#Hospital Experience
There's a lady in the same room as me with her baby and I feel so bad for her, her baby cries near constantly especially at night. I feel sorry for him too bless him they must be beyond anything you could describe as exhausted.
There's another lady in the room too with her preemie and honestly her baby cries maybe once a day for a few seconds. She is a second time mum though so maybe she has the handle on it moreso than us first timers. My lord that poor woman opposite me though.
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How to Turn a Surgery Experience into a Personal Growth Adventure
Embrace your experiences, no matter how daunting they seem. Each one is a chapter in our life's story, shaping us into the person we are today. Don't forget to find the humor and joy, even in unexpected places. Stay resilient!🌱🌟
Hello, fellow personal growth enthusiasts! I wanted to share a story today that might seem a bit offbeat compared to our usual conversations on personal development. Yet, in my journey of growth, I’ve come to realize that each experience, regardless of its nature, adds to our overall development and makes us who we are today. Today, I’m sharing my unique experience of a medical procedure I…
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bamsara · 2 days
the lengths i go to avoid going to the er when in severe pain because they'll just stare at me like I'm a twat who's boohooing over nothing just to scratch at the doors of the urgent care at 6am because they don't put their business hours online
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sorio99 · 5 months
The Junior Year Intro: Fuck yeah, teenagers rule, this is gonna be our year baby!
Junior Year’s content: I am struggling so hard, I don’t know how to handle anything going on right now, I’m maybe broken up with my first ever girlfriend, my family has abandoned me, I’m failing everything and even if I’m doing well I don’t have the money to pursue higher education with my friends, I think something intensely sinister is going on that I don’t understand, Im dealing with undiagnosed mental illnesses aplenty, and to top it all off, my Van is busted.
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krembruleed · 7 months
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my three girlfriends.
And yes, they smoke weed.
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latenightsundayblues · 9 months
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Lawrence squirmed uneasily; the mere sight of the individual across the room had initially managed to knock the air out from his lungs and squeeze his heart mercilessly, a breath held tightly within his chest tinted with the taste of bile. His lips parted absentmindedly when his vision finally cleared itself seconds later and allowed him to take a good look at the man, who, unsurprisingly, was definitely not Adam Faulkner. It's just the new janitor. Gordon wasn't sure whether the pang he felt afterwards was one of relief or disappointment.
Although the uncanny resemblance still disturbed him greatly, he could now identify various signs that should've tipped him off to that sooner (other than Adam being, well, dead); slightly longer hair reaching the base of David's damp neck-- Gordon had managed to catch his name in the tag on his uniform--, a gnarly red line ripped along his cheekbone altering the path of the sweat drops rolling down his forehead and a sarcastic tone of voice without the intention of lightening the mood, but tainted with a certain degree of hostility. Gordon would've risked calling it defensive, even.
He tried not to think too much about the stranger as he drove back to his lamentably empty apartment, to no avail.
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preyduo · 4 months
i was drawing c!tommy in the mental hospital and the person next to me loudly went "OH MY GOD IS THAT TOMMYINNIT" and i desperately tried to shush them but it was Not Working
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redstainedsocks · 11 months
I gotta tell you... Being hooked up to a bunch of machinery and being gently strapped to a table (for safety) is low-key unsettling even when the people doing it are nice and explaining exactly what's going to happen, when, and why.
Without being spoken to? While being forced? With no information? In a strange place? Surrounded by enemies or hostile people?
That shit would be frightening as fuck. The lack of control. The lack of answers. Feeling less important, less human, than everyone else in the room.
So do that to your characters. If you're into medical/lab whump you're hitting all the right notes with this trope. So go HAM. Do it MORE. It's perfect.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
Very excited and pleased to report that I have purchased a ticket to see Macbeth in October!!
Logistics will take a bit more time to iron out, but I pushed past my anxiety and decided to get the ticket because I didn't want to miss out again. I'm also interested to see how this production compares with the one I saw Alan Cumming in years ago, but I know this will be a singular experience with David in the lead role.
I hope everyone who wanted a ticket was able to get one! ❤️
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I think Bill's inner monologue during that initial springlock accident in the 70s should be religious-bordering-on-sexual I want him to be really fucking weird about it. It awakens something in him in the worst ways possible. Henry slowly prying them off him while they wait for an ambulance should have a similar impact on his psyche I think.
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Hidden On The Inside
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 21. Prompt: “Near death experience” Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: During a hunt, you take a nasty hit which at first seems fine, but it's what's hidden deep under the surface that creates a problem. (I get it, i suck and writing summaries.)
Warnings: Internal bleeding, hospitals, surgery.
Word count: 1.5k
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
You were a force to be reckoned with when it came to a fight. You were a strong and fierce opponent with an even stronger will. You had always been a fighter. Like Dean’s, your temper would flare up quickly in the face of any kind of challenge or injustice, and you typically responded with physical aggression.
You had been a hunter for many years, having grown up in the life much to your dads disapproval. When you were finally old enough, and after a lot of convincing, you were finally allowed to join your Dad on small hunts in the area. A ghost here, a vampire there. It was always the same routine—they'd enter a town, slip up, you and your dad would hunt them down before returning to the motel for some take out. But, one day when you were in your mid-twenties, your dad never made it home. It was that night that you met the Winchesters. They had given you a shoulder to cry on that night. It was a strange, yet kind gesture; to give a grieving stranger somewhere to feel safe. The three of you were thick and thieves after that night. You lived and hunted together and soon you began to feel as though a missing part of you had been filled. 
The three of you were hunting a pack of wolves. Child's play. But these wolves were abnormally strong, and it took almost all of your strength to push them back and kill them, but they were wearing thin too, and soon there was only a small handful of them left. One charged, baring its teeth at you. They two of you scuffled; quickly locked in a fight. As the fight dragged on with neither of you making much progress, the two of you tired quickly. But then in a flurry of moves, your opponent landed a series of punches and finally managed to fling you into the wall in a fit of rage. You hit the wall hard but didn’t make a sound. You just gritted your teeth and shrugged it off; you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. As the fight went on, the blows came harder and faster, with neither of you giving an inch. Until finally, he slipped up and you managed to jab him with your silver blade. 
“Are you okay?” Sam questioned as he sauntered back over to you after tossing the match onto the bodies. “I saw you hit the wall pretty hard.”
You rubbed the back of your neck dubietly. “Yeah. I’m fine. It was just a little unexpected.”
“Are you sure?” He drew in his eyebrows, creating little wrinkles on his forehead.
When you told Sam that you felt fine, it wasn't completely a lie. At the time, you did feel ok, a little sore, but ok. Though as time went on and the world sped around the Impala, you began to feel off.  You ignored it, of course. You hadn't been injured that bad, you assured yourself. Nothing could be wrong. You had endured much worse and been fine, yet the uneasiness continued and a dull ache began to grow throughout your body as your skin paled.
“You okay back there sweetheart?” Dean asked, glancing back at you in the rear-view mirror when he noticed your absence in the conversation. Your silence was loud. 
“Peachy.” You hummed, avoiding his gaze. You knew you looked into his eyes he would know exactly what was up. It was like a 6th sense of his. 
“I’m only asking ‘cause you look a little pale.” He added. 
“I skipped breakfast this morning. It’s probably just that.” You shrugged “Quit worrying, Dean.”
He was right to worry though, because the moment you stepped out of the car, a wave of nausea hit you and you lost your footing slightly. Sam picked up on your stumble. 
“Woah. Careful Y/N. Are you sure you're okay?”
“I’m fine, Sam.”
He eyed you slyly. You weren’t one to be clumsy. Sam followed you closely as you hauled yourself down the steps of the bunker, much slower than usual as you fought the unease that contaminated your body. By the time you reached the bottom, a sheen of sweat had broken across your forehead, and you were short of breath, panting against the pain in your abdomen. 
You had barely made it halfway across the room when the lightheadedness kicked in and you had to grab the table to keep you from doubling over with your vision. Taking a step forwards and letting go of the table, your body swayed, causing bile to rise in your throat. You had just about stumbled to your room by clinging onto the walls when another wave rolled over you causing your legs to buckle and your body careen to the side and hit the ground with a groan of pain. You clutched at your stomach. 
Your vision swam as you lay there in a dazed state, fading in and out of your pain laced world. You weren’t sure how long it was before your heard footsteps escaping down the hall.
Sam knocked on the door. He hadn’t heard from you since the three of you arrived home over an hour ago and he had begun to grow worried. You didn’t look well at all when you forced yourself out of the impala. Your skin was paler than usual and clammy and alongside that your footsteps were all out of beat. When there was no reply, sam asked for you but his words went through one ear and out of the other, not even stopping in your mind.
He pushed the door open and froze at the sight of your body sprawled out across the cold floor. Your chest barely rose and fell.
“Shit.” Sam dived forwards, dropping his bags on floor. “Y/N?” He patted your face lightly, but all you did was groan. 
Gingerly, Sam eased your arms away from your stomach and rolled up the hem of your shirt. What he saw made him gasp. From your chest all the way down your abdomen, were deep purple bruises. 
His older brother raced into the room at his brother's cry of distress, staggering to a stop when he saw the state of your body. 
“Get the keys.” Sam ordered, before scooping you up into his arms. 
The two of them made it to the car in record time. Sam manoeuvred himself into the back with you, as Dean made his way to the drivers side and started the engine. In typical Dean fashion, the car was going too fast, but neither of them cared. Sam held you close to remind you that everything was going to be alright even if you weren’t completely coherent. Dean focused on the road, cursing every red light they hit. At some point, he gave up stopping. 
When the Impala peeled into the parking lot Sam rushed inside carrying you still, Dean followed close behind. The two were frantic as they called for help which didn’t seem to come quick enough. It was a blur as the hospital staff took your fading body and rushed you into surgery. 
Dean’s leg bounced as he waited for the nurse to return from your hospital room. The pair of them hadn’t moved in hours, waiting anxiously for.. well anything. 
When the moment finally came and called out your name, they didn’t waste any time in going to meet her. And then came the news.
“Miss Y/n has suffered severe internal bleeding. The doctors have managed to stabilise her with surgery, but she will need to stay in observation for a while.”
Dean let out a sigh of relief. 
“You’ll be happy to know that she is awake and asking for the two of you.”
The nurse didn’t have time to say anything else because the two brothers had already left and flung the door open. 
“Oh Y/n/n…” Sam breathed when he saw you, hooked up to a multitude of machines. Despite your tired eyes, there was still a soft grin on your face. 
“Hiya Sammy.”
He took your hand. “How are you feeling?”
“A little sore. Whatever drugs they have me on are working miracles.” You let out a small chuckle. “I keep telling them I’m fine, but they won’t let me leave.”
“You’re not fine. Y/N.” Dean said sternly. “You’ve just come out of emergency surgery. You need to rest.”
You were silent. 
“I hate hospitals.” You murmured. They reminded you too much of your failures. 
“I know. It’s just a few more days and then I’ll take you home.” 
“Okay.” you sniffled. 
Sam ran his hands through his hair. “God, Y/N you had us so worried.”
“I’m sorry. I thought it was nothing, I really did.”
“It’s okay.” Dean reassured. “You’ll be alright. That’s what matters the most.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
<- DAY 20 ⛤ DAY 22 ->
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fleet-off · 4 months
fluffy thought: imagine Pete removing the tape residue from Vegas's skin on the tail end of his hospital stay. Vegas ripped off the tape himself and decided he was done, but now Pete's baring him with all these incidental twinges and meticulous touches, cleaning away the sticky leftover grime from his broken healing flesh. Remnants on his arms and the backs of his palms and inner thigh. More unpresumptuous care than any hands that have touched Vegas in more than a decade.
(Vegas spends the first minute glaring at the sterile ceiling, but after a while he can't keep his eyes off these hands that have chosen to treat him gently in spite of it all.)
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
Inpatient Mental Healthcare
This was a request from someone (actually 2 someones) who requested not to be named.
What is it like when you go to a hospital for a psych problem?
In the emergency department:
The first place most people go for a psych problem is the emergency department. The only thing they determine here is whether or not you are a threat to yourself (actively or via an inability to take care of or protect yourself) or someone else. The person that makes this determination is a psychiatrist. Depending on when you come in and how many other people also need the psychiatrist, it may take a long time for them to come see you.
Until that time, the goal of the emergency department is to keep you safe. This usually looks like either putting you in a specific room that has no cords or sharp objects, or putting you in a room with a "patient companion" or "sitter".
A patient companion is usually a nursing assistant. They are not trained to counsel you or provide any psych care. They are simply there to make sure you do not hurt yourself (and provide nursing-assistant-level care if you need it. This is help cleaning yourself, going to the bathroom, or dressing yourself). From this point on, you will not be alone, even in the bathroom. This is to keep you safe, even if it is at the expense of some privacy.
From this point on, the hospital is also responsible for keeping you and everyone around you safe. If you threaten another person in the hospital, such as staff or visitors, the police or hospital security will be called. You will also be offered medication to help you calm down. If you do not take it, but continue to threaten, you will likely be given the medication involuntarily.
Once you see a psychiatrist and they determine you need inpatient care, they will ask you to sign a "voluntary form" (called different things at different places). This basically says you are voluntarily admitting yourself to a psych facility until a psychiatrist says you are fit to leave. Understand this. You cannot decide to leave tomorrow once you sign the form. You will have to wait for a psychiatrist to clear you to leave.
If you don't sign the form, but you have said you have a plan to die or hurt someone else, or are deemed incapable of taking care of or protecting yourself from harm, they can write an emergency order to admit you for 72 hours to further evaluate you and see if you need additional inpatient care.
In a standard hospital:
Once an admission order is in place (voluntary or not) If you have medical needs (say, you made an attempt on your life already and need medical care for any injuries, or if you just have a serious medical problem on top of your psych problem) you will go to a standard hospital floor with a patient companion. You may also be admitted to a standard hospital floor if there are no beds available in psych.
In this location, you will see a psychiatrist at least daily to work out which meds are best for your condition, and to re-evaluate your mental health status.
The unfortunate part about this is that you do not get the benefit of group therapy or educational activities directed at psych patients. You also do not get the perspectives of other psych patients that you would in a psych facility. This is usually just to keep you safe until you can go to a psych facility.
In a psych facility:
If you are medically cleared and okay to go to a psych facility, you will be transported there by ambulance (if it's in a different building). Yes, even if the building is across the street. You will be given a room or a bed (depending on how the facility is set up). You will be read the rules of the floor. Your belongings (including phones and wallets) will be locked so they cannot be stolen or used to hurt someone. You may have access to things like clothing or shampoo if you brought it, while other facilities may insist that you wear their clothing and use their toiletries.
A psych floor is usually set up as a relatively free space like a day room, a hall of rooms or dorms, then a couple meeting rooms for counseling, and classrooms. Furniture in psych facilities is either too heavy to pick up or else bolted to the floor. Doors that lead off the floor are locked in both directions.
Days are structured differently at different facilities. Usually this is something like breakfast at a set time, then time to clean yourself up for the day, then group therapy, then a break, then an educational session, then lunch, then free time, then a meeting with your psychiatrist, then a meeting with a counselor, then dinner, then free time. Generally, unit phones and TVs are turned off during activities like group time or educational sessions to encourage people to attend.
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may-lutlone · 3 months
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I hate lineart - af, can't stand it. But I tried with the first one. With the second I didn't lol
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softpine · 8 months
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rip my hair, tear my soul show me things i should not know
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jordanstrophe · 10 months
Behave: The Laboratory 2/2
CW: Whumper turned caretaker, medical whump, living weapon, sickness, angst, hurt/comfort
Whumper managed to get a heater going and boiled tea in an experiment vial. It was a strange way to do it, but it was all they had.
"Try and sip this down." Whumper poured it into a beaker (the closest thing they had to a cup) and handed it to them.
"I'm sorry, I think I'll pass..." Whumpee scrunched their face away, feeling nauseous just looking at it.
"I didn't slip anything in it if that's what you're worried about. I agreed to your terms; no secrets." Whumper coaxed it closer until whumpee took it out of fear of it spilling on them.
"That's great, but I still don't trust anything you hand me." Whumpee gestured.
"Whumpee for goodness sake it's peppermint tea. Drink it, I'm tired of listening to you sniffle. You'll interrupt me." Whumper put their hands on their hips.
With shaking hands, whumpee took a hesitant sip. "Then please, start talking."
Color drained from whumper's face when they realized this was the moment they had to face everything. Their attitude evaporated and they sat in a chair next to whumpee's gurney, folding their hand over their lap.
“Your sickness, it saps your vitals at random. We had never seen anything like it... No one knew how to help you. Our boss believes, if you’re to be stabilized; you could be used as a weapon.”
Whumpee exhaled and immediately curled into themselves. “A weapon..." Hair stood on the back of their neck as dread filled their stomach. "Wouldn't curing me fix it then? Please say it does...” Whumpee rasped.
“I was only to keep it dormmate, not eradicated. Your blood had potential the company was trying to harvest. People would kill for it. People would kill with it.” Whumper tried putting their hand on their knee but whumpee twisted their legs to the side. 
“Then why hasn't it killed me yet?” Whumpee clutched at the hot beaker in their hands hard enough it burned.
"You're the host, it started slow enough you weren't overwhelmed and your body adapted to it. Think of how much damage it would do to someone who never built immunities. Think of how much it's made you suffer. ... Now imagine it all at once- Actually, no, don't do that." Whumper quickly cleared their throat.
Whumpee sighed and closed their eyes, taking another involuntary sip of the tea. It did, somehow, sate some of their nausea.
“Once I had stabilized you, you were to be sent to a different lab to be tested. Your blood would be drained. They would keep you alive, of course. But hardly."
Whumpee took a moment and stared into the distant nothing. Whumper didn’t interrupt them.
"Why not kill me and harvest it all? Why keep me alive for so long?"
"And kill an infinite source of pure poison? They would get so much more from you alive. They would have drained you, slowly. Then allow you to recover and start again."
"Then again."
"And again..."
"-Okay! Okay... I get it, please stop." Whumpee shouted, clutching the bridge of their nose like it would dull their headache. “And that’s what you were after?” Whumpee’s eyes returned to meet theirs in a cold, blank stare. Whumper sighed and their eyes found the floor. 
“It was.”
“It was?” Whumpee raised a brow.
Whumper couldn’t help but feel like it was an accusation as they stood and started pacing. “Look I- ... It was- ... They promised me you weren't going to be killed! But the more I heard whispers about what was going to happen to you I- ... I couldn’t let them take you away. The doctor was a taste of how you would have been treated. I guess you could say I found it erm- Unethical.” They huffed like a confession.
Whumpee let out a shaken breath they didn’t realize they were holding. They sank further into the gurney and laid their head back. 
“Terrified of you as I may be, you did save my life." Whumpee mumbled. They didn't elaborate, but whumper could feel it an olive branch being extended with a glove and a long claw arm.
"So what happens now?”
Whumper brought their hand to whumpee’s forehead and felt heat. They sighed and began rooting through their bag. “Now, I keep you safe. We’ll figure it out as we go, but my goal is still the same: To cure you.”
“Can I go home?” Whumpee asked. 
“You want your family and friends caught up in this mess?” Whumper handed them a handful of pills. “No one is safe, especially your side of the coin. You’re being hunted. We both are... Anyone we contact is a target. Take this, it’ll bring your fever down.” 
They waited for whumpee to swallow the pills down before continuing. They seemed to struggle at swallowing, weakened to almost a mindless state. 
“You were only out for a few hours, you should rest. We have a lot to do in the morning. I have equipment to repair.” Whumper took the bottle from whumpee before they dropped it and started heading for their kit. 
“Wait.” Whumpee grabbed whumper’s wrist before they were out of reach.   “I can only guess the sacrifice you paid to get me out of there... So thank you.” Whumpee managed a small smile. It wasn't forced, just tired.
Whumper seemed to be at a loss of words; they didn't realize they were still staring wide-eyed at them for too long before quickly looking away.
“It was nothing. Not as much as you might think.” They shrugged, pulling away. Whumpee decided to not pry on their answer and closed their eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.
@serialobsesssor @fishtale88  @bluesoulpeace  roblingoblin285   @echo-of-umbra @whump-bunny  @pretty-little-whump @akaijisatsu  @whatiswhump @shannon-foraker  @whumpkitty @suspicious-whumping-egg @whatwhumpcomments  @whumpdreamz @elletheclover @whumpinhereyes  @veyroswin @dustypinetree  @anonintrovert  @cepheusgalaxy @cyborg0109@whatwhumpcomments @whatiswhump ​ @laurenhufflepuff2 @pirefyrelight @pigeonwhumps
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