smile across her face. If Steve could take a photo of this he would, she was just so beautiful in his eyes. He walked over to the bed and gently cleaned the cum off of her body, then threw the washcloth in the laundry hamper. He climbed into bed with her, and she immediately cuddled up to his chest.
“I love you, Y/n.” Steve whispered to her, thinking that she was asleep until he heard her voice.
“I love you too, Steve.” Y/n whispered back, then closed her eyes and cuddled closer into his chest. He wrapped both arms around her, and hugged her closely to himself, silently promising never to let her go.
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computermaus · 4 years
Some HC's :) Older teenage
Decided to leave the footballteam in 6th grade
Has become vegetarian in 8th grade
He has book of whales and dolphins
Enjoys watching sea documentaries
He is against Sea World or any whale shows who hold whales and dolphins in captivity. Has lead many protests against it.
He has a very good aim
He goes to a shooting range when stressed. Nobody knows this until 11th grade.
Favourite class his biology. It's the only class he is in AP at.
He bought a Star Wars Millennium Falcon on his 16th Birthday. And Kyle thought it was absolutely stupid paying 800 Dollars for that. (Stan is the type of person to do that. Can't convince me otherwise)
He likes to ride a bike occasionally for a few hours
He learned snowboarding by himself and enjoys it much more than skiing
He has learned to play the electric guitar in 6th grade.
He likes to sing when he is on his own or makes up songs on his own and sings them.
He has habit how losing things.
He is very scared to become like his father. He likes to keep himself busy so he won't fall into his addiction tendencies.
Is still fair skinned. Eventhough he had been living on a farm slnce he was 10. He doesn't get a tan.
He goes to the Spa on special occasions to relax
He was born with small breathing tubes. He has to carry an asthma inhaler in case he is short of breath
He gets nauseating from using the swings. But has no problems being on a boat
He can't dive for longer than 5 seconds without any equipment.
He passed his driving test after two lessons and at the first try without any mistake.
He got in the basketballteam in junior year of Highschool
He got in a fight with with Cartman on the first day of Highschool.
He's the leader of the Math Quest
Has installed an app or software so teachers won't have to deal with computer viruses. ( Look I have no idea if this is accurate or not. Just roll with it)
He's in AP math, computer science, history, physics, geography, and english.
He's good at saving money
His anger has gotten worse at the beginning of his teenage years. Forcing him to take Anger Management classes.
When he's drunk he spends money on stupid things he later regrets when sober.
Kyle uses hand sanitizer before entering any building
He doesn't like it when someone or himself lies on his bed with their streetclothes and only lies on his bed in his pyjamas.
He sometimes helps out his father in his law firm. His father wants him to become a lawyer but Kyle is unsure
He can't deal with situations he didn't plan beforehand and doesn't like spontaneity.
He looked up spoilers when watching Game of Thrones with Stan but never told him.
He hates to cry in front of people that aren't his friends or family and rather gets angry.
In Music class they had to sing a song. Because Kyle didn't want to hear his own voice he had worn headphones. (They were allowed to do so). Some students started to laugh.
Kyle hates music class. He has complained many times how useless it is to force students to sing in front of their classmates only to embarrass them. When they have no interests or talent in singing (my personal opinion and I'm still traumatised. look i was a shy 14 year old girl. You can't expect me to sing in front of two classes.)
He likes when a student preferably in math class doesn't understand something, so he can explain it to them. ( THis is NOT what I did. 👀)
He started to smoke in junior year and quit after 5 months
He was in double as much detention as Stan and this because of the many fights Kyle got into. When Kenny showed him that fact Kyle didn't want to believe it was true.
He collects snails in his backyard. He then organises a snail race and lets people pay entry. And also makes bets
Inspired by the movie the Kissing Booth he also wanted to make on in Highschool to raise money for some trip. This idea was declined
He likes Poetry
He goes to singing classes to master his oper singing skills since 8th grade
He has watched every episode of the Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girls
He is never much prepared when holding presentations and never has a poster or any visual presentation than himself. When the teacher pointed this out at one point, he said: Watching him should be enough.
He wouldn't go on a rollercoaster
He doesn't listen in class and asks Kyle what they have for homework.
He still does okay in tests
He made a pseudonym called: " MC the Lovedoctor. And gives advice for love sick students, he read from Cosmopolitan
Yes Kenny unironically reads the Cosmopolitan
He bites his nails
He has trouble opening up emotionally in relationships and that's because of the neglect he got from his parents
Kenny saves the money he earns for music college
He uses alot of self deprecating jokes.
He got his first phone in 7th grade
He is still a fan of NASCAR
He teaches Stan self defense. He teaches him stuff he learned by himself from living " In the Hood" he so nicely calls it. When Stans old house is like 20 steps away.
He found a possum in a trash and called it Louvre. And has adopted it. Kyle is absolutely disgusted by that thing. And one time when Stan, Kyle and Kenny were hanging in Kyle's room Kenny has brought that possum with him. It broke free from Kennys grasp and jumped on Kyles holy tempel. His bed.
The possum hates Kyle and attacked him several times
The possum loves Stan
He needs braces but can't afford them
He told Stan to invite him to a Spa trip with him.
He once jumped out of the window in the 8th floor when he didn't want to be in Detention anymore. The next day everyone forgot Kenny killed himself and that he was in detention. He regrets doing it and won't do it again. During is death Satan has scolded him out and how reckless he was acting.
He loves the Possum for attacking Kyle
He likes to wear shirts that don't fit him
He got diabetes type 2 at 16.
He eats in class when he feels stressed. Its almost all the time
He likes to provocate Kyle so he will fight him and get detention for it.
He runs a club in Highschool called: "the Abstinences" They had sworn out any sexual activities and it doesn't belong to his Christian beliefs. He hides the fact he is scared of it and insecure. He shames people who are more promiscuous.
He believes because of this club he will go to Heaven
When partying he is unable to stop with the alcohol. Because of his fat it takes him longer to get drunk
He doesn't know how to shave and goes to school with razer cuts on his face.
He gets results from tests and sells them to other students
He still does terribly in school because he sucks at memorising.
He has a dream of owing his own slaughterhouse.
He gets defensive when someone asks him about his father
He has poor coordination skills.
He is to lazy to do the driving test and uses the excuse that his friends should drive him around
He won a eating contest. He ate 50 Burgers in 15 minutes.
He does good presentations in school and enjoys doing them
He has complained many times that students weren't allowed to use the elevator in school and had to use the stairs. The teacher told him to lose weight. In which Cartman told the principal the teacher was fat shaming him.
He cuddles with his cat before going to sleep
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Royal Treatment
 Troy (2004) Reader Insert Fanfiction - Part 10 
Tumblr media
Word Count:  + 9 K
Characters ( most mentioned) : Achilles, Mycenaean Princess!Reader, Helen, Patroclus, Ajax, Agamemnon, Menelaus. 
Pairings: Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader.
Warnings:  Very light smutty undertones.
Summary: Since her last private encounter with Achilles left her with more doubts than certainties, the princess keeps trying to obtain a clear answer from him. During the celebrations, she comes up with an idea to test his interest. 
Disclaimers: This was inspired by a mix of greek music ,various drum solos and improvisations of greek folk that I found on youtube and some mediterranean, egyptian and turkish music I have been listening to. Also, I want to apologise if part of this sucks. i’m still learning how to write some stuff and I don't know if this is as good as it was in my head when i pictured it. 
Note: My use of the name Alexander here is only a reference. I know that’s how Paris was called in some versions of the myths and I’m only playing word games with that. 
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mother-dearest-loves-me 
The celebrations started with a short formal gathering in the throne room. The place was slowly getting crowder and the princess arrived later than usual but it wasn’t a concerning time range. Wordlessly, she returned to her spot alongside her father. She noticed the cup of wine he was holding and smiled to the pourer that remained close to him. The servant boy smiled back and the king looked at him like he was ready to order his execution. As a soft gesture of support against his bad mood, she holded his free hand. She knew that words of reassurance trying to explain herself or a convincing tale weren’t enough, so she tried something else. The sudden contact made him stare at her. He was still upset, she saw it in his eyes. Quickly, she changed the intention of her approach. Instead of acting like a caring daughter giving him reassurance, she showed the support of a loyal subdit. She kissed his knuckles and bowed her head in sign of respect, pretending to recognize his absolute authority over her. Agamemnon reacted positively, giving her a half smile that wasn’t exactly of approval but showed forgiveness. He was vainglorious about his self perceived but non existent mercy, appealing to that was more effective than trying to show affection.
The obsequious flatterers of the king started to gather around them, since that part of the festivities was nothing but an excuse to formally celebrate himself. Inevitably, some of the praise fell upon her and she kept her attitude towards it pleasing and passive, avoiding smart remarks or destacable commentary. She wished she could be left alone with her friends, but she had to keep performing for a bit longer. Helen was close to her and right next to her husband, but the distance that implied was a real bother. They shared some complicit glances despite being under the watch of the brothers.
Using their unexpected presence as an excuse to flatter their own egos, both kings started to show off some of the treasures of the conquest presented as gifts for the ladies. Argos wasn’t sacked, there was no need for excessive violence because Achilles speeded up their surrender. Still, as it did for other cities, their submission implied some concessions. Agamemnon got the military control of the land and demanded a share on the treasures of the city. Since he didn’t have a queen, his daughter had to occupy the passive role in his acts of ostentation. She had a collection of jewelry that was entirely based on stolen relics from every city he conquered, having at least one for every place. That wasn’t going to be the exception. The acquired riches were everything he had to brag about after Achilles took the symbolic glory. Knowing that most of the presents must have heard about what the warrior demanded of her, it was also a good way to reinforce her royal magnificence and the image of his control over her. On that occasion, the commemorative object of the victory she got was a necklace.
The young women were the centre of attention, as luxury objects whose value was being increased. Menelaus was acting like a loveful husband to Helen while he filled her with gifts from his share of the spoils, his older brother almost looked like a sweet, prideful father. The ceremonialize praise was hypocrisy, but it was fun for both girls to see their despicable owners pretending to be caring. Fortunately for their exhausted selves, the last and most expectant arrival stole all the attention.
As always, Achilles showed up very late. He tended to skip the pointless ceremonies that weren’t about him and he liked to leave his public hanging. Eudorus and Patroclus entered the room at his right and left side, wondering what he was going to do next. Without minding the context or any appearances of propriety, he walked right to the front of the crowd. Once he found his spot to stay, he blatantly stared at the ladies and saluted them from afar with a smile. Before his entrance, Agamemnon was in the middle of a self complacent speech that he interrupted. The sight of such a simple act creating more distraction irritated him even more. The king tried to save words with him, but Achilles robbed him of the speech before he could carry on.
“ My apologies to the ladies, I almost miss their honors.” He simply commented. “ Quite a charming pair, very sweet. I hope they enjoy what my effort got for them.”
The women stared at each other.
“ It’s not my wish to offend you, brave Achilles, but I don’t depreciate my husband’s courage.” Helen replied with extreme politeness.
“ Father knows my taste in jewelry.” was the princess’s defense.” And he is a smart strategist and clever politician. The brightest conductor of the army, of course.” She smiled to the king, trying to look like a sweet praiser. “ Your alliance is a treasure we must cherish because your accomplishments together are an honor to us all.”
” You honored me, I’m doing the same. “ the myrmidon replied.
“ It was no bother, the glory is yours. Nobody questions that.” The princess gave him the most formal answer that occurred to her in the moment.
Trying to keep with the ceremonial tone, she created an immediate distraction to relieve the tension of the moment.
“ Can we all thank this man as he deserves? This is an historical day for the city. He is the first fully consecrated hero in the times of my father.”
To her exhortation, claps and cheers filled the precinct. After that, Agamemnon decided to put an end to the formalities. There was no way of making it about himself again, so he concluded it. The festivities continued in the banquet hall.
Helen tried to reach her niece so they could do the short walk there together, but her very pleased husband stumbed in their way. Unlike his brother, he was radiant of pride because of the fervent defense that his wife did of him. If he didn’t love Helen, at least he loved how she made him feel.
Agamemnon grabbed his daughter by the wrist before she could escape to their side. Holding hands for the appearances, the started a whispered argument.
“ This is your second mistake in a row. What do i have to do with you?” He reprimanded her.
“ I got away from that shameful situation in the most elegant way, that’s what I’m supposed to do. If i were a man, I would have punched him.” She lied.
“ If you were a man, I wouldn't need him.”
“ Do you think that you would have had your own Hector of Troy if I would have been your baby boy? Quit dreaming, father. This is what you have, I do my best to serve you.“
“ You call this serving me??”
“ Who do you think I was serving when I agreed to bathe him ? Do you think that I enjoyed being degraded into servant work for him ? ” She fakely complained. ” I hate his petty audacious attitude as much as you do, but I stand him because it is what I have to do. You don’t know how hard I’m trying for you.”
She released herself from his grab.
The banquet involved less tension because the informal ambient demanded less interaction between them. She had to sit next to her father and keep with the good behaviour but the distractions kept him too busy to keep bothering her. She remained silent most of the time, but she didn't mind.
Achilles and Ajax were the centre of attention. They had a toast in their honor and people started doing them all sorts of questions. Ajax looked a bit upset because the myrmidon stole what he perceived as his chance to get major glory. He was doing a relatively good act pretending not to care about Achilles's decisive role in the victory and she felt a bit bad for him. One of her very short interventions on the talking was an attempt to validate him, but Agamemnon used her comment as a startpoint for malicious comparisons against Achilles. Using his massive amount of knowledge on heroic tales, Patroclus solved the situation. He did a magnificent defense of both heroes, talking about the complementary balance of their best traits with examples of some of their past feats. His eloquence was impressive for someone of his age, as it was his audacity to argue with the king.
Helen was having the time of her life just by witnessing how Menelaus's nervousness was growing at every instant. It was very strange for her to see him like that, fearing that anything could trigger a suspicious response from his brother. He was having a small sample of the life of lies he forced her into and she loved it. The funniest aspect about the situation was that Patroclus maintained a respectful tone the entire time. He was polite in his corrections and Agamemnon would have been the one looking bad if he would have reacted harshly.
While hearing their argument, Achilles glanced at the royal ladies for an instant. He noticed a slight change in his cousin's attitude, a rush of confidence that he wasn't expecting him to display at least there. He started suspecting their involvement and it's possible partial influence on him. The women glanced back innocently and the three shared their prideful approbation.
Patroclus's shift on the conversation frustrated the king's intentions of turning one hero against the other. Ajax got his well deserved acknowledgement and the curious boy took his chance to do all sorts of specific questions to him, giving him a moment to shine without entering in disputes with Achilles.
Since her comment started the argument,the young myrmidon tried to engage the princess in his rambling. She wasn't versed in the technical aspects of combat, but she tried to remain as a curious listener. Ajax's point, supported by the boy, was to affirm that he was the strongest man in Greece while Achilles was the fastest. He was trying to impress his listeners with less known anecdotes referring to that quality. Achilles didn't bother in refuting him and he barely paid attention because he was amusing himself by subtly ruining the girl's focus on whatever he was telling. Imperceptible gestures, smirks or just staring at her for longer than necessary were enough to achieve it. Staying concentrated in the talk was impossible for her, but she managed the situation adecuately.
When the meal concluded and the dancing started, Ajax offered her to join the festivities with him. She declined in favor of staying as Helen's companion. Ereny asked the princess's permission to be released from her daily duties and, once it was given to her, both handmaids got it. They knew that the young girl was going for the myrmidon captain and they wished her good luck.
The queen was left once more to witness how her husband chased the concubines. She didn't love him nor cared for what he did with them, but the blatant display was humiliating. She struggled to keep the appearances of love between them, but he made it harder everyday. The prideful public aspect of his cheating upsetted her because it was an insult to her pride as a woman. Her niece stayed with her, promising her that they would only have to wait until the brothers would leave the room with their respective companies.
She was feeling slightly disencouraged as well. That was a great time to lose herself in the dispersion of people, but there were too many stares following Achilles and she would never get there unnoticed. An insane amount of women were expectantly waiting to be chosen by him for the night. The ladies were competing for his attention, some being less subtle than others. She wasn't jealous, but she didn't want to engage in that game. She never tried to compete for attention and she wasn't sure of wanting to start there.
While she remained in her seat watching the crowd, her mind kept focused on one thought: Achilles seemed to fancy her in some way, but she still didn’t know how. She started fearing about the image he had of her. He described her as cute, he said that her face was adorable. Those were compliments fitting for a sweet girl, not an attractive woman.
She didn't have any certains but, if it was the case, she wished she could prove him wrong. He teased her for a very long while and she wanted revenge, but she was the princess and she couldn't allow herself such behaviour. She urged to show him how perfectly capable of displaying sensuality she was and the first thing that occurred to her was dancing.
She never showed off in public about the full capacity of her skills. Immediately as she got older enough to be allowed to stay late night in festivities, she got enraptured by the dancing of the concubines and she ended up learning to dance from them. She wanted to learn it only for herself, because she loved the graceful aesthetical aspects of the movements and she admired their performances. Her father didn’t allow her to do it but, like almost every other thing bringing joy to her life, she did it behind his back.
It was her secret talent. If she could disguise herself in the group of dancers to participate in their performance, it would be hard to difference her from the actual performers. With that in mind, she started imagining Achilles's reaction if he could see her dancing like that. She wondered if he would feel as teased as he made her feel, if he would acknowledge her womanhood and if he would want her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Helen.
" Do we have to stay like this the entire time?" She complained.
" We have to wait until they leave. It’s the best for now. " The girl replied. " I don't get it. Does he enjoy himself thinking that everyone is watching him cheat on you or what? Anyone would expect that after the devotion you faked he would think it twice and be more discrete but no, there he is... making you look like a fool. "
" I'm thankful to get him away from me. I only wish he could have some decency and keep it private.” The queen confessed. ” I don't deserve this humiliation. I'm a good wife, I do everything he demands of me. All I ask in return is to be respected, at least in public." Her voice was breaking a bit.
“ It’s never enough with them, they only think about themselves. “ the princess reminded. her.” I think we should do the same more often.”
“ What we did classifies as such.”
“ It wasn’t entirely selfish. We saved lifes … and their egos from an historical defeat. I mean a bit of real selfishness. A good payback. ”
“ I just want to be left alone. A lover wouldn’t repair the scars in my pride.”
“Many men would give everything they have for a night with you.” The princess commented to her. “ Do you never feel the need of being desired by a man that you want? “
“ Where did your good judgement go?” Helen mocked her.
“ You know everything about my sentimental life, but we never talk about yours.”
“ What most of those men have to offer is not what I would wish.” The queen explained. “ I have experienced desire. If we are talking about impossible aspirations, I want love.”
“ Why choose? You can have both.”
“ What did I do of you? Are you hearing yourself? Aren’t you the same girl whose goal was to have a nicely arranged marriage planned by herself using political strategy ? ”
“ You don’t want me to give up on love. Why should I let you do it ?
" You know better than anyone why I have to."
" That's not going to happen. My mother was alone, we have each other." the princess remarked. " Look at what we accomplished. We stopped a massacre, made a new friend and I got closer to the man I love, more than I ever thought I would be. "
" I told you, it is too late for me. "
" Helen,I used to think that my feelings for Achilles were a fantasy. I was ready to accept it as a comforting dream and carry on with my life. Thanks to you, I changed my mind. " the girl explained. "You have helped me so much. How can you think that I wouldn't do the same for you? "
" I doubt I would find love in a place like this, but I appreciate your concern. " the queen stated.
" Promise me that, if you do someday, you will let me help instead of giving up."
" We won a battle, dear. Not the war. " Helen clarified.
" We can win many more. " her niece reassured her. " You deserve to be loved and to own your desire."
"To be honest, I feel I’m more aware of what I don’t like in a man than of my actual preferences. I don't know what i like anymore. "
" Don't worry. We have time, i would love to help you to rediscover your taste. If it is not now, we will keep digging into figuring it out."
" It's not wise to get involved with someone that would never be mine. "
" You know what? I think I overcomed that. '' the princess declared. " I don't care anymore. Maybe Achilles will never be mine and so what? I want to be with him, I don't mind how. Perhaps he will never make me his wife and that's fine, I don't need to own him to love him. Love is not only about marriage. If marriage can exist without love, love can exist outside of marriage and you can find it. "
“ You have to tell me now what happened in that excuse of a bathing ceremony.” Helen teased her, encouraged and excited.
The princess tried to explain it to her carefully, watching over her expressions and paranoidly checking for the presence of unwanted listeners. Listening to her cheered Helen up.
“ What are you doing sitting here? “ she reprimanded her.
“ If I’m going to do a move, it has to be safer than this. “ The girl clarified. “ I can’t risk being seen by my father or inspiring gossip.”
“ He could have kissed you right there. “
“ Reason in the form of Hesione stopped me from finding out if he would have .” The princess added. “ I don’t know if i can do it now. Have you seen all those women ready to step on each other's heads for him? I’m not going to do that.“
“ You don’t have to be part of that,you are one step ahead.” Helen stated “ If you want a moment to get things clear. This is it.”
With that, she dragged her up from her seat.
The young ladies mixed themselves in the crowd, trying to have fun on their own. The princess procured not to concentrate in trying to find Achilles and just enjoy herself in the company of her aunt. Helen’s mood improved from the brief downfall it had because she redirected her thoughts. Instead of thinking of the public humiliation brought to her by her husband’s behaviour, she focused on the victory over him that she got. She humiliated him indirectly, her actions caused a situation that made him feel like an idiot in front of his brother. Some justice was served that time and she was able to celebrate. It was a small triumph, but just thinking about that made her start laughing without an apparent reason. The sudden boost in her joyful mood started to manifest in her dancing.
The queen’s grace was famous, but Helen never looked prettier as she did when she was really happy. She irradiated her emotions and the ambient felt renewed around her. Bright of happiness, she started dancing right in front of the musicians and the magnetic effect of her approach made them play the same song for longer, just so she wouldn’t leave. The percussionist was jaw dropping with her and even the princess was impressed by how obvious he was.
He was bewitched, but not in a lustfull way. The handsome young man was worshipping Helen with his music and she started responding with her dancing straightly to him. Since she realized that her niece was right next to her evaluating the situation, she encouraged her to follow her moves instead of teasing them with stares. Then, both girls found themselves dancing for the musicians and letting themselves go to the beat of their music.
Unlike the queen, the princess tried to keep her moves as chaste and cheerful as possible. Still, forgetting all her concerns to the sound of the music almost ruined her intentions . The fastening of the beat betrayed her for an instant and some very inappropriate hip flicks she did under the influence of the stimulation around her impressed her dancing companion. She isolated the movement of her hips to the rhythm of the song with a great synchrony. Sharp hip flicks combined with contractions of the lower belly creating a single circled swing. Cheering from the crew of artists made her realize of how she let herself go completely and she calmed down, going back to her usual style.
It was too late, Helen was too curious to let it go. Once the song ended, she had to abandon her admiror. Then, she started questioning her.
“ What was that?? It was incredible! “ She complimented her.
“ Sorry. The beat was great and you were pushing me in the wrong direction.”
“ When were you going to tell me about this?” The queen recriminated her.
“ Our mystery is solved. I think you are into pretty boys worshipping you with respect. Sweet admiration, not those looks of when you know that the man is mentally undressing you.” The princess teased her to avoid the topic.
“ Don’t try to get away from this. “ Helen teased back. “ You have to teach me that.”
“ I lost control, I wasn’t supposed to do that here .” the princess excused herself.
“ You will explain to me later where that came from, now I want to learn how to move my hips like that.”
“ We all have our unique ways of expression. You have your makeup skills, I have this.” the girl joked. “ I didn’t mean to hide it from you, the occasion to show you never presented. “
“ It presented itself now.” Helen rectified. “ We have music and a proper space. “
She was reluctant, but agreed.
“ Only because it’s you who is asking. I owe you too much to say no.” She admitted. “ This is absolutely inappropriate so i will only show you hip moves. For a proper lesson, I need secrecy."
“ Forget protocols, we are having fun.” Helen encouraged her.
Her niece took the position of instructor and decomposed the otherwise integrated steps of the movement so Helen could learn it and copy it. Very slow like at first, the queen achieved it with great enthusiasm. The princess oriented her into repeating it a few times before trying to find a pace with the rhythm. She guided her into picking that pace and, soon, both were dancing at a matching tempo. Helen looked bright with happiness.
" I don't want to brag, but this makes me feel beautiful." she joked.
" It's not very lady-like, but it's fun." her niece replied.
They were being happy with themselves, not caring about anything else. The relegated corner of the place they picked as their fun zone wasn't the safest spot to feel some freedom, but it was the best they had. For once, they ignored the certain chances of attracting stares, the perceptions and everything that tied them. The princess showed the queen two more combinations of hip movements. They were trying hip locks to the sides when a sudden but partially expected intromision ruined their bubble of concentration.
" Watch out, princess. Those moves look so sharp that you could have cutted me with your hips." Achilles told the mycenaean as he passed by right next to her.
The sound of his voice was enough to make her jolt and she lost herself to it, immediately stopping what she was doing.
" I’m glad to see you having fun. I tought you weren't going to get up. " Patroclus cheerfully saluted them, appearing right after him.
Both ladies at once responded to his greetings.
" What are you doing over here?" Helen inquired. " We saw you dancing right in the center with some girls a while ago. You are doing great."
" To be fair, most only looked at me because I'm standing next to him." the boy admitted. " When we came nobody cared but now everyone does because they found out I'm the cousin of Achilles."
" I'm doomed to always being the daughter of Agamemnon, very few people care beyond that." the princess commented. " I treasure those and don't mind for the rest. "
" Don't worry. You will make a name for yourself soon and that will end." Helen added. " Younger noble girls from big cities can be like that but growing up makes them wiser. In a few years, you will start to be seen as yourself and they will adore you. "
Achilles was impressed by the soft naturality of their interactions. They were comforting him as close friends. He kept listening to their conversation.
" It's fine, It doesn't affect me that much. " Patroclus tried to explain himself better. " In fact, I'm hiding from your husband."
To the mention of him, Helen looked exasperated.
" What has he done now?"
" He was talking with Achilles and I was there with them. " the boy started telling them. " He must be too drunk to care about being too friendly. He started saying nice things about me and ended up offering me a woman. "
Helen got second hand embarrassment.
" I'm sorry, darling. Did he make you feel uncomfortable?"
" He said some stupid thing about how he had her before and she was perfect to make me a man. It was disgusting."
" That's the House of Atreus at it's best. Imagine them at their worst. " the princess added. " Ignore him, Pat. You may be too young, but are already a better man than him."
" I have faith in you." Helen emphasized. " I think you 'll be a great hero because your morals match your potential as a warrior. You will make us all proud."
" We love you. " the princess concluded. " Keep ignoring anything you hear from him or my father. They think they know better than everyone else but they are the worst combination of cruel and stupid. "
" I leave him with you just once and you are already pampering and overprotecting him?” Achilles commented, his mocking hiding a shade of happiness. " He knows that Menelaus is not a good example of what truly means to be a man. "
" He has you. " the queen complimented him. " You aren't perfect, but you are guiding him right. It doesn't matter how many battles you win. To me, he reflects the best of you. "
Patroclus smiled at her. Helen's praise impacted him in a positive way.
" She wasn't a strong supporter of you." The princess clarified. " Her opinion changed after meeting him."
" Spending so much time with people who love you changes the perspective. " The queen hinted, indirectly including her niece in the affirmation." I used to think you were a cold, emotionless man with no care for anything. Your bond with Patroclus is only one of many proofs of how wrong I was. I commited with you the same mistake everyone does with me: I judged you by what you appear to be. "
" Good, It's mutual." Achilles simply replied. " You are stronger than what I thought you could be. I started to see it in all the stories that your niece has told me about your shenanigans. I like you a lot more thanks to her."
" It's the first time ever when somebody likes me first. In Sparta, you will be addressed as Patroclus's cousin." the boy added, mocking him with pride.
" Seeing you again in my lands would bring me great joy. '' Helen stated." I hope that this shameful experience with Menelaus didn't scare you away."
" Don't worry, queen. " Achilles reassured her. "If you are guilty of anything, is of cherishing so much that he doesn't want to leave your side."
" I have new friends that like me for me. Get over it. " his little cousin kept joking.
" I celebrate it. They are a good influence for you. " Achilles replicated." Today you humiliated a king for the first time and you did it so cleverly that he couldn't find a way to argue. Agamemnon, of all kings. I can't be more proud. "
" He deserved it. He was trying to create spite between you and Ajax. That's low, even for someone like him. '' Patroclus explained.
" Thanks for helping me there. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have stopped until offending one using the other." The princess told him." Not so long before he used to say that Ajax was a brute fool from an insignificant kingdom, now he wants to make him the next Hercules. He is desperate, he wants so badly to get rid of your cousin that he is willing to accept any other who would obey him.``
" I feel bad for any contestant in the army aspiring to get the same glorification he has." the boy affirmed. " Achilles has you, that's a great advantage. They will never make it."
The princess laughed softly, glancing at the warrior.
Achilles's gaze followed hers, in complicity.
" You are the queen's favourite, you will run with the same advantage. "
" The bright daughter of the highest commander designs political strategies for you… All the rest are doomed."
" You are so sweet!" the princess thanked him.
" I don't see why not pointing it out. "
" Agamemnon is too foolish to see it, but you think like a politician." Helen told her.
" What's greatly convenient, because having to stand polítical tangles is what Achilles hates the most about his work. " Patroclus insisted.
" Odysseus had helped him with that countless times. " the young lady reminded him.
" He is a king, his polítical work is for his own benefit." Helen remarked. " I know they are good friends, but the goal of Odysseus's work is not to raise him up above all the heroes."
" His competence has no chance because now he has you aligned with him and working with his interests. Honestly? I think that's a bit unfair." Patroclus concluded.
" They must have their own tricks." Achilles defended himself. " I guess she is mine now."
" We shouldn't be discussing this here. " the princess warned them. " Can we bring up something else ? This is a party, we are supposed to talk trivial things. "
" Where did you learn to dance? " Helen asked, pretending to be innocently curious.
" Seriously??"
" It is a trivial topic. " the queen remarked before explaining herself to the recently arrived men. " What you just saw was me attempting to learn some incredible moves I saw her doing. I had no idea, it was a total surprise and I'm very curious."
" The story behind it is not as interesting as you think it is." the princess clarified.
" When she says that, assume the opposite." Achilles mocked her.
" I have been secretly involved in dance practices of the palace's concubines for years. I don't like to show it at parties because it is something I learned for my own gratification and my father is not supposed to find out. " She confessed " Helen looks so happy, she inspired me to relax and I forgot were I was."
" Wait, are you a dancer? That explains a lot of things. " Patroclus commented, impressed. " I wrecked you when we were trying to teach you self defense but I noticed that you have some flexibility. "
" It's nothing compared with what it requires to be a fighter. '' the princess corrected him. " Being more specific, I'm not a dancer because it's not my occupation. I learned from actual dancers and I practice for fun. It's very liberating for me, a great pastime during the absences of my father. "
" How is it that we keep discovering secrets of yours? " Achilles asked.
" You are one of the few who know me as i am. " she tried to explain herself. " I discovered my fascination with dancing right after I started being allowed to stay all the way during parties. I saw a performance and I knew then that I wanted to do that. I wasn't paying attention to the lustful men around the dancers, I loved their movements. Men may see it only as their entertainment, but the dance looks like a celebration of femminity. I wanted that."
" How did you do it?" Helen insisted.
" It took some time. " She started telling. " When Agamemnon saw me following the girls at a gathering because I was trying to learn from them he was scandalized. He forbade it to me, he said that dancers were whores and no daughter of his was going to humiliate him behaving like a whore. He tried to make it up for me by sending me to the temple of Artemis to dance with the priestesses."
" Of course, you had to learn from the virgins. How would you dare to question his expectations? " Helen joked, sarcastically following the line of the reasonament.
" It wasn’t my wish, I did it because he said it. Dancing like a priestess was not what I wanted.” the princess kept explaining “ I went to the temple, behaved well, learned what they wanted to teach me and worshipped the goddess in the ritual dances. The priestesses liked me and my father started bragging about how his girl was so pure that the temple of the virgin goddess wanted her."
" He didn't let them have you because he needs grandchildren if he wants his bloodline to continue. " Patroclus guessed.
" I wouldn't have joined them. I honor the gods and sometimes i pray, but i never felt loved by any of them. I respect the dedication of their priestesses, they find fullfilment in serving them. It's not for me, I never felt the mistic call. " She commented. “I did what I was sent to do, I was respectful and that was the end of it. It didn't erase my original interest for the profane dances as Agamemnon thought it would."
Helen laughed briefly. It was always funny to hear examples of the complete ignorance about the sensibilities of women that the Atrides had.
" I waited until his next absence and I went to learn with the concubines of the palace. " The princess kept explaining. " They are not used to being respected by ladies. When I told them that I admired their dancing and I wanted to learn from them they didn't know what to say. It must have impacted them, because they agreed to instruct me in secret. That's how I learned. I keep joining their practices when I can. It helps me to relieve tension and it is my secret way of self expression."
" You managed to make yourself be equally liked by temple maidens and palace dancers? You are a true politician, even outside of politics." Achilles pointed out.
His comment made her smile.
“ Now that I think about it, It is the first time I see you dancing. I didn’t have the pleasure at the wedding party.” He reminded her.
“ I didn’t dance much that time and, certainly, not as i like to when I’m not being watched.” She replied.” This was an accident, Helen was flirting with one of the musicians and the ambient inspired me to lose control.”
“ I wasn’t flirting, I was dancing to his interpretation.” The queen defended herself.
“ You don’t need excuses with us. If you want me to kill your husband, just make a sign.” Achilles joked.
Helen laughed more than what she should have.
“ She is thinking about it!” Patroclus added, cracking of laughter.
“ It is not worthy to ruin your reputation for it, but thanks for the offer.”
“ It can be an accident in the middle of a battle. We can say that he got in the way of my spear.”
The princess laughed harder then.
“ See? She gets me.” The warrior commented.
“ It’s the same kind of grim joke I would have made.” She explained, still laughing. 
They shared glances, looking deeply into each other’s eyes for an instant. 
“ Do you want to dance with me?” Achilles offered her. “ We couldn’t last time and you are making me curious..” 
She took his hand as a sign of approval, smiling with delight. 
“ You can dance with me, Helen.” Patroclus playfully added, remarking how they seemed to have forgotten of them. 
Helen grabbed his hand and both were laughing, 
They walked following the intensity of the music’s sound with the intention of finding the group of musicians again. When they resumed dancing the princess stopped caring about anything else but her partner. It was reciprocal, because Achilles couldn’t take his eyes off her. Remembering some of the wild thoughts she have had before, she unveiled her sensuality for him within her dancing. Her movements were like a soft tease implying that there was so much more that she could be showing to him if the show would have been private. Her hips, waist and chest were the areas of her body that the moves highlighted. Combined with the graceful gesticulation of her hands and arms, it was a very appealing sight. 
She knew that he wasn't able to touch her more than what would look necessary because of the context and she was using it at her advantage. Still, since he wasn't able to express himself with actions, he did it with words. 
In a particular moment, when he ended up behind her while she was doing torso undulations, he got a chance to grab her hips and whisper close to her ear. 
" You should have done this in Phthia, behind closed gates." 
They were so close that he was able to smell the scent of her hair. 
" It wasn't the right time, but if you invite me back i can take my dancer suit for a private performance." Was her tempting reply. " I have one, you know? My friends helped me to make it." 
" I don't think I would let you go after that." 
She was melting, her heart was throbbing and her head racing with thoughts of him. However, she did her best to keep going as before because she needed to feel sure of being a woman in his eyes.
While his hands were still on her hips, she changed the move and started doing internal hip circles. The sharp motion, first of her right hip and then the left, incited him to pull away one hand at the time, following the rhythm of her every action. The roundness of the hip rotation made her push her butt slightly against him in a movement that looked accidental but didn't feel as such. 
She put some distance between them, enough to spin around and face him again. The song ended shortly afterwards. 
" Sorry, It was the music. I almost forgot that you were there. " She apologised, faking innocence. 
" Some people may be staring ... Don't you care for discretion anymore?" He teased her. 
“ Most people here are drunk. They couldn’t care less, I couldn't care less.” She answered. “ Besides, this was pretty discrete compared to what I can actually do.” 
“ Why are you doing this? ” 
“ Because I want.” She simply admitted. “ You are the only man I ever wanted to dance for, the first one who has me like this.”
 It was a strange confession of feelings. Metaphorically disguised, but it was there. 
Achilles didn’t answer. Not because he didn’t wish to, he couldn’t do that at the moment. First, because of the context surrounding them but mostly, because it wasn’t a good time to be open with her. He didn’t want her to confound his own growing feelings for her with a rush of lust. He cared deeply for her, it started fast and it took him by surprise. He felt good having her in his life, even when it was at moments. After each of their reunions he felt a bit more infatuated. 
Right there, she was making his body crave for hers, but he didn’t want that to be his first response to her affections. He guessed that she was acting so sensually because she wanted to confess herself but didn’t know how. He thought that she must have heard that was the way in which he prefered to be approached, that she had to make herself be wanted for him. He would have lied if he would have denied that he was enjoying it, but he was trying to avoid thinking with his crotch. 
She had given him plenty of subtle signs about her feelings before and he never gave her a direct answer, mostly because he didn't find a good moment for it and part of him felt like he couldn't allow himself to do it. He didn’t want her to assume that he only reacted then because he was horny. 
He was trying to do better for her, but she didn’t understand it like that at first.
 The princess interpreted his silence as rejection. For the sake of her own pride, she pretended not care. She kissed his cheek,smiled at him and went back to Helen’s side. For the rest of the night,she tried to carry on as it never happened. Internally, she felt stupid, but it was the only way she found to overcome it.
She focused again on helping Helen. Acting carelessly, the first thing she did afterwards was to take advantage of a short pause of the music to talk to the man she was sharing glances with as a way to stimulate her to get closer. The princess started by praising his playing and asking his name in front of her and Patroclus. Smiling proudly, he told them to address him as Alexander. The princess didn’t hesitate in starting calling him Alex. He was very respectful, especially of the queen. He expressed his admiration for her in a kind way and didn't attempt anything on her, clearly seeing her as unreachable. Helen seemed to enjoy his harmless attention. In the conversation, they also found out that Patroclus had musical inclinations. Alexander was a percussionist playing Toubeleki and Patroclus made his contribution to the small talk speaking about his experiences learning to play the khitara. Helen was grateful for the care of her friends, both trying to make efforts for her just because they saw her getting along with him. For obvious reasons, the talk was short, but it was a good start. 
They lost sight of Achilles and the princess was secretly relieved for it. She was mortified thinking that her attempt of pursuing him ruined everything between them. Over the course of the party, the three stayed together because they were already comfortable enough with each other.
They got involved in trivial talks with many different people. At one moment, they crossed paths again with Ajax while they were waiting for servants to bring them something to drink. The salaminian hero was doing the same and he greeted their encounter. He was a bit tipsy, but he was good company because he was funnier to be around than what most people assumed. The four fooled around together for a while. They were drinking and joking and the princess almost forgot how bad she was feeling, until he reminded her that she still owed him a dance because he was the first one trying to get her away from the table. He was just joking and It wasn’t his fault, so she tried to keep being sweet to him. Her polite reply explained her refusal linking it to his circumstantial state. Avoiding to sound mean, harsh or sarcastic, she promised him that she was going to dance with him the next time she would find him sober. Fortunately, It made him laugh. 
He resumed their previous conversation in an infinitely less formal way, saying that he was perfectly fine because he was the strongest man in Greece and the effect of a few drinks weren’t an impediment for him. He told them that he could show them on the spot how he was able to lift both women from the ground at the same time and Helen considered the discussion about his state over, fearing that he would actually try it. She felt relatively comfortable with him and it was a grateful surprise. For such an intimidant looking man, he was very nice and likeable. After sharing some more laughs, she ended up dancing with him.
Their brief encounter cheered the princess up a bit, simply because it was very hard not to laugh with the amount of funny insanity that they came up with. Still, she kept feeling out of place, like if nobody really needed her there. Helen was probably waiting until the end so she could have a longer conversation with the percussionist and Patroclus deserved some time to have fun on his own if he wanted that. She couldn’t help to think that she was ruining the party for them . Openly expressing her wish of not being followed, she excused herself saying that she had enough fun, was too tired and prefered to rest. She hugged her friends, thanking them for their company and wishing them goodnight.
In her walk to her bedroom,the princess speeded up her pace to avoid being disturbed. She didn’t want to be approached by anyone else, wishing to forget about her feelings of shame. She almost reached her destination, but the hold of Achilles's strong arms deviated her in an empty hall. 
“I can't deal with this now. " she admitted. " Would you let me go? I will talk to you in the morning"
 " If we wait any longer, we will never do it. " He stated, embracing her waist. 
" What are you talking about??" She complained. 
“ Don’t play the fool now. You can’t try to hide anymore.” 
" I know that I ruined everything. " 
While hearing her, he seemed slightly confused. 
" By now, you must know how I feel for you. '' She explained herself. " I may be good at reading the feelings of others, but I get easily overwhelmed by mines... I have spent my lifetime training myself to suppress them, I don't understand myself sometimes... I wanted you to see me as the woman I am because only then I could make you understand how I feel."
 Her explanation made him chuckle for an instant. 
" What's so funny ??." She tried to pull away from his contact, but he was obviously stronger than her. 
" I see you as a woman, I have always done it. " He replied. 
" I know how you act around the women that you like. It is not how you acted with me. " 
" Do you think that I don't want you?" A light chuckle escaped from his lips again. " You are so lovely." 
" That's it. I'm always the sweet innocent lamb, I can't escape from that. " She complained. " I'm a living, breathing woman with feelings and desires. "
 " I'm aware of that. " He reassured her. " That was a very interesting reminder of it, but I know it." 
" Then why do you keep ignoring me? " Her voice showed frustration. 
" Things between us are not so easy. " 
" You know, before you start thinking about it, I have to say that stepping into helping you was a choice I made based on my convictions. " She clarified. " I believe in you, I didn't do it looking for any retributions. Even if you don't correspond my feelings, that wouldn't change anything. I'm still commited to our pact."
" Calm down." He caressed her hair. " Can you stop assuming that I think the worst of you? I don't." 
" I don't know what else to do to get a concrete answer from you.” She insisted. “I just want that. I don't mind the outcome. If you don't feel the same, I will respect it. " 
Then, he crashed his lips against hers. It was a sweet kiss, intended to serve as a response confessing his affections, but it was charged with the passion of the long craving for it that he also had. She was in such bliss that he felt her body trembling. 
He smiled against her lips. 
" Are you alright?" 
" It’s the longing. " was all she could answer. 
“ You didn't have to do anything else to get me. " He clarified. “ I liked you in Sparta, now i think it’s something more than that.” 
" I haven't stopped thinking about you since the day we met." She confessed. " I didn't know then that it was going to get that far, but here i am." 
.” Odysseus spent half of the way back telling me to stay away from you like a father scaring away a suitor that he dislikes. “ He confessed. “ I did it for a good long while, but you came to me on your own and you dazzled me."
 " He doesn't dislike you, you are his friend. " She clarified " He knows of somebody who hates you and he tries to protect me from him. " 
" I will never allow that old drunk to hurt you. " He said, in what sounded like a promise. 
" Would you steal me from him?" She playfully joked. 
" If it's what I have to do to keep you safe, I would." 
She kissed him, clinging onto him and refusing to pull away until being breathless. In that act, she condensed years of hidden adoration for him and all her hopes. 
Achilles felt it, and he couldn’t help to love her for it. 
“ My room is close. “ She offered. “ It’s safer to continue there.” 
She giggled and headed first. It wasn't wise of them to be seen getting inside there together, so they had to do it in turns.
The princess arrived first, leaving the door unlocked. Her heart was racing with expectancy. The warrior appeared shortly afterwards, closing the door behind them. Immediately after seeing him, she kissed him again. 
" Slow down, lioness." He teased her after she finally pulled away. 
" I wish I could." she joked in reply. 
" This is what I mean when I say that you are adorable, not that I see you as a cute little girl. " He commented." You are so tender, it gets me."
 " Really?" She asked, impressed. 
" I love it. " He answered, honestly. " I also loved what you did for me tonight. " 
" It didn't look like that. " She pointed out. 
" It didn't have to look like that. It was dangerous. " He reminded her. " I like some risk, but you took a pointless one." 
" I wanted you to want me and I think it worked." 
" You need to know that I don't want you because you did that.” He confessed. “ I want you for you and I want all of you, not just this." 
" Then take me." Her proposition sounded like a beg. " I'm ready." She was talking against his lips, holding his hands and pushing them against her body. 
" Not tonight, princess." He was teasing her, his cheeky tone got on her nerves. 
" Why?? " She complained, her frustration almost made her raise the tone of her voice. “ I want to be with you, I don’t care for anything else. Father will end up selling me for power anyways, It will be the buyer’s problem. ” 
" You didn't let me finish." He corrected her. " I'm not going to take you for myself tonight. " He explained as he started to leave a trail of kisses from her jaw in direction to her neck. " But I have many other ways to show you how good you make me feel. " 
She gasped and he smiled against her skin.
 " The massage was amazing. " He added as he kept descending. " And that dance? You are spoiling me, that’s royal treatment." 
" There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." 
He stopped for an instant just so he could look at her in the eye, feel the intensity of her love, and kiss her lips once more.
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luxekook · 5 years
THE SEVEN || prologue
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: supernatural au with action, angst, smut, and (trace amounts of) fluff
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader fights to survive, attracts a powerful group of demons, and causes general mayhem in a post-apocalyptic new world
⇥ word count: 1.5k
⇥ warnings: nc17, *this fic has scenes of graphic violence*, demons, bloodshed, anarchy, general apocalyptic things, cursing, eventual poly relationship, a made-up language, hints of desire to own, brief mention of abuse, an attempt at world-building
⇥ beta reader: heathy @shadowsremedy​​ - thank u so much!!! i was holding off on beginning this fic for so long, and you really helped me move forward! uwu<3
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The world has completely gone to shit, I think to myself as my blade slices right through my opponent’s eye. The responding roar of the crowd reinforces that thought as the lifeless body slumps to the ground.
Removing my bloodied knife from the man at my feet, I stand, exhaustion kicking in after yet another adrenaline-fueled fight. Gazing out at the surrounding crowd of humans and demons, I narrow my sights on tonight’s guests of honor – the seven demons who would decide if my performance was deemed worthy enough of payment.
Raising my chin in defiance, my eyes meet those of the pompous greed demon of the Ahgase Seven. Lim Jaebeom lounges on a provisional throne flanked by his six brothers. Their combined beauty is ethereal but leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 
How is it that creatures so prone to evil can be so lovely to look at?
After glancing briefly at each brother, I finally make eye contact with Jackson Wang, the Ahgase’s pride demon. He inclines his head with a satisfied smirk, simultaneously permitting my payment and ordering my swift dismissal.
The callous disregard of my efforts never fails to ignite a familiar burn of fury within me. I fight to the death to earn a week’s worth of food and shelter, and all I get is a fucking nod in response? Complete and utter bullshit if you ask me.
My teeth grind together as I give the slightest and stiffest bow possible in the Ahgase Seven’s general vicinity and stalk out of the Pit. Reminding myself that I actively choose this fate never really helps, given that the alternatives are equally as shit – if not more-so.
Basically, since the planet lost three-fourths of its population in the Reaping, the old capitalistic way of the world is no longer. Now, the main ways to survive deal with what you have to offer as a resource – your body, your skill, your labor, your loyalty. I choose to fight because, for me, it’s the soundest option.
My prior life had been sketchy at best. I had taught Krav Maga, a form of aggressive self-defense and reflexive fighting, to teens and young adults. I also had used Krav Maga (and other more nefarious methods) on abusive parents or guardians, bullies, or romantic partners - the very reasons my students came to my classes.
My resulting ambiguously gray background probably had influenced heaven and hell’s decisions to leave me behind. Still, killing hadn’t come easy for me in the beginning, but now it seems like second nature. In this new era, there are no rules, no moral codes, no winners, no losers. There are only survivors.
And I’ll be damned if I am not one of them.
Last year, the Reaping left us all in chaos and confusion. The supernatural had become natural. Heaven took those deemed worthy and let Hell deal with the rest. But, as it turns out, Hell was just as picky.
For a few days, demons ruthlessly reaped millions of humans and dragged them below the earth. And then the reaping stopped. The humans that remained were left with burned cities, abandoned homes and a complete absence of law. They were a ruthless bunch with questionable backgrounds and ambiguous morals. It honestly made sense that they were left behind – myself included.
The short period after the Reaping brought with it a general mayhem which resulted in looting, fires, and general destruction. The remainder of society was bare-boned, with only the richest areas having luxuries like running water and electricity. I referred to this time period – the lull before the demon Sevens took over – as the pseudo-Hunger Games. I legit had to pull a full Katniss Everdeen in order to stay alive during those two weeks.
Then, finally, the demons rose again.
The demons that rose were power-hungry and desperate to prove themselves worthy to rule over the New Earth. They looked human until you got too close and felt the negative energy that emanated from them. It's almost a built-in warning for those lower on the metaphorical food-chain not to get close to a source of potential harm.
By possessing a demon of each sin category, Sevens were able to bond together and max out their powers. Often, Sevens took on courts and consorts to siphon additional power, but my intel on demons was mostly built on speculation and rumors. The general consensus seemed to be that humans joined demon factions because of the promise of protection, food, and other resources. However, no one usually survived leaving a faction led by a Seven once they had declared fealty.
I vowed to never willingly enter into a Seven’s territory. My freedom and independence were the only things I had left to hold onto. And that was how I ended up in my current situation as a fighter in the Pit, the rough, man-made arena where fighters battle to the death for winnings while the audience bets furiously on their selected victor. No one had bet on me at first, but they learned quickly.
The Pit’s existence sprung out of desperation for distraction. Humans and demons alike needed some form of entertainment away from the monotony and death embedded within everyday life. Located within the Neutral Zone, the Pit provided humans the ability to earn a living and to make a name for themselves. Those that fought in the Pit were only lower on the human totem pole to the Pit Master and to the merchants in the Neutral Zone. Below the fighters were the scavengers, the workers, the peasants, and the lost.
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Marching towards the exit gate, I nod to the next competitor to enter the arena – it might be the last I’d see of them. Pit Master Agra greets me as I step through the gate’s threshold and finally out of the public eye.
“Good work,” she forces a smile that only looks like she’s in pain, “But, next time make sure there’s more blood.”
I say nothing.
Agra takes my silence as acceptance and jerks her head at the empty hallway, indicating my second dismissal of the day. “You have one week until your next fight,” she predictably calls as I make my way down the tunnel towards my makeshift room located in the fighters’ dorms.
I wave a hand carelessly behind me in a sign of recognition. Damn, what I wouldn’t give to challenge her in the Pit.
Pausing outside my room, I struggle to unhook my necklace that held my key. The blood on my fingers still has not fully dried, and I grow increasingly frustrated. I just want to bathe, goddamnit.
“Allow me,” a deep voice purrs from behind me. I shudder as two hands suddenly brush my own away from their hold on the necklace. Warm fingers brush the nape of my neck as the sound of a slight inhale meets my ears.
Fuck, I hope this person isn’t smelling me because I am almost certain the combination of sweat and dried blood is extremely unpleasant.
“There,” the voice rasps, “All done.”
My necklace is gone from my neck, and I turn to retrieve it from whoever just assisted me.
“Oh, fuck,” I hiss, taking in the demon before me. His teal hair is wild and reminiscent of a blue flame. His black eyes are large and slanted, fixed on me with a peculiar expression I just cannot place. His clothes are expensive. I peer closer, inspecting the intricate details on his patterned top. Was that Versace? 
In this economy?
His arm extends to mine. My necklace dangles from one finger carelessly. “Here, mì shaìà (my pet).”
“My name is (y/n),” I grab the necklace and shudder when our fingers brush for a split second, “Not Mishaeya.”
The demon smiles. It’s large and boxy and completely predatory. “(Y/n). Mì shaìà. It doesn’t make a difference.”
Am I missing something? 
“Listen, demon-dude, I just killed someone like five minutes ago. Can you stop being cryptic and just tell me why you’re lurking outside my room?”
“Ah, yes,” he stalks closer to me. My back hits the door to my room. He licks his lips, “I was watching you. You are quite the fighter, little one.”
“Little?” I glance down at my thick and well-muscled self, “Mhm, okay.”
“Are you not scared of me, mì shaìà?” His hand cups my chin, thumb darting out to wipe some blood from the shallow cut across my cheek.
“Should I be?” I front like my heart isn’t beating out of my chest.
“Yes,” he smiles before sucking the droplets of my blood from his thumb. “Surely someone as exquisite as you should need protecting. I’m surprised no one owns you yet, (y/n).”
My back straightens, “No one owns me. No one ever will.”
The demon’s head tilts as he silently studies me for a few moments. He looks like he almost wants to say something before he steps back and bows. “Sleep well, mì shaìà. I will be seeing you again.”
I gape as he walks away from me. A thought strikes me. “Hey!” I call after him, “What’s your name?”
He answers without looking back or breaking his stride, “V.”
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a/n: i made up Deìthi, the language that the demons use in this story. i will keep a running list of translations at the bottom of each chapter as well as putting initial translations in parentheses following the first usage of the word.
Deìthi (The Language of Demons) Translation List:
Mì shaìà - My pet
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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