#Hidden Spheres
beats-and-bites · 6 months
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papyrus-onlyblogokay · 3 months
i love your blog, thank you for reblogging papyrus for me to look at!!!!!!!!!
💚💚💚!!! Of course! I love papyrus and i love sharing papyrus! I think out of every blog i have ever made, this one is the most worth it for people like you💚! Cheers to the coolest skeleton!
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crowshoots · 4 months
i think that, when jesper first came to ketterdam, he sought out some of the grisha community in attempt to pick up on what they did to save themselves... safety in numbers, you know? and he'd heard all sorts of terrors about what happens to grisha in ketterdam, so like. she thought it would be better if they could look out for each other.
almost all of the grisha jesper met have mysteriously disappeared or got trapped in an indenture. nothing went right for them. as the years passed, jesper slowly pulled away from the community - primarily to save his own hide, additionally to stop exposing himself to all of the horrific stories. they purposefully alienated themself and cut themself off from most connections with other grisha unless it was through another avenue, like their job
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I won't say it doesn't make sense that people are frustrated with Focus Blast, and I wouldn't mind it being slightly more accurate or a couple more Pokemon getting Aura Sphere. That being said, I think it being as is also makes sense from a lore perspective.
Fighting as a type has always been associated with physical attacks, even after the physical/special split. This is likely because unlike Fire, which has gotten a couple more physical options, or Ghost, which is now more of a special type than physical type, there's not really a lot about the Fighting type that translates to special attacks. It makes sense that Focus Blast is thus the only specially oriented fighting type move that most Pokemon get: it's not really something that is typically possible to do to begin with, so there's a good chance that many Pokemon who are not even a Fighting type can figure out how to use its energy in a special attacking way reliably.
Lucario can use Aura Sphere because reading and using aura is its entire thing, so that makes sense. Gengar or Reuniclus may be full of power, possibly even Fighting type power, but they lack the synergy with aura that Lucario has, so they cannot use Aura Sphere, and imo that is how it should be. Focus Blast is their attempt at using special attacking Fighting energy: quite strong, as it's not like they don't have the power inside them, but due to their inability to control it properly it's just not accurate.
I can see Infernape being able to use Aura Sphere. As a fighting type already, it's likely naturally capable of using fighting techniques that do not involve physical attacks, especially given its equal attacking stats. Infernape being able to concentrate its fighting spirit into an orb of damage? Well, it's concentrating its fighting spirit for its punches and kicks anyway, so why not? A similar argument can be made for Keldeo, given that it's literally already a special attacker.
Tapu Lele could probably also learn Aura Sphere, as even though it is not a Fighting type, the guardian quartet does have a lot to do with spirits and aura anyway, so I can see it.
Beyond that, a lot of the Pokemon that don't know Aura Sphere don't know it for good reason, and thus should not learn it, even if that makes it hard for them to use fighting coverage.
I think of it similarly to the fact that a lot of electric types haven't been able to use Ice coverage since losing Hidden Power. You could (and I would) argue Jolteon should get Ice coverage by virtue of being an Eeveelution, a family of Pokemon known for being able to become many types; thus Jolteon could make itself icy for a split second and let out an Ice Beam. Most other Electric types, however, had no business having Ice coverage to begin with, and I'm glad they don't have it anymore, Tera Blast aside. So give Jolteon some Ice moves and call it a day.
As annoying as it is that Focus Blast misses so often, and that it's many Pokemon's only option for special Fighting coverage...well, that's the game. And while Game Freak has re-balanced the game in many ways since the series first existed, I think them leaving Focus Blast alone is intentional.
I am open to being proven wrong in the future, of course.
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introvert-celeste · 1 year
Fun fact I learned yesterday: lapis lazuli glows under uv light!
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It's difficult to capture because of the exposure, but you get the idea. There's lots of pinkish speckles all over.
And of course my Steven Universe brain is imagining Lapis with secret freckles you can only see in uv light and now I'm inspired to write a oneshot.
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
found a rlly good moment from an old convo
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Every time I write a new fictional species they always end up being biologically incapable of digesting alcohol and this is the only form of projection you’ll see in my work
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
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@dimiclaudeblaigan asked for a tutorial on how to begin drawing. Good news! If you can draw a funky looking stick man, you have already started!
I think that stick people are a great starting point for artists because of the things you can learn from them that will be important later on.
If you are able to draw a circle and a couple of lines, you can easily put together a stick person.
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Congratulations! You have started to draw. :)
A stick person is a very minimal artistic representation of a real life person. It is simple yet recognizable, and is widely used in art, media, and signage.
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But what can a stick person teach us about drawing people that look more like… well, people? Lets have a look!
By simply adding a few more lines, we can add a pair of eyes and a mouth. Maybe even a little triangle nose! Or half circles for ears. We can now draw a face, which provides a basis for all sorts of expressions.
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These simple additions can allow us to explore the wide range of human emotion and individuality.
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This may seem like the basics of the basics. But that is what we want! In order to get to the point where we are able to draw complex, elaborate representations of humans and objects, we will need to start with simple shapes like lines and circles and build our understanding from there.
For instance, lets give our stick person some cool new features, such as hands and feet. I chose little squiggly circles to represent hands, and triangles to represent feet.
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We can go a step further and modify the body of the stick person to include shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. These parts of the human body are quite complex in real life But here, all we need to do is add a few simple lines and dots to our stick person.
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The lines provide some additional structural elements to our stick person's body, which are the shoulders and the hips. The dots indicate the points of articulation - elbows and knees, the places where the arms and legs bend!
Now we can use our stick person to show us an even wider range of human movement, action, and expression.
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Our little drawing of a human being is evolving! All it took was adding a few more lines and shapes here and there.
By elongating some of the existing lines and making the head an oval instead of a circle, we can give our stick person proportions that resemble that of a real life human.
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By this point, we have managed to add more complexity to our stick person simply by using our ability to draw lines, circles, and other basic shapes!
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These basic ideas are the building blocks that will enable us to create more complex shapes.
The next part may be a considerable step up if you are absolutely new to drawing, but I have decided to include it in order to show you how complex objects like the human body can be built from shapes that are a bit more complex than circles and lines.
For example. Two ovals and a rectangle can be combined to create a cylinder.
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Six squares can be combined to create a cube, or a box. Here, each square is distorted slightly depending on which way the cube is facing.
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Note that the back faces of the cube and the bottom of the cylinder are hidden. These shapes allow us to visualize that which should not normally visible.
A sphere from all perspectives can be represented by a circle. But we can make it more like a sphere by adding lighting and shadow if we so desire.
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Cubes, cylinders, and spheres are examples of 'solid shapes' because they consist of 3 dimensions.
Lets see how these solid shapes can be used to compose the human body.
By stacking three cylindrical objects, we can create a torso. Two spheres have been added to form shoulders, while a smaller cylinder forms the neck.
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An arm is an alternating sequence of spheres and cylinders connected together. Note that the hand has been simplified for this example.
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We can apply these solid shapes to the rest of the body to give us a more recognizable representation of the human form. It doesn't even have to be perfect. And just like that, our stick figure now has a silhouette that is unmistakably a person!
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In the above examples, notice that we kept the stick person at the beginning while building up the shapes and solids around it. This is because the stick person serves as a guide for positioning the body and its various parts -> also known as posing.
You can do the same thing to everyday objects! Here, I drew a wine glass by stacking these three dimensional solid shapes.
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The cup and its contents are two ovoid shapes that were cut in half. The stem is a very thin cylinder shape. The base is a cylinder with a slightly wider bottom.
Solid shapes help inform us how objects and parts of the human body may appear from different perspectives.
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For example, a sphere can be used to demonstrate how the human head appears when looking up or down, turned to the side, or tilted at an angle.
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With these examples, I hope I have managed to convinced you that if you can draw a circle and a couple of lines, you can draw a person! You just have to train your eye to recognize the simple shapes within complex objects. Try it with everyday objects as well! Or even your favourite media! A drawing subject can be as simple or as complex as you envision it to be.
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Once you have mastered that, there are many aspects of drawing you can explore from here that may require you to seek additional resources or a fellow artist's advice.
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Last of all, remember that drawing is an iterative process. Even if you draw something correct the first time, you will need to draw it again and again to get it right all times! And by making small changes like the ones we explored in this tutorial, your drawings will gradually transform!
I hope what I've demonstrated here are enough to provide the basics of how to get started with drawing objects and people, and also to help refresh more experienced artists. :) Hopefully I didn't go too off topic with what was requested, and let me know if there are any more questions I can answer.
Cheers :3
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mikkeneko · 9 months
I've been musing a bit on that one post that went around during the recent holiday season, to which someone added their family tradition of Present Practice. My god! Imagine actually telling kids what behavior is expected, instead of expecting them to intuit it and punish them when they get it wrong!!
Separate post because this topic is a little tangential to that, but I think it does a great job of unearthing one of our very well-hidden internal biases, which goes as follows:
Good people don't need to be taught.
A good person (in this case, a good child) shouldn't need to be told to be gracious and grateful when given a gift. A good child should just know that a holiday tradition of gift-giving is a social performance to strengthen family bonds and that personal preference or genuine reactions are secondary to that performance. A good child should just know how to value gifts, how to express thanks, how to praise and compliment. No caretakers in their lives should need to put any effort into instructing or modeling these things.
Good people should just know how to be good. If they were really Ontologically Good, their inherent goodness would simply intuitively guide them to correct behaviors. If they can't do that on their own, in a vacuum, in the absence of cues, that's a sign of their inherent moral lack.
...Which all sounds very reasonable and obvious, and surely a mistake that only fundie christian families would make! Except that people in the social justice sphere also do this all the time. It's not anybody's job to educate you. It's 2024, how do you not know this already? If you were a Good Person, you wouldn't need to be taught. You would simply intuit the correct philosophies and gravitate to them according to your superior internal moral compass.
If you were a Good Person, you would already know that everything you were taught by your family and/or background was wrong. You should have rejected it already. You should have cut off your family, your heritage, everything about your childhood and upbringing that was Bad and Wrong. You should have known it was all a lie.
If you were a Good Person, you should be able to find the correct way yourself. You should be able to seek out the proper educational resources, and distinguish them from bad advice leading you astray, and make sense of them all according to your own internal moral code.
If you were a Good Person, you would have found your way by the proper, dignified, official channels, not by reading a comic or watching anime. You shouldn't need entertainment or art to guide you. You should just know.
And if someone can't do these things on their own, in a vacuum, in the absence of cues, that's a sign of their inherent moral lack.
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pearlprincess02 · 1 month
pluto in a man's birthchart
pluto in 1st house
with pluto in the 1st house, a man often experiences life with intense passion and a profound sense of power and control. his presence can be magnetic, drawing others in while he navigates deep-seated issues of obsession and jealousy. this placement fosters a transformative approach to self-expression, where renewal comes through confronting personal taboos and exploring the subconscious. his sexuality is marked by a powerful, often compelling energy that drives him to uncover and embrace hidden desires and deeper truths about himself. in relationships, this intensity can lead to a dynamic where power plays a significant role, pushing him toward profound personal growth and understanding.
keywords: magnetic enigma, alpha, dark horse, intense lover, power player, obsessive pursuer, transformative leader, taboo breaker, complex anti-hero, passionate visionary.
examples from movies/tv: don draper (mad men), patrick bateman (american psycho), tom ripley (the talented mr. ripley), dexter morgan (dexter), jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
pluto in 2nd house
with pluto in the 2nd house, a man’s approach to life is deeply intertwined with intensity and passion, especially regarding personal values and material security. he often seeks power and control through financial stability and possessions, leading to obsessive tendencies about wealth and resources. this placement can stir feelings of jealousy over material success or status, pushing him toward significant transformation and renewal in his self-worth and values. delving into taboos and the subconscious, he explores deep-seated fears and desires related to his value system and personal assets. his sexuality is characterized by a profound, sometimes all-consuming drive, revealing a need to merge deeply with his desires and those of his partners, transforming both self and relationship dynamics.
keywords: resourceful enigma, possessive tycoon, obsessive collector, transformative financier, taboo-breaking sensualist, passionate materialist, controlling patriarch, 
examples from movies/tv: gordon gekko (wall street), frank underwood (house of cards), walter white (breaking bad), tyler durden (fight club), michael corleone (the godfather),
pluto in 3rd house
with pluto in the 3rd house, a man experiences intense passion and drive in his communication and intellectual pursuits. his need for power and control manifests through his interactions and thought processes, often leading to obsessive focus on his ideas and relationships. jealousy might surface in his exchanges, particularly if he feels challenged or threatened intellectually. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through exploring deeply held beliefs and confronting subconscious patterns. he may be drawn to uncover and engage with taboos, especially those related to communication and learning. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, reflecting a deep desire to connect profoundly and intellectually with his partners, reshaping his perceptions and experiences of intimacy.
keywords: intense communicator, manipulative wordsmith, obsessive researcher, transformative thinker, taboo-breaking provocateur, passionate debater, controlling intellect, 
examples from movies/tv: hannibal lecter (the silence of the lambs), john doe (se7en), tony stark (iron man), roy waller (matchstick men), william foster (falling down),
pluto in 4th house
with pluto in the 4th house, a man’s intensity and passion are deeply rooted in his home life and family dynamics. his quest for power and control often centers on creating a secure and dominant presence within his domestic sphere, leading to obsessive tendencies regarding his personal space and family relationships. jealousy may emerge over issues of control or security within the home. this placement drives profound transformation and renewal through revisiting and resolving deep-seated familial and emotional issues. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to his upbringing and emotional foundations. in sexuality, his approach is deeply transformative, seeking to merge his intimate desires with a profound emotional connection, reshaping his understanding of personal and relational intimacy.
keywords: intense patriarch, controlling homebody, obsessive family man, transformative foundation builder, taboo-breaking ancestor, passionate nurturer, 
examples from movies/tv: norman bates (psycho), tyrion lannister (game of thrones), thomas shelby (peaky blinders), tony soprano (the sopranos), frank gallagher (shameless),
pluto in 5th house
with pluto in the 5th house, a man’s intensity and passion are channeled into his creative pursuits, romantic relationships, and self-expression. his desire for power and control often manifests through his creative projects and romantic involvements, leading to obsessive behaviors around these areas. jealousy might surface in matters of love or competition, driving him to confront deeper issues of self-worth and recognition. this placement encourages significant transformation and renewal through exploring and redefining his sources of pleasure and creativity. he may be drawn to uncover and engage with taboos related to self-expression and romance, delving into the subconscious aspects of his desires. in sexuality, his approach is profoundly transformative, seeking to fuse passion with emotional depth, reshaping his experiences of intimacy and personal fulfillment.
keywords: intense charmer, controlling stage presence, obsessive performer, transformative creator, taboo-breaking artist, passionate lover, 
examples from movies/tv: christian grey (fifty shades of grey), james bond (james bond series), joker (the dark knight), david aames (vanilla sky), bojack horseman (bojack horseman),
pluto in 6th house
with pluto in the 6th house, a man’s intensity and passion are deeply intertwined with his work, health, and daily routines. his drive for power and control is channeled into his professional life and personal well-being, often leading to obsessive behaviors regarding productivity and perfectionism. jealousy may arise in competitive work environments or over perceived inadequacies in his routines. this placement promotes profound transformation and renewal through confronting and overhauling old habits and health issues. he is compelled to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to his work environment and daily life. in sexuality, his approach is transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a deeper understanding of his own needs and those of his partners, reshaping his intimate connections and personal growth.
keywords: intense workaholic, controlling perfectionist, obsessive researcher, transformative healer, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate servant, 
examples from movies/tv: dr. gregory house (house m.d.), michael bluth (arrested development), howard stark (agent carter), elliot alderson (mr. robot), paul atreides (dune),
pluto in 7th house
with pluto in the 7th house, a man experiences intense passion and drive in his relationships and partnerships. his need for power and control often emerges through dynamics with others, leading to obsessive behaviors and deep-seated issues around partnership and commitment. jealousy may manifest in romantic or business relationships, prompting him to confront and resolve underlying fears. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through the exploration and redefinition of his relational patterns. he is drawn to delve into taboos and subconscious patterns related to intimacy and collaboration. in sexuality, his approach is profound and transformative, seeking to deeply connect with partners while continuously evolving his understanding of intimacy and personal connection.
keywords: intense partner, controlling manipulator, obsessive lover, transformative union seeker, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate collaborator, 
examples from movies/tv: julius caesar (rome), gordon ramsay (hell’s kitchen), patrick jane (the mentalist), rick sanchez (rick and morty), victor von doom / doctor doom (fantastic four),
pluto in 8th house
with pluto in the 8th house, a man experiences profound intensity and passion in areas related to intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. his drive for power and control often surfaces in matters of joint finances or deep emotional connections, leading to obsessive tendencies and complex dynamics around trust and vulnerability. jealousy may arise over issues of control or emotional depth within relationships. this placement is marked by significant transformation and renewal through confronting and integrating profound psychological and emotional experiences. he is compelled to explore taboos and the subconscious, delving into the darker aspects of his psyche and desires. in sexuality, his approach is intensely transformative, seeking deep, meaningful connections that challenge and reshape his understanding of intimacy and personal power.
keywords: intense enigma, controlling power broker, obsessive investigator, transformative healer, taboo-breaking mystic, passionate lover, 
examples from movies/tv: anton chigurh (no country for old men), nicholas van orton (the game), david (the skin i live in), lestat de lioncourt (interview with the vampire), james bond (casino royale),
pluto in 9th house
with pluto in the 9th house, a man’s intensity and passion are directed towards his pursuit of higher knowledge, philosophical beliefs, and long-distance endeavors. his need for power and control manifests through intellectual and spiritual pursuits, often leading to obsessive exploration of big ideas and ideological frameworks. jealousy might arise in academic or philosophical debates, pushing him to confront deep-seated fears about his beliefs and understanding. this placement drives significant transformation and renewal through a profound reassessment of his worldviews and personal philosophies. he is drawn to uncover taboos and subconscious patterns related to his exploration of meaning and purpose. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a deeper understanding of his own values and how they shape his intimate connections.
keywords: intense philosopher, controlling ideologue, obsessive seeker, transformative visionary, taboo-breaking explorer, passionate idealist, 
examples from movies/tv: richard alpert (lost), professor charles xavier (x-men), clyde shelton (law abiding citizen), frank abagnale jr. (catch me if you can), rick grimes (the walking dead),
pluto in 10th house
with pluto in the 10th house, a man’s intensity and passion are focused on his career, public image, and aspirations for success. his drive for power and control manifests through his professional life, often leading to obsessive behavior in achieving career goals and maintaining a dominant public presence. jealousy may surface in competitive work environments or when confronted with others' success, prompting deep self-reflection and transformation. this placement fosters significant renewal through re-evaluating and reshaping his career path and public persona. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to authority and achievement. in sexuality, his approach is profoundly transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with his ambitions, reshaping his intimate relationships to align with his broader goals and personal power.
keywords: intense leader, controlling visionary, obsessive achiever, transformative titan, taboo-breaking maverick, passionate reformer, 
examples from movies/tv: howard hughes (the aviator), donnie brasco (donnie brasco), j.r. ewing (dallas), bruce wayne / batman (batman begins), hank moody (californication),
pluto in 11th house
with pluto in the 11th house, a man’s intensity and passion are directed towards his social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. his quest for power and control often plays out within group dynamics or through his involvement in social causes, leading to obsessive behavior in achieving his idealistic visions. jealousy might arise in relation to his peers or within social networks, prompting him to confront deep-seated fears about acceptance and influence. this placement drives significant transformation and renewal through a profound reassessment of his role within groups and his aspirations. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious patterns related to social interactions and collective ideals. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, seeking to align his intimate connections with his broader social and personal ambitions.
keywords: intense revolutionary, controlling idealist, obsessive reformer, transformative visionary, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate humanist, 
examples from movies/tv: jim morrison (the doors), lenny leonard (the simpsons), george costanza (seinfeld), michael scott (the office), boris yellnikoff (whatever works),
pluto in 12th house
with pluto in the 12th house, a man experiences profound intensity and passion within his inner world and subconscious mind. his need for power and control often manifests through hidden or private struggles, leading to obsessive behaviors around his personal fears and psychological patterns. jealousy may emerge from unseen or repressed emotions, prompting deep self-exploration and confrontation with his own shadow self. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through working on internal issues and subconscious material. he is drawn to uncover taboos and delve into the depths of his psyche, exploring hidden aspects of his being. in sexuality, his approach is deeply transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a profound understanding of his inner self, reshaping his intimate relationships through personal growth and introspection.
keywords: intense recluse, controlling shadow self, obsessive seeker, transformative healer, taboo-breaking mystic, passionate visionary, 
examples from movies/tv: travis bickle (taxi driver), rorschach (watchmen), jack torrance (the shining), david (the omen), donnie darko (donnie darko),
all observations are done by me !!! @pearlprincess02
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youlittleduckhouse · 1 year
theory: perhaps 8th house placements tend toward this place
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Pluto in the Houses
Pluto in astrology represents transformation, power, and the subconscious. It signifies rebirth, intensity, and the potential for profound change. Pluto's influence brings hidden truths to light and drives deep, often challenging, personal growth. Its energy is about shedding old layers to emerge stronger and more authentic.
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Pluto in the 1st House
Pluto in the 1st House imbues a powerful, magnetic presence and a strong drive for self-transformation. These individuals often undergo significant personal rebirths and can influence others profoundly. However, they may struggle with control issues and need to balance their intensity with self-awareness and humility.
Pluto in the 2nd House
With Pluto in the 2nd House, transformation revolves around values, finances, and self-worth. These individuals may experience dramatic shifts in their material circumstances or attitudes toward wealth. They are driven to uncover deeper meanings in their possessions and security, often needing to confront and release material attachments.
Pluto in the 3rd House
Pluto in the 3rd House signifies a powerful and probing mind. These individuals are drawn to deep, investigative communication and may transform through their intellectual pursuits. However, they can also be intense in their interactions and need to learn to communicate with both depth and sensitivity.
Pluto in the 4th House
In the 4th House, Pluto's energy transforms the home and family dynamics. There may be deep-rooted issues or power struggles in the domestic sphere that need resolution. These individuals are compelled to explore their ancestral roots and emotional foundations, seeking to heal and empower their personal lives.
Pluto in the 5th House
Pluto in the 5th House brings transformative experiences through creativity, romance, and self-expression. These individuals might undergo intense and passionate love affairs or artistic endeavors that profoundly change them. They must navigate the balance between creative power and control, learning to express themselves authentically and without domination.
Pluto in the 6th House
With Pluto in the 6th House, work, health, and daily routines are areas of transformation. These individuals often seek to revolutionize their work environment or health practices, driven by a need for deep, meaningful change. They must avoid becoming obsessive about perfection and learn to manage their intense drive constructively.
Pluto in the 7th House
Pluto in the 7th House focuses on transformation through partnerships and relationships. These individuals may encounter powerful, intense connections that challenge them to grow. Power struggles can be a theme, requiring them to find balance and equality in their relationships while learning the lessons of compromise and mutual respect.
Pluto in the 8th House
In the 8th House, Pluto feels at home, emphasizing themes of transformation, death, and rebirth. These individuals are drawn to explore deep psychological truths, intimacy, and shared resources. They may undergo significant changes related to joint finances or inheritances and are compelled to confront their deepest fears and desires.
Pluto in the 9th House
Pluto in the 9th House transforms beliefs, philosophies, and the quest for higher knowledge. These individuals seek profound truth and may experience intense shifts in their worldview through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. They must guard against dogmatism and learn to embrace diverse perspectives and transformative learning experiences.
Pluto in the 10th House
With Pluto in the 10th House, transformation occurs in career and public life. These individuals are driven to achieve powerful positions or make significant societal impacts. They may experience dramatic changes in their professional paths and must learn to wield their authority responsibly, avoiding power struggles and embracing ethical leadership.
Pluto in the 11th House
Pluto in the 11th House brings transformative energy to friendships, groups, and societal ideals. These individuals might experience intense dynamics within their social circles or be driven to revolutionize collective causes. They must navigate power issues in group settings and work towards shared goals with integrity and mutual respect.
Pluto in the 12th House
In the 12th House, Pluto's transformation is subtle and deeply internal. These individuals are drawn to explore the subconscious, spiritual realms, and hidden aspects of life. They may confront deep-seated fears and karmic issues, seeking profound healing and enlightenment through introspection, meditation, and uncovering hidden truths.
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idyllicidols · 9 months
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Shin Yuna. The world sees her as a world famous idol, a paragon of beauty of grace. An individual to look up to, a person to aspire towards. Some might see her as untouchable, in a social sphere somewhere near the clouds. But she is more than just an idol with a hectic schedule and a busy life. Yuna is a real life human being, and every human has their flaws, their desires, their dark secrets that they need to keep hidden from the world.
And right now Yuna sure is living up to desires.
"You gonna do it? You gonna cum on my face?"
There she is, the picture perfect idol, sitting on her feet, naked as the day she was born. Surrounding her are three hand selected males, her hand vigorously pumping the cock directly in front of her. Yuna's eyes are firmly set on the glistening knob that her hands are wrapped around, her fingers nimbly moving from tip to hilt, her thumb digging into the meat and tugging and massaging with ferocious intent.
The other two aren't just standing idly by—they're groping and spanking whatever they feel like, an opportunity like this one is unheard of, but a gift Yuna loves to indulge. You see, underneath that cute and bubbly personality, and beyond all her flawless photoshoots and iconic concerts, the fact remains that Yuna is, above everything else, a cock obsessed slut.
The feeling of multiple hands and several hard, throbbing members grazing her petite body always fills Yuna with a pleasure that no amount of her fingers can ever truly match. The pinching of her nipples, the light and harsh spanks to her ass, the feeling of a cock throbbing in her hands. All of these things send her reeling into euphoria.
"Do it! Cum on my face. You gonna make me work for it? Do I have to suck you off? Make you cum by slurping your juices? My hand not enough?"
Her questions comes with a gentle lick to the underside of his shaft. It makes the cock twitch violently in Yuna's firm grip. He's already reaching his climax, that much is evident to Yuna. The only thing she needs now is for him to vocalize.
"I'm gonna... Yuna, I'm..."
"Come on, babe."
With a guttural moan, Yuna feels her cheek being covered by a blast of sticky warmth, followed by spurts of cum across her lips and chin and nose.
She looks down, mouth gaping, tongue hanging out, eye's narrow. The feeling of the sticky substance smeared over her skin, a marking that has her feel warm all over.
"Who's next?!" Yuna moves away from the well spent man, turning her attention to the other two behind her. One has his hands clasped to Yuna's ample ass, the other never stops roughly groping and grabbing her tits, pulling her nipples this and that way.
Yuna doesn't even know these lucky bastard's names—and that's precisely the point. All she knows is that they're some of her biggest fans, and because Yuna's not one to disappoint her supporters, the only reasonable thing for her to do is invite them back to her hotel room for an honest to God gangbang.
No real names, no exchanging numbers. Just a night of fun.
It's Yuna's idea of an ideal way to unwind before an important gig, and she's taking it upon herself to fully indulge.
"You know I offer more than just hand jobs right? My mouth, my pussy...my ass."
Yuna puts some emphasis when she says the word ass—she knows how taboo it is, to be an idol who loves to be fucked in her forbidden hole. Tempting over eager fan boys is such a power rush to Yuna, especially since she always gets what she wants in the end. And tonight will be no different.
Not only does the sudden spurt of her words catch the other two guys off guard, so do her slender fingers, that have already found their way around the nearest cock.
She looks up into his eyes, practically staring into his soul.
"So what do you say sweetheart? Which hole do you wanna fuck? Do you want my mouth? Is it my pussy you craving?"
Yuna smirks.
"Or maybe," her other hand slowly reaches to her asshole, "you're gonna shove your cock right here and treat me like a total anal slut."
She isn't quite touching her tight hole, but her fingertips hover tantalizing close. Close enough to make the guy think of exactly what she's describing, all the dirty details, from start to end. And the mere thought is starting to make him go crazy.
"Have you ever done anal before?"
Her soft and playful tone is hard to resist. This entire experience has left the guy totally speechless. He shakes his head, unable to verbalize any words of any kind.
"Well what do you say Hun? Wanna pop your anal virginity with a world famous superstar?"
Yuna doesn't even give him a chance to answer—she bends down on the bed, ass up face down, spread apart in a position that leaves her totally open to her new fuck buddies.
He watches in absolute shock and disbelief as Yuna playfully wiggles her plump behind, teasingly caressing her puckering asshole in a display that leaves him unable to hold off. He licks his fingers, saliva coating his palm as he reaches forward to insert his middle finger into Yuna's butt. She wasn't lying; Yuna is an anal loving slut, a star whore, and this position is making her squirm. The soft, coos leaving her lips are proof of the immense arousal coursing through her veins. The fact that her pussy is dripping means even more.
"I don't want your finger," Yuna turns back, staring into his eyes again, "I want your cock."
He pulls his finger out with a lewd squelching sound, only to replace it with his cock—hard and pulsating, a sheer result of the slutty actions from the girl splayed out in front of him, seemingly on a platter.
The tip presses against Yuna's eager asshole. She starts to whimper, just slightly, an involuntary reflex as a wave of pleasure fills her veins. It's about to begin, and that moment is like heaven to Yuna.
"Do it," she utters, more quietly now that the tip of his cock is pressing up against her most private place. "Don't tease. Fuck me in the ass. Do it. Please..."
Those few simple, begging words are the green light the guy has been waiting for. A cue to fully penetrate her rear, spreading it open with a searing, heavy thrust. It doesn't matter that it's his first time—Yuna loves to fuck. She loves it in any position, anywhere, in any circumstance. Yuna was made to be fucked and tonight is no exception, that is a fact.
So the feeling of his heavy prick ramming her open, and the sweet, familiar burn that comes after sends Yuna into a total blissed-out state. Even though this is what Yuna was begging for, the thrusts are slow and inexperienced—her new living dildo seemingly afraid to hurt his favorite idol.
"Don't be gentle! Fuck me hard, deeper...please, please! Wreck my asshole!"
Those words are enough. They spur the young man into action, and instead of taking it nice and slow, Yuna feels her whole ass shuddering at the rapid pace her lover is now setting. It hurt. Oh God did it fucking hurt.
The kind of pain that leaves her feeling filled with the greatest pleasure. The kind of pain that reminds her that she's alive—not some brainless idol robot with an image to protect. Yuna is a woman with sexual needs and she's not afraid to admit them.
"Faster, don't stop. More, oh God yes!!" Yuna is spouting out all the right things and it's certainly having an effect. "Fuck me!" Her hands grope her perky ass cheeks, trying their hardest to keep them spread open for the fuckfest raging on in the depths of her backdoor.
Her insides felt great to her new partner, especially as he gets more adventurous and drives her over the edge of euphoria with a thrust here, a squeeze there. His hands are gripping her hips, driving his rock hard length further into her cavern.
It must have been such a fucking miserable sight. The third guy in the room ignored and forgotten, sporting a massive erection whilst sitting on the edge of a King sized bed. Yuna didn't even notice it, nor did the guy currently drilling her ass. But she definitely notices it when he lifts her head and presses his tip against her slightly parted lips. The action catches her off guard, almost. It's just a quick glance and a lust filled smirk, but the quick understanding between them has her open her mouth to swallow the intruding piece of flesh.
"You want me to suck your cock while I'm getting fucked in the ass?! What a joke!"
The man looks dejected. That is until Yuna licks her lips and flashes a coy smile. She shakes her head, waves of dark hair falling around her cheeks and onto her back.
"I'm not gonna suck it. But you can fuck my face. Spit roast me. Make me choke me on your cock, choke me as his big, hard dick fills my little asshole."
Yuna opens her mouth, her tongue laid flat and waiting to be invaded. There's an overwhelming desire to be filled from both ends, a carnal hunger. If that's what it takes for her to receive this much pleasure, then so be it. She just wants her holes stuffed, fucked hard until they're so worn, so well used that her mind blanks into total ecstasy.
Yuna sucks and moans and mewls as he's driving his cock down her throat. Any cries of pleasure from being torn apart from behind gets muffled and lost under the garbled and sloppy sounds of the face-fucking.
She takes his cock hungrily into her mouth, bobbing back and forth, not even worrying about the gagging sensations or the burning in her throat, or the spit dripping from her mouth, nor even her eyes beginning to water.
The taste, the scent—the full sensory overload from receiving both a full frontal assault on her gag reflex and a rump fuck all at once is driving her crazy. Her clit is swollen and sensitive, and everytime she shakes her ass to guide his cock deep inside, her clit brushes against the silk-soft sheets and tenses something tight and coils deep within her core.
It builds, tighter, hotter—and the wetness trickling out of her needy, untouched cunt only aids the thrusts from his eager tool.
Her whole body shakes and trembles. A total body orgasm as she's used and abused by two strangers, faceless tools for her sexual pleasure. They take her, use her, violate and violate, spanking and penetrating wherever they pleased.
And through it all she takes it with grace, glee, and happiness. The pain mixed in with the pleasure was intense. Overwhelming. Every time another palm cracks against her reddening cheeks, every time that she's choked and pounded harder, deeper, it leaves her begging for more. Every thrust from either end sends another surge of the hottest, fiercest tingling through her veins. Yuna's completely submerged into the moment, so lost within it. A cocktail of sheer masochism and perverted need to be nothing but an object for her boys' enjoyment.
Then it happens, with another hard thrust into her slutty backdoor, everything snaps—and Yuna screams into a prolonged, euphoric moan. She cums, and she cums hard. Her second one in such a short space of time. It's so intense—so overwhelming.
It takes a whole minute before the world starts to spin again, the rush and adrenaline is almost too much, the double penetration pushing the boundaries and making Yuna realize how she could die right here, right now, and still not care. She almost forgets she's an idol for a moment, the label seeming so alien and irrelevant as the rest of her facade disintegrates along with her mind and body, dissolving under a sea of pleasure. Slowly fading as her partner finally bursts with an eruption of hot, thick, cum, coating her insides, filling her ass until it can hold no more and starts leaking out onto her skin and the plushy fabric of the covers.
The constant moans of joy must have been too much for the man occupying her throat. Cuz shortly after her ass is stuffed full, so is her mouth, spurt after spurt, sending Yuna straight into an orgasmic daze.
It's incredible—such a heavenly, amazing, thrilling and powerful feeling of a double load pumped into both of her holes.
She swaps from feeling like an object, a fuck toy, something to be used and abused, to just Yuna. Yuna who craves pleasure, needs love, and wants a feeling of validation that she's doing her very best to fill up with constant sexual trysts and promiscuous nights. It doesn't work though, because she can never truly be satisfied. No man, no orgy, no gangbang has ever been enough, never even been close enough. But when it's all over, these times, these moments are what Yuna lives and breathes for.
There's four bodies on the bed, laid out and completely wrecked—Yuna, the man with the enormous cock that spread her anal walls, the man that got the handjob of a lifetime from none other than Yuna herself, and the forgotten dude who eventually got to fuck her throat. Yuna can barely see or talk after being ravaged, but even still she's smiling like the cat that got the cream—because in essence, she had three extra large creamy loads.
It's not enough, no amount of cock could ever satisfy Yuna, but this is good enough for tonight. Tomorrow brings another night. Another night to find a nice gentleman to stuff her pussy that was left unfulfilled, left on the verge, twitching and ready to burst. But tomorrow is a worry for the future—now is the time for rest and relaxation, for recovery.
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overcatic · 2 months
random astro observations pt. 2 (vedic)
1. sidereal aquarius is the most “hidden” and mysterious out of the zodiac. the heart of aquarius, shatabhisha, is the pinnacle of that energy.
2. jupiter in shravana can create a linguistic master, especially for people born in rahu or jupiter mahadasha. most likely to speak more than 3 languages.
3. any planet falling in uttara phalguni can make you attractive to women for the significations of that planet. mars: body, sex appeal, physical stamina, strength, masculinity. venus: your voice, eyes, charm, style, artistic talents, etc.
4. luminaries in chitra can make a person shine so beautifully in any group, setting, etc. unforgettable allure. people may find it hard to forget the chitra native’s influence and impact.
5. bharanis love chitras. bharani’s symbol is the womb (creativity), and chitra’s deity is the designer of wombs (muse and inspiration to the creative). chitra tends to generate a lot of creative energy, beauty and sensuality which inspire bharani to create, love, and wonder. however, this relationship could be draining to the chitra native in the long run.
6. venus conj. moon can make someone deeply sensitive and delicate. very fond of children. high fertility in women (if not afflicted). this conjunction has an energy similar to that of rohini.
7. ashwinis love wearing their hair down. a free, wild mane is their signature look.
8. in man’s chart, unafflicted ketu in the 1st house blesses him with a strong body and tall stature. jupiter makes him the biggest and tallest in his family, especially if it’s in sagittarius or aspected by ketu.
9. venus conj. rahu is the beauty expert — beauty guru. beautiful, big eyes. attractive voice. brilliant mind. may be detached from their sexuality. cerebal understanding of sex.
10. venus conj. ketu, especially in navamsa, is a sign that the soul will master unconditional love in this lifetime. deeply sensual and seductive. strong, spiritual connection with the lover or spouse.
11. taurus is the square (stability), leo is the triangle (power), scorpio is the rectangle (security), aquarius is the circle/sphere (unity). just a thought i had.
“ namaste & have a great day <3
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caturnmoon · 2 months
The sun 🌞 through the houses!!(7-12)
•Part II•
•Sun in the 7th•
With your sun in the seventh your identity and ego will have a major focus on relationships of all kinds. This could also indicate a competitive personality in your relationship sphere; whether that be your work environment, sports, intimate relationships, etc..Similar to that of Mars in the 7th house in a way. Partnerships will be an important part of who you are. You are a naturally assertive person who knows what they want out of live and isn’t afraid of pursuing that! Networking will be of the utmost importance for you and how these qualities will be expressed. Teamwork means a lot for you and an equal exchange of give and take. If aspected positively, this can show that you understand the value of healthy boundaries. Your relationships with others and yourself will teach you a lot in this lifetime and you’ll learn more about yourself through them as well. Having your sun here could also show a healthy and influential relationship with your father or paternal figure unless negatively aspected. You could also be known for your relationship(s) with your spouse too. You could also love art and beautiful things and carry yourself with Venusian grace since the 7th house is ruled by Venus!
•Sun in the 8th•
With the sun in the house of intimacy, debts, inheritance, joint finances, transformation and death, you’ll most likely have a lot of experience with any of these themes. With your solar luminary in this house, you’ll be seen as someone who undergoes many transformations in your life. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, so will you. Time and time again. You have a natural knowledge and respect-if positively aspected to reinforce this- of life and death. This cycle applies to the many ego deaths you’ll experience as well. Perhaps your father or someone you looked up to as a father figure passed early on and left a huge impact on you as well. Inheritance from the paternal side of your family could be possible too, whether material or spiritual gifts or karma. This also stands out to me as someone who’s meant to end some generational curses and karma in their family and break those cycles. You could also exude a very powerful aura to others and come off as very scorpionic as well. You have a natural sensitivity to all the hidden nuances in life and the unseen; your bullshit radar is unlike any other. This placement heeds you to listen to your gut, because it’ll never lead you stray!
•Sun in the 9th•
Your ego and identity are tied to the themes of the 9th house of Sagittarius; expansion, higher learning, philosophical pursuits, and foreign travel. These are themes that will have an over arching role in your lifetime and the sun will shine a spotlight on this. If there are many aspects to Mercury, this could further highlight an importance on education and a knack for teaching as well. Seeking a deeper understanding of life around you- and abroad- are mostly likely going to be of great significance to you and your identity. If positively aspected by Jupiter, this only gets magnified for you as Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house. With your sun being in the 9th house, this can also indicate that your father settled abroad in a foreign land from his home of origin. Settling abroad and moving often could be a potential for you as well, as 9th house placements and heavy sag in the chart can show this as well. You will be constantly searching for the next biggest thing to learn and experience, being known as a student of life itself. You could also grow into being known as a really seasoned and wise person that people can count on for rich anecdotal advice and guidance. This is another “gets better with time” placement similar to the 2nd house sun but rather than solely material wealth, this wealth translates to wisdom and experience/knowledge.
•Sun in the 10•
Ahhhh yes, the ever so overemphasized “fame” placement. (Sorry, I just had to, cause having this doesn’t automatically grant massive fame. 🫶🏼) Having your sun in the 10th shows an emphasis on being known for taking on responsibilities and an enterprising spirit at some point in your life since this house is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn. The solar luminary in this house will shine a spotlight on your hard work and accomplishments in your career! You will be known for what you do for a living most likely and known as a hardworking and accomplished person. This also rules legacies and since the 10th house is ruled by Saturn and both Saturn and the sun can represent the father, he could leave his legacy for you or you could be inspired by him or his work as well. A great example is my little brother; he has his sun in the 10th and he decided to follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a nurse as well. “Taking on the family business” can be another possibility with this placement and you could be highly favored by your father or he could have a huge impact on you. How you’re seen and perceived in public could also be very important to you and you more than likely will be very popular especially in your field of work. You will have natural talent and ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to, as the Sun illuminates the more positive attribute of Saturn in this house. This can indicate fame if the rest of the chart supports this, but at the very minimum, this means you have the drive to better yourself and lead whatever venture you go on with diligence and success!
•Sun in the 11th•
The 11th house is another underrated wealth and fame placement if positively aspected and supported by the rest of the chart. With the sun shining its light on the house of larger communities, wish fulfillment, philanthropy, and technology, this can indicate a person with a wide network of friends that help support them in life. They can be the leader of a community or cause and volunteer work and charity work could be of great importance to them at some point in life. If supported by other benefics in the chart great wealth could be a real possibility and popularity on a massive scale. Since the 11th rules the realm of technological advancements as well, you could be very popular on social media or online in general. Blogging, astrology, or even work in the government could also appeal to you since these are associated with “larger” groups of people. Your friends can also be family to you and they will have a huge influence in your life. If you also have Pluto in this house then there’s a possibility of being supported by powerful friends and people. Politicians are know to have heavy 11th house activity. You are seen as one of a kind and original, never replicated! The more you step into your authenticity and embrace your quirks, the more you will shine in life. Those with this placement could have felt ostracized and isolated at a young age whether from their families or peers for being different and are very sensitive to others and making sure everyone feels seen and included. You have a strong desire to be socially recognized and you most likely will be known for this.
•Sun in the 12•
Last but never least and a very misunderstood placement like a lot of other 12th house placements. The sun in the 12th house of endings, losses, spirituality, isolation and dreams is such a profound placement to be treated with respect. It is thought that those with their sun in the 12th were royalty in a past life (also a common placement in a lot of royal’s charts in general.) and since the 12th rules the hidden, this could be in their subconscious in this lifetime. The 12th rules hidden talents and the subconscious mind so with these placements there’s usually a lot to be gained from the planet it’s in which can hint towards these talents. Since the 12th is ruled by Neptune and Pisces you may come off very soft spoken and introverted to others and only show parts of yourself that you’re comfortable revealing (the sun). The suns attributes can be quieted here at first; perhaps you felt you couldn’t take up space as a child and had other family members that took priority over you. This can also indicate foreign settlement and estrangement from your father. You are an absolute light and joy to everyone around you and you most likely won’t see this quality in yourself but others most definitely will! With the 12th also being known as the connector from this world and the spirit world you could also have a natural sensitivity to this as well. Vivid dreams and astral travel can be pretty common. Spirituality will be an area of focus you will be leaning into most likely and have aptitude here. You will need a lot of alone time to decompress from harsher energies because you’re like a psychic sponge. You could have the ability to read auras too, since the sun shines a “light” in these matters as well. I have this placement in whole sign and can see auras! Always remember that with this placement, how you view yourself is almost never how others perceive you. Thoughtful, kind and artistic; this world needs more souls like you!
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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scarletcomalies · 3 months
soul bounds entwined
Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader
Part I, Part III
Word count: 5,248
Warnings: 18+ content, brief masturbation, confrontation, groping, emotional manipulation, brief degrading, edging, angst. Also, Reader kinda uses Billy.
A/N: Oh, my! This was supposed to be second and last part but I'm sorry, I'm leaving the best part in suspense. Thank you 3000 for the support you've given to this little series so far ❤️ See you in part III!
The more you get involved into Wanda Maximoff's life, the more you find yourself increasingly drawn to the woman. Through a series of interactions during family activities, intense romantic and sexual tension develops, culminating in a dramatic confrontation where hidden feelings are exposed.
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You met Kate Bishop at High School, a few yesterdays ago. She opened the door for you to photograph galas, events, or photoshoots that her mother, Eleanor Bishop, occasionally participated in. Eleanor only agreed to please her stubborn daughter, who would have hired you regardless.
Despite your young age at the time, you were able to demonstrate to Eleanor -and several others- your almost innate ability to capture the precise peak of every instant. It was as if you had a sixth sense that told you exactly when to pick up your camera and press the button.
You were never more grateful for that gift than when you spotted the figure of Wanda Maximoff hitting the neon green sphere with her racket, so steadily, yet with such elegance that it could easily pass for a dance sequence. That was her, a being who radiated beauty even without trying.
You were barely at the middle landing of the stairs that would lead you to that woman you so longed for, her green eyes had not yet settled on you, for her attention was directed to her opponent. Oh, but she had your full and undivided attention, every action on her part being meticulously scrutinized.
When the redhead was defeated by her son, she let out a sigh of defeat, and moved to pick up the tennis ball that hit the wire and rolled a few meters away from her. It was at the moment when she threw it up, ready to take the first hit, that you pressed the capture button of your old Polaroid camera, which would be your accomplice in freezing that moment inside the piece of zink paper.
You shook the cartridge impatiently, the minutes feeling like hours for the image to be developed. And hell, was it worth the wait, for your eyes were delighted in return.
In your hands was a photograph that only you would have at your mercy, and you couldn't help but consider it a form of unparalleled intimacy that condemned you to an addiction.
Wanda Maximoff with the ball hovering in the air, looking up at said object with her full lips half-open, her racket at shoulder height. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, some of it beginning to stick to her forehead from the sweat that was beginning to be present. She wore a white pleated skirt like yours, and a light blue polo shirt with three buttons open, revealing just a little bit of her collarbone.
You stared at the photograph for who knows how long, the hours feeling like minutes this time.
"(Y/N)! You made it!" The distant voice of your now muse snapped you out of your trance, and you quickly shoved the photograph in your bag. With quick steps, you descended the remaining stairs and walked to where the awaiting family stood.
"I made it," you replied with a smile.
"And you look..." Wanda began the sentence, looking you up and down, repeating the action twice. However, she concluded it with a sigh.
"You look beautiful," Billy completed it. Despite the fact that he vocalized a complete word, a prolonged intake of breath followed by an exhale, held more meaning for you because it came from the woman before you.
"Completely," Wanda confirmed, grinning at you from ear to ear. "That skirt really suits you. You should show off those legs more often."
"Oh, thank you..." your breath hitched, and you felt as if all the blood in your body lost the ability to distribute itself, landing in your cheeks alone, the impact of her words taking on a peculiar dark pink hue.
"Billy, you pull," Wanda said, and that's when you realized he hadn't taken his eyes off you. His perennial stare was undetectable for you as long as his mother was present. "And (Y/N), go sit next to Tommy, feel free to order food or drinks. I'll teach you how to play as soon as we finish this round."
You found yourself nodding quickly, like a submissive and obedient puppy who didn't let out a word and complied to whatever she said.
Tommy greeted you with a tight-lipped smile. Between the two brothers, you found it easier to relax around Tommy. While you preferred Billy, you always had to be on guard against his suggestive remarks, which hindered your ability to fully enjoy his company. On the other hand, Tommy's voice held no hidden intentions, only friendliness at its best despite his reserved countenance.
"Did you play yet?" You asked him, noticing that his hair was still perfectly combed, with no sign of movement or activity.
"No, when my mom teaches you, I'll be your opponent," he replied.
"Then it'll be an easy win," you chuckled, making him laugh back.
"Don't worry, I won't be hard on you..."
"I meant easy win for me," you corrected, eliciting a surprised gasp from him, making you laugh even harder.
"Ah! Is this how things are gonna be between us? Okay, okay," he joked, feigning offense.
"Okay, Billy, rest," you heard Wanda say, once he lost to her.
With quiet gasps, he walked over to the table where you were seated next to Tommy. He reached for the cold water bottle that was resting across from you. He appeared to be upset, and you assumed it was because he lost, not because he witnessed your interaction with his brother.
"Mom, I want to be the one on the other side when you teach (Y/N)," he spoke, after placing the water bottle on the table.
"What?" Tommy exclaimed. "No way, dude. You played the hell out of it, it's my turn."
Before Billy could counter, Wanda interfered, "You wanted to play first, now it's your brother's turn."
Billy snorted, and sat on the chair, pulling his phone out of his bag.
Wanda signaled for you to follow her, and again, you walked behind her obediently, stopping where she indicated. Tommy positioned himself on the opposite side, stretching out his arms.
"All right, ready?" Wanda asked, handing you her racket. When you took it, you were surprised to see that it was heavier than she made it seem. The way she was handling it earlier made you think it would be featherlight.
"Yeah, ready," you could only hope that you would at least look your best while failing at trying to play the sport.
You let out a small gasp as she suddenly positioned herself behind you, her front pressed against your back. A stream of torturous cold sweat invaded every corner of your body as you forced yourself to keep your sanity.
"We're here to have fun, not the international tennis league," she said, guiding your arm with the racket at the appropiate height. "That said, don't worry if you don't get it perfect on the first try, okay?"
"Sure," you nodded, taking a deep breath. Maybe she noticed your nervousness, and thought it was due to the circumstances, when really, that became irrelevant to you when her body was pressed behind you.
"Take it firmly, with two arms or with one, whichever you feel better," she continued, and you opted for the second option, this being the one that would give you the most freedom if you needed momentum and fluidity.
Noting your choice, she added, "Good. I advice you to use your whole forearm. You're a beginner, this thing is heavy, and we don't want your wrist to dislocate."
"Oh, I was thinking of doing that anyway," you laughed. Using your wrist alone with such a heavy artefact would affect you considerably. She was right.
Wanda laughed softly, her breath colliding against your ear as she did so.
"Now, legs, they need to be apart and parallel," she continued, grabbing the inside of your right leg, a little above your knee, and positioned it in front of hers, so that you mimicked the distance she had. "Like this, good girl."
You swallowed dryly.
You weren't sure if she was simply too trusting or if, in your wildest dreams, she really wanted to bewilder you and have you under her spell.
"Finally, don't be too rigid. Let your body follow its course every time you stroke," she withdrew from behind you, and you felt the emptiness of her closeness linger on you. "Let the movements flow. But keep your posture as straight as you can."
"Noted, I got it."
At first, every time Tommy threw the ball at you, it seemed to take on a life of its own when you hit back. It bounced off the net, or to the side, out of your reach. Frustrated, you looked to Wanda, for help.
"Don't be discouraged, (Y/N). You just need to adjust your position and the angle of your racket a little,” Wanda said, approaching you.
She stood behind you once again, and gently guided your arm, showing you how to hit the ball. “Try to keep your eyes on it and bend your knees a bit for stability.”
Tommy threw again, and this time the ball came closer to you. With Wanda's help, you managed to hit it well, sending it straight towards where Tommy was standing.
“Well done!” Tommy exclaimed, surprised.
Wanda smiled, “Now you try it on your own, (Y/N)."
You took a deep breath and prepared for Tommy's next pitch. This time, you concentrated on following the trajectory of the ball and positioned your racket at the right angle.
You did it! The ball landed right where Tommy was expecting it.
“Excellent, you're catching it fast!” Said Tommy, excited. “I think you'll soon be an ace.”
Little by little, Wanda let you manage the game on your own, intervening only occasionally with advice. Your strokes became more and more precise and powerful, and Tommy had to work harder to keep up.
Wanda no longer considered it necessary to offer you her help, so she sat at the table next to Billy, with dark sunglasses covering her gaze, and although you had decided not to turn around to avoid distractions, her penetrating gaze was able to pierce through every fiber of your being.
You could feel her intense and overwhelming presence, as if a magnetic force pulled you towards her. Your heart was beating with desperation, wishing to turn your head and gaze at her beauty, but you knew you had to maintain focus and not be too obvious.
In the ninth round, Tommy failed to reach the ball and hit the shot needed to keep the streak going, so you decided to suggest to take a break instead of continuing to play. He agreed, and the two of you headed over to the table where Wanda and Billy were.
“I ordered some cold water and snacks,’ Wanda announced, pointing to the tray that contained them.
“Oh, thank you very much,” you replied with a smile. After all the physical activity, the thought of having some cold water was like heaven.
When you sat down, Billy looked away from his phone and smiled at you before placing it face down on the table.
He was about to say something when his brother joined you at the table. "You're a natural, (Y/N)! I must admit, I let you win at first to cheer you on, but then I had a hard time catching up,” he praised you as he picked up a bottle of water and drank almost half of it. In a way, you were grateful for that interruption, as it saved you from having to deal with Billy's corny flirtations.
“Yeah, you were awesome,” Billy added, bummed that maybe Tommy took the words right out of his mouth.
“Thanks, guys,” you replied with a smile. “I had the best teacher, giving me the push I needed,” you turned to Wanda, pining for the older woman's attention again.
And you did, when she leaned a little closer to you and said softly, “Oh, honey, and I had the best student,” she winked at you from under her shades, which you could see through the sunlight.
Billy sat next to you, trying to look gallant. “Well, you know, I could give you a ‘push’ too if you wanted one. What do you say, gorgeous?” He said with a crooked grin.
You couldn't help but laugh at Billy's awkward flirtation.
Wanda shot Billy a stern look. "All right, lover boy, you've got your energy back.
Time for you and me to play a little,” she interferred, taking his hand and pulling him away from you.
Tommy, who watched the interaction, rolled his eyes playfully and sat next to you.
"Forgive my brother," he apologized. "You're the first girl he's ever liked, and he has zero experience in how to behave with one."
You brushed it off with a little wave of your hand.
If he wasn't so charismatic, you probably would have cut ties with him... or maybe that's what you forced yourself to believe, because by being around him, you had opportunities like this, to share with his mother beyond work issues.
"What about you, any person who caught your eye?" you questioned.
"There is a guy, David, yes..." he confirmed, causing you to reposition your chair to turn towards him, showing interest. He laughed softly at your action. "I won't elaborate."
"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy," you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, shaking your head. "I'm a gossip enthusiast, and you can't tell me about a guy without blurting out more details," you replied, but realized that perhaps, it was best to respect his decision. "But it's okay. I understand if you decide not to share. I won't force you."
He sighed, "It's just... everything that shapes me as a person; my hobbies, my passions, my career, my internship, I share with my brother," he shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I adore him madly. But at least, this is very much my own thing," he sighed a second time, louder this time, watching his brother, who was occasionally observing the interaction, but redirecting his focus to the game.
“I totally understand," you nodded. It was often the case that with a pair of twins, it was more usual to share common grounds and live together almost as if they were one person in two bodies. Sooner or later, there came that desire for individualism, which Tommy found in keeping aspects of his life to himself. "I'm so glad that you are in that process of detaching from your brother and forming your own path, as your own person."
"Sure as hell I am," he giggled. "I have my own friends, I had a girlfriend named Lisa for a while," he continued. "About both, Billy constantly commented on, whining about why I managed to fit in at college and he didn't, what I had that he didn't. And it was always my duty to comfort him," his expression took on a lingering hint of annoyance.
“Must've been so hard to always be the one comforting him, especially when you were just trying to enjoy your own life and relationships,” you nodded with sympathy.
Now you understood why Billy seemed to want to hog your attention, and was so annoyed when Tommy, with his extroverted nature struck up a conversation with you. Billy felt like he was constantly in Tommy's shadow, always comparing himself and feeling inadequate. He craved validation and reassurance, seeking comfort in your friendship whenever he felt overshadowed. You were the only person he was starting to form bonds with besides his brother and mother.
"It may sound selfish, not to have included my brother to my group of friends when many do that."
"No," you replied firmly. "As you said earlier, it's your own thing."
"Thank you... that's what my mother tells me," he confessed, and you were glad to know that the redhead was comprehensive in that regard. "She's a twin too, so she understands the dynamics of having a close sibling relationship while still needing your own space and identity. She ended up being way different than her brother, but both were happy for each other.”
You knew about her brother, Pietro Maximoff, that he died when the Avengers fought Ultron in Sokovia. You saw it in one video of ‘50 things you didn't know about Wanda Maximoff’, at 3AM when you couldn't mitigate the intrigue she left.
And from all that you learned, not only was she talented and charismatic, she also carried a profound strength in her heart, from which she emerged stronger. She was now enjoying the empire she built with the stones life threw at her… quite literally, the mind stone.
"If Billy isn't happy for you, his emotions are not his responsibility," you stated. "In fact, nothing regarding him is your responsibility. You enjoy what you were able to attract into your life."
"Thank you, I'm glad someone is reassuring me that I'm on the right track," he replied, pulling a bag of chips that was resting on the tray. He gestured you to grab one as well, so you did. "A few months after my first breakup, I developed this crush on a girl named Kate, and he never knew. It was refreshing, keeping it to myself, without Billy turning it back on him and how much he hated not even having a girl he liked."
"And what happened between you and this girl, Kate?"
"Oh, well, it was pathetically movie-like," he chuckled. "After crushing from afar, I saw her outside campus. I was very determined, walking towards her to say hi, when a blonde girl came on a bike, got off and went to kiss her. So I stepped back.”
"Wait... isn't that Kate Bishop by any chance?" You asked, the first name, college and blonde girlfriend being enough characteristics that fit your best friend.
"Yes! Kate Bishop!" He confirmed, surprised. "No way... do you know her?"
You let out a laugh at the coincidence, shaking your head softly in disbelief.
"She's my best friend since high school," you nodded.
"Oh, shut up!" He exclaimed loudly. "There is no way!"
Wanda Maximoff's son, studying at the same university as your best friend, Kate, who he used to have a crush on.
Kate, whose girlfriend, Yelena Belova, was the younger sister of Natasha Romanoff, one of the Avengers, of which Wanda Maximoff was a member until the Sokovia Accords marked a new beginning in her career.
All this time, you were closer to Wanda than you thought.
Billy noticed the friendly and amusing exchange between you and Tommy, so he proceeded to purposely miss on the present round, with the excuse to approach the table again where the two of you were.
"What's so funny?" He asked, so innocently, you thought, because you were so oblivious to the look on his face at every single thing you were doing.
Wanda followed him.
Evidently, she wasn't born yesterday, and she knew she had to be on the lookout to intervene in any recklessness, a product of that jealousy you were already aware of, that he was experiencing towards his twin brother. It was funny, nevertheless, that he thought he had to compete against his brother for your attention, when truly, it was her mother the one and only threat.
"Oh, (Y/N) has a best friend, Kate Bishop, who studies at our university. I've seen her a couple of times," Tommy explained. "We were just laughing about how small New York is."
Billy nodded slowly, arching his eyebrows.
"That's so funny!" Wanda spoke, a smile plastered on her face, instantly melting you. Whenever she did so, her nose scrunched a little in the process, and some dimples on her cheeks made themselves present.
Oh, how you longed for her to be so close to you, sharing gestures and glances that seemed to connect you both in a unique way. Yes, they may have been mere human interactions, but you treasured each of those little things, those details that, to the eyes of others, might go unnoticed.
"Actually, her girlfriend, I'm sure you know her," you replied to the older woman. "She's Natasha's younger sister, Yelena."
"Noooooo!" It was her turn to be surprised and laugh, just like you and Tommy were a few minutes ago.
"I know! Unbelievable!" You responded, her laughter contaging you like a deadly virus.
"Yelena, I've met her a couple of times,” she recalled. “When we have one of those friendly get-togethers at the compound, I've had the chance to see her twice or thrice," Wanda commented to you, and seemed to think for a moment. "Hey, next time, you and Kate should join us. Since you and I aren't strangers anymore, and Kate seems to be familiar with the rest of the team."
You laughed instantly, remembering the anecdote of Kate meeting her idol, Clint Barton, for the first time.
"I'm serious, darling," Wanda stated, probably believing that your little giggle was due to disbelief and not the memory that popped into your mind.
"Oh, no, it's just… I remembered how pale Kate looked when Yelena took her to meet Natasha, unbeknownst to her that Clint would be there too," you clarified.
Yelena had invited Kate to a restaurant a little way out of town, in order to introduce her to her sister, Natasha. Things between them had already become serious like that.
Your best friend was a nervous wreck before Yelena picked her up, repeatedly stating that she was not mentally prepared to meet Natasha Romanoff, whom she also admired. She was in for a big surprise, when not only was Black Widow waiting for them, but Hawkeye as well.
You expected to receive a text, or at most a phone call with all the details. However, hours later, the couple arrived at your flat. Yelena walking hand in hand with a completely mesmerized and shocked Kate, with a lost gaze and unable to spill a single word.
"Wow, I can only imagine..." Wanda mused, empathizing with your best friend's feelings at such an experience. As she sat down across from you with a clear determination to continue the conversation, you couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph. It was then that you regained awareness of your surroundings and realized that the twins had left you alone who knows how long ago, opting to play a round together instead. “But seriously, I would love it if you came.”
Wanda Maximoff: (Pauses).
Tommy Maximoff: That’s… (sighs) that’s when the incident happened.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N): Did Tommy say that? (laughs) No, the incident was always that Billy started to get the wrong ideas. Of course, I didn't have the heart to reject him, but I gave very clear signals. At the compound, that’s where it ended.
Tommy Maximoff: There is no worse blind than the one who does not want to see.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N): I always carry my Polaroid camera with me, no matter where I go. I am fascinated by being able to capture the important moments of my life with that particular photographic style and store them in a special album of memories. Maybe it sounds old-fashioned, but over the years, you realize the almost magical power that photographs have to transport you back to those frozen moments in time. Pressing the shutter button at that country club became a sort of curse, as I couldn't help but yearn to be teleported back over and over to those unforgettable moments with her.
When you finished working with Wanda, you already had a large number of photographs of her. A collection, you could call it at this point.
You didn't pass up the opportunity to take pictures in every corner of the tennis court, every time she and Billy played together, and you'd even have more if you'd taken pictures when she played against Tommy as well, but you didn't want to expose him to a jealous feud with Billy.
Likewise, you were more than content with the other occasions; like your personal favorites, the family dinners at which you were frequently included. After the food was served, you proceeded to ask the three of them to pose before eating, just so you could have the privilege of watching that gorgeous face for as many seconds as you wanted later at night.
It always amused you to see him smiling in all the photos, so flattered thinking that he was the one you wanted to immortalize in the memories.
The end justified the means, right?
You let out a small gasp, arching your back in pleasure when, as you stilled your needy entrance, you grabbed another photograph, the bonfire photograph...
"Oh, Wanda!" you moaned, feeling your climax about to burst, clenching around your own fingers.
"Why is it that you only take pictures of Billy when I'm around?" Wanda confronted you, once the twins went to sleep. A great day at their University awaited the next day, unlike Wanda and you, who could stay awake as long as you wanted.
Wanda occasionally held bonfires in the garden of her house. She cordially invited you to join them, and after a few minutes, you were all dressed up and on your way to her house, when you were already comfortable in your pajamas, ready to get into your bed.
And once you were alone, she placed her chair in front of yours, and asked you that question that caught you off guard. You had just taken a picture of her with the twins before they left.
"What?" You exclaimed, pretending to be clueless to buy yourself more time to come up with an excuse.
"Or better yet, why don’t you ever accept seeing Billy exclusively? Only when I'm present," she repeated, leaning towards you.
The air thickened around you, each breath torturous as if you were inhaling the very essence of your dread. Your heart pounded, a relentless drum echoing in the cavern of your chest, each beat reverberating through your bones and threatening to shatter your composure.
"I want Billy as a friend, I don't want me accepting outings or taking pictures of him alone to get him more excited than he probably is," you replied, almost all in one breath.
Wanda's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing through your weak defenses, "Are you sure that's the only reason, (Y/N)? Or is there something else you're not telling me?"
You felt exposed, as if she could see right through your clumsy excuses.
"I... I don't want to give him false hope," you hesitated, trying to maintain your composure.
"False hope?" Wanda scoffed, her tone full of skepticism. "Then, why taking those pictures in the first place? Who do you wanna see, hm?"
You swallowed hard, the lump in your throat growing by the second. "It's… memories," you protested, but the conviction in your voice was waning.
Wanda tilted her head, scrutinizing you with a mix of frustration and something else you couldn't quite place.
"Bullshit!” She exclaimed. “Why do you always make sure I'm around? Is it because you need a buffer? Or is it because you're more interested in someone else?”
Her words were heavy and loaded with implication. Your mind struggled to form a coherent response, but the truth was clawing its way to the surface, threatening to break free.
She didn't let you finish, "Is it me?" She insisted. "Are you using Billy to get closer to me?"
"Wanda, please, it's not like that," you pleaded, but her words had struck a nerve. She could sense it, therefore, she leaned in even closer, her lips almost brushing your ear. You felt your skin reacting through goosebumps immediately.
"Stop lying. You think I can't see through you, like my son? You're pathetic, hiding behind your excuses. If you have something to say, say it now," she hissed, her breath hot against your skin.
You swallowed hard, the lump in your throat almost choking you.
"No, nothing..." you stammered, but the words wouldn't come.
Wanda's grip on your knee tightened further, her nails digging into your skin.
"You're infuriating. If you can't even be honest with yourself, how do you expect to be honest with anyone else?" She said, her voice a low growl.
“I… I better go,” was all you managed to respond. You never realized how weak you were until the Wanda Maximoff was so close to you, forcing you to face the consequences of your impulsive and not-so-wise acts.
Her eyes glinted with a dangerous determination. She wasn't going to let you off the hook so easily. Her hand slid from your knee up to your thigh, keeping you in place.
"You think you can keep hiding? From me?" Her voice was a seductive murmur that sent shivers down your spine.
You tried to pull away, but her grip tightened. "Wanda, please," you whispered, your voice trembling. You refused to do this at all costs, even though it was what you deserved.
"No more lies. I want the truth, and I'm going to get it," her other hand moved to your waist, pulling you even closer to her.
Your heart pounded wildly, your body not knowing whether to tremble of fear and desire.
"I... I don't know what you want me to say," you stammered, trying to keep your composure.
Wanda's hand moved higher up your thigh, her nails lightly grazing your skin through the fabric. "Oh, but you do," she countered. "You're scared, aren't you? Scared of what you feel. Scared of what I might do if you admit it. So scared that my poor, poor son has to suffer from your cowardice."
You swallowed hard, the lump in your throat almost choking you.
"No, it’s..." you began.
And once again, she didn't give you a chance to finish. Her hand moved to your chin, tilting your face up so you were forced to meet her gaze.
"Look at me, darling. I want to see your eyes when you tell me the truth," she demanded, her voice a low growl.
Your eyes met hers, and the intensity of her green orbes was almost too much to bear.
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision.
"I... I can't," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Wanda's grip on your chin tightened, her nails digging into your skin. "Yes, you can. And you will," she insisted, her voice brooking no argument. Her other hand moved between your legs, pressing your core with a tight squeeze, making you yelp and let the first few tears spill out of your eyes. You felt so helpless, regretting every life decision that led you to this very instant.
"Do you want me?" She questioned, with a voice so firm it sounded more like a statement.
"Yes," you finally admitted.
Wanda's eyes shone with satisfaction, "Oh, my good girl. That's all I needed to hear," she murmured, her lips brushing against yours.
Her hand moved from your chin to the back of your neck, pulling you into a searing kiss that left you breathless. You could only describe it intense and fervorous, her tongue exploring every inch of your mouth, without even asking for permission. Just taking you as if she had always owned you, and maybe, she did.
Just as you were about to lose yourself in her lips, Wanda abruptly pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.
"This is your punishment for toying with my son's feelings," she established. "You don't get to have me, not after what you've done. Now go."
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