#Hot Blooded
grayrazor · 1 year
While I am a hard sci-fi fan at heart, there is something special about a good old “I found this big robot in a junkyard and patched it up in my garage. It’s powered by antimatter, vacuum energy, blackholes, and my dad’s ghost. I’m gonna go use it to deck Yog-Sothoth right in the kisser.”
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model2watch · 6 months
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rinusuarez · 1 year
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Today we are going to start with a family that is loved by many. Is not my cup of tea but I have learned about them and they are indeed fascinating. The equines. Domestic Horse
The domestication of horses is believed to occurred around 4000 to 3500 BCE, possibly in what is today Kazakhstan. However, there is some debate among experts about the exact time and location of horse domestication, as evidence of early horse domestication is limited and sometimes difficult to interpret. It is generally agreed, however, that horses were first domesticated for their meat, milk, and hides, and that they were later used for transportation, agriculture, and warfare.
There are numerous breeds of domestic horses, which are classified into three categories: Hot Blood, Cold Blood, and Warm Blood. These majestic creatures have played a crucial role in human evolution. The horse was one of the first animals to be domesticated, and their partnership with humans has allowed us to travel greater distances, carry heavy loads, cultivate crops with greater efficiency, and conquer the world. In short, without the taming of horses, we would not have been able to achieve the level of progress and development that we have today. It is also a very recurrent animal in art as we have seen it in many paintings and sculptures throughout history. It is commonly connected with strength, power, speed, and freedom. It is clear that this animal awakened an ongoing fascination that has been represented on numerous occasions. _________________________________________ Photo Credits: www.freepik.es.
_________________________________________ Thank you guys for your support. Any love traduced in likes, comments, or reblogs is really appreciated. Have a look at my Instagram. See you next week or maybe before.
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myimaginaryradio · 4 months
Hot Blooded - Foreigner
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brat-juice · 1 year
My favorite birthday video this year
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inazumaboy · 5 months
First time posting something here, and will be a my boy Genda unleashing his Power of a Hot-blooded Lion with green energy. Any GaoGaiGar fans here? ~~apparently these days (or two weeks before), Genda have a birthday~~
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missroserose · 2 years
it’s New Year’s Eve and we’re all feeling a little
✨ Hot Blooded ✨
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closingwaters · 1 year
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PARTIES: @rhythmicmeow @closingwaters
SUMMARY: Teagan crosses paths with a hellhound on her run, and lucky for her Leticia also shares that habit and stepped in with her spirit to help. Teagan then patches Leticia up with some spice at the end.
TIMING: Current
Sunset was both the best and the worst time to go running. The temperature of the town went down as Leticia’s pulse went up, but the shadows grew longer and more unusual. Things in Wicked’s Rest were never as they seemed, and as the shadows grew closer, Leticia ran faster, the fear of what might be lurking darkness was an excellent motivator. The monsters she conjured in her mind that were following her were nothing compared to reality. 
In the silence between songs, Leticia heard a growling sound. Low and menacing, but far enough away that, while her heart rate spiked, she reasonably convinced herself that she could turn around and avoid the danger all together. Pivoting with every intention of running back home and ending things early, she heard another sound. Not the same growling threat, but a person. 
Leticia pulled out her headphones and listened closely, losing her control on the balam spirit to heighten her senses. A woman. And a werewolf? No. That sound was different. As she sorted what she thought it was, Leticia was running in the direction of the fighting, knowing full well that whatever that woman was fighting, it wasn’t a normal dog. 
The winter breeze was absent, taken hostage by the late spring air that was easy to accept. Warmer weather meant it was easier to withstand getting in and out of the lake with no bite to attack Teagan as she stepped out. With a sigh, she slipped on her running shoes, placing her phone in her pocket. She played classical music with a higher tempo on speaker, enough to give her a workout, but not so much as to wear her out too quickly. No need for something so physically demanding when the run was meant for leisure.
The nix’s heart was pounding as the run went on, the exertion forcing it to peak. Until, suddenly, Teagan’s heterochromic eyes fell onto something dark. Her stride came to an abrupt halt and glowing red orbs stared back with a growl. Teagan struggled to stop her music, dropping the phone just as quickly as she clicked the pause button. 
The creature was large. A canine. A hellhound. “Fuck,” She whispered harshly to herself. 
All she had was her knife, which she took out, wielding it tightly. Push came to shove, Teagan had her claws too, and she’d make it all work. She had no other choice, it seemed. The hound was already lunging toward her, landing it atop Teagan as they both thrashed on the ground, fighting for control.
Fuck. The woman’s voice carried and Leticia started rehearsing the game plan in her mind, hoping against all the odds that the jaguar would hold onto those last thoughts before she let it have full control. It didn’t take her long to find the woman and the beast. The hellhound’s focus was solely on the woman on the ground, she was skilled with a knife. No, it was more than that, she looked like she knew what she was doing and what she was fighting. 
Tossing her phone to the ground and a failsafe for the woman in case the jaguar was less than cooperative after, “Hold him there! And try not to move around too much!” It was all Leticia could think to warn before running full speed towards the beast. The hellhound made eye contact with Leticia moments before an animalistic roar tore through her throat. The jaguar took her place seamlessly, paws replacing the hands she had outreached moments earlier, both landing on the side of the hellhound, gripping deep into the flesh of the other beast.
The jaguar moved carefully, circling in tandem with the hellhound. For now, her predator focus was directed at the hellhound, and not the woman nearby. 
The hellhound caught whiff of the animal sizing it up, growl catching in its throat as its eyes locked onto the giant feline. It wasn’t a hitch out of fear as far as Teagan could tell from her perspective on the ground, the hound’s heavy paw burning into her chest. If anything, it looked perplexed and maybe even a little excited at the prospect of a fight with another animal. 
Teagan seemed all but forgotten as the paw on her chest moved away and walked away. Confused, she flipped over on her stomach and saw what caught the hound’s attention. “A…is that a jaguar…?” Teagan asked herself, a bit perplexed. A ferocious bark echoed out of the hellhound’s chest, hackles raised. The nix groaned quietly, thankful for the moment of reprieve that the feline gave her. Hopefully it wouldn’t find her appetizing enough to change focus, though.
Each step the jaguar too had purpose, drawing an invisible circle in the area around them as it paced, analyzing the movements of the hellhound, waiting for a weakness to present itself. This was no typical beast that she was facing, this was a challenge that required precision and patience, and the jaguar had plenty to spare. It had been too long since she had run through the forests and hunted. 
Lunging towards the other creature, the jaguar swiped with its claws, attempting to cut the hellhounds flesh on its shoulder. She landed on her paws next to the woman, roaring a warning to the hellhound — and a taunt. It should run away if it wanted to live. But that would make it cowardly. Her head turned toward the woman, she wasn’t a threat, but the jaguar bore her teeth at her anyway. A warning for her too. 
Fear during battle wasn’t uncommon. A real warrior used it to their advantage, took it as an energy and repurposed it. What Teagan was experiencing though, was vastly different than one’s usual, run in the mill fear. It was abject terror. Fighting people was one thing, but how in Fates would she fend off a jaguar once the hellhound either ran off or died in battle? 
Supernatural or not, the feline seemed vastly worse. Then Teagan remembered…wasn’t there a woman that called out just before the jaguar pounced? Where was she? She had told the fae to hold the hellhound in place, and then poof, beast. There was no fear in the tone either. Teagan could only guess that the stranger was either controlling it from afar or was the jaguar itself. 
With a swallow, Teagan crawled backwards, watching the two beasts compete in their battle of wits. It felt like hours by the time the hellhound’s growls died in its throat and it began to back away. The nix let out a silent breath, thankful that the situation might grow calm. 
It was akin to a dance. The two beasts move with intent and ferocity, but like most couple dances, eventually someone had to give way to let the other lead. The jaguar was relentless, identifying weak spot after weak spot and with laser precision, hitting those marks. During this dance, she had carved out her territory, pushing the hellhound back over an invisible line and then attacking only when the hellhound crossed it. 
The lesson was short, the hellhound had been worn down from the intensity of the battle and the jaguar showed no signs of relenting. The only hope to survive this encounter was to flee it, and the beast did just that. She sat on the other side of her invisible line, watching the other beast sulk off into the shadows. The woman sitting on the ground had not been forgotten, the jaguar turned her head and investigated her from afar. 
She had made no moves toward the jaguar during the battle, in fact, she had slowly moved back. Sniffing dramatically, the jaguar kept her head high, accepting the submission of the woman. Satisfied with the work that had been done, the beast stretched her limbs and sprawled out on the ground. The transformation was slow, the jaguar didn’t like giving up control all at once, she gave it back in pieces and enjoyed the sun on her coat while she drew it out. 
Minutes passed before Leticia was the one on the ground. Pushing herself into a sitting position, she winced. The wounds weren’t deep or threatening, but her body ached. The woman. The worries she had before the transformation came in a wave. She whipped her head around. “You’re still here?” Her mind was still buzzing with adrenaline, her words tumbled out quickly, pausing barely long enough to breathe between her words. “Are you okay? That was really dangerous. Are you hurt?” 
Teagan’s eyes widened, unable to tear away from the transformation taking place in front of her. She’d heard of people holding two spirits in one body, but never had she bore witness to such beauty. It was mesmerizing, and had it not been for the wounds on the woman’s body, Teagan likely would have made a move—a subtle one, of course. But such a moment called for focus, and the nix wouldn’t lose it. 
“You’re hurt.” She whispered, rolling her lips over her teeth nervously. “I can help you. My-my cabin isn’t far from here.” Teagan took a deep breath, standing up slowly with her hands up to show she meant no harm. “Or we can stay here. Whatever makes you feel…safer.” And didn’t unleash the jaguar again. As helpful as it was with getting rid of the hellhound, the beastly feline certainly looked at her as if it could change its mind at any given moment. 
“And, um—” Teagan pressed down her cuticles nervously, standing in place until she was told she could move closer. “My name is Teagan. I’m—I’m fae. So…your secret is safe too. Can’t have humans knowing we exist all willy-nilly.”
The wounds could have been worse, Leticia had thought to say, but the truth was that worse would have been dead. Hellhounds were not known for their mercy when someone encroached on their territory. And with the adrenaline blinding all her normal senses, maybe it was worse than she currently felt. “A little,” she admitted sheepishly, waiting for the penny to drop. 
This woman had seen her transform, had watched the entirety of the battle, and kept a wide birthe. All natural responses, but would she keep the secret out of fear or respect? Or would this end up as another whisper in the streets of Wicked’s Rest? All things that she should have considered before jumping into the fire. The expressions of surrender didn’t satisfy Leticia in the way it was likely intended. A bubble of guilt and concern threatened to spill out in an apology, but she swallowed the words. Not wanting to show any weakness. 
But she was a fae. The tension in Leticia’s shoulders dropped. Exhaling, she nodded. “Your cabin would be an excellent place.” Better for both of them. The hellhound was gone for now, but that didn’t mean this location was safe or private. “I’m Leticia,” she offered, slowly pushing herself off the ground and finding her balance. “And,” Leticia paused, trying not to laugh at herself for almost thanking her like she had Siobhan. “I appreciate your help.” 
The relief, the way the weight rolled off of Leticia’s shoulders made Teagan smile wistfully. Being saved from a painful demise wasn’t a common occurrence, but even she knew that begged some sort of reward. “Pleasure, Leticia.” The name felt funny on Teagan’s tongue, Latine names not something she was used to. She did her best, though and found that she quite liked the name. It was pretty, making it almost a pity that she owed Leticia a favor. 
“I owe you,” Teagan closed the distance and pulled the woman’s arm over her shoulders. “If I ever do anything—ow…” The nix winced. In the midst of all her wonder and awe, she had forgotten about her own wounds. She almost let out a chuckle, but another sting of pain forced a small yelp out instead. “Sorry. I’m okay. Just a little pain.” Her smile was reassuring, and she helped Leticia begin the trek to the cabin as she talked. 
“Keep the favor or don’t. It’s up to you. But it’s there. You didn’t have to help me and you did. Promises and favors are important to fae, so I hope you cherish it.” Teagan could see the cabin in the distance, and she readjusted her hold on Leticia, ensuring she wouldn’t fall.
“Just a little more. Are you doing okay?”
Leticia’s gut reaction was to say that Teagan didn’t owe her anything, the idea of being owed anything or owing anything herself had always felt odd. But her thoughts were interrupted when Teagan expressed her own pain. Concern coupled with a frown touched her features. “It’s a good thing we’re both headed toward safety then,” she commented lightly, trying to dampen the extreme emotions that were coming as the adrenaline wore off. 
Steadying her breathing, Leticia was quiet as Teagan explained that the favor was owed and it was up to her if she accepted it or not. Again, her first thought was that she didn’t want a favor, she didn’t like the idea of anyone binding themselves to her, especially after her own accidental binding. But the way it was presented to her now as vastly different from her first impression. It was, as Teagan had said something to be cherished.
“I won’t abuse it.” Though Leticia was appreciative and didn’t want to offend Teagan by disregarding it, she wanted to make sure that Teagan knew she could be trusted with this. 
Leticia nodded her head in response, “I’m good,” she replied. “Glad you stayed, actually. I figured you would have cleared out as soon as we were distracted.” 
“Glad I stayed, too.” Leticia was far from the typical person. Sure, many people took heed of warnings when it came to the sanctity of fae deals, but there was something about using the word abuse. Leticia made her intentions clear, which wasn’t something Teagan was used to from a stranger. It made her chest warm and sent a shiver down her spine. There was excitement there at being understood, or at the very least, respected. That was a basic principle that seemed lost, but not with Leticia, it seemed. 
“All right,” Teagan groaned softly at the effort it took to walk up a small hill. Her body screamed for rest, but she needed to get Leticia cleaned up and bandaged. “We’re here.” Shifting both women’s weight, Teagan retrieved her key and unlocked the door. A homey cabin welcomed the two, plants and the smell of previously baked goods filling the space. 
“Just gonna get you all cozy right here and then I’m gonna grab some supplies, okay?” Teagan helped Leticia settle onto the couch, quickly running off and returning with a cluster of different materials to help her new friend. She placed everything down on the table, and plucked a treat she tossed in with the array of supplies to get something in Leticia’s stomach. “Start munching on this, dearie. It’ll help. Then when you’re done, I’ll get to work. How’s that sound?”
Steading herself on the threshold of Teagan’s home, Leticia leaned away from the other woman, trying to spare her the weight that she had been willingly holding up the entire way here. The small noises of pain hadn’t gone missed. In one hand, worry had started to set in, wondering how much damage Teagan had been subjected to before she had come onto the scene, but in the other hand, the other woman had been honest and communicative so far, was there any reason to worry there was more damage than what could be seen? Closing her eyes, Leticia decided to trust the other to know her limits. 
The door opened and as they moved again, Leticia opened her eyes and took in the inside of the cabin. It was warm and welcoming, and everything that Leticia missed about home. She took in a sharp breath as she was guided to the couch, forgetting herself for a moment in the comfortable feeling of familiarity. 
The scene changed quickly, Teagan moving items around on the table and setting up supplies before handing her a snack. “Dearie?” Leticia repeated before taking a bite. “First time anyone has called me that.” There was a hint of amusement in her words. “Didn’t realize we already skipped to the nickname stage.” 
Leticia was spry, of the intuitive sort, and was quick with a quip. If only the two of them had met in a club or a bar. Teagan would’ve made fast work of finding some way to steer a conversation into her bedroom, but she couldn’t do that without her conscience eating at her. Leticia needed her help, and Teagan wouldn’t turn a blind eye to her, nor would she let her own attraction distract her from her task. 
But she could joke around as she worked, couldn’t she?
“Call all the cute ones dearie. Hope you don’t mind.” Teagan bit her lip, holding back a chuckle as she removed bandages from the medical box. “Now, if you’ll be so kind, dearie, please remove that blouse so I can tend to those nasty wounds.” Teagan looked away for a moment, realizing how it might sound. “I won’t stare. Just need to be able to clean them and bandage them.”
“All the cute ones?” But the comment didn’t dampen the smile on Leticia’s face. It provided a welcome distraction from the pain. Relief‌ came in more ways than one. The hint of a laugh that escaped her caused her to grimace. Her hand tightened into a fist, riding out the pain before nodding her head at the instructions, not thinking too much about it until Teagan drew attention to the words. 
“I wouldn’t take you for the type,” Leticia offered before moving to remove her shirt. “A cheap trick and a treat?” She shook her head. The subtle distractions they were using to cope with the situation was one thing, but Teagan had given her no reason to doubt her integrity. So, she opted to trust her. Only time would tell if she placed her trust in the right hands, but she was confident. Without the fabric hiding the damage, she could finally see what was hurting. They weren’t fatal wounds but looking far worse than they were, Leticia still felt strange seeing her body like that. “Christ.”
The tightened fist built a pressure in the nix’s chest, brows furrowing with worry. Teagan couldn’t help herself when she reached out, cupping Leticia’s fist in her hands. “Sorry, lass. Just breathe. It’ll pass.” And it did. Teagan could tell when Leticia managed to wriggle out of her top. She helped as much as she could, guiding the garment up the balam’s arms carefully. 
Leticia was right. Christ. Or rather, Fates. Her wounds looked worse upon closer inspection. Teagan winced visibly, her hands hovering with a wet cloth over one particularly bloody gash. “This might sting. Feel free to squeeze my shoulder when that happens.” Taking hold of Leticia’s hand, Teagan guided it to her shoulder, planting it firmly there before getting to work on the wounds. 
With an experienced hand, Teagan wiped away the blood, closing what she could with butterfly bandages. She was surprised to see she only needed to do a few minor stitches. For a while, for the entirety of the cleanup really, Teagan wondered how often Leticia was wounded to such a degree. She had no room to judge—not that she was—but Teagan found herself wounded more often than not. 
Frankly, she understood jumping in and letting her body be marked for the sake of someone’s safety. It wasn’t ever fun, but it was worth it. Did Leticia feel the same way? Was Teagan worth it? Probably not, but that didn’t matter. The cleanup was done. 
“Okay. You’re right as rain—or will be. Nothing was too deep, luckily. Think you’ll just be sore for a bit.” Seeing a rogue piece of hair stuck to blood she missed on Leticia’s face, Teagan carefully pulled it away and wiped the area clean. She lingered a moment, blinking and stuttering back. “Um…do you want to rest here? Or do you need a ride home?”
The momentary comfort was unexpected, but not unwanted. Leticia focused her attention on Teagan and did her best to follow the other’s breathing pattern. It would pass. It was just a moment. Her hand was gently guided to Teagan’s shoulder, and she closed her eyes once more in preparation, not wanting to look at her directly in the eyes when the pain hit again. 
There was something horrifically vulnerable about the position she was in, and Leticia hadn’t thought about it until she was gritting her teeth and avoiding Teagan’s eyes. She had done plenty of stupid things in the past, but running out to fight a hellhound for someone who could have been human was on the highest ladder of thoughtless decisions. One stitch started and her grip tightened only for her to forcibly loosen up. 
As the stitches were finished, Leticia dropped her hand to her side and adjusted herself, feeling horribly stiff. “Sorry, I’m such a baby,” she laughed, the pain this time was barely bleeding through. “I don’t do this often.” Teagan moved closer to move the hair from her face and Leticia paused, watching her carefully. “Getting stitches I mean. Well, and fighting wild animals. Not my lifelong hobby, so.” She wasn’t sure if she was trying to promise that this wouldn’t be a habit of showing up to help people and ending up on Teagan’s couch or if she was trying to express disappointment that this was the end. 
“If I stay, does that count as my favor?” A joke, but there was a quiet desire to stay. To give herself a chance to rest, Leticia told herself. The company was just a bonus. “You’ve already done so much for me. I can’t ask anything else of you.” 
Every flinch from Leticia prompted the frown on Teagan’s visage to deepen. She knew she was doing what was needed, but it didn’t make the task any easier. Regardless, she was happy when it was all over, especially when Leticia was able to crack a joke. “Not a baby. I still whine when I have to patch myself up. Feeling pain is good sometimes. Proves you’re alive.” 
With a warm and careful pat to Leticia’s knee, Teagan put away the supplies and set her kit aside, nodding away at what she felt was an awkward moment. She never was good at keeping things soft and intimate. Her nature was much too rough for that. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes, like right then, she could be a comfortable pillow. 
“Nah, this doesn’t count. This was the right thing to do. You still have the favor. Cash it in whenever you like.” Teagan shimmied her way onto the couch to sit next to Leticia. She leaned in ever so slightly, hand still carefully on Leticia’s lap. “And you can stay. I…let all the cute ones stay.”
It proves you're alive. The smile was coming easier now, the pain subsiding to something closer to annoyance. “You have to patch yourself up often?” Leticia asked, a hint of concern that this was a regular occurrence for Teagan. The humor wasn’t lost on her though, she was still unnaturally worried about a person she had just met.
Her hands rested on top of Teagan’s. In the past, she would have pulled away immediately. Added a clear boundary about how close she would allow people around her. Intimacy wasn’t something that she easily offered, but that was in the past, wasn’t it? She wasn’t on stage anymore, and Teagan had nothing to gain from spending any more time with her than what she already had. This wasn’t about the publicity. This was simple. Leticia’s hands gently tightened around Teagan’s. Maybe she could do simple. 
Leaning forward, not enough to close the distance, but enough to show intent. “I can stay,” Leticia repeated. “I hope to earn a different adjective though. Cute doesn’t quite match the vibe I’m going for.” 
“I get myself into trouble quite often. Can’t help it. Too much fun not to, ya know?” Teagan bit her bottom lip and shook her head with amusement. Despite the peril the two found themself not long ago, everything felt so simple then. Soft, even. Teagan, as always, couldn’t help herself. She was too selfish not to. 
“What vibe do you want, then?” Teagan smiled coyly, eyes glancing at Leticia’s lips. “Because I do have a few more adjectives. Especially after putting you back together.” She chuckled, confidence unwavering. “Couldn’t help myself, I’m afraid. You’re gorgeous. Is that all right with you, lass?” Inching closer, Teagan could feel the warmth of Leticia’s lips hovering over hers. 
She was impossibly close, but still not daring to close the distance fully. As much as she wanted to. Fact was, Teagan loved bedding women, but she always held respect for them. Especially when she brought them home under a completely different pretense. 
“It’s fun until it stings.” Leticia huffed a laugh. She’d have to leave her number in case Teagan needed some stitches herself in the future. Clearly, this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened to Teagan, and she was well versed with a quick stitch up, but she chose not to look too closely. Any more analyzing she’d talk herself out of her thinly veiled excuse for a call me note. 
“Hm,” she hummed, watching Teagan carefully. “Maybe I can earn a nickname all my own.” Leticia held her breath as Teagan moved closer, the smile on her face had all but vanished, just a hint of a smirk in the corner of her lips remained. “Perfectly alright.” 
It was all the invitation that Leticia needed. One of her hands came up to Teagan’s shoulder and pulled her closer. Pressing her lips to Teagan’s, she opened her mouth, inviting more. The sting of the stitches was all but forgotten. If anything tore, she was sure Teagan would help fix it later. 
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childoftheriver · 2 years
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A lovely pic with the naughty trousers.
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the-kitten69 · 9 months
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mudwerks · 11 months
(via Hot Blooded - Foreigner (1978)
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thefandomentals · 1 year
Romance author Heather Guerre discusses writing inclusive and realistic worlds across multiple sub-genres and what readers can expect next!
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myimaginaryradio · 1 year
Hot Blooded - Foreigner - 1978
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reedsgrooves · 2 years
Go to the doctor, man. Seriously.
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nightbynightfly · 2 days
An Album a Day 2024: Day 264
Sep. 20, 2024
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Foreigner - Double Vision (1978)
Rock, Pop rock, Arena rock
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July 25th, 2014
The one he links is gone, but this is what I think it was (only better quality):
and the song it's using:
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