#Hey anyone wanna offer me a decent animation job so I can just quit on these people if they try to screw me over again. Please 🥲
lexicals · 8 months
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Modern Writing Prompts
This is just a compiled list of prompts I’ve collected from Pinterest and other random places, but really only work in modern contexts.  I have other prompt lists that get more specific or more vague as well.  If you want to use one in a request to me, just use the following ‘Character Name and Prompt No. 35 from the Modern Prompt list’ for example + some details if you’d like.
There’s quite a bit on this list, so be wary....  I mean, it’s only like 130 prompts...  Also, I did not organize it.
‘*’ Denotes something that could be used as dialogue.
[*] Denotes a swear word that I removed.
"If I was your boyfriend, I'd pepper you with kisses and spoil you so bad."
"My family thinks we're dating."
"It wasn't meant to go this far, I swear."
"You were ready to leave me for her."
"There is no us.  There never was."
"Don't leave me.  Don't you dare leave me."
"You know for a [*] fact that wasn't supposed to happen."
"Sort yourself out first."
"Leave.  Before we wake up regretting what we've done."
"All he ever did was use you?  Why can't you see that?"
"You think this will make me stay?"
"You thought this was real?"
"My mum asked about you again."
"He already knows."
"Can you please come and get me?"
"I'm at the hospital."
"I don't know where I am, help me."
OTP on a hammock together.  Person B is asleep on Person A's chest while Person A keeps one foot on the floor so they can rock the hammock in hopes of Person B remaining asleep.
"It's three in the morning."
"You're my regret."
Take me laser-tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me.  Then shoot me and walk away.
"Smiles are contagious."  "Don't worry, I'm vaccinated."
"Did it hurt?"  *Rolls eyes "Let me guess, when I fell from Heaven?"  "No."  "What?"  "When you fell for me."  *Grins*
"So...  What's our plan for tonight?"  "We do not have a plan--"  "Well, let's make one."  "--I have my own plans that don't include you."  "I thought we were a team!"  "We are.  Which is why I need a break."  "You need a break from me?"  "Yes...   So I'll still like you in the morning."  "Wow.  I'm that bad, huh?"
Which person of your OTP furiously does push-ups while the other sits on their back and reads a magazine.
He found her sobbing in the stairwell at work.
As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday.  Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has till then.
"I don't care where I'm sleeping as long as it's with you."
As she walked towards the exit of her favourite coffee shop, she glanced down at her cup.  "You're beautiful."  Was written in place of her name.  She glanced back and their eyes met.
She opened her apartment door to hundreds of roses.  She knew they were from him;
he'd found her.
"I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with."
"No, you can't get up!  You're my prisoner for today."
"Shh...  It was just a bad dream.  Just a dream, okay?  None of it was real."
"You.  Cuddle.  Me.  Now."
"Baby, you'll never know me."
"I don't give a damn."  "You give so many damns they're visible from SPACE."
She gripped the rim of the porcelain sink and tried to steady her hands.  "One last time."  She whispered to herself.  One.  Last.  Time.
"Keep looking at me like that," he warned, leaning casually on into the counter and sipping his coffee.  "And see what happens."
She looked up at him, tears filling her already swollen eyes.  "But why?  Why would you love me?"  He tightened his grip, pulling her more snugly into his embrace.  "Because you bug me, weirdo.  Duh."
"Just relax, I'll wash your hair for you."
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"You are ridiculously comfortable..."
"You know how to unlock handcuffs with a paperclip?  Teach me!"  "Absolutely not."
"I've never been so scared in my life."  "It was a bubble..."
He was leaning against the wall trying to support his own bodyweight, and his gasps of pain were like music to her ears.
Your date drops you off.  A few minutes later they return to your door sopping wet from the storm because their car broke down.
The phone rings.  The voice on the other end says, "We need you again."  Then hangs up.
A boy and a girl were part of the same team for their high school sports camp.  The girl had a crush on him for a very long time, but was not sure how to say it to him.  In spite of that she mustered some courage and casually said, "hey...  You know what?"  "What?"  "You have the prettiest smile I have ever seen."  The boy's eyes glittered and he replied, "you know what?"  "What?"  "That smile exists only because of you!"
"Did you get my note?"  "Of course I got it.  You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping."
"It's not my birthday."  "It's definitely your birthday."  "Give me a calendar.  It's not and I will prove it to--Oh.  Never mind.  Happy birthday to me."
As she stepped on the train, I fought ever urge to climb on after her.
"C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working."
"Just pretend to be my date."
"Handsome, broken, and a mistake from the beginning.  Are you sure you're comfortable with this?"
"Are you decent?"  "Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking."
He was bad.  He smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good.  He
didn't care because nobody taught him how to.  But when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man.  He couldn't bare the thought of her being hurt by him... Or anyone else.  He would kill to protect her, the girl who cared about someone as worthless as him in all her perfection.
"I want to take a shower, so you should probably join me.  It'll save water."
"It's midnight!  Where the hell were you?"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"I might have slept with your [clothing article] when you were gone."
"No one has to know about us, I know this could ruin you."
"Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you've been dying to ask me?"
"You said I'd get to have you all weekend.  Why can't you just tell them you can't go?"  "Because it's my job and it's important."  "And I'm not?"
"You can call me whenever you want...  Even if you don't have a reason to."
"I'm bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you will."
"This movie is really scary, but you're into it so I'm trying not to cover my face the whole time, but--WHAT IS THAT?!"
"Wait, don't pull away...  Not yet."
"You look really cute in that sweater."
"No, like...  It's just, I can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
"You know I hear you talking, but I still don't have my coffee."
"Did you think I really cared about you?"
"It's too late to go back."
"I'm sorry this had to go down like this."
"That's right, I lied."
"Just so you know... I don't regret anything."
"You will no longer love me if you see who I truly am."
"But I did all this for you...?"
Person A wins a big stuffed animal for Person B at an amusement park and offers to carry it for them.  Person B says they'll carry it themself, and carries it around smuggly.
While on a date, Person A very shyly touches Person B's hand and Person B reassuringly (and tightly) holds Person A's hand.
"Please get home safely."
"I've got you, baby."
"Man, I can't pay attention to anything else but you."
"Baby, I'm right here.  Shh.. I'm here."
Person A: *does something stupid* Person B:  "....Why are you like this?"  Person A:  "Aww, come on!  You know you love me!"  Person B:  "...Where did you get that idea?" *Joking*  *Silence* Person A:  *Sniffles* Person B "WAIT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I LOVE YOU!"
She was the broken and battered girl who longed to be loved.  He was the misunderstood boy who only wanted to love.  She had never paid him any attention until today, when she bumped into him at her locker, causing everyone to stop and stare.
"I'm coming to get you, stay there."
"Are you safe?"  "I don't know."
"Can I at least buy you a coffee?  For old times sake?"
"Don't talk to me.  It's 6 AM and I haven't had coffee yet, so anything I do or say cannot be held against me."
"Dude, that jacket is mine, give it back!"
"They're going to love you, don't worry!"
"Stop hogging all the blankets!"
"Wait, when did I take off my clothes?"
"I'm fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten."
"You have no idea how to make toast?!"
"I haven't showered in four days."
"You're more zombie than human."
 "I can't believe I got the first date, let alone a year."
 "Wanna, like--I mean if you're not busy...  We could get lunch?  Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time."
 "So I was driving past a pet store and I couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be in our home."
 "It's midnight!  Where the hell were you?"
 "I wish I had a camera."
 He/She crashed through the doors of the police station and slammed his/her hands against the steal counter.  "Give me back my wife/husband!"
 The rain came down in heavy sheets.  He pulled his soaked [type of hat] down to protect his eyes and moved forward.  Where was she?  Would he find her in time?  A darp shape against the bridge railing caught his eye when the lightning flashed.  He rushed forward and grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him.  He couldn't tell for the rain if she was crying or not, droplets streamed down her face.  Her mouth opened to let out a cry, but when she saw it was him, she pleaded with her eyes.  He only nodded and put his arm around her.  He'd protect her.
 "It's me!  It's me!  Calm down, baby, please."
 "Is the movie too scary?  I can stop it if you want and we could watch something else."
 "Watch, this is the best part!"
 I chose that part in the play only so that I could kiss her.  I hadn't thought about the acting pact, the prancing onstage before a packed audience, or about the make up.  All I wanted was to finally touch her face, kiss those lips, have my moment, even if that was all I ever had.
 It's not like she meant to trip and spill coffee all over him.  It was just the way of her people.
 I woke up, to find a boy's arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  "What are you doing here?  I thought I told you to sleep on the couch!"  I was in disbelief.  I pried his hands off me and it was only then that he stirred.  "Huh?  Oh.  I um....  You had a nightmare."  He face was suddenly serious.  "Who's [guy name]?"
 Person A and Person B share an apartment but have separate rooms.  Person B has a nightmare one night and is really rattled by it.  They get out of bed and walk down the hallway to knock on Person A's door.  The door is already open and Person B walks into the room silently.  They go up to Person A's bed to find that they're already awake.  Person B tells Person A that they had a nightmare.  Person A scoots over in the bed and lets Person B curl up with them and they fall asleep together.
 Person A and Person B are in the kitchen.  Person A is short while Person B is slightly taller.  Person A:  *Struggles to retrieve items from top shelf*  Person B:  "Do you need me to get it for you?"  Person A:  *Gasps*  "How dare you insult the vertically challenged!"  Person B:  *Laughs* "Okay then..."  Person A:  (Moments later) *Defeated sigh* "Help meeeee...."
 Person A:  *Completely serious*  "I have to get something off my chest."  Person B:  *Fingers crossed* "I hope it's your shirt, please..."
 Person A is noticeably disheveled as they enter the room.  "Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff."  Person B, also disheveled and grinning smugly follows behind.  "I'm stuff."
 Person A has an online business meeting with someone important who lives across the world so they have to stay up late for the meeting.  Person B doesn't want to leave Person A alone so they grab a pillow and lay in Person A's lap as they attend their meeting.  Bonus points if Person B accidentally smacks Person A in the face in their sleep and everyone laughs and calls them cute.
 Imagine you've been stood up by your boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you're ready to order, but you keep asking for more time, hoping he's just late.  People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they know and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation, but just as you get up to leave, this boy you've never seen before sits down explaining loudly, "sorry I'm so late, Babe.  Traffic is crazy right now."  And he quietly adds, "I'm [NAME].  Just go with it, yeah?  Whoever didn't bother to show up is a jerk."  And you do go with it because he's being sweet and trying to save you, (plus he's super cute), and as you're leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
 "That has got to be the lamest pick up line in existence."  "Don't worry that's just Plan A."  "So what's Plan B?"  "To take you hostage."
 "I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't trust your cooking.  Stay out of my kitchen."
 Person B dancing around their home, headphones in, eyes closed, singing as loudly as they please to their favourite song while Person A stands in the doorway watching their oblivious partner with a loving smile on their face.
  Person A walked into the house, threw their bag on a chair and laid down on the carpet with an air of defeat.  Person B walked in a few hours later, saw Person A on the ground and set to work.  They picked up a few blankets and a couple of pillows.  Then Person B walked over to Person A, laid everything out, and proceeded to lay down with Person A.  Person A slowly curled up to Person B and fell into a restful sleep.  Five hours later, they're still there, just soaking in each other's presence.
 Person A was sitting up in bed, headphones on and staring intensely at their Ipad
screen, which flickered brightly in the dim room.  Person B rolled over and slowly sat up, glancing at the clock and seeing it was well past 2 AM.  Person B leaned up against Person A, eyes still closed and asked why Person A was still up.  Person A popped out an earbud and quickly [states reason] and then turned their attention back to the screen.  Person B yawned loudly, grabbed the device and tossed it off the bed.  Right before Person A could protest, Person B curled an arm around them and forced Person A to lay down.  Person A fell asleep within minutes, tucked securely within  Person B's arms.
 Imagine your OTP getting ready for bed, and Person A is sitting on the bed.  Person B tries to sneak up on them with a hug or a kiss, but Person A has quick reflexes and thinks they're being attacked.  So they accidentally hit Person B in the face and they fall back onto the bed.  Person A quickly realizes who it was then and keeps saying sorry really fast and hugs them and kisses where it hurts.
 Person A has finals coming up and Person B has already finished theirs.  Person A is stressed over the finals and breaks down one night lamenting their ability to do anything right.  Person B calmly picks them up, brings them to bed and cuddles with them, cooing to them and telling them all the wonderful things Person B loves about Person A.
 Imagine Person A walking into the kitchen, only to find Person B in tears.  Person A immediately rushes over to Person B's side, fretting over them, consoling, and asking what happened.  Surprised, Person B explains they were simply cutting onions.
 Person A is baking cookies and has to split their attention between watching the timer and fighting off Person B, who keeps trying to steal cookie dough from the bowl.
 Imagine your OTP making out on a couch, but then one of them accidentally rolls off and the other is either frantically asking if they're okay, or laughing their head off.
 Imagine your OTP ice skating and one of them falls.  The other tries to help them up but they lose their balance and fall on top of the other.
 You were studying for your exams in a few weeks, your boyfriend was sitting opposite you, simply staring.  You couldn't concentrate and were getting frustrated.  "Stop it!"  You yelled, slamming your pencil on your book.  "Stop what?"  He asks, smiling innocently up at you.  "Stop staring, stop making me want you, stop making me feel--argh just st--"  He shut you up, placing his soft lips on yours, letting all the stress wear out.  "Stop stressing babe, it won't do you any good."  He mumbled, placing his forehead onto yours.  "Come here."  He insisted, patting his lap.  You happily accepted, moving over to him and plunking yourself down.  He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest, hearing his heart beat.  "That's enough studying for today, babe.  You'll ace that test, okay?"  He kissed your forehead, rubbing your arms.  You nodded and rested in his arms, feeling safe and sound.
 What if he held you tightly in his arms as you lay on his chest, drifting into sleep by the sound of his steady heartbeat.  Feeling the slight vibration of his lungs as he hummed softly.  His hands brushing lightly in your hair as his lips pressed against the top of your head, but stayed there for awhile.  Then he let out a faint sigh, taking his lips away, seeming to be deep in thought.
 You shift around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.  No success.  You hear your boyfriend stretching.  "Can't sleep, babe?"  He asks, letting out a sleepy sigh.  
"Come here," he whispers.  You move over to him and he snakes an arm around your waist and wraps his leg around yours as you rest your head on his bare chest.
 As you lay in bed alone, struggling with reaching sleep, you toss and turn before huffing out in annoyance at still being awake.  A small fraction of light creeps into your room until the door closes and the edge of your bed dips down underneath his weight.  He carefully climbs under the covers, reaching an arm out for you, pulling you closer to his body with your back to his front.  "You can sleep now, baby.  I'm home.  I love you."  He gently whispers in your ear, lightly kissing your cheek then laying his head on the pillow next to you to fall into a dream-filled sleep of your boy being home.
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
13 Days of Christmas (Lee Seokmin) (Featuring Astro’s Cha Eunwoo)
Today has been surprisingly decent, so let’s hope it stays that way for awhile!!!
Word count: 1789
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“Eunwoo, stop following me and get back on the floor,” you hissed at him.
“But you were swamped with people and I know how to work the register too,” he smiled innocently. “It’s not like I’m trying to change your mind-”
“No,” you said firmly. “I’ve already told you I’m not going on any more blind dates because of what happened last time.”
“I’m not asking you anymore. Promise. But if you do say yes, I’m just saying.”
“Eunwoo, stop it now...or get to the point before I clock out.”
“Okay, okay. So listen, tomorrow night we’re going Christmas caroling-”
“What’s so fun about going around the neighborhood singing those irritating songs?”
“We’re going to the hospital and celebrating with everyone who has to be there just so they can forget about it.”
“Who’s we?” you asked him skeptically.
“It’s me, a few of us from a group chat at school and anyone who wants to come. That’s why I’m inviting you.”
“For some reason, I still don’t believe you.”
“Okay, fine. Don’t come. Disappoint me,” he feigned sadness, holding up a stuffed animal that he found wedged between some shelves. “Have it your way.” He walked, trudged rather, away from you, holding the poor pup close him and crushing it, sighing loudly. 
“Fine Eunwoo, but you’re buying me dinner!”
“Great! I promise you Y/N, you won’t be disappointed!” He ran back to greet a customer who walked in while another came to check out with you.
“Hi, I’m Seokmin,” the bright eyed boy greeted you happily. “Are you here to help me sing the Christmas carols?”
“Yeah, I’m Y/N. I’m just waiting for Eunwoo. He said he was coming tonight.”
“Cha Eunwoo?”
“That’s him.”
“He’s not scheduled to come until Friday.” He looked confused for a moment. “He said he was coming with his group of friends. Tonight’s supposed to be just the duets.” Oh you were gonna kill him. The moment you saw him, it was over. “Really? He didn’t mention that.”
“ Oh. I mean, if you don’t wanna do it, I can do this by myself.”
If it wasn’t for that smile that you didn’t wanna get rid of, you would’ve readily agreed. “No, I’m already here. Show me all the songs you wanna get through tonight. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”
“Are you sure? You look really caught off guard by this.”
“It’s okay. It was probably a misunderstanding.” Or his infamous ploy to go on a blind date.
His smile widened and maybe, just maybe, you were gonna thank Eunwoo for knowing your weakness...right after you beat him with a stuffed animal
“Okay, so I was thinking we start from here to-” he began flipping pages and pointing to the songs he liked, “-and then we finish here. Maybe we can do like a song or two per room and work our way down the hall. Is that okay with you?”
You nodded. “ And what if I don’t know the words to some of them?”
“Just leave that to me. Just sing a little lower when you know you’re gonna stop knowing them and I’ll take it from there and then you can jump back once you know them again. Also,” he held up two water bottles, “I have these just in case your mouth gets dry. But they also have vending machines on the floor we’re going to.” He patted the guitar with his free hand. “Now, follow me.”
And as it turned out, Seokmin turned out to be an excellent singer and for that reason alone, you let him sing a lot more by himself than you joining in, but that could’ve also been your nerves. A lot of the patients welcomed for melodious voice and even joined in whether it was “Jingle Bells” or “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”. His elf hat gave him extra points, especially when the little bells jingled happily. The kids and other patients who could roam freely followed you two as far as they could, making as much noise as possible as they could to get noticed. Seokmin would just point at them and let them take the lead...which made you stop functioning a couple of times.
Truthfully, with all of the fun you were having wooing everyone, you’d forgotten about Eunwoo, though you knew it’d be awhile until he got off the hook. Seokmin was a regular Santa Claus with all the joy and color he brought in those rooms. He only annoyed a handful of kids who would’ve rather been asleep and made a couple of newborn babies cry with the loudness, both of which he’d turn the color of your Santa hat and apologize for causing a disturbance. He finally called it quits after about two hours and led you to the hospital cafeteria to soothe your sore throat and get some food in your tummy. (He may have heard it growl a couple of times.)
However, instead of bringing you actual food, he surprised you with fruitcake and hot cocoa, both of which you couldn’t deny. He sat across from you and took a couple bites until he was satisfied. “Are you sure you’ve never done that?”
“Today was my first and only time doing it,” you admitted. “I don’t really have time for all of this. I’m usually either working or studying and hanging out with my friends so we can study. It was really fun. Do you do this often?”
“I try to.” He took off his hat and you did the same. “Mostly around this time. When I was younger, I broke my foot around this time of year, and it was so boring...and sad. There weren’t any drawings anywhere and no one talked about Santa Claus and a lot of the nurses didn’t even try to make it fun for us. They just gave us medicine and told us to sleep. I remember crying because I wanted to be home. I think I even spent Christmas at the hospital and that wasn’t fun, so I try to help out. I mean, you saw the kids and how happy they were, right?”
“It was very magical,” you agreed. “And the people here love you.”
“Right now they do. But when I drop in randomly, sometimes I think I annoy the nurses...well, the ones who don’t do their jobs and make kids smile.” He waved at someone and when you turned around you recognized him as one of the patients there as he ran to your table. “Hi buddy, did you enjoy the little concert?”
“Yeah! You guys were awesome! Thank you for making tonight fun for me. I have to go to surgery tomorrow and I was afraid but you helped me a lot.” Then he turned to you. “Thank you too. I’ve never seen you around but you made me happy.”
You were at a loss for words at the compliment, so you could only smile, trying not to blush right now in front of a cute guy you just met. “Hey Seokmin?”
“Yes Y/N?” He glanced up at you and blinked a few times and the little thing made you laugh. He high fived another patient who blew him a kiss and then ran away.
“This is really embarrassing to ask, but did Eunwoo tell you I was coming beforehand?”
He nodded. “He said you were really nice and really patient and that you work a lot so he wanted to make tonight fun for you.”
“And you agreed?”
“Well, he begged me to meet you and give you a chance-”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“Please don’t kill any of my friends. I need as many as possible...just in case one of them gets tired of me.”
“He has been trying to get me to go on blind dates for the past month, and I finally said no. And then he pulls this.”
“Are you not having fun?” The sad look is there and he resembled a kicked puppy and you hated yourself for it.
“No, I am, but he’s very persistent. He’s really sweet, but I just think he wants to do double dates.” Or try to convince you about getting over your supposed crush on him.
“Wait, so are you the Y/N he’s been trying to set me up with?” He pulled two candy canes out of his pocket and handed you one. “Don’t tell the kids I had these leftover ones.” He blew on the hot chocolate and stirred it with the candy cane.
“It could be possible,” you admitted. “Wait, he’s been trying to set us up?” Had you been eating the fruitcake, you surely would’ve been choking on it by now.
“He’s mentioned you from time to time and I was really curious too, plus you kept turning the offers down.” He slipped his drink slowly. “But now that you’ve met me, the choice is up to you. Personally, I had a fun time with you, and if you’d like once the holidays are over, we can catch a movie or have dinner.”
“Ta-da,” you showed one of the customers the presents you managed to wrap for them despite the chaos of holiday shopping. The mom looked pleased despite the irritation from the loudness and thank you before dragging her kid off away to continue their shopping. “Hi, did you find everything okay?”
The downside of working in a crowded place was how hot you got easily, but right now taking off the Christmas sweater your manager convinced to wear wasn’t an option. You did take the Santa hat off though to get some air.
“There’s my favorite person,” Eunwoo said handing you a coffee as he clocked in. “So how’d it go?”
You ignored him, a smile spreading on your face to let him know you’d talk to him when you felt like it. He held back on his vital information, so why shouldn’t you? You let the remainder of your shift pass like that, only acknowledging him when it was work related. You could see the frown apparent on his face and you loved it. “Eunwoo, tell everyone I’m going on lunch! I’m hungry.”
“Are you really gonna not talk to me?” he whined. “DK said said he had a good time with you, but if you didn’t, I can just tell him you’re not interested.”
“Hey, Y/N,” you heard Seokmin yell at you from the entrance. He held up a fast food bag for you to see. “Are you coming? I’m starving!”
You turned to Eunwoo smugly. “Who said I wasn’t interested?” You waved at him. “We’re going around town looking at the lights later on.”
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lanamemories2 · 4 years
Startled by the sound of his door opening, Lana turned after making her last adjustments. She’d been hanging his birthday gift by his window, a prime spot for the breeze to stir if the latch was undone. Strung up on a homemade mobile, one she’d recruited the help of various minions to make, dangled twelve separate origami animals, each a different colour. All had a personalised message from one of Dom’s friends, if you spread the paper flat to read them.
Ducky’s said ‘cool guy :)’ and was folded into a bear. Navy white pinstripe. 
Philly’s only had a little goblin doodled on holding a fistful of socks. The paper was an expensive kind, white with mint and lilac glitter. Folded into a caterpillar. Lana liked this one because caterpillar’s have butterflies inside them and she feels the magic in Philly is sourly overlooked by the general population -- she’s the most likely person Lana knows to sprout wings and fly away.
Viktor’s was far too explicit with a recurring mention of cock. It could not be included in the gift.
Maggie’s was a wolf. Lana drew a little smiley face below the snout that wasn’t quite fitting, but it felt friendlier, that way, more Maggie -- paired with a dainty floral paper, too. It had a quote written on from Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. “She rested her head against his and felt, for the first time, what she would often feel with him: a self-affection. He made her like herself.” It finished with “love you, Maggie x”. 
Marlowe’s was a tiger. Flame orange, eye catching. On it, it said: ‘anyone who's put up with my shit for almost four years deserves a medal of some kind... like pinned to their lapel and personally engraved and everything. i got outbid on ebay so I don't have a fancy medal to give you...so instead i'll just say, you're a good guy dom evans! and I hope you have a fucking awesome birthday man. if anyone deserves only good things its you :)‘.
Rosa’s was folded into a monkey. Pink paper, in the end, because Rosa makes Lana think of love and blushing and sunsets. ‘dom i can't believe you're 23 today, you're an old man now!!! when i was just an embarrassing 12 year old and made those happy 15th bday shirts for you i was so obsessed with you because a small part of you thought you were an angel on earth and you'd come to protect me but it's nice to know now that we can protect each other. i'm still going to wear those 15th bday shirts for the rest of the week so everyone knows, i think your life is the most celebration worthy thing in existence. and if you want to know i am, in fact, hoping that i never marry so that by the time i'm 35 we can just run off together, preferably with franklin in tow, and have a worry free life, it's what you deserve. i love you forever dominic james evans!!!‘
Kasey’s was a fish in a pastel shade, sweet like a ripe peach. ‘Happy birthday Dom, you're the best of the best!!‘
Jude’s was a sloth. Deeper blue. Lana hassled him to write Dom one despite the fact they aren’t even particularly close. On it, he wrote: ‘Dunno you that well but you seem alright. Lana’s pacing as I write, clearly riled her up enough. Saw your ass in full view, high definition. Was decent. Good work soldier. Back to the trenches. Happy birth and shit.’.
Gunner’s was a dog. She did her best to capture the essence of a golden retriever with yellow paper, given that this was his family pet’s breed. Notably, she drew a very large dick onto the origami between it’s legs -- assuring Gunner Paxton’s legacy wasn’t overlooked. ‘in first year i had a hard time making friends and you saw me struggling in the caf when i sprained my wrist so you offered to help me cut up my food and i thought it was weird but it was the first time a stranger showed me care in such a specific way now i always feel cared for with you and it's nice so thanks for being you and happy bday‘.
Jack’s was a lion. Below the paper mane Lana wrote ‘NOT UGLY’ in small, block font, almost fashioned like a collar. The paper was faded black and white, referee striped -- tribute to his time coaching little league. Unfolded, it says: ‘dearest cousin Dominic, you are my favorite cousin even when you peed on me that one time at the beach because you said it would keep the jellyfish away. thank you for always throwing the football around with me and even being okay with it if i threw it too hard and it hit your nose and made it bleed and we had to tell my dad you tripped over a rock. happy birthday let’s get fucked! Love Your Best Friend, Jack Hall :P’.
Will’s was a shark, folded from paper slicked to look like an oil spill, gleaming in the light -- dark and technicolour, all at once. Lana drew sunglasses over the eyes. ‘sorry i tried to dye your hair purple that one time. you're kind of great even if statistically you shouldn't be since you're an RA. that's fucking bizarre of you, by the way. you seem to be one of those people that's genuinely good which is also fucking bizarre but i figure if anyone around here deserves a good year, it's you. happy fucking birthday don't die xoxo‘
Marla’s was a pigeon. Oxblood red. She wanted a vicious city-dwelling creature that feasted on the flesh of abandoned McDonald’s fries. ‘you are more worthy than a thousand plates of ikea meatballs. you can seize life by the balls. the meatballs. extended meatball metaphor. you are a leaf floating on an amber river. you are a cherry blossom caught in a ceiling fan. if auras existed yours would be INCREDIBLY fucking sexy. you will live a long life and father approximately 333.3 children.’
Noah’s was a sky blue dog with a doodled strand of wheat from it’s mouth. ‘hey man happy birthday :) not to get all sappy but im really grateful to know you. don't know if luck is real but if it is, hope this brings you some of the best of it there is’. A drawing of a little four leaf clover after the message.
There was a thirteenth string without anything attached and Lana almost took it as an omen of how unlucky it was, her opening up in this way, how much she’d come to see it as a curse. But she held it in her hands, anyway. A swan as white as the Betta fish she’d pointed out as him at the aquarium. Wishing star white. Whiter than an angel. The most Dom paper she could think to fold it from, when she woke up and realised she’d been dreaming about him. 
“Hey,” she breathed with a laugh, cat burglar caught with the ruby in gloved hands. By all practical accounts, she’d broken and entered. “Charmed my way in. Wanted to, um... Was meant to be a surprise, like, an in and out job, and... I told some other RA Gunner left his inhaler here and he went all crazed, like, Action Man, whipping out a master key. Totally Oscar worthy. Should probably... let him know Gunner isn’t dead, later, but. Wanted to give you your present. It’s, um... I mean, it’s everyone,” came as she sifted gently at Philly’s caterpillar, smile bubbling to the surface. “I got them all to write you stuff. It isn’t, like, crazy, or anything, but.” Lana wet her lips, excitement overflowing -- she couldn’t seem to smother her smile. “This... is mine.” That did it. It faded as her eyes dropped. She pinched the swan delicately in both hands, then, blood rushing in her ears -- it provided amusing contrast, the coy blush in her cheeks with the devil horns she’d slid into her hair, a costume nobody had asked for. “Kinda wrote it... a while ago. It’s -- I don’t know,” she second guessed, laughing again at how dumb she was sure she sounded. Gestures like this always scared her, when she really meant them, felt like far too much. “You can read it, if you wanna.” @domfm​
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #317
“Dinner and Several Murders”
-Lie creates an opening to a random supermarket and manages to convince Smile to wait nicely outside.  She puts Sally in the cart and they start going up and down the aisles, gathering some foods.  Lie plans on making some warm food for both Stevie and CP.  She grabs a rope toy for Smile and a bit of candy for Sally who is entertaining herself with her teddy-
[Lie] Is going through the produce, picking out some onions-
-her phone buzzes with a text-
[Ever] Hey, got some more stuff for Arden next time you're out and about.
[Lie] responds- Actually out right now, I could swing by if you don't mind a couple others
[Ever] Oh, did I inturrupt something? I'm sorry Lie.
[Lie] - No, just doing some grocery shopping and picked up a little pasta on the way
[Ever] Then... I guess it's alright. Just not for long, okay?
[Lie] - Yeah, absolutely, give me like ten minutes to check out and everything
-She quickly finishes up her shopping and pays for everything, gathering all the bags she has Sally hold onto the strap on her shorts before meeting up with SMile and finding a secluded electronic device which she can use to get to Ever's.  She leads the two pasta's through and Sally looks around curiously when they arrive-
[Lie] - Ever?  I'm here
[Ever] Is already coming in with a box in his hands- Hi Lie! You brought a kid and a dog?
[Lie] - This is Sally and Smile, two of CP's brethren
[Sally] Decides now is the perfect opportunity to become shy-
[Smile] Wants to pee on the tree-
[Ever] So she's like your little cousin or something? That's cool. And that is an enourmous dog...
[Lie] - Yeah, Smile, stay away from the tree
[Smile] Whines a little-
[Lie] - So how's Karla?
[Ever] Busy on a new project. It's hideous so far but it's what the client wants and it beats her stalking around with a gun...
[Lie] - Speaking of stalking around...
[Ever] Hmm?
[Lie] - She might be getting a visitor she probably won't want to shoot
[Ever] As long as they knock on the door like a regular person or call first it should be okay. Should I be concerned about this?
[Lie] - Maybe?  And I doubt he'd knock or call, he's Sally's dad in a sense...
[Ever] Yeah... that's bad... I'll warn her, but I can't promise anything. I don't think you can blame her for being jumpy.
[Lie] - Yeah but it would probably be a really bad idea if you shot Slenderman...
[Sally] - Miss Lie?  Could I have my candy please?
[Lie] - Huh?  Oh, sure- She starts rifling through the grocery bags
[Smile] Decides to roll around on the ground-
[Ever] Maybe Smile would like to play outside? As long as he's careful of the horses?
[Lie] - Think you can do that Smile?
[Smile] Jumps up happily and adopts a playful position- Yeah!
[Lie] - Alright, I suppose it's better then what you were doing before
[Ever] Motions for Smile - Come here. I'll get the door. Good boy!
[Smile] Trots up to Ever, showing off his human grin-
[Lie] - And no cursing anyone Smile
[Ever] Looks nervous - Cursing?
[Lie] - He is a creepy pasta- She starts following with Sally
[Ever] I see.... hence the... teeth. - He leads them down the hall and into the kitchen, through the little mud room that still has two bales of hay and opens the back door-
[Smile] Bolts out-
[Lie] - Aw shit, that was something I should have asked Dawn, if I could use her kitchen...
[Ever] You need to use the kitchen? That's okay. We have a dishwasher. Ha. And I don't mean myself!
[Lie] Cocks a brow- Are you sure?
[Ever] Yes! Sheesh! - He walks back into the kitchen and leans on the center island. - What kind of trouble were you planning on cooking up?
[Lie] Puts the bags on the counter- Just something for CP and his brother, both are in a pretty cold situation right now
[Ever] Oh dear, are they fighting again?
[Lie] - No actually, remember how I said Stevie lost his arm during the fight with Harverstman?  Well we managed to connect a new one, but it took a lot of glitching.  As a result Stevie's, well, gained some powers...
[Ever] That's awesome, I mean, painful, but he got super powers?! What can he do?
[Lie] - So far ice and snow, the opposite of his brother which makes CP perfect for teaching him because he can't be frozen over
[Ever] Oh that's neat! And good for both of them. Brotherly together time and all that.
[Lie] - Quite the change from how it used to be
[Sally] Climbs up onto a stool and puts Mr. Charlie on the stool next to her-
[Ever] So... do you need help? Or just the knives and pots and stuff?
[Lie] - I wouldn't mind a bit of help, haven't cooked like this in awhile.  And since your letting me use your kitchen I'll share with you and Karla- She pulls out three packages of stew meat
[Sally] - Can I help?
[Lie] - Does your papa let you handle knives?
[Sally] Shakes her head-
[Ever] Somehow I'm suprised by that....
[Lie] - Well Slender is kinda protective of her.  Do have some paper or something she could draw on?
[Ever] Not in here. I'll grab some from the printer tray. I've got a lot of pens and pencils, but no crayons or anything.
[Lie] - That should be fine- She starts pulling more stuff out of the bags
[Ever] Comes back after a moment and sets out the supplies- Here you go Sally. We're not much set up to entertain kids around here.
[Sally] Offers her candy- Do you want some?
[Ever] Takes a few - Thank you. Do you want something to drink? Either of you?
[Sally] - Dawn gave me orange juice!
[Lie] - I'm fine for now
[Ever] Looks in the fridge - No OJ... I've got milk, root beer, mineral water, - rustles around- carrot juice... heh... half a bottle of white wine... and... - he peeks at a small can. - V8. Yuck.
[Lie] - It's alright, I think that's Sally's way of saying she already had something to drink- She starts to peel an onion
[Ever] Gotcha. Knife block is behind the toaster. What can I do?
[Lie] - Start chopping the other vegetables?
[Ever] You bought a lot of meat... this is usually crock pot stuff. It can take a while.
[Lie] - Well it has been awhile since I cooked out here, plus my husband does have a preference for meat...
[Ever] I'll help you. I've got a pressure cooker. - He opens a cabinet and pulls out the big pot. - Karla can cook and she's taught me a lot, but she doesn't like doing it. Says it takes too much time, she's a real work-a-holic. - He puts the pot on the stove and dashes in a little vegetable oil.
[Lie] - I see, if I had a recipe in front of me then I was decent at cooking, but being in game has made me forget a lot since for a hot meal you just have to put the ingrediants in a crafting table
[Ever] That is really handy. But I'm betting it's lacking in variety. Well, apart from whatever you've brought in from out here. Just cut the meat into rough chunks about the size of a lemon.
[Lie] - Thanks- She sets the onion aside and grabs a decent sized knife to start on the meat
[Sally] Starts humming a little as she draws-
[Ever] Pulls out a can of beef broth and squeaks it open.
[Lie] - Oh geez, that onion is strong and all I've done is peel it so far
[Ever] Just quarter it. It's going to give flavor but you don't have to actually eat it.
[Lie] Once she finishes cutting the meat she starts on the onion, her eyes tearing up a little- Gaaaaaaahhhhh...
[Ever] Scoops the slices into a bowl - all done. No tears nessesary. You cut up the potatoes and carrots, I'll brown the meat. Man, I haven't cooked with anyone else in ages!
[Lie] Laughs a little- Yeah, it has been some time.  I'll give tips on some things like juicing a lemon and such, but otherwise food is ridiculously simple in game
[Ever] How can you mess up juicing a lemon? - He cooks the outer parts of the chunks of beef in the bit of oil, turning them with tongs and powdering them with pepper, seasoned salt and onion powder-
[Lie] - He didn't know to cut it first
[Ever] Ho boy. Makes me think of those robotic arm tests where it just smashes what it's supposed to be handling- Laughs-
[Lie] - I think I've missed those...
[Ever] I know at least three people on the server have computers. Don't you look at the internet at all? I think this is ready. Are the veggies cut up?
[Lie] - I'm usually busy taking care of my animals, tending my plants, or keeping CP pacified.  And yeah, just about.  Just a few carrots left
[Ever] I thought he'd calmed down? Must be like having a kid some days. Oh! No offense Sally!
[Sally] Giggles a little- He's funny when he's on fire
[Lie] - He has calmed down- She hands Ever the vegetables
[Ever] Still... He seems like a handful. Especially on fire! - He adds in the can of beef broth, onions and a little worcestershire sauce - Now! We seal it up, full pressure and heat on low and we have 30 minutes to kill.
[Lie] - Wine and youtube?
[Ever] Sets a small timer that looks like a chicken- I'll get my laptop.
[Lie] - I'll pour the wine.  Any specific glasses I should use?
[Ever] Up to you. There's tumblers in the cabinet and flutes as well. - I'll be right back-
[Lie] Decides on a couple of flutes and pours the drinks- Do you wanna watch some funny video's with us Sally?
[Sally] - Yeah!
[Ever] Comes back in with his laptop and plugs it in on the side of the island- Just fire it up. I'm going to make some tea and take Karla a cup-
[Lie] - Alright- She turns the laptop on and opens the browser
[Ever] Hey, you can still put stuff in your inventory out here right?
[Lie] - Yeah, that's why I wasn't worried about the food still being hot by the time I got it to CP
[Ever] Gleefully scoots the small box of stuff for Arden towards her and titters as it gets sucked in. - That's so cool!
[Lie] - Do I want to know what's in the box this time?
[Ever] Mostly comics, and some fuzzy handcuffs and lube just for yucks.
[Lie] Laughs a little, the few sips of wine that she's had already taking a bit of an affect-  Hopefully it won't take them so long to use them as it took for them to get together
[Ever] I'm so happy for them both. So are you ever gonna tell me the gory details?
[Lie] - I think that may be more Arden's job...
[Ever] Are you sure? I get the feeling you know more then you're saying... - The kettle whistles and he goes to pour the water into mugs-
[Lie] - Yes I do, but Zeke is pretty private and it took quite a bit for him to tell me...
[Ever] Oh... well I used to be pretty closed about that kinda thing too. Karla has a knack for expanding ones horizons.
[Lie] - You?  Private?  I find that a bit hard to believe
[Ever] I didn't have a lot of experience okay?! And it's practically her hobby.
[Lie] Laughs a little- Go take her the tea before it starts cooling
[Ever] Humph. - He arranges the tea on a tray with sugar and cream and stuts out proudly in his slouchy t-shirt, jeans and bare feet-
[Sally] Hugs her teddy to her chest- Can you hand me my candy?
[Lie] - Sure- She passes the child her bag of chocolates
[Ever] Comes back a few minutes later with Karla walking behind him, holding her cup-
[Karla] Why didn't you say we had company?
[Ever] I knew you were busy and Lie needed to use the kitchen anyway.
[Karla] And who is the cheerful moppet pray tell?
[Lie] - This is Sally, a creepy pasta
[Karla] Respectful nod. - I am Doctor Karla Emmerich, and I see you're already met Ever Nolan.
[Sally] Tries to hide behind Mr. Charlie-
[Lie] - Why are you being so shy all of a sudden?
[Karla] Especially since my experience with creepypastas so far has been heavily laced with their ferocity and power.
[Lie] - Sally's one of the few child ones, I'm babysitting while her dad's in a meeting essentially.  Oh, and there's a creepy pasta dog running around outside
[Karla] A dog? Well, thank you for keeping your animal outside.
-the kitchen is filling with the lovely smell of meat cooking and the ticking of the small timer.
[Lie] - Yeah he's pretty rambunctious
[Sally] - Smile's fun
[Karla] Still...
[Ever] He's a really big dog and it's hard to cook with critters bouncing around.
[Lie] - Oh I know, I've sneeze teleported because of my vulpix's and Hope knocking over spices and such
[Karla] Drinks her tea - So... why here?
[Lie] - Ever had something for me to pick up for Arden and I needed a kitchen- She swirls the wine around in her flute a bit
[Ever] I thought I'd help out with a little cooking lesson too. - grins
[Karla] Ah, Arden... Ever's internet friend. - she makes a vague gesture to the computer where a cat video has stopped buffering and is quietly playing. - And a little wine is good for cooking. How are your... flowers doing?
[Lie] - Working well...  And Azrael took interest in the vampiric one
[Karla] Ah, so you've met my unwilling benefactor as well?
[Lie] - Just a few hours ago actually
[Ever] You met Death?! He's way cool. Scary, but still hecking cool.
[Lie] - And familiar with Sally's father, who may be stopping by to visit you at some point Karla
[Karla] Sally's father? Another creepypasta I presume?
-the little timer goes off and Ever fusses with the release valve so he can safely open the cooker-
[Lie] - Try Slenderman...
[Ever] Nearly drops the bowl of carrots and potatoes - S-S-SLENDERMAN?
[Karla] Who?
[Lie] - One of the most terrifying beings I've ever met?  He can command CP and CP listen's to him without question?  Basically leads a chunk of creepy pasta's?
[Ever] Tries to still his hands long enough to mix the vegetables in and repressurize the cooker-
[Karla] So he's a small god or something?
[Lie] - I'm not sure, but he's the one Rudolph stayed with for awhile
[Karla] That slimy... I'm not suprised. He was horrible in life and even worse in death. Him seeking out a group of murderers doesn't suprise me at all.
[Ever] Resets the pressure cooker to full pressure again and sets the timer for 15 minutes. His hands are still shaking.
[Lie] - You've caught his interest and that's a good thing, if he finds you interesting he's less likely to attack, mostly observe, plus Azrael warned him against trying to kill you
[Sally] Is caught up watching the videos on the laptop-
[Karla] Sometimes it's best to remain invisible to the eyes of the powerful Lie... And Azrael likely cautioned him against his own desires. - She grins wickedly- He needs me. I know he hates it and his daughter does too.
[Lie] - So I've noticed
[Sally] - Miss Lie I'm out of candy...
[Ever] Walks over to sit near her and leans in spellbound as she runs a gloved finger under his chin and kisses him sweetly, but briefly on the lips.
[Karla] Lucky, lucky me...
[Lie] Shifts nervously, her face already red from the wine- Sally, why don't you go outside to play with Smile?
[Sally] - Okay- The child slides off the stool and heads for the door leading outside
[Karla] Leans on her elbows facing Lie, there's the barest curl of steam from the cup in front of her. Her smile is predatory. - So how have you been?
[Lie] - Finally getting a break.  After the Harvestman battle, well we're still recovering
[Karla] So has your mate finally calmed down? His bloodlust saitied with finally getting his revenge?
[Lie] - Probably not, but he's distracted at the moment with his brother
[Ever] At Karla - Stevie got superpowers. He can do stuff with ice now.
[Karla] How interesting....
[Lie] - Thus why I'm making something warm for them
[Smile] Starts barking really loudly-
-Timer pings-
[Ever] Foods done! I'll go release the pressure cooker so it doesn't explode or something.
[Karla] Is suddenly alert- Your dog sounds annoyed....
[Lie] - I don't normally hear him bark like that...
[Sally] Comes running back in- Miss Lie!  Miss Lie!
[Lie] - What?
[Sally] - Smile caught an intruder!
[Karla] Hand strays to her pocket and she slides out a lugar- What kind of intruder child?
[Sally] - A person!
[Lie] Pulls out her sunglasses and slips them on as she hears Smile approaching-
[Smile] The massive dog trots in dragging a struggling teenager with him, Smile is rather happy about it-
[Karla] Looks rather angry- Who are you!? And why were you on my property?!
[Teen] - None of your damn business bitch!  Now let me go or my dad will have to arrest you!
[Karla] It doesn't work like that. This is private property and I can shoot you and get away with it. - She's toying with the hammer on the gun meaningfully.
[Teen] - Yeah right, my dad's the sheriff!
[Smile] Starts growling menacingly-
[Karla] And I care why?
[Ever] Ummm...
[Teen] - Because he basically owns the town, and won't tolerating anybody hurting me!
[Karla] Gets up from the table and her boots clack menacingly on the stone floor- Oh? And just where does he think you are right now boy?
[Teen] - With my friends, who have probably already gone to get him
[Karla] I think that's a lie. And I think you were looking for something to steal from an old lady.
[Lie] - I can ascertain if it's the truth or not
[Karla] Be my guest then.
[Lie] Spawns an honesty blossom and blows the pollen into the kids face-
[Teen] - The fuck are you doing!? Drugging me!?
[Karla] Are you here alone?
[Teen] - My friends came with me
[Karla] almost looks disappointed. - Smile? Did they get over the fence already?
[Smile] Shakes his head-
[Sally] - I heard them running away!
[Karla] Care to fetch them like a good doggy?
[Smile] Becomes really alert and wags his tail-
[Lie] - You have to drop the current one first Smile
[Smile] Drops the teen and Lie uses her vines to hold him in place-
[Lie] - Ever?  Do you mind opening the gate?
[Ever] Swallows hard- o-okay... He heads outside to open the fence.
[Smile] Follows Ever and once the gate is open he takes off into the woods-
[Lie] - Karla, I'm sure you have something better suited then my vines for restraint
[Karla] Oh. I do. But I'm not sure I want to make my nice restraints dirty on someone I don't even care about.
[Lie] - So what will we do with him?
[Teen] - I'm right here you bitches!
[Karla] He calls me a bitch one more time I'm going to take him outside and curb check him.
[Lie] - Then might I suggest a gag?  I'd rather the kid not be injured if we return him to his father
[Karla] Oh must we? We could always pass him off to your husband...
[Lie] - No, that would make some others on the server mad.  Last time he killed a human we ended up taking the other...  And returning her as a man with memories of what happened erased
[Karla] Laughs - That's too funny! But also disapointing. In some ways I envy the creepypastas their freedom to do as they please...
[Sally] - Papa makes sure we don't over do things, and keeps us from getting caught most of the time
[Karla] Lucky child. Wait, you gave him honesty pollen didn't you? - She rounds on the boy, close to his face- What's your worst fear?
[Teen] - Never seeing my dad again
[Lie] Face palms-
[Karla] I could make that happen...
[Lie] - Karla...
[Karla] We could just send him somewhere far away where he doesn't speak the language, zhat vould be fun...
[Lie] - Yes but then he could eventually find his way back, and unless you manage to move "it"...
[Karla] Phhh You're no fun.
[Lie] - And I'm betting you could be more creative then that
[Karla] Well, we could send him somewhere a bit more... low res... would that be more merciful?
[Lie] - Doc and TLOT aren't fond of many people knowing about that, and after the last one that came in...
[Sally] - What about a slave?
[Lie] - Excuse me?
[Karla] Meh. Just another mouth to feed.
[Sally] - Oh, that's what papa says some of the others do to humans...
[Lie] - I have flowers that make others forget, but I don't know how strong they are...
[Karla] Looks annoyed, - can't I just kill him?
[Lie] - I'd prefer you didn't...
[Karla] Then what do you suggest? Ms. peaceful brine?
[Lie] - I...  I don't know...
[Karla] I do have a floor drain downstairs... Why did you come here anyway?
[Teen] - Creepy old house in the middle of the woods housing a reclusive bitch, why wouldn't I?
[Smile] Comes back into Ever's line of sight with three more teens-
[Karla] It's not smart to interfere in other peoples private affairs.
[Ever] Looks super nervous-
-Two of the teens have broken legs and Smile looks quite proud of himself-
This message has been removed.
[Ever] Oh dear, that's a lot Smile...
[Lie] - Karla...  If you absolutely must, then can I at least request you make it quick?
[Karla] I'll have too. Ever might try to stop me, he's so sentimental sometimes.
[Lie] - Well he is human
[Karla] Smiles at Lie- Not really... he's eaten the fruit as well.
[Lie] - He's what?
[Karla] Did you really think I wouldn't share my gift with my favorite playmate? I don't want him getting old on me.
[Lie] - Well yeah but...  It just hadn't occurred to me
[Smile] Is dragging the screaming teens towards the house-
[Karla] Ah, no time to play. - She takes a hold of the boys hair and smashes his skull against the stone floor with a sickening crack. Then lifts him up for a moment to check his [lack of] pulse. - Fast enough for you?
[Lie] Is in a relatively stunned silence, not expecting Karla to do that right in front of her-
[Sally] - Can I help with the killing?
[Karla] I'm assuming you have some kind of strange powers? I would be delighted to see zhem child!
[Ever] Comes back up, a little out of breath and pauses at the door. - Mistress!
[Karla] Steps over the body. - He tripped-
[Smile] Holds onto the three remaining teens-
[Sally] - Yeah!  But sometimes Papa has to help me...
[Karla] Ushers the child outside with an air of excitement-
[Ever] Comes in - Oh fuck....
[Smile] Follows them outside-
[Lie] - I would suggest you stay here with me...
[Ever] Yeah.... fucking hell... - He runs his fingers through his hair- I... dammit... - Reflexitively he starts putting the food into containers. - fuck fuck fuck
[Lie] - Ever...
[Ever] I know she's killed before... she was military... and she's killed defending me... but I don't know how to dispose of a body!
[Lie] - Neither do I...  Karla did say she had a floor drain downstairs though?
[Ever] Yeah! But the floor is marble! Look at this mess!
[Lie] - ...  Bleach?
[Ever] It will just ruin the finish! It's porus.
[Lie] - I have water buckets and that's it
[Ever] Arrrggghhhh. And we'd have to dig a hole and people might come asking questions- He looks like he's on the cusp of a nervous breakdown-
[Lie] - Should I call my husband?  He'd probably be entertained by this situation...
[Ever] Would he actually help?! Or just point and laugh? This is serious!
[Lie] - He'd help...  And probably laugh too
[Ever] Sits down and takes a long pull from the abandoned wine bottle before violently coughing-
[Lie] - Don't choke there!
[Ever] Thumps his head on the counter -
[Lie] - I'm just...  Gonna call him...- She sends a mental message to CP
[CP] - Let me see if I can't get TLOT to babysit
[CP] - TLOT!  Can you watch Stevie for a bit?
[TLOT] Is actually mining for a change, or more approriately- watching Steve's back and taking out the occasional block- Hmm? I'm a bit far away , but I can manage it. Can you bring him to me?
[CP] - Do you want your mineshaft to be frozen?
[TLOT] We'll go over a bit, There's a pretty big lava pool-
[Steve] Stevie is joining us?
[CP] - Alright, just don't blame me if your mate ends up a popsicle- He grabs his brother and teleports them over
[Stevie] Is shivering a little and the air around him is immediately colder-
[TLOT] Oh dear, come on- starts walking him- Lava is over here.
[Steve] Brrr!!!
[CP] Gets a general grasp on where Lie is and comes out the computer near the tree- Lie?
[Lie] - In the kitchen!
[CP] Follows her voice- What exactly do you need me so badly for?- He stops when he see's the blood spreading along the floor
[Lie] - Disposing of a body?
[Ever] Waves weakly-
[CP] Sighs and summons a fire ball- Are there any more bodies?
[Lie] - Probably?
[Ever] They're outside-
[CP] - Well let's start in here- He sets the body alight until it's nothing more than ashes- There, now I'm going to take care of the others- He makes his way outside to where the other's are
[Sally] Has adopted her dull and bleeding form, when she touches one of the teen's their body falls to the ground as their mind is trapped in a cycle of Sally's memories from when she was raped and murdered.  This gives her a chance to bash in their heads-
[Smile] Is chewing on one of the living teen's leg-
[Karla] Has gagged one of them and started making lots of small cuts with a scalpel-
[CP] - Sally...
[Sally] Turns around quickly, her colors brightening as she runs for him- You're here!
[CP] Scoops her up and puts her on his shoulders- Enjoying your kill?
[Sally] - Yeah, but they're not moving anymore
[CP] - I can see that
[Karla] Notices Cp and grabs the teens head, giving it a sharp twist to break the neck cleanly. she gets up briskly and walks over to him- Ah. Cp. Good to see you again!
[CP] - I never expected my wife to ask me to come dispose of bodies...
[Karla] So you came to help. Even better. I got a bit carried away and made a mess in the kitchen. I'd hate for dear Ever to have to clean it up.
[CP] - Already burned that body to ashes
[Remaining teen] - You won't get away with this!  Jessica got away
[Smile] - I cursed her!
[CP] - Yeah I don't think that will be a problem...
[Karla] Pulls out the gun again and screws a small silencer to the end before casually shooting the teen in the forehead- Annoying...
[CP] - So should I burn these ones away too?
[Sally] - Oh no, Mr. Charlie got dirty!
[Karla] That would be lovely, thank you. And Sally, would you like to use my wash machine for your bear?
[Sally] - But he usually gets floppy when he's been washed...
[CP] - I'm sure Trender will restuff him for you again
[Karla] Well I do have a dryer as well...
[CP] - His stuffing usually ends up squished in places and not evenly distributed, that's what she means by floppy
[Smile] Is trying to rip a limb off of one of the corpses-
[Karla] I understand. - Is utterly non-plussed by the dogs actions- I'm still more fond of cats, but he is an impressive hound.
[CP] - Well he is a harbinger of curses
[Karla] Just nodding- I should probably check on Ever...
[CP] - He's still in your kitchen with Lie, Smile knock it off, I need to burn that
[Karla] Looks down at her coat and shucks it off. The brown fabric is heavily stained with blood- Can you burn this as well? I'll miss it, but blood is hard to fully remove.
[CP] - No problem, just toss it on the pile- He puts Sally down- Go on bacl to Lie
[Sally] - Okay!
[Karla] Casually tosses it on a body- Thank you Herobrine. - She makes her way back into the kitchen and gathers Ever up in her arms, soothing him-
[Ever] Is shaking-
[Lie] - Sally you're a mess
[Sally] Giggles-
[CP] Quickly burns everything before coming back inside-
[Karla] Is giving Ever small kisses and smoothing his hair -
[Ever] Manages to whisper- foods done....
[Karla] We know, you did a good job.
[CP] Looks at the blood on the floor- Want me to take care of that?
[Karla] I would very much appreciate it.
[CP] Takes a sampling of clean floor and replaces the bloodied portions with it- There
[Lie] - Sorry for pulling you away from Stevie...
[Karla] Nicely done.
[Ever] Snuggles into her chest-
[Karla] Shhh
[Sally] Just climbs on CP-
[CP] - What are you doing kiddo?
[Sally] - Playing
[Karla] Well at least she'll have a story for her daddy when she gets home.
[CP] Groans-
[Lie] - Karla, do you mind if I use the bathroom to clean her up?
[Karla] Of course. And the washer is next to the back door if you want to toss the bear in
[Lie] - Are you okay with that Sally?
[Sally] - Mmmm...  Okay
[CP] Takes the bear while Lie takes Sally to the bathroom.  He sits down at one of the stools once he's back-
[Karla] Ever and Lie cooked for you. If you want to grab the container and stow it while it's still hot- She gestures at a very large bowl with foil over the top-
[CP] - Is that why she came here?  Geez, she didn't have to do that- He does go and get the food though
[Karla] She was just being thoughtful, and Ever was being his usual helpful self- she kisses his forehead- Can you put the small bowl in the fridge please?
[CP] - I guess- He does as Karla asks- So what brought this murder spree about?
[Karla] They snuck onto my property with intent to wreak havock on a helpless old lady just trying to live away from society. They got more then they bargained for.
[CP] - I could see that, ah well, it's been awhile since Smile's gotten to hunt or curse anybody.  Although you may still get a visit from the cops
[Karla] Probably. But thanks to such good friends - respectful nod at him- they'll be nothing for them to find.
[CP] - And the one that got away won't be sane for much longer
[Karla] How convenient. Could you give Smile some of the meat? A just reward for a good dog.
[CP] Tosses out a couple of steaks which Smile tears into- Out of curiosity, did Lie see any of the killing?
[Karla] Only the one in the kitchen, and I was quick as she requested.
[CP] - Joy, so she'll be hesitant for a few days
[Karla] Ah, my apologies. I should have dragged the little worm outside first.
[CP] - It wouldn't be the first death she's witnessed, but I, unfortunately don't currently have much if any time to spend with her
[Karla] Because of your brother... ah but true love is patient.
[CP] Yeah well it's been a couple weeks
[Ever] Is starting to calm down a little-
[Karla] I thought time moved rather quickly in your world?
[CP] Yeah that should say something.  I mean we did have a quickie in the lava bath, but I know it wasn't as satisfying for her as it could have been
[Karla] Well she made a trip out just to cook for you. That should make you feel loved at least.
[CP] - Yeah, she hasn't done that before
[Karla] So I wouldn't worry about it.
[Ever] Manages to stand up and sits next to her, watching them both-
[CP] - Still, she's probably a bit wanting despite her probably absolute denial of it
[Karla] I don't think it would take much attention to convince her then. She had a drink earlier and I think that action could be repeated with a little nudge.
[CP] - Did she start giggling?
[Karla] I don't think so?
[Ever] small -no.
[CP] - Then she probably only had a few sips, she gets very giggly when drunk
[Karla] That's adorable. - Wiggles her fingers at Smile-
[Sally] Comes running in covered in a towel- Is Mr. Charlie done?
[Smile] Takes interest and goes over to Karla-
[Karla] Rubs his ears affectionately- I don't hear it anymore. He probably needs to be tossed in the dryer.
[CP] Goes over to throw the bear in the dryer-
[Sally] - Be careful!
[CP] - I know, I know
[Ever] Shakily pours himself a little bit of wine-
[Lie] Comes in- CP, here- She hands Sally's dress over as well to be dried
[Sally] - Are there any cookies?
[Smile] His tail is thumping on the floor-
[Ever] I don't think so... I've got chips in the cabinet though- points.
[Sally] Opens and digs around a bit before finding the chips-
[Lie] Sits back down at the counter- Are you okay Ever?
[Ever] Manages to nod a little-
[Karla] So your mate also came to warn me that I might be recieving a visit from the childs father soon...
[CP] - Oh joy
[Karla] Should I be concerened?
[CP] - Probably, but I wouldn't try attacking him
[Karla] Duly noted. Though I wish people wouldn't drop by unannounced. It's so rude.
[CP] - Other than the usually just showing up he's fairly polite
[Karla] For someone my mate seems to be terrified of, that's good. I've never heard of him before today.
[CP] - I'll tell you this, absolutely be prepared for a headache afterwards.  It's an effect of being around him, and he does tend to poke at peoples minds
[Karla] I don't like that... I worked very hard to free my mind from...  outside influences.
[CP] - He usually only does it when he first meets somebody or if he knows somebody is hiding something
[Karla] Hmmph. Is there anything else I should be wary of?
[CP] - Not that I can think of right now
[Lie] - CP, who's watching Stevie?
[Lie] - On the main seed?
[CP] - Yeah, why?
[Lie] - Go take your brother back to the other seed!
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