#House of Seymour
seymours-glory · 1 year
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kingedwardvi · 2 years
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Curiously enough, I’ve only recently watched “Becoming Elizabeth” as I’ve concomitantly read Edward VI’s biography.
It is hardly a surprise to observe there were great differences between the show and the book, specially concerning Katheryn Parr and Thomas Seymour’s own relationship.
Admittedly, though I know little of this matter myself, came across the excerpt below which gave me a lot to think about. For those who are little familiar with the first Dowager Queen of England in an almost a century (the last being Queen Elizabeth Wideville), the following content might actually come a surprise—or not.
What matters here is to promote not only a healthy discussion about their union, but showing that whereas Katheryn did love the man, she was not his first option to marry and she was not a “fool” completely blinded by her affection for him: she hesitated at first, unwilling to remarry in at least two years before becoming Lady Seymour out of respect for the king of England. However, Lord Thomas was a persuasive man, writing as far as a poem to claim the dowager queen’s heart—and he eventually succeeded it, as we are seeing next.
“Katherine moved into her dower house at Chelsea - away from the eyes at court, it was the ideal setting for Seymour to pay secret visits by night. Letters were sent and received, their contents, upon Katherine's urging, were quickly burnt: 'Your letter being finished ... I remembered your commandment to me’, Seymour wrote, ‘wherewith I threw it into the fire, be minding to keep your requests and desires’, yet the survival of both their letters suggest that neither was quite so willing to part with these tokens of love and affection.
Katherine confided her feelings to her friend Lady Paget, who urged marriage. But Katherine was hesitant. She wished 'it had been her fate to have him for a husband' but she was mindful of her position as queen. She had even kept the affair secret from her sister Anne who, when Katherine finally revealed the news, 'did not a little rejoice'.
As a growing number of friends discovered the secret of the affair, it became increasingly difficult to keep it hidden and rumours soon abounded. Meeting Seymour in St James's Park, Princess Elizabeth's servant Katherine Ashley challenged him over his marriage plans. Seymour boasted 'he would prove to have the queen', to which Ashley retorted that she thought this 'was past proof as I had heard he was already married to her'.
Ashley was right, for sometime between mid May and the beginning of June the couple had wed in secret, with one commentator believing the marriage had taken place as early as thirty-four days after Henry's death.
If this was true, then Katherine was playing a dangerous game - if she had become pregnant, there would have been no certainty that the child was Seymour's or Henry's. Katherine remained unwilling to commit herself, having doubts to the last.
She claimed she was his 'loving wife in her heart' but was determined 'never to marry, and break it when I have done, if I live two years'. Nevertheless, Seymour got his way. News of their marriage could not stay secret for long.
'I wish the world was as well pleased with our meaning as lam well assured [of ] the goodness of God's’, Katherine had lamented, 'but the world is so wicked that it cannot be contented with good things’. Instead she suggested that they find support for their union amongst the most powerful members of the council and court.
Seymour tested Princess Mary's reaction. It was not good. Mary considered it 'strange news', writing that if Katherine was keen, there was little she could do. In any case, 'being a maid' she was 'nothing cunning' about 'wooing matters'.
Instead, Mary appealed to her dead father's memory: if Katherine was not willing, certainly she would not 'persuade her to forget the loss of him, who is as yet very ripe in mine own remembrance’. Privately Mary was horrified at the prospect, and blamed Katherine for the affair. She possibly even appealed to Elizabeth to discourage the queen, but her half-sister, not wishing to stir up trouble, told her that they lacked any influence at court and should suffer with patience what was impossible to prevent.
Seymour would have to look elsewhere for support and he knew precisely whom to turn to. His confidence rested in the fact that he had managed to remain in regular contact with Edward through John Fowler, a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, whom Seymour gave a bribe of £10 (£3,000) shortly after the coronation and before long was in his regular pay. Despite being almost continually in the presence of other gentlemen of the chamber, Fowler was soon able to converse with Edward and soon struck up a close friendship with the king, speaking to him alone.
It was not long before Seymour was calling in the favours. At the end of February he had met with Fowler over a drink and asked whether Edward had mentioned him - and in particular whether the king had ever wondered why he had remained unmarried. Would Edward be happy for him to marry? And who should he take as his bride?
Without asking too many questions, Fowler approached Edward a few days later, somewhat unsubtly repeating Seymour's queries. Edward's first reply was to suggest Anne of Cleves, but then, giving the matter more serious attention, answered that he thought Mary to be the best choice, if only 'to change her opinions'.
When Seymour heard, he laughed. 'I pray you, Mr Fowler, if you may soon, ask his Grace if he could be contented I should marry the Queen.’ He also wanted to know if Edward would write a letter on his behalf in support of the marriage.
It was at this time that Seymour, without Fowler's knowledge, began to visit Edward in private. It was not long before he had persuaded him to write a letter to Katherine, dated 25 June. Despite Edward writing to Katherine at the end of May urging her to 'continue to love my father', now the king seemingly endorsed her relationship with Seymour, since the letter ingeniously made their marriage appear as Edward's personal request to Katherine.
Moreover, it gave specific assurance that Edward would safeguard Katherine against any reaction from Somerset, who the couple knew would be furious at their secret union: 'Wherefore ye shall not need to fear any grief to come, or to suspect lack of aid in need; seeing that he, being mine uncle, is so good in nature that he will not be troublesome ... if any grief shall befall, I shall be a sufficient succour.'
The entire letter was no doubt composed by Seymour, who probably dictated it to the king.(…) When news of his brother's marriage leaked out, Somerset was furious. Edward's blessing made Somerset all the more enraged, and the king was not immune from the brunt of his anger, noting in his journal that 'the Lord Protector was much offended’.
But it was his wife Anne, the Duchess of Somerset, who took the greatest offence to the union. Described as 'a woman for many imperfections intolerable, and for pride monstrous, subtle and violent' who held Somerset under her sway 'by persuasions cunningly intermixed with tears', she detested Katherine.”
SKIDMORE, C. “Edward VI: The Lost King of England”.
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gulnarsultan · 6 months
Can you do Separately what The Yandere Tudors Men (Edward Seymour, King Henry VIII, Charles Brandon and Thomas Boleyn) would give their Wife a really, REALLY expensive necklace either as a wedding present, a just because present or something following the birth of one of their children?
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Hello. I hope you like it.
King Henry had passed many difficult trials to marry you. You will never forget the moments of lust and desire you experienced on your wedding night throughout your life. King Henry shed tears of joy when he received the news that you were pregnant. He took very close care of you throughout your pregnancy, unlike usual. Not even a minute was left outside the door of the room where you gave birth for hours. He was praying to God for you and the baby to be delivered safely. When the birth was finally over, he quickly entered the room. You were tiredly smiling at your husband with your newborn son in your arms.
"My King. We now have a male heir."
King Henry came to you and kissed your forehead. It wasn't hard to understand that he was happy and proud from the look on his face when he held your son in his arms.
"My son."
King Henry proudly kissed his newborn son's forehead.
"Our son's name will be Edward. Prince Edward."
You smiled at your husband's words. King Henry gently placed Prince Edward in his crib. He handed you the box in his hand. Surprised, you take the box and open it. Inside the box was a necklace decorated with Tudor symbol roses and made of expensive jewellery.
"My King. This is beautiful."
"Not as much as you."
King Henry took the necklace out of the box and placed it around your neck elegantly.
You were Charles' third wife. Honestly, you never thought that an arranged marriage would turn into love. Charles was a possessive and passionate husband. Even though his love was suffocating at times, you had learned to cope. Charles did not yet have a son. This meant that a big task was on your shoulders. You got pregnant shortly after the wedding. You honestly thought your husband would move away from you and take mistresses. But it didn't happen as he thought. Months later, you gave birth to healthy twin boys. You would never forget the smile on Charles' face. He held his sons in his arms and wasn't afraid to talk about how proud he was. One of your sons was named John and the other Edmund. After naming the babies, Charles gave you a very dazzling necklace as a gift. From what you heard from your bridesmaids, Charles paid a really large amount of money for this necklace.
Your wedding to Thomas Boleyn was modest. You came from a noble and powerful family. Frankly, your mother and father were not very keen on this marriage. After all, Thomas Boleyn did not promise great possibilities. After months of conversations, you had finally managed to gain your family's approval. You were getting ready in your room on the wedding night. Thomas slowly pokes his head through the door.
"I got you something, honey. Your wedding gift."
"There was no need, my dear. It is a great gift for me to know that we can spend our lives together now."
"My beautiful wife. I am truly a very lucky man."
Thomas holds out the box he keeps behind his back. You slowly take the box and open it. There is a really expensive necklace inside the box.
"Thomas. This is too expensive."
"I couldn't have a big wedding that suits you. I should have at least bought you a gift that suits you."
"Thank you, Thomas. I will keep this necklace for the rest of my life."
Your wedding to Edward Seymour was beautiful. It was literally like a fairy tale. Queen Jane had spared no expense for her brother's wedding. The wedding hall was decorated very beautifully. A luxurious wedding dress and a wonderful flower bouquet were prepared. After you put on your wedding dress, the bridesmaids did your make-up and hair. You were waiting for the ceremony to start. There is a knock on your door.
"Come in."
Edward comes in. Edward has a look of admiration on his face.
"Oh my God. You look like an angel."
"Edward, you're embarrassing me."
"I came to give you a gift. I hope you like it."
When you open the box, you are surprised to see the expensive necklace inside.
"Oh. Edward, that's beautiful."
"I'm glad you liked it, my beautiful."
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rainbow-femme · 2 months
Reading posts about House of the Dragon is so funny, it’s like a royal court simulator, everyone sounds like they’re sitting in a circle and sewing while whispering about the queen while she takes a nap
“If my husband the king had me give birth to 3 sons and named someone else his heir, I would have taken the throne and put my son on it too.”
Absolute lady in waiting ass posts
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House of the Dragon (2024) Poster by Callum Seymour
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taniatas · 3 months
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poems I wrote for henry viii's six wives, along with original graphics
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philhoffman · 3 months
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@bonojour I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner, but I just remembered RSL was in Long Day’s Journey Into Night with Phil in 2003 and thought of you!! One of my favorite plays ever and this production had incredible reviews, what I wouldn’t give to see it 🥹💕
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athousandtales · 2 years
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Are you out of your senses? Don't talk of such matters again.
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oldshowbiz · 9 months
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Steve Buscemi accosted by Seymour Cassel
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incorrecttigerandbunny · 11 months
Nathan: Kotetsu, you have been in love with this man from the moment he showed up and you first laid eyes on him.
Nathan: I have never seen you look at anyone else like that in my entire life.
Nathan: Except maybe, on a few occasions, me.
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thedudleywomen · 1 month
On This Day (25 Aug) in 1540, Katherine Grey was born at Bradgate House, Leicestershire; the second daughter of Henry Grey, 3rd Marquess of Dorset and his wife Frances Brandon.
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Whilst her elder sister Lady Jane Grey was renowned for her intelligence and religious fervour, Katherine was known for her warmth and affection (in particular towards her pets), as well as her beauty. In Aug 1561, a heavily pregnant Katherine Grey was imprisoned in the Tower of London by a furious Elizabeth I after discovering her secret marriage to Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford 9 months previously. Whilst in the Tower she gave birth to two children (who were later deemed illegitimate), following a forced annulment of her marriage, due to the belief that it was part of a conspiracy against Elizabeth, given her previous claims to the English throne.
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Katherine was later released from the Tower in 1564, although remained under house arrest, having been separated from her children. Weak and depressed, and refusing to eat, Katherine died on 26 Jan 1568 aged 27yo of consumption at Cockfield Hall, Yoxford; she was initially interred in the nearby chapel, although her body was moved to Salisbury Cathedral, and buried alongside Edward Seymour beneath a great monument dedicated to the pair, following his death in 1621.
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rosalinesurvived · 9 months
Tfw you’re married to an dangerous unstable butcher and made queen to this guy and everyone at your court waits for you to die too and you have nightmares about this man killing you as he killed his wives so you hide your religion and placate and love him and keep yourself a secret as best as you can and do everything right but you’re still in torment with these dreams and their judgement and they give you his dead wives’ jewels and clothes and castles so you have to wear the gowns of a murdered child whom you can’t even admit was innocent because her name was dragged through the mud so much and just as you think you’ve achieved his love and reunited his family he paints his dead wife in your clothes on the royal portrait and she is in your clothes as if you are the ghost, alongside all the others who came after her and this was the woman he abandoned in childbed, and all of this happens to you smack bang in the middle of public so you can’t even rage or grieve smhhh
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gulnarsultan · 3 months
Hey Gulnar, can you dream of Edward Seymour?
The reader was a young lady at court and Edward saw her, became obsessed with her and proposed to her. Reader's father allows this with peace of mind because he is a power-hungry man. They get married, he thinks she doesn't love or know him, but he does. She's a little scared, her father is already a cruel man and she prays that Edward isn't worse than his father. And you know Edward, the slightly manipulative, lovestruck guy who punishes when necessary but only in the bedroom because he's not a monster😍
If this sounds like nonsense or you don't want to write, that's okay, just know that you are very kind and talented. You just write one sentence and boom I'm amazed. you are loved💕💕💕💕
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Hello darling. I hope you like it.
" Scenario"
Being a young Lady and a member of a powerful family was a nightmare. It was a life that many people envied. You had everything you wanted. But would this be considered sufficient? If they asked you, your answer would be no. You were the youngest of my five siblings. You had four older brothers than you. Your mother tried to be the best mother she could. Considering the conditions of that time, she did her best. Your father was a very strict and cruel man. In fact, thanks to your mother and being a good daughter, you were never punished. You had just turned eighteen and your father was pressuring you to find a good husband. You met Edward Seymour at a ball. He was literally the man of many ladies' dreams. Honestly, marrying a man you didn't know was enough to scare you. Edward wasted no time in asking your father to give him permission to marry you. Your father accepted this offer without thinking. After all, this marriage brought great benefits. The wedding was literally like a fairy tale. After the wedding, you have a possessive and jealous husband. However, in a way, Edward proves that he is not a monster husband. Unless you count having an insatiable monster in the bedroom. (Especially when you're jealous.)
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Round Two
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Crowded House
Defeated opponents: Bruce Hornsby and the Range
Formed in: 1985
Genres: Pop rock, alt rock
Lineup: Neil Finn – lead and backing vocals, acoustic piano, guitars
Nick Seymour – bass
Paul Hester – drums, backing vocals
Albums from the 80s:
Crowded House (1986)
Temple of Low Men (1988)
Black Sabbath 
Defeated opponents: Tom Tom Club
Formed in: 1968
Genres: heavy metal 
Lineup: Ronnie James Dio- vocals
Tony Iommi- guitar
Geezer Butler- bass
Bill Ward- drums, percussion
Albums from the 80s:
Heaven and Hell (1980)
Mob Rules (1981)
Born Again (1983)
Seventh Star (1986)
The Eternal Idol (1987)
Headless Cross (1989)
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turtlele · 10 months
Jane, showing a new app: It shows me your exact locations, which means I no longer have to worry about unclear directions from a certain person.
Everyone: looks at Anne
Anne: What? I was very clear. I said to meet by the tree.
Kat: Which tree, Anne? We were in the forest!
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