#Home Bartending Gadgets
drinkinlovecom · 2 years
Shake Up Your Home Bar
Shake Up Your Home Bar
Discover the Exciting Future of Home Bartending The future of home bartending is bright, as more and more people are turning to this as a way to entertain friends and family in the comfort of their own homes. As technology continues to evolve, so do the tools and techniques used in home bartending. From automated cocktail machines to smartphone apps, home bartenders have access to a wide range…
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Just remembered that Professor Agasa is Jii's inventor friend who helps with Kid's gadgets so Shinichi and Kaito have another connection. It would be hilarious if Shiho/Ai figured it out first because of this, I think Kaito would get along great with her and the Professor.
I've thought about this before.
Jii is a close friend of Agasa, I don't doubt that maybe Agasa even knows that Jii works for KID but chooses to ignore it.
However, we all know how much he cares about Ai, I imagine that at some point they had a conversation about that along the lines of:
"We've been friends for a long time, I know you're a good person, but I also know that you work for KID."
Jii doesn't look at him, he just takes a sip of his drink. They never talk about it, it's a not-so-secret secret between them, Jii always hinted at it, but Agasa never seemed to care. He doesn't think he's going to turn them in, so he waits for him to continue.
"I have a daughter, not biological obviously, she's suffered a lot, bad, very bad people are after her, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect her."
"Do you want him to investigate them?"
"No, it's very dangerous, and I wouldn't put a friend's family in danger for mine, just… if one day that girl comes here without me, do you think they can hide her? She's my family, and I know she'll be perfectly hidden with someone as skilled with disguises as KID."
"Knowing my master, I don't think he'll reject you, and I won't either, however, I'm sure he'll want to meet her."
"I think it would be good to make proper introductions, I want her to know where to go if she needs it." It makes a lot of sense to me that Agasa would want to hide Ai away if things went too bad, and what better place to hide than with someone he has no "relationship" with?
I can see Jii explaining the situation to Kaito, and being the kind person he is, agreeing to help them out. And he's also thrilled at the idea of ​​meeting the inventor of his gadgets! Kaito has so many questions! He might even ask him for suggestions for his card gun and his opinion on it.
In Ai's case, I feel like Agasa makes her a hot drink and they sit alone talking in the middle of the night when Conan isn't around and the kids are in their own homes.
"Why did you need to talk to me alone?"
"I want to introduce you to my bartender friend and his grandson."
"Just me? Why?"
Agasa takes Ai's hands, more to comfort himself than her.
"I may not say it as often as I should, but you are important to me, we don't know what will happen to the organization in the future, so if things get bad enough that I can't stay by your side, I want you to have somewhere to go, I don't want you to be alone again and I'm worried about your safety."
Haibara would stay silent, what Agasa says makes a lot of sense, but she has a lot of thoughts in her head. A part of her feels touched, she never thought she could have a family again, and on the other hand she is worried about the uncertain future that awaits them.
For now, all she can do is give him a hug, he's not a person who usually shows affection, but with the two of them being the only ones there, she gives herself the opportunity to do so.
"Wouldn't it be dangerous for them if that were to happen?"
"My friend's grandson is very good at disguises, I hope that with him they would never be able to find you, and also that almost no one knows my connection with them, it makes it the perfect place to hide."
"You thought a lot about it."
"I want you to be safe."
Kaito immediately recognizes Haibara, and also Agasa, they are friends of Conan.
The first thing Agasa says in this situation is that Ai must not tell Shinichi about this unless this situation becomes too dangerous.
Haibara did not think that the professor's friend would work with KID, nor that the latter would use the professor's inventions, she thinks it is very funny.
While Agasa and Jii talk, Haibara and KID get to know each other.
KID: I'm surprised that you chose to stay, I thought you would leave as soon as you found out who I am.
Haibara: You don't care about my secret, so I don't care about yours.
KID: Don't you think I'm suspicious? That my assistant and I are?
Haibara: You can't expect me to trust you right away, but Professor Agasa does, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but don't expect mercy from me if you end up getting involved in a robbery just because you use his inventions.
KID: Interesting. I like you.
Haibara: I just threatened you, you have weird tastes.
KID: I like people who try to kill me, they make life more fun.
Haibara: You're strange.
KID: Well, trust is something that is built. Here's my number.
Haibara: Is it real?
KID: No, but if we're going to make friends, we need to start somewhere right?
Haibara: I didn't say I wanted to be your friend.
KID: But you said you don't trust me, and from what the brilliant and charming professor said, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you can't go home, you have to find us, so… Why not become friends? I think that way you wouldn't feel awkward and distrustful if that possibility ever came up.
And that's how these two become text friends.
Since Kaito and Haibara have programming skills, I like to think that they design their own app to talk to. I like the headcanon that Kaito has knowledge in chemistry and creates his own smoke bombs, so he asks Haibara for a lot of advice.
She has him listed as "Unpaid Intern" and Kaito as "Labor Slave."
Conan is incredibly curious about her strange online friend, he makes Haibara laugh, she seems happier, he needs to know who can make her laugh out loud with a single message.
However, every time he tries to access the strange app it asks for a password, and he has no idea what it is.
She'd be surprised if she knew it was 1412, and yes, Kaito's is 4869.
Kaito asks her about the antidote, since he's seen Shinichi use it, she tells him that "unlike that reckless fool, he only uses it in serious emergencies", she shyly tells him that she would have liked to go on a date with her, but understands the gravity of her situation, so she apologizes for thinking something stupid.
Haibara tells Kaito about the kids, how dumb Shinichi is, Agasa, the new music she's listening to, the series she watched.
Kaito about his day at school, magic tricks, mentions the Nakamoris, complains about Hakuba and Akako, and asks if it would be too much to use pink glitter for their upcoming heist. I would really like to read a fic (or make it myself, since I'm at it) with their online friends, and if it comes to the point that Ai has to become Shiho once again, Kaito can take her out for a good time for a change.
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Dimension Hopping 3
What started as an intimate affair at an Italian dignitary’s home, turned into an explosion, a car chase, and someone veering off a cliff. 
That someone was Harrington. 
Steve Harrington. 
Luckily he had a parachute and the yacht was waiting for him as he jumped out of his car and slowly descended. He brushed some imaginary dust off his navy blue suit and made himself a drink. He was settling in to sip and relax when a woman entered. Normally he appreciated a good romp after a mission but not when it was his boss.
“Commissioner? What brings you here?” In person too, that was rare.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had some face time. Let’s do a review  of your career, shall we?”, she said as a television rose down from the ceiling.
“Are you evaluating me?”
The screen showed his profile. “Steve Harrington. Codename: Agent Green-”
“Is this really necessary?”
“-A field agent, typically tasked with international espionage. Information gathering and data retrieval. A position meant for stealth, subtlety, and most of all discretion. And yet-”, she pressed a button and now it was showing a montage of his exploits from security cameras. “He sees the need to leave everywhere with either an explosion, a car chase, a shoot out, or some distressed woman who fell into his bed.”
“You made a highlight reel? Thank you”, Steve said, sarcasm in his voice.
“Well you gave me the perfect angles.”
“Commissioner. Or Miss Prism, if you prefer.”
“Grand Headmistress of the Rainbow was taken?”
“I have another mission for you.”
“And it’s your last chance.”
That got Steve to clam up. Spies only got two endings. In a coffin, or had their memories erased. Neither was a viable option, in his opinion. He downed the rest of his drink and straightened up.
“What’s the target?”
“Agent Gray, pleasure to see you again!”
The agent in question watched Steve approach his work bench in the lab and immediately opened up a case and opened it up, revealing a plethora of tools and gadgets.
“Looks like you were expecting me, Jon.”
“Miss Prism told us you were coming. She also said it was your last chance, Green.”
Steve glanced around to see if the other lab rats heard. “Does everyone know about it?”
“Well, I might’ve mentioned it to Black, and he might’ve-”
“Blabbed to everyone. Henderson! I’m gonna kill you!”, Steve turned to the other scientist across the room, in the middle of doing…something with a frog’s leg.
“Not my fault you can’t keep your own job a secret. You’ve gotta be the world’s worst spy”, Dustin said.
“Or the world’s sexiest, most bombastic spy that everyone is jealous of.” Steve closed the case and took it off the table.
“You don’t even want my usual spiel where I explain everything?”, Jonathan asked.
“I know what they all do.”
Steve was one again in a tailored suit. This time it was in a light green color. He entered a casino, right in the middle of Paris. His task was simple. He needed to locate one of their Russian rivals and get a bug on him. Once they found out where he was staying, he could sneak inside and take whatever it was that was being toted around to negotiate with the French.
He passed by the slot games and the betting tables and went into the lounge area. It took only five seconds to spot the man. He was sitting at the bar, talking up the bartender. Steve walked over, not even giving either a glance as he sat on the stool next to him. He ordered his own drink and took a few sips before standing up again, pretending to stumble as using the Russian spy to steady himself.
“Watch yourself”, he said in a warning tone, accent thick. Clearly not even trying to blend in.
“My apologies”, Steve said, patting him on the back. The bug was planted. Now to smoothly make his escape, blend in, and wait for the loca-
“Going so soon, Big Boy?”
Steve looked over to see a man whose face must’ve been carved by the gods. He was dressed in a white suit and black tie. Steve remembered seeing suits like that earlier. He was with the band then.
The man chuckled as he sat on a stool. “Were you a fish in a past life?”
Steve realized his jaw had dropped and it hadn’t come back up yet. “You know very well that I was a prince the last time.” He sat back down, Russian intel forgotten.
“And what’re you now? James Bond?”
Steve laughed when he realized that’s exactly what he was. It was like he’d been in a dream and seeing Eddie’s face awakened him to his memories. Then he gave Eddie a funny look.
“If I’m Bond…does that make you my Bond girl?”
“Hey now, I could just as easily be the villain”, Eddie said. “Bond had just as much chemistry with his antagonists. Sometimes even more.”
They talked more and Steve didn’t even notice when the other spy walked away. Eddie was done playing for the night, so of course, Steve invited him back to his hotel. 
“This is weird, right? All of this is weird”, Steve said, as they walked the Parisian streets.
“I think we established that when you married a dragon”, Eddie agreed.
“No, I mean, I still know Dustin and Jonathan. And Joyce too, and some of the others. They’re here and they’re still…It’s like they’re in a dream too, going through the motions of…all of this.” It had been odd seeing his mother and father as a literal king and queen, but Steve hadn’t had a lot of time to think about it before he and Eddie went off on their quest.
Eddie looked up at the sky, not that he could see much with the light pollution, but he knew the stars were up there. “Do you think any of this matters?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, between now and the credits rolling, does it matter if you follow your mission? Can’t we just say fuck it and run off somewhere?”
Steve stopped and pinched Eddie’s cheek, hard.
“Ow! Shit! Harrington! Ow!”
Then he grabbed Eddie by the waist and kissed where he had pinched. His lips made a trail from his cheek, to his lips, caring very little for the fact that they were in public on a busy street.
“I think it matters if we want it to. Our friends are all here, living their lives somewhere. It might be in a weird, magic mirror world where everything’s off, but we all ended up meeting again somehow. Including you and me. That’s gotta mean something.”
“So you’ve met your soulmate again?”, Eddie teased.
“I actually have no idea where Robin is.” Now that he remembered her existence, Steve could feel her absence in his heart. But the universe brought him back to so many of the people he loved already. She had to be somewhere in this world. Steve brought Eddie back to his hotel room. Any thoughts to anything happening outside of it were gone as he remapped his boyfriend’s body with his lips and tongue. It was a body he knew very well, but there were a few new scars.
Steve thought nothing of it until his wristwatch communicator woke him with a start with Dustin’s frantic voice.
“Steve?! Steve!! Agent Black to Agent Green! Agent Green! You’ve got a Code Red!”
Eddie groaned as he rolled over and grabbed the watch that was yelling at his boyfriend. “What’s that code for? Is Nancy coming?”
“No it’s-Wait, who are you? How do you know Agent White?”
“It’s a long story”, Steve said, reaching over Eddie and grabbing the watch with one hand while rubbing the sleep out of his eye with the other. “What’s the Code Red for?”
Then someone was banging on his door, shouting in Russian.
“For that! I don’t know how they found you Steve, but they’re there and they know who you are and-”
“Got it. Coffin or vegetable”, Steve said, rushing out of bed and putting some pants on. He tossed a shirt to Eddie and then checked his gun for bullets. Only two. Shit. When was the last time he reloaded?
The banging got louder and louder. Eddie grabbed Steve’s arm and led him towards a window. He was carrying a duffel bag. Steve thought it might just be clothes as he climbed out behind him, they were pretty much on the top floor, so it took almost nothing to get to the roof. One Russian stuck his head out the window and started to climb and Steve gave them a headshot. Once he and Eddie got to the roof, a helicopter was there.
“Who is this? Why are they here?”, Steve asked.
The driver said something that Steve didn’t know but understood quite well. He was one of them. What surprised him was when Eddie spoke right back to him, speaking perfect Russian.
“You need to come with us, Steve”, Eddie said.
“I’m not-! I can’t! Eddie, how can you be with them! And how can you think I’d just go with you?!”
“You need to trust me!”
“I just killed one of your comrades!”
The blades of the copter started to spin. Just as Steve’s head was. This made no sense. Eddie was a Russian spy? Steve was trying to understand but it was like solving a 500 piece puzzle blindfolded. Was this why Eddie asked if any of this mattered? Because he knew he was going to betray Steve? He was fighting between two ideas. The Eddie he knew and loved, had fought for and with, who had stepped up when he learned about a hell dimension and protected Dustin from demobats and helped them defeat Vecna. 
And this Eddie. The one who had lied to him. Was working with the enemy, was running off with what Steve realized now were his gadgets from Jonathan. So Eddie had his own mission the whole time. Eddie got on the copter, his shirt and hair billowing as he held out his hand one last time while it began to rise in the air.
In reply, Steve aimed his gun. He had one bullet left. He could take down Eddie, or maybe even the helicopter… It got higher and higher. Eddie didn’t look one bit afraid. Only sad.
Steve stormed into HQ, a man possessed. He didn’t go to Joyce’s office. He went straight to Dustin and Jonathan. 
“You can’t be here”, Jonathan said first.
“Cut the bullshit and give me what I need.”
“Miss Prism said-”
“I know what she said! But I’m not done yet. Not yet. I can still find these guys and get what I need.”
“And how’re you gonna do that?”, Dustin asked, arms crossed.
“I don’t know. But I’m going to do it even if I have to infiltrate every goddamn Russian base in this world!”
The two scientists looked to one another, then Dustin grinned. “Well, you’re in luck. Because your guy? From the casino? He’s still bugged.”
Jonathan nodded. “Signal is still going strong. It was on the move but it’s stayed in the same place now.”
“Where do you think?”, Dustin snarked.
Russia. Of course. Which was where Steve found himself not long after that conversation. There was no guarantee that this particular base would be where Eddie was, but if he knew his movies, there was a 90% chance. And sure enough, after a few hours staking it out, he saw Eddie entering.
And also, of course, it was all part of his plan when he was captured for trying to sneak in. He had a very coded conversation with a man who must be in charge of this whole operation, but Steve only had eyes for Eddie, who stood at his side. And who later visited him when Steve was put into a cell.
“You should’ve come with me when I asked you. Then you wouldn’t be in this mess”
“I remember Hopper’s stories. This is pretty much the Hilton of Russian cells.” It was still cold and damp but at least all four walls kept the fatal freeze outside.
“You’re crazy.”
“Crazy enough to believe you actually had a reason for double crossing me?”, Steve asked.
Eddie’s lips turned to a thin line.
“And crazy enough to know you’d come down here alone. And maaaybe just crazy enough to believe you’d help me with my plan now.”
“See, this is why you should’ve come with me. No one escapes from these prisons.”
Steve smirked. “Wanna bet?”
One mini-explosion, a fight on the railing, a Russian spy falling off said railing, some gunplay and even some swordplay later, Eddie and Steve were taking off on a plane, flying for the coast of wherever.
“I can’t believe that all worked”, Eddie said.
“Hey, you’ve seen just as many Bond movies as me. You know how they end. Bond and his girl ride off into the sunset”, Steve said as they got further and further from the plot and towards the rolling credits.
“Yeah, or the girl dies….”, Eddie paused for a while. “Or there’s the reveal at the end.”
“Reveal? Like what?”
Eddie took a deep breath. “I know where Robin is.”
Steve put the plane into autopilot and gave Eddie his full attention. “Where is she?”
“The Russians have her.”
Eddie smiled awkwardly. “How’s that for a sequel hook?”
Part 5
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@goodolefashionedloverboi @xjessicafaithx @newtstabber
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
I don’t know why but I love the idea of extremely reluctant sugar baby! Billy falling in love with Steve who loves to spoil his baby at every opportunity. Maybe, they meet at one of Billy’s two part-time jobs as either a barista/baker or a bartender and Steve finds himself hooked for the get go. Billy’s also ensnared but he doesn’t know if he has the time to date since he’s in his final year of maintaing his full-ride scholarship to college, juggling two part-time jobs and taking care of his little sister. Steve understands and he doesn’t push but he is there, waiting in the wings, integrating himself in Billy’s life and slowly trying to test the waters by giving Billy gifts.
Somehow, it backfires and Billy always gives him some sort of thing in return. If Steve gives Billy a shirt, he gives Steve a free drink next time he sees him. If Steve treats him out to dinner, Billy would give Steve a free pastry the next time he came in. When Steve got Billy tickets to see his favorite band, Corroded Coffin, Billy had made Steve breakfast the next morning since he’d stayed over.
Steve would get frustrated because he just wanted to be nice to Billy and Billy didn’t like feeling indebted to him even if Steve did everything willingly. It all came to a head when Steve asked Billy out for a date, exactly a year on the dot to when he first asked Billy out and when he agrees, Steve makes sure to tell Billy that he’d take care of everything on this date.
Billy of course, counters that he’d get the next date and for once, Steve experiences a relationship that’s somewhat equal in the effort and he loves it but he also wants to spoil his boyfriend like crazy. He starts out small, always using kisses as bribes to get Billy to accept his gifts, accidentally on purpose leaving stuff at Billy and Max’s apartment only to say he doesn’t want it back and he works his way to getting Billy comfortable with it.
It doesn’t really work because Billy got onto him pretty quickly and confronted him about it. Steve outright stated that he wanted to spoil Billy and give him the world because that was how he loved. Billy doesn’t react the way Steve thought he would, flushing in embarassment and confessing that he doesn’t like feeling vulnerable or that he owes Steve something whenever he gets something from Steve.
Steve, being the opportunistic asshole he is, decides to strike a bargain with Billy. Instead of repaying him with other things in return, all Steve wants are kisses. The number would depend on how many kisses Billy thought the gift was worth but at least this way, everyone wins. Billy is reluctant but he agrees. Steve starts small, starting with clothes, accessories and gadgets eventually progressing to including random big gifts on special occasions such as paying off Billy and Max’s student loans on Billy’s birthday in addition to moving them both into his new apartment the week prior and going on a furniture shopping spree with the siblings.
Billy eventually realizes that simple kisses aren’t enough to repay the gifts Steve gives him so he uses the gifts as a way to experiment in the bedroom, sometimes letting Steve tie him up, sometimes letting Steve turn him into an absolute mess on their bed and on memorable occasions, breaking out the lingerie he’d bought using the card Steve gave him just to tease his boyfriend.
At some point, Heather, Billy’s best friend calls him a sugar baby and Billy can’t refute it. He’s pouting when he gets home but Steve makes him forget all about being mad about it because he’s Steve’s baby boy and one of the ways he shows his love is by taking care of his baby. Later on, Billy accepts being Steve’s sugar baby if only because it means Steve’s his sugar daddy. Steve absolutely loses his mind every time Billy calls him daddy in public or in private and he happily continued to spoil his baby boy.
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bitterarcs · 6 months
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The past deserved to be in the past — a foundation for growth, for the future, Reno was a firm believer of such. People plastered a disgusting slew of inspirational sentiments across their shirts and with the decorations of their homes. Keeping the past buried like a corpse was nothing profound; it helped salve the soul from the rot of the ugly. Reno could keep quiet about all the horrid things he did even before reaching the age of eleven as well as the things which happened to him, yet the glory days of the electric company could not be suffocated into the recesses of his mind.
Smelling clean mountain air only made the redhead scowl with disgust, longing for the aroma of street food, lifestream pollution, and blood. He fucking hated it here. He fucking hated all the commoners who thought themselves better than cockroaches, better than the Turks. Ifrit, there were so many things Reno missed, but as long as he still had his fellow Turks . . he was not completely lost. Long gone was his ShinRa issued loft with its king sized bed, hot tub fit for three, and a cleaning service which worsened his sloth.
On the flip side, their limited resources had the Turks bunking in close, and it was possible that he and his partner had never been closer. Reno was radiant with the closeness even though they were demoted all their fancy gadgets; he was not sure, however, that Rude shared the same sentiment of kinship. Everyone believe Rude and Reno to be glued at their hip. For two people who were primarily solitary and did not give out their trust like flowing water, they were as close as two platonic friends could be.
Rude had still desired his space most nights . . likely to flirt with brunette bartenders. If the man was not in fact bald, the necessity of them sharing every common space would have made his hair fall out. At least that was what Reno told himself when negative thoughts plagued his mind. Even through his self deprecating thoughts, their big boss being stricken ill with geostigma, and no hint of ShinRa reclaiming its former glory, Reno still smirked. He smoked, too. Plenty of cartons gathered and burned through despite his best attempts to quit.
More than the ShinRa headquarters was demolished that fateful day. Foul smelling cigarette butt was smashed into the textured ground of the roof the redhead sat perched upon as he turned his attention from the wandering bumpkins to the sight of an energetic Elena following after Tseng. What a shitty time for someone to become an official Turk. At least Elena stayed loyal unlike the secondary Turks across the planet . . Reno had plenty of opinions regarding that lot. Their fearless leader was probably taking to the cool shadows of his temporary office; the man turned more and more vampiric as the geostigma progressed.
The cockroaches of the commoners would only amplify their displeasure and rumours if they saw the President so taken with illness. Rude was likely showering, or meditating, or jerking off — whatever the bald man's pointed look at his partner had been suggesting this morning. With Reno sick of smoking and nothing but smoking, he ignored his hunger pains and stretched himself out on the gravel roof top. He stretched like a feline in the sun when in reality he stretched his limbs to reach for his secret stash of whiskey. It was only noon. Lips barely had the time to touch the glass rim before he heard polished heels scraping against concrete.
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(  ❛  Don't tell me some street rat found me out . . ❜  )
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Reno mumbled under his breath and screwed the top of the bottle back on before hiding it beneath his oversized sweater.
starter for @shinrasfirst
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Random question that popped in my mind lmao
If you were to give a vision to each of your character-esque characters (dark-knight, trevor, dracula, majima etc.) Which vision would you give to them?
Dark Knight, Belmont, and Majima I shall answer since they're my 3 favorite/most popular ones.
And as a bonus, how they get the Vision!
Dark Knight - Anemo
Majima - Electro
Belmont - Pyro
Dark Knight!S/O
Jean and her S/O were defending a merchant group on the outskirts of town from a Ruin Hunter.
Jean having a Vision had an easier time dodging the attacks than S/O, who was fighting with only gadgets.
Gadgets that barely affected the mechanical monstrosity.
S/O saw Jean go down from a missile that blew up near her, sending her flying into the group.
The Ruin Hunter approached them, ready to land the killing blow.
S/O knew they weren't going to make it in time to grab and run, so they had to get its attention.
They reached into their pouch for the last of the explosives, ready to toss it in front of the group to cause the rocks to fall and block off the Ruin Hunter from going after.
Leaving S/O to their fate.
Instead what happened was the bombs flying so fast it struck the arms of the Ruin Hunter completely disabling it.
Deciding to improvise, they tried to jump on top of the Ruin Hunter to land in front of Jean.
Feeling a surge of power and a gust of wind beneath them, they leapt straight in front of the group, quickly spinning and twirling their polearm.
It was only then they realized the wind wasn't coming from Jean.
It was coming from them.
They looked at their body in awe, feeling the adrenaline surging as the winds grew more powerful.
Jean got up, giving them a nod. She knew what was happening.
They just obtained a Vision.
S/O silently nodding and getting into position with Jean.
Now, they could fight on even ground, together.
Barbatos blessed them to fight with the Dandelion Knight, and they were gonna do Mondstadt damned proud.
S/O popped out of the garbage, scaring the absolute hell out of Aether and Paimon.
They threw a knife at them, and Aether quickly dodged.
The knife landed onto a Sakura Tree before the sakura's exploded into pink and purple mist.
S/O broke character seeing the knife had suddenly become electric.
(S/O) "The shit? What's in that tree?!"
S/O pushed Aether and Paimon to the side, investigating.
Pulling out the knife, S/O curiously poked the knife.
(Paimon) "N-No way...!"
(S/O) "What, there something about the knife?"
(Aether) "Uh...maybe you should check the mirror?"
(S/O) "The hell are you on abou-"
S/O looked at a reflection and saw their eyes were glowing purple, with an aura radiating off of them.
Checking their knife again, they kicked the knife into a wall, and the knife exploded into an electric cloud.
S/O's Pyro Vision came to them as they drew the Morning Star Whip to fight off monsters invading their ancestral home.
They had no one except the whip to defend themselves, and put it to great use, making beasts explode left and right.
And that was without the Vision.
The moment they activated it, the entire surrounding area exploded into an even more magnificent ring of fire.
Explosions went off, scaring the beasts who weren't engulfed in searing pain.
S/O stood triumphantly at the ruins of their home, wielding the ancient relic that slayed thousands, and their newfound power.
Maybe this was the gods' cruel joke of telling them they had to stick around instead of dying in some random hole.
No better place to find something for a Belmont to do than Mondstadt, they figured.
Sheathing the whip, and wryly smiling, they hid their vision and weapon as they trotted along the dirt path to the city.
This calls for celebration.
Celebration by getting absolutely hammered at Cat's Tail.
Last time they were there, they got so drunk that the bartender morphed into a small pink cat girl.
That was a weird night.
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smokysipspirits · 2 months
What Are the Greatest Ways to Use Infusion and Smoking to Improve Your Whiskey?
To improve their drinking experience, whiskey connoisseurs are more and more using kits for infusion and smoking whiskey at home. Knowing what to decide from is able to help you make interesting as well as tasty cocktails at home, regardless of your level of experience.
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Examining DIY Methods for Whiskey Smoke
With no specialist equipment needed, you can add a rich, smoky taste to your favorite Home whiskey smoking. The complexity and depth of your drink can be enhanced by adding a subtle smoke flavor through the quick and simple usage of a whiskey smoke infuser. The reason of premium whiskey smokers is to cater to lovers who desire to experiment by means of different wood chips, such oak or cherry, in arrange to get their perfect flavor profile. Thanks to the simplicity of use of these smokers, you be able to easily add a suggestion of smoke to your whiskey in the console of your own home.
Choosing Infusion Kits for Whiskey Correctly
A easy method of enhancing the flavor and aroma of your whiskey is with whiskey infusion kits. Fruits, spices, as well as herbs that improve the whiskey's natural flavors are regularly included in these packages. You be able to create one-of-a-kind drinks that attract the senses by combination these ingredients in a particularly designed whiskey smoking kit. Whiskey infusion kits give a plethora of original options, whether you wish for to try crafting a up to date take on the traditional Old Fashioned or exploring novel flavor combination.
Advantages of Smoke Infusers with Whiskey
Smoky taste and scent can be added to your cocktails using a whiskey smoke infuser, which is a multipurpose tool. Utilizing a cocktail smoker allows you to regulate the smoke's strength and produce consistent results. You can use this gadget to make specialty drinks at home or give your preferred whiskey a smokey flavor. The best way to find your ideal flavor profile while smoking whiskey is to experiment with various smoking methods and wood chips.
Investigating the Cocktail Smoker World
Bartenders at home and mixologists alike now consider cocktail smokers to be indispensable tools. Cocktails can be infused with a range of flavors with these devices, from delicate smoke undertones to strong smoky overtones. An novel drink that defies conventional mixology standards can be made, or you can use a whiskey smoking equipment to improve basic cocktails like Manhattans. People of all skill levels can become Whiskey smoking experts at home thanks to the ease of use of cocktail smokers.
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Best Places to Purchase Whiskey Infusion Kits & Smokers
Making spectacular drinks at home requires selecting the correct whiskey infusion or smoking equipment. With the ability to compare items and read customer reviews before making a purchase, online stores provide a large range of high-quality whiskey smokers and infusion kits. Purchasing whiskey smoke infusers online offers the convenience of ease and access to the newest advancements in cocktail smoking technology, whether you're looking for a gift for a whiskey fan or for your own usage.
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williamjone · 4 months
Best Cocktail Smoker Kit
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Cocktail smoker kits are revolutionizing the planet of mixology, including a fresh dimension on the drink practical experience. These kits permit both equally Specialist bartenders and home lovers to infuse their cocktails with smoky flavors, enhancing the aroma and depth of your consume. Regardless if you are wanting to impress company at a celebration or elevate your personal cocktail game, a cocktail smoker package can convey creative imagination and sophistication towards your beverages.
What's a Cocktail Smoker Kit?
A cocktail smoker kit generally features a smoking gadget, wood chips, a dome or lid, and in some cases supplemental equipment similar to a torch. Cocktail Smoker Kit The method entails using the smoker to melt away the Wooden chips, generating smoke that is definitely then funneled in to the drink or captured below a dome. This infusion of smoke provides complexity to your cocktail’s flavor profile, transforming a straightforward consume into a multi-sensory working experience.
Forms of Cocktail Smoker Kits:
These compact gadgets are suitable for simplicity of use and portability. They typically have a versatile hose that directs the smoke into the glass or beneath a dome. Handheld people who smoke are ideal for occasional use and are well-liked among the home mixologists.
Tabletop Smokers:
They are larger sized, much more strong equipment that sit around the bar or countertop. They typically include constructed-in followers to manage the depth and direction of your smoke. Tabletop people who smoke are perfect for Experienced bartenders or critical fanatics who need a much more steady and managed using tobacco working experience.
Built-in Smoking Techniques:
Some large-conclusion cocktail kits feature integrated smoking cigarettes systems that Blend the smoker with other bar tools. These techniques are created for seamless Procedure and often have further functions like adjustable smoke depth and a number of Wooden chip possibilities.
Great things about Using a Cocktail Smoker Package:
Increased Flavor: The main advantage of using a cocktail smoker will be the infusion of complicated smoky flavors that can enhance and boost the all-natural ingredients while in the drink. Differing types of Wooden chips, for example oak, cherry, and apple, Every impart special flavors.
Aromatic Working experience: The scent of the smoke adds One more layer for the consuming knowledge. As the smoke swirls across the glass, it engages the senses and makes a captivating presentation that delights guests.
Visible Charm: Cigarette smoking cocktails add a remarkable flair to any drink. The Visible impact of smoke billowing from a glass or remaining released in the event the dome is lifted is really a crowd-pleaser, making it a great centerpiece for social gatherings.
Versatility: A cocktail smoker package can be used with a range of drinks, from typical cocktails like Previous Fashioneds and Negronis to ground breaking concoctions. It may also be utilized to smoke other aspects like garnishes, ice, or even Eyeglasses, increasing the Resourceful possibilities.
The way to Make use of a Cocktail Smoker Kit:
Put together Your Consume: Blend your cocktail and pour it right into a glass. Decide on a consume that pairs effectively with smoky flavors, which include whiskey or bourbon-primarily based cocktails.
Load the Smoker: Spot a little volume of wood chips to the smoker’s chamber. Light the chips utilizing a torch or maybe the smoker’s ignition system.
Infuse the Smoke: Direct the smoke into the glass utilizing the smoker’s hose or underneath a dome. Enable the smoke to infuse for any several seconds to a minute, depending upon the desired depth.
Serve and revel in: Provide the cocktail quickly when the smoky aroma remains existing. For an additional touch, garnish the drink with complementary substances like citrus peels or herbs.
Wine enthusiasts realize the significance of Whiskey Smoker Kit serving wine at the proper temperature. Too warm, and also the Liquor gets to be overpowering; way too cold, and also the flavors are muted. A wine cooler adhere is surely an impressive Resource designed to assure your wine is often at its best temperature, delivering comfort and preserving the integrity of your favorite vintages.
What's a Wine Cooler Adhere?
A wine cooler stick can be a modern, chrome steel rod crammed with a cooling gel. This rod is made to be stored during the freezer then inserted right into a wine bottle to chill the wine from the inside. Some wine cooler sticks feature an aerator and pourer at the top, permitting you to definitely chill, aerate, and pour your wine all in one easy movement.
Vital Capabilities of Wine Cooler Sticks:
Chrome steel Development: The usage of chrome steel makes certain toughness and helpful cooling. The fabric is food-quality and Safe and sound, sustaining the wine’s purity devoid of imparting any flavors or odors.
Cooling Gel: The interior with the adhere is full of a non-poisonous cooling gel that retains chilly temperatures for an extended period of time. Once frozen, it may possibly continue to keep the wine chilled for hours.
Aerator and Pourer: Lots of wine cooler sticks function an built-in aerator and pourer. The aerator enhances the wine's flavors and aromas by allowing it to breathe, while the pourer assures a smooth, drip-free of charge pour.
Benefits of Using a Wine Cooler Stick:
Exceptional Temperature Control: The main benefit of a wine cooler stick is its capability to keep up The best serving temperature for your personal wine. White wines and rosés continue to be crisp and refreshing, though pink wines can be brought down to cellar temperature without having getting to be too chilly.
Ease: Not like traditional ice buckets or wine chillers, a wine cooler stick is compact and easy to use. It fits straight in the bottle, getting rid of the necessity For added chilling gadgets that acquire up Place and might be cumbersome to manage.
Preserves Taste and Aroma: By cooling the wine from The within, a wine cooler adhere avoids around-chilling the wine’s surface area, which might happen with ice buckets. This process helps to maintain the wine’s nuanced flavors and aromas, supplying a far more pleasing tasting encounter.
Aesthetic Appeal: The smooth design of a stainless steel wine cooler adhere adds a touch of magnificence on your wine services. It is a discussion starter and an impressive Instrument to implement when entertaining visitors.
Flexibility: Even though principally utilized for wine, cooler sticks can be used for other beverages, which include spirits and cocktails, making them a flexible addition to the bar extras.
The best way to Use a Wine Cooler Adhere:
Freeze the Adhere: Area the wine cooler stick while in the freezer for a minimum of two hrs. This makes certain the cooling gel is entirely frozen and effective at protecting a cold temperature.
Insert the Stick: Very carefully insert the chilled wine cooler adhere in to the bottle. Make sure it fits snugly to maximize the cooling outcome.
Aerate and Pour: If the stick incorporates an aerator and pourer, you are able to pour the wine directly from the bottle with no eradicating the adhere. This element boosts the wine's flavors even though providing a drip-free pour.
A wine cooler stick is essential-have accent for any wine enthusiast seeking to elevate their wine consuming practical experience. Its ability to keep up an ideal temperature, combined with the advantage and elegance it provides, can make it an priceless Device for each informal and really serious wine drinkers. No matter if you are internet hosting a meal bash or savoring a tranquil night at your home, a wine cooler adhere makes sure that each and every glass of wine is liked at its most effective.
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derbykitchen · 4 months
Unlock Your Mixology Potential: Discovering Bar Equipment Suppliers
In the vibrant world of mixology, crafting the perfect cocktail is an art form that requires more than just skillful hands and quality ingredients. Behind every expertly crafted libation lies an array of specialized tools and equipment, each serving a crucial role in the alchemy of flavors. Whether you're a seasoned bartender or an enthusiastic home mixologist, the journey to mastering mixology begins with the right tools at your disposal. In this exploration, we delve into the realm of bar equipment suppliers, where innovation meets craftsmanship to elevate your cocktail game to new heights.
At the heart of every well-equipped bar lies a treasure trove of essential tools and gadgets, each meticulously designed to facilitate the cocktail crafting process. From shakers and strainers to muddlers and jiggers, the arsenal of a skilled mixologist is as diverse as the libations they create. When it comes to sourcing these indispensable tools, turning to reputable bar equipment suppliers is paramount. These suppliers specialize in curating a comprehensive selection of high-quality barware, catering to the needs of professional bartenders and home enthusiasts alike.
One of the primary advantages of partnering with bar equipment suppliers is access to a diverse range of products tailored to suit various preferences and budgets. Whether you're in search of classic stainless steel shakers or avant-garde molecular mixology gadgets, reputable suppliers boast an extensive catalog of offerings to cater to every mixologist's needs. Moreover, these suppliers often collaborate with renowned manufacturers and designers, ensuring that their inventory encompasses the latest innovations and trends in the world of mixology.
Furthermore, bar equipment suppliers are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. By sourcing their products from reputable manufacturers and conducting rigorous quality control measures, these suppliers guarantee that each piece of equipment meets the demands of professional bartenders and discerning enthusiasts alike. From durable stainless steel cocktail shakers to precision-engineered mixing glasses, every tool in their inventory is designed to withstand the rigors of the busiest bars while delivering optimal performance and longevity.
In addition to quality assurance, bar equipment suppliers prioritize customer satisfaction, offering personalized service and expert guidance to assist mixologists in selecting the perfect tools for their needs. Whether you're outfitting a commercial bar or stocking your home cocktail station, knowledgeable staff members are on hand to provide insightful recommendations and answer any questions you may have. This personalized approach not only ensures that you find the right equipment for your specific requirements but also fosters a sense of confidence and trust in your purchasing decisions.
Moreover, partnering with reputable bar equipment suppliers grants mixologists access to exclusive offerings and limited-edition collaborations not available through mainstream retailers. These suppliers often collaborate with renowned brands and designers to create bespoke collections and signature pieces, allowing mixologists to elevate their craft with unique and innovative tools. Whether it's a custom-engraved mixing spoon or a limited-edition cocktail shaker, these exclusive offerings add a touch of flair and individuality to your bar setup, setting you apart from the crowd.
In conclusion, the journey to unleashing your mixology potential begins with partnering with reputable bar equipment suppliers who share your passion for craftsmanship and innovation. From a diverse selection of high-quality tools to personalized service and exclusive offerings, these suppliers are indispensable allies in your quest for cocktail perfection. Whether you're a professional bartender striving for excellence or a home enthusiast eager to elevate your at-home mixing experience, exploring the offerings of bar equipment suppliers is the first step towards mastering the art of mixology.
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lizseyi · 7 months
Flavour Blaster™ Gift Guide - From Stocking Fillers To Unique Gift Ideas, We Have It All!
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We all know how fun a Flavour Blaster can be whilst working behind the bar - it’s time to bring the magic home. 
Although we developed our Flavour Blaster with hospitality in mind, the experience of the aroma bubble was created for everybody, regardless of their bartending experience. 
With such a range of versatile aromas being a trigger pull away, even your grandparents can experience the joy of the Flavour Blaster! Remember, we’re not just an aroma bubble - we have so much more to offer! 
Whatever your budget, we have the perfect gift for your loved ones, so you can share your passion for mixology and their love of delicious drinks!
Flavour Blaster MINI
Of course we have to start with our showstopper gift - the Flavour Blaster MINI.
Designed as a pocket friendly, smaller version of our Pro 2 model, it’s the perfect size for your kitchen countertop or bar trolley without taking up too much space. Using disposable tanks rather than reusable, it’s as easy as filling the tank and pulling the trigger! Now you can impress all of your guests from the ease of your home! 
It’s the perfect gift for the gadget lover, foodie, home bartender or the person who has everything!
Gift Vouchers
Not sure what to get? Let them choose! 
We offer a range of vouchers redeemable across our site, so they can pick out what they want, when they want. 
Looking for a more budget friendly stocking filler? Our bespoke glassware range is surely on their wishlist! 
Our quirky icecream, flamingo and jellyfish glasses are sure to impress, whether you’re a glassware aficionado or not! They're also now available in larger packs of 6*, perfect for family gatherings and parties! *UK only currently.
Looking for something more suave for the James Bond in your life? Our Diamond Rocks glassesare the perfect accompaniment for that bottle of Whiskey you have tucked under the tree. 
Would you like ice with that? 
Why settle for cloudy, broken ice when patterned, ultra clear ice is only a button click away! 
With our Ghost Ice kit, you can create crystal clear ice cubes that even bartenders will envy!
Impress your guests with patterned ice created in seconds by our Ice Designer Tray - simply place your ice on top of your chosen design and watch the pattern melt into the ice. 
The World's Best Cocktail Kit (UK only)
Looking to get a gift for the budding mixologist in your life? Why not treat them to our complete Cocktail Kit? It comes with everything you need to get started with cocktail shaking including speed pourers, two strainers, a shaker and jigger! 
Our cocktail kit is currently only available in the UK but sign up to our free loyalty scheme to be notified when they become available worldwide!
Cocktail Book
Need a quick stocking filler for under £15? Our cocktail book is the perfect addition to anyone's recipe book collection! With hand drawn original illustration and original recipes, it provides plenty of inspiration for your next cocktail night. 
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hbclark1 · 9 months
What are the essential Bar Supplies You Require to build a Home Bar?
Creating a well-stocked home bar is a costly endeavor. The best news is that drinks will last longer if stored properly, so you can slowly build your collection without any spoilage. The blog post highlights how you must store bar at home, including an assortment of spirits, mixers, garnishes, tools, glassware, and even storage alternatives. All these are essential bar supplies that you must invest in to design a compelling bar at home.
You can include or exclude items in the list of essentials based on how you use your home bar. Let’s look into the necessary bar supplies.
Bar Toolkit
The list of bar tools and gadgets available in the market is countless. Fortunately, you can have a myriad home bartending tasks with tools. Let’s look into them.
2. Bottle Openers and Corkscrews
A bottle opener is crucial for opening bottles of beer, whisky or rum. Various wine openers can also be used to open beer. You can have a variety of openers, ranging from simple corkscrew to electric wine opener, including a do-it-all.
3. Jiggers
A jigger is a small measuring cup that allows you get the accurate measurements for your cocktails. A standard jigger has double sized with one side containing 1.5 ounces on its bigger side and 0.75 to 1 ounces on its small side. 
4. Mixing Glasses and Spoons
A mixing glass is designed to stir cocktail ingredients. Use another glass, such as pint glass, but a mixing glass looks elegant and is functional for any home bar.
However, bar spoons are designed with long handles, especially for stirring a mixed drink from the glass’s bottom to the top without splashing. You have to discover smooth handles that adds additional weight. However, others have textured, spiralled handles for smooth grip.
If you require Beer Supplier, contact a wholesaler to cater to the increasing demands of your pub.
5. Ice Makers, Molds, and Buckets
Ice has a crucial role in every drink you prepare. Avoid the cloudy, odor-holding freezer ice, but spend in a few types of ice molds and makers for making cocktails. Spirit-forward drinks are offered with bulkier cubes and spheres because these require longer time to melt, curbing the drink from getting diluted too quickly.
6. Essential Spirits
A variety of liquors is available in the market. People gets confused which liquor to buy and which not.
Your home bar must have Gin, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, Liquors and more.
Get all these bar supplies to craft a compelling home bar.
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imoim36news · 2 years
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College students bartending at a restaurant, working as a educating assistant to earn cash to spend Tet The nearer to the time of transferring the outdated 12 months to the brand new 12 months, the quicker the scholars are in search of additional time jobs to finish the set plan. Throughout this time, the picture of scholars working part-time has change into extra acquainted than ever because of the elevated demand for workers at shops and corporations throughout Tet. Discover methods to extend your revenue Though nonetheless in a traumatic ultimate examination interval, Manh Ha (third 12 months scholar, in Hanoi) continues to be looking for a part-time job at a restaurant to earn an additional revenue. enter throughout Tet. The buddy mentioned that this time, after faculty, he went to the cafe to work till evening. Continual lack of sleep, too drained days, the subsequent morning, Ha received up early to overview after which left the home at 7am to get to high school in time. “Thankfully, on the finish of the 12 months, there are lots of part-time jobs, so I've a extra secure revenue. This 12 months, my aim of going to work earlier than Tet is to save cash for my mother and father, looking for my household, and on the similar time to arrange further gadgets similar to year-end conferences, fortunate cash to have fun the 12 months. Due to this fact, I've to "plow hoes" extra to have a heat and completely satisfied Tet", Manh Ha shared. Manh Ha accepts to have little time to relaxation to earn extra revenue from...
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airbulancewpb · 2 years
Air Conditioning WPB
AC Repair WPB
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Throughout the scorching summer season, a industrial air conditioner plays a important duty in maintaining the temperature cool as well as comfy. Nonetheless, have you even pictured that, like every product, this machine can likewise shed its initial outstanding efficiency as well as might break down at any kind of factor of time? The hot as well as damp climate will make your job extra challenging. You can really feel frustrated as well as face problems in performing routine house hold jobs also. In addition, if it is a weekend as well as you as well as your member of the family are spending some quality time with each other, this unexpected malfunction would certainly be a big diversion. Well, to avoid such a circumstance, it is always a wise decision to consult with the specialists as well as go with routine exams. Undoubtedly, these tools are too priced, yet are one of one of the most essential parts of our life. It is the responsibility of a home owner to maintain the air conditioners suitably by seeking the support of the trusted companies on schedule. The professionals are usually educated as well as have excellent expertise concerning every minor part in the machine. You can expect to get premium quality arises from them. In addition, they will likewise make sure to avoid additional damage as well as problems in the machine.
Early discovery of the concern in devices will surely provide you a chance to conserve big bucks on power costs. The extra effective the appliance is the lower electric usage it has. A examination of the machine every 6 months will ensure that the system will work well for a longer time period. In easy words, the routine upkeep of an air conditioner is the vital to high operating performance as well as extended lifespan. The amazing services given by competent professionals will reduce the chance of gadget failures, deterioration or any other worries that can trigger your unit therefore conserving precious time and money at the same time. Do you recognize that a well functioning air conditioner is very important to maintain the quality of the air in your house? If not serviced suitably, it may fall short to evaporate the external air as well as flow as well as stale air in the areas. This will just trigger different skin allergic reactions, nose as well as eye irritability, high temperature as well as other respiratory system illness. Unneeded laziness in routine maintenance is merely a negative suggestion. It will at some point lead your machine to malfunction as well as trigger extreme problems to individuals staying in your home. Setting up the air conditioner service sessions will just assist to ventilate great, fresh as well as healthy and balanced air to every edge of the area. In addition, this will likewise protect against sickness in addition to other life threatening pollutants entering your home. If you have decided to go for routine tune ups, after that perhaps you are bring back the devices to its greatest condition. Do not stress over the costs charged by the companies as most of the appropriate provider are understood to use best deals as well as discounts for yearly repairs as well as maintenance. You can sign the agreement as well as the professional will be at your position on time whenever needed. https://airconditioningwpb369.blogspot.com/2022/10/air-conditioning-wpb.html AC West Palm Beach AC Repair West Palm Beach Air Conditioning WPB https://airbulance.net/west-palm-beach/ https://airventcleaninglauderhill849.blogspot.com/ https://airventcleaninglauderhill849.blogspot.com/2022/10/air-vent-cleaning-lauderhill.html https://bestdivorcelawyerputnamcounty.blogspot.com/ https://bestdivorcelawyerputnamcounty.blogspot.com/2022/10/best-divorce-lawyer-putnam-county.html https://bestlashliftvslashperm.blogspot.com/2022/06/bartending-school-online.html
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"Beneath the Light of Jadeite" Version 1.5 Update Notice
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Dear Travelers,
To ensure all Travelers have the best-possible Genshin Impact experience, our developers will soon begin performing update maintenance. After this is complete, the game will update to a new version.
After Travelers install the new game client, they will be able to continue playing. It is recommended to install the update over a Wi-Fi connection owing to the large file size.
While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly to avoid losing your progress. We hope Travelers will bear with us during the disruption. > <
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2021/04/28 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
(Note: Precise timings are subject to change. Players may also experience disruption outside of this period.)
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen. (Alternatively, you may open Google Play and tap Update.)
PS4: Highlight Genshin Impact from the PS4 Home Screen and press the OPTIONS button > Check for Update.
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300
(60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down. No change to compensation amount if the update is completed early.)
All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2021/04/28 06:00 (UTC+8)
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. Please log in and claim it before Version 1.5 ends. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Details〓
I. New System
New System: Serenitea Pot
◇ Adepti use Serenitea Pots as media through which they can channel their adeptal power and create realms and abodes.
As the owner of this realm, you may decorate it however you wish and turn it into a home away from home.
After using and summoning the Serenitea Pot, you can interact with it and enter the abode within.
Teapot Spirit
A spirit that lives inside the teapot. It is said that she was created by the adepti themselves. She looks after many matters within the realm, serving as a butler of sorts.
Trust Rank
As you place more furnishings and increase the level of Adeptal Energy within the realm, the teapot spirit will become more trustful of you.
Adeptal Energy
The amount of Adeptal Energy within the realm will gradually increase along with the number of furnishings placed.
You can obtain the materials required to create furnishings in many different ways, all around Teyvat. For example, you can obtain wood for making Furnishings by cutting down trees.
Realm Depot
You can use Realm Currency in the Serenitea Pot to exchange for items of your choice.
II. New Characters
5-Star Character "Dance of the Shimmering Wave" Eula (Cryo)
◇ Vision: Cryo
◇ Weapon: Claymore
◇ The Spindrift Knight, a scion of the old aristocracy, and the Captain of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company. The reason for which a descendant of the ancient nobles might join the Knights remains a great mystery in Mondstadt to this very day.
4-Star Character "Wise Innocence" Yanfei
◇ Vision: Pyro
◇ Weapon: Catalyst
◇ A well-known legal adviser active in Liyue Harbor. A brilliant young lady in whose veins runs the blood of an illuminated beast.
III. New Equipment
▌ New Weapon
Song of Broken Pines (5-Star Claymore)
▌ New Artifacts
Tenacity of the Millelith (4-Star and 5-Star)
Pale Flame (4-Star and 5-Star)
◆ Obtain artifacts in the above sets from Ridge Watch, the new Domain of Blessing at Bishui Plain.
IV. New Domains
New Domain: Ridge Watch
◆ Obtain artifacts in the "Tenacity of the Millelith" and "Pale Flame" sets from Ridge Watch, the new Domain of Blessing at Bishui Plain.
New Trounce Domain: Beneath the Dragon-Queller
The new Trounce Domain, Beneath the Dragon-Queller, has been added to the Nantianmen area.
◆ Unlocked after completing Zhongli's Story Quest "Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II - No Mere Stone."
After updating to Version 1.5, there will be three opportunities to halve the Original Resin cost when claiming rewards from Trounce Blossoms in Trounce Domains and the "Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves" challenge (after the V1.5 update – 2021/05/03 04:00). The number of opportunities resets every Monday at 04:00 (Server time).
Travelers should complete the update to V1.5 first before completing the relevant challenges for the week April 26 – May 2.
V. New Monsters
1. Cryo Hypostasis
◇ Elemental creatures who protect themselves from incoming attack with their durable shell.
2. Azhdaha
◇ An enormous dragon as ancient as the mountains themselves.
3. New Elite Monster: Abyss Lector - Violet Lightning
◇ A creature of the Abyss Order that calls upon thunder and lightning in praise of the darkness.
VI. New Event: Energy Amplifier Initiation - Take part and exchange for "Kätzlein Cocktail" Diona (Cryo)!
◇ In an effort to gather and research Irminsul Fruit Fragments, Sumeru researcher Hosseini has entrusted a mysterious ancient relic to you for a time: the Energy Amplifier. Help Hosseini to gather Irminsul Fruit Fragments and unleash their power with the Energy Amplifier.
◆ Event Gameplay Duration: 2021/04/30 10:00 – 2021/05/17 03:59
◆ Eligibility: Adventure Rank 20 or above
▌ Places of Interest
During the event period, go to Places of Interest and defeat the opponents there to gather Irminsul Fruit Fragments and obtain Fractured Fruit Data.
▌ Domains
During the event period, successfully challenge Domains to obtain Fractured Fruit Data.
▌ Twisted Realm
During the event period, challenge the Twisted Realm and get as high a score as you can. Reach a combined score of certain amounts to claim Fractured Fruit Data.
◆ Even more events will subsequently become available. Stay tuned, Travelers.
VII. New Quests
1. New Story Quests
Zhongli's Story Quest: Historia Antiqua Chapter - Act II "No Mere Stone"
◆Eula's Story Quest "Aphros Delos Chapter: Act I" will become available at a later date.
2. New Hangout Events
Hangout Event: Diona - Act I "The Cat and the Cocktail"
◇ They say that there's a popular bartender at The Cat's Tail.
Hangout Event: Noelle - Act II "Knightly Exam Prep"
◇ Noelle reveals to you that she is very anxious about the Knights of Favonius selection exam. At your suggestion, she decides to emulate the knights she knows in an attempt to overcome her sense of unease.
3. New World Quests
◆ Adds World Quests related to the Serenitea Pot: "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" and "A Teapot to Call Home: Part II"
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 35 or above
• Completed the Archon Quest "Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches"
◆ New World Quests: "A Timeless Classic" and "When the Trail Goes Cold"
*Other new World Quests will be added at a later date, including "Mr. Melancholy" and "Mimi Tomo"
VIII. Other Additions
New Gadget: Serenitea Pot
New Recipes: Stormcrest Pie, "My Way," Crab Roe Tofu, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, Cured Pork Dry Hotpot
New Inventory Category: Furnishings
New Precious Items: Dream Solvent, Transient Resin, Vial of Adeptal Speed, Sanctifying Unction, Sanctifying Essence
New Achievements: "A Realm Beyond: Series I," "Memories of the Heart," etc.
New Namecards: "Celebration: Fruit of Wisdom," "Celebration: Peekaboo!," "Yanfei: Impartial," "Eula: Ice-Sealed," "Travel Notes: Sub-Space Recreation," "Achievement: Tea Time"
Spiral Abyss:
○ Floor 11 Ley Line Disorders changed to:
• Your character will be periodically inflicted with Slowing Water, greatly increasing your skills' CD duration until the inflicted Hydro element is removed.
• Physical DMG dealt by all party members increased by 75%.
○ Updates the monster lineup on Floor 11 of the Spiral Abyss.
○ Updates the monster lineup on Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 1.5, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:
○ Phase 1: Blade-Dance Moon
When a character scores consecutive hits on an opponent with Normal Attacks within 2s, this character's Physical DMG is increased by 5% for 10s. This effect stacks up to 5 times, and only 1 stack is added at a time regardless of how many enemies are hit in one strike. When 5 stacks have been obtained, further hits on opponents will unleash shockwaves that deal AoE DMG. A shockwave can be created in this manner once every 1s.
○ Phase 2: Thorny Moon
A backlash will occur when opponents hit a character protected by a shield, unleashing a shockwave that deals AoE DMG. Can occur once every 6s.
○ Phase 3: Rebellious Moon
When a character scores Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack hits that deal Physical DMG to opponents, this character's CRIT Rate is increased by 3% for 10s. This effect stacks up to 5 times, and only 1 stack is added at a time regardless of how many enemies are hit in one strike. When 5 stacks have been obtained, CRIT Hits on opponents will unleash shockwaves that deal AoE DMG. A shockwave can be created in this manner once every 1s.
The new Mail Pins function has been added. Pinned mail will be placed at the top of your mail list and will not be deleted when pressing Delete Read. However, pinned mail will still expire as normal.
Adds voiced interactions for characters in the open world.
Adds a Compatibility Mode option for the audio API on Android devices. Try switching to this mode if you experience any of the following issues:
Distorted sound (electrical noise) from your device, failure to switch between left and right audio channels, screen recordings do not capture audio, screen recordings feature distorted audio, difficulty switching to and from earphones when plugged in/removed, electrical noise through Bluetooth earphones.
Adds Japanese voice-over for certain characters.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, in English, the voice of Diona in Diona's Hangout Event is temporarily provided by Jackie Lastra.
IX. Optimizations
Three opportunities will arise every week to halve the Original Resin cost of revitalizing the Trounce Blossoms at the Trounce Domains and Dominator of Wolves challenges.
In Co-Op Mode, when there are two or less characters in the team that can be controlled per player, the Companionship EXP obtained is doubled.
New Voice-Over Files Management function added to PC and mobile: You can uninstall voice-over files by going to Settings > Language > Manage Voice-Over Files. (In Version 1.5, you must first update the voice-over files under Settings > Language > Voice-Over Language before you can uninstall them.)
Optimizations to some controls when using a controller:
• When moving the left joystick up and down to select who you want to chat with, the right side of the screen will switch to the corresponding chat information without needing to first press the Confirm button.
• Move the left joystick to the right to enter the selected chat.
• The Sort Rule button on the Weapons screen (in Inventory), Artifacts screen (in Inventory), and Character Selection screen (in the Character Menu) has been changed from the up button to the down button.
• The left joystick can now be used to switch between sections of the interface in Settings and Achievements.
• Optimizes the display design of the Controller screen: When a button status changes from usable to unusable, the button icon will be hidden.
• On the Report screen, the default button for text editing has been made consistent with the controls of other in-game interface: for PlayStation controllers, this has been changed from the circle button to the square button; for Xbox controllers, this has been changed from the B button to the X button.
• The controls to skip the Battle Pass animation, Wish animation, and animation of claiming rewards in Domains has been changed for controller users: now, hold the circle/B button to skip; the confirmation pop-up window has been removed.
• The button layout display of different controllers has been made consistent.
• The controls for closing the pop-up menus for Artifact Enhancement, Weapon Enhancement, Artifact Filter, and Character Selection has been changed: the Back button previously closed the entire screen, but it now only closes the pop-up menu.
Optimizes the default text and display status in the text entry box:
• Unsent text in the text entry box will be saved as a draft in the current chat's text entry box.
• When the text entry box in the current chat is empty, the draft (if any have been saved) will be displayed.
• The text entry box will be cleared after a draft is completed and sent, if the chat is deleted from the chat list, or after exiting the game.
Optimizes some displays of chat boxes on PC and PlayStation®4:
• After deleting the other player in the chat, the chat content on the main chat screen will be deleted.
• After going offline, chat content on the main chat screen will be cleared. It will only display new messages received after the last time you went offline (including messages received while offline).
Optimizes aiming on mobile:
• On mobile, three additional adjustment levels have been added under Settings > Camera Sensitivity (Aimed Shot Mode). It has been increased from the original levels 1 to 5 (which now correspond with the new levels 4 to 8) to the new adjustment levels 1 to 8.
• On mobile, the Acceleration Slider (Aimed Mode) setting has been added. With this setting enabled, the camera movement speed will change dynamically with the speed of your finger. Sliding faster causes the camera angle to rotate more.
The amount of Condensed Resin has been added above the button to claim rewards for Domains and Ley Line Blossoms (if you have no Condensed Resin, it will not be displayed).
Optimizes the anti-aliasing effect on the avatar in one's profile.
Optimizes the animation performance of Zhongli's Plunging Attack.
Optimizes the animation performance of nearby monsters and objects in Co-Op Mode when the visiting player is far from the host player.
Optimizes the aesthetics of lighting effects of certain weapons after ascension.
Adjusts some missions in Battle Pass > Weekly Missions (the total BEP that can be earned remains unchanged by the adjustment).
Deleted BP Missions:
• Collect 100 Mondstadt local specialties
• Collect 100 Liyue local specialties
• Complete the Wolf of the North Challenge
• Complete the Stormterror Domain Challenge
• Complete the Golden House Challenge
New BP Missions:
• Complete Trounce Domains or the Dominator of Wolves challenge 3 times
• Obtain a total of 1,000 Realm Currency
• Create a total of 10 furnishings
• Purchase 2 items from the Teapot Traveling Salesman in another player's Serenitea Pot
The Stellar Reunion event is amended as follows:
a. Deletes the following quests:
• Forge 3 items
• Defeat boss enemy 1 time
b. Adds the following quests:
• Level up a character once using any quantity of Character EXP Materials
• Enhance a weapon once
• Enhance an artifact once
c. For the Original Resin consumption quests, decreases the quantity of Original Resin that Travelers at Adventure Rank 10–50 are required to consume
No change has been made to the total points that can be obtained in one day.
Applies to: Travelers who activate the Stellar Reunion event after the V1.5 update
*For details on other bug fixes, please see the Version Update Details notice to be posted at 2021/04/28 07:00 (UTC+8)
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Hello, hello! This week, we are going on a little:
Home Tour!
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics. Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures (non-beta)!
For both:
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Living room and home office (if any)?
Kitchen and dining room?
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Other rooms?
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Super super late to this, because of my stupid exam but now we are here so let's go! 💃🏽🏠
A/N : I am placing this two years and seven months after the wedding, because I HC Ethan and Meera staying at Ethan's apartment for two years after the wedding and they only start house hunting when they have the baby talk and start trying for a baby. So technically not newlyweds anymore. Now let's get started! ✨
Meera opens the door and greets Bree.
Meera : Hii Bree, welcome to our humble abode.
Bree (chuckles) : This place is anything but humble. I hope I am not causing much trouble.
Meera : Absolutely not. Who else is going to make me feel like a youtuber?
Both laugh, Ethan joins and greets Bree.
Bree : Congratulations on the good news Dr. Ramsey. How far are y'all?
Ethan : Thank you Bree. It's been 3 months already.
Meera (cradling her small bump) : Yup one trimester down two more to go.
Ethan (kissing her forehead) : And then there will be a mini version of you running around these halls.
Meera : Nope it's gonna be a mini you.
The couple shares a look as if challenging each other.
Meera : Fine, Bree, whose team are you on? Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?
Bree : I am happy with either because at the end I'll be interviewing him or her too.
The three of them share a laugh.
Bree : Let's get started, shall we?
Ethan : Sure.
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Front :
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Meera : We were looking for something modern yet chic, something that is totally us. I fell in love with the design whereas Ethan was in total awe of the open space and glass doors. Needless to say our heart was stuck on this no matter how many more houses we visited.
Backyard :
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Ethan : The backyard also doubles up as the garden but it's not quite completed yet.
Meera : Yes it's been two months since we moved, and we haven't been able to work on the garden because of work and the pregnancy. Ethan : But we want to build a garden with a tree house and maybe some swings.
Meera (too excited) : Ohh swings! Yes please add it onto the list. Why didn't I think of it before?
Pool :
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Meera : Definitely my favorite part!
Ethan : She is a water baby through and through so that's no surprise.
Meera : Don't act like you don't appreciate me in a swimsuit, Ramsey (winks)
Ethan : There is no denying that.
Living room and home office (if any)?
Living room :
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Ethan : Meera was hell bent on having an L-shaped couch.
Meera : Those things are so bougie I had to have one because now I can finally afford one. But yeah the living room is so relaxing with a beautiful view of the outside.
Home office :
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Meera : Honestly speaking, I do not understand the utility of a home office, I didn't understand back at his apartment neither do I understand now. If I am supposed to work from home I can do that on the couch or on my bed or even better on the daybeds by the pool.
Ethan (shaking his head) : You'll get it darling. When you start your maternity leave I'll see how you make zoom calls with the pool as your background.
Meera shrugs.
Kitchen and dining room?
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Meera : This part was all Ethan so I'll let him do the talking.
Ethan (proudly) : A Poggenpohl kitchen with a granite-topped island adds an ultramodern touch. Glass shelves display colorful glassware convenient to the wet bar. A translucent sliding glass door below the shelves hides the more utilitarian gadgets. And finally playful mod pendant lights seem to levitate over the dining table, which is meant to resemble a river running through the woods.
Meera : You sure you didn't miss your true calling as an interior designer babe?
Ethan (smirks) : Nope, just the fact that I tend to excel at everything I do, Rookie.
Meera : And that makes you 10 times hotter!
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Master bedroom :
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Meera : The bedroom has a different color scheme and tone from the rest of the house because I wanted it to stand out and break the monotone.
Ethan : Again the chandelier was Meera's opinion.
Meera : Finding common ground between his minimalistic taste and mine was difficult but we made it through.
Master Bathroom :
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Ethan : Meera I don't think it was necessary to bring Bree in here.
Meera : It was absolutely necessary! Just look at this tub Bree! The bubbles and champagne dates we have here are a total hit.
Guest rooms :
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Ethan : We have two guest rooms and both are styled the same way, but unfortunately we haven't had any guests yet. 
Meera : Is it unfortunate Dr. Ramsey? Bryce is just a call away from crashing here. 
Ethan (pinching the bridge of his nose) : Anyone but Lahela.
Meera : We haven't thought about the baby's room yet. But we have the nursery now. 
Ethan : Yes, maybe we'll turn the nursery into a bedroom or one of the guest rooms in a few years. Let's see.
Nursery : 
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Meera : This was completed just yesterday hence the delay in the interview, Bree. 
Ethan : We decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise so we went with a gender neutral nursery that matches the colour scheme of the house. 
Meera : Also because Ethan Ramsey would rather die than paint the walls of his house pink and blue. 
Ethan (rolls eyes) 
Other rooms?
Home library :
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Meera (takes in the smell of books) : Better known as my safe haven. 
Ethan : This was absolutely non-negotiable for Meera. 
Meera : We both own a lot of books and the collection keeps on increasing now with the baby incoming. And look at this reading space. It's from my dreams. 
Ethan : This is tucked away in a far corner of the house and is the most serene place around here. Once, I returned home from the hospital and called out to Meera a hundred times, she didn't answer, I started panicking and then found her silently sitting here in her own world. 
Meera : If I ever go missing please check here before running to the police, because once I am in here I forget the existence of the world.
Bree picks up "Peppa pig's super noisy Sound Book" which was kept on a thick medical journal with a smile. 
Ethan feels embarrassed but Meera laughs. 
Meera : Yes these are the new ones in our collection. Ethan was reading it to the baby before you arrived. 
Home Bar : 
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Ethan : The wine cellar grew into a home mini bar because we had this unused space left. 
Meera : He loves showing this and his collection off. 
Ethan : Excuse me! If I remember correctly your friends were very impressed as well. 
Meera : True that. Bryce went bat shit crazy during the housewarming party. He said he felt he got back his bartending days.
Ethan (proudly) : And Jackie's exact words for that evening's toast was "to hell with Donahue's" 
Meera : Yeah yeah, you did a great job honey. Also the more surfaces the better for us. 
Ethan : Keep it PG for the love of God. 
Meera (shrugs) : Pregnancy hormones. 
Bree (points) : And that? 
Ethan (facepalms) : The only thing that doesn't match with the vibe here.
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Meera : Nonsense! It was a housewarming gift from my friends and I absolutely love it. Ethan just feels it is a cheaper and juvenile version of his favourite game, soccer. But don't worry Bree, I'll get him to play someday. 
Ethan (smirk) : I would very much like to see you try Dr. Ramsey-Bose.
Meera : And I'll see how you say no when your son asks. 
Ethan : It's gonna be a daughter. 
Meera : We'll see. 
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
Ethan : For the majority of my life home for me was a structure of bricks and cement with a ceiling but Meera was the one who brought all the love and light and showed me what a real home felt like. So for me, my home is where my heart is and for this lifetime it's kept safe with this gorgeous woman whom I fortunately call my wife. 
Silence lasts for a couple of minutes then Meera snorts. 
Meera (drying her eye) : Damn you pregnancy hormones, I am not even wearing waterproof mascara. It was super cheesy Ethan, a non pregnant me would have definitely called you out on your cheese but this pregnant Meera has to agree with you. Even a stable is my dream home if I have my dream husband with me. (she kisses Ethan) but I wouldn't mind a Jacuzzi, a home theatre, a game room (laughing)
Ethan (an easy smile on his face) : Always knew you were in it because of the money Bose. 
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Meera : The library. Just him reading to our unborn child like he isn't already the most perfect man in the world. 
Ethan (a very satisfied smile on his face) : First I am very surprised that you kept it PG. So the obvious answer is the bedroom but other than that, the patio, which is not a room though.
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Ethan : Meera has a slight deficiency in vitamin D so to avoid complications, we spend a lot of time here in the sun. We play board games, read and even discuss work here sometimes.  
Meera : Ooh yes! This was another great investment and a great way to utilise the humongous outdoor space we have.  
Ethan : I hope you had fun Bree. Thank you so much for doing this. 
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A quick shoutout to @a-crepusculo and @jamespotterthefirst who came to my rescue when  I couldn't add more than 10 pics. Also thank you Bree for doing this you are a star and an angel. 💜
Tagging my usual : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict  @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean
+ @openheartfanfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. And if you want to sit out only the answers to the ask games hit me up too. There won't be any hard feelings. I promise. 💜
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amoc94 · 4 years
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"His Pet"
Summary : Min Yoongi. A business magnate, and a mafia leader. He was everything you would never imagine to be a part of your life.Yet fate is not something to be eluded.
He would do anything to make you his.
Pairings : Yoongi × female OC (from reader's POV).
Genre : Yandere, Mafia AU.
Warning for this chapter : Nothing.
This story is not for easily triggered readers or below eighteen.
Full Masterlist and elaborate warning please read here.
List of chapters here.
The loud thumping sound of electro dance music reverberating throughout the room, the vibration could be sensed around the soundproofed wall. With every beat of the rhythm, you could feel your adrenaline pumping and your excitement soared.
You couldn't wait to immerse into the throng on the dance floor.
The club was located in a quiet area of the business district in Seoul, so the surrounding was deserted at night. Row of expensive cars were parked outside the club, gleaming and shiny even under the dim lighting of pale moonlight.
It was a premium executive club, only members with certain absurd amount of deposit were granted entry.
The interior of the room screamed luxuries in general, with the servers roamed around in elegant red bodycon dress that hugged their slim bodies perfectly.
The bar was a rectangular shaped counter at the left side of the room, with red lighting decor gradually changed into different shades of color on the front side of the tavern. It was huge and long, you could see at least eight bartenders stood there.
Intricate high tech moving lighting system on the tall ceiling, illuminated the dance floor with changing colors of different pattern of lights.
Every guest needed to wear a special bracelet that was used as entree and payment mode by scan it on portable gadget that the servers carried around.
You saw several celebrities lounged around the corner of the huge room. Your inner fangirl squealed over the view of familiar faces, and you almost couldn't contain the urge to go to them and ask for a selfie.
But you had a strong feeling, Yoongi wouldn't be too pleased to witness that, and to have him send you home early was definitely the last thing you would want to happen.
Not that you had someone to swoon over the pictures with anyway.
Tonight you wore a knee length maroon pencil dress that hugged your figure just right, but not tight enough to your liking, and it was turtleneck, for god sake. All thanks to Min Yoongi's good taste of fashion.
You felt left out among the women milling about with their sexy dress that accentuated their breasts and hips. You even saw one woman wore a black transparent tight dress revealing her sexy body only clad in black lace bra and panties.Compared to her, you probably looked like a lost nun.
Didn't mean that you would have the courage to wear that kind of outfit, but that was beside the point.
You initially wore a tube red tight dress, but when Yoongi saw it, he gave you a dirty look before asked you to change into the dress that he picked from the wardrobe. What could you say, he was the boss, you mentally grumbled.
All the seven boys were in suit tonight, minus the tie. They wore blazer that you guessed it was probably to conceal their weapon. You saw them easily passed through the security without thorough checking like other customers, you wondered if the club belonged to their group of companies.
Yoongi walked beside you, with his hand around your waist, keeping you as close as he could.
A girl in red dress ushered them to a big table on the second floor balcony, with long curved leather sofa.
You had an expanded view of the club including the dance floor when you stood near the railing. The walls of the entire floor were all glass, it was pretty and you could see the twinkling lights of surrounding buildings from afar. There were several other seating spots around you, but only two were occupied, by Yoongi and his group members.
The boys had girls in their arm, whom all were strangers to you.
Except Solar of course. Even she wore a sexy dress for the night, a black tube bodycon mini dress with lace accent on its hem.
You eyed her dress with envy. Damn Yoongi and his controlling personality.
Throwing a glance to your surrounding, you caught a restroom sign a few meters away from your spot. It was quite risky to carry out your plan there, you needed to go to the first floor.
You sat next to him, waited for the right moment to ask his approval to go down the dance floor.
He was in a serious conversation with Namjoon, leaning his head to listen better to what Namjoon said, amidst the loud music.
Hoseok was with a girl that looked like a model, with killer body and long legs. She sat on his lap and straddled his hip, engaged in a heated kiss with him, as if they were the only people in the room.
Wasn't it still too early to get that drunk? They were just arrived like thirty minutes ago.
Seemed like it was a common sight since none of them actually paid attention to Hoseok, except you. Your cheeks turned hot just by staring at them, so you hastily looked away.
Unlike the last time you saw them, tonight Jungkook and Jimin had girl each of their own.
Jungkook's girl was a petite girl with curvy body, she leaned on him while put her face in the crook of his neck, looked like she whispered something to his ear, but you knew better.
The girl on Jimin's lap had similar petite figure, a very pretty brunette eurasian, with tanned skin, prominent small jaw and high cheekbones, wearing a tight bandage dress that hiked up to her thighs, Jimin's hands rubbing her naked skin. She giggled while Jimin kissed her neck several times.
It was like a show of PDA at its best, and you wondered how everybody could act so casually.
Seokjin and Taehyung sat with their girls on different table next to yours, seated there in decent position, maybe the alcohol hadn't run on their system yet.
You couldn't catch the face of their girls clearly due to dim lighting and the distance, but you decided to mind your own business.
You started to get antsy waited for Yoongi. From his countenance, it looked like they were talking about serious matter. Who would talk about business in a night club with blaring music around?
You decided not to waste your time, waiting for him would probably took longer than you predicted.
"Yoongi?" You grazed his shoulder lightly.
He paused from his conversation, looking at you with furrowed brows.
"Can I dance?" You gestured to the dance floor.
He was silent for a while with quantifying eyes at you for a good moment, before finally answered. "I'll let Sejin to be with you"
"But why? I'm just down there, I won't go anywhere. I promise." You mentally cursed at him. How the hell you would enjoy your time when Sejin was looming around you?
He went silent again, weighing the options, it was clear he didn't like you to be away from him.
Then, -to your relief, he finally nodded.
"I'll give you an hour, you need to be here after time limit."
You stood up to walk away, but halted when his hand caught your wrist.
"You can order drink with your bracelet, but do not overdrink. I'm serious Yuri." His eyes flashed with warning, and you knew well what that meant. Choose to disobey, and you could say goodbye to future outing.
You downed two shots of cocktail from the bar before made your way to the dance floor. You could feel the warmth of the booze started to kick in, and bobbed your head a little. It had been a long time since the last time you stepped on dance floor, you weren't even sure if you still familiar with the moves. You didn't need to worry, a moment later you got the hang of it, and you danced your body like no one was watching.
It felt so good, too good.
The first time you were in a throng of people after many months, and you had never known how you liked it to be in the crowd, until it was too late.
You never regard yourself as a social person, but being restricted in the mansion made you realized how often people took things for granted.
You danced for around fifteen minutes before reminded yourself the things you needed to do.
You made a beeline towards the restroom through a hallway with dim lighting, not many people were around.
The restroom were designed in dominant dark shade contemporary interior, the intense black Marquina marble floor looked sleek and luxurious. Shiny granite black washbasin, with advanced motion sensor tap and soap dispenser, round mirrors illuminated with warm white lighting on the back panel.
You hurriedly went to the furthest cubicle, locked it, and pulled out the small plastic box from your sling bag.
It was the size of a name card box. You opened it, and counted the pieces of jewellery inside.
Three necklaces and three pairs of earrings from Yoongi.
For every dinner outside the mansion, he always gave you a set of necklace and earrings to wear, and it were yours to keep after that.
You didn't know the price, but you hoped the amount could help your brother to move with your plan to escape. You weren't sure if it would succeed, or whether your brother would agree, but you were hanging on a thread of hope.
It would have to work.
You just prayed that Yoongi would be too busy to notice that the collection were all gone, otherwise you would be doomed. You only kept the first necklace he gave to you with its matching earrings.
You took out a small roll of double sided tape, and started to look around the room to find a gap somewhere that was suitable enough to hide the box. The wall and the ceiling were bare, there was no way you could hide the box there.
Then your eyes trained on the source of light.
The lighting was a square shaped concrete box that was installed with a few centimeters gap from the ceiling, it glowed through its four sides, giving the cubicle a warm and cozy ambience.
You could barely reach into the slot above it, even if you used the toilet seat to support you. But somehow you made it, after several attempts of craning and tiptoeing, you didn't even need the double tape.
You observed its position from different angle, to make sure the box was completely invisible from where you stood.
Now you just had to find someone who you could borrow the phone from, you just needed to wait.
The first two women didn't have their bag, and with one look to their tight and skimpy dress, you were sure they didn't have phone with them.
Five minutes later, a woman with a small hand bag walked in, and you tried your luck.
"Excuse me? Can I borrow your phone? I needed to text my friend, I lost my phone."
"Sure ... sure ... wait a minute."
She rummaged her bag to find the phone. Her face was blushed deep pink, it seemed she was tipsy. All the better, she probably wouldn't pay too much attention on you.
Once she gave you the phone, she walked to the cubicle to do her business.
You sent a text to your brother, informed him your plan, the box and the location. You had thought to call him, but you couldn't risk to have someone listen to your conversation. After deleted the text, you gave the phone back to the woman, thanked her and walked out of the restroom.
You threw away the double tape on your way out.
Glanced to your watch, you were five minutes early from given time. You were thinking to grab another shot from the bar before go back to Yoongi, but you didn't want to be late. Especially after he had been so lenient with the rules.
You made your way to the second floor, dreaded of the time when you had to go home, back to your jail of the mansion.
You were a few meters from their table, when you stopped on your track, watching the scene unfold in front of you.
Hoseok was leaning back to the sofa with closed eyes, seemingly pretty wasted.
But that wasn't your focus of attention. The girl with long legs wasn't with him anymore.
She was on Yoongi's lap, straddled him on his hip, with her arms wrapped around his neck.
Yoongi leaned his head on the backrest of the sofa, with his signature impassive look on her.
You were sure she would kiss him just like she kissed Hoseok, and you certainly didn't want to sit and become the third wheel.
So you turned back to the dance floor.
Chapter 22
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