#Hi Watanuki how are you
completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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I suppose this doesn't rule out any Sakuras with 100% certainty but this IS too juicy of a connection to keep me away from embracing Cardcaptor Sakura as the most likely candidate. I'M TAKING THE BAIT. I BELIEVE IT IN MY HEART.
Also also ALSO OH The joy of the idea that Cardcaptor Sakura, in her future, knows about Yuuko Ichihara and what she can do.
Have they met. Have they talked.
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OH I was just hit with the psychic damage of the fact that this Syaoran is named after his father, Syaoran, who married Sakura and now this Syaoran is off to presumably go and meet a different Sakura who LOOKS THE SAME AS HIS MOTHER WITH THE SAME NAME? 
I'm suddenly aware of a couple of preconceptions I seem to have collected over the years that must be wrong now. I think with the parallel to the clone Syaoran and Sakura (and also CCS Sakura and Syaoran), along side the whole "Your Sakura is waiting for you", I had assumed that Lava Lamp was in love with His Sakura. But then again do we KNOW that, or was that me just filling in the blanks? Is it too weird to fall in love with someone who looks exactly like your mother with the same name, even if you have the same name as your father and look the same as him? Probably! Perhaps they're not a love match at all! Maybe they're just friends! Maybe it's something completely unrelated!
Quick erase everything I thought I knew and start again. From the top.
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I mean she’s right! All Syaorans share this fundamental personality trait.
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floorpancakes · 1 year
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radioscientist · 7 months
I like how cozy and generally quite happy episode 13 of XXXHolic Kei is. Gives you a nice breather before we get into the next series.
#anime#radiowaves#xxxholic#XXXHolic#xxxholic kei#holic#*hello it’s been… *checks blog* A YEAR?! since I posted my watch through of xxxholic*#*hope you didn’t think I had stopped! because NOPE*#*not much to say about this one*#*other than I read a post years ago about how Doumeki just LETS Watanuki almost smother him to death*#*and like??? it was all I could notice*#*like THERE WAS NO NEED FOR IT???*#*sure it’s just like… a little goof. A gag.*#*but on a NARRATIVE level??*#*it’s everything it drives me insane*#*HE HAD HIS HANDS FREE HE COULD HAVE TAKEN HIS HAND OFF. BUT HE DIDN’T*#*WHY*#*Is it saying something about how he’s letting himself live his life for Watanuki and he’d even let Watanuki kill him?*#*is it that he’s so afraid to hurt him after the last eps that he’d rather die than risk hurting him???*#*IS HE JUST INTO THAT KINDA THING?? WE DON’T KNOW*#*also yeah something something turning cycles of debt and owing into a way to show appreciation and stay close*#*obligation into appreciation creating cycles where your debts were forgiven long ago but you use them as a basis for connection*#*what is debt between friends and when does it become gift giving?*#*when is a gift a burden that drags you into a cycle of giving and receiving*#*and when is a debt repayed a love language that means ‘thank you and I love you and I want us to give each other things forever*#*… okay so my takeaways for this ep are Choking Kink and Sometimes Debt is a Love Language*#*it’s fine*#*I think it anyone still sees my xxxholic posts you probably give the tags a miss*#*if not… hello! Hope you get something out of this*
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edenaziraphale · 5 months
When I first started reading xxxHolic I always wondered why Yuko lived the way she did- drinking constantly, smoking like a chimney, attitude like she’s got nothing to gain or lose from any of this-
And then as the series is approaching it’s end we find out there really is nothing. She’s dead, she should have died so so long ago and this existence that she’s trapped in is the closest to hell most people are ever going to get. She is lonely and probably in pain, and waiting for the day she knows is coming, the one which will right the wrongs that kept her alive in the first place. Yuko is waiting to finally be allowed to die.
She knows there’s important work to be done first. She knows there will be a beautiful but achingly sad little boy, as lonely as herself, who has to be loved into reality, and that she needs to guide him toward the people who will help him survive, lest he disappear the same moment she does.
But the drinking, the smoking, the drama she can’t help but be blasé about- those are numbing. They’re distractions and they help to pass the time. At least she gets to leave, I thought. I can’t imagine what would happen if this were a stuck-in-a-tower kind of curse.
But we didn’t have to imagine, because we see it.
Watanuki takes up the mantle.
Yuko didn’t anticipate loving this boy. Most of that has been burned out of her by now, too tired to hope for anything but rest.
But she didn’t expect his eyes to be quite that big, that sad. And when she meets him and the power inside of her reaches (without her permission, as it has always been prone to doing) for a glimpse of his future, she’s struck by the sensation of emptiness. Of nothing. An apartment whose tenant the landlord can’t remember. A desk with no child inside. Anger. A boy whose dark eyes search halls for something he doesn’t know or understand. A family name which carries a legacy that Yuko remembers. Yuko worked so hard to will life into Watanuki, spent so long teaching him the selfishness and the tragedy of his own sacrificial self loathing. He didn't need to be a martyr, there was nothing he needed to die for. He was a casualty of a war that had nothing to do with him. She tried, over and over and over, to offer him a way out. I think all the time about how she must have felt knowing that Watanuki took on her imprisonment and compounded it, made it that much more intense, made it that much worse. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I wonder if it hurt.
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tomoyoo · 1 month
watanuki goes through a lot tm during the spider arc but so does doumeki, remember how yuuko told him it was okay to feel angry, it's unhealthy for doumeki to repress himself even if it might upset watanuki, so he goes ahead and makes his own decision, and rou is like NEVERMIND perpetual state of indecision it's so.... frustrating and well written, you can feel the absence of yuuko in every corner of the story and it can get pretty tense; even if he wanted he can't approach watanuki the same way he did when they were teenagers ! you can see him dealing with it in silence or confiding in mokona who can't do much either other than helping him ease the burden on watanuki and they never get a resolution, this is highlighted by the fact that we see the same face doing the same thing and carrying the same weight till the very last chapter, and it's frustrating but sometimes it's not his place to confront watanuki / take decisions on his life and so the anger he might feel turns into resentment.
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fandomrouletteburrito · 8 months
Thinking about how in Tsubasa after reading the entire story how it changes how you feel about all the arcs. Spoilers for the ending and Nirai Kanai and xxxHolic below
There is no happiness in the way the arcs end especially once they reach Tokyo end, there is a sense of completeness but never like: ah yes we are happy now.
The best they get is a sense of satisfaction at having reached the goal and saving people but you know the final goal could potentially take decades and is seemingly endless and that is daunting for the cast.
And once shit starts hitting the fan theres nothing but tragedy after tragedy, the loss of Syaoran, Fai’s near death, Sakura’s loneliness and powerlessness, Kurogane’s anxiety for the other shoe to drop, the ENTIRETY OF CELES, knowing theyre all trying to cope as best as they can but every world they’ve visited since Tokyo has only faced a massacre in Clone!Syaoran’s wake and how traumatizing it is and the pain of knowing he would never do it if he was in control. Not to mention Clone!Syaoran’s inner conflict of knowing deep down he loves Sakura but despite the soul he made it takes losing her WATCHING her DIE to finally bring him to the front however briefly it is.
And in the final end, Clone!Sakura and Clone!Syaoran remain in a state of limbo, kind of dead if we’re being brutally honest.
Like Tsubasa isn’t a story of a happy ending, it’s literally just coping with tragedy and loss. And I think this is what makes me love it so much, that yes all four survived but the cost was two main characters. Its not a satisfying ending, its just tragic, after suffering so much and setting everything right and even being able to live in the original timeline, the two beings that helped them survive this long don’t get to be in this happy ending. Syaoran sacrified his parents, his childhood, his freedom, his time, his chance at a normal life and he still doesn’t get to be with his Sakura all the time. Clone! Syaoran himself said there was a timeline where Sakura and Syaorn can never be together and the knowledge that there was going to be an even worse timeline is so horrific after all that suffering…
And if we want to get into Nirai Kanai, I think this is the only part of Tsubasa I outright sobbed, the cruelty of Syaoran SEEING Clone!Syaoran or his father and needing to FIGHT him and him STAYING DEAD, was so painful. How much Syaoran didn’t want to do it but he had no choice. Not to mention Watanuki had to do the same with Yuuko to help Syaoran(they really do be the same person huh?)
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gabbylyons · 1 year
Do you ever think about the fact that the only thing that made Doumeki smile was Watanuki? The fact that knowing that everything between them was fine and Watanuki was still there with him was the only thing that made the stoic Doumeki genuinely happy?
Do you ever think about how he could stand having his arm broken, losing half of his blood, losing an eye, standing 10 HOURS in rain desperately looking for Watanuki, on his feet, losing his dreams and getting stuck on a loveless marriage only because the only thing he couldn't stand was being without Watanuki, the actual love of his life? The person his soul was connected to?
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crowsquaks · 1 year
I pity Clow Reed.
His tragedy is one based on love that fucks me up.
Now before you call me out with "he fucked so much stuff up" "mans was the walking definition of a 'problem'" yes. I know- but that is exactly why I pity him and the cluster fuck he caused.
(This is way longer then I meant for it to be so it gets to go under a cut. I am completely NORMAL about this I swear.)
We get bits and pieces of who Clow was from Cardcaptor, Tsubasa, XXXHolic from an outsider view. He was weird, eccentric and powerful. Yet, when you put all of the view's together, you get this picture that I still have so many feelings with to this day.
Clow fucked up. He know he fucked up with his single thought that stopped Yuuko's time from continuing. Where she was supposed to die, and she didn't. She was stuck outside time by something he did on accident because for a split second he couldn't bear the thought to lose her. That was the moment the whole cycle started, and where he resented being as powerful as he was.
This one choice was something far worse then he could ever dream. (I will continue to pray to usagi to give me a manga, even a one shot I'm not picky, of Clow and Yuuko.)
Now, we know one thing. I will not back down from this, but Clow loved Yuuko. In what way can be interpreted however you want, family, friend, lover sort of love- but he loved her.(I can also ague Clow has a TYPE, but I digress.)He loved her so much that he lost control over his magic to try to stay with her. Which we see a theme in clamps works with the more power you have the more you have to be careful. With great power comes great responsibility.
After we see the loss of control, we don't know what happens next. Except at some point they never see each other again. What we do know is at some point Clow had Momo, but it seemed he wasn't able to use her for what he needed. What would he need her for? To try and fix his mistake with freezing Yuuko's time? Hmmmm. Well- Clamp??? Alas we'll never know, but the crumbs for us to think are there.
After that the timeline gets a little wonky, Clow makes Kero and Yue. He splits himself in 2. Makes his way to the country of Clow to fill the spot his not self is no longer in due to Fei Wong's fucking around. Then we've got nothing, no idea what actually happens to him in the clone time line, just poof. He dead and Toya is king.
The we hop back over to Eriol and he makes Suppie and Ruby moon. Which wouldn't make you suspicious, lonely dude made some friends- except butterflies. Who's mark are butterflies. Yuuko's are. There out in the open, a subtle gesture until remembering how much he loves his creations. Even if he is no longer "Clow" there is still a piece of him in there loving Yuuko.
Clow Reed is a tragedy who is consumed by love and his hubris brought him to his knee's in the most human way possible.
Quick side note, I wonder if the stray thought ever crossed Yuuko's mind looking at Watanuki that... if in another life she and Clow could have had a child. Would that child look as Watanuki does and is this what she couldn't have with him, because she already knows her story has ended. I like'd to to think the person she was talking to when she left was Clow.
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
clamp reaction image
Ahem, you ask local meme provider for memes? Here we go:
Reading Clamp manga:
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Clamp characters:
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Yasha and Ashura:
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Kurogane whenever Fai opens his mouth:
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Fai after he becomes a vampire:
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Yuuko when she hears how fandom talks about Clow:
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Antichrist Fuuma:
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Clow Reed:
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Fights in X/1999:
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Nakuru, Touya and Yuki:
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Imonoyama Nokoru:
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Legal drug in general:
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My FBI agent upon witnessing CLAMP:
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Kurogane when Kamui started hissing at him:
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Touya when he met Yue:
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Fuuma as soon as he became an antichrist:
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Tomoyo whenever she sees Sakura and Syaoran:
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Kakei and Saiga:
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Fai when he met Kurogane:
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Sakura in her room at 3AM:
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Sorata when he met Kamui:
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Rg veda:
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Watanuki’s character arc:
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Fuuma and Seishirou:
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Kurogane when all of his found family begins self-destructing:
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Clones stuff:
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Seishirou explaining Rainbow Bridge to Hokuto in afterlife:
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Tsubasa ending:
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Sorata when he met Arashi and she pulled out sword on him:
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edeniansys · 4 months
Hello beloved mutuals I unfortunately have a bitch of a Sunbeam darling dear system mate named Subaru who's dating a Watanuki and whenever he sees the watanuki whore Saturday thing he goes feral and when we reblog stuff multiple times it has to be in multiples of 3 otherwise I'll go kinda crazy and die because the OCD will tell me to do horrible things for not doing the numbers correctly. Anyways!!! Hi how are youuuhuuu
so true so true <- also has ocd WOAH TUMBLR HAS A THING FIR ARROWS THATS SO SICK
I'm good thank you for asking :3 just celebrated my grandmothers 54th birthday which is crazy. :3
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damnhitsuzen · 5 months
New chapter!
Chapter 5: Time
This is the last chapter I have completely done, now I'll have to finish the next one before posting. Soooo shit has started to hit the fan, guys.
You will need CD Drama Shiritsu Horitsuba Gakuen 4 ~Ohiru no Radio: Afureru made Mattenai~ in this chapter. It's so innuendo-ed with all the finger-talk and husky voices, it's ridiculous. And I can bet whatever that Watanuki WAS is a prank with Yuuko for two reasons: a) he's not innocent in that clueless Syaoran way, in xxxholic Yuuko teases him with flirty/sexual undertones about others all the time and he reacts, flusters, or chastises her, because he GETS every innuendo and dirty joke. There was NO WAY he would innocently say all that finger stuff by chance and not die from embarrassment second later. b) at the end students say that Yuuko made them keep silent about Kurogane's voice, but puuuhhleease, when did that stop Watanuki? He has no problem with teasing Yuuko in front of customers, he cuts her alcohol to make a point. Watanuki would never give in to Yuuko's whim, if it is something that he doesn't truly approve of. He would shout his opinion proudly at her face, fully risking it to be completely destroyed by her in following moment (as usual). That's why we love our boy and that's why he had to be a part of a prank. And really, Yuuko wouldn't wire the room herself, would she? That's what she has Watanuki for.
Also Watanuki's friendship with Kurogane is something I had in mind from the very beginning, even before I got reacquainted with Horitsuba. They are just too similar in a way they react to people and event, so this friendship felt totally natural for me. Imagine my surprise, when I got to this part, when Kurogane is genuinely angry for Watanuki and how Yuuko teases him. CLAMP ladies are with me on this!
The song in this chapter is the perfect embodiment of anxiety one might have before something really bad happens. Also if never seen the music video with gorgeous Rosamund Pike, do watch! It's magnificently creepy. The sheer horror, helplessness in face of overpowering unnatural force - it's what inspired me to write the disappearing radio room act.
I really enjoyed writing this chapter, though it wasn't easy. Hope that you'll like and if you did - please consider writing a comment, I'm dying for those. Really, I'll probably cry from happiness if I find out someone liked this chapter.
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Oh oh oh here we go, introducing the thread of The Things That Watanuki Doesn’t Remember. Because he made a wish. 
I can’t remember if he knows that yet, but at the very least it came up twice in Tsubasa. 
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It means what I said. With a smile.
File this under: Things that Clow Reed would say
I love when Watanuki so clearly has the influence of his family coming through, especially since he's so incredibly disconnected from them that he doesn't even know who they are - but the traces are there! He'll still be connected even if he doesn't know it.
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And we love to see the growth! The shared lesson that all the Tsubasa Family and Watanuki are all learning at the same time - that you matter actually, even if you don’t value yourself, because other people care for you. And diminishing yourself is just hurting them. 
But here we have Watanuki who has concluded that even if he wasn’t supposed to be here, and even if he doesn’t remember why, he wants to stay now because he has people he cares for. And we love that for him! 
Complete with spooky Yuuko smoke stream creeping through his fingers!
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OH AND EVEN BETTER. Watanuki starts to get self conscious about how his true feelings might sound to Doumeki and immediately gets defensive, but Doumeki ignores that immediately just doubles down on the sentiment. 
He wants him to commit to what he just said. 
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floorpancakes · 11 months
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this is so funny bitch he's paying you a compliment!!! hes openly being like wow ur so good at this stop shouting and sit the fuck down 😭😭😭😭
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teecupangel · 1 year
Are you familiar with demon slayer and the AC JPN dubbing , if you do. Then be prepared for this. The demon slayer voice casting has 6 VAs who does the voices of the AC protagonists
Altair & Uzui
Ezio & Sanemi
Connor & haganezuka
Arno & tanjiro’s dad
Jacob & enmu
Bayek & yahaba “arrow demon”
Aya & Daki
Imagine them meeting the voice counter parts
Oh, yeah, I’m a bit familiar with the Japanese dub of Assassin’s Creed and I watch Demon Slayer when it’s airing in Japan then I rewatch it in the English dub because I enjoy watching English dubs in general XD.
Before anything…
Imma list the names of their JP voices and a few other characters they voice. (And I will be focusing on the ones listed by @ullyaboo because… well… this would get too long if I start listing everybody...)
Altaïr is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi
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(Sombron/Hubert/Xander/Randal from Fire Emblem, @princesslikesfanfics might recognize him as Tory Innis from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Diavolo from Jojo, Lloyd Irving from Tales series, America/Canada from Hetalia, and mecha fans might recognize him as our bestest aniki Kamina)
No, seriously.
Can we just take a moment to think about how Altaïr’s JP voice also voiced these characters as well:
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Also, shoutout to him being the voice of the dead big brother of my Trails blorbo XD
Ezio is voiced by Tomokazu Seki
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(HE VOICED MIGUEL O’HARA IN THE JP DUB OF ATSV, oh and Toad in the Mario movie, Jojo fans will probably find it funny that he voices Father Pucci and his stand, Panda from JJK, Gilgamesh from Fates, mecha fans would remember his “SHINING FISTS” as Domon Kasshu, he’s also Toya in Cardcaptor Sakura, and Van Fanel of Vision of Escaflowne (one of the earliest isekai anime))
Ratonhnhaké:ton is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
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(Lindel from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Anasui AND Giogio from Jojo, Yamato from Digimon, Persona 4’s MC, the jp voice of Sekiro from… well… Sekiro, Richard from Tales series, Italy from Hetalia, and Lupin the 3rd’s Goemon)
This deserves to be seen: Ratonhnhaké:ton’s JP Voice also voices Oikawa (Haikyuu) and Italy (Hetalia - also Romano) (this means that Ratonhnhaké:ton sang the Hetalia ending song)
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And he’s the JP voice of Jake Muller, Wesker’s kid in RE6.
Arno is voiced by Shinichiro Miki
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(ROY MUSTANG from FMA, Randy Orlando from Trails, Sir Nighteye from BNHA/MHA, James from Pokemon, Alucard from Castlevania, Lockon Stratos (*haro voice* Lockon, Lockon, Lockon, incoherent sobbing) from Gundam, Hijikata from Hakuoki)
(side note: Elise’s JP voice is Toyoguchi Megumi who voices Rengoku’s mother and I don’t want to mess up Tanjiro’s family but… half-brothers Tanjiro and Rengoku AU???)
Jacob is voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
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(Kakyoin from Jojo, Cao Lee and Rufus Albarea from Trails, Rei from Free, Makoto Ito from School Days (lollol, at least Jacob doesn't have the worst love life in this list), and Orlando Bloom in Kingdom Hearts games XD)
Bayek is voiced by Jun Fukuyama (JP voices of Origin (and Valhalla) weren't in Behind the Voice Actor so I had to doublecheck with JP wiki XD)
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(Persona 5’s MC, Lelouch Vi Brittania/Zero from Code Geass, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, Korosensei from Assassination Classroom, Maximilian from Valkyria Chronicles, Watanuki from xxxHolic)
Aya is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
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(female Robin from Fire Emblem, Milla Maxwell from Tales, Katalina from GBF, Elizabeth from Persona, Jolyn Cujoh from Jojo, Shinku in Rozen Maiden, Franziska von Karma in Ace Attorney, Celty from Durarara!!, Touko from Danganronpa)
For the actual ask portion:
Altaïr would probably be annoyed at Uzui at first because he’s so flashy. They’d probably spar and Altaïr would start to respect him after understanding that, underneath all that ‘flashiness’, Uzui is strong and has conviction (side note: Uzui’s three wives makes me think Makio - Maria, Hinatsuru - Adha and Suma - Kadar XD)
Ezio would think of Sanemi as having skills and potential but he won’t like his attitude. AC2!Ezio would definitely butt heads with Sanemi a lot, especially after he sees how Sanemi acts around his younger brother (since he doesn’t know the whole story) and he’d definitely try to act like a nice big brother to Genya, Brotherhood!Ezio and Revelations!Ezio would not be provoked by Sanemi and act more like an older brother/mentor role that Sanemi doesn’t want at all and thinks is super annoying.
Haganezuka would totally like Ratonhnhaké:ton because Ratonhnhaké:ton would take care of any weapon he receives from Haganezuka. Ratonhnhaké:ton will also be willing to listen to Haganezuka talk about swords for houurrrss. Achilles would have to be the one to smack Haganezuka to get out of the homestead after giving Ratonhnhaké:ton his sword. (Why is Achilles there? Idk, crossover???)
All I can think of is Arno getting adopted by the Kamado family. Tanjuro is quite frail and he’s been sick for a while now so their meeting would probably remind Arno of his late father. But, man, just imagine Arno dancing Hinokami Kagura…
Oh god. Enmu would totally fuck with Jacob using his dreams/nightmares. Like, every pain and weakness Jacob has, Enmu would take advantage of it. Worst of all? Jack the Ripper's actions would definitely haunt Jacob till the day he dies so Enmu using Jack in the attack would really hurt. Enmu wasn’t even a good person as a human but considering Jacob’s luck and bad judge of character? Absolutely won’t be surprised if he invites human!Enmu to the Rooks as a ‘doctor’.
I think Bayek has a good chance of taking out Yahaba. Dude got an actual flaming sword in the main story and I’m sure Reda would have a weapon made of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Ore for some reason and, as long as Bayek understood how Yahaba’s blood demon art works, he’d be fine. Bayek took out giant gods (in the Animus), he can take out this demon.
Oh, Aya would not like Daki at all. She might even be reminded of Cleopatra a bit because of her arrogant and dismissive personality which wouldn’t help the situation. They’d definitely fight and… Aya would probably need help on this one. I’m not sure if she ever got into any Isu BS that ended in a boss fight so I can’t be sure how she would handle fighting Daki and her obi attacks. Human!Daki though? Aya would definitely recruit her and her brother to the Hidden Ones if she found them as kids. But if she saw her as her usual cruel self? Yeah, Aya’s not going to like her.
If anyone wants an actual Demon Slayer x AC crossover idea, let me know?
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On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 10 Sugar Cookies!
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🤍🎰He loves cookies, and is very excited to bake them with you! He's never baked anything before, so you'll have to show him what to do.
🤍🎰He catches on pretty quickly. He's rather good at following directions.
🤍🎰His favorite part is decorating! He likes to make the cookies look super cute!
L Lawliet
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🖤🍰You're gonna have to tear him away from his screens. He's got mysteries to solve or something. Tell him he can't have any cookies if he doesn't help bake them!
🖤🍰He's pretty good at it and doesn't need much help. He can read the instructions, he's not stupid.
🖤🍰His favorite part by far is eating the finished cookies!
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🤍♟️Another one that you've got to physically drag away from his work. Unfortunately, you can't bribe or threaten him like you can with L.
🤍♟️Unlike his predecessor, Near needs all the help. He has no clue what he's doing.
🤍♟️His favorite part is decorating. He like to use a lot of colorful frosting!
Mahiru Shirota
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🤎🙂He's the one that suggested it. He probably volunteered to make cookies for a Christmas event, and enlisted your help.
🤎🙂He is a master at baking. He's going to be the one helping you!
🤎🙂His favorite part is actually making the cookies. He likes spending time with you!
Ogai Mori
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🖤🩺It was his suggestion. He wants to spend time doing fun Christmas things with you and Elise! Elise was not nearly as excited.
🖤🩺You're both struggling to figure out what you're doing. Mori is a doctor, not a baker! Elise is constantly making snappy comments about how terribly he's doing.
🖤🩺Mori's favorite part is watching Elise decorate the cookies, even when she makes fun of his cookies!
Mephisto Pheles
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💖😈It was your suggestion. Was it a good one? Probably not. Nonetheless, Mepphy thought it was a great idea!
💖😈You're going to have to do all the actual baking while he watches. Do not let him help. He is a disaster in the kitchen and will somehow manage to ruin the cookies.
💖😈His favorite part is watching you do all the work! You just look so cute in that apron!
Ky Luc
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🔹🤎It was your idea, and Ky immediately agreed. He can't eat the cookies, but he's still eager to help make them!
🔹🤎He's a big help in the kitchen. You've never had a more talented helper! He's whip smart and incredibly strong, and he never needs you to repeat directions or show him what to do!
🔹🤎His favorite part is rolling out the dough and cutting out the cookie shapes! He loves how impressed you are with how easy it is for him to roll out the dough!
Sakuya Watanuki
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🌳☢️It's a Tsubaki squad tradition to have a big cookie baking fest! Sakuya dragged you along to keep him sane.
🌳☢️Sakuya does as little work as possible. He's happy to watch you have fun, though! Just… be careful around Tsubaki and Belkia. He's probably going to end up starting a fight that turns into a flour war.
🌳☢️Sakuya's favorite part is eating the cookies, even if it might not be the best idea.
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🌴🖤You threatened him with Mustang to get him to bake with you. He's a lazy little shit and doesn't want to do any work.
🌴🖤He's the worst helper ever. He just doesn't want to listen! He's also loudly complaining the entire time.
🌴🖤His favorite part is eating the cookies. He's a slut for anything sugary!
Rock Lee
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💚🥋It was your idea to bake cookies with him, Gai, Tenten, and Neji, and he heartily agreed! He thinks it will be a great team bonding experience!
💚🥋He's not the greatest, but by gosh is he trying his best! He's very diligent, and once you show him how to do something he does it well.
💚🥋His favorite part is everything! He loved spending time with you and his team!
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skyflyinginaction · 9 months
Clamp Art Style Analysis: Part 4: Examining Concept art: xxxholic, Code Geass, Kabuki Bu
Now time for xxxholic concept art. The early concept art closely resembles ukiyoe painting; this is seen in the design of the characters. If you look at the concept art it was done with a pencil and then colored with an ink pen much like Tsubasa Holic had concept art with characters inked. 
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While looking at how Yuko was inked, that was something I found interesting about it. There were pencil lines in Yuko's hair, her hair was drawn by a pencil and then inked with a pen.
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Even when Yuko's hair is inked it does have a shape. The end of her long hair does have a shape; they draw the basic shape of her with a pencil. There are ink lines in her bangs and other hair in front that flow down naturally. This is done by pencil and then filled in by pen.  When it came to yukos hair they inked the outline with a pen then they filled it with an ink Clamp that inked the strands of her hair even the hair flowing down her shoulder was inked.
Watanuki's concept art is drawn by pencil first then his hair and clothes were inked like yukos.
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Watanuki had hair strands sticking out of his hair. His hair is inked in the series but his pencil sketch had few lines. The Watanuki next to Domaki is close to the Watanuki we know in the series.
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Watanuki’s poses are exaggerated in the manga but his concept art had his poses look different the Watanuki here is different from the Watanuki we know his poses looked realistic it wasn’t long or noodly like in the manga Watanuki is expressive so it would make sense that his poses are exaggerated. Watanuki has a variety of emotions in the concept art he looked mischievous and saucy compared to how we see him in the series he looked a lot younger like a middle schooler than what we see him now due to his poses and expressions Clamp toned down his mischievous expression to make him relatable. 
Domeki's concept art looked radically different, Domeki’s expression is a lot different in concept art even featuring a weird one of him smiling. Domeki's expression changed the impression of his character.
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His smiling made him look smug, almost like you want to punch him.
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The bottom one down below resembles the Domeki expression in the series.
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Domeki did not have too many lines in his hair and looked simple in the sketch which makes it seem not too hard to draw. Domeki had deep eye folds and slanted sleepy eyes in the concept art, the slanted and sleepy eyes are something Clamp had trouble drawing since it had a lot of lines because of the lines they needed to use to ink.
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Domekis’ his expression and eyes as something Clamp found tricky. since his expression changed the impression of his character and the lines in Domeki’s eyes made it difficult for Clamp to ink.
For Himawari’s concept art, Clamp didn’t change compared to her design in the main series. Himawari’s hair is curly and tied in twin tails her twin tails were curly in a spiral in the manga in the sketch in the concept art when she hasn’t inked the sketch her hair has a shape and silhouette
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there are few lines in her bangs with her hair curly and curves at the end.
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Himawari's previous design was reserved and mature but her design changed to look energetic and bright I think the reason why they changed her design was to give Himawari a more ominous feeling when she appeared in the manga. I think this change in her design is done intentionally by Clamp to not make Himawari’s ability to cause others misfortune to those around her obvious. I think the reason why Clamp chose this as Himawari's design is to be misleading they changed her design because they didn’t want Himawari's bad luck to be obvious in her design. 
Now time for the animation productions, Clamp was involved in animation productions and even had a hand in concept design for the characters with code Gauss being one of the main examples. Clamp is the main creator of Code Geass’s character designs; they had a hand in creating the characters for the series. 
For code geass, Clamp drew numerous characters and experimented with designs for the series The director led the direction of the designs and Clamp drew them Clamp wanted to see how much the director would allow in terms of design within the worldview view Clamp came up with various costumes and designs as a test for code geass 
The main character Lelouch is the only one with many sketches since he is the main character so he appears more than once.
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The first concept art of Lelouch was colored with his first sketches.. 
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Clamp took outside sources as inspirations for their designs with the characters for Lelouch whose real-life main influences in his character design are Japanese idol duos KinKi Kids and Tackey & Tsubasa, Clovis outfit resembles someone French court
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and Schneizel's appearance in his design came from greek sculptures,
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Sayoko looked more Japanese in her design,
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Clamp drew Rolo with the image between Lelouch and Nunnally 
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Looking at the concept art of code geass the lines are loose and not heavily detailed This is drawn to know where things are placed there are a lot of clean fine lines I guess that it's done by mechanical pencil.
When I talked about someone about code gauss concept art and how they drew a long time ago I realized one thing 
The lines in the concept art looked to be drawn by their wrists due to the long lines an artist can recognize if it's drawn by the wrist. 
The Clamp concept art for Code Geass looked more detailed compared to the rest of the concept art they did for manga, There may be more lines in the clothes. The clothes have more details in Code Geass mostly because it's drawn for an anime. The eyes in the characters are stylized, and both the eyes and jawline are darkened; you can see these both clearly in the face.
When it comes to hair in the concept art I tried to find out how it was drawn, The hair isn’t detailed compared to the illustration. When I view the hair in the concept art for the hair it flows naturally, goes everywhere has movement and uses few lines. I view the number of lines in hair and the bangs in concept art as short hair doesn’t have too many lines. When it comes to hair it focuses on the silhouette, general shape, lines, and movement, it uses simple lines when drawing the hair and bangs. The silhouette of the hair is drawn instead of the details in concept art.
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Curly or wavy hair is a bunch of squiggly lines even if the bangs are curly or wavy.
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The hair has curved lines for the hair that is wavy or curly even where the hair ends.
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The long hair can be curly at the end too. The concept art splits the hair into sections and clumps the hair this is like drawing from out of the photograph.
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Some Clamp art or concept art looked like realistic paintings drawn from a photograph.
For the next concept art: Kabuki Bu. It follows the same formula for the colored concept art. The pencil lines in the concept art meant that they drew it first with pencil and scanned it then the color on a computer or tablet they chose a base color in the concept art for the animation.
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This isn’t the first time they drew digitally like with kabuki bu. 
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