hir02fic · 1 year
After Kissing
I wrote this years ago, just now getting around to posting. NSFW.
Outside, a cocoon of darkness had settled over Mistilteinn. Inside, Zero Two’s room was lit only by a few scattered candles that Ichigo and Goro had rationed out to everyone. Though everyone was uneasy because Papa and the rest of the adults had abandoned them, the survivalist lifestyle they had made for themselves seemed to suit them. Zero Two tookhad taken to it especially well: Hiro had never seen her as happy as she had been over the past few weeks.
Now Hiro watched as the light flickered and danced over Zero Two’s features as she worked diligently on coloring their new picture book. She looked so content that Hiro almost did not want to interrupt her, but there had been something on his mind and it seemed as good a time as any to ask.
"Zero Two, can I ask you something?"
"Anything." She replied without hesitation. She looked up from her drawing, granting him her full attention.
"That day by the lake you said you would show me... -- what does come after kissing?"
She startled at the question and looked away from him, face reddening.
"Darling, you pervert!” She mumbled. “You've been thinking of that this whole time?"
"Well..." it was Hiro's turn to blush. He remembered that day by the lake, how strange it made him feel to have her body pressed against him. Strange, but not bad. It had been intriguing. Good, yet frightening at the same time. The way she acted back then had scared him. It was as though she was trying to push him away even as she was physically bringing him closer. But now that they really knew each other again, he wondered...
"Well, ah - I was just curious. You don’t have to tell me."
"No, I will. It's...something very special." She said, her eyes fixed on the floor. "It's like a kiss, but with your whole body."
"A hug?"
"Sort of. But different."
Hiro shifted uncomfortably, his skin grew warm as Zero two explained to him what 'after kissing' entailed. She told him it was a ritual, of sorts, people from long ago sometimes did to affirm their love for each other, and bring each other great pleasure.
"A ritual of love..." Hiro repeated softly after she finished. He tried to imagine what it would be like for himself and Zero Two to fit their bodies together the way she had described. It sounded unreal - he almost couldn't believe it. And if it was so pleasurable, why did nobody do it anymore? Why didn't Papa want them to know about it? Then again, Papa did not seem to want them to know about 'love' at all… so he supposed it made sense that this ritual was kept from them. All he knew was that the idea made him feel things, made his body tingle like it had by the lake that day. Only this time he wasn’t afraid; he was excited.
"Do-do you want to try it?" Zero Two asked, looking at him for the first time in several minutes. Her face was still pink with embarrassment, but she held his gaze.
"Yes." He answered too quickly, then immediately backpedaled. "I-I mean... I love you, Zero Two. I want to be close to you. But if you don't want to, that's okay. I'm happy just being here with you. We don't need to do any rituals to be together."
"I want to be close to you too.” Zero Two whispered, looking down again. “I want to try it."
They fell silent for a moment. Hiro was not sure what to do. His insides fluttered with anticipation; he was pretty sure they were going to undress. He had never been given permission to look at a girl’s body before. The idea excited him. But he did not really know what he was doing, so he was hesitant to take the lead.
"So, um, what do we - "
"Here." Zero Two stood up, her drawing now long abandoned, and reached for his hand. She pulled him up off the ground, and for a moment they just stood there holding hands. Her skin was so warm and soft. She smiled at him, and he smiled back - he had never in his life done as much smiling as he had in the past few weeks. He was not sure he really knew happiness before he knew Zero Two.
With a deep breath Zero Two released his hands and unzipped her dress. She pushed it away and let it pool on the floor, standing before him only in underwear. She stopped and looked at him expectantly. It took him a moment to realize what she was waiting for, and then he set about removing his own clothes. The trappings of his uniform fell to his feet.
He flushed and nearly turned away when Zero Two starts to remove her underwear. He was not used to being allowed to look at a girl this way; it was embarrassing and forbidden.
"It's okay. I want you to look. I want you to see me, darling."
He knew she wasn't just talking about her body. He wasn't either when he remarked: "You're beautiful, Zero Two."
He could only stare, as captivated by her as he was that moment they first met. She was gorgeous, a sleek vision from the point of her horns all the way down to her toes. His abdomen tingled from just looking at her, his body awakening, tightening and moving as though drawn to her.
After a long moment Zero Two closed the distance between them and reached for his underwear, lifting and drawing it down his legs. He stepped out of them and looked down at himself, feeling self-conscious. He looked silly, especially between his legs. She was all soft, gentle curves and he was the opposite: harsh, awkward angles. He could feel her eyes on him. He waited for her laughter. Instead he felt her fingers on his chest. He jumped in surprise. Carefully, she traced his scar, the mark she had left on his heart.
"My darling." She whispered.
He looked up at her and the smile she gave him put the candlelight around them to shame. Taking both of his hands in hers, she led him to her bed. Pushing him down, she climbed into his lap and kissed him. Her naked body felt so good against his, delicate skin against skin. It was overwhelming. He wanted more. Letting his hands drop to her hips, Hiro pulled her closer, pressed his lips against hers harder.
“You taste different.” Zero Two told him after several kisses.
“I do?”
“You taste…” Licking her lips, she hummed in thought, “More like me.”
“Is that… good?”
“I think it’s just another sign that you’re changing.” Reaching out, she brushed a fingertip over one of his horn stubs. “I like it.”
She kissed him again, then cautiously explored and tasted his body. He wasn’t sure exactly why, but it made him feel amazing. His groin throbbed in the most delicious way when she touched between his legs. His skin was fire, his blood molten.
Eventually she took his hands and showed him how to touch her. She showed him how to caress all of her, even between her legs. His touches drew soft sighs and moans that made him ache.
Finally, when he felt so good he thought he could take no more, Zero Two pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Using her hands to guide him, she carefully took him inside of her. Hiro gasped. It was like connecting to her in Sterezlia but so much warmer. Heat and tingling focused in his torso and rippled all over his body. It was the most incredible he had ever felt. But when he looked up at Zero Two her teeth were gritted, brow knitted in concentration.
"Is this...hurting you?"
"A little." She admitted.
"Then stop!" Hiro exclaimed, alarmed. He reached for her waist and tried to lift her off of him, but it was no use; he didn’t have enough leverage. Besides, she was stronger than him. "Zero Two, move! I don't want to hurt you."
She looked eerily calm for someone in pain. He didn’t understand. Why wasn’t she upset?
Taking Hiro’s hands, Zero Two shook her head. The severity of her gaze stilled him.
"Darling, do you trust me?" Her voice was low, her eyes fixed on his.
"O-of course."
"Then just wait. Just another minute." She closed her eyes. "I knew this would happen. I-"
"I don't understand. I thought you said it was supposed to feel good." And for him it did. So very good. He didn't understand why it hurt her, but it didn't matter. He didn't care if he never felt this good again. It wasn’t worth it if it meant hurting her. Nothing was worth hurting her.
"It does, but it will stop. This sometimes happens during...during the first time." She hummed and pushed up with her feet. For a moment he thought she was going to get off of him, but then she let herself fall back down. She winced.
"H-hey, don't do that if it makes it worse!"
"Patience." She told him, and did it again. And again. And again. She sighed, "There, see? It doesn't hurt now."
Zero Two kept moving, gradually going faster. His eyes slipped closed. It was the most pleasurable sensation he had ever felt - warm and tight and tingling - and he let himself drown in it. In her.
Suddenly he felt Zero Two the gentle press of her breasts against his chest, her breath on his lips. He moaned, a deep contented sound he had never made before. She kissed him, mouth tasting of honey. When she pulled away he opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him, her green eyes sparkling with joy.
"Look, darling," she whispered, darting her eyes down to their joining, "we are one."
He followed her gaze, and his heart rate quickened at the sight.
"Wow." He breathed. Tears pricked at his eyes. The whole thing was surreal. The physical union of their bodies was, he felt, profoundly beautiful.
"Does it feel good?" Zero Two rested her forehead against his, her horns brushing against his own stubby ones. Sparks ignited at every point of contact between them. He ached with it.
"Amazing." he gasped, "But w-what about y-you?"
"Mhmm, it's wonderful." she purred. "But maybe it would be even better if--"
She seized one of his hands brought it down between them, just above where they were joined. As soon as he touched her, she gasped. With every movement she brushes slickly against his fingers, and soon she was making a whimpering he had never heard before.
"Zero Two, what's wrong? D-does it hurt again? " Concern was a bolt through the haze of his pleasure. He tried to move his hand away, but she shook her head and held it in place firmly.
"No! No, it doesn't h-hurt. It-it feels really, really good."
Hiro watched, enraptured, as Zero Two’s eyes closed and her face grew tight. Her movements were fluid, yet desperate, her body seeking something. Hiro’s own body was hurtling toward something too, he could sense it. They were at the precipice of something. With every movement, Hiro’s hips chased Zero Two’s. His heart pounded, faster and faster until he feared it would burst. Zero Two’s heartbeat kept time with his - he swore he could hear it. Their hearts beat and swelled together, his groin trobbed, and their hips moved, undulated, danced until Zero Two cried out, her body shivering and tightening around him and then he shook too as euphoria exploded behind his eyelids.
For several blissful breathless moments his groin pulsed, his breathing came in gasps, and he could almost feel something like the edge of his consciousness brushing against her’s. It was not a complete merge like in Sterezlia, but there was definitely something there - a sparking of two imperfect souls meeting.
“Zero Two…” Hiro murmured when he regained awareness of his surroundings. She lay beside him, head propped up on one arm, her free hand stroking his chest. His heartbeat slowed under her palm, as if calmed by her touch.
“Did you have fun, darling?” Her eyes glinted mischievously.
“Yeah. That was… wow. You’re amazing, Zero Two.”
“No, darling, we’re amazing.”
“Did you...like it too?”
“Mhmm.” Zero Two nodded, blushing.
Hiro yawned. He was suddenly very sleepy, his body heavy.
“Hey! What are you tired for? I did all the work!” She teased, smacking his arm with a grin.
“Dunno…” He mumbled. It was a struggle to keep his heavy eyelids open, but he didn’t want to stop looking at Zero Two. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body, making her skin glow in the candlelight. Her smile was wider and brighter than he had ever seen it, wrinkling around the edges of her eyes. The past few weeks had been the best of his life so far, yet this single moment blew the previous weeks away. Feeling welled up in his chest; he wanted to stay like this for the rest of his life. Forever. Just like he had promised her all those years ago in the woods.
“Zero Two… let’s get married.” He hadn’t thought it was possible for her smile to get any bigger, but she proved him wrong.
“Soon, darling. For now, sleep.” Brushing her hand over his face, she closed his eyes for him. Her lips pressed against his chest.
Lulled by the sound of Zero Two’s steady breathing next to him, Hiro let his heavy body drift toward sleep.
Just before he slipped into dreaming, he heard her whisper:
“Don’t worry, darling. We have forever.”
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albyee · 3 years
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Summer festival
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Zero Two: It's bollocks Hiro! Its your brand of bollocks from first to last.
Hiro: You can't ever see the big picture, you can't see ANY picture-
Zero Two: I am talking about something primal, alright? Savagery. Brutal, animal instinct!
Hiro: And that always wins out with you, you
know the human race has EVOLVED Zero Two!
Zero Two: Into a bunch of namby pamby self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to conquer pure aggressors
Hiro: We're bigger, we're smarter plus there's a thing called teamwork, NOT TO MENTION the superstitious terror of your "pure aggressors"
Zero Two: You just want it to be the way you want it to be
Goro: Sorry, is this something we should all be discussing?
Hiro: No.
Goro: It just sounds a little serious
Hiro: It was mostly...theoretical
Zero Two: We were just...Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
Goro: Wow...you've been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this
Hiro & Zero Two:...
Goro: Do the astronauts have weapons?
Hiro & Zero Two: No.
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wishstonedragon · 4 years
Missing Pages Update!!
I finally have more brain space to write. And a lot is now funneling into my DitF fic Missing Pages!
If you enjoyed the first 15 episodes of the anime, stop on by and have a read!
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shriikey · 6 years
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hiro’s blue eyeliner is hella rad!
never forget the dinokids
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sky-rhino · 6 years
Pitch for DitF Season 2
Revamp it as a slice of life anime featuring squad 13 living their day-to-day lives in the new world.  Mitsuru and Kokoro being adorable parents, Futoshi meeting and falling in love with Pistil Mom, more of Ikuno and Naomi’s relationship, some more in-depth characterization for Miku especially and also Zorome, and tales of Goro’s travels and deepening relationship with Ichigo?  Please please please
Could still have some realistic social drama of building a functional society from scratch.  Doesn’t have to all be fluff but also I want it to be fluffy.
And also somehow in there, some sweet Hir02 spots, even if it’s just their cheesy souls spiraling in space being all “Darling~” for a thousand years.
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kasunex · 6 years
Kasu’s Top 5 Pairings (Updated)
Makoto and Aigis (Aikoto, P3) 
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Shinji and Asuka (AsuShin, NGE) 
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Mustang and Hawkeye (Royai, FMA) 
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Shirou and Rin (ShiRin, F/SN) 
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Hiro and Zero Two (Hir02, DitF)
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-Blue eyes, green eyes
-Defy fate/fight the future
-Them against the world
-The government cannot be trusted
-Deeply bonded pair
-Not letting anything separate them from each other/always rescuing each other
-Having their endings botched by poor writing
These are some of the themes that MSR and Hir02 share. I may be the one (1) person in both fandoms, and therefore the one person interested in these parallels, but they exist dang it!
This has been a (shitty) TED Talk. Thanks for enduring.
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kotaspaz-artsstuff · 6 years
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Been watching Darling in the Franxx
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albyee · 4 years
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Our rad chick zero two #3
Hey it’s been a while since we last saw 02 as a skater...
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I had a long and shitty night at work, so if anyone - anon or not could leave some cute/fluffy headcanons of my fave ships I’d love it
Inbox is open, some ships tagged, some aren’t
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wishstonedragon · 4 years
Yesterday I got around to updating my DitF fanfic Missing Pages. This one was a hard birth. I find in my retelling fics that the easy bits - the actual retelling - are so slow for me. Possibly because I'm a fan and a stickler to recreating the right everythings.
But, yes, it's up!!
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Hiro and Zero Two didn't get married in this episode, but it seems they teased that it might happen in a later episode and my supporting evidence is the drawing of herself in a wedding dress, that she shows Hiro near the end of the episode
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blackpotato523 · 6 years
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These two are so adorable
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If you want to use this as an icon please like and reblog. Thank you~ 😊
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sangrebelleza · 6 years
Welcome to “What feeling did Darling in the Franxx give you this weekened.”. On today’s episode:
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Mitsuru and Kokoro I knew it I knew something bad, but this omfg. Part of me is like "Well they didn't kill them", but then the other part is like " I rather they die than be this way." I'm just so sad for them. They were so happy and now it's gone.  Well, not that baby though... Not yet.. FUCK!! I MADE MYSELF SADDER D: Hachi did love Nana. So, he uuhhh not really sure how he become emotionless maybe the mind alter thing? It's not like he doesn't feel something, cause he checks in on her and is concerned for the kids. He just can't express and comprehend it. That is another sad. How Nana was to what she become to know who she is going back to who she was while he watches and is like " How you doin that? What is feeling?" Just when I thought this show couldn't get sadder on an emotional level it digs down deeper into my heart only further cause my ever growing heart attack over how and who will live.
My lesbian daughter Ikuno got rejected, but the rejection wasn’t at all bad it actually was a very touching moment between two people who care for each other even if the other one isn’t in love with the ( I.. I still stay by my best boy Goro.That’s not fucking fair Trigger given me this bullshit you dare hurt me like this?) That scene was kinda cring when she pushed Ichigo down, but was ultimately beautiful for how accepting and caring Ichigo is to Ikuno regardless of whatever they care for each other and that to me is one of the best things about this show. But, with that beauty come disaster and nothing last forever. The happiness from the safe place is now gone taken by someone they thought there whole  lives was a god. Basically praying to the fucktard Pope in the sky.everything is gone, but it’s not loss. This episode showed what will possibly be either an epic rebelion or a tragic one that just ends up semi-happy for whoever is alive.
Calling it now. 02 dies saving all them and getting them the lives they deserved. Hiro either helps her or dies trying to save her ultimately them being the martyrs the two birds who can't fly without each other can't live without each other. They are so intertwined it comes out to this pure love that goes beyond physical, but to emotion level that heals their souls and thus being the soulmates. The people who die and are remembered for what they did and who they were. To give a better life for their friends, other parasites, and future children. This is my theory though and I can be proven way wrong, but I have a big feeling I'm not wrong about if 02 dies, Hiro will die. If she lives, he lives. It's like killing a person and not two people. Wow, I went too damn deep into the ocean I almost hit the Titanic. But, i'm depressed so ... FART!
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