#Hitoshi Yasuda
babiebom · 7 months
Ranking my Mechat Matches Based on how much I Like Them(currently)
A/N: this isn’t to be mean or say I hate them or anything lmao it’s just for fun since I don’t see many Mechat posts on here and I wanna post something to make it obvious that I will write for them? Might be ooc for the writings but I try my best!!
Tw: cursing, some sexual mentions, maybe a little bit of bullying(affectionate and derogatory maybe), SPOILERS (maybe)
BC: at least 5 for each
Mechat Masterlist
First the guys since I am actually attracted to them:
1)Tamura Blood
Literal love of my life I’m always thinking about him
Like it’s not even like exaggerating when I say he’s taken over 90 percent of my daydreams
Like I was never really into the whole mafia romance thing before
But I genuinely want this man to be happy
Like I know he’s a character but I want him to be happy and if I have to write a million fics just to make it true for him I will
Like he actually cares even if he doesn’t show or say it and while I usually hate it he’s just so….
Idk how to explain it
He was my first match and when I first finished his story before they updated it twice I actually was VERY upset and checked on it every day to see if it would ever be updated
Idk what happens next because I’m playing through the updates now but
If me and him don’t get a happy ending I’m going to have a breakdown
I need a happy ending with him <3
The cheek kiss is the last thing I saw and I’m so mad he cheek kissed instead of lip kissed
Slow burn isn’t usually my favorite to read so this is actually killing me
But I literally look forward to his messages every day.
2)Yasuda Hitoshi
Honestly he annoyed me at first and I found it fun to mess with him
But he grew on me
Like even before him and me(the character obviously) started getting along he started to slowly work his way up on my list
And now that we’re getting married and he has told me about the monsters or whatever that he had to save me from
He’s super sweet even if he’s still sorta a big meanie
I think it’s cute
Like YES I love the guy who is mean to everyone but me trope
Like yeah he’s not mean but he isn’t really outgoing or nice with other people
Like he jokes and is cute and UGH
And the way he actually stands up to his parents for you is literally swoon worthy
3)Johnny Roe
Honestly I think I skipped him the first couple times he popped up as a match
And then when I saw everyone talking about him I thought it was like
…..everyone was over hyping him
But then I got him as a match again
So I matched with him
And he’s actually so cute
And his storyline is cute
And he’s like one of my favorites (obviously seeing as he’s number three)
I now understand the hype surrounding him because I would actually kill someone for this man
And I want to fight the mother so bad
It makes me upset how he’s always like “she’s still my mom”
Like yeah but she literally ABUSED YOU?????
Like I understand completely and I know it would be hard to just turn off loving her for him
I want permission to throw hands
And honestly not to trauma dump my mom is the same way
Like she’s not abusive but she was abused by our family when she was a kid(including my grandmother)
And she’s so fiercely protective of her and like I love my grandmother but UGH I have like a place of resentment in my heart for her because e my mom didn’t deserve any of the bad things that has happened to her
So I know firsthand what it’s like to have a parent somewhat like Johnny(my mom doesn’t have agoraphobia)
I guess that’s why I’m super fond of him? Because he’s familiar in a way to me
I just want him to be happy :(
4)Optimo Lynx
I got a crush on him slowly
Like at first I was MEH about him
But then he was a cute nerd who is studying to be a….doctor(????? I forgor sorry)
AND on the other hand he’s a superhero who has literally saved me twice
Like actually I love him
Very smart and cares about people
Like actually HE SAVES LIVES
Like ?????? It’s sad that the public can’t know his identity bc the government will be mad
And the fact I think he would hate that
But he deserves to be paid for saving people the way that he does
And studying on top of that
Like I wouldn’t be able to IMPRESSIVE MAN
wanna give him kisses
I don’t think I’ve EVER mentioned this on my blog
But black hair blue eyes combo is my favorite
So actually he’s my dream man
I wanna give him more kisses!!!!
And maybe suck his dick if he lets me
5)Zander Echo
When I first started his storyline I only wanted to get him to like me bc he hated me
Like Oh? You hate me? You won’t after I follow this simple plan
But then he started growing on me because he calls me his little snack
And I know he means it in a cannibalistic way but it’s hot so oh well
Then he actually started caring about me kinda
And showed me the ocean in a way that didn’t terrify me (I’m afraid of the ocean)
Like actually while this is lowkey my worst nightmare
I can breathe underwater and I’m not dying or anything so it’s less scary
But I’m still scared of the ocean
It he has a castle that I live in so it’s FINE
Literally would help me get over my fear if he wouldn’t eat me
Also I wish I could give him smooches
6)Azur Blackshade
Ghost man ghost man grim reaper ghost man
Hot hot man
Actually so interesting
And sad
I wanna know how he works
Like I wanna pick at his mind
Honestly ghost types aren’t my favorite monster types but UGH
He makes me wanna write a fanfic of a ghost love interest or something
Really really like him
7)Jozef Chrobak
He was my number one for a HOT WHILE
like I think he’s so hot
And his art style is attractive
Like he’s a VERY good looking man
I do like making people like me
And the fact that he was so against love in the beginning made it more fun
And then the ex appeared and pissed me off
But we ended up together
The only reason he’s this low is because I stopped playing his route bc my own character was pissing me off
Like she’s such a bitch
Like omg he’s romantic now I hate it
Are you a dumb ass hoe or what?
I liked the poly aspect and he was VERY cute
And I’m pretty sure he was a nurse or doctor or the person in an ambulance and I find that super attractive
Like YES save lives papi!!!!!!!!!
And for the most part I liked the story
I could see myself having a crush on him irl
Sweet sweet man
I don’t remember much else since I finished it MONTHS ago
To start off Felix and Brook are pretty much equal
Like it’s a poly relationship and I like them pretty much the same
They’re both sweet men and they’re both attractive
Even though I hated that they all abandoned me
I do think it’s attractive that they all took time to better themselves and their relationship
Like it takes a lot to realize when to step back because the situation you’re in isn’t a good one or might lead to you resenting someone
They were cool
And he was a model so obviously he was hot
Love them
10)Vile Darko
Actually insane?
I like him a lot simply because he seems psychotic
Like WHO makes someone go through insane things for money or whatever
Like actually a clown and it’s attractive
Even though I’m scared of clowns
He makes it hot AND scary
Like I’m genuinely fearing for my life (in game) but I’m also like yeah if he kills me it’s fine bc he has to touch me to do that :)
11)Enzo Gomez
I was SHOOK when I realized he wasn’t just a dog man
Like he’s an actual human that was cursed
He’s a werewolf but Doberman style
His human form is attractive
And don’t kill me but the dog form is somehow attractive(maybe it’s the teeth? Idk)
And his story is kinda sad
Well sad in that he is cursed
I’m pretty sure he was a horrible person and that’s why he was cursed
And I’m glad he has become a better person because of it
12)Lan Ying
He was up at the top before I finished his story a while ago
And now he’s back but I’m not as crazy about him because I’m crazy about tamura so I haven’t played his update yet
But I do LOVE him
Like actually a dom that isn’t an asshole
And I do like shibari and he’s nice
I hate that he ties other people up though
Like mine and only mine?
Seems like a very level headed guy and that’s very attractive
Probably one of the least toxic in this list ngl
13)Eichi Hirano
I’ve never really been crazy about him
Like even though I’m a hyper sexual person his is ONLY sex and sometimes him having trouble with his hotels or whatever
So I wasn’t really interested in him
In still not all that interested :/
He’s cute though
And obviously the sex is good for my character so I guess
I do think he’s kinda nice though, so I do like him
I think he is the SWEETEST guy in an unfortunate position
Because his sister is manipulating him into being basically a scammer and he doesn’t wanna do it
But she gets pissy with him if he refuses
And while I know he could take himself out of that situation
It’s hard with siblings that you wanna keep in your life or whatever
Especially because they’re twins
My only problem with him is that he doesn’t have much of a spine
Like I would like him to stand up to her
But like he’s sweet and I hope the rest of the storyline is good. I kinda stopped playing it
It’s like only two dates that they have?
I don’t feel like wasting diamonds on them right now lmao
I think he’s hot
But in reality I would hate him
I hate playing truth or dare bc it makes me anxious and I can never think of anything
also he knows exactly how he’s making those people suffer and acts like he doesn’t
Actually manipulative
And everything is a game to him UGH
It just annoys me
The sex was cool though
And he is kinda interesting
But like the whole four horsemen thing is an ewie to me
16)Ezra Michelle
I do actually really like Ezra
But I hate the fact that I can’t romance him
I wanna romance the pastor man
I wanna give him smooches but NAUR he’s dedicated his life to the lord
Also he’s cool for a pastor
Obviously they weren’t gonna put a total asshole extreme Christian person in the game
But I do think the way he’s written is very Joseph dream daddy coded but cooler and less shitty
Like Joseph was a shitty man
But Ezra is really cool so far
He’s only this low bc I stopped playing bc I was sad I couldn’t marry him and went after people I could romance instead
He wasn’t really there in the storyline
Like dare was the main character I guess out of the four
Drink and dance barely showed up
But I liked him
And I think his super power of making drinks is cool
Because I hate alcohol and how it tasted I think he would be really dangerous for me if he can make a drink that doesn’t taste like ass
And was kinda nice when we finally got to talk to him
But otherwise he wasn’t really there oof
He was more there than drink and dance but he annoyed me
Literal definition of influencer
I was ANNOYED the entire time I had to talk to him
Like his only personality trait is social media
And yeah granted his name is social
But the others were much more interesting than him
His only good trait is that he’s hot and could probably make me famous if I wanted him to
19)Joon Hwang
I don’t remember him oof
I think I liked him a little bittle but I don’t remember anything about who he is or his storyline so eh
20)Seong On
Like Joon I have no idea who this guy is even though I know I did play through some of his storyline
I have nothing to say about him yikes
Now onto the women since I did match with them!!(my storyline beliefs might be wrong because I speed through them for gems)
1)Naya Honoka
Like actually I was like OOOH a cute nurse when we first started talking
Then as time went on I was like oof she has no time to herself but she’s so nice and cute
And it was just the right amount of spicy that I was like yeah this is KINDA realistic
Then it went into a whole hostage witness protection thing
And I was like HUH
My character in this pissed me off
Bc why when she says HEY don’t say my name call me Hannah instead
My character says Naya 400999 times like MAAM
Anyways she’s so sweet and deserves love and I want her to be happy and get more breaks from working
Only thing I currently don’t like is how she literally is spending our honeymoon being a nurse
But also irl I would be okay with that bc that means I can be alone for some of the day so oof
2)Eiko Suzuki
I like her more now than I did in the beginning
In the beginning she was kinda annoying
But now I’m like OKAY she deserves the WORLD
Like not because she’s a kitsune but like she is SO PRETTY
And I do like that she’s a family girl
I do think it’s weird that she was like “I don’t want anything serious”
But wanted us to help her with everything
Like I think at this point we’re something more but they haven’t made it official
Which bothers me bc I need to know I’m the only one
And her storyline is also insane
Like WTF your ex boyfriend ruined your life and is BACK to ruin it even more
AND your family can turn into cute ass foxes and you didnt use that to your advantage and KILL HIM?
Literally just maul him as a fox and be like
OH NAUR my bf got mauled by a wild animal I wonder how this could’ve happened?!!!!!!!!!
I do think she’s cool though even though we have to help her with everything and she doesn’t think things through sometimes
I also think it’s funny that since I’m not spending diamonds on her choices that my character is a complete asshole
Like she left her to die LMAO
3)Lexi Rose
like actually her being an otaku is so cute
And I’m pretty sure she got a tv show opportunity at some point I don’t remember
Like I’m proud of her
Sad that she feels like her true self isn’t very cool
Bc I really like her
She seems sweet and cool and her interests are ones that I like
Like I might not be the biggest anime fan
But I would watch several with her as dates
Like we do not have to leave the house lets snack and you can tell me all the attack on titan lore.
4)River Morales
would’ve been number one had I played her recently
But I haven’t played her for WEEKS
so she went down as I lowkey forgot about her
Honestly she was cool and I love that she’s an artist
And I do like the poly dynamic
And the fact that she was REALLY honest about her feelings towards the end
Hate that they kinda abandoned me
But I do like her a lot
Super sweet girl
I think she was sorta insecure in her storyline and I hate that for her
5)Reko Lamarr
Dommy mommy dommy mommy
She’s kinda a bitch
And as a dom I feel like she’s pretty……
Like I feel like she should just be a bratty sub or something
Maybe it’s bc I prefer service doms?
But she’s like serve ME worship ME
instead of being a cute dom?
Like MAAM tell me what to do but love on me too
She’s cool tho
Like LOVE a business woman
Get that money queen
She’s VERY stressed
And actually kinda hot when she spanks us
Just wish she was more service-y instead of demand-y
I want to be babied pls
6)Alice Young
She’s okay I guess
I’m not really into sports
And I just started her storyline
And I kinda find the sports thing annoying
Maybe it’s bc I’m not…enthusiastic? Driven about sports that I’m like????
Just FIRE HIM??????
He’s a coach not your dad
Hire someone that cares about your mental health as well as you winning
Like girl just say that you wanna just be friends until you’re done with your tournament or whatever
Like why even join Mechat if you have a whole sports thing you wanna win
Like focus on that THEN join dating apps?
Other than that she’s pretty and cool
And I think her being athletic is attractive
She’s not that bad at all
But we hardly have content of her?
Like we barely see her during the storyline
So she’s okay I guess
Likes to dance and so do I
The only downside is that she’s part of the four horsemen
The upside is that I found the dancing plague in France to be funny and as soon as I saw this party was like that I cackled
But also not really funny in theory
Also kinda dislike her bc she thought the people were having fun when she knew they weren’t
I think she would be fun to be around in small doses.
8)Eura Alabaster
I actually HATE her
Like overconfident people don’t really bother me
It’s just SOMETHING about her that pisses me off
Like the way she is makes me want to beat her to death with my fists
Like she’s annoying and overconfident and stupid
AND she kidnapped me
Granted I’m not against someone kidnapping me(in the fictional world)
I HATE boats
I hate the ocean
I think that’s why I hate her so much
The fact that it’s the ocean we’re dealing with
And she’s triggering my irrational fear of the Bermuda Triangle
So it’s stressing me out
I just hate her
I haven’t finished their storyline so if she turns out fine later sorry
But right now
I hate her and how she treats Rei
Like she’s an actual bitch and I hate that my character hasn’t said so
Like actually I would’ve been like ??????are you dumb or stupid why are you such a bitch ass hoe????
She’s so mean and for WHAT
He has done nothing wrong but she acts like he has
Like he doesn’t want to scam people but this scamming ass bitch is forcing him to
And I know someone is gonna be like “he can make his own choices”
Sometimes when it involves family and staying on their good side you don’t really have a choice if you want them in your life good or not
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djevelbl · 13 days
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Yasuda babygirl you're not beating the boomer allegations
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zagreusm · 2 months
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I may or may not have become obssesed with these men, ehe
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babiebomsmasterlist · 8 months
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For all your Mechat needs!
I only write for: Tamura Blood, Optimo Lynx, Yasuda Hitoshi, Johnny Roe, Zander Echo, Vile Darko, Areli Lamarr, Jozef Chrobak, Lan Ying, River/Felix/Brook (poly and separate), The Cataclysm Team (Dance/Social/Drink/Dare separate and poly), Azur Blackshade, Eiko Suzuki, Eichi Hirano, Ezra Michelle, The Spirit Twins(Raita and Rei separate and poly NO INCEST), The Lustful Couple(Micheal and Jenna poly and separate),and Naya Honoka
My code is: US-8HJ-ZHD
Reader Insert Fics
Fics with Ocs
Character only Fics
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rollingsunblog · 2 years
DIGRESSIONS: What's In a Name?
In creating this blog, I've attempted to skew its content towards Western RPG fans, steering away from more specific Japanese terminology in the interests of keeping things accessible. For instance, I use "indie RPG" rather than the more correct "doujin RPG," as the former requires less explanation to a first-time reader.
The biggest of these concessions, though, is the blog's core topic: in Japan, a pen-and-paper RPG isn't an RPG at all, but a TRPG. The "T" in this case is generally accepted to stand not for "Tabletop", but "Table Talk" - where that divergence came from isn't exactly clear, but it's likely a mistranslation that just happened to stick. Game designer Koji Kondo (近藤功司) has taken credit for creating the term and claimed it gained wider adoption after he started using it in the pages of Warlock magazine back in the late ‘80s, where it was promptly picked up by the magazine's supervisor, well-known RPG evangelist Hitoshi Yasuda (安田均).
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This begs the obvious question: why the need to coin a separate term in the first place? In the end, it's a matter of timing: in the West, tabletop RPGs predated their electronic counterparts by a number of years, and directly influenced their development. In fact, many early computer RPGs were the direct product of enterprising roleplaying fans trying to translate their hobby into digital format, sometimes literally so; Richard Garriott's Akalabeth, which laid the groundwork for the legendary Ultima series, started off as a project named "D&D".
In Japan, American computer and tabletop RPGs arrived around the same general time, but computer RPGs broke into the mainstream first; by the time the Dungeons & Dragons Red Box made its Japanese-language debut in 1985, dungeon crawlers were already something of a known quantity, and the word "RPG" was more likely to conjure up image of titles like Wizardry or The Black Onyx than visions of hex maps and 20-siders.
Given the subsequent dominance of the RPG genre in Japan's video gaming scene, it's not surprising to note that pen-and-paper roleplaying has never quite managed to reclaim the word even four decades later.
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Make your bookshelf an instant classic. ✨
Classic manga and light novels from Seven Seas here.
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Monster Collection -  Majuu Tsukai no Shoujo by Hitoshi Yasuda and Sei Itoh
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vgdensetsu · 6 years
List of every artist featured on VGDensetsu, Part 1
Part 2: N-Z Adam Warren Ahndongshik / アントンシク Akari Funato / 船戸明里 Akemi Takada / 高田 明美 Akihiko Yoshida / 吉田明彦 Akihiro Itō / 伊藤明弘 Akihiro Yamada / 山田 章博 Akikazu Mizuno / 水野 暁一 Akimoto Kazuhide, AKA Akimoto Kitsune / 秋元きつね Akio Akira Komeda / 米田 朗 Akira Nishimura / 西村 彰 Akira Toriyama / 鳥山 明 Akira Watanabe / 渡邊 アキラ Akira Yasuda / 安田 朗, AKA Akiman Ami Shibata / 柴田 亜美 Ano Shimizu / ANO清水 Arnold Doong Arthur Nichols, Paris Cullins Atsuji Yamamoto / 山本貴嗣 Atsushi Nishigori / 錦織 敦史 Ayano Koshiro / こしろあやの Barry E. Jackson Bengus Bill Gold Bill Sienkiewicz Bob Wakelin Chisato Mita / 実田 千聖 Clyde Caldwell Chris Achilleos Christian Lorenz Scheurer Dave Gibbons Dave McMacken David Rowe David Schleinkofer Denis Beauvais Denis Loubet Didier Chanfray
Eiji Kaneda / 金田榮路 Eisaku Kitō / 鬼頭栄作 Eisuke Ogura Emika Kida / 木田恵美可 Eri Kohjitani / 糀谷 恵里, AKA Jitari Eri Nakamura / 中村 会里 Frank Cirocco Fujinomiya Mimoli / 藤ノ宮深森 Fujiomi Munemitsu / 藤臣 宗光 Gaku Miyao / 宮尾岳 Gary Ruddell Greg Martin Greg Semkov Greg Winters Gus Allen Hajime Itō / 伊藤 哉 Hajime Katoki / カトキ ハジメ Hajime Satō / 佐藤 肇 Hajime Sorayama / 空山 基 Haruhiko Mikimoto / 美樹本 晴彦 Hidari / 左 Hideaki Ebihara / 海老原 英明 Hideaki Kodama / 小玉英章 Hidefumi Kimura / きむらひでふみ / 木村英文 Hideo Nakajima / 中嶋秀夫 Hidetomo Tsubara / 円 英智 Higuchīta / ヒグチータ / HIGUCHI-TA Hikaru Yuzuki / 弓月光 Hiroaki Hashimoto / ヒロアキ Hiroaki Shioya / 塩谷博明 Hirohide Shikishima / 敷島博英 Hiroo Isono / 磯野 宏夫 Hiroshi Fuji / 冨士宏 Hiroshi Nagai / 永井博 Hiroshi Ono / 小野浩, AKA Mr. Dotman / Mr.ドットマン Hiroyuki Nishimura / 西村博之 Hiroyuki Kitakubo / 北久保弘之 Hisashi Eguchi / 江口寿史 Hitoshi Ariga / 有賀ヒトシ Hitoshi Nishio / 西尾 仁志 Hitoshi Sasaki / 佐々木 等 Hitoshi Suenaga / 末永仁志 Hitoshi Yoneda / 米田 仁士 Hyakkimaru / 百鬼丸 Ikuo Nakayama / 中山郁夫 Inio Asano / 浅野いにお Ippei Gyoubu / 形部一平 Isamu Kamikokuryō / 上国料勇 Ishihara Gōjin / 石原豪人 Itsuki Hoshi / 星 樹 Itsuki Imazaki / いまざきいつき Jean Solé Jeff Remmer Jerry Bingham Jin Mera / 米良 仁, AKA Eiji Shiroi / 白井影二 Joe Madureira John Berkey Jun Satoh / 佐藤樹云 Jun Suemi / 末弥 純 Jun-ichi Fujikawa / 藤川 純一 Jun-ichi Nakamura / 中村 淳一 Junny Junya Inoue / 井上淳哉, AKA Joker-Jun Kamui Fujiwara / 藤原 カムイ Kaori Fujita / 藤田香 Katsuhiro Otomo / 大友 克洋 Katsumi Yokota / 横田克己 Katsutoshi Fujioka / 藤岡勝利 Katsuya Terada / 寺田 克也 Kaz Aizawa Kazuhiro Ikeda / 池田和弘, AKA Bow Kazuhiko Tsuzuki / 都築和彦 Kazuko Shibuya / 渋谷員子 Kazuma Teshigahara / 勅使河原 一馬 Kazuo Ebisawa / 海老沢 一男 Kazuo Nakagawa / 中川和雄 Kazutoshi Yamane / 山根和俊, AKA Tetsuya Ueno / 上野哲也. Kazuya Nuri / 塗 和也 Kazuyuki Kurashima / 倉島一幸 Kei Furutsuki Kei Tōme / 冬目景 Keita Amemiya / 雨宮 慶太 Keizō Shimizu / 清水恵蔵 Ken Sugimori / 杉森 建 Ken-ichi Sonoda / 園田 健一 Kenichirō Yoshimura / 吉村健一郎 Kenji Andō / 安藤賢司 Kenji Mori, AKA Moriken / もりけん Kenji Tsuruta / 鶴田 謙二 Kensuke Suzuki / 鈴木健介, AKA Hiroshi Kajiyama / 梶山浩 Kenta Tanaka / 田中 健太 Kevin Jenkins Kevin Murphy, AKA Mure Kim Hyung Tae / 김형태 Kimihiko Fujisaka / 藤坂公彦 Kinu Nishimura / 西村キヌ Kohime Ohse / 桜瀬 琥姫 Kōichi Noda / 野田弘一 Kōichi Tokita / ときた洸一 Kōichi Yotsui / 四井 浩一 Kōji / 弘司 Kōji Aihara / 相原 コージ Kōji Morimoto / 森本 晃司 Kōji Ogata / 緒方コウジ Kōtarō Kita 喜多浩太郎, AKA Kentoo Kouki Kita / 喜多 綱毅 Kow Yokoyama / 横山宏 Kunihiko Tanaka / 田中久仁彦 Larry Salk Lawrence Fletcher, AKA Lars Lee Macleod Leiji Matsumoto / 松本零士 Ley Yumeno / 夢野れい Mahiro Maeda / 前田真宏 Makoto Kobayashi / 小林 誠 Makoto Shinkai / 新海 誠 Manabu Kusunoki / 楠木学 Manabu Sakamoto / 坂本学 Marc Ericksen https://twitter.com/search? Mari Shimazaki /島崎麻里 Mark ‘Crash’ McCreery Masahiro Imai / 今井 正博 Masakazu Ohya / 大矢 正和 Masaki Segawa / せがわまさき / 濑川雅树 Masako Sugiyama / 杉山正子 Masami Ohnishi / 大西将美 Masamune Shirow / 士郎 正宗 Masao Satake / 佐竹政夫 Masao Yamazaki / 山崎 正夫 Masaomi Kanzaki / 神崎 将臣 Masashi Iwasaki / 岩崎政志 Masato Kanamono / 金物昌人, AKA Kokomahi / ここまひ Masato Kato / 加藤正人 Masato Natsumoto / 夏元 雅人 Masayuki Katō / 加藤正幸 Michael Patrick Partners Michel Allaire Michiaki Satō / 佐藤道明 Mick McGinty Mika Akitaka / 明貴 美加 Mine Yoshizaki / 吉崎 観音 Minoru Maeda / 前田実
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Tabletop Trauma 7/28: Yen On Press Goblin Slayer TRPG First Look
Tabletop Trauma 7/28: Yen On Press Goblin Slayer TRPG First Look
So it’s at last here. Goblin Slayer the Tabletop RPG, the second Tabletop RPG based on an Anime/Manga handled by Yen Press, through their prose fiction/Light Novel brand Yen On Press. By Tadaaki Kawaito Group SNE. Original Work by Kumo Kagyu. Supervision by Hitoshi Yasuda. Cover Illustration by Noboru Kannatuki. Interior Illustration(s) by Noboru Kannatuki and Kanno Nika. So let’s get thai out…
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queengurako · 6 years
Seigi no Se / Ms. Justice (jdrama 2018)
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New Spring drama of 2018 that I recommend you a lot !
Ririko Takemura has worked as a prosecutor at the Yokohama District Public Prosecutor’s Office for the past 2 years. She is 29-years-old and single. Even thought she is not good at her work yet, she tries hard. Dealing with the various cases, Ririko Takemura grows as a prosecutor and a woman. 
[Source AsianWiki]
Cast [source DramaWiki]
Yokohama District Public Prosecutor’s Office
Yoshitaka Yuriko as Takemura Ririko
Yasuda Ken as Aihara Tsutomu
Miura Shohei as Otsuka Hitoshi
Hirano Kinari as Kimura Hideki
Shukugawa Atom as Enokido Osamu
Tsukaji Muga as Tokunaga Taichi
Terawaki Yasufumi as Umemiya Yuzuru
Takemura Family
Hirose Alice as Takemura Haruko (Ririko's younger sister)
Miyazaki Yoshiko as Takemura Yoshiko (Ririko's mother)
Namase Katsuhisa as Takemura Koichi (Ririko's father)
My opinion. 
There are three episodes for now with subtitles and I can tell that I already love this show ! It’s just so hilarious, emotionnal and refreshing. The main character, Ririko, is very touching and funny. She always tries her best but need to deal with her empathy and her spontaneity with everyone and moreover the suspects. Aihara, her assistant-prosecutor, is so hilarious because he is like a sister-in-law who always tries to control Ririko and give her advices. Their relationship evolves little by little in something very touching like father and daughter. 
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And honestly I just love their chemistry and how Aihara can be so done with Ririko’s naivety but how he can be so proud of her when she succeed. Also the running gag where everyone think Aihara is the prosecutor and...nope “plot twist that young woman is the prosecutor” makes me smile ^^
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Bonus...I really love Otsuka-kenji (Miura Shohei) 
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babiebom · 7 months
Replying to: https://www.tumblr.com/babiebom/744000792988631040/do-ignore-if-you-dont-allow-this-tt-heyy-i-see
What do i miss? 😳
Im still new to this. What update? 😳
P/S: Who is/are ur fav character(s)? Im fcking whipped for more 2D guys now 😩❤️‍🔥
I don’t know how new you are to the game but on the apple App Store they updated the game so we could no longer put in codes for free gems.
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Like at the bottom underneath the paid gems there used to be a space where we could put in codes like almost every single day and get like at least 10 or 15 gems for each code. Then one day the app updated and there was just…no space for that anymore. I think it’s because of some rule in the App Store or something. But at least they’re doing discounts and stuff more often for the paid ones. And they reset my achievements so I can get the gems again for the easy ones that I already had gotten. It’s annoying but not annoying enough for me to not play the game.
For favorites I’d have to say top 5 men right now are
Tamura blood (always and forever my man)
Zander Echo
Yasuda Hitoshi
Johnny Roe
Optimo Lynx
Special shoutouts to the Lustful Duo, Ezra Michelle, Azur Blackshade and Vile Darko
For women i really like Ramona Graves!! The other women I’m playing only for gems lmao. I still feel mean choosing the non gem options though. I feel like they hate me :(
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djevelbl · 12 days
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de-salva · 6 years
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Masahiko Togashi - percussion Masahiko Sato - piano Masayuki Takayanagi - guitar Keiki Midorikawa - bass Hiroshi Yoshino - bass Yoshisaburo Toyozumi - percussion Toshiro Miyauchi - percussion Hitoshi Okano - trumpet Tetsuji Yoshida - trumpet Shinji Yasuda - trumpet Tadanori Konakawa - trombone Haruki Sato - trombone Kazutoki Umezu - alto saxophone, flute Shozo Nakagawa - alto sax, soprano saxophone Junji Hirose - tenor sax Koichi Matsukaze - baritone saxophone, flute
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infactforgetthepark · 3 years
[Free eBooks] 12 manga volumes from Kodansha [Science Fiction, Fantasy, YA School Drama, Romance, Etc.]
As a special treat to tie in to their introductory series sale, Japanese publisher Kodansha is offering 12 first in series volumes of their English-translated manga, free for a limited time.
Each volume is a full compilation of the 1st storyarc, and series from many different genres and age levels are represented. The tie-in sale is for $0.99 USD or local equivalent for the 2nd volume, and $2.99 for the 3rd volume, available at various retailers until Monday, August 2nd.
Here's their special promo page on their website: Free Volume 1s Sale.
The topmost links to participating retailers go to the full catalogue, generally, so here are some quick links to the promo specials or to filter for the freebies @ Comixology, Kobo (only free in certain countries including US & Canada; try changing the country code in the URL for your region), Amazon (apparently at least CA, US, and UK are free; changed the country code in the URL to check your location) for Kodansha Comics, Kodonasha Comics Digital-First!, and Vertical. imprints, Barnes & Noble (should be the first few rows).
For other retailers, you'll have to search their catalogues manually for the participating titles (some stores may only carry a limited selection of the Vol. 1 freebies or only offer them in certain regions), which are:
Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama, the popular postapocalyptic future science fiction military drama
Chihayafuru by Yuki Suetsugu, a contemporary high school drama centred around player of a competitive card game
DAYS by Tsuyoshi Yasuda, a contemporary high school sports drama centred around a soccer club
Devil's Line by Ryo Hanada, a supernatural urban fantasy starring a college student who becomes aware of the existence of hidden devils in human society and the secret Tokyo police force tasked with dealing with related crimes.
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro by Nanashi, a contemporary high school romantic drama
Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima, a fantasy adventure drama set in a world full of wizards and talking creatures
Parasyte by Hitoshi Iwaaki, a contemporary science fiction horror drama dealing with the aftermath of a secret alien invasion in which parasites infect the human populace nearly unseen, starring a high school student who bonds with a thwarted invader and forms a tentative resistance
Space Brothers by Chuya Koyama, a near-future science fiction drama starring two aspiring astronaut brothers aiming to join the crew of a base on Mars
Sweat and Soap by Kintetsu Yamada, contemporary office romantic comedy set at a personal care products company
Those Snow White Notes by Marimo Ragawa, an urban contemporary drama with possible romantic elements set in Tokyo, where two seemingly very different people form an unexpected friendship while striving for their dreams
To Your Eternity by Yoshitoki Oima, a philosophical emotional drama which apparently turns into some sort of fantasy epic in later volumes, initially starring a boy in the North American Arctic who befriends a wolf which is more than it seems, as they journey together and depend on each other to survive
Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui, a contemporary time travel drama set in Kanto, starring a man given a second chance at fixing his current dead-end mundane loser life by leaping back a decade to his middle school days to save his former girlfriend by apparently trying to take over the juvenile delinquent gang which will eventually be responsible for her future death
Offered free until (possibly through the end of, the promo wording is a little ambiguous) Monday, August 2nd in multiple regions worldwide, available from multiple retailers.
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RECORD OF LODOSS WAR: THE GREY WITCH (Gold Edition hardcover light novel)
Story and art by: Ryo Mizuno, Hitoshi Yasuda, and Yutaka Izubuchi MSRP: $27.99 Release date: December 19, 2017
Thirty years after the Demon Wars, peace has returned to the land of Lodoss–but darkness looms. After defending his village against a horde of goblins, a headstrong young warrior named Parn sets out on a quest to restore his father’s honor and save the realm. Joining Parn are Deedlit the high elf, Slayn the wizard, Etoh, a fledgling priest, Ghim, a grizzled dwarven warrior, and Woodchuck, a wily thief. Along their journey, Parn and his companions discover an evil witch who, for eons, has been manipulating events from the shadows. Can this ragtag party of heroes defeat the all-powerful Grey Witch and prevent Lodoss and its kingdoms from descending into total chaos and destruction?
This collectible, deluxe release contains the complete Record of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch novel in a large trim, gold-embossed hardcover with select color pages.
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kasico · 5 years
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「桑田佳祐 & The Pin Boys / 悲しきプロボウラー」Music Video
Director: KASICO Assistant Director: Takko Yoshida Producer: Hitoshi Sugai, Fumiko Iino Production Manager: Tatsuru Ishiwata, Shogo Minowa Yusei Takada, Yuko Ueno, Yuki Shiina Director of Photography, Shosuke Fukudome, Tomohiko Takeno 1st Camera Assistant, Ko Miura Lighting Director, Saki Iida 1st Assistant Lighting, Shinkichi Komatsu 2nd Assistant Lighting, Akito Saito, Hidehiko Kato Hideetsu Ota, Chizuru Koga, Kairi Nakamura Art Designer: Kanako Nakazato Art Assistant: Chizuko Ishii, Yuuka Mogi, Tatsuya Imai Casting: Ami Sakamaki, Jun Hasebe, Yoshimi Takashima, Anna Yoshida Stylist: Yohei “yoppy” Yoshida Cast Stylist: Akemi Muraki Cast Hair & Make Up: URI, Aki Yasuda, Masamitsu Sakai Choreography: Anna Yoshida Driver: Ryuhei Sakamoto, Yoshifumi Moriya, Satoru Nojima Color Grading: Yoshiro Kamei Composite: Hiroyuki Sai, Kenji Sakaide Location: Enoshima Bowl, Shonan Fujisawa Film Commission
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