#Home Extension Services Near Me
crehancarpentry · 5 months
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Carpentry Services in Clonsilla | Crehan Carpentry & Construction
Carpentry Services in Clonsilla offers expert craftsmanship and tailored woodworking solutions in the vibrant community of Clonsilla. Our skilled carpenters bring precision and creativity to every project, whether it's custom furniture, home renovations, or intricate woodwork. With a commitment to quality and client satisfaction, we strive to enhance your living spaces with timeless and functional carpentry solutions. Trust us to turn your ideas into beautifully crafted realities, adding a touch of craftsmanship to every corner of your home in Clonsilla. For more information you can visit our website https://crehancarpentry.ie/contact-us/
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Interior and Exterior Painting Services in Melbourne | Doctor Brush Painting
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Interior and exterior painting services can be your time-consuming and labor-intensive task. It can be problematic, especially if you need to familiarize yourself with the process. Hiring professionals in this work can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life or home improvement projects.
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nehanursing · 5 months
Home nursing basically means having the services of a professional caregiver at home.
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Neha Nursing services What does home nursing mean?
Home nursing basically means having the services of a professional caregiver at home. Home care services can be medical or non-medical in nature. Non-medical care includes, but is not limited to, geriatric care, nursing, and maternal and infant care. Medical care, on the other hand, includes a variety of eligible medical interventions, such as vaccinations, IV/infusion therapy, wound care, stoma care, and respiratory care. At Neha Nursing services, home nurses in Delhi are available on a full-time or part-time basis, depending on the type of care a patient requires.
What does a home health nurse do? Home health nurses in Delhi are expected to, among other things, provide personalized care to patients at home, ensure patient safety at home, and provide education and information to patients and their families. The main responsibilities of a home health nurse in Delhi are:
Perform an initial health assessment of the patient Create a personalized care plan Administer intravenous fluids and medications as prescribed help manage pain Documentation of symptoms and vital signs Inform your doctor about your health status and response to ongoing treatment.
What is home care service? Home care services allow you to receive nursing care services provided at medical facilities in your own home. We provide high-quality, compassionate medical care tailored to your needs. Our goal is to provide world-class nursing services in Delhi/NCR, better than hospitals. If you are looking for a caregiver in your area, call us today
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Including nursing care services Nursing for sleep apnea syndrome: PAP therapy is one of the most commonly used procedures by doctors around the world to treat sleep apnea, and nurses can help patients get used to using the mask device. play an important role. The home nurse will also provide the patient with all the necessary training and information, including how to use the equipment, how to put on the mask, and how to wear the mask at night.
Nursing for liver cancer: Liver cancer has a huge impact on a person's mental and physical condition, so this is exactly where the need for specialized home care is felt. Home health nurses in Portea support patients in a variety of ways to maintain their quality of life, including: For example, regularly assessing vital signs and airways, regularly monitoring fluid and electrolyte balance, initiating precautions against bleeding, assisting with paracentesis if necessary, providing optimal nutrition, and encouraging lifestyle changes. Etc.
Nursing for lymphatic cancer: Home health nurses perform a variety of tasks to restore lymphoma patients' quality of life, including: This may include monitoring your breathing and providing oxygen as needed, observing changes in skin color and dilation of veins in your neck, assessing and treating pain, teaching relaxation techniques, and administering pain medication as needed. .
Treatment of pancreatic cancer: Home health care plans for patients with pancreatic cancer include reducing the pain and discomfort caused by pancreatitis, improving the patient's nutritional status, improving respiratory function, and ultimately improving the patient's fluid and electrolyte balance. .
IV therapy nurse: Injection therapy may require complex injection lines. Therefore, experienced and trained infusion therapy nurses are needed. In Neha Nursing services, you can easily find a professional who can help you administer IV therapy in the comfort of your own home. These trained nurses can administer drugs through complex IV lines, such as central catheters that end in large veins near the heart.
Nurse inserting Lyle tube: Similar to IV therapy, Portea helps the patient insert the Lyle tube, slightly repositions the tube every 24 hours, monitors the patient's serum electrolytes and daily weight, and monitors the patient's skin condition. , provides a trained nurse who is specifically qualified to monitor the nostrils. ,monitor.
Immunotherapy nurse: Home health nurses play an important role in improving patients' quality of life. Their primary responsibilities include monitoring side effects of immunotherapy, monitoring enzymes and other pertinent biochemical indicators, assessing patient response to immunotherapy, and teaching patients various coping mechanisms .
IV infusions and injections:
We also provide regularly necessary emergency treatments such as injections and intravenous drips. Oxygen administration: Portea Nursing Services in Delhi/NCR is also a provider of high-quality oxygen administration that ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Aftercare: After your surgery, our nurses will provide you with careful care and help you recover pain-free. Our staff will meet your needs with boundless love and compassion.
Catheter treatment: Catheterization is an intimate procedure and is best done in the privacy of your own home. Our nurses effectively manage catheter insertion, cleaning, and removal. Injury care: With home care, we have mastered the art of regaining health after sustaining a fatal injury. We take into consideration not only the circumstances of our clients, but also their own needs, and look after them like family. Enjoy hassle-free recovery and optimal healing with our support.
Why choose Portea Nursing Services? We have a team of the most qualified and competent nurses as well as excellent doctors and technicians to provide you with the best care. Our goal is to bring our wealth of experience to your home and provide you with the ultimate healing experience. If you are looking for a nurse near Delhi/NCR, trust us for your care and support.
What are the benefits of home care services in Delhi NC? Home health care in Delhi has many benefits such as:
This allows patients to be discharged from the hospital early and continue the rest of their treatment happily at home with their families. Many studies have shown that home nursing improves the mental state of patients and allows for a better and faster recovery process.
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Golden house construction - Construction business in WA
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sensationalspaces · 1 year
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frail-and-freakish · 1 year
today, april 11th, is the anniversary of Mel Baggs' death. Mel Baggs was one of the early founders of the neurodiversity movement and believed that no one was too disabled for human rights, something that modern nd movements fail to understand to this day. sie was so instrumental to my understanding of literally everything. sie died from medical ableism and neglect during the beginning of the pandemic. we would be nowhere fucking near where we are now without hir. i've decided to make a masterlist of some of my favorite posts of hirs, organized into different categories.
(some of these are listed in more than one category because they overlap so much)
here are some of the "essentials" (what you might have already read by hir/should read first):
hir memorial site hosted by ASAN:
In My Language
the oak manifesto
There is ableism at the heart of your oppression, no matter what your oppression might be
Getting The Truth Out (many pages, parody of bad autism awareness campaign called "getting the word out")
the meaning of self-advocacy
what makes institutions bad
aspie supremacy can kill
here are some of hir beautiful writings on perceiving/communicating with hir environment as an autistic person, and on communication in general:
up in the clouds and down in the valley: my richness and yours
distance underthought
the naked mechanisms of echolalia
empty mirrors and redwoods
the fireworks are interesting
hir tumblr tag #sensing (@withasmoothroundstone)
on personhood and who has the authority to take it away:
being an unperson
what it means to be real
empty mirrors and redwoods
on institutions and the I/DD service system:
caregiver abuse takes many forms
"i don't know that person's program"
what my home means to me
dd service system tag
god help the critic of the dawn: glamour and its fallout
what makes institutions bad
post on the JRC
outposts in our heads
on online social justice communities/their inaccessibility:
Your politics have a problem when they contradict the real-life experiences of the people they're supposed to be about.
politics, ethics and mental widgets
hir tumblr tags #outside the wall and #little packages (@withasmoothroundstone)
The Bones My Family Gave Me
Please violate only one stereotype at a time
My sort of people, just as real as theirs.
Reviving the concept of cousins
gender tag
this is hir poems and creative works:
this is hir writing on autistics.org:
may hir memory be a blessing/revolution.
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holts-knees · 2 months
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Kiki's Delivery Service Bread Wreath - Hand Embroidery Mushy sappy sister birthday wishes below the cut!
Happy birthday to @swiss-army-fangirl ! Now I can finally reveal this piece finished :3 Kiki's delivery service was my favorite movie as a child, something I shared with my younger brother. We'd watch the VHS near daily for years till the tape gave out. A lot of the lessons of that film really shaped me at a young age as a person and a creative. During their thesis crunch I "recommended" [practically demanded lol] Tori watch the film, because I felt like those lessons were ones that could speak to them, and I'm SO happy and glad that they Did. It's been scooped right up as a now Shared comfort film between us Both. Yet another younger sibling I get to hold this movie so tightly and lovingly with. And I love that for BOTH of us ✨️💜💙 for their birthday this year I wanted to commemorate that special bond and growth, so I sat down and charted out my most extensive embroidery project to date! She isn't Perfect, but I'm proud of how she came out. And isn't that what Kiki Teaches us after all? ;]
Happy birthday Lil sis, I cannot WAIT to have you in my home again in a few short weeks! 🌅
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mariacallous · 1 year
This story is part of a joint investigation between Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. To read other stories from the series, click here.
It was October 2021, and Imane, a 44-year-old mother of three, was still in pain from the abdominal surgery she had undergone a few weeks earlier. She certainly did not want to be where she was: sitting in a small cubicle in a building near the center of Rotterdam, while two investigators interrogated her. But she had to prove her innocence or risk losing the money she used to pay rent and buy food.
Imane emigrated to the Netherlands from Morocco with her parents when she was a child. She started receiving benefits as an adult, due to health issues, after divorcing her husband. Since then, she has struggled to get by using welfare payments and sporadic cleaning jobs. Imane says she would do anything to leave the welfare system, but chronic back pain and dizziness make it hard to find and keep work.
In 2019, after her health problems forced her to leave a cleaning job, Imane drew the attention of Rotterdam’s fraud investigators for the first time. She was questioned and lost her benefits for a month. “I could only pay rent,” she says. She recalls the stress of borrowing food from neighbors and asking her 16-year-old son, who was still in school, to take on a job to help pay other bills. 
Now, two years later, she was under suspicion again. In the days before that meeting at the Rotterdam social services department, Imane had meticulously prepared documents: her rental contract, copies of her Dutch and Moroccan passports, and months of bank statements. With no printer at home, she had visited the library to print them. 
In the cramped office she watched as the investigators thumbed through the stack of paperwork. One of them, a man, spoke loudly, she says, and she felt ashamed as his accusations echoed outside the thin cubicle walls. They told her she had brought the wrong bank statements and pressured her to log in to her account in front of them. After she refused, they suspended her benefits until she sent the correct statements two days later. She was relieved, but also afraid. “The atmosphere at the meetings with the municipality is terrible,” she says. The ordeal, she adds, has taken its toll. “It took me two years to recover from this. I was destroyed mentally.”
Imane, who asked that her real name not be used for fear of repercussions from city officials, isn’t alone. Every year, thousands of people across Rotterdam are investigated by welfare fraud officers, who search for individuals abusing the system. Since 2017, the city has been using a machine learning algorithm, trained on 12,707 previous investigations, to help it determine whether individuals are likely to commit welfare fraud. 
The machine learning algorithm generates a risk score for each of Rotterdam’s roughly 30,000 welfare recipients, and city officials consider these results when deciding whom to investigate. Imane’s background and personal history meant the system ranked her as “high risk.” But the process by which she was flagged is part of a project beset by ethical issues and technical challenges. In 2021, the city paused its use of the risk-scoring model after external government-backed auditors found that it wasn’t possible for citizens to tell if they had been flagged by the algorithm and some of the data it used risked producing biased outputs. 
In response to an investigation by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED, Rotterdam handed over extensive details about its system. These include its machine learning model, training data, and user operation manuals. The disclosures provide an unprecedented view into the inner workings of a system that has been used to classify and rank tens of thousands of people.
With this data, we were able to reconstruct Rotterdam’s welfare algorithm and see how it scores people. Doing so revealed that certain characteristics—being a parent, a woman, young, not fluent in Dutch, or struggling to find work—increase someone’s risk score. The algorithm classes single mothers like Imane as especially high risk. Experts who reviewed our findings expressed serious concerns that the system may have discriminated against people. 
Annemarie de Rotte, director of Rotterdam’s income department, says that people flagged by the algorithm as high risk were always assessed by human consultants, who ultimately decided whether to remove benefits. “We understand that a reexamination can cause anxiety,” de Rotte says, using the city’s preferred term for welfare investigations. She says the city does not intend to treat anyone badly and that it tries to conduct examinations while treating people with respect.
The pattern of local and national governments turning to machine learning algorithms is being repeated around the world. The systems are marketed to public officials on their potential to cut costs and boost efficiency. Yet the development, deployment, and operation of such systems is often shrouded in secrecy. Many systems do not work as intended, and they can encode troubling biases. The people who are judged by them are often left in the dark even as they suffer devastating consequences. 
From Australia to the United States, welfare fraud algorithms sold on claims that they make governments more efficient have made people’s lives worse. In the Netherlands, Rotterdam’s algorithmic troubles have run in parallel with a nationwide machine learning scandal. More than 20,000 families were wrongly accused of childcare benefit fraud after a machine learning system was used to try to spot wrongdoing. Forced evictions, broken homes, and financial ruin followed, and the entire Dutch government resigned in response in January 2021. 
Imane lives in the Afrikaanderwijk neighborhood of Rotterdam, a predominantly working-class area with a large immigrant population. Each week, she meets with a group of mostly single mothers, many of whom have a Moroccan background, to talk, share food, and offer each other support. Many in the group receive benefits payments from Rotterdam’s welfare system, and several of them have been investigated. One woman, who like many others in this story asked not to be named, claims she was warned her benefits may be cut because her son sold a video game on Marktplaats, the Dutch equivalent of eBay. Another, who is pursuing a career as a social worker, says she has been investigated three times in the past year. 
The women are on the front lines of a global shift in the way governments interact with their citizens. In Rotterdam alone, thousands of people are being scored by algorithms they don’t know anything about and do not understand. Amira (not her real name), a businesswoman and mother who helps organize the support group in Rotterdam, says the local government doesn’t do enough to help people escape the welfare system. It’s why she set up the groups: to help vulnerable women. Amira was a victim of the Netherlands’ child benefits scandal and says she feels there is “no justice” for people caught up in the system. “They are really afraid of what the government can do to them,” she says.
From the outside, Rotterdam’s welfare algorithm appears complex. The system, which was originally developed by consulting firm Accenture before the city took over development in 2018, is trained on data collected by Rotterdam’s welfare department. It assigns people risk scores based on 315 factors. Some are objective facts, such as age or gender identity. Others, such as a person’s appearance or how outgoing they are, are subjective and based on the judgment of social workers.
In Hoek van Holland, a town to the west of Rotterdam that is administratively part of the city, Pepita Ceelie is trying to understand how the algorithm ranked her as high risk. Ceelie is 61 years old, heavily tattooed, and has a bright pink buzz cut. She likes to speak English and gets to the point quickly. For the past 10 years, she has lived with chronic illness and exhaustion, and she uses a mobility scooter whenever she leaves the house. 
Ceelie has been investigated twice by Rotterdam’s welfare fraud team, first in 2015 and again in 2021. Both times investigators found no wrongdoing. In the most recent case, she was selected for investigation by the city’s risk-scoring algorithm. Ceelie says she had to explain to investigators why her brother sent her €150 ($180) for her sixtieth birthday, and that it took more than five months for them to close the case.
Sitting in her blocky, 1950s house, which is decorated with photographs of her garden, Ceelie taps away at a laptop. She’s entering her details into a reconstruction of Rotterdam’s welfare risk-scoring system created as part of this investigation. The user interface, built on top of the city’s algorithm and data, demonstrates how Ceelie’s risk score was calculated—and suggests which factors could have led to her being investigated for fraud.
All 315 factors of the risk-scoring system are initially set to describe an imaginary person with “average” values in the data set. When Ceelie personalizes the system with her own details, her score begins to change. She starts at a default score of 0.3483—the closer to 1 a person’s score is, the more they are considered a high fraud risk. When she tells the system that she doesn’t have a plan in place to find work, the score rises (0.4174). It drops when she enters that she has lived in her home for 20 years (0.3891). Living outside of central Rotterdam pushes it back above 0.4. 
Switching her gender from male to female pushes her score to 0.5123. “This is crazy,” Ceelie says. Even though her adult son does not live with her, his existence, to the algorithm, makes her more likely to commit welfare fraud. “What does he have to do with this?” she says. Ceelie��s divorce raises her risk score again, and she ends with a score of 0.643: high risk, according to Rotterdam’s system.
“They don’t know me, I’m not a number,” Ceelie says. “I’m a human being.” After two welfare fraud investigations, Ceelie has become angry with the system. “They’ve only opposed me, pulled me down to suicidal thoughts,” she says. Throughout her investigations, she has heard other people’s stories, turning to a Facebook support group set up for people having problems with the Netherlands’ welfare system. Ceelie says people have lost benefits for minor infractions, like not reporting grocery payments or money received from their parents.
“There are a lot of things that are not very clear for people when they get welfare,” says Jacqueline Nieuwstraten, a lawyer who has handled dozens of appeals against Rotterdam’s welfare penalties. She says the system has been quick to punish people and that investigators fail to properly consider individual circumstances.
The Netherlands takes a tough stance on welfare fraud, encouraged by populist right-wing politicians. And of all the country’s regions, Rotterdam cracks down on welfare fraud the hardest. Of the approximately 30,000 people who receive benefits from the city each year, around a thousand are investigated after being flagged by the city's algorithm. In total, Rotterdam investigates up to 6,000 people annually to check if their payments are correct. In 2019, Rotterdam issued 2,400 benefits penalties, which can include fines and cutting people’s benefits completely. In 2022 almost a quarter of the appeals that reached the country’s highest court came from Rotterdam. 
From the algorithm’s deployment in 2017 until its use was halted in 2021, it flagged up to a third of the people the city investigated each year, while others were selected by humans based on a theme—such as single men living in a certain neighborhood. 
Rotterdam has moved to make its overall welfare system easier for people to navigate since 2020. (For example, the number of benefits penalties dropped to 749 in 2021.) De Rotte, the director of the city’s income department, says these changes include adding a “human dimension” to its welfare processes. The city has also relaxed rules around how much money claimants can receive from friends and family, and it now allows adults to live together without any impact on their benefits. As a result, Nieuwstraten says, the number of complaints she has received about welfare investigations has decreased in recent years.
The city’s decision to pause its use of the welfare algorithm in 2021 came after an investigation by the Rotterdam Court of Audit on the development and use of algorithms in the city. The government auditor found there was “insufficient coordination” between the developers of the algorithms and city workers who use them, which could lead to ethical considerations being neglected. The report also criticized the city for not evaluating whether the algorithms were better than the human systems they replaced. Singling out the welfare fraud algorithm, the report found there was a likelihood of biased outcomes based on the types of data used to determine people’s risk scores. 
Since then, the city has been working to develop a new version—though minutes from council meetings show there are doubts that it can successfully build a system that is transparent and legal. De Rotte says that since the Court of Audit report, the city has worked to add “more safeguards” to the development of algorithms in general, including introducing an algorithm register to show what algorithms it uses. “A new model must not have any appearance of bias, must be as transparent as possible, and must be easy to explain to the outside world,” de Rotte says. Welfare recipients are currently being selected for investigation at random, de Rotte adds.
While the city works to rebuild its algorithm, those caught up in the welfare system have been battling to discover how it works—and whether they were selected for investigation by a flawed system. 
Among them is Oran, a 35-year old who’s lived in Rotterdam all his life. In February 2018 he received a letter saying he was being investigated for welfare fraud. Oran, who asked that his real name not be used for privacy reasons, has a number of health issues that make it difficult to find work. In 2018, he was receiving a monthly loan from a family member. Rotterdam’s local government asked him to document the loan and agree that it be paid back. Although Oran did this, investigators pursued fraud charges against him, and the city said he should have €6,000 withheld from future benefits payments, a sum combining the amount he had been loaned plus additional fines.
From 2018 to 2021, Oran fought against the local authority in court. He says being accused of committing fraud took a huge toll. During the investigation, he says, he couldn't focus on anything else and didn’t think he had a future. “It got really difficult. I thought a lot about suicide,” he says. During the investigation, he was not well enough to find paid or volunteer work, and his relationship with his family became strained. 
Two court appeals later, in June 2021, Oran cleared his name, and the city refunded the €6,000 it had deducted from his benefits payments. “It feels like justice,” he says. Despite the lengthy process, he did not find out why he was selected for scrutiny, what his risk scores were, or what data contributed to the creation of his scores. So he requested it all. Five months later, in April 2021, he received his risk scores for 2018 and 2019. 
While his files revealed he was not selected for investigation by the algorithm but rather part of a selection of single men, his risk score was among the top 15 percent of benefits recipients. His zip code, history of depression, and assessments by social workers contributed to his high score. “That’s not reality, that’s not me, that’s not my life, it’s just a bunch of numbers,” Oran says.
As the use of algorithmic systems grows, it could become harder for people to understand why decisions have been made and to appeal against them. Tamilla Abdul-Aliyeva, a senior policy advisor at Amnesty International in the Netherlands, says people should be told if they are being investigated based on algorithmic analysis, what data was used to train the algorithm, and what selection criteria were used. “Transparency is key for protecting human rights and also very important in the democratic society,” says Abdul-Aliyeva. De Rotte says Rotterdam plans to give people more information about “why and how they were selected” and that more details of the new model will be announced “before the summer.”
For those already caught in Rotterdam’s welfare dragnet, there is little solace. Many of them, including Oran and Ceelie, say they don’t want the city to use an algorithm to judge vulnerable people. Ceelie says it feels like she has been “stamped” with a number and that she is considering taking Rotterdam’s government to court over its use of the algorithm. Developing and using the algorithm won’t make people feel like they are being treated with care, she says. “Algorithms aren’t human. Call me up, with a human being, not a number, and talk to me. Don’t do this.” 
If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for free, 24-hour support from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line. Outside the US, visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for crisis centers around the world.
Additional reporting by Eva Constantaras, Justin-Casimir Braun, and Soizic Penicaud. Reporting was supported by the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Network and the Eyebeam Center for the Future of Journalism.
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thistransient · 5 months
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For the past two years there's been a zodiac themed display of fun postcards designed by a variety of artists in the gift shop of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Looking forward to the Year of the Dragon, I'd been planning to go for a while and finally headed over. To my dismay it was not there! However, I was prepared to undertake one of my favourite activities, pestering an unsuspecting employee about it in Mandarin. Props to that man, who actually made a phone call to somebody about it, who called him back after investigating, whereupon he wrote down an address and phone number for me, because it turned out the whole thing was not organised by the museum but by a print shop. He suggested I call them first, but he was unaware that my least favourite activity is calling strangers on the phone in Mandarin, plus the location was only a ten minute walk away. The museum itself seemed plagued by an unusual amount of tourists and school children today, so I decided to skip the whole thing and go on this quest.
I was rewarded en route by a street full of seasonal decoration shops preparing all the shiny things for Chinese New Year (is this not also a kind of modern art??), and a wander down some alleys I would never have otherwise wandered down. Finally I found the place, Retro Jam 印刷, which to my good fortune had the sought-after postcards on obvious display. They seem to do all manner of screen and risograph printing, and also sell supplies and prints. I can't speak to the quality of services but I had a great time poking around in the latter. Across the street was a place called Risograph Museum, which as far as I can tell was unrelated to Retro Jam, and was not a museum but a small shop of prints and cute items where I also flipped through cards to my heart's content (apparently the main Risograph Museum with printing services is in Taichung).
Afterwards I had ambitions to go to IKEA and get a duvet cover for an IKEA duvet I'd come into the possession of recently (via a friend distributing loot household items before moving back overseas), so I walked to Beimen Station when hunger struck. I am not the kind of person who can simply walk into a strange restaurant. Usually it requires extensive investigation and two to three back-up schemes, which is not really something I care to do while sitting outside the metro by a noisy intersection. The primary way to streamline this procedure is to focus solely on curry. There was a place called Curry Lab. Tokyo (with the punctuation, yes) conveniently near IKEA, and it had a solid 5 stars, which induces suspicion because that generally means the place gives some discount or bribe for good reviews, but I chanced my luck.
It was dishearteningly dark within when I got there despite being 16:31 (with 16:30 opening hours listed) but the employees were present and the door was open, so I asked exactly when business commenced and they turned on the light and told me to sit down.
Lo and behold, I really would rate it as one of the top 5 Japanese style curries I've had. Something about the spices and the onions. I was impressed. I even indulged in a pudding afterwards, which was equally delightful.
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Google Maps' estimation of the crowd level at IKEA had me a bit wary but it was pretty empty and I had a grand time feeling the fabrics, sniffing the scented candles, and restraining myself from purchasing an orb to ponder (I already have a lantern at home, one spherical glowing light fixture is enough unless I move into a bigger place). I even got the duvet cover I went there for and nothing else!
(imagine how immense my willpower must be in the face of these, for 499元 🙀)
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When I finally got out it was rush hour and thus time to squish into the MRT like sardines. I have lived here long enough to have no qualms about moving people who will not move themselves. No more timid 不好意思 from this 外國人, it is time to 讓開! (Perhaps I give myself more credit than I'm due in terms of audacity, as more often than not the wave of humanity entering the train car behind me would propel me forward one way or another, I've simply learned to proactively embrace that inevitability.)
I've been feeling unexpectedly resilient regarding going out and doing things lately, although it may be because in going out I'm procrastinating on what I should be doing at home (although I am still thinking about it and making notes while walking around). In this way being outside feels more like a break instead of a torment 🤔 We'll see how long it lasts, but I might as well enjoy it.
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crehancarpentry · 5 months
Enhance Your Space: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Extension Services
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A common way to get more space and raise the value of your home is to add to it. Moving is a lot of work and costs a lot of money, from legal fees to stamp duty. There are many good reasons to stay put and make your current home better. If you want to extend your home, whether it is a garage conversion, a side extension, or a single- or double-story rear extension, and often search for Home Extension Services Near Me, there are a lot of things to think about. Here are some tips to get you started, starting with the basics: planning rules, building regulations, and more.
Things to consider before opting for a home extension
Permission: Some rights let one add to their home in some ways without getting planning permission. While others do not. However, it is possible to ask for prior approval.
Value: It is wise to double-check one's home extension plans before beginning, just like with any significant home improvement project. It is worthwhile to consult with a reputable local real estate agent to see if the extension plan would increase the value of their house.
Regulations: Any renovation project must follow building regulations, even if it does not need planning permission. People who do not meet the requirements could be given a notice to take down the extension, and it will be hard for them to sell their home without the proper Building Regulations certificates.
Home extension costs: The cost of extending one's home greatly depends on how big the addition is, how much structural work needs to be done, and where one does the work. Remember that a two-story addition will not cost much more than a one-story building because most of the cost is involved in the foundations.
Setting a budget: One can begin making a budget for the extension by writing down all the things they want to be included. Compare their prices item by item, and always make sure that the additional charges are included when they seek prices for services and materials. It is also a good idea to set aside about 10% of the total cost in case there are any unexpected costs.
Neighbours: Common problems between neighbours can be caused by building projects. The local planning authority usually talks to one's neighbours if they need planning permission, but it is still a good idea to let them know about one's plans early on, especially if the work might cause problems.
Party Wall Agreement: If one lives in a terraced or semi-detached house, the wall that separates the homes of two different owners is called a party wall. Over-the-boundary garden walls and excavations that are within three to six metres of a neighbour's property are also covered under such agreements. Most of the time, neighbours need to sign a party wall agreement before they can do loft conversions or additions that need steel supports, a damp-proof course, or work on new foundations.
Leaseholders: If someone owns their property through leasehold instead of freehold, they should look at their lease to make sure they have the right to make changes, which is usually subject to permission from the freeholder. It is best to talk to the freeholder about the plans as soon as possible since getting their approval and signature may cost one extra.
Getting quotes: Checking around is always a good idea when planning to renovate. One should at least get bids from three different contractors.
Home Extension Services in Dunboyne by Crehan Carpentry and Constructions can be quite useful if you cannot decide where to start. Visit https://crehancarpentry.ie/extensions/ to learn more.
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One of the Best Brush Painting Services in Melbourne | Doctor Brush Painting
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Skilled painters apply paint to surfaces using hand-held brushes during brush painting services. It's one of the best methods for cutting and getting neat, precise lines in smaller spaces. Brush painting provides better control and access to confined areas that rollers and sprayers cannot offer. Choose Doctor Brush Painting Services if you're looking for Brush painting services in Melbourne. They'll meet all of your needs and use their skilled painters to give your house a fresh new look. In addition, they offer additional services like plaster repairs, weatherboard replacement and repairs, garage floor painting, renovation and extension, and painting services both inside and outside.
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nehanursing · 5 months
Nursing Office in Faridabad Health is wealth.Neha Nursing services
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Neha Nursing services Nursing Office in Faridabad Health is wealth. That's why, as the best nursing institute in Faridabad, we support your health. nurse in faridabad Excellence is the word that defines our care services.
We provide this nursing service in Faridabad as most of our male patients require a male nurse or nursing staff. nurse in faridabad Nursing is the practice of caring for and caring for people who are disabled, sick, or elderly. That's why we have the best team in Faridabad for patient care.
We conduct several tests and exams on selected candidates for patient care. We carefully select only experts in the field of nursing care and strive to ensure customer satisfaction. Nursing staff is always on hand at our hospital to provide medical support to our patients. We understand the sensitivity of our work, so we not only have the expertise to care, but also train our employees in compassion and empathy. Newborn Care in Faridabad Newborns require special care for several months, as a baby's body and skin are sensitive and need pampering and care in order to grow. Therefore, we provide the best newborn care in Faridabad. In addition to caring for healthy babies, we also provide services for newborns with low birth weight, premature birth, congenital disease, and other health problems. Our staff is pediatric certified and expertly trained to provide the best services for newborns.
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If you are looking for reliable and effective neonatal care for your baby, please contact our team. Patient Care Service Providers in Faridabad, We are the best patient care provider in Faridabad. Our goal is to provide our customers with quality service at an affordable price. With several years of experience, our company has earned the best reputation in the market. We provide services to terminally ill, disabled, and elderly patients without discrimination. We have the highest level of customer satisfaction and domain expertise. Our services require you to demonstrate not only professionalism, but also empathy and compassion. Additionally, ensure that sensitive patient tasks are delegated.
Please contact us anytime.
We will respond immediately. Nursing Services in Faridabad We provide affordable nursing services in Faridabad by trained staff with B.sc/GNM degrees. Our employees, regardless of gender, handle a variety of tasks for our customers. From patient care to child care, we have a team of experts to meet your needs at very affordable prices.
Our home care services ensure comfort and quality at an affordable price. We handle all aspects of patient care, from nutritional maintenance to vital signs and daily living. Our staff treats clients with love and compassion, helping them recover quickly and regain the essence of life. Home Care in Faridabad Caring for a patient with a long-term illness is a difficult task. You need help because you can't do everything alone. That is why we are always on alert to provide home care in Faridabad. In order to alleviate the worries of our patients, our hospital takes care of all aspects of patient care.
We provide comprehensive general patient care services, from ambulation, exercise, feeding, hygiene to bathing. So contact us today. We will take care of your family and loved ones. That way, you can live a carefree life while still being able to do other jobs. Patient Care Services in Faridabad Patients require more care than the average person. Professional care and support from patient care services in Faridabad can restore lost health to patients. Our nursing staff is fully trained to provide services such as cleaning, hygiene, nutrition, measuring and maintaining vital signs, and medication management. With a great attitude and the right skills, we want to make a positive difference in the health of our patients. If you are looking for affordable care services near you, please feel free to give us a call.
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eserveuniverse · 4 months
Lg Refrigerator Service Centre Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad 7337443480
Lg Refrigerator Service Centre Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad. eServe Mechanics are skilled and capable to repair LG Refrigerator Repair Services Hyderabad . We have more than 15 years of practical experinace mechanics in fridge/refrigerator products and solutions and they are Authorised to repair it from eServe . LG Single Door Refrigerator, LG Double Door Refrigerator Service Center Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad, LG Side by side refrigerator -Gas filling, No cooling, Not working, problem whatever it may be eServe will give you the repair solution for Lg Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad. LG Refrigerator Repair service Centre in Kukatpally Services linked to grills and pipes play a critical part within the industry particularly in the commercial sector (Supermarkets, Industries, etc) as many of the raw materials shall be at stake. Our services in Hyderabad, in restoring the LG appliances and our experience have gained extensive recognition which theLg Refrigerator Service Center Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad experience delighted to possess eServe as their service specialist to get in repaired in Hyderabad Proximity. Lg Refrigerator Service Centre in Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad Why LG is a legend - just a few of the things that make LG Refrigerators stand out above the rest. Stunning Designs: Contoured doors, small & hidden hinges, Brighten LED lighting, smooth-gliding drawers to handle its a just few of the design features that make Lg Refrigerator Service Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad both stylish and functionally great. Large Capacity to Store More : Adjustable refrigerator shelves and drawers in a range of sizes that allow customer to store foods you love with ease of access. Whether you organize them by food group and family favourites or shelf life, you’ll find an abundance of room space for the things to use every day. Life Efficiency: Lg refrigerator Keeps your food and beverages fresher for longer – and it saves money – with LG Smart Cooling Plus technology that maintains optimal humidity and temperature levels in Lg new technology in refrigerator.Smart Digital sensors constantly monitors cooling conditions, while the energy-efficient Linear Compressor and Dual Evaporator reacts to keeps humidity at bay. And LG innovative crisper drawers remove air and seal the compartment to help keep food fresh & healthy. Lg Refrigerator Service Centre Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad to side-by-side and bottom freezer refrigerators, LG has a wide range of options to choose from to find the right solution for our customers. You can reach our Lg Refrigerator Service Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad 7337443380 for instant support.
Link: : Having a lot of doubts about your LG Fridge Repair? Agree to Service it by the men whom you have never met before as much they will bill a fee being a bill? Lg Fridge Service Center Phone Number Ja is you goggling regarding the rates of the areas which you want to restore on yours? There is a single end to all your doubts. We eServe will repair Fridge or refrigerator and will maintains an exact potent foot in having the specialized teams which too in broader places such as Hyderabad. We've got a technical team that has a technical understanding of these sorts of all LG fridges you've got. Thus, don't worry concerning the kind and brand. LG service center in Hyderabad
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We Provide Dedicated Restore and Preservation LG Refrigerator Repair Service Center Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad for LG household Appliance Products repair. Our Specialists Are Well trained and enjoys a Long Time of Licensed Fixing and Maintaining Refrigerator Assistance. We Offer Restore And Maintenance Service For All Significant Makes And Models For appliance in the Ease of Your Residence.
The LG Refrigerator Service Repair Center Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad Secunderabad. It is one of the optimal service centers in case any issue occurs immediately solution to the service center. Their specialized technicians, if some Spare parts are hurt or repair they'll repair well. All types of Home Appliance did by this LG Fridge Service Centre in Hyderabad Secunderabad. It is the doorstep service center, by approaching this ceremony there will no repeats in the future over and over.
lg refrigerator repair in hyderabad reparation middle Hyderabad Secunderabad, a key part in each trendy home could be an advanced device that helps keep all of one is the favored snacks along with different food, drinks things, at best conditions. The same day service is achievable since service centers are all among your neighborhood which you mightn't aware of. To function exactly the Hyderabad client wants, once return to the service of white merchandise they are the gift in distance knowing total your task one of the same days. Lg Fridge Service Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad We tend to fridge ceremony provide any ceremony at the doorstep at Hyderabad For white goods grievance reserving fill our online grievance reservation kind our service helper can pick you. It is challenging to advertise some other product globally before there's just a close service center in the marketplace for that product.
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This above advice regarding the fridge fixes, should you buy any sort of the refrigerator in virtually any respect. In case any repairs happened, immediately contact for the Lg Refrigerator Service Near Jagadgiri Gutta Hyderabad They cannot concentrate on the income they view consumer gratification. eServe is the Ideal service center in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. A Lot of Specialists are working Within eServe service center. LG refrigerator is among those integrated appliances for the home, which meets all of the home chores. It's the only appliance that preserves cooked food for raw veggies for longer schedules. Speaking about mistakes in the refrigerators, we’re standing since the elite LG Fridge Repair Center in Hyderabad We are supporting total hyderabad through our eServe LG AC service center in Hyderabad
LG Refrigerator Service Centre Issues From the fridge increases if the usage increases directly to the requirements homes. The technology was reached to the height at which you could prepare and even expand the life of meals for more periods together with the assistance of these advanced gadgets. It's understood the fact as individual beings devices also experience problems within their functioning standards.
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Gesthemane (4x24)
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“Thank you for coming, Father,” Margaret Scully said. She sat down across from him at the kitchen table, sipping from her cup of tea. 
Peter McCue wrapped his hands around his own mug. The grandfather clock in the foyer ticked, its steady beat echoing through the house. There were so many people over last night, he hadn’t noticed it before. “Of course. Although I’m afraid I don’t have much news to relay.”
He hadn’t been able to accomplish much before Dana had departed for work. It wasn’t a rare thing for a member of his congregation to drift from the church, but whenever it happened, he struggled not to take such disappointment personally.
“I suspected as much.” Margaret sighed. 
“I couldn’t help but notice she still wears a cross around her neck,” he pointed out. “It might not mean much, but it’s something.”
“Yes,” she smiled. “I gave it to her when she was a teenager.” Margaret closed her eyes, pensive, doing her best to keep it together. Peter remained silent: for the most part, his job was to listen. 
“I’m afraid, Father,” she said. A confession.
“What are you afraid of?”
“Of losing her.”
Peter had known the Scullys for years. His intimacy with their family had been much like it was with his other parishioners: that of an observer, a confidant. Ever since Bill Scully had passed away, Margaret had been coming to confession more frequently; not because she had more to confess, but rather due to loneliness, he suspected. Her sons had both been scattered to various winds, and within the past year she’d lost her eldest daughter and was in the process of losing her other one. He felt great sympathy for her.
He’d watched the Scully children grow, but had lost touch with them, their personalities by default having crystallized in his mind as their younger selves. Whenever Margaret spoke of them by name they appeared to him like phantoms, not actual people but extensions of herself.
Dana, however, was different. She’d remained near home, attending services with her mother on a fairly regular basis. He’d known her as an adult: her hopes and fears, her joys and sorrows. He’d known her faith, seen its ebb and flow over the years. But ever since Margaret had spoken of Dana’s cancer diagnosis, she’d been markedly absent from her usual pew.
“My daughter has always been strong,” Margaret then said. Her eyes darted down to her cup. “She’s always known exactly who she was, even when her father and I felt we misunderstood her. But I fear now… she may be lost.”
When Margaret said this, a memory stirred for Peter: a story Dana had told him after her abduction experience. How close she’d come to dying, how she’d nearly given up. But she hadn’t. Her faith had come from God, yes… but it had also come from another, less expected source. Perhaps it still did.
He leaned forward. “Years ago, back when Dana disappeared, you came to me then as well. Do you remember?”
Margaret looked up, her eyes shiny. “Yes.”
“The situations weren’t the same, of course, but you said the same thing, as I recall. That she was lost to you.” He smiled. “You’d lost your faith, remember?”
Peter was often witness to tragedy in his church families: to death, to hardship, to devastation. But he remembered this one acutely; so soon after her husband’s death, a daughter disappeared. He remembered a tombstone discussed before a body had even been found.
“There was someone who did have faith that she would return, wasn’t there?” he asked her. “Her friend, her FBI partner. He was the one who wouldn’t give up on Dana when she was lost. And if I recall correctly, he was the one who gave you strength, even after she was found.”
Margaret wiped a tear, nodding again. “Yes, Fox. They… I think they’re very close.”
Fox Mulder’s name had come up enough times in Dana’s confessions for Peter to know that was indeed the case. “They still must be, yes?”
She nodded. “He’s the one who held onto her cross when she had gone missing… he kept it safe until she was found. Then he returned it to her,” Margaret explained.
Peter gave her a gentle smile. “So… how can you be so certain she is lost?”
Margaret’s eyes widened as she took this in. The clock in the foyer chimed loudly.
“I don’t believe Dana has lost her faith,” he said firmly. “I believe she’s stronger than ever, and what she needs right now is your support.”
A look of relief swam into Margaret’s eyes, and Peter realized: he’d been summoned to help Dana, but he was really here to help her mother.
“Thank you, Father,” she said, and Peter covered her hand with his own.
He then thought of what Dana had said during their brief conversation at dinner the night prior.
I have strength.
Perhaps it wasn’t coming from the place Margaret (or he) would have expected, but what mattered was that she still had some. And the little redheaded girl he remembered, the one who always outsmarted all the other kids in Sunday School… she would fight. Especially with Fox Mulder by her side.
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Our Hunt for a Home Continues: February 19th - 24th, 2023.
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We received a call on February 16th about an opportunity that had opened up with a low-income housing program designed for disabled people. We had been waiting on this opportunity for 4 or 5 months and were ecstatic when the call finally came through. The other units we were looking into renting were in the worst part of town, and charging $700 or more per month for a 1 bedroom or studio unit.
We were instructed to head over to this apartment complex on Feb 20th to fill out paperwork. We hopped in an Uber and went on over. We were shown the unit, then handed an application, told to get a $16 money order to cover the application fee, and come back and hand it all in. Well, it sounded a lot easier than it ended up being.
We don’t own a car and can’t drive due to disabilities (hallucinations, dissociation, anxiety, you get the picture). So in order to get this money order, we asked what places nearby could get us one. We were told to head to a local Circle K. We looked on Google Maps, saw it was 3 minutes away, and started walking. Well, it thought we were in a car, so it meant 3 minutes driving time.
After walking for about 15 minutes before realizing something was up, our legs felt like jello. Our left leg had a pinched nerve in it that day and was sending shooting pain up our hip and down our thigh with every step. Our hypermobile & arthritic joints were already screaming in pain and our feet needed a rest after just one city block of walking. We had to call another Uber. The problem was, for whatever reason, our cellphone service provider has abysmal service in the downtown Albuquerque area.
We lost service about 5 times trying to hail Ubers over the course of the day, causing us to have several public meltdowns. It’s hard to stay calm when your phone is on 20% battery, you keep losing your only way to hail a ride, and you’re in too much pain to walk anywhere where someone can help you. After a long fight we got connected with a driver who was very understanding of our situation, despite our language barrier.
They took us to several locations for free, as we first went to a Circle K gas station that didn’t do money orders, then attempted another gas station across the street, then a bank, and so on. It took a lot of stops but the driver didn’t mind, as I was paying for the longer stops across town. I didn’t care either because it became apparent that it was President’s Day after I tried to go to a bank and it was closed. I almost gave up, but decided to call the Circle K near my home, who turned out, did do money orders. I redirected my driver from dropping me off at home, got the money order, ran back to the apartment complex with just half an hour to spare before they closed.
Filling out the application filled me with dread. The desk staff person was very nice, but she was very blunt about the entire approval process. Because they can only take a percentage of your earned income, they are a very strict program that requires each tenant to pass a credit score check AND an extensive background check that monitors ALL of the renter’s history. She told me that this part of the approval process is where a lot of people get turned away. A lot of people don’t make it, she said.
After handing in my application, I knew it was fucked. I had been holding my breath and waiting for this unit. It seemed like it would come right in time- just right before the 28th, when I’m set to be homeless. But I got the call 2 days later where she said I was denied, due to an instance of unpaid rent in my past. I sighed heavily, asked her if I would be able to apply again after I got that sorted, and she said yes.
I freaked the fuck out, texted every local friend that I could, and let them know of my predicament. I was very lucky in finding a local friend whose roommate is leaving in 2 weeks. They are willing to charge me $495/month, which is way lower than anything I’ve been able to find on the market. We agreed to help each other out until I can figure something more permanent out. It’s not a solution I’d like to take, as I barely know this person, but if it helps both of us, so be it.
The instance of unpaid rent in another state was due to us having lived in Missouri at the time, far away from friends, family, and medical care. We were living with some folks at the time who ended up ghosting us after we helped them move in together. It left us stranded in a very cold state with unsurvivable winters and no programs for homelessness. There was no medicaid or other insurance that would cover me. I couldn’t even get my proper medical care while there, and after a while, my partner and I at the time decided we needed to leave for some place cheaper and safer. The heavy winters were too scary for us, as two people who have been homeless.
The landlord here would not allow us to terminate our lease early despite us expressing that it was an emergency and we literally could not stay any longer due to my health failing severely while in the harsh winters. I was developing arthritis symptoms that I had never seen before, and I was getting so sick that I couldn’t function. Still, my landlord wouldn’t budge and said we had to pay for the rest of the lease. We refused and left anyways, but the landlord didn’t care, I suppose.
I found out today that there is potentially help to get this debt paid for and consolidated, which will make me eligible for the low-income housing program for disabled people once more. I am not going to hold my breath that this is a fast process by any means, but, I am hoping that they will be able to clear that up so I can ever hope to rent an apartment of my own again. My credit score is 9 points under the threshold they wanted, so that will be my next goal…
The only other units in the city I could find that can drum up a lease for me with my circumstances were trying to charge $685/month and $725/month, one of which being in one of the worst parts of town. I would have to pay a massive $650 deposit at both of these places, plus have to get utilities set up in my name, as well as get internet set up for my job, and a lot of other costs that will not be apparent at first, but will stack on very quickly.
I am very scared moving in with roommates in general- I am not afraid of my current roommate, but I have lived with many, many different roommates, in many different places, for many different reasons. Roommate situations fall apart very easily. Money is almost always the thing that tears roommates and friends apart- whether it’s someone not paying their portion of the rent, not buying enough groceries, not paying for a bill, gambling, shopping when they can’t afford it, and so forth…
My case worker helped me contact a local Christian charity who does housing programs and we were able to contact someone who actually seems like they can help me with permanent, long term housing- they said all of their programs are permanent, but are best suited for people in low income situations and poor health. When they asked where I was headed my case worker said a friend’s couch, and this was the first person on the phone who said, after learning about my income being a fluctuating thing, “well now that makes me even more nervous- because if she* can’t pay that $500 one time, she’s very well gonna be right back out on the street. Roommate situations almost always fall apart. I don’t feel like that’s safe for her.” [*”She”s in this context referring to me/my system.]
This charity requires that the individual stays for at least one day at a homeless shelter in order to get an official letter of homelessness. I have been to and spent time in several shelters in my city, I don’t mind one day if it means a potential future of secure housing. They told me a lot of other things that sound quite promising. I just have to hope that I can hold out until they can get something prepared for me. They said they have furnished units that are basically ready and waiting…
Staying with a friend for now isn’t the end of the world. In fact, I’m going to save some money by not having to pay for a deposit, movers, and potentially storage, now. But I’m nervous, as any kind of roadblock can cause this situation to fall apart. Disagreements, not getting a lot of money from Etsy one month, physical and mental illness, personal issues, and other life stressors can cause a lot of problems. Plus, this person may eventually decide they want someone else to move in instead, as it is their place, not mine, and that is their decision to make.
With any hope, I can get my past rental dues cleared, and have a better chance with these programs. I am hoping and praying, but that will take time, more time than I have. It is February 24th, 2023 as of writing this, and I have to be out of my apartment on February 28th. I have to have all of my possessions and myself and my pet rat out on this date, or else police will be called, and my things will be thrown on to the sidewalk, and into dumpsters. My case worker confirmed that this is the case, and I have known people who have gone through this personally.
I am very frightened. It has been hard to stay calm. I’m not exactly excited to be working with a Christian charity as someone who is visibly trans- “”female”” birth marker and deadname, but High T body, deep voice, and short hair. It’s caused problems with domestic violence shelters in the past, and can cause problems with religious organizations. I just have to hope and pray that these people love Jesus more than they hate queers.
My case worker was pretty convinced we’d be able to get our hotel stay covered by some local programs, but after 2 hours of phone calls this morning, we discovered that all of the hotel voucher programs in town have used up their funds, and the majority of them require the individual to have a child, which I do not. I have littles, but they’re system kids, not bodily ones, but they’re not so kind as to consider any of that.
I honestly didn’t anticipate any of those programs coming through. I’m just hoping that I’m able to be able to afford the two weeks in an extended stay hotel and that not too many more things come up. I didn’t really want it to have to come to this, but it’s either this, or sign a 1 year lease for 1 bedroom apartment in the least safe part of town, for $685+/month. I can’t afford that, it’s unrealistic. As much as I’d like to totally have a place all to myself right now, I can’t do it unless one of these programs actually works with me.
Anyway, I just wanted to explain why it’s been so hard for us to post regularly lately. This has all been over the course of one week. One of the worst days of our collective life was on Tuesday, having to run around town to get a money order just to be told we won’t have a place to live come the 28th… heart breaking. It felt very uncomfortable to beg friends yet again for a place to stay, but this is the life of queer, poor and disabled people. We have to do what we have to to survive and it’s not pretty. Sometimes it involves putting strain on people you love and none of us want to do it.
With any hope our disability benefits get approved sometime soon and we won’t have to wait much longer to afford to live. But until now things are very tight, and any help that we get goes directly toward our survival and staying off the street.
This is why we take the time to thank everyone we can for their help and support- it makes all the difference, especially when programs that are designed to help people like me fail miserably, or have unexpected roadblocks. Every bit of help, even the smallest donations or purchases from our store enable us to stay safe, and we appreciate each and every one greatly.
We will try to post more updates as things progress. We are finding it a bit easier to endure this when we share updates, as it helps give people an idea of what life is like for people who aren’t quite so privileged. Things that take others a few minutes can take hours for us, given our lack of reliable transportation and inconsistent health.
Thank you for reading, take care, stay safe, and I hope you find an easier time staying sheltered if you are a similarly disabled, poor queer person. It’s not easy out there. We have to take care of one another, it is the only way.
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