#How do you know which crypto will increase?
Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense
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This is the LAST DAY to get my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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If there was any area where we needed a lot of "innovation," it's in climate tech. We've already blown through numerous points-of-no-return for a habitable Earth, and the pace is accelerating.
Silicon Valley claims to be the epicenter of American innovation, but what passes for innovation in Silicon Valley is some combination of nonsense, climate-wrecking tech, and climate-wrecking nonsense tech. Forget Jeff Hammerbacher's lament about "the best minds of my generation thinking about how to make people click ads." Today's best-paid, best-trained technologists are enlisted to making boobytrapped IoT gadgets:
Planet-destroying cryptocurrency scams:
NFT frauds:
Or planet-destroying AI frauds:
If that was the best "innovation" the human race had to offer, we'd be fucking doomed.
But – as Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect – there's a far more dynamic, consequential, useful and exciting innovation revolution underway, thanks to muscular public spending on climate tech:
The green energy revolution – funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Science Act – is accomplishing amazing feats, which are barely registering amid the clamor of AI nonsense and other hype. I did an interview a while ago about my climate novel The Lost Cause and the interviewer wanted to know what role AI would play in resolving the climate emergency. I was momentarily speechless, then I said, "Well, I guess maybe all the energy used to train and operate models could make it much worse? What role do you think it could play?" The interviewer had no answer.
Here's brief tour of the revolution:
2023 saw 32GW of new solar energy come online in the USA (up 50% from 2022);
Wind increased from 118GW to 141GW;
Grid-scale batteries doubled in 2023 and will double again in 2024;
EV sales increased from 20,000 to 90,000/month.
The cost of clean energy is plummeting, and that's triggering other areas of innovation, like using "hot rocks" to replace fossil fuel heat (25% of overall US energy consumption):
Increasing our access to cheap, clean energy will require a lot of materials, and material production is very carbon intensive. Luckily, the existing supply of cheap, clean energy is fueling "green steel" production experiments:
Cheap, clean energy also makes it possible to recover valuable minerals from aluminum production tailings, a process that doubles as site-remediation:
And while all this electrification is going to require grid upgrades, there's lots we can do with our existing grid, like power-line automation that increases capacity by 40%:
It's also going to require a lot of storage, which is why it's so exciting that we're figuring out how to turn decommissioned mines into giant batteries. During the day, excess renewable energy is channeled into raising rock-laden platforms to the top of the mine-shafts, and at night, these unspool, releasing energy that's fed into the high-availability power-lines that are already present at every mine-site:
Why are we paying so much attention to Silicon Valley pump-and-dumps and ignoring all this incredible, potentially planet-saving, real innovation? Cooper cites a plausible explanation from the Apperceptive newsletter:
Silicon Valley is the land of low-capital, low-labor growth. Software development requires fewer people than infrastructure and hard goods manufacturing, both to get started and to run as an ongoing operation. Silicon Valley is the place where you get rich without creating jobs. It's run by investors who hate the idea of paying people. That's why AI is so exciting for Silicon Valley types: it lets them fantasize about making humans obsolete. A company without employees is a company without labor issues, without messy co-determination fights, without any moral consideration for others. It's the natural progression for an industry that started by misclassifying the workers in its buildings as "contractors," and then graduated to pretending that millions of workers were actually "independent small businesses."
It's also the natural next step for an industry that hates workers so much that it will pretend that their work is being done by robots, and then outsource the labor itself to distant Indian call-centers (no wonder Indian techies joke that "AI" stands for "absent Indians"):
Contrast this with climate tech: this is a profoundly physical kind of technology. It is labor intensive. It is skilled. The workers who perform it have power, both because they are so far from their employers' direct oversight and because these fed-funded sectors are more likely to be unionized than Silicon Valley shops. Moreover, climate tech is capital intensive. All of those workers are out there moving stuff around: solar panels, wires, batteries.
Climate tech is infrastructural. As Deb Chachra writes in her must-read 2023 book How Infrastructure Works, infrastructure is a gift we give to our descendants. Infrastructure projects rarely pay for themselves during the lives of the people who decide to build them:
Climate tech also produces gigantic, diffused, uncapturable benefits. The "social cost of carbon" is a measure that seeks to capture how much we all pay as polluters despoil our shared world. It includes the direct health impacts of burning fossil fuels, and the indirect costs of wildfires and extreme weather events. The "social savings" of climate tech are massive:
For every MWh of renewable power produced, we save $100 in social carbon costs. That's $100 worth of people not sickening and dying from pollution, $100 worth of homes and habitats not burning down or disappearing under floodwaters. All told, US renewables have delivered $250,000,000,000 (one quarter of one trillion dollars) in social carbon savings over the past four years:
In other words, climate tech is unselfish tech. It's a gift to the future and to the broad public. It shares its spoils with workers. It requires public action. By contrast, Silicon Valley is greedy tech that is relentlessly focused on the shortest-term returns that can be extracted with the least share going to labor. It also requires massive public investment, but it also totally committed to giving as little back to the public as is possible.
No wonder America's richest and most powerful people are lining up to endorse and fund Trump:
Silicon Valley epitomizes Stafford Beer's motto that "the purpose of a system is what it does." If Silicon Valley produces nothing but planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams, then these are all features of the tech sector, not bugs.
As Anil Dash writes:
Driving change requires us to make the machine want something else. If the purpose of a system is what it does, and we don’t like what it does, then we have to change the system.
To give climate tech the attention, excitement, and political will it deserves, we need to recalibrate our understanding of the world. We need to have object permanence. We need to remember just how few people were actually using cryptocurrency during the bubble and apply that understanding to AI hype. Only 2% of Britons surveyed in a recent study use AI tools:
If we want our tech companies to do good, we have to understand that their ground state is to create planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams. We need to make these companies small enough to fail, small enough to jail, and small enough to care:
We need to hold companies responsible, and we need to change the microeconomics of the board room, to make it easier for tech workers who want to do good to shout down the scammers, nonsense-peddlers and grifters:
Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the FTC could hold Amazon executives personally liable for the decision to trick people into signing up for Prime, and for making the unsubscribe-from-Prime process into a Kafka-as-a-service nightmare:
Imagine how powerful a precedent this could set. The Amazon employees who vociferously objected to their bosses' decision to make Prime as confusing as possible could have raised the objection that doing this could end up personally costing those bosses millions of dollars in fines:
We need to make climate tech, not Big Tech, the center of our scrutiny and will. The climate emergency is so terrifying as to be nearly unponderable. Science fiction writers are increasingly being called upon to try to frame this incomprehensible risk in human terms. SF writer (and biologist) Peter Watts's conversation with evolutionary biologist Dan Brooks is an eye-opener:
They draw a distinction between "sustainability" meaning "what kind of technological fixes can we come up with that will allow us to continue to do business as usual without paying a penalty for it?" and sustainability meaning, "what changes in behavior will allow us to save ourselves with the technology that is possible?"
Writing about the Watts/Brooks dialog for Naked Capitalism, Yves Smith invokes William Gibson's The Peripheral:
With everything stumbling deeper into a ditch of shit, history itself become a slaughterhouse, science had started popping. Not all at once, no one big heroic thing, but there were cleaner, cheaper energy sources, more effective ways to get carbon out of the air, new drugs that did what antibiotics had done before…. Ways to print food that required much less in the way of actual food to begin with. So everything, however deeply fucked in general, was lit increasingly by the new, by things that made people blink and sit up, but then the rest of it would just go on, deeper into the ditch. A progress accompanied by constant violence, he said, by sufferings unimaginable.
Gibson doesn't think this is likely, mind, and even if it's attainable, it will come amidst "unimaginable suffering."
But the universe of possible technologies is quite large. As Chachra points out in How Infrastructure Works, we could give every person on Earth a Canadian's energy budget (like an American's, but colder), by capturing a mere 0.4% of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface every day. Doing this will require heroic amounts of material and labor, especially if we're going to do it without destroying the planet through material extraction and manufacturing.
These are the questions that we should be concerning ourselves with: what behavioral changes will allow us to realize cheap, abundant, green energy? What "innovations" will our society need to focus on the things we need, rather than the scams and nonsense that creates Silicon Valley fortunes?
How can we use planning, and solidarity, and codetermination to usher in the kind of tech that makes it possible for us to get through the climate bottleneck with as little death and destruction as possible? How can we use enforcement, discernment, and labor rights to thwart the enshittificatory impulses of Silicon Valley's biggest assholes?
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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soshadysoquiet · 1 month
An attempt to salvage S4, for your delectation. S4E4
Flashback to Klaus: Chasing down his siblings right back at the beginning and nearly hit by a car he only dodges last moment, laughs it off but then we see a little collection of him unable to get back close to his siblings but Does find old haunt of Mothers of Agony. We see him oscillate between drugs and siblings in turn, some rehab and relapses and increasing near death experiences. Ben at height of his squid-covered brand in crypto currency pays for a fancy rehab for Klaus at siblings' pleas, though won't pay off his debt. Klaus exits it to try living with Luther but it's filthy compared to the safety and cleanliness of the rehab he'd finally felt secure in. Allison is the face of a cleaning company though - he goes to her. We see him both gain more of his control back, and become more controlling of his surroundings and person with precautions. He coops up and covers up and controls and it becomes gloves and layers and face masks where it used to be drugs.
Present time: Klaus has same chained-up then forced ghost prostitution run in that we see in the show, has his money taken from him. The ghosts in the room are judging him, he accuses them of their voyerism and that they could pay too for watching the show, tries to banish them but can’t. Frustrated and has an emotional outburst.
*Klaus' scene above is cut into with Ben and Jennifer arriving at the umbrella academy ruins, Falling into bed much more willingly than Klaus and his seance woman. Waking up close and calm and sharing some affectionate words.
Allison and Luther arrive to find Claire shaken up at home and chat to her, she thinks she knows where Klaus is. They go off and Claire chats to Luther about how Space Boy was her fave, but he's not an astronaut now is he, what changed? Luther starts to say he's a stripper but tones it down at a cough from Allison. Luther tries to say some stuff about his life but it's a bit sad to hear. Claire is shooting her mother awkward looks, Allison asks 'but are you happy?' Luther thinks about it, there's bits he likes, he likes being good at the job, now, he takes pride from his work, but it wasn't the life he had thought he was going to have. Allison asks if he's really sure she's not here, Luther can't bring himself to respond.
Klaus hasn't taken the drugs yet, he's looking at them, debating them, scratching over his skin when he brushes the dog tags he lifted from Abigail's box. He remembers Dave. Murmurs how it shouldn't work, the timelines are different and anyway he hated me in the 60's, it's a bad idea. One of the ghosts croaks out 'worse than this' and Klaus succeeds in banishing them. He focuses, trying to move past the sound of war and screaming and in his head his little pre-recorded mantra plays for himself of how he's strong etc. He opens his mouth and calls for Dave. Before Klaus he appears, we see their eyes widening in joy
Five Diego and Lila arrive at Reggie's mansion finding Reggie, Abigail and Viktor outside cursing at the van being gone, Reggie is berating Viktor, Abigail begins snapping at Reggie and the three arrivals are confused. Lila says that's so and so from the Keepers meetings, Diego says I've found her picture taped up in the houses of people who get the inside-out umbrella packages, and Five is about ready to fight demanding who she is
Reggie steps in front of her and says 'that's my wife' which shuts them all up.
Klaus and Dave have a reunion, it's heartfelt. the mothers of agony dude busts into the room, says what the hell is this on seeing Dave and Klaus says, 'help me out for a second babe' and has Dave beat the guy into a bloody pulp. A few ghosts from the corridor cheer and Dave says 'wow, we've got some catching up to do' or something, Klaus is over the moon, takes the money he earned but leaves the drugs. They walk out together, Dave corporeal.
Allison and Luther pull up outside and start to talk strategy which largely consists of Allison 'They've pissed me off who needs strategy' and Luther trying to calm her down and both trying to stop Claire from following them. 
Klaus comes out and they and Dave have an awkward intro but sort-of reunion. Klaus says I guess I was my own saviour this time, Allison says I guess you were, I'm proud of you. Klaus brushes it off goofily but Luther agrees so proud and yanks all of them and Claire into a group hug, apologises as Klaus wriggles out saying he'll get there, but baby steps. Looks to Dave and Dave smiles as he vanishes from being corporeal, the others looking to see where he's gone, but Klaus and him are still smiling at each other.
You have a wife? (they've moved inside) Reggie explains that their world was destroyed and he preserved her on the moon, tries to move it back to their childish selfish problems letting things go to pot again, Viktor accuses him of 'oh but it's alright if it's your selfish desires?' And Diego chimes in with 'yeah you know if you think about it, all the apocalypses were kinda your fault Dad.' Viktor and Diego go at him for a while and Five has found something to drink, Lila and Abigail are watching the various issues until Five Snaps that they need to talk about Ben, where are the others?
Allison, Luther and Klaus turn up to the rest of them squabbling, Diego is saying 'it's just that, I don't know!' Viktor is arguing 'How can you not know?!' they come in saying 'what's going on?' and Five asks them to tell him how Ben died, the three of them repeat 'tragic accident, failed as a team, no one and everyone's fault, Ben was the best of us' and give each other a heebie-jeebies look when they can't remember anything else.
'Can't, or won't' says Reggie, unhelpfully. They all discuss needing to get to the bottom of this, that Ben's death has turned up in Keepers files related to The Cleanse, but the details are redacted and there are too many different dates that it happens. They're based on either memory bleed through or articles and artefacts passed through the timeline.
They debate how they're going to remember, if they even can. Lila pipes up with that she knows a thing or two about altered memories around Trauma (Handler being the one turning up just as her parents are shot etc) the commission's Infinite Switchboard was able to show her. Reggie debates that there might be a way to harness their powers to bring back the memories, after Abigail baits him into it and he's scowled a lot.
They set up in a quiet room, Reggie hooks them up to each other and monitors, explains that their powers should 'rhyme' at the right frequencies. They go through a lot of repetitions of trying to 'engage' their powers at the same level. Lila and Five are trying to direct them when it's not working, Reggie says they need to be in the loop too, it's all the marigolds harmonising that will put them in a meditative state, and he can guide from there. Five and Lila don't want to have their brains meddled with, but Abigail is giving Viktor a look, takes the time to talk to all of them about something that she's heard about them from Reggie that encourages them somewhat, and specifically to Viktor that it will take all of them to save the world. Five and Lila begrudgingly give in when Viktor reasons with them.
Five and Lila find it easiest to sync up powers (the machine gives a green light for each of them at the right sync), Five maintains whilst Lila keeps her frequency but morphs to Diego's power, he can feel the trajectories she's mimicking and copies that, Viktor tunes in to the pitch of Five's powers on his own and Allison changes her voice sill she's hitting the green with a hum. Klaus is feeling the energy in the room and links up, able to get a sense of the others' souls and syncs in and Luther is getting assisted along by Lila - matching the pressure from holding her hand till they all go green and the chime through the room sends them all slack and drifting. Reggie's voice guides them back through time. 
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thesirencult · 9 months
Astrological Predictions I Wrote Down Last Year Which Are Still Relevant- and will continue to be!
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Note: I'm not here to spread fear and anxiety. Bad aspects do not exist. Our lives and the way the Art Of Astrology is expressed in our reality is a mix of different colours and vibrations. These predictions have been made with my own personal way of interpretation so please don't ask how I came up with some things. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to see the "mechanics" and "practical details" behind the predictions, simply read them and see if intuitively you vibe with them. Keep in mind these are written in a "personal notes" style so it is a tiny bit chaotic!
A year ago I did not post any content about astrology and tarot online, at least at this scale. Posting these personal observations is not a way fro me to "toot-my-own-horn". I'm actually quite skeptical about Astrology's capacity to "predict" but right now, looking at those notes it is apparent that most of those things have already manifested or are beginning to take form in our physical reality.
Enjoy and let me know what your thoughts are about what's coming.
Pluto In Aquarius (23/3/2023, 3 months and then again in 2024): 20 year cycle, society, tech, consciousness, innovation on STEROIDS, last time 795,819, 1781 -> discovery of uranus, islamic/arab domination in north africa, fall and rise of dynasties in europe (foundations of europe as we know it now, al-Khwarizmi founded the field of algebra
Saturn In Pisces (7/3/2023, 26 february, may 2 2026): structuring the "unstructureable"
Jupiter In Taurus (16/5/2023-25/5/2024): wisdom of nature, stay ready/still, green
17/7/2023 -> N.Node in Aries/S.Node in Libra: love-war, Ares-Aphrodite, war between the feminine and the masculine. Fall of red pill and radical feminism, individual vs parrtnership.
Where Jupiter goes, Saturn follows. Dune, The Hermit energy. In the past few years with Jupiter in Pisces and Aries disillusionment was IN! Fights through screens (Aries), were just another day. Saturn clears the way after Jupiter's orgy. Dreams NEED a practical use (note from now : we have this whole hustling culture thing of set goals and be practical, we are basically trying to give structure to our dreams and create a step by step path to our vision). Example: astrology, NFTs and crypto, drugs, manifestation, art -> how are they contributing to our society and the betterment of it? Dissolving-then Forming-> identifying, dreaming-act/plan -> success. Only through the loss of individual power we realize we are nothing without a link to the rest of "life". Submitting to something greater/ fear (misty) of something destroying us or confronting external life. Sacrifice/Servitude. Who are you when stripped away from the world? (prison): stripped off the matrix/network, inner contemplation, power to serve to experience unity, science+spirituality meeting. loneliness + isolation = going deeper within,monk mode. developing a conscious ego. Information utilized/weaponized to help/guide the masses. Increasing consciousness and broadening the mind. We are realizing we are experiencing the "shadow" not the "idea" (Plato/Jung/archetypes)/Antigone-> divine law / human law/ loss of faith and search dor a new framework of values. Discipline in meditation, yoga driven towards God. Fight between atheism+spiritualism/nihilism+purpose. Turning inside because you lost faith, there you will find God and meaning. The form has outlived its usefulness -> conflict with the status quo and law. No church in the wild/godless. Saturn's death by Jupiter (taurus = structure).
Transformation of rules, social norms, ideas of humanity and how we use science+technology to manifest those ideas. Social + technological REVOLUTION. Renaissance. Turning to humanitarian, liberal arts/spreading knowledge-teaching. Astronomical discoveries, vaccines/antibiotics(shortages?), innovations in trade, change in the way religions and churches are structured as well as other organizations. More open. Blockchain. "Anonymity" but transparency. 48 laws of power, the prince. philosophy-> utilitarian/kant/pure reason. "how to maximize happiness for the majority. streamlined techniques. Pluto in Aquarius will bring the desire to reform. After 2044 these changes will be established. Everything will be brought to the surface. going deep and facing demons. PROMETHEUS MYTH , FIRE -> DARK SIDE OF TECH (note: AI). decentralised internet, open sourcing, energy. YOU CAN'T REACH GOD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY/CAN YOU? Grid failures+extreme weather. Internet cables connecting countries -> separation from WEB -> Who are we? power over...= domination / power with...= networks Pluto -> Πλούτος, abundance but can turn to greed -> eruption -> realizations. Society = individuals -> change= self change!
Society is going to turn its hopes, wishes , knowledge, resources and tech powers towards abundance and sustainability. Physical environment = abundance. I'm seeing a rise in holistic+cyclical approaches, natural medicine and art expression close to natural processes. Expect movement from big cities to the countryside and creation of luxury reatreats/hotels close to nature-sustainable.
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
Long-Term Strategy for Game Series Support
We're entering an era of Long-Term support for Video Games Series. (THAT'S A LIE, WEVE BEEN THERE FOR A MINUTE NOW.)
As Developers and Publishers start shutting down online services for older games (and in some cases disabling the game entirely)
Which is necessary, considering that servers take money to continue running. And older game players simply aren't bringing in revenue to keep the lights on. (Because they're not bringing in any money)
The question that AAA developers should be asking; "How do we integrate our games backend into a shared eco-system in order to reduce costs for each individual game, and increase adoption of newer services/games for our players?"
This is a question that must be asked because Developers and Publishers already know how difficult it is to retain profits while competing with the Resale and Third-Party markets like GameStop.
Many developers have started creating "Always On" services which require the game to be connected to the internet in order to play offline portions. (To verify authenticity that the game was purchased from an official source and not pirated.)
After-all it's hard to continue paying for online services if pirates are using them.
Still, services like Hearthstone provide a free service, free product, and still manage to turn profit. Part of this is because of the competitive environment and sponsored tournaments.
By offering a prize, plenty of players can be convinced to play, just in case they feel like going pro next year.
But they probably won't. Despite that; the game is incredibly fun to play. Except when several players in a row have the exact combo that enables them to keep tempo, and so you gotta grin and bear it till it becomes fun again.
Or buy more cards.
Still, how do you create an environment for the casual players of casual games. Like Animal Crossing, or Pokemon. Since most Pokemon players aren't competitive.
After a half-a-decade, the business model dictates that you sell a new game to replace the old one.
Part of the problem here is that each new game has a lot of the same content as the old game, and thus; in order to switch you need throw away your old save file and start from scratch.
Many players that would do that just because they can would have done so already. And so older players may end up giving up both the old and new, simply because it's easier to do so.
Despite the newest games having a lot of the same content, a lot of old content is lost. Like the Story. What would traditionally be called the "Movie" or "Novel" portion. Depending on if it was a cutscenes or several hundred lines of text.
And so in order to re-experience the old content; many players may instead choose to simply to pirate the old content, or read about it from online sources.
Part of the solution is to simply offer the old content to new players. And to try to convince older players into the new areas by allowing them to bring their old content and achievements with them.
This can be accomplished a few different ways. Crypto is one way to create a ledger tied to a players account so that they can share their content between platforms and games.
Nearly every platform, PlayStation, XBOX, and while Nintendo doesn't offer a platform specific variant, game often still include achievements.
And this system can be used to store certain content on a player basis to brought into newer or different games.
This would also enable cross-game items/content/achievements that players could bring with them from series to series.
Which would be a boom for cross-promotional purposes. And by creating an environment and a system that enables to store this in the same place(cloud). You could also control for DataBase specifications in order to reduce size and increase speeds for each individual game.
Now, I am pretty well Versed in Learning Content Distribution. SCORM(This is an acronym you don't need to know, and would only raise more questions if I explain it, so I'll stick to the surface here.) SCORM, TinCan, and xAPI (not to be confused with Twitter) are specifications created for the Learning Management Environment (Education, College, Government, and corporate training models) in order to do exactly what I'm talking about with as little or as much data bandwidth requirements, is relatively secure and includes cross-service achievement-like systems.
As well as content-distribution systems.
I would assume there's a way to integrate it with Crypto. It would replace the monkey WEBMs with something more substantial.
And this service or system would allow not only players to bring their accounts and achievements and items with them from game to game (or from game to social media) but games to communicate with each other.
Again, I'm thinking "Eco-system" here. Publishers would be able to do large-scale cross-promotional events with many games simultaneously. And enable platform-hoping between games with content from each individual event.
What this means is that you would also be able to provide a place for those old games to exist, even if they don't participate it the Events anymore. AND encourage players to try new and other games because they don't lose their original save files doing so.
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Meet the ghouls squabbling for power in the race to rule the Tories
Tory MPs are donning their robes and sharpening their sacrificial blades this week as they prepare to ritualistically cull a second candidate from the Conservative Party leadership race. 
Priti Patel was eliminated last week after securing just 11.9% of the vote, which already sounds quite embarrassing, then you do the maths and realise that’s a total of 14 votes. Considering the sheer number of controversies that litter her political career like dog shit in a play park, I’m amazed she didn’t perform better.  
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(Formerly of the tobacco industry, Patel voted in favour of overturning the smoking ban because she recognises that mainly poor people use public spaces so, y’know, fuck ‘em.) 
Patel resigned as Home Secretary in 2017 after attending up to a dozen private, unsanctioned meetings with Israeli officials where departmental business was discussed while she was on holiday.
This gross breach of the ministerial code wasn’t enough to prevent her from being reinstated to the position under Boris Johnson’s government, where she dedicated herself to ruthlessly targeting asylum seekers, lobbying for pharmaceutical companies during the height of COVID, and bullying her staff. 
Next up on the chopping block appears to be Mel Stride MP who narrowly escaped elimination last round with a whopping 16 votes. 
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(Launching his campaign, Stride said the Tories need to “build trust with the electorate again", presumably so they can get right back to abusing it.)  
Mr Stride served as Financial Secretary to the Treasury in Theresa May’s cabinet, when he spearheaded the controversial loan charge policy which – as of January 2024 – has been linked to ten suicides. He was then elected as chair of the Treasury select committee, effectively securing himself a position where he was the one responsible for scrutinising his own dastardly deeds and, unsurprisingly, finding nothing to be concerned about. 
Former Minister of State for Security Tom Tugendhat limped a single vote ahead of Stride in the first round. Tugendhat is notable only in how boring he is, and hasn’t even breached the ministerial code once (that we know of). Total amateur. His strategy appears to be to fly below the radar, presumably in the hope the other candidates will destroy each other and he can rule over the ashes. 
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(Having already lost one leadership race to Liz Truss of all people, Tugendhat looks like a surefire bet to lose another.) 
A former soldier, Tugendhat holds some classically conservative positions like increased military spending, opposition to the European Court of Human Rights and wanting a cap on immigration but these days that’s a mild salsa. He appears moderate compared to the others, and lacks the brain rot and crypto-fascist brainworms that UK conservatives have been steadily importing from America over the last decade. The most interesting thing about him is that he had to change his campaign slogan because the acronym spelled TURD. 
Now we’re done with the dregs, let's take a look at the front runners starting with weed smoking, Warhammer playing, porn enjoyer James Cleverly. That makes him sound much more interesting than he is. Having previously filled both the Home and Foreign secretary positions, Cleverly has long had leadership aspirations.  
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(Cleverly once had to apologise for an “ironic joke” about spiking his wife’s drink with rohypnol during a Westminster reception, apparently being both a weird creep and not understanding the definition of irony.) 
Another paint-by-numbers Tory, he stirred up a fuss a few years ago by saying that gay football fans should show "a little bit of flex and compromise" when visiting Qatar for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. He added that it was "important when you're a visitor to a country that you respect the culture of your host nation." Cleverly it seems considers a seven year prison sentence for being gay little more than a cultural quirk rather than something queer football fans might have legitimate concerns over. Basically saying reign it in lads, no need to be homo in public. 
Landing in second place during the last vote is former Minister for Women and Equalities Kemi Badenoch who claimed in a speech last year that transgender people could transition “too easily”. This is supported by the fact that waiting times for an initial assessment are as high as seven years in some parts of the country, so that definitely tracks. Badenoch clearly knows what she is talking about. 
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(Speaking on the Spectator podcast, Badenoch said the Tories need to “stop acting like Labour”. I can only assume she misinterpreted the narrowing ideological gap between Labour and Tories as a softening in her party’s ranks rather than a calcification of right wing leanings in Westminster.) 
Characterised as an “anti-woke” politician, she has also supported conversion therapy for trans people. Speaking like someone who has never actually heard themselves talk, she also claimed that providing gender affirming care for trans kids was a “form of conversion therapy” intended to turn gay kids trans. It’s ironclad reasoning and, as a trans dyke, I value above all else the perspective of a cisgender, hetrosexual woman in all matters relating to queer issues. If anyone is going to lay down the law on who gets to be gay and in what way, it should be her. 
Badenoch bravely announced during a recent campaign video that she was unafraid of fictional character Doctor Who. Furthermore, as a woman of colour, she believes that Britain is not institutionally racist, so we can all stop worrying about that now. What a relief, I was starting to get really concerned about it. You know, what with all the institutional racism that’s been going around. But turns out that was a false alarm, which is probably why she also said “I don’t care about colonialism”. 
Badenoch came out swinging on the subject, making claims broader than my fat ass in order to minimise the brutality of Britain's well-documented colonial history. 
"There was never any concept of 'rights', so [the] people who lost out were old elites not everyday people,” she said in some leaked WhatsApp messages. It’s a relief to know that the three million people who died in the 1943 Bengal Famine were all elites. 
Lego figure cosplayer Robert Jenrick is the current frontrunner, having secured 28 votes in the first round. Jenrick served as Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government under Boris Johnson where he dedicated himself to pulling political favours for luxury property developer and Tory party donor Richard Desmond. The move allowed Desmond to avoid paying a community council levy of £40 million which could have been used to fund schools and health clinics. 
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(Courting the far right voters who flocked to Reform in the last election, Jenick resigned from his position as immigration minister, saying the policy of deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda didn’t go far enough.)
Grenfell United, the pressure group dedicated to securing justice for the victims of the Grenfell fire refused to meet with Jenrick in 2020, saying: "Your perceived focus on the interests of property developers over the needs of an impoverished local community has soured our opinion of you.” 
Jenrick also served as Minister of State for Immigration where he took aim at the greatest threat to our nation: unaccompanied asylum seeking children. During a visit to an intake centre in Kent last year he reportedly told staff to paint over a mural depicting cartoons and animals, saying it was a “law enforcement environment” and “not a welcome centre”. 
Finally, someone had the courage to put those kids in their place. If they wanted to experience even a single moment where they felt safe, or like they weren’t completely alone in this terrifying and hostile world, they shouldn’t have crossed the bloody channel should they? They need to learn that actions have consequences, unless of course you’re a Tory politician then you can basically just get away with whatever and certainly not have your political ambition stymied in the slightest. That would be unfair.  
With such political titans in the running, Labour should be quaking in its boots. This gaggle of ghouls is among the finest we could hope for, and the fact that they each crave power enough to run the highest office in the land should in no way concern anyone. As the old adage goes: Power corrupts, but only if you’re a little bitch. 
Which of these unscrupulous, foreigner hating, homophobes will proceed to the next round? Tory MPs will be casting their vote today in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, and trim the eligible candidates down to four. 
This three month slog is only just beginning, so buckle your pants because we have to put up with this fucking circus until November.
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nighttime-tea-party · 11 months
soooo idk who else to ask but like what happened to all the big names during the sebaciel renaissance?? I’ve kinda been off tumble pretty much since nsfw ban, but what happened to blogs like chromehopelite and ciel’s lingerire or vexing young master? Im sure there’s others I’m missing I just can’t remember but I feel like no one uploads on the sebaciel ao3 tag as much as it used to in like 2017 and 2018. hopefully the fandom will come alive again with a new season?
Hello! I have no idea what happened to Vexing Young Master but as for the others, as far as I know, Ciels Lingerie got obliterated again and again, both here and on twitter, and I guess at one point they gave up. Their latest twitter seems to have been hacked by crypto bros.
Chromehoplite is still around, just not in the fandom anymore. And who can blame them, considering the amount of vile messages they got on a daily basis.
To be honest, I've been active in the tumblr fandom for... Idk how long, before BoC, and it was the most prolific back when BoC aired. After that, it's been a downward spiral. It got a bit refreshment through BoM and BotA but not in the same way. Back during BoM, the fandom felt huge.
I think it's a natural development. Manga fandoms are most active when there's a fairly recent tv anime adaptation (movies just don't do it like tv shows). There hasn't been one in a long time, and additionally, we've had to put up with our main characters virtually missing from the manga for about half a decade now. The twin reveal was that long ago!
So I completely understand that the fandom has become the way it is now. I consider myself crazy for still sticking around the way I do (but I have no plans of changing that) but most people aren't as weird about Kuroshitsuji as I am.
That being said, I also believe that the fandom will have a real renaissance when the show airs again. I never expected that twitter-borne renaissance to hold on anyway because it was mostly just born out of spite against antis (which is valid but not enough to give people the motivation to stick with a manga that's barely progressing over the course of years). Chrome and the others were there before the twitter renaissance and they were there after it too to some extent, but I guess lives go on, priorities and interests change and also, fandom can just be really nasty and detrimental to your mental health sometimes.
Maybe we'll see some familiar people come back when the new show airs, who knows!
I hope my answer helped!
P.S.: from the perspective of a creator myself, the disappearance of popular creators coincides with a strong decrease of engagement with authors' and artists' works. You could say it's a hen and egg kind of situation but I think the common denominator is the lack of progress in the manga and everyone's fatigue with everything. In any case, from a creator's POV it does feel kind of discouraging sometimes when you feel like your skill has increased over time but people don't interact with it as much as they used to. Like, I know it's the size of the fandom but I sometimes think, "has my art gotten that bad?" and I mean I don't draw for attention or else I'd draw Genshin or sth like that but it is a little difficult to process anyway. Sorry for the rant.
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adamsvanrhijn · 11 months
[SPOILER ALERT!!!] Can you elaborate a bit on what paths for Oscar you'd feel could be more compelling than others? I know it's a huge question... But I take that you're also a bit surprised by the writing decision to make him value his life less, at least for now. We already know *stuff* about where his story will lead, but not every detail. I just really hope his bad financial decisions leading to the family bankcrupty or whatever are laid out in a way that he's not the complete villain by the end of all, just the little adhd dumb fuck crypto guy that he is... Not kicking Agnes out of her house or whatever. I just don't want him to be that evil in the end. I suspect Maud will play into this somehow, but no idea how yet.
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for this ask
spoilers continue below!
frankly - i am not necessarily surprised at Where we are. what i am surprised about is how soon we got here. like i was hoping we would get unraveling derailed unmoored pathetic sopping wet cat oscar someday and thinking that was probably going to be a season 3 thing if we got a season 3, and instead they put it in front of us right out of the gate! so pretty much everything i have been thinking about for the last year and a half has had to shuffle around a bit.
little adhd dumb fuck crypto guy <3 god he's so unwell. i'm so obsessed with him! what a creature.
i certainly don't want them to kill him off & i don't want him to be turned into a one dimensional villain, but i don't think we're at risk of either of those occurring in season 2 based on review spoilers.
his ego & hubris & recklessness & what-have-you have been brought up in reviews that mention the financial issues, which tracks perfectly well for oscar i think - with the caveat that before 2.01, i would only have pictured oscar making decisions that would potentially affect his family if he were very secure in them and manifesting his own reality about it, and after 2.01, i think him just being desperate is also a possibility. it is a pretty big deal to put his entire family fortune at risk & he seemed levelheaded enough not to go down that road in s1, in the circumstances he was in.
i don't think that's the case anymore. so i think where i see us most realistically going is either,
oscar Is secure in the decisions he is making and thinks he's doing the right thing. he's engaged to an heiress so he's basically married to an heiress so he actually doesn't need to worry about anything at all now? & then through this makes some bad and overconfident decisions and/or draws attention to himself in a way that makes him more likely to be taken advantage of while overconfident about it
oscar is not showing his best judgment of others' intentions in season 2 and he wasn't there in season 1 either.
OR, oscar is not secure in the decisions he is making, and they are a shot in the dark to get him what he wants during a downward spiral.
i think either option could be done well and i'm not sure if i'm partial to one over the other. like you, i am not partial to him doing anything expressly out of malice or malcontent, but i think/hope that's fairly unlikely based on what we've seen from him so far... oscar hasn't shown any malice yet (being mean to be funny is different from being malicious.) & is very self-centered.
it's been effectively (albeit not beyond a shadow of a doubt) confirmed that oscar is getting engaged, so i personally am leaning toward more, something goes right for oscar and he decides everything is perfect now oops poor judgment, than, oscar shows increasing desperation and despair and oops poor judgment. adhd indeed!
but. "everything is perfect" tracks with oscar's approach to life in season 1.
unlike in season 1, however, john and oscar are not together, and i do not think john and oscar are getting back together this season for a variety of reasons i don't want to get into - and so that part of his life is decidedly Not perfect, and he could make all sorts of choices related to this that could begin to seep into his society life, as well.
for example, i'm curious as to what extent oscar's watch is a chekhov's gun, and the way that the circumstances around that scene will continue to be relevant.
i mean, point blank it was 1880s gay bashing. as in, this was a prejudiced act of violence against oscar because he is gay and because he has money, regardless of how premeditated it was against oscar specifically. and i say premeditated because i know people on Other Websites are absolutely getting that idea, and i personally think that is less likely, but regardless of how premeditated it was it was still a hate crime and oscar was targeted because his assailant thought he'd be easy to trick in this specific way.
so i think the beating up part was a given. but at the same time, you do not necessarily need to beat a man up to steal his wallet, especially if you have caught him off guard and he thinks you are going to have sex with him. i personally think oscar would Probably cave to being threatened with violence if he knew the man could follow through on it.
so. if you're a horrible person and you're going to the trouble of beating a man up, for whatever reason, seems kind of silly to take the wallet but leave money on the proverbial table and let the man keep his watch. which could mean the watch is less appealing in one way or another, and not in a straightforward way.
i think the obvious route and the one i imagine most of are thinking about is blackmail - oscar himself is a better source of cash than a stolen watch you might have to wait a while before you can sell.
i will say i do think some people are overestimating the amount of identification a man is carrying in his wallet in 1883, but he would likely have a business card and/or calling card with his name on it and that would be plenty for someone resourceful.
buuuuut the watch could be meaningful in other ways - whether that's a "thank goodness they didn't take my watch" way or something more serious à la the above.
we only have seven episodes left :-( but i'm veryyyy interested to see what happens with all of this.
thank you very much for the question i really appreciate it and enjoyed answering it!
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scratchandplaster · 2 years
Stack The Deck - PART 4
CW: threats, choking, anxiety, stress position, reference to non-con
PART 3 ⇽ [Masterlist] ⇾ PART 5
Hours had passed, time which gave Elliot enough opportunity to prepare a list of people who had enough reason to hate him. Even though Morris, his trigger-happy captor with too much free time, claimed to not follow any personal vendetta, he couldn't shake off the inkling that this was his fault.
How much more personal could it get? His mind drifted through names and faces, some more detailed than others: James Randall, high school bully turned general contractor just a few towns over. They had some quick and rough encounters during their time together, but nothing more came about it. Or Eve Anderson, who used to sit just two cubicles down from him and was let go by their manager because of her, well, unorthodox bookkeeping.
The last thing he heard about her, whispered among his coworkers, was the rumor that she went into crypto. Mister Harris, loyal customer and enraged by the inflation of gas prices, continually harassing his workplace with angry calls. But none of that was reasonable...
Otherwise, I am going to slit your mother open from her chin down to her fucking-
Neither was this situation. He had to be smart about his actions, or the consequences would be graver than an improper lay-off from a white collar job.
No promise would guarantee his stay to be quick - less likely painless, but he had to at least know the reason for this madness. If he wanted to use this information to his advantage, if he wanted to get out here alive...
Elliot felt a new wave of misery creeping up his stomach, choking him tight from the inside. Registering the now warm fabric of the mattress below, he imagined how eternity would feel like. Just waiting...surrounded by dirt and dubious bodily fluids. Waiting to be gutted in an empty crack house nobody would ever care to search for.
The pressure behind his eyes increased to an excruciating degree, threatening to burst out of him as a fountain of grief. Tears made their way forward. Elliot was too scared to talk, to even move, but his body needed any kind of catharsis; so he cried.
It was silent at first, a sniffle or two making their way out of his throat, hopefully muffled enough not to irritate the man just a few feet away.
Morris had spent long hours playing cards with himself, solitaire, Elliot suspected. Now spread across the dirty wood like a mosaic, the cards connected to each other with a charming precision. Stopping only every few minutes, to look at his phone. His mood never seemed to brighten after that.
A pastime, so he doesn't have to endure me.
At this, he finally broke. All the fear, guilt and stress of the last hours culminated into an unstoppable force, pushing its way through Elliot's body until it ripped his lips apart. Trying his hardest to stop any treacherous sounds, he clenched his jaw tight and pressed himself back down in the filth of the mattress, face now deeply hidden. It didn't change anything. The anxious panting echoed through the living room, making their way to the source of all this terror.
As he slowly shifted in his seat, Morris couldn't hide the feeling of unease any longer. Turning the chair around, he fixated on the shaking figure in front of him.
"Are you done already?" This cold tone didn't do his captive any good, even boosted the uncontrolled motions of his limbs to an unhealthy degree. "Stop that, you look like a-"
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" Elliot screamed with a sudden anger, so very blinded by fear that all thoughts of torture were pushed aside. A childish part of him screamed at this unfair treatment, and no nausea, cramps or headache could hold it in anymore.
Morris stopped his line of threats in an instant. The quick shock of an icy feeling at the back of his neck, but after a few seconds he pulled himself together. He thanked himself for doing this alone, his partners would have already ripped Elliot apart for this mild tantrum; and also humiliated anyone who would let a hostage address them that way.
"Oh, stop your whining, I'm not even doing anything! You want the gag again?!"
He really shouldn't worry about this sudden blast of desperate resistance. He was perfectly safe, everything was under control. She would answer... They just needed to wait a bit longer-
"No!" the man below finally answered through clenched teeth, "I just want to understand-"
With a hard slam, the chair flew back onto the floor, accompanied by playing cards slipping from their previously neat placing. Everything happened so quickly, none of the men grasped how they ended up like this. Without warning, Morris was on top of him again, both hands enclosing his neck, but not quite squeezing yet.
It was visible how Elliot cursed his loud mouth, the cloud of anger now nearly evaporated and replaced with a somber nothingness. The blank expression, empty eyes staring into Morris´, hid behind smeared red on pale skin.
He thought of who came before, but couldn't find a good reference of character to plan his next step. The younger man didn't belong to his usual clientele. Which meant that the rules weren't established yet, a shortcoming Morris had to account for, if he wasn't busy strangling his captive right now.
He reacted so negatively to threats. Sure, who doesn't, but the greatest part of compliance he got through talking him down in a poised manner. They could scream at each other for the whole day, but empty phrases didn't seem to cut it this time. In any case, he wasn't the usual kind of man trapped in Morris claws, he had to approach this from another perspective.
Ketamine, maybe. If Elliot refused to give him another option, the next snapshot would be of him having a drug induced breakdown on the carpet. He wouldn't overdose him, of course, he wasn't that kind of idiot. Nobody would benefit from that.
With one thumb pressed onto Elliot's larynx, pushing it down against the hard front of his spine, Morris collected himself to correct his rookie mistake:
"I'm going to repeat myself only once, alright? This is not about you. No personal agenda here, so don't make it one." 
Small nods shook the drained head up and down; intentionally or not, Elliot continued to hold his breath underneath the weight of his captor, signaling him to continue. 
"In a few hours, this will just have been an ugly nightmare for you, but nothing more." Another set of nods underlined the promises of freedom, realistic or not, didn't matter anymore. 
"I'm not an animal, so don't treat me like one. If this phone rings," he pointed at the small device on the desk, endlessly looked at in the past hours, "I'll have everything I want. This is all I expect from today."
His fingers let go to rest next to Elliot's head, caging him but not touching any more than he needed to. Raising an eyebrow, Morris waited for another sign of acceptance.
Liar. Liar. Liar.
He was sure these words meant nothing, only trying to lull him into submission. This Morris didn't want him to make noise, to call for help till he got finished off. Elliot would be murdered and not even granted the reason for it. So he just gave in, once again lying flat on the thin piece of foam, not moving besides a light shiver.
"I will be reasonable, if you let me be."
With this final warning, Morris stood up again. Looking down at the drained picture of distress, he grabbed his phone to take a picture. Evidence of the consequence one awaits when screwing him over.
He probably gets off to this, Elliot realized, now regretting his defiance even more. He shunned the thoughts dropping into his mind, that there was the possibility of death only being the second-worst thing that could happen to him here.
His hopeless expression only made Morris shrug worthlessly, pocketing the phone again. Despite his obvious violent tendencies, Elliot couldn't push aside the feeling that the brute searched for a conversation with him. Like he wanted to let it all out, to prove to himself he was being reasonable...
"I'm sending her another one, maybe she thinks the one in the trunk was just a joke, I don't know... This has to be done." He spoke more to himself, breaking the forced eye contact. 
So it is just about money, in the end. Draining the last sorry penny out of my parent's bank account.
Wondering how Morris would ever think that his mother takes these threats lightly, he rolled himself into a more comfortable position. His still bound hands continued to tingle with sharp stabs all throughout, adjusting to the new normal.
Even though he finally gave up on fighting, past and future threats practically forcing him into compliance, his captor continued to eye him from time to time.
"You want a deal?" the question floated to him after a few minutes of silence. Elliot refused to imagine what favor Morris would ask of him, he tried to ignore the unsavory thoughts, fostering his anxiety ever so drastic.
"You can play a round of cards with me...you know, to pass the time." 
Elliot started to listen again, hoping for some kind of break. Please don't let that be a euphemism. Untroubled, Morris continued:
"I'll untie you for that, and you will stay calm indefinitely. That's the deal, nothing more."
It was irrelevant, if there was a hidden catch to this offer, Elliot failed to gather the effort to care anymore.
"Okay," he whispered, "Please."
"Now that's more like it!" he exclaimed, almost sounding enthusiastic about a card game, as he once again knelt down on the mattress to pull out his knife. Before the blade could separate the cursed binds of tape, he stopped for a second.
"You won't try to pull any stunts, right? I'll stuff you back in the trunk, if I have to."
Or break my bones. Or gag me again. Or gut my mom. Elliot didn't want him to get even more creative, just shaking his head a little.
"I won't do anything, I swear."
With a simple slash, the overbearing pressure in his joints released, first in his shoulders and then further down his arms, as Morris worked his way through the loops of tape at every other point. His long numb hands were last.
Both shoulders finally snapped forward, immediately letting him catch himself in a tight embrace. Somewhere deep down, he could feel the burning soreness of the muscles and ligaments shifting back into position, like returning from the longest stretch in existence.
Feet still tied, he was dragged by the hem of his sweater again; gliding across the carpet floor. This time laying limp as a rag doll.
Make him like you, make him like you.
"Crazy Eights should be a good start for you, to warm up a bit," Morris determined, as he dragged Elliot onto a second chair, just as decrepit as his own.
Being upright again after so many hours spend in the horizontal, he had to fight against the black dots dancing around his field of view. His whole body seemed to come back to reality, piece by piece, hands now gaining new feeling and strength. 
Elliot could do this, maybe physical force wasn't the kind of strategy he should have gone for at the start. Struggling to start his line of thought again, his glimpse was stuck on the phone in the thick leather pockets of his now opponent.
Well, he could start with that. His mind started to reel with wild plans to somehow get into possession of Morris' phone, but again, another beating would probably be the price for that kind of audacity.
My phone, he realized through his new-found clarity, I'm missing from today's practice. If I hold out long enough, maybe they can track us down. I just have to buy some time.
Perhaps being obligated to remain level-headed wasn't to his detriment after all.
Morris shuffled the cards quickly, collected and cleaned prior, and started to divide them into two stacks for each player, respectively. He didn't bother to explain the rules again, and Elliot not even dared to ask, too scared of starting another argument.
With the first card turned, Morris laid one in his hand down.
Make him like you, maybe he's fond of pets.
"I have a rabbit at home and-"
"I know, and I don't give a fuck. Your turn."
He forgot to feed Ginkgo, he remembered, digging deep in his mind for information about the previous evening. Fuck, what am I even doing-
"You want the gag?" Annoyed, he looked down at the piece of knotted fabric still hanging around Elliot's neck.
"No!" a quick gasp told him.
"Your turn, then."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
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caustic-light · 2 years
There’s some shit going down in the yugituber community right now and it made me wanna point something out that a lot of leftists don’t really understand, even if they can recite the theory of it.
The left and the right recruit from the same pool of people. And those people are disenfranchised and marginalised people. Most people under capitalism are marginalised, because capitalism relies on economic disparity to function and as such poverty is actively marginalised. This creates a massive and ever increasing pool of disenfranchised people ready to be radicalised into either direction, splitting society and creating conditions for the rise of fascism over and over again. This is part of how capitalism sustains itself.
This means that the people who are radicalised towards the right are not fundamentally different from those who are radicalised to the left. The main difference is which kind of ideology they are exposed to and how they were raised. Marginalisation on other axes affects this, too, of course, so people who are marginalised on axes of gender, sexuality, race, disability, ect skew more left while more axes of privilege make right wing ideology easier to accept. Right wing marginalisation sells you an idea of your privilege entitling you to something better than what capitalism is willing and able to give you and scapegoats other marginalised people as the guilty party. It lives off of dividing the economically disparaged.
You are under no obligation to involve yourself with people on the right. But if leftism can not approach these people at the common point we both experience, being failed by capitalism and marginalised for it, leftism has failed. It’s part of the capitalism -> fascism -> capitalism cycle that leftism has to separate itself by default on a basis of ideological purity from the people who are being targeted by the right, so that the liberal center and the far right can crush growing leftism with every repitition of the cycle. A part of leftism needs to be to have compassion and understanding towards the right, even when we have to draw a hard line in the sand towards them at the same time. Part of the balance act is to understand the nazi as a human person who has been indoctrinated with fascism and who is fundamentally no different from us, possibly less lucky, while still being able to throw them out of the bar, knowing if we don’t, it’ll become a nazi bar.
To be able to draw that kind of line a lot of leftists disregard the importance of understanding and compassion towards the right. and by doing that we become a tool in their rise to power. We judge the past of people, rather than engaging with the present, we create strict moral codes, we push for no tolerance, no nuance positions on anything we can fight, we long for a yes or no rule set and we seek to outcast and punish without a moments hesitation. We are afraid to acknowledge the inherent mess of humanity and ethics and we suffer because of it. We make leftism inhospitable to anyone but people seeking positions of power to kick down from and those who believe strongly enough in leftism to be leftists in spite of how leftist spaces operate. To live in a panopticon of our own creation does not make for political insight, and it especially doesn’t make for human understanding.
And it has always happened. There is a reason leftist infighting is a meme older than fire. During fascism’s rise to power in italy and germany we neglected the fight against them because we couldn’t stop arguing amongst our own. In a lot of ways anarchists and ml’s hate each other more than they hate fascists. Add soc-dem’s to the mix and boy does it not get better. At the time leftists in germany watching the rise of Hitler have commonly said “What’s that gonna change? We’re already under crypto fascism, going mask off doesn’t matter.” But it did. And it was more important for the left here to remain ideologically pure to their own metrics than fight the rise of fascism until it was too late.
I live in western germany. There is a lot of worry here about how the ever present crypto fascist party, the AfD, is incredibly popular in the east. And the way we talk about them is incredibly void of compassion, pretty much just attributing it to easterners being stupid and gullible. Meanwhile the east has spent decades under the control of the soviet union, failed by a system that calls itself communism. When germany was reunited, it wasn’t so much a reunification as an annexation. We didn’t form one new country, everything in the east was bought up immediately by investors and landlords in the west and other western countries. As a result, not much changed. Now fascists come along and point at how both the glorious left and the enlightened liberal center have failed them and we, here in the west, have the audacity to laugh at them and call them stupid for falling for it.
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newluddite · 2 years
Math is a Bitch
I read one of those rabbit hole articles about the world going electric. It is really messy. So I do a bit of checking. Yup messy to the edge of impossible.
In University I did really well in Thermodynamics. All the engineers had to take it and it was pretty rough for many as the concepts are rather abstract. If you get stuck in a conversation with an engineer or scientist just bring up entropy and see what happens. Energy is a number. I can work with numbers.
The inspiration for this is in California they just mandated that no new fossil fuel vehicles may be sold after 2035. Well they will allow hybrids if they are up to 20% of sales. The polar bears are cheering.
Canada has enacted similar goals.
And there is a But. The math don't work.
Boiling down to the basics there is not enough power. Not enough electricity to charge those cars. Hybrids burn fuel and and charge themselves, so they still need dino juice. (Hey I know oil is not dinosaurs but gotta have a bit of fun)
US Statistics are easy to find so lets look at those.
The US electrical grid and all sources of those Watt Hours produced 4.223 TWhours of power. (that is 4223 Billion kWhrs) About 40% is from Natural Gas and 22% from coal, and 19% from Nuclear, and the rest is renewables which includes Hydroelectric but is mostly wind and solar. The "grid" is groaning under the stress and working up slowly to rid itself of coal. Wind and Solar are coming. Can't dam anymore rivers for Hydro though. You may have noticed that some rivers with dams are drying up.
In California the next item after the 2035 announcement was a request to limit electricity use to prevent brown and blackouts. One suggestion was to NOT charge those Teslas. They already don't have enough electricity.
So how much energy do IC cars use? That number is big. A gallon of gasoline has about 32.9 kWhrs of energy in it. In 2020 the US consumed 128 Billion gallons of gas. That is 4218 Billion kWhrs of energy equivalent. Add diesel at 1244 Billion kWhrs for a total of 5462 Billion kWhrs of motor vehicle energy consumed.
Now IC engines are only about 25% efficient. So of that 5462 only 1365 Billion kWhrs is needed. But electric cars are only about 90% efficient so they would need 1517 Billion kWhrs to replace everything on the road.
That would bring up the total need for electricity to 5588 billion kWhrs a 32% increase in total grid capacity while shutting down 22% of power from coal and 40% from natural gas which is a fossil fuel too. That means the other sources of power have to increase by 348% to keep up. The only source that can ramp up that fast is nuclear, sorry. That's because we know how to build them already. There are only 13 years and it takes longer than that to bring anything that big on line.
Is it going to happen?
Will people in California ask for utilities to build nuclear plants near them? I'm going to guess no. Will they pave the desert with solar cells made with really toxic chemicals? (yup arsenic and heavy metals) Nope again.
Oh and here is a painful fact about EVs. You have to drive them about 100,000 miles to break even on the greenhouse gas produced in building them. In every one on the market now the batteries will not last that long. They may never break even.
This is not a one-more-breakthrough type of issue. Like I said the edge of impossible. If there is a social revolution and nuclear power is once again a good thing and society walks more and drives far less there is a thin sliver of a chance.
I ride bikes.
One thing would be to outlaw Crypto currency mining. I mean 150 TWhrs just for FN Bitcoin. That would help a bit. (pun intended)
I am not optimistic. Con men and charlatans will make money but in about 10 years deadlines will be extended before they are just abandoned. Almost all the politicians making these policies will be retired or dead. All problems are for the next generation.
I live in British Columbia a place where there is a chance of hitting those goals locally. All our power is from Hydroelectric dams. We have some big ones. We also have one tenth the population of California.
But global warming is the opposite of local.
And China puts out more greenhouse gas and burns more coal than everyone else and they simply do not care.
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diyabharti962 · 2 years
A Guide to Crypto Exchange Types
Cryptocurrency exchanges are becoming increasingly popular, but keeping up with the different types of exchanges and how they work can be difficult. In this blog post, we will break down the various types of crypto exchange so that you can make an informed decision when choosing the right one for your needs. 
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Centralized Exchanges (CEX) 
Centralized Exchanges (CEX) are the most common type of cryptocurrency exchange in existence today. CEXs are operated by a single entity and offer users the ability to trade coins for fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. These exchanges typically have high liquidity, meaning that it is easy to buy and sell cryptocurrency quickly on them. Additionally, CEXs usually provide users with access to advanced trading features such as margin trading and stop-loss orders. One downside of CEXs is that they tend to have higher fees than other types of exchanges, which makes them less attractive for traders who want to minimize costs. 
Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)  
Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) operate differently than their centralized counterparts, as they do not rely on a single entity to manage trades or store funds. Instead, all trades are conducted directly between users without any third-party interference. This ensures that users retain full control over their funds at all times and eliminates the risk of hacking or manipulation by malicious actors. As a result, DEXs tend to have much lower fees than CEXs since no central operator is taking a cut from each transaction. However, DEXs tend to have lower liquidity than CEXs due to their decentralized nature and lack of advanced trading features like margin trading and stop-loss orders. 
Hybrid Exchanges 
Lastly, Hybrid Exchanges combine elements from both CEXs and DEXs to create an exchange that offers more flexibility and better security than either type alone. Hybrid exchanges use a combination of centralized servers for order matching while also allowing users access to decentralized wallets where their funds remain secure at all times during trades. This allows them to offer more advanced features such as margin trading while still maintaining high levels of user security and privacy that would not be possible with traditional centralized exchanges alone. Additionally, hybrid exchanges often charge lower fees than centralized ones due to the increased efficiency created by combining both types into a single platform. 
Conclusion:  Whether you are new or experienced investing in cryptocurrency exchanges, knowing which type of exchange best suits your needs is critical to trading successfully in today's digital markets. With its decentralized nature and fast transaction speeds, it’s no wonder why many cryptocurrency investors turn to the best crypto exchange Development Company when buying and selling digital assets on the blockchain network. Centralized exchanges offer more liquidity but come with higher fees; Decentralized exchanges provide more security but are associated with less liquidity; hybrid exchange combines elements from both systems for maximum flexibility and security; so choose wisely! With these tips, you should be able to make an informed decision about what type of crypto exchange is right for you!
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sabezyhaina · 2 years
Are you looking for ways to earn through affiliate marketing? Are you confused about how and where to begin? Okay, get yourself a book and a pen, we are here to tell you all about it. You can consider this as a guide to YouTube affiliate marketing for beginners.
Even though it has been digitized and more popular now, affiliate marketing has always been around. Just imagine, using just a little bit of effort and time, earning thousands of rupees in return, and enjoying it too! Exciting, right? This is exactly how affiliate marketing works. Just promote products to your audiences and get paid with every sale cycle which is completed. Also, as this is a performance-based marketing program, you would still get paid without having to commit all your time to it. This makes it a perfect part-time earning opportunity.
There are multiple methods to promote any product, including online methods and offline methods. You can choose as per your convenience and start working on the same accordingly. Both of these, however, will provide contrasting results. Offline, you would have little reach with more effort, and online, you have to make minimal efforts in exchange for maximum results. But then, with everyone becoming more and more busy with every passing day, the timeframe to convince them has also shortened. On top of it all, the content has to be attention-grabbing too. So, how do you reach your target audience with these challenges? Youtube Shorts is the way to go.
YouTube Shorts is a newly launched feature by Youtube. With this, users can create videos as short as 14 seconds to as long as 1 Minute and earn with it, both money and more subscribers. This will also ensure that your viewers will not be bored with your content as it is possible with long-form content. Youtube has created this platform keeping in mind its viewers and the latest trends. We all know how it may help with the subscribers, but how about using your youtube shorts channel for affiliate marketing? Let’s get into the details about it.
You can create YouTube Shorts Video by going to YouTube’s application. And if you want, you can also make YouTube Shorts Videos with the help of any video editor.
How to Upload Shorts Video to YouTube
If you are unaware of how to make YouTube Shorts Video, you can do it in the following ways –
Open the Youtube App– Click on the + icon at the bottom– Click on the ‘ create a short’ option and start recording. If you already have a video you want to upload as a short, you can select it from the gallery and do the needful.
Once you have done this, just give your video a title and you are good to go! P.S, don’t forget the video length. It has to be between 14- 60 Seconds long.
Now that you know how to create a youtube short video, let’s learn how you can utilize this to make. The best way to do this would be to incorporate your affiliate links within your youtube shorts video. For this, just select your preferred niche, register with an affiliate program for it, and start creating content relevant to it.
So once you have uploaded the video, you can share it on all of your social media profiles and it will start getting views.
To increase the clicks on your affiliate link, you can follow the steps below:
Mention the link in the video itself.
Mention it in the caption.
Mention it in a comment and pin it to the top.
Give all the comments a reply and a like.
So, now let’s move on to some categories of videos that you can create:
Crypto- Currency
DIY Ideas
Educational content
How-to guides
Micro- Reviews
Additionally, here are some tips to ensure views and clicks on the videos:
Although Youtube’s algorithm does recommend relevant videos for the topics searched, you need to optimize your content for that. So, we suggest the following:
Choose a Relevant Topic
Go with a catchy thumbnail and caption
Make use of hashtags in the description along with your affiliate links
Prioritize Physical products over online services to promote
Create videos in a good resolution
Let’s see how you will earn with affiliate marketing through Youtube shorts:
Most affiliate programs pay you a certain percentage of the product value, per sale. For instance:
The product price is Rs. 1000 and the brand agrees to pay you 15% on every sale completed. Now if your single video was to get 10000 Views, there is a chance of at least 100 of the viewers to click on the link and make a purchase with time.
That means, the brand makes Rs. 1,00,000 and 15% of this amount will be yours.
On every single purchase, Rs.150 will be added to your affiliate ledger and for 100 total purchases, the amount would be 15000. This is just the start and an example of just one product. Each product will have a different price that will have an impact on the amount you will get in your kitty.
Therefore, get started with creating your fantastic content and share it around the globe with just a click. If you are confused about where to start with YouTube affiliate marketing, just go to the Sabezy Affiliate Program and register.
At SABEZY, the process is easy to work around and you can start earning in minutes.
So, Come on! We’ll be waiting for you and hope we can work hand in hand!
This article was originally published on Sabezy.
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emmaharrison · 5 days
Master Your Financial Destiny: Join Wealth Network and Start Earning Big
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Imagine the freedom of waking up every day knowing you have multiple income streams flowing into your account. Whether it’s from a side hustle, real estate, stocks, or an online business, the possibilities are endless if you have the right strategies and guidance.
But if you’ve ever tried to navigate the world of online income, you know that the journey to financial success can feel confusing and overwhelming.
That’s where Wealth Network comes in. This new Facebook group is your ultimate resource for creating and scaling multiple income streams. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to elevate your existing business, Wealth Network provides the tools, knowledge, and community you need to generate consistent, meaningful income.
The Struggles We All Face: Overcoming Financial Hurdles
Let’s be honest — making money online isn’t as easy as some people claim. Have you faced these common challenges?
Fear of Failure – You’ve read success stories, but what about the risk? The fear of failure often holds people back from taking that crucial first step toward financial independence.
Lack of Direction – With so many income options available — from affiliate marketing to crypto trading — knowing which strategy to focus on can be daunting.
Lack of Mentorship – The internet is flooded with information, but without expert guidance, it’s difficult to know which advice is reliable.
Time Management – Balancing your current job with building new income streams is tough. Finding time to learn, strategize, and execute can feel impossible.
Scaling – Once you’ve started making money, how do you scale your success? Many entrepreneurs get stuck at this stage, unsure how to grow their revenue streams efficiently.
The Solution: Wealth Network to the Rescue
What if you had a roadmap to financial success, with clear, actionable steps and a community of experts cheering you on? Wealth Network is that solution — a vibrant, supportive Facebook group that’s committed to helping you overcome every obstacle in your path to earning online.
Here’s why joining Wealth Network is the game-changer you’ve been looking for:
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What You’ll Unlock Inside Wealth Network
When you join Wealth Network, you gain access to an invaluable pool of knowledge, strategies, and resources. Here’s a taste of what awaits you:
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No matter your level of experience, Wealth Network equips you with everything you need to succeed.
The Road to Financial Freedom Starts Here
You’ve struggled long enough, trying to figure out how to make money online or grow your existing income streams. Wealth Network is here to fast-track your success.
Imagine having the support of a group that’s already achieved what you want — a team of professionals who’ve walked the path and can guide you through the twists and turns of building wealth online. Whether you want to flip websites, trade options, or launch a business, Wealth Network provides the roadmap, tools, and community to make it happen.
This is your opportunity to unlock financial freedom. Don’t wait any longer to take control of your income, your career, and your future.
Ready to Achieve Financial Success? If you’re serious about creating wealth and unlocking new streams of income, then joining Wealth Network is your next step. You’ll gain access to expert advice, cutting-edge strategies, and a supportive community of high achievers.
What are you waiting for? Join Wealth Network today and start your journey to financial independence!
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tokenlauncher · 10 days
What Mistakes to Avoid When Your Token Soars
Memecoins have become a big deal in the cryptocurrency world. These tokens, often created with funny or viral themes, have gained a lot of popularity because they offer the chance for quick profits and are driven by their communities.
Knowing what to do after launching your token on Solana is essential for its success. Solana's ability to handle many transactions quickly and at low costs makes it a great platform for new tokens, but it's equally important to know how to handle things after the launch.
This guide will cover:
Key mistakes to avoid after the launch of your Solana token
Strategies for community building and engagement
Effective marketing tactics
Essential liquidity management practices
Importance of robust tokenomics planning
Tools for performance monitoring
Building trust through transparency
Future development planning
By following these insights, you can better position your memecoin for sustainable success in the volatile crypto landscape.
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Understanding the Solana Blockchain and Its Role in Memecoin Creation
The Solana Blockchain has quickly become a favored platform for launching memecoins due to its unique advantages. Solana offers high throughput, allowing for thousands of transactions per second, which is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and scalability of your token. This high throughput ensures your memecoin can handle significant trading volume without congestion.
Another major advantage of Solana is its low transaction costs. Unlike other blockchains where fees can spike during peak usage times, Solana maintains consistently low transaction fees. This cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive choice for both developers and users, enabling more frequent interactions with the blockchain without incurring prohibitive costs.
Current Trends in the Memecoin Market
Recent trends show an increasing number of memecoins being launched on Solana. The combination of high throughput and low costs makes it ideal for experimental and community-driven projects typical of memecoins.
Tools Empowering Memecoin Developers
Solana Token Generator: Tools like this allow even novice developers to create tokens effortlessly, democratizing access to token creation.
Solana Token Launcher: This service provides a streamlined process for bringing new tokens to market quickly.
By leveraging these tools, developers can easily launch their memecoins on Solana, tapping into a rapidly growing ecosystem that supports innovation and community engagement.
Understanding these dynamics is crucial as you move forward with your token launch strategy on Solana.
Common Mistakes to Avoid After Launching Your Token on Solana
1. Neglecting Community Building and Engagement Strategies
Community building is crucial for the long-term success of your token. An active and supportive community can drive adoption, create buzz, and foster loyalty. Ignoring this aspect can result in a lack of interest and engagement, which can be detrimental.
Best practices for engaging with your audience:
Utilize Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Twitter and Discord are essential tools for community engagement. Twitter allows you to share updates, news, and engage in conversations with your followers. Discord provides a space for real-time interaction, where users can discuss your project, share ideas, and get support.
Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions: Regular AMA sessions on platforms such as Reddit or YouTube can help you connect directly with your community. This transparency builds trust and allows you to address any concerns or questions they might have.
Create Interactive Content: Polls, quizzes, and interactive posts can keep your audience engaged. Encourage them to participate in discussions or contests related to your token.
Provide Regular Updates: Keeping your community informed about developments, milestones, and future plans is key. Regular updates through newsletters or social media posts ensure that the community feels involved and valued.
Incentivize Participation: Offering incentives like airdrops or exclusive access to new features can motivate community members to stay active and engaged.
Building a robust community around your memecoin on Solana is not just optional; it’s imperative. It lays the foundation for sustainable growth and helps navigate the volatile landscape of the crypto market effectively.
2. Poor Marketing Execution That Fails to Generate Buzz
Key components of a successful marketing plan often include partnerships with influencers and targeted advertising campaigns. Influencers can amplify your message by leveraging their established audience and credibility, while targeted ads help you reach specific demographics interested in your token.
Effective use of airdrops and Token Launchpad for presales can also drive significant interest. Airdrops distribute free tokens to potential users, creating initial buzz and fostering community engagement. Token Launchpads, on the other hand, provide a platform for presales, generating early investment and building momentum before the official launch.
What should you do after creating your own memecoins token on Solana? Focus on developing a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes these promotional activities. Engaging with your community through social media strategies on platforms like Twitter and Discord ensures sustained interest and support for your project.
3. Inadequate Liquidity Management Leading to Trading Challenges
Effective liquidity management is crucial for the success of your token on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Raydium or OpenBook Market. To create a liquidity pool, follow these steps:
Pair Your Token with a Stable Asset: Choose a stable asset like USDT or SOL to pair with your token.
Add Liquidity: Use platforms such as Raydium to add your token and the chosen stable asset into a liquidity pool.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly check the pool's performance and adjust the liquidity as needed.
Poor liquidity management can lead to trading challenges such as high slippage and low trading volume. To mitigate these risks:
Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on trading activity and adjust liquidity levels accordingly.
Engage Community Participation: Encourage community members to add liquidity by offering incentives like additional tokens or rewards.
By implementing these strategies, you ensure smoother trading experiences and maintain investor confidence in your project. Understanding the glossary of terms related to liquidity management and trading can further enhance your knowledge and ability to navigate these challenges effectively.
4. Weak Tokenomics Planning Resulting in Unsustainable Growth
Clear tokenomics planning is critical for ensuring the long-term success of your memecoin on Solana. Without a well-thought-out economic model, your token is likely to struggle with unsustainable growth.
Key Steps for Effective Tokenomics Planning
Revoking Mint Authority: One crucial step involves revoking mint authority to prevent excessive token supply, which can devalue your token. This action demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a controlled and stable supply.
Defining Supply Limits: Establish strict supply limits and distribution mechanisms to ensure scarcity and value retention. A clear plan for how tokens will be released over time helps manage inflation and encourages long-term holding.
Incentive Alignment: Your tokenomics should align incentives among developers, investors, and community members. Incorporating elements from research on designing a token economy, such as incentivizing participation through staking rewards or governance rights, can foster community engagement and loyalty.
Incorporating these elements into your tokenomics strategy can mitigate risks associated with poor planning, ultimately supporting sustainable growth and community trust. Understanding key terms in the field, such as those found in this glossary, can also enhance your strategic planning process.
5. Ignoring Performance Monitoring Tools That Can Drive Strategic Adjustments
DexScreener and other performance analytics tools are essential for tracking token performance post-launch. DexScreener provides real-time data, allowing you to monitor price movements, trading volume, and liquidity trends. Tracking these metrics helps you understand market reactions and identify areas needing strategic adjustments.
Adapting strategies based on market feedback is crucial. If your token experiences a sudden drop in volume or liquidity issues, quick interventions can prevent long-term damage. Regularly analyzing performance data ensures that your marketing execution, community engagement, and liquidity management remain effective. Using tools to track social media sentiment also provides insights into the effectiveness of your community building efforts.
Ignoring these tools can lead to missed opportunities for improvement and growth. Staying informed with the right tools enables timely decision-making that supports sustainable success for your memecoin on Solana.
6. Lack of Transparency with the Community Hindering Trust-Building Efforts
Transparency is a cornerstone of successful community building and engagement. Projects that maintain openness about their progress and allocation of funds foster trust among their supporters. Regular updates on social media platforms like Twitter and Discord can keep your community informed and engaged.
Benefits of Maintaining Transparency:
Trust Building: Open communication builds trust, encouraging long-term support.
Community Involvement: When you share project milestones and challenges, it invites community participation and feedback.
Mitigating FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt): Regularly addressing concerns through transparent updates can reduce misinformation and speculation.
What Should You Do After Creating Your Own Memecoins Token on Solana?
Project Transparency Initiatives:
Weekly or bi-weekly updates about project progress.
Detailed financial reports showing fund allocation.
Regular AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to address community questions, following these 15 tips for hosting an AMA session.
Moreover, creating a successful NFT crypto community requires more than just transparency; it demands strategic involvement from the community as well. This can be achieved by implementing a checklist similar to the one provided in this detailed resource, which outlines essential steps for effective community management.
Finally, while maintaining transparency is crucial, it's equally important to understand the psychological aspects of your community. Addressing their fears and uncertainties with factual information can significantly reduce FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) and foster a more positive environment.
7. Failing to Plan for Future Developments That Align with Market Demands
Creating a token is just the beginning. A clear roadmap post-launch is essential to guide future improvements and avoid common pitfalls like rug pulls. Your roadmap should reflect:
Community Building: Prioritize strategies for ongoing community engagement.
Marketing Execution: Outline plans for continuous marketing efforts to maintain interest.
Liquidity Management: Ensure mechanisms are in place for sustainable liquidity.
A well-defined roadmap not only helps navigate market demands but also builds trust within your community. Regularly update your roadmap based on feedback and market trends, showing your adaptability and commitment.
Emphasizing strategic planning and clear communication of future developments can significantly improve your project's chances of long-term success.
Achieving sustainable growth in the volatile memecoin landscape requires meticulous planning and strategic execution. By understanding the core memecoin success factors, you can better navigate post-launch challenges. Key strategies include:
Establishing a clear purpose for your token.
Engaging actively with your community.
Crafting a robust marketing plan.
Managing liquidity effectively.
Designing strong tokenomics.
What should you do after creating your own memecoins token on Solana? Focus on these elements to build a resilient project that thrives amidst market fluctuations.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the key strategies to implement after launching my memecoin on Solana?
After launching your memecoin on Solana, focus on community building and engagement, effective marketing execution, liquidity management, and maintaining transparency with your audience. These strategies are crucial for sustaining interest and ensuring the long-term success of your token.
Why is community engagement important for my memecoin?
Fostering an active and supportive community around your token is vital as it helps build trust and loyalty among users. Engaging with your audience through platforms like Twitter and Discord can significantly enhance your project's visibility and credibility.
What common mistakes should I avoid after launching my token?
Common mistakes include neglecting community engagement, poor marketing execution, inadequate liquidity management, weak tokenomics planning, ignoring performance monitoring tools, lack of transparency with the community, and failing to plan for future developments. Avoiding these pitfalls can greatly improve your project's chances of success.
How can I effectively manage liquidity for my memecoin?
To manage liquidity effectively, create a liquidity pool for your token on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Raydium or OpenBook Market. It's also important to monitor market conditions regularly to mitigate risks associated with poor liquidity management.
What role does tokenomics play in the success of my memecoin?
Clear tokenomics is essential for long-term success as it defines the economic model of your token. This includes setting supply limits, revoking mint authority, and ensuring that the distribution aligns with the project's goals to prevent unsustainable growth.
How can I keep my community informed about my project's progress?
Maintaining transparency through regular updates about project progress and allocations is crucial for building trust within your community. Implementing project transparency initiatives helps keep users engaged and informed about future developments.
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Are you tired of the same old 9-to-5 grind, searching for ways to increase your income and achieve financial freedom? You're not alone. Many people feel trapped in jobs that don't fulfill them or struggle to find reliable methods to make money online. The problem is, with so much conflicting information out there, where do you start?
Hustle & Glow, a vibrant community designed to help you break free from financial limitations. Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur, Hustle & Glow offers the tools and strategies to help you generate thousands of dollars per month.
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Challenge 2: Lack of Confidence in Starting
Many people hesitate to dive into online businesses due to fear of failure or lack of knowledge. This fear can paralyze your potential for financial growth.
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Ready to take your income to the next level? Join Hustle & Glow today and start your journey to financial freedom.
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paaboblogs · 2 months
Increase Higher Bitcoin Limits on Cash App: What You Need to Know
Bitcoin transactions have surged in popularity, and Cash App has become a favoured platform for buying, selling, and withdrawing Bitcoin. However, users often need help with how much Bitcoin they can transact. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to increase your Cash App Bitcoin limit, ensuring you can manage your cryptocurrency transactions smoothly.
As cryptocurrency continues to gain mainstream acceptance, platforms like Cash App offer an accessible gateway for users to engage in Bitcoin transactions. However, like most financial services, Cash App imposes certain limits on Bitcoin transactions to ensure security and compliance with regulatory standards. These limits can sometimes hinder your ability to transact significant amounts of Bitcoin. This article provides a detailed guide on increasing your Cash App Bitcoin limit, enabling you to maximise your crypto endeavours.
What are the different Cash App Bitcoin Limits?
Cash App imposes several types of limits on Bitcoin transactions. These include:
Bitcoin Purchase Limit: This is the maximum amount you can buy within a specified period.
Bitcoin Withdrawal Limit: This is the maximum amount of Bitcoin you can withdraw from your Cash App account to an external wallet.
Bitcoin Deposit Limit: This refers to the maximum amount of Bitcoin you can deposit into your Cash App account.
Cash App Standard Bitcoin  Limits
Cash App Daily Bitcoin Purchase Limit: Typically around $10,000 per week.
Cash App Daily Bitcoin Withdrawal Limit: Approximately $2,000 per day and $5,000 per week.
Bitcoin Deposit Limit: Varies but generally aligns with withdrawal limits.
To increase these limits, you need to follow specific procedures outlined by Cash App.
Steps to Increase Your Cash App Bitcoin Limit
Increasing your Cash App Bitcoin limit involves several steps, primarily focused on verifying your identity and providing additional information to Cash App.
Verify Your Identity
The first step to increasing your Bitcoin limit is to verify your identity within the Cash App. This process involves providing some personal information and documentation.
Open Cash App and navigate to your profile.
Select Personal to input your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Submit a photo ID: You might be asked to take a photo of your government-issued ID for further verification.
Enable Bitcoin Transactions
Go to the Bitcoin section of the app by tapping on the "Investing" tab.
Select Bitcoin and follow the prompts to enable Bitcoin transactions if you haven't already.
Provide Additional Information
You may be required to submit additional information about your source of funds or intended use of Bitcoin. This includes employment details, source of income, and more detailed financial information.
Contact Cash App Support
If you've completed the above steps and still need a higher limit, contacting Cash App support directly can help. Be prepared to explain why you need the increase and provide any additional documentation they request.
Open Cash App and navigate to your profile.
Select Support and then "Something Else."
Find the issue related to Bitcoin limits and choose the option to contact support.
1. What is the Cash App Bitcoin limit?
The standard Cash App Bitcoin limit includes a purchase limit of $10,000 per week and a withdrawal limit of $2,000 per day and $5,000 per week.
2. How can I increase my Cash App Bitcoin limit?
To increase Cash App Bitcoin limit, verify your identity, enable Bitcoin transactions, and provide any additional required information. If necessary, contact Cash App support for further assistance.
3. Are there fees for Bitcoin transactions on Cash App?
Cash App charges fees for buying and selling Bitcoin, which vary based on market conditions.
4. How do I check my current Bitcoin limit on Cash App?
You can check your current Bitcoin limit in the app's settings under the Bitcoin section.
5. What time does the Cash App Bitcoin daily limit reset?
The Cash App Bitcoin daily limit typically resets at midnight UTC.
6. Can I increase my Bitcoin deposit limit on the Cash App?
The deposit limit generally aligns with withdrawal limits. Verification steps can help increase these limits.
7. What happens if I exceed my Bitcoin limit on a Cash App?
Transactions exceeding your limit will be declined until the limit resets or is increased.
8. How long does verifying my identity on Cash App take?
Cash App Identity verification typically takes a few minutes to a few hours, but it can take longer if additional documentation is required.
9. What documents are needed for Cash App verification?
You must provide your full name, date of birth, the last four digits of your Social Security number, and a photo of your government-issued ID.
10. Can I have multiple Cash App accounts to increase my Bitcoin limit?
Cash App policies typically allow only one account per person. Attempting to create multiple accounts could lead to suspension.
Navigating the limits of Bitcoin transactions on Cash App can initially seem challenging. Still, you can significantly increase your limits by understanding the process and taking the necessary steps to verify your identity. This ensures you can fully leverage Cash App's capabilities for your cryptocurrency transactions. Always stay informed about the latest updates from Cash App regarding their policies and limits to manage your finances effectively. If you have further questions or encounter any issues, please don't get in touch with Cash App support for personalised assistance.
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