#Rider Tears
personarider · 11 months
Kamen Rider Manga Part 6 Fighting The Wrong Battle |Rider Tears
Kamen Rider Manga Part 6 Fighting The Wrong Battle |Rider Tears Join MJ for a discussion of Ishinomori’s classic Kamen Rider manga Part 6. How did you like it? #KamenRider #ShotaroIshinomori #manga #TakeshiHongo #RiderTears
RSS Feed | Podcast Index | Spotify | Amazon Music | Samsung Podcasts | Listen Notes Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Pandora | Tune In | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | Deezer Kamen Rider Manga Part 6 Fighting The Wrong Battle |Rider Tears – Rider Tears Join MJ for a discussion of Ishinomori’s classic Kamen Rider manga Part 6. How did you like it? #KamenRider #ShotaroIshinomori #manga…
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screentunes · 3 months
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Tiktok white women mad that a brown girl could play Repunzel cause "it's a German story"
And like lets ignore the racism (because if y'all think she'd be a great Mother Gothel but not a good Rapunzel because of her melanin especially after Mother Gothel is already a racist caricature ...) and focus on the fact that the Brothers Grimm went all around the world collecting stories which had been passed down orally and shared between cultures.
Rapunzel is not just a German story first, Even the Brothers Grimm got it as a French story. Rapunzel is an Italian story before that, and before that Rapunzel is a Persian story.
By the logic y'all are using Jasmine should be Chinese, Cinderella should be Egyptian Snow White should be Malay and Pocahontas should be 9 (and not in love with John Smith for god sake she was a real 9 year old girl)
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l-just-want-to-see · 7 months
No because Jimmy spending his episode “feeling bad” while committing the most heinous crimes, attempting murder, spreading lies, breaking up alliances and overall seeding trouble is sending me. The fact that the only time he did anything that had any real and lasting consequences was a complete accident is perhaps funnier.
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wazzappp · 1 month
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Figured out how to draw frost. It’s over for yall.
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lendmyboyfriendahand · 2 months
More in the AU where Elrond and Elros are 16 years old rather than 6 when Sirion is sacked. Tag is "older kidnap fam fic" for previous installments
Elrond wakes up draped over the rump of a horse.
Not, to be clear, his own warhorse. His faithful stallion is being ridden by one of the few remaining warriors of the Gap, the great cavalry of the Noldor, who will be able to keep her seat regardless of what the horse tries.
Elrond isn't initially sure who is riding the horse that he's been set over like a sack of baggage. His arms are stretched out past his head, tied wrists dangling toward the ground, and his ankles are tied as well, tighter than the hobble that he had while walking. He can't see anything but horse flank.
Elrond wriggles around to try and get a better view, and someone notices.
"Lord Maedhros, it seems your guest is awake."
Maedhros pushes down the middle of Elrond's lower back to pin him more surely to the horse. "Lie still. If you fall off while riding in formation you're liable to get stepped on by the next horse, even if the rider wished to avoid you."
"I know how to ride properly."
"Yes, I saw that you were quite skilled when you killed my soldiers, which is why you're staying right there."
"Could I at least sit upright, even if I have to ride behind someone else like an infant?"
"Maybe tomorrow, if you give your word not to escape."
"I'm not stupid enough to try and bargain with you again, after you broke your word about setting us free from the cellar."
"I never said I'd set you free, I said I'd leave the city and wouldn't kill you. Sirion crumbled in the first assault, but I did no more damage after taking you and your brother into custody. If they're smart enough to repair the castle first, everyone should be able to keep warm this winter."
"And if they focus instead on burying their dead, or rebuilding their houses, or rescuing their kidnapped princes?"
"Who knows? But I'm not king of even the Noldor anymore, and the people of Sirion are not my responsibility."
"You would just let them die?" Elrond wanted to glare at the Feanorian, and nearly slipped backwards off the horse as he tried to sit up.
Maedhros caught Elrond deftly by the bound wrists and pulled him back into place. "Next time you do that, I'll let you fall"
"So you don't actually intend to even spare my life."
"I agreed to spare you, not to save you . None here will harm you, but I won't rescue you from consequences of childish stupidity, no more than I will rescue Sirion from winter. If you would rather bash your head open rather than remain my captive, I am not so cruel as to deny you that escape."
Elrond had nothing to say to that topic, as his first retort about more palatable escapes seemed likely just to enrage his captor, as did any question about cutting off hands. "Where's Elros? Was he at least left back in Sirion?" Elrond wanted his brother to be safe, and his people to have a leader with his mother drowned. But he, selfishly, also did to want to be alone with the kinslayers.
"He's here as well, don't worry. Nornmalo has him, and I trust him not to torture a prisoner, despite what it may sound like."
"The moans of pain might be a headache, he drank rather a lot of beer while we were trapped."
Maedhros laughed. "Well, a hungover child soldier. He will at least bother Nornmalo less with questions."
"Could I give him something to soothe the headache? I know a bit of healing."
"No. A headache won't kill him, and he'll get water when we stop same as you."
They stopped only once that day, to water the horses at a stream. Elros was pulled down from the saddle - feet first, luckily, though he still landed in a heap - and his hands untied. Maedhros tossed him a canteen, and said "if you need to piss, now's the best time. You won't get piss all over the horse or your clothes, and we're downstream of the rest of the company."
"My legs are still tied."
"The ropes low enough you should be able to unfasten your belt."
"Are you going to watch me the whole time?"
"Until I find another guard, yes."
Elrond drinks little enough water to avoid the issue, for the moment.
When it's time to ride again, Elrond puts up a fight about having his arms tied again. That just gets Maedhros pinning his face in the dirt while a soldier ties the rope.
Elrond is slung back on the horse like a parcel.
They stop again just before sunset to make camp.
Elrond's hands are untied again for dinner.
The food is simple, waybread and water, and Elrond wonders if he should mention that Men need to eat more than once a day.
Far more exciting than the food though is the figure dropped on the grass next to him, clutching his own canteen and waybread.
"Elrond! By Ulmo, you're alright!"
"I am, just a bit bruised from the horse. You?"
"Here's something for your healer's notes: do not put people with hangovers upside down for hours. I must have thrown up a dozen times."
"That's terrible! Maybe we can ask-"
At that point the guard tells them to hurry up, they'll be taken to where they're sleeping in ten minutes regardless of how much dinner they've had. Elrond and Elros focus on eating.
They are not, apparently, going to be sleeping near each other. "Too much chance to plot."
The Feanorian soldiers have tents. Some of them share, some of them have their own. A few soldiers have tents obviously designed for two or three that they go into alone.
The horses stolen from Sirion are tied to a picket line. It's loped through the reins, but one person untying the end would let all the horses scatter.
The horses the Feanorians rode into town on are not tied at all. They are loyal old warhorses, and will not flee from orcs in the distance. If wolves do sneak past the guards into the camp, better for the horses to run, and come back at their masters' call when the danger is passed.
Elrond, by contrast, is tied to a tree trunk. His hands are tied in front of him rather than behind, and his legs are unbound. Maedhros's brother - and Elrond learned from a careless remark that their is only the one left - even tossed a blanket over Elrond's legs, to guard against the chill of the night air.
It is the most freedom of movement Elrond has had all day, but that's saying little.
He is stuck sitting up, feeling every root and rock underneath him, unable to reach his hands back to where the rope is tied behind the tree.
Elrond sleeps poorly, stirring at every noise, whether it's a guard on their rounds or an owl hooting its warning.
In the morning, Elrond is given a breakfast of water and waybread again.
Maedhros says "You know it would be suicidal to flee, alone in the wilderness, yes?" and lets Elrond ride behind him sitting up.
Elrond's hands are still bound, and a rope leads passed Maedhros to the saddle horn. If he fell off, he better hope he can keep pace with a cantering horse, or else be dragged on the ground.
Elrond stays on the horse. He figures out his balance well enough to turn, and sees Elros riding similarly.
Thing continue like this for over a week, until they reach Amon Ereb.
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inutaffy · 1 year
theo’s face when liam says he’s sending him back. fuck my entire life.
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Round 3 - Side A - Match Up 1
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Bird dad. He's just a guy, no powers or anything, and he just shows up to help Link and be cool. I know there's other Legend of Zelda guys in here but he is the most Dad of them all.
Wave the Swallow
Jerk birds in video games are common, but Wave is the rare GIRL jerk Bird! Support women's wrongs
(With Jet and Storm, on if iconic or not) (I'd say yes. At least in the Riders trilogy. They're Team Sonic's main foils in those games (aside from Eggman, of course).)
(With Jet and Storm) Since most of the birds we have on this list are arrogant peacocks (pun intended), here's a whole trio of them! But at least these three have the abilities to back up their preening.
she blew up a 15 year old after her 14 year old boss told her not to. also, in the sequel game, she gets concussed and then immediately chooses to hop on her flying skateboard and zoom right into a black hole. oh and in sonic birds are canonically alien-genies
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biomic · 5 hours
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stayconnecteed · 6 months
❪⠀🪐. moodboard⠀𓏔⠀tears of gold⠀❫
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you always thought that life was going to be that way. prisoner of a golden cage, living the life of someone's dream, in that lost bay, alone... well, not alone. first, you had your mother, eternally busy with her job, and you had that cute chameleon you had found so long ago. but most importantly, you were not alone because one day that guy appeared on your door claiming to need somewhere to hide. and you had been raised to be kind and help the ones who needed it... right?
stayconnecteed (december 18th, 2023)
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personarider · 1 year
Kamen Rider Manga Part 5 Kamen SWIMMER?! |Rider Tears
Kamen Rider #Manga Part 5 Kamen SWIMMER?! #RiderTears Join MJ for a discussion of Ishinomori’s classic Kamen Rider manga Part 5, featuring: fish, friends and fractured families! How did you like chapter 5? #KamenRider #ShotaroIshinomori #manga
RSS Feed | Podcast Index | Spotify | Amazon Music | Samsung Podcasts | Listen Notes Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Pandora | Tune In | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | Deezer Kamen Rider Manga Part 5 Kamen SWIMMER?! |Rider Tears – Rider Tears Kamen Rider Manga Part 5 Kamen SWIMMER?! |Rider Tears 11:56 Kamen Rider Manga Part 4 Lucky Number 13 |Rider Tears 11:59 Kamen Rider Manga Part 3…
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dreamsmthgold · 3 months
The "you should forget about me" / "it's no one" parallel tho.
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mminu · 15 days
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ok alex rider readers i am so curious to know … with the muddled timeline and the most recent book releasing in 2023…. does Alex know the Queen is dead
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buddyup1 · 5 days
going insane thinking about that last sequence in kno8 episode 10... ough the feels of it all... the killer soundtrack, the heartfelt dialogue, the beautiful visuals.... all of it was so. fucking. good.
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moodicorn · 27 days
Decided to begin posting some of my older fan art. While the art is definitely outdated, I spent a lot of time on it, so I thought I might as well share it.
We're gonna start off with some Centaurworld, an animated series on Netflix. I was exposed to it through an MLP animatic, of all things, which used one of the series' many songs. I decided to check it out and got hooked immediately lol.
Here are some doodles of the main characters from my sketchbook, as well as a digital drawing of Horse.
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wormonastringtime · 6 months
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memories fade but the scars still linger
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