#Home Bar Automation
drinkinlovecom · 1 year
Shake Up Your Home Bar
Shake Up Your Home Bar
Discover the Exciting Future of Home Bartending The future of home bartending is bright, as more and more people are turning to this as a way to entertain friends and family in the comfort of their own homes. As technology continues to evolve, so do the tools and techniques used in home bartending. From automated cocktail machines to smartphone apps, home bartenders have access to a wide range…
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m-oarts · 9 months
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Miami Home Bar Single Wall Mid-sized modern single-wall home bar idea with flat-panel cabinets, black cabinets, granite countertops, an undermount sink, and light wood and beige flooring
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shiningnewlight · 9 months
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Laundry - Transitional Laundry Room Small dedicated laundry room with an integrated sink, flat-panel cabinets, green cabinets, quartzite countertops, pink backsplash, ceramic backsplash, green walls, a side-by-side washer/dryer, and white countertops in a transitional single-wall design.
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americania · 9 months
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Family Room Home Bar A large, open-concept family room with a bar, white walls, no fireplace, and a media wall is an example of a minimalist design.
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toonass · 9 months
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Contemporary Home Bar - Home Bar Large trendy single-wall wet bar design example with flat-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, concrete countertops, beige backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, and gray countertops. It also has an undermount sink.
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bloody-vampire-lolita · 10 months
Contemporary Living Room Vancouver
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Mid-sized contemporary open concept living room idea with a dark wood floor and a bar. It also has a tile fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a wall-mounted television.
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dustinyellin · 11 months
Home Bar U-Shape in Orlando
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Example of a large minimalist u-shaped marble floor and white floor seated home bar design with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets and solid surface countertops
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richard-swarbrick · 1 year
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Industrial Home Bar An illustration of a medium-sized urban seated l-shaped home bar with flat-panel cabinets
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ivedone-itagain · 1 year
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Vancouver Family Room Image of a medium-sized, modern family room with a dark wood floor and a bar, as well as a tile fireplace and a wall-mounted television.
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lecter-starling · 1 year
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Chicago Home Bar
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twinpeaksfashion · 1 year
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Contemporary Home Bar in Orange County
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Industrial Home Bar
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Home Bar (Rome)
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Home Bar in Newark
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sirianasims · 21 days
Psssst! Hey! Yes, you! We need to talk about clubs:
Using the Clubs for Immersive Gameplay
Of all the systems that Sims 4 has, the club feature is probably one of my favourites (Restaurants are a close second, but they're not why we're here today!) Clubs are one of the easiest ways to increase your immersion when you play and make the random townies that show up on community lots just a tiny bit less random.
The Basics
Often, people are mostly concerned with the groups their active sims are in. You might already have a club to keep track of your sims' closest friends, study group, or baby daddies, we don't judge here.
Clubs are also a great way to automate what you want your sim to be doing with less micromanaging, but for immersion, we're actually more interested in clubs for the sims you don't (or rarely) play.
WTF are the neighbours doing?
Most of the pre-made clubs are kinda meh. I prefer to add my own so I can make my community lots just a bit more lively and make sure people's activities make just a tiny bit of sense because the autonomy in this game is not great. These are just for inspiration based on clubs I often add to my own game:
A group of teens who meet at the retail clothing store to try on clothes and gossip about Nancy's nose job or whatever.
A local bowling league (complete with uniforms) who meet and bowl - just don't fuck with The Jesus.
An HOA of Karens who meet at the park to clean, raise property values, and be mean to people.
Geeks and gamers who meet at the local arcade to awkwardly flirt over pizza.
Comedians who meet at the local comedy club - you can even use the club doors to make a VIP backroom only for the performers.
Sports teams - such as a basket team who meets at a local basket court, or a swim team who meets at the local pool (you can even give them tiny matching speedos!)
Scouts! The scout feature is cute but it's a rabbit hole, boo! But you can make a Scouts club, complete with uniforms, and have them show up in parks where they can do various activities and work on their badges. Add a teen or two to supervise the younglings, their parents will be so proud, aww.
A sorority or fraternity in university who meet up at the local bar in matching varsity jackets to make all the other students feel inferior.
A group of old ladies who meet at the park to knit or cross-stitch and brag about the accomplishments of their descendants.
A "business" club, usually CEOs, lawyers and such, who meet in fancy bars to hold important business meetings and probably commit white-collar crimes, so predictable.
If you have a sim with an office/work from home job and you'd like to pretend they actually go to work, you can make an office building and a group of "coworkers" who'll show up to drink coffee, chat, and work on computers next to them in the office. It'll even simulate rotating desk assignments for an instant capitalist hellscape!
The possibilities are endless, and I find the club feature really useful to add little interesting scenarios to the background of my gameplay.
Thanks to SQOTD for inspiring this!
📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included? - @simblr-question-of-the-day
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passivenovember · 23 days
thinking about the first time Billy has cherry pie and the lengths he'll travel to have it again.
Fresh Cherries (part one)
Because it's December, Neil makes concessions.
Billy isn't allowed to do whatever he wants, never that, but his leash isn't vice-like. There's some give as he tests his boundaries when there's snow on the ground. Billy isn't sure why, but he isn't about to ruin a good thing.
But. Steve calls on a Wednesday night and says, "Come over."
Billy has to chew and swallow the automated response he's used to giving. It's a school night, Neil'd kill me, and feels like he just got dusted with sugar and put in the oven. Says, "Sure. Let me ask my dad."
"Just sneak out," Steve tells him.
Billy checks the alarm clock on his bedside table. "It's seven thirty."
"So, it's not sneaking out hours."
"You're such a stick in the mud," Steve says.
"I'm not, I just--" don't feel like getting my teeth knocked in. Billy picks at the threads in his duvet cover. Counts to three. "I want to be a good influence on you, Harrington."
Steve squaks. Some bright, quaffed bird. "I'm a year older than you!"
"Only 'cause you got held back in the third grade," Billy says. He flops over onto his belly, bringing the phone with him as he tries not to get wrapped up in the chord when Steve laughs.
"This is what I get for telling you all my deepest darkest shit," Steve rustles on the other end of the line and Billy imagines him in bed, or laying on the couch. Maybe flat on the carpet, near the fireplace, shirtless and eating chocolate covered strawberries--
"C'mon," Steve says gently, "Be a bad influence, come hang out with me."
"My dad--"
"Just sneak out, Malibu."
Billy grunts, not wanting to tell the truth, kind of into how Steve's growing more and more whiny as the scene presses on. "I dunno."
"C'mon, it's not hard. I sneak out all the time. Out of my house and into my car and in through your window--"
"--That's different. Your parents don't give a shit where you are."
"You're right. Who cares, though? I'd still sneak out to see you even if they had a bell permanently installed around my neck."
Billy's heart feels like raw cookie dough, sticking to the ribs around him as he bakes and proves under some bright, shining, plastic feeling. "Are they home this week?"
"Nope," Steve says, and the P explodes over the phone line. Wipes out half the city in his excitement. "Mom bought a ton of shit to get me through 'till the twenty-eighth, so we can--"
"You're spending Christmas alone?"
"I always spend Christmas alone," Steve says. Quiet sits heavy, like a filed of snow, between them. Stretching out in every direction. "It's not a big deal. We celebrate Christmas in November."
"With Thanksgiving?"
"Nah, right at the start of November."
"Alongside Halloween?" Billy spats, sitting upright on the mattress. It jostles underneath him. He feels like a raft lost in some huge, freezing, disorienting sea.
He tries to get his barring's, tries to sink his heel into Steve's answering laugh but its hollow like a dead tree, "One year Santa was my dad, dressed as the Cowardly Lion." Steve says.
Billy tries to imagine it. He puts the hard, chilled seed of Steve's childhood near his molars and chews on it for a while, trying to envision the light refracted from all the ways childhood has to bend and contort to suit a kid's parents.
"I never believed in Santa," He says. An offering. Sadness for sadness, or something, like I see you.
Steve hums, and that horrible field of ice and snow between them melts, just like it always does. "Come over," He says, not as hollow as before. Blooming.
Billy puts his shoes on.
The Harringtons live in some demented alternate reality where Christmas in December is all for show. Their house has been decorated since the last time Billy was here in Saturday.
He knocks and stares down at Santa, the looming silver-screen image from his childhood, dressed in a floral button down, board shorts and flip flops. Somehow feels colder. When Steve opens the door, he points at it.
"My mom's theme this year is Blue Hawaii." Steve says.
Billy stumbles over the threshold, teeth chattering to shards in his skull. "That's not a Christmas Movie."
"Yeah, but it turns out, Santa can be anything. He's kinda like a chameleon."
"Santa isn't Elvis."
"He could be," Steve says.
Billy shrugs out of his jacket, handing it off, like always. Steve holds it close to his chest, watching with amusement as Billy takes in the foyer. Toes out of his snow-covered boots. "It's like a tiki bar made of pine trees instead of sweet grass."
Steve nods, still clutching the jacket.
His eyes are red.
Billy squints at him, padding closer. "Are you high?"
Steve giggles, bright like a fresh log in the fire.
Billy scrubs a hand across his face, trying to hide the way it makes him go up in Steve's flame. "You're such a dork."
"What? I thought we could--"
"I only have a few hours," Billy tells him gently, trying not to get lost in the sleepy, apple-red flush across Steve's perfect nose. "My dad'll--"
"Just tell him I'm left on my own for Christmas. Maybe he'll feel sorry for me and let you stay the night."
"How do you think I got him to agree to an 11:30 curfew?"
Steve blinks at him and then explodes into glowing, glaring joy. "Are you shitting me?"
"Nope, I'm all yours 'till 11:30."
Steve flushes again, clutching Billy's jacket closer to his chest. "But it's a school night--"
"Guess my old man took pitty on you. Such a lonely boy in his Elvis-themed mansion on the hill, it's kinda pathetic," Billy says, "In a cute way."
"It's not Elvis," Steve says, still grinning, "It's Blue Hawaii."
"Still cute," Billy shrugs, feeling hot all over. Feeling proud of himself. He nearly combusts when Steve moves into his space, eyes nearly going cross to focus on the bridge of Steve's nose.
Billy holds his breath.
He waits for Steve to say something, feeling that huge filed stretch out between them, but it's not snow-covered now.
It's thawing. It's burning up.
Steve wets his lips.
"Uh," Billy says intelligently, looking down when the sleeve of his jacket tugs at him, still viced in Steve's hold. "You can put that in the closet," Billy tells him, caught on the strech of skin over Steve's knuckles. "If you want."
"I don't," Steve tells him.
Billy looks up, eyes crossing again.
Steve winks. "You're warm," He says but Billy feels it, more than anything else.
The smell of marijuana and pine is overwhelming, searing through the air after the first shared joint.
Billy rolls his neck and asks if they can crack a window. Steve blinks at him, sealing the second joint with spit. "You trying to get caught, or something?"
"Caught?" Billy asks, trying to force his shoulders to relax. "But. I thought--"
"--The neighbors are nosy 'round these parts." Steve says. He tucks his rolling tray under the coffee table, and Billy watches with droopy red eyes the way his lips close around the butt of the thing.
Steve's lips are perfect.
If Billy was an artist he'd fill sketchbooks with watercolor renditions of that cupid's bow. His fingers would permanently stain with lapping waves of purple-pink, etching the warmth of breath into his nail beds so that the faucet would never run clear of this boy.
He could get lost in those lips. That hair--
Steve hands him the joint and Billy takes it, focusing on the cherry so he won't get lost in Steve's eyes, too, because he's looking. Always.
Billy tries not to drown in it and fails when Steve says, "Y'know. Your eyes are kinda like Blue Hawaii."
"Again with Elvis?" Billy rolls them, handing the joint back. "You're the one who stole his wig."
"My hair is not a wig, fuck you."
"Coulda fooled me."
Steve holds smoke in his lungs, exhaling it toward the popcorn ceiling as he says, "Your eyes are blue."
Billy snorts, laying with his back on the carpet.
"They're the bluest things I've ever seen," Steve says, ashing the joint. "And I've tried to find something bluer. Around town. I even went to the library to look for something in an atlas when Indiana disappointed me, like maybe the ocean is bluer and clearer in the Caribbean, or something, but no."
Billy's heart thumps, nailing his ribs to the floor underneath.
He counts the joints in the popcorn overhead. He feels Steve looking at him, feels himself burning from the inside.
"You're just the most detailed asshole who's ever lived," Steve says, softly.
Billy could sink into it. "Thanks."
Silence falls, again. It's comfortable. Billy stretches, a little bit, twisting until his spine cracks, until he feels like he could pass out from how relaxed he is.
Steve hands him the joint.
Billy shakes his head.
"Why not?" Steve asks.
"I'm laying down," Billy tells the ceiling, "I feel like if I smoke anymore my lungs will give out, or maybe I'll float through the ceiling and disappear."
Steve exhales more smoke. "And right before Christmas, too."
Billy sits crisscross on the carpet, watching Steve puff, inhale, puff, inhale. "You're really not stressed about being home by yourself for six days?"
Steve shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"I like having the house to myself," Steve tells him, "Besides, I feel like if I have to spend any more time with my parents this year I'm going to sink right through the floor." Teasing. An echo of Billy's childhood fear of ascending into the ozone.
Billy pokes him with his foot, flushed.
Steve finishes the joint and slides closer. Their knees touch. "What kind of Christmases did you have when you were growing up?"
Billy shrugs. "I'm sill growing up."
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, just. I dunno," Billy gets lost in Steve's eyes, a little. Classic beauty. "It was the Coca-Cola Santa kind?"
Steve laughs at him, and then his palms are warm on Billy's knee caps. "The kind with Bing Crosby and miniature towns on the dining room table?"
Billy's mom loved to collect those goddamn things. Neil smashed them all when she ran away and killed herself.
He nods, relishing the weight of Steve's fingertips.
Steve fiddles with the hole in Billy's jeans. "What kind of food did you have?"
"Pizza," Billy says.
Steve blinks at him, lost. "That's not very Coca-Cola of the Hargrove's."
"My mom didn't like to cook."
"Funny," Steve says, combing through the tussle of hair on Billy's kneecap, "Mine doesn't either."
Billy aches to knit their fingers together until they meld, forming the kind of sweater you dig out from the back of your closet year after year, echoing on the stiff frigid breeze until it's tattered and falling apart.
Steve looks at him, smiling. "Do you want some pie?"
Steve guts and skins the freezer until it's empty. A carcass picked clean.
Mrs. Harrington must have spent her entire bonus at Melvalds on Christmas dinner, enough to feed four Steve Harrington's and all the people who are desperately in love with him.
Billy tries not to think about them and watches from the counter face, his sock feet thumping gently against the cabinet as Steve pulls dish after dish from a cloud of white exhaust, plopping containers onto the island. "Green bean casserole," Steve says, "Pumpkin pie, pecan, apple, blueberry--"
"--You're supposed to eat all of this?"
"You're gonna help me."
"I don't like green bean casserole," Billy says, yelping when Steve feigns death and collapses into the counter. "Jesus Christ--"
"I'm midwestern, that's a cardinal sin to me."
"Dope makes you dramatic, pretty boy."
"You hate midwestern people."
"Yeah," Billy says, giggling.
"You hate me."
"Shut up," Billy slips off the counter and onto his feet, examining every frozen item while Steve repacks.
"Which pie sounds good?"
"I dunno," Billy says, eyeing the blueberry with suspicion, "Don't we have to wait for them to thaw before we throw them in the oven?"
"I don't think so," Steve says, "I've already tried the cherry and that baked fine."
"I've never had it before."
Steve blinks at him, shocked. "How have you never had cherry pie?"
"My dad doesn't like cherries," Billy admits.
"Just because your dad doesn't like cherries--"
"--Look, my mom wasn't on great terms with the oven, and nobody else is going to waste time cooking shit my dad won't eat," Billy snaps. Feeling red-hot all of a sudden. Angry in a way he hasn't been in a long time for being reminded that other people's dads are shitty in the normal way.
Not like Neil.
Steve either doesn't notice or chooses not to take it personally.
He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a half-eaten cherry pie, picking at its cling-wrap until Billy can see the cherries where the glitter between layers of perfectly brown crust. Bloody little eyes staring up at him like dead fish.
"You can have the rest."
"The rest?" Billy demands, "But what if I don't like it?"
"Not possible," Steve tells him. He opens the microwave and attempts to shove the pie tray in, yelping when Billy snatches it out of thin air. "What--"
"--Aluminum will catch fire in the microwave." Billy snaps. He tries to find it annoying, but Steve just blinks those big, soft eyes at him and the anger washes away. "Get me a plate, bambi boy," He says.
Steve watches Billy plate the pie, giggling as his nose wrinkles in disgust over its dripping red innards. "This is so gross," Billy says.
"You won't think so, once you try it."
Billy walks it to the microwave, carefully pinching the edges of the plate between his palms. "I can't think of a single other instance where that has been true."
He turns the dial. Forty seconds.
Steve's watching him, face illuminated in the golden hum of the microwave.
"What?" Billy demands.
"Nothing," Steve says, leaning against the counter top, "I just can't believe I'm gonna be here when your life is changed forever."
Billy snorts, stalking to the drawer where the Harringtons keep their silver. "Still dramatic, pretty boy."
"Why do you always say that?" Steve wonders.
Billy freezes in place. Two forks in hand. He peers across the island at Steve, heart thrumming loudly. "Why do I always say what?"
"Pretty boy," Steve clarifies.
It hangs between them. The microwave hums, the longest forty seconds of Billy's life. "I," He says intelligently, "It's just. True."
"What is?"
"You're. Pretty," Billy says. And it's like having teeth pulled.
The microwave beeps.
Steve turns away, yanking the pie from its incubation, "Shit," He says, wiggling his fingers. "Plate's hot as hell."
Billy stands there watching him. Breathing. Dying.
Steve looks at him. "Well, do you wanna try it?" Billy nods. Doesn't move. Steve laughs at him. "Come here."
Billy goes easily, like a lap dog being called to perch. He and his forks stare down at the pie with caution, stomach churning at the congealed mess before him.
Steve grabs one of the forks from Billy and cuts the point off, blowing on it until its warm enough to eat. Steve pops it into his mouth, brown eyes falling closed. "Mmmm," He says, like someone would with a spooked and disgusted baby, "It's good."
Billy shakes his head.
"You're so dramatic," Steve says, cutting another huge chunk for Billy. He holds it in the air between them, eyebrows raised. "Trust me."
Billy stares at it. "Why's mine so big?"
"I want you to get the full range of flavor."
Steve shoves the fork into Billy's mouth, swiftly depositing the little cherry eyeballs onto Billy's tongue. He coughs and sputters, lips curling around the fork as Steve yanks it away. "Chew," Steve says.
Billy does.
Like it's the first time he's ever done it, clumsy and a little rushed and very, very distracted by the way Steve's watching him.
"Swallow," Steve says softly, barely there.
Billy does. There's something on his face. On his lips.
"What do you think?" Steve asks, staring at them.
Billy resists the urge to lick it away, "Sucked," He says, expecting Steve to laugh, but.
Something rests between them, not growing or stretching or changing shape, but it's there. It suffocates.
Steve looks at him, somehow closer than he was before. "Sorry, pretty boy," He says.
Billy's heart stops. "Why would you say that?"
"It's true. You're pretty," Steve says, watching the red on Billy's lips burn brighter. "You've got a little something on your face." Billy lifts a hand, mouth falling open when Steve grabs his wrist. "Can I," Steve says, soft as summer rain, "Can I kiss you, Billy?"
Billy doesn't move as Steve licks into his mouth, Cherry washing away under the rough, sweet drag of intention.
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I get around to part two <3
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