#How To Form A Corporation In Ny
Contact Windsor Corporate Services For Help With Forming Your NY LLC 
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Know more:  https://windsorcorporateservices.com/seven-risky-mistakes-to-avoid-when-forming-an-llc-in-new-york-state/
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visit-new-york · 8 months
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Empire State Building Location: New York City, New York, United States 20 W 34th St., New York, NY 10001
What was the Empire State Building built for? The Empire State Building was officially constructed to serve as a hub for corporate business offices. Unofficially, it was also designed with the intention of claiming the title of the world's tallest building. Constructed in 1931, it faced competition from other iconic New York City skyscrapers of the time, including the Bank of Manhattan Building and the Chrysler Building.
Where is the Empire State Building located? Situated in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, the Empire State Building stands proudly on Fifth Avenue at 34th Street. Prior to its construction, this location was occupied by the original Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Fifth Avenue.
How did the Empire State Building get its name? The Empire State Building earned its name from a colloquial term for the state of New York. Although the exact origin of the nickname "Empire State" is uncertain, one of its earliest documented references dates back to a letter written by George Washington in 1785. In the letter, he commends New York's resilience during the American Revolution and designates it as "the Seat of the Empire."
Why do the Empire State Building lights change? The Empire State Building's lighting system undergoes color changes to commemorate major holidays and celebrations throughout the year. This tradition, initiated in 1976 with the installation of the building's first lighting system, has continued with the introduction of a new LED lighting system in 2012. This technological upgrade allows the skyscraper to showcase a myriad of colors, enhancing its visual impact.
The Empire State Building, a towering 102-story steel-framed skyscraper, was completed in New York City in 1931, reigning as the world's tallest building until 1971. Situated in Midtown Manhattan on Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, it stands as an enduring symbol and exemplar of Modernist Art Deco design, holding a prominent place among the most iconic structures in the United States.
During its construction, an intense rivalry unfolded for the coveted title of the world's tallest building. The Chrysler Building briefly secured this distinction in 1929, only to be surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931, reaching a height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), accentuated by its distinctive spire initially intended as a mooring station for airships. In 1950, a 222-foot (68-meter) antenna was added, elevating the building's total height to 1,472 feet (449 meters). However, a subsequent replacement of the antenna in 1985 resulted in a reduction to 1,454 feet (443 meters). Meanwhile, One World Trade Center, inaugurated in 1972, had claimed the title of the world's tallest building.
The driving forces behind the Empire State Building's construction were John J. Raskob and Al Smith. Raskob, a self-made business magnate and former chairman of the General Motors Corporation finance committee, formed an unlikely partnership with Smith, a former Democratic governor of New York. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, their enduring friendship likely stemmed from shared experiences as children of struggling immigrant Roman Catholic families. Before embarking on the Empire State Building project in 1929, Smith enlisted Raskob as chairman for the Democratic National Committee and as campaign manager for his unsuccessful 1928 presidential bid against Herbert Hoover. This defeat underscored the public's reluctance to jeopardize the economic prosperity of the 1920s by electing a Democrat and signaled an unwillingness to choose a Roman Catholic candidate who might challenge prevailing Protestant values.
After losing the 1928 election and relinquishing his governorship to pursue the presidency, Smith found himself unemployed. Whether the initial idea to construct a skyscraper on the former site of the original Waldorf Astoria Hotel originated from Raskob or Smith remains uncertain. However, they mutually agreed that it would be a sensible and attention-grabbing joint venture at the midpoint of their lives. Raskob, a crucial financier responsible for securing other investors, and Smith, a personable public figure, assumed the role of heading the project. The Empire State Building Corporation was established, and Smith, as its president, unveiled plans for the groundbreaking building on August 29, 1929, designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates to exceed 100 stories.
Construction commenced 200 days later on March 17, 1930, amid the backdrop of the stock market crash in October 1929, marking the onset of the Great Depression. Despite these challenges, construction persevered, providing essential employment opportunities in New York City. The formal opening of the Empire State Building took place on May 1, 1931, astonishingly concluding in just 410 days. Despite the building's extensive publicity, the concurrent Great Depression significantly impacted its inauguration; much of the office space remained unoccupied, leading to the nickname "The Empty State Building." It took nearly two decades for the structure to become financially viable.
Despite its gradual start and eventual loss of the world record it aimed to achieve, the Empire State Building has evolved into a lasting symbol of New York City for both its residents and the world. Observatories are situated on the 86th and 102nd floors, with a small viewing platform sometimes referred to as the 103rd floor. These observatories attract millions of visitors annually. Since 1994, a yearly contest has granted couples the chance to win an exclusive wedding ceremony on Valentine's Day at the 86th-floor observatory.
The Empire State Building, prominently featured in some of the most romantic films of the 20th century, may have been the catalyst for the inception of the contest. Notably showcased in Love Affair (1939) and its later remake An Affair to Remember (1957), these films immortalize star-crossed lovers making plans to reunite at the summit of the Empire State Building after a prolonged separation. Sleepless in Seattle (1993), a beloved romantic comedy, directly references An Affair to Remember, with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks's characters finally meeting on the observatory deck of the Empire State Building. Beyond its romantic associations, the iconic skyscraper has made notable appearances across various cultural mediums, notably in the 1933 film King Kong, shortly after its inauguration. An exhibit within the Empire State Building pays tribute to its widespread influence in popular culture, featuring a montage of its appearances in films, video games, comics, and more.
Additionally, the Empire State Building has earned acclaim for its commitment to green architecture initiatives. In 2020, the skyscraper completed a decade-long retrofitting project that significantly reduced its energy consumption, slashed emissions by approximately 40 percent, and enhanced overall efficiency.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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F.6.3 But surely market forces will stop abuses by the rich?
Unlikely. The rise of corporations within America indicates exactly how a “general libertarian law code” would reflect the interests of the rich and powerful. The laws recognising corporations as “legal persons” were not primarily a product of “the state” but of private lawyers hired by the rich. As Howard Zinn notes:
“the American Bar Association, organised by lawyers accustomed to serving the wealthy, began a national campaign of education to reverse the [Supreme] Court decision [that companies could not be considered as a person]… . By 1886, they succeeded … the Supreme Court had accepted the argument that corporations were ‘persons’ and their money was property protected by the process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment … The justices of the Supreme Court were not simply interpreters of the Constitution. They were men of certain backgrounds, of certain [class] interests.” [A People’s History of the United States, p. 255]
Of course it will be argued that the Supreme Court is chosen by the government and is a state enforced monopoly and so our analysis is flawed. Yet this is not the case. As Rothbard made clear, the “general libertarian law code” would be created by lawyers and jurists and everyone would be expected to obey it. Why expect these lawyers and jurists to be any less class conscious then those in the 19th century? If the Supreme Court “was doing its bit for the ruling elite” then why would those creating the law system be any different? “How could it be neutral between rich and poor,” argues Zinn, “when its members were often former wealthy lawyers, and almost always came from the upper class?” [Op. Cit., p. 254] Moreover, the corporate laws came about because there was a demand for them. That demand would still have existed in “anarcho”-capitalism. Now, while there may nor be a Supreme Court, Rothbard does maintain that “the basic Law Code … would have to be agreed upon by all the judicial agencies” but he maintains that this “would imply no unified legal system”! Even though ”[a]ny agencies that transgressed the basic libertarian law code would be open outlaws” and soon crushed this is not, apparently, a monopoly. [The Ethics of Liberty, p. 234] So, you either agree to the law code or you go out of business. And that is not a monopoly! Therefore, we think, our comments on the Supreme Court are valid (see also section F.7.2).
If all the available defence firms enforce the same laws, then it can hardly be called “competitive”! And if this is the case (and it is) “when private wealth is uncontrolled, then a police-judicial complex enjoying a clientele of wealthy corporations whose motto is self-interest is hardly an innocuous social force controllable by the possibility of forming or affiliating with competing ‘companies.’” [Wieck, Op. Cit., p. 225] This is particularly true if these companies are themselves Big Business and so have a large impact on the laws they are enforcing. If the law code recognises and protects capitalist power, property and wealth as fundamental any attempt to change this is “initiation of force” and so the power of the rich is written into the system from the start!
(And, we must add, if there is a general libertarian law code to which all must subscribe, where does that put customer demand? If people demand a non-libertarian law code, will defence firms refuse to supply it? If so, will not new firms, looking for profit, spring up that will supply what is being demanded? And will that not put them in direct conflict with the existing, pro-general law code ones? And will a market in law codes not just reflect economic power and wealth? David Friedman, who is for a market in law codes, argues that ”[i]f almost everyone believes strongly that heroin addiction is so horrible that it should not be permitted anywhere under any circumstances anarcho-capitalist institutions will produce laws against heroin. Laws are being produced on the market, and that is what the market wants.” And he adds that “market demands are in dollars, not votes. The legality of heroin will be determined, not by how many are for or against but how high a cost each side is willing to bear in order to get its way.” [The Machinery of Freedom, p. 127] And, as the market is less than equal in terms of income and wealth, such a position will mean that the capitalist class will have a higher effective demand than the working class and more resources to pay for any conflicts that arise. Thus any law codes that develop will tend to reflect the interests of the wealthy.)
Which brings us nicely on to the next problem regarding market forces.
As well as the obvious influence of economic interests and differences in wealth, another problem faces the “free market” justice of “anarcho”-capitalism. This is the “general libertarian law code” itself. Even if we assume that the system actually works like it should in theory, the simple fact remains that these “defence companies” are enforcing laws which explicitly defend capitalist property (and so social relations). Capitalists own the means of production upon which they hire wage-labourers to work and this is an inequality established prior to any specific transaction in the labour market. This inequality reflects itself in terms of differences in power within (and outside) the company and in the “law code” of “anarcho”-capitalism which protects that power against the dispossessed.
In other words, the law code within which the defence companies work assumes that capitalist property is legitimate and that force can legitimately be used to defend it. This means that, in effect, “anarcho”-capitalism is based on a monopoly of law, a monopoly which explicitly exists to defend the power and capital of the wealthy. The major difference is that the agencies used to protect that wealth will be in a weaker position to act independently of their pay-masters. Unlike the state, the “defence” firm is not remotely accountable to the general population and cannot be used to equalise even slightly the power relationships between worker and capitalist (as the state has, on occasion done, due to public pressure and to preserve the system as a whole). And, needless to say, it is very likely that the private police forces will give preferential treatment to their wealthier customers (which business does not?) and that the law code will reflect the interests of the wealthier sectors of society (particularly if prosperous judges administer that code) in reality, even if not in theory. Since, in capitalist practice, “the customer is always right,” the best-paying customers will get their way in “anarcho”-capitalist society.
For example, in chapter 29 of The Machinery of Freedom, David Friedman presents an example of how a clash of different law codes could be resolved by a bargaining process (the law in question is the death penalty). This process would involve one defence firm giving a sum of money to the other for them accepting the appropriate (anti/pro capital punishment) court. Friedman claims that ”[a]s in any good trade, everyone gains” but this is obviously not true. Assuming the anti-capital punishment defence firm pays the pro one to accept an anti-capital punishment court, then, yes, both defence firms have made money and so are happy, so are the anti-capital punishment consumers but the pro-death penalty customers have only (perhaps) received a cut in their bills. Their desire to see criminals hanged (for whatever reason) has been ignored (if they were not in favour of the death penalty, they would not have subscribed to that company). Friedman claims that the deal, by allowing the anti-death penalty firm to cut its costs, will ensure that it “keep its customers and even get more” but this is just an assumption. It is just as likely to loose customers to a defence firm that refuses to compromise (and has the resources to back it up). Friedman’s assumption that lower costs will automatically win over people’s passions is unfounded as is the assumption that both firms have equal resources and bargaining power. If the pro-capital punishment firm demands more than the anti can provide and has larger weaponry and troops, then the anti defence firm may have to agree to let the pro one have its way. So, all in all, it is not clear that “everyone gains” — there may be a sizeable percentage of those involved who do not “gain” as their desire for capital punishment is traded away by those who claimed they would enforce it. This may, in turn, produce a demand for defence firms which do not compromise with obvious implications for public peace.
In other words, a system of competing law codes and privatised rights does not ensure that all individual interests are meet. Given unequal resources within society, it is clear that the “effective demand” of the parties involved to see their law codes enforced is drastically different. The wealthy head of a transnational corporation will have far more resources available to him to pay for his laws to be enforced than one of his employees on the assembly line. Moreover, as we noted in section F.3.1, the labour market is usually skewed in favour of capitalists. This means that workers have to compromise to get work and such compromises may involve agreeing to join a specific “defence” firm or not join one at all (just as workers are often forced to sign non-union contracts today in order to get work). In other words, a privatised law system is very likely to skew the enforcement of laws in line with the skewing of income and wealth in society. At the very least, unlike every other market, the customer is not guaranteed to get exactly what they demand simply because the product they “consume” is dependent on others within the same market to ensure its supply. The unique workings of the law/defence market are such as to deny customer choice (we will discuss other aspects of this unique market shortly). Wieck summed by pointing out the obvious:
“any judicial system is going to exist in the context of economic institutions. If there are gross inequalities of power in the economic and social domains, one has to imagine society as strangely compartmentalised in order to believe that those inequalities will fail to reflect themselves in the judicial and legal domain, and that the economically powerful will be unable to manipulate the legal and judicial system to their advantage. To abstract from such influences of context, and then consider the merits of an abstract judicial system.. . is to follow a method that is not likely to take us far. This, by the way, is a criticism that applies…to any theory that relies on a rule of law to override the tendencies inherent in a given social and economic system” [Op. Cit., p. 225]
There is another reason why “market forces” will not stop abuse by the rich, or indeed stop the system from turning from private to public statism. This is due to the nature of the “defence” market (for a similar analysis of the “defence” market see right-“libertarian” economist Tyler Cowen’s “Law as a Public Good: The Economics of Anarchy” [Economics and Philosophy, no. 8 (1992), pp. 249–267] and “Rejoinder to David Friedman on the Economics of Anarchy” [Economics and Philosophy, no. 10 (1994), pp. 329–332]). In “anarcho”-capitalist theory it is assumed that the competing “defence companies” have a vested interest in peacefully settling differences between themselves by means of arbitration. In order to be competitive on the market, companies will have to co-operate via contractual relations otherwise the higher price associated with conflict will make the company uncompetitive and it will go under. Those companies that ignore decisions made in arbitration would be outlawed by others, ostracised and their rulings ignored. By this process, it is argued, a system of competing “defence” companies will be stable and not turn into a civil war between agencies with each enforcing the interests of their clients against others by force.
However, there is a catch. Unlike every other market, the businesses in competition in the “defence” industry must co-operate with its fellows in order to provide its services for its customers. They need to be able to agree to courts and judges, agree to abide by decisions and law codes and so forth. In economics there are other, more accurate, terms to describe co-operative activity between companies: collusion and cartels. These are when companies in a specific market agree to work together (co-operate) to restrict competition and reap the benefits of monopoly power by working to achieve the same ends in partnership with each other. By stressing the co-operative nature of the “defence” market, “anarcho”-capitalists are implicitly acknowledging that collusion is built into the system. The necessary contractual relations between agencies in the “protection” market require that firms co-operate and, by so doing, to behave (effectively) as one large firm (and so resemble a normal state even more than they already do). Quoting Adam Smith seems appropriate here: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” [The Wealth of Nations, p. 117] Having a market based on people of the same trade co-operating seems, therefore, an unwise move.
For example, when buying food it does not matter whether the supermarkets visited have good relations with each other. The goods bought are independent of the relationships that exist between competing companies. However, in the case of private states this is not the case. If a specific “defence” company has bad relationships with other companies in the market then it is against a customer’s self-interest to subscribe to it. Why subscribe to a private state if its judgements are ignored by the others and it has to resort to violence to be heard? This, as well as being potentially dangerous, will also push up the prices that have to be paid. Arbitration is one of the most important services a defence firm can offer its customers and its market share is based upon being able to settle interagency disputes without risk of war or uncertainty that the final outcome will not be accepted by all parties. Lose that and a company will lose market share.
Therefore, the market set-up within the “anarcho”-capitalist “defence” market is such that private states have to co-operate with the others (or go out of business fast) and this means collusion can take place. In other words, a system of private states will have to agree to work together in order to provide the service of “law enforcement” to their customers and the result of such co-operation is to create a cartel. However, unlike cartels in other industries, the “defence” cartel will be a stable body simply because its members have to work with their competitors in order to survive.
Let us look at what would happen after such a cartel is formed in a specific area and a new “defence company” desired to enter the market. This new company will have to work with the members of the cartel in order to provide its services to its customers (note that “anarcho”-capitalists already assume that they “will have to” subscribe to the same law code). If the new defence firm tries to under-cut the cartel’s monopoly prices, the other companies would refuse to work with it. Having to face constant conflict or the possibility of conflict, seeing its decisions being ignored by other agencies and being uncertain what the results of a dispute would be, few would patronise the new “defence company.” The new company’s prices would go up and it would soon face either folding or joining the cartel. Unlike every other market, if a “defence company” does not have friendly, co-operative relations with other firms in the same industry then it will go out of business.
This means that the firms that are co-operating have simply to agree not to deal with new firms which are attempting to undermine the cartel in order for them to fail. A “cartel busting” firm goes out of business in the same way an outlaw one does — the higher costs associated with having to solve all its conflicts by force, not arbitration, increases its production costs much higher than the competitors and the firm faces insurmountable difficulties selling its products at a profit (ignoring any drop of demand due to fears of conflict by actual and potential customers). Even if we assume that many people will happily join the new firm in spite of the dangers to protect themselves against the cartel and its taxation (i.e. monopoly profits), enough will remain members of the cartel so that co-operation will still be needed and conflict unprofitable and dangerous (and as the cartel will have more resources than the new firm, it could usually hold out longer than the new firm could). In effect, breaking the cartel may take the form of an armed revolution — as it would with any state.
The forces that break up cartels and monopolies in other industries (such as free entry — although, of course the “defence” market will be subject to oligopolistic tendencies as any other and this will create barriers to entry) do not work here and so new firms have to co-operate or loose market share and/or profits. This means that “defence companies” will reap monopoly profits and, more importantly, have a monopoly of force over a given area.
It is also likely that a multitude of cartels would develop, with a given cartel operating in a given locality. This is because law enforcement would be localised in given areas as most crime occurs where the criminal lives (few criminals would live in Glasgow and commit crimes in Paris). However, as defence companies have to co-operate to provide their services, so would the cartels. Few people live all their lives in one area and so firms from different cartels would come into contact, so forming a cartel of cartels. This cartel of cartels may (perhaps) be less powerful than a local cartel, but it would still be required and for exactly the same reasons a local one is. Therefore “anarcho”-capitalism would, like “actually existing capitalism,” be marked by a series of public states covering given areas, co-ordinated by larger states at higher levels. Such a set up would parallel the United States in many ways except it would be run directly by wealthy shareholders without the sham of “democratic” elections. Moreover, as in the USA and other states there will still be a monopoly of rules and laws (the “general libertarian law code”).
Hence a monopoly of private states will develop in addition to the existing monopoly of law and this is a de facto monopoly of force over a given area (i.e. some kind of public state run by share holders). New companies attempting to enter the “defence” industry will have to work with the existing cartel in order to provide the services it offers to its customers. The cartel is in a dominant position and new entries into the market either become part of it or fail. This is exactly the position with the state, with “private agencies” free to operate as long as they work to the state’s guidelines. As with the monopolist “general libertarian law code”, if you do not toe the line, you go out of business fast.
“Anarcho”-capitalists claim that this will not occur, but that the co-operation needed to provide the service of law enforcement will somehow not turn into collusion between companies. However, they are quick to argue that renegade “agencies” (for example, the so-called “Mafia problem” or those who reject judgements) will go out of business because of the higher costs associated with conflict and not arbitration. Yet these higher costs are ensured because the firms in question do not co-operate with others. If other agencies boycott a firm but co-operate with all the others, then the boycotted firm will be at the same disadvantage — regardless of whether it is a cartel buster or a renegade. So the “anarcho”-capitalist is trying to have it both ways. If the punishment of non-conforming firms cannot occur, then “anarcho”-capitalism will turn into a war of all against all or, at the very least, the service of social peace and law enforcement cannot be provided. If firms cannot deter others from disrupting the social peace (one service the firm provides) then “anarcho”-capitalism is not stable and will not remain orderly as agencies develop which favour the interests of their own customers and enforce their own law codes at the expense of others. If collusion cannot occur (or is too costly) then neither can the punishment of non-conforming firms and “anarcho”-capitalism will prove to be unstable.
So, to sum up, the “defence” market of private states has powerful forces within it to turn it into a monopoly of force over a given area. From a privately chosen monopoly of force over a specific (privately owned) area, the market of private states will turn into a monopoly of force over a general area. This is due to the need for peaceful relations between companies, relations which are required for a firm to secure market share. The unique market forces that exist within this market ensure collusion and the system of private states will become a cartel and so a public state — unaccountable to all but its shareholders, a state of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy.
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Love your coverage of NY's worst lawyer, ChatGPT, Esq.! Also interesting for another reason. I work in a healthcare-adjacent industry where physicians have to sign off on lots of things and are considered responsible for the things they sign... but in practice, 95% of the time they're just signing without reading a word. In fact, they're SO bad at reading these things that support staff (inc. myself) have an actual term for setting up e-forms and covering paper forms in sticky notes [1/3]
so that it's as close to impossible as, well, possible for physicians to fill out their paperwork incorrectly (sign on the date field but don't date the form, etc.). So you end up having these situations where physicians are submitting documentation that's all been drafted by support personnel who may or may not know what they're talking about. I've seen it come back to bite people! [2/3]
So while this case is obviously egregious, I'm just wondering - is this really that large a departure from industry norms, or might there be some lawyers out there feeling a bit of discomfort about how much they sign off on without reading? [3/3]
Oops! Same anon that just talked about physicians - I saw that you posted a response to a nearly-identical question further back than I had read :) Sorry!
No, thank you for the interesting question!
I have to caveat my answer somewhat by saying that there are a wide variety of lawyers doing a wide variety of work. Personally, I do trial-level public interest work, so the experience of a personal injury lawyer like LoDuca et al. will be very different from what I do, and a biglaw corporate attorney will likewise be very different from both of us, and so on. With that said...no, in my experience, it's not normal to submit something without reading it. Do people cut corners and make mistakes? Absolutely. But normally it's on the level of things like what the Professional Responsibility attorneys did, where they accidentally submitted their memorandum with the fake cases included in the table of authorities (which they then later caught and corrected). Or even, more seriously, people pulling from legal research and writing someone else has done and submitting it without double-checking all the cases themselves because it all looks right, so it's probably fine (which can and does come back to bite people).
As I said in response to the ask that you referenced, even though corner-cutting and skimming definitely happens, the real problem happened once they received the defendant's reply and the court order and doubled down. I don't know much about healthcare-adjacent industries, but from what you've said, I imagine that if one of those physicians got a letter from a regulatory agency saying, "hey it looks like you've been prescribing a bunch of made up drugs," they would take it seriously and not just give it back to the same support staff who wrote the prescription!
(I hope!)
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ncon29 · 6 months
Helvetica - The Documentary
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The Rise, Flatline, and Fall of the Modernist Movement's Darling Poster Child
Name: Helvetica (Die Neue Haas Grotesk) Parents: Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann Nicknames: "Perfection" / "Ubiquitous" / "Air" / "Ultimate Typeface"
1950’s - post-war period - feeling of idealism
Social responsibility for designers
More democracy, clarity, rebuilding
Early experiments of High Modernist period - Swiss style
1957 - HELVETICA IS BORN !!! - rational typeface for all kinds of information to present ideas in intelligible/legible way - loud and clearly modern
Interesting that early modernism (dadaism, futurism, surrealism) was more subversive and that functionality emerged later
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Would you use Helvetica in your designs?
I don't have particularly strong feelings toward it. Jonathan Hoefler says "it's like off-white paint" and many of the other designers in the documentary say it's like air. It's just there. I would use it if it matches the look that I'm going for, but I typically prefer more expressive typefaces - I'd probably manipulate the original form, at least. It's ubiquitous, versatile, and functional, sure, but why would I use it when there are so many other typefaces. Bit corporate. Bit SnoozeVille.
Like Rick Poynor put it (regarding designing with Helvetica over a period of time), “There’s a law of diminishing returns”. More exposure -> more use by designers -> more predictability -> uh oh it's dull now.
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No flavour is the point but that doesn't mean I have to love it.
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It's ok but why limit yourselfffff (to one type family). I guess to push your ideas as a designer. But experimenting outside that seems more fun to me. Some people favour restrictions though, so to each their own.
My view leans towards that of Erik Spiekerman (Gemini King), who says “[Type] just makes my words visible” and that “A real typeface needs rhythm, needs contrast; It comes from handwriting. That’s why I can read your handwriting, and you can read mine. And I’m sure out handwriting is miles away from Helvetica… But we can read it because there’s rhythm to it, there’s a contrast to it.” Obviously, you can't always read handwriting, but personally I'm pretty good at it and find it much more compelling than consistent, uniform typefaces. Spiekerman on letters designed to look the same: "Hello??? You know, that’s called an army. That’s not people.” This sentiment is interesting and appeals to me, because I like it when type has personality, as it's a means for social communication -- informed by people. Then again, uniformity is just another style. But, I personally like when you can tell that a human being made something with heart and intention, and if you can do that with Helvetica, then knock yourself out ig. Michael C Place expresses that though he doesn't know the fancy type terminology, he values the emotional response that type can bring and enjoys "the challenges of making Helvetica speak in a different way”. I can admire that idea: Originality with Helvetica depends on execution.
I do like how the designers in the doco describe the typeface in regard to the space between characters as opposed to the space that the characters fill. Mike Parker says “It’s not a letter that’s bent to shape; It’s a letter that lives in a powerful matrix of surrounding space”. The negative space is said to contain the characters which is an effective, formidable way to put it. Similarly, Massimo Vignelli says "typography is really white" which I find to be a refreshing perspective.
Would you use Helvetica for one context (type of work/audience) but not another?
Yes, as long as it suits the content, my vision/the client's vision. It would not be my first choice unless I was going for that neutral look, modernist style, or just maximising attention to the actual text, rather than its appearance.
Not as passionate about this topic as some designers involved in the documentary but it's fun/ny to watch them talk about it with such vigour.
Michael Bierut: “In Helvetica. Period. Any questions? Of course not”
Wim “Gridnik” Crouwel:
“But if I see today's designers, they use all typefaces-one day one typeface, the other day the other typeface, all in favor of a certain atmosphere, I'm not... I don't like that... The meaning is in the content of the text, not in the typeface.”
Why must the meaning derived from either or be mutually exclusive ? Surely both the content and typeface can be used to amplify the message. It's about feeling and communication. Typefaces are just tools. Ricky P says type gives words "a certain colouring" which conveys a sense of a ranging intensity.
Paula Scher: "I was also morally opposed to Helvetica because I viewed the big corporations that were slathered in Helvetica as sponsors of the Vietnam War." <- Personal, moral implications.
Massimo Vignelli: thinks postmodernism is a DISEASE
Tobias Frere-Jones: Type Expression = important
“The same way that an actor that's miscast in a role will affect someone's experience of a movie or play that they're watching. They'll still follow the plot, but, you know, be less convinced or excited or affected.”
David Carson
“Don’t confuse legibility with communication.” I agree.
“If something is a very important message and it’s set in a boring, non-descript way, the message can be lost.” I neither agree nor disagree. Depends on execution.
Why are there so many Michaels?
How was Erik's birthday?
Why do I prefer this typeface to Helvetica? It's cuter.
✋︎ ⬥︎♋︎■︎⧫︎ ⧫︎□︎ ⬧︎♏︎♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎❍︎ ❍︎♓︎⌧︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ❍︎♓︎■︎♑︎●︎♏︎ ♌︎♏︎♍︎♋︎◆︎⬧︎♏︎ ♓︎⧫︎ ⬥︎□︎◆︎●︎♎︎ ♌︎♏︎ ♐︎◆︎■︎■︎⍓︎ ✏︎
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
From @rageagainstthemachine on becoming #RockHall2023 Inductees "It is a surprising trajectory for us to be welcomed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1991 four people in Los Angeles formed a musical group to stand where sound and solidarity intersect. We called ourselves Rage Against the Machine." Read more from Brad, Tim, Tom & Zack from the link in bio.
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"It is a surprising trajectory for us to be welcomed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1991 four people in Los Angeles formed a musical group to stand where sound and solidarity intersect. We called ourselves Rage Against the Machine. 
A band who is as well known for our albums as we are for our fierce opposition to the US war machine, white supremacy and exploitation 
A band whose songs drove alternative radio to new heights while right wing media companies tried to purge every song we ever wrote from the airwaves
A band who shut down the NY Stock Exchange for the first time in its history
A band who was targeted by police organizations who attempted to ban us from sold out arenas for raising our voices to free Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier and other political prisoners 
A band who sued the US State Department for their fascist practice of using our music to torture innocent men in Guantanamo Bay
A band who wrote rebel songs in an abandoned, industrial warehouse in the valley that would later dethrone Simon Cowell ’s X Factor pop monopoly to occupy the number 1 spot on the UK charts and have the most downloaded song in UK history 
A band who funded and organized delegations to stand with Mexican rebel Zapatista communities to expose the Mexican government’s war on indigenous people
A band whose experimentation in fusing punk, rock and hip hop became a genre of its own
Many thanks to the Hall of Fame for recognizing the music and the mission of Rage Against the Machine. We are grateful to all of the passionate fans, the many talented co-conspirators we’ve worked with and all the activists, organizers, rebels and revolutionaries past, present and future who have inspired our art."
-Brad, Tim, Tom & Zack 
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Official Ballot Bio
The greatest rock & roll is the voice of change, and Rage Against the Machine shook the foundations of the status quo – lyrically, sonically, and philosophically. The band mixed hip-hop, punk, metal, funk, and rock in an entirely new way. They took aim at oppressive systems of power – cultural, political, and economic – and set a new standard for how to ignite a revolution through the power of music. 
Formed in 1991, the Los Angeles quartet’s self-titled 1992 debut and 1996’s Evil Empire ushered rap-rock into the mainstream and established Rage Against the Machine as a powerful force that harnessed strength from defying sonic boundaries. Zack de la Rocha’s stinging, hip-hop-inspired vocals drew on his days fronting a hardcore band. The rhythm section of bassist Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk heightened the urgency of de la Rocha’s delivery with deep, heavy grooves grounded by a pummeling backbeat – no rhythm section could maximize volume while staying in the pocket more skillfully. Guitarist Tom Morello took the rap-rock hybridization further than contemporary groups. He used pedals, toggle switches, and alternative tunings to incorporate effects normally created by hip-hop turntables, samplers, and synthesizers into the language of heavy metal through Rage’s driving riffs and iconic solos.     
Rage Against the Machine were part of a musical tradition indebted to the MC5, the Clash, and Public Enemy. While plenty of 1990s rock bands supported social justice issues, Rage Against the Machine’s rebellious politics stood head and shoulders above. Onstage and off, the band members gave a voice to the powerless, calling out local and global inequalities and railing against censorship, corporate cronyism, and government overreach. Their lyrics were smart and pointed; “Freedom” highlighted the plight of Leonard Peltier, an imprisoned Native American leader, while “People of the Sun” showed solidarity with tyrannized Mexican citizens. Even today, their lyrics remain relevant. “Killing in the Name,” a stark indictment of racism and police brutality, still resonates deeply in cities across America. Rage Against the Machine forged brazen protest music for the modern world.
Selected discography:
“Killing in the Name,” “Bullet in the Head,” “Bombtrack,” Rage Against the Machine(1992)
• “Bulls on Parade,” “People of the Sun,” Evil Empire (1996)
• “Guerrilla Radio,” “Sleep Now in the Fire,” “Testify” The Battle of Los Angeles (1999)
• “The Ghost of Tom Joad,” “Renegades of Funk,” Renegades (2000)
Inductees: Tim Commerford, Zack de la Rocha, Tom Morello, Brad Wilk
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
CJ court watch
SCt decided two important cases today.
J. Alito wrote for the majority in Percoco v. United States, 598 U. S. __ (2023). J.J. Thomas & Gorsuch concurred. There was no dissent.
Joseph Percoco was basically a fixer in Gov Cuomo's administration. He resigned in April 2014 to run Cuomo's reelection campaign. While he was not employed by the state, he took 35k from a real estate developer in exchange for lobbying the state gov't to cut the developer a break.
The feds charged Percoco with honest-services wire fraud based on his own duty of honest services to the public while he was not a public employee.
we reject the argument that a person nominally outside public employment can never have the necessary fiduciary duty to the public. Without becoming a government employee, individuals not formally employed by a government entity may enter into agreements that make them actual agents of the government. An “agent owes a fiduciary obligation to the principal,” see, e.g., 1 Restatement (Third) of Agency §1.01, Comment e, p. 23 (2005), and therefore an agent of the government has a fiduciary duty to the government and thus to the public it serves. In this Court, Percoco has agreed that individuals who are “delegated authority to act on behalf ” of a public official and to perform government duties have a duty to provide honest services****
[The lower courts and the the jury instructions did not] define “the intangible right of honest services” “ ‘with sufficient definiteness that ordinary people can understand what conduct is prohibited,’” or “‘in a manner that does not encourage arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement.’”
the jury was not told that it was necessary to find that “relevant government personnel” “acquiesce[d]” in Percoco’s exercise of government functions.***
SCt reversed the conviction.
Ciminelli v. United States, 598 U. S. __ (2023) was another unanimous reversal in a white collar case.
NY planned to devote billions to real estate development in Buffalo. The money would be funneled through "Fort Schuyler Management Corporation, a nonprofit affiliated with the State University of New York (SUNY) and the SUNY Research Foundation."
Louis Ciminelli was a developer. Alain Kaloyeros and Todd Howe were politically connected operators in NY. Kaloyeros was a director of Fort Schuler Management.
Ciminelli paid Kaloyeros to rig the requests for proposals so that his company would win big contracts. "With that status in hand, LPCiminelli secured the marquee $750 million “Riverbend project” in Buffalo."
The Government prosecuted "solely on the theory that the scheme “defrauded Fort Schuyler of its right to control its assets.”"
SCt reviewed the history of federal wire and mail fraud statutes and how they are aimed solely at schemes that deprive victims of tangible property.
The right-to-control theory cannot be squared with the text of the federal fraud statutes, which are “limited in scope to the protection of property rights.”***
The right-to-control theory is also inconsistent with the structure and history of the federal fraud statutes.***
Finally, the right-to-control theory vastly expands federal jurisdiction without statutory authorization. Because the theory treats mere information as the protected interest, almost any deceptive act could be criminal.*** The right-to-control theory thus criminalizes traditionally civil matters and federalizes traditionally state matters.***
In sum, the wire fraud statute reaches only traditional property interests. The right to valuable economic information needed to make discretionary economic decisions is not a traditional property interest. Accordingly, the right to-control theory cannot form the basis for a conviction under the federal fraud statutes.***
SCt reversed the conviction.
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pashterlengkap · 2 months
Jennifer Aniston blasts J.D. Vance’s misogynist “childless cat ladies” comments
Jennifer Aniston had some strong words this week for former President and current Republican nominee Donald Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH). Like so many in the U.S., the Friends star was apparently shocked by Vance’s wildly misogynist comments belittling several prominent Democrats, including current Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, as “childless cat ladies,” which recently resurfaced on social media.   Related J.D. Vance calls Kamala Harris a “miserable cat lady” The mega-MAGA VP pick says having no kids means you can’t run the country. On Wednesday, Aniston took to Instagram, re-posting a clip from Vance’s July 29, 2021, appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show. Your LGBTQ+ guide to Election 2024 Stay ahead of the 2024 Election with our newsletter that covers candidates, issues, and perspectives that matter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today “We’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too,” Vance told Carlson in the clip. “And it’s just a basic fact. You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?” It’s worth noting that less than a month after Vance’s comments, Buttigieg announced on social media that he and husband Chasten were in fact in the process of becoming parents. In September 2021, they announced that they had adopted fraternal twins Penelope Rose and Joseph August. One could reasonably chalk Vance’s assumption that Buttigieg couldn’t or wouldn’t have children up to homophobic ignorance, but his presumption about then-31-year-old Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was just categorically asinine. Aniston seemed to agree. “I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States,” Aniston commented in her Instagram story. “All I can say is… Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.” Aniston may have been referring to Vance’s recent opposition to the “Right to IVF Act.” The bill was introduced by Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Patty Murray (D-WA), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) earlier this year in the wake of the Alabama Supreme Court’s unprecedented February ruling that effectively outlawed in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in the state. The “Right to IVF Act” would have ensured access to IVF and other forms of assisted fertility treatment nationwide. In June, Vance was one of 47 Senate Republicans to vote against the bill, which needed 60 votes to pass. The issue is personal for Aniston, who after years of tabloid speculation about her struggle to have children, opened up to Allure about her journey with IVF. “It was a challenging road for me, the baby-making road,” she told the magazine in 2022. “All the years and years and years of speculation… It was really hard. I was going through IVF, drinking Chinese teas, you name it. I was throwing everything at it. I would’ve given anything if someone had said to me, ‘Freeze your eggs. Do yourself a favor.’ You just don’t think it. So here I am today. The ship has sailed.” “I have zero regrets,” she added. “I actually feel a little relief now because there is no more, ‘Can I? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.’ I don’t have to think about that anymore.” Vance’s opposition to a nationwide right to IVF doesn’t just affect cisgender women and others who can carry children. IVF is the most common method of assisted reproduction and, according to Dr. Eve Feinberg, associate professor of reproductive endocrinology and… http://dlvr.it/TB7SXb
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Carnival Game Rentals Long Island NY
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Carnival game rentals in Long Island, NY, bring joy and excitement to any event, transforming ordinary gatherings into extraordinary experiences. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, hosting a community event, or organizing a corporate meeting, carnival games infuse your occasion with a vibrant energy that captivates guests of all ages. In Long Island, NY, carnival game rentals offer an unparalleled opportunity to create fun and lasting memories.
There’s something inherently enchanting about carnival games. They evoke a sense of nostalgia and whimsy, reminding us of the joyous days spent at fairs and festivals. Each game allows guests to engage in friendly competition, test their skills, and experience the thrill of winning a prize. The laughter, cheers, and camaraderie that carnival games bring to an event create an atmosphere of pure enjoyment.
Carnival games are more than entertainment; they are catalysts for interaction and engagement. Unlike passive forms of entertainment, carnival games require active participation, encouraging guests to join in the fun and cheer each other on. This interactive nature fosters community and connection, making your event memorable and enjoyable for everyone involved.
The variety of carnival games available means there’s something for every type of guest. From the youngest children to the young at heart, these games offer a range of challenges and activities that cater to different interests and skill levels. This inclusivity ensures that all your guests, regardless of age, can be part of the excitement.
One of the most significant benefits of carnival game rentals is their ability to create unforgettable memories. Picture your guests lined up to try their hand at a game; their faces lit up with anticipation and joy. The thrill of competing, the satisfaction of winning, and the shared laughter over playful challenges all contribute to a memorable event experience.
Carnival games also provide excellent photo opportunities, capturing moments of fun and celebration that you can look back on for years. The vibrant colors, dynamic action, and happy faces make for fantastic photos that will remind everyone of their great time.
Incorporating carnival games into your event can significantly enhance its atmosphere. They add a lively, festive vibe that energizes the entire gathering, turning it into a vibrant celebration. The sights and sounds of carnival games—lively music, cheerful announcements, and the clinking of game tokens—create an immersive experience that draws guests in and keeps them entertained.
One of the greatest joys of carnival games is how they unite people. They create opportunities for guests to interact, bond, and share in the fun. Watching friends and family members compete in friendly games, cheer each other on, and celebrate victories fosters a sense of unity and joy. This shared experience makes carnival games a standout feature of any event.
Carnival game rentals in Long Island, NY, offer a unique and delightful way to enhance your event. They bring fun and engagement that can turn a simple gathering into a lively celebration. The joy of participating in carnival games, the thrill of competition, and the shared laughter create an atmosphere of happiness and excitement that leaves a lasting impression on all who attend. Embrace the magic of carnival games and make your next event truly unforgettable.
Featured Business:
Jump And Slide Entertainment offers the best carnival game rentals in Long Island, NY. We offer a wide selection of top-quality games and attractions for various events such as birthday parties, corporate events, school fairs, and community festivals. We aim to deliver exceptional service and high-quality rentals to ensure your event is unforgettable. With our diverse range of carnival games, there's something for everyone, including classic games and interactive skill challenges. Let us assist you in creating memorable moments and bringing the joy and excitement of a carnival to your event!
Contact: Jump And Slide Entertainment 20 Lucon Dr, Deer Park, NY 11729, United States QM5R+VJ Deer Park, New York, USA (631) 321–7977 https://www.jumpandslide.net/category/carnival_games/
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mVb7jGuJjA
Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4U8zB3bbQoasy-NhmixNWjf2WzibGkIe
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jump-and-slide-entertainment/carnival-game-rentals-long-island-ny-1
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/jump-and-slide-entertainment/sets/carnival-game-rentals-long-island-ny-1
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@jump_and_slide_entertainment/carnival-game-rentals-long-island-ny-17a7025b4086
Weebly: https://carnival-game-rentals-long-island-ny.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://jump-and-slide-entertainment.tumblr.com/post/756688610405793792/carnival-game-rentals-long-island-ny
Strikingly: https://carnivalgamerentalslongislandny.mystrikingly.com/
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1id-khsjbPNDQZev7-P8v4n5XzfcaGhk
Google Map CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11113792269979966488
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/carnival-games-rentals-ny/
Wakelet: https://wakelet.com/wake/Q_xWFX1JOOFJWFE-B7Wls
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1815286396443369965
Twitter Tweets: https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815286062056607746 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293064237506956 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293296597512274 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293411752394977 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293527569346662 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293652840903086 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293749188260219 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293851751395389 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815293948518178976 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294051501125976 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294155326951814 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294257822879770 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294363897143697 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294470465933459 https://x.com/JumpAndSlideEnt/status/1815294575910834667
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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blognerdzone · 8 months
Protecting Your Business: Intellectual Property Law in New York
In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where creativity and innovation are as abundant as the crowded streets, understanding intellectual property (IP) law is not just for the big corporations but also for the burgeoning start-ups and the solo entrepreneurs. IP laws serve as a compass to navigate the complex waters of original ideas, brands, and inventions, offering protection and, ultimately, market leverage. But how can you, as a business owner or aspiring innovator, secure your intellectual assets in the Big Apple? Follow me, and let's unravel the web of IP law office of Mitchell NY to safeguard the soul of your business.
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Demystifying Intellectual Property
Let's start by demystifying intellectual property. IP refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. There are four primary types of intellectual property rights: patents for inventions, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Each serves a unique purpose, and understanding these distinctions is paramount to effectively protect what is yours.
In New York, as in most places, IP is a valuable and marketable asset. Trademarks help distinguish your brand from competitors, copyrighted works give the creator the exclusive right to use or reproduce it, and patents grant exclusive rights to an inventor. As we delve deeper into these four IP rights, remember, they are not mutually exclusive, and often, one IP right can protect different aspects of the same idea.
Patents in New York: Powering Innovation
New York State has been a cradle for innovation, from Thomas Edison's electrical inventions to the advancements of the modern age. When you have a new, useful, and non-obvious invention, you apply for a patent, which is a complex process but one that can yield exclusive rights for up to 20 years. Utilizing a patent protects your invention from being made, used, or sold without your permission, granting you a monopoly in the marketplace to recoup your investment and encourage further innovation.
The key to patent success is often found in diligent research, thorough documentation, and timely application. Understanding the various types of patents—utility, design, and plant—will help pinpoint the best protection for your specific innovation. Additionally, the New York intellectual property law landscape is dynamic, with recent shifts in patent procedures that now require even more precision and strategic foresight than before.
Trademarks: Building New York Brands
A business's trademarks are its identity, the immediately recognizable signs that carry the goodwill and reputation of the company. The Coca-Cola script, the Nike swoosh—these are more than just images; they are powerful brand builders and business enablers. In New York, registering a trademark gives you exclusive rights to use that mark in commerce within the state, preventing others from utilizing a confusingly similar mark.
Trademark protection goes beyond logos and slogans; it covers any word, name, symbol, or device used to identify and differentiate goods and services, conferring upon businesses a valuable form of IP. The process is rigorous yet rewarding, culminating in a mark that not only distinguishes your offerings but can appreciate in value over time, contributing to the bottom line and enterprise valuation.
Copyrights: The Artistic Arm of IP
Artistic works in New York State are exceptionally esteemed. Whether it's a piece of literature, a photograph, or a software code, copyright is the bedrock that ensures creators can benefit from their original works. The process is simpler than patents or trademarks; in New York, as in any other place, a work is considered copyrighted as soon as it is fixed in a tangible medium of expression.
Despite this automatic protection, registering a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office provides benefits, such as the ability to bring a lawsuit for infringement and the availability of statutory damages and attorney's fees. In a city that never sleeps, where artistic works and literature are as varied as the residents, copyright is the shield against unauthorized use of your creative efforts.
Trade Secrets: The Hidden Jewel
Sometimes the best way to protect your IP is to keep it a secret. In New York, trade secret law plays a pivotal role in safeguarding confidential business information that provides a competitive advantage. From formulas to practices, processes, designs, instruments, patterns, or compilations of information, a trade secret's value is its clandestine nature.
The New York version of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act provides a proper legal framework to safeguard these assets, offering protection against improper acquisition, use, or disclosure. It's crucial to have measures in place to ensure the secrecy of your trade secrets and to be prepared to enforce your rights should these secrets be compromised.
The Legal Landscape: Protecting IP in New York
New York represents a microcosm of the broader U.S. intellectual property legal landscape. It's a state where the transaction of ideas and the creation of IP are as integral to the fabric of its society as its towering skyscrapers. IP lawyers in New York are adept at crafting strategies that not only secure your rights locally but can be scaled nationwide and globally.
Navigating IP litigation, which can be as rapid and competitive as the city's business environment, requires not just legal acumen but also industry-specific knowledge. With the digitization of many industries, areas like technology and media have become of paramount importance, and the practices governing IP must keep pace.
Protecting Corporate IP: Best Practices
Every business, from the established to the nascent, needs to protect its intellectual property. Best practices include conducting regular IP audits to take stock of all IP assets, adopting clear and enforceable IP policies, keeping good records, and using the IP correctly with proper notice. Technologies that monitor and secure IP are also becoming more widely used to prevent IP theft and infringement.
Collaborating with an experienced IP attorney is perhaps the most important step a business can take to ensure that it comprehensively and appropriately protects its assets. These professionals can guide not just in terms of registration and enforcement but also in formulating strategies that align with your business objectives and the larger IP landscape in New York.
Infringement and Enforcement: Safeguarding Your Rights
The unfortunate reality is that, despite best efforts, IP rights can be infringed upon. Infringement occurs when someone uses your IP without authorization, diminishing its value and potentially causing monetary and reputational harm. Enforcing your IP rights is a critical aspect of protection, demanding a strategic and sometimes aggressive approach to defend what's rightfully yours.
In New York, the scope and stringency of IP enforcement mechanisms help deter potential infringers and provide recourse to IP owners. From cease and desist letters to litigation, the enforcement landscape is multifaceted, ensuring that there is a suitable avenue to address IP violations, protect your market share, and safeguard your reputation.
Conclusion: The Path to IP Proficiency
Understanding and utilizing intellectual property law is an essential skill for businesses in New York. It underpins the valuation of businesses, enables innovation by providing the inventor with a return on investment, and establishes the foundations for growth and market dominance. Whether it's through patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets, every enterprise, creator, and innovator stands to benefit from the protective shield that IP law offers.
In the vibrant economic tapestry of New York, IP rights are the colors that bring ideas to life and keep innovation thriving. Protect what's yours, invest in cultivating your intellectual property, and reap the rewards of a bountiful marketplace where competition is fierce, and originality is treasured. In doing so, you not only safeguard your business but contribute to the tapestry that makes New York one of the great centers of commerce and creativity.
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mica-dmss · 11 months
The Reader Sources
Bordwell, D., Thompson, K. and Smith, J. (2016) Film art: an introduction. Eleventh; McGraw-Hill international; New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
This text deconstructs various theories behind filmmaking, including the effect of narratology and successful film techniques. Methods examined are the significance of film space using mise-en-scene, the engagement of dramatic shot types, and the clarity of montage sequences. Bordwell and Thompson specifically delve into how modern media derived from Hollywood films by analysing the chronology of film events and its popularised classical narrative. Regarding narrative, the authors explain how it provides clarity in the life of its audience and as result, how such audience are gravitated towards chronological narrative eager for the prospect of life-lessons. That said, the authors do also investigate how other forms of narrative can create more complex plots in film, such as the idea of parallel narrative, which provides even more engagement with how the audience could perceive a life-like situation.
Cook, P. and Bernink, M. (1999) The cinema book. 2nd edn. London: British Film Institute.
In this text, Pam Cook explores the discussions involved within narratology, such as how Tzvetan Todorov's narrative theory helped establish a precedent for future formula of films. From this, Cook explained how narrative cinema and its cinematic codes settled in the development of film, with the help of 'cultural ascendancy'; the Hollywood pictures.
With this, Cook further examined concepts of film theory that were stemmed from this change. One notable example is Noel Burch's (1973) 'insitutional mode of representation' (IMR), the perceived dominant mode of film construction seen in virtually every film produced in our time.
Propp, V., Martin, A.Y., Martin, R.P. and Corporation, E. (1984) Theory and History of Folklore. N - New; 1; Edited by A. Liberman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Translated by Ariadna Y. Martin, Richard P. Martin and edited by Anatoly Liberman, this volume is the last of the original 5 volumes from the text 'Theory and History of literature'. The 5th volume covers the work of Vladimir Propp, including his findings and formulas behind his famous narrative theories, most notably his 31 functions theory. His studies involve close examinations into Russian folklore, which he found similar patterns of the folktale hero's journey throughout many established discourses within the plot. Thus, he was able to form the 31 'narratemes' often associated in folklore context.
Propp, V., Scott, L. and Wagner, L.A. (1968) Morphology of the Folktale. 2nd edn. Austin: University of Texas Press.
This text further explored in depth of the original papers by Vladimir Propp. Throughout his research into Russian narrative, he examines the 'organisation' of Russian folkloristic text and understood that its structure was mainly 'linear', thus explaining why the narratives were presented in a chronological order of events. He discovered that this type of narrative existed throughout centuries of storytelling, which Propp named this form of narrative as 'syntagmatic' structural analysis, based on the term 'syntax' of language from Greimas' rule of narrative grammar (cf Greimas, 1966a : 404). As a text based off of the original source, alternative theories were introduced to counter the lack of 'epistemological value' within Propp's works, such as the argument of structuralism and formulism provided by philosopher Claude Levi-Strauss. Strauss opposed to Vlad's 'syntagmatic' structural analysis, and argued the existence of paradigmatic theory.
Tringham, N.R. (2014) Science Fiction Video Games. 1st edn. Oakville: CRC Press LLC.
Within the topic of narratology, Neal Roger Tringham took a unique approach to analysing the structure of narrative through the study of game narrative. Tringham makes readers aware of the conflict between narratology and ludology in regards to the significance of stories in games, which he acknowledges the past of game stemming from elements of dualism and strategy. His text explores the evolution of narrative in media and how it has branched into different materials aside from traditional folklores and text - with the focus concerning games. Considering how the objective in recent games has been shifted by narrative, the debate between narratology and ludology involves a dilemma of if both concepts could exist together or rather intervene with each other; Tringham answers this with the existence of 'interactive' videogames.
Bronner, S.J. (ed.) (2007) ‘On Game Morphology: A Study of the Structure of Non-Verbal Folklore’, in. Utah State University Press (Meaning of Folklore), pp. 154-163.
Along with Tringham's research into gaming and narrative, Simon J. Bronner further establishes the distinction between the structure in 'types of folklore expression' and 'children's games'. The foundations of ludology is assessed in how children's games are operated; competitive games like first-shooter games are limited to a certain system, with little rules that simplify the essential nature of such games. Bronner identifies a solution to how narrative and game can become compatible through the use of 'motifemes', which introduces the 'story' unit comparable to folktale structure into games while maintaining the competitive aims behind the medium. In short, Bronner discovered how closely game and narrative resembled one-another, describing games possessing the structure of a "two-dimensional folktale" (pg. 156).
Bronner, S.J. (ed.) (2007) ‘On Game Morphology: A Study of the Structure of Non-Verbal Folklore’. Utah State University Press (Meaning of Folklore), p. 154.
This intriguing piece of work consists of Alan Dundes' investigation into game structure, and how it correlates to narrative. Dundes examined the similarities between narrative and gaming, by observing relationship between two different sides that pan out within a game, whilst comparing it to two opposing archetypes within narrative structure. He explores the coexistence of narrative 'perspective' within games, as he states that due to the immediacy and practicality of games, especially competitive games, two opposite perspectives are likely to occur, though the key fact is that they both reflect one main 'plot'; this is akin to if folktales were constructed with the involvement of both a hero's and villain's journey as opposed to usually one one execution of story through the hero. Thus, it can be found that both games and narrative involve one main plot regardless of roles, and showed how game and narrative could be compatible together, considering the criticism of games involving narrative.
Tringham, N.R. (2014) Science Fiction Video Games. 1;1st; edn. Oakville: CRC Press LLC.
Tringham's paper carefully considers the relationship between narrative and game, evaluating both criticism and support for the idea of both forms as combined. He delves into the dispute regarding interactive games and claims how such a difficult execution of a product would be impossible, due to the irony of the title; despite the players 'interacting' with a game by manipulating choices to change its ending, these 'endings' are not necessarily caused by the players, has they have already been planned and implemented in the coding of the product, by the developers themselves. Thus, it would prove difficult to mix the improvisation of outcomes that games prove, with a structure that is already pre-determined by narrative. However, Tringham acknowledges that while narrative structure may not be possible in gaming, the illusion of narrative elements within games may allow the prospect of a truly 'interactive game' become possible.
Cristofaro, M. (2020) “I feel and think, therefore I am”: An Affect-Cognitive Theory of management decisions’, European management journal, 38 (2), pp. 344–355.
In the aspect of affect in media, Cristofaro's work highlighting 'cognitive-affective' theory would be plausible in describing why people think and react erratically within a rushed environment, or towards a difficult subject. Cognitive-affective theory describes the mind having two systems that handle a variety of information and manage two types of reactions; 'system 1' consists of involuntary, 'preconscious' thought process that shows more emotion and less experience, as opposed to 'system 2' that operates more logically and executes one's rationality. In terms of their relationship, 'system 2' acts as a 'filter' for 'system 1', which is easier for the dynamic to occur when someone is placed in a situation that they learned from beforehand. Theories like this could explain why players who engage in games, such as horror games, end up 'desensitised' to its elements and are less emotional in making decisions in such games.
Mayher, J. (2016) Understanding Gender & Sexuality In Popular Culture. Indiana University Bloomington: Cognella.
Within this edited book features an entire group of volumes covering many interesting perspectives within society. Male gaze theorist Laura Mulvey explains the social and psychological origins for the often sexual depiction of women in film. Mulvey explains that in the eyes of male spectators, women are the "bearers of meaning", while men are "makers of meaning"; women bear the image of desire that men long for unconsciously, who make this vision come to life on screen. This describes the oppressive relationship emerged from patriarchal culture, with women ending up taking the passive role of 'bearing' meaning in film. Using Sigmund Frued's psychosexual research, Mulvey also elaborates that women's objectified representation corresponds to the sexual attraction of gazing at an object, known as scopophilia - this corresponds to the male gaze.
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longislanddivorce1 · 2 years
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An antenuptial agreement could be an excellent consideration for somebody that already has assets similar to a home or shares in a business or maintenance obligations in path of youngsters from a earlier marriage. In an uncontested divorce, the parties don't dispute or argue over issues of property division, youngster family law attorneys long island ny custody and support. In other words the place each spouses are in agreement about all of the elements affected by the act of divorce and the courtroom isn't required to make decisions over disputed or contested points. Burger Huyser Attorneys are experts in family and matrimonial law.
Indeed, theIntestate Succession Act, 1987, clearly sets out that the beneficiaries are, in the first instance, a partner or descendants or both. In the occasion of there being no spouse or descendants, the estate devolves upon different more distant members of the family. The solely means for a celebration to ensure that his / her property family law attorney long island is distributed to the cohabiting celebration, as he / she wishes, is to make specific provision for this in his / her Will. As mentioned above, contested divorces may take a while to finalise. In some cases, divorce proceedings might even stretch over a quantity of years, relying on the complexity of the matter.
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Tesla factory workers have formed a union in Buffalo, NY. Ana Kasparian and Francesca Fiorentini discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.commondreams.org/news/tesla-workers-union-campaign-buffalo "Tesla workers at a factory in Buffalo, New York told billionaire chief executive officer Elon Musk in an early Tuesday email that they are seeking to form the electric vehicle manufacturer's first-ever union. Employees told Musk, who also owns Twitter and has previously expressed opposition to unions on the platform, that they are organizing for "better pay and job security alongside a reduction in production pressures that they say have been harmful to their health," Bloomberg News first reported. "Tesla monitors keystrokes to track how long employees spend per task and how much of the day they spend actively working," according to the outlet, which cited a half-dozen workers. "This leads some to avoid taking bathroom breaks." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230215__TB03Tesla by The Young Turks
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
AGFA announces theatrical screenings of the 4K restoration of John Carpenter’s ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13
The American Genre Film Archive, the largest non-profit genre film archive and distributor in the world, is thrilled to announce theatrical screenings of John Carpenter's ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13—newly restored in 4K.
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Written, directed, scored, and edited by Carpenter two years prior to HALLOWEEN, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 combines the template of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD with the spirit of RIO BRAVO to forge a movie like no other. The story follows a group of police offers (including the mighty Austin Stoker) and convicts as they join forces inside a soon-to-be-closed L.A. police station. The reason? They must defend themselves against Street Thunder, a vicious gang who have taken a blood oath to kill someone trapped inside the precinct. Combining gritty action with arthouse style, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 features powerful Cinemascope compositions, a pulsing synth score, and an immersive mood that only Carpenter can deliver.
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“It’s an honor to represent Carpenter’s legacy, given how much personal joy his work has created for us,” said AGFA Theatrical Director Bret Berg. “When it’s something as iconic as PRECINCT 13—akin to the heartstopping majesty of HALLOWEEN—we’re driven to get this taut masterwork in front of as many audiences as we can. Big thanks to the CKK Corporation for sheparding this new restoration.”
Newly restored in 4K, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 is back on the big screen—loud, beautiful, and inescapable, as it was always meant to be seen.
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The full list of screenings:
1/11 - 1/13 - Globe Cinema / Calgary, Canada week of 1/20 - Gateway Film Center / Columbus, OH week of 1/20 - Screenland Armour / Kansas City, MO week of 1/20 - Majestic Theaters Tempe / Phoenix, AZ week of 1/20 - Music Box / Chicago, IL week of 1/27 - The Beacon / Seattle, WA week of 1/27 - Somerville Theater / Somerville, MA week of 1/27 - Plaza Theater / Atlanta, GA week of 1/27 - Charlotte Film Society / Charlotte, NC 1/22 - Digital Gym / San Diego, CA 1/26 - Crosstown Arts / Memphis, TN starting 1/26 - Rio Theatre / Vancouver, BC 1/27 - 1/30 - Frida Cinema / Santa Ana, CA 1/29 - 2/1 - Metro Cinema / Edmonton, Canada throughout Feb 2023 - Winnipeg Film Society / Winnipeg, Canada 2/3 - Charles Theater / Baltimore, MD week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse DTLA / Los Angeles, CA week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Lower Manhattan / NYC week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse New Mission / San Francisco, CA week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Park North / San Antonio, TX week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Raleigh / Raleigh, NC week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Sloans Lake / Denver, CO week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar / Austin, TX week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Staten Island / NYC week of 2/3 - Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers / Yonkers, NY week of 2/3 - Mayfair Theater / Ottawa, ON week of 2/3 - Hollywood Theater / Portland, OR week of 2/3 - Cinema Arts Centre / Huntington, NY 2/6 - Nitehawk Prospect Park / NYC 2/17 - 2/18 - Late Nite Grindhouse / St. Louis, MO 2/25 - University of Wisconsin Cinematheque / Madison, WI week of 3/10 - Ragtag Cinema / Columbia, MO 3/17 - 3/19 - Trylon Cinema / Minneapolis, MN
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About AGFA Formed in 2009, the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit located in Austin, Texas. AGFA exists to preserve the legacy of genre movies through collection, conservation, and distribution. Housing theatrical and home video distribution arms, a 4K film scanner, and over six thousand film prints, AGFA will never rest until genre movies rule the world.
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