#Heru Wer
khensaptah · 6 months
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EDIT: all items have been sent to their new homes
I have some miniature gods here that I would like to give away. Help with the cost of shipping is appreciated if you can spare it. Matchbox for scale.
Weegyptians Ma'at and "Horus" (could easily be a Khonsu or Ra)
Tawaret ("William" replica)
Custom painted chess piece Anpu and Khonsu. The Khonsu comes with a consecrated ribbon from the HoN state icon of Khonsu in His year, if that is heka that is meaningful to you.
All items ship from Boston, Massachusetts. Any that are not claimed by 12/31 will be given away to a local secondhand shop.
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satsekhem · 4 months
Appearance of Heru-Wer [Imbolc] 2024
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I watched you burn alive
And from the ashes you rise
It should be no surprise
You were always a phoenix in disguise
- Resurrection by Gemini Syndrome
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azuremaenad · 10 months
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Happy birthday, Heru-Wer!
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lotusfeather-and-bone · 10 months
(I completely forgot to write Heru-Wer a prayer for yesterday, but I did do a candle and altar for him! And his candle is probably one of my favorites with how it turned out, his name is so clear and bright on the white candle.
Dua Heru-Wer!
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ava-does-dumbassery · 2 years
Welcome to Egyptian mythology. We have one thousand million different versions of Horus. Trying to distinguish them or figure out if the ancient Egyptians even saw them as different at all will drive you to madness.
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cowandsistrum · 10 months
Epagomenal Day 2: Heru-wer
Another quick and dirty service today (got home way later than I expected), but Dad got His meat pie and I got the most wonderful view of His healed eye in the moon, so. I have a feeling that’s what really mattered to Him.
I’ve been excited for this day since last week. Heru-wer is a Name very dear to me, guiding me right from the first wobbly falcon chick steps I took into Kemeticism, and likely before that, in childhood, where the book that piqued my interest in Egyptology and the Egyptian gods featured a wonderful Ra-Horakhty falcon emblazoned on its cover.
It is somewhat ironic then, that this day would end up feeling less formal than the previous for Wesir. Shrine service was even quicker than usual: no sparks, or big huge feelings like I got with Wesir yesterday, but He was there all the same, in His warm gruffness. Less of a sit-down like I was called to do with Wesir yesterday and in the future, but more of a quick ruffle on the head and a somewhat impatient “The pie is getting cold. Hurry up and eat it and we can return to formalities later,” though with more warmth in those words than I feel I can put across here.
No, I felt Heru the most today in the quiet moments. Teaching and reflecting on all I had done and all I would come to do. The moon rose in its full and beautiful silver glory today on my commute home and that’s when I felt Him the most. A quiet embrace of silvers and purples in the dusk, and the reminder to be proud of what I have done.
Today’s card was the Seven of Wands, paired with the Ten of Swords, which jumped out at me and didn’t reveal its face until after the reading. The message is very clear: have more faith in yourself and you can weather any storm.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 2 years
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It’s getting older now, but here’s a nostalgia piece I did for my design of Horus (from my old comic series Cycles of Duat). I wanted to see how much I’ve changed since I first drew him.
I’m proud of my progress from 2019 to 2022. Younger me would be proud.
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thegodstheycall · 10 months
Maybe it's time to start from the beginning again?
"But I'm so tired of starting over."
Isn't that all life is?
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khandoppel · 1 year
Prayer to Horus
Dua Heru-sa-Aset, dua Heru-Wer
Praise Horus the Young, Horus son of Isis, praise Horus the Elder, Horus King of Kings
You who bring us sunlight on this blessed day, You who defend your Father from the jaws of chaos every night
Praised be Your power, Your love, Your guidance
O King of Gods and Men, Lord of Light, Almighty Sun, Protector of All, Warrior of Duat, Ruler of South and North
In this blessed day, with snows in the north and warmth in the south, I sing Your praise, and ask Your blessings for me, mine, your devoted few and all who live in Ma'at under Your light
May the light of sun and moon guide us through the new year
I invite Your light into my home, for this day is Yours, amongst many others, and my heart sings Your song!
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ptah-ikemi-ka · 2 years
Epag Day 2
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It was Heru-Wer's birthday yesterday, and I lit all the candles and oil lamps, with the sandalwood incense, and it was cute, I also remembered to sing happy birthday LOL.
May the Victorious One King of Ma'at Warrior who defends the Peace of all His people find Solace on this day He is remembered by the Ones who choose to remember His Fight and His Duty under the Gaze of the Right Eye that is the Sun of Justice and Fairness
Dua Heru-Wer! Dua Ma'at! Dua Ptah! Dua Netjeru! Nekhtet!
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the-wishing-well · 10 months
Celebrating Wep Ronpet super later but, better late then never right? I was having a super bad depression fit during the actual week it was supposed to happen, so I’m just improvising at this point.
Anyways, day two.
Dua Heru-Wer!
May your Light never cease to shine, may your eyes never dim, and may your strength never fail you, or the ones who depend on you.
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thegodsutekh · 4 months
Hot take: some people (coughtiktok) tend to treat the Gods like glorified neopets.
You do not have to sort out their godly conflicts or relationship quarrels, or even understand them.
You are not barred from the attention of Wesir if you have given offerings to Sutekh.
The Gods will not whine if you don’t give them enough attention.
These are highly powerful spiritual beings and it is a gift to be able to work with them.
They have existed and thrived before you, and will after you.
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satsekhem · 2 years
Hagging Out - October 2022.
Hallowtide Traditions.
AKA Horus Welcomes the Nile, Day 5.
For the last decade, the pursuit of Halloween traditions has been blunted in the face of the childish hunt for candy. All focus has been on my child and their pursuit of how much candy will rip the seams of that year's candy snare. The only other traditions were stopping at the aunt's house (she gets no trick or treaters anymore) and his grandmother's house.
But since the child has gone from youth to pre-teen to teenager (...), the focus has been less on candy and less on the child's needs. I've found myself capable of establishing traditions.
Two years ago, I began exploring the five-day holiday, Horus Welcomes the Nile. In antiquity, the pharaoh would go down to the Nileometer and see how high the floods had risen. The country would hold its collective breath, waiting to see if the holiday would be one of celebration or fear.
There are no true natural water sources near me. We do not rely on the river the way the ancient Egyptians do, but we do rely heavily on snowfall. Snowpack is a benefit for a variety of ecological reasons and every year, less snow falls meaning less snowpack which begins melting earlier and earlier each spring.
I turned the purpose of Horus Welcomes the Nile into a requirement to welcoming the future snowfall. (The first year seemed to go well since it snowed on the final day.) I've done my best to lure it to us with offerings, with words, and with the connection between myself and the land around me. I build up the offerings each day until the final day, on Halloween.
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[This] Horus welcomes the Nile. [This] Horus welcomes the snow... preferably on the weekends when I don't have to drive to or from work in it and take my life into my hands on that fucking hill.
May the snow be plentiful. May the snowpack last longer, insulating the soil and decreasing root mortality. May the snowmelt start later come spring and the winter prove colder.
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be-your-bast · 9 months
Kemetic Gods
Regional Forms (Southwest US/Arizona) Part 2
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(Names in alt text)
Part 1
Part 3
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caffeine-and-sunshine · 10 months
Yesterday was the birthday of Heru-Wer (Haroeris), He With the Eyes of Moon and Sun! Admittedly we do not know this Name very well so we spent some time researching for offerings. His candle is scented with clove, cinnamon and orange with yellow wildflowers, citrine and agate. He also got mandarin oranges and a gingerbread cookie!
I'd like to get to know this Name better. Our lineup is VERY lunar while Em's partner (@be-your-bast) has a lineup that is very solar. So to have those two themes in one Netjer is FASCINATING to both of us. So if you have any interesting stories or information you'd like to share, please do!
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Yeah, so there’s a bit in the Coffin Texts that says Horus the Elder judged between Set and Horus and stopped them from destroying the sky.
N, you are the Elder Horus, you have judged between the Rivals, namely the two who would destroy the sky;
I am once again asking if Horus the Elder and Horus the Younger are two separate gods or not.
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