#Hideaki - MEME
midorishinobi5 · 3 months
The virgin Adam vs the Chad Adam.
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luchicm04 · 14 days
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Ayanami Rei🩵
like or reblog if you save/use.
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minyicho · 1 year
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makuta-kotok · 14 days
If you know, you know…
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🎵~If I die, in this world, who will know, something of me~🎵
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thuktunflishithy · 1 year
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I won't elaborate
Just look at him, please.
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calledbyflowers · 13 days
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tommytokugamer · 7 months
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It's gintama. Where we don't about copyright, destroy serious moments, have epic fight and everyting
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katshun · 1 year
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Hideaki Anno with Evangelion
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anjumbai · 6 months
Remembering: Neon Genesis Evangelion
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Director: Hideaki Anno
I must not run away.
Another one of those anime that I watched Gigguk make loads of videos on. There's an almost persuasion quality to his videos, where he doesn't directly try to persuade you into watching an anime. Instead he makes love letters in the form of video essays on different anime, which sound so artistic and funny that you want to watch the anime just so you can grasp all of what he's saying. Sure, you can talk about anything passionately and people will find it beautiful. But it's a totally different thing when you love somebody's work so much that you wanna pick it up yourself and try it. Just so you can experience a fraction of what they did. I picked up journaling like that once. It really is beautiful what somebody's passion can make you do.
So NGE, another anime that I watched during Covid lockdown. I've loved this anime for how simply it tore apart all of it's narrative just so the depressed middle aged man known is Hideaki Anno could grasp the world's attention and deliver his message. His message was as simple as -"I don't like life. I'm no good and this world has no place for me. Somebody please, see me." As Gen Z, nothing beat a sweet glass of milk with depression back then.
What do I remember about NGE? Well-
Never skipped the damn intro. ZANKOKU WA TENSHI- *head beat intensifies*
Shinji was a pu*sy. It seemed that most of the viewers agreed that Shinji was a coward when it came to facing his life head on. While his behavior has always been memed, the same viewers were as sympathetic to him as they were critical. It was easy to make fun of him, but imagining myself in his shoes was really tough as well.
Rei was nice.
The adults were as hopeless as the teenage cast. None of the adults managed to act as adults where they should have. That resulted in a different kind of fucked up-ness. Shinji's father was a menace to him, burdening him with responsibilities totally not appropriate for a teenager of 14. I don't remember the age but yeah. You could see adults making moves on kids so that they could suffice for their loneliness; and you would think that how can that pass in a show? Well, it all seemed so subtle that you'd have to read some analysis on the characters. It was all pretty fucked up.
I read at least 2 reddit posts for analysis on each episode. At first, I thought I should do it because it's a mecha anime with loads of robots and prophetic terms. But soon you will come to realize that these religious terms and extremely cool robots were just for show, just to look cool. You didn't need to analyze any of it nor did you need to know what angels were, what was the spear of longinus or anything of that sort. As the story unfolds, you could see it was a deep revealing of Hideaki Anno, the director's troubled and disturbed mental state.
The studio lost it's budget before it could even end the show properly. You would have one shot of animation running for 10 minutes to end an episode, accompanied only by the dialogue. The last episodes used colorless panels of animation- even a regular viewer could see this as a budget cut rather than an artistic choice. But just because of this- they put some extra care on the only panels they could draw. You couldn't help but smile at a studio's budget constraints.
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These are actual frames from the final episodes.
The anime finished with me gaining some deep knowledge on human emotions and that is what made NGE memorable to me. I still remember most of the lessons I learned and happen to instinctively follow now.
Evangelion is divided in 3 parts imo. The first is the original anime, then the follow up artistic movie called End Of Evangelion- my favourite movie this day, and the Rebuild of Evangelion movies. I loved Gigguk's explanation on how part 1 was an insight on the troubled mental state of Hideaki Anno. It showed how he failed to deal with emotions, how human interaction can leave you so hurt and how pointless all the pain seemed. End of Eva seemed like an acceptance stage of the pain, the woe and the inabilities. And the rebuild showed full acceptance of life and gratefulness. It was literally the most artistic and different way to get therapy in my opinion. And I love that about Eva.
I love Evangelion for all it has presented. It's an anime I hold close to me and I often run to Reflections of Despair in youtube just to remind myself of what I learned through this show.
You never understand anything. Nothing ever changes. Is that wrong? I don't wanna be alone. I'm no good. Nobody wants me. You betrayed my feelings. Somebody help me. Somebody care about me. All lines from the ASMV. I don't remember whether these are lines from NGE but they seem connected. There's so much to uncover through this lines, so much to live with. Nobody will truly understand you- and maybe that's the beauty of it. You have some feelings to yourself and you keep them with you. Nothing really changes, people stay the same. Not particularly true but maybe all of it is a part of life. We can't beg people to be with us so we can look at them instead of looking at our loneliness. And when they won't look at us, when they can't be the crutch we use to walk on, we focus on the rage of betrayal instead of learning why we actually feel all that rage. For whom is all that rage for? The betrayal? Or the pain you're gonna feel? Is it another crutch? Why let somebody care about you when you can do that for yourself?
10/10. Would watch with my kids. When they are 18 and mentally unstable.
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End of Evangelion is much different than this. There's so much to talk about this anime- but I never have the proper words at any given time.
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soufre-de-paris · 8 months
i was tagged by @lowgardn for a getting-to-know-you meme! and now i have the spoons/energy/time to finalize! :>
last song: last song i myself chose to listen to was still taca a xereca pra mim by mc kaique but A was loudly playing lady gaga's telephone yesterday as some sort of homage to their feelings of being freed of the necessity of having a cell phone by having had it stolen
favorite color: in which i am true to my brand™. i genuinely love soft pastels pink (up until i remember they have been so inextricably linked to gender, and then i remember gender exists, and then i'm sad) yay! pink!! keep in mind i have chosen pink bc i don't think "oil slick plastic" counts as a color.
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currently watching: A and i are watching the original star trek series, because they have never seen it, and it's been excellent but also Does Not Hold Up Well when it comes to gender relations. amazing that they could conceive of aliens and humans living side by side (with some issues, of course) and deep space exploration in a post-fucking-capitalist society, but not that Women Are People. but it's also some of the best television i've ever seen, so like, wtf. i am considering watching good omens by myself during my sabbatical but we will see.
last movie/tv show: barbie. too many thoughts. before that, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... probably shin ultraman???? which was so fucking great, god, hideaki anno!!
sweet/spicy/savory: what about… all of them… at once… yes, yes, this is Ideal
relationship status: i have a partner and a girlfriend and other untitled attachments. i routinely forget i am poly bc i am not actively looking to date anyone new. lately i've been really enjoying thinking about my polycule as a series of underground wires, and the connections between people who have never met and never will have chance to meet, but who are inextricably linked through the connections they form. my partner's girlfriend and my girlfriend's boyfriend have a zero possibility of ever meeting, but who can claim their lives and choices don't influence each other? furthermore, (picture me being dragged offstage by a sheep hook as i start to rant about compersion, arete, and social responsibility)
current obsessions: bg3/DROW FACTS (obviously) and the canon time-travel d.a.i fic i'm still spinning around in my head to nintendo wii sounds. and now that i'm home and our apartment is almost ready, i can start thinking about working on my own writing again… and 「glass」 is due a draft revision…
last thing you googled: colorpicker (for the image of pink above) and dumb phone with gps (for A)
tagging @maeaneke (i don't know your favorite color????) @k0gaball @the-local-gremlin @gomjabbars @thesandsofelsweyr and @birenza, no pressure!
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veg-hotwings · 2 years
When the mangaka meet [queerbait HUMOUR]
It all started when I shared this meme from TV Time with a friend of mine (A):
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A: Female Titan VS Armored Titan! I wanna see the students shouting "SASAGEYO!" while trying to stop him in the next episode!
Me: In that case I want a special OAV with the scouts screaming "PLUS ULTRA!"
A: Damn, maybe, if Isayama gave Horikoshi some ideas… will they do a collab?
Me: Isayama doesn't deserve to give Horikoshi any advice after SNK's finale ☠️
A: I meant just suggestions on how to handle the storytelling, but yeah, FUCK THAT FINALE!
Isayama: Why don't you sexualize women less and focus on deepening the characters' background and mindsets instead?
Horikoshi: Naaah. At least I have one lesbian couple that'll be endgame🖕🏻 And maybe more than one gay couple too! 💅🏻🌈 And what do you have, Hajime, huh? Your lesbians are either dead or married with children, your gays are dead after their arm got chomped off or paralytic, and don't even get me started on Marco! Not that you didn’t do the other Ymir dirty too, with her Stockholm syndrome for her abuser! Your non-binary charater is dead too. Aren't you… HOMOTRANSPHOBIC? 
Isayama: Well, Magne had a bad death…
Horikoshi: Yeah, but Tora is alive.
Isayama: Bakugō risked his life like three times!
*enters Akutami*
Akutami: Hello there, beautiful people!
*Horikoshi and Isayama turn from their chairs with forlorn expressions*
Akutami: What were you talking about?
Horikoshi: LGBTQ+ characters dying horrible deaths.
Akutami: Cool! I have two bisex girls in that zone! One is a crazy family killer, and I don't even know if the other's dead or alive. And there's SatoSugu too! 😀
Isayama: Still better than that one over there. *points his thumb over his shoulder towards a man hunched at a table in the corner, a beer at 9am in his hands. It's Kishimoto* At least I haven't heterowashed the gayest couple that ever was by getting them both married to the flattest female characters.
*Miura and Nagai enter the bar in a hurry*
Miura & Nagai: What have we missed?
*in the meanwhile, Ohba and Obata hide behind the counter, frightened. It’s at this moment that the barman turns around: it’s Hideaki Anno*
Anno: What can I get you, guys?
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thuktunflishithy · 1 year
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millardcrow · 2 years
Movement is Plasma Sword's greatest detail.
Crossposted from my co-host:
If I can be introspective for a moment, I think one of the reasons I have fallen madly in love with Plasma Sword (despite some of its objective flaws, which I'll probably address some other time) is that I think it probably is the only 2D-mechanic based game to hit real 3D movement in a way that I like, both in terms of the movement itself and how the move list is built around it.
The move button activates sidestep universally, and can also be used as a macro for forward/backdash. Every character can also cancel forward dash into sidestep and most can cancel their backdash into sidestep, as well. (I have found some weird exceptions: June and Ele, for example, can only cancel their forward dash.) You may see a loop here—effectively, everyone can box dash forward by doing 5M, 6M, 5M... over and over again. It feels great, and it looks great, and it's really effective because one of the things Plasma Sword was smart in doing was aligning the A button exclusively for vertical attacks and B for horizontal attacks. (Identical to SC1 in concept, only with the buttons flipped.)
It's also cancelable into special moves, so a lot of characters can do some really cool tricks with it. For example, Vector can use it as part of his sniping game, or to setup ambiguous body splash mixups.
It goes a long way in weirdly balancing the game. Look at the example below—Zelkin is arguably the game's S+ #1 character. This is thanks to some absurd safety, block pressure that can only be described as accidentally designed, theoretical infinites, and wildly high damage even without the infinites that result in a character that can win off of just about any two touches. All of this is anchored by his 2K string, which starts virtually everything for the character (infinites, combo damage, pressure) on both block and hit, and also can't be parried due to being a kick.
And yet, sidestep beats everything that he can do that would normally allow him to pressure on block, forcing even the game's #1 meme top tier to use some esoteric options to stop safe defensive step. Can you learn flight cancel combo videos and win off one/two conversion's with Zelkin? Yeah, probably. But if you don't learn how step shapes the neutral of Plasma Sword, or can't adapt to someone that does, you'll never get the chance to prove it.
As a Soul Calibur II player at heart, strong movement can really do a lot for me in appreciating a game. In fact, I see a lot of similarities between the spirit of these two games, in the sense that there's meta-shattering broken offense that gets reigned in by smart movement design. (Though, well, in SCII's case, it was a glitch, but... that's a different essay.) It's the only 2D-minded game (in the sense it uses back to block, 2D jump arcs, overheads, etc.) that I've played that really captures what I love about the 3D genre.
Sadly (well, for me at least) it's the last time the director, Hideaki Itsuno, would keep this strong meta-shaping 3D movement. Future 3D titles under his belt—Rival Schools and Project Justice—would incorporate a success/fail command-step akin to Virtua Fighter's step system, something that I personally find a lot more wooden and uninteresting. Coincidentally, Project Justice has block strings far more oppressive than what's found in Plasma Sword, despite having demonstrably worse frame data across the board on everything /and/ a guard cancel that has no meter cost. That's just how important the third dimension is to a game—when you let it be.
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green-x-reaper · 2 years
If they had a kid meme
|| Accepting
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Hideaki
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark hair, red eyes with black sclera, slight athletic build, small jackalope antlers and small stubs on his back where his wings used to be
Personality: Curious, manipulative, prideful
Special Talents: Necromancy, super speed, enhanced agility, soul harvesting
Who they like better: Usagi
Who they take after more: Dead Master
Personal Head canon:
Hideaki's nickname towards his older brother is Masaru is Melon. Only because for the first five years of his life, Hideaki couldn't remember was his older brother's name was. Now the nickname just kinda stuck.
He takes a more gentle approach to his methods of killing. He'll let his victims fall into a false sense of security before he does away with them but let's his intention be known subtly.
Hideaki likes to be around his prey. Observing their thoughts, their behaviors, their strengths and weaknesses. His social skills is what helps him blend in with the crowd.
Face Claim:
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