#How To Wear A Denim Jacket Womens
watchmegetobsessed · 8 months
A/N: can't believe i actually wrote this, but yaay!! i did it!!
SUMMARY: Harry has been in love with Y/N since forever. Unfortunately the plan he comes up with to win her over leads her to meet the man she eventually would get engaged to...
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“This is literally the worst plan I’ve ever heard.”
“No, it is brilliant!”
“Brilliantly stupid,” Niall retorts, staring at his best friend who is standing in front of the tiny mirror they managed to squeeze into their dorm room. Harry runs his fingers through his unruly curls, settling them in a messy, but organized way before grabbing his jacket and phone. 
“Why would it be stupid? It will work out perfectly. These speed dating things never work, we will have a round with each other and I will prove that I’m the perfect guy for her! Easy!”
Niall can’t help but bark out a laugh from his bed.
“Yeah, that’s a cool fairytale, but have you thought of everything that could go wrong?”
“Nope, because nothing will go wrong. Don’t piss me off, I’m about to win over the girl I’ve been in love with my whole life. Why are you being so bitter?”
“I’m just… not sure this is the best way to do it,” Niall sighs.
“It’ll be fine. I have to go now. Wish me luck!”
And with that he is out of the small, cramped room. 
Harry is quick to forget about Niall’s warning, in his mind, it’s the perfect plan. He begged Y/N to come to this speed dating event held on campus for a week before she finally agreed. He’s convinced there’ll be no one he should be worried about and he has thought about what it will be like when he will be sitting in front of her, how he will charm her and finally step over the lines of friendship and head towards something more. 
It all played out well in his head. 
He meets her by the café that’s the location of the event. She is already there, wearing a flowy dress with a denim jacket over, she is not too dolled up, but he can tell she spent quite some time in the bathroom probably before leaving.
She looks breathtaking. 
“Hey there,” he smiles widely as he walks up to her. “Ready?”
“Not really,” she huffs out a short, nervous laugh.
“Come on, it will be fun!” he smirks, opening the door for her, catching the scent of her sweet perfume as she walks past him. 
They come here often between lectures, now the tables are lined up straight, two chairs by each of them with notebooks and pens waiting to be used during the speedy rounds. There are a handful of people lingering around already and soon enough the place fills up and the event starts. Harry and Y/N end up sitting a couple of tables away from each other, so it will take about five rounds for them to meet. The host of the event explains how it works: every round is ten minutes long, either people get five minutes to tell the person across from them about themselves. At the end of a round they can exchange numbers and carry on with the event or they can decide to step out of the line and carry their conversation on. 
Harry is confident as he waits for it to start, while Y/N seems nervous as she examines the men sitting in front of the line of women. The bell that signals the start and end of the rounds rings and everyone focuses on the person sitting across the table. 
One round, two rounds, three rounds go by, Harry tries his best to focus on the girls he talks to, but he is just too excited to finally get to Y/N. She is now just one table away from him, only one more girl before he finally gets to take the chair in front of her. 
The round ends and it’s time to move to the next table. Harry is collecting his notebook and pen when he sees two figures stand up from the corner of his eyes. He turns to his right and sees Y/N standing up from her table along with the guy she just talked to in the last round. 
Harry’s stomach drops and his jaw hangs open for a moment as he watches the two of them move to a table on the side, she is laughing and the guy touches her arm as they exclude themselves from the rest of the daters. 
Harry is frozen, panic settles in the pit of his stomach, then someone nudges him to move and he is forced to carry on while the table she was sitting at before is now awfully empty. 
He was not expecting this. This was not part of his plan, he was supposed to be the one to sweep her off her feet, not some random guy. He forces himself to carry on with the rounds, but he can barely focus, he keeps looking back at Y/N, but she seems quite happy to be talking to the guy. 
It feels like forever until there are no more rounds and everyone is free to chat with whoever caught their eyes. Harry is tempted to go over to Y/N, make the guy leave and claim her to be his. But all he can do is just watch as the girl he’s been in love with forever falls for someone else. 
It’s his personal hell. 
Hours go by and they are still talking, but Harry can’t watch it any longer. He sends her a text saying he’s gone back to the dorm and to text him when she is home as well. When he walks into his room Niall is about to ask how it went, but just one look on his face is enough to figure out the plan did not work. 
He lies in bed wide awake for hours and then her text finally arrives.
Y/N: Back in the dorm :) thanks for asking me to come, it was awesome! I’ll tell you about Oscar tomorrow Xx
Oscar. Harry didn’t want to know who she chose over him, but now he had a name and even though he knew nothing about him, he hated the guy. 
With a heavy heart he drops the phone to his night stand and stares at the wall until the Sun rises. 
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Harry has read over the menu at least five times by the time Y/N walks into the restaurant finally. It hasn’t been that long since the last time he saw her, he can still feel that stinging feeling in his chest every time he sees her he’s felt in the past years. 
“Sorry, finding a parking spot was impossible,” she huffs as she reaches the table, he stands and they share a short, but tight hug.
“It’s fine,” he smiles. 
“Have you ordered?” she asks, grabbing the menu Harry’s been staring at the last ten minutes. 
“No, not yet.”
He watches her read through the menu, though they both know she will order the same thing she always gets, no matter where they eat. The waitress comes and takes their order and when she’s gone they are finally focusing on each other. 
Meeting up has been harder since they finished college two years ago, even though they live in the same city. Harry has been working at a label the past year and Y/N secured a great position at a firm after graduation, so they both have been quite busy.
Especially Y/N, because her and Oscar moved in together after school was over. They’ve been dating for almost two years then, so it was a logical move, but it didn’t make it easier on Harry, who’s been silently suffering since that stupid speed dating event he will forever regret asking Y/N to go to, because her and Oscar have been together for almost four years now, happier than ever, twisting the knife in his chest every time he has to see her being happy with someone else. 
“Ah, it’s been such a crazy week,” she sighs, leaning back in her seat. 
“Want to rant about it?” Harry smiles at her softly.
“Well…” Her lips curl upwards as she takes a deep breath before peeking up at him. “It’s not really something I want to rant about, because… It’s quite good news.”
Harry is just about to ask her to elaborate when she holds up her hand in front of him and it takes him a couple of seconds to put the picture together. But when it finally sinks in, he almost throws up.
There’s a shiny diamond ring sitting on her ring finger and the cheesiest smile is stretched across her face behind it. She wiggles her fingers as Harry’s lips part while he silently fights for his life to hold his not too uplifting feelings and thoughts bottled up. He succeeds, because she doesn’t realize just how much he is struggling. 
“It happened last weekend, I wanted to tell you right away, but I also wanted to tell you in person,” she enthuses, turning her hand so the ring is now facing her, the beaming smile should make Harry happy, but he can taste the awful bitterness again he’s been swallowing back for so long. 
She goes on to tell him every detail about the proposal, how romantic it was, from what Harry hears it was just how she imagined, but he is still frozen in shock, his eyes glued to the diamond on her finger. 
“So, now I’m a bride!” She finishes her speech, but as she looks at Harry her face falls. “Oh my God, I’m such an asshole!” She covers mouth and Harry’s stomach drops, thinking that his expression gave him away. “I’m telling you about my engagement when you are probably still not over the whole Wren thing.”
Wren? He almost asks her who Wren is, but he realizes that she is talking about the last girl he dated. Things ended a few weeks ago, but he already forgot about it, because it was the same as before. He couldn’t bear being with someone who wasn’t Y/N. 
“Ah, no, no…” he manages to speak up finally, gulping harshly. “It’s fine. And… congrats!” The smile on his face would probably not fool her, but she is too lost in her pink clouds. 
“Thank you! And there is one more thing. It will sound stupid,” she giggles, before continuing, “I don’t really have any girl best friends, I’ll have just a few bridesmaids, but… I want you to be my maid of honor?”
Harry is staring back at her with parted lips, her words playing in his mind on repeat.
“I know it sounds ridiculous, but Harry, you are my best friend and I want you there, by my side. So, what do you say?”
Blinking, he fights the part of him that wants to stand up and walk away. Because she is asking him to watch her marry someone from the front line, to assist her on her big day when he has imagined himself being the man she would one day walk down the aisle to. But now this image will be different and ruined forever, because she is marrying someone else. 
For a moment he is back at the speed dating event. He thinks about how he should have just told her how he felt instead of that ridiculous plan that brought her together with Oscar. Maybe she would have rejected him, but at least he could say that he tried. Now he has to put up with the pain of his heart breaking over and over again, all because he couldn’t man up and tell her he’d been in love with her. 
Exhaling slowly he licks his lips before nodding his head.
“Yeah. Sure. I’m happy to… I’m happy for you. I’ll be there for you.”
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Harry had nothing against weddings. Up until it was the wedding of the woman he loved and he wasn’t the groom. 
As Y/N’s man of honor he couldn’t exclude himself from the planning process. Choosing decoration, cake tasting…. dress shopping… he suffered through it all while he had to come to terms with his unpleasant fate. 
Now it’s the night before the big day. The wedding is held in a botanical garden, there’s a small hotel connected to it, that’s where the guests are staying. It’s the perfect venue for the perfect wedding. 
Y/N is in her suit with her bridesmaids while Harry is in his own room. His suit is hanging on the door of the closet next to his bed, haunting him about what he will have to witness tomorrow with a smile on his face. He already thought of ways to get himself out of it, but he knows there’s no excuse good enough to miss Y/N’s wedding. 
His phone chimes on the nightstand with a text and when he looks at the screen Y/N’s name appears in the notification bar.
Y/N: come overrrr maid of honor!!
Then another text follows.
Y/N: we have champagne and I need my best friend here!!!
His thumbs linger over the keyboard, trying to come up with a reply, but then she keeps texting him, begging him to go over and he breaks. With a groan he puts on a hoodie and grabbing his keycard he heads down the hall to her suit. 
What welcomes him there is exactly what he was expecting. It’s like a sleepover, the bridesmaids are drinking and dancing around, Y/N is wearing a cheap veil on her head that’s attached to a tiara, wearing matching PJ’s with the rest of the girls. 
“Harry!” she beams when he is pulled into the suit by two girls, right into the middle of their little party. 
Y/N runs across the room and hugs him, she almost loses her balance, but he catches and steadies her with an arm around her waist. 
“How much champagne have you had?” he breathes out a short chuckle.
“Just a little,” she giggles. “Hey, I want to talk to you about something, come on.”
She takes his hand and pulls her into the bedroom, closing the door to have some privacy from the laughter and music outside. Her wedding dress is laid out on an armchair in the corner of the room, an open, pink suitcase by the bed, clothes flowing out of it. Her presence is all over the room and he wishes he could see these traces in his own home too. 
He sits on the edge of the bed and watches her grab a lip balm from her bag. She applies it and then keeps it in her hands, playing, fidgeting with it. 
“You seem worried,” he voices his thoughts. 
“No, I’m…” She sighs, looking up at him. “It’s natural, right?”
“What is?”
“That… I’m scared.”
“Of marrying him?”
“No, just generally. It’s a big step,” she shrugs. “I always dreamed of my wedding and now it’s all happening, I’m just… I don’t know, I’ve been thinking a lot, but it’s all part of the ride, right?”
She is trying her best to sound calm and collected, but Harry knows her better than anyone and can see through the mask. He knows she is having doubts and though these thoughts could be normal, Y/N is never one to doubt her decisions, so her current fears are definitely raising his concerns.
And his hopes as well.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” Y/N just shrugs. “Did Oscar do something to make you question it all?”
“No,” she chuckles, but it’s more bitter than genuine. “He is amazing, really.”
The stinging feeling returns in Harry’s chest, but he just keeps listening to her.
“I just… I don’t know, sometimes I question if we were meant to be. It’s all been so easy and convenient and maybe it’s just all the books and movies, but I imagined… more.”
It’s like the tiniest light is now forcing its way through the dark, thick walls Harry has built up around him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he still has a chance to make it right, that he hasn’t missed his chance. 
“Don’t marry him then,” he says, his heart hammering in his chest. 
“What?” she chuckles. 
“If you’re not sure, then don’t marry him.”
“Harry, I won’t call the wedding off. I love him.”
She turns away, but not before he could catch the look of doubt in her eyes, crystal clear, telling him this is the moment he missed all those years ago. 
He stands up from the bed and there’s a second when he almost changes his mind, but he has to do it or he might lose his mind forever. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
She stills, her back facing him. 
“I love you too Harry,” she says. “You’re my best friend.”
“But I’m in love with you.”
She doesn’t answer for so long he starts to think she didn’t even hear him, but then she slowly turns around with an unreadable look on her face and he decides to continue. 
“I’ve… been in love with you for so long, I don’t even remember what it’s like not to love you. I know it’s not ideal to tell you this right now, but I feel like if you’re questioning whether you should marry Oscar or not, it might… that maybe you’re…”
She’s still silent, just staring back at him, not giving away any emotion or thought. 
“Y/N, you can still call it off. I-I will be by your side and if you want to try and—”
“I know it’s scary, but I love you and I would do anything–”
“Harry, stop!” she raises her voice and it finally gets him to stop talking. Clenching his jaw he takes a step backwards. 
Y/N exhales shakily, Harry is still unsure what she is thinking and the words are begging to keep bubbling from his mouth now that he started talking, but he swallows them down. Shaking her head she takes a step closer to him.
“You… Harry, I…” She is trying to find the words and Harry starts talking again, but he is cut off rather fast.
“I swear we–”
“You have the nerve to pour all of this onto me on the night before my wedding? Right after I tell you about my deepest fear?”
Now it’s clear to him. She is mad, her eyes are throwing flames, but he’s confused, this is not what he was expecting.
“Y/N, I just–”
“You just thought that choosing this vulnerable moment was the perfect timing to tell me you’ve been in love with me all this time?! What were you expecting, huh? That I would throw myself into your arms giggling and confess my love? Call my wedding off?”
“I-I’m… I don’t…”
“I can’t believe you! Get the hell out of here!” Turning around she wraps her arms around herself, breathing heavily. Harry reaches out and touches her shoulder, but she jerks away instantly. “Get out!” she screams. “And don’t even think about showing up tomorrow!”
Harry is in shock, denial, completely destroyed as he stares at the back of her head. He wants to beg for her to forgive him, to forget everything he said. He would rather suffer by her side than lose her, but he knows he has no choice now. 
He walks over to the door, looks back one more time, but she is still turned away, her body shaking. He opens the door, the music floods into the room from outside and he walks out without a word. 
He returns to his room, packs all of his stuff and under the shining stars, he drives away, barely seeing the road through his tears. 
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Anne’s backyard looks magical this time of the year. The blooming flowers, the bright green grass, it’s a beautiful scenery and Harry would love to bask in it normally, but now he is just blankly staring ahead of him. 
It’s been a week since he confessed his love for Y/N at the worst possible moment and lost her forever. He has no idea who ended up being her maid of honor after his departure, he turned his phone off and hasn’t turned it on since. He would rather claw his eyes out than see all the wedding content from their mutual friends. He’s been hiding at his mum’s since then. 
“Tea?” Anne’s chirpy voice asks from the sliding doors.
“No thank you,” he answers. Anne sighs and he hears her footsteps, but he doesn’t look her way.
“You know you can’t hide here forever, right?”
“If you want me out of here just tell me that.”
“You know I love having you here as long as you want, but you’ll have to face reality at one point.”
“I’m hiding for a bit more, thanks.”
Anne sighs again and Harry hopes she would just let him be, but also knows she likes to say what’s on her mind.
“You know she was mad at the timing and not your feelings, right?”
“Y/N loves you, romantically or not, she loves you. She might have to get over how you chose the worst possible moment to tell her you love her, but she will come around. And when it happens, you better not still be a mess.”
The sliding doors close behind her and he is left alone with his thoughts again. He hates how right she is, but it still hurts. 
Groaning he marches up to his room and digs his phone out from the depth of his suitcase. Turning it on the notifications start flooding in, texts, emails, voicemails, he is skipping most of them until his eyes catch one particular thing. Then another and he slowly starts to put the picture together and he fears he is about to have a heart attack.
The wedding never happened. Y/N didn’t marry Oscar. 
He drops his phone as if it was on fire and starts packing right away. He needs to get to the bottom of this, he needs to know if it was because of his confession. Even if she screams and cusses him out, he needs to find answers. What’s the worst that could happen? He is already on the floor, there’s only up from here.
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How is it that no one knows where she is? 
Harry has been trying to track her down since he arrived back from the UK, going from one friend to the other, but no one knows where she’s been hiding since the catastrophic almost-wedding. Everyone is saying the same thing? she packed her stuff from the place she’d been sharing with Oscar, left and no one has seen her since. She just sent a few texts to her parents to let them know she’s alright, but that’s all. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath as he heads back to his home, completely lost about where she could be. 
He is trying to come up with other ideas as he is climbing the stairs up to his apartment. He slides the key into the lock, too deep in his thoughts to realize that it’s unlocked at first, but when he does, he freezes, then practically runs inside. 
He spots the familiar pink suitcase first, then hears the footsteps and a few moments later Y/N appears down the hallway. 
He is trying to find the right words, but nothing comes out his mouth as he is slowly walking closer to her. 
“I still had your spare keys,” she says quietly. The anger he last saw from her is now gone, she looks so small and broken and all he wants to do is wrap her in his arms and never let her go. But he knows they need to talk first.
“Have you been here all along?”
“Yeah. I promise I didn’t read your diary.” She cracked a joke, but her weak laugh doesn’t fool him.
“It’s fine. How… How are you? I know you didn’t…”
“I didn’t marry Oscar? Yeah. And I feel like shit.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you then, I was an idiot, you were right. I chose the worst moment, used your vulnerability and tried to use it to my advantage. I am so sorry.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Of course I regret. My timing was incredibly awful and disrespectfu–”
“No, not the timing. That you… That you told me.”
He clenches his jaw, thinking of what to say, but he decides he needs to be honest with her and with himself as well.
“I don’t regret telling you. I’ve been keeping it a secret for a very long time and it needed to be said. I’m not expecting you to forgive me, let alone… consider giving me a chance, but I just want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you.”
“Was there any other moment when you wanted to tell me before?”
“The speed dating event,” he answers right away. “I had this ridiculous plan that you would find me the best match and I would… finally tell you how I’d been feeling. But then…”
“Oscar,” she breathes out.
“Yeah, Oscar happened,” he smiles bitterly. 
She closes her eyes and he wishes he could read her mind, but he is just waiting patiently for her to process everything. Then she looks at him and finally starts talking.
“I thought you wanted to go there to pick up someone. I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t want to see you flirt with other girls.”
“What?” he whispers.
“I told myself I needed to get myself over you, because you’d never want me. Oscar was nice and funny, but… deep down I always kept comparing him to you. I hated myself for that, because he was so amazing, so caring and loving, but… not you.”
Tears start rolling down her cheeks and he can feel his throat closing up as well.
“I was so mad at you that night. You let me… go through with all that just to tell me you’ve always loved me the night before my wedding. I was angry and I felt like I was played with.”
“That was never my intention.”
“I know,” she nods. “When I calmed down I knew I couldn’t get married to Oscar. I went over to your room in the morning, but it was empty. I wanted to go after you, but I also needed some time to think.”
“And… where are you standing right now?” he asks as he walks over to her, but he’s still not touching her, giving her the chance to move back.
She never does.
“Do you still love me?”
“Y/N, I will never stop loving you.”
“Okay, good,” she breathes out. “Because love you too and if you–”
She doesn’t get to finish, he grabs her and kisses her like he should have all these years ago, like he wants to erase all the bad, the almost-wedding, the suffering, the miscommunication, nothing matters now that they finally met each other at the right time and place. 
“Isn’t it funny?” she breathes out against his lips.
“What is?”
“That you wanted to tell me you love me at a speed dating event, but it took you the longest fucking time to actually confess. It was anything, but speedy.”
He can’t help but laugh, because she is right, it’s comical. 
“Don’t they say good things take time?”
“Mhm, sure,” she grins, pulling him down for another kiss.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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Cliff burton x fem!Reader and reader is like a goody two shoes and cliff is a bad boy or wtv but they go to the same church and hookup in the bathroom during service 👀
omfgggg yesssss i like where ur head is at
jesus christ this is way longer than i wanted it to be (thats what she said. actually. what person has ever said that.)
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cws: innocent!fem!reader, kinda douchebag cliff, praise kink, oral sex (F receiving), loss of virginity, lil bit of blood, cliff calls reader angel, p in v, unprotected sex, virginity kink
You were joined at the altar by a tall man with a denim jacket and such long hair that you thought he was a woman. But as he kneeled to rest his hands on the bench, you saw that he was in fact a man. Your mind strayed from your silent prayer, wondering who had allowed him in the church. It was customary for the men to wear suits and be well groomed. Girls wore dresses and were expected to wear their hair up. This is what God wanted. This is how his people acted. This strange man seemed to follow his own rules. Part of you immediately disliked him for his disregard of the church's expectations, but the other part found him fascinating. Daring to walk up to the altar with his shoulders slouched. Mumbling his prayer aloud. The rings on his fingers, one of a ram's head and the other featuring a skull. You hurried through your prayer to go sit back down with your family. You stood, and he tilted his head ever so slightly. His smirk caught your eye, and your breath caught in your throat. After a moment of hesitation, you cleared your throat and made your way back to your pew. When you sat down, your mother gave you a curious look.
"My goodness, what's got you so flustered? Do you feel alright?"
"Uh, yeah... just a little dizzy. Must be from the heat."
You didn't feel alright. You felt...funny. After trying your best to sit through the sermon, you couldn't help it. You stood, smoothed out your dress, and made your way to the bathroom. You were surprised to find the man from earlier leaning against the back wall of the church, hands in his pockets, focused on the priest. He noticed you passing by, and stopped you, holding out his hand.
"Saw you up at the altar. Names' Cliff."
"Oh! Uh...yes! Nice to meet you!"
You ignored his hand and had only gotten one step further when you felt his hand on your shoulder.
"Whoa whoa whoa. You feelin' all right?"
"Yes." Your answer was concise and snippy, getting your urgency across.
He stared at you for a moment, then let go watching you hurry out of the chapel.
In the bathroom, you gripped the sides of the sink and stared straight into your reflection. What the hell was happening? After a moment of zoning out, you noticed your thighs were clenched, but when you relaxed them, an ache crept into your lower stomach, and your clit begun to throb. Fear plagued your mind, unsure of what God would think of your...predicament.
"You doin' okay sweetheart?"
You jumped as his voice came through the bathroom door.
"Um, sir, this is a women's bathroom!" Your voice came out shaky and high-pitched, noticing the throbbing became more intense when he spoke.
"Ya decent?"
"Uh...yes. Wait no! Don't come in!"
It was too late. He was standing in the door frame. One hand on the knob, the other on the frame.
"I have no fuckin' clue who you are but the one thing I do know is something's wrong and I have no clue what it is. If you want some help you need to tell me what's wrong."
"I...think I'm sick."
"That's it? You're acting like there's some big crisis."
You covered your face in shame.
"Seeing you up at the altar made me feel...funny."
"How so?"
"My stomach, my lower stomach, you just make me ache. A-and my legs are shaky and...I don't know what's happening."
Tears welled up in your eyes, not missed by Cliff. He could see the drops form in between your fingers. He took your hands and placed them by your sides.
"So you're telling me...you've never been horny before?"
Your blank expression gave you away.
"You've never had sex?"
"I haven't been married."
He stared at you in utter disbelief.
"Well honey, the solution to your 'sickness' is to have sex."
"I can't! Pre-marital sex is sinful! I'm not supposed to!"
He threw his hands up and sighed.
"Look, I'm just tryna help."
You knew that he was right. You were a virgin at 19. Never even masturbated. You probably just needed to blow off some steam.
"Does it hurt?"
"Scuse me?"
"Sex. Does it hurt."
Knowing he was in for a long conversation, he sat down on the counter and flicked his Zippo open, bringing a cigarette to his lips.
"What are you doing?" You asked, horrified.
"Sweetheart, we're sitting in a church bathroom. I'm explaining to you what sex feels like. Let me have this."
You gave him a glare before sitting beside him.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes, marinating in the awkwardness.
"I've heard it can. For women."
"Well it almost always does," he corrected himself, taking his cig from his lips and tapping it on the edge of the sink, "because you're stretching open. No way that doesn't hurt a little bit."
"If it hurts so much, why do people do it?"
"Oh sweetheart, you really are clueless, aren't you," he laughed.
"It's not funny!"
"'S funny as hell, seein' you all flustered."
The throbbing only intensified as he made fun of you.
"It feels good at the end, gets you all spacey and shit."
"So it feels good, but it hurts?"
"Well, it only hurts the first few minutes or so, and then the pain kinda just becomes pleasure."
"Will you help me?"
The question caught him completely off-guard, making him choke on his own spit and nearly dropping his cig on his leg.
"What's wrong?"
"Sweetheart it's just... you're asking me to take your virginity. In a church bathroom."
"I know, and I do feel bad about it, but it just hurts now. I just need...something."
"Oh yeah? Tell me what you need."
He stared at you for a few seconds before speaking again.
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you're doing."
"Yeah but...you can teach me, right?"
He flicked his cig in the sink before swallowing hard and trying to ignore the obvious bulge in his jeans.
"Only if you really want it."
"I do, I want it."
"Good girl."
He slid off the counter, taking his jacket off and setting it to the side.
"The thing that's most important is the foreplay. You gotta warm each other up, get ready for it."
You were surprised to feel a warm hand feel it's way up your skirt, rings catching on the material. He left goosebumps on your thighs. You whimpered as his hot breath hit your neck, tongue just barely skimming the surface. A sound you had never heard another soul make erupted from your throat as his pointer and middle finger grazed your center, blocked by your panties.
"Please, do it again!"
He grinned against your neck as he repeated his motions, a bit rougher than last time.
Your hips moved on their own, bumping into his. A noise came from him that made think you had hurt him, when in reality, you had just ground onto the front of his jeans.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
"Better than okay sweetheart," he grunted.
You earned another sound from him when he used his pointer finger to move the crotch of your panties aside, grazing your labia in the process. Again, your hips jutted forward, hitting his erection. It was only the second time around you noticed something was poking your center.
"What's that?"
"That's my dick sweetheart. That's what I fuck you with."
"Well, aside from these."
His pointer finger just barely touched your clit, nearly making you yell.
"Please what?"
"Please just touch me, I need it so bad!"
His middle finger rested on your clit, rubbing slow circles.
"Feels so good, please don't stop."
"Wasn't planning on it sweetheart."
"Can I feel it?"
"Oh honey, you have no idea how adorable you are."
He grabbed your hand, cupping his bulge with it.
"It's so...hard."
"This," he groaned, "is what happens when men get horny. 'S called an erection."
"You're gonna put it in me?"
You reached for the zipper, before being stopped.
"Nuh-uh sweetheart. I gotta do sumthin' first."
He winked at you before kneeling, becoming eye level with your core. You almost yelled when you felt his tongue on your upper thigh, making it's way to your pussy. It was unlike anything you've ever felt. Like heaven, but better. You snapped out of your trance, however, when you felt something build in your stomach.
"Something...somethings happening! Uh! Cliff!"
He stood, hand taking his tongue's place, rubbing fast circles over your clit.
"'S all right honey, just let it happen."
"Ngh-Cliff, uh..."
"You're gonna cum sweetheart, it's normal, just let it happen."
You're hands gripped his shoulders as you climaxed. Your mouth open in a silent scream, your hips spasming.
"Cliff, Cliff! Uh, please! It's too much!"
You whimpered at the sudden loss of his fingers, your overstimulated cunt throbbing.
"Now the fun part."
He laid his jacket on the floor, taking your hand and lowering you onto the tile. He undid his pants, pulling them down in the front just enough to lift his cock and balls out of his boxers.
"I don't think I can do this."
"C'mon sweetheart, it'll only hurt for a minute, and then you'll cum again. And this time, it'll feel a lil better."
"Okay, just be gentle."
He situated himself at your entrance, taking your hands in his, and making eye contact, pushed the head inside, earning him a strangled moan from you. After about a minute, he felt you loosen the tightest bit around him, letting him slide in about an inch farther. His head hung heavy on his shoulders before lifting it again.
"Shit sweetheart. So fucking tight."
Over the course of about ten minutes, he managed to work his way inside you.
Your hands were pushing against his chest, nails digging through his shirt. Tears stained your cheeks, leaving wet spots on the collar of your dress.
"I c-can't, it hurts too much!"
"Ooh, I know you can take more."
He slowly slid out, leaving the very tip in. He gave you a minute before working his way back in.
"Doin' so fucking good for me..." he whispered over your whimpers.
Before you knew it, he was fucking you at a brutal pace, bruising your waist with his grip.
He was close, so fucking close. He carefully grabbed your chin and faced you toward him.
"You want me to cum in this pretty pussy? Yeah?"
"Uh huh!" was all you could get out, practically brain dead. Being this close to such a massive orgasm was an entirely novel experience for you, incapacitating you.
"Oh fuuuck, gonna fill you up angel, gonna fill you up so good."
"Please! Please oh my god! Yes!"
He bent down to your ear before whispering,
"Such a fucking whore getting fucked in church, letting a fucking stranger take your innocence. What would your parents think? What would God think, his child losing her purity to a sinner? Huh?"
His questions pushed you over the edge, making you scream. Cliff quickly covered your mouth with his hand, stilling inside you. The feeling of his cum inside you only intensified your orgasm, making you convulse.
He kept his hand over your mouth as he very slowly fucked his cum and your blood back into your hole. He carefully pulled out, letting the aftermath drip onto his jacket. You were still speechless, letting the aftershocks roll through you. He comforted you and left little kisses all over you as he reached into the stall to grab a generous amount of toilet paper, wetting it at the sink and wiping your thighs and lower stomach off.
"That's my good girl, there she is," he cooed as you tried to stand, groaning. Your legs shook violently, sending you back down into his lap.
"Whoa there sweetheart." He laughed.
"Shut up."
You smiled, leaning back into his arms.
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 3: nico robin!!
this one took a decent amount of effort, i actually had to try more than once to get the design right lol
i guess i should start with what i dislike about her original post-timeskip outfit:
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i like the kind of spy vibes achieved by the slicked back hair, shades, and leather top, but all that kinda falls flat when paired with the tropical wrap/skirt and bright red heels. it feels like two halves of two different outfits put together. like if oda had a really good idea for the top half of robin’s outfit, but got stumped on the bottom half and just settled for a tropical/beachy vibe since they’re out on the ocean…?? ig…??
maybe this is nitpicky, but while that giant wrap/skirt thing is pretty, it looks like it could fall off at any point. and it doesn’t look like she’s wearing anything underneath. and her heels are impractical. my mom can walk better in heels than in flat shoes on solid ground, but not when it comes to treeking through rough terrain. i don’t think a broken or twisted ankle should befall our adventuring archeologist.
also! her post-ts jolly roger features a cowboy hat, but none of her outfits since sabaody archipelago have featured even an ounce of cowboy vibes!! a very serious problem in my opinion!
ok now onto the design itself:
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i initially tried following the moodboard i made, but ended up almost completely ignoring it for the final design.
she’s a multifaceted woman, which was kinda difficult for me to represent all in one outfit.
obviously i wanted to reference her general cowboy vibes she had going on all throughout the pre-timeskip.
i wanted to keep the spy vibes too, since it matches her skills with espionage! idk how well i kept that tho, since i also specifically wanted a lighter color palette.
the palette was inspired by robin’s wano arc outfit, my favorite of hers!! the focus on lighter colors while still maintaining the blue and black suits her very well!! she’s so pretty!! i also wanted it to specifically contrast the deeper colors she wore pre-ts, symbolizing her softening as influenced by her crew and how she no longer needs to hide herself from the world
she’s always going to be a little goth to me tho! her fascination with the macabre fits well with the ideologies of the subculture. i was especially inspired by her deep purple dress with that lace trim she wore during thriller bark, it gives me whimsigoth vibes. so i wanted to reincorporate the wrap in a way that feels like something she would authentically wear!
and obv i like to design my outfits to be more utilitarian, with little details of stuff more useful to robin’s role as the archeologist! like a book holster! she’d probably have a bag too… but i forgot to design one…
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and here she is!!! ain’t she purdy!!
her cowboy boots have laces, cause i think it’d be a weird little detail oda would add to clothes. it also makes them look more like victorian women’s boots, referencing the victorian influences of the revolutionary army’s steam punk aesthetic! speaking of the ra… they were a complete afterthought to the process… i just don’t think high necklines and frills and balloony sleeves suit robin ;-; so i gave her these little belt straps at the bottom of her dress pants to secure them kinda like you would hakama. also cause there’s a lot of unnecessary decorative belts in steampunk lol.
her corset is based off this vivian westwood denim corset featured in my moodboard! except i added that fastening thing from robin’s enies lobby outfit! i think that outfit is supposed to be based of a biker’s jacket??? but i digress! the purple embroidery is a camellia! i chose camellias cause they look kinda like robin’s hana hana fruit, but also cause they represent her perseverance and grace! the fringes? are for the added cowboy vibes! the wrap also has camelias instead of monsters leaves and hibiscus flowers! the lace trim replacing the tassels looks kinda like spider webs for the spookiness!
her silver bangles were inspired by the little bracelets she originally wore, as well as silver headdresses worn by the yakut tribe in russia! according to the volume 56 sbs robin irl would be russian, and id also imagine her as indigenous! the belt was just cool and also happened to be silver. the earrings and pendant on her hat are also supposed to look like victorian cameo pendants, not explicitly steam punk but that’s ok!
i was having a really hard time choosing her hairstyle! i wanted to give her short hair, since i really liked that one sketch in oda’s post-ts concept art! also representative of her letting go of her painful past, the whole “hair holds memories” thing. but i couldn’t get it right with the choppy rectangular shapes ;-; her ponytail is very majestic tho :)
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speaking of hair! i had to go on a mini rant to my mom about how difficult for it is for non op fans (and from a design perspective) to tell apart boa hancock and robin for multiple reasons (hairstyle, whitewashing skin color, oda’s artsyle’s weird-ass sexual dimorphism, dress, etc). so i made a little graphic to show how they can be visually different while having technically similar features!
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and her jolly roger! now accurate!
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and my first attempt at designing robin… i used to just be ok with it, but i don’t like it at all anymore lol
i hope yall like! up next is luffy! after that… great question i am so soooo slow and drawing men scares me ;-;
edit: oh also! @chialattea !!! i made another one!!!
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melodymunson · 8 months
Rockstar Eddie Munson x fem reader head canons (feat Steve Harrington)
Adult content ahead. Only 18+ no minors
(This is my first time posting a fic for the Stranger Things fandom on tumblr. Reblogs and feedback/comments are much appreciated.)
ao3 link for the fic
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Corroded Coffin had fans everywhere and people who knew and loved heavy metal became lifelong fans.
Eddie loved to crowd surf, stage dive at any show, and even get into the pit. He was well known by concert promoters and club owners/staff alike.
The first time you saw Eddie play live he connected with you instantly and when it came time to meet the fans he made sure to ask you backstage. Out of all the groupies or fans he could've chosen he picked you.
When Corroded Coffin was the headliner he would put 110% into his performances and you would be sure to take pictures of him and CC because they were the best live band you had ever seen.
Once you got on Eddie's tour bus with your VIP all-access pass he played some unwritten songs and covers for you.
You of course bought all of the band's merch and loved all their designs.
Your job for the band was to help run the soundchecks and sell the band's merch and of course, get big tips from some of the fans.
You loved Eddie for so many reasons and him being a rockstar was just a small part of it. When he was onstage you loved to see his energy as a frontman and lead guitarist.
Most tour dinners were nothing special mainly fast food or easy and fast microwaveable food from the local grocery stores. Sometimes though Eddie took you out to dinner and it was romantic.
Eventually, you and Eddie decided to get matching tattoos of a coffin and his band's logo on your right shoulders.
Neither of you were heavy drinkers but wouldn't turn down free drinks and shots. Eddie's favorite drinks were whiskey and vodka but he loved the occasional beer.
Corroded Coffin toured with some amazing bands including Autopsy, Carnivore, WASP, and Napalm Death.
When you were watching shows with him he would either crowd surf or get into the pit. On occasion, he would hold you during the slow rock ballads.
He may have had a bad boy image to the rest of the world but he was more than a rockstar to you and you understood him completely and he loved how down-to-earth you were.
What started as you being a groupie soon turned into a relationship. It was spontaneous and he was the best mix of gentleman and rockstar.
When guys would look at you he was very protective and made sure to leave his mark and let them know you were his girl only. He would mark you up with hickeys or kiss you and hold you close to him.
You got an "I'm with the band the rules don't apply to me" shirt you would wear to some of the band's shows. He of course got an "I'm in the band the rules don't apply to me shirt" he often wore during some of his shows.
Most of your wardrobe consisted of black clothes and ripped jeans, Corroded Coffin shirts, metal tee shirts, and low-cut tops and fishnets along with platform boots. Spiked jewelry, chokers especially, and spiked bras are also a turn-on for him. Eddie would especially love it when you wore all black and when you chose to pair fishnets, a corset, a leather jacket, and heels together- he almost couldn't resist the urge to rip your clothes off.
He usually pairs a Hellfire Club shirt with cutoff and ripped denim jeans together as well as a denim jacket and Converse chucks or Vans tennis shoes but he always looks good.
He wasn't too much into cover songs but on occasion, the band would be known to cover Metallica and Black Sabbath.
For their headline Halloween hometown show you cosplayed Elvira and he loved it. Eddie went as the devil complete with mask, pitchfork, and cloak.
Neither of you have a particular preference for the type of fan/groupie to hook up with but most of the fans wore dark lipstick and were goth/alternative with low-cut black clothes. He was a sucker for women with pretty eyes though.
So many women threw themselves at both of you and took their tops off at his shows but this was just the normal every-night rockstar occurrence. Bras and underwear thrown at him on the stage happened at every show.
Sex on the tour bus was wild. Whether it be with just Eddie, other girls, men, or couples, you still had a wild and crazy time.
One of your favorite partners was Steve. Even though he was a jock he loved going to Eddies shows and supporting him and he loved to see you. After a few drinks and a joint or two, you and Steddie were fucking in the back of the bus in every position.
All the times you fucked other people together were one-night stands. The important thing was that Eddie was yours and all the sex you had with other people was protected.
He got off on seeing you go down on another woman and please her. For his birthday you let him watch and film you fucking 3 other women. He loved it and came so hard just by jacking off to it.
Being with Eddie and other women on the bus you would either fuck on the couches or in the back room and you could pretty much get them to do whatever you wanted. Being with a rockstar came with its privileges after all.
Sometimes you would just have groupies on the tour bus to suck Eddie off and film them as they did so. They were always willing and eager to please and the whole time Eddie would look right into the camera and smile.
Leather, whips, and bondage were some of Eddie's favorite things as well as pegging and you were willing to oblige and sometimes you were even his dominatrix.
Some of the concerts you attended as VIP because of his rockstar status were Ozzy, Judas Priest, Metallica, ACDC, and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
In the recording studio, it was quite the experience especially when he laid down the vocals. He even had you do guest vocals on the album by recording your moans as he fingered and fucked you.
Most of the time you get a chill and relaxed day off just to go do something fun like paintball, play some Dungeons & dragons, go hiking in abandoned places, go to the roller skating rink or the arcade.
Most days after the shows he takes you to the local bar or strip club/burlesque club and tip the dancers very well, have a few drinks, and bring a girl or two back to the bus.
Dustin and the rest of his gang including Will and Eleven go to the local shows and ones that are all ages of course to see Corroded Coffin and Eddie even gives them a special shoutout and side stage access/VIP treatment.
For a while, he had been thinking about getting another guitarist and he decided to hire you. The gift that he presented when you were going to get asked to be in his band was a Fender electric guitar that was purple. He had been teaching you for a while and giving you lessons and would teach you more.
What you saw as most fitting for his next birthday would be a new electric guitar and you got one for him custom-made with his initials and it was blue. He of course loved it and told you it was the best present anyone had ever gotten him.
For his first big band photoshoot, he made sure you went with him and he posed with you scantily clad but very tasteful. You both had your guitars and posed together.
Once Corroded Coffin had made it big you and Eddie got a place of your own. For so long he wanted to be able to move out of the trailer park so he did and you got a nice place that was decorated with so many rock n roll posters, a King sized bed, silk and satin sheets, and curtains/drapery, a music room, a sex room, and even a small custom recording studio.
The new place was missing something and you decided you wanted to get a pet to adopt so you sat Eddie down and talked it over and it wasn't difficult to convince him to get one. Later that week you went to a cat and dog rescue shelter and found the cutest cat that was a tabby.
When you were on tour either Steve and Robin or Dustin would take care of the cat and you and Eddie made sure to bring home lots of toys when you got back.
Once Eddie's band got their big break and finally played a bigger venue and as headliner, he decided to propose to you onstage.
After being newly engaged to Eddie he had a chance to be in a music documentary and brought you along with him for being his biggest muse.
Being with Eddie and in a touring band was what was the best thing for you now and whatever came next you would be ready for it.
tagging @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @chrrymunson @xxhellfirebunnyxx @bimbobaggins69 @reidsbtch @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @lokis-army-77 @imyourdaninow @ali-r3n @harringtonfan4 @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @bunnsandroses @take-everything-you-can @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @steveslittlesunflower @emsgoodthinkin @jadeylovesmarvelxo @lofaewrites @zestychili @s6raphic @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @dollalicia @hopsgirl
lemme know if you want to be added/removed
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hinamie · 2 months
hi hina! if you were yuuji, megumi, and nobara's personal stylist (you already kind of are 🙂‍↕️) what's an outfit you would pick that represents their casual style and one look that represents fancy attire? and what's an absolute No for each of them?
SORRY FOR GETTING TO THIS LATE i have . fashion opinions and need 2 articulate them Properly. gomen ik this isn't /exactly/ what u asked this is moreso just. my style headcanons fr each of them but i think it more or less gets the point across gFGHDSHFGJ.
will get long btw :')
yuuji:  casual: 
i loveloveLOVE him in jean jackets . since a hoodie is a staple for him that + a jean jacket i think is The Go-To fit for him hands down i think he pulls it off so well. u can even ditch the hoodie to opt for a baggy graphic T shirt but the jean jacket carries the fit.  it’s so casual n classic which helps it be ~versitile~ and it's just boyish enough to rly suit yuuji’s character. I have him in distressed jeans (grey or dark wash blue, as long as it’s a different shade of denim) whenever i can bc i think it looks good but athletic pants (think like adidas jogger-shaped) work also . add red sneakers of choice accessorize that boy with a gym bag or backpack Bam yuuji fit. 
i feel very strongly about yuuji in a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up. no suit jacket fr him but definitely a tie and a waistcoat + straight leg trousers. i want to keep a pop of red on him so the safe option wld b to make his tie red but i think maybe he could pull off a maroon dress shirt + black everything else combo. important thing is He Wears Red :)
honestly I can picture yuuji in most anything but i don’t think he wears long structured jackets, even fr fancy outfits. he’s too stocky of a build and i think a long jacket makes him look shapeless in a bad way i think mid-thigh is as long as i’d be willing 2 go for his outerwear, though im sure with the right fit i could b convinced otherwise
megumi:  casual: 
tl;dr: loose sweater over turtleneck/over collared shirt i feel SO strongly about megumi in loose straight silhouettes. HEAVY on the grey/black neutrals with the occasional cool jewel tone (green or teal u know how it is) though i do also like him in a chocolate brown! it is important 2 me also that whatever pants he wears r not too baggy since his top will have a lot of that Chunkiness to it and u need some shape n slimness 2 the leg 2 balance it out. this overall silhouette on megu >>>>>>>
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unlike yuuji i Do think megumi could pull off a suit jacket or maybe even a blazer but whatever it is u best bet this boy is in All Black . I also like him in a turtleneck instead of a dress shirt but if we button him up Completely i think it achieves more or less the same look 
ok i have a couple but my biggest one is Fushiguro Megumi Does Not Wear Shorts end of story no further elaboration. also, this is slightly more forgiveable but like w yuuji i would avoid him in long jackets Also, altho fr the opposite reason . it’s not tht he’s too stocky for it rather i think he’s too lanky n a long coat runs the risk of drowning him — again situational tho !!!!! he would probably look good in a black wool coat so i will entertain the possibility . 
also listen. this is a personal headcanon and ik it likely puts me in the minority and i may even get flack fr this . but i do not think fushiguro megumi would have piercings. i know ive drawn him with earrings before but listen those were for Me . those were for the fit. he was an acting mannequin. but just him??? his personal feelings?? i just have a hard time thinking that boy is th type 2 put metal in his face sue me :’/ 
nobara:  casual: 
this is so hard because a. women’s fashion has SO many more options b. nobara is 100% the type to have a different style every week and c. she looks good in all of it. I think though i like her best in long skirts and layers so something along these lines is a Hard yes from me, though possibly with a brighter colour palette
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i had Other ideas but god just spoke to me through pinterest by showing me this dress and this is all i want to see nobara in actually. 
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(((real talk tho in terms of fancy dresses I like her in black/gold/red/pink for colours, either baby doll or bell skirts, strapless sweetheart necklines,, etc etc etc)))
similar to yuuji, I don’t have many things that i picture as off-limits for nobara fashion-wise bc she seems the type to experiment :’) I think any faux-pas i can name r just my own fashion icks so i’ll just go with those: no low rise and no full skin-tight fits (ik i said she seems down for anything but i think she draws the line @ athleisure). also maybe a pocket pick but i don't think she would wear orange or hot pink on account of her hair
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gattnk · 1 year
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Only Dolce's saccharine nature could counter Kabalè's acrid attitude.
Probably one of my best pairs in terms of contrast, hands down! I'm really proud of how they came out :D Let's go over them design notes:
While Kabalè gave me a lot of room for exploration between her two canon designs, Dolce was pretty straightforward in terms of source material, since she's a series-exclusive character.
I wanted to keep Dolce as part of the main cast because I noticed some animosity from the fandom towards her back in the day, particularly over how "dumb" and stereotypically girly she was. There should be room for ultra-feminine characters in girl-focused media, because I know a lot of girls and women love them and look up to them, and who am I to deny them their fun?
My position regarding Dolce pretty much defined what I would do with Kabalè. If Dolce got to be unapologetically feminine in the traditional sense, why, Kabale HAD to be feminine in a transgressive sense! Those familiar with Ever After High know what I'm talking about: the "opposite" figure to the pink goodie-goodie princess is the purple rebellious evil witch.
My decision to make Kabalè more tanned than her canon counterparts stemmed from the same place as Mefisto and Gabi's changes: it matched her new design much better in terms of color contrast, and adding a bit more variety to the devils wouldn't hurt. I also wanted to pay homage to her hair in both iterations by making her blonde with a high ponytail and a streak.
I studied Dolce's key traits and focused on them for her new design: hearts, pink contrasted with blue and white, and puffy hair. I actually increased the amount of pink but used less saturated hues so they wouldn't clash or feel like too much, and used cyan and off-white accessories to visually segment her body by her joints, similar to an articulated doll.
For Kabalè I chose to mix her "spooky-chic" colors from the series with her comic design, and then I focused on modernizing said design! Not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun looking at current urban fashion and playing around with Kabalè's purple palette, it's not too common apparently (outside of Gengar apparel, lol).
Dolce's mascot, a blushing phantom butterfly, is right atop her hairband to represent how Dolce is the most emotionally mature of the group, since she's also naturally open-minded and focused on positive self-growth. Meanwhile, Kabalè's badger bat perches inside her jacket's inner pocket, symbolizing how Kabalè's polarizing nature often isolates her from the world around her.
Honestly I'm glad these two came out as well as they did, for the longest time I was stuck with them until some good friends of mine gave me a crucial helping hand. To put it bluntly, I wanted them to look grand but my sense of fashion is a bit too practical... all my pants are denim and I only wear grayscale t-shirts :V
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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libras-interactives · 14 days
I have two questions about the utdm gang, mostly just for fun. How would they dress in the modern age and what would their ideal day off look like?
Dresses very well (when he can afford it...), clothes are always clean and hair always done even if his apartment is shit lol. In modern times he'd stand out bc he'd wear "old fashioned" 1920s dandy styles, or clothes "meant for women" like crop tops and cute shorts, and bright colors.
Ideal day off in both modern and 20's is going out to eat and dance with friends. You could convince him to stay in, but he'd still want to do something engaging and invite lots of people over. It's actually nice when he gets a boyfriend bc then hes out on dates all the time instead of bugging the far more introverted Jack and Eveline.
Already has no sense of fashion lmao,,, doesnt change much in modern times. Jeans, work boots and a tanktop. Maybe a button down or flannel if he's gotta look nice. Denim overalls if he's gotta work, a baseball cap he got for free at a feed store to keep the sun outta his eyes. Owns more work clothes than "regular" clothes for sure, and knows how to mend them.
A day off where you actually got Jack to relax: walking in a nice nature reserve or forest with no people, or a friend or two. Maybe some fishin', and grilling said fish in the evening with some friends over a fire. Going to sleep actually at peace and content with himself. God bless.
Wears whatever's on trend at the time, albeit with her own spin. She can look good in basically anything, would def be one of those fashion insta girlies. An ideal day off would be a nice spa day followed by shopping or a night out with her best friends. They could be doing anything - restaurant, dancing, a horror movie marathon.
Likes thrifting (and antiqueing in general), and prefers to alter and sew her own clothes. She's very opinionated against fast fashion haha. She'd be the one buying handmade jewelry at festivals. An ideal day off would be some restful fucking sleep with no one interrupting her enjoying a quiet morning at a cafe, browsing an antique shop or little bookstore, and going home to cook something while listening to a podcast/radioshow. Marius can come over and bring his friends if they do the dishes afterward lol.
Little Lottie:
Buying clothing for LL is an Endeavor (tm) bc of her sensory sensitivities and the fact like, trying on clothes in Walmart or Old Navy would be an awful experience for her. Also, when she likes an outfit, she doesn't want to wear anything else. So when they find a favorite thing, Lottie buys like three or five of them in increasingly larger sizes so LL can still have that specific shirt or dress when she gets bigger. She'll wear her halloween costume for months if she loves it.
Little Lottie's ideal "day off" in modern is much the same as it would be in canon; she wants a warm, secure home with no sudden noises or women shouting or strange men coming and going. She'd want to have space to lay out her legos and books and stuffed animals, and not be bothered or interrupted, but not alone - she wants to look up and see Lottie or MC close by in case she needs them. And when she's done playing she wants to go to their side for a snack and juice and be read to.
(Playing outside would be fun too, but parks and zoos are overwhelming and have lots of people - so a big backyard with a sandbox would be like, perfect)
Still dresses like he's in the 50's; he is not that old in the modern times, he's just stuffy and overly fastidious. At least he doesn't wear a hat and jacket all the time. Supposedly, there's photo evidence of him in a hawaiian shirt and sandals with socks in the myriads of family photo albums his wife keeps.
As for a day off - lord this man needs it - he has a list of places his wife Viviana wants to go, anywhere from museum exhibits to weird performative art installments to a tiny hole in the wall Greek place she heard about 4 years ago to the local Renfaire. In modern times it'd be much easier for her to get about with a wheelchair, so they can go out more. They're more restricted in the 1920s, but they try to make it work whenever Slyvester's off for a few days. Alas, big shocker, Flynn doesn't allow many of those.
Lightning bonus round Malwina is a normal happy teenager who likes going to ☆spooky☆ dead malls and doing tiktok dances with her friends and little sisters. Máire never left Ireland, is the reluctant mom-friend to her coworkers at the lesbian bar, and is v active in the Dublin punk & queer community. And is properly divorced LOL.
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luxapollo · 3 months
Been thinking about gender, clothing, Turner's syndrome and nonhumanity lately and how they're kinda all intertwined with me.
Like, I've never felt terribly feminine. Even as a kid, I never really liked dresses, I still only really wear them during heatwaves when I need to be cooler- I prefer being covered up, preferably in my staple jeans and shirt + a jacket during winter. I like practical clothes! Leather, denim, things that both look good, are made of natural materials and will last. I also love to decorate myself with jewelry- but it must be good-qaulity, I choose gold and sterling silver and similar metals that will withstand daily wear, not irritate my skin, and actually last long. I don't typically like overly feminine, glitzy stuff, I favour practicality and personal expression in what I wear. The only makeup I wear is the gold eyeshadow I've gotten attached to, but even that was only recently; I simply don't have the time or care for anything further than that. I've never felt attached to stereotypical Western feminity in a true sense, but I'd never considered myself very masculine or even nonbinary, either.
I've always been obsessed with animals for as long as I can remember. I can recall desperately wanting to be a phoenix when I was around eight, I was always reading and researching- by sixth grade, I could write down entire pages of scientific names by heart. Upon adulthood, I chose a double-degree of science and art majoring in zoology/evolutionary biology and classical studies to satiate my need to learn about animals and history/mythology alike. It was incredibly satsfying to learn everything I did, even if the job market is sadly atrocious and I never did end up getting a relevant job in either field.
All throughout my childhood, I was determined to figure out what animal my true self was- and I never could decide, even though it's always been so important for me! I've always been obsessed with Animorphs, Gaurdians of Ga'Hoole, Warriors, His Dark Materials, etc as my favourite fiction- anything that connects human and animal.
I only learned about nonhumanity fairly recently, and right now, being an otherlinker is what seems to call to me the most. I find there's a certain power and autonomy in /choosing/ your nonhuman identity, especially when you're as indecisive as myself. The canary, the Arctic fox, the peahen, the lioness- I find power in drawing strength from all of these species. Not that I don't enjoy my human self, too! I love that my body allows me to make art, to express my personality in my fashion choices, to look after other animals, to learn with an insatiable brain. That is powerful, too.
At nineteen, I was diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome. This is an intersex condition wherein you are born with only one sex chromosome- always a single X- instead of two Xs or an X and Y. My hormones are not very powerful most of the time due to ovarian failure (I'm on the pill both to control my period and ensure I have enough estrogen to keep my bones healthy); I am very small; I have multiple health issues associated with TS, such as Coeliac disease and a small malformation in the heart. And I'm wondering if that has contributed to my relationship with femininity despite reaching adulthood without knowing about my genetic status. I feel like a girl in a rather loose way, more in an animal way than a human way. I am female the way a canary hen is, the way a peahen is, the way a vixen or lioness is- a simple state of being, rather than a performance. I have only half my sex chromosomes, so I feel only loosely female- it is important to me, it is how I identify, but I don't /care/ about performing femininity the way the other women in my life typically do. Performing in a masuline way doesn't feel right, either, neither does the label 'nonbinary' fit me in the way it does for my best friend. My classically female name does not irk me, I respond well to she/her pronouns, I love the label 'sapphic' (probably because I'm obsessed with Classics). I just think a little more neutrality would be nice, too, a little more vagueness- you know how lots of people switch between 'its' and gendered pronouns for an animal? I think that sort of switching would feel good to me. This doesn't mean all intersex people feel similarly! Many intersex folk have much stronger gender identies than I do; we can be as cis or as trans as perisex people, with all the variety that entails. This is just my personal experience.
Anyway. Thanks for looking at my rambling if you've made it this far.
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somasbrianrot · 1 year
Nepotism? Who’s She?
Various Wrestler (WWE, AEW) X Reader
Summary: In which reader is the daughter of the great Edge, but everywhere she goes her achievements are undermined because of her father being the rated r superstar.
Warnings; Vince being an asshole, alcohol mention, slight sexual assault, sexual tension, slight smut (Not really)
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after your segment on smackdown you are called to the office Vince has set up in whichever arena he hired, you step in to see Paul and Vince, you smile at them as you pull a chair out and seat yourself, tucking your legs, waiting for them to talk “So Torah, you pulled of a great upset for the crowd last night! But soon you’ll be dropping that title” I stare at Vince with a raised eyebrow 
“Excuse me?” I ask, staring directly at Vince “The only reason we took the title off of Liv is because we feel like her feud with Ronda has been stretched, so we had you take the title, and you’re gonna drop it to Ronda”
“Im sorry Vince but i’ve worked so hard to get where I am right now! I mean from my indie circuit, to njpw, to impact and now here! all Ronda has done is ride off of her UFC career!” I complain “everyone thinks im only good because of my father being here!”
“That’s exactly why we’re taking it! we can’t have someone like that as our champion” I look at him in disgust “So that doesn’t apply to fucking Charlotte Flair? Or Natalya?!” I scowl at him 
“I am not arguing with you on this, this is my company and you’re losing that title whether you like it or not!” I groan and leave without as much as a goodbye, I mean how could they just give the title to that part timer like that! I’m walking through the halls and walk into catering, sitting by myself in a corner table, frustration throughout my being.
“Are you okay lass?” I hear a strong Scottish accent and I look up to see Drew McIntyre sitting across from me, I sigh “No...I just...have you ever felt like the WWE doesn’t think enough of you? I mean because I'm edge’s daughter it seems like the world is against me” I stare at him and he nods “I know the feeling, it’s why I left, but hey I’m back, it’s a sport I love” “Yeah but...Vince told me he’d rather me not have the title because people all think I’m only here because of my father” “and they’re wrong, don’t worry about them” he gives me a comforting smile and I smile back “Thank you Drew” he nods and gets out of his seat, stepping away and walking off, I smile and sink into my chair.
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I sit in my hotel room and I’m scrolling through my Twitter dm’s, bored, until I hear chatting and walking around down the hall, I think it might be some of my coworkers, I open the door and peak my head out and see some unfamiliar people, I stare at them and one of the women turn to me, she smiles and I smile back “Jamie!” “Y/N!” I slip out of the room and pull her into a hug, laughing with her as she picks me up and swings me around then puts me down. “Oh my gosh! Jamie it’s been so long girl! no way!” “Yes way! AEW and WWE are filming in the same city! and we got the same hotel!” I laugh along with her and someone behind her clears their throat, we pull away an she smiles “Here are some of the guys I’m here with!” I look over and see two similar looking men, another with beautiful curly blonde hair, another guy with bleached blonde hair and piercing blue eyes and another guy dressed up in denim jeans and a denim jacket, his blonde hair nicely swept with a pair of aviator glasses, I smile “No need to introduce me, I watch enough AEW to know all five of you” “Yea, we were going out to get some drinks, wanna come?” I ponder on it for a moment then nod, smiling at Jamie “Let me go get something suitable on” she nods and i run back to the room
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I step into the hallway where everyone is waiting “excuse me for taking so long” Jamie smiles as she looks over, and the rest of the boys look over “You look stunning” You’re wearing a black sleeved mini dress that frames your curves, white stiletto pumps and a black sleeveless jacket thrown over it, I smile and nod, Jamie takes my arm and points the tongue at the men, as we walk off down the hall and to the elevator
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I’m sitting down at the counter, Jamie and the guys went down to the dance floor, well save for Darby who’s sitting next to me, sipping on a bloody mary, I look at him and take this time to admire his features, he’s got beautiful fair skin, light blue eyes, bleached hair flopping onto his head, a nice hooked nose, and pink lips, his eyes flicker over to me and I avert my gaze as if I wasn’t just staring at him, he chuckles and turns to me “You okay? you’ve seemed on edge since we’ve got here” he places a comforting hand on my back but it just makes me shiver, anticipating and wanting more of his touch “You nod and shiver under his gaze.
see the reason why you were so nervous is because you had a crush on the performer ever since your indie routes, you fought against him once but obviously he hadn’t known, you used to be a mysterious lucha like your ‘Uncle’ Rey Mysterio, you sigh and he notices this “It’s going to be a long night at this rate...want to go for a walk around the city?” I nod, completely disregarding all my other friends on the dance floor as he pays for both our drinks and we walk out, walking along the neon sign lit streets, a smile graces my face as for the first time since we went into the cramped night club I got to breathe fresh air.
Darby slows down as we waltz in front of a 7/11 “I’m gonna go get a drink and maybe something to eat, want anything?”
 I shake my head no and he nods, he walks in and I lean against the glass wall, I look over and see two guys, obviously drunk as they stagger over Must be trying to get sober is what I thought to myself, I grab my phone from my purse and scroll through my twitter, one of the guys walks into the shop and the other comes to stand next to me, I look at him to see him staring at me, more so at my cleavage, I feel uncomfortable and scootch, covering my chest with my jacket, the guy scootches even closer to me, and leans over me, trying to catch a look down my jacket.
 “Can you please leave me alone?” I ask and he just chuckles “Well if you didn’t want me looking why dress like that doll” He reaches over and tries to tug my jacket from its position over my chest, just then he’s shoved back and I look up to see Darby, a bag hanging from one arm and the other between himself and the man as he puts me behind him “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll step away” he glares up at the man, the man chuckles and is about to say something else but Darby kicks him in the dick, silencing him as he whimpers and falls to the ground with a thud, he then wraps his free arm around my waist and tugs me away from the scene.
He drags me farther away then sits me down on a bench, checking over me “He didnt touch you did he?” I shake my head no and he nods, sitting down next to me and sighs “Shouldn’t have left you outside by your self, not looking that irresistible” that comment caught me off guard, I feel my face heat up “W-what?”.
“I mean I’ve been trying to hold myself back, so has everyone else” he cups my face and intently stares at my lips, I decide to be brave “Then don’t” and with that he pulls me into a kiss, I kiss back, then I pull away.
“Darby not in public” I place a finger against his lips “Wait till we get back to our hotel” He nods and we get up, walking back to the direction of the hotel.
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I groan and rub my head, sitting up in bed, my bed is warm, which is weird considering I have my air con on and it’s been cold out recently, I kick the blanket off then im hit with a familiar chill, I look down and realize I’m half naked, only a large shirt cascaded over my body, I look down and see my dress and jacket along with my garments slung onto the ground, I also notice, tights and jean shorts on the ground as well as boxers, I look to my left and see bleach blonde hair peaking out from under the covers.
I gasp as memories from last night come flooding back, I fall back into the bed, this seems to disturb the sleeping figure next to me as Darby peeks his head out, looking over at me and then sitting up “How you feeling today” he asks, I look at him and shrug “I feel okay” he nods “Can you uh...walk?” I give him a questioning look before getting out of bed, my legs wobbling and then giving out, he laughs and quickly swipes his boxers, slipping them on and walking over to help me up “Don’t worry, I’ll help you get about” I smile at him gratefully.
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I’m sitting in WWE catering, Vince asked me to show up on RAW for a champion promo today and I agreed, I’m scrolling through twitter then notice I’ve been tagged in something from a few days ago, I open it and smile
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I hear a chair being pulled out and I look up to see the RAW Women’s Champion and one of my great friends, Bianca Belair, I smile at her “Long time no see, Belair” she smiles “Okay so I need to know, I saw Darby Allin posted you to his twitter, what’s going on there?” 
I blush and smile “Oh we’re just friends” she playfully glares at me as two more people walk over and get seated with us, the street profits “Yeah! I mean I was stuffing my mouth full at catering and Tez shows me a picture that Darby Allin posted of you, didn’t know you were friends with AEW guys” I shrug and smile at them
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I’m in the ring with Bianca, and Roman Reigns, we’re having a championship celebration “You know Y/R/N, We’ve been looking for a perfect candidate for the bloodlines women's division for a while and I think you’re perfect” I smile at him “Well, I’d be honored to join” I stand up and so does he, we shake hands but he pulls me in closer, this makes the crowd go wild, he smirks and leans down to pull me into a kiss.
A/N ANOTHER CHAPTER!! I literally got this done in school but I hope you guys enjoy it, especially with the Darby romance and then the Roman storyline! makes me dizzy lol, also this is not at all proofread, byeee
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dearabby1990 · 4 months
Chapter 14: Melt with you
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The sun begins to rise sending rays of pink and orange through your blinds you called Eddie last night & spent 4 hours laughing and talking letting out your insecurities little did you know Eddie has insecurities of his own not being as toned and large as most men he’s used to seeing with beautiful women. He took his time with you letting you tell him everything you were willing to share with him. He made sure to let you know just what he thought of you making you sound like something out of a Greek mythology book you’ve never felt this way speaking with anyone before & agreed to let him take you out on a proper date. An evening picnic & you’d be kidding yourself if you were to say you weren’t nervous. Robin went with you to help you pick out an outfit not really being out on a real date before you weren’t sure what to wear or even what to do with your makeup. You bought a Lita ford concert tee adding a few safety pins for a little flair of your own high waisted acid wash jeans and black boots coming up to your thighs. Your hair curled to perfection with a bat hair clip holding your side part with your denim jacket. Eddie said 7 sharp so when you check the clock & it says 6:56 your heart drops a bundle of nerves. Your lost in thought when you hear the doorbell you take one last look at yourself before heading to the door. Eddie dimples and all dressed in his new jeans fresh band tee and new reboks and his leather jacket holding a bouquet of tiger lilies. “Wow…. Jamie you look… princess you look incredible here these are for you they’re not as nearly as beautiful as you if I may say so” you blush toe of your boot digging into the hardwood flooring “thank you handsome let me go put these in some water & then we can get out of here” you smile & head to put them in a vase. Eddie the gentleman he is escorts you to his Van opening the door helping you inside “m’lady after you” shooting you a wink that makes your face feel like it’s on fire. The ride to the lake was fun eddie making you laugh dancing and singing being overly dramatic. You park Eddie has the whole back end of the van set up with blankets and pillows. A bag of takeout from the local diner along with a few beers both filling each other in on everything about one another fits of giggles stolen glances the accidental brushing of hands & blushing cheeks. Eddie smiles chocolate orbs burning into you “I have an idea come here” he takes your hand pulling you to the front of the van “okay stay here I’ll be right back” he scurries to the driver side almost falling you giggle wondering what he’s up to when the radio comes on & he turns up the volume blasting Modern English as “Melt with you” beings to play he comes over taking your hand & beings to sway with you tracing patterns on your back placing his lips on your cheek before kissing your neck then ear before whispering in your ear “Jamie…. You’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met in my life I’ve never felt this way about anyone before I’m not sure how you feel about me but you have my whole heart I’m bearing my soul to you” he puts his face in the crook of your neck taking in your perfume you lean back taking a good look at his beautiful eyes before you get on the tips of your toes to lean into him letting go of whatever was keeping you from letting this once in a lifetime man from loving you the way you’ve always wanted. Slow & tenderly your lips dance together as you both truly melt together & it really does feel like the world has stopped and everything else has faded into the background just your two souls together becoming one with each other without words.
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justjams2003 · 1 year
So many allergies
I am hard at work with my studies and also the Galaxy of Stars series. But while you guys wait for all that, here is a little one-shot for my girlies with way too many allergies.
Pairing: Thor x little!reader
Summary: During a party, you become small and eat something you shouldn’t and have an allergic reaction. Thor has to come in and save the day
Warnings: Little!reader, needles (epi-pen), fluff
Word Count: 600
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The first time Thor heard about your allergies; he’d felt so bad. It had been one of the first times you were little around him and had completely forgotten to tell him about your 6 different allergies. You’d been just too excited to have a daddy after all this time. However, the rest of the avengers were quite used to it.  
“What are you eating, sweet pea?” Nat asks, watching you swing your legs back and forth, while sitting at the bar table. You give your big doe eyes to the red-haired women and grin like never before. “Daddy gave me ice-cream and some juice! He said I’ve been a good girl.” Even if you were grinning like crazy, Nat could already see the red rash coat your chin.  
You are entirely unaware of the complete look of terror on her face. “Okay, baby, I’m going to take this away and get you some of your special cookies. And some ice-tea, okay?” You give a pout, “No, daddy said I get ice-cream!” You’re ready to throw a fit, crossing your arms in defiance. Thor had said you’d been such a good girl, all week too!
“I know that, but aren’t you feeling itchy?” She questions, already plating your new snacks. You can only roll your eyes at her, because it’s true. You can feel the coughing fits coming on, your chin itchy and your tummy already felt funny. “Where is your daddy?” She asks, knowing she needs to get some allergy meds.  
You just shrug, nibbling on your specially made cookie. “Baf’oom.” Exactly where the pills are.  
After Nat had properly scolded Thor, he had memorized each one of your allergies. He also made sure that either he or one of the Avengers were the ones too be feeding you when you are small. But it was a party and you hadn’t been little all day and to be honest, he was just a bit tipsy. After all, he brought his own mead.  
“Daddy, I feel funny.” You tug on his denim jacket. At the beginning of the night, you looked ravishing in the lowcut dress you were wearing. But now all he can see is your soft, flushed cheeks and just how uncomfortable you looked. What was worse, is the red rash covering your lightly swollen neck.  
He immediately sets his drink down, picks you up and places you on the coach. “Oh, my babygirl, what did you eat?” His eyes search around to see a waiter carrying away an empty tray of plates. “Um...” You let out a heavy cough and scratch at your inflamed neck.  
“My poor girl,” he mutters, pulling out his emergency epi-pen, from his jacket. Then placed the jacket over your shoulders. “Look away, my little one, this is going to hurt.” His sweet voice is so soothing, you barely even notice when he pierced the needle into your thigh. Nat had showed him how earlier.  
He sighs with relief, hearing you breathe a little easier. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” your lip quivers, knowing you just broke the most important rule he has. You can see in his beautiful blue eyes just how stressed he looks. “It’s alright, my little girl, we’ll talk about it when we get home. How does that sound?” You can only nod as he wipes away your tears.  
Thor then scoops you up into his arms. His big jacket covering you up, as he says goodbye to his friends. Both of you weren’t even finished saying your farewells before you fell asleep in his arms.  
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
just thinking that billy would love it if his partner was a passenger princess hdkdjsj 🫠 he very obviously loves his camaro and driving for him is a way to relax so he’d drive you everywhere even if you didn’t ask for it. midnight cravings from a restaurant across the city? he’s waiting on your driveway. got a meeting w your friends? he’s driving you and picking you up to make sure you get there safe. just made myself cry
so i'm going to answer this two different ways actually... the first being a partner that would fall into the passenger seat easily. and the second more reluctantly... (because i think it will be kind of comedic and much like myself... and i'm a wee bit selfish sometimes 🤫)
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so first off. i couldn't agree more babe. this boy is 100%, hands on a hardbody with his car. he's touching that thing even if he's not driving it. leaning on it. sitting on the hood. reclining against it to smoke... it's the closest thing to a security blanket as he can get. and now that he's got you? well, he's gonna wrap you up in it. make you feel as secure as he does with it.
the small smile that pricks the edge of his cheeks when he catches you waiting expectantly by the passenger door. the way you kick back and snuggle into your seat as he revs the engine and turns up the music. the contented look in your eyes just makes his heart swell.
he loves the little looks you get when you're itching to go somewhere. when you've had a bad day. the sulking pout that sticks to your lips, as you dig your hand into his jacket pocket. thumbing at his car keys. the subtle stomp to your walk if he's not quick enough to the parking lot.
maybe you've become a little too dependent? but oh does he love feeling wanted. holding your hand out across the console until he takes it. entwining your fingers. you humming happily. having learned the melody to many of his tapes by now.
now for version 2.
being billy's passenger 'princess' is not something you easily gave into. you had your own car. and your own mind about things...
you agreed to being picked up for your first date, because that's customary. but for many other events you didn't want to rely on him. you didn't like the idea of being a passenger. of being driven and taken places. you were used to doing everything for yourself.
the occasional little comments he'd let slip. how "women can't drive worth shit..." as he'd blow a stop sign, or broadside a curb on a turn. and you'd have to suppress an exaggerated eye roll.
billy probably didn't recognize he was pushing or overstepping at first either. he knows what he's comfortable with. and that's his camaro. his tapes. the heat cranked when the temp drops below 50 because he doesn't want to wear anything over his denim in the car. or admit he gets cold... so he insists he'll drive. he'll come get you. you'll take his car to the debate tournament, or the habitats for humanities outing, or god forbid... to see the spring musical.
you give in bit by bit. because you want to keep the peace. but you begin to miss your own ride. you don't get to touch anything. too hot? too bad. music too loud? you can forget about it. you didn't need your hearing anyways. wanted to adjust your seat? illegal.
you feel like a stiff display dummy riding in his whip sometimes. not relaxed. and moody.
eventually he starts to catch on to his own rigidity. and lets you claim a station presetting. 86.9FM. that's yours. button 6.
suddenly a couple cassettes you like make their way into the tape deck. and they stay on standby in the center console. along with a pair of your shades.
things start to feel easier. when one day you ask "can we go for a drive?" his keys clutched in your fingers. he looked shocked. lips slack, perking up into hefty grin. "yah, we can do that..."
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dreamy625 · 8 months
Total rock star - ficlet
Sometimes good things happen to Steve in January
Content: There’s one period-appropriate slur (not used aggressively)
Words: 985
January 1978
Steve frowned at himself in the mirror over the sink, wishing he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. He’d cut himself twice while shaving, his hands were shaking that much. He patted at the one that was still bleeding with a piece of toilet paper. Great first impression that’ll be, blood all over the place! His hair was also a disaster; he’d washed it the night before, as it took so long to dry, but it had gone fluffy, and smooshed up on one side where he’d slept on it. The perm was great, just what he’d wanted, but it did tend to end up looking like a dandelion if he didn’t put the right stuff on it. He wet his hands and tried to smooth down the bump; how did girls manage this so much better, he wondered? He wiped his hands on his jeans then, regretting it, turned and craned his head to check he hadn’t got shaving foam or toothpaste or anything on them. Phew, all clean still. The jeans were newly washed, so he’d had to lie on the floor to get the zip done up. He hoped they’d loosen up a bit on the way into town so that he’d be able to sit down without wincing. 
The reminder of where he was going made his stomach lurch again, and he took a deep breath to quell the incipient nausea. NOT an audition, he reminded himself. Just a rehearsal, just hanging out. But still he’d practised those Zepp songs he planned to oh-so-casually trot out for hours every night this past week. He knew he was good. Quite good. Not bad. Fuck, what if I’m terrible and everybody laughs? Another deep breath. It’s fine, if it’s awful I’ll just leave. I don’t have to see any of them ever again. I’ll just never go in the common room, or the canteen, or the Limit, or the Wapentake… Stop it! Forcefully he pushed himself away from the sink and headed back to his room to finish getting dressed. 
He picked up the t-shirt laid out on the bed and pulled it carefully over his head, trying not to make the fluff situation any worse. From the three shirts he’d tried on - black, white, and the blue one with the Gibson logo on it - he’d eventually settled on the white one. It was the perfect fit, sitting just above the waist of the jeans. He’d rolled the sleeves, and carefully removed the size 10 label* (girls’ clothes being the only way he’d found to get that cropped length without taking the scissors to it, which just ended up in a frayed mess). Oh he’d nearly died of embarrassment sidling into the ladieswear department of BhS that first time. Rock stars like Bowie and Marc Bolan might wear women’s clothes, and that was probably fine down in London, but if anyone from the factory saw him within 50 feet of a dress shop he’d be branded a poofter for life. With long hair and minimal interest in football, he was on dangerous ground as it was. ‘It’s for my sister’ he’d mumbled unprompted to the disinterested cashier, who most likely didn’t give a toss what he did with it as long as he paid his £2.50.
Originally he’d planned on wearing his leather jacket, but when he’d put it on, it didn’t look right. It was a good jacket, and had been a generous present, all the grandparents clubbing together, for his sixteenth birthday. But it was brown and that was already starting to look a bit old-fashioned, a bit ‘too seventies’ even while they were still in that decade. If he ever made any money out of this music lark, the first thing he’d buy, no, the second, after a better guitar, would be a black leather jacket. The denim jacket was too small on purpose, but really too small even for that. That’s what happened when you bought things from the market without trying them on. With the oil stains from helping Dad fix the car, it had reached the perfect degree of scruffiness though.
He opened the wardrobe and examined the complete look, front and side, in the mirror on the back of the door. It had ended up sort of Thin Lizzy-meets-Status Quo-meets-The Ramones; he wasn’t sure that was a good thing, but it was the best he could manage on an apprentice’s wage. 
“Hullo, Steve Clark, pleased to meet you,” he greeted his reflection. Well that would work if I was meeting someone’s grandma. 
“Hi. Name’s Steve. I play guitar.” God, what a wanker!
“Hey, I’m Steve. Do I play? No, I just carried this all the way here for the exercise.” 
Fucksake, why can’t I just be normal? Better just keep my mouth shut unless someone asks me a question. He attempted a laid-back, friendly smile at the mirror. It came out more of a grimace.
“Stephen! You’re going to miss the bus if you don’t get a move on.”
“Just coming, Mam!” he called back.
Quickly, he added white socks to the ensemble; the finishing touch, white clogs, waited in the hall where he’d cleaned them last night. With a final desperate pull at his fringe, he turned his back on the mirror, picked up his guitar case, and dashed downstairs. 
“Oh Stephen, are you not putting a coat over that? You’ll catch your death.”
“Doesn’t go with the outfit. Don’t worry, I’ll be inside most of the time, I’ll be fine.”
“And don’t be too late back - remember you’re on earlies again tomorrow.” 
“I won’t. I’m sure the rest of the guys have to go to work too.”
“Have fun, love.”
“Thanks, Mam.”
The door banged shut behind him as he bounced down the steps and set off at a trot for the bus stop at the bottom of the hill.
* A UK size 10 in 1978 would be approximately equivalent to a modern US size 4. He’s a skinny minnie! 
Author’s note: Everytime I hear Joe describe meeting Steve for the first time, I think of how nervous he must have been, and how much effort he would have put into that ‘total rock star’ look
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hilarychuff · 5 months
All the Best People See You (All the Best People Know), Chapter 8
hello guess who's back so soon here is another installment in my pre-season 4 robin/chrissy inadvertant desert hearts movie date au!!! it is no longer so pre-season 4!!! exciting!!
Robin says Chrissy’s the one with the magic, but Chrissy’s pretty sure it’s the other way around. Something about wearing Robin’s blazer yesterday had made her feel brave, safe, like she could talk about exactly the sort of things she’d practiced avoiding with Miss Kelly last week. Today, Robin’s jacket is black denim instead of a blazer, scattered pins and patches decorating the material, but when she loans it to Chrissy, it feels just the same.
read it on ao3 here
Chrissy hesitates while getting dressed Thursday morning. She’s got her uniform on, her cheer cardigan too, but when she looks at herself in the mirror, she half wants to shrug the sweater off. Hang it back up in her closet. She won’t be swapping it out for Jason’s letterman after first period today. What would happen if she just… left it at home?
Maybe, if she gets cold, someone else will let her borrow their jacket for the day.
She wonders if Jason would offer. Would he insist?
Can’t have my girl looking cold, Chris, she imagines in his voice. I know it’s game day, but here, you should take it.
Maybe it wouldn’t be like that, though. Maybe it would be the opposite.
Baby, how am I supposed to feel you cheering me on all day long if I don’t have my jacket? Plus, you know all the guys are wearing theirs. It’s good for team unity, and I have to set the right example as captain. I thought you girls were wearing your sweaters today.
She half entertains the idea of sneaking into her father’s room to borrow one of his sport coats. What would Robin think if she showed up in a blazer of her own? Or could Chrissy maybe not pull it off the same as Robin does? Robin always looks so cool and effortless in her outfits, like putting them together comes as naturally to her as breathing. Her style is so — her own compared to most of the other girls at Hawkins High. Maybe if Chrissy tried to copy it, she’d just look exactly like she would be: a little girl playing dress up in her father’s closet.
Maybe she could squeeze into one of PJ’s. His size probably isn’t so different from hers. As long as he has something that fits over her shoulders, it wouldn’t matter too much if the arms were a little short. She could roll the sleeves to her elbows the same way Robin usually does.
Chrissy doesn’t typically wear anything tight, though. Her own sense of style tends to favor a looser fit, her closet full of long cardigans and pleated pants, structured jumpsuits and billowy dresses that can be belted in at the waist. Her mom would call those sorts of items forgiving. Things that can change with or hide her fluctuating weight. It also tends to mean it’s less noticeable when her mother buys her clothes a size too large or decides she’s gained another few pounds and takes it upon herself to let out all the seams.
Her mother.
Her mother would never let her leave the house in something like that. Not ladylike enough. Of course, it’s one thing to wear her boyfriend’s jacket at school, but it’s another to include men’s clothing as part of her regular wardrobe. And it’s not like she’d be able to hide it from her parents. Even if she managed to sneak into someone else’s closet without being discovered, she couldn’t just stuff a blazer into her backpack and pull it out later. Not if she also wanted to fit any of her books in there.
She’s pretty sure there isn’t a world where her mother would be swayed by any claims that it’s some sort of new trend either. Laura Cunningham always insists that truly well-dressed women always look timeless. Classic. They don’t chase trends that will look silly in pictures they’ll be showing their children one day.
There’s no use, really, in trying to prepare for a conversation she’ll just lose. She keeps the cardigan on.
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space-feminist · 2 years
according to my (admittedly limited) knowledge of historical fashion, a league of their own is pretty decent on accuracy -
the first scene with carson in the button up dress and bra, i was immediately struck by how accurate the bra looked. the '40s wasn't full on bullet-bra era, but you can see the slight cone shape. i thought her hair looked a little long, especially to be down like that, but then greta cut it so the implication is that she's out of style. but '40s hair wasn't as short as '50s, so even if she hadn't cut it i would've let it slide
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id: a page from a 1940s catalog showcasing a variety of bras. the top of the page reads "Nationally Known Bras in Flattering Styles"
greta's tied up shirts exposing the midriff are actually historically accurate, it would be a more casual look but the 1940s did the crop tops and high-waisted pants thing first. i could see greta in a 1940s two-piece swimsuit or playsuit, and for all i know this show does a beach episode and we do get to see it
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id: a black-and-white page from a 1940s catalog. the 4 models wear two piece playsuits, a style consisting of a crop top and high waisted shorts. the caption reads "Sweet New Play Styles"
i love the representation of butch 1940s. obviously it wasn't totally mainstream for women to be butch (as the show makes clear) but with the war a lot of menswear/military-esque stuff started showing up in women's wear. wearing a button-down shirt and a pair of big trousers was an acceptable women's look in the '40s. it was generally a more casual look, and paired with the curls and red lip, but it's not like women wearing pants was super taboo. boxy jackets with shoulderpads were also popular, and they came back in the '80s with such a vengeance that people don't know that the '40s did it first.
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id: a page from a 1940s catalog, depicting teenagers in a variety of shirt-and-pants outfits. of note are one girl on the top left wearing a broad-shouldered red jacket, and a girl in the inset wearing jeans cuffed to her knees. the caption reads "Teen-age Sportswear"
also, "butch" looks were more okay if you were working a job that required them, e.g. max's job at the factory, whereas the peaches are entertainers. so they're dressed like entertainers, in miniskirts that wouldn't have been considered appropriate for regular wear until the '60s or later. the peaches uniforms are the equivalent of female sports players today having to play in bikinis.
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id: a page from a 1940s catalog depicting women in various work jumpsuits, two of which are denim. the caption reads "Sturdy Work Clothes"
specifically, jo mentions the ziegfeld follies, a theater revue show that ran on broadway in the early 1900s. it's mostly associated with the '10s and '20s, but this photo is from the '30s and there was a follies show that ran in 1943, the year that aloto is set. there was also a 1941 film called Ziegfeld Girl and a 1946 film called the Ziegfeld Follies, so it was clearly still on people's minds.
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id: a 1931 photo of Florenz Zeigfeld of the Zeigfeld Follies, surrounded by a group of women who performed in his shows. many of them wear extremely short skirts
i mean, i haven't even seen Ziegfeld Girl and hedy lamarr in this outfit lives rent free in my brain so, y'know, i can relate to jo here
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id: hedy lamarr wearing a gauzy flowy white gown patterned with stars and a crown of stars radiating out of her head.
there's probably more that i'm not thinking of right now and i'm not done with the show yet but i am really enjoying this show from a historical fashion perspective
also all the vintage catalog images are sourced from the closet historian on pinterest, and you can watch the videos of her going through vintage catalogs here
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neofaa-clothing · 29 days
Ladies’ Polo Neck T-Shirt Outfit Ideas
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The Classic Polo: A Wardrobe Essential
Women’s polo neck T-shirts: a perfect synchrony of comfort and elegance. The formed neck gives the touch of formality but is done with a softly breathable fabric ensuring comfort throughout. One of the nice things about a polo T-shirt is its versatility — it can be dressed up or down for the occasion. This will make it a great choice for the women to have a trendy yet practical wardrobe.
Casual Chic: How to Wear Polo Neck T-Shirts with Jeans
The most casual but all-time-classic combination is a woman wearing her polo T-shirt with jeans. Be it skinny, straight-leg, or even boyfriend jeans, and the look will never fall short of grace if rounded up with a polo t-shirt on top. Lazy weekends work well with a classic white polo T-shirt simply tucked into high-waisted jeans. Complement it with some sneakers or ankle boots and finish your vibe with a crossbody bag for that extra flair. This is a comfortable and chic outfit — right in between — so it works for errands or getting coffee with the girls.
Add a denim jacket over your T-shirt for a bit of an edge. There’s something with this contrast between the structured collar of the polo and the relaxed vibes of the denim that appears really cool. A statement belt and sunglasses will do even more to elevate the look.
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To make your clothes a little smarter and more polished and wear the polo neck T-shirts now within a business-casual environment, try them with tailored pants. This is perfect for when you need to look smart but also feel easy and comfortable at the same time. Choose neutral trousers in tones of black, navy, or beige to lead you to a very classy outcome. Pop your look with a polo T-shirt in a nearby color; this will create a little interest unto your outfit without overwhelming it.
Tuck in the polo T-shirt inside the trousers, and the look can be rounded off with loafers or pointed toe flats. Throw on a fitted blazer to add that element of smartness. The blazer can be either color coordinated or color block. And it makes a great look for office meetings, business lunches, and almost all occasions where you want to look professional yet approachable.
Feminine Touch: Polo T-Shirts with Skirts
Polo neck T-shirts are not just for trousers; they look lovely with skirts too. A polo T-shirt that is tucked into a high-waisted A-line skirt creates an easy yet flattering silhouette that is comfortable and stylish at the same time. Go for a floral or patterned skirt with a solid top to result in a playful daytime look. Finish off the look with ballet flats or sandals and, of course, a statement necklace that would tie it all together.
A polo T-shirt is matched with a pencil skirt for a sleek evening look. Go monochromatic with the colors for further sophistication, but if you’re in a bold and daring mood, bring on color. End the look with heels and a clutch, and you will be set for any dinner date or just a fun night out.
Layering Mastery: Polo T-Shirts with Outerwear
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Feel like playing with the textures? Wear your polo t-shirt under a chunky knit sweater and let the collar stick out for that preppy feel. In fact, this goes really well with jeans and skirts alike, so you have plenty of options to mix and match with your different style inclinations.
As athleisure continues to rage in the world of fashion, polo T-shirts are an excellent addition to this style. Match your days having polo t-shirts for women with a pair of tailored joggers, which are designed impeccably for comfort. The outfit is definitely sufficient for casual outings or even traveling, or on days you prefer to laze around at home. Choose joggers in a base hue — gray, black, or olive are some safe bets — and team them with a polo T-shirt in a matching or complementary shade. Finish the look with clean sneakers and a sporty backpack for an outfit that is both utilitarian and styling.
For the Guys: Polos with Menswear Inspiration
Finally, feel free to take a cue from the men’s trends when pulling your guys-inspired polo-neck tee for women. The style is completely in — that is, androgynous. You can mix a man’s wear with yours easily by pairing it with wide-legged pants or tailored shorts. This look will be a total effort and works with ease for casual settings or creative workplaces.
Accessorize further with a structured bag and loafers or brogues to finish. A fedora or a minimalist watch can also be added to the same effect. This look is all about confidence so embrace the masculine feminine balance and make it your own.
Ladies, Polo neck t-shirts are all-time classic pieces in your wardrobes with endless possibilities of mixing and matching. Be it casual, smart-casual, or athleisure, women’s polo T-shirts will certainly give you the style. With all the mix and match plus layering and accessorizing, you will surely come up with a lot of looks that will make you look good and feel great. Embrace the versatility of the polo T-shirt and experience fun in creating looks that bring out your style.
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