#How To Form An Llc In Nys
Llc Order Package | Form An Llc Online | Windsor Corporate Services
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A limited liability company is a business structure that allows pass-through taxation while limiting the liability of its owner. LLC stands for Forming A Limited Liability Company New York, Llc New York Formation, and as its name suggests, it offers protection to the company’s owners from liabilities and debts incurred by the company. An LLC is a good choice for small start-up businesses because it defines the roles of the owners and protects them from fallout if the business goes under. To form an LLC in NY, you will need to file Articles of Organization with the state and pay the associated filing fees. You can form an LLC with Windsor online. Check here for LLC formation Packages .
Know More: https://windsorcorporateservices.com/choose-llc-order-package/
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llcinnewyork · 4 months
How to Start an LLC in New York — All Solutions in One Place
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Starting an LLC in New York can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance and resources, the process can be straightforward and efficient. In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step to help you Get Registered LLC in New York smoothly. Whether you’re looking to Start Your LLC in New York for free or find the Best LLC Services in New York, we have you covered.
How to Start an LLC in NY for Free
Starting an LLC in New York without spending a fortune is possible if you know where to look and how to utilize free resources. While the state fees are unavoidable, you can save on legal and administrative costs by handling certain tasks yourself.
Choose a Name for Your LLC: Ensure your desired name is unique by searching the New York State database.
Reserve Your LLC Name: Optional but recommended if you want to ensure your name isn’t taken while you prepare your documents.
File Articles of Organization: This document is essential and can be filed online through the New York Department of State’s website.
Designate a Registered Agent: This can be yourself, an employee, or a service provider.
Draft an Operating Agreement: Not required by law but highly recommended to outline the management structure.
Apply for an EIN: Obtain your Employer Identification Number from the IRS at no cost.
Meet Publication Requirements: One of the unique steps for New York is the publication requirement, which can incur costs, but finding affordable newspapers can minimize this expense.
LLC Application New York
The LLC application in New York involves several key steps, starting with the Articles of Organization:
Prepare Articles of Organization: Include your LLC name, address, and other essential information.
File with the State: Submit your Articles of Organization to the New York Department of State. This can be done online for faster processing.
Pay the Filing Fee: The current fee for filing Articles of Organization in New York is $200.
NYS LLC Filing Online
Filing your LLC in New York online is the quickest and most convenient method:
Visit the New York Department of State Website: Navigate to the business formation section.
Complete the Online Form: Fill out the Articles of Organization form with the necessary details.
Submit Electronically: Pay the filing fee online, and submit your form. You’ll receive confirmation once your LLC is approved.
New York LLC Publication Requirement
One of the unique requirements for an LLC in New York is the publication requirement:
Publish in Two Newspapers: Within 120 days of filing your Articles of Organization, you must publish a notice in two newspapers for six consecutive weeks.
Affidavit of Publication: After the publication period, the newspapers will provide an affidavit, which you must submit to the New York Department of State along with a Certificate of Publication and a $50 filing fee.
Choose Affordable Newspapers: To reduce costs, select newspapers in a county where the publication fee is lower.
Best LLC in New York
Choosing the Best LLC Services in New York can make a significant difference in the ease and success of your LLC formation:
Research Service Providers: Look for companies like TRUIC that offer comprehensive LLC formation services.
Compare Packages: Ensure the service provider includes essential services such as name reservation, registered agent service, and compliance reminders.
Read Reviews: Customer feedback can provide insights into the reliability and quality of the services offered.
Cheapest Way to Form an LLC in NY
To form the cheapest LLC in New York, consider these tips:
Do It Yourself: Handle the filing process yourself to save on legal fees.
Find Low-Cost Publication Options: Select newspapers in counties with lower publication fees.
Utilize Free Resources: Many online resources and templates can help you draft necessary documents without incurring extra costs.
New York LLC Annual Filing Requirements
Maintaining compliance for your LLC in New York involves annual filing requirements:
Biennial Statement: Every two years, file a Biennial Statement with the New York Department of State. The current fee is $9.
Keep Records Updated: Ensure all business information is current and accurate to avoid penalties.
Articles of Organization NY
The Articles of Organization is the foundational document for your LLC in New York:
Required Information: Include the LLC name, county location, registered agent details, and the management structure.
File with the State: Submit the Articles of Organization online or by mail, along with the $200 filing fee.
Confirmation: Upon approval, you’ll receive a filing receipt from the Department of State.
How much does an LLC cost in New York?
The initial cost to form an LLC in New York includes a $200 filing fee for the Articles of Organization. Additional costs include the publication requirement, which can vary based on the chosen newspapers, and a $50 fee for the Certificate of Publication.
How do I form an LLC in NY by myself?
To form an LLC in New York by yourself, choose a unique LLC name, file the Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State, designate a registered agent, meet the publication requirements, and obtain an EIN from the IRS.
Do LLCs pay taxes in New York?
Yes, LLCs in New York are subject to state taxes, including the New York State LLC filing fee, which is based on the LLC’s income, and possible franchise taxes. Additionally, members must pay personal income tax on their share of the LLC’s profits.
What is needed for a NY LLC?
To form a New York LLC, you need a unique business name, a registered agent, filed Articles of Organization, completion of the publication requirement, and an EIN. It’s also recommended to draft an Operating Agreement.
By following these guidelines and utilizing the services offered by TRUIC, you can efficiently Get Registered LLC in New York and enjoy the benefits of operating your business in one of the most dynamic states in the country.
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Aftermath, pt 2
Last time, we discussed the medical and legal aftermath that might have followed Team Treasure’s return of the Declaration of Independence to the FBI.
Now it’s time to turn to the next category our list:
Sadusky would likely have Trinity Church cordoned off for as long as it took to make other security arrangement but like, yeah: Where is the treasure going? Does it stay in the cavern until it can be distributed among the museums? Who is doing that? Does Ben have to form an LLC and hire a Treasure Return Coordinator? How does he do that? When does he do that? What happens in the meantime?
An abundance of logistical questions, and a deep dive on triaging the Declaration of Independence ↓
Does he go to Columbia University’s archeology department and ask for help? From who? He just wanders into the dean's office? Some poor professor's office hours? Maybe he knows an American history professor in the area who once laughed him out of a lecture and turns to her for help figuring out what to do next.
What are Abigail’s connections like with New York-based institutions? Who has jurisdiction over which pieces? If there are American papers in the treasure cache they probably belong at the National Archives, but most of the treasure is, you know, treasure. Do different museums and institutions start squabbling over who gets what? There’s no way that many academics agree with each other about how to even go about cataloging the place let along distributing the artifacts.
When do foreign institutions and governments get involved? And who is overseeing that to make sure nobody starts an international incident when they can’t agree which country a particular artifact belongs to?
What becomes of the cavern once its emptied? Does it become a museum? If so, does Trinity Church own admission to the museum? Are they expected to run it?
Speaking of the cavern, who’s in charge of safety? Who’s going to be hired to build a stable freight elevator down there? What kind of construction firm do you even approach to consider a project like that?
Needless to say, there are a lot of logistics to figure out regarding the safety of the treasure, both from theft and deterioration, as well as the safety of anyone going down to work with it. There’s the matter of who is running point on this operation, and which institutions are involved to what degree. And then there’s the probably months- or years-long process of getting all of this work done.
I don’t envy them, and 100% no judgement if Ben hands off a lot of these responsibilities as soon as he finds competent people to give them to.
More immediately than even the immediate items regarding the rest of the treasure, there’s the matter of the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration
As you point out, there is a branch of the National Archives in New York City! I did not know that! Actually, there are National Archives branches all over the country. That makes sense I guess, but I never stopped to think about it. Each one holds records from that state or regions. For example, the New York branch holds records generated in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
So yes, I think it’s safe to say that the Declaration will be moved to the National Archives at New York City. If I were the FBI, I would move it by armored truck—not taking any more chances for nonsense!
The FBI likely brought a documents expert with them, or at least they should have. Someone internal, from say, the FBI’s Questioned Documents unit may be the best bet from a security standpoint, but from a conservation perspective, Sadusky ought to have a person or team from the NY archives en route to the church as soon as he gets Ben’s call. And since he seems to care about what happens to the Declaration and the treasure, it makes sense to me that he would have a document rescue plan.
Because although Sadusky doesn’t know where or under what circumstances he’ll get the Declaration back, he fully intends to get it back. And I have to assume that part of that means a plan to take care of it as soon as it’s out of criminal hands. There are National Archives branches in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, as well as in Washington D.C. My guess is that all of them were on alert and in communication, ready to receive the Declaration at the closest location to its recovery point, and generally aligned on the treatment process.
Stan or someone else from the D.C. Archives might have been heading this up once they were cleared of involvement. As the keepers of the Charters of Freedom, they'd be the experts in the Declaration’s exact preservation requirements.
So as soon as the Declaration is recovered, the plan is launched into action. The National Archives—officially known as the National Archives and Records Administration, NARA—runs tests such as this flood-soaked document simulation to test various drying methods on archived materials. They offer multiple resources on preserving family documents after floods, and seem generally prepared to respond to document emergencies. The “Preservation” page of their website even has a tab for “Records Emergencies.”
Now, most of these emergencies envision large amounts of documents damaged by water. Think floods, hurricanes, burst water pipes, etc. None of them involve Nicolas Cage squeezing lemon juice onto the Declaration of Independence. However, we can extrapolate a bit about what the priorities and methods might be based on the more plausible scenarios.
First of all, as @arsenicalbronze put it in their guest post on Ben’s dubious relationship with invisible inks, Abigail
goes with damage control. She takes the lemon from Ben so that she can paint the juice on the back in the least destructive way possible (e.g. not just squeezing lemon juice all over it and soaking it).
This spares the Declaration from some of the potential moisture damage from the cypher process, but not all.
Actually, the Wikipedia on Conservation and restoration of parchment lists the most common threats to parchment documents as
Relative humidity changes
Water and excessive moisture
Light exposure
Flaking and friability
Poor storage
Throughout the course of the treasure hunt Team Treasure managed to hit…pretty much all of them, lol.
While revealing the cypher, Abigail is likely doing double duty with the hair dryer. She’s both trying to dry out the moisture added by the lemon juice and use the minimum amount of heat necessary to reveal the text. If hot breath can do it, they don’t actually need much heat.
Every source I read mentioned that mold is a major risk to wet documents, whether paper or parchment, and can set if if not dried within 48 hours of moisture exposure. Based on our timeline we’re approaching that window, and that brings us to an important item that the archivists at the NY NARA will have to contend with. In fact, this is their first order of business:
How are they going to dry out the Declaration?
Despite Abigail’s best efforts there is likely still some moisture on the document, and for most of the rest of the treasure hunt it’s sealed in a plastic container with no air flow. It will need to be dried. Possibly even humidified to combat any warping and then dried.
Interestingly enough, when the Charters of Freedom went through their last major conservation project in 2001, the Constitution and Bill of Rights underwent this humidification and drying under tension, but the Declaration did not because it has sustained much more damage over the years than the other documents. However, the treasure hunt might lead to a different approached. The Declaration’s been acidified, heated, rolled and unrolled multiple times, touched, turned over, and run over with a car. Ouch.
When it does come time to dry the document, the archivists have some options.
Air drying
Freezer drying
Dehumidification drying
Vacuum freeze-drying
Vacuum thermal drying
Thermaline or cryogenic drying
Some of these are exactly what they sound like, and again, they’re described in the context of a damaged collection of material. How much material they’re suited for, how accessible they are, whether records are still available when drying, and whether they require being moved off site are all take into consideration.
For the Declaration of Independence, I’m looking straight at “cryogenic drying.” This is “intended for manuscript and rare book collections bound in leather of vellum” and while the most expensive technique, is also the one that minimizes distortion of the material the most.
And distortion is one of the most significant risks to the Declaration. Parchment expands and contracts in response to heat and moisture, and it’s been out of its controlled environment for a significant amount of time. Since that 2001 restoration, the Declaration has been kept in an aluminum and titanium case filled with argon gas, with a relative humidity of 40% and a stable temperature of 67 °F. Fluctuations in these variables up or down can cause damage. Too humid and it warps, too dry and it cracks.
Restoration is also a very manual process. Obviously technology is a huge help, and conservation science has come a long was in recent decades. Still, that lemon juice is going to be washed off by hand. Every crease and crack the Declaration sustained is going to be evaluated and steamed or repaired by hand.
Speaking of the people involved in this process, Abigail is probably feeling a lot of things as the Declaration gets taken away to the NY Archives. She saw her initial goal through to the end—she kept the Declaration safe, sometimes at the risk of her own safety. She also willingly put lemon juice on it. And heated it up. And let Ben keep rolling it up. She did or witnessed more damage to the Declaration in one day than it’s seen in decades. And now she doesn’t get to help clean up the mess.
I bet part of her wants to run to the Archives and start work right that moment. Forget that she’s so exhausted she can barely see straight. Forget the pounding headache in her skull or the strange numb ache in her shoulder or the way every muscle in her body is begging to collapse. Forget all the FBI eyes on her, and everyone who’s waiting for answers. The Declaration is hers. She is the Custodian of the Charters of Freedom after all. (Or at least, that was her title in the 2003 script.) Abigail is the person most qualified to be handling this emergency, and she can’t.
The best she can do is tell the archivist(s) who come to retrieve the Declaration what exactly happened to it since it left the National Archives two days earlier. The more information they have, the more accurately they can diagnose and treat any damage that occurred. (Like, lemon juice straight out of a goddamn lemon might not be their first guess?)
If you just want to be kind to Abigail, I would make this person someone she doesn't know or know well, but whose work she respects, or even a friend.
If you want to torment her I'd make it someone she hates or is academic rivals with.
I will leave you with this 144 page document on parchment conservation which I did not read, but you may find useful in your National Treasure-related adventures!
Next time: Interpersonal fallout
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oliviasmith-21 · 4 months
How to Start an LLC in New York: Your 2024 Guide by TRUIC
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Starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in New York can be a strategic move for entrepreneurs looking to benefit from the state’s vibrant economy and business-friendly environment. In this comprehensive guide, TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company) will walk you through the steps to establish an LLC in New York in 2024. Whether you’re seeking the cheapest way to form an LLC in NY or need to understand the New York LLC publication requirement, we’ve got you covered.
Why Form an LLC in New York?
Forming an LLC in New York offers several advantages:
Limited Liability Protection: Protects your personal assets from business liabilities and debts.
Tax Benefits: Enjoy pass-through taxation, where profits are taxed only once as part of the owners’ personal income.
Flexible Management: LLCs provide flexibility in management and operational structure.
Credibility: An LLC adds legitimacy to your business, making it more attractive to clients and investors.
Step-by-Step Guide to Starting an LLC in New York
Step 1: Choose a Name for Your LLC
Your first step is to choose a unique name for your LLC that complies with New York’s naming requirements. Perform a NYs LLC filing online name search through the New York Department of State (NYDOS) to ensure your desired name is available.
Step 2: Appoint a Registered Agent
Every LLC in New York must appoint a registered agent to receive legal documents on behalf of the company. This agent can be an individual resident or a registered agent service.
Step 3: File the Articles of Organization
To officially form your LLC in New York, you need to file the Articles of Organization NY (Form DOS 1336) with the NYDOS. This form includes essential details about your LLC, such as its name, address, and the name of your registered agent. Filing can be done online or by mail.
Step 4: Pay the Filing Fee
The fee for filing the Articles of Organization NY is $200. While there’s no Free LLC in New York option, you can minimize costs by handling the formation process yourself.
Step 5: Comply with the New York LLC Publication Requirement
New York requires new LLCs to publish a notice of formation in two newspapers for six consecutive weeks. The newspapers are designated by the county clerk in the county where your LLC’s principal office is located. After completing the publication, you must file a Certificate of Publication with the NYDOS, along with a $50 filing fee.
Step 6: Create an Operating Agreement
An Operating Agreement outlines the ownership and operating procedures of your LLC. While not required by law, it’s strongly recommended as it helps prevent conflicts among members and provides a clear management structure.
Step 7: Obtain an EIN
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for tax purposes, hiring employees, and opening a business bank account. You can obtain an EIN for free from the IRS website.
Step 8: Comply with New York LLC Annual Filing Requirements
New York requires LLCs to file a Biennial Statement with the NYDOS every two years. The filing fee is $9, and the statement must be filed within the calendar month in which the LLC was formed.
How Long Does It Take to Form an LLC in New York?
The processing time for forming an LLC in New York can vary. Filing the llc application New York online typically takes 1–2 business days, while mail filings can take several weeks. For faster processing, TRUIC recommends filing online and ensuring all paperwork is correctly filled out.
Cheapest Way to Form an LLC in NY
While forming an LLC in New York involves mandatory state fees, you can reduce costs by following these tips:
DIY Formation: Handle the formation process yourself instead of hiring a lawyer.
Use Free Resources: TRUIC offers free online tools and guides to help you navigate the LLC formation process.
Shop Around for Registered Agents: Compare prices and services of different registered agent providers.
Common Questions About Forming an LLC in New York
What is the Cost of Forming an LLC in New York?
The cost of forming an LLC in New York includes a $200 filing fee for the Articles of Organization NY and a $50 fee for the Certificate of Publication. Additional costs may include fees for a registered agent, publication fees, and business licenses.
Can I Register an LLC Online in New York?
Yes, you can NYs LLC filing online through the New York Department of State’s online portal. Online filing is faster and more convenient than mailing documents.
What are the Annual Requirements for a New York LLC?
New York LLCs must file a Biennial Statement every two years, which costs $9. Additionally, LLCs need to comply with any tax obligations and maintain good standing with the state by filing required reports and paying necessary fees.
Advantages of Forming a Single-Member LLC in New York
Forming a single-member LLC in New York offers the same benefits as a multi-member LLC, including limited liability protection, pass-through taxation, and management flexibility. It is ideal for solo entrepreneurs looking to formalize their business structure while maintaining simplicity in management.
Additional Tips for Forming the Best LLC in New York
1. Utilize Online Resources
TRUIC provides a variety of free online tools and guides to help you navigate the LLC formation process. From name availability checks to EIN application instructions, TRUIC has you covered.
2. Consider Professional Services
While DIY methods can save money, hiring a professional service can save time and ensure accuracy. TRUIC offers affordable LLC formation services to help you every step of the way.
3. Stay Compliant with State Requirements
Ensure you meet all New York LLC annual filing requirements to keep your LLC in good standing. This includes filing the Biennial Statement and maintaining any necessary state tax filings.
Forming an LLC in New York in 2024 is a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps and utilize the available resources. From choosing a unique business name to filing the necessary documents and paying state fees, this guide provides all the information you need to start your LLC with confidence.
Partnering with TRUIC can make the process even smoother. TRUIC offers expert guidance, free resources, and professional services to help you form and maintain your LLC efficiently. Whether you’re aiming to establish the best LLC in New York or looking for ways to reduce costs, TRUIC has the tools and expertise to support your entrepreneurial journey.
For more detailed information and personalized assistance, visit TRUIC’s website and take advantage of their comprehensive resources and services. Start your LLC in New York today and set your business on the path to success!
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mica-dmss · 11 months
The Reader Sources
Bordwell, D., Thompson, K. and Smith, J. (2016) Film art: an introduction. Eleventh; McGraw-Hill international; New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
This text deconstructs various theories behind filmmaking, including the effect of narratology and successful film techniques. Methods examined are the significance of film space using mise-en-scene, the engagement of dramatic shot types, and the clarity of montage sequences. Bordwell and Thompson specifically delve into how modern media derived from Hollywood films by analysing the chronology of film events and its popularised classical narrative. Regarding narrative, the authors explain how it provides clarity in the life of its audience and as result, how such audience are gravitated towards chronological narrative eager for the prospect of life-lessons. That said, the authors do also investigate how other forms of narrative can create more complex plots in film, such as the idea of parallel narrative, which provides even more engagement with how the audience could perceive a life-like situation.
Cook, P. and Bernink, M. (1999) The cinema book. 2nd edn. London: British Film Institute.
In this text, Pam Cook explores the discussions involved within narratology, such as how Tzvetan Todorov's narrative theory helped establish a precedent for future formula of films. From this, Cook explained how narrative cinema and its cinematic codes settled in the development of film, with the help of 'cultural ascendancy'; the Hollywood pictures.
With this, Cook further examined concepts of film theory that were stemmed from this change. One notable example is Noel Burch's (1973) 'insitutional mode of representation' (IMR), the perceived dominant mode of film construction seen in virtually every film produced in our time.
Propp, V., Martin, A.Y., Martin, R.P. and Corporation, E. (1984) Theory and History of Folklore. N - New; 1; Edited by A. Liberman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Translated by Ariadna Y. Martin, Richard P. Martin and edited by Anatoly Liberman, this volume is the last of the original 5 volumes from the text 'Theory and History of literature'. The 5th volume covers the work of Vladimir Propp, including his findings and formulas behind his famous narrative theories, most notably his 31 functions theory. His studies involve close examinations into Russian folklore, which he found similar patterns of the folktale hero's journey throughout many established discourses within the plot. Thus, he was able to form the 31 'narratemes' often associated in folklore context.
Propp, V., Scott, L. and Wagner, L.A. (1968) Morphology of the Folktale. 2nd edn. Austin: University of Texas Press.
This text further explored in depth of the original papers by Vladimir Propp. Throughout his research into Russian narrative, he examines the 'organisation' of Russian folkloristic text and understood that its structure was mainly 'linear', thus explaining why the narratives were presented in a chronological order of events. He discovered that this type of narrative existed throughout centuries of storytelling, which Propp named this form of narrative as 'syntagmatic' structural analysis, based on the term 'syntax' of language from Greimas' rule of narrative grammar (cf Greimas, 1966a : 404). As a text based off of the original source, alternative theories were introduced to counter the lack of 'epistemological value' within Propp's works, such as the argument of structuralism and formulism provided by philosopher Claude Levi-Strauss. Strauss opposed to Vlad's 'syntagmatic' structural analysis, and argued the existence of paradigmatic theory.
Tringham, N.R. (2014) Science Fiction Video Games. 1st edn. Oakville: CRC Press LLC.
Within the topic of narratology, Neal Roger Tringham took a unique approach to analysing the structure of narrative through the study of game narrative. Tringham makes readers aware of the conflict between narratology and ludology in regards to the significance of stories in games, which he acknowledges the past of game stemming from elements of dualism and strategy. His text explores the evolution of narrative in media and how it has branched into different materials aside from traditional folklores and text - with the focus concerning games. Considering how the objective in recent games has been shifted by narrative, the debate between narratology and ludology involves a dilemma of if both concepts could exist together or rather intervene with each other; Tringham answers this with the existence of 'interactive' videogames.
Bronner, S.J. (ed.) (2007) ‘On Game Morphology: A Study of the Structure of Non-Verbal Folklore’, in. Utah State University Press (Meaning of Folklore), pp. 154-163.
Along with Tringham's research into gaming and narrative, Simon J. Bronner further establishes the distinction between the structure in 'types of folklore expression' and 'children's games'. The foundations of ludology is assessed in how children's games are operated; competitive games like first-shooter games are limited to a certain system, with little rules that simplify the essential nature of such games. Bronner identifies a solution to how narrative and game can become compatible through the use of 'motifemes', which introduces the 'story' unit comparable to folktale structure into games while maintaining the competitive aims behind the medium. In short, Bronner discovered how closely game and narrative resembled one-another, describing games possessing the structure of a "two-dimensional folktale" (pg. 156).
Bronner, S.J. (ed.) (2007) ‘On Game Morphology: A Study of the Structure of Non-Verbal Folklore’. Utah State University Press (Meaning of Folklore), p. 154.
This intriguing piece of work consists of Alan Dundes' investigation into game structure, and how it correlates to narrative. Dundes examined the similarities between narrative and gaming, by observing relationship between two different sides that pan out within a game, whilst comparing it to two opposing archetypes within narrative structure. He explores the coexistence of narrative 'perspective' within games, as he states that due to the immediacy and practicality of games, especially competitive games, two opposite perspectives are likely to occur, though the key fact is that they both reflect one main 'plot'; this is akin to if folktales were constructed with the involvement of both a hero's and villain's journey as opposed to usually one one execution of story through the hero. Thus, it can be found that both games and narrative involve one main plot regardless of roles, and showed how game and narrative could be compatible together, considering the criticism of games involving narrative.
Tringham, N.R. (2014) Science Fiction Video Games. 1;1st; edn. Oakville: CRC Press LLC.
Tringham's paper carefully considers the relationship between narrative and game, evaluating both criticism and support for the idea of both forms as combined. He delves into the dispute regarding interactive games and claims how such a difficult execution of a product would be impossible, due to the irony of the title; despite the players 'interacting' with a game by manipulating choices to change its ending, these 'endings' are not necessarily caused by the players, has they have already been planned and implemented in the coding of the product, by the developers themselves. Thus, it would prove difficult to mix the improvisation of outcomes that games prove, with a structure that is already pre-determined by narrative. However, Tringham acknowledges that while narrative structure may not be possible in gaming, the illusion of narrative elements within games may allow the prospect of a truly 'interactive game' become possible.
Cristofaro, M. (2020) “I feel and think, therefore I am”: An Affect-Cognitive Theory of management decisions’, European management journal, 38 (2), pp. 344–355.
In the aspect of affect in media, Cristofaro's work highlighting 'cognitive-affective' theory would be plausible in describing why people think and react erratically within a rushed environment, or towards a difficult subject. Cognitive-affective theory describes the mind having two systems that handle a variety of information and manage two types of reactions; 'system 1' consists of involuntary, 'preconscious' thought process that shows more emotion and less experience, as opposed to 'system 2' that operates more logically and executes one's rationality. In terms of their relationship, 'system 2' acts as a 'filter' for 'system 1', which is easier for the dynamic to occur when someone is placed in a situation that they learned from beforehand. Theories like this could explain why players who engage in games, such as horror games, end up 'desensitised' to its elements and are less emotional in making decisions in such games.
Mayher, J. (2016) Understanding Gender & Sexuality In Popular Culture. Indiana University Bloomington: Cognella.
Within this edited book features an entire group of volumes covering many interesting perspectives within society. Male gaze theorist Laura Mulvey explains the social and psychological origins for the often sexual depiction of women in film. Mulvey explains that in the eyes of male spectators, women are the "bearers of meaning", while men are "makers of meaning"; women bear the image of desire that men long for unconsciously, who make this vision come to life on screen. This describes the oppressive relationship emerged from patriarchal culture, with women ending up taking the passive role of 'bearing' meaning in film. Using Sigmund Frued's psychosexual research, Mulvey also elaborates that women's objectified representation corresponds to the sexual attraction of gazing at an object, known as scopophilia - this corresponds to the male gaze.
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When it comes to looking for Dutchess County bail bondsman services, it is easier to research online. The first step is to visit their informative website. Besides, you can also read their Services page to know some legal processes related to bail bonds. Primarily, you can reach any of their offices to help you. Besides, you can also do it if you want to get more information on how they can help you get out of jail in NY. Aside from that, their Bail Bondsman NY offices are open 24/7 all year round so they’re always in when you want to get out of prison.
Dutchess County, NY
The demographics report of the Dutchess County, NY area is totally interesting. Many students read books and articles about the city, too. In 2000, the Dutchess County, NY location had a population of 280,150 inhabitants. In addition, the population density was 350 inhabitants per square mile (140/km2). There were 106,103 housing units at an average density of 132 per square mile (51/km2). 22.0% of the population was of Italian, 16.9% Irish, 11.3% German and 6.7% English ancestry according to Census 2000. 88.3% spoke English and 4.8% spoke Spanish. Lastly, the median age was 37 years.
Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park
In the Dutchess County, NY area, you can visit a well-known tourist attraction such as the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park. The activities that can be done there are sightseeing and relaxing with family and friends. Basically, it is a steel cantilever bridge spanning the Hudson River between Poughkeepsie, New York, on the east bank and Highland, New York, on the west bank. It was built as a double track railroad bridge. Then, it was completed on January 1, 1889, and formed part of the Maybrook Railroad Line of the New Haven Railroad. Lastly, it was taken out of service on May 8, 1974, after it was damaged by fire.
How many felony arrests yield felony convictions in the Capital Region?
We need to be updated with the shocking news reports in the Dutchess County, NY location, especially those involving arrests. Based on the report, police statistics indicated that violent crime rose during the pandemic. Besides, researchers across the country have worked with officials to identify contributing factors. In New York, politicians have magnified the issue during the midterm election season. Then, law enforcement numbers focus mainly on arrest data, with police press releases reliably emphasizing felony charges. In addition, the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers data online that lets us examine arrest rates and convictions on a county-by-county basis.
Link to Map
Driving Direction
Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park
61 Parker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, United States
Head east toward N Water St
Restricted usage road
289 ft
Sharp right onto N Water St
0.3 mi
Turn left onto Main St
0.5 mi
Turn right onto Columbus Dr/East-West Arterial
459 ft
Use the left lane to stay on Columbus Dr/East-West Arterial
Continue to follow East-West Arterial
0.1 mi
Turn left onto Market St
Destination will be on the right
0.1 mi
The Bail King llc
7 Market St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
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floornahas · 2 years
Renew license ny when 21
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Note: You need to submit only one Record ID and PIN to link all of your DCA license records. After you register/login, enter your Record ID and PIN to link your account to your DCA Records.Register an account with the City of New York or Login.This information is on your Renewal License Application. How do I submit my renewal application? Online You must renew your license before it expires in order to continue operating your business and avoid fines. View list of industries Consumer Affairs licenses and their expiration dates (in PDF). When do I need to renew my license?Īpproximately three months before your license expires, DCA will mail you a license renewal package.
See How to Transfer Your Newsstand License to a Business for more information, including how the law impacts your newsstand business and any active Tobacco Retail Dealer license and/or Electronic Cigarette Retail Dealer license you may have at the same location. Only submit these documents if you have formed a business entity and would like to take advantage of this opportunity. You must submit 1) Request to Hold Newsstand License as a Business Entity and 2) supporting documents. Under Local Law 128 of 2021, business entities, such as corporations, partnerships, and Limited Liability Companies (LLC), can apply for a Newsstand license starting March 21, 2022.Įxisting licensees can request to transfer a Newsstand license in your name to the name of your business. Opportunity to Hold Newsstand License as a Business Entity To renew your Newsstand License, you must submit a completed Renewal License Application, renewal fee, and Newsstand Affirmation. Get DCWP Alerts and Information During COVID-19 Crisis, including DCWP services online and limited in-person assistance, workplace laws, price gouging, and scams and safety tips. If you fail to submit your license renewal application, you will not be able to renew your license. If you have not received your renewed license, you will not be able to operate after August 28, 2021. Although your license has expired, you can still renew your license on or before August 28, 2021. If you were licensed as a Process Server Individual, Process Server Agency, or Scale Dealer Repairer and you did not renew your license prior to February 28, 2020, you were not covered by the EEOs extending license terms.If you fail to submit your renewal license application by this date, you will not be able to renew your license. If you were licensed as a Commercial Lessor, Employment Agency or Scrap Metal Processor, your license period was not extended, but you may still renew your license on or before October 12, 2021.If you fail to submit your renewal license application by October 12, 2021, you will not be able to renew your current license and must apply for a new license. If you do not receive your renewed license by August 14, 2021, you will not be able to operate your business. If your license was set to expire during the period from Mathrough August 14, 2021, your license will expire on August 14, 2021. New York City’s Emergency Executive Orders (EEOs) that extended license expiration dates and renewal application deadlines because of the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. On June 24, 2021, New York’s COVID-19 State of Emergency expired and many New York Forward industry reopening guidance documents are no longer mandatory. Renew your DCA License *Important Updates Due to COVID-19*
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admintrust · 2 years
Im pro makeup ny charge
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If you did not request a cancellation, there was a discrepancy with the billing or shipping information provided at the time of purchase, or your order was cancelled for your protection, as the payment information provided did not match the payment source. We will be happy to assist you in any way that we can. If you have additional questions regarding your domestic order, please contact us by CLICKING HERE or call us at 1-80, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 6pm CST. All order updates will still be sent to the email address provided at the time of purchase (order confirmation, shipping confirmation, etc.). If your order has not shipped, please check back with us on the following business day to see if your order status has changed. Please note, orders are processed and updated on business days. International customers can view their order status by clicking here. By entering this information, you will receive the most up to date information regarding your order.
Type in your order number, the email address associated with your order and your billing zip code. How do I check on my order status?ĭomestic customers can check their order status by visiting. Please include a copy of the original order confirmation in the package. Items purchased on cannot be returned or exchanged at retailers that sell Anastasia Beverly Hills, LLC Cosmetics. If your items were purchased at an authorized retailer, please contact that retailer directly to arrange for a return. Only items purchased on will be accepted. Please initiate your return request by clicking here. Your refund will be issued to the original form of payment within 5-7 business days of the notification email sent to you, acknowledging your return has been processed. Original shipping costs are not refunded on returned items. You will receive a refund for only the item(s) returned. Your refund will be issued to the original form of payment within 5-7 business days of the notification email sent to you, acknowledging your return has been processed.įor International customers, shipping costs associated with the return will not be reimbursed. All gift returns will be credited to the credit card of the gift purchaser upon receipt of the return.įor domestic customers, there will be a pre-paid label included in your shipment. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer website credit for gift returns. Please also note that we are not able to accept exchanges of products at this time. Naturally, we cannot take returns on overly used products or products purchased outside of our 30-day return window. We want you to be totally satisfied with your order however, we understand if a product doesn't work out and want to make the return as painless as possible. How do I return or exchange a purchase made on ? International customers please email us here. In order to further assist you, domestic customers please email us a photo of your damaged items and a screenshot of the packaging slip so we can assist in replacing your item. We're sorry to hear that a portion of your order was damaged. International customers please email our International customer service team here. Domestic customers Email us or call us at 1-80, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 6pm CST. We apologize for any difficulty you may have had while placing your order. If you are unhappy with the products that were purchased, please reference our return policy. If the order has been processed, unfortunately, the order will ship as is and cannot be modified.
To correct any errors with your order or your address information, we recommend contacting the carrier listed on your tracking email to request an address update or correction. Unfortunately, our orders process very quickly once they've been submitted, so we are unable to make changes or cancellations once the order is submitted. FAQ – I need to change my order or change my address.
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Contact Windsor Corporate Services For Help With Forming Your NY LLC 
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Windsor Corporate Services is the perfect choice for anyone looking to form a corporation in New York. With years of experience in the industry, Windsor Corporate Services can provide you with the expertise and guidance you need to form your business quickly and efficiently. They offer a variety of services, including filing the necessary paperwork, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and providing ongoing support throughout the process. With their help, you can be sure that your business is properly formed and compliant with all applicable laws. 
Know more:  https://windsorcorporateservices.com/seven-risky-mistakes-to-avoid-when-forming-an-llc-in-new-york-state/
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dearestdaffodils · 5 years
An Essay On Murder
I just wrote this for my English class and apparently, people wanted to read it so here it is.
In 2017, there were 17,284 murders committed (Murder, 2018).  Of those murders, about 43,210 of those cases went unsolved. “It gets so much worse!” (Kilgariff, 2016). Of those expected 43,210 cases, around 14,403 of them could have been solved. Many families are left without answers or are left wondering what happened until years later when, in an about 5% percent chance, the cold case is solved. A solved cold case, while the family is still getting closure, can still be painful for the family; having to confront that horror again years later. “For cases that remained unsolved after one year, 5 percent ultimately led to an arrest” (Kimbriell, 2018). As more time passes after the murder, its chances of being solved decrease greatly. This means that the more training investigators have, the more likely a case is to be solved and the less likely a case is to go cold. With an increase of phenomenon such as the CSI Effect (Trainum, 2019), that cause the public to expect a certain outcome for a case or expect for a case to be a certain way and reported a certain way, more and more cases have gone unsolved each year.  How is it that so many murder cases go unsolved? It is usually because of a lack of evidence gathered, unsubstantial police work, jurisdiction issues, or a lack of interest on the public’s behalf.
Many cases go unsolved because, at first glance, there is not enough substantial evidence, overlaps in and confusion about jurisdiction, and an inability to use the available technologies. We need to implement more training on how to properly collect evidence, recognize the extent of jurisdiction and how to work during jurisdiction overlaps, how to involve the public in a way that won’t cause panic, and how to use available technologies. 
The first solution to this problem is implementing more training on properly collecting evidence and how to deal with an apparent lack of evidence. Evidence can be given in two forms. “Testimonial evidence is evidence given in the form of statements made under oath, usually in response to questioning. Physical evidence is any type of evidence with an objective existence, that is, anything with size, shape, and dimension” (Fisher, 2012). Evidence can come in the form of a witness statement, blood or DNA collected from a scene, or evidence of that nature. A large number of murder cases go unsolved because of a lack of evidence or an inability to collect evidence on behalf of the investigators. I propose extra training that will detail proper evidence collection; including how to properly label evidence, how to not contaminate the evidence, and how to investigate the leads that evidence provides. I also propose training on how to fully investigate a case even with a noticeable lack of evidence. Investigators should learn to exhaust every lead a piece of evidence provides, even if they do not lead anywhere. Some will argue that police already go through eighteen to thirty weeks of training and do not need to go through more extensive training. While the addition of this training would add to the time recruits spend at the police academy, it would not add too much time to their time there. 
The second solution to this problem is to provide extra training on how to recognize the extent of police jurisdiction and how to work with other police forces or government departments during jurisdiction overlap. Many murder cases are dropped because a police department does not collect all the evidence to close a case because they don’t know the full extent of their jurisdiction. Many are also dropped because two police department’s jurisdictions overlap and both departments drop the case because they do not know how to interact during overlapping jurisdiction. An international law that was put in place in 2011 as part of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act states that “universal jurisdiction permits national courts to prosecute alleged culprits of international crimes considered to be ‘of such exceptional gravity that they affect the fundamental interests of the international community as a whole’” (International Law, 2011). Universal jurisdiction covers crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, and war crimes. Police jurisdiction is generally contained to the areas within the city limits where the officer is stationed. An officer who works for a particular city (Seattle, for example) would only be authorized to enforce laws within this city limits, which is known as territorial jurisdiction. This proposed solution would help reduce the number of unsolved murders per year because fewer murders will be left unsolved due to jurisdiction issues or overlaps. 
A third solution to this issue is to teach officers how to involve the public in murder investigations without causing a mass panic. Many murder investigations are kept quiet from the public due to the gruesome nature of the case. A lack of interest or knowledge on the public’s behalf, however, is detrimental to the case more often than not. By allowing the public access to information about the investigation, whether through tv, newspapers, or social media, it opens a line of communication between the investigators and the public. It opens an opportunity for the public to gain information about the case, rather than be kept in the dark. Some might argue that giving the public access to information about the case will cause more panic than keeping them in the dark, but more often than not, the opposite is true. When the public is left in the dark, the conclusions they draw from the limited information they are given about the case are often more panic-inducing than the reality. 
The fourth solution to this problem is that police officers and investigators should have more training on how to use and should have full knowledge of the technology available to them. Many important technologies have made their way into police departments. With technologies such as GPS tracking, facial recognition, gunshot detection, and smart home devices, investigators have access to a lot of information about a victim or a suspect (Stahl, 2018). In addition to the additional training on evidence collection, training on how to make full use of technology should be put in place. Every police officer and detective learns how to use the technology that everyone thinks of when they think of murder investigations; fingerprinting, DNA matches, bullet casings, or the autopsy of the victim, but there are many more technologies that are available, both in police departments and in the homes of victims. 
If about 40% of murder that happen per year go unsolved and approximately one-third of that 40% could have been solved, extra training on proper evidence collection, working within a jurisdiction, involving the public without causing panic, and using all the technology available for crime scene investigation could greatly reduce those numbers. The argument could be made that these solutions will cost the government more money, which is true but funds could be pulled from taxes and unnecessary departments within the police force such as transit and railroad officers. The money from lesser-used or unnecessary departments could be put towards the funding for this extra training. With increased training on evidence collection, jurisdiction, public involvement, and technology use, the number of unsolved murders per year could be greatly reduced. 
Works cited
Fisher, Barry A. J., et al. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, CRC Press LLC, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://cletus.uhh.hawaii.edu:5346/lib/hawaii/detail.action?docID=1650291
“International Law — Universal Jurisdiction — United Kingdom Adds Barrier to Private Prosecution of Universal Jurisdiction Crimes. — Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act, 2011, c. 13 (U.K.).” Harvard Law Review, vol. 125, no. 6, 2012, pp. 1554–1561. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/23214426. Accessed 8 Mar. 2020. 
Kilgraff, Karen, host. Hardstark, Georgia, host. “Seven Murders in Heaven.” My Favorite Murder, season 1, episode 7, Mar 11. 2016, Itunes. 
Kimbriell Kelly, Steven Rich. “For Unsolved Cases Lasting a Year, Finding the Killer Becomes Nearly Impossible.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 28 Dec. 2018, www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/for-unsolved-cases-lasting-a-year-finding-the-killer-becomes-nearly-impossible/2018/12/28/53ff6aa2-fe93-11e8-ad40-cdfd0e0dd65a_story.html.
“Murder.” FBI, FBI, 10 Sept. 2018, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/murder.
Stahl, Robert G. “Modern Technology Used in the Investigation of Crime.” NY NJ Stahl Criminal Defense Lawyers, www.stahlesq.com/blog/technology-crime-investigations.
Trainum, James L. “The CSI Effect on Cold Case Investigations.” Forensic Science International, vol. 301, Elsevier B.V, Aug. 2019, pp. 455–60, doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.020. 
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witcapitalgroupllc · 4 years
Selling Your Home During a Divorce in Valley Stream
If you’re wondering about the ins and outs of selling your home during a divorce in Valley Stream NY… we’ll dive into the steps and things to look out for in this article.
With over 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, many Valley Stream NY residents are looking or advice for selling a home during a divorce.
A home is one of the most valuable joint assets, and obviously cannot be divided without first liquidating. While a divorce is one of the most stressful and emotionally charged life events, it’s important to remain rational. There are several factors to consider when facing a divorce in a real estate market that has yet to rebound from the housing bubble burst.
Determine if (and when) You Will Be Selling Your Home During Your Divorce in Valley Stream
In many divorce cases, one spouse will keep the home, buying out the departing spouse’s share.
In many cases, agreements are made where one spouse uses the house for a set period of time (this is usually used when there are children in the home), and then sold at a certain date (usually when the children reach a certain age).
Get Professional Help – Agents and Home Buyers / Investors
Selling a home is a difficult process when everything is going right.
During a divorce, you have a lot going on, and a lot to consider. You shouldn’t take on the task of selling you home yourself. You may have disagreements with your spouse about selling price or other issues. By working with a real estate professional… either a reputable agent or real estate investment firm, you’ll both have a neutral third party who can help you determine a fair selling price and handle the marketing of your home.
If you need to sell your Valley Stream house fast… reputable local real estate investment firms like WIT Capital Group, LLC may be a great option.  Firms like ours actually BUY HOUSES (rather than listing them like agents do)… and we pay cash and can close quickly if you need to sell this house fast.
If you can wait the time it’ll take to list it with an agent and sell it on the open market, going with a real estate agent is your best bet.
But if you can’t wait the 3-9 months it sometimes takes to sell a house in this market in Valley Stream… chat with us to see what we can offer you for your house during your divorce.
Set (and stick to) a Timeline
It’s important, when selling your Valley Stream house during a divorce to keep a timeline.
You should put your home for sale in advance. Set firm closing dates, moving dates and times, and coordinate which spouse will be handling the sale (or talking to the real estate agent). Make sure that each of these agreements are in writing, and negotiate penalties for breaching the agreements.
This helps ensure a smooth, surprise free home sale.
Selling Your House Fast For A Fair All-Cash Price
One option that many divorcing couples have turned to in recent years is making a quick sale to a real estate investor like WIT Capital Group, LLC.
Reputable local real estate investors like us, purchase houses quickly and without stress, and the process can often take as little as seven days.
Deciding how to sell a marital home in Valley Stream doesn’t have to be as stressful as the divorce itself.
By protecting each party with a qualified real estate agent or simply jointly deciding to sell and selling fast to a real estate investment firm like WIT Capital Group, LLC, and moving the process as quickly and according to an agreed upon schedule, all parties can walk away from the sale without stress.
If you want to discuss your situation with your divorce and see if we can help you save time, reduce stress, and get out of this situation fast…
Give us a call anytime at 516-699-8704 or
fill out the form on this website today! >>
We’ll evaluate your house, make you a fair all-cash offer, and you can decide if selling your house to us is the best fit for you. We’re here for you, just reach out and lets chat.
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glompcat · 6 years
Obviously trying to find actual avenues to try and explain to a company like Marvel how decisions like this feel as a queer fan is near impossible. You know tweets just open you up to attacks from the right wing assholes who are always looking to push as many queer people out of fandom as they can.
So I tried looking for some real contact info, for people who might want to let Marvel know how much the Star Wars fandom, the part of it that isn’t bigoted asswipes, dislikes this decision.
Here is all I could find
Marvel Entertainment, LLC 135 W. 50th Street New York, NY 10020
General phone number, Marvel Entertainment, LLC: 212-576-4000
Dan Klores Communications
Jeff Klein
Executive Vice President
(212) 981-5189
Attn: Fan Mail, P.O. Box 29901, San Francisco, CA 94129-0901
I also left a message on GLAAD’s contact form on their website letting them know that Marvel is firing writers for being LGBT allies.
They want to pull this shit, then they better be ready to be held accountable.
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yogiangelyoga · 6 years
Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Equine Assisted Yoga: The Basics
Trauma In The Body:
Trauma actually limits a person’s lifespan and disrupts their neurodevelopment. Lack of emotional regulation, adverse health behavior, and “living on the edge” has a negative impact on a person’s biology which leads to chronic illnesses and chronic pain such as muscle spasms, back pain, migraines, and/or fibromyalgia (Van Der Kolk, 268).
In PTSD patients, stress levels do not return to baseline after a threat (real or potential) has passed (Van Der Kolk, 46). Effectively, the traumatized brain no longers feels safe and remains on high alert. This takes a person out of living-in-the-moment. The effects of trauma are not necessarily different from and overlap with the effects of physical lesions like strokes (Van Der Kolk, 43). PTSD survivors can lose executive functioning, the ability to self-regulate (often overreacting to minor inconveniences), and they can lose the Reflex of Purpose (Van Der Kolk, 45, 78) (often disrupting basic signals like hunger or fatigue).  
Interoception: Befriending the Body
Interoception refers to when one’s physical reality and neurophysiological reality are in sync. In yoga terms, this means: Body Awareness. One can only be fully in charge of one’s life if they can acknowledge the reality of their own body in all it’s visceral dimensions. (Van Der Kolk, 27). Body awareness puts us in touch with our inner world, the landscape of our organism (Van Der Kolk, 210).
In trauma, when fighting for survival, one often loses connection to their own body and that sense of detachment may remain long after the trauma is over. The goal of treatment of trauma is to help people live in the moment and not according to the demands of the past. To have an experience in the moment, we call attention to what’s happening right here, right now. (Trauma Sensitive Yoga, www.traumasensitiveyoga.com)
Reorganizing the Brain: Breath and Self-Awareness
No one can “treat” a war, rape, or abuse. It has been done. But what can be dealt with are the imprints of the trauma on the body, mind, and soul in effort to restore executive functioning (Van Der Kolk, 205).
We have the capacity to regulate our own physiology including the so-called involuntary functions of the body and brain through such basic activities as breathing, moving, and touching* (Van Der Kolk, 38).
Research supported by the National Institutes of Health has shown that 10 weeks of yoga practice markedly reduced the PTSD symptoms of patients who have failed to respond to any medication or to any other treatment. (Van Der Volk, 209.)
A yoga practice that is focused on breath is designed to completely relax the practitioner until a parasympathetic state is achieved. In the parasympathetic state, the practitioner is calm, relaxed, and able to resist the fight or flight response to stressful triggers. The rider learns to respond to stimuli in a discerning, thoughtful manner, rather than react on impulse.
We Provide A Safe Environment For Healing 
Feeling safe is the single most important aspect of mental health (Van Der Kolk, 81). When trauma survivors have shut down or find difficulty in connecting with humans, horses can provide less complicated companionship while providing the necessary sense of safety to heal. (Van Der Kolk, 82).
Bearing in mind that safety is the top priority, we must make great efforts to avoid interfering with the natural healing that the animal human bond facilitates. IOW not constantly telling the rider what to do. By encouraging the rider to be an active participant in his or her healing, we invite them to participate in the yoga and offer them the choice to engage in the lesson or specific aspects of the lesson. Empower the survivor by letting go of your expectations of their healing. Allow flexibility for the rider to explore both emotional and physical sensations during the yoga sequence. Give space to permit interoception/body awareness. In Trauma Sensitive Yoga and equine therapy, we want to provide an environment for the rider to regain control over their body and learn to trust themselves and the world around them.  This can not be forced.
You Are The Agent of Your Own Healing: Agency and Empowerment
Trauma by its very nature drives us to the edge of compulsion, cutting us off from language based on common experience or in an imagined past. (Van Der Kolk, 43.) We feel helpless and unable to express ourselves as the trauma has convinced us that we are not in control of our bodies or our destiny. In any modality, a trauma survivor must feel EMPOWERED. As facilitators of healing, we can’t take away their choices lest we recreate the trauma by interfering with the survivor’s personal agency. (A main tenant of Trauma Sensitive Yoga.)
We must respect the trauma survivor’s journey and allow the healing to unfold in its own time. In other words, we can not be attached to their healing or set forth any kind of agenda.
A Trauma Survivor Can Not Be Reminded Enough That They Have Choices
A Trauma Survivor Can Not Be Reminded Enough That They Have Choices
A Trauma Survivor Can Not Be Reminded Enough That They Have Choices
Key Components Of A Trauma Sensitive Practice
Concrete - Straightforward - Avoid metaphors and keep the instructions simple.
Visceral - invite exploration of internal body sensations. Don’t be too complex because it gets people too in their heads when we want to encourage body awareness.
Repetition - repeating cues to allow deep internal work, cueing 5-10 movements in a lesson.
Two basic styles of language:
Invitational Language - This highlights the empowerment aspect. They choose what they do with their bodies. E.g. You may… If you choose ... If you’d like …
Interoceptive / Inquiry Language - Focuses on the body sensation. E.g. You may feel… What are you feeling? ... Focus on...
We avoid praise and judgment remembering that the client is not there to have expectations set on them.
We avoid referring to the anatomy, instead say: Top of your body or lower part of your body ...
Demonstration: We practice with the client for the “shared authentic experience.” Additionally, this takes away from self-consciousness if we are not solely focused on the rider.  
“Forms” To Consider In A Sequence
Neck rolls, shoulder rolls, wrist circles, ankle circles, bilateral stimulation. Consider pausing at any point to ask the rider to notice if they are feeling balanced on the back of the horse.
Hands Together - at the heart and/or raised above head while shoulders press down
Eagle Arms - arms crossed at the elbows, hands to touch, lifting elbows upwards
Simple Twist - reach one arm behind, resting on the saddle or horse or lifted, sitting up tall
Simple Back Bend - sitting up tall, chin reaches upwards, hands reach behind as the shoulder blades reach towards each other
Quiet cool down. Invite the rider to thank the horse and feel its movement.
Responding to Triggers: 
Movement may cause triggers and that is ok. Part of this practice is learning how to safely respond to triggers. Some gentle ways to respond to a client who is upset, crying, or shutting down:
Are you ok?
What do you need?
Would you like me to rephrase how I cued the form?
Do you feel like you can continue the practice?
Do you have someone you can talk to today? Is your therapist available?
Recommended Reading and Sources:
Wills, Denise Kersten, “Healing Life's Traumas with Yoga, New studies show that people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder can find real relief with yoga.” www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/healing-lifes-traumas;  last accessed February 9, 2019.
Emerson, David and Elizabeth Hopper, PhD. (2011). Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga, Reclaiming Your Body. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
Emerson, David. (2015). Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy, Bringing The Body Into Treatment. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
Trauma Sensitive Yoga, www.traumasensitiveyoga.com
Van Der Kolk, Bessel, (2014) The Body Keeps The Score - Brain, Mind, And Body In The Healing Of Trauma. New York, NY, Penguin Random House, LLC.
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youinmyhoodnowson · 6 years
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If I'm working a business with the best divorce attorney Long Island and one other individual, should I form a partnership or incorporate? Rhode Island Business and corporate regulation ceaselessly requested questions by a Rhode Island (RI) Attorney concerning corporations, llc's and partnerships. Mr. Salamone is a trial legal professional who has authored articles on worldwide regulation and is a member of numerous enterprise, professional, and bar associations. Rhode Island widespread law marriage "truth or fiction" by a Rhode Island household regulation and divorce attorney. As the household regulation attorney is someone, who continuously specialize in the sphere of family legislation and related issues, he/she will assure of best consequence for your family law related matters. In truth, depending upon which judge you go before within the Rhode Island Family Court docket System, their philosophies on adultery fluctuate and it might very well have an effect on the result of your divorce in additional methods than one. Does this disparity in pay imply the partner who makes extra money will automatically should pay alimony?
What does no fault divorce imply? How do I prove my residency at the nominal divorce listening to so as to obtain a divorce? When it comes to divorce, it's essential get your paperwork and data in order as early on in the method as attainable. How Do I Get My Private Property When There's a No Contact Order Or Restraining Order? In some circumstances, one partner might conform to take less then half of the fairness in the property. If an individual violates his probation by being arrested for a brand new crime then the particular person may be held in Jail on the ACI as a probation violator. Although, it's possible you'll must file a complaint by yourself. This act permits some ex spouses to remain on their ex husband or ex wives medical insurance after Last Judgment of Divorce. Many employers are prohibiting ex spouses from coverage after ultimate Judgment of Divorce counting on the Duclos case.
Prenuptial agreements are extremely enforceable in Rhode Island (RI). This Rhode Island Legislation Article explains why it is uncommon for a Divorce Trial to commence. Please visit: Rhode Island Private Injury and Automotive Accident Law Articles and also see: Rhode Island Youngster Support Law. Points similar to youngster custody, youngster support and bills are determined by way of mediation. You aren't obligated to and it is best to have a new written agreement spelling out all of the new circumstances. Forgiveness, nevertheless, is the most powerful software that you've in this life. My interpretation of Jesus' teachings and the Bible is that we should always love and settle for everyone and each experience that comes into our life unconditionally because life is perfection. Youngster Custody battles in Rhode Island usually occur in the context of Divorce circumstances, Post Divorce cases or Miscellaneous Petitions between non married dad and mom searching for custody. This article explains how debt is assigned in Rhode Island divorce cases. Take time and discover the perfect legal professional for your family instances.
Hummel was fifty three years old on the time of Howe's death. Stop repeating previous patterns and stop punishing your self for things that others understand to be mistaken. Effectively, the actual fact is that nobody has walked in your sneakers and they have no proper to tell you what is correct or wrong for you. Brady: I don't have anything to hide. A great family legislation attorney would have received further certification related to household regulation issues. I have extra land that I'm not using on the facet of my home. No matter what your state of affairs involves, an experienced Lengthy Island household lawyer may very well be ready that will help you to handle the authorized difficulty as easily and promptly as attainable. If I die with minor kids, who will handle my cash for them? Whenever you face uncertainties and the way forward for your family is within the fingers of the court, you need to solely work with a divorce lawyer who has an intimate understanding of the new York household courtroom system.
Whenever you are going through a family regulation subject resembling a divorce, youngster custody modification, or a paternity action, it's important that you work with an experienced lawyer who will advocate on your behalf and combat to protect your rights. But thorough trial preparation and proven litigation skills are critical to acquiring a good out-of-courtroom resolution. This text discusses in particulars under what circumstances an individual shall be despatched to jail to compel compliance with youngster help orders. Little one Help Doesn't Robotically Terminate in Rhode Island When a toddler Turns 18! Even a state as small as Rhode Island (the nation's smallest state, by the best way) has thousands of lawyers, even though it ranks only 22 in the best divorce attorneys Long Island NY variety of attorneys per capita. As the yule log's embers died and resolutions for a new yr — and a brand new you — abounded at the beginning of January, household attorneys in every single place, including myself, prepared for the inflow of official separations and divorce filings. Nonetheless, it's the true world of Divorce in Rhode Island (RI). Our Lengthy Island divorce legal professionals will hearken to your story, fastidiously assess your case, and craft a authorized strategy that is finest suited that will help you attain your desired objectives.
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Your Spouse Wants a Divorce: Things You Should Do First
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Child custody issues are by far the most emotionally charged areas of any divorce battle. In hardly any other area perform the decisions created by you, by your spouse, or through the judge possess a more lasting impact than these affecting the lives and way forward for your young ones. When faced with issues of custody inside your divorce, you need to take into account the term "winning" and set that term in context. How do your goals interplay with what is incorporated in the interest of your sons or daughters? Typically a QDRO is utilized to divide a certified retirement plan when parties get divorced. Retirement plans, despite the fact that named or earned from the employment of just one spouse, are thought marital property to get divided. Typically they are divided equally with the parties. In order to divide the plans, the judge will enter a QDRO which then goes to the blueprint administrator who'll then essentially create two separate accounts, one for the employee spouse, typically called the participant, and something for that other spouse, typically referred to as alternate payee.
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According to the NRCDV, one of the few reliable studies on this issue was conducted in 2005, which explored the incidence and characteristics of intimate partner violence in Idaho, a rural mountain state. This study, titled Intimate Partner Violence Incidence and Characteristics: Idaho NIBRS 1995 to 2001 Data, analyzed seven years of National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data to match the incidences of intimate partner violence in Idaho, when compared to the remaining portion of the nation. Well, it isn't always super simple. Complications can arise, even for divorce attorney. For example, we mentioned "separate property" earlier within the article. Sometimes a spouse uses their separate property to modify or improve community property. Sometimes a spouse may use their separate property to contribute for the acquisition of something they want to be community property. In these cases, in the event the couple cannot agree as to how you can divide their home, compared to what they will most likely require help of a Louisiana court. The court will look on the nature in the transaction involving the separate property and are avalable to some decision.
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Let's take for example Sandy. Sandy is going by way of a divorce. Instead of researching to identify a divorce lawyer, Sandy just fits a lawyer who she heard a radio commercial about. The lawyer is excellent in a one-on-one setting, but when it located the courtroom, the lawyer choked. The attorney can't communicate properly the things that Sandy planned to have communicated. She was very disappointed.
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danmorellifilm · 3 years
A Study on Lee Krasner’s Work
I have always viewed Experimental Film as a form of Abstract art. I have no idea where this idea came from, however, the association between Experimental Film and Abstract Painting has always been in my mind. For this reason, I am taking the time to study the work of abstract expressionist painter, Lee Krasner, and discuss how her work has inspired my own ideas for my Experimental Film piece. 
Lee Krasner was an abstract expressionist painter born in New York in 1908. She specialised in collage, an art medium that I myself had great interest in while studying Art at school. Krasner’s work inspired me due to the fact she would often destroy pieces of art in order to create new ones - her collages. 
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(Lee Krasner in her Studio, New York, c 1939. photo credit: Maurice Berezov/A.E. Artworks, LLC)
Krasner was highly critical of her own work, something which I can deeply relate to, however, because of this, very few of Krasner’s pieces have survived to this day. 
The thing that draws me in to Krasner’s work is the clashing of colours and textures, the repetition of pattern throughout the pieces she creates, and the use of striking, bold colours that immediately draw the viewer to the piece. 
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(Lee Krasner’s “Desert Moon” 1955 -- The Pollock-Krasner Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Museum Associate/LACMA/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY)
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(Lee Krasner’s “Blue Level” 1955 -- The Pollock-Krasner Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York)
I feel extremely inspired by the works of Lee Krasner, and I am hoping that I can translate some of her techniques into film when it comes to creating my own Experimental Film project. I very much enjoy having striking, bold colours at play in my film work, and I am planning to do this using lighting and paint on my camera lens. I also would like to mimic her collage style by layering multiple pieces of film atop each other and changing the opacity of each layer, so that there will be multiple films playing at once. I hope this gives the collage effect that I am hoping for, and mimics the jarring style that some of Krasner’s pieces have. I am also trying to achieve repetition in my film, though visuals and audio, by playing the same piece over and over. 
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