#Hes just too risky
not-the-organ · 1 year
There's a lotta talk 'bout You-know-who tonight... IS HE COMIN' BACK?? :3
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justabiteofspite · 9 days
"Astarion doesn't do big romantic gestures."
My Durge still trying to get graveyard dirt out of her ass crack after being lovingly pounded into it by Astarion who wanted to share with her this deeply joyful and meaningful reclamation of himself after sharing a vulnerable declaration of his love, at this place he hasn't shown anyone else but her: "Then what the actual fuck was that???"
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hiemaldesirae · 4 months
you knwo what. you know what. i can never fucking escape the game system trope no matter what fandom it is im just gonna play into it now
so actually the original concept for this was isekai where vox ends up getting booted into hell via a universal mishap but i think its funnier like this: where vox dies and since he did technically die for his friends, he ends up ascending to heaven but is greeted by a different angel instead of the seraphims who asks if he'd like a second chance instead
vox says yes thinking he'll just get sent down again and be back w the vees- this does not happen. instead he ends up back at the very first day he fell into hell with a "system" - one that tells him its a "gift" from heaven, no less, thats supposed to guide him through his time in hell to like . minmax his gains + his losses (emotional and material) if that makes sense . so the system walks him through his time in hell but suddenly there seems to be a problem . turns out an unanticipated side effect of the system is that vox has a similar presence to an archangel (the one who Gave him the damn thing) so a lot of people end up assuming hes some kinda fallen angel which makes it like 100% harder for him to go thru life^3
alastor in PARCTICULAR takes a very odd interest in him, wondering and asking if he has wings or if they were "burnt in your fall" meanwhile vox isnt quite sure whether he wants to take the chance to get close to al this time or just leave since deep down he knows itll end badly for him either way. the system makes the choice for him and starts to steer him away from al who in turn becomes even more intrigued by the fallen angel, who for whatever reason he swears feels familiar
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Y'all would not believe the situations I can put ocs in. Rotate them in my brain microwave.
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sotc · 1 month
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I MISS HIM ALREADY SO MUCHHH. HOW DO I BREATHEEEEE WITHOUT YOUUUUU. Apparently the timelapse between the end of Origins and the beginning of Awakening is 6 months and I am so upset that the honeymoon travel between Zevana was cut short! THEY DESERVE LONGER. Traveling as Milana did in the year facing the Blight was the most of the outside world she's seen considering her entire life was within the confines of the Alienage and parts of Denerim. Now with the threat of an Archdemon gone, I imagine her and Zev went traveling abroad towards the Free Marches and Antiva City (perhaps even a bit of Orlais? hmm, not sure tho) I think Zev was delighted to show her his city but also lmao so very dangerous of them to do so - but who are they if they aren't finding the thrill in a bit of danger anyways :3c I'm sure at some point though an assassination attempt may have been too close of a call in Antiva to their liking. Duties called her back to Ferelden anyways and Zevran assumed it was time to finally stop running and actually go after the Crows, as noted in this letter. Afterall, now he has a life of his own and a love worth fighting for. 🫶 I always think back to that line when he mentioned the fortune teller in the whorehouse he grew up in told him he would live a long life (much to her surprise) and for as long as he's been an assassin and the years ahead for them both.... SIGHS LOVINGLY. CHIN HANDS. KICKS MY FEET. It's what he DESERVES!!!! Now if only we can find the cure to the Calling for Milana huh...
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Everyone’s discussing Eddie being trapped and Buck not realizing, but I’m SO confident that Chris Is The Answer, so let me offer…Eddie’s trapped and Bobby knows, but Eddie tells him not to tell Buck. He needs Buck safe for Chris’ sake. And trying to get to Eddie would put Buck in danger too.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Hold on something's just hit me.
If everyone in the Plex were to believe that Gregory dropped Cassie at the end of Ruin to keep himself from being found, whether he did it or not, wouldn't that make Roxy to one most able to understand him?
As Mimic's guard dog, surely she would know the lengths you have to go through to keep that fucker trapped. A whole team of Raceway construction workers went straight to their deaths down there. Roxy won't let the Raceway be repaired and re-opened in order to keep people safe. She's probably been able to see Mimic and its victims through the floor this entire time, she knows what it can do and what it's done, even if she doesn't know the full extent of it.
She's willing to sacrifice her Raceway and Salon to keep people from finding Mimic. Her pride and joys, basically her whole reason for being built in the first place. They're not worth the risk to her.
Whether Gregory sacrificed Cassie to keep Mimic trapped or not, surely Roxy would realise some sort of similarity. She may think doing that to Cassie was too far, she may think he's a monster for even considering it and she may feel as though nothing could justify what he did... But there's a part of her that gets it. The absolute terror that comes at the slightest possibility that Mimic could escape. She gets that sacrifices have to made, fuck she's made those sacrifices herself. She would never have sacrificed someone for this, that's why she ran headfirst at Mimic instead of just sealing the exits again, but there could be that tiny little part of her that feels the need to constantly to remind her that Gregory was trying to do the same thing she was.
The key difference here, is that if Gregory had done it, it would fall in line with almost everything else we've seen him do. The sacrifices he makes, are of other people, and not himself. He sacrificed Roxy, Chica and Monty to upgrade Freddy for his safety and possibly the safety of Vanessa. If he also dropped Cassie, then he's once again sacrificing someone else for the sake of his own safety. Not like he has that much else to lose, but I'm drawing comparisons here.
Roxy on the other hand, sacrifices herself. She sacrificed her Raceway and her Salon for the benefit of both herself and others. Unlike Gregory finding himself in a hopeless situation and hurting others to get out of it, Roxy was given this job (probably) and chose to give up what little she has in the world to keep the situation from happening. Even when Cassie deactivates her and ends up face to face with Mimic, Roxy jumps straight at it to buy her time to escape which could have easily killed her.
So now you have Roxy, who unfortunately does understand Gregory's choice to drop Cassie (if she believes he did it which yeah she probably does) but has absolutely no sympathy for him. She couldn't care less about him. There's potentially a fearful little voice in her head that she's the same as Gregory that fuels her anger towards him even more. She hasn't ever sacrificed someone else to keep the Mimic at bay and she's been doing it for fuck knows how long, what gives Gregory a free pass? Maybe if he hadn't stolen her fucking eyes she would have been able to stop the whole thing from getting that far anyway!
I'm not saying this to frame Gregory as a villain or anything. I don't think he dropped Cassie and I still think it was entirely Freddy's fault for what happened to the others in SB. I just think this is interesting from a character stand point. The one person that could understand the choices they've made to keep Mimic from escaping is each other, but they're both too hateful of each other for it to affect anything... If they were ever to settle their differences, I think it would have to start here. The only common ground they share, is the one thing no one else does.
But Gregory didn't even fucking do it so I bet that goes well lmao
#fnaf security breach#roxanne wolf#fnaf gregory#fnaf ruin dlc#I'm just thinking here#if Gregory DID do it that would be a fun direction to take this#Roxy so fiercly protective of Cassie and so angry and hurt by Gregory but god fucking damn it she GETS it and she's MAD about it#if he didn't then like. she won't believe him anyway#can you IMAGINE that though??#roxy and gregory end up talking somehow. it's angry its painful and it blows up#they're both crying they were both on the same side that whole time and had just gone about it differently but so similarly#and fucking HELL they both get it.#Mimic scared the shit out of BOTH of them and they were both willing to do whatever it took to stop it#Cassie was Gregory's FRIEND and he felt he had no choice. she was all he had to give whether he liked it or not#Roxy had more to give but her attraction is her life. She was built for the Raceway everything about her and her identity ties back to that#and she felt she had no choice either.#in a way I suppose they both gave their hearts to Mimic. the things that make them who they are were the only things that would do#Gregory's closest and possibly ONLY friend. the only true connection he still has in the outside world.#and Roxy's entire life's purpose as the Pizzaplex's resident racer and hairstylist. the identity she was born into was too risky to keep.#they destroyed huge parts of themselves with their own two hands for the greater good and they did it alone.#what else could they have done?#if they ever came to an understanding about this they wouldn't be able to tell anyone#how can Roxy emphasise with Cassie's would be murderer?#how can Gregory emphasise with someone that would be Freddy's murderer if she didn't think it'd upset Cassie?#I don't think either would sympathise with each other... but I don't think they'd need to#someone else that gets it even a little bit is probably all they want#they stil hate each other after all! they just understand each other more than they might be comfortable with#anyway I'm fucking shattered goodnight lads
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*MC is considering canceling plans, and Isaac and Dazai are advising her on what to do*
Isaac: Just don't go.
Dazai: Say you’re ill!
Isaac: Pretend to break your leg.
Dazai: Really break your leg!
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thedupshadove · 3 months
Is "Too Sweet" a Houlihawk song? Discuss.
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the-golden-weapons · 4 months
unpopular opinion: I dont think Jay will get a full -on villain arc, and I don’t really want him to either.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months
Um. okay. Yeah, I could go on. Right back at ya, don’t apologize for your long answer either. It’s so nice when someone goes into detail with this kind of stuff.  Thanks for also sharing a few facts of the fleetway emeralds btw. Kinda what started this whole second train of thought.
Archie’s chaos energy isn’t screwed up like the Fleetway universe. True. But still very much insane in terms of power and ability. It’s given to the rise of entities like Perfect Chaos, fused Tikal + Chaos, Enerjak, Chaos Knuckles, and Turbo Tails. And ofc Super forms. Could grant wishes and immortality. Capability to warp time and space to the point of rewriting reality entirely. Which I assume the Super Genesis Wave never happens in your canon thank goodness otherwise RIP to everyone.
…And Scourge took power from the damn Master Emerald. 
So much possibilities for him based on the bonkers lore that is Archie and the potential was squandered. Understandable since he’s not a hero and HAS to lose. That being said, it can be argued in-universe reasons that Scourge is just very ignorant to what he can do. For all his power and speed, he’s simply not pushed to his limits the same way his Prime counterpart was. His skills are not honed as they should be. It’s canon that he doesn’t consider the capabilities/consequences of using power sources or what he ‘can do’ until Sonic spells these things out for him. Your Sonic had to come up with the idea of vibrating through handcuffs in which Scourge latched on the knowledge immediately from there.  Not always the critical thinker but fast learner indeed.
And ah yes, Scourge becoming good this way is terrifying. Characters that forcibly go under personality changes like this has been a long running concept in fictional media and it always hits hard on how horrible it is to have your mind manipulated to the point where you’re no longer you. I guess it’s a questionable last resort for the truly despicable, but for someone like Scourge..…why condemn him to such a fate ? 
Which leads me to another way on what a good Super Scourge would be like. 
As much Super Scourge is nice, starting off, he has a rather simplistic view on the concept of doing good. He’s no killer but lacks the understanding that people are pretty complicated. His first course of action would be to boot Sonic off the team. If Sonic is still stuck with his own Super form then he would forcefully separate Sonic’s Super form from him claiming he’s saving Sonic. Only to be surprised by Sonic still being an ass by default. 
He could be hostile to even pacifistic Super Sonic, simply because chaos energy conflict bullshit, attempt to absorb him.  Overall, it takes time to get a grasp on how not everything is painted black and white. With the added risk of being manipulated too, develop a more warped sense of good, the FF have to be really really vigilant with him on this.
Super Sonic gets more destructive the more chaos energy he absorbs. Super Scourge absorbing more energy, gives him the opportunity to do more good. Absolutely radiating. Then there’s the thought of going off to save other universes. He would leave the fleetway universe continuously absorbing the plentiful chaos energy the multiverse has to offer, not realizing his mission will be an endless one. Cue the bitter tears from Sonic, because that’s gonna be a long daaaayyyy to retrieve him. And probably Sonic spitting some vile words after, since he lacks the ability to cope with loss too well. He’s got the bloody receipts with Porker fully leaving the team & Johnny dying.
Scourge would be torn internally by this too because although it was through involuntary circumstances, he was gonna ‘leave for the greater good’ over Sonic in an eerily similar way his father had chose his peace making work over him.
Assuming the chaos energy works the same as it does to Sonic but with a collision of multi-universe chaos energy mix here, then an Evil Super Scourge wouldn’t be like Sonic’s. He would be truly unpredictable. The embodiment of doing whatever he wants when he wants it. A fickle little shit. Moods like a light switch. No one knows if he means what he says. The scariest thing when dealing with this Super Scourge is that he actually knows what kind of powers he has. Not a universe ender though, can’t ‘enjoy’ life and its chaos if you’re wiping everything off of existence.
Sharing Scourge’s arrogance to the extreme, Super doesn’t look for chaos energy to sustain himself because he always thinks he has enough, so he often burns himself out pretty fast. Other times transforming back would either out of sheer boredom, getting tricked, Scourge shakily taking back control, or seeing Sonic who makes him feel extremely miserable to where he just crumbles.
It could be he’s aware he comes from a Sonic. Triggering a sense of worthlessness for him. Or he has a soft spot for him. Idk. Unpack that suitcase of dynamics with him/FF and psychological issues when you can.
He could be envious of Super Sonic for at least he has consistent things to latch onto even if they’re simple and boring to him. (destroy everything/ live life at the Groovy Train). Because he’d partially share Scourge’s apathy towards things. Think of Anti Sonic when he got apathetic after overthrowing Anti King Max and got everything he wanted in the moment. That’s where I’m getting that aspect from.
As for his opinion on Scourge, bygones are always gonna be bygones since in the end, it was thanks to him he could exist to do what he wants. I also rather see your own interpretation on how he would treat Scourge. Geez imagine the new emotional issues and setbacks. If it’s by will? haha, yeah noo, let’s put a lid on this guy. almost forever. Fuck you Sonic why does your dimension have to be such a shitty plac—
If there’s no risk of transforming into either of these personas, then I like to think Scourge could maybe like re-stabilize the energy in Sonic’s universe one day. Bend the rules a bit with them. He’d be so ecstatic they both transform at will with no consequences (Screaming at the top of his lungs “TAKE THAT PRIME I JUST FIXED A UNIVERSE IN A WAY YOU NEVER COULD AND WE GOT COOL SUPER FORMS OUT OF IT”)  Or be very well be dragged in and consumed by it in a way no one is gonna expect.
sigh, I really wish we knew more about anarchy energy because Scourge is likely made of it originally, and it’s a miracle that the energy he absorbed wasn’t incompatible. The smallest way these energies probably did overlap canonically is through cosmetic change so far, if the whole green to purple invert palette is anything to take away from.
Basically the point is it’s like what Zonic says about Scourge,
“Besides, Scourge’s mutation has made him something of a wild card in the cosmic scheme of things.”
So I very much like that you aren’t planning to stick to one set of rules to how the super forms would work because you’re right. YOU’RE SO RIGHT. There’s no official answers on how all of this would even work! This is the sheer beauty of writing whatever the fuck you want. It’ll be thrilling to see what kind of stories you’d make up with that in mind.
Let Scourge be the cosmic wildcard.
Vibrating at the speed of light at all of this I love it all
I love the idea that Scourge doesn't actually know all the things he's capable of because he doesn't push himself the same way Sonic does, so you're right he very well could have abilities that even he doesn't know about. Would he discover them while in a super form? Or would his super form share his strategy of "brute force the way through everything" and continue to never discover any neat hidden powers? Who knows... good for Sonic if Scourge's super form is evil, though. Super Sonic is already a pain with everything he can do, so while a Super Scourge would also be a pain, it'd be easier if he was oblivious to some of the devastating things he can do
HELP FHJDSHJFDSA SCOURGE DECIDING TO FUCKING BOOT SONIC OFF THE TEAM IS SO FUCKING FUNNY..... SONIC WOULD BE PISSEDDDDD. And the idea of Scourge just fuckin. Sticking his hand in Sonic's chest and yeeting Super out is sending me. Afhdshjafd poor Super though.... already has Sonic questioning him, and now Scourge? He cannot catch a break
Oh my god Scourge flying off to "save the multiverse".... god Sonic would not take that well. You're right, he hates it when people leave him, even when they have good reason to (ie Porker) so for Scourge to leave him? He'd hate it. He has his own dimension to protect, he doesn't have time to care about what's going on in other universes, especially since those other dimensions presumably have their own Sonic to take care of things. I imagine he'd try to hide how hurtful he finds it, though... at least until they finally catch up to Scourge and Scourge puts up a fight and argues about how he doesn't want to go back. And the freedom fighters are desperately trying to tread carefully, because Scourge could bolt at any time and it's such a pain to pin him down, but Sonic would not be as tactful as the rest of their friends. You make a really interesting comparison between Scourge leaving "for the greater good" and the way his father chose peace over him, although I don't know if he'd be in a state to come to that conclusion himself in his super form. As his regular self, definitely, but idk about in a super form. I could absolutely see Sonic spitting that comparison at him, however; he's not above low blows, and Super Scourge isn't the Scourge he knows and loves, so if he's already lashing out, I could absolutely see him making some kind of vile comment about it. Something something "you're becoming just like your daddy, I see" or something along those lines
I love the idea of Super Scourge's arrogance meaning he burns out quickly, because I can absolutely see that happening. I think it would be difficult to trick him into powering down, because as you said, he's a fast learner, and Prime Sonic has already tricked him into powering down once, so he'd notice if the freedom fighters tried that, but I do think it would be possible. I think Sonic would struggle a little with tricking him, not because he's not smart or capable of tricking people, but because he's actually at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the freedom fighters. He's never had to calm someone down from a transformation, after all; the only times he has (to my memory) fought a super form was after he and Super were separated, where Super powering down wasn't an option. The solutions were to trick and trap him, or try and find some way to fight him, so Sonic's knee-jerk reaction is to fight. The rest of the freedom fighters, though? They have experience in this kind of stuff. They've had practice in bringing Sonic down from his super form; the time when Tails managed it by using Sonic's ego against him to trick him into solving the problem for them comes to mind. So they'd already have a few tricks up their sleeves - notably tricks Scourge probably hasn't seen, and thus he'd be more likely to fall for them. I also think his super form would have trouble thinking ahead, so while he'd recognise if someone tried an identical plan to Prime Sonic's, he'd most likely fall for other tricks that have a similar effect but are executed differently. So the freedom fighters would actually be pretty good at handling this situation
I think one of the hardest things for Sonic is that feelings don't translate when someone is under the influence of chaos energy. Like, Sonic loves his friends even if he's shit at showing it, but he was more than willing to kill them when he was super. So Scourge's feelings for him likely wouldn't be enough to make him change back, especially if he's evil and possibly even if he's good. I think it would frustrate him knowing he can't get through to Scourge by appealing to his feelings, because those feelings don't matter when he's in his super form
I think Sonic would think he can cope with it better than he can because his other knee-jerk reaction is to see Super Scourge as a completely separate person to Scourge, which is simultaneously easy for him and way more difficult than expected. Super Sonic is (now) a separate person, after all, so it stands to reason he'd see Super Scourge the same way. But I don't think he'd be prepared for how little that separation helps him. I think he almost definitely makes some kind of comment about how Super Scourge "isn't really Scourge" which will inevitably piss Scourge off. Having his identity as Scourge dismissed would hurt even in regular form, so in a super form, that would be multiplied. Especially since, well, Super Scourge is Scourge. Just not the one they all know and love. Super Sonic was still Sonic in the beginning, after all, and only really became his own person after the split. But Sonic has gotten comfortable with the idea of super forms being separate people entirely, so of course that's how he'll treat Super Scourge. Needless to say, I don't think that will go down well, no matter if Scourge is good or evil in his super form
I LOVE the idea of Scourge accidentally being the antidote who can stabilise chaos energy. Normally the chaos emeralds need specific conditions to be stabilised, but imagine if Scourge could act as a replacement for those conditions... I think Sonic would both be thrilled at having a super form he can actually control, and be wary about it. I think he knows he could do a lot of good if he could just control his super form, but I think even if he got a super form he could control, transforming or seeing his fur start to turn yellow would lowkey still make him panic and instinctively try to shut it down. I think it would take him a long time to get over that.
I had a vague thought about Sonic using a dark form like we see in Sonic X in order to get around this and take advantage of all the negative emotions he has around turning super, but that is like, ultimate self indulgent daydreaming lol so probably nothing I will ever elaborate further on
Also, even if Scourge could stabilise chaos energy, chances are Porker would want to run experiments on that, and I can't imagine Scourge would be too happy about playing guinea pig (this would not stop him from bragging to Prime about how he fixed an entire dimension's chaos energy)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ZONIC CALLING SCOURGE A COSMIC WILD CARD honestly that makes this whole scenario even more interesting and demonstrates just how much he could shake up the rules just by going super. Like we really took someone who is already making even the zone cops go "yeah idfk what's going on with this one man" and dumped him in the universe with more volatile chaos energy than normal. What a combination fdhsafhjdsa. Also this makes me wonder how much of a headache poor Zonic would have if Scourge ever did go super with the fleetway emeralds. Especially if he was good and went zooming off trying to "save" the multiverse, because you can guarantee that behaviour would catch the attention of the zone cops. Creating yet another obstacle for Sonic and the rest of the freedom fighters. Honestly the more I talk about this the more I think about things that Sonic would add to his list of "reasons why Scourge should never go super" lmao
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hajihiko · 1 year
I can't decide if it'd be better or worse in an Everyone's Awake version where Mikan and Nagito also hear things
Hear things?? Plz explain idk what u mean but I'm always intrigued
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tittyinfinity · 2 months
No seroquel means no sleep for me I guess. I've been trying for hours
#decided if im gonna be awake i may as well do something other than wallow in thoughts that cause me anxiety#just super fucked up that i went from believing i could no longer feel romantic attraction#to suddenly being flooded with feelings#and like he didn't even confess romantic feelings for me he just said hed be down to fuck sometime#usually id just be like yeah that's fine i don't usually catch feelings#so it's fucking me up that im having romantic feelings towards someone who probably doesnt feel that way#and it's fucking me up that i caught feelings from being TOLD he'd like to fuck we haven't even done that#sigh i can't pretend like those feelings weren't already there and just extremely repressed....#kept having so many dreams about being in love w him... I'd do everything i could to shake the feeling off#it comes down to insecurities#feeling like i make too many mistakes to be with someone as good as him#the fear that I'll stress him out#one of the most amazing people I've ever met. he has respected my boundaries for years#and i guess those boundaries were only firmly in place bc i knew deep down it would spark something#honestly i felt a huge spark hours before he even told me#whenever he came up behind me and hugged me on the neck#his lips accidentally brushed against my neck and i swooned#we haven't talked since that night but he said he wants to have a conversation about it when he's not busy#he has two jobs#his 2nd one lasting til 1am#but yeah thinking about what he might say is making me nervous#like what if he suddenly decides that it IS too risky#i don't think ill be able to kick these feelings#at least i let him know head on that i might fall in love w him if we pursue anything else#but we haven't even pursued shit!! and i feel this way already!!#i guess not ''in love'' but the crush is hard-fucking-core#the kind of crush i havent had since meeting my ex 7 years ago...#i forgot what the feeling was like. and it's.... so strong#.bdo
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erazonpo3 · 5 months
latest chapter of way out is subtly pushing my 'the guy who encourages the teenage kid to fistfight rampaging noble pokemon is maybe not actually Dad material' agenda
unless the Dad material you're talking about is Dad who doesn't actually know how to be a responsible adult and tries to make up for that by being Fun and Rules-Free, which you know, fair.
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bathmob · 1 year
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look at him go
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We know that Gil once said to Thena: "If you love something, you protect it. It's the most natural thing in the world". Can we have a scenario when Thena says it back to Gil? Tysm!! P.S. you are a delight and a very talented writer, I love all of your fics!
"Feels like the good old days."
Thena chose to ignore him as he joined her on the roof atop their little home for two. The more he said that the more she felt like snapping at him that there was no such thing as good old days anymore.
But he would not deserve that.
Gilgamesh sat himself next to her, legs over the edge, leaning back on his palms despite the heat the roof absorbed from the relentless sun. He looked up at the sky, showing symptoms of dusk.
"You're not sleeping."
She was, she could argue. She slept briefly when he went out to forage for food, or find a human outpost with trade. She slept when he was not around to fall victim to her. "I am."
"If you are not here to witness it, then-"
"Thena," Gilgamesh persisted, turning to look at her. She maintained her resistance to looking at him. "Hey."
She finally did, taking him in under the soft light of evening. Australia had very brief evenings after very long days. It made the slim sliver of soft light feel elusive and precious.
"You're safe here," Gil whispered - pleaded - as he raised his hand to her cheek. He brushed his thumb over the bone of her cheek. "You know that, right?"
Thena resisted the urge to lean into his touch with everything she could muster.
"I need you to know that."
Gilgamesh had worked tirelessly since they arrived on the continent. From walking them all the way out here, hand in hand, to preparing this plot of land to laying the foundation for their house, he did everything.
Houses weren't built overnight. They had been out here for some time now. How much exactly, she couldn't know. Sometimes days passed in a blur, sometimes she passed out for days at a time.
"Do you know that, Thena?" Gil whispered to her, pulling her hand up to cradle his cheek in the same way. He leaned into it freely, leading her by example. He looked at her with those soft, brown eyes of his. "You know that you're safe with me, right?"
He was so concerned about her feeling safe with him, without so much as a thought to how unsafe he was with her.
Thena lifted her eyes to his. "When you love something, you protect it."
They were the clearest words she had spoken in days.
Gil's face contorted, both melting with affection and pained as he did so. He moved closer to her, letting out a sigh. "Protecting me, huh?"
He always understood what she was saying, no matter how few words she had to spare. She could no longer protect him in the way they once had done for each other. This was her coming to grips with however she could protect him now. And that included - and in many ways was limited to - only resting when he wasn't around to suffer any potential consequences.
Gilgamesh leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers, their breath mingling in the dry air. "You don't have to protect me from you."
"I don't want that."
"Thena," he pulled back to look at her, the same resolve in his eyes as when he declared to their family that he would go with her, safeguard her, for however long they had, wherever that may lead.
She shook her head at him--stubborn man.
Gil's eyes slipped closed as she kissed him. This still felt the same. He remained the same, no matter how many times her world shattered around her.
He held her cheeks as they parted, just far enough. He smiled faintly, "I'm lucky."
She was the lucky one; she pinched him.
He chuckled, "I mean it. I have the Goddess of War protecting me."
As he always would. If she were to find the day on which she drew her last breath, it would be in his defense.
"But y'know," he continued, in such an elated mood now from such a small thing as a kiss. "I'm sure I can protect myself sometimes. Say, if you need some sleep every once in a while."
Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil pulled them back, swinging his legs up and pulling her with him so they could lie down properly on the roof of their house--their home. He looked up at the stars with her tucked into his side. "You can rest, Thena. I promise nothing will happen."
He couldn't promise that.
"I promise I'll be here."
She tightened her fist around a handful of his shirt. Of all things in the immutable universe, this one thing had held true for her. And she lived in fear of the day when it wouldn't be.
"I'm here," he whispered, pressing his heavier hand over hers on his chest, flattening her lithe fingers out over his heart. "I'm right here."
He was right here with her. His heartbeat matched hers and his form was made for holding hers. Thena pressed her nose to his shirt, her eyes fluttering.
"I'll be right here," he whispered to her, pulling her into sleep with a low, rough whisper.
Gil chuckled again, tightening his arm around her waist, "oh, now you want the bed?--the bed I so painstakingly built and assembled and make every-"
"Bed it is," he promised her, standing with her secure in his arms. This was the first time she had asked to be taken to bed since leaving, and he was ready.
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