#House of Lamentation (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
tsukii0002 · 2 months
Luke and MC are having a movie night in the living room of the House of Lamentations, when they hear noises.
Luke: *hugging Mc* What was that??!
Mc: Oh, don't worry, it's the time when the middle and left head of Cerberus are fighting with the right head.
Luke: Oh… What is that????!!!!
Mc: *laughing* Levi bought a new game *looking at the clock* he should be on the hardest level.
Luke: Okay… He, he What- what's that noise??!!!!!
Mc: *looking down at the ground* A giant spider, they've been making their way around lately, Lucifer is really pissed off.
Luke: What *about to cry* What was that?
Mc: Oh, it's just Beel *pointing to the ceiling* hi Beel.
Beel: *hooked upside down to the ceiling* Hi Mc, hi Luke.
Mc: *whispering* It's one of his nighttime snack.
Luke: *shivering* I think next time we'll go to Purgatory hall.
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janahanooo · 3 months
Mc: do you think this looks good on me?
Asmo: darling, everything looks good on you. So I'm sure that this too-
Asmo: oh hell no, take it off.
Mc: yeah I tought so too
Mc: don't get mad
Satan: I would never get mad at you love, so don't be afraid and tell me
Mc: I accidentaly spilled coffee on one of your books
Satan: ...it's- it's fine. It can be replaiced-
Mc: it was the limited edition one...
Satan: ... okay I did get angry for a sec, but I'm fine now... just.... don't come near me for a day and I'll be okay
Beel: Mc? What are you eating?
Mc: huh? Oh, I found cake in the fridge and I got super hungry, want some?
Beel: my cake...
Mc: ...oh.
Mc: do you want me to bake you another one?
Beel: yeah
Mc: this day was terrible...
Levi: hm? Why?
Mc: somehow I managed to get on everyones nerves today... like first Asmo, then Satan annd Beel...
Levi: Beel too? Uff player two, that must suck
Levi: ...why are you jellous?
Mc: ...cus you just stay in your room all day and never do anything that angers the others.
Levi: you know that not true.
Mc: yeah... also what are you playing?
Levi: OH! I'm playing a new edition of this rpg based on a popular manga and it's basicly about this girl and her friends being magical girls and saving the world then one of the girls is kidnaped and is manipulated to be evil and-
Mc: *spacing out, looking at him lovingly* you have such a lovely voice
Levi: I- what?! *Levi.exe has stopped working*
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devilevlls · 5 months
please, "Under the sheets" with Mammon slightly suggestive
Thanks for sending your request!! Here's the quick drabble with the prompt, 💛 hope you enjoy!
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Under the sheets ࿔*:・
Gender-Neutral MC༘ ⋆。˚
📌 TW: Slightly NSFW, making out section, suggestive acts.
MC's smile widened as they realized Mammon had already woken up from his slumber, his sleepy blue eyes meeting theirs with a drowsy spark of affection. With a gentle touch, they caressed his face, tracing the contours of his features with adoration. They can’t deny, they adore him.
In one fluid motion, Mammon stretched languidly before positioning himself atop their body, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Morning, ya sleepy head," he greeted, his voice a husky murmur as he wrapped his arms around their waist, fingers dancing teasingly over the soft skin beneath their pajamas, his nails grazing their hips. His desire for closeness was palpable, demanding immediate satiation.
Responding to his touch, MC emitted a soft hum of contentment, their arm snaking around his neck to pull him closer, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.
The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the old fan and the echo of their wet kisses that intensified little by little. Mammon anxiously pulled the sheets, enveloping them in their warm cocoon, pressing his body against MC's with an urgency that made them gasp. He was so greedy.
“M-Mammon~” The human pants and giggles, their fingers intertwining with his hair locks, pulling gently.
“Shh…” Mammon hushed them softly, his own breath coming in shallow gasps as he savored the intoxicating closeness they shared.
As their kisses deepened and their embraces grew more heated, the demon and the human exchanged intimate caresses, smiling with every passionate touch that teased their intimacies. Both bodies moved in sync, the movements growing more urgent, more primal, as they surrendered into the raw desire. With a fervent intensity, they intertwined their legs, pulling each other closer in a desperate bid for closeness.
Suddenly, a loud noise shattered the tender intimacy, and the door flew open to reveal Leviathan, his expression a mix of fury and defiance. "Mammon, you scum, where are you?" he hissed, only to falter as his eyes widened in mortification at the scene before him. "Whoa! Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to intrude!" he stammered, face flushing crimson with embarrassment.
Mammon pulled away from MC, irritation evident in his gaze as he faced his younger brother. "Levi! What the hell are ya doin' barging in here like that?" His protective instincts flared up, instinctively shielded MC with his body, a silent warning to Leviathan not to pry further into their private moment.
Still flustered, Leviathan stumbled over his words in a hurried apology. "I-I was just... I... uh, sorry!" He barges away from the room, the purpose of his intrusion long forgotten amidst the awkwardness of the situation.
“Gosh… Why can’t we have some privacy?” Mammon grumbled, frustration evident in his voice as he shot a glare at the closed door.
“Well, at least we were under the sheets…” MC giggled, leaning in to give Mammon a soft peck on the lips.
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Drabble prompts you can use in your requests!
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I love these idiots so much
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ironicallyyn · 7 months
Ok just wondering but what if..
*the most loudest squealing sounds could be heard throughout the HOL*
Mc- he? HE? BITCH EVERYONE OF THEM IS LIKE A FUCKING GREEK GOD or devil? Meh even hades was hot so whatever...
*both mc and asmo continue to squeal about manhwa characters*
Meanwhile with the others
Levi- so uh asmo stole mc again?
Satan- morelike mc stole asmo this time
Mammon- Y'ALL ASMO HAS BEWITCHED MAHH HUMMAANN!!! *Screams like there's no tomorrow*
Lucifer- a one peaceful day is all i ask for.... I want to die
Belphie- then die bitch.
Beel- *munch* *munch*
Nothing just a normal day in HOL 👾👍🏻
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viccz · 2 years
Lucifer having a crush on you.
Lucifer Supremacy ✊ !non gender specific mc!
He knew he liked you when he started thinking about you constantly. Shopping on Azukon he wonders, what would MC like? Doing his paperwork he wonders, what would MC do if they were here? He’s always buying you things, praising you, giving you special treatment, and so much more. With all of that, he finally realized that he loves you.
At first, he feels that his feelings are distracting. He has work to do, he can’t be focused on a human. He tries to avoid meeting up with you in the halls, talking with you for too long, spending one on one time with you. It’s terrible, he misses being with you. He’d do anything just to forget these feelings and only view you as just an ordinary human. But he can’t. He can’t because you are no ordinary human. You’re his human.
He finally accepted his feelings for you. He doesn’t exactly know what to do about it though. What if you don’t love him as well? What if you like one of his brothers? He becomes worried. Very worried. But all of these thoughts leave him when he sees the way you stare at him.
It was during dinner when he noticed you staring. He was simply drinking his demonus when his eyes link with yours. Your soft eyes looking into his. You looked so wanting. Blush crept onto your face. You quickly look away, hiding your face from him, acting like nothing happened. That’s when he realized that you must care for him too. There’s been so many other signs. The way you covet his attention, the way your arms linger while hugging him, the way your eyes shy away from his while talking to him.
A few days later, he couldn’t stand it anymore. He needs you to be his. He yearns for your love. For your praise. Your taste. He was ready to tell you how he feels. So don’t even attempt the way you feel, he already knows you love him back. (also you’ll totally break my mans heart 😪” So, when you were conversing with Levi and Asmo, he interrupted.
“MC. Come to my room in 20. We need to discuss something important.”
Levi and Asmo looked at you. While Levi looked worried, Asmo looked at you mischievously.
“Oooh! MC! What’s going on with you and Lucifer?~”
You scoffed at him. You walked away from them both, rushing to your room to practice praying for forgiveness. You were fully convinced that you were gonna get some kind of punishment.
Lucifer hurriedly took off his clothes and slid on his robe. He set up some music and poured the both of you some demonus. The wait was excruciating. He needed you so much. He kept glancing at the time, awaiting the time you were supposed to arrive.
“…Lucifer? Can I come in?”
He got up and opened the door for you. Basically pulling you in with how he grabbed you. He sat you down on his couch. You looked so jittery, and yet, he could sense a hint of desire in your eyes.
“Please, have a drink MC.”
You were a bit skeptical. The music..the demonus..his outfit. What’s he playing at? Is he trying you make you melt with all of this romance? You awaited what was to come.
You two talked for a bit. Laughing about the brothers shenanigans. Discussing how school was going. Don’t think he didn’t notice you slowly inching closer to him. Once you were close enough, he placed his hand on your upper leg. You both then sort of froze and looked into each others eyes. He cleared his throat and said..
“ MC, about what I called you here for..well..how do I put this. I care deeply about you MC. So much that I dare to even say that I love you. I feel like i’ve known you for eons. So tell me, darling. Do you..love me back..?”
You were stunned. You couldn’t believe this. He really feels the same? He had you scared for a second! That jerk! But a beautiful jerk. Oh Diavlo,, what do you say?
“I..I love you too, Lucifer..”
He smiled. He quickly embraced you. He rested his head in the crook of your neck. He was breathing heavily, as if he had been holding his breath. You wrapped your arms around him too. Both relived that the other feels the same way.
You stayed in his room for the rest of the night. Drinking demonus and speaking sweet nothings into each others ears. He felt full of pride. You were finally his lover. He absolutely adores you.
mwaaahahahahaha this was fun to write. Hope you guys enjoy this one 👾👾👾
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Sqeak Squeak:
Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak.
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Can we get *ahem* anatomy (dick) headcanons? Like, bad dragon, inhuman vibes because we stan monster fuckers? I'm thirsty for everyone, so do your faves or something haha.
Yes, yes we do stan monster fuckers in this house. My faves you say? Have all the brothers because I'm feeling generous today.
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What their anatomy is like [AKA dick HCs]
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Genre: NSFW
Pronouns: GN [You/Your] for the most part. There are some sections that have headcanons that mention female anatomy, but they are marked with [AFAB], so you can avoid it if it makes you uncomfortable. 💕
CW: | Teratophilia | Explicit sexual content | Implied Poly!Reader in some sections |
Notes: This turned into an odd mixture of what their dicks look like and other general NSFW headcanons because I didn’t just want to plaster a link and go ‘this is what it looks like.’ It’s still centred around their anatomy, but there are other HCs mixed in. ☺️
Minors, DNI. NSFW content.
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Based off the Demogorgon dildo.
• Lucifer's cock is as gorgeous as it is intimidating. It's a pretty dark red colour that has a highlight of black over it, and with the pronounced curve and lovely texture, you'll get some very pleasant G-spot stimulation.
• The tip of his cock is rather large, so it will take quite a bit of preparation to properly take, but if you thought it would be smooth sailing from there, well you're just naive, huh? If you thought the tip was hard to take, you'll be in for a nasty surprise when you suddenly find yourself having a white-knuckle grip on the sheets when Lucifer bottoms out.
• Because holy fuck, the base of Lucifer's cock is huge, and at 9.5 inches and being amongst the largest of the seven brothers, you're going to be filled to the brim and won't be able to form a single coherent thought.
• And Lucifer can only smirk at your reactions because he knows. He knows that he looks good, he knows that he's big, and he knows that he's bruising you from the inside, and sadistic as he is, he loves watching you struggle to take him.
• Lucifer's cock practically throbs with excitement every time you scream out how much you love his cock, how big he is. It's his sin at work, but he will slow down and edge you until he can get you begging and whimpering those sweet words. He'll make sure you fuel his pride before he resumes fucking into you, and he's a very patient man, so he can do it all night if you want to be difficult.
• Lucifer is very warm. There's no particular reason or explanation as to why he's got this particular quirk with his anatomy, but his cock runs warmer than the rest of his body, and his pre-cum and cum even warmer — somewhat comparable to molten wax. It's actually great for stimulation, and it'll feel all the nicer if you're blindfolded to heighten your senses.
• And you best believe that Lucifer greatly enjoys depriving you of your senses, so he'll be using this part of him to his advantage.
• Another quirk of his is that when he's aroused, he shifts into his demon form. Lucifer doesn't necessarily mean to do it, but his instincts scream at him to do it. It has something to do with being at his most elegant-looking because the prideful demon in him wants him to make sure you'll be seduced. Kind of like his symbolic animal.
• He has quite the strong and imposing scent, so you best believe that other demons will know who fucked you so good that you can barely walk a straight line.
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Based off the Demon Dick dildo.
• In of itself, the shape of Mammon's cock is pretty standard when it comes to demons — mainly with the elongated, pointed and spade-like tip — but that doesn't make it any less impressive, being a good 8 inches in length with a pretty generous shaft in terms of girth, but all without being too uncomfortably large. His cock isn’t too odd of a colour when compared to his brothers. It follows his tan skin, though the tip is a faint, dark red colour, and his veins are pitch black.
• He’d rather kiss Lucifer’s shoes before admitting this out loud, but Mammon is actually rather insecure about his dick. He’s not overly fond of how seemingly… plain it is. Especially if you’ve been intimate with any of his brothers prior to him, he’ll worry that he won’t be able to live up to your expectations and seem mediocre in comparison. So, please praise and worship him — make Mammon understand that he’s perfect just the way he is.
• After he sees just how good he’s fucking you, how you’re drooling about how good his cock feels, his ego soars. He slides in so wonderfully, and you wrap around him so nicely that it feels like your hole was meant to take his, and only his cock. And as your first man, it drives him absolutely over the edge — of course you're meant for him.
• The thing is, being a higher-ranking demon, Mammon's anatomy does differ in a way that makes a huge difference in the pleasure you'll be receiving with him versus a regular demon. What he has that lessers don't, are tantalizing, scale-like ridges, running from the underside of his tip all the way to the base, as well as smooth yet prominent bumps running down his shaft.
• I can guarantee that Mammon will have no problem pulling orgasm after orgasm from you; the texture of his cock just hits all of the right spots. And honey, it’s a promise that he’ll make a mess out of you. It’s his mission to make sure you’re both covered in a mixture of both his and your cum.
• The ridges on the underside of his cock are very sensitive, so get on your knees for him and tease the scales with your tongue. He’ll come undone so beautifully for you. 💕
• [AFAB] Similarly, he loves getting a pussy job from you. Straddle his lap and let him grip your hips so that he can slowly guide your movements. He lives for the feeling of your slick pussy rubbing against the ridges, and on the flip side, having them glide against your clit will threaten to make you double over in pleasure.
• It won’t take too long for his insecurities to diminish, and you’ll be sure that he’s gonna be bragging about how much you love his cock.
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Based on the Orochi dildo.
• Oh, Levi. Sweet, awkward, easily-flustered, shy little Leviathan.
• Yeah, he's fucking hung. He's the perfect example of the shy, nerdy boy who's secretly got a monster cock trope — figuratively and literally.
• Out of the seven brothers, Levi is actually the second largest in terms of girth, beating Lucifer by just a bit. Sitting at a respectable 7 inches, no, he doesn't have the most length, but does he really need it when he has a thick, scaly and heavily textured cock as he does?
• Or two.
• No, you're not hallucinating, (Y/N), Levi has two cocks. Huh? But he only had one a few days ago? You'd be correct, but Levi will let you in on a little secret: he has a second cock sheathed beneath a little slit hidden within the pretty scales lining his pelvic area. He is a sea monster and a demon, after all.
• So, what are you in the mood for? Do you want a smooth ride? Maybe you're feeling a little lazy or worn out from your day and think you only have the energy to handle one cock? No problem. Or maybe you're feeling like an utter monster-fucking whore and want to be stuffed to the brim with two, fat demon cocks? Leviathan's got you.
• It did take a lot of courage for him to show you this part of him; he was pretty awkward about it and was persuaded that it’d scare you off and that you’d break up with this gross, worthless shut-in of an otaku with weird-looking di—
• Please don't tease him about his reptile-like anatomy. He's super insecure about it, but he does — slowly but surely — come to appreciate it more when he realizes just how much of a monster-fucker you are.
• What's not to love? His shaft is covered in smooth scales and lined with mouth-watering bends and curves, and add the thick, textured tip, and you've got one of the most unique monster-cocks you'll take. From the head to the base, he's a really pretty orange that fades into a gold colour.
• When you want to take both of his cocks, Levi is in a bit of a mental limbo. On one hand, can a human even take two at once? Especially if it's in the same hole?? He doesn't want to hurt you! But on the other hand... fuck, that's hot.
• He's come to realize that he has a huge kink for interspecies sex. So, seeing his human stuffed full of serpentine cock brings out the unhinged Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy in him.
• Loves having you suck on one while he jerks off the other. Getting to cum both in your mouth and on your face? Fuck yes. But be warned that Leviathan cums a lot. He has the heaviest loads among his brothers.
• One thing he loathes about his anatomy is that the scales on his cock(s) do shed every other month. You'll know when he's preparing to shed because he's constantly shifting uncomfortably because of how itchy he is, and he refuses to let you see him naked when in this state. The scales are so dull and ugly-looking — to him — and he doesn't want to gross you out.
• Eventually — with a lot of reassurance — he does let you see him while in shed, and yes, the scales are dull-looking, but that doesn't really matter, because you've both come to discover that being surrounded by your warmth helps calm the itch until the old scales are ready to come off.
• So, cockwarming the sea demon becomes a regular when he's in shed. It's a really intimate thing between the two of you, and it's honestly quite sweet, especially knowing that it's a really vulnerable moment for Levi.
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Based off the Austin dildo.
• At first glance, Satan’s cock seems pretty normal. Hell, it almost looks like humanoid anatomy, and if you’ve been intimate with any of his brothers before, this might make you raise a bit of an eyebrow. Like, it’s very nice looking and definitely looks like it’ll fit so nicely inside of you. After all, it is a good 8.5 inches with just the right amount of girth to feel amazing without causing any initial discomfort.
• Sure, he’s got some very nice ripples at the underside of his tip, but that was about the only non-human thing you could make out. Even in terms of colour, it’s the same colour as his skin tone.
• He fits inside of you so perfectly, so there’s really no reason to complain. Besides, are you really going to bitch to Satan that his cock isn’t ‘demonic’ enough for you? Just lay back, spread your legs and let him bottom out so that he can—
• Oh… oh he has a fucking knot.
• Surprise! Among the brothers, Satan is one to have a more animalistic type of anatomy, having the canine-like feature of a knot — a thick one at that. It’s a bit of a challenge to fit; it’ll stretch you quite a bit, and Satan will have to gently ease it into you to avoid too much discomfort.
• But once it’s in, and you’re properly stretched, well… let’s just say that Satan’s demon instincts will be getting the best of him, so prepare for a long night of screaming and climaxing.
• And yes, his knot does swell when he cums, so you’ll be locked in some cockwarming sessions between rounds. These will probably be the more romantic and intimate moments of sex with Satan because otherwise, Satan’s cock was meant to breed and fuck senseless.
• You’ll be walking — crawling — out of his room with bite marks and deep scratches littering your body, and maybe even bruises from areas that he gripped too hard. Whenever his knot swells, his claws and fangs just… come out — it’s an instinct. But don’t worry, Satan is so good, gentle and attentive with aftercare. You won’t hurt at all when he’s done with you. 💕
• Satan’s scent is the strongest amongst the brothers, and it’s a highly territorial scent. He doesn’t do it on purpose, it’s just how his body is during intercourse.
• Even if you’ve fully cleaned yourself, even days after you’ve had sex with him, everybody will be able to smell him on you. Everybody will know that you’ve been fucked by Satan. For a good two to three days, none of the brothers will fuck you because they can still smell the scent of Satan’s cum between your legs, even when you’re clothed, and they know better than to try anything. Seriously: Asmo got growled at, Mammon’s arm was nearly mauled one time, and he nearly jumped Belphegor. Even Lucifer doesn’t try anything until Satan’s smell naturally starts to dim.
• You know it’s intense when Lucifer won’t even bother. That’s enough to make Satan’s ego hit the ceiling.
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Based off the Lenneth dildo.
• One would think that a sex demon like Asmo would be well-endowed, but surprisingly, Asmo is the smallest of all the brothers. He’s sitting at 6.5 inches, and although his girth is above average for a human, by demon standards he’s rather average.
• But don’t worry about that, because that shit doesn’t matter. The Avatar of Lust can do things with his cock, so lacking in size in comparison to his brothers does not hinder his confidence whatsoever. He’s gorgeous, and he knows what he’s doing, so why would he be bothered?
• First, let’s establish just how pretty he is. He has a nice, long and pronounced head, and although his shaft is slim, it curves very nicely and can hit some amazing spots, and he’s very textured. He doesn’t have as many ridges as Mammon does at the underside, but Asmo does have a few of them. They’re less scale-like than Mammon and feel more like flesh. The tip is pink and fades into a very light purple at the base.
• What’s the most interesting about Asmo is that he has a lot of… perks. You see, he has extra glands in his system that allows him to secrete fluids similar to pre-cum of various effects during intercourse
• For example, he can secrete a type of pleasure-enhancing aphrodisiac. Doing so will make sure that all of your sweet spots become even more sensitive. The more of the aphrodisiac he secretes, the more sensitive you’ll become, and it can get to a point where it can be so torturous that the slightest puff of air between your legs will have you pulsing and whimpering.
• [AFAB] He loves leaking little drops of his aphrodisiac onto your clit and watch with a sly grin as you cum over and over from the slightest little movement before even getting to the main event. Whether it’s with slow strokes of his fingertips or tongues — yes, he has multiple — or by lightly tapping you with his cock, you’ll be fucked out before you even know what hit you.
• Other things he can do include increasing his or your fertility, but on the flip side, he can also produce a contraceptive liquid, making it safe for him to cum inside of you should it be a potential issue.
• With another type of aphrodisiac, he can make your sex drive go absolutely insane, meaning that you’ll be able to go for multiple earth-shattering orgasms without feeling your energy drop. In fact, the effects are so potent that you’ll be begging for him to make you cum on his cock over and over because ‘Asmo, it hurts, I need to cum so bad.’ He’ll get you so bothered that you’ll feel like you may die if he doesn’t rail you with that pretty cock of his.
• And in general, Asmo has the best technique of all his brothers, so he doesn’t need a monster-sized cock to have you fucked stupid. His cock just seemingly hits all of the right spots so effortlessly, and he’ll make sure that you’ll come crawling back to him after he’s done with you.
• Asmo can and will ruin everybody else for you. You’ll understand one of the core reasons why his fans love him so much.
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Based off the Hunter dildo.
• Oh boy. It's no secret that Beelzebub is a big guy, and yes, the same goes for his cock. The man doesn't even need to be naked or even hard for you to notice the sizable bulge in his pants. It's as if nothing can properly contain him.
• Being the largest of all the brothers — and can rival Diavolo himself — Beel is packing 10.5 inches of thick, heavy cock. Unless you have very large hands, you'll barely be able to wrap both of your hands around him. He really was crafted by God himself — muscular and absolutely blessed in every way possible.
• He's intimidating, that's for sure. Don't worry too much though, Beel is a gentle giant and will take his time making sure you're comfortable, relaxed and properly ready for him. He won't be mad at you if you can't fit all of him, because he's happy to be inside you, even if it's just the tip.
• Mention how big he is compared to you, and you'll have him flustered, because fuck, you look just so cute and tiny. Compare parts of yourself to his cock: your face, your forearms, your hands, etc — the size difference is actually insane, and he's all for it. As gentle as he is, he can't deny that he's eager to see the small, fragile human get destroyed.
• He loves seeing you suck on the tip of his cock, eagerly and desperately trying to fit more of him in your mouth. Watching you struggle just stirs something in his gut.
• Starting at the tip, Beel's cock is a light bronze but fades into a darker brown from the middle all the way down to the base. He's got it all, really — a nicely pointed and slightly curved tip, plates lining the top, curves in all the right places and breathtaking, large bumps lining his frenulum and base.
• He'll make sure that you cum multiple times before he even thinks of sliding inside of you — with his fingers, his mouth and even various dildos, using one larger than the last with every orgasm you have.
• Beel always uses extra lube, but no matter how much he does for you, the stretch is unavoidable. He'll take his time, and admittedly, Beel basks in the way merely entering you has your tongue lolling out and your eyes rolling back.
• He starts slow, but with his size, even with the slowest of thrusts you feel like your insides are getting pulverized, but fuck, he hits all the right spots so well. He's so large and perfectly textured that there's no area getting neglected.
• But when you're properly adjusted and begging him to go harder, you can pay your respects to your legs, because sweet baby Beel is gone, and demon lord Beelzebub is here.
• He'll make you grip the sheets so hard your knuckles will turn white, and you'll either be screaming or struggling to find your breath from the sheer size of him. No in between
• There's always a bulge in your stomach from his cock, and his palm will always be pressed up right against it.
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Based off the Chance dildo.
• Belphegor, along with Satan, has one of the more animalistic-looking dicks amongst the brothers and takes the expression of 'having a horse cock' to dangerously literal levels. The first time you were intimate, Belphie was admittedly worried that his anatomy would turn you off, frighten or gross you out. Even for demon standards, Belphie's anatomy was uncommon, so he couldn't even begin to imagine what you — a human — would think.
• Good thing that you're a monster fucker and absolutely fucking drooled when he shed his clothes, huh? That certainly helped his ego.
• Firstly, let’s establish that his cock, from the tip all the way down to his balls, is pitch black, except for a small group of splotches — similar to his cow-like spots on his shoulder — at the middle that are dark purple
• If his twin is the largest, then on the flip side, Belphegor has the most impressive length amongst the seven demon brothers, being a jaw-dropping 12.5 inches which actually makes him bigger than Beelzebub in terms of length. Just looking at the outline of his bulge trailing down his thigh is telling enough of what you're in for.
• If you catch this demon wearing only sweats and no boxers, well... try not to stare between his legs too much. Or do. Belphie doesn't mind. He'll put on a little show for you if he's feeling generous. Or he'll call you out for being a little whore, especially if his brothers are nearby.
• He may not have the most girth, but Belphegor doesn't even need it to make an incoherent mess out of you. You're in for a lot of depth play, and it will take quite the effort for you to take all of him. And honestly? Seeing you squirm and whimpering how 'it's too deep, Belphie,' as he bottoms out? That just makes him harder.
• The tip of his cock is naturally rather wide, but when aroused, it flares and grows in size, and the shape of it will assure that every single little sweet spot of yours gets abused — every single spot, at every angle, over and over again. It's definitely the hardest part of him to fit inside of you, and you may need extra lube and prep to lessen the initial discomfort, but once it's in, and you're properly adjusted, it's a pretty smooth ride.
• He's veiny from top to bottom, and they are prominent, adding all the more texture that will never fail to have you wonderfully fucked out. Add the bulging ring in the middle of his shaft, and you can only imagine the myriad of sensations he'll be providing. So yeah, girth? Doesn't need it.
• Belphie loves having you ride him — whether you're front facing so that he can play with your chest, or in reverse so that he can smack your ass as you bounce, he doesn't care. While this does stem from his laziness, it's also to let you get comfortable at your own pace; taking a monster-length cock can be uncomfortable, so unless you explicitly state you want him to pound into you, he'll let you take him as you please.
• But be warned, if you do ask Belphegor to do so, be prepared to feel his cock rail the deepest parts of you. He’ll push your legs against your chest and fuck you like a sadistic demon in heat. He'll rearrange your insides with no mercy shown unless you yell out a safe word, and he will knock the wind out of you with every single thrust and pull streams of tears from you. That's a promise.
• [AFAB] Although it's not physically possible for a human, Belphie can and will fuck so deep into you that it'll feel like he's gonna breach and breed your womb.
• Now, who wants to get double-stuffed by the twins? Belphie might just share with Beel.
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I hope you liked these!
Also, what do you think of Levi’s section? I know some like him with one, and some like him with two. I know I like reading fics with either option, so I said ‘fuck it, I’m grabbing those two HCs, mashing them up together, and this is their love child.’
I struggled the most to find ideas for Satan and Lucifer, but I think they came out alright?
Who’s your favourite? I know my bias tends to come through for Belphie and Levi, so I don’t think I need to say it haha.
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devildomwriter · 4 months
“…It was long ago, back before this place was even called the House of Lamentation. This house was built on the outskirts of a village in the human world. At the time, a married couple and their seven children lived here, along with one servant. At first glance, they appeared to be a happy, well-off family that enjoyed living out in the country. However, one day everything changed… The oldest son came running into the village constable’s office looking very pale. Then he delivered a horrifying piece of news: “Our servant…he murdered everyone in my family and then took his own life!” So, the constable’s men went back to the house with him. Once inside, they were greeted by a ghastly sight. Every person in the family had been murdered, each in a different way and different location. And the servant, well...he was found in his room, hanging from a rope around his neck. The constable concluded that, for whatever reason, the servant must have plotted to kiss his masters and then take his own life… …and since the perpetrator was now dead, they decided that the case was closed. However, sometime later, several facts came to light that gave rise to new doubts. First, the only person who wasn’t killed—the oldest son—had been on extremely bad terms with his siblings. And he has purchased a gun just like the one used in the murders shortly before they occurred. Also, the postman witnessed the servant and the oldest son arguing prior to the killings… …which led people to think that maybe the oldest son was the true killer. Perhaps the servant had tried to stop him, but ended up being killed as well in the process… …and then, the oldest son strung him up by his neck to make it look like he committed suicide. …In the end, the truth never came to light. For several years afterwards, the oldest son lived in the house by himself, until he eventually died of old age. Even after he dies, unsettling rumors about the house continued to swirl. It was supposed to be vacant, and yet people claimed to have seen several figures moving about inside at night. They said they could hear the voices of people arguing and screaming… So, at some point, the house was given a name. “The House of Lamentation,” they called it…”
— Lucifer giving the story of the House of Lamentation (Chapter 12-8)
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btdemaru · 1 year
Obey Me! Dating fluff headcanon.
ft. The 7 demon brothers seperate
(obey me brothers x GN! Reader)
Note : these r just the headcanon + love language that i think would fit them, if it's abit ooc i apologize!
Warning : slightly suggestive
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his love language is definitely acts of service and quality time
Opening doors for you, pouring you a cup of coffee he made just for the both of you
Whenever he's doing work and you're in the room with him, he'd probably pull you onto his lap
Lucifer loves and always enjoys the times you spend together frfr
Even if it's just in his room, going for night walks, fancy dinners and so on
If you guys go out for dinner or just grocery shopping he would definitely put his hand around your waist just to show everyone there that you're his
He'll say that hes a little overprotective.. even tho 'little' is far from how protective he actually is 💀
Tends to overwork himself so you have to force him to get his ass to bed whether you drag him or not
Is too prideful to admit that he craves your hugs and cuddles every night
Mostly calls you 'my love' or 'my dearest'
If you disturb him while he's working on a deadline or just giving him an attitude he'd definitely be pissed and wouldn't hesitate to put your bratty attitude in place
Loves kissing your lips and neck
I think his love language is gifting (more to receiving gifts lmfao) and physical touch
Will make you his lucky charm when he's gambling 😉
If he won, you're in for a treat! Would spend the money he won on you by buying you new clothes, shoes, jewelry or even a lingerie (more of a gift for him tbh)
Mammon is very caring towards you so when he sees that you're down or upset he'd definitely will try his hardest to cheer you up
Which probably is easy since he's such a fun demon to he around with so you're never bored with him around
I think his nicknames for you that he uses alot is probably 'stupid' or 'human'
Ofcourse he doesn't mean it when hes insulting you though
If he hears anyone insulting you he'd make a scene which sometimes mostly isn't really needed if you dont give a shit about what other demon/people say.
Favorite parts of you he likes to kiss is your cheeks
I've always imagined him as a sweet boy (so breedable)
His love language? Quality time and maybe physical touch <3
He's mostly in his room, so when you invited yourself in and started talking about how you like his interest he'd burst right there and then.
Loves your touch, perhaps abit clingy..? Typa guy who'd snuggle with you in bed while he's playing games or sitting on your lap while he's fighting bosses 👌
has difficulty accepting that you choose to spend time with him or even dating him
If you decide to cosplay just for his eyes only his brain would malfunctioned, face and ears all red flushed
Tbh he'd get just a teeny tiny bit jealous when you pay more attention to henry 2.0 than him but he thinks it's cute that you also care for his little goldfish.
Would call you 'normie' or just by your name
Loves when you reassure him no matter the situation, when he has nightmares or his self-esteem isn't good or more.
Kisses your inner thighs or hand
Maybe word of affirmation?
Satan would write and reads the poems he made just for you
Most likely he'll read you stories if you're struggling to sleep or has insomnia
he will let you read him the book he's reading while he lays on your lap demanding his head to be stroked as well
Favorite activity with you is reading together in bed the whole day or going to a cat cafe, taking pictures of you holding a cat (would probably make it his wallpaper)
He can be harsh sometimes especially when he just had an argument again with Lucifer and would apologize dearly when he lashes out at you.
Not much of a PDA fan but will hold your hand when the you're going out together
Idk abt nicknames but probably 'kitten' (?) Or 'darling'
Satan will keep every cat item you gave him (keychain, plushie ect)
Kisses your right hand alot along with your lips
Physical touch 🔛🔝
We all know he's flirty and he won't hide it
He loves PDA so be prepared lmaoo, he'll hold your hand/waist or give you random kisses here and there whether it's on your lips, neck, hand anywhere!
You guys would go on shopping dates ALOT, he loves picking clothes for you and once even tried going in to the changing room with you to "help".
Shopping with him takes pretty long- after buying clothes he goes to buy perfume then shoes then nail polishes then this and that, but no worries he'd spoil you to buy whatever you want there
Asmo buys alot of matching outfits for the both of you
Without you noticing he'd probably buy new toys every now and then for the both of you to try (iykyk)
Another favorite activity he likes to drag you into is warm steamy baths together, just the thought of your bare body touching gets him excited!
Has plenty of nickname for you its uncountable 'sweetie', 'love', 'darling', 'dollface', 'hottie' and 'sexy'
quality time
This big boy melts like putty when you cook for him, whether it's a dish from where you came from to his favorite foods
Likes to cuddle with you while eating chips, the crumbs tend to get all over you but he has no problem cleaning it up with his mouth
Ask you on a movie date alot (bringing snacks and food is a must!!)
Loves when you're watching him exercise and would be happy if you join him
He'd blush hard if he notice you staring at his body (who wouldn't tbh)
Sometimes but rarely ask his twin brother to join on sleepy dates
Usually would walk behind you or hold your hands, nobody would dare to do anything to you if he's around- he would throw hands if you got physically hurt by someone- so you'll definitely feel safe with him
'honey' or food based stuff is probably his favorite nickname to call you.
I think he'd bite you softly more than kisses, but if he does kisses you it's mostly collarbone or forehead
Like his twin beel, loves quality time with you!
Your dates with him would probably 99.999% be sleepy dates and cuddles
Always ask you to sleep next to him, bodies tangled together and just so comfy he LOVES it!
I personally like to think that he purrs- so imagine him purring loudly while you give him head pats and sleeping on your chest.
Gives you the right airpods/headset so you both can relax while listening to music together, just enjoying each other's company
His body temperature is ice cold so if you're a warm person expect him to cling to you everywhere
If you aren't there he'd probably pouts while hugging his pile of stuffed animals and pillows until you get back
Hogs your lap purposely if you're having a conversation with beel, belphie pretends to be asleep tho he's listening to both of your convo.
Nicknames? I think he'd just call you by your name.
Sleepy kisses on your lips, sometimes sloppy makeout sessions.
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tsukii0002 · 2 years
Mc lying on the floor of the catacombs looking at the ceiling next to a quiet Cerberus looking at them.
Mc: How does it feel to be the only mentally stable one in this house?
Cerberus: woof
Mc: fascinating... Lucky you
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janahanooo · 1 year
Mc: I love coffee and my silly little demons
Lucifer: we love you too Mc, but that was your 6th coffe this day and it's only 10 A.M. Go to sleep.
Mc: I don't want toooo
Lucife: sleep. now. Or I'm going to drag you to bed myself.
Mc: I chose the second, I feel dizzy right now to do it on my own...
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devilevlls · 6 months
The only way to find out when it is night in Devildom is when you start to hear screams and cries from afar, as this is the time the tormented souls can leave their cells until morning. MC is prohibited from leaving the house after 9pm unaccompanied.
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Check my Creepy AU masterlist for more content!
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
Let's Form an Idol Group
(Check the end for a fun commenting idea which might turn into more of these, if there's interest :D)
“So. Maybe a band wasn’t the best idea.” Asmo began, pushing the last of several clothing racks he had selected from his walk-in closet into the House of Lamentation’s ballroom. The inhabitants of the House of Lamentation were sat on various chairs around him; wearing expressions ranging from buzzing with excitement, to complete disinterest. “But Levi has introduced me to the wonders of idol groups; and my beautiful, fabulous self has decided that this is our family’s calling! Let's talk outfits - ”
“Concept! Concept first.” Levi said, interrupting his younger brother’s monologue.
“Right, concept!” Asmo corrected himself, taking a seat on one of the many chaise-lounges in the House of Lamentation. He sat against the plush pillows dramatically, in a way which made Satan roll his eyes - but you stifled a giggle when the fourth and fifth-born both leaned back and crossed their legs in almost the exact same way.
“I’ve seen a bunch of idol concepts before.” You spoke matter-of-factly, as you put your phone back in your pocket. The start of the conversation had inspired you to quickly text a song recommendation to someone. You continued. “It might be best to decide if you want to go cutesy - or badass - or maybe some inspired kind of theme.” Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Leviathan nodding enthusiastically in agreement with you. Finally; something he could do with his family that could hold his attention.
Satan raised an eyebrow. “Inspired?”
You nodded. “Yeah, yeah! There’s been dark vampire-y vibes, high school settings, beachwear. It’ll be, like, the main part of our hit single! Though sometimes it permeates into merch, and stuff.”
“A-Ah! Merch! Yes - we need merch!” Levi squeaked, suddenly doodling in the binder that you swear wasn’t in his hands a few seconds ago. In your peripheral vision, you could make out his scribbled lines to be a line-up of seven, anatomically-accurate body drawings (from the hair, it looked to be his brothers); as well as some hastily scrawled merch ideas. Light sticks, tote bags, photocards… and ‘Beel-inspired instant ramen’? You decided not to ask.
Asmo was also looking at the third-born with stars in his eyes. “Yes, big bro! MC! That’s the spirit! I think our theme should be Cutie and Elegant Asmodeus, so that’s all settled. Now - “
“How come you get to decide, huh?” Mammon interjected, leaning against the doorframe. He had pretended to not care when Asmo had first called a family meeting and announced his plan to turn his family into an idol group. But, from the way he was intently listening, he was 100% into the idea. “We should have a cool concept. Something badass and awesome.”
“That’s no different than the first band we tried to form over phone chat, and look where that went.” Satan interjected calmly. “How about a story-inspired concept? Fairytales, or film noir?”
“Ooh!” You piped up happily, much to Satan’s delight and Mammon’s visible dismay. “This girl group once did a love song inspired by a bunch of famous movie scenes. I totally see us as idols in a video like that.”
Lucifer shook his head. He, like Mammon, had spent most of the conversation appearing disinterested by sitting at a table to do work. But even the Avatar of Pride was drawn in by the conversation, and you smiled fondly as he looked around at his brothers bonding with a softer-than-usual gaze. Even if he did visibly cringe at the word ‘idols’ and ‘us’ in the same sentence.
“If I may. Perhaps you all should consider coming up with something unique. It would be a selling point to do something new and innovative, no?”
Asmo and Levi nodded enthusiastically. Belphegor (who was sleeping on your shoulder until Lucifer had started to speak) and Satan grimaced. You and Mammon looked at each other, thoughtfully.
Suddenly, Beel walked in. Only you and Belphie had noticed that he had walked out of the room earlier with a rumbling stomach as soon as Asmo had started talking.
Now, the Avatar of Gluttony had returned, holding a comically-large tub of sorbet, shovelling a hefty scoop into his mouth using what looked like a ladle. Between bites, he seemed to be mumbling something.
“… boom, boom, boom - bah, bah, bah - cookin’ like a chef, I’m a five-star Mich - oh. Hey, MC.” Beel sang absentmindedly, stopping when everyone in the room turned to look at him. Lucifer nodded to him in acknowledgement. Levi and Asmo had heard what he was singing and grinned excitedly. Belphegor, who saw what you had texted to his twin earlier, snickered. You smiled. “Did you like the song I sent you, Beel?”
Beelzebub looked straight at you, an slightly-embarrassed blush dusting his cheeks at the thought of his family hearing him singing. Nevertheless, he shot you a boyish grin. “Yeah. I can only really remember that part, though, for some reason.”
(it doesn't seem like asmo to just stop trying to form his boy band, so i headcannon that he does a fortnightly attempt to make his dreams come to life. we have overture now tho, so i'm gonna say that was all asmo - and maybe levi's - doing. i thought it would be nice for the brothers to partake in some of levi's interests, too :D) (pls comment below if you got any of the kpop references! as a hint for one of them, i don't think i can call myself a stay but i love stray kids' music and really respect the members for being so talented - but that lyric was the first one in my head when i thought about beel ahaha)
(edit: whoops fixed the cookin’ like a chef lyric ahaha)
Comment below one of the following and I might turn some into writing, or a bunch of small snippets, if I get enough:
A name for the brothers' K-Pop group!
A concept for the brothers' debut!
A silly or unique piece of merch their group would have!
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white-sinner · 10 months
ok ok, how would the om characters react to an MC who can mimic voices? like two days after meeting everyone theyre able to speak like them AND ITS SUPER ACCURATE
they’d speak like mammon and everyone would be convinced that mammon full on possessed them for a sec
I think this would start out as a joke
MC began to "reveal" theyr skills in a movie night together with the seven brothers
the seven brothers plus MC were watching a movie when the antagonist starts speaking in the voice of a second character
MC:I can do that too
but no one can hear you because your voice was covered by the film so you had an idea
MC:hey guys
there was silence and Asmodeus paused the film
Levi:scumbag wat did you do?!
Mammon:oi! I did nothing to the human!
Beelzebub:Mammon leve mc body is not nice to take posses of them without their consent
Mammon:I’m not possessing them why don’t you belive your big brother?!
Satan:because you are a troublemaker,idiot,scumbag that even Belphegor's pillow has more neurons than you
Belphegor:leve MC body before I go ask Simeon the holy water
Mammon:guys I did nothing to the human-
but before mammon finished his sentence he found himself dangling from the ceiling because of lucifer while you burst out laughing
after you explained everything the brothers looked at you amazed obviously some even started to exploit your talent a little, especially mammon that while in the evening he go to the casinos you imitate his voice from his room in order to scam Lucifer (poor Lucifer you're telling him causing more stress than necessary)
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ironicallyyn · 7 months
Obey me brothers after finding out what rainbow kiss actually is:
Lucifer: ...you see after all these years nothing surprises me anymore
Mammon: *insert the WHAT THE FUCK meme*
Asmo: I mean if they like it, they like it? Though it's not my kink *unfazed beach*
Satan: ............
Beel: is it tasty?
Belphie: I've totally lost my believe in humanity now
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