#Hk au
dairyfreenugget · 2 days
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Part 1
Selfish, selfish wyrm
(I will add alt text tomorrow)
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alaskaartz · 3 days
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sweeneydino · 4 hours
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You don't wanna know.
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new and improved holly ref sheet has references for BOTH of their prosthetics!!!!
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gamergenia · 5 months
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doodles of my favorite cat
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sevilai · 5 months
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Tryna be a little less precious with my sketches. I can never get any ideas out the door because I can never polish them enough :')
Big on the idea that everyone is fine and the siblings just get to be okay and grow together. I'm huge on that actually. Some lil related headcanons under the cut~!
Ghost does indeed tire of the nail sometime around the (effective)age of 12, and in fact DOES join Sheo in art.
Hollow also does this, immediately after physically recovering enough from the sealing/infection deal to do so.
Both of them struggle with feelings of inadequacy with their work. They often paint together and help build each other up.
Hollow(Hero? I've been calling them that) is the type to shut themselves in a room for a few hours every month and walk out with bangers. Every single time. Would be a fantastic animator if the medium existed in Hallownest. Maybe it will someday!
Hornet's not good at drawing but is great at literally everything else. Sewing, crocheting, felting, sculpting, music, doesn't matter. She is unstoppable. Or she would be, if she ever finished anything.
They like to do trades a lot. "I'll paint you that book character you like for a plushie of this character I made." "Do you want a portrait? I'll make you one for a cool figure." It's mostly the vessels shoving art at Hornet until plushies come out.
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koumouby · 20 days
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Ruined King AU sketches
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notfunkypicasso · 7 months
Hornet but animated?
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smugpugchimera · 3 months
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Beloved critter commission for @bluegekk0!~ Thanks very much for ordering, it was a welcome surprise^^ ----------------------------- 💜BuyMeaCoffee💜Patreon💜
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hollownest-whore · 10 months
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It's fun to draw em being silly
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dairyfreenugget · 11 days
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(Alt text under read more)
A commission I got from @scribbleshanks :] One of my all-time favourite pieces I've ever gotten, they did my girl Lullaby such justice!! They look PHENOMENAL
Thank you so much for drawing my little guy again :D
ID start: A blackk and white sketch page of a Hollow Knight vessel OC, Lullaby. They're fluffy, with a short glowing firefly tail, soft features, a mane, and a rounded face with curved horns with two prongs. From left to right, top to bottom, the sketches are: a headshot of them looking to the right. Side view sketch with two speech bubbles coming from them. Lullaby taking a hand of somebody off-screen, they look troubled. A fullbody sketch of a training scene, they're brandishing their nail towards the camera, their cloak in their right hand waving with the motion of their body as they tore it off. Them kneeling down, exhausted and propped up on their nail, with their head hung low and sweating after the training, clouds of steam coming off them. Them as a baby on top of The Hollow Knight's head, reaching for their finger as it lifts its hand up to Lullaby. End ID.
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alaskaartz · 5 months
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Older charm PK comic but COLOR
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juvehiir · 2 months
dragon bugs coming back alive woah
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♪ ramin djawadi — the winds of the winter
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dragonfiremagic · 4 months
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Silly bittersweet feels AU idea
Grimmchild's existence is sad Nightmare lantern/The Troupe's corpse aren't far from Dirtmouth in Howling Cliffs, so Grimmchild out of grief and rejection would be compelled to return back to the last thing it senses familiarity towards.
The child eventually meets Mato upon getting lost on their way and/or he notices the lost little floating scarlet flame
Lonely dad and depressed orphan deserve better
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gamergenia · 5 months
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[Image ID: A picture of The Hollow Knight's split selves, depicting its shade form and its bodily form. It's bodily self is severely infected, its mask having been split in three. It's shade lacks the injury its body has, and is looking upon itself from the left. End ID]
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sevilai · 3 months
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Auuhg okay I'm caving and posting these
Very shortly after I made This Piece my brain took it and ran with it into an entire AU! I wanted to make a kind of introduction post to the concept, but I think I know myself well enough to know that waiting will just end in my never doing it lol So I'll just talk about it here!
This AU is based around the idea that instead of using void to defeat the Radiance, the king's plan was instead to raise an army of godlings. Not empty vessels meant to contain her, but vessels of holy light meant to literally outshine her.
They're a little different biologically of course. They are perfect unions of godly power unmarred by void. They look more like you'd expect and behave more like you'd expect; they speak, they feel, they have a will of their own. They share both their parents incandescence. They're a bit strange, most of them seeming aloof or detached, like their minds are always somewhere else. It’s thought amongst castle staff that the godly light within them gives them access to a higher plane of thought, one that’s far more intriguing to them than any mortal woes.
They also seem to have inherited a particular, special ability from their father(which is a special tool we'll use later!)
This the first vessel of the army, the firstborn of the royal family. With the sheer number of vessels born, the king gave up on naming them all, but holding this hatchling in his hands, he knew that this child would be Worthwhile. Also known as Worthy, Double, or much to their dismay, Father's Favorite. They know well their purpose and they are proud to lead their siblings as their commander.
Honestly my story for this AU centers a little more around Ghost and Hornet, but I have a lot of THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about all the other vessels as they grew up and I want to explore it more! I do have more art and MUCH more lore but I'll save it for later posts.
I'll be tagging everything about it as the "Outshine AU" as I work with it!
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