#Himalayan natural mineral water
nubyclear · 4 months
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luckystorein22 · 2 years
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wait WHAT is this about table salt vs sea? I thought that was just a scam to get people to buy "fancy" salt 😂 tell me everything
Basically, table salt is processed to remove other minerals, so you're getting pure Sodium without the balance of those naturally-occurring minerals you need (especially Magnesium, which lowers blood pressure in the presence of Sodium). Table salt is also commonly coated in anti-caking agents, and fortified with iodine, which is not a mineral most Americans are deficient in anymore, but we can be at risk of overload.
Unrefined sea salt on the other hand, is simply dehydrated from sea water, and retains all its other minerals. Himalayan salt also has the same benefits.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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•{Lemon Water & Sea Salt}•
Many of us have morning routines that are wonderful health practices — a morning meditation, a few yoga poses, a brisk walk around the neighborhood, or a delicious fruit-infused smoothie. Daily routines are vital to health and happiness, and this is especially true at the start of the day.
How about a quick and simple glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt? This simple drink can boost your morning health and wellness regimen — and it’s so easy to make. There are a number of professional athletes and Olympians who start their morning with lemon and salt water, which may say something about its effectiveness.
A 10-ounce glass of warm #lemon water with Himalayan salt in the morning can increase your immune function, decrease uric acid to fight inflammation, improve digestion, and balance your body. These benefits can be attributed to the vitamin C content of the lemon juice as well as the essential minerals contained in #Himalayansalt. This simple morning drink promotes vitality, health, and overall wellness, and may even improve your sex drive!
•Lemons are excellent for fighting inflammation. Lemons can help dissolve the uric acid in your joints, and also have been found to help build and repair tendons, ligaments, and bone. This anti-inflammatory property may be especially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, according to an American College of Physicians study on osteoarthritis, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2000).
•Aids in proper food and water absorption. A daily glass of lemon water with Himalayan salt may provide a better overall mineral balance, which promotes proper food and water absorption in your body, allowing essential nutrients to get where they need to be.
•Balances your body’s acidity (pH). The alkalizing effects of lemon and natural salt are highly useful for managing your body’s delicate pH balance, which is crucial for optimal functioning of the body’s systems.
•Boosts immune function. One lemon serves up 139 percent of your daily value (DV) for vitamin C. Squeezing one lemon into your morning is a natural alternative to that vitamin C supplement you may be taking.
•It’s a detox for your cells. The all-natural Himalayan salt mixed with lemon juice and water helps to pull toxins from your cells, reducing cellular toxicity. This may reduce your risk for various chronic diseases, as well as make you feel generally awesome!
•Reduces problematic cellulite. Natural salts like Himalayan salt have been used for centuries for skin care. Interestingly, most spa treatments for cellulitis contain some form of salt and/or citrus blend. A few daily gulps of lemon and salt water in the morning may firm up a few of those unsightly areas.
•Clears up skin and adds a fresh glow.Using natural salt for skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema, dates back to ancient Roman times. Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius’ doctor, Galen from Pergamum, used sea salt for skin diseases, according to Science Tribune (1999).
•Useful for allergy season. It has been suggested that the combination of lemon and salt, specifically mixed into warm water, acts as a natural antihistamine for allergies. It may be the perfect alternative to those pink pills that leave you feeling drowsy.
•Paves the way for better sleep. The natural hormone-balancing properties of lemon and Himalayan salt can be more than useful when it comes to bedtime. Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for physical health, mental health, productivity, and much more. This hormone-balancing beverage can make an effective nightcap.
•Helps controls blood sugar. The fiber content of lemons helps to balance blood glucose levels, which is useful for type 2 diabetes patients and prediabetics alike, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2000).
•Lemons may help detoxify your liver.Vitamin C is essential for producing glutathione, which plays a foundational role in detoxifying the liver. It also has antiseptic properties that are useful for liver function, as well.
•Freshens breath! Lemon and Himalayan salt may not be the first things that come to mind when you think of fresh breath. However, the lemon and salt in this simple morning drink help kill the bad breath bacteria that build up while you’re sleeping.
•May help you chill out. When you get stressed out, do not be so quick to reach for those prescription pills. You may be able to chill out and return to that state of Zen by boosting your vitamin C levels first thing in the morning.
•Useful for reducing blood pressure.Lemons are not all about vitamin C and fiber. They also boast potassium, which is vital for flushing excessive sodium from the body.
•Boost your libido! The vitamin C content and hormone-balancing properties of this morning beverage can help lift your mood. This might be all it takes to boost your libido, without the need for that little blue pill.
•Gets you hydrated right out of the gate. Many people forget how important hydration is, especially after a seven or eight-hour sleep period with no water. Start your morning off right and get hydrated. The water, salt and zesty lemon will get your day off to the perfect start.
•An antioxidant powerhouse vital for, well, everything! Lemon offers up a wealth of vitamins and minerals, while Himalayan salt boosts your mineral and trace mineral levels even more. The antioxidant and detoxifying properties of lemon saltwater pack a powerful, free radical knockout punch.
•May improve your heart health.Lemons and real salt are both exceptional for increasing heart health on their own. However, when you combine the two into one vibrant morning drink, you get even more vital heart-thumping health benefits.
Natural salt supports electrochemical reactions in the body, while negative ions assist in healthy heart rhythm. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is, “associated with lower endothelial dysfunction in men with no history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes,” according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006).
•Promotes digestive health. A glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt before breakfast, or any meal, helps signal your liver to produce the essential bile needed to clean out harmful gut bacteria. The fiber content and natural salt will also promote digestion.
Are you ready to commit to this simple and health-promoting morning drink? I have been drinking warm lemon water with a little bit of Himalayan salt every morning for months, and I absolutely love it. My energy levels are up, and I feel as cool as a cucumber throughout the day.
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Mineral Swag Round 1: You Have to Lick the Rocks
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Halite and Calcite. They’re the bane of every Geology 101 student.
Here’s how to tell them apart!
Halite is salt. If you lick it, it’s salty! Halite is the mineral that makes all non-geologists go “Do you really lick rocks?” and you have to be like “Yes, it’s an important identification technique.” Anyway, I have personally licked and chewed several rocks, moving on. Halite has three directions of cleavage at 90 degrees, so halite forms little cubes. The table salt you have? Tiny cubes. It doesn’t have as cool of optical properties as calcite, but it’s the most classic seasoning.
Calcite is a carbonate mineral. It’s made of calcium and carbonate (CaCO3). It fizzes when you put acid on it (sometimes you can get it to fizz with just vinegar!). It has three directions of cleavage that are NOT at 90 degrees to each other. If you have a big enough and clear enough calcite sample, it will also show birefringence - it makes a double of anything you look at through the crystal! (Surprisingly, an optical calcite sample is pretty easy to acquire. They sell them at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History).
Both of these minerals also come in fun colors and shapes! Halite can of course be pink or red (like Himalayan Salt).
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Sometimes it creates salt casts in rock formations. These are basically imprints of halite cubes in sedimentary rocks that tell us that the rocks we're looking at were deposited somewhere with a lot of salt! (Think the Dead Sea or the Great Salt Lake). Halite crystals might end up on the bottom of these bodies of water and get stuck in the substrate. Later, after the substrate has lithified (turned to rock), the halite will dissolve and leave these casts or imprints behind.
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Calcite also comes in different colors like this yellow-orange color, and it can also form scalenohedrons, a fun 12-sided diamond looking shape.
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This sample is from a mine in Elmwood, Tennessee, where yellow calcite and purple fluorite are often found together!
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simplesatisfying · 1 month
1000°C RHCB vs Corn + oil & Corn + Water .
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 year
This is just some notes on my fire Na’vi/ ash people, it’s a long post but with more detailed notes on not only the physical traits of the ash people but their culture as well.
The ears of the ash people are the largest proportionally of any Na’vi, evolved to be incredibly sensitive to sub-sonic frequencies and infrasound wavelengths due to their unstable volcanic biome. Fire Na’vi are able to hear the deep sounds of shifting tectonics and volcanism before the activity above ground begins, giving them the precious moments of preparation before disaster strikes.
But the size is due to their ability to sense changes in air pressure and temperature, useful when crossing land filled with geysers that spur deadly volcanic gases and boiling water. This also enables them to cross lava flows by being able to sense where the lava has cooled enough that it is safe to walk across.
The children of the ash people possess almost comically large ears that they eventually grow into, though compared to most Na’vi sub-species these are still enormous. Mother’s warn that an eavesdropping child’s ears will remain that size if they spread gossip from home.
The fire Na’vi have evolved extremely tough skin upon the soles of there feet that makes walking through fields of sharp volcanic rock and burning hot earth a literal walk in the park. The skin is toughened even more over the life of a fire Na’vi, so much so that even obsidian blades have difficulty causing anything more than superficial/cosmetic damage, it would be very unlikely one would notice if they stepped on a pile of broken glass or Lego piece.
The feet can still sense pressure and temperature but the pain receptors within the sole of the foot are buried a ways beneath the skin, the pain would more likely be registered higher up the foot and ankle before that pain would register on the sole. This is how many Na’vi who are unfortunate enough to step into hot lava can withstand the pain long enough to make a break for safety, though there can be several disabled clan members at any time who are usually the eldest members.
Claws and teeth:
The fire Na’vi are among the few Na’vi to evolve claws, though these ‘claws’ are naturally not as sharp as the ash people prefer them through usage of abrasive volcanic minerals to sharpen and file their nails, both a practical and aesthetic practice.
Their teeth share a similar origin, as the remote region that the ash people reside is sparser in edible vegetation than most of the biomes of Pandora. This encouraged a primarily carnivorous diet and a high dependence on hunting culture, though they have begun to develop agricultural practices similar to those of early humans maintaining and keeping groups of animals for various uses (though ultimately all to be eaten once any other value has been exhausted). These include their giant tortoise-like companions - the Ku’tarūn- that, much like the Yak’s of Himalayan communities, act as beasts of burden alongside smaller creatures including the - Víltabä - a goose/turkey-ish animal prized for their impressively coloured, soft plumages and delicate sweet flesh.
Skin and tails:
The Ash people have a dulled purple toned skin with dark sharp stripes that cover them completely, these stripes can also sometimes form crude spiral shapes which are considered very attractive and are used by the Tsahìk to interpret Eywa’s will/intentions for that person. For example: a Spiral over their heart signifies a strong and a deep loyalty to their clan & family, a spiral on their face signifies knowledge & desire for clarity, and finally a spiral on the hands or forearm signifies dexterity and a steady hand; this being the mark of master-craftsman and healers.
The tails of the ash people are evolved from the forest Na’vi tail tufts, the Keratin of the hair forming into hard plates that run along the length of the tail and cluster into a club-like structure at the end. This makes the end of the tail quite heavy but also makes it a very powerful weapon to stun and kill prey, as the muscles are well developed, as a result the tail is nearly 3-4 times thicker than an Omaticayan’s. Though this has made the tails less useful as emotive displays, as the tail is not dexterous enough to curl like a forest na’vi’s would, the stiffness more akin to the tails of the Metkayina and Ta’unui clans, but such limitations have been made up by their emotive display provided by their ears.
Culture notes:
The fire Na’vi do not possess a Tsahìk the same way that other clans do. Instead there are 3 Na’vi who share the title in different levels of authority and responsibility; an ‘Elder’, an ‘Adult’ and a ‘Child’, these three individuals interpret the will of Eywa together, each adding a piece to determine the overall bigger picture. Primarily their roles are of a medicinal nature, keepers of knowledge and traditions of the community, often this role is more respected to have the final say over the clan’s Olo’Eyktan/Eykte who is expected to seek counsel with all 3 before any important decision such as relocation and rallying war cry. No Tsahìk is expected to be be the mate of the Olo’Eyktan, such only occurring once of twice in the ash people’s long history.
The volatile nature of their home has made having more than one Tsahìk a necessity as there have been catastrophic events wherein all but one of the three have died, leaving the clan’s well-being to one. Because of this all three Tsahìk being together at once is an uncommon occurrence, except during confluences with Eywa, consultations with the Olo’Eyktan and clan wide announcements such as a change of Olo’Eyktan. It is their responsibility to chose who the future Olo’Eyktan to be trained will be based upon the will of Eywa, but unforeseen challengers may come to defy/interrupt their decision.
The roles of the three Tsahìk are:
Elder: To Teach
- the Elder is charged with passing on their knowledge to the next generation and ensure that the guidance of the other Tsahìk are being enacted correctly, when the Adult ascends to the position of elder they take a step back from the clan and frequently make more pilgrimages to the heart of Eywa (their tree of souls), but will also travel alone on a spiritual journey if needed for several months. The Elder is charged with teaching the Child everything they need to know about becoming the Adult when they pass. When this time grows near the Elder and Adult will take pilgrimages together to solidify the transfer of knowledge that the Adult needs to become the elder.
Adult: To Heal
- the job of doctor and spiritual guide lies with the middle Tsahìk, they are the most hands on within the clan and are the one who is responsible for not only the physical but for the spiritual well-being of the clan. The Adult remains with the majority of the clan at all times but the pilgrimages to the heart of Eywa. They comfort and prepare the elderly, dying and sick to be ready to join Eywa, essentially becoming the mother figure within the clan (regardless of gender) who will care for and serve the tribe any way they can.
Child: To See
- their role is to become immersed in their environment and learn to listen to Eywa’s voice, often it is the child who offers the clearest view of Eywa’s will, at this time the youngest Tsahìk is there to listen and observe the world and the people. The Child will learn how to care for the bodies of the clan from the Adult (medicine) and the learn spiritual side from the Elder.
An important note is that many Tsahìk never have children of their own, especially the females, though it is not forbidden to take a mate and have a family. It is just extremely difficult as the Tsahìk’s entire purpose & duty is to the clan as a whole, they must never prioritise their own family over the clan who is ultimately the Tsahìk’s ‘true’ family. The Elder, Adult and Child are almost never related, even as cousins but they operate their relationships together like a grandparent, parent and child would despite this.
The Child will remain being called so until they ascend to the position of the Adult, even if they are physically an adult and have been recognised by the clan as one, due to the Elder refusing to kick the bucket and staying alive preventing the transfer of titles.
The role of Olo’Eyktan is determined by right of combat, the current head of the clan may be challenged at anytime for the position and the winner of the fight may decide the losers fate (often death if they have not perished already). The transfer of power is often more orderly however as a future Olo’Eyktan is often chosen for many years through the ruling of the 3 Tsahìk, wherein a trial of combat is performed more ceremonially but remains as a real fight for the new leader to prove their right to take the title.
Being the child of Olo’Eyktan does not mean the position is guaranteed, their children are often passed over for someone else so as not to create lineages of inherited power in the hands of those that may not be the best to handle it. There have been short lineages but no more than a 4 generation streak but, after many generations old lines may regain their authority again as they are called by Eywa to lead.
The Eyktan/Chief is the moral core and father (regardless of gender) of the clan, they are the protector and shoulders who bear the burdens and woes of the clan. Its up to them to keep the clan moving and safe, to ensure that they have enough food and that the 3 Tsahìk are well and performing their duties.
The Heart of Eywa:
The fire Na’vi make a once a year pilgrimage to their tree of souls, which they call ‘the heart of Eywa’ which lies within ancient stone ruins in the most dangerously volcanic area of the region. This is why they visit very infrequently due to the risks associated, there is always at least one death either on the way or returning. Half of the clan will travel during the summer, this being the elderly and weakest of the clan as there is more light and food available to make the trip easier on them, being lead by the Elder Tsahìk. The other and larger half is lead in the winter by the adult, a harsher journey that ultimately is believed to incur a greater connection with Eywa, the harsher the trip the deeper the connection. The child may chose to accompany either party but is encouraged to travel with the winter group more as they draw closer to becoming ‘the adult’.
The ash people possess no ‘lesser’ site to connect with Eywa like the Omatikaya’s tree of voices, the tress are unable to grow to the size needed to have an established site before they are destroyed by the shifting flows of lava and shaking ground. It is considered a great sign of favour and blessing by Eywa to find even one of these trees that are old enough to establish Tsaheylu, often such things are tales from lone hunters separated from their hunting parties who claim to have been given sanctuary by Eywa, when on the verge of death.
Blacksmithing and glass work:
The fire Na’vi believe that the 3 laws of Eywa do not apply to them in the same way of other Na’vi. The mountains that spew forth the metals of the earth are interpreted as Eywa’s gifts to use and refining that metal into weapons & tools is their way of showing the great mother that her gifts are being used to enrich their lives.
They do not dig quarries or mine in any capacity but drift among many volcanic lava flows to harvest their materials, this includes metals, sands and glass that are found most commonly along the shorelines. The glass is melted into many shapes and most often into glass beads that the ash people wear alongside bones of hunts and war won by right of the victor, as well as the plentiful obsidian used for both weapons and decoration.
As such the ash people are in between their bronze and Iron Age, having fashion many tools and weapons, being among the few Na’vi to eat using a two pronged fork and spoon as opposed to just their hands (though they still do it plenty). They have basic long swords about the length of a tall human as well as several iterations of spears, halberds and pikes, though most importantly are their shields that combine wood, animal hide and metal that can even withstand gunfire from an AMP suit.
In the ash people’s territory there are several permanent structures made of stone, on the edges of volcanic faults with access to lava, which are the homes and workshops of the Ash clan Blacksmiths. These master craftsmen Na’vi live solitary and dangerous lives as they are located far from any one clan’s position for the majority of their time there, they are affiliated with no particular tribe and are regarded as having no allegiance but to the ash people as a whole. Na’vi children will make pilgrimages to these locations for one of their adulthood rites, which is to craft a weapon or object of their choice to aid them in their roles in the clan as adults. Because of their close proximity to the volcanoes these Na’vi are both the most knowledgable of and at the highest risk to them, that makes Na’vi who want to become Tsyokx’Layompin- ‘blackened hands’ a rarity but at least one pursues the path each generations and leaves their home tribe to become a clanless Na’vi who will provide their services to anyone with something to trade for it.
Disabilities and illness:
The dangers of their lifestyle as war-waging warriors and the innate dangers of the land they call home, leave many with disfiguring scars and altered bodies. Lost limbs, gas/ash burnt eyes and blown out eardrums are amongst the most common injuries seen in the clans. These Na’vi are seen as no lesser by their tribesmen, they are cared for; even if they cannot move much, they are given tasks that are manageable despite any handicap they may have. Some of their best weavers are among the blind who have lost their sight to hot ash and boiling geyser gases and many amputees still go on hunting parties from the backs of their mounts. Though many chose to become aids to the Tsahik, many become storytellers or singers/musicians finding new purpose in bringing joy to their clan.
Deafness is something the clans are most familiar with, the ear splitting eruptions all around them often leaves their elderly very hard of hearing, and entire clans have gone deaf from being too close to an eruption at the wrong time. So the ash people possess their own dialect of sign language, completely separate and distinct from the underwater hand signals of the reef people. If the two tried talking it would be like a French person speaking to a Japanese person, no linguistic similarities or cultural overlap to be found.
When a baby is born the parents will write and sing a song to them, acting as a guiding light for the rest of their lives to be sung in times of hardship or desiring comfort, it’s called their ‘soul song’. This process is a very private affair but the Child Tsahìk will be brought in to take a spiritual measure of the newborn which will aid in establishing their song’s theme. This could be a reading of a warrior, fighter, a guide, mischief-maker, healer or any number of things. This initial reading is also often used to help determine the child’s name which is announced at the end of their soul song, to be sung by both parents in front of the clan when officially introducing the baby.
The mother and father will be expected to remain in the family’s hut for a month to write the song and then introduce the baby at the end of that period, the clan is as such expected to provide for the new family by way of food, water and other gifts like materials to make baby clothes and beads for all of their songcords. Family may stay in the hut but non-related members of the clan are not allowed to linger in their space, only staying long enough to give their good wishes and drop off any offerings. The amount of goodwill a family receives will range from basic necessities like food and water to lavish offerings of many gifts depending upon how well liked and valued the parents are within the clan. For the ash people actions speak far louder than any words ever could.
When the Ash people die the body is bound in woven grass, decorated in the beads and any significant possessions of the person. The funeral ceremony is held within the centre of the village for the whole clan to gather and mourn, once the ceremony is over the family members or close friends will carry the body and lead by a Tsahìk to the nearest lake of lava, where the body will be returned to Eywa by laying them into the flow (if possible). Once the body is laid, the family will sing their song cord as the body is burned and returned to Eywa.
When the body can’t be recovered a ceremony will still take place within the village but a binding of their possessions wrapped around a block of obsidian will be carried to the lake in lieu of a body. The obsidian being used as it refers to the fire na’vi’s creation story, wherein Eywa placed a piece of her own fire inside a block of obsidian which she then carved into their form and sent it to the surface through the eruptions of the mountains.
Toruk Makto and the ruin of the ash people:
Amongst the first songs of the ash people that they were once a thriving and grand people, before their nomadic ways they possessed a village that surpassed all other upon Eywa’eveng, grand structures of stone erected by the people, the most important of which was the temple built around their spirit tree as a monument to Eywa. The land was lush and green with abundance, though not all natural, forged into shape by the ash people to feed their people. Unlike the clans of today, who number at 300 in a flux with the balance, the ash people numbered in the hundreds of thousands, their lives enriched by the land.
To give thanks to Eywa, they sacrificed the captured warriors of conflicts - their lives now forfeit - to the great mother, taking them to the temple and using their blood to water their tree of souls. The effect of communing with the tree during these rituals was said to give visions of immense clarity and provide a greater avenue to their speak with their ancestor’s at far greater length. This extended into raiding more and more villages, taking non-warriors and sacrificing them to Eywa, a relentless torrent of blood and death followed the fire clans and left nothing but ashes in their wake.
But then, as if hearing the call of the dead whose blood watered the tree, the first Toruk Makto arose and United all other clans to destroy the ash people, nearly all of whom were wiped from the world and their cities left in ruins to be reclaimed by the great mother in a long stretch of violent volcanic activity that goes on to this day. The ruins of the once grand city have been nearly all reclaimed by Eywa’s fire except for the temple and a few of its surrounding structures, including two enormous Na’vi statues around the entrance, though they have been immensely eroded in the millennia since their destruction.
The ash people of today still sing these songs and their contempt for the one who carries the mantle of Toruk Makto. Their songs singing of the one who will eventually get their revenge upon Toruk Makto as the ‘Bringer of Toruk’s Head’, though this has yet to have happened. The ash people still practice these ritual blood sacrifices & offerings with captured warriors, which is performed during the winter pilgrimage to the Heart of Eywa, though of course the scale pales in comparison to the height of the ash people’s power.
Other Na’vi clans remember the song of the first Toruk Makto as the uniting of the clans to stop a volcano from erupting, but fail to remember that it was not literal and was instead the clan of the volcanoes that was defeated. But the ash people never forgot.
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shopnirvasa · 1 year
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healthsynergynow · 7 days
Shilajit and Weight Loss: A Natural Solution for Shedding Pounds
Shilajit, a natural resin that oozes from the cracks of rocks in the Himalayan mountains, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its potent healing properties. In recent years, Shilajit and weight loss connection with it has surged in popularity in modern wellness circles, particularly in relation to weight loss. But how exactly does Shilajit contribute to shedding pounds, and why is it becoming a go-to supplement for those looking to lose weight naturally?
What is Shilajit?
Shilajit is a mineral-rich substance that forms over centuries through the decomposition of plant material. Packed with essential nutrients like fulvic acid, humic acid, and more than 80 trace minerals, Shilajit is celebrated for its ability to boost energy, enhance physical performance, and improve overall well-being. Its unique composition not only supports bodily functions but also has a profound impact on metabolism, which is key to weight loss.
How Shilajit Aids Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, Shilajit can be a game-changer. Here’s how it works:
Boosts Metabolism One of the primary ways Shilajit supports weight loss is by improving metabolic function. A faster metabolism means your body can burn calories more efficiently, even at rest. The fulvic acid present in Shilajit helps transport nutrients directly into cells, optimizing energy production and increasing fat-burning potential.
Enhances Energy Levels Fatigue and low energy are common barriers to weight loss. People often struggle to stick to workout routines or maintain a healthy lifestyle due to a lack of energy. Shilajit combats this by enhancing mitochondrial function, which is crucial for energy production. More energy means you’re more likely to stay active, burn calories, and lose weight.
Reduces Inflammation Chronic inflammation can hinder weight loss by disrupting hormonal balance and increasing fat storage. Shilajit is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, helping the body reduce inflammation, which in turn supports better metabolic function and aids weight loss.
Regulates Appetite Shilajit may also help regulate appetite by balancing hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which are responsible for hunger and satiety. By controlling these hormones, Shilajit can prevent overeating and help maintain a calorie deficit, which is essential for losing weight.
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Other Benefits of Shilajit for Overall Health
In addition to supporting weight loss, Shilajit offers numerous other health benefits:
Improves Digestion: By enhancing nutrient absorption, Shilajit supports a healthy digestive system, which is important for weight management.
Detoxifies the Body: Shilajit helps flush out toxins from the body, aiding in better overall health and wellness.
Supports Hormonal Balance: Hormonal imbalances can lead to weight gain. Shilajit helps regulate hormones, improving both mood and physical well-being.
How to Use Shilajit for Weight Loss
Shilajit is typically available in resin or powder form. For best results, it’s recommended to take a small amount of Shilajit daily—usually a pea-sized amount of the resin or a recommended dosage of the powder, mixed with water or milk. Consistent use over time, combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help optimize the benefits of Shilajit for weight loss.
However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Shilajit and weight loss are a natural combination that many people are turning to in their journey toward better health. Its ability to boost metabolism, enhance energy levels, reduce inflammation, and regulate appetite makes it a powerful ally in weight management. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, Shilajit can support sustainable, long-term weight loss while offering numerous additional health benefits. If you’re looking for a natural way to aid your weight loss efforts, Shilajit might be the solution you’ve been searching for.
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nubyclear · 5 months
Natural Alkaline Mineral Water - NU By Clear
The NU By Clear story began amidst the ancient Himalayas, a testament to the purity and timelessness of nature’s bounty. Carrying the essence of the majestic Himalayan range, NU By Clear is a reflection of the pristine origins it springs from. Over two decades, our water, sourced from the heart of the Himalayas, embarks on a journey, flowing through the untainted landscapes and natural filters of the Himalayan terrain.
With every drop, NU By Clear Alkaline Mineral Water undergoes a natural purification process as it traverses through layers of Himalayan minerals and pristine alluvial deposits. This journey ensures that each sip retains the unadulterated essence of nature, in line with the most rigorous international standards for purity and quality.
NU By Clear boasts a pH range of 7.4 to 7.5, imbued naturally by alkaline minerals and bicarbonates found abundantly in the Himalayan terrain. This alkaline pH not only offers a refreshing taste but also provides a plethora of health benefits, including immunity-boosting properties, antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory characteristics, and prevention against chronic ailments.
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luckystorein22 · 2 years
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         How To Check Purity Of Shilajit
Several things have been said about Shilajit. The Himalayan region, which includes parts of Afghanistan, Tibet, Asia, India, and northern Chile, is where this herb is primarily found naturally. This plant is well known for its adaptogenic and antioxidant properties. Because of Ayurveda's numerous benefits, may brands have entered the market as interest in it has grown. Selecting a brand to buy is frequently a challenging choice for customers. This article will explain how to check the purity of shilajit.
What is shilajit
Shilajit is a naturally occurring resin with two distinct colors: brown and black. It is created by the centuries-long breakdown of plants, minerals, and animals under intense heat and pressure. This substance contains fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and humic acid and offers various benefits
How to check purity of shilajit
This substance is available under many different brands, but it is impossible to determine which are genuine. Two methods are available for checking it: one is simple, requires little equipment and ingredients, and can be done at home; the other is large-scale and requires significant investment in machinery and other resources.
Home based test
Below are a few tests which can be done at home with minimum equipment and ingredient
Solubility test procedure
You will need shilajit, which you have, and water at room temperature for this test. It is necessary to thoroughly dissolve shilajit in water; if the mixture is mixed and no residue remains, giving you a golden or dark brown tint, then your shilajit is authentic; otherwise, it is not
2. Burn test procedure
Gas and the flame shilajit you will use are required for this test. Put this product on a fire. It might not be the original shilajit if it emits excessive smoke and leaves a large amount of residue after burning. The original will burn with the most negligible ash and without emitting smoke.
3. Pliability test procedure
The shilajit you were considering utilizing for this experiment will also need to be added to your refrigerator. After putting it in the fridge, mold your shilajit into a different form for a few minutes. The original shilajit becomes sticky and brittle when shaped by hand.
4. Color test procedure
Colour is an excellent way to determine Shilajit's purity. The original Shilajit was dark and brown. A different color could result from contaminants. 
5. Acid test procedure
 This test requires weak acid and the product itself. Add vinegar or another mild acid to shilajit. A pure shilajit will not react violently; it will dissolve. If it fizzes or reacts strongly, additives or impurities may be present.
Large scale test
Spectroscopic analysis
This analysis identifies the chemical makeup of the shilajit you own. Although the chemical makeup of the impure form will differ, these tests cannot be carried out at home. The right lab and equipment are needed to perform this test.
2. Chromatography technique
Compounds in shilajit are separated and identified using thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. These techniques help guarantee that products are free of impurities and contain the anticipated bioactive compounds.
3. Heavy metal testing
These tests determine whether mercury, arsenic, or metals are present in shilajit. Not all of these compounds are present in the original shilajit because they are not beneficial to health.
4. Microbiological testing
Using methods like microbial culture or PCR, tests are carried out for bacteria, fungi, and pathogens to make sure that these natural herbs are safe to consume
5. Standardization
This test ensures that the product meets all safety standards and is safe to consume by all age groups.
Shilajit contains a wealth of minerals, vitamins, and fulvic acid. This semi-liquid resin compound offers several advantages, including improving physical endurance, immunity, energy, sexual function, heart health, muscle gain, etc. As previously mentioned, several methods exist to determine if this compound is original. Please take note that consuming shilajit raw can have adverse effects on your health. Additionally, it is crucial to see a doctor before taking any brand of shilajit in any quantity.
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Hot Springs at Kheerganga: A Perfect Reward for Your Trek!
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The trek to Kheerganga, nestled in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, is not just about the journey through lush forests and panoramic views of the Himalayas; it's also about the rewarding experience that awaits you at the top. After hours of trekking, the natural hot springs at Kheerganga offer a blissful retreat for weary hikers. Kheerganga Camping offers these renowned hot springs, revered for their therapeutic properties, provide a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind amidst the stunning backdrop of snow-capped peaks and verdant valleys. Taking a dip in the warm, mineral-rich waters feels like a well-deserved reward, making the entire trek an even more memorable adventure.
What's the Best Time to Plan Kheerganga Trek Camping?
The best time to plan the Kheerganga trek camping is from May to June and September to November. During these periods, the weather is pleasant, with clear skies and moderate temperatures, making the trek more enjoyable. In the spring and early summer, the landscape is lush and vibrant, with blooming flowers adding to the scenic beauty. The post-monsoon season in September to November is equally rewarding, as the trails are refreshed by the rains, and the views of the snow-capped peaks are at their most striking. While winter treks are possible, the trail can be challenging due to snow, and the cold can be intense. Therefore, late spring and autumn are ideal times for both comfort and stunning views on the Kheerganga Trek.
Kheerganga Trek Overview:
Location: Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India
Starting Point: Barshaini Village (near Kasol)
Altitude: Kheerganga trek height is approximately 2,960 meters (9,710 feet)
Trek Distance: Around 12 kilometers (one way)
Duration: 5 to 6 hours (one way)
Difficulty: Moderate
Best Time to Visit: May to June and September to November
What to Expect from Kheerganga Trek
The Kheerganga Trek offers a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and a sense of adventure. Here's what you can expect:
Scenic Landscapes: The trek takes you through dense forests, with tall pine trees, lush greenery, and occasional waterfalls. The trail offers stunning views of the Parvati Valley, with snow-capped peaks visible in the distance.
Charming Villages: Along the way, you’ll pass through traditional Himalayan villages like Kalga, Pulga, and Rudra Nag. These villages provide a glimpse into the local culture and a chance to interact with the friendly villagers.
Moderate Difficulty: The trek is moderately challenging, with some steep sections, especially near the end. However, it's manageable for beginners with decent fitness. The well-marked trail makes it easier to navigate, even for first-timers.
Hot Springs at the Summit: The highlight of the trek is the natural hot springs at Kheerganga. After a long hike, soaking in the warm, mineral-rich waters is a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate. The hot springs are believed to have therapeutic properties.
Camping Experience: Most trekkers choose to camp overnight at Kheerganga. Several campsites are offering basic accommodations, with tents set up under the starry Himalayan sky. It’s a peaceful experience, far from the noise of the city.
Varied Terrain: Expect to trek through a variety of terrains, from forested paths to open meadows and rocky sections. The trail is diverse, keeping the journey interesting and engaging.
Weather Conditions: The weather can vary, with cool temperatures at the top, especially in the evening. It's important to carry layers to stay warm, particularly if you're camping overnight.
Spiritual Vibe: Kheerganga is also a place of spiritual significance. The area is associated with Lord Shiva, and many believe that the hot springs were created by the deity. This adds a spiritual element to the trek, making it a reflective and enriching experience.
The Kheerganga trek package has the best hot springs providing the ultimate reward for your trekking efforts, offering physical relaxation and a sense of spiritual rejuvenation. As you soak in the warm, mineral-rich waters, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas, all the fatigue from the trek melts away, leaving you refreshed and revitalized. This serene experience, combined with the stunning natural scenery and the tranquility of the mountains, makes the Kheerganga Trek a truly unforgettable adventure. 
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weightlosspeak354 · 17 days
Warm Salt Water: A Simple Health Boost. Drinking warm salt water, especially in the morning, can be a great way to start your day. It helps with hydration, balances electrolytes, and supports digestion by stimulating digestive enzymes. This simple drink also aids in detoxification, maintains your body’s pH balance, and can even promote better sleep due to the minerals in the salt. Just mix 1/4 teaspoon of natural sea salt or Himalayan pink salt in warm water, stir, and sip slowly.
Remember to use natural salt and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any health conditions.
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gorakhshilajit · 22 days
Discover the Ancient Power of Himalayan Shilajit
In the heart of the majestic Himalayas lies a treasure that has been revered for centuries: Shilajit. Known as "the destroyer of weakness" in ancient Ayurvedic texts, Shilajit is a potent natural substance that has been used to enhance vitality, energy, and overall health. At Gorakh.in, we are proud to offer you the purest and most authentic Himalayan Shilajit, directly sourced from the pristine heights of the Himalayas.
What is Himalayan Shilajit?
Himalayan Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance that oozes from the rocks in the high-altitude mountains of the Himalayas. Formed over centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants and minerals, this rare substance is rich in fulvic acid, humic acid, and over 80 essential minerals. These unique components are what make Shilajit such a powerful natural supplement.
The Benefits of Himalayan Shilajit
Shilajit has been celebrated for its wide range of health benefits. Whether you're looking to boost your energy, enhance mental clarity, or support your overall well-being, Shilajit offers a natural way to achieve your wellness goals.
1. Boosts Energy and Stamina
One of the most well-known benefits of Shilajit is its ability to increase energy levels and improve physical performance. Shilajit enhances mitochondrial function, which is crucial for energy production in the body. Regular consumption can lead to increased stamina, making it an ideal supplement for athletes and those with active lifestyles.
2. Enhances Mental Clarity and Focus
Shilajit is not just about physical benefits; it also plays a significant role in enhancing cognitive functions. The fulvic acid in Shilajit aids in the transportation of essential nutrients into the brain, improving memory, concentration, and mental clarity. This makes it an excellent natural supplement for students, professionals, and anyone looking to sharpen their mind.
3. Supports Healthy Aging
Aging is a natural process, but Shilajit can help slow down its effects. The antioxidants found in Shilajit fight free radicals, which are one of the primary causes of aging. Additionally, it supports healthy cell regeneration and can improve skin elasticity, leading to a more youthful appearance.
4. Promotes Detoxification
In today's world, our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from the environment, food, and water. Shilajit helps detoxify the body by removing heavy metals and other harmful substances. Its fulvic acid content enhances nutrient absorption, ensuring that your body gets the most out of the food and supplements you consume.
5. Strengthens the Immune System
A robust immune system is essential for overall health, and Shilajit can play a crucial role in keeping it strong. Shilajit boosts the production of immune cells, helping the body fight off infections and diseases. Regular use can lead to fewer illnesses and a greater sense of well-being.
6. Supports Reproductive Health
Shilajit has been used traditionally to support reproductive health in both men and women. In men, it can increase testosterone levels, improving fertility and sexual health. In women, it can help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause.
Why Choose Himalayan Shilajit from Gorakh.in?
When it comes to Shilajit, purity and authenticity are paramount. At Gorakh.in, we ensure that our Himalayan Shilajit is of the highest quality, offering you a product that is 100% natural, pure, and free from any additives or contaminants.
1. Sourced from the High Himalayas
Our Shilajit is harvested from the remote and pristine regions of the Himalayas, where the environment is untouched by pollution. This ensures that our Shilajit retains its full potency and purity, providing you with the best nature has to offer.
2. Rigorous Quality Control
At Gorakh.in, we adhere to strict quality control measures to ensure that you receive only the finest Shilajit. Each batch is meticulously tested for purity, potency, and safety, so you can trust that you are getting a product that is both effective and safe.
3. Sustainably Harvested
We are committed to sustainable and ethical practices. Our Shilajit is harvested in a way that respects the environment and ensures the continued availability of this precious resource for future generations.
4. Easy to Use
Our Shilajit is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply dissolve a small amount in warm water, tea, or milk, and consume it once or twice a day. The earthy taste is a reminder of its natural origin, and the benefits you will experience are worth it.
How to Incorporate Himalayan Shilajit into Your Wellness Routine
Incorporating Shilajit into your daily routine is simple and straightforward. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
1. Start with a Small Dose
If you're new to Shilajit, start with a small dose to see how your body reacts. A pea-sized amount (about 300-500 mg) is sufficient for most people. You can gradually increase the dosage as your body becomes accustomed to it.
2. Take it Daily
Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of Shilajit. Take it daily for at least 2-3 months to see significant improvements in your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall health.
3. Combine with Other Supplements
Shilajit works well when combined with other natural supplements. For example, combining it with Ashwagandha can enhance its stress-relieving properties, while pairing it with turmeric can boost its anti-inflammatory effects.
4. Listen to Your Body
Everyone's body is different, so it's essential to listen to yours. If you feel any discomfort or unusual symptoms, reduce the dosage or consult with a healthcare professional.
Himalayan Shilajit is more than just a supplement; it's a gateway to enhanced vitality, energy, and overall well-being. At Gorakh.in, we are dedicated to providing you with the purest and most potent Shilajit available, so you can experience the transformative benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic remedy.
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shopsaltlamps · 22 days
The Benefits and Appeal of Himalayan Salt Lamps
Himalayan salt lamp have surged in popularity over the past few years, celebrated not only for their unique aesthetic but also for their purported health benefits. These captivating pieces, often glowing with a warm, amber light, are more than just decorative items. Let's explore what makes Himalayan salt lamps so intriguing, including their origins, benefits, and considerations for use.
Origins and Composition
Himalayan salt lamps are crafted from pink Himalayan salt, which is extracted from ancient salt deposits in the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. This salt is known for its purity and mineral content, having formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient oceans. Each lamp is carved from a solid block of this mineral-rich salt, and a light bulb is placed inside to illuminate the lamp and enhance its natural glow.
Health Benefits
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Proponents of Himalayan salt lamps claim various health benefits, although scientific evidence is still limited. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits:
Air Purification: Salt lamps are believed to act as natural air purifiers. When heated, the salt emits negative ions, which are said to attract and neutralize pollutants such as dust, pollen, and cigarette smoke. These ions are thought to counteract positive ions from electronic devices, potentially improving air quality.
Reduced Allergies and Asthma Symptoms: Some users report a reduction in allergy and asthma symptoms due to the improved air quality and reduced pollutants. The negative ions emitted by the lamp may help in reducing symptoms by neutralizing airborne allergens.
Enhanced Mood and Sleep: The warm, soothing light of a Himalayan salt lamp is often praised for its calming effects. Many people find that the soft, amber glow creates a tranquil environment conducive to relaxation, stress relief, and better sleep.
Improved Skin Health: The mineral content of Himalayan salt is sometimes said to benefit skin health. The lamp’s heat may release minerals into the air, which can be absorbed by the skin, potentially offering some therapeutic effects.
Aesthetic Appeal
Beyond their potential health benefits, Himalayan salt lamps are highly valued for their distinctive appearance. Each lamp has a unique color and texture, adding a touch of natural elegance to any room. The warm, amber light they emit creates a cozy, inviting atmosphere that can enhance interior décor.
Considerations for Use
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While Himalayan salt lamps are often praised for their aesthetic and health benefits, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:
Moisture Absorption: Salt is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture from the air. In humid environments, a salt lamp may develop a damp surface or even sweat. To mitigate this, ensure proper ventilation around the lamp and consider using a lamp cover.
Placement: Place the lamp in a location where it can effectively contribute to the ambiance and air quality of the room. Avoid placing it in areas with high humidity or direct exposure to water.
Cleaning and Maintenance: Keep the lamp clean by wiping it with a dry cloth to remove dust. Avoid using water or cleaning solutions, as salt can dissolve.
Himalayan salt lamps offer more than just a beautiful glow; they carry a promise of various health benefits and contribute to a relaxing environment. While the scientific evidence supporting all of their claimed benefits may not be robust, many people enjoy the aesthetic appeal and calming effect of these lamps. Whether you’re drawn to their potential health benefits or simply their unique charm, a Himalayan salt lamp can be a lovely addition to your home, enhancing both ambiance and well-being.
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