#Henshin Inspection
personarider · 3 months
Have Some Seasons #UltramanRising is Amazing for #UltramanDay! |Going Ultra
Have Some Seasons #UltramanRising is Amazing for #UltramanDay! #Going Ultra Join MJ for a discussion of Ultraman on the Ultraman Day. What do you love about Ultraman? #Tokusatsu #Ultraman #review #podcast https://mjmunoz.com/2024/07/10/ud2/
RSS Feed | Podcast Index | Spotify | Amazon Music | Samsung Podcasts | Listen Notes Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Pandora | Tune In | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | Deezer Ultraman Arc 01 Review |Going Ultra 09:51 OLD| Ultraman Blazar 02 – Space Fisher | Going Ultra 12:42 OLD| Ultraman Blazar 01 Review – Space Savage |Going Ultra 22:48 Join MJ for a discussion of Ultraman on the Ultraman Day.…
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Quite a stupid question (and possibly had been asked before but can't find it till now): if Z medal box was made to be invisible to human eyes, how come Z Riser wasn't and can be found by Yuka in that Gamma Future episode? And won't the box still be suspicious if there's a body inspection (or any similar situation) and they still can feel something on Haruki's hip but can't see it?
Also, considering that it was made in Land of Light, does that mean the other items like Geed Riser and Taiga Spark are invisible to human, too?
Thanks in advance for your answer and thoughts!
The whole "henshin item isn't visible to normal people" logic is there just to explain a really minor and inconsequential point for a New Gen Series in order to explain why no one points out the very obvious toy looking item that hosts have
Which tbh it dosent really matter at all if they even clarified this in the first place cause most characters in ultraman series react pretty weirdly to situations anyways such as the various cringe dialogue and moments I've pointed out ever since I did commentary on this blog
So while your concerns are definitely valid, it's just the way the current main ultra series are since this is at the end of the day, a kids show which the main audience wouldn't even question it (especially since there's plenty of more major oopsies in the various series like plotholes etc)
For example, one of the more major ones would be the fact that the hosts hide their identity, even when it goes against common sense here:
Which also answers your second question.
All these questions would actually be especially questionable in the context of something like in the Shinverse, Manga, Anime or Marvel installment since those are expected to make sense, whereas for the main series, there's less of that expectation
Thanks for the question!
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naraozu · 3 years
A Hard Fought Battle
At a boat harbor, there is Hiromu running in a direction away from the boss that was chasing him meanwhile Yoko was running to find Hiromu since they were split apart from a massive shock wave that was caused by a metaroid.
Hiromu wiped the sweat off his forehead as he was running as well he couldn't transform because there was something blocking the signal but he couldn't worry about that right now since he's being chased. He quickly turned the corner and slipped into a crate the was open and the darkness within enveloped him, hiding him from sight as he watched the metaroid run off in another direction and inspecting where the human that the metaroid was chasing has ran off to.
Yoko panted as she was running around to find Hiromu and she turned the corner to only see the boss looking for something in the distance which caused her to hold her breath while she was tip toeing backwards.
Hiromu saw something in the corner of his eye and he leaned forward just a bit to see what it was then saw Yoko in trouble. He reached out and grabbed Yoko's arm then pulled her into his hiding spot.
Yoko watched the metaroid as she backed away before yelping in shock as she was yanked by something which caused her to stumble inside a crate.
The metaroid heard the yelp and looked behind to see where that sound came from.
Hiromu gently placed Yoko on the wall and placed a hand on her mouth and his other hand against the wall then he leaned in close so she can tell it was him with a tender look in his eyes as if he was saying everything is okay while he quietly said. "Shhh..."
Yoko felt something cover her mouth in response she grabbed the wrist and was about to hurt who ever was holding her before seeing Hiromu in which she relaxed immiedetaly.
Hiromu watched Yoko before looking out of the crate while taking his hand off her mouth and watched the Metaroid to find any hints on what was blocking their morphers.
The Metaroid shrugged off the shriek of shock before walking away while it was aggressively growling under it's breath in frustration.
Hiromu glanced at Yoko and moved his hand off the wall to give them space then quietly said. "He's gone."
Yoko gazed at Hiromu before seeing him move away and she nodded to then say. "Aren't we in a predicament."
Hiromu silently giggles then he peeked his head out and watched where the Metaroid was going before noticing a machine that was creating some type of waves to block out communications and their henshin. "Look Yoko."
Yoko watched Hiromu and she can't help but adore his way of dealing with things before scooting close to him and looked at what he was looking at. "What is that?" she said silently.
Hiromu looked down at Yoko just to see the top of her head before looking back at the machine and said quietly. "That machine is blocking our communication and our henshin."
Yoko listened to Hiromu and her heart skipped a beat as she heard "our" which made her mind go somewhere else. She thought of their bed and them being sleeping buddies, them sharing a room to them sharing ice cream before feeling someone lightly bonk her head. "What?" she said in annoyance.
Hiromu had gently bonked Yoko as she wasn't listening before leaning down to her ear and said. "Focus. We have to destroy that thing." as he stared at the machine while speaking to Yoko.
Yoko held her head as she was bonked before hearing Hiromu whisper in her ear which she got excited which led her running out of the crate. "Leave the distractions to me!" she ran to the metaroid and stopped so that she was meters apart from the monster. "I'm here you doofus!"
Hiromu watched Yoko run for it and he reached out to try to grab her but it was too late. "Why... We didn't even make a plan..." he was now more worried about Yoko's safety but he shook his head and steadied his breathing as he was trying to calm down his nerves.
Yoko watched the Metaroid go after her in which she ran in the other direction and said. "You can't get me! Na na na na na!" off into the distance she goes.
Hiromu ran out of his hiding spot as the coast was clear and ran to the machine then he kicked the machine with all he got before yelping in pain. "Ow! That was not a good plan!" he hopped in place as he was rubbing his foot before standing on two of his feet. "What to do..." He tried whacking the machine with a pole he picked up on the ground but it didn't work. A couple seconds later he saw Yoko running towards him with the metaroid following after.
Yoko who was running for dear life seem to ran in circles avoiding shock waves and stuff being thrown at her to then see Hiromu who unsuccessfully broke the machine. "Wow! You didn't even scratch it!"
Hiromu raised an eyebrow before lifting his pole that he picked up and looked at the metaroid ready to strike it while responding to Yoko. "No time for jokes!"
Yoko ran up to Hiromu before turning around and waving her arms while saying. "Yoohooooo! You dumb metaroid can't even blast me!"
Hiromu blinked at Yoko's stubbornness and he was ready to throw his pole as he asked. "What are you doing?"
Yoko didn't respond to Hiromu as she was focused and once the metaroid launched an attack of shock waves, Yoko jumped onto Hiromu causing them to roll on the floor meanwhile the machine exploded next to them.
In response to being pushed Hiromu closed his eyes while rolling on the floor with Yoko. Once they stopped rolling Hiromu hesitantly opened his eyes to only see Yoko on top of him which made his heart accelerate.
Yoko opened her eyes once she felt they stopped rolling to see Hiromu underneath her and she smirked. "Hello down there." she said with cockiness.
Hiromu blinked at Yoko's words before sitting up and gently helped her up then replied. "Very funny."
The metaroid jumped in front of the two and growled as they stared them down with it's red eyes.
Yoko looked at Hiromu before smirking and raised her morpher then said excitedly. "Ready to take this guy down?"
Hiromu looked at Yoko and cracked his knuckles before raising his morpher as well then replied. "I'm ready to beat this guy."
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kamenriderlogik27 · 4 years
Power of Heroez: Prologue
The day had begun like any other for the young president of Hiden Intelligence, Hiden Aruto. Despite setting around 20 alarm clocks, he woke up late. Panicked, he quickly got ready and used his Rise Hopper to make a speedy trip across town towards the company building, As he rushed through the glass doors, panting, he checked his watch. 
He was only 15 seconds late! A new record! 
After pumping his fist in the air and patting his back for a good job done, Aruto said his daily ‘hello!’ to the security guard- Mamoru, swiped his Risephone onto the security scanner, and made his way up to his office. Which was on the top floor of the large building. 
Like everyday, what met him when he got to his office was his secretary humagear- Izu, who was sitting patiently on her charging station, waiting for him. 
“Good morning, President Aruto.” Izu smiled as she stood up and bowed. “I see that you were only 15 seconds late today. I wish you congratulations on your new record!” 
Aruto smiled bashfully, but before he could say ‘thank you’, his office doors burst open with a loud ‘BANG!’ followed by the shuffling of feet. The loud noise caused Aruto to Jump in surprise. Turning around, he saw the Vice President- Mr. Fukuzoe, with his usual stressed out and stern face, rushing up the stairs from the door. Shesta-Mr. Fukuzoe’s secretary humagear, and Mr. Yamashista- the Senior Managing Director, both following his every step with arms full of large, paper-loaded folders.
“President.” Mr. Fukuzoe greeted with a short nod. “This is all the paperwork that you need to go through and sign. Along will all the new requests that you must either accept or decline. I’m also informed that you have a meeting with a few potential customers this evening, so I must encourage you to get all this paperwork done before then. If not-”
“Ok! Ok! I understand!” Aruto interrupted with a small, apologetic grin. “I’ll try and get it done somehow, ok?”
Despite the attempt to calm the VP, Mr. Fukuzoe just shook his head in annoyance. “This paperwork is all due tomorrow, President! You’ve had all WEEK to do it, however you were always out battling that terrorist group instead! For the sake of our company, you NEED to focus on this today!” 
Aruto paled at what the older man said and couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. It was true that he had spent the last week focusing on saving people from Horobi’s forces, but it wasn’t as if he was trying to avoid work because of it. Though, he does admit that he could have come in after battles to do as much work as he could... 
“I’m sorry!” The young President bowed. “I promise that I’ll do what it takes to get it all done today!” 
“Please do.” Mr. Yamashita huffed, shuffling the folders so that he could get a better grip on them. “This sort of job is only meant for the President anyway. Remember! The board re-elected you as President not too long ago! You need to start showing them that they made the right choice!” 
“Roger!” Aruto saluted, before taking the large folders from Mr. Yamashita and throwing them onto his desk. “I’ll get right to it!”
He had meant every word. However, not even an hour after his three coworkers had left, the young President was slouched down over his desk, groaning in exhaustion and a folder balancing on top of his head. 
“I will never understand how Grandpa was able to do this part of his job.” Aruto groaned. “Right, Izu?” 
Taking it as a legitimate question, Izu answered. “President Kurenosuke was always taking extra shifts to finish his work no matter what it was. There were even times when he would stay up all night and sleep in this office.” 
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Aruto mumbled to himself, thinking about the nights where he would come home from school and see no evidence of his grandfather ever being there. 
Before he could remanence more past memories, Izu’s ear modules beeped, causing her to stand up in alarm. 
“President Aruto.” Izu called in a sharp but calm voice. “Satellite Zea would like to inform you about a specific incident that has recently occurred.” 
Before he could respond, Izu instantly projected what looked like a news report in front of him. The reporter stood before a rather tall building that looked like it was hit by a large canon ball. 
“The incident happened on an island called ‘Sector City’.” Izu informed. “It’s reported that a small accident had occurred where part of a laboratory exploded. The cause is currently unknown.” 
“THAT’s what they call a ‘small accident?” Aruto laughed nervously, his eyes focusing on the large hole that ate the side of the building. Looking closer, however, Aruto saw something peeking out from the rubble. It was rather small, so Aruto asked Izu to enhance it a bit so they could get a better look. The tiny object looked like some kind of robot. Not a humagear, but a small-rounded robot with X shaped metallic limbs. 
“Izu, have you ever seen that robot before?” Aruto asked, knowing full well that she would know more patented A.I.s than him. She looked closer at the image but made funny, yet thoughtful face. As if she doesn’t recognize it. 
“Searching for possible patents, blue-prints and other possible data.” She announced before closing her eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and looked towards the young President. “There are no current records of that type of A.I.” 
“No records, huh?” Aruto said with a thoughtful expression. He pondered, thinking how weird it was that a huge hole in the side of a building was so unexplainable and random. And in the middle of all of this was just a small little A.I. robot with no identification. 
Aruto stood up from his chair and grabbed the Zero-one driver. “Izu, I’m going to go investigate the incident for a little while.” 
Izu’s eyes showed no surprise by this statement. “I see. I’ll inform the potential customers that we’ll have to postpone their meeting till tomorrow, then.” 
“Alright. Tell them that I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” Aruto smiled apologetically, as if the customers were there in his office to see. He led the way as the duo climbed up to the helicopter landing area on the roof. 
He then placed his driver around his waist and authorized his Jumping Hopper progrizekey.
“Henshin!” he yelled, transforming into Kamen Rider Zero-one. Then, he authorized his Flying Falcon progrizekey. Before taking off, he turned to Izu and said. “I’ll go check it out real quick and come back. Hopefully Mr. Fukuzoe won’t notice that I’m gone. But if he does-” 
“I’ll inform him that you’re taking a short break and will be back soon to finish your work.” Izu confirmed without a beat. Aruto smiled behind his mask. They had been through too much together for Izu to not know what to do. 
“Alright! See you in a bit!” Aruto waved before finally taking off. He flew fast, using the directions that Satellite Zea was projecting in his mind for him to follow. Turns out that Sector City was near by the city of Fuuto, which was right next to Tokyo. So, thankfully, it didn’t take too long for him to get there. When the island came into full view, he quickly searched for a place to land. This proved to not be easy, however, as there were armed guards near every road leading to the island. That was a bit concerning. Figuring it would just be easier to sneak in, he flew over their heads and landed on the roof of one of the taller buildings.           
“There’s an awful lot of security in place for what’s supposed to have been a simple accident.” Aruto said to himself as he looked around. “I only came because the A.I. robot that I saw on the news intrigued me, but there but be more to this.”  
Right at that moment, Izu’s voice came into his head. “President Aruto. The security levels are very high and you are currently in danger of being caught. Please do be careful and-”
 “I know! I know!” Aruto interrupted calmly, a playful smile was hidden behind his mask. “I need to deactivate the devices strengthening the security sensors first, right?” 
He started to look around again to see if any such device could be seen until his eyes landed on a glowing metal pedestal with something round placed on it. He walked closer and picked the round object up. It was no bigger than a coin, made out of a red transparent material, and gold encircling it. 
“Is this the device?” Aruto asked quizzically to himself as he turned the small object around in his hand to inspect it more. His eyes traced what looked like a symbol of a bird, carved into the hard-red material of the core. It didn’t seem like a device of any kind as the material might have actually been more of a stone than metal. Aruto thought it was odd yet.... strangely powerful in its own way. As if that made any sense even to him. 
Suddenly, a bright blue light erupted behind him, followed by a dark voice. 
“Hmm...” The dark voice hummed, observantly. “I do not have any data on you. However, you appear to be a Kamen Rider as well...”
“Wah!” Aruto Jumped in surprise, turning around. “Where did you come from?!” 
The.... man- though he didn’t really seem to be any regular human- sitting down in the floating chair, completely ignored Aruto’s surprise and groaned to himself. 
“One after another.... it seems you are determined to not leave me be.” 
“‘One after another’?” Aruto cocked his head to the side, confused. “Who else has been here?” The only other Kamen Rider he could think of was Mr. Fuwa and Ms. Yaiba, but they were probably still off doing their own things. Amatsu Gai was a possibility as well, but Aruto didn’t want to think about that jerk attempting to be a good-guy at the moment.  
Again, the oddly large man never answered him. Instead, he raised his staff to the side and shot some sort of lightning based ray right at the young President. The blast knocked the small red object out of Aruto’s hand, and caused his strength to rapidly deplete. It wasn’t long before his eyes forced themselves shut, and darkness took over.   
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iristial · 4 years
Another thing this rewatch has taught me is that in episode 6, Fuwa did a back flip to transform and presumably avoid the Magia flying in his direction. But on closer inspection and looping the footage five times - Fuwa didn't need to back flip to avoid the Magia because it was flying over him - not straight at his face, not under him, but over him. With plenty of room for him to do a back flip too. So basically, Fuwa back flipped to be cool. It's like how he could press the switch of the Progrise Key for authorization but he forces it open; how he could let the bullet containing his suit disassemble on its own but he punches it; or how he doesn't need to punch and kick during the henshin sequence for RampageVulcan, but he does it anyway (and it makes him look very active next to Aruto, who waits for the grasshoppers of his henshin sequence to come to him)
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the-wanted-man · 6 years
⌐ Worth Your Weight in Gold. ¬
Ch. 2 : Fool’s  x
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Audio || Complete story links here! ⌐ Bang! ¬ 
Despite accomplishing his champion deed, the environment begged he linger a while longer. Natural light and sand still filtered in from the ceiling and its many holes above forever leaving the impression of fading time and where beams of light did not penetrate, torch flame struggled to keep the shadows at bay. Even with lit braziers to keep the walls warm, a cold chill still swept through the chamber and carried with it a distant falcon’s cry and the rattle of a shaking sidewinder. 
From what Roman could tell, he’d unwittingly stumbled into the remains of an old burial site and barely could he make out the hints of a worn mural etched along the derelict cavern walls and its pillars that roughly told the tale of a great warrior who’d made their final stand there. Yet it wasn’t the story that intrigued him so much as the tomb that held this very warrior, and it existed there in plain view beneath the transcribed symbols. 
While the liveliness of the hearths would have suggested the upkeep of such sacred territory, the thick layers of dust collected over decades on the neglected tomb disagreed and provided the area with an almost mystic quality. That, and the glimmer of an offering long since left behind for the honored deceased. Against his better judgement, the wayward grave robber felt compelled to inspect the item, which looked more like jewelry survived from a bygone era. The item was flat and oval shaped, resting in a cavity indent center of the casket, surrounded by words of which he assumed to be an obituary, written in a dead language he had no hopes of understanding.
To this day, Roman could not tell you what compelled him or why, but he picked up the object and immediately brushed his thumb across it’s surface to brush away dust that sparkled like glitter when it fell. Carved from stone and petrified wood, the device had a comfortable weight when held in his palm and an aesthetic design that bordered rustic, what with it’s vintage gold star centered and flanked between the heads of an eagle and a snake and its edges lined with barbed wire etched. Too enthralled by the beautiful design, Roman failed to notice how the dust drifted with a purpose to a space in the shadows behind him, swirling into a vortex of sand and skittered static that ultimately formed into that of a tall figure. 
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“Back in th’saddle again...” 
Spooked, Roman turned suddenly with the assumption of the worst; that the thief had doubled back for his prize and had come back with friends somehow. Yet when he turned, there stood only a woman, tall and broad like a roegadyn and decked out in a desperado’s wardrobe. Wide brim leather hat and all. “Howdy miss....Y’lost?” he asked, dumbly holding his stolen prize with a look that said ‘I can explain’. Except he couldn’t. The thief was here as it turned out, and it was him. 
"... I think yer' the one lost.. partner."  The strange woman offered the outlaw a wink as she sauntered into the light, revealing a toothy grin when her features were lit. "I am one.. We are many.. Existed all throughout time, all throughout space.. on this star and the next.. my friend. We were the ones before.. and the ones after. Yer a little loss, chip'... But.. you came here at a callin'. Y'hear it.. don't ya?" She pointed to his lifted prize, and dropped her hand to the shooter at her hip. "Rise to the challenge.. or be buried.... Partner."
‘We’, sounded a lot like there were friends involved and from up above, Roman could just make out the echoing sounds of other unknown figures as they descended the cavern and shouted without clarity. It was natural instinct however, to note the woman’s pull for the hip and with a cant of the skull, the wayward cowpoke did the same with a frustrated growl of warning. "Now...why y'got t'go 'round, makin' threats?" Usually what was left was the draw, but the hellsguardian cowgirl didn’t do that. Just chuckled in a way that implied no harm as she instead eased a hand up to her wide brim and rather than draw her pistol, she tossed it up into the air and treated Roman to a sequence of events that could be best described as a bat shit INSANE fever dream.
Large hands came to the woman’s belt buckle, with one passing two fingers over its surface. The motion caused a device upon the stranger’s wrist to glow, revealing a star not unlike the one featured on Roman’s salvaged artifact that burst into a grandiose light show that otherwise blinded what visibility the Outlaw would have had. Bardlike magic created a cacophonous echo with the sounds of a magitek guitar solo that raged into oblivion. 
|| * Gold Star...Ranger....YEEEEHAAAAW!!! || ¬
                                                       ⌐ || *READY? THREE, TWO,ONE~?!?!?||? ||
"Henshin." Her hands rose from the buckle to clap twice at the side of her head, conjuring an array of colors that spun and danced in a flurried whirlwind around her body, leaving the gunslinger in a dazzling transformation. The rifle up like a color guard baton plummeted back down into the blinding gyre, presumably caught by woman at the center of the storm before she was brightly illuminated in a grand cascade of falling, gold dust. With incorporeal music still raging, a bird of prey’s call and a diamondback’s hiss can be heard as beaked helm of gilded light enclosed the strange woman’s head, leather brim and spurs traded in for gold armor.  
"...Reach for the sky..."
The full, unadapted RP Log can be found ⌐ here ¬, co-written by:
more next time in Might Morphin’ Eorzeans!
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randomwoohoo · 7 years
Howdy! Here comes the fanfic series of Zootopia Tokusatsu AU!
Tokusatsu =  a genre of Japanese live action audio-visual entertainment usually, but not always, involving super heroes/heroines comabtting evil monsters. For example, super sentai (Power rangers), masked riders and metal heroes.
Hope you enjoy it~
Fanfiction.net link
Synopsis:  3 years after Nick and Judy started working together as police partners, Zootopia was encountering a threat, the monsters called Savages. ZPD (Zootopia Police Department) and DIB (Defense Intelligence Bureau) co-founded SCU (Savage Control Unit), the special task force with sole purpose to exterminate Savages. Nick and Judy were senior police officers but they tended to tackle the monsters a lot by becoming one, an armored hero mixed between fox and rabbit, Hybrid. The new cases, chaos and henshin heroes arrived!
     A fleeing sports car came to a screeching halt. Officer Judy Hopps and Officer Nick Wilde exited their patrol cruiser then approached a street racer. “Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour. I hope you have a good explanation.” Judy informed.
    However, when the driver’s window moved down, the lawbreaker was revealed to be… “Flash? Flash? Hundred yard dash!?” Nick took off his shades to get a good look at the driver. It was Flash the sloth.
“. . . N i c k” Flash called out the brand new cop’s name at a seriously slow pace.
    That was the first assignment of Nick and Judy as partners. It felt like yesterday although it had already been three year since back then. In the morning at the Zootopia Police Department headquarters, there were some minor changes here and there, new faces, transferred employees, some… had gone...
“All right. Everybody! Sit! Today, I have an important announcement.” A mammal standing at the podium was no one other than Chief Bogo, a male Cape buffalo and the chief of the Zootopia Police Department or ZPD for short.
“Sir, aren’t you tired from being a chief for many years? Consider settling down?” The fox senior police officer teased his supervisor.
“It’s too early to get rid of me, Wilde.” Chief quipped as a response to the first and still the only one fox cop in the department, Nick Wilde, which got a laugh out of others in the bullpen. This playful behaviour had become a routine at work. It lightened up the mood and helped reinforcing a positive impression towards the fox.
    Bogo put on glasses to read the report in his hoof. “Ahem. Y’all might have already known. Just to remind you, the missing mammal cases that occurred these recent years in the Canals, the Meadowlands, the Nocturnal District, Outback Island, Sherwood and Bunnyburrow-” He paused to glance at one officer after he mentioned her hometown. Senior Officer Judy Hopps, who shared a front roll seat with her partner Nick, was listening attentively. Moreover, she seemed tense. It was understandable for Bogo. He breathed in and resumed. “Just now, there is progress in those cases. Police from other precincts found clues that lead to Zootopia. A few of you are needed to work on them. Treat ’em as your priority. Assignments!” The buffalo was about to give assignments but he felt the urge to emphasize current situation. “Oh by the way, if anybody encounters Savage , escort citizens in the area, contact SCU and stay away from Savage. Understand?”
“Yes’sir” Every police in the bullpen burst out in reply, not exactly every single one.
    Bogo inspected Judy being quiet. She averted her eyes when they met with Bogo’s. He knew immediately what was on her mind. “Officer Hopps. Parking duty.”
    The bunny cop went all alert. “What!? Chief-” She wanted to argue. However, Bogo interrupted. “Now… do you understand?” He repeated intimidatingly.
.--. .- .-. - -. . .-. ...
“This is ridiculous! Can’t believe after all these years, I got assigned a parking duty again!” Judy grunted. At Downtown street, she and her partner, Nick Wilde, were standing next to a patrol car that Chief let them drive instead of meter maid cart because of current city situation… It would be dangerous, not fast enough to escape...
“Chill, Fluff. Besides, if either of us is supposed to complain. I should be the one since I tag along with you.” Wearing sunglasses, Nick swirled a cup of coffee in his paw.
“You don’t have to say that. I’ve felt bad already.” Judy sighed, feeling blameworthy that she was a reason the fox was punished as well… He would not let her go through hard time alone. That sort of made her happy, yet also built up a guilt.
“Hey, we are duo through thick ’n thin no matter what, Carrots. And where is your positivity? Couple of years ago, you still found a way to challenge ourselves doing this kind of tasks. Aren’t ya gonna write hundreds of tickets or something?” This was not the first time they were assigned a parking duty together but as Nick stated, Judy used to bring out a spirit to any assignments.
“I will if it’s possible! Look! There are scarcely few cars on street!” The bunny pointed out their surroundings. Road was clear, not many cars running or parking, which was probably what they expected when Bogo intended to keep them far from the battleground. Therefore, he gave them this disciplinary penalty for acting stubborn.
“Consider this taking things slow then.” The tod sip his coffee. “Snarlbucks blueberry coffee is delish.”
    Judy put on a half-smile. She loved her partner’s blueberry obsession but the smile turned to frown. “How can I slow down? The city is-”
“Go ahead, patrol, Judy, my dear.” Old lady voice attracted the doe’s attention, causing rabbit ears to flick. Judy turned around to greet. “Officer Mabel!” An elderly female goat meter maid, walking with a cane, waved the hand to greet back. “Don’t be worried. I can cover for you two. It has been a light work since nobody dares to roam the streets anyway.” said Mabel.
    Judy grinned and ran to open the driver door of police car. “Thank you, Officer Mabel! Call us if anything happens! Nick! Get in a car!” The bunny ordered, yet Nick tarried. “Hang on~ I wanna appreciate some peaceful moments more-” He was going to take another sip.  A door of passenger seat was opened from the inside, a bunny paw reached out and grabbed his tie. “Hurry!” Judy crawled from driver seat to passenger seat and opened the door to get her partner who struck a pose outside the cruiser. She dragged him in. The fox staggered into a car. “Mah coffee!” almost dropped his cup. They closed the doors in unison then the doe started the engine.
“Good luck” Mabel wished two officers luck as they departed.
- .... .. -.-. -.- / .- -. -.. / - .... .. -.
    After hours of patrolling around Downtown and Rainforest district, both arrived at Cliffside Asylum. There were a group of mammals yelling at a guard. Bunny cop turned off the engine to take a look.
“You folks ain’t allowed to come in here!” A wolf guard stopped teenage camera crew at the gate. The crew was consisted of bear, fox, rabbit, raccoon and skunk.
“C’mon! We’re not messing around!” A bear, holding a camera, shouted. A skunk flipped a script and assisted protesting. “We’re here to film a documentary.” Juveniles clamored. A rabbit buck brought out a phone to record a video. “This building is wicked! It was involved in former-mayor Lionheart mammal abduction and Savage-”
“No video!” The guard swatted buck’s phone away, standing ground to say no to the youngsters.
    Judy monitored the fuss, speaking nonspecifically. “Ever since then, this place has been forbidden. Suspicious-”
“Hold your horses! Forget about investigation. Even the high ranked police strenuously get a warrant.” Removing his shades, Nick interjected. The mentioned fact distressed the doe. She moaned while staring out the window. Shortly afterwards, Judy jerked, making Nick flinched. He shifted his focus to the same direction as his partner, spotting other raccoon going through the gate when wolf guard was busy dealing with camera crew.
“The thing is, you don’t need a warrant if you have probable cause-” Judy stated then Nick added promptly. “And you saw a potential criminal sneaking in.”
“Bingo~” The doe exclaimed. “Sly bunny~” Tod commented.
“Let’s go. And don’t forget your driver!” She said.
“How can you carry it with you all the time?” He questioned. “I have my own method.” Bunny responded. Nick and Judy got off the car and used this chance while the guard being distracted to sneak into the complex.
    Inside the asylum, which had dramatically changed, wrecked and abandoned, demolished walls, ceilings and floors, equipments and stuff scattering all over the place, blood stain…, the raccoon intruder held a flashlight in his mouth as he rummaged through a crumbled laboratory. “Where is it? Geez...” Raccoon expressed annoyance. He kept searching though his jaw felt sore from holding the flashlight. But he turned down the light and ducked under a table when he heard some noise, peeping who or what was coming. Two police officers, fox and rabbit, more than enough to identify who they are, scouted about. Nick pointed at one direction and moved his paw in and out, suggesting he should go that way. Judy shook her head to reject Nick’s suggestion. She pointed at Nick, drew her paw in and tapped her chest with index finger, advising him not to separate but stick together.
Shoot! Cops!! At least, it’s mammal. I can grab it quickly and get out of here before- Speaking of the devil, the most terrifying thing Raccoon wished he did not encounter emerged.
    The partner’s ears captured a scream. They rushed to the source of sound, surprisingly bumping against the intruder. Apparently, he was fleeing from something and there was no need to guess because it followed the raccoon not far behind. Its pupils were glowing in the dark. The duo instantly perceived what it was.
“RunRunRunRunRun!!” Judy commanded incessantly. They raced down the hallway, avoiding tripping concrete wreckage.
“Still some left in here? Good grief~” Nick grumbled.
“Savage ...” Judy called a monster that was after them, the mammal-like purple creatures which had threatened Zootopia since one year ago, their behavior resembled the fierce feral animals. Therefore, they were named Savage. This one looked similar to a jaguar. However, it had the exoskeleton covering its body and a strip of long fur lined down its spine. Its saliva dripped everywhere while it was chasing police and civilian on all four.
“Bunny! Aren’t you a cop? Shoot it!” Raccoon bawled.
“I have only tranq gun and it doesn’t work on them!” Judy’s lethal weapon was confiscated when she received an assignment that those types of weapons are not necessary.
“Use mine.” Nick gave Judy a pistol. “H-How?” Puzzled, the doe inquired. Subsequently, tod riposted. “I’m not the one getting punished. remember?” Both beamed at each other. Judy grasped Nick’s pistol. It is a bit too big for her paws but she could work on it. Nick offered his firearm since Judy is a better shooter than him. She started firing on Savage which was pursuing them.
“For the last time, no means no! You can’t go in-” The wolf guard addressed the final warning to the teenagers before ears perked up to catch the roar from the asylum. Wolf rotated to get a glimpse, three mammals running away from Jaguar Savage . “Okay, you kids do whatever you please. I gonna call SCU.” Guard and camera crew split.
“You! That way!” Judy told the raccoon, pointing different direction. They made it out of building, still Savage kept hunting them.
“Don’t leave me, Coppah!” He whined. Nick swiftly corrected raccoon’s thought. “We will decoy that monster. Now, go!” Fox stressed. The raccoon hesitated. He eventually escaped to hide around the corner of the asylum.
“Finally, we’re left alone.” The doe heaved a sigh of relief. “Ready, partner?” She stopped abruptly, so did the tod. They about-faced the monster and brought out the devices. “Here we go again” Nick was mentally prepared. Both put them over the front middle of waist.
    The devices are identical, arm-sized black machine with purple 1.25 inch diameter flat circle at the center, maroon motorcycle handlebar on the right half and silver syringe having a 45 degree tilt. The devices extended the belt to wrap around the wearer's waist.
    Nick pulled the syringe which has spring mechanism. It was drawn back automatically after he let it go. “ DRAW BLOOD ” Nick’s device spoke robotically. Blood filled in Nick’s syringe then it teleported into the syringe of Judy’s device. Judy pressed the syringe which sprang out on its own. “ INJECT ” Judy’s device spoke robotically as well. Fox’s blood was injected into rabbit. He fell asleep standing up, lying unconsciously on the ground.
    Savage was charging at the duo. Rabbit uttered. “Transform!” Then she twisted the device’s handle anticlockwise with her right paw. “ IGNITE ” Judy’s device spoke. The handle was twisted back by the spring mechanism. It released purple steam, followed by the hot purple mist explosion. Savage halted, viewing the mist swallowing the bunny whole. In the thick fog, device core illuminated, two amethyst headlamps shone up where Judy eyes are. The mist was fading, revealing a flamingo red full suit head-to-toe bio armoured Hybrid between a fox and a rabbit, obvious Judy’s body type, soft metal long rabbit ears, red long fluffy fox tail made of spikes instead of fur, light green torso with blue stripe on front dividing left and right, grayish-tan lower body except flamingo red feet, stylish headlights for eyes and fangs with a pair of buck teeth pattern on muzzle.
    Savage ’s instinct commanded it to assault the new threat. The monster stormed towards the armoured figure. Hybrid sprinted off, dodging to the right side, landing a right hook on Jaguar Savage ’s shoulder, knee bashing its throat. Savage angled its head upward. Hybrid palm struck monster’s chin.
“You punch like a bunny.” Judy jestingly criticized Nick who chuckled at a pun. How can he help it? He was literally in the bunny body…
    The monster bounced back, trying to attack the fox-mixed rabbit once again. Judy protracted the right paw claw, pivoting 360 degree, lacerating Savage’s face. It bellowed in agony. “And you are ferocious.” Tod remarked. “Like a fox~” Doe added. “Oy! That’s all you. Tenderness runs in my blood.” He protested.
    Savage veered off, hurtling toward a defenseless sleeping fox. Nick gasped “It’s going after my body!” He panicked. Judy pushed the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” The belt voiced. Hybrid zoomed at an incredible pace, breaking through the wind, each step sent the dust flying everywhere, catching up with the monster in a trice. Hybrid hopped, trampling on Savage ’s back. It paused due to a severe blow, giving an opportunity for Hybrid to retrieve Nick’s body. Judy was carrying the fox to the side of building. She laid him down where it must be safe from harm. “Dang! I look good even when I’m napping.~” Nick complimented his presence. He rubbed his chin but Judy intervened. “Cut it out already! We’re far from done with that Savage.”
    When Hybrid returned, the monster had disappeared. “See! We’ve lost it!” The doe blamed the tod. “Relax, Carrots.” Nick pushed the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” Hybrid’s ears perked up, harking the sounds of environment, tracing its location. “That way!” Duo shouted.
- .-. .- -. ... ..-. --- .-. --
    Jaguar Savage escaped from Cliffside Asylum and reached South Canyon. However, a trope of armed mammals were blocking a road. They were wearing tactical gears, bulletproof uniforms and face shield helmets, SCU logos are embroidered on back and right chest.
“Ready!” A white stallion signaled. SCU agents rifles properly. He continued. “Aim!” They target Savage . “Fire!” Horse bawled. The agents opened fire on the monster. It stood sideways to avoid the probable damages. Its shell deflected the bullets yet it began to fracture after the several hits. SCU team is specialized in exterminating Savage. They hastened to track down and eliminate the target as soon as they were contacted by a wolf. The jaguar was about to withdraw. “Quick! If it climbs up that hill, we won’t be able to follow it!” Stallion warned.
“Mine Mine Mine Mine~” The repeated yelling earned agents’ attention. It was as loud as or even louder than the gunshot noise. They stopped shooting to take a gaze. A weird rabbit knight was heading towards their way. Actually, it was the running bio armoured bunny fox hybrid. “Don’t ya steal my kill!” said Nick. Judy twisted the device’s handle anticlockwise again. “ CRITICAL BREAK ” Hybrid accelerated to the point of becoming a red blur with amethyst light lines alongside from the eyes. Hybrid leaped when getting close enough to Savage and roll front flip in mid-air. The partners double kicked the monster’s flank. The impact shattered its exoskeleton. The protracted bunny feet claws were inserted through the shell cracks, digging in Savage ’s flesh. Hybrid shoved the monster away, landing backflip on a ground. Every part of Savage was evaporating as it was dying.
    SCU gaped at an armoured mammal. “Applause~ Applause~ No need to thank me~ Just doing my job.” Nick babbled. “Freeze, Hybrid !” They did not get a round of applause. Instead, the agents were pointing the rifles at Hybrid . “I would love to stay but… Gotta dash!” Nick waved a paw. Judy, giggling at a fox’s frisky nature, took control of the body, skedaddling. Horse directed. “Fire tranq dart! Fire!” They shot nonstop at Hybrid, who pressed the syringe, “ACTIVATE” vanishing into thin air. “We lost them again!” White horse neighed after Hybrid evaded the special force once again without any traces.
“Let’s meet at the car.” Judy advised, holing up over the hill despite being on the road below merely second ago. “Roger~ See ya, Carrots~” Nick agreed. She pulled the syringe. Blood was drawn and teleported to other syringe as Judy detransformed. The suit let out purple steam then disappeared. Her body and clothes were back to the state before Nick and she fought the monster together.
.- --. .- .. -.
“Hello, this is Jim Tuck.” Just invading the prohibited area, saved by police and hiding behind the side of asylum from the monster, the raccoon made a phone call. “No, I haven’t got a thing yet-” He jerked away from his phone because his interlocutor brawled aggressively. “What was I supposed to do!? Savage almost killed me! Look! Just give me more time, okay?” He stayed silent for seconds, hearing the answer. “Good! Deal! Bye!” He hung up and sighed.
“Tough luck huh?” The voice startled Jim. He turned to find the fox officer. Jim tried to bolt but the tod could seize raccoon’s wrist first. “Chill out~ I’m not here to arrest you. In fact, I think I can lend you a paw...” Nick apprised.
- --- / -... . / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -..
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