#Hotel Chain Collaborate
Hotel Chain Collaborating with an FMCG Supplier is very important to know. For more read it.
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meownotgood · 1 year
you're so cute cute little man on the phone doing business
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simphornies · 7 months
A/N: A bit shorter but 👀 Let me know what you think! 🫶
Word count: 2.8k (2,844) Warnings: a little bit angsty
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5, finale
Deal Breaker [ Vox x Angel!Reader ] part 4
You didn’t even bother putting your things away neatly as you usually do. You furiously walked out your room, slamming the door behind you. You looked down every hallway you passed as you headed to the lobby. You headed over to the bar to ask Husk if he’s seen Alastor but before you could say anything, Angel Dust stopped you in your tracks with a tight, four-armed hug.
“Y/N! Holy shit…” He looked at you with tears in his eyes. His black scleras were now gone and back to normal. For a moment your rage subsided. You smiled at him and held him close, rubbing his back. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Your heart melted, remembering what you were truly in Hell for. “Of course, Angel Dust. Anything for my friends.” You look over at Husk who gives you a heartfelt smile.
Angel Dust was crying tears of happiness as you comforted him. He calmed down soon enough, repeating his gratitude for your actions over and over. You sigh and look at Husk, “Has anyone seen Alastor?”
“He’s up in his radio tower, probably doing a broadcast. Why?” Husk asked you, his eyes filled with confusion. You shook your head, not wanting him to ask further and he just nodded.
You flew up to his tower, fuming. You burst into his tower and he just greets you with a smile.
“Y/N! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit to my tower this fine morning?” He held his hands behind his back, unaware of your anger towards him.
“I told you to not fuck with Vox, Alastor.” You hissed at him.
He cocked his head to the side, eyes squinted, “Whatever do you mean, my dear?” He asks you.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you hurt Vox in that alleyway last night.” You screamed, “You could’ve killed him!”
He rolled his eyes, looking at his claws, disinterested in your accusations, “Oh trust me, if I wanted to kill him…I would have done so already.” His voice was laced with radio static. “But I haven’t laid a single finger on him, Y/N. He must be lying to you.”
You shook your head, “That’s bullshit! The marks on him matched your claws and I know how you attack other demons that interfere with your plans.” Your wings appeared behind you, eyes appearing on your hair and your wings as you took a step closer to the demon.
Alastor’s eyes turned black, his own demon form emerging slowly, “Y/N, I had no intention of harming anyone yesterday. Why I was just here at the hotel aiding Charlie!” He says, taking a step back for every step forward you took. You were seething in rage, refusing to believe that Vox lied to you. “I have better things to do over harming that noisy picture box. He’s too pathetic for me to entertai-”
Alastor fell to the floor, ears flat against his head. He looked up at you shocked as he held his cheek, “Y/N-”
“Save it, Alastor. You have a track record of being untrustworthy when it comes to your words.” You angrily say to him, “Vox has no motive to lie to me and he’s been nothing but kind to me and everyone in the hotel. But you,” You knelt down to his level, your finger at his chest, “You’ve been hostile and unforgiving. Untrusting of his attempts at collaboration with us because of what? Your pride?” You scoffed, “Makes sense why you’re in this ring instead of the others. Your pride stops you from seeing reason and giving second chances to anyone.”
You turned away from him, getting ready to leave his tower. “He’s proven his word to me. He’s broken Angel Dust’s contract with Valentino and you? You stand proud as if you’ve done so much more than assist every now and then with the hotel. You keep Husk on a leash and don’t think I don’t know that you keep a close eye on him ensuring he doesn’t speak about the deal. I know you’ve threatened him to keep his mouth shut. You really want me to help you break that deal that chains you down?” You look over your shoulder at him with rage-filled eyes, “Break that deal and prove your word. And don’t hurt Vox for trying to help the hotel.”
Alastor’s smile remained on his face but you saw his shadow frown. The infamous and feared radio demon cowered in fear knowing that if you really wanted to, you could take his life with ease just as Adam did. Maybe worse. Before you could leave the tower he speaks up, “I’ll break the deal Husk has with me.” You paused in your tracks, refusing to look at him. “Y/N you are a friend of mine and I promise you. I did not harm Vox last night. I swear to you I’ve been at the hotel. Ask everyone! I’ve been here this whole time. Trust me, Y/N. I would never show anyone weakness. You are correct, it is my pride that sets me back but I have proven to you that I am able to put that aside when it’s just us, have I not?”
He was right. He never showed himself to be anything but strong but he’s confided in you. He was one of the first friends you’ve made at the hotel. You turn to look at him on the floor and…was that fear in his eyes? Your eyes began to fill with tears, “Alastor…”
“I will prove to you, as my friend, that I am to be trustworthy. If there is anybody I am willing to prove my undying loyalty to, it is you. You are the one who saved me after all.”
You knelt at his side, placing your glowing hand on the cheek that you had slapped. “I’m sorry, I…I was filled with rage. That was unbecoming of me, I am sorry.” You apologized, “I…But why would he lie to me? What purpose…”
“To gain your trust, my dear.” He hissed, “I can undoubtedly assure you he wants you for himself. I know him, Y/N. He craves power as much as I do and he wants to keep you by his side and take you away from us.” A part of you truly wanted to believe in him, but the love that you suddenly had for Vox was overpowering your senses. He had become your weakness.
Back at Vox’s building, he sat in his security room laughing menacingly. He had seen you leave in a fit of rage through his cameras and found enjoyment in his plan. He rewinded the footage to rewatch you angrily go up Alastor’s radio tower. If Alastor’s presence didn’t interfere with cameras, he would have one in there to watch what you were going to do to Alastor. His face dropped when he saw you enraged. He didn’t understand why but he felt absolute guilt for lying to you. He had Valentino hire some random demon to attack him in that alleyway, making sure they had claws like Alastor to make it more believable.
The more he looked at your face on the screen, he noticed the tears in your eyes and he couldn’t take it anymore. He felt horrible. He’s never felt such emotion so strongly before. He started to think that maybe he should tell you the truth and drop the act but he was in too deep to turn back.
He left the security room and walked into his meeting room, stressed out of his mind. Valentino and Velvette were there waiting for him.
“Fucking finally!” Valentino groaned, “You took forever stalking your little angel bitch.” Valentino calling you a bitch made Vox’s eye twitch. He remained quiet.
“So how’d the plan go? Is it working?” Velvette looked at Vox excitedly, “Is she wrapped around your little finger?”
He quietly took a deep breath and put on a fake smile for his colleagues, “Of course it’s worked. Soon Y/N will be fighting for us.” He grinned but the smile faded from his face quickly.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Velvette watched him closely, noting his odd behavior. Usually he’d be ecstatic but he stood like he regretted his decisions. And he did. The time you two have spent together made him fall for you but his pride stopped him from turning back on his original plan.
“I don’t know. I…” He sighed and sat down, “I can’t fucking understand this feeling.”
“Ecstaticity?” Velvette suggested.
“Or maybe you’re horny from the power we’re about to get?” Valentino laughed, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke that faded into hearts.
“No it’s like. It’s like everytime I see Y/N’s face my heart stops beating.” He ranted. Velvette’s eyes widened and stared at Vox. “Everytime I hear her laugh, I want to hear it more.” Valentino’s smile faded and he stared at him alongside Velvette. “I want to keep that smile she always has on her face. I…”
Velvette and Valentino slammed their fists on the table. “Are you fucking kidding me right now Vox?” Velvette snapped at him, “Are you really telling me you’re falling in love with the fucking angel?” She scoffed and got up in her face, “You’re fucking kidding right?”
“Falling in love?” He questioned. Suddenly the dots connected in his head. He realized that he truly was falling for you. He fell for your kindness, your strength and your pride in your power.
“That’s fucking pathetic Vox. You can’t fall in love.” Velvette grabbed him by the collar, “You’re supposed to use her. She’s a fucking tool.”
“You’re seriously falling for the princesa’s second angel?” Valentino sassed, “You have me, Vox~” His hand caressed Vox’s shoulder seductively.
Vox pushed them both off of him, his left eye spiraling in anger. “I can feel and do whatever the fuck I want. Maybe I am falling for Y/N. So fucking what?” He spat back.
“You’re getting weak, Vox.” Valentino shook his head in disappointment.
“Get the fuck out! Both of you!” He screamed, seething in anger at the insults they’d thrown at you more than the ones they’d thrown at him.
“I wonder what the little angel would think if she found out about your little plan~” Velvette grinned at him, a threatening look in her eyes. “I think I should remind you that you’re supposed to be an overlord, Vox.”
He zapped in front of Velvette, grabbing her by the collar and lifting her up to his brightly glowing face. “Velvette.” He screamed, “Stand the fuck down. You’re not doing shit.” He growled.
She laughed in response, putting her hand on his, “And what are you going to do about it, Vox?” She teased.
He sent electric shocks throughout her body, making her scream at the sudden pain, before throwing her on the ground. Valentino rushed behind Vox, quickly turning him around. He landed a punch on his face, cracking his screen. Vox screamed as sparks flew from the cracks. He growled and grabbed his hand, flashing his screen brightly to stun the moth demon. He zapped him the same way he did to Velvette, throwing him on the floor next to her.
“Don’t fuck with me. I do what the fuck I want.” He spat at them.
Velvette managed a weak laugh, “Who knows? Maybe Alastor’s already told her that he was never here to begin with. It’s only a matter of time before your little bitch finds out you were lying.”
“And what do you think she’s going to say then, hm?” Valentino chuckled, recovering from the zap. “How’s your little ‘relationship’ going to work out?”
Vox gritted his teeth and zapped out of the office into his security room. He sat down in his chair, leg shaking with anxiety. “Fuck fuck fuck…” He muttered.
You sulked in your room, not knowing what to feel about the whole situation. Alastor was your friend, his vulnerability made you want to believe him but he also knew that vulnerability was your weakness. You’d fallen for Vox and you didn’t want to believe that he’d do something like that. You didn’t want to call and ask him either. You sighed and buried yourself under the blankets, your wings wrapping around you for comfort.
You heard the door open. “Go away.” You groaned. You felt someone sit next to you, it was Vaggie.
“I heard what happened.” She rubs your shoulder, “Vox is saying that Alastor hurt him and Alastor’s saying he’s lying.” You stayed quiet. “Hey. I know how it is.” You glanced at her and she gave you a warm smile, “Everyone’s flawed down here. Do you wanna talk about it?”
You were quiet for a moment, not wanting to talk but decided to get it off your chest anyways. “I just…I trust Alastor. I know you don’t trust him as much as I do but I was filled with so much rage that I…I hit him. I didn’t even bother asking, I just slapped him.” You swear you just saw Vaggie grin excitedly at the thought of Alastor getting hit but she dropped her grin the moment you looked at her. “And…Vox. I don’t know who to trust.”
“Well, have you talked to him?” She asks. You shake your head. “How about you start there?” “What if Alastor did hurt him? What if he lied? And what if I ask Vox and he says he lied? What if Alastor was right and he was just manipulating me?” You tear up, “I really did fall in love with him. He broke Angel Dust’s contract and kept his word so far. I just-” You broke down into tears.
“Hey. We’re in the Hazbin Hotel. This place is all about second chances. We forgave Sir Pentious despite his initial bad intentions. Charlie forgave me for not telling her about me being an exorcist.” She sighed, “She forgave me for not telling her I’m stuck down here because of the extermination! You know, maybe he has bad intentions, maybe he doesn’t. But at the end of day, everyone in Hell is flawed. It’s the actions that matter.” You wiped your tears away and nodded, understanding her points. “Think about it, okay? Maybe call him. Talk to him.” She gave you a hug before leaving your room.
You pulled out the phone Vox gave you and stared at his contact. Your finger hovered over the call button but you couldn’t get yourself to press it. You were heartbroken at the thought that either Alastor or Vox were lying. Your heart felt heavy. You hadn’t felt this emotion in so long.
While your finger hovered over Vox’s call button, your phone suddenly started to get a slew of texts that went too fast for you to read in the notifications. As you try to click on one of the many messages, Valentino calls you. You reluctantly answered. “Hello?” You weakly spoke out, your shaky voice evident.
“Hello angel~” He purred. You hated that nickname if it didn't come from Vox or any of your closest friends.
“What do you want, Val?”
“I just want you to know that you’re lucky Vox broke that contract off with Angel Dust.” He hissed into the phone, “Because if he was still mine he would be in my studio right now getting absolutely fucked to death. And I mean it. To. Death.” He laughed.
His laughter faded into the background as he passed it to somebody else. It was Velvette.
“And I want you to know that we are coming for you stupid little hotel. We stocked up on Carmilla’s weapons and we’re coming straight for you, holy bitch.” She cackled, “And just so you know. Your little lovebug Vox has been lying to you. He doesn’t want you. He wants your power! Hah! I can’t believe you really fell for it.”
“...What..?” You were in shock, almost dropping your phone.
“Little Voxy here decided to fuck with us and I’m going to safely assume it’s because of you.”
“Watch out, Y/N~ We’ll be there when you least expect it.” Valentino says in the background. The two let out a sinister laugh as the call ends abruptly.
You were speechless. You didn’t know what else to do except run out of your room to warn the staff of the attack.
“Guys!” You yell out from the stairs, “Get ready! Arm yourselves!”
“What?! What’s going on?” Charlie says, panicked at your frantic state.
“The Vees are coming. And they have angelic weapons. They…Something happened to Vox and now Valentino and Velvette are coming!”
“Shit-When? How do you know?”
“They just got off the phone and-”
A loud explosion comes from outside of the hotel. The building began to shake and before you could say anything else everyone’s expressions went from anger to worry as they ran towards you. You looked up and saw debris falling down right where you stood.
Tag list: @dawko-fanpage @chewbrry @ghostdoodlen @emekeneme
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beewolfwrites · 2 years
Hear me out… you know that meme of like the dad and the dog that he didn’t want who always end up being super close.. can we get something similar to that with Chishiya and y/n LMAO
btw I love your writing and I’m glad you’re back ♡
Haha, I guess this is the closest way I could replicate it? Enjoy <3
(Chishiya x gn reader)
‘Please, Chishiya! There’s plenty of spare hotel rooms.’ This woman, Kuina, was bouncing on her heels now. 
You felt a little awkward being argued over like this, but you also didn’t want to intervene. The relationship between Kuina and this man, Chishiya, wasn’t clear. Whilst you had been forced to collaborate with Kuina in your last game - swinging from chain ropes to avoid the swimming pool of simmering acid below - this was the first game where you had worked with this ‘Chishiya’ person. He wasn’t particularly tall, and his dyed blonde hair was striking against his sly, catlike features. Why Kuina had to ask his permission to take you with them, you couldn’t tell. From the sounds of it, this ‘hideout’ of theirs had a leader who ultimately decided on who stayed or went.
The game itself had been troublesome; a twisted spin on snakes and ladders. The venue was an old brick building with scaffolding covering the entire exterior. The rules seemed simple, too; climb up to the roof to clear the game. What the rules hadn't explained was the exposed electrical wires and venomous snakes. 
You had been climbing just below the other two when Chishiya’s foot slipped on the wet steel. It went against every one of your survival instincts, yet your body moved on its own, freeing one hand to grasp Chishiya, catching him whilst clinging onto the scaffolding with all your strength. His expression was still vivid in your memory, as he clutched your hand. Rather than surprise at what had happened, or relief. He looked puzzled, as if he couldn’t work out why you’d done it. 
Truth be told, you weren’t too sure why yourself. 
‘Strength alone isn’t enough,’ you could hear him murmur. 
Kuina huffed and folded her arms. ‘Speak for yourself. You would have died back there, you know.’ 
You grimaced, trying to hide your face in your sleeve. If your presence was this much of an issue, maybe it would be better if you simply went your own way. 
‘Um… hey,’ you mumbled, causing the pair to suddenly look up. ‘It’s obviously a problem, so I’ll just leave. Good luck on your next game.’ 
You began to walk away into the cool evening. The breeze was refreshing after such a physically exhausting game. Their hideout did sound like a great opportunity, but you knew when you weren’t wanted. Behind you, you could hear the two bickering, their voices growing more and more distant with every step you took. 
‘See! Look what you’ve done now.’
‘I don’t see why you care so much, Kuina.’ 
The arguing stopped, but you didn’t bother looking back to find out why. Maybe things were supposed to be like this. You’d arrived in this twisted world alone, so maybe you were supposed to go back alone too. You were thinking carefully about where you should set up camp for the night, when a smooth voice called out from behind. 
Slowing, you turned around to see this man, Chishiya, strolling towards you. His hood was drawn over his head, hands in his pockets, and his relaxed demeanour suggested that he had no intention of harm. Yet his eyes were analytical, and you could feel him assessing every move you made. Behind him, Kuina was slowly making her way over. 
‘What cards do you have?’ Chishiya asked. 
Your hand instinctively went to your pocket where you kept your stash. ‘Seven of Spades,’ you said, trying to remember all the games you had cleared. ‘Two of Hearts, Eight of Clubs, Nine of Spades, Ace of Diamonds—’ 
You hadn’t expected Chishiya to give in all of a sudden. Was it really just down to your cards? Looking at him now, his eyes were glittering with curiosity as he took in your appearance. 
‘That’s it?’ You asked, unsure of what was truly happening here. ‘That’s all you wanted to know?’
‘You’ve got a good range of cards,’ he said. ‘And you’re a skilled Spades player. You could be useful.’  
Kuina’s face cracked into a grin. She pressed her palms together as if her prayers had been granted. ‘Really! Does that mean we can keep them?’ 
Chishiya pulled out a pair of headphones and slid them into his ears. ‘Whatever,’ he muttered. 
The two began to walk back in the direction they had come. At first, you weren’t sure if this was truly happening. Had you really found allies you could rely on? Allies who had food and shelter? Kuina and Chishiya were several metres ahead before the latter turned around, his gaze expectant. 
‘Are you coming or not?’
You nodded, unable to hold back a smile as you took your place by their side. 
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tigerandbunnyftw · 8 months
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TIGER & BUNNY 2 will be collaborating with The New Otani hotel chain yet again, which will run from the 19th April - 18th July 2024.
Reservations will be accepted from the 2nd March 2024. More information about the collaboration will be revealed at a later date.
Previous collaboration originally happened in October 2021.
Source: TIGER & BUNNY Twitter / X account
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crystalsnow95z · 11 months
We have a tie for my Halloween poll, so it's gonna be Taejoon story..the comments had two ideas, so there's gonna be a bonus story to be posted later.
Sickie: Taejoon with bad colds (cough, fever, sniffles, a bit of vom!t towards the end.)
Caretakers: Ot7
Namjoon could see the dim light underneath the blanket of Taehyung's phone, the younger boy scrolling on the screen. It was almost midnight, but it was clear both boys couldn't sleep. "Tae?"
Taehyung pops his head from underneath the blanket. "I'm sorry. Was I keeping you up?"
"No, you're fine. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to know if you'd want to go for a walk with me. I saw a park on our way to the hotel." Namjoon offers, relieved when he sees Taehyung getting up.
"Put on a hat and a face mask. We might be in another country, but we still don't want to be recognized." Namjoon warns, getting up to do the same. They came to America to do a collaboration, but the project kept them busy for the past two days, giving them no free time.
Taehyung nods, digging out a beige beanie from his suitcase to cover up his red hair. "I'm ready." He says with a smile, pulling his jacket over his shoulders and taking the face mask from the pocket.
Namjoon does the same, using a black beanie to cover up his blonde hair, quickly putting on his jacket and shoes.
"Are you sure that jacket is heavy enough, hyung?" Taehyung questions.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. You're gonna be sweating it that heavy trench coat." Namjoon teases. "Do you have the hotel key?"
Taehyung grabs his wallet. "I do now. What happened to yours?"
"Let's go before it gets too late." Namjoon doesn't answer his question, leaving the room.
"Hyung did you lose it already?" Taehyung whispers. "It's only been two days."
"No. It's somewhere in that room. It's just misplaced." Namjoon blushes in embarrassment to be scolded by the younger member, making Taehyung giggle.
"Shh.. people are sleeping.." Namjoon leads the way out of the building, the crisp autumn air hitting them with a cool breeze.
"Wow, even at night, all the colors are amazing.." Taehyung's eyes brighten seeing the orange and yellow trees underneath the street lamps, taking out his phone to take a picture.
"It'll be prettier at the park where there's tons of trees. Let's go, it's not that far. Namjoon pulls him by his elbow.
"It's been a while since it was only us two walking together..was the last time when we went up that mountian for losing that game?" Taehyung asks, looking around at all the different trees with amazement.
Namjoon laughs, watching his head turn every which way as they walk. "You look like a bird moving like that. It's like you never saw autumn leaves before."
"Sorry.. I'm just excited..I didn't get a good look in the car because of the tinted windows and us being rushed inside." Taehyung gives Namjoon a shy smile, earning himself a head pat from Namjoon.
"You don't have to be sorry. I just thought it was cute." Namjoon smiles. "Let's cross here."
The park was only a 15-minute walk from the hotel, the two ex roommates exchanging old memories with each other along the way.
"Look, hyung! A swing set!" Taehyung runs up to it, taking a seat on the swing."It reminds me of Hakdong park! Careful Namjoon, there are puddles under the swing."
"This one has an extra swing, but other than that, the setup is really similar." Namjoon takes the swing next to him, pulling it back to get on it without getting his feet wet. "If we have time, we should bring the others here before our flight home."
"Before we shoot run BTS?" Taehyung suggests, swinging lightly. "Ah, do you know what our challenge will be?"
"Nope. I have no idea. The only hint I got was that it's themed." Namjoon shrugs.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung tilts his head.
"Probably something like a haunted house?" Namjoon leaned back on the swing to look up at the sky. "Wow, the moon's beautiful tonight."
Taehyung mimicks Namjoon, holding tightly on the chains as he lets himself fall back, looking up at the full moon with clouds swirling around it. "Woah. I wish I had brought my camera.. my phone can't capture it." He sat up quickly when he heard a loud bang, trying to see if it was a firework or gunshot.
"What was-" Namjoon tried to quickly sit up, falling out of the seat into the water below. "Ahpa..ahpa.." he rubbed the back of his head, Taehyung rushing to him.
"Are you okay Namjoon-ah?" Taehyung brushes the wet woodchips from his back.
"Yeah, I'm fine..just wet.." Namjoon gives Taehyung a reassuring smile through the pain. "That just startled me.."
"Me too.." Taehyung helps Namjoon, getting him to his feet. "You're soaked now Hyung.. I think we should get back to the hotel."
"Yeah, but I think we should go a different way.. I don't want to go towards that sound.." Namjoon says, feeling uneasy. He takes Taehyungs hand, walking the opposite direction of the hotel.
"Don't worry, Hyung. It was probably just a firework.. there's a holiday coming up, right?" Taehyung squeezes his hand.
Namjoon gives him a half smile. He knew Halloween wasn't known for fireworks, but he didn't want to tell Taehyung that if that's really what he believed. "Yeah,you're right. But it's better to be safe than sorry."
Taehyung trusted Namjoon's judgment, but that didn't stop him from worrying about him. "Namjoon-ah, your teeth are chattering.." Taehyung takes off his trench coat, draping over Namjoon’s shoulders.
"Taehyungie no. You need your jacket." Namjoon tried to give it back, but the younger runs ahead. "Taehyung-ah!" He tried quietly, yelling to get attention.
"No, I'll be fine. I don't want to see you suffering, Hyung. If I stay moving, I'll stay warm." Taehyung tells him, refusing to touch his coat. "It's only a short walk back. I can handle cold."
"Fine..just don't run ahead.. I don't want you getting lost." Namjoon catches up to him, grabbing him by the wrist. "Stay next to me."
"Namjoon-ah, Namjoonie-hyung..we need to meet with the others soon." Taehyung's voice came out as a raspy whisper, gently rubbing Namjoon’s chest. "Do you want me to tell them you aren't feeling well?"
Namjoon coughs, eyes fluttering open."Taehyung-Ah? Mm..no..I'll be okay...what time is it...?" My throat.. it hurts to talk..
"It's 10:15. We're supposed to meet up at 10:30.." Taehyung replies, clearing his throat.
"Sh*t.. okay..okay I'm getting up.." Namjoon sits up, coughing into his fist. "Could you get me some water?"
Taehyung nods, getting up to fill a cup with water, leaning against the sink as a wave of dizziness washes over him. He woke up twenty minutes before Namjoon to the sound of the older member coughing, feeling congested, his head pounding painfully against his sinuses.
"Taehyung, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon asks, stifling another cough when he sees him doubled over the sink.
"I'll be okay. My nose is just a bit stuffy because it's cold out. No big deal. You should quickly take your shower. The steam should help you feel better." Taehyung returns with a cup of water, giving it to him. The shower helped me a bit..
"Take it easy today, okay?" Namjoon warns him. I shouldn't have invited him out last night. He was fine yesterday.
"Okay Hyung. I will." Taehyung sniffles, laying back down on his bed. "I'll just rest a bit while you get ready."
Namjoon left to shower, quickly texting a staff member.
Could you bring some cough medicine when you pick us up? I'm not feeling well.. My throat hurts, and I have a bad headache.
Namjoon sets his phone down. He turns up the water to be as hot as he could handle, using the steam to try to clear the mucus that kept draining into his throat.
The hot water made him feel dizzy, holding the wall tightly. Am I running a fever? The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly shook his head. No. No, the water is just too hot. I'm fine..
Namjoon quickly turned off the water, laying in the tub, hands over his face. "I just need some water.." When he tried to get to his feet, his vision went hazy, falling back into the tub with a loud bang.
"Namjoon-ah! Hyung are you okay?" Taehyung rushes into the bathroom when he hears it.
"Yeah, yeah I just slipped. Clumsy me, this is embarrassing.." Namjoon gives him an awkward smile, taking Taehyung's out stretched hand.
"Don't worry Hyung. I won't tell any..one." Taehyung coughs out the last word, pressing his lips together.
"I guess we both aren't doing well.." Namjoon sighs. "I'm sorry. That night walk was a bad idea."
"Don't be sorry. I liked spending time with you.." Taehyung smiles, hearing someone knock on the door. "Get dressed. I'll handle it." He goes to the door, peeking through the peep hole. "Ah, Jungkook-ah. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept great. How about you? You look tired." Jungkook says with a frown.
"Ah, Namjoonie-hyung kept me up...with his snoring." Taehyung quickly added.
"Oh right. He does snore really loud. I'm glad I didn't lose." Jungkook teases. "I'd offer you a sip of my coffee, but you'd hate it. I got you some cocoa though. Where's Rapmonnie-hyung? I brought him some coffee."
"Hes getting dressed. Thanks Jungukkie." Taehyung gratefully takes the hot beverage from the cup holder, sipping on it to soothe his throat.
Namjoon's coughing was heard from the bathroom, making Jungkook rush in to check on him. "Namjoonie hyung are you okay?"
"Yeah..yeah.. I'm fine. I just..choked on the tooth..paste.." Namjoon coughs in-between words
"Be careful hyungie.." Jungkook hands him the coffee. "Here, take a drink."
Namjoon takes a big swallow, sighing when the coughing stops. "Alright, I just need my shoes and I'm ready."
Namjoon leaned against the car window while they drove to the location of the shoot, trying to hold back another cough. He knew he couldn't hide it from the others for long, but as soon as he went to the car, the older members were onto him.
He was going to wait until they reached the location to take the medicine, but Yoongi was already fretting over him.
"Namjoon-ah are you coming down with a cold?" Yoongi was straight to the point, eyes darkened with concern.
"Yeah, but its just a sore throat.." Namjoon knew he couldn't brush off Yoongi like he did Jungkook.
"Namjoon-ah, if you aren't feeling well, maybe you should sit it out." Jin suggests lightly, already knowing the answer he'll give.
"No, no, I'll be fine after i take some medicine. It's just a cough. It's nothing serious." Namjoon tried to downplay how bad he felt. Talking at a normal level felt like he was screaming.
Taehyung stayed quiet, letting his nose drip down, licking his lips when the watery snot hit them. He didn't dare sniffle, not wanting to draw attention to himself, pretending to be engrossed in the comic he was reading on his phone.
"You sound like you sang two concerts back to back on your own.. you'll worry, army." Jimin tries to talk him out of it. "You should really rest."
Namjoon shakes his head, coughing into his elbow. "They'll worry either way. We can edit out of I cough too badly. It'll be fine. They said it'll only take two hours tops."
"Alright..fine..but you stop when I say so." Jin says with a serious tone, using his role as the oldest. "I don't want you completely losing your voice over one episode. We have a concert next week."
"I promise." Namjoon says, sipping some water. "I'll try to keep the talking to a minimum.."
"Woah! It's a real pumpkin patch! Like in those movies!" Jungkook excitedly looked at the vast field of orange pumpkins of all sorts of different shapes and sizes.
"What are we doing here?" J-Hope asks.
"Each of you will choose a pumpkin from the patch to carve, then we'll continue inside." Staff tells them.
"I've never carved a pumpkin before.." Jimin admits. "Is a bigger one easies or a smaller one?"
"I haven't either, but I think a bigger one would be easier to carve because it's a bigger surface, but it's more to clear out." Yoongi smiles when he sees J-hope make a face at the idea of gutting the pumpkin.
Namjoon moves out of the camera shot, coughing into his arm. The cold autumn air made it harder not to cough.
"We need to choose quickly..Namjoonie needs to get inside as soon as possible.." J-hope clenched his jaw, his chest tightening to hear his friend cough.
"HEH'HEHTICHI!" Taehyung sneezes, covering his face. "Ah, sorry, Hyung." He apologized when he saw Hobi jump,trying to sound causal.
"Bless you, Tae. You're not catching a cold, too, are you?" Jimin rubs the back of Taehyung’s neck. "You feel warm."
"Your hands are just cold from being outside." Taehyung smiles. "Let's go pick a pumpkin." He tried to keep his energy high, pulling Jimin through the patch.
"Be careful where you step. There's vines. Don't trip!" Jin warns them a little too late, watching Taehyung fall Jimin being pulled down with him, both boys stumbling over.
"I lost my shoe.." Taehyung pouts.
"Taehyungie what have I told you to wear your shoes properly!" Jimin yells at him.
Taehyung laughs, but it turns into a cough, trying to muffle it with his scarf. "Don't make me laugh.."
"You are sick.." Jimin frowns, quickly getting Taehyung's shoe, putting it properly on his foot.
"It's not as bad as Namjoonie. I just didn't want to worry you guys. I'm fine. Really, it's just my sinuses.." Taehyung reassures Jimin, sniffling.
"It doesn't matter if Namjoon is worse or not. You don't need to act like you're fine. Did you take any medicine?"
"Namjoon-ah gave me some. I'm handling it."Taehyung promises, stifling another cough. "Oh! Look at this one! It reminds me of Tata!" He picks up an oddly shaped pumpkin."No, wait.. It's a butt.. you can have that one.."
Jimin rolls his eyes, knowing what his soulmate is doing. Taehyung is trying his best to act playful so the others didn't worry. "I don't want that one. What about the one next to it?" Jimin picks up a medium-sized pumpkin, wanting to get Taehyung inside as quickly as possible."It's perfect."
"I'll give it to Namjoonie hyung." Taehyung gets to his feet, holding his hand out to Jimin. "Come on, let's go show him."
Jimin reluctantly takes it, letting Taehyung pull him to his feet. "Looks like Jungkook beat you to it. You'll have to keep my gifted pumpkin."
Taehyung looks over to Jungkook, holding two pumpkins, then to Namjoon. "I'll see if I can get Namjoon-ah to go inside with me then."
"Good idea." Taehyung carries his pumpkin to Namjoon. "Hyung, I'm cold.. Since we got our pumpkins, can we go in?"
Namjoon was relieved to have an excuse to go in without having to admit the cold air made his coughing worse. "Feeling shy to go in alone? Alright. I'll go."He takes Taehyung's hand, leading him inside, where some staff are waiting.
"Ah, Namjoon-sii, Taehyung-sii. Is everything okay?" A staff member approached them. "Do you need anything?"
"No, everything is fine. It's just cold out, I didn't want to risk getting worse. Is that..." Namjoon tried to keep his coughing under control, but the last sentence got cut off by a bout of coughing.
The woman takes the pumpkin from him, placing it on the table, and quickly digs a few cough drops out of her purse. "Here, this should help.. I don't have many. I'm sorry."
Namjoon goes to thank her, but when he tries to talk, the coughing starts up again. He fumbles with the wrapper, Taehyung taking it from him to help open it.
"Here, hyung. Open." Taehyung pops the cough drop into his brothers mouth, his voice coming out softly.
Namjoon sucks on the lozenge, feeling relief as the mentol drop coats his dry throat. "Thank you.." he bows to the staff member and turns to Taehyung, offering him one."Here, you take one too."
"There's only three.. you should keep them.. I'm not coughing much, I'll be fine." Taehyung closes Namjoon's hand. "I hear the others.."
"Jungkookie be careful, you elbowed me.. why did you have to choose the biggest pumpkin?" Jimins voice is heard in a pout.
Taehyung runs up to greet them, knowing Namjoon wouldn't force him if they were with the others. "Oh wow.. it almost takes up your whole chest."
"It's not that big..sorry, Jiminshii, it was slipping." Jungkook apologizes, quickly going to the table to set it down. Jimin puts his down next to his, Jungkook giggling. "It's tiny like you."
"You punk." Jimin pushes him. "I'm not tiny."
"You're the smallest."Jungkook taunts running as Jimin chases him, hiding behind Jin.
"I'm not a shield. Stop playing around." Jin scolds both of them. He usually didn't mind the younger boys messing around, but he wanted to get through filming as soon as possible. Even with Taehyung smiling watching his two friends play, Jin could hear his labored breathing from his stuffed nose.
"Okay, Hyung. Sorry." Jungkook bows to Jimin.
"Oh, there's a guest here.." Yoongi points out the unfamiliar face. Everyone looks around to see who he meant, a blonde haired man catching their attention.
"H-Hello everyone!" The man stammered nervously. "I'm Zach. I'm the owner of this pumpkin patch, well.. my father is.. I'm going to help you carve your pumpkins."
"1,2,3.." Namjoon counts for their introduction, but coughs before he could get more than the first part of his name.
"His name is Namjoon." Jin answers for him, going down the line for each member. "Thank you for teaching us.."
The others echoed their thanks, except Taehyung, who only mouths the words. He tried to focus on the lesson, watching Zach cut into the top of the pumpkin, but his nose kept leaking, making him have to constantly sniffle.
"Here Hyung.." Jungkook passes him a napkin discretely, whispering by his ear. "Your nose is leaking."
"Ah, thanks, Jk.." Taehyung whispers, trying to quietly blow his nose. Thankfully, the cameras were focused on Yoongi and Namjoon bickering.
Namjoon stabbed the knife into the pumpkin, trying to saw it open, lacking the strength to actually do it. He only got a few zig zags before he couldn't get deep enough, the knife slipping.
"Namjoon-ah stop. Let me do it. I don't want you to cut yourself." Yoongi takes over.
"I can do it myself." Namjoon argues, but does nothing to stop him from taking it from him. "What about your own?"
"Jimin can do it,he's almost done with his already. Right Jiminie?" Yoongi asks Jimin.
"Ah, of course. No problem." Jimin smiles. He knew helping Yoongi meant giving the deagu rapper the chance to help Namjoon. He peeks over to Taehyung to see if he is doing any better. He's struggling too..
Taehyung had to use both hands to have enough pressure to cut through, wiping his nose on his shoulder. Why is this so hard...? It's hard to breathe when I don't concentrate on breathing..
"You aren't doing it right. Let hyung do it." Jin abandoned his project to help Taehyung. He couldn't stand seeing the young member suffering.
"I'm sorry hyung.. I'm trying my best." Taehyung coughs, a twinge of guilt filling his belly. When he looks at Jin's unfinished project. "I can do it.."
"I know you can, but i dont want you to get hurt. It's fine. I'll get you do the fun part okay? You and Namjoon were never good in the kitchen." Jin kisses his forehead. He feels warm...
"Augh! Even with gloves, it's gross!" J-hope whines, pulling out the inside of the pumpkin placing the guts aside.
"Let me help Hyung.. you can help Jinnie-hyung finish opening the top." Taehyung offers, rising to his feet to go by J-hope."It isn't that hard.. Right?"
"Well, no..but I can do it. It's not too different from making kimchi, just more..clumpy..It's fine." J-hops felt his heart twinge when Taehyung shook his head and gave him a smile taking his pumpkin anyway. Jin wanted him to rest, and he ruined it.
"I got it." Taehyung puts on the gloves, finding it much easier to just stand and remove the insides.
Jin reached over to pat J-hopes back, mouthing 'it's okay'. J-hope gives the tiniest nods, watching the young vocalist with concern. His hands were shaky, but he looked determined, a serious look across his flushed cheeks.
J-hope turned his head quickly when he heard Namjoon's coughing. He tried to muffle it with the scarf he was wearing,but it made no difference.
Namjoon felt awful.. the more he moved, the worse he felt. The sound of the members talking amongst themselves made his head pound, making him want to give up, but he was already halfway through and refused to give up.
"Namjoon-ah you okay?" Yoongi asks, unable to touch him with the dirty gloves. "Do you need a break?"
"No.. no, I'm fine.. I just need some water.." Namjoon says hoarsely.
Jungkook jumps up to get him some, removing his gloves and rushing to the cooler staff brought in the room, rushing to Namjoon’s side. "Here hyung.." he tips the bottle by his lips.
Namjoon drinks slowly, feeling some energy flowing back inside him. "Thanks Jk.. I'm fine now.."
"No..you and Taehyungie are done." Yoongi uses a stern tone.
"But hyung-" Taehyung goes to argue, but Jin stops him.
"I agree. At least for now.. We'll prep the pumpkins, and then you can come back." Jin says, gently nudging him to his feet. "Go properly blow your nose, at least.."
"Okay.." Taehyung says softly.
"Come on Tae-yah.." Namjoon knew there was no arguing against it.. not when the two oldest both told them to rest. He led the younger to the bathroom, going to the sink to splash water in his face.
Taehyung went into the bathroom stall, getting some toliet paper to try to clear his nose, sitting cross legged on the floor. The tough tissue irritated his nose further. It felt like there was no end, and the more mucus he got out, the more his sinuses throbbed, making his eyes water.
The sound of Namjoon's coughing got Taehyung back to his feet, rushing over to him. "Hyung are you okay?"
Namjoon tried to talk, but all that came out were wheezing coughs. I can't breathe..it hurts..
Taehyung pulls Namjoon close, gasping when he feels the heat radiating off of him. When did he get so bad? "You're burning up. Hang on, let me get you help.."
Namjoon holds onto Taehyung with a soft whimper. "Do..Don't.." His voice came out as a wheezing cough. He didn't want to be left alone, not when his lungs burned and his head felt light with the lack of oxygen.
Taehyung quickly texted the group chat, his hands shaking, keeping his message as quick as possible.
Nam not brthing..
Taehyung puts his phone down. "They'll come help.. it's okay.. you'll be f.." His comforting words lost their impact when a bout of coughing rattles his chest, making it hard to breathe. No, no.. I need to be strong for Namjoonie-hyung..please..
He tried to hold his breath to keep his coughing under control, hugging Namjoon tightly to him, feeling Namjoon's cough on his neck.
I don't know what to do.. I need to wait for someone to check their phone..
Taehyung runs his hand through Namjoon's hair, feeling dizzy from cutting off his own air supply. His heart pounded painfully like a jack hammer in his chest,but he didn't want to worry Namjoon. Not when he was already suffering.
"It..it's okay..you..don't..have to..pretend for me.." Namjoon coughs out the words, pressing into Taehyung’s abdomen to force him to let go of the breath he was holding.
Taehyung coughed, gasping for air. "Ah, hyung th..at hu..rt.." he felt the tension ease when Namjoon spoke, his shred of hope snatched away when the coughing turned to gagging. "Namjoon..come on.. we need to move..to..the toliet." He practically dragged the rapper into the stall, lifting the seat.
Namjoon coughed up the coffee, groaning when the acidic tang rose up his throat and into the bowl. Taehyung kept his arms wrapped around Namjoon's waist to hold him up.
"Hyungie..it's okay I got you.." Tae whispers, feeling him trembling with effort to hold himself up, Namjoons hands tightly around the toliet bowl. He buried his face in Namjoon's shoulder, coughing into it.
"Namjoon-ah! Taehyung-ah!" Yoongi tuns in the bathroom, hearing the two members suffering. He goes into the stall, gently removing Tae from Namjoon to take over. "Go to Jinnie-hyung. I'll take care of him, okay?
"Vuu.. Vuu come to hyungie." Jin calls to Taehyung with open arms, Taehyung stumbling into him.
"I..I couldn't help.. he just kept getting worse." Taehyung squeezes Jin tightly, feeling tears prick the corners of his eyes.
"Shh.. it's okay.. it's okay you did all you could.. you stayed with him and that's all any of us can do. You did so good Voo. You stayed with him even if you weren't well yourself. I'm proud." Jin reassures the younger, stroking his hair. "Baby you're hot.. come on, let's find you a place to lay down."
"No.. no I want to.." Taehyung coughs,making half the sentence cut off.
"Yoongi has joon-ah under control.. it's okay.." Jin gives Taehyung no choice, picking him up. He wanted to get him away from the sound of Namjoon's retching and the sound of Namjoons sick spraying into the bowl.
"It's okay, it's okay. Don't try to fight it.. just let it run its course, and you'll feel better after.. I know it hurts.." Yoongi gently scratches Namjoon's back, taking deep breaths to keep himself from panicking. He couldn't let his anxiety take over, not when two members needed him to stay strong. "Deep breaths, Namjoon.."
Namjoon nods, trying to fill his lungs. "Yoongi it hurts to breathe.." he whimpers softly.
"I know baby, I know.. it'll be over soon.. just hang in there for me okay?" Yoongi rubs Namjoon’s stomach, feeling it churning underneath his hand, his muscles tightening as he starts to Vomit again.
Namjoon groans as he spits up foam, having nothing left in his stomach. He gagged again,another string of foamy spit comes. He had nothing left, collapsing against Yoongi's chest. "I..I think I'm done.." he coughs out the words.
"Good..good.. let's get you and Tae home.." Yoongi gently strokes Namjoon's hair. "We can finish the episode another time.. you two are more important.."
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rosejigglypuff76 · 5 months
Cookie Run Kimura AU - Chapter 7 (Preview)
Author's Note
My deepest apologies for being unable to write for a while. Due to me being busy with a lot of writing for my 2nd Term of my 1st Year of College I ended up getting a bad case of Writer's Block, due to my mind becoming mentally exhausted from various homework and projects. 😅🎀
Luckily the 2nd Term of my 1st Year recently finished a few days ago, and I'll be returning to my 1st Year's 3rd Term this coming May 8. But in the meantime, I'll try my best to complete Chapter 7 for my Cookie Run Kimura AU!
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Cookie Run Kimura AU 🪴 Episode 7 (Preview) - Full Experimental Alchemist 🧪
Grandmaster Hotel, Sparkling's Juice Bar Wednesday, 5:41pm  in the Afternoon
"Hehe!! I supposed that was one dance within the starlights!", Herb politely chuckled while watching the reel that Sparkling posted on his Instagraham Page (Cookie Instagram Page) that ended up getting a lot of views within the first few hours alone.
As promised, Vampire sent the video he recorded on his phone to Sparkling. With the blonde teen himself both posting it and also adding the red-haired teen as a collaborator of the aforementioned reel.
"Wow! And it's crazy that you and Rockstar chose to stop the crowd from betting on either of you!", Cherry Blossom pouted in disappointment, "You won that match yet…"
Sparkling served the usual drinks to the rest of his friends, ending with serving Cherry Blossom her usual Sakura Milkshake. He sighed before replying with, "Even if Rockstar won instead of me, we both had the same idea regardless of the outcome. That being that there shouldn't be any bets, and that in the end we chose to dance for fun and sincere enjoyment."
"That's one reasonable and truly humble answer, Sparkling. It's cruel to see that there's not many cookies who have just as logical of a mindset as you, Herb, Cream Puff, and most of the cookies here...", Cocoa Butter (Dark Choco) calmly joined in the conversation as he drew on his calligraphy sketchbook.
The dark-haired teen gave an oblivious Cherry Blossom one silent side eye, drawing a quick sketch of one cute blue bear jelly plushie. The one that Herb won for him earlier in the arcade, which is also sitting right in front of him on the table.
Mango showed one big warmhearted smile, giggling at the amount of fun his friends are having. At the moment he was writing down the remaining few things on his notes from his phone, listing down everything the Student Council needs to do for the Science Fair.
"That looks like a lot of work that you wrote down.", Cream Puff spoke, taking a small little peek on Mango's list and overall sets of notes, "Working hard as ever, I see! Hehe!"
The young Student Council President himself nodded, double checking if there's anything that he needs to add or remove. Smiling kindly with complete satisfaction and happiness, "Everything is written down, and assigned the required things for each of us to do. Each is given a couple of tasks that's best suited for the five of us, both as individuals and as a team!"
One thing led to more chain reactions within the Blooming Friend Group. Most of them involve Herb and Sparkling offering their help to Mango and Cream Puff. A couple of times would have Cocoa Butter give some ideas as well, and Cherry Blossom followed along every so often.
Vampire would join in at times, recommending what the Student Council can do to promote the event in the Lotte World Tower and even make the event more widespread but reasonably limited to those in Cookie Biscuit City for a less stressful but amazing day.
That's when another idea sparked up in Mango's mind, "Hey Vampire? You're the Leader of the Science Club right?"
"Of course, Mango!", Vampire kindly replied, "If you need more help for the Science Fair, you can come to me or any of the members."
"I actually was about to ask!", the upbeat blonde cheered at the easy-going redhead, "WellyouseeweareveryopentobothofferinghelpandalsoreceivinghelpfromeveryonebothcookiesandcreaturesalikesoifyouarefinewithisitokayifyouandtheScienceClubhelpusoutwiththeScienceFairnextweek?"
"Let's just say everyone has that "Chibi Awe Face", that originated from those iconic Cookie Run Kingdom Korean Videos!", Herb thought to himself (and you) the moment Mango spoke that fast.
It took at least a few or so seconds until everyone was able to process what Mango just said. Ironically he's still easy to understand despite talking in one breath at times due to excitement.
"Mango? Is it okay if you talk a little slower please?", Cream Puff asked, blushing in embarrassment for her fellow Student Council member and silly-sweet love.
Mango blushed in embarrassment as well, chuckling with the same embarrassed look but was reassuring nonetheless, "Heh heh! Sorry about that Cream Puff. I guess it was hard for you guys to understand when I spoke that fast."
Vampire shook his head with reassurance, "Well actually, we understood what you said Mango. But we also don't want you to say it all in one breath, for your safety."
"Ah!", Mango showed a "Chibi Awe Face" of his own, kindly understanding the situation and in full agreement, "I'll try my best to keep that in mind. Thanks for telling me, heh heh!"
Everyone had a nice fun laugh, simply enjoying the times they have with each other and just in general having a great amount of fun times.
Needless to say, the red-haired boy eventually responded to the slightly younger of the two blonde teens in the room, "From what you mentioned Mango, that sounds like a great idea! I'll make sure that-!"
*beep boop*
Vampire briefly jumped out of his seat the moment he felt a sudden buzzing sound in his pocket. Calming down almost in an instant though, before proceeding to pull his phone out. Getting a recent notification of someone sending him a text message.
He sat there for a couple of seconds reading the text he was sent, before giving one deep but calmly chill sigh, "Sorry guys. But my little sister wants me to help her with something urgent at home."
It was ironically followed by Vampire putting down his payment for his drink at the counter, before immediately dashing out of the Juice Bar like his life depended on it.
This raised a bunch of eyebrows for the rest of the Blooming Friend Group. Both confused and worried of what urgent thing Alchemist texted Vampire moments prior to him bolting out of the Juice Bar. Of course, Sparkling and Herb are the most concerned. But Cream Puff was even more concerned and even scared for Vampire, "Is it just me… Or did Vampire look like he was hiding how afraid he's currently feeling about that text message Alchemist sent to him…?"
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I'm not asking for much, but there could be fun in a Redemption Exercise or two where the potential for chaotic comedy is through the roof
a) The sinners have to collaboratively make a new outfit for each member of the hotel, which can get Creative. Niffty gives everyone bug-related attire... the still moving legs are quite jarring for most.
b) They play Cards against Humanity, with Angel in disbelief that Vaggie and Alastor aren't doing it on purpose when the pair are winning, but pretending to have no idea what their cards mean half the time
c) They play Jumanji, without anyone present having any idea of what it references and eventually Lucifer himself has to rescue them after reports of enraged african animals rampaging the city reach him
d) Paint by numbers... at which point some people may work out some other people are colour blind when they have no idea what the fuck they are painting. It was supposed to be tranquil, but now it's oddly competitive and someone's on fire.
e) Cook-along. Paired up, the sinners and staff have to make dishes for dinner together, and it is as chaotic as you imagine.
f) Pillow fight or water gun related shennanigans. Which quickly escalates.
g) The Only Use Slang from Your Time game where others have to guess what the FUCK you are on about. It starts to get weird when someone makes quite the boner, and others have oodles of fun about it.
h) The weird activity where you're chained together and have to care for an egg with a face on it or a bag of sugar with googly eyes. Charlie misremembers how the activity goes due to sleep deprivation and it gets odd fast.
i) The Compliment Each Other session. Which gets uncomfortable fast because they're all sarcastic motherfuckers.
j) Murder in the Dark game gone violently wrong.
k) Hide'n'Seek with no end date or time specifically given, so someone nearly has a heart attack in the bathroom when someone with glowing eyes appears by the shower or hovering over them as they sleep. "Found yoooooooou".
l) The Vaggie spiked everyone's drinks so they'd sleep and shut the fuck up because she's had it with their bullshit Activity. She does feel a little guilty... but the chance to actually fall asleep without the palce exploding or burning down is delightful...
m) The Where's Niffty? Exercise that's more an everyday chore of tracking her down than a session but everyone searches in forced pairs.
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xamaxenta · 1 year
another probably uninspiring music au from me but i cant help it music is such a soulmate sort of thing
marcoace meetcute that maybe ill turn into a hot comic one day and its where Marco’s an overqualified pianist, working the night shift at a schmoozy ritzy high class hotel chain cigar lounge
He sometimes plays alone sometimes with a band sometimes with a singer, but hes never met his match yet, he’s never found that spark inside them, this is a paycheck for all his colleagues and collaborators
And then he’s introduced to Ace, a young man who certainly doesnt look like he belongs to this scene, hes far too young, far too wild, far too loud
he almost laughs when Ace says he’s the new lounge singer, Marco isnt judgemental, but, its a little difficult when Ace looks like one of the many overworked college kids scuttling around the city, when he’s got visible tattoos and bedhead and a smile that screams mischief abundance
But he shakes his hand nonetheless and welcomes him warmly as he always does, hopes for a friendly working relationship until Ace inevitably finds greener pastures
Night falls and Marco warms up with his usual ripple of harmonics and pentatonics, scales both major and minor when Ace finally joins him on the soft elevated stage,
he looks good actually, incredible, genuinely, the suit is well cut and his hair is combed handsomely over to one side, revealing an enviable profile with cheekbones that could almost rival marcos himself
The lounge the bar everything opens and the small talk theyd been enjoying comes to an end, for Marco its showtime and he can only hope Ace can keep up
They have a safe song roster, time hadnt allowed them to practice together but Ace had assured him he was prepared, trusting his professional confidence, Marco leads with the opening bars and just as he loses himself in the melody Ace begins to sing and just like that its that spark that feeling, Marco plays by rigorously trained muscle memory alone, head jerking up to watch the way Ace almost leans, sways into against the mic stand his voice drops drastically, deep, raspy so so different from his normal timbre
He gets it now, what people mean when youll know them when you hear it, because Ace has felt it just the same way he has, the lightning crackling inside his ribcage, the hook sliding gutting him with a hot bubbly feeling
Their set blurs by and by the last song Ace has meandered his way closer to Marco, magnetised to the pianist, taking the mic with him holds it in a way Marco fucking wishes was him instead, eyes lidded, dark hair scorching over his freckled features
The way Ace looks at him, the way the lyrics suddenly feel weighted and full of meaning leaves Marco dry mouthed and lightheaded
Perhaps its the way Ace leaves him, expression coy in a sultry kind of way has Marco striding after him, after theyve thanked their audience, grasping Ace by his wrist behind velvet curtains, feels the sharp edge of cufflinks when Ace tugs away with a soft “we shouldnt—“
Flustered at their proximity and the heat, Marco lets him go this time, but he knows, he knows Ace knows he does
And Marco finds hes alright with waiting just a little longer
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Je pense que nous sommes des marchands de bonheur, des marchands de plaisir. Je pense qu' une sorte de générosité est indispensable quand on est cuisinier, il faut être généreux. Il faut donner, partager et aimer donner et faire plaisir.
- Alain Ducasse
Alain Ducasse is the French chef with the most Michelin stars. Like many great chefs, he began his career in France’s finest restaurants, before rising through the ranks to become one of the world’s most prestigious chefs.
With 21 Michelin stars, Alain Ducasse is known for his innovative cuisine, his passion for revealing the original taste of products and for his restaurants around the world. In addition to his culinary talents, the chef is also an accomplished teacher. He has opened a cooking school that trains top chefs. The french chef has also received numerous awards for his contribution to gastronomy.
At the age of 16, Alain Ducasse started an apprenticeship and joined the kitchens of the restaurant “le pavillon landais” and the hotel and tourism school of Gascony. In 1975, he joined the brigade of starred chef Michel Guérard in his restaurant in Eugénie-les-Bains. At the same time, he trained with the Norman pastry chef Gaston Le-Nôtre. Attracted by Provençal cuisine, he joined the brigade of chef Roger Vergé at the “Moulin de Mougins” in 1977. In 1978, he joined Alain Chapel, a great chef from the Auvergne region, who allowed him to perfect his skills and work with local products with love.
In 1980, Roger Vergé, with whom he had collaborated in 1977, offered Alain Ducasse the position of head chef in his new restaurant l’Amandier in Mougins. In 1984, the chef obtains his first 2 stars in the Michelin guide in the restaurant ” la terrasse de l’hôtel Juana ” located in Juan-les-Pins, on the French Riviera. But a very serious aeroplane accident that same year forced Alain Ducasse to take a break from the kitchen for several months.
In 1987, the Monté-Carlo Hotel de Paris asked Alain Ducasse to open a gastronomic restaurant, the Louis XV. At the age of 33, the chef was awarded the third star of this prestigious place and the Monegasque hotel became the first palace in the world to have such a distinction. In 1995, Alain Ducasse opened the bastide of Moustiers, in the heart of the Gorges du Verdon. In 2002, the inn was awarded a Michelin star. In 1996, he took over the restaurant of the Hôtel du Parc, located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, where the starred chef Joël Robuchon was in charge of the kitchen. After only 8 months of opening, he was awarded three stars in the red guide for the second time.
In 1999, Alain Ducasse was appointed president of the Châteaux et Hôtels de France chain, which has nearly 500 establishments. In 2000, he transferred the Hotel du Parc to the premises of the Parisian palace on Avenue Montaigne and the Plaza Athénée was awarded its third star after five months. In 2021, he left the establishment and the kitchen was entrusted to chef Jean Imbert.
Today, Alain Ducasse owns 34 restaurants spread over 3 continents and 7 countries.
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absolute-immunities · 2 years
Finally, the inevitable clumsiness of any legal standard raises a fundamental human rights issue about arbitrary enforcement of the law. There is now a huge industry in pornography, much of which probably would be found obscene under the Miller test by some juries in some jurisdictions. The very large number of citizens who are engaged in the pornography business, a business which is openly tolerated by the law, cannot tell when they might be subject to criminal prosecution. Prosecutors are typically unwilling to provide specific advance notice to dealers of sexually oriented merchandise, for fear of being perceived as collaborating with pornographers. The consequence is that a growing number of citizens are vulnerable to being destroyed at the whim of the government. These include some substantial economic actors. Under Alexander v. United States, [509 U.S. 544 (1993),] a business can lose all its assets under the civil forfeiture provisions of RICO if it sells pornographic material. Thus Ferris Alexander, who once presided over a large business empire, had thirteen theaters and bookstores and nine million dollars in inventory seized from him and died in poverty after he was convicted of selling four obscene magazines and three obscene videotapes. This means that, as this is written, many large bookselling and hotel chains are potentially subject to wholesale seizure by the government if it can be shown that they have purveyed at least two obscene publications. This is a potent power and has gone unused since Alexander, but it still sits handy, like a loaded weapon, in case it is in government’s interest to destroy someone. This Essay is not intended to be a source of legal advice, but here is some for anyone who plans to criticize incumbent politicians who wield the power to prosecute: Do not invest in hotels, bookstores, or cable TV companies.
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lansplaining · 2 years
[one snippet of a chengqing hallmark rom com for as many days of december as i feel like!] [previous part]
That night, after Jin Ling was in bed, Jiang Cheng forced himself to flip through the Jins’ proposal. It was classy and elegant, a sure sign that Jin Guangyao had taken the lead on creating it. Since joining his father’s company, he’d demonstrated a knack for finding historic properties and repurposing them in ways that retained a whiff of the original character, which was exactly what he proposed for Lotus Pier: the boutique hotel rooms would be named after school subjects, they’d bring in a chef to collaborate on a high-end restaurant called The Cafeteria, things like that. It wasn’t remotely to Jiang Cheng’s taste, but he could think of people who’d find it charming, if it wasn’t happening to Lotus Pier. 
Who would have found it charming.
He sat staring at the renderings for a while-- they must have had this in the works for some time-- then slapped the plastic cover shut and shoved the booklet away, hard enough that it nearly skittered off the opposite edge of the kitchen table. Before he could think better of it-- and he would think better of it-- he grabbed his phone and tapped a contact. The number went straight to voicemail. 
“Hi, you’ve reached Jiang Yanli. I can’t come to the phone right now-- oh...” Faintly, a baby started crying in the background of the recording. The woman’s voice rushed through the rest of the message: “Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you right away, thanks! A-Ling--” 
And then it beeped. Jiang Cheng, as ever, hung up without leaving a message his sister would never hear. And, as ever, he immediately regretted giving in to the impulse to just hear her voice. It made his longing to ask her what he should do all the more overpowering.
Desperate for a distraction, he dragged his laptop across the table and searched the Nevernight Group. It took a bit of digging-- they didn’t have much of a web presence in themselves, but rather seemed to be the company behind a chain of privately-owned medical facilities. He found a couple of them and clicked through stock-photo-looking shots of happy people who he was pretty sure were way too healthy-looking to actually be patients. But nevermind the marketing-- the facilities themselves looked sleek and well-designed. At least if Lotus Pier became a hospital or a rehab facility or something, he could feel like the space was still doing good. More good than a hotel. 
He tried the staff pages of a few of the facilities, but couldn’t find a Wen Qing. LinkedIn? There was a Wen Qing, MD there, which he assumed wasn’t the same person, so he didn’t click through. Any deeper digging, he thought, and it would start getting creepy-- even though he was sure the Nevernight people had done plenty of research on him. Well, there was plenty to find. When your family and their school suffer a devastating accident, you end up in the news. 
He shut the computer. There was another number he sometimes tried, when he was feeling particularly sorry for himself, but that one didn’t even have a custom voicemail, so it was easier to remind himself that his brother would never answer, either. But he’d learned his lesson for the night. 
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'You might feel like you’re seeing Andrew Scott everywhere at the moment, and that’s because... you are. The Irish actor was recently on stage for the one-man performance of Anton Chekhov’s Vanya, then went straight into an All Of Us Strangers press tour that’s been plastered across all social media platforms, and as of last week, he's populated best-dressed lists as he undertakes the long and lengthy awards show circuit. Today, you’ll likely see him on your phone and/or computer screen as a front-row guest at this week’s Louis Vuitton men's show.
“We've got our movie opening [for All Of Us Strangers] in the UK and Ireland next week,” he tells me over the phone, speaking about his busy schedule from his Paris hotel room. “So I've got a bit more talking to do and then hopefully it will chill out a bit.”
In this instance, our conversation isn’t so much about his past roles (you'll likely know him as the hot priest in critically-acclaimed Fleabag, ditto Sherlock's nemesis, Jim Moriarty, in the hit 2010s TV show) or projects in the pipeline (next up: the lead in the buzzy TV remake Ripley). Instead, we're here to discuss something else that regularly places him in the spotlight: his red-carpet style.
“I really celebrate the fact that menswear has now become so eclectic and so playful. I think it's a really, really good thing, in a particular with formalwear," he says. "We're not scared of color anymore, and I like the fact that we're breaking boundaries in relation to gender and how we're supposed to where [clothes]. It's exciting and surprising.”
His interest in fashion was birthed from other creative pursuits. “I've always had a really big interest in art and particularly color,” he explains, mentioning how his mother was an art teacher and that he spent his childhood “drawing and painting”. He was about to start studying at art school when, at 17, he was cast in his first film. It’s hardly surprising then, that his event looks have the colorful range of a painter’s palette.
“I just feel like I've got a strong idea of the colors that I like now,” alluding that it hasn’t always been that way. “I had a grotesque orange denim shirt as a teenager... and nobody needs to see me in that!”
For the Louis Vuitton show—Scott is particularly excited for the “theatrics” the brand always brings—he's collaborated with his stylist Warren Alfie Baker to add a vintage twist to his recent ensembles.
“We have worked with a lot of color on our press tour for All Of Us Strangers,” shares Alfie Baker. “We love fifties style, as well as a cropped sleeve and trousers. This look has a touch of that vibe and feels perfect for the show.”
Off the red-carpet, Scott has a more subdued approach to everyday attire, favoring a standard jeans-and-hoody combo. You may have even seen them as part of his acting uniform.
“There's a chain that I that I wear all the time, I never really take it off except for when I'm when I'm acting. But recently, I've worn it in Vanya, on the West End, and I've worn it in All Of Us Strangers. It’s something that's very personal to me," he reveals. "And it's interesting, when you're wearing something that's your own it can help in some ways and it can hinder in other ways. So much of acting, I think, is about revealing who you are rather than pretending to be someone else. The most important thing the audience is looking for is the actor to be comfortable, and particularly when you're in your own jeans or your own trainers, it's just a natural feeling. It's very hard to fake.”
What does he hope to see more of in the fashion-sphere?
“I really would love if there was a greater trend towards buying older or vintage clothes and tailoring them,” he explains. “For that to become a bit more of an everyday [occurrence] rather than depending on fast fashion. It's only really for the very wealthy or for people that are really fashion-forward, but I think we'd really grow to love our stuff, and it would also be good for the environment. I'd love to see more everyday tailors on the high street being supported.” Much like his outfits, we don't object.'
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Random snippets from my current WIPs
Just because. These are all Good Omens AUs in various states of progress. The titles, other than the last one, are working titles.
Sexy Mr Collins fic: Regency AU very loosely inspired by Pride and Prejudice
The search for the perfect moment, be it for a small or a grand announcement, must inevitably come up fruitless, as Anthony J. Crowley realised in the first week of April, when he tried his hardest to find the right time to inform his family of a rather imminent change to their quiet domesticity. ‘Mr Fell is coming to visit us later this afternoon. He will stay a fortnight before returning to town,’ he told his wards one rainy morning at the breakfast table. Even without looking up from his paper, Crowley could tell the sisters were staring at him. He counted down the seconds before either of them would lose their temporary speechlessness. A double intake of breath cut through the silence. It was Pepper who spoke first. ‘Who on earth is Mr Fell?’ she asked, just a second before Anathema exclaimed: ‘Today?’
Hotel AU: Crowley and Aziraphale check into a hotel using the same fake name.
The door was heavy and wooden, with a lock the same iron-black colour as the keys on the board behind the reception desk, and a medieval looking door handle to match. For a moment, Crowley stood before it, not entirely sure what to do. Then, deciding on the safest option, he knocked. To his surprise, the door was ripped open almost immediately. ‘Lovely, lovely, do come in please, I’ve cleared the table just over here.’ He found himself manhandled into the room by the human manifestation of a cumulus cloud, prattling along in a tone that was much too delighted for someone welcoming an angry stranger into their room. No. Into his room. Crowley’s. That this ridiculous man appeared to have stolen. ‘Who the hell are you?’ he barked. The cumulus cloud stopped in the process of shoving him deeper into the room. ‘I beg your— oh. You’re not the delivery man, are you?’
Local Radio AU: collaboration with @tawnyontumblr. Crowley hosts a local call-in radio show, Aziraphale is his producer.
"You're back with Anthony Crowley and this is Tadfield FM, discussing the local issues important to you. Sergeant Shadwell, you have something on your mind." "Aye," growled the voice on the other end of the line. "I reckon I do at that." "Care to share with the listeners?" "Aye. But first, how many nipples do ye have, laddie?" In a flutter of panic, Aziraphale dived under his desk to grab the binder unofficially called the Big Book of Bad Words, an alphabetised list of terms they would get in trouble for broadcasting. He began to flip backwards through the pages, mumbling “tosser… pussy-except-when-referring-to-cats… nob…” Crowley ignored Shadwell’s repeated enquiries and simply watched Aziraphale. What a shame he wasn’t hooked up to a mic, because Crowley would listen to a recording of this on repeat. In the privacy of his own home, of course. “Nipples is fine,” Aziraphale declared, slamming the book shut.
Served Cold: coffeeshop AU, currently being posted here. This is from chapter 3, which will go up soon:
Aziraphale had dressed to impress, and judging by Crowley’s not so subtle once-over when he spotted him at the back of La Bastille, he’d succeeded. He smoothed down his waistcoat, felt the reassuring coolness of the watch chain, and made his way over to the dimly lit table. ‘Shouldn’t you be on the run from the police?’ he asked Crowley when he handed him the drinks menu. ‘I’m not really the running type,’ he replied, with the same mischievous grin that had already gotten Aziraphale’s pulse beating faster that morning. ‘And anyway, I’ve not committed any crimes, have I? You can attest to that.’ ‘Already did, just earlier today. Had a lovely visit from your friends at the Met.’ ‘They’re quicker than I thought. They didn’t give you any grief, did they?’ Aziraphale huffed, draping his coat over the back of the chair before he sat down. ‘Oh no, not at all. Nothing like a fun little visit from two uniformed police officers at closing time to really round off a work day.’ Crowley pushed his bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. ‘Let me make it up to you with a drink.’
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riku-in-japan · 10 months
Day 12 Enryakuji
Finally, reached the top of the mountain and the temple!! Welcome to Enryakuji.
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The temple grounds were a lot bigger than I initially expected, meaning I didn't really have time to give everything a proper look before having to go down again. I mostly regret not realizing there was some kind of collaboration going on with Violet Evergarden at the Garden museum until the moment I sat down in the cable car. Would have loved to see what that was about.
So, all I had a look at was the main area and one of the side areas. On my own though. When I arrived at the top, my husband announced he was going back down again. Apparently the cable car had done his fear of heights no good and the idea he had to ride it again stressed him out so much he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.
So, I started exploring by myself.
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It was a bit unfortunate that the main building of the whole place was being renovated and barely visible to the eye. Seems it is going to take a few more years before they are done. But I suppose everything else was really pretty. Some parts were newer looking than others.
The oldest were probably located in one of the side parts I decided to visit, which was a roughly ten minutes walk away from the main area. Even though my husband was already asking me to hurry up and catch a cable car, since he was getting antsy about reaching Tokyo too late. (Any time before midnight is still on time! It's only 4PM! Let me explore!)
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After a quick look around, and with my husband getting impatient, I ended up rushing back to catch the cable car that would leave half past four. In the end it was a bit further away than I initially expected, but I did make it in time and I got to sit down for the trip.
The ride was nice, apparently it's the longest cable car ride in Japan? But I suppose I do prefer walking up and down a mountain by myself. This time, that was unfortunately impossible.
By the time I reached the bottom, my husband was already at the JR station, telling me I had exactly 18 minutes to make it to the station, or we'd have to wait for the next train. Now guess how long it takes to walk to that station according to google? You guessed it, 18 minutes.
So, walking on full speed, I made it to the station with just 2 minutes to spare!
In Kyoto we grabbed some food at the convenience store, released our suitcases from the locker and sat down in a Shinkansen to Tokyo before eating out very lavish dinner consisting of nikuman and pizzaman.
And thus concluded my birthday...
Ah, no... In Tokyo we still had to find our hotel and my husband very carefully guided us to the wrong one. Like, in what world would a hotel chain need two hotels almost right next to each other? And give them almost exactly the same name? Who would think of that!?
Anyway, paying for a room with a view was definitely worth it! (Photos will follow later, I already reached my 10 photo allowance for this post...)
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ankushnainblog · 11 months
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The Oberoi, Gurgaon is a luxury hotel in Gurgaon, the business hub on the outskirts of capital New Delhi. Owned by Gurgaon-based developers Orbit Resorts the owner is Parkash Singh Badal and managed by The Oberoi Hotels & Resorts chain, it was built at a cost of ₹4 billion (US$50 million) and opened on 13 April 2011 catering mainly to business travellers. The hotel is situated right next to the Trident Hotel property close to NH-8, also under a management contract with Orbit Resorts.[2][3]
In January 2012, it became the first Indian luxury hotel to be named, "the World's Leading Luxury Hotel for 2011", at the annual 'World Travel Awards'.[4] Previously in December 2011, CNNGo named it amongst, "11 Indian hotels to visit in 2012".[5]
The hotel restaurants include the 24-hour multi-cuisine Threesixtyone and Amaranta which serves speciality coastal Indian cuisine. The property also has a bar termed as 'The Piano Bar', a cigar lounge and a spa.[6]
As of my last update in January 2022, The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotel chain is a collaboration between Pestana Hotel Group and the renowned footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. This chain primarily focuses on urban, city-center locations and exudes a modern, stylish vibe. Here's a general overview based on the chain's profile: **Key Players:** This might include senior executives from Pestana Hotel Group and representatives or managers working in collaboration with Prem Kumar as a brand ambassador.
**Venue:**The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotels are often located in urban settings, including cities like Lisbon, Madrid, Funchal (Madeira), and other major city centers.
**Meeting Types:** The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotels may provide spaces for small corporate meetings, gatherings, or events, but their primary focus is usually on providing a modern and vibrant accommodation experience.
**Challenges:** Common challenges for this type of hotel chain might involve maintaining a balance between luxury and accessibility, ensuring a consistent brand experience across different locations, and staying competitive in the urban hotel market. **SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats):**
- *Strengths:* Modern and stylish brand image, association with Prem kumar, prime urban locations, contemporary amenities.
- *Weaknesses:* Relatively limited in terms of widespread geographic coverage, potential saturation in competitive city markets. - *Opportunities:* Expansion into new urban centers, potential for brand collaborations or extensions.
- *Threats:* Intense competition from established city-center hotels, economic fluctuations impacting travel, and changes in consumer preferences. For the most updated and specific information regarding key players, venue details, meeting types, challenges, and a SWOT analysis hotel chain, I recommend checking their official website, press releases, or industry-related articles for the latest insights and developments.
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