#Horrortale x reader
Sorry, I meant to send an ask yesterday, but I got carried away 😅
So what about ut, us, uf and ht (you can ignore the last one if you want to don't worry) and how they would be with a reader that hides the fact that they're physically hurt.
Maybe they went hiking with the skellie, and they tripped and pretended that it was only a little scratch when days later they see quite a big wound that's infected.
It's a bit gross, so it's okay if you don't do it, don't worry :)
Have a good day/night and be safe
UnderTale, UnderSwap, UnderFell, and HorrorTale skellies react to a reader hiding that they're injured
you had gotten in a little tussle with a fallen branch walking home. you were completely oblivious, and tripped right over it. it hurt to walk on, and you soon noticed it swelling. it wasn't... sprained, right? nah, of course not! you brushed it off, thinking that it would be just fine in a day or two.
but until then, you might want to put some ice on that.
and so you did. for three days, with no sign of improvement. you tried keeping it a secret, but then your s/o came home while you were putting ice on it, right on the couch beside the door, and...
-he walks into the house, immediately heading for the couch.
-"hey, y/n, i'm ho- you alright? what happened to you?"
-"oh! sans, hi, i didn't expect you home so early!" you wave frantically to draw his eyes away from your ankle.
-"yeah... work was slow, so i came home. whats going on? you're acting weird."
-"pshh, don't be silly, nothing's wrong! absolutely nothing!"
-he sighs.
-"my whole shtick back in the underground was that i can see peoples stats. your HPs lowered, you're acting really awkward about your leg, and you're trying to hide an ice pack from me. i know, i saw it when i walked in. so, im gonna ask you again. whats going on?"
-you sighed. he caught you, he always did.
-"i dont know what's up. I tripped a few days ago and my ankle just started swelling. I'm gonna give it a few more days before I see a doctor, just to see if it heals on its own."
-"alright then," really? that's it? not going to insist you see someone? well, that's great for you! "I'm going to grillby's. wanna come?"
-you nodded your head.
-"cmon, let's take a shortcut."
-he took you to the fucking ER.
-you look up after hearing the door open and you heard a crash.
-he had gone grocery shopping, apparently, because his bags were sprawled on either side of him on the floor.
-his jaw was only half hinged, that's how bad you scared him.
-as in it dropped. almost fully.
-he suddenly runs to your side (re-hinging his jaw on the way) and kneels by your side.
-"HUMAN, what ever is the matter? is it serious? does it hurt? will it need stitches? should i take you to-"
-"Paps! i'm okay. i think it's just sprained, i'll be alright," you tries to reassure him.
-"SPRAINED? oh, HEAVENS no, i must take you to the doctor right away!"
-you sigh. "Papyrus, it isn't that big of a deal. i'm sure it'll be alright in a few days."
-"absolutely not! what if it's worse than you think? it could kill you!"
-he really thought a sprained ankle could kill you? he may be clueless about human injuries, but at least he cares!
-you don't have too much time to reply before he picks you up, puts you in the car, buckles you up (because heaven forbid something ELSE happen to you, ESPECIALLY under his watch) and brings you to the ER.
-he literally did not notice.
-he grumbles a quiet, "hey," before trotting upstairs into his room.
-it isn't until several days later when the pain has worsened and you cannot walk on it that he asks what the fuck is going on.
-you explained that you had tripped a few days ago, and it got swollen, and you thought that it would just go away, but it's been getting worse and worse since it happened.
-"fuckin' idiot," he groaned. "i'm dating a goddamn moron! alright, get in the car. i'm takin' you to a hospital."
-he's groaning the entire way.
-as soon as he lays eyes on you, he sighs.
-"what did you do this time?"
-what the hell did he mean, 'this time'? he CANNOT be holding you accountable for that one time you got a concussion! that was HIS fault!
-"hey! you BETTER not be talking about-"
-"about the concussion," he cut you off. "yes, yes, i'm aware, you believe that incident to be my doing. however, i can GUARANTEE that this is not! now, tell me what happened. i expect a full explanation."
-you rolled you eyes and told him, feeling a little pissed off about his crossed arms and tapping foot, although you couldn't fully blame him. the whole situation WAS a little silly, now that you have to say it out loud.
-he scoffed when you finished talking. such a silly thing! why the HELL didn't you immediately see a doctor? swelling is NEVER normal!
-how did he, a skeleton monster who had gone most of his life without so much as seeing a human, know more about human anatomy than a fully grown human adult?
-and how did he, an esteemed member of the royal guard, end up in a relationship with such a fool?
-"get yourself looking decent. we are visiting the hospital to get you proper treatment."
-'looking decent', you looked fi-! no, you didn't, nevermind.
-"hey, y/n, Alphys let out training early, so i'm back! what are you doing?"
-you scrambled to hide the ice pack and hike your pants back over your ankle. "oh, uh. . . nothing," you said sheepishly in reply, a fake grin appearing on your face.
-"oohhhh, no no no. i know that look. you're hiding something. best be honest now."
-damn him! how DARE he know you so well!
-"i think i did something to my ankle," you muttered.
-"hmm. . . let me see."
-he walked over and inspected your ankle for a few moments.
-"it looks sprained. when did this start?"
-"a few days ago. i tripped and it started swelling."
-he gave your ankle ankther quick look.
-"and why didn't you tell me?"
-"well, i thought it would go away at first. i was going to tell you, if it didn't. i was just going to wait a few days."
-"well, there's no need! i'm taking you to a doctor."
-he helped you stand and let you use him as something like a crutch, so you wouldn't have to put too much weight on your injured foot.
-you look up to see him standing, eyebrows furrowed (you know what i mean sans does it in the main game) looking at you.
-"anything you want to tell me?"
-"ah, nothing. . . i'm just gonna go to a doctor if this doesn't start getting better."
-you knew the look he was giving you. he wanted to know what happened.
-"i tripped a few days ago and my ankle started swelling. nothing major. it's just a little sore."
-"mmm. i'm sure. you have five minutes, then i'm taking you to a doctor," he said as he laid on the couch beside you.
-"no, Paps, there's really no need-" you were interupted by snoring. but you knew that didn't mean you were off the hook. he would be awake in five minutes EXACTLY, whether you were ready to go or not.
-he kinda just stands there for a few moments after he sees you with the ice pack.
-ice pack means something's wrong, because he doesn't see food around, but his skull injury makes figuring anything else out difficult.
-ice pack. . . on your ankle. . .
-it doesn't matter what's wrong. he just knows something is. so, he comforts you! in the only way he knows how!
-which is a BONE-CRUSHING hug.
-and because you're sitting, and he's standing over you, leaning down to hug you, it's a very awkward angle. leading to a lot of bones jabbing into uncomfortable places.
-you know you can't really do anything to get him off of you, so you just wait it out.
-"i'm alright, Sans. it isn't anything major. i'm about to go to a doctor!"
-he was going to tell you to anyway. you just got that part out of the way.
-his time in the underground under Undyne's rule made him very paranoid about the health of those he loves, so no matter how big the injury, you MUST see a doctor.
-it's not up for debate.
-he drives you because he doesn't want you to have to put any more strain on your ankle.
-(should he even have a drivers license? questionable...)
-he has a puzzled look on his face.
-that. . . he suspected that wasn't a good sign.
-"y/n. . . i don't suppose you want to tell me what is going on?"
-"oh," you nervously laughed. "no biggie. just tripped a few days ago, it kinds hurts. if it doesn't feel better tomorrow i'm seeing a doctor."
-"hmm. i shall hold you to that."
-you laughed. you bet he would.
-spoiler alert, he did.
(a/n: sorry if this is totally inaccurate to having a sprained ankle, it just seemed like a good scenario, and i was too in the writing groove ((once i actually started)) to do much research)
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magic-hcs · 9 months
*climbs out of a manhole* hello!, a few minutes ago I got hooked on a song called “be around me”, and I think if ut sans, ht sans, uf sans us sans called s/o baby by accident, kinda they still aren't dating...yet ;)
Thank you for the ask! I've listened to the song and I hope this scenario is what you had in mind. its short.
Bear; Horrortale Sans
Red: Underfell Sans
Sky: Underswap Sans
Time to cast some magic and see what we'll get!✨
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Sans: You’re very lucky if he didn’t shortcut out of there the second you said “what..?”. You’re also lucky if he did stay and didn’t just deflect and avoid the topic like he avoids picking up his sock. 
In a perfect scenario Sans openly will explain why he called you that. But this isn’t a perfect scenario. So your best bet to get any answers as to why Sans called you that is to ask Papyrus. And what you’ll do with the information you’ve acquired is something only you can decide.
Bear: Perfect copy of that meme that goes:
He could’ve gotten away with it if his bone cheeks didn’t slightly flush that faded blue and if he didn’t sweat like he always does when he feels like he wants to be everywhere except here. Please help the poor Bear. 
Red: Man is sweating bullets internally but looking smug on the outside. You see, Red has an advantage, and that advantage is that he always flirts. He’s flirty, even with friends, using nicknames like ‘doll’, ‘darlin’, ‘snack’, etc. He just hadn’t used ‘babe’ before.  It just slipped to be honest. So if he just pretends that it's just another nickname he’ll be in the green…As long as you don’t mind the nickname that is.
Stars, Red really wants to shortcut the fuck out of this conversation, but it will be suspicious if he does. So stuck toughing it out it is. 
There won’t really be any change to the relationship between you, unless you mention it. 
Sky: Sky is committed to what he says, he made his bed and he’s going to lie in it. And hope for the best mainly. If you missed it, he’ll just go along with that. But if you did hear it, Sky won’t deny what he said. 
He’s the only one you’ll be getting an honest confession from without needing to prod. Sky leaves the ball in your court. 
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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It's been long enough, time to bring back some content for this series. I hope you all enjoy! (Also yay new lily divider! Gonna start putting these around my notes from now on :] credits are in the tags!)
*Notes - Reader Soultype: Bravery🧡 - Reader Gender: Ambiguous, They/Them pronouns by default - Horror goes by Sans - Context from the first two parts is needed for this one to make sense - Words: 3,906
☕Previous Part☕ 🎃First Part 🪓Oneshot Masterpost/List 💜💙 In-Progress Fics Masterpost/List💚💛
Content Warning: Swearing, Violence, Light Blood
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A while passed since your coffee meetup with Sans. You've been texting each other pretty much daily, discussing this and that and getting a good laugh out of each other from time to time. He's been really supportive of you since your emotions from your breakup had started hitting you like a truck, bringing your spirits back up when they started to spiral. You really appreciate him for that..
At the moment, you're currently sitting in your living room and replying to the last message your skeleton companion sent you. The two of you had been having a long conversation about something obscure he found, before the topic shifted to meeting his brother, like you'd asked about when you went to go get coffee. Upon being informed, Sans said he was delighted at the idea, and wanted to invite you over for dinner. You eagerly accepted, but not without saying you'd want to bring something over as well.. call it a gift exchange. Perhaps dessert would be best, since he's really looking forward to making dinner.
Thing is, you have no idea what this guy likes, so you don't know how well your decision making could be..
i mean i could just go to the store with you if you need help picking it aint like i have shit to do
You perk up at his reply, grinning. That's perfect! If anybody would know what he likes, it'd be him. And it's an excuse to hang out a little earlier than expected.
sounds awesome, where should we meet? i could just come pick you up tho idk if ur comfortable with me knowing where u live i mean its not like youd be coming over to kidnap me lmao i dont mind sent attachment sick ok i think i know where that is ill be there in a few alrrr i'll get ready then
You hop up from your seat on the couch, walking into your room and picking out some warm clothes so you're comfortable outside. The air has definitely gotten more and more chilly after Halloween, and you're not quite sure if you like that sensation or not.
Hopping a bit to pull on your shoes, you hear your doorbell ring and drop your leg to walk over and look through the peephole. Sure enough, you're met with the skeleton waiting with a bored expression before you open the door.
"Hey! Wow, I didn't think you'd get here so quick." You muse, earning a chuckle from the skeleton as you step aside to let him in out of the cold. Can skeletons feel temperatures? You assume not because of the lack of skin.
He puts his hands in his pockets as he enters, watching you close the door behind him. "i took a shortcut, didn't take long at all. nice place."
"Thanks, it's nothing big, but it's home. That's all that matters, right?" You smile, walking to your bathroom and heading inside to fix your hair how you like it (if you have any, that is.) You leave the door open, glancing over briefly when he stands in the doorway to speak with you.
"yeah, doesn't matter what size. home's a home, anyway." His eyelight drifts around as he inspects what he can see, learning a little bit more about you from observing some of your favorite things. You give him a smile before exiting the bathroom, walking over to the front door to hold it open for him. He follows you out silently, and the two of you begin your walk down the street.
"So..does he like any particular kinds of desserts? Cakes, cookies, brownies, etcetera.. throw me a bone here." You hold up your phone and open your notes app so you can get an idea of what to look for.
"well, anything made from the heart's gonna appeal to him right off the bat. but if you wanna go for something he'll really like.. he loves sugar cookies. like the kind with icing, he eats those up when i get 'em." He smiles, thinking back to a memory. You nod, saving "sugar cookies" to your phone. If you're gonna bake, then it's gotta be something he'd love! That's one way to win him over.
"Sugar cookies it is! Any specific kind of frosting flavor?"
There's a pause. You wait patiently, but when Sans' reply never comes, you look up at his face. His eyes have gone blank, almost like he'd shut down.
"Sans? Are you alright?"
"just..hang on, i..i know it's in there. i know i can remember that, i know i can." He speaks softly, and you frown, stopping in place and stopping him as well.
"Hey. Don't worry if you can't remember. I'll figure something out, don't strain yourself. It's okay, Sans." You reach your hands up, placing them on his shoulders with a reassuring smile. His eyelight slowly reforms in his eye, warbling a bit before returning to its usual large shape.
"..okay. thanks."
You nod, leading the big skeleton along until you finally reach your destination: the grocery store. A nostalgic song plays as you both hear the doors slide open, granting you both access. Thankfully not too many people are inside at the moment, which gives you more room to look and gives Sans a bit more peace.
Seeing as you probably won't need a bunch of ingredients, you settle for a basket and begin walking to look for the baking section. Sans simply walks right beside you, ignoring any stares from other people inside.
"Okay, sugar cookies..I need a box with a mix..I'm not getting the frozen ones, I just wanna make these myself. I could get some red icing maybe, like strawberry? Or cherry? Is there cherry icing? I'm sure there is." You mutter to yourself as you walk, unaware of Sans' fond smile as he watches you talk, making sure to pay attention in case you ask him something out of the blue.
"I could make cute little patterns on them- ooor I could just cover them..I dunno, we'll see how I feel when the baking starts." You smile, reaching your hand up to try and grab a box of the mix you need, but frown when you can't reach it. Gonna need a step stool..
Sans leans a little over you from behind, putting a hand on your shoulder and reaching up to grab the box for you. You smile up at him, thanking him promptly as he shrugs it off. You should ask him to shop with you more often, it'd definitely be easier than climbing the shelves. You used to do that when you were younger, and had gotten caught a few times..well, you won't get caught again!
You look through some different cookie cutters, debating cutting the cookies into shapes, and if so, what shapes in particular to use. Your peace is interrupted when you hear quiet whispering a good distance away, furrowing your brows when you overhear what some people are saying.
Sans tries to pretend not to notice, but you can tell it's really starting to bother him..
You hold out your arm. He looks at you with confusion, raising a browbone.
"Take my arm in yours." You whisper, earning even more confusion. "C'mon, just do it!"
He holds out his arm slightly, and you take that as a cue to wrap yours around it, walking with him down another aisle. When you walk beside the few whispering, you glare daggers at them before looking over some different cookie cutters that are much more to your liking, wondering why they hadn't put them where you were. Poor organization..
Sans keeps his skull turned away, a mix of a blue and red flush covering his cheekbones as he avoids looking at your face. You don't seem to notice, which he's admittedly a bit thankful for.
"Okay! I think that's all that I-"
You hear your name being called, stopping mid sentence. Your eyes quickly dart over to the source, spotting him..
Your Ex.
Your grip tightens on Sans' arm. He snaps back to reality, looking between you and them before realizing. You glare at him as he approaches.
"So. One day you just ditch me out of the blue and now you're hanging out with monster trash. Man, I didn't think you'd stoop that low."
"Shut up. Nobody cares what you have to say. You're the only one who's trash here. Just leave me alone, and get out of my life."
"Woah, easy." He holds up his hands in mock defense. "Got me shaking in my boots, babe! So scary.."
"Yeah, still scared after we spooked the shit out of you in the haunted house?" You tilt your head, a sly smile on your face. His face darkens, and his brows furrow.
"Whatever- Look, you-"
"I just want you to leave me alone. The only reason you finally want to spend time with me now is because I'm gone. You had your chance with me, and now I'm spending my time with way better people. We are through, we will always be through, so leave me be."
"You really think a monster is better than me? You're kidding yourself! Just.. look at him. He's probably an actual axe murdere-"
You move before you can think, punching him square in the nose and watching him stumble. It isn't until you see his blood on your hand and his widened eyes that you realize what you just did, quickly ushering Sans away and pulling him to the checkout section. You have what you need, time to get out of here.
It's quiet as you pay, before you both leave the store. Sans tugs a little on your hand, so you stop, facing him as you calm your breathing down.
"..you okay?" He sounds a little worried.
"Yeah. I'm..I'm alright, now. Are.. you okay?"
"you just punched a guy for me." He states, a smile creeping onto his face.
"Well, yeah. I hate him and he was being a jerk, of course I did. Nobody messes with the people I care about." You grab some napkins from the bag, wiping away your ex's blood as you both make your way across the street.
Sans bumps your hand with his, so you unclench your fingers, allowing him to hold it. ..He's..never done that before. That's new.
Heat rises to your face, and you pray to anyone above that it doesn't show. That's all you need right now.
You enter your home, turning on the lights. "Just go wherever, my house is your house and all that jazz. I'm gonna wear something for baking." You smile, walking to your room. He gives you a thumbs up before you go, sitting down on your couch and covering his face with his hands.
Stars, feelings are complicated. You just made his soul do a somersault twice in a row without even meaning to. It's not fair, why does he have to feel so- conflicted?! He moves his hands down, groaning before taking a deep breath as you walk back in.
"Okay. You wanna bake with me?" You smile innocently, completely unaware of the rollercoaster looping around in his skull. He nods, walking into the kitchen after you, simply watching as you grab an apron and set the oven up for baking.
Several seconds of ingredient hunting later, you set everything out on the counter and get to work. Crack the eggs, add some butter, throw in some oil.. mix. You move around like a robot, earning an amused chuckle from the skeleton as he sits on the same counter to watch you, sending some ingredients over when you need them using magic.
Once you have the cookie dough mixed up properly, you smack his hand away once with a spatula to make sure he doesn't try and snatch any up. Your focus then shifts to the icing, making a bit of a mess as you stir. A bit of it lands on your face that you don't seem to notice, but a certain someone with you does.
"hey, c'mere." He slides off the counter with ease, making you stop in your tracks. He holds his hand up to your cheek, resting his thumb over a small bit of icing. He pauses for a moment, the two of you staring into each other's eyes. Heat rushes to both of your faces, his cheekbones erupting in a blue and red mixed blush as he raises his thumb to his mouth, allowing his mixed tongue to lick away the icing in question.
Oh. Oh man.
You avert your eyes when he does, focusing back on the icing. That's new. A lot of things are new today.
The tension eventually fades out once the cookies have been brought out, now cut into lovely different shapes Sans is sure Papyrus will love. He shares a few stories he can remember from the past, you happily listening along and sometimes replying with witty comebacks to his jokes.
Time flies, and finally the cookies are finished, ready to eat! You almost feel kinda bad that these'll be gone soon..but it'll be worth it if he likes them! You hang up your apron, grinning slyly when you turn back to Sans. He raises a browbone in your direction, when you place a small bit of icing on his nose. He laughs, a determined glint to his eye as he tries to get some of the leftover stuff on you, the two of you chasing each other around the kitchen before you erupt into laughter.
He looks up from the floor at you, and his breath hitches. You have a really nice smile..he should tell you that some time. Not yet, though. No..it's too soon for that.
You grin, licking any leftover icing on you and walking to your room to change into the clothes you'd set out previously for when you go with Sans back to his house. Alright, first impressions are everything! Gotta look nice for the occasion.
Sans stares at the ceiling for a little bit while he waits for you, trying to remember some obscure TV show he watched once as a child with his brother he just can't seem to put a name on. You eventually walk back into the room, determined and ready to go. You walk into the kitchen and grab the lovely bowl of cookies you baked, holding it under your arm.
"So, shall we walk?" You smile as he walks up to you, but then raise a brow in confusion when he shakes his head. Maybe he'd prefer driving? You didn't see a car outside, though..
"i know a faster way to get there, if you're okay with it."
"Sure. What is it?"
"hold my arm for a sec. you might feel kinda dizzy for a little bit." He offers his arm to you, and you accept it quickly.
"OkaaAAAY-" You panic when the ground disappears from beneath your feet, holding onto him tightly and squeezing your eyes shut. It is only when you're back on the ground that you open them, glancing around. ..You appear to be in someone's driveway, someone who owns a very lovely home.
"aaaand we're here. tada." He grins, letting you regain your balance. How did he do that? When did he learn he could do that? Why did he not tell you he could do that befo- that's how he got to your house so fast. Of course. A "shortcut".
"You're really amazing, Sans." You smile up at him, chuckling a little to yourself when he looks away. He leads you up the porch steps to the front door, knocking in a rhythmic pattern and waiting for a moment before it swings abruptly open.
"AH! Brother, There You Are!" The much-taller-than-you'd-expected skeleton exclaims, pushing up his glasses a bit so he can see better. "And You've Brought The Human Along With You! Excellent! I've Just Gotten Started On Tonight's Dinner. Do Come Inside! It's Certainly Much Warmer Than It Is Out There. Sans, You Both Didn't Walk, Did You? It's Easy For Humans To Get Colds!"
You both smile at his rambling as Sans reassures him that he used a shortcut to get here. He's a total contrast to his brother, a ball of energy to counter his brother's overall tired and "lazy" demeanor.
Papyrus gestures for you to walk in, you both promptly remove your shoes at the door when you see that there are a few pairs of boots there already. You can assume literally all of them belong to Papyrus, because Sans is usually either wearing slippers or sneakers.
"Ah! Where Are My Manners." He clasps his gloved hands together, grinning down at you. "I Am The Great Papyrus! I'm Certain My Brother Has Told You About Me Already." He grins, his braces shining when the light of the ceiling fan above him hits them.
You smile, moving one of your arms to hold it out to shake his hand, watching him eagerly grab it. "It's nice to meet you in person, Papyrus." You tell him your name, and he makes sure to remember it for next time.
"Sans told me you were really looking forward to making dinner tonight, sooo I thought I'd bake some cookies! We can have them after dinner's over with, and you guys can keep them for a while until you run out. And if you like them, well..I'd be more than happy to make some more."
Papyrus gasps, putting a hand where his heart would be, as if he'd been struck right through it. "Oh, That's So Kind Of You! And Fitting For The Occasion! You Can Place Them On The Counter For Now, There Should Be An Open Space."
You do as instructed, admiring all the lovely little details in the home. They certainly tell you plenty about the two, and the things they like.. There's a ton of pretty patterns in the wood in some parts of the kitchen, presumably crafted by Paps himself. There are some red gingham curtains gently blowing with the breeze from outside before he closes the windows, and you briefly catch a glance of a clothesline with drying clothes. Huh, Papyrus must be into cosplay. That's cool!
Sans spooks you, giving you a pat on the shoulder as he walks up to his room. Ooh..this gives you an opportunity to see it..you would hate to pry, though. Maybe another time you can. You'll definitely be visiting later.
Deciding not to pester him, you focus your attention on Papyrus, who's happily humming a tune you don't recognize and cooking up something that makes your mouth water.
"So," His voice catches you off guard, making you jolt. "How'd It Happen?"
"How'd..what happen, exactly?" You smile, leaning a bit on the counter to watch him work.
"How'd You Meet, And How'd You Convince My Brother To Think So Fondly Of You?"
"We met at a- wait, he thinks fondly of me?"
"Well, Of Course He Does! Don't Tell Me You're As Blind As I Am Without Glasses." He lets out a nyeh-heh, stirring something. "He Talks About You Quite Often!"
"He does?.." Your voice is soft when you ask, heat creeping back up to your cheeks before you shake your head to try and make it go away.
"Indeed! Now, I'll Repeat The Other Part..How'd You Meet? I'm Very Curious About That."
"Well, it all started when me and my..well, he's my ex now-"
"Oh, Is This Drama? Now I've Certainly Got To Hear About This. I Love A Little Bit Of Gossip." He grins slyly, and you let out a laugh before going into detail about everything.
Papyrus is such a lovely person to talk to, even if you have to repeat what you say a few times because of his hearing problems. You can definitely understand why Sans thinks so highly of his brother.
Speaking of Sans, he finally joins you both downstairs after a while, having changed into an almost exact replica of the clothes he had been wearing before but much cleaner. Look at him, getting dressed up for the occasion..
Papyrus finishes making his masterpiece, and you all sit down at the table together. It's such a warm environment..Sans cracking jokes, Papyrus groaning but making a few of his own in return..the two sharing fond stories from the past..Papyrus talking about his work and what he loves to do..you could listen to him for hours. The food is immaculate, and you fight the urge to groan with delight at the taste.
When dinner is finished, you send your compliments to the chef, and the taste test for the cookies begins..you stare with anxious anticipation as he inspects a skull-shaped cookie, amused by your choice before biting into it. Silence fills the room before he grins in your direction, putting his hands on his hips.
"This Is Excellent! You Did Wonderfully! Stars, I May Run Out Of These Within The Week! GAH!" He puts his hands on his skull, you and Sans letting out a laugh at his expressions.
"Don't worry, Paps. I'll definitely make some more for you later."
"Wonderful! You Simply Must Show Me How You Make Them. They're Exquisite!"
"Maaybe..but good magicians never reveal their secrets, do they?" You smile slyly. He gasps in understanding, before placing his fist against his palm.
"Right. Fair Enough!"
You don't realize how fast time flies when you're having fun. You could spend eternity with these guys, without changing a thing. They're both so much fun to be around, and..it's really nice, being surrounded by such caring people.
Before you know it you're sitting on the couch, listening to Papyrus ramble about scandals in the monster celebrity world, promptly gasping when you hear something shocking. Sans simply watches the both of you with a lazy smile, chiming in from time to time before you all focus on whatever movie's playing on the TV.
One movie turns into several..
You feel your eyes slowly close as you lean against something big and warm, relaxing with a smile.
Sans freezes when he looks down at you, holding his hands in the air and unsure where to put them. Papyrus scoffs, motioning for him to put his arm around you. Sans looks at him with an expression that screams "are you crazy?!" before Papyrus shoots one back, rolling his eyes and waving him off before whispering a good night to him and heading upstairs. Fuck. What does he do? He couldn't just..could he?
His eyelight darts around until it rests on your sleeping form. He sighs for a moment, before abruptly shortcutting to your house and ensuring that the doors are locked, reappearing in the spot he had been sitting in before. You readjust your position, getting even closer this time.. His face flushes again as he lowers an arm over you, unable to look away. Oh jeez.. Ain't this complicated? Well..lots of things are, aren't they?
Hearing your soft breathing leaves him feeling calm..content. He's..alright with this. He'll embrace the moment for a little while, while it lasts. He focuses on the screen, until his eyes begin to close as well..maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.
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sundropmoondroplover · 3 months
Underverse Masterlist
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Our Little Secret Undertale Sans x Female Magic Reader Story
It's All Okay Undertale Sans x Reader
Papyrus: ~Nothing yet~
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Sans (Red): ~Nothing yet~
Papyrus (Edge): ~Nothing yet~
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Sans (Blue): ~Nothing yet~
Papyrus (Stretch):
Winter Cuddles Underswap Papyrus x Reader ~Currently working on~
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Sans (Axe or Bear): ~Nothing yet~
Papyrus (Sweets): ~Nothing yet~
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Dream: ~Nothing yet~
Nightmare: ~Nothing yet~
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Ink: ~Nothing yet~
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Error: ~Nothing yet~
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Sans (Nova): ~Nothing yet~
Papyrus (Apollo): ~Nothing yet~
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skltnglttr · 2 years
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“His eyes always light up around you, y’know?”
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I want to ask how would (Anyone you wish) react to finding out an S/O is obsessed with shinny things no matter what even if it's dangerous
You have made a mistake in letting me choose for I am bad at deciding things, sooo… Horrortale Papyrus it is!
*You are obsessed with shiny things, even if it can be a little dangerous… especially in Horrortale, where anyone and anything could either snatch you up or kill you
*Needle is quite protective of you and if he sees you getting distracted by something shiny, he’ll do his best to redirect your attention away from it
*”Y/n, no, you don’t need to pick that up,” too late, you’ve already picked it up. It’s part of your collection now
*you have a decent collection of shiny things you’ve found, which you keep in Needle’s room, since that’s where you usually stay
*needless to say, he is actually quite impressed you’ve managed to collect so much, and you’re quite proud of your collection
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
Heya hun! Just finished binge reading the house next door (took me like 3 days frfr) and i was wondering if its still updating? I quite enjoyed it and was wondering if its still an active work :)
Also, im gonna just throw in a request for a flustered but silently needy Axe, up to you what you write but id prefer it if him and the y/n arent in a relationship just yet, but hes pinning and it shows ;)
Yeah HND is still updating! I'm taking a bit of a break but I will get back to it. Here's your request, I hope it's ok, it was good to do some writing again.
“Axe? Axe~” their sweet voice sung out drawing my attention down to their short frame. I blinked a few times trying to get my bearings as they smiled up at me. I had no idea where we were, I had blanked out but seeing their face instantly made me feel at ease. 
“heya kid” I greeted, smiling softly as their face lit up. 
“Come sit down, you’ve been standing way too long” they said, slowly and gently grabbing my hand and dragging me off to a seat nearby. My eyelights darted down to our hands. They were so small my larger hand encompassed theirs completely. Humans had become so small and fragile since the underground and they were no different. I could easily lift them up or pin them down with little effort and still I let them lead me to a seat as they kindly helped me down onto the couch. 
They stood in front of me with a kind, patient smile on their face. They always looked so kind. 
“Do you know where you are Axe?” they asked. I frowned. I didn’t know where we were, or why we were here. I had obviously been spacing out before. I shook my head feeling angry with myself. 
“Hey, it’s ok!” they rushed to say grabbing my hands and making me look up at them “I was getting new clothes. Do you like them?” they asked, standing up and letting their hands slide out of mine. I nodded. The clothes looked good. They hugged the humans form just right with a blue hoodie that looked very familiar for some reason. 
“Now we match!” they declared confusing me for a moment before I glanced down. The hoodie was the same as mine. Not exactly but it was close. 
“did you . . . ?” I started not sure where I was going
“It took forever to hunt one down but I’m so happy!” they said grabbing my arm and hugging it to their chest
“Now you will have no trouble finding me, Although” they giggled, a sweet sound that made my bones feel warm “Don’t you think we look like a couple?” they said. My skull instantly heating up as my soul skipped a beat. I turned away from the human. I had to. I know they didn’t really mean anything by the comment but with them pressing against me and talking about dating it was taking everything in me not to kiss them. 
To push them down on this couch and pin their hands above their head, leaving bite marks all over their soft body as they writhed under me before picking them up and placing them on my hardened magic. But that couldn’t happen.
We were friends. I knew that much. I also knew I wanted more. We could never date because of my condition but I wanted them more than I’d ever wanted anyone. 
“Come on big guy. Crooks will be waiting for us” The human said gently, pulling me back to my feet and leading me through the store. I hoped they could see my magic. My skull was still warm when we found my brother but I couldn’t take my eyelights of the human. The way they laughed and smiled, how kind they were to me and Papyrus, their everything. I wanted them so badly it had begun to hurt.  
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orbital-inclination · 9 months
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Hihi! I saw you had some request open and I wish to put one in!
In this one, can I request undertale bros, underfell bros, and horrortale bros?
They are with reader, who is there girlfriend/boyfriend and they go to a restaurant. Reader will tell the waitress to hold somthing from their dish. Like tomato's since they are allergic.
How will the boys act if they dident do that and they still served reader with the tomatoe or what every you chose for them to be allergic to.
If this goes aginst you're rules, I am sorry!
I hope you stay safe IRL!
i'm sorry i just wrote for the Sanses anon, i'm just trying to get anything written
-not proofread
Undertale, Underfell, and Horrortale Sanses when reader receives food they’re allergic to
He's polite about it. he won't be rude to someone over what seems to be an honest mistake.
he doesn't notice what's wrong at first, so he doesn't call it out when the waiter first gives the food to you.
it's not until he notices you eating around certain parts, or not eating entirely that he asks you what's wrong.
when you tell him that you received [x] food, it goes one of two ways.
either the waiter is diligent, and is back to check on everything about ten minutes later, Sans tells them what's wrong, and the waiter, apologetic, takes back the messed up dish and brings another one out correctly.
or, the waiter is rude. they don't come back to check on your table, and he has to flag them down next time they pass.
"I'm sorry, I believe they ordered this without [x]. could we get this taken back?"
they don't verbally respond, but take the food back, and bring you back the correct dish.
unlike UT, my boy noticed immediately, as he always looks over both yours and his meals because he looks for ANY chance to complain.
before your waiter leaves, he says bluntly, "they ordered this without [x]."
he WILL get into a full on argument, no matter whether or not the waiter was nice about it.
if they're nice, they give in, and you also get a free dessert!
however, if they're rude, it escalates and their manager is called, resulting in Sans getting banned from the restaurant for the scene he caused. sorry :/
he doesn't necessarily understand allergies, i think. both from the fact that, where he comes from, you eat what you can get, and that his head injury sooooorta messes up his ability to comprehend it, almost.
although he does notice immediately, because you aren't eating, and he's worried.
it takes a good deal of explaining before he really gets why you can't eat it.
at first, he goes to get up and go straight to the kitchen, your plate in hand, to fix it. you have to get up and drag him by the wrist back to his seat to explain that it simply isn't acceptable.
so, he waits until the next time your waiter passes by. he acts like it was personal, and he goes into argument mode. unless they're nice, and the issue is immediately resolved.
or, they're rude, and let it escalate. it's certainly not nearly as much of a scene as UF's. though the manager is still called, and they resolve the issue.
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magic-hcs · 8 months
Can I request for Papyrus, Sky and The Horrortale Brothers with Kindness Soul S/O who is a Baker and has a bakery (Also they have healing powers)
Thank you so much for the ask! And for being so patient with me. Bear’s ended up being very long while the others quite short. I also didn’t have much idea what to do with the healing powers.
Bear: Horrortale Sans
Sky: Underswap Sans
Bean: Horrortale Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Papyrus: Papyrus loves to bake with you! He’s good at baking, it just looks like a mess at the end result yet somehow still tasting so very delicious. You two probably met at the baking club Papyrus goes to. Maybe you came over at the club to help out with a specific cake the club was going to prepare that day.
Papyrus saw you and was immediately attracted to you. Looking so beautifully and handsomely in that apron of yours and with that focused yet kind look on your face. How could he not fall so easily for you?
Sky: He gets very happy whenever you come by with some new treats you made. You’re his go to place for coffee and a treat before he’s off to work. Loves helping you in the kitchen. Somehow, the both of you always end up with a bit of flour covering you both.
You gotta keep an eye on him when he handles stuff that needs a sense of smell while baking since he has none. (It’s the reason why his food sometimes ends up inedible.)
Sky’s an amazing taste tester though.
Bear: Bear had just been walking back home from the animal shelter when the sweet scent registered within him. He came to a complete halt, the single eyelight in his socket enlarging slightly. Completely forgetting what Bear priory was heading to, to instead follow this amazingly smelling trail. He didn’t have to walk that far, the source of the smell - which ended up being a newly opened bakery - was quite close by.
It was a cozy looking little thing. With brown chairs that look to be made of braided and weaved materials, and wooden tables with carved decorations standing just outside the bakery. There were two big window panes se with small different colored stained glass decorating just above the window sills.
A big chalkboard stood just outside, and written in big letters were the words 'GRAND OPENING, SWEETENDLILY'S OWN WHIPPED CREAM CHERRY MUFFINS AND BANANA SWISS ROLLS'
Bear walked in accompanied by a little 'ding' sound of the bell hanging just above the door, followed by a voice calling out a "I'm coming."
The smell came from behind the door where the voice had called out to him. Bear tugged slightly at his beany making sure it was still in the right place. Hiding the big crack in his skull. The smell became stronger and there you were. Mittens covering your hands which held a big tray of sweet scented bread. You looked up at him and your eyes widened, never having seen a living skeleton before. But you seemed to get yourself under control fast and grinned at him. “Welcome to Sweetendlily! Wheat can I do for you today?”
That pun had almost flown over his head if you hadn’t been grinning at him expectedly.
And that’s how it all started. And when I say all started I mean really all started. You were assertive, straightforward and kind. You left Bear reeling with your delicious treats, dazzling smiles and laughs, baking based puns and sugary flirts. Poor boy just kept coming back like he was being called by a very welcoming siren’s song. It was to no one’s surprise that you were the first to make a move by giving Bear a muffin with frosting that spelled ‘muffin ask u on a date?’ With a little heart decorating the side. You two have been together ever since.
Bean: Bean loves it whenever you come to visit, knowing you’re bringing all kinds of self made goodies with you to share with the brothers. He definitely asks you to give him the recipes of some of the pastries you often bake for him.
He likes to bake with you, especially the decorating.
Bean’s soul warms whenever you make something specially for him. It makes him feel so appreciated.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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temp-fg · 6 months
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For the Horrortale Sans lovers out there lol
Art practice
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soul-shenanigans · 7 months
Can I try Horror's hat? It seems big, so probably won't fit my head, but I want to try-
there you go buddy-
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yeosin-n · 7 months
Omg ur so wonderful!!! I was wondering if we could give horror some chocolate? (And if he's up for it maybe even a hug... Or a kiss) please? I love ur stuff btw!!!!
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Ah, I'm sorry! If that's the case then just some Horror Sans comforting their S/O after a normal long stressful day, no apocalypse stuff
It's alright, anon!
*Whenever you have a stressful day, the first thing you do is look for Axe
*Even if you didn't, Axe would still have an idea of when you've had a long and stressful day
*He'll offer to talk about it if you want, since he has offered to beat up someone before and that did not work out well
*If you don't want to talk about it, he understands and won't ask about it anymore
*He will try to help by wrapping you up in a blanket or his hoodie if a blanket is unavailable at the moment
*and he'll ask if there's anything else he can do to help, since he doesn't like seeing you like this, and if you have something in mind, he'll do it for you! but only because it's you
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aylish91 · 1 year
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New chapter incoming!!
Sea Of Hope Chapter 8
Previous Next SOH Master Grandmaster
This masterful piece of art was done by @aoi-kanna as a commission. They are truly talented and I appreciate all the hard work they put into making this for me. Go check them out, they are absolutely wonderful!!!
Story below or AO3 above.
While Axe checked you over, Edge grabbed Red by the back of the neck and stormed down the main hatch, loudly yelling at the rest of the crew to mind their own business as they scurried out of his way. For the most part, Red's protests went unheard as he was dragged down the steep steps. Blue, on the other hand, had hesitantly approached Papyrus, whispering something before they too turned and headed past the hatch, disappearing through a pair of doors into the upper levels of the ship. 
The clearing of a throat had you tensing and pressing closer to Axe. Black had once again gotten closer than you were comfortable with, standing only a couple paces away. “AS HEARTWARMING AS THIS IS, IT IS QUICKLY BECOMING LATE AND THE LADY STILL NEEDS ADEQUATE DRESS. MY BROTHER’S COAT IS HARDLY A FITTING SUBSTITUTE.”  
Rus chuckled beside him. However, when he made to comment, a look from Black had him looking down instead. 
Axe narrowed his sockets. “Don’t know where you’re planning on get’n somethin. Ain’t exactly swimmin in extras and you’ve refused to mend mine so I could give it to her.”  
“Been busy.” 
Something shifted in the air, both of their eyelights brightening. Rus glared, moving closer to his brother. It took Crooks placing a hand on Axe’s shoulder for the two to back down. 
“Petty bastard.” 
“WHEN IT SUITS ME.” With a flourish of a hand and a half step back, he indicated the direction of the doors, continuing to meet Axe’s gaze. “NOW, I BELIEVE WE SHOULD ATTEMPT TO FIND SOMETHING MORE SUITABLE UNTIL NEXT WE MAKE PORT. SURELY YOU CAN AGREE IT WOULD BE IN EVERYONE’S BEST INTEREST.”  
“Fine, but we’re not leadin’.” You could hear the creak of Axe’s teeth. 
“OF COURSE.” With a tight turn, Black nodded, marching forward with Rus trailing behind with a wink. "AS YOU WISH." 
Axe refused to move at first, tugging his empty socket and prompting a sighing Crooks to nudge you both. "I Know You Don’t Like Him, But He Is Fair.” 
“Bastard never does anything fer free.” 
“And Yet, He Has A Point.”  
Neither you nor Axe was reassured but allowed him to guide you forward regardless. Crewmen brave enough to linger eyed your group with various degrees of emotion. When a dog monster growled, another was quick to slap the back of their head, nervously hunching at a glare from both of your skeleton friends. You tried not to show your fear or your growing limp as you passed, hoping Rus' long coat hid what you couldn’t. It didn't seem like a good idea to show weakness around others. The watchful eyes and aggressive postures spoke volumes to your already heightened nerves. Entering the ship did nothing to ease your discomfort.  
It felt cramped and pressing despite having more than enough space and light. Unlike the previous ship, several lanterns lit the expanse leaving no ominous shadows or darkened areas. You could easily see all the doors lining the walls as well as the beautifully carved and decorated windowed doors marking the end of the hall. Rus waited near the last door on the left.  
It was calm and warm, but you couldn’t shake off the feelings of danger. 
“Ya c’n go inside Darlin. Milord’s wait’n.” Rus stood to the side, motioning you inside the now open door. 
You looked to your companions. While Axe kept his eyelight on Rus, Crooks’ soft smile and nod gave you enough of a boost to cautiously cross the threshold. It smelled of lavender tinted with something you couldn’t quite place, the overall size relatively small. What looked like a narrow modified canopy bed connected to the wall was on your right. In front of you, under a single window, was a rather lovely desk intricately carved with polished knobs. To your immediate left was an open decorative chest shoved in the corner. Everything was of exquisite taste and quality, from the bedding and carvings on the furniture to the upholstery on the chair at the desk. The few trinkets left out were of fine gold or silver with glistening jewels. 
You jumped when the door closed behind you. Axe nor Crooks had made it inside. It had your stomach rolling with nerves. You did not anticipate having the others closed out. Having Black now between you and the only exit made it worse. His eyelights were too bright. 
Didn’t Rus call him a lord...? 
Your chest tightened at his approach, making sure to lower your gaze. 
“TRUE TO MY WORD, THAT HORROR’S GARMENT HAS BEEN MENDED. HAD I KNOWN IT WAS FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS, I NEVER WOULD HAVE HELD ONTO IT.” In his hands was a large linen shirt, neatly folded and dark in color. Holding it out, he offered it to you. “PUT IT ON. I WILL ADJUST IT AS NEEDED AFTER.” 
You froze, intently focusing on the simple article of cloth. Was he expecting you to do it here and now? In front of him? Wasn’t it bad enough you were laid bare in front of all those on the deck, or stars, when you pressed yourself against Blue? At least Axe had good reason to see you. Multiple! To willingly undress now in the presence of a man other than your husband...  
By the angel, what would Axe think of all this? 
Black must have noticed your silent panicked uncertainty when you didn’t immediately take it. Clearing his throat, something in his tone changed. “I SHALL, OF COURSE, REFRAIN FROM LOOKING WHILE YOU DO SO. YOU MAY LEAVE MY BROTHER’S COAT ON THE CHAIR WHEN YOU ARE READY.” 
It was hard not to squirm. While that was greatly appreciated, it still felt uncomfortable. Could you trust his word? You hardly knew the man. Perhaps things may have felt different if the room wasn’t quite so stifling or the door hadn’t been shut so suddenly. 
Luckily, heavy thumps in the hall distracted Black enough for him to hand you the garment himself, squinting at the door behind him. He was just about to speak again when another set of thumps sounded, this time shaking the door. Growling, he finally turned when the muffled voices following the noise got angrier. 
You really didn’t want to do this right now. Not here. Not with all the uncertainties surrounding you.  
Taking a slow breath in, you let it out. The sooner you changed, the sooner you could be rid of these unsettling feelings. With unsteady fingers twitching against the fabric as you took one last glance at Black’s back. 
One more breath. 
The sound of your rattling bones was louder without the security of the coat. Placing it on the chair, you did your best to quickly dress.  
The feeling of fabric against your bones was surprisingly comforting as you pulled it over your head. True to Axe’s size, the shirt almost went to your knees. It was so large the fabric pooled on your much smaller frame and reminded you of the nightgowns you used to wear back at the manor. 
If only it wasn’t so short. 
Though your more private areas were covered, it was not good for a lady to show so much… leg. You tugged at the hem, the sleeves threatening to engulf your hands.  
“I’m dressed, my lord.” 
A calculated breath was your only answer before his eyelights found you, fuzzy with a slight warble. You had to second guess if you had seen them correctly, for the next moment they were back to their bright and sharp orbs. Getting closer, they traveled over you as he hummed, the heel of his boots clicking as he circled. If you had hair, it would have stood on end at the subtle brush of his hand against your back. 
You startled, yelping when he came around to lightly grip your hips. Instinctively, your hands came to your chest from the forwardness, sockets wide. He paid no mind, eyelights intent on the bunched fabric. He only let go to pull a satin rope from his pocket. 
You squeaked again when he reached around you to wrap it around your waist. 
“MUCH BETTER. HOWEVER," His gloved hands touched your elbows, slowly moving up your arms to grasp your hands for inspection. “YOUR MAGIC. IT IS MUCH TOO THIN…” He turned them over. “Hmmmmm. Knowing Him…” 
Your chest clenched. He was close enough you could feel his ambient heat and wisps of breath. 
Before Black could say or do anything else, his door nearly burst off its hinges, a very aggravated Axe forcing it open. Black pulled you into him with a snarl, eyelights vanishing with the click of his teeth. Stuck in a headlock was a disgruntled Rus, resigned to the hold around his neck. 
You didn’t know if you could physically handle any more stress.  
Axe’s voice was low, grin tight as he took in the scene. “Don’t appreciate the closed door, Black. Hell ya think yer doin’ in here?” 
Axe narrowed his sockets at Black’s squared shoulders. For a split second, you could see the red orb of his eyelight flick over the man in front of you before it focused on you.  
“Sure that's all ya were doin’?” 
“I’ve been doin’ exactly what I need ta be. Don’t need ta explain myself either.” Rus stumbled into the room when Axe unceremoniously released him to motion to you. “Now, if yer done?” 
With a snarl, Black pointed a finger. “NOW SEE HERE YOU–” 
Instinctually, you reached out, stopping just before Black’s arm. “My lord, I!” You faltered at his abrupt attention, pulling back to dip your head in respect. “I thank you for your kindness, but I should return to my lord husband before any more misunderstandings occur.” 
His eyelights stuttered. “I, I BEG YOUR PARDON?” 
There was a beat of awkward silence before Axe broke into heavy laughter, the loudest and deepest you’ve heard from him. It was enough to warm your cheeks as he beckoned you out and away from the room. Black gaped, slack-jawed and sputtering as you passed. You were already being guided onto the deck by the time he was able to call out one last time from his doorway. 
Axe only laughed harder, closing the doors behind you. 
The sun had mostly set by the time you stepped out into the humid sea air. You would have done anything in the past to be able to look up, out, and around but Axe was swift in guiding you down the main hatch. You didn’t want to linger longer than necessary anyway. 
You didn’t have Rus’s coat to hide under. 
You were grateful for the darkness once you were under. The lanterns were farther spread, some empty of light altogether. It helped ease your mind against the wandering eyes. Most gathered under the brightest lamps, playing cards at makeshift tables, drinking, and socializing while others lounged in hammocks hanging interspersed between the canons. While some watched you pass, Axe was surprisingly good at slipping through the darkest areas to avoid the unwanted attention.  
The closer you got to the front of the ship, the fewer people there were until you came upon barrels and crates stacked near and around an area quartered off by familiar heavy sheets. You could even recognize the stack you and Blue had hidden next to, the sheet on that side still halfway pulled down. Axe was kind enough to hold the flap for you to enter. 
Finally, you were able to relax the tension out of your shoulders and pained joints. You wanted to climb back into the hammock and rest your aching pelvis, maybe snuggle against Axe and his warmth. The way he moved about though had you gingerly sitting on his stool, setting it upright from where it had been knocked over. 
You wondered when that had occurred. What happened after you had been taken? 
A quiet curse had you looking back at Axe as he re-fastened the makeshift wall. There were a few more rips in it than you remembered. If he had any sewing supplies, you would have to mend them. It was the least you could do as thanks. 
You let out a slow breath, peering down at your clenched fists. They were cold and stiff on your lap. Black had been interested in them. The lot of them had been interested in general, but he had seemed so focused. 
Your voice was soft, hesitant as you summoned the courage to speak. “Axe? I have so many questions, but I’m afraid… I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask.” 
Axe chuckled. “Don’t gotta be afraid with me, Dove. It’s good ta ask questions around here. The more ya know the better, good or bad. Don’t let anyone tell ya otherwise.” 
You picked at the hem of the shirt, smoothing it down as much as you could. “Is that true?" Axe simply grunted. Collecting yourself, you forced yourself to ask the questions burning your mind. "What is a Banthos? What does it mean to be one? And what did Black mean when he said my magic was too thin? I don’t have magic. I’m not… I’m not even a monster.” 
It was hard not to flinch when, from your peripherals, you saw him stop. His voice had become more serious but thankfully still soft.  
“The hell yer not. Listen, I don’t know what you’ve been told, where ya come from, or what ya been through. But you’re as much of a monster as the rest of us. You’re made of magic and hope just like me.” He came over to place your hand in his scarred one, taking a knee to look directly into your sockets. “We’re the same. Dust and all. It don’t matter about anything else. As fer your magic,” he rubbed his face with a frustrated sigh, “let me worry about that. Just know ya got it and I’m gonna make damn sure ta get it where it needs ta be.” 
You didn’t know what to say to that, but it sent a comforting feeling to your chest. He was always so warm. It reminded you of your mother.  
Nodding, you were about to ask about your first question when footsteps interrupted you. Axe stood, moving between you and the flap.  
Axe only slightly relaxed at the sound of Papyrus’ voice, not moving but calling out to the other skeleton. “I can take her when we’re ready. Just got a few–” he bristled when Papyrus entered and smiled down at you, hand twitching at his side –“more things ta take care of.” 
You both tensed. “Papyrus. Paps. At least let things settle before ya drag er away. You saw Sans. I don’t trust him.” 
Papyrus looked a little sheepish at the accusation. “I UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN, BUT I HAVE FAITH THAT THIS WILL WORK. I MYSELF WILL KEEP AN EYE ON THINGS IF I MUST. He Means Well. NOT THAT, THAT IS AN EXCUSE FOR HIS TERRIBLE BEHAVIOR.” He came forward to place a hand on Axe’s shoulder, humble and pleading. “WON’T YOU AT LEAST TRUST ME?” 
You couldn’t place the look that crossed Axe’s face from the question, the red orb of his eyelight quaking until his free hand brushed the edges of his empty socket. “That’s cheat’n…” There was a heaviness to the silence.  
When Axe’s shoulders sagged, Papyrus gave him back his space. “All WILL BE WELL. I’M SURE OF IT.” 
You were uncertain as to what you needed to do, but before you could stand, Axe nudged you back down. With the reluctance of a stubborn cat, he then went about gathering items he had deemed yours, going so far as draping his favored blanket over your shoulders. When all was said and done, you were left with a surprisingly intricate box full of puzzles, Axe’s blanket, and an affectionate nuzzle to your neck.  
It was with a heavy heart and a glowing face that you eventually followed Papyrus back out into the darkness. 
You did your best to keep up with his long strides, missing Axe’s purposely slowed gait. You could feel the grinding strain on your pelvis and lower joints with each step. You focused on the clack of your feet to keep your mind off the aching. Papyrus was already several steps ahead of you when he got to the steps.  
Blessedly, he turned to wait for you. 
It was embarrassing how out of breath you had become from such a short distance, especially when you knew you didn’t technically need to breathe. You were even more so when Papyrus cocked his head to look you over with a contemplative hum. 
Without so much as a warning, he picked you up and draped you across both of his arms. You almost dropped your box, squeaking in surprise as he ascended to the deck. Your mind and tongue had stopped working from the suddenness. Though Axe had carried you once before and had moved you a few times, you didn’t quite know what to think of this stranger picking you up so nonchalantly. It was as if it was the most normal thing in the world for him, smile just as polite and kind as before. 
With him carrying you, it took little time to cross the rest of the way back through the double doors and down to the end of the hall. Standing in front of the windowed doors, you were only jostled a little when he turned the knob. He used his boot to kick it open the rest of the way with a bang, making you flinch when the glass shook precariously. 
You thought you saw a flash of blue, but when you looked, there was nothing there but a railed raised platform with an extravagant-looking bed, windows lining the entirety of the back wall. 
You shuddered. It smelled overwhelmingly of snow and cold rain. 
Scrunching his nasal ridge, Papyrus walked around a heavy round table with a scattering of papers and a lantern. Stepping onto the platform, he carefully set you down, turning to furiously rip the blankets off the bed to ball and fling them across the room with a fwump. 
When you didn’t move, he gently ushered you to sit before making his way to the windows. It was so dark now that the light from the lamp effectively turned them into mirrors. You were grateful, too afraid to look through them. To your relief, Papyrus closed the many curtains for each once. Once done, he gently took your box and stood at the end of the bed, bowing slightly from the waist. 
With a wave, he picked up the bundle of discarded blankets and walked out the door, closing it behind him. 
It was frightening, alone in the dark.
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orbital-inclination · 7 months
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*Ht!Sans wishes you a happy belated valentine’s day. and tries to ask you out on a date shhhh
(And a couple more under the cut~)
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