#Hermione Malfoy
rinamorten · 1 year
"What are you watching?" Draco asked as he entered their living room where Hermione installed a TV.
Draco rolled his eyes knowing to well that if his wife is interested in something you barely can get her attention. So, he came to her and sat near, placing his right hand right behind her shoulders.
"I asked: what are you watching?" he whispered in her ear, that made her shiver a little.
"Emh, it's The handmade's tale. I told you before."
"The one you read?"
"Yeah, but it's a show. Could you imagine that something like that might happen?" she asked him suddenly and looked into his gray eyes. He swallowed.
"I don't think it's gonna be good. Especially after what you told me."
"Yeah... Can't even think about being in her place. Like handmade and... it's just awful."
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apymek · 10 months
Hermione Granger/Malfoy
my first dramione art. or half of dramione)
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flancito22 · 2 years
Hermione on her first day as Minister of Magic
Draco: You look good behind that desk.
Hermione: Thank you.
Draco: Hell, you'd look so much better on top of it
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jadezdominion · 2 years
Here is my attempt at an epistolary style Dramione Ficlet/Drabble. TW: Grief //
Draco My Love,
Feeling the blades of grass between my fingertips and watching the wisps of dandelions floating in the wind made me yearn for a time when your laughter surrounded my soul like a balm. It’s odd that I’d only hear it in memories from now on and although that is more than some people get, it just won’t be sustainable. Not for two beings who were so intrinsically melded.
Remember the day we stayed at the cabin in Wales and got twisted in the sheets? You joked that between my hair and your long limbs you didn’t know where you ended and I began. My love, how true your words turned out to be.
I bought the cabin. It’s ours now. The table with the scorch marks from the cast iron pan is nestled in the corner. Your attempt to cook was laughable at best but you were tenacious. Your laugh from that day is humming in my veins.
Our reading nook by the fireplace isn’t as cozy without you. I can still feel your arms wrapped around my waist and the sound of your smooth baritone voice as you held me close to your chest while you read Pride and Prejudice to me. It was a perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon. Tea on the porch, walks along the trails, hours spent exploring one another’s skin on almost every surface of our, yes our cabin, reminds me that we chose a life worth living. You and I chose it. No one else did that for us Draco.
I’m not sure if owls deliver beyond the veil. Some cultures believe owls guide spirits into the afterlife, I doubt parchment that is meant for one counts. We knew the curse Voldemort meant to strike me with would be torturous but I never expected for you to step in front of its path. Gods how I wish we were both struck.
Now I sit here alive with blades of fucking grass in my fingertips instead of strands of your soft platinum hair. Unable to see that smile you got right before we would kiss. I miss you so much at times it hurts to breathe.
Then I remember the last gift magic gave us. They kicked for the first time today while I was playing a recording of you singing. What a bittersweet reminder that they wouldn’t get to sing alongside you at the piano, to feel your embrace as they listen to you read them a story; but at least they could play this recording when they need to be close to you. I guess the three of us can find solace in that. Our children will know the truth about you.
The big bad death eater with a laugh that could make the grumpiest sod crack a smile and the man who found his true self after choosing to live according to your terms. Even if it was on borrowed time.
Fuck Voldemort!!
Thank you for being my dark hero turned bright. For showing me what a love absolute is. By whispering, “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you” on rainy afternoons with your fingers twined into my curls while you read to me.
The mind healer said this letter would help with my grief and healing during pregnancy. She recommended I either I burn this letter as a release or put it away for 5 years then re-read it. I choose the latter. Until then. I love you. Ardently and Always.
Your Hermione
P.S. You won the bet by the way. We are having a boy and a girl. Your name stands for our son: Scorpius Bennet Malfoy and I chose Jane Guinevere Rose Malfoy for our daughter. We will love you… Always.
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- JEM 9/16/2022
A/N: The line Draco whispered is said by Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Author: Jane Austen
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someoftheday · 5 months
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shelbybyr · 8 months
When you run out of fics to read
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viria · 4 months
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spilled secrets (grimmauld roommates AU - part 2)
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laorakoon · 4 months
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A little drarry inspired by a scene in the third movie !
I really test something new for me with the colors and i think I prefer it. Tell me what do you think of it !
Btw, thanks you for the likes and shares of my last fancomic, i'm knew on the platform for it's really precious for me ! I love u so much ❣️
Good life to u
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euphoric-dramione · 5 months
"Oh, you haven't read the classics..." I'VE READ THE CLASSICS
✨Dramione edition✨
Manacled by senlinyu
Rights and Wrongs by LovesBitca8
Isolation by bexchan
The Fallout by everythursday
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
Meet Your Match by morriganmercy
Measure of a Man by inadaze22
Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites
Secrets and Masks by EmeraldSlytherin
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
Bring Him To His Knees by musyc
The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen
Dragon's Heartstrings by pinkinku
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doodleholic · 25 days
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Too Far and Snakey
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but daddy i love him! // theodore nott x fem granger reader
playlist : but daddy i love him - taylor swift
summary : being hermiones slightly younger , less intelligant and more reblellious sister, it is your duty to have a boyfriend no one approves of to match.
y/n used , gryffindor granger reader , swearing
masterlist PART 2!
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"merlin hes so hot" you whined with you head in your hand , staring across the hall at theodore nott.
hermione shuddered in disgust , "yeah and hes a terrible person."
"mione hes really not , just because hes slytherin doesnt mean hes some kind of horrific monster," you rolled your eyes , finally looking away from theodore and looking at hermione across from you.
"dont mix your delusion with reality y/n. him and his friends have bullied us since first year," hermione snapped back.
"whos us? ive never been teased by him before but stay safe i guess," you argued , getting more annoyed by the second.
"you cant be with him y/n , not only does he not do relationships , clearly , hes not good for you!"
"oh but daddy i love him!" you said in a mocking childish tone.
"did you just call hermione daddy?" ron cringed inbetween his quick eating.
"its a little mermaid reference ronald." you said sternly , judging the boys messy consumption of the food on his full plate.
"whats a little mermaid reference?" he mocked.
you, hermione and harry all looked at him with pure shock , forgetting ron wasnt really accustomed to muggle films , "please educate your man mione."
she gasped in pure horror as ron pretened to gag , they both argued over eachother throwing loud defenses and digs at eachother.
"look! i would actually rather die than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning!!" you shouted over them , silencing their arguing as harry nodded along with your statement.
"y/n i dont mean to stir the pot but i dont really think nott is a great partner either," ron said with disgust.
"thanks for that ron! wanna add your two cents harry? seems like everyone cares who i have silly crushes on nowadays!" you fumed , turning to the twins who sat on the table besides you , "good morning george , fred, would you like to give your opinion on theodore nott?"
"hate him," fred stated plainly.
"i always target him in quidditch," george quickly followed with a shrug as you let out a defeated groan.
you turned back to the trio , crossing your arms in anger , "im going to go see ginny , see what she thinks of all this , she always supports me unlike you little goblins!"
"yeah cause ginny has a crush on basically every guy," ron scoffed.
"atleast ginny can admit when she has feeling for someone and doesnt pine on her best friend for years! atleast she isnt in denail!" you said smugly as hermione and ron squirmed in discomfort , blushing.
you abruptly stood up from the table , beginning to stomp away when harry shouted after you , "have a great day mrs nott!"
you turned to look at him , flipping him off before shouting back , "aw you too mr weasley!".
harry blushed as ron looked between the two of you , "shes insane , calling you weasley , what weasley could you possibly marry!"
ron scoffed and continued eating his food as harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and exchanged a look with hermione.
you now found yourself storming the corridors , looking for ginny when someone fell into step besides you , their deep voice making you shudder.
"hello mrs nott."
you stopped in you tracks and looked besides you in horror , theodore smirked down at you.
"erm hi," you mumbled quietly , face deep red in embarrassment. how could you forget the whole time that theodore had been sat with his friends on the table across from you?!
"dont go all shy on me now , i liked how you defended me." he smirked.
"i was really just joking dont get excited ," you teased , finally shaking your shyness.
"didnt sound like a joke to me? you got really worked up granger," he still held his smug expression , eyes peircing yours even when you didnt look back.
"look nott , i just like picking fights with them its funny to tease them." you shrugged continuing your walk as theodore followed still looking at you the whole time.
"go out with me," he said sternly as you paused again.
"are you being serious?" you said trying to seem not as interested as you truly were.
he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the empty classroom besides you , pushing you against the door to shut it.
he put one hand beside your head on the door and the other playing with your hair and grazing your cheekbone , "dead serious."
you looked at him , finally silent for the first time in your life , your silence allowing him to continue , "you can say you dont like me all you want. that its jokes , that its just to get a reaction. but i think we both know its more than that."
"im not gonna be one of your girls nott , im not like that. sure i have a different type to my sister but that doesnt mean i go for fucking man whores who just wanna get me in their bed."
"ouch , your words hurt me, bella. ive never touched a single girl asides from you. ive waited for you." he said softly.
"basically every person in this school says otherwise nott."
his hand that was resting on the door cleched into a first tightly , "stop calling me nott. its theo to you."
"why do you care?" you asked as his frustration grew.
he stared at you now with cold eyes , danger in them like he was staring at his prey. you simply looked back , folding you arms and watching as his eyes flicked down your face.
"dont play hard to get. you practically announced your love for me a second ago y/n." he mumbled.
"sure. ill go out with you, charity work." you joked as he finally dropped his anger and laughed.
"i like it by the way," he said looking up with a smirk as you stared back with confusion , " 'mrs nott,' it suits you."
"hm i dont know. ive always been kinda progressive , mr granger," you smirked before pushing him away with one hand and walking out of the classroom, leaving him to stare at your figure.
the second you found ginny you practically screamed in her face with excitement , "ginnny you will not BELIEVE IT!!"
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Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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ellemisc · 17 days
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“For god’s sake, Malfoy, has no one ever introduced you to the concept of personal space?”
A tribute to my favourite 8th year fic ever, ‘Height’ by, of course, @senlinyu, thank you for my favourite reread!
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ivmaruva · 1 month
Draco has the biggest crush on her. 😳
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lunarlivs · 2 months
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breakfast time
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
Reader: breaks up with any of my fictional crushes
Me: u dumb bitch😡 how could you do this to me???
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